Safari Jo does it again. (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

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Post by RopeBunny »


Following the imposter Kayley's death, with her severed head sat on the kitchen counter, the four girls hold their war council.

First though.

Morgan, quickly freed from her tight hogtie by Scarlet, but still naked, gives her girlfriend a hug. "Run the perimeter." Scarlet tells the Wind's busty champion, assuming command yet again. "Make sure we're safe, for now at least."
"Right." Morgan nods, not bothering to grab any clothes, understanding the urgency, the need to make sure Safari Jo isn't already tightening the noose on some trap. "Be careful though," Scarlet catches Morgan's hand as she goes to leave, pulling her back into a hug, "that's twice fucking Jo's caught us." She looks Morgan in the eyes. "This isn't a game anymore."
"I know." Nodding, trying to look serious, but a smile keeps leaking out from the corners of Morgan's mouth, in part due to them both being naked. She can feel Scarlet's breasts pressed against her own. "You know," giving her girlfriend a kiss, stepping back, "you're sexy when you take charge."
"Go on." Patting Morgan's butt with the flat of Western Sorrows blade, making her jump and giggle on her way out.

Checking the stairwell first, jogging, giggling as she passes a drunk couple between floors four and five, him in a smart black tuxedo, her a blood red short party dress clinging to her slim frame and small chest. Morgan giggles again, one floor down, realising that it had been the girl who'd said hi, and waved, that it was the girl who's eyes had still been on her at the bend, as Morgan had turned to check her back. But she sees no Jo. Not in the stairs, nor outside, where she uses her enchanced speed to run out, heading up each road, then back to the front doors: the doorman luckily too distracted by a phone call to notice her. Satisfied that, for now, they're safe, she heads back inside, giving the doorman a cheery wave. "I'm," pointing upwards, "just heading back to the penthouse."
"Yes madam." Nodding, completely failing to be professional, staring openly at her chest, or her tattoo, which is in part on her chest anyway. "Forgot my clothes." Morgan giggles, pushing the button for the lift, stepping inside, heading back up to the others.

With Morgan gone Scarlet makes her way through the apartment, finding and freeing Kayley's two captives. Charlotte is, given it's prehaps her first real encounter with something not human- Shayde aside -quite shaken up by the whole ordeal. Dru on the other hand is mostly pissed off, angry at herself for being suckered in, spoiling for a fight. Scarlet leaves the two of them, Dru still naked, like her and Morgan, in the kitchen, talking, Charlotte picking at some of the leftover takeout. "Keep her safe Dru." Scarlet nods, Dru nods back, clenching her hands into fists. Turning to the nearest wall Scarlet opens a portal, and steps through, sword held low but ready, playing it safe.

Morgan's dorm room is deserted, the door still closed. Working quickly Scarlet bundles clothes into a bag, then opens a second portal, to her other apartment. Here, trying not to grimace too much at the mess from her and Morgan's first joint tussle with Safari Jo, but Scarlet's second, she fills the rest of the bag with clothes for herself and Dru, options for her ghost friend. She grabs her car and flat keys, including her actual key for the London penthouse, finishing up by locating Morgan's phone, which she tosses in after hers. Sealing the bag Scarlet walks naked down the buildings inner stairwell, seeing nobody, and climbs into her car. Focusing, breathing, she opens a portal under her tuned and heavily modified Nissan, bringing both it and her back to London, appearing slightly above her designated underground parking space. The car bounces slightly on it's stiffened suspension as it drops the half foot to the ground. Locking the white 350Z behind her, Scarlet rides the lift up to her floor, arriving just ahead of Morgan, the lift returning straight back down for her.

"No sign of Jo." Morgan shakes her head, as Scarlet hands a pile of clothes to Dru, who smiles, seeing what's been included. "I just thought," Scarlet shrugs, "maybe?"
"It's perfect." Dru nods, heading off to change. "Can you call Shayde?" Scarlet takes hold of Charlottes arm, turning her so she can see the roof terrace, which has actual plants growing on it in a narrow strip. "Will that be enough?"
"Should be." Charlotte nods. "Now?"
"Please." Nodding back. "Send it down, there's a nearby park." She half smiles. "Enough dirt for it to regrow right?"
"How do you know so much?" Charlotte taps her head. "Is it Orm? Does he talk to you?"
"He does." Nodding, smiling. "We help each other out." She taps her own head. "He knows some pretty cool shit."
"I'll bet," shaking her head, "thing's he's seen."
"Things I've seen." Smiling, remembering. "I'll have to show you the Shark some day."
"You've met the Shark?" Charlotte's mouth drops. She points at Scarlet. "You."
"But." Pointing again. "Actual you?"
"Yes." Shaking her head, holding up a hand to stop Charlotte speaking again. "Another time Char. For now." Gently pushing her towards the terrace doors. "Summon Shayde please. Have it watch our backs whilst we talk."
"Right. Sorry."
"S'fine. Hey." Tossing the nearly empty bag on the counter. "I bought a bunch of extra clothes. Stuff I've not gotten around to wearing yet. Mostly still got the tags on. Get yourself changed huh. Freshen up."
"Thanks." Smiling. "I'll do that."

Ten minutes later, with Charlotte still finishing her own shower, the other three girls meet in the kitchen, to begin their council of war.

"Might of known you'd wear it." Scarlet grins at Dru, whilst Morgan looks briefly shocked, but then smiles as Scarlet tells her. "I had them made specially for her awhile ago, modelled on what she told me the original Ki-Bak-Furi robes looked like."
"Just felt appropriate to the moment." Dru grins back, giving them a twirl. The robes are black, sleeveless, and hooded. They hang down almost to the floor on either side, and at the back. The front hangs open, not belted or otherwise sealed, exposing not only most of Dru's breasts, but her entire clean shaven pussy too. The robe is all she's wearing. No thong or bra, no shoes. "Nothing wrong with tradition." Scarlet giggles, giving Morgan a hug, then a nudge. "Right?"
"Oh." Morgan finally closes her mouth, and blushes. "Sorry. Um." Nodding too. "Right."
"You could always be naked," Scarlet teases her, "like, you know, the actual Maelstrom."
"Think I'll pass."

At this point Charlotte returns. She smiles at Dru, seemingly unphased by the robes, and what they reveal. Dru smiles back as Shaydes keeper comes to stand next to her, the two exchanging a brief hug, to which Scarlet raises an eyebrow, but doesn't comment. But, given that upon her earlier return she'd walked into the lounge to find Charlotte topless, with a naked Dru laid ontop of her across the large sofa, both doing a good job of getting over their respective ordeals it seemed, it certainly appears as though Dru may be finding herself some much needed company after all.

Scarlet and Charlotte have, without actually planning to, dressed more or less the same. Both are in tight jeans, though Charlotte's are a black faded to grey up the front, and Scarlet's are a faded blue with several rips on each leg. Charlotte has opted for white and pink Nike trainers on her feet, whilst Scarlet has on her usual black steel toed army boots, worn semi loose with the jeans tucked inside. Up top Scarlet's tight pale yellow tee has a girl in lingerie riding atop an atom bomb on it, whilst Charlotte's wearing a white vest top, the plunging neckline and push up bra doing wonders for her cleavage. Scarlet, like Dru and Morgan, isn't wearing a bra. All three girls breasts do a good job of defying gravity regardless of what they happen to be doing, which is, they would all confess with a wink, one of the perks of no longer being entirely human. Having recovered the scabbard from her other apartment Scarlet's belted it about her waist, where it now hangs, complete with sword, riding low on her left side. Morgan, for no apparent reason other then why not, is wearing a dress. The thin white fabric hugs her figure, clinging to Morgans huge breasts, showing plenty of cleavage thanks to a low scooped neckline, with thin straps rising up and over her shoulders. Below the breasts the dress is still a comfortable yet tight fit, flaring out slightly as it reaches waist height, then finishing just above the knees. On her feet are green and black Adidas trainers.

