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Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 10 (Sep. 15, 2023)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:17 pm
by Lucky Lottie
That gag is so cruel... love it.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 10 (Sep. 15, 2023)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:09 pm
by AlexUSA3
Lucky Lottie wrote: 9 months ago That gag is so cruel... love it.
It would be a shame if I made an even more sinister version of that gag, wouldn't it? :twisted:


It was a bound and gagged Samantha who sat there quietly looking back and forth from one set of bonds to the other. How could scarves keep her captive like this so permanently? How could Nichole so casually help the captive use the restroom with no qualms whatsoever; Sammy, for one, was very glad she had done her daily constitutional on the RV despite her misgivings about bilge tanks.

Nichole had been absolutely helpless for real at two points in her life. There was a time when she was so helpless she had suffered a catheter for 48 hours. It was a time through which both Janie and Nichole had lived, the former staying by her side all night long as part of a rotating constant companionship that made sure a friend was by Nichole’s side every hour of the day. Even still, there were those days where Nichole was in so much pain that she needed crutches to perform the mundane daily routines.

“Mmmm!” Sammy moaned and blinked three times.
“I have them right here!” Nichole pulled a case out of her purse and put Sammy’s glasses on her face.

Sammy’s face remained so constant that even Nichole struggled to distinguish happiness, stress, mischief, and sadness from each other. After relief, Nichole led the rower, who now regained some of her happiness, back out to the wooded porch that looked down the gentle incline toward the Lake. It was amazing to see such a big body of water once again, especially for one girl who had never seen the ocean and one who didn’t remember the times she had.

The sight mesmerized the two young women while the captive was squeezed onto the chair with her captor. They scanned the horizon and spotted the tiny things that made the scene magical, like the small archipelago of islands, the largest of which was maybe half the size of a soccer (football) pitch. Those islands, the two knew, would be the site of their pirate adventure, and the furthest of the four was only about 100 feet (30 meters) from shore. Waves gently splashed up against the shore and made the ferocious lake seem much gentler than it could be at its worst.

Janie and Lauren stood at the strong deck railing and enjoyed the feeling of the ocean breeze in their face and hair with the top of Janie’s purple kerchief blowing around as well. She enjoyed the scene so much she didn’t even realize that Lauren had come up behind her. Lauren looked at Nichole, and the latter quietly stood up and made sure Samantha was comfy in her spot and reached into her bag for a piece of white rope.

“Let’s go!” Lauren started the simple tickling of Janie Rondell with a hand over her mouth.
“Let’s do this!” Nichole pounced on the helpless girl and began tying her wrists together.

Lauren pressed Janie into the deck with all of her weight so that Nichole had the least resistance possible to tie her ankles and thighs. They just needed Janie out of the way for long enough for them to have a conversation without her. Lauren couldn’t resist using a 3-inch orange rubber ball on Janie’s mouth, and she passed a black bandana through it to gag her sister, whose teeth even fit right into the grooves of the ball. Similarly, the older sister couldn’t resist unbuttoning Janie’s shirt.

Nichole tied Janie’s elbows together so that they touched. Lauren added a waist rope that nicely doubled as a crotch rope while Nichole tied a simple breast harness. Once they had done all they needed to do, the duo stood up and shook hands with pride over their sneakiness. Photos and videos of Janie were of necessity to both captors.

“Let’s go,” Lauren asked Nichole to follow her, “Zack, watch the girls.”
“What’s the bait for, Miss Bad-ss?” Nichole asked as soon as they were indoors.
“Lose that game tonight. Lose it on purpose,” Lauren ordered her.
“What? Why? I want a Sammy stuffie!”
“Because it’s the best opportunity for Sammy to finally see the lovable side of my sister! And then just think, you’ll be down there under the floor where you’ll likely either get spooned or f-cked or both.”
“Wellllllll… that’s true,” Nichole paused and thought about it, “I’ll get you back for this.”

They conversed while getting dinner together. While they might not have been home, they still needed to eat! At the same time, Janie lay face down on the deck bound similarly to Sammy, but with rope, wondering why she had been kidnapped so suddenly. The massive orange ball was at the edge of her comfort, but her massive body handled it much better than Sammy’s. She didn’t want to stay face down like this though.

“Mmmph!” Janie sat up and looked at her co-captive.
“Ello!” Sammy decided to be friendly and tried to wave.
“Hi!” Janie similarly failed.

Someone got the memo that Janie loved crotch ropes, and they made this one so tight that she couldn’t budge her arms without yanking on it. Drool poured off her face and right onto her chest. At that moment, she decided she did want to escape but accepted that she would have to go through an orgasm to get to it. Escaping involved shimmying and wiggling her bound arms and the tight harness and crotch rope that accompanied those. The rope against her crotch was working against her as best as it could, and she felt herself slowly warming inside until…

“MMMMMMMM! AUGH!” she winced and stretched herself out.

That stretch caused her to slide down to the floor again, and she attempted to resume shaking off the somewhat loose bonds on her arms. Sammy watched the strong softball players escape while wondering how these same methods weren’t working for her. Janie shook the ropes off her arms and lay still for a minute before sitting herself up to extricate the rest of her body. The escapee walked into the cabin with a middle finger each for Nichole and Lauren and a smile on her face.

“She’s daring us to tie her up again!” Nichole laughed at the young girl.
“Look at the glow in her eye and the squirm in her step; she jerked off and liked it,” Lauren bumped fists with her sister who then removed the gag.
“That gag is awesome; you need to try it, sis! You know I’d love being tied up, but let’s wait just in case I lose that game later,” Janie said and went back outside.

Sammy wasn’t moving too much anymore. Her struggles had reduced from active and happy to occasional happy mews with minimal movement. To Janie it was the telltale sign of boredom, but she did not want to free the captive after all, including Sammy, had agreed to the terms of the challenge.

“Would you like that gag taken out?” Janie asked her.
“Mmm,” Sammy shrugged and looked down.
“Look at me,” Janie gently pulled Sammy’s face up, “You’re bored, aren’t you?”
“Mmmm,” Sammy tried to look away again.
“How about I change your gag to something without stuffing and tickle you, hmm?” Janie smiled at her, “Maybe a drink too.”

Tickling sounded good to Samantha, and she agreed to the swap. Janie unknotted the scarf and took the unsanitary wad out of her mouth. She eagerly accepted Janie’s offering of lemonade before Sweet Red, Ken’s 2 inch (5 cm) ball gag entered her mouth and was secured. For Sammy, this was the first real effort she had given Janie, and she found herself on her back on the deck.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Sammy started cackling into the gag.
“Oh, my goodness, look at those two!” Nichole said from indoors.
“Finally at it, are they?” Lauren felt some hope springing within her.
“Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, but at least Sammy’s finally trying,” the Gangsta Queen grinned.

Sammy laughed heartily while Janie tortured her ribs and legs with her fingers. Janie might not have had Nichole’s magic touch, but she had her own pleasant way. Even in torture, Janie’s genuine congeniality could be felt on her fingertips. Perhaps there was a person with whom she could get along after all.

Janie remembered when she first visited Minnesota Tech at Lauren’s suggestion… and walked into an apartment with Nichole having tied up all of the residents! By the end of the day, Janie had been kidnapped and tickled, which turned out to be a fantastic way to smooth over the initial misgivings! By the end of the weekend, she’d made new friends for life!

Now, she hoped tickling would work the same magic since she knew Sammy and Nichole considered it a staple of TUGs. Sammy drooled a lot because of the red ball gag in her mouth, but she didn't mind. Much of the pre-existing tension in her body disappeared under Janie’s fingertips.

“Girls, almost time to eat!” Lauren announced.
“Would you like to have Gangsta Queen feed you?” asked the Gangsta Jock.
“Mmm hmm!” nodded the Gangsta Row.
“Let's get you and her set up at our lovely table then,” Janie helped her up.

Dinner was the kind of affair expected: friends laughing and enjoying each other's company on a beautiful evening in late spring. It seemed impossible to believe that Janie would have her Master of Science by the end of the summer term when she still could not drink a glass of wine. For the first time, Sammy actually let herself act as she normally did when home alone with the Petersen’s even if that mostly meant just laughing at jokes.

Then, Janie and Nichole took Sammy and went into the RV to play their game of fate. One was going to be a captive, and one was going to be a captor and possessor of the world’s most adorable stuffie. Phase 10 was usually Nichole's card game of choice for such ventures, and this time was no different.

Nichole made her suicide mission seem to be true chance instead of what it really was. A natural with this game had no trouble covering her actions. Sammy had the red ball gag back in her mouth, but it was apparent that Janie's lead made her a bit anxious especially once she started squirming and whimpering. Despite an exciting afternoon, she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable with being Janie's prisoner all night.

“Boom, there we go,” Janie laid down her cards to end the game.
“Well, Sammy, I tried to win you, but I failed,” Nichole groaned and slumped.
“That was a good game, but now the fun begins for you,” the winner was gracious.
“Mmmmm!” Sammy wailed.

Janie was now going to have her way with these two gorgeous young women! She had a surprise planned for each one of them.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 11 (Sep. 18, 2023)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:14 pm
by AlexUSA3

Nichole leaned back in her chair and looked at Chris first and Sammy second. There was no doubt that she had been defeated, but she knew in her heart that her defeat was by design. Sammy let out a sigh with concern about what would happen to her now that she was officially Janie's captive and no longer in Nichole's care.

“Well, you may do so many things to me. Which will you choose?” Nichole grinned and crossed her arms in front of her chest with a confident smile.
“I haven't decided,” Janie stood up, “I thought for sure I’d lose.”

Janie surveyed Nichole's body and tried to imagine that small helpless girl getting hammered by the seemingly harmless Chris. Rarely did he actually hammer her when she was tied up, but Janie naturally hadn't such knowledge. Inspiration struck Janie after some thought.

“Stand up and strip to your underwear, Gangsta Queen!”
“All right,” Nichole stood from her chair.

Nichole stripped for Chris’s attention alone. A dramatic flourish accompanied every motion as she removed her shirt and shorts and threw them to her husband who caught them with ease. She made a comment about “losing her Gangsta” when she removed her bandana and also tossed it to him. Now, she had just her underwear.

“May I remove your bra before going further?” Janie tested the limits.
“No. That's for Chris tonight. Always ask.”

Without any resistance, Janie turned Nichole around and began the combination of arm and chest ropes that were necessary for a box tie and breast harness. A smile grew on Nichole's face, and she looked at her husband and winked while her arms were secured. Their faces told Janie that this was not the first time she’d been given to him for bondage sex.

“I’ll get you for this,” Nichole warned her.

In the interest of simplicity, Janie only bound Nichole's ankles and thighs. Already, she was done with Nichole's binding and nearly ready to hand her over. The only part left was the gag, and Janie made sure it was special: Ken’s bright green head harness ball gag with black straps.

“Mmmm!” Nichole sensually groaned as the straps were secured.
“That,” Janie buckled the last strap, “Is it. Here you are.”
“Hmmmm,” Nichole hopped toward Chris, stared up into his eyes, and sighed deeply.
“Thanks, Janie,” Chris smiled at her and opened the hatch.
“Chris, give her 20 taps on the rump for us,” Janie requested.
“As you asked, 20, for this naughty Gangsta!”

Before turning her attention to Sammy, Janie took off her clothes and put on a pair of black trainers to match her black bra and a black elastic headband to keep her hair out during any play. She gave Ken a goodnight kiss and then turned to the helpless Gangsta Row. Janie felt she knew the right steps to take.

“Let's go over here,” Janie dragged Sammy to the front passenger seat and sat down.
“Mmmph,” Sammy was on Janie's lap and face-to-face with her.
“Would you like that gag out?”
“Eh,” Sammy shrugged and took a deep breath.
“Would you be happy if I untied you? Come on,” Janie peered into the rower's eyes, “Be honest.”
“Mmm hmm,” Sammy nodded.

Janie immediately began untying Sammy at each and every point. The strong rower rubbed her wrists and legs before removing the gag. She trembled a little and started to walk away but paused for a moment.

“Thank you,” she quietly spoke with her back to Janie.
“How would you like to tie me the same with the same scarves?” Janie asked her.
“Why did you untie me?” Sammy turned and seemed utterly confused.
“Because you said it would make you happy.”
“That,” she pulled her bandana off her head and began playing with the knot, “I don't understand.”
“You seemed bored, and I want you to be happy and to have fun.”
“Would,” she continued her fidgeting, “You truly be happy as my stuffie?”
“Yes, Sammy,” Janie stood up and smiled, “It would make me very happy.”
“OK. Let’s play.”

