Page 16 of 198


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:19 pm
by Deleted User 1445

Great job with the updated story! A considerable improvement on an already great story and awesome additions! You are so great at building anticipation, but also in developing characters the readers either identify with or care so much about.

Love, just love the last few chapters! Can just imagine myself in Steven’s position and under Nick’s control! Can not wait to see where this leads and how Shawn plays into it! Hope that sleeping bag is coming out too or maybe putting Steve in some of Nick’s down clothing!

Great job!


Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:42 am
by Johnsnow
Hey [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] ... Sorry I haven't been commenting I just got caught up as I've been out of country and wanted to avoid the cell charges whenever possible even though most of the time I had no cell service at all..... Anyway great new additions and Iike the addition of shawn. I'll probably start trailing behind a little so I'm not always waitimg and I can read at my own pase which means comment wise i always feel silly when I'm posting about a chapter behind the current one. Keep up the good work


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:23 am
by bondagefreak
[mention]Johnsnow[/mention] No need to apologise John! Read and comment at your own discretion.
I'm just really glad to see you're still enjoying this and following the adventure.
And by no means should you feel silly for commenting on earlier chapters!
I'm constantly encouraging new readers to give feedback as they read along.

Welcome back to the fold, my friend!
Super thrilled you're enjoying the finalised remastered version of the tale.

I'm sure the next chapters won't disappoint 8-)
Real glad to see some of my ex-readers ([mention]TiedNW[/mention], [mention]Valimure[/mention]) begin to catch up. Feels just like old times ;)


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:07 am
by TiedNW
Yes Sir, I’m at chapter 17 now.
The start is even better then the original story! I didn’t think that was possible.


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:45 am
by bondagefreak
Chapter 65 - The Unfortunate Misunderstanding

I couldn't help but look up in fear and let out a moan of despair as Nick fetched his cousin's heavy-looking gym bag and started going through it's content. He spent a few seconds moving stuff around in there, before taking out his cousin's white gym towel and throwing it down on the couch, next to where my head was resting.

My eyes widened in fear when I saw a toothy grin spread across my hunky captor's handsome face.
Whatever it was that was making the giant muscle-King smile, I knew it didn't bode well for me.

"Uh fuck!" I muttered, crinkling my face up in disgust at the sight of the big, black, soggy pair of brief's Nick was pulling out of his younger cousin's gym bag.

The briefs were real big. As big as the ones Nick usually wore.
What failed to inspire confidence though, was the fact that they looked seriously moist and crumpled up.

I did NOT wanna have those anywhere near my face.

"Whoa! Pffff..." Nick breathed out after giving his cousin's underwear a discreet whiff. "MAN! These need some serious washing." he chuckled, quickly throwing the undies down onto the white gym towel next to my head.

Shawn's smelly briefs.png

I eyed the soggy, crumpled up black briefs and knew that they'd probably end up inside my mouth one way or another. Nick was too horny for me to believe otherwise, and I was bound up so hopelessly tight, there was NO way in hell I was going anywhere.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." he laughed, sprinting down the stairs leading to the basement and quickly disappearing from view.

I used the opportunity to struggle against his ropework and fight the knots, but I knew that it was a hopeless cause and that all my efforts were in vain. The hogtie was extremely tight and Nick's ropework was so excessive that I wasn't even able to move off the couch or roll over to my side.

I enjoyed being tied up, but this was a little over the top.

I wasn't alone for long though.
Before I knew it, the blond hunk was back upstairs and walking up to me with a huge roll of extra-wide gaffer tape in his hands. His thick, nylon-clad legs rubbed together noisily, and his giant boner dangled and flailed about wildly inside his shiny black pants.

"Where d'you think you're going, bitch?" he chuckled, tossing the huge roll of black gaffer tape onto the coffee table and putting a knee down on the couch before tossing his cousin's bag back to the floor.
"Come here." he mumbled, crouching down over me and roughly pulling my tightly hogtied body closer to his.

I instantly burst into a fit of wild laughter as strong, cruel fingers began digging into my exposed and very-much-helpless soles.

With my ankles tied together and my hands and feet secured inside an excruciatingly tight and abnormally severe hogtie, I had no defence against the muscular bully's aggressive fingers.

"NAAAAAAHH! NO! NIIII...AAAAAAHHAHAHA! STTTAAHAHA! NO! NNGHH..." I screamed, choking on my own laughter and wiggling my feet and toes as much as the brute's excessive ropework would permit.