Unfortunately, the girls don't get a chance to talk plans or tactics. No sooner has Charlotte grabbed herself a chilled can from the fridge then a two tone fog horn blast splits the silent night beyond the roof doors wide open. "Crap." Scarlet jumps slightly, having not been prepared for just how loud Shayde can be. "She's here." Charlotte drops her drink onto the counter top, where it topples over and rolls away, leaking dark fizzy Coke all over everything. "Okay." Scarlet takes a breath, looking each of the girls briefly in the eye. "There's no time, so listen well. The three of you, stay behind me. If I draw my sword, then we retreat."
"Retreat?" Morgan opens her mouth to say more, but Scarlet overrides her. "Dru. Take Charlotte and jump clear." Looking at her white skinned friend. "Where will you go, tell me now?"
"Winchester Cathedral." Dru answers, picking the first random place she can remember from childhood, because random seems like a good plan. "Random. Good." Scarlet nods, Dru smiles, happy to be right. "Morgan?" Looking across at her busty girlfriend as the four step out onto the roof. "I'll fly clear," Morgan huffs, not fully understanding why they can't fight, but trusting Scarlet, "and wait for you ontop of the Severn Bridge."
"Right." Scarlet tries to hide a brief smile.

Having reached the edge, Scarlet takes hold of Charlotte's arm, and simply walks off, not giving the other girl a chance to stop and think as she pulls her along behind. Charlotte screams, whilst beside her a laughing Dru leaps off behind them, her robes billowing out as the wind whips at them. "Honestly," Morgan shakes her head, stepping off and floating in mid air, shaking her head as she watches Scarlet's portal swallow all three falling girls, "show offs."

Scarlet's portal deposits the three at ground level. "What the fuck," Charlotte is having trouble breathing, "was that."
"A quick way down." Scarlet shrugs, grinning. "Sorry." She frowns slightly, watching as Charlotte calms herself down. "S'alright," waving Scarlet, and Dru's concern, away, smiling now, "just wasn't ready." Charlotte looks up, towards the roof, just in time to see Morgan sink the final few metres to touch down amongst them. "Thanks for joining us." Dru smirks, making Charlotte laugh and Scarlet smile. "Hey." Morgan points, acting mock offended. "I could've beaten you all down here," shrugging, "if I wanted."
"She isn't here yet?" Scarlet changes the subject, looking up the road as Shayde lumbers over, coming to stand behind the group, between them and Scarlet's apartment block. "Must be some good eyes?" Looking up at the monster as it looms over them, returning their combined gaze with it's eyeless stare. "Must be." Charlotte nods. "But, I trust it." Nodding out into the darkness. "She's there."
"Agreed." Scarlet nods. "Right. Listen. Since we have a moment, I'll explain."

"I'm going to try and talk Jo down." She tells the girls, talking over her shoulder since all three are stood behind her, with Shayde stood behind and slightly to Charlotte's side. "See if she'll see reason."
"Fat fucking chance." Dru grunts. "I agree it's a slim chance." Scarlet nods. "But I don't want her dead if she'll willingly walk away."
"And," Charlotte asks, "if she still wants to lock the four of us up?"
"Then we fight."
"But then when do we retreat?" Dru asks confused. "You said getting your sword out meant retreat?"
"It does." Nodding. "If we can take her, with no risk to any of us, then I'll give the order to charge. But," putting a hand on Western Sorrows hilt, "if not, we fall back as planned."
"And then what?" Charlotte, fidgeting from foot to foot, not liking all the waiting. "Then you run," Scarlet nods, "or fly, whilst I cover you. You wait, and I'll...."

"She's here." Scarlet points, stopping any further discussion. She walks forwards, the three girls, plus Shayde, following, approaching the lone figure at the end of the road.

"Ladies." Safari Jo grins at the four stood facing her, as though meeting up with old friends. "Jo." Scarlet, stood a half dozen metres in front of the others, and maybe a dozen metres away from Jo, nods. "No no no." Shaking her head. "It's Safari Jo."

Wearing three tone green camouflage cargo trousers tucked into black army boots, and a tight black tee, Jo certainly looks the part of big game hunter. The image is helped by the huge long barrelled rifle slung casually on it's strap over one shoulder. A wide brimmed brown leather hat sits on her head, and a long hunting knife sits in a sheath on her belt, hanging down by her right hip.

"Very well," Scarlet decides to humour the crazy lady, hoping it'll help, "Safari Jo."
"Good good." Grinning. "Now. How's about you four be super helpful and surrender."
"Not even if I say please?"
"Not even then."
"Are you sure now?" Jo looks up at the sky, as though checking for rain. "Because. If you refuse, then, well, there's going to be a fight. And I'm going to win. And then I'll simply drag the four of you back with me."
"Are you so sure of the outcome already?" Scarlet shakes her head, momentarily forgetting she's trying to talk the hunter down from a fight. "I mean," gesturing at Jo, "you can't possibly expect to beat us with just the one gun?"
"I don't." Seeing Jo grin, Scarlet realises her error, stoking the fire.

And then thunder booms.

But not from Morgan.

All the while she'd been approaching the building, the last source of Kayley's signal before it cut out- and Jo is smart enough to know what no more signal means -taking the direct straight approach, out in the open, her first creation, Spot, had been taking a different route. Uniquely made to blend in, to literally assume the shape of almost anything, even a patch of tarmac on the road, Spot has, finally, made it around onto the small groups flank, away from the towering Shayde, and is ready to strike. However, her nerves on a hair trigger, Dru spots the machine mid leap, coming in towards Scarlets rear, seeming to materialise out of the air as a patch of black tarmac changes and lightens, becoming a mass of reaching clawed limbs and a huge gaping mouth filled with impossibly long razor teeth. The thunder like noise, which makes everyone present flinch, comes from the arrival of Dru's chains. A full dozen erupt into existence all around her, tearing into our reality, seeming to scream as they sail at Spot. They strike him, ripping and tearing, constricting, taking Jo's pet apart even as they fling him backwards through the air. The damage inflicted is too great for even something as high tech as Spot to recover from, a fact confirmed as the discreet headset Jo wears around her right ear beeps out a signal, confirming the loss.

"Well." Scarlet returns her attention to Jo. "Now it seems you only have the one gun."
"Hmm." Jo looks behind her, not able to actually see her ruined and mangled pet, but imagining it anyway. She smiles. "Well, actually. I have an Arsenal."

And all around the five ladies, the sky is suddenly alight with new stars.