Janie sat down and allowed Sammy to use the same scarves and bind her wrists, elbows, chest below her boobs, chest above her boobs, waist, crotch, ankles, knees, and thighs. Sammy took her time with each bond to make sure they were tight but not dangerous and knotted properly.

SMACK!, “18! For kidnapping Sammy!”
SMACK!, “19! For throwing that game!”
SMACK!, “20! For being a Gangsta!”
“Ohhh,” Nichole sighed and looked at Chris with pleading eyes.
“Now,” he pulled her underwear down, “Here goes.”
“Oh!” she groaned erotically upon doggy-style penetration.

Nichole was blessed, in a sense, to have a husband who always waited until she had also been pleased before he would exit her body. His hands softly squeezes her boobs while he moved within her. Even while bound and gagged, and in this case gagged with a humiliating head harness, sex was like this for Nichole with her mostly quiet with soft moans and deep sighs. A quiet “Mmmmm” came when he had filled her, and a long “Ohhhhhhhh” came when she finally got the chance to wet herself.

Tonight, this was as intense as it got: spanking and erotic groaning. Rarely did they play CNC style games, and in those cases what was permitted on Chris’s part was very different than what had just occurred. She continued to sensually writhe about until they had repeated, although on seconds it was she who was wet first. Except for the sound of the spanking, they were so quiet one couldn't hear them.

“Is this OK?” Sammy asked Janie as she nervously put her bandana back on.
“I think so. Would you like to gag me, take me out, and tease me however you like?”
“Ummmmmm… I’m not sure…,” she got red faced because she had been imagining just those things, “Would you like that?”
“Definitely!” Janie hopped up, “Come on!”
“Well… Outside? Really?” Sammy wouldn't look at Janie.
“Come on!” Janie got down and looked up at Sammy with that amicable grin of hers.
“You're contagious,” Sammy finally looked at Janie and smiled back, “We can do it.”
“Sweet! Throw the kitchen sink at me. I can take anything as long as it's reasonable.”
“Pardon? I don't know that expression,” Sammy looked bewildered.
“Ask if it's dangerous,” Janie smiled too, “You probably should gag me.”
“Good idea,” Sammy grabbed her orange rubber ball, still with the same black bandana in it as before, and made it gay Janie for the second time of the day.

Sammy led Janie out onto the RV pad and down the short path toward a gazebo where it was dark but they were truly alone. The rower wasn't sure what to think of this, but she had finally seen something that she herself could love in the Gangsta Jock: a spirit that genuinely wanted others to be happy. All Janie wanted was for Sammy to enjoy a vacation with friends, and she was about to enjoy some torture.

“Let's see what you're like with the things I love,” Sammy started with spanking.
“Hmph!” that was a strong hand!
“How old are you, Janie?”
“Hwenhy!” came back in the legendary Hmph language.
“Well, then, how about I give you twenty spanks?” Sammy asked but didn’t give Janie a choice.
SMACK!... pause…
SMACK!... pause…
SMACK!... pause…
SMACK!... longer pause…
SMACK!... pause…
SMACK!... pause…
SMACK!... longer pause… drawing out… awkward silence now.
“Oh, darn, I lost count,” Sammy was mischievous and sarcastic, “I’ll restart and count aloud.”

Sammy started again, and this time she counted out loud. She did not lose her count this time, and she delivered her spanks with enough strength that every third or fourth elicited a wail from Janie. Finally, twenty spanks were given, and the Gangsta Jock let out a happy groan because her butt was sore.

“Let’s try this,” Sammy pulled on Janie’s braid.
“MMM! UGH!” a squeal accompanied that type of attack.
“Well, you liked that too… How about tickling?”
“Ooohhhh ha ha ha haaa!” started when the fingers dug into her ribcage.

Sammy had her own approach by having Janie sit in her lap so she could wrap her arms around the victim while she kicked her legs uselessly. The rower’s fingers pushed deep into Janie much like her sister’s fingers did. Drool poured down her face from the perfectly-sized rubber ball that gagged her, and Sammy soon added a couple of hard jerks on the crotch scarf.

“Mmmmmm!” Janie’s groan wasn’t much, but the change in her breathing rate was detectable.
“One last test,” Sammy crushed Janie’s boobs.
“Mmmmmm!” repeated the captive, and she writhed in an interesting way.
“I’m not pushing you further tonight, but I have an idea of where I’m comfortable with you.”

Sammy made Janie hop back to the RV and helped her up the stairs. Before putting her to bed, Sammy added a strip of microfoam tape to her new acquaintance’s gag to keep the drool from getting out of control. With some pushing and scrambling, both girls were comfortably in the bed. After kicking off her shoes and tossing her socks, Sammy pulled the covers over both of them to enjoy a night with a Janie stuffie.

“Mmmmm!” Nichole groaned down in the undercarriage.

Chris had added a black bandana blindfold, loosening and retightening the head harness ball gag in order to do so. She was now completely naked with her legs bound in five places, three below the knees and two above, and a crotch rope had been added with a bandana against her crotch to absorb any liquid. A bit of string bound her big toes.

“Mmmmmmm!” she was in his arms, safe and sound, and having her breasts erotically squeezed.
“Shhhhhh,” he quieted her with his voice.

Nichole hadn’t experienced this particular marital game in at least 3 months. This was all there was to it, erotically contact from him to her until she could take no more. If his junk inside her body was her favorite way to get wet, then this was her second favorite. The only problem was that the gag left her unable to give him real kisses, but this didn’t stop her from trying.

“Ohhhhh,” she quietly exhaled after the second time this had done its duty, and she quit moving.
“Are you done?” he whispered into her ear while softly playing with her hair.
“Mmm hmm,” she nodded gently
“Would you like the gag to come off then?” he asked her.
“Mmm hmm,” she repeated her nodding and waited for it to be removed before speaking, “I love you. Before we finish, I want a smoothie.”

Unlike her friends Janie and Lauren, one would not find the typical marks in the back of the throat on Nichole. A rough deep play wasn’t their style, and it was a sensation that Nichole enjoyed without understanding why. Little was said after they were done except the two most important phrases.

“I love you.”
“Good night.”

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 12 (Sep. 22, 2023)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:24 pm
by AlexUSA3
@Lucky Lottie @GreyLord @slackywacky


Janie had slept comfortably and peacefully in the arms of Sammy. It seemed all was well between the two girls… Until 6:14 AM came around.

PLUNK, Janie hit the floor after accidentally rolling out of the bed.
“Wha?!” Ken woke up from the sound.

Ken came right over to check on his wife. He helped her over to the dinette and unknotted the gag. Such gave Janie the opportunity to undo all the progress made.

“You f-cking b-tch! You threw me out of the bed on purpose!”
“I did not! I woke up after you started wailing! I’m sorry!” Sammy was shaken.
“F-ck you, you're a f-cking liar!” Janie snarled.
“I don't have to listen to this!” Sammy, tears in her eyes, stepped out of the RV.
“She was telling the truth!” Ken groaned.
“Oh, don't take her side! She's a twat!” Janie was red with anger.
“I’m not! Quit looking for excuses to be angry!”

Janie started shaking. She was infuriated, and she was having none of the excuses until she stood up and saw Sammy cowering and crying all alone outside. Either she was a baby, or Ken was telling the truth.

“I think I’m going to turn you over to Nichole and Lauren for your punishment!”
“My punishment?!” that immediately reignited the fire, “F-ck you too, Ken Rondell! I ought toomph!”

Ken was having none of this profanity and returned the gag to her mouth. He was impressed by Nichole and Chris’s ability to keep out of other's affairs. He dragged Janie over to the bathroom, shut the door, and turned on the fan.

“-et -e -o, -ou hrick!” Janie was out of control with her rage while the crotch scarf was removed.
“You need a lesson!” Ken exposed her crotch.
“-ou -ould -ever!” Janie realized what was coming.
“You're being a monster!”
“Hring it on!” a strange fire was in her eyes.
“What’s your choice? Ass, or being spanked by Lauren while buck naked?”

Outside, tears rolled down Sammy’s cheeks while she audibly sobbed on the front deck that overlooked the Lake. Lauren, who was awake already, heard her and came outside. Nothing was going to be said until the Russian rower was ready. She merely motioned for Lauren to come closer so she could hug her friend.

“OWWWWW!” Janie wailed into the gag and started crying and wondering if she deserved it.

Janie had never even wanted to experiment with anal sex. First, it totally disgusted her; second, it was strongly against her strongly held beliefs; third, it hurt like hell! Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she knew she had really upset Ken if he was doing this to her. Worse than all of that, though, was her conviction that she was 100% correct.

“-AT’TH IT?!” she shrieked when Ken climaxed after under a minute.
“Seeing you tied up made me horny; you don’t deserve to be pleased after what you did.”
“UNHIE -E!” she was completely irascible.
“What the heck are you two still screaming about?” Nichole calmly knocked on the door.
“Get out there!” Ken picked Janie up by the scarves and shoved her out, “Untie her.”

Janie collapsed on the bed as an exposed and recently anally tortured captive and started crying quite loudly. Nichole rolled her eyes because she started to believe that perhaps Sammy was right about Janie being stunted at 14, but she also suspected that Janie just so strongly believed that she had been wronged and that she deserved justice for what had happened before. Despite the danger, Nichole removed the gag.

“I tried so hard last night; I let Sammy tie me up and torture me so she could get comfortable with me, and she does this!” Janie wouldn’t let it go.
“Did you consider,” Nichole grabbed Janie’s head, “That perhaps Sammy told the truth?”
“I… of course not!”
“Calm down and listen to me. Janie, you’re a smart young girl. Quit being a prissy brat and be calm. Even if you’re being a monster right now, I know inside you is one of sweetest girls I have ever known.”
“I’m… I’ll… OK,” Janie knew she could trust the Gangsta Princess.
“Look at the bed! She forgot to close the gate last night!” Nichole pointed to the hole.
“Now I suppose you will claim that Sammy never lies…,” an eye roll showed that Janie wasn’t convinced, but it meant she was listening and thinking.
“Actually, she doesn’t, just like you. She hides or goes silent instead,” the bubble was burst.
“I’m… I should have ended myself that night,” Janie mumbled despondently.
“None of that!” those words hurt Nichole worse than Janie, “Now, I’m giving you a chance to get out of these scarves. You have to suck off Kenny and apologize to him and apologize to Sammy before I will untie you.”
“Don’t side with them! Nichole, is… they… I’m wrong, aren’t I?”
“What’ll it be?”

Janie grimaced at the thought. She knew they were right; Sammy didn’t seem capable of being vindictive like that. Ken had never lied to her before, so why would he start? Nichole was just as loyal to Sammy as to her, so she would only side with the person she knew in her heart to be correct.

“I’m sorry, Nichole,” Janie started the difficult process.
“Was that so bad?” Nichole took a black bandana and blindfolded Janie with it.
“It’s that I have to admit I was wrong and… that I said some awful things.”
“It’s all right,” Nichole pulled her bra up.
“What are you doing?!” Janie squirmed and tried to pull away.
“Getting you ready to apologize to Kenny.”

Nichole knocked on the door and demanded Ken take his wife back because she urgently needed the bathroom. It wasn’t a lie at all; Janie urgently needed to give her husband a blowjob. Seeing his exposed wife caused an instant twitch in him. He sat her on the toilet, and she immediately opened her mouth for him.

Nichole felt a bit cruel taking advantage of things like that. She didn’t understand just why Janie and Lauren’s husbands were so easily aroused by the sight of their wife bound and gagged, but she had used it to great effect over the past year! It was nice for her because it was as simple as one of them being horny.

Ken was impressed by how naturally Nichole handled the role of peacekeeper and knew that Janie was asking for oral. Both privately wondered if Nichole used it as a way to smooth over differences with her own husband. Janie worked her way up to a second pushing of her husband, and she knew having to take oral was Nichole’s way of crushing her pride a little bit.

“I’m sorry, baby,” Janie was quite crestfallen.
“I forgive you,” he gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiled a little.
“Come into the shower with me?” he asked her.
“Please don’t untie me. Only Nichole or Sammy may do that.”

Outside, Lauren provided a source of comfort to Sammy and lended herself as a listening ear and a source of hugs. As shown by how Lauren and Sammy were sitting on the porch swing with the rower tightly squeezing Lauren, they had developed a special friendship of their own. Sammy could never replace her late godmother, but Lauren naturally gave the same kind of guiding love.