This was so completely unfair.
I was ticklish. Like really, really ticklish, and Nick knew that just as well as I did.

It wasn't only the tickling though.
I mean, the blond hunk could LITERALLY squash me to a pulp and break me in half with his huge, giant muscles. Yet here I was, bound up exceptionally tight and roped up as though our lives depended on it.

I was a scrawny twerp compared to Nick, but he didn't care. He just crouched over me and dug his big fingers into my bare soles without ANY remorse or sympathy for what I was going through.
My whole body ached from the strictness of the hogtie. But there was no escaping these knots and no way for me to defend myself or get away from his big hands and strong fingers.

I was fucked and he knew it.

I screamed, but ended up getting his big, nylon-clad boner right in my face.
"Ugh! MMNnnpphh!" I complained, unable to get my face away from the beefy hunk's giant dangler.

Even as his super thick, eight-inch long tool nuzzled my face and muffled my grossed out protests, the hunky stud acted as though he knew nothing of my plight, and just continued tickling my feet as though everything was normal.

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere, bitch..." he laughed, completely ignoring my desperate pleas and scooting even closer to get a better angle of attack.

He was tickling my feet and sides furiously, and was working up quite a sweat in the process!
His big pecs and biceps bulged out and beads of sweat dripped down his face and rolled down his muscular abdomen. My big, beefy King just smirked and chuckled while I cried my lungs out and choked on my own laughter.
He was having the time of his life.

"AAAHHH! NO! UGGHH....HAHAHA! Nggghh..." I cried out, laughing like crazy even though Nick's throbbing, nylon-clad tool was rubbing noisily against my cheeks, mouth and nose.
The sweaty brute's enormous thighs came down both sides of my head and kept me from working my face away from the giant piece of meat inside his noisy track pants.

"Mmmpphhff...Mmmnoo! AAAHAHAHA! Mmmnnphh!" I cried out, unable to stop fresh tears of laughter from streaming down my face.

Nick grinned and chuckled cockily before finally backing off and giving me a much needed break.
He wasn't done with me yet though. Quite the contrary.

"Yeah, you're fucked!" he teased, slowly getting off the couch and pushing my hogtied body so that I was lying on my side and facing his huge, shirtless form.

His abs were coated with sweat, his giant pecs were heaving and his neck and biceps looked thicker than usual as a result of all the exertion. When the hunk used his thick forearm to wipe his forehead dry, I got a firsthand view of just how hairy and sweaty his giant armpit was.

That small voice inside of me that was dying to get closer to the godly hunk's body and lick his sweat up, instantly went quiet from that point on.

Nick made his way towards the washroom and quickly emerged back into the living room, this time with his battery-powered electric toothbrush in hand. I knew from the devilish grin he wore on his face, that he WASN'T planning on brushing his teeth.
No. He had something quite different in mind.

"No! No No No...Nick!" I whimpered, looking up at the approaching bull and giving him the best set of puppy eyes I could muster.

The beefy, two meter-tall hunk towered above me and I was genuinely afraid.
I wasn't sure how much more tickling I could take!

"Alright. I'm tired of hearing you complaining." he spoke, looking down at me and puffing up his big, hairless chest.
"It's time to shut you up!" he roared, throwing the toothbrush on the couch and reaching down to pick up his cousin's huge, soggy-looking pair of briefs.

"Noooo! Ugh..." I cried out, desperately trying to twist my head around and free myself from the excruciatingly tight bonds.

Nick just smirked and sat his big, nylon-clad butt on the edge of the couch before wrapping his hand around the back of my head.

"Here." he said, bunching the big briefs up and smothering my face with them. "Sniff your gag."

As soon as I saw the giant wad approach my face, I immediately tried backing away and desperately attempted crying out for help. Nick didn't let me finish though.
He just used his massive arms and strong hands to muffle my complaints and smother me up inside his cousin's thick wad.

"Shhh! Quiet." he growled, clamping the enormous black briefs over my lower face.

He wasn't interested in what I had to say, and was apparently only interested in making me sniff the soggy briefs his cousin had been wearing during their lower body workout, a bit earlier.

I grunted beneath the wad and tried shaking my head "no" in an effort to let Nick know that I heavily disapproved.
Unfortunately for me though, I was no match for the blue-eyed brute's size and muscle.

The instant my nostrils flared open, a strong, PUNGENT musk filled my lungs and caused my toes to curl up and my eyes to shoot wide open.