"Shit." Scarlet breathes, drawing her sword, trusting the others to do the right thing, which they luckily do. Taking Charlotte's hand Dru drops down through the floor, into darkness, with Shayde sinking and twisting, coming apart, returning to the dirt and grass it's stood on even as it's keeper vanishes. Gritting her teeth, not liking the fact she's leaving her girlfriend in almost certain peril, Morgan curses silently, then leaps upwards, a sonic boom rattling, and in some cases shattering, the windows all around moments later as she streaks away to safety.

Which just leaves Scarlet.

With Jo watching, grinning, Scarlet manages to take out the first five parts of the Arsenal, smashing and cutting at them as they dive bomb her, making good use of her sword. But the sixth is a feint, coming in from the front even as she sheaths Western Sorrow, preparing to strike at them with ranged energy instead. Glaring at this sixth attacker, readying herself, the seventh catches her from behind.

"What the...?" Scarlet exclaims, feeling the impact topple her over, onto her belly. "Safari Jo does it again." Jo cries out, watching, grinning, seeing her little machine, just one of hundreds, bind the Dark God filled lady before her. Having landed on her back, throwing her to the floor, the machine is busy binding Scarlets arms behind her, pinning them at wrists and elbow. "Again." Jo begins to laugh, watching Scarlet struggle, attempting to fight off something she can't even see as a second machine drops onto her legs, beginning to bind them too.

But Scarlet isn't defeated yet. Rolling onto her side she pins Jo to the spot with a glare, bearing her sharp teeth as she snarls. "Orm says get fucked."

Black fire explodes all over Scarlet's body, just as it did in the woodland, on the day she went LARPing. Everything Scarlet's wearing, including her sword unfortunately, is turned almost instantly to dust. The two machines die in a shower of sparks and mini explosions. At the same time Scarlet opens a portal directly underneath herself, falling through into the safety of the darkness, leaving a furious Jo and the remaining Arsenal behind.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"I can't see for shit." Grumbles Charlotte, her hand resting on Dru's arm like a blind person, the two stood behind me alongside Morgan. "It'll be lighter inside." I tell her over my shoulder, taking a breath, preparing myself for everything that I now have to do, because I, we all really, have been backed into a corner by Safari Jo.

Who I still know almost nothing about. Why is she hunting, first me, now all four of us? Where did she come from? Does she have family, a home someplace, with, I shiver, people like us already captured and installed there? Everytime we've met, she's started a fight, whether I've been trying to talk or not. Her intentions towards me are clear, and therefore so now are mine.

I just wish Orm, prowling around inside me, weren't so damn happy about it all.

Having jumped clear of Jo, of her machine filled swarm, which I didn't get a single good look at. After checking to make sure I was fine. Naked, but fine. I jumped again to a clothing store, luckily closed at this hour, and got dressed in some blue jeans and a plain black tee. I didn't bother looking for underwear, I won't be staying dressed for long. I jumped three more times after that: once to Dru, once with Dru and Charlotte to Morgan, smiling cheekily at me as we three appeared atop one of the Severn bridges support columns. Then a final jump to bring us all here, to my realm, and my castle.

I don't knock, the doors, huge and wooden, reinforced with black metal, aren't locked, but are heavy, making a slight groaning sound through lack of use as I push one open far enough for us to pass inside. Orm hasn't properly set foot in his home in centuries, due to having been trapped some time ago, and I've only been here a handful of times, briefly on each occasion, to collect Western Sorrow, to show Dru, because I had to show someone. Each time I've come I haven't stayed, or explored. Orm has servants, well, a servent, and I haven't wished to meet it. But we're kind of beyond small worries like that now.

Inside it is indeed brighter. The castle is made of dark coloured stone, ranging in shades from grey towards almost black, with a kind of dark reddish coloured wood planking making up the floor. Along all the walls, whether corridor or room, all of which have high vaulting ceilings, are spaced real fire burning torches.

"Just, stay close to me." I tell the other three, turning, pushing the door closed again, it shuts with a slight boom. "I've never announced my presence here before," giving Dru a smile, which she returns, "or bought guests here officially. So," I shrug as Charlotte gives me a nervous half worried smile, "kinda flying blind here."
"Who is there to announce anything too?" Morgan, looking around, sniffing. The whole place does smell of damp, and to a degree neglect. "Whole place feels like a ghost town."
"No," comes a loud whisper from the nearest wall, "I believe the only ghost here is Miss Furi."

All four of us jump, even me, expecting and pre warned by Orm, am taken by surprise. I thought Mist would need to be called? Turning as one to look, the other three subtly stepping behind me as we do, a black shadow of cloud, like drifting fog on a nighttime road, is seeping through the wall and pooling on the floor between us. Part of the centre rises up, like a dome topped cone, giving the whole thing the appearance, unfortunately given the exchange that just occurred, of an old time ghost.

"Master." Even without eyes, or features, I know it's me Mist is addressing. "You have returned at last."
"Yes Mist," nodding, "I'm back to assume command."
"Then," an arm grows out from the cone, dripping cloudy skin from itself back down into the pool like base, whilst a long claw fingered hand gestures up and down me, "you will be requiring the Pit?"
"I will."
"And." A pause, the arm retracts. "Do you have no time for pleasure? Or prehaps," floating closer, looming over me as though to peer at my three companions, "should I not of already prepared such for you, as I see Master has bought his own."
"What?" Morgan, a brief crackle of electricity running down her right arm, arching out onto the floor. She steps forwards, level with me, jabbing a finger at Mist. "It thinks we're...."
"No." Throwing a protective arm in front of Morgan, stopping Mist, who'd begun slowly to drift towards her as soon as she stepped forwards, in what I know it interpreted as a direct challenge. "Mist." I bark out, regaining it's attention. "These three." I point at each in turn. "The lady Ki-Bak-Furi. Charlotte, chosen keeper of Shayde. And Morgan, champion of Maelstrom, the Ever Raging Wind." I take a breath, pleased to see Mist already moving back to a respectful distance. "These are my honoured guests, and will be treated as such at any point they should choose to enter this castle. With, or without my being present at the time. Is that understood?"
"Yes Master."
"Good. Now," I nod, "go and see to the Pit. I'll take care of your thoughtful gift."
"Very well." The cone sinks, even whilst the cloudy fog is drifting away, moving off down the corridor, sinking into the floor as it leaves, until, no less then halfway to the corner ahead, it's gone.

"What?" Morgan asks, arms spread wide, as I turn to glare at her. "That thing," jabbing a finger down the corridor, "was offering to cook us for dinner. Or something."
"Mist." I tell her quietly. "It's name is Mist. And, it's Orms. My. Sworn servent now, the keeper of this castle."
"Well," calming down, which is a relief, because here in my realm, though she's too clueless about everything to know better I guess, were Morgan to start a fight with Mist, she'd have to go through me first. And I would see her locked up naked in my dungeon before I saw Orms, saw my, trusted and loyal servent harmed. Morgan sighs, the tension visibly leaving her, "anyway." She tries on a laugh. "Fucking thing couldn't be any scarier of it tried." She looks at the other two. "Right."
"Right." Charlotte nods, a slight shiver running through her. She looks at me. "Promise we'll be safe here Scarlet?"
"Promise." Nodding, noticing Dru giving me a sideways thoughtful look. "What?"
"It knew me?"
"Yes." I nod, tapping my chest. "It can see your power signature." I sweep an arm around the group. "All of yours."
"Even mine?"
"Yes Char," nodding, "even yours."
"But," looking down at her chest, Dru steps in close, pulling the front of Charlotte's top out wider, peering inside too, which earns her a giggle and a playful shove, "I thought. You know." Pointing at herself. "I'm just human."
"You are." Nodding. "But as Shayde's keeper there's something that hangs around you. Only faint, but," a shrug, "It'd mark you out if any of us cared to look hard enough."
"Oh." She looks thoughtful. "Right."
"Anyway." Shrugging. "I was only introducing you all out of formality. Come on." Setting off down the corridor. "We've got my gift to take care of."
"Gift?" Morgan, walking beside me, looking around, as are the two behind no doubt. "Like a welcome back box of chocolates?"
"Not quite." I laugh. "Better I just show you."