“Lauren… Last night…,” Sammy briefly explained what occurred.
“Sounds to me like you two took a healthy step forward, but with your remaining mutual distrust you two probably should have been more closely supervised last night.”

Sammy nodded in agreement. She had never seen someone so hurt by another’s actions such as she saw in the RV. Lauren quietly sipped her coffee and felt a strange parallel in how the two youths physically manifested sadness. Sammy, however, was more concerned about the soul, while Janie worried more about the heart.

“Hey, babes,” Nichole joined them on the porch swing; her black clothing made her nearly disappear in the still dark scene despite the glow of the sunrise. Black trainers and a black kerchief bandana, with only three-fourths of the flower being visible, were accompanied by a bright blue partial crop top. The Gangsta Queen informed them about only the essential details.

“Thank you, Ken,” Janie, soaking wet, kissed him after her orgasm.
“As you wished,” Ken turned her and squeezed her boobs one last time.
“I love you as well. I am really sorry to you, but I need to apologize to Sammy even more.”

The only dignity Janie got was having her soaked underwear put back where it belongs and her red flip-flops being on her feet. She was left on her own to hop to the front porch where Sammy and the other girls were. A huge lump formed in Janie’s throat while she considered the terrible impression she had left on a girl who had just finished her sophomore year of college; how did the rower think of Lauren now?

Hopping was difficult and slow especially because Ken had put the gag back and removed the blindfold. The crotch scarf was gone, but the tight binding, now quite wet, remained. Slowly but surely she got up the first step, then the second, and then the third onto the main surface. Of course they heard her hops and grunts, but it was her battle to fight. Soon, the captured softball legend sat down in one of the chairs.

“I… hate to say this… it’s so against my nature,” Sammy struggled for words, “I forgive you. It’s my fault for not securing the bed properly.
“Ah’m thorry, Thamantha,” Janie grunted into the rubber ball.
“Just know, Janie, I owe you a major kidnapping,” the Russian remained positive.
“Now, Janie, let’s take that out,” Nichole unknotted the gag.
“AUGH! Thanks, could you please untie me? Sammy?” Janie pleaded.
“You like pushing your luck,” Sammy walked over and began undoing the knots, “Hush, now. Revenge is a dish best served when it’s not expected,” that conversation was over.
“Please, sing that song again.”
“Very well. Let God arise…”

Janie rubbed her wrists in silence while Sammy untied her and then took her wet scarves. Washing and drying was necessary, but the main issue at the moment was the way the two of them were constantly finding ways to upset the other and to get into arguments. If Sammy and Janie were tired of this, how did the others feel having to deal with three fights in 24 hours?

“That’s so Gangsta!” Sammy complimented Nichole’s outfit, “It’s so cute and you!”
“Well, thank you. I normally save crop tops for the bedroom, but I figured we’d be sweating a lot today!” Nichole graciously accepted the compliment.
“Janie, let’s get our Gangsta on,” Sammy motioned to the RV that Chris and Ken were exiting.
“All right,” Janie followed while still full of guilt.

The two silently dressed without much concern of the other attacking, although Janie borrowed Ken’s towel to dry herself off before she put on dry pink underwear and a sports bra. Her long pink ruffle skirt was accompanied by a form-fitting solid brown short-sleeve button-up shirt, and a brown kerchief bandana was held on her head by two white barrettes while her hair was long and free. Brown fake leather sandals were on her feet and came up her ankles 3 inches or so.

“That’s an odd choice,” Sammy frowned a bit.
“It’s my choice, just like I chose to chew you up,” Janie was still disturbed by her actions.

Sammy’s outfit was full of vitality, just like she could be. Navy blue trainers, a bright blue sleeveless t-shirt, and a bright blue bandana headband were accompanied by her typical braid and its white scrunchie. Janie wondered how she could move on, but she didn’t realize she had said her thoughts out loud.

“Janie, it took me 14 years to forgive my father for what he did to me,” Sammy explained.
“If that took 14 years, how can you forgive me in 30 minutes?” Janie looked right into Sammy’s eyes.
“Because I know you mean it. Come here,” Sammy held her arms out for a hug.

Samantha knew she had to approach Janie in the way that made Janie comfortable just as Janie had to adjust to Sammy’s style. The hug worked perfectly as she instinctively accepted the warm embrace of the rower. Both Sammy and Janie felt true peace come over themselves at long last. Janie led the way out of the RV.

“So how was ass?” Lauren ambushed her sister with the question.
“F-cking horrible!” Janie responded without a thought, “And horrible f-cking too. I’m taking a walk down to the lake for 30 minutes; anyone may follow as long as they remain silent.”

Everyone figured that meant Janie wanted to pray in silence without distractions. Silence was, in Sammy’s beliefs, a virtue, and she could easily accept these terms. She didn’t exactly follow and instead kept a distance while Lauren did follow, but Lauren spoke. This was hard for the older sister to watch. Lauren was simply in black trainers, a tiedye t-shirt, and a black bandana headband with her hair in a bun.

“Janie,” Lauren broke the silence of necessity and looked at her sister, “May we do this together? As sisters?”
“Why do you want to do that?” Janie was taken aback.
“Because I’m sorry I protected you at times when you didn’t need it, and I didn’t protect you at the times you needed me most.”
“Let’s pray together then.”

Nichole stood on the deck with a smile on her face. She may have been neither Roman Catholic nor Russian Orthodox, but she appreciated the unwavering faith that those three practiced. From her position, it was a beautiful and moving sight indeed. Caution was needed, however, because the Black Bandana Gang had plans to kidnap the two youngsters after breakfast. Strengthening relationships required giving Sammy and Janie a common cause.

This was how Nichole discovered a genuinely therapeutic approach to TUGs. When someone was in distress, she found a non-consensual kidnapping often helped them to “blow off some steam” by resisting the unwanted captivity. She had first observed this in high school, used it to her advantage in college, and now used it on Sammy and Lauren without either one realizing it. Her reputation as the Gangsta Queen and love of posting humiliating photos and videos helped ensure her captives were upset with her during a “game.” Then she could simply explain what reason she had for the kidnapping.

Nichole tied a white handkerchief over her head as a headscarf to protect her hair and bandana from grease before she went into the small kitchen. She felt a duty to those three down by the water, and that involved making breakfast for her large contingent of guests. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs would make a wonderful homemade breakfast for her three athletic friends and the tall strong Ken.

“I love you so much,” Janie hugged Lauren with almost a bounce.
“Janie’s back!” Lauren grinned and hugged her back.
“She is! Oh, I love you so much! And Nichole too! And I’ll love Sammy too before this week is done!”

Janie looked at Sammy, whom she just noticed, and the rower’s eyes brightened. Sammy said nothing, but Janie and Lauren chattered all the way back to the porch at the front of the lakeside cabin. Hearing this happy side of Janie made a much stronger and more positive impression on the Gangsta Row who now was relishing the opportunities the week may bring them.

Sammy and Janie were about to have their big chance to put their differences aside and finally make things work.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 13 (Sep. 25, 2023)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:41 pm
by Lucky Lottie
Hopefully that's the last fight those two have for a long time.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 13 (Sep. 25, 2023)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:11 pm
by AlexUSA3
@Lucky Lottie @GreyLord @slackywacky


“Oh, Nichole, you didn’t have to do this!” Janie jumped up the stairs onto the porch.
“Yes, I did. For my friends,” Nichole said through the open window.
“Oh, it smells perfect!” Sammy bounded over to the window and looked at the spread.

Of course, Nichole had done a good job. She wasn’t the most creative chef, but she was good at making those things she knew how to make. The Gangsta Queen was the best hostess of the lot, and it was a skill in which she took pride. She got to relax when Janie and Lauren volunteered to do all the cleanup work, and the boys headed down to the lake to go fishing.

“Well, Sam, let’s go to the shed and get the canoes ready.”
“There are two? Oh, look at that! Are boats of this length canoes?” the rower was impressed.
“I think so!” Nichole laughed, “We just have to inspect them is all.”
“Isn’t it dangerous to use a pond boat on a Great Lake?”
“We only use them to get to the islands, for real!”

The shed had a concrete floor and exposed studs and rafters (that strangely appeared to be painted), but it was sturdily built in order to withstand winter storms and had no holes to remove any need to scream on account of unwanted visitors. Sammy moved the two boats with ease while Nichole got the garden hose ready to wash them off.

By the time the boats were ready to sail, Janie and Lauren were done with the dishes. Gangsta Jock and sister walked out of the cabin and met up with their friends. Janie wisely kept herself far from Sammy despite the peace of the moment; neither one wanted another explosion such as the one before.

“Sammy, I left my sunglasses down in the hatch, would you get them?” Nichole asked her friend.
“Sure thing! I know where you keep them!” Sammy dashed off.
“I left mine in the passenger’s seat as well!” Lauren followed her, “Watch the baby!”

In the RV, Sammy went down into the hatch, and Lauren wedged a block of wood to block said hatch, another devilish creation of Ken or his siblings. She dashed out of the RV and back to Nichole and Janie. Being a natural kidnapper, Lauren showed no signs of treachery in her body language or her face.

“Sammy taken care of?” Nichole asked.
“Long enough!” Lauren smiled and grabbed her little sister just as she had the prior day.
“GRMPH!” Janie moaned as she was wrestled to the earth.

The first phase was simple. Nichole bound Janie’s elbows, wrists, and ankles with the victim’s own rough brown rope, and Lauren gagged the girl with one of the 2.5 inch rubber balls, an orange one, and a pink bandana. They dragged the girl into the shed and out of sight.

“Lauren, didn’t you hear me calling out? The hatch locked on me!” Sammy rounded the corner, “I had to climb out the window!”
“No, I didn’t!” Lauren acted like she was shocked.
“Where’s your sister?”
“I thought she might have gone looking for you,” Nichole said, “But we found her!”

The door of the shed moved out to reveal the bound and gagged Janie on the concrete floor. Sammy immediately could tell from the body language that this was a kidnapping. If Janie was kidnapped, then the locked hatch wasn’t an accident. Her fears were confirmed.


The same process was repeated but with Lauren’s rough brown rope binding Sammy’s ankles, wrists, and elbows. Her gag was a bright blue rubber ball and a white bandana instead. This, however, was only the start of what was coming to these two girls.

Now that both were helpless, the real roping began with both girls getting a detailed breast harness that included a pass through the armpits and around the neck and a V in between their breasts. Both got a waist/crotch rope that went under their leg wear but over their underwear. More rope tied their shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs.

Lauren and Nichole gave their best in kidnapping the youngsters and made sure they were rigidly bound. To ensure their silence, seven layers of grey duct tape was added to each girl's gag. Both were forced to sit up by Lauren for Nichole to photograph and film them.

“Let's do this!” Nichole masked herself with a black bandana.
“Copy that!” Lauren did the same.

Now, the kidnapping duo posed for selfies with each girl. They took solo and paired selfies with each girl and with the pair to accompany the other media. Janie and Sammy were forced to accept that they had been kidnapped and that they were stuck for the immediate future.

“Black Bandana Gang rocks!” the kidnappers high-fived each other and pulled their masks down.
“Let's march them down and out!”

The possibility of accidentally killing yourself and others is a good motivator to behave. The girls were marched down to the lake and forced into the bigger of the two canoes. They had to be still lest they capsize the vessel and allow Nichole and Lauren to row them out to the second, and largest, of the four islands while baby was left with his father.

“This is peaceful,” Lauren smiled as she sat down on the soft soil with Janie.
“Which shall we do first… breast torture, crotch teasing, tickling, hair pulling?”
“Gangsta Queen, how could you, of all people, forget spanking?”

Sammy looked at Janie and saw wide eyes staring back at her. That was all, though, before black bandanas blindfolded both girls, and they were rolled onto their stomachs under the shade of the trees. It was time to begin the torture of Samantha Raanta and Janie Rondell.


In perfect tandem, Lauren and Nichole spanked the two damsels-in-distress. Neither could do anything to resist the potent duo, and out here on an island there was no hope for salvation. To make things worse, Janie had a hair caught in her mouth. Neither captive could get a word out because each spank was hard enough to evoke yowls of pain.

When there's hair in your mouth, even spanking can seem minor, and Janie started to work herself into a frenzy trying to get the hair out. Sammy’s shrieks seemed like they were a mile away, and the spanks on her own butt were but uncomfortable pats.
The nuclear option was necessary this time.