"UUGHMMPH!" I cried out, completely taken aback by the foulness of Shawn's huge briefs.

"Haha! Yeah." Nick smirked, no doubt having great fun at my expense.
The hunk was apparently in no hurry to pull the putrid briefs away from my face, but that didn't stop him from asking me questions and teasing me.

"They smell fuckin' bad, don't they?" he chuckled, smirking cockily and looking at me as though he was expected an answer.

I coughed and sputtered inside the thick wad.
"Bad" was definitely an understatement. Shawn's briefs weren't just bad. They were REAL bad! As bad as some of the briefs I'd sniffed in Nick's hamper on Monday afternoon.

The fact that they were still moist and soggy from the early evening workout, just made the stench seem even worse.

I coughed and gagged on the young man's potent musk, but Nick just laughed.

"That was just his pouch." he chuckled, temporarily pulling the wad away from my face and giving me a few seconds to recover.

My moment of respite was short-lived though.

"Here..." Nick continued, ignoring my frantic complaints and yanking my head up.
"Now you're gonna sniff his ass!" he roared, grinning mightily as he clamped the soggy black briefs right over my mouth and nose once again.

"NMMmphh!" I cried out, before being smothered up and silenced by the big, putrid cloth.

I fought and struggled like a trapped animal. But all of it, to no avail.
After a few seconds, I ended up taking in the tiniest of sniffs, but quickly found myself screaming and struggling with renewed vigour.

"UUGGHHMMPHH!" I coughed, gagging on the putrid stench and desperately trying to wiggle my head out of Nick's strong grasp.

"Haha!" the blond muscle-King laughed, pulling the musky briefs away from my face and flashing me a cocky grin.
"How's that smell, boi?" he asked, rubbing his hard knuckles into my hair before giving me a playful tap on the cheek.

"Uggh! Pffttt!" I coughed and spat, crinkling my nose up in disgust and trying to rid my tongue of a thick pube I'd accidentally picked up while protesting.

"Ugh! It STINKS!" I cried out, furiously trying to wiggle away and get some distance between me and the young jock's big, smelly underwear.

Nick brought the soggy wad up to his nose and tentatively gave his cousin's briefs a quick sniff before pulling away and immediately breathing out in disgust.
"Man, that kid does have a stanky ass!" he admitted, though still a little to cheerfully for my taste.

I thought the potency of the stench would change Nick's mind about his cousin's undies being a suitable gag for me.
After all, Shawn's briefs smelled like they hadn't been washed in a while, and had probably been through a few too many workouts and spent a few too many days soaking in his butt crack funk.
Unfortunately for me though, Nick's resolve hadn't changed a bit.

The giant, blond brute just puffed his big, beefy chest up before looking down at me and flashing me his signature smirk.

"Any last words before these go in?" he asked, bunching the briefs back up and cupping his free hand around the back of my head once more.

"No. Wait! NO! NICK! STOP!" I cried out, eyeing the approaching wad with an indescribable amount of fear and struggling wildly against my captor's impeccable ropework.

The WORST part of all this, was that Nick probably thought he was doing me a favour!

From what he understood, I got off on being forcefully gagged...which was true to some extent.
But he probably thought he was fulfilling one of my fantasies by threatening to stuff my mouth up with his cousin's
big, filthy undies. Now that he knew I had a thing for non-consensual bondage, how the HELL was I supposed to convince him that I wasn't making a scene and that I genuinely DIDN'T want those briefs going inside my mouth?!

Shawn's giant undies were absolutely PUTRID and were still moist and soggy from that rather intense lower body workout he and Nick had engaged in a few hours ago.

I was stuck on the couch; trussed up, hogtied extremely tight, left with no possible means of escape...
And here I was, about to get my protesting mouth forcefully plugged up with some hairy blond jock's, foul-smelling briefs!

I was in SERIOUS trouble.




Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:58 am
by ShadowHusky
Got excited when I saw the new chapter! Great chapter and I'm loving the idea of having two massive smelly guys :D


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:27 am
by DeeperThanRed
Poor Steven. It's actually enjoying to read about this, but I really wouldn't want to be in his situation. I can't imagine how frustrating it should be for him to Nick ignoring all his protests because he's too into it (and maybe he knows Steven secretly likes it).

But still this was a great chapter and thanks for it.