"Oh." Charlotte exclaims, one hand on her mouth, whilst Morgan giggles, which makes my gift raise her head, searching the room for us despite the blindfold. Dru simply shakes her head at me as we enter the room. "Did the servent,"
"Mist," I remind Dru, she nods. "Did Mist even have time to do this?" Gesturing. "And," wandering over for a closer look, as are we all, even Charlotte. Dru looks over at me, across the bed, "why?"
"Long story."
"Well." She shrugs. "Don't we have time?"
"Sure," looking around I can see some confused, if amused too in Morgan's case, expressions, "let's see." I think, looking down, idly tapping one of the girls feet as I do, making her squirm and moan. The girl, like all the gifts before her, is very pretty. Skinny. Busty. Young. This one is still wearing clothes though. Tight black leggings, complete with the Adidas stripes, and a grey sports bra that just about contains her breasts. The outfit, plus the tied back blonde hair and running shoes tossed into a corner, tell me she's come from either a run, or the gym. "Well." Letting go of her foot, resisting the urge to give it a tickle. "Orm, the Dark God up here," tapping my head, "was trapped for quite some time before circumstances put him inside me."
"Circumstances?" Charlotte asks. I wave her off. "Even longer story. Another time." She nods, I continue. "Anyway. Somehow," a shrug, "Mist knew he'd returned. So, tributes. Gifts," gesturing down at the girl, who's stopped moaning, seems to be listening, "keep appearing in my apartment."
"And here?" Dru asks, giving the girls ropes an experimental tug. "Not that I'd know." Shrugging. "Best guess. Mist sensed my, return, to the castle when we jumped in. Rushed out." I gesture, but Morgan finishes my sentence for me. "And grabbed the first pretty girl it could find?"
"Looks that way."
"So do you...." Charlotte, looking from me to the girl. "Um...?"
"Do I fuck them?" I ask, smiling, watching the girl stiffen, then relax as I add. "No. I send them back home."
"Oh." Charlotte nods, but looks unsure. "Good. That's good, right?"
"Pisses Orm off." I smile. "But. Yes. I'd say it's good."

She's been tied face up, stretched out on a bed, each limb pointing and secured as though forever reaching towards, but never quite able to grasp or touch, one of the four corner posts. The bed is made of some kind of almost white wood that twists as it forms the frame, with a dark brown mattress that looks more like several thick blankets laid atop each other. "So how do we send her home?" Morgan asks, leaning against a wall. "Normally I ask them where they live," nodding at the gag, "then jump them as close as my location knowledge allows."
"Do you untie them?"
"Used to," smiling, "until some athlete girl ran away." The other three laugh, I smile. "Yep. Had to chase after her and everything. So now," shaking my head, "I keep them tied."
"So we should ungag her?" Dru gestures. "But. Leave the blindfold on?"
"Probably best." I nod. "Seeing this place, it'd only scare her more."

The blindfold is an old stained red rag, the gag is more of the same, but more grey then red. Dru, currently closest, tugs the girls gag off, then steps back. I make a shush gesture to the other three, receiving nods, and a cheeky smile from Morgan, who then zips up her lips when I point at her. Stepping forward I sit down on one side of the bed. "Can you talk?"
"What the fuck kinda question is that?" She half shouts back, her accent not quite English, some kind of foreign lilt. Morgan giggles, and even Charlotte smiles. "Well." Patting her flat belly. "Good to know I won't need a translator."
"Fucking." She begins to struggle. "Let me go."
"I will."
"Really?" She stops moving, her head coming up off the mattress to almost stare at me. "I'm not, like, in some kind of hostage shit?"
"No hostage shit." I smile. "You're actually, though it doesn't matter, supposed to be a gift."
"Like I said," tracing a finger up her inner leg, feeling Orm uncoil inside me, smiling as I see her attempt to actually stretch her legs wider, as though welcoming me in, "doesn't matter. We'll get you home safe. We just need to know where home is."
"My parents place." She grimaces, using her hands to feel out the edges of the bed. "No way I'd get a bed this big in my room. And Tommy only wants blowjobs in his shitty car."
"Well," I look around the room, Morgan chooses this moment to pipe up anyway. "Tommy sounds like a dick."
"Morgan." I scold her, smiling. She shrugs. "Well. He does."
"He kinda is." The tied girl agrees. Then she half smiles, giving her body a little wiggle, big breasts flopping side to side. "Are you really not going to fuck me?"
"No." Holding up a warning hand to Morgan, who's grinning, being mischievous. She shrugs, stepping back against the wall. "Nobody here's going to fuck you."
"Oh." She actually seems disappointed, which is one hell of a fast turn around. I shake my head in despair, but smile, because she is hot, and, under different circumstances, I'd happily have some fun. "Where do you live?" I ask. "And I'll take you home."
"Not you." Dru shakes her head. She comes around the bed, whispers in my ear. "I think Char would be happier if you stayed. Because of Mist."
"Oh." I nod. "Sure." I tap the girl again. "Can you?"
"I can." Tapping the same leg, making the girl squirm. "If you don't mind losing the bed I can even take her still tied."
"Do it then."
"Hey." The girl, wiggling. "Don't I get a say?"
"No." Shaking my head even though she can't see. "You need to go home."
"And no fucking?" Almost a half plea, like she's desperate for some excitement now she's had a whiff of it. Now we aren't the monsters- ha -that she first thought. "No fucking for you." I shake my head. "But. Morgan's right," looking up, seeing her grin at me, I wink back, "Tommy does sound like a dick. And, from the look of you," breifly trailing a finger over one cup of her tight fitted sports bra, making her sigh, and smile, "you could do so much better then a dick." I stand up, step back, and look at Dru. "Take her home, then come back to here. Can you do that?"
"I can." Nodding, holding up a hand. "Won't be a minute."

So we three wait whilst Dru transports herself, the girl, Summer apparently, and the bed, off to Newcastle, which wasn't where I'd of guessed based on her accent, but these days you just can't tell. She returns soon after, and we move on. I lead the way towards the Pit, trying not to feel nervous the closer to the point of no return I walk.