SMACK!… “OW! NOOOOOOOO!” she howled in an uncharacteristic way.
“What up, Sis?” Lauren finally stopped.
“What's bothering you?”
“There’th a hair in -y -ag.”
“All right,” the sister stopped to find the hair, “I’ll undo it all if necessary.”

Indeed, Lauren had no choice but to remove the tape from her sister's face. Once that was done, she could pull the strands of hair that had been caught in the corner of her mouth when the first gag was put into her mouth. Instant relief came over Janie and was manifested by an immediate shift in her mood.

“Proceed,” Lauren made a spanking motion while looking at Nichole.
“What a good sister!” Nichole smiled although neither captive could see it.
“Now, babe, I guess you should have worn your hair in a braid after all. Would you like one?”
“Nuh uhh!” shook the captive.
“We’re supposed to be torturing them, not doting on them!” Nichole laughed at this.
“Now, Janie tells me her in-laws call her an Indian Princess. If she’s one, I’m one, and she does deserve to be treated like a princess every so often,” rebuked the protective big sister.
“Oh, get real!”
“Now, we can really make these two suffer,” Lauren unstrapped Janie’s sandals.

Brown fake leather sandals retain odors beautifully because they're worn without any socks. Lauren knew Janie had had this pair for a while, so it would smell amazing. An ace medical bandage was perfect for holding the sandal to the victim's face, and both girls received the glamorous treatment.

“Mmmmm!” Sammy roiled on the stench of her colleague's foot.
“Yuck,” Janie simply whined.
“Enjoying it, my ladies?” taunted Lauren while peeking under Janie’s blindfold.
“No!” came in unison while Janie shot daggers with her eyes.
“I love you too,” she put Janie back in darkness and peered at Sammy.
“Harumph!” Sammy’s glare was sternly disapproving of Lauren’s actions.
“You're so cute.”

Was Lauren deliberately antagonizing Sammy? The rower was quite clear about her likes and dislikes, and Lauren gladly ventured into the realm of her dislikes as long as they weren't hard limits. The smell of Janie’s sandal was horrible, but she wouldn't be barfing over it, at least.

“Mmph!” Janie quietly fought against her crotch rope while Sammy silently enjoyed hers.
“I think they ought to be suspended and tickled!” Nichole suggested.
“That sounds like a blast!” Lauren eagerly jumped on torture.

Suspension, in this case, both agreed, was safer without blindfolds because the eyes let you know when an upside down suspension had reached its limit. The blindfolds were removed and put back in the bag before both girls were hauled up into the air from their ankles. Janie squealed, but Sammy grunted. They were positioned at a perfect height for Nichole to tickle their ribs. To keep Janie’s skirt in place, Nichole tied it down with a red bandana near her ankles.

“BAHHHHH HA HA HAAAAAAA!” Janie burst out.
“Heheh… ha ha… oohh… hah! Ha ha haaaaaa!” Sammy slowly built up from there.

It was again a battle of a squirming rower vs. a thrashing softball player. Janie was being tickled by Tickle Mistress Nichole, so she was being tortured more viciously with fingers getting into her ribs and ankles. Sammy, on the other hand, had the sweet hand of Lauren, a girl who so strongly looked out for other’s needs but also enjoyed pushing the sexual buttons, exploring her belly, legs, and ribs. Lauren had also taken the steps to pull up Sammy’s shirt but not her bra; in turn, Nichole did similar to Janie. by unbuttoning her shirt. Both girls gave fiery glares of disapproval.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” Sammy’s tone became sensual.
“Which did you just do?” Nichole had her back to Lauren at the moment, “Grope her boobs or pull on the crotch rope?”
“Her tits are almost as big as Janie’s!” laughed Lauren.
Nichole chuckled and shook her head, “She is a C, Lauren, and only a little shorter.”
“I think all four of us are C’s!”
“What does boob size matter here?!” Nichole knew Lauren struggled with strange inadequacy there.
“Sammy,” Lauren crouched near her ear, “I bet you’d love a bunch of groping and crotch tugging until you’re wet, right?”

Sammy said nothing but silently nodded, which was just what Lauren wanted to hear. She stood up and gently squeezed her friend and likewise pulled on the crotch rope; the game was to torture and not to please, though. Suddenly, Lauren came in with a bit of violence.

“Fooled you!” Lauren took another whack.

Lauren had told the truth, really. There was no thrill in the actual spanking, but there was a thrill in the reaction. She didn’t enjoy dishing out any pain except in that region which seemed to be her obsession, the boobs. The pleasure was in making Samantha react and get an extra dose of the smell of Janie’s feet.

All the while, Janie howled into her gag much more loudly than before because Nichole decided to switch to the hairbrush for tickling Janie’s feet. The metal prongs were horrible in the hands of a grand master tickler and brought tears to the girl’s eyes; to make matters worse, Nichole had tied Janie’s toes together with electrical tape. So talented was Nichole that she was able to evoke shrieks and howls of laughter from Janie by tickling the girl’s toes let alone the soles or heels of her feet.

The thrashing of the victim even while upside down still was trashing, which meant Janie was tugging on the crotch rope. Nichole, in her own cruelty, wrapped an arm around Janie in a tight hug to prevent that. It was difficult because she had to reach over her head and blindly scratch at Janie’s feet to accomplish the tickling of a girl who was 9 inches taller than herself and dangling from a tree branch.

“Let’s lower you, baby,” Nichole said as she undid her knot, “You deserve better.”
“Uh uhou -e?” Sammy whined and looked at Lauren.
“That’s for asking like a little brat. But yes I will lower you,” Lauren taunted the captive.

Sammy was glad to still have her shoes and not have lost that bit of flexibility like Janie. One of the two captors decided that it was time to torture the girls “until it hurts down below.” The duo swapped captives and went to work, roommate against roommate and sister against sister. Both girls felt tugs at the crotch ropes until the inevitable happened.

“Oooooohhhhh,” Sammy squealed a bit.
“MMMMMM!” Janie threw herself in the air.
“Time to go back to shore!” Nichole announced as soon as both girls were done orgasming.

Neither girl felt like walking so soon after all that, and Lauren had to help them back to the boat for the trip back to shore. It was a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky. It wasn't just the lake though; they could go into town and enjoy the shopping or go for walks up and down the shore. Or they could be TUG lovers.

How could Janie and Sammy avenge this?

“March up!” Nichole spanked them to force them to hop upwards to their next doom.

Onward they went getting swatted when they slowed; Janie swore under her gag at her captors. They slowly worked their way to the shed where they laid down upon the floor. Janie and Sammy watched despondently as binder clips appeared.

“Open wide!” Lauren taunted as she exposed her sister.
“I don't know why they like it; I just know they do,” Nichole timidly pinched Sammy.
“You have to be bold with it!” Lauren chided her friend.
“YEOWCH!” yelped Janie when her sister harmed her.

Sammy got flipped onto her stomach and felt her ankles getting pulled toward her wrists from a tight ankles-to-elbows hogtie. The awkward position made the clamps dig in worse than otherwise. Pain shot through both girl's torsos, and Sammy noticed that Janie was also hogtied now.

It wasn't enough to be brought back to shore while bound and gagged. No, Nichole and Lauren made sure both were exposed and clamped and hogtied. And Nichole shut them in the warm, and fortunately well-ventilated, shed. This, Janie felt, was typical CGC antics and absolutely deserved comeuppance.

“I ought to give you a kiss,” Lauren said as they walked away.
“Not now, you ain’t,” Nichole replied perfectly.

Sammy was not enjoying things like she could have because she was being humiliated in front of people with whom she was not familiar. An orgasm could only be heard by those nearby, but the sandal was in view of all the guys, not just Chris. She formed revenge plans in her mind, but then she realized something that made her heart sink.

She needed Janie’s help to escape. Were they even capable of doing this without clawing each other's eyes out? It was their only chance, so she had to try. Squirming toward Janie was incredibly painful because it put the clamps and crotch rope to work.

Janie was also thinking in terms of escape and revenge. She recognized Sammy’s motions even if the massive rubber balls made it impossible to produce articulate sounds. She started squirming with the intention of escaping the rough brown rope and started helping Sammy once they were close enough.

The first step involved undoing the hogtie, and Sammy managed to get hers loose in the struggle to reach Janie; that was already a win. The rower sat up and began blindly searching for knots along Janie’s body since the waist/crotch rope held her arms rigidly against her body. First she got the elbows, then the hogtie, then the dual waist/crotch rope, and then Janie’s wrists.

“Mmmmm!” Janie let out a soft squeal while lying in a puddle of her own drool.

Shaking and squirming got the ropes off her arms. She sat up and stretched her arms until the breast harness was off before removing her sandal and her gag. After taking a few deep breaths of air, Janie reached out and hugged Sammy.

“Deep down inside, you’re wonderful. Let's get you out of here.”

Sammy shrank at the compliment and became a little embarrassed while Janie untied a variety of knots. Janie was too huggy. In time, both girls were completely free of the rope prisons in which they’d spent about two hours. They stood up and looked at each other.

“Nice boobies!” Janie pulled on Sammy’s clamps.
“Ahhh! Haha!” Sammy jerked away and reached towards Janie's, “Stop it, please!”
“All right. Another time?” Janie unclamped herself.

They both carefully put their bras back in place and pulled their shirts back on. Both adjusted their hair and put their bandanas back in place, and Janie buttoned her shirt again and put her sandals back on her feet. Now they were ready for revenge and even had the material to start because of Lauren's "mistake."

The two loaded up the bag and prepared to face their kidnappers.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 14 (Sep. 29, 2023)

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:25 pm
by Lucky Lottie
That was a great little kidnapping session. Can't wait to see how they get revenge.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 14 (Sep. 29, 2023)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:10 pm
by AlexUSA3
Lucky Lottie wrote: 8 months ago That was a great little kidnapping session. Can't wait to see how they get revenge.
Now you shall see!


Janie scanned the scene and saw neither Lauren nor Nichole in sight. Immediately, she pulled herself and Samantha back into the shed and shut the doors. To complicate matters, she flipped the blinds on the window so that one couldn’t gaze inwards from the outside. She was taking a chance.

“What’s your idea?” asked Sammy, combing through Lauren’s meticulously organized supplies because she couldn't find her glasses.
“We make them come to us. Stay off social media on your phone,” whispered Janie, “We want them to do a check-in. When they enter the shed, we strike.”
“I’ll take your sister, if you don’t mind, because she locked me in the undercarriage so they could get you without a fight from me,” Sammy responded, “They took my phone and eyes with them anyway.”
“Do you like zips and duct tape?”
“Love ‘em, but Lauren doesn’t have zips. Too bad; Nichole uses them when she slew-foots us.”
“Lauren has plenty of tape; I just asked Ken to ask Lauren to do a check-in. Get ready. I’ll reuse the rope on dear, angelic Nichole,” Janie’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Devils are fallen angels, so it works,” Sammy followed Janie’s humor with her own.

Indoors, Lauren laid her son down for a nap and put her clothes back in place. Nichole leaned back with her feet propped on the coffee table. Her black bandana mask was still around her neck while she enjoyed the fresh air with every door and window in the cabin wide open so that the breeze could pass through and take away the smells of bacon and eggs.

“Ken wants us to do a wellness check. Should you go, or should I go?” Lauren stepped out.
“I’ll go, Gangsta Mom,” Nichole coined a new nickname on the fly, “I’m so jealous of you.”

It had been over a year, but the image of her deceased first child, so tiny yet so human, lying in the toilet was seared into Nichole’s mind. Hardly a week went by where she didn’t think about it and fight herself over it; when Lauren and Andrew were around, it was hardly an hour. Lauren knew this, but Nichole refused to let it come between them. It was Nichole’s solo battle against herself with only her husband for support.

Nichole let the screen door slam behind her as she walked toward the shed and out of Lauren’s sight. She turned the handle of the door, opened it wide, and was dragged in by two strong pairs of arms. It was the tightest she had ever been held or hand gagged in her life, and she had been TUG-napped many times. Samantha crushed her face and chest into the concrete, and Janie held her legs.

“You can work with us and get a fair chance to escape like you gave us, or you can try to cry out to her sister and get destroyed for it. Nod to play nice; shake for destruction.”
“Mmmmmph!” Nichole calmly nodded.
“That’s a good girl,” Janie taunted her and got close to her ears.
“I’m going to remove my hand,” Sammy warned her. “Any funny business, and I will do to you what you did to me and Lauren. Understood?”
“Mmm hmm,” Nichole similarly nodded.