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:55 pm
by LK3869
Lots of things in chapter 64. And before that, that couch sandwich scene worked great on me. Steven didn't appreciate that much but I would have :D
Then a monumental TUG that has not even reached gagging :lol: ( was about to try to estimate the words total...)

And in the line of the previous comment, Steven still has some self-affirmation to do: Letting Nick judge his "dirty" submissive pulsions when Nick so obviously enjoys his own abusive tendencies...


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:13 pm
by lengban
Dedicated to me?! >//< Well that's sweet of you, wasn't expecting that! DEFINITELY enjoyed the chapter though. Poor Steven being tickled so harshly and helpless, smothered in boner and thighs, then Shawn's rank underwear... It's brilliant, can't wait to see how much closer he gets to them soon! Both the briefs, and Shawn and Nick over the following chapters. It's also neat to see their communication problems still, no safewords or anything set up so that Steven can let his true disgust show... Not that I'm absolutely positive Nick would ignore his boner long enough to listen to one.

...Also those briefs were perfectly what I was imagining Nick might find. And awful but poetic way of tormentng Steven, plus, well, give him a taste of Shawn's ass and crotch... Literally if Nick has his way. ;)


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:35 pm
by Msueta@2
I loved this chapter so much I hope you use the toothbrush on his nipples and armpits


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:32 pm
by bondagefreak
[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] I had no idea you were even following this, boi! Welcome onboard ;)

I have to agree with [mention]LK3869[/mention] and [mention]lengban[/mention] about this though.
IMHO, this latest situation Steven finds himself in, is partly due to his inability/lack of desire to express himself properly. It's definitely a communication issue.

Not all is lost though. So long as Steven's mouth remains unplugged, there's still a faint glimmer of hope things might turn out okay for him 8-)

Having said that, I can't believe only a few weeks ago [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] was claiming this thread's 200th post. We're almost at post #400 now.


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Pup
Great as always though damn Nick is being a bit mean with all that.
Certainly wouldn't want to be him there even if it's a fun chapter to read.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:49 pm
by Msueta@2
This new chapter I wish I could switch places with Steven


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:36 am
by Tsuhaya
Incredible chapter!

Now, Nick really thinks he's doing a huge favor for Steven, filling his mouth with Shawn's nasty underwear, although I think the fact that Steven doesn't accept it willingly makes things even more interesting :mrgreen:

Poor Steven, I certainly wouldn't wanna be in his place.

I can't wait for the next chapter!


Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:09 am
by bondagefreak
Thanks for all the comments, peeps!
Hopefully, the rest of you are all catching up.

Chapter 66 will be out soon, so stay tuned!


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:23 pm
by TiedNW
Just finished part one Sir! It’s indeed much better as the original, while I thought it wouldn’t be possible. Especially the extensive details make the story great.


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:11 am
by atilaus
Awesome stuff, looking forward to the electric brush torture, been on the receiving end before, it's intense :P


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:28 am
by sniffingyoursocks
I‘m finally back after some time off and continuing to catching up...just read the end of part two, chapter 52.

Wow, how hot those scences were. My favourite scene was Steven jerking off with Nick‘s gross briefs. Could also easily be me. Too bad Nick didn‘t saw that. Or did he?

Amazing, as ever. Can‘t wait for those next chapters...


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:12 am
by bondagefreak
Sad so-long to my friend and long-time reviewer @Masterecon, who just recently deleted his account here.

On a better note, my short, two week writing sabbatical is coming to an end and I'm looking forward to continuing this and posting the new pics and artwork that'll be attached to the upcoming chapters.

Hey bud! Nice to see you on here, it's been a while.
Yeah, intense is indeed pretty accurate...especially if it's a good quality, high-powered toothbrush 8-)

[mention]TiedNW[/mention], [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]
Glad you two are catching up and still enjoying this ;)


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:04 pm
by atilaus
Particularly if you replacement batteries, I'd be pretty terrified of that xD


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:09 pm
by Phoenix
Finally got around to catching up. Still really good as ever. I began to feel a little sick myself just reading the description of Shawn’s underwear last chapter. :?

Keep it up!


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:55 pm
by sniffingyoursocks
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago @Footsub I know you would! You gotta leave something for the others though. I'm sure a bunch of you would jump at the opportunity to get your hands on Nick's footwear. And you'd all end up regretting it once you did, haha 8-)

Wonder who'd volunteer to take away Nick's big old gloves.
Any takers?
Yes, please me, Sir...would love to sniff those.
As my name would suggest, socks aren‘t my only weakness :lol:

Enjoying catching up to those newer chapters. Wohoo!