"So this is...?" Morgan, peering over the edge, down into the dark thick looking liquid below. "This is the Pit." I reply, stepping up beside her, looking down, grimacing. The room is small compared to others in the castle, and square. A narrow stone walkway runs around the outer edge, wide enough to walk, but only in single file. The Pit dominates the room, sat square in the centre. Impossible to see how deep, even Orms not sure, it's filled with what looks like black sludge, lapping lazily back and forth as though being stirred from below. Stepping back, I begin to strip. "Wait." Dru looks from me to the Pit. "You're going in," she nods, "aren't you."
"Yes." Not bothering to fold my clothes I simply toss jeans and top into the nearest corner. "I have to."
"But." Looking down herself, pulling a face. "Why?"
"This is the only way to beat Jo, without undue risk to any of us." I look at each of these girls, at my friends. "I won't risk any of us being captured, or killed. Not when I have the Legion to call upon." I see Morgan's head jerk up at the sound of the name, and she shivers, giving me a worried look. "Legion?" Dru asks, at the same time as Charlotte gasps, pointing at me. "You're going to awaken the Forgotten Legion."
"The what?" Dru, bless her, apparently the only one who doesn't know anything. Charlotte turns to her, beating me to an explanation. "In one of the books I've read, books I inherited as Shaydes keeper, I read about the Forgotton Legion," looking at me, "a God's army, fierce warriors and fiercely loyal. Unbeaten. They're Orms. Aren't they?"
"And they're," Dru, looking from Charlotte to me, "asleep?"
"So the legend goes." Charlotte nods. "Slumbering. Forgotten. Until called upon to war. And then impossible to stop," she shivers too, "once they begin walking."
"Yes." I manage a half smile. "So they say."
"And you want to use this, army," Dru, looking me up and down, "to defeat Jo?"
"Using the Forgotten Legion removes any of us from direct harm." I offer up my logic. "And," putting up a hand to silence whatever protest both Charlotte and Dru had been about to make, "contrary to legend. The Legion can be stopped. By Orm."
"So." Morgan, joining us. "That's fine and all," nodding, "a great plan really. Why not use an actual army to fight her Arsenal. But," gesturing down into the sludge, "what does the Legion have to do with that." She looks at me. "Is that where they are, down there?"
"No." Naked now, I stand on the edge. "In there is the last of Orm, a part separated to allow the Legion to slumber." I shrug. "An ancient ritual. A sacrifice of sorts following Orms, and the Legions, involvement in the Sharks victory over the Walking Earth." Nodding into the Pit. "But, if I allow the separated part to rejoin the greater whole inside me, then he. We." Tapping my chest between the breasts. "We can lead the Legion, and stand them down when the fighting's won."
"Okay." Morgan nods. "Sounds good. I say go for it."
"Not that I needed your permission." I smile, but not happily. Reaching out I take Morgan's hand, giving it a squeeze. "I'll miss you."
"Miss me?"
"Yes." I breathe out, point down. "This, adding Orm to Orm. It'll bring him more to the fore of me. It'll still be me, but, where before he was just a whisper, now, the way he's told it. And I trust him to be honest with me. After this his influence over my actions will be that much greater. Sometimes," I laugh briefly, without humour, "decisions that I think are mine actually won't be. It'll be more fifty fifty and less ninety ten over control of my." I grin. "Our, body."
"Oh." At some point Morgan's let go my hand. "But." She looks at me. "You won't want me, after?"
"It isn't that," shaking my head, "I won't be the me you know. I'll be more Orm. And," I shrug, because what really can you do but be honest, "I'm not sure he really wants a steady girlfriend right now."
"Oh." Morgan says again. But then she smiles, and steps in close, giving me a breast squashing hug, and a long wet kiss. "Just remember I'm always around, and up for a good kinky rope fucking Orm." She whispers in my ear, before stepping back, grinning at me. "Good luck, old friend." Dru tips me a salute, as I shiver slightly at her use of mine and the Sharks term for each other, the Shark who Orm allied with in the war against the Earth, a war that the Forgotten Legion helped to win. "Just make sure Orm remembers who we all are."
"I will." Nodding. "Seriously, ladies, I just kinda doom and gloomed everything, but. I'll still be me enough to be me." And then, with a final wave to them all, I fall forwards, arms thrown out wide in welcome, into darkness.

And climb up out of a now empty pit what feels like moments later, using stone steps built into the side of the Pit, which wasn't that deep after all. I must've been gone longer then my internal clock is claiming though, as I find my three friends stood together near the door, talking. At the sound of my footsteps they all turn. Charlotte gasps, taking a half step back, whilst Dru and Morgan both give me, in my opinion nervous, smiles. "Well?" I ask, pleased to hear my voice at least is still my own. "How do I look?"
"You look...." Dru begins, her words drying up as she simply gestures at me. "Prehaps a mirror?" Morgan offers. "Is there one?"

"Fuck." I exclaim, taking myself in, turning, examining. The body is still mine, or at least the firmer, more muscular version of mine I became after first joining with Orm, but now my skin is black. And I do mean black, as in the darkness that no light can penetrate. And the black is all over: lips, the nipples sat atop my super pert E cups, sharpened claw like nails. Anything on a normal person that would be a different shade of pink is the same black as the rest of me. My eyes are black too, like before, which makes them blend into my face. And my scar is gone, the broken eye healed. Plus, a small patch of colour, underneath both eyes, and slightly up the outer edge, is white, which also runs in a half dozen lines each side down towards my cheeks. The effect being as if I'd put on white mascara, and then had a good cry, smudging the crap out of it even as it runs down my face. The only other part of me that isn't black, accepting my sharp teeth of course, is my hair. It's still bright fire engine red, and still cascades down my back and over my shoulders in curly waves. And I feel strong, really strong, so much that my whole body feels alive with energy. And, though it takes me a moment to realise, the whispering has stopped, because, understandably, there are now parts of my actual brain that feel alien to me, the parts that are now Orm, which I guess in time will cease to feel different at all as we merge now into one being. Forever.

Reaching down, still looking at myself, I slide a finger up and down my pussy slit, having casually flicked my nipple on the way passed. "Uh, Scarlet." I stop, and turn, to see Morgan stood looking at me, the other two further back. "Yes?" I ask, smiling, which for some reason makes her step back a pace. "Is," looking me up and down, "everything okay?"
"Sure." Nodding. "I'm just not used to having a pussy is all."
"Oh." I watch her thinking, looking nervous and slightly afraid, throttling in a sudden strong urge to truss this busty girl up on a bed, any bed, to taste her pussy in my mouth, because it's been so long. And then I give my head a shake, because it hasn't been that long, and Morgan had me tied up only days ago. "Scarlet?"
"Sorry." Tapping my head. "Just, getting used to everything." I blow out a breath, promising myself some kinky sex soon, and nod at the door. "Come on, ladies," giving Dru a wink, "old friend." She grins at me, her robes parting as she steps forwards to give me a teasing flash of shaved pussy and large rounded white breasts. And why haven't I ever fucked that one? "Shhhh." I whisper, as the other three follow me out of the room. "We have years to catch up, to fuck anyone we want, to hear them moan and beg for our cock from behind their tight ropes. But first we have Jo to deal with."
"Did you say something?" Dru asks, being the closest to me. "No." I turn, but continue walking backwards, savouring a second look at her near nakedness. She sees me looking, and gives me a small smile, unafraid it seems in stark contrast to Morgan, who I can just about see at the back, still giving me nervous glances. That smile, from Dru, feels like an invitation, like a promise. And again I have to wonder, gazing at that tantalising strip of exposed skin, why haven't I shown the Lady of Chains what I can do with metal and a willing girl by now? Thinking these thoughts, still walking backwards, still looking, I run my tongue briefly over my top lip, and her smile widens, her gaze tracking down to my chest. She winks, the fact of her being at the groups front, facing me, making it a private thing, and I nod in return, before turning around to face the corridors, leading the way to the Legion.
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Post by RopeBunny »


Extract from the audio commentary of a YouTube video uploaded by IBelieveInDragons. The video is titled 'fan submitted video evidence. Real Footage *Monsters*.' The entire eleven minute thirty seven video is grainy, jerky, and almost entirely black, clearly of poor quality and shot in the middle of the night. Occasionally a shadow, one or several, or a brief flash of light, can be glimpsed moving, though no clear shapes are ever obvious. The commentator is male, and very excitable, his voice rising in pitch to near shouting volume every third or forth sentence.