Nichole had no choice but to let the girls tie her up now. It was get tied up or get wrecked, and she never wanted to get wrecked unlike the two towering over her. She gave no resistance while they teamed up with Sammy tying her trunk and Janie tying her legs. Giving resistance wasn’t really possible anyway.

Since Nichole cooperated, the major difference was that the soft black bondage rope that Lauren had was used to tie up Nichole instead of the rough brown store rope. Sammy had taken the top because, despite her lack of experience, she was an expert at cinching ropes. Tying Nichole’s wrists was easy, but her inflexible body made it hard to effectively tie her elbows together. Sammy handled this by pulling Nichole’s elbows as closely together as she dared with two wraps of rope before she carefully cinched the rope using the remaining length until the space between Nichole’s arms was fully cinched down.

After this, Sammy tied a breast harness with two passes on either side of Nichole’s breasts and two passes around the armpits and neck to secure it. Only a waist rope was tied out of respect for Nichole’s preference that crotch ropes not be used during “clean” TUGs. At the same time, Janie frogtied Nichole’s legs with ropes from her ankles to her upper thighs. She removed Nichole’s sneakers and socks and wrapped electrical tape around her big toes.

“An eye for an eye,” Janie grinned and looked at Sammy, “Get Zack to watch the baby and get Lauren out here.”
“Roger that!” Sammy took Nichole’s phone.
“Oh, brother,” Nichole grimaced and shook her head.
“Just open your mouth,” Janie approached Nichole with the dirty laundry.
“Please don't. Please,” whimpered Nichole with a bit of distress.
“No pushing… I’ll use them on Lauren instead,” Janie said and reached into the bag for a clean pair.

While Janie gagged Nichole, Sammy sent the texts. The first told Zack that Lauren needed a hand; the second told Lauren that Nichole was “looking for a tickle torture companion.” Of course, Nichole and Lauren were the ones being tickled in this case!

“Mmm!” Nichole accepted this clear pair of socks and a strip of microfoam tape.
“There. I love the crop shirt, girl,” Janie said to her gagged friend.
“Bait is laid,” Sammy spoke softly, “Your sister gets the rough treatment?”
“Yeah. Wait there. You’ll grab her, and I’ll tie her up.”

Nichole shuffled on the floor and hid her face; the plan was working. Janie and Sammy had already identified each other's strengths and were delegating duties to each other based upon those strengths in their quest for revenge. Peering through the gap between the doors, Janie saw Zack come up the slope, and Sammy took a quick peek through the window to see a fuzzy Lauren heading toward the door of the cabin. Sammy grabbed Nichole’s socks off the floor.

“Places, ladies,” Sammy muttered and took her position as the chief kidnapper.
“All right, Gangsta Queen, where are you?” Lauren opened the door to the shed.

The duo struck like lightning. Sammy grabbed Lauren and jammed the socks into her victim’s mouth, and Janie took rough brown rope and tied her sister’s wrists together in front of her. To hold the socks in Lauren’s mouth, Sammy chose 7 layers of black duct tape; she was so tight that even Janie was surprised. Lauren instantly tasted the awful flavors that had leached from Nichole’s feet.

Sammy took over Lauren's muscular legs and first bound her ankles together while the co-conspirator pulled off her shirt and sports bra while sitting on her back; seeing the direction Janie took, Sammy pulled off Lauren's shorts and underwear. Lauren made a series of loud and unintelligible protests against this treatment, but a hard spank from Sammy warned her to be quiet,

Janie tied Lauren's elbows together while Sammy tied her thighs. This freed them to untie the wrists and ankles and completely remove Lauren's clothes; then, of course, they re-tied the same bonds perhaps more tightly than before. Sammy worked on the victim’s knees with rope while Janie tied a harness that served no purpose except to make her bosom perkier.

They were not done though. Janie took the solitary neon green rope out of Lauren's bag; that marked it as the “nude crotch rope”; Sammy did a similar electrical taping of Lauren's big toes. They stretched her out on the floor parallel to the doors; Janie tied Lauren’s wrists to the studs of one wall while Sammy tied her ankles to the opposite wall. Because of how she was tied, Lauren's arms couldn't be fully stretched without causing grievous injury, but she was taut for her position.

The drain in the floor told Janie something significant, and a quick shout down the hill to Chris gave her confirmation: the wood in the shed was treated to be water resistant and was even reinforced so that the boats could be hung from the rafters and be hosed down.

“You wait here; I’m getting something,” Janie ran out of the shed.
“Just us girls now,” Sammy taunted the big softball catcher, “Where are my glasses?!”
“Oh, so you won’t tell me, will you, you little snake?!”

Lauren was proud of the two girls even if she was uncomfortably bound and gagged. The Black Bandana Gang had won even if they were currently on the bottom side of things. It was by design she had left her bag in the shed, and most impressive was how the two worked out this elaborate bondage without even talking to each other! Even if they weren't familiar with each other, Sammy and Janie were similar enough in mind to logically follow each other's actions.

Inside, Nichole and Lauren were smiling at the actions of the powerful duo. They shared that same immature streak that absolutely loved TUGs in this strange mixture of innocent, dirty, and torturous. Both were ridiculously strong and athletic, but inside they had the same kind of soft, squishy lovable heart that was left scarred by abuse from one parent. Seeing the transformation in Sammy’s heart after she renewed her relationship with her father gave Lauren some hope, but how could Janie have a meaningful relationship with their mother when Lauren didn’t either?

“Answer me, Lauren! Quickly!” Sammy really wanted her spectacles in a bad way.
SMACK!, Sammy’s hand came down just as she felt herself get blasted in the back with water.
“HEY!!!” Sammy scrambled off the floor of the shed and saw Janie with the garden hose.
“I got your coke bottles for you; that’s what took me so long,” Janie held out the glasses.
“Thank you so much,” the rower took them and put them on, “So much better!”
“I don’t want to interrupt your spanking of the wicked Black Bandana Gang member.”
“Janie…,” Sammy kept her focus on Lauren, “I’m happy that I was wrong about you.”

Janie didn’t know how to accept that and started squirming and fidgeting where she stood and instead walked over to Nichole and knelt down. She pulled her friend up and gave her a strong girlfriend kiss on her gagged lips; words weren’t needed to know that it was a kiss of gratitude. Janie, however, always upped the ante on these matters.

“At some point, you’re getting my sister’s ring gag and hopefully having it used properly.”
“Ewwwww,” Nichole shook her head knowing Chris would never do it.

Janie simply misunderstood the way in which Nichole and Chris “loved” each other. While they enjoyed different parts about what they themselves got out of the actions, even more pleasure came from what the other got out of it. As genuine as Janie was in her love of Ken, she still had her teenage whore approach to sex; that’s why both Ken and Nichole so easily used it as a form of punishment for Janie. To go about this would require, again, that Lauren and Nichole find the time to discuss it without Janie around.

“WHOA!” Nichole yelped just as she was hoisted into the air.

The second phase of her captivity was about to begin.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 15 (Oct. 2, 2023)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:50 am
by Lucky Lottie
Glad to see the girls getting along 😊

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 15 (Oct. 2, 2023)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:42 am
by AlexUSA3

Nichole watched the ground disappear from under while ropes worked through her armpits and chest hoisted her into the air. The blue crop top didn’t seem such a wise choice anymore because it gave her kidnappers easy access to her belly and breasts. Despite the frogtie, Janie simply tied her knees together and used the excess to hoist her from the other side. Another rope attached to her waist and held her in the middle. She was at least four feet off the ground.

“Hmmm?” Nichole looked right at Janie and wanted an engineering explanation behind this.
“You’re at just the right height for me to tickle you.”
“Ah haaaaa!” Nichole nodded in appreciation.
“For starters,” Janie squeezed Nichole’s boobs firmly, “Boooooooobbbbbbbiiieesssss!”
“EEEEEEE!” the captive swung from her resistance and loved it despite her concerns.
SMACK! and “OAFFFFFF!” were occasionally heard in the background.

Sammy had determined that Lauren could be rotated just like a rotisserie chicken and had taken full advantage to put binder clips on her nipples. She was taking complete advantage of this and pulling on both the binder clips and the crotch rope. It was a strange natural talent Samantha had that she was a master at edging her captives; at least Janie thought she was a master just based on the look on Lauren’s face.

“Ohhhhhhh,” Lauren groaned again when Sammy yanked on the clips.
“I can’t let you off so easily,” Sammy laughed at her captive, “Janie, may I have a hairbrush?”
“No, I got Nichole’s bag when I got your specs. She should have an electric toothbrush though.”
“Oh, I bet you’ll just love that, Lauren!” Sammy’s voice reached an excited, squeaky, high pitch.

Sammy rummaged through the bag until she found the object she was seeking. The brush may not have been original, but it was a personal favorite of Sammy’s. Lauren knew this and always used it on the rower, but her bag had stayed behind during the trip to the island and back. After a quick test for battery life, Sammy was ready to attack her friend’s body.

“Before we start, Sammy, we should give them each one of Nichole’s sneakers!”
“Oooooh! That’s a great idea!” Sammy held her arms out when Janie tossed it.
“All right, take the right foot since I’m a leftie.”
“Softball perfection!” Sammy didn’t have to even move her arms to catch the sneaker.

Sammy took the sneaker and positioned it right over Lauren’s nose and duct taped it around her head thrice without any mercy so that she’d smell nothing but Nichole’s feet. Janie was kinder to Nichole and used some purple vet wrap instead. Regardless, being forced to sniff her own shoe was not Nichole’s idea of a good time nor a thing she would ever consent to have done to her. She dished out more than she took!

“Let's roll!” Sammy turned on the electric toothbrush and attacked Lauren’s feet.
“Suffer!” Janie started rubbing the hairbrush on Nichole’s feet.

The results from the toothbrush were instant with Lauren boisterously bursting into a massive fit of laughter. At the same, Nichole began a crescendo from chuckling up to a pained shrieking laughter. Despite very different positions, the victims were equally unable to resist in any way.

The tickling continued, with the cruelty of the brushes mixed with finger tickles of the ribs, bellies, armpits, thighs, and necks. With the use of the toothbrush, both victims were quickly worked from the initial stage of “true laughter” to “pained chuckling.” Janie discovered that Nichole’s biggest laughs came from finger tickling her belly, whereas Sammy got the biggest from using the toothbrush on Lauren's armpit.

Nichole enjoyed the feeling of nonstop torment as she slowly transitioned from laughing to only making angry growls because it hurt her lungs so badly on account of mild asthma. Although the pain was strong, it didn’t last long and brought with it an incredible emotional high. Janie, being mindful of her friend’s condition, stopped when Nichole’s breathing sounded like wheezing. The sweat droplets that hit the concrete became the size of quarters with time.

“No, no, no! Ughhhhh!” Lauren wailed as she reached the “angry grunt” stage.
“OW!” a shriek from Lauren came as Sammy abruptly ended the tickling.
“I bet you're just burning in pain down there,” Sammy roughly tugged the crotch rope.
“Mmm hmmm,” Lauren nodded in the hope of getting some relief.
“Since you’ve been a good friend to me, I’ll do it.”

Sammy first pushed Lauren’s bandana over her eyes for a blindfold before taking advantage of the rotisserie effect to twist Lauren. She found this part to be a bit difficult to accept and perform on a naked girl although she was perfectly comfortable doing this when the captive was clothed. It was just her way, but she owed Lauren this after effectively edging her.

Lauren squirmed and tried to roll around while her friend pulled on the crotch rope and yanked her boobs to evoke cries of pain. Objectively, it worked since Lauren soon was struggling and yelling into Nichole’s foul socks while she soaked the crotch rope. Nichole rolled her eyes while she got a gentle massage from Janie because she seemed to be the only one who didn’t yell while orgasming; instead, she was probably the one who arched most strongly (relative to her size).

“How do you feel?” Janie asked while ruffling the hair of her sweaty, panting captive.
“Awwwwwww,” Nichole winked at her to show she was all right despite the strong motions of her lungs.

Nichole required more aftercare than the other girls because of her conditions, but she was also, in Janie’s opinion, the most delightful one to give such aftercare since she was honest about her needs and communicated clearly just how she felt. Even while gagged and dangling in the air, she’d look at you pitifully and wiggle something to convey a soreness; in this event, she simply looked at the ground and shook her head while grunting “OUN” to get unsuspended.

Janie gently lowered the ropes while Sammy finished her torment of Lauren’s crotch and breasts. It took a bit of effort, but Janie got Nichole down to the floor without a single moment of fear for either of them. With some squirming, Nichole got herself on her knees and gag-conversed with her captor some more. At the same time, Sammy pushed Lauren’s blindfold back into her hair.