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:21 am
by puffalover
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago @puffalover Hope you guys aren't too disappointed with Shawn's addition ;) Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I’m not disappointed at all my friend. More curious actually. So far he’s like a younger version of Nick. From his mannerisms (and stinky feet) I can tell they’re definitely related lol! Not sure yet if he has that type of “complete dominance” that Nick has. From my view he could end up being just as big an alpha as Nick. Might still be too early in his introduction for that, but I’m really interested to see how he’s gonna contribute further.

I do enjoy when you switch things up in this final version of bound & gagged. I hope a majority of your past readers are still reading these chapters as there are some obvious changes from your original draft.


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:04 am
by bondagefreak
Morning folks! I'm back! 8-)

Before I get back to posting the next chapter, I just wanna give a quick shout-out to you guys and say thanks to all of you who are following this and commenting. I was really glad to see this thread reach 20,000+ reads and a dozen more votes on the POLL during my three week sabbatical.

Hope you guys have all caught up, 'cause it's time to get back to the fun 8-)


Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:57 pm
by bondagefreak
Chapter 66 - My Own Special Kind of Hell

My eyes beamed wide open as the big, hunky muscle jock walked toward me with the thick wad of smelly underwear in his hand.

"No! NO!" I screamed, desperately struggling against the tight ropework in an effort to free myself from the excruciating hogtie. The leather couch creaked loudly beneath me as my struggled, but all my attempts to break free proved to be in vain.

Nick just laughed and approached my scrawny little bundled up form, smirking cockily as he did so.
He stood there for a moment, no doubt getting some level of satisfaction from watching my pathetic escape attempts fail miserably.

No one, myself included, had EVER broken free of his ropework or managed to escape his knots.
The hunk took great pride in that and he never let our size difference get in the way of a proper trussing.
The fact that I was a lot smaller and much lighter than him never really entered the equation.
Nick always went "all out" on me and had no qualms about using his great size and strength to secure me into exceptionally tight hogties and knot me up as though my life depended on it.

I panicked as the massive stud closed in, but my frightened expression didn't halt his approach in the slightest.
The big, blond bully just used his muscular arms to press the foul-smelling cloth up to my face, effectively muffling up my screams and protests before I could call out for help.

"No! NMmmph!" I cried out, unable to get away as Shawn's giant briefs were clamped over my defenseless face.

The thing smelled terrible, but Nick didn't care.
"Shhh." he purred, forcefully stuffing his cousin's filthy briefs inside my protesting mouth. "Shut up. Open your fuckin' mouth." he mumbled, frowning down at me as I gagged and choked on the intruding wad of cloth that was quickly filling my orifice.

"Mmmnnnnph!" I screamed, desperately attempting to break free and call for help.

My eyes narrowed down on the giant wad of underwear that had yet to go inside my mouth, and I knew in that moment than I was fucked.

My efforts to cry out for help were immediately rewarded with failure and accomplished nothing beyond making Nick's job a little easier.

The blond hunk quickly plugged my protesting mouth up and I ended up dealing with more underwear than I could handle. Before I knew it, I was whimpering in despair and sucking on Shawn's musky underwear pouch.

"Ugghmphf." I cried out, feeling the strain built up in my jaw, cheeks and lips as the stupid gag filled my mouth.

"Yeah, haha." my handsome captor chuckled. "That's a fuckin' big gag, ain't it?" he laughed, ruffling my hair up playfully as I choked on his younger cousin's incredibly musky briefs.

"Uhhggmmmph..." I whimpered, gagging and choking on the taste, size and smell of Shawn's undies.

Nick wouldn't have it though. He didn't seem the slightest bit concerned about my muffled protests.
"You're gonna be fuckin' quiet while I tickle the crap out of you." he explained, cupping his large hand around the back of my head and bringing the other one up to try and shove more of the young man's foul underwear into my bulging cheeks.

"Mmmnnnph!" I angrily cried out, desperately trying to get my big, horny captor to stop what he was doing.

Nick wasn't listening though.
"Come on. Open up!" he ordered, frowning deeply as he used his strong fingers and beefy biceps to force more material between my lips.

I choked and gagged, to the point where the horny blond bully eventually stopped and decided to leave the waistband portion, as well as a good amount of his cousin's briefs, dangling out of my jam-packed mouth.
My yapper was literally STUFFED to the limit!