"....and wings. Fuck. Sorry. But, fuck. These things, these, armoured skeletons. There, did you guys see? A whole army. A, Legion, if you'll allow, of the Fogotten dead. And they've all got wings. Damn but they're big. Must be, what. See that sign? I'm thinking, ten foot at the shoulders? And they're fucking everywhere. Sorry. The sky, it's like a dogfight up there. These things, chasing those lights. Is it drones? Hold on. And. There. People. Girls. Three? No. Shit, one of them's black. Like, black black. Sorry. Four girls."

[no talking for almost a minute]

"Guys. There. No. There, one of the girls. Do you see the black robes? It's Ki-Bak-Furi, from my Legends video essay series last year. I'll put in a link down below. No clue who the others are, but, there's a fifth girl. I think she owns the drone things? What the fuck is happening here?"

[the final two minutes of the video passes in silence, until the last ten seconds]

"Guys, remember to like, comment, and of course, subscribe. I post new videos fortnightly. And remember, you'd better start believing in them, because they sure as fuck believe in you."



"Well." I close the laptop, not bothering to shut anything down, not knowing for sure how, since it isn't mine. "Was that the video?" My companion asks, squirming, trying to get comfortable. "Yeah." I nod, placing the folded laptop onto the floor, beside the bed where I'm sat leaning back against the headboard on one side, a pillow preventing the wooden frame from digging in, legs mostly spread wide in front of me on the mattress, to better accommodate the lady who's laptop, and flat, this is. Said lady is currently laid between my legs, her head resting up near my pussy, on my left upper thigh. "That's the one Dru mentioned."

I'm naked, have been since I climbed out of the Pit nearly a month ago. The very idea of clothes seems silly. I'm a Dark God now, no longer a human, no longer needing to worry about such trivial things as who might see my bits if I choose to take a walk someplace.

My companion shifts again, not trying to run away, or move anywhere really, just stretching her body against the tight tie I've got her secured in. She's naked too, her young skinny body, complete with short spiky blonde hair and an impressive pair of pert, but not fake, breasts, on display, not that she seems to mind. We met last night, ten hours ago, just as the sun was going down over Soho, in Londons west end.

"Oh. Wow." Looking up, away from the two day old Times newspaper I'd been reading, more out of curiosity then any desire to keep up with current events in a world I no longer called home, I found three girls stood in front of me. All of them were young, ranging from slim to curvy, but all packing at least D cups behind, and in one case almost spilling out of, three variations on tight black shiny latex and leather ensembles. They were, it appeared, all ready for a night out in the kinky part of town. All three were sporting a variety of collar designs, and all were wearing very high heeled boots, the kind you'd never run, let alone even walk very far, in. "That," one of them declared, pointing at me and speaking as though I weren't able to join in the conversation, "is an amazing paint job."
"Totally." Her friend, chewing gum loudly. "Or," she points too, "maybe it's like, that spray on stuff you can wear?"
"It isn't paint." I inform them, calmly. The third girl, blonde, yet to speak, gives me a shy smile, but the other two carry on talking, still ignoring me. "Totally paint." Pointing at something on my left breast. "See, it's patchy there."
"Yeah." Nodding. "Totally." Peering at me. "Where's her collar though?"
"Oh my god." Hand to mouth, shocked. "She isn't even wearing a collar. And like, who...."
"Ladies." I growl, looking from one to the other, down the line. "Fuck off before I, well," I grin, making the talkative two step back hurriedly, "before I fuck you." I finish to their retreating backs.

"It isn't paint, is it?"
"No." Shaking my head, regarding the final girl, the shy blonde. I run a finger down over my breast, over the 'patch' that isn't there. "This is my skin."
"What are you?"
"Does it matter?" I stand up, suddenly invading her personal space, but she doesn't flinch, or step back, though I can hear her breathing quicken as all at once my large and pert naked breasts are grazing her own leather corset clad pale pink ones. "Why didn't you run?" I muse, unlacing her corset at the front, not waiting for an invitation. "I...." She stammers, still not moving, not making any moves on me, but nor is she turning and running, or crying out for help from any of the dozen couples I know are scattered around the immediate area. "Prehaps," tossing her corset onto the floor beside us, exposing her impressive chest, "if you're not interested in running from me, then I should tie you up, and keep you for the night."
"You want to." She swallows, licks her dry lips. "To tie me up?"
"And fuck you." I grin, seeing her blush. I jerk my head to one side. "Last chance pretty girl. Leave now. Or," I wink, taking hold of one wrist, placing it against my pussy, showing her that I at least am already aroused, "stay. And tell me where you live before I gag you."
"Okay." She swallows, her eyes roving down and then back up my nakedness, taking me all in even as she slides a finger inside me. I smile at her, and lick my lips. "Apartment 8f," leaning forward, giving me a tentative kiss, sliding her tongue carefully over my sharp teeth and gasping as my own, longer, tongue comes snaking from the depths of my own throat, "King's building." She tells me, pulling back, but only enough to break lip contact. "New Road. Hook. It's, um," she gestures vaguely with one arm, pointing, "I. We, caught the train." She kisses me again, more confident this time. "Waterloo."
"I don't need the train." Giving my head a small shake, grinning. Her hand is still on my pussy, one finger still idly flicking around inside me. I reach up, and caress her right breast. And then, as she sighs, her eyes closed, I drop us both down, into the darkness.

I'm better at jumping now. Before, if I hadn't been there I couldn't go, since with no idea of the local layout I risked appearing too low, as in below ground level. An instant and quite nasty death. Now though, ha, if this girl can imagine her house, if say, the image of her bed, because of the fucking I'm offering up wink wink, is active in her mind, I can reach in and steal that mental picture, her knowledge of the location, and, ta dah.

Also, the first ability I ever gained from Orm, before we even partially joined, meant that I could tie or untie a person, simply by wishing it so. Like now.

Appearing in her room, she drops down onto her bed, bouncing on the soft mattress. She's already naked, clothes swallowed by the same darkness that added all her restraints. A tight hogtie, complete with red ballgag and some handy chest ropes to squeeze those impressive breasts. I land beside her, laid down on my side, facing her. "Well," I grin, propping myself up to look around me at the darkened room, which amongst other things is filled with over a dozen cuddly unicorns, "nice room." In response she moans, wriggling around, not in panic, more like trying to explore her new situation. Settling, she looks across at me as I lay back down. "No regrets?" I ask, reaching out to flick at her nipples. She sighs, closes her eyes, shakes her head. "Good." Reaching lower, finding her already wet, like me.