Lauren was a nuisance with aftercare. She’d talk about everything but herself beyond telling you if she was satisfied or dissatisfied with the game, and even that was cryptic. She started grunting and rolling her eyes, but Sammy had no clue what she wanted and removed the crotch rope. To her disgust, Lauren moved like she wanted something more; Janie interpreted it as Lauren asking for Zack to take over.

“Sammy, take her bandana and scrunchie and put everything by the door here,” Janie moved Nichole toward the door as well.
“Oh, well, OK!” Sammy said and got blasted with water in her back, “HEY!”
“I thought rowers liked water,” Janie giggled a little.
“Ha ha haaa, Janie. You think you’re smart because you are!” Sammy pointed a finger with her free hand while carrying Lauren’s clothes away.
“Don’t feed any ego; I’m a good worker and nothing more,” Janie dismissed the compliment.
“MMMMMM!” Lauren got blasted with the hose right against her crotch.

Janie hosed Lauren up and down with cold fresh water right from the tap! She fluffed out her sister’s hair and let it out with a bit of sadness at the way her sister hid it; the semi-perpetual bun for Lauren began shortly after Janie was “punished” by having her hair, which even as a small child Janie loved, chopped to shoulder length. Ever after, Lauren hid her hair, but she never told anyone but her husband that reason. Once Lauren was soaked, Janie turned off the hose.

“We’ll bring Nichole and the things inside and let Zack take over here,” Janie said with a grin.
“Hmmm?! AUGH!” Lauren pretended to be horrified by that thought and pulled on the ropes.
“If we carry Nichole together, we can get it all at once,” Sammy said proudly.

Lauren watched the door shut to leave her alone with nothing for company but Nichole’s socks and a lot of water that slowly flowed toward the drain. She was stretched out and gagged, unable to help herself, and about to be discovered by her husband. Her hair was completely soaked to the bone, and she wondered if she was finally ready to tell her sister some truths. All their lives, it was Lauren helping Janie, but rarely had Lauren made herself vulnerable to her sister outside academia.

“Zack, your wife is in trouble,” Janie said as she and Samantha laid Nichole on the patio table.
“Oh, brother, what have you girls wrought now?” Zack looked at them and stood up.
“Look, you’ve been so good to me these past few years; I’m returning the favor,” Janie squirmed a little knowing her treacherous actions, “I’ll stick around for when Andrew wakes up.”

Zack walked down the steps to the shed and looked to make sure all the other guys were still fishing. He wasn’t embarrassed to have been taken away to watch his son, but he sure would be if they heard what was about to happen next! He opened the shed to find a naked Lauren tied up prostrate and stretched out.

“Baby, you’re going to want to be quiet.”
“Hmm?” she winked at him so he knew it was all play before shaking her head, “Oh no!”

Lauren might have struggled in her faith, but she had a husband of stronger faith who helped her to do things in what she understood as “the right way.” That “right way” meant that his “first” had to be with procreation in mind. An erotic writhe from her confirmed for him that this was what she wanted. The hose gave him an idea; he was a serious germaphobe and knew how to use that to his advantage.

A loud moan came from her when he pulled down his pants and underwear. She had hoped for this type of moment before they left: bound and gagged by her sister and abandoned to be Zack’s screw toy. This was unusual: anal before vaginal? Stretched taut and on her stomach, it seemed natural to both of them.

“OW!” Lauren felt her butt get invaded.

Lauren grunted in sequence with her husband and felt a strong arousal within her as they partook in her favorite sexual act. It was hard to keep her cries soft while she was a de facto victim of his desires. Occasionally, she would let out an agonized moan because, despite her love of it, the sex did hurt. To her surprise, Zack stopped and pulled out of her body..

Zack took the hose and rinsed himself off while she watched with curiosity. He untied her legs from the wall and pulled them into the air; Zack the germaphobe wanted to clean off from anal before taking her to the cleaners. In seconds, Lauren was wailing and pulling herself up toward the wall in orgasm, and within a minute he was finished as well. After another hosing and a kiss to show his love, Zack was tasked with a difficult task: how to get his naked, bound, and gagged wife into the house and into the coat closet?

Zack led his wife out of the shed and looked both ways. After consideration, he realized the easy way out was to hurriedly carry his naked into the cabin and then worry about clean-up afterwards. He did just that, as he did when he carried her into their first rental after their marriage; she wasn't bound and gagged that first time.

Out the shed, up the porch steps, and into the cabin with Janie holding the door wide open for him, Zack rushed his wife inside and put her feet down on the ground. Now, she finally gave him that gagged kiss of afterglow, but he responded with a firm spank on the butt that made her shriek and hop in the air. With this, he brought her over to the loveseat and sat down with her on his lap.

“No details. Was it fun?” Janie stood up from the table where she sat at the table,
“Yes, we had fun. Would you like to imprison her in the coat closet?” Zack grinned.
“No!” Lauren tried to push herself against her husband and got a taste of Nichole.
“Oh, Lauren,” Janie picked her up and ignored her cries, “Your hair is so beautiful!”

Lauren squirmed and looked down just like someone else. Janie motioned for Sammy to help because she knew the rower would do a better job here. Another spank forced the older Indian princess to hop with Janie using the binder clips as a painful lead. As she hopped into the closet and was shoved in, Sammy took the rope that was around her wrists from her prior setup.

Sammy ran the rope up to the rack and back to Lauren’s wrists and went back to the rack again, leaving 6 inches of slack that she closed by carefully wrapping the rope around to cinch the entire gap before wrapping again between her wrists and then down to her elbows to knot it out of reach. She took the brightly colored crotch rope and put it back to irritate her friend and this time included two knots right against the “sweet spot.” She took the last rope, the one that had stretched her legs, and made a similar connection between the crotch rope and the shelf, but this one she knotted right after cinching.

“That's our beautiful girl! Take that, Gangsta!” Sammy taunted the captive.
“Night night, gorgeous!” Janie shut the door.

Lauren found herself in the dark and heard the sound of someone locking the door. It was a seemingly hopeless situation with how she was tied up, and she had few options to relieve her muscles that didn't somehow pull on the crotch rope. Festering socks in her mouth humiliated her, but more humiliating was having her hair fully exposed. In her face remained Nichole’s shoe,

On the table, Nichole recovered from her tickle torture still and tried to escape. Being frogtied made the task much easier because there were fewer arm restrictions. While her captors focused on Lauren, Nichole squirmed her arms out of the ropes and began picking at the ropes on her legs. It was actually easy to escape once the opportunity to really focus had arrived. With her other hand, she pried her shoe off her face and let it hit the floor, alerting the others.

“Hey, Miss Kerchief, don't do that!” Sammy ran over to their captive.
“Mmmmmmm!” Nichole moaned when Sammy grabbed her.
“Damn, it's always harder to keep these less bendy captives!” Janie walked over.
“Let's tie her to the chair!” suggested the mischievous rower, “Get my scarves and my bag.”

Janie stepped out and retrieved the scarves, now nicely dried by the lake breeze, and then she made a trip to the RV to get Sammy’s bag. On her way back, she allowed the wind to fly through her hair and paused on the porch to blow a kiss to Ken who just happened to be looking her way, and he made a motion like he caught it. Then Janie opened the door and returned to her co-conspirator.

“Noooo!” Nichole kicked out as she was pushed against the chair.
“Behave,” Sammy sat on her friend and pinched her nose shut, “Remember!”

Sammy hinted again at making Nichole suck upon her own orgasm, a trick she loved to use upon others but didn't herself relish. With no choice, Nichole looked up at the friend she loved so dearly and looked as pitiful as she possibly could. Unfortunately, the cruel side of Janie quickly intervened when she blindfolded Nichole with a yellow bandana.

Now, it was time for some serious scarf bondage for Nichole. Sammy simply held her down and allowed Janie to do the actual kidnapping part of things. Scarves bound the captive at her ankles, above and below her knees, and below her crotch. The electrical tape was still around her big toes.

Being a regular chair and not a captain’s chair, Janie tied Nichole’s arms to the sides of the chair. Scarves secured her wrists to the sides, and one each above and below her breasts and one each at her waist and around her crotch secured her to the chair back; Sammy knotted one of the small orange rubber balls into the scarf so that the rubber pushed on her crotch.

One of the two remaining scarves, at Sammy’s behest, attached the Gangsta Queen’s ankles to the underframe of the chair. Sammy reinforced Nichole's wrist bonds with blue bandanas and tied her shoulders, through the armpits, to the chair back with red bandanas. White handkerchiefs reinforced each leg bond, and purple bandanas tied her elbows to the sides of the chair back. The final scarf secured Nichole's thighs to the seat of the chair.

“There, there, sweetie,” Sammy taunted her friend with a kiss on the cheek.
“Mmmm…,” Nichole groaned in her new captivity and slumped in defeat.
“I speak as a girl who doesn't even have an ear piercing,” Janie laughed a little, “That crop top and bandana beg Nichole to have a belly button piercing and a tramp stamp.”
“You’ve watched too much p-rnography,” Sammy coldly remarked, “I’m going to go call Mama.”

Janie felt herself go cold at that remark.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 16

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:05 pm
by Lucky Lottie
That was intense! Very fun reading all the different tortures.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 16

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:39 pm
by AlexUSA3

Janie sat in the other chair and put her feet up on Nichole's lap and crossed her arms proudly. She was a happy Gangsta Jock and entertained by the sounds coming from the closet and the impassioned struggle of the girl before her. She removed her kerchief and unknotted the scarf before folding the fabric into a wide band, taking care to make sure that the flower was obvious, before tying it back on her head and, again, making sure that the flower was centered above her nose and that the fabric was above her hair line.

What was wrong with her? One year ago, if anyone had told her to suck off Ken for any reason, let alone punishment, she would have had a nervous breakdown, and she would have cried for hours if Ken had railed her like that. More than that, her strange pre-assault fantasies seemed to be resurfacing. The dark shadow of insecurity, terror, and depression was looming near her, and she had to fight back before she plunged into another blue mood.

Taking her phone, Janie quietly took videos and photos of the captive before her. Posting those would bring some smiles to others, especially the sister of the Gangsta Queen. She remembered those times when it seemed like Nichole’s life was spiraling out of control, and adult Janie now saw many parallels between their circumstances and how Nichole now had things under control.

“Heyyyyy,” Janie pulled down the blindfold and saw fire shooting at her.
“Mmmmm?” Nichole seemed annoyed.
“Does this really do anything?” Janie pointed to the blue rubber.
“Ih han,” the captive shrugged and seemed bored before making a long sigh.
“I think it’s time for you to have some fun.”

Janie turned Nichole’s chair so that she was looking at the back of her friend. With her left hand, she gently pulled on the crotch scarf, which pushed the rubber ball tightly against her body, and with her right hand she just as gently squeezed Nichole’s left breast. A shudder shot through the captive like a lightning bolt, and she deeply exhaled and became wide–eyed. Janie repeated the exercise, and Nichole instinctively cried out in frustration.

“Mmmmm! NNNNNNNN!” Nichole shook her head and tried to stamp her feet but failed.

Very interesting, Janie thought to herself as she pulled again and squeezed the other breast. Nichole’s breath became heavy and strong. Beads of sweat formed on her brow and body, and she shook her head again in resistance of Janie’s torture; what stopped Nichole from doing the triple snap of immediate need was that she had done as much to Lauren and Samantha already. Janie rubbed the ball rough against Nichole and did a second squeeze of the right breast.

“Ugggggghhhhhhh!” Nichole quietly growled, deeply exhaled, and pushed herself against the scarves that bound her. A wince of pain came over her face, and she relaxed and melted into the chair. A smile of satisfaction came over Janie’s face at having succeeded. Nichole looked at her captor and nodded in approval of the dirty tactic; she had to admit that Janie had done very well at pushing her.

“Mama, I like her and dislike her. I love her, and I hate her. She’s the sweetest and most pious girl, yet she says rude things,” Sammy complained and complained about Janie; when she had a break, she complained about how she felt she was being judgmental and not giving a relatively new person in her life a fair chance. Sammy just kept going and going in Russian until she was finally put in her place by her mother saying, in perfect English, “Sounds like things you do not like in her are things you do not like in you.” Sammy froze; her mother was right.

“I have something I need to do,” Sammy said and quickly ended the call.