Tears welled up in my eyes and my tightly bound limbs shook uncontrollably.

I couldn't believe it.
I was a good looking, preppy guy, with refined tastes and high moral standards.
Yet here I was, strung up painfully tight and gagging on some hunky twenty year old's, giant, putrid briefs, with absolutely no way to call for help.

I sobbed, cried and shook my head.
The look on my face must've been particularly disheartening at that point, 'cause when Nick grabbed the thick roll of gaffer tape and sat on the couch to get a better grip of my head, he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing my expression.

"Uggmmh." I whimpered, unwilling to look up or meet the jock's proud gaze as I lied there, quite literally sucking on his younger cousin's filthy loin cloth.

I barely even knew Shawn, yet here I was, tasting his big smelly pouch and gagging on the smell of his butt.

"You crying?" Nick asked, suddenly using his hand to clear my hair away from my forehead and pick my chin up off the couch. "Shhh...why are you crying?" he asked, holding my face up gently and gazing into my tear-filled eyes. For a moment there, he sounded almost concerned.

I attempted to whimper in my gag, but all that came out was an incredibly muffled moan followed by some violent coughing.

The stench of the briefs was hitting my flaring nostrils and I could swear I was gonna be sick from sniffing in the scent of the young man's butt. I tried spitting the briefs out, but my mouth was so tightly packed, I couldn't even work my tongue out enough to start pushing the foul-smelling gag out.

"Uugghm!" I cried out, tears running down my face in sheer despair and frustration.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked again, pressing me for answers even though we both knew I couldn't answer. "I thought you liked this shit. I thought you liked being gagged! Isn't this that you wanted?" he asked, lifting my head up and peering into my reddened, tear-filled eyes.

I could tell from the look on his face that he was puzzled by my behaviour.

I couldn't deny it, I had really enjoyed gagging myself with his briefs a few days ago.
I could've gagged myself with something clean, yet I voluntarily went through his dirty laundry hamper to find something a little smelly to plug my mouth with.
So why was I having so much trouble accepting my gag now?
What it because the briefs weren't Nick's, or was it because part of me wasn't ready to openly accept the dark impulses that made my crotch tingle?

True, Shawn's briefs were a lot muskier than the briefs I'd gagged myself with on Monday, but even had they not been so bad, I'd probably be just as pissed off about all this as I was right now.

"Mmgghh...ugghhmmppf." I mouthed out, unable to formulate any kind of defence from under the massive wad of smelly man-cloth plugging my mouth up.

The blue eyed hunk scratched his head and looked down at me with a look of confusion painted across his handsome face.

"You're a real nutcase, you know that?" he offered, smirking cockily before putting a hand over my sobbing head and running his fingers through my hair.

I couldn't really blame him for being puzzled.
Just a few short moments ago, I'd confessed to having a thing for being bound up and gagged against my will.
And now here I was, making a scene and crying out in genuine anger and frustration.

"Want me to take your gag out?" he asked, after a few seconds of silent contemplation.
Something about my face, the sounds I was making and the amount of tears streaming down my eyes, must've alerted him that something wasn't right.

"Uhggh! Ugghhmmpphppmm..." I cried out, giving the hunky stud my best set of puppy eyes as I sucked on his cousin's nasty briefs.

I couldn't respond properly, but in an uncharacteristic display of concern, Nick decided to pull the dreaded material out of my mouth anyway.

I coughed and sputtered as fresh tears ran down my face.
Shawn had to be pretty hairy down there, 'cause I must've had at least half a dozen pubes lining my mouth and tongue by the time that gag was pulled out.

"You okay?" Nick asked, allowing me to cough and stretch my jaw out in an effort to ease the strain caused by the tight stuffing. "What's wrong? Something I didn't do right?" he asked, quickly picking my chin back up and pressing me for some sort of explanation.

It was then I understood that this was as much for me as it was for him.
Nick had dressed this whole thing up as though it was a punishment for my earlier misdeeds, but he was probably just trying to satisfy my urges and find out exactly what it was that turned me on so much.

"Nick...please. I don't want that thing in my mouth." I cried out, eyeing the giant, saliva-soaked briefs with a look of dread before quickly lowering my eyes down in submission.

"How come? You want me to gag you with mine instead?" he asked, chuckling lightly as though he expected me to say "yes".