"I need to go." I tell the girl, who's name I still don't know, rising off the bed, wishing her restraints gone as I do. Daylight has been pouring through the gaps in her curtains for at least three hours now, and, though I don't need rest the way she does, neither of us has slept. "Really?" She looks upset, stretching herself out on the bed, before sitting up, legs swung out over the edge. "Don't you want some food?"
"I," my stomach growls hungrily at the mention of food, "okay." Nodding, she smiles. "Do you have any meat?"
"Sure." Standing, she crosses over to me, still showing no signs of fear despite everything she's seen me do, despite my obvious alienness. "How about a shower?" Reaching up, gently caressing my breast, which despite how much I've done to her, and she has been fairly well used and abused these last ten hours, she still hasn't touched until now. I smile as she rolls my nipple between her fingers, making it hard, feeling my arousal return with the slow building force of a driverless freight train. "You know what," catching her hand, pinning it, and her other, behind her back, wishing both wrists and elbows tightly restrained, seeing her gasp as the ropes bite into soft flesh, "I do have plans for today. But," a shrug, "she can wait."
"Jealous?" Teasing, pulling her into me as I run clawed fingers up and down her buttcheeks. "No." Shaking her head, gasping as I tickle her butt hole with one finger. "Good." I smile. "You needn't be." Letting go of her, I step back, vanishing her restraints as I do. "Oh?" Giving me a quizzical look, flexing her arms. "I can't have you tied up all day too," smiling at her, "now, come on, let's have that shower."
"And food?"
"Yes. Food after."
"And then you'll be leaving?" She looks sad. "Yes." I nod. "I have things...."
"To do." Nodding. "Sure," yawning, "some of us need about a days worth of sleep anyway," giving me a shy wink, blushing as I grin back, "after that workout."

So we shower, and eat. After which, tired too, I allow her to lead me back into her room, where we fall asleep cuddled together.

But I need less sleep, and so, awake, I climb out of bed, and step through a freshly opened portal in her bedroom wall.

Appearing in my castle, deep down in the dungeon. "Well, Safari Jo." Approaching the nearest cell, one of seven down here. Jo, sat on the pile of blankets she sleeps on and under, levers herself up, and stretches onto tip toes. She's naked, with a metal collar connected to a long chain, itself bolted solidly to a ring set in the floor at the cells centre. She can reach anything inside the cell, but, if the front wall of close together vertical bars were to suddenly vanish, she'd not get far outside the cells radius before the chain yanked tight. Her wrists are chained too, in front of her, with a small length between the two, allowing her to eat, and wipe her butt, without too much trouble. Shaking her neck briefly, looking around, as if to confirm there's been no change since the last time she looked, she approaches the bars, and leans on them with her fingers resting outside, close to me. I could've killed her, during the battle, either me or Dru, or Morgan, even Shayde or the Forgotton Legion, it would've been easy. But instead, still wanting to know why, and still Scarlet enough to resist the urge to kill for killings sake, I spared her, and locked my nemesis up down here. "I wonder," smiling in at her, receiving a half smile in return, "is today to be the day you finally talk to me?"


[From 'Phil Talks' a late night show, in which Phil, a middle aged trim looking pale skinned man with spiked brown hair and a fashionably trimmed beard, always looking dashing in a designer suit, talks to non celebrity guests about their experiences on the shows current subject. Each week a different show, each week a different, mostly weird, subject. The title of this weeks show is 'abducted, they wanted to rape me!']

"So let's welcome our next guest," Phil, giving the camera a smile, checks the small flash cards he's always holding, "Summer." He begins clapping, the audience joining in after a moment. "Summers from Newcastle," Phil, reading off his cards as Summer walks out, waving at both audience and cameras, making her way on stage. Where she sits down on one of two comfortable black leather armchairs arranged side by side, facing each other and the audience on a diagonal. "Summer." Phil walks across, leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek, and a shake of the hand, before sitting down opposite her. "Thank you for joining us today."
"Thanks for having me on the show Phil," Summer blushes, smiling at the host, "I'm a huge fan."
"Excellant," smiling back, "and, I've got to say," gesturing at her, "that's a great outfit."
"Thanks." Blushing again.

Having wanted to look her best for the cameras, because you never know who's watching, and, like, why can't I be a model, or have my own show, Summer spent the whole morning getting ready in her hotel room for the show. Her dress is red, and very much in the mould of Jessica Rabbit, with a tight low cut top that her enhanced assets appear to be attempting to escape, and a slash cut bottom with a slit up one side that reveals almost her whole leg as she walks. She's left her blonde hair loose, and tried not to overdo the makeup, less she looks like she's trying too hard for attention. Black heels are on her feet, showing off rainbow painted nails, of which her hands continue the theme of every one a different colour.

"So. Summer." Phil checks his card. "You were abducted by women?"
"No." Shaking her head, unable to hide her half smile at Phil's deliberate mistake, a tactic she was pre informed by the shows producer he likes to use, in order to provide the guest with an opening to tell their tale. A neat trick. "It was," pausing, because she knows, despite the fact this show is all about weird shit, that what she's about to say isn't normal, "some kind of cloud that kidnapped me."
"You were kidnapped by a cloud?" Phil raises an eyebrow, knowing camera two will catch it on close up. "So," shrugging at Summer, "it just what, came and took you up into the sky?"
"Not the sky," shaking her head, "I was taken to a castle."
"What did it look like?"
"I was blindfolded the whole time," Summer feels a little tingle skate across her breasts at the memory, "and tied up. But one of them said we were in a castle."
"So, how many of them were there?"
"At least seven." Summer blushes at the lie, telling herself it's okay to elaborate what is, actually, a true story, on a show where according on most online fan forums almost everyone simply submits a bunch of made up crap in order to get on. "Seven." Phils eyebrow goes up again, he leans in closer. "And were they all women?"
"Yes." Nodding, taking a breath, enjoying her moment in the spotlight. "Of course I couldn't see, but," shaking her head, "the whole time I was there, I only ever heard one male voice."
"Your rescuer," checking his card, "Orm."
"But," making a gesture, knowing how his audience loves the juicy details, "before that. What happened when you...."
"When I was tied up?" Smiling shyly, but knowing what Phil, what Phil's audience, which importantly could include that talent scout, wants, Summer plays her part. "Yes." Phil nods, glad the -pretty, which helps -girl's, remembering to follow his cues. He smiles at her, enjoying how her breasts rise and fall with each breath. "If this is too hard for you though, Summer?"
"No." Leaning forwards to touch Phil's hand, resting on his knee, and no doubt the camera will of caught how her breasts almost just escaped, Summer swallows. "No. I came here to tell my story," taking a breath, "and I'm happy to continue."
"Excellant. Well," leaning back, gesturing out to the audience, "the floor's all yours Summer."

"Well," Summer gives the audience a nervous smile, now that she's on the spot, "I was tied to a bed." Looking down at her chest, feeling the tingle again, which helps her get into the spirit, since she's relived the experience time and again in her daydreams, adding and changing it, making it more exciting, making it into the lie she's telling right now. "Naked." She nods as some of the studio audience gasp. "I guess my captors wanted a good look at me?"
"Well," Phil smiles, "gesturing for the audience to agree with him, "who wouldn't?" Summer blushes, waiting for the clapping to die down before continuing. "And. Well, whilst I lay there, helpless,"
"And naked." Phil chips in, Summer nods. "Yes. As I lay there, unable to call out for help, or to ask them to stop."
"Gagged too?"
"Yes." Nodding. "A tight gag, and tight ropes. I was completely at their mercy."
"And what happened then?"
"They teased me," swallowing, nodding, "all of them. Taking turns with me. Exploring my body. Playing with me as I lay there helpless."
"Wow." Phil nods. "And then, after what, a day?"
"Three days."
"Three days." Shaking his head. "After three days at these seven ladies mercy, yoy were finally rescued by Orm?"
"Yes." Smiling. "He...."