Sammy had now been told this twice. That was what was so grating about Janie to her: two peas in a pod in so many ways but different in so many others. It was so grating when Janie said her thoughts because many times Sammy had thought the same thing and found it utterly repulsive; but to Janie it was just funny to joke about a piercing and a tattoo. Janie’s shameless honesty was disruptive because Sammy was ashamed to speak of her faults and feelings. Both fearlessly forced friends to orgasm, but she couldn’t bring herself to actually talk about it. “Where’s my prayer rope?” she began frantically looking around.

“How are you in there?” Janie knocked on the door.
“MMMMMM!” wailed the nude captive.
“Heh heh,” Nichole laughed because she wasn’t sniffing her shoes anymore unlike Lauren.
“All right,” Janie opened the closet, “I will let you go on three promises: you put your clothes on, you will voluntarily get tied up again, and that gorgeous head of hair goes free without a bun or a braid or a ponytail or anything else.”
“Nmm mmm,” Lauren shook her head without a thought.
“It’s the hair part, isn’t it? You’d gladly be tied up and would like to have your clothes back, but you’re scared of the hair part.”

Lauren looked down and away from her sister. She was trapped.

“Out with it,” Janie cut the tape holding both Nichole’s shoes and Nichole’s socks.
“BLUH!” Lauren spat the socks out into her sister-turned-kidnapper’s hands, “No.”
“You’d rather be tied up and gagged with Nichole’s socks and sniffing her shoes than tell me?”

Lauren clamped her lips together and looked at the rope that bound her as she was. To have her clothes back or not to have them back wasn’t the question; whether or not, for the first time, to make herself vulnerable to her little sister, was. After 20 years of Lauren being the emotionally strong one who held her sister while she cried, it was Lauren who was the one hiding some sort of sadness.

“Jerk me off first,” Lauren whined like a teenager.
“No way; not unless you talk to me first,” Janie crossed her arms and looked in her sister’s eyes.
“You will have to gag me again,” the older girl turned away and began moving herself against the crotch rope.
“You’re acting like a sex addict,” Janie calmly observed her motions.
“I’m hiding from you and trying to distract myself so I don’t tell you the truth!”

Janie started to untie her sister instead. Perhaps, she figured, it would be better to let Lauren win and not push on something that’s clearly a sore point for her. Lauren didn’t get that orgasm she craved, but she had seemingly won the first round of this tussle; but she knew it was selfish to hide the truth from her sister in such a case when they shared the same source of trauma. Janie offered plenty of comforting words while she untied Lauren. This week was supposed to be about rest and relaxation and both interpersonal and intrapersonal growth. How could her sister

“Janie, remember when we had that fight so Mom chopped your hair to your shoulders?”
“Of course I do, even if I was only 6.”
“That was the day I started; ever since then I’ve let no one see my full head of hair except Zack because I didn’t want anyone to know I loved it just as much as you love yours; I didn’t want to get scalped either.”

Lauren accepted a paper towel from Janie and dried her crotch before she put her underwear and bra back on herself. Then the black trainers followed and the tie-dye t-shirt. Finally, she put her black bandana headband back on her head and knotted it anew. It felt so uncomfortable being the uncomfortable sister; it was so much easier to admit things to her husband who was witness to the entire sequence of events. A strong hug from her little sister compelled her to smile again and feel loved so much that she knew the past no longer mattered.

“This is Samantha’s,” Chris saw something wooly on the ground and picked it up, “I’ll be back.”

He made the march up the hill toward the cabin not knowing that Sammy was frantically looking for that very thing at the moment. She had completely covered the RV and was looking along the deck with wide eyes. It wasn’t just any prayer rope, and that’s why she was so upset. She went into the shed next.

“Sammy, what are you looking for?” Janie came out to her.
“My prayer rope; I need it right now,” Sammy spoke slowly and deliberately.
“Don’t you have multiple of those? You can borrow my rosary if you need to count.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” Sammy declined, “My godmother, memory eternal, gave it to me.”
“I’ll help you,” offered Janie.
“You go have fun with your sister. I am sorry about my comment earlier; I felt shame when you said that because I have had similar thoughts before.”
“I know you were trying to be helpful. I’m sorry about Nichole’s cracks about your English.”
“Sammy,” Chris held out the prayer rope and interrupted their conversation.
“You found it! Oh, thank you so much!” Sammy gave him a huge kiss and hugged him tightly.

At the distance where Nichole sat helpless and Lauren stood handcuffed, nothing could be heard. Lauren, from her spot, had seen what had happened, but Nichole only saw Chris receiving a kiss from a woman who was neither his wife nor a female relative. In her seat, bound and gagged, it was the kiss of betrayal from one of her best friends. Sammy had a love interest already, so why did she want to steal Chris from her?

Nichole slumped in her seat and fought the urge to cry; it couldn’t be really happening to her. It was her world crumbling to pieces, a world which she had fought to build. Chris had seemed to not want the kiss, so she held out hope that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Samantha, however, was nothing but a homewrecker!

“Mmmmmm!” Nichole looked at Janie and blinked rapidly with a wink when she returned.
“You want the blindfold again?” Janie approached her friend.
“Mmm hmm,” nodded the captive and closed her eyes.
“All right,” Janie put the yellow bandana back over her eyes, “I’ll be back soon.”
“Does this mean it’s my turn again?” Lauren looked into her sister’s eyes.
“You feel better now that you spoke to me; I love how shiny your hair is.”

Lauren had to admit she did feel better now that she had admitted it. Janie’s prior comment in the shed had completely blindsided her about the closely clutched secret. It seemed a silly thing to hide from her sister of all people, but she was terrified of the thought of someone cutting it all off on her. She rubbed her wrists after the cuffs were removed.

“Once, I’m bound and gagged, perhaps you would like to braid it and torture it?”
“That,” Janie chuckled, “is my kind of fun.”
“I’m…,” Sammy felt intrusive, “Going to sit on the porch.”

Now that she was blindfolded, Nichole was safe to silently weep to herself over her roommate’s treachery. As contrary as it sounded, she wanted Janie to help her jerk off now, but Janie had to also show some love to her big sister. Some part of her now felt like she did when her brother had beaten her and left her for dead.

“Nichole called me Gangsta Mom earlier. What do you think?” Lauren fluffed her hair.
“You’d look more Gangsta with a kerchief like the Gangsta Queen,” admitted Janie.
“Well, too bad!” the big sister held firm.
“That’s my big sister! That’s my tough bada-s sister!” Janie bounced a little.
“Is this better?” Lauren turned around with her arms together behind her back.
“I think this calls for duct tape,” Janie wiggled her eyebrows.
“What’s wrong with rope? Or the bondage straps my sister bought me?”

Janie looked until she found the black leather bondage straps she indeed had bought her sister two Christmases prior. She first used one of the bands to pull her sister’s elbows together behind her back just above the joint. Lauren let out a yelp and grinned back at her.

On the porch, Sammy quietly prayed to herself because she had on this trip already misconstrued the words of each of the other three girls. She watched while Lauren’s arms were strapped below her elbows and at her wrists. Janie reached into her own bag and pulled out a black leather belt that she wound around Lauren’s torso and arms, just below her boobs, and yanked on it violently, forcing her boobs to push out. This was followed by a second tight strapping of her wrists and the use of the longest and widest strap to pin her arms to her waist.

Sammy adjusted her bright blue headband and watched with curiosity while Janie gently sat her sister in the other kitchen chair. She strapped Lauren’s thighs in three places and her lower legs in four. The strong softball catcher was led to the coffee table and laid upon it on her stomach before she was hog-strapped from her ankles to her wrists. Most interesting to Sammy was Janie choosing Lauren’s black ring gag to quell her.

“I’m back!” Sammy entered the cabin again.
“Great! Glad to have you. Lauren needs a blindfold again. I think a red or a pretty pink would be nice!” Janie motioned, “I promised Nichole my attention.”
“Ngg!” Lauren groaned into her gag as drool started to pour out her mouth.
“Dang,” Zack muttered while watching his wife suffer the effects of the ring gag.

Janie came up behind Nichole and repeated her earlier trick: pushing the ball against her friend’s crotch and squeezing her left breast. In similar fashion, Nichole squirmed and shuddered and took a deep breath, but Janie felt a difference in her friend’s body; why was she tense? Janie repeated the squeeze and press again, and there was a long, but anxious, sigh.

Nichole squirmed in the chair, and she finally let out another of her groans while she let out a very deep breath. She lifted herself up against the scarves and bandanas and nearly flipped the chair; then she slumped again and sank as much as she could. Janie wasn't pushing right now, but she knew something was wrong. A third squeeze set the captive off once again, with a long sigh accompanied by squirming.

“Hank -ou,” Nichole groaned and leaned back.
“Why didn't you blindfold Lauren?” Janie returned to the other captive.
“You said you were going to braid her hair, and that would interfere,” Sammy replied.
“Interfere with what?”
“Come here,” Sammy pointed to the bathroom and whispered.

Out on the porch, Sammy could tell Zack, who was with the now awakened Andrew, was a bit too excited by the goings-on of the trip. After Lauren’s braid was finished, they would blindfold her and put her in the bedroom for Zack. Janie was astonished that the seemingly pious girl would suggest such a thing, but then again they all had a weak spot around TUGs. In this case, she figured, they were helping Zack to avoid a temptation to jerk off.

“All right,” Janie nodded and exited, “Time to beautify the Gangsta Mom.”

Janie was excellent at making French braids, even on herself, despite typically doing more standard ones upon herself. She took her time to make this braid particularly special and made sure each piece was the perfect size. This was going to be, if she could help it, her magnum opus of braids. Finally, after 15 minutes, she added the black scrunchie to hold it in place and took a picture of it to show Lauren.

“Wow,” Lauren looked at the photo.
“A beautiful braid for the most beautiful hair I have ever seen in my life,” Janie kissed Lauren on the forehead.
“Awwwww,” it was now Lauren's turn to squirm.
“Nightie,” Sammy blindfolded her with a red bandana.

The strong duo hoisted Lauren into the air and carried her to the bedroom. Sammy went out and whispered something to Zack, who seemed unable to resist the sight of his wife with the ring gag. As he went in to his wife, Janie suggested that they change the gag afterwards.

But then Sammy pointed out that the men were done fishing and that it was lunchtime.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 17

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:48 pm
by algebrauk
Impressive turning out great chapters back to back to back @AlexUSA3

Love the dialogue and the plotting and scheming around the different groups.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 17

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:26 pm
by AlexUSA3
algebrauk wrote: 8 months ago Impressive turning out great chapters back to back to back @AlexUSA3

Love the dialogue and the plotting and scheming around the different groups.
Thanks for the kinds words. I have several chapters out written already, so it's not like I churned these out in the past week. ;)

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 17

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:42 pm
by AlexUSA3
@algebrauk @slackywacky @Lucky Lottie @GreyLord the roll of chapters continues onwards! :D


“Poor Lauren… I’m glad George never ring gagged me… Better, he never tied me up!”
“You mention George a lot. Who was he?” Janie asked Samantha.
“My first boyfriend… and second male abuser in my life,” Sammy exhaled and squirmed.
“I wouldn’t say ‘Poor Lauren’ because she loves it; she says it’s delicious; I think it’s gross.”
“How are you so open about such gross topics?”
“Maybe getting g-ngb-nged by a bunch of Pikes has something to do with it. I’m with my sister and two of her best friends, one of whom is one of my better friends, in a setting where we’ve all been tied up naked and, for us married ladies, forced each other into getting b-nged by hubby.”
“Don’t make it sound so dark; I seduced my boyfriend a couple months ago!” Sammy went to the porch to watch Andrew.
“Hey,” Janie interrupted her with a smile, “We’re finally talking peaceably.”

That one was news to Nichole’s ears. She listened with curiosity as Sammy talked about how she had researched self-bondage and then talked her boyfriend into doing anal. There was a tone of regret, however, because she strongly believed extramarital sex was wrong. Nichole felt it was consistent behavior then for Sammy to be making a play for Chris!

“Mmmmm!” Lauren groaned helplessly while the ring gag was used properly.

For anal and oral, Lauren, especially while tied up, always leaned toward the CNC style of play and was struggling mightily against her strap/belt bondage. She made a lot of soft noises of determined resistance while she fought her husband. But, inevitably, he dumped something into her mouth, and she contentedly consumed it. He pulled Lauren up to his face and kissed her on the forehead before he undid the hog-strap and secured it around her elbows for another binding.

“Let’s go,” he stood her up, “And get a different gag on you so that you’re not so sexy.”