I quickly shook my head no and cast my gaze back down on the leather couch.

"I don't get it. I thought you fuckin' enjoyed this..." he suddenly mumbled, running a hair over his short hair and scratching his head, betraying his deeply puzzled state.

I just lied there and remained quiet. I didn't know what I wanted. I just knew I didn't wanna gag on Shawn's musky underwear. I had no idea why my manhood was pulsing wildly beneath me though. Part of me was definitely enjoying this, but I didn't understand why.

"Well...there's no way I'm letting you go now. I told you you'd spend some time tied up and I mean it. Now you know I can easily force these back inside your mouth, eh?" he asked, picking up his cousin's soggy briefs and
causing me to quickly nod my head up and down.
"Yes, Sir." I immediately whimpered, lowering my eyes down and taking extra care to keep my tone soft and submissive.

"You wouldn't be too happy about that, now would you?" he continued, puffing his broad chest up and smiling cockily down at me.

"No, Sir." I offered, speaking calmly and doing my best to stroke the sexy blond Alpha's overgrown ego.

Nick chuckled and got up before walking out of the living room.
I watched as he disappeared into the washroom and heard him shuffling around for a while before finally coming back out with something else to stuff my mouth with.

"Alright." he said, showing me the super thick, heavily-holed wool sock he'd fished out of his hamper.

I remember having sniffed one of those back on Monday afternoon, when I was looking through his stuff to find an adequate gag.

It wasn't as bad as Shawn's briefs or some of the other socks at the bottom of the hamper, but it still smelled really strong and carried Nick's rather, distinctive foot odour.

I remember having ruled the sock out as a potential gag item, not only because of it's foul smell, but also because of how big and thick it was.

Understandably, I was more than a little apprehensive about Nick's plan to shove that thing between my lips now.

"Since you're fussy and too much of a princess to deal with my cousin's briefs, I'm gonna have to gag you with one of my old work socks." he explained, grabbing my hair and lifting my head up to show me the enormous sock he was holding. "How does that sound?" he asked, sitting down in front of my face and holding his sock up, right in front my eyes.

"Uhg!" I complained, crinkling my nose up and beginning to fight my bonds anew.

My handsome god's beautiful face immediately lit up into a cocky smirk as my displeasure made itself apparent.
The sock he chose smelled real strong and he knew it.

"What's a matter, boi? Having second thoughts?" he laughed, grabbing my hair and holding my head up off the couch.

I twisted my face up into a grimace once again, but that did little to dissuade the big, brutish stud from making me sniff his putrid stinker.

"Haha! Wanna sniff your gag?" he teased, dangling the smelly thing right over my mouth and nose.

"No! Uhhmmrrph." I protested, closing my mouth and desperately trying to twist my head away.

Nick laughed and chuckled as I fought.
I struggled like mad against the tight hogtie and wanted nothing more than to get away from the stench of my hunky captor's pungent work sock.

Suddenly, I wasn't so sure whether or not Nick's sock was any better than the briefs I'd been gagging on.
I didn't get much time to think about it though. The big, muscular blond bully was apparently really anxious to get my mouth plugged up.

"Open up, sock boi." he cheerfully ordered.

At first, I refused to obey and kept my jaw clamped shut while attempting to wrestle my head out of his vice-like grip. Nick found it funny at first, but ended up quickly losing patience.

"Come on, open up! Eat my sock." he ordered, this time in a much harsher, more serious tone.

I knew better than to give Nick a hard time, so without testing his patience further, I obeyed and opened my mouth up to accommodate his big, putrid, cheesy old sock.

I was hoping to get at least a word out, but that didn't happen.
I barely got the chance to part my lips, that Nick's strong fingers began forcing the massive sock inside my yapper.
"Yeah, there we go." he mumbled, forcing his thick, smelly sock in between my stretched lips and stuffing my cheeks up 'till they bulged.

I coughed and gagged, but the brutish hunk just ignored me and used his giant arm muscles to plug my yapper up and make me eat his big, putrid stinker.

"Mmmrrpph." I protested, unable to work anything out past the sock that was quickly invading my mouth.

"There. Haha! No more talking." Nick laughed, shoving the large gag in all the way and ignoring my protests.

Ugh. Even from within my mouth, I could smell the rancid fumes coming out of that thing!

I couldn't close my jaw or put my lips together with the huge stinker filling up my mouth, but Nick didn't mind and quickly grabbed the big roll of black gaffer tape before plastering it over my mouth and head.