I've only seen Morgan once, since the battle. For all her assurances before I jumped into the Pit, I think she's afraid of me now, and nervous. And, considering how things went, as we sat atop the old BT tower in Central London, side by side but never touching, I just don't think she's into me anymore.

Which is fine. No doubt she'd come if I called, if my need was great, and I'd certainly come if she were in trouble. Just friends suits me well enough. I mean, I'll miss those breasts, and the sight of that body straining against my tight ropes, her moans as she lays helpless before me, all mine. Fuck but why didn't I get to finish what I started with her? I could've rammed my cock so far up inside her, made her beg me for more.

Except I don't have a cock anymore, I remind myself, shaking my head, smiling as I reach down and flick at an exposed nipple. This body, our body. My body. Is Scarlet's.

Maybe one day I'll have to simply kidnap her, I muse, waiting on Charlotte at our agreed rendezvous late one night. Fuck the Ever Raging Wind and whatever retaliation she might try to bring down on me. Simply jump in, truss her champion up, then take her back to my castle, and pick up where we left off.

Maybe, if the Maelstrom comes after Morgan, I'll take her too. Restrain the very Wind, see how she tastes.

My lips quirk into a smile as I catch sight of Charlotte, finally, her slim form entering the alley behind her local corner shop, a convenient yet private place to meet. She's still trying to be a human, to live a normal life. My whole appearance wouldn't exactly help with that.

She's the only one I've not seen, since the battle. Dru and I spent almost a week together, following our victory. Ensuring Safari Jo wasn't about to make a miraculous escape. Fucking, nearly always with one of us tied up, certainly Dru's in a unique position of being the only person, or monster, I'll willingly submit too. We drank too, and ate well, though obviously Dru didn't need to do either. We even, drunk, picked out a room in the castle to be hers, me leading her naked around, her wrists and elbows tightly tied behind her, a skin tight collar around her neck linked to the short length of chain I was using to keep her close, to steer her. And both of us giggling the whole time, like schoolgirls exploring a haunted house. So now she can stay with me, whenever she feels the need, just like before. Because even a ghost needs someplace to call home.

"You made it." I smile, genuinely happy to see her. We've a bond now, us four, and it isn't as though I could easily make other friends. So, thoughts of kidnapping Morgan aside, I'll do my best to keep the three of them safe, as I believe they will me, should it come to it. "Sorry." Running a hand through her blue hair. "Traffic getting back from work was lousy."
"You do know I'll help you with that."
"I know," making a show of handing me a double armful of thin air, "here Char. Take all this gold and buy a house."
"That even almost sounded like me." I laugh, she smiles. "Seriously though."
"I know." Waving me off. "And maybe, some day, I'll agree. I just want to try and do life properly first."
"Okay." Holding up both hands. "Gotta say though, if you want normal," I open a portal in the air beside us, "this isn't it."
"I just want to see."
"Sure." Nodding. "Come on then."

The island, though it still doesn't really deserve the name, hasn't changed. "It's so small?" Charlotte comments, walking a circuit, eying up the lapping water directly below. "Doesn't need to be big." I shrug, staying put, but keeping an eye on her. "If you're still sure?" I offer, shaking her out of whatever thoughts had kept her staring out to sea for a good two minutes. "I am." Nodding. "I think it'll come for me."
"Come to you." I correct, as Charlotte cuts her hand open with a small knife, allowing a few drops of blood to fall into the ocean. "If it comes for you, then I'd say you're screwed."
"It'd eat me?"
"No." Shaking my head. "That's why I'm here, the Lord of the Deep won't dare attack you whilst I'm stood at your shoulder."
"Oh. Good." Looking suddenly nervous, Charlotte steps back level with me. "You're still sure you want to be here?" I ask. She nods, turning her head to give me a small smile. "Yes. I'" a shrug, "I've sat and done the logic. Shayde's of the Earth, kind of. And the Sharks the Earth. Right?"
"Yes." Remembering the war that made it so. "Now there are three."
"Yes." Giving my sudden far off stare an odd look. "Well. I think, you know, maybe the Shark will want to see me."
"Maybe." I smile, pointing at the horizon line, and the sudden appearance of a blip, a thin line that just might be a fin.

Swimming straight for us, like before I think, remembering not just Teddy but those meetings before, few but there, when I've sought out my oldest friend. The Shark angles right on approach, commencing slow circuits of us, keeping it's upper body and eyes, not to mention that giant dorsal fin, above the water.

"Keeper of the Shayde," comes the voice, right out of the air as always, regardless of distance, "what is your name girl?"
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Post by RopeBunny »

I wanted to thank anyone who made it here, to the end. Those of you who enjoy my supernatural slanted TUG stories, I hope this one was up to standard.

I realise that there are things I've missed out, most notably the main fight. But this is a TUGs board, for TUGs stories, so, I felt a whole chapter (which I could've easily managed) just to describe the Fogotten Legions take down of Safari Jo, would be pushing my luck here somewhat.

So instead, with the final chapter above, I've implied things, and, I hope, wrapped up the story whilst also providing some interesting avenues, should I ever wish to pick up any of these four ladies again.

Please also forgive any mistakes made. In my defence, again, this is a TUGs board, and I am not a professional writer. Were this a proper book I'd of written the whole thing before uploading even chapter 001, and so any simple mistakes could've been spotted before they occurred. I hope any thst do exist don't detract from the overall story. Which is one I'm proud of.

Rope Bunny :D x
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Post by Nainur »

'thumbs up' from me, certainly something different, which is quality in itself! Enjoyed it!
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Excellent story and I loved the subtly done ending!

Looking forward to reading more by you!
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Post by slackywacky »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago Please also forgive any mistakes made. In my defense, again, this is a TUGs board, and I am not a professional writer. Were this a proper book I'd of written the whole thing before uploading even chapter 001, and so any simple mistakes could've been spotted before they occurred. I hope any that do exist don't detract from the overall story. Which is one I'm proud of.
I would not worry about not being a professional writer, don't think many on this board are, me included. We all make mistakes, even after proofreading our stories again and again. You miss your own mistakes because you don't read the text, but you see what your brain tells you.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story and would not have mind a chapter on the fight, it would have added more to the story. Look at [mention]wolfman[/mention]'s stories. not every chapter is full of TUG. Yes, this is a TUG board, but that does not mean you can't add some character building or story development.

Please write more, I am looking forward to it.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thanks, to the three of you, for commenting both now and along the way :D

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] and [mention]slackywacky[/mention] if it's more supernatural stuff you were meaning, that you're looking forward to reading more of?

I'm always up for TUGs with this specific twist. Currently no firm ideas though. I'd of course, idea willing, write about Morgan, Dru, or Scarlet (think Charlotte's best left alone now, like her, but her powers don't lend to TUGs so well for me) forever. Do like the three of them.

No doubt something will occur to me, at some point, and we'll go again ;) . Would happily listen to any ideas too.
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