"Let's make sure your gag doesn't go anywhere." he mumbled, arms and shoulders bulging as he wrapped the sticky black adhesive over my stuffed mouth.

Thick, heavy-duty tape was wrapped around my lower face and head five or six times, sealing the sock in and stopping me from crying for help or getting even the smallest of words out.

Had the tape not been the extra-sticky, extra-wide, industrial grade kind, Nick would've probably wrapped twice as many layers around my head. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, all his stuff was construction grade instead of commercial grade, meaning the tape he kept was generally quite a bit stronger and wider than what you'd find at a convenience store.

"Mmmphh." I cried out, as the hunk put the tape down on the table and sat down on the couch to observe his handy work.

"What's that?" he asked, picking my chin up and eyeing me intently as I tried to cope with the taste and size of his giant wool sock.

"Ugghm. Ughmm...mmgh!." I tried responding, giving the brute my best set of puppy eyes in the hopes of obtaining his pity.

"Yeah. I bet." he chuckled, purposefully ignoring my heavily muffled whimpers and protests.
There was no getting around it.
That was one heck of a gag!

The next hour was probably one of the worse hours I'd ever endured.
Nick spent the entire time tickling my ribs, tickling my exposed feet, digging his fingers into my inner thighs, tickling my stomach and using his powerful toothbrush against me.

"Bzzzzzzzzzz..." the brush buzzed as it was turned on.
I cried and whimpered in anticipation, wiggling my hopelessly bound feet in an effort to escape the torturous, spinning bristles.

Nick didn't care though. He was horny as hell and enjoying himself way too much to stop what he was doing.

"MMMPH! MMNNPPH!" I cried out, eyes bursting wide open and body tensing up as soon as the dreaded toothbrush came down on my soles.

I coughed, gagged and practically choked on my hunky captor's giant sock, but Nick didn't give a shit.
"Yeah, you're fucked." he mumbled, bringing the spinning bristles down against my other foot.

It got so bad, that at one point, I thought I was either gonna pass out or choke and die.
I tried telling him to stop, tried telling him that I couldn't take it, but he didn't listen and kept on attacking my defenceless feet and tickling my super sensitive soles.

The hunk was horny as hell, and I spent almost the whole time with my head caught between his giant thighs and my face right up against his huge, nylon-clad boner.

"Watcha gonna do, bitch? Watcha gonna do?" he laughed, tickling my soles relentlessly and taking full advantage of the fact that I was strung up incredibly tight and gagging on his oversized work sock.

"Uugghhmm! Uggghmmhmhm!" I cried and coughed, choking on the massive wad of smelly wool that kept my mouth plugged tight.

The big, putrid sock just filled my mouth up to bursting and kept me from being able to close my jaw. And that extra sticky tape he'd wrapped around my face, was NOT coming off.

To this day, I'm still unsure about whether or not this was supposed to be my punishment for having tied myself up on Monday, but it didn't matter. I remember promising myself I'd never EVER tie myself up again if it meant being trussed up, gagged and tickled against my will afterwards.

Unfortunately, my deeply repentant spirit didn't do much to dissuade my horny blond captor from tickling me senseless.

I was bound up ridiculously tight and couldn't even get the faintest protest out past the monstrous wad he's stuffed inside my mouth.

My body trembled under the blue-eyed hunk's ministrations and my screams and coughs sporadically gave way to bursts of crying and forced laughter.

The stud's gigantic nylon-clad boner smothered my gagged face, causing his thin nylon trackies to clog my nose up each time my nostrils flared open for air.

I was ticklish beyond reason, and Nick knew that better than anyone.

He didn't care about our size and weight difference and didn't care about the fact that I was a scrawny twig compared to him.

The two-meter tall brute was quite content to crush me down and use his giant arm muscles to truss my smaller form up and knot me down extremely tight.

Even while bound up and whimpering for mercy, there was no room for sympathy in his heart.
It didn't matter to him that I was scrawny, bound up and completely defenceless. The big muscle-King took great joy in muffling my protests by forcefully jamming his putrid sock inside my mouth, even though it was too big and smelled terrible.

The tickling was definitely the icing on the cake, so-to-speak.
He knew it drove me crazy. Yet I wasn't allowed to defend myself and or even call for help.
I was, quite literally, stuck inside my own special kinda hell, and the only way out for me was through Master Nick's tender mercies.

This did NOT bode well for me.