Lauren hopped toward the door, and when he opened the door she refused to budge until he gave her a light spank on the butt. She hopped a little and then stopped again in absolute defiance, so he dragged her out to the couch and forced to sit next to her sister. A kiss on the cheek followed before Janie removed the blindfold.

“How would you like to be untied? Nichole has another 9 hours to wait.”
“Mmmmmm,” Lauren smiled and nodded.

While Sammy cooked the fish the boys had caught, Janie sat on the porch with the baby since she had a potentially fatal allergy and couldn’t handle even the smell. Lauren sat across from Janie and gently played with her braid. Her sister’s handiwork captured her imagination, and she was grateful for her sister’s kind decision to let her have some freedom rather than keep her prisoner and torture her like she had originally planned.

“You’d look so cute roped to a chair with my ring gag in your mouth,” Lauren spoke.
“In this outfit?” Janie looked at herself.
“In that outfit and tied with some of my brown.”
“But no sex,” Janie said firmly, “You like being set up for it; for me, it’s still r-pe. GOT IT?”
“Janie… I won’t let Ken just take you… I promise,” Lauren was trying to help.
“We’ll cross that bridge; CNC still triggers me.”
“How about this? We undo our braids, take off our bandanas, and let Chris, Nichole, and Sammy vote to decide which head of hair is more beautiful? Loser gets tied up.”

Janie could easily agree to that.

Nichole was still scarfed to the chair while lunch was prepared. Chris sat and kept her company by playing a word game on his phone and letting her say the words. Her concerns about Chris had abated, but her concerns about Sammy had only grown out of proportion. These things were hidden in her heart though.

Being tied up wasn't too bad, but being Samantha’s prisoner felt all too intentional. If Nichole was tied up, Sammy could make as many advances on Chris as she wanted. It was impossible now for Nichole to identify the lines between misunderstanding and paranoia in the event she was wrong.

“Chris,” she looked at him, “How about a kiss?”
“Like this?” he gave her the kiss right on the lips.
“Just like that!” she knew he only wanted her, “Baby you forgot to shave.”
“I thought I’d let it grow for once,” he grinned like a mischievous school boy.
“None of that nonsense, my handsome manchild.”
“Nichole, you gave me a break for lunch yesterday,” Sammy interrupted the romantic moment, “I owe you the same.”
“Do you mind?!” Nichole snapped at her, “Sure, untie me. Whatever.”
“Lauren, please untie Nichole,” Sammy looked outside, “My hands are… full…”

Sammy, at this point, didn't want to be around Nichole, either. In fact, she didn't want to be around any of the girls present; Nichole was moody; Janie was too energetic for her to handle in big doses; and Lauren was too flippant today. Perhaps, she hoped, she could go with Chris and Zack on their next store run.

Lauren went to Nichole, having not heard the commotion. She was just doing her job at the request of a friend. The former softball catcher was proudly enjoying the fancy braid her sister had done for her; it felt so strange for it to be real that she let the cat out of the bag.

When Nichole was released, she went to the RV because she had to change her underwear on account of the two orgasms. In fact, it was all a bit too dirty for her tastes, but she couldn't do anything about it. She had this burning not only in her crotch but also in her bosom, and a fresh pair of panties was not fixing that for the Black Bandana Gangsta Queen. Revenge plans slowly grew in her mind.

It wasn’t unusual for either Nichole or Sammy to be silent while eating, especially when Sammy was in unfamiliar territory; Nichole just enjoyed people enjoying themselves. It was easy for her to sit on the opposite side of the outdoor table from Sammy and please herself with thoughts of tying her up and spanking her and edging her until she was crying from the pain. Never, however, did her face give away any such thoughts.

Janie and Ken sat on the incline overlooking the Lake while the former enjoyed a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the latter enjoyed fresh catch. They sat down here because Sammy was allergic to peanuts, giving the group two severe allergies. It was all fun and games, or so it seemed. When they were done eating, Janie wrapped her arms around his right arm and pulled him back so they were on their backs on the grass.

“Ken, if I were chair tied and gagged with Lauren’s ring gag, would you use me?”
“I would never use you; I love you! If you wanted me to use the thing, perhaps I would consider it as part of play,” Ken found her question to be strange.
“What if Lauren was the one who tied me up, and we were left alone?” she pushed further.
“Wouldn’t you rather I do it to make babies than do that?”
“I want my sister to have some satisfaction if she wins the game I’m going to play with her.”

Janie pulled the bandana off her head, drew herself closer to Ken, and gave him a strong kiss on the cheek. Next thing she knew, they were playfully rolling in the grass without a care in the world. He was tickling her, and she was trying to push him away. The young love was noticed from the porch, and Lauren and Zack couldn’t help but smile at each other. Soon, the adorable duo stepped back onto the porch.

“Nichole, ready for part two?” Janie put her hands on her hip.
“I think so; let me make sure I have absolutely no fish breath,” Nichole leaned back.
“All right,” the big girl walked behind Lauren and pulled her bandana off her head.
“Hey,” Lauren pushed her away with a cackle, “That’s mine.”
“Just admiring this gorgeous head of hair,” she undid the braid and brushed with her fingers.

Lauren smiled and looked at Nichole and Sammy, who strongly approved of the Gangsta Jock’s gentle way of showing how much she cared. When she was done, Janie wrapped her arm around Lauren’s neck and gave her a rough noogie to remind her who was the stronger one. Of course, the big sister really pushed the little sister away this time.

“Come on, Nichole, I have something meaner in mind this time. Would you like white, red, brown, or black?” Janie spoke to her captive-to-be.
“My black and white, you mean?” Nichole clarified Janie’s meaning.
“Of course, whatever you would like!”
“Then I want to be tied with my white rope this time,” the Gangsta Queen decided.
“Perfect! Let’s go!” Janie hauled her out of the chair and toward the RV.
“Hey!” Nichole tried to fight back despite knowing such efforts were wasted.

Nichole was pulled all the way to the RV by the girl who was 9 inches bigger than she. Nichole was shoved inside the RV, where she had moved her bag before lunch, and pushed onto the bed where Janie and Ken were sleeping at night. Without effort, Janie began box-tying Nichole’s arms with the white rope that was firm but comfortable.

Nichole squirmed and fought without saying a word because she knew talking would get her in trouble. Her arms were firmly together behind her, and in addition to a breast harness that was well-cinched between her arms and torso, Janie made a restrictive ‘X’ with rope running from one shoulder to the opposite elbow. More of the white rope bound Nichole’s ankles, knees, and thighs to leave her fully imprisoned.

“Well, thank you for not taping my toes this time,” Nichole sarcastically taunted Janie.
“The tape is in the cabin; don’t worry,” Janie patted the kerchief-covered head.
“What’s the deal here? Why are you doing this to me? To give Sammy some sort of revenge for yesterday? Trying to suck up to her and work together to p-ss me off?” bitterness was on display.
“Well, maybe revenge for her in duration, but the rest is all plain teamwork.”
“Whatever. Just gag me and get this over with,” Nichole hadn’t been so short-tempered in years.
“Sarah Nichole, you’re upset about something,” this didn’t get by Janie.
“I’m horny,” Nichole fibbed and instantly felt guilty, “Don’t worry about me.”
“Lies, but I’m not pushing,” Janie pulled a knotted black bandana between her jaws.
“UGH!” Nichole groaned while Janie tightly cleave gagged her.
“Let’s go!” Janie attached a rope to Nichole’s ankles and began dragging her out.

Nichole let out groans as she bumped along the path until she was finally on the porch; it was as if she were a piece of meat being strung along. Janie finally let go and let the drag rope behind so that Nichole could be hogtied later. After humiliating her captive in such a fashion, Gangsta Jock decided her friend needed a break. First, it was time for a little sisterly competition.

“All right, Chris, Samantha, and Nichole, we need your attention,” Lauren sat up Nichole.
“Mmmph!” groaned the unhappy captive, but she put on her best face.
“Tell us,” Janie said as she and Lauren turned around, “Whose hair is prettier?”
“Don’t say your vote out loud. Quietly hold two fingers for me, one for Janie.”

Even Nichole was taken aback by the shiny brilliance of Lauren’s normally-hidden hair. They didn’t need to count because only Sammy voted for Janie; Ken gave them the results, and Lauren pumped her fist when she got told of her victory. Janie, once again, was Lauren’s captive, and the sisters put their bandanas back, this time as kerchiefs.

“Let’s go,” Lauren motioned to the cabin, and Janie walked inside.

Janie took a seat on the chair knowing her sister was going to be brutal. As she expected, Lauren began by tying her sister’s elbows together behind her back without mercy, and she was just as strong with the wrist rope. Under Janie’s skirt, ropes bound her ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, mid thighs, and upper thighs, with Lauren taking a very long time to do this slowly and carefully to ensure the ropes were as strict as possible.

“I was supposed to tape Nichole’s toes,” Janie notified her sister a little too late.
“I’ll do it, but you shouldn’t have talked,” Lauren jammed the ring gag in her mouth.
“Mmmmm!” Janie almost immediately started drooling while her sister buckled the strap.
“That’s my beautiful baby sister,” the captor gave the captive a kiss on the forehead.

Janie was glad to keep her clothes on this time. Lauren instead tied a breast harness with the works–ropes above and below the breasts, cinched through the elbows, V in front, and so forth–and a tight waist/crotch rope. The combination of harness and waist rope held her arms and torso against the wood of the chair. Lastly, she ran ropes from Janie individual ankles to the chair legs, making sure to cinch the entire distance between skin and wood.

“That’s my Janie,” Lauren began snapping photographs of her helpless captive.
“Mmmmm!” Janie shook her head against her first ever ring gagging.
“Ken, I think Janie wants you to drag her to the bathroom,” Lauren teased him.

Lauren took the electrical tape and taped Nichole’s big toes together. Revenge was a woman named Lauren Krzyczynski, and Nichole knew revenge was coming when a yellow bandana, the one that had blindfolded her earlier in the day, was put against her crotch underneath her panties. Nichole tried to kick herself away, but she was unable to do so.

Lauren knotted the same blue rubber ball into the crotch rope and tied it so that the ball rubbed the same way as the earlier ball had done with the rope tied in front to Nichole’s harness and in back to Nichole’s box-tie. She tried to push the bandana out of her mouth, but she failed to do so before Lauren clamped a hand over her mouth and sat on the deck with her. She was about to be forced to orgasm as many times as pleased Lauren, and then she was going to be forced to eat it.

“Let’s go, you brat!” Lauren laughed at the burning passion in her friend’s eyes.
“MMMM!” Nichole tried to throw Lauren off of her.
“I think you need this,” the captor blindfolded the captive with the same red bandana.

Lauren knew how to make forced orgasms pleasurable for Nichole. While Janie went for the harsh and quick method, Lauren went for more of a crescendo from regular imprisonment to a soft soreness of happy wetness. The unfortunate part was that Nichole knew this wasn’t for her pleasure but for Lauren’s; that was why Nichole was trying so hard to get away. Little did she know that, after some conversation, it had been agreed among the men and Sammy that Sammy and Chris would take the bicycles on the next store run.

It wasn’t that Janie wasn’t good; in fact the technique was the same as Lauren’s. Lauren knew to be more considerate in her communication and to think about the captive’s emotions when it was just about kicks. Torture is a different matter; this was one married women merely helping the other get off.

“Oooo,” Nichole groaned when Lauren pushed the rubber ball against her body.
“Did that feel good?” Lauren paused and asked her with a smile that she couldn’t see.
“Mmmm hmmm!” Nichole nodded and squirmed because she felt comfortable with Lauren.
“Let’s try a little more then, and see what we can do for you.”

Lauren gently squeezed one of Nichole’s boobs in a teasing feminine manner. Years of marital experience were to their benefit as they understood the ways of the body better than their less experienced friends. Lauren knew how to find just the right spot because the right spot for a teasing/torture orgasm wasn’t the same as a marital one, at least this was true for Nichole and Lauren. Nichole couldn’t deny reality: Lauren really did care for her even if this was supposed to be punishment for what happened on Saturday night.

“Mmmmmmm,” she couldn’t help but sigh the first time when she came around.
“Ohhhhhhhhh,” she caved the second time too.
“Did you have fun?” Lauren asked her.
“Mmm hmm,” Nichole nodded slowly and arched her back.

It was such an awesome way to play, but at the same time another girl was struggling to face her past headlong.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 18

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:32 am
by AlexUSA3

“Janie, are you sure about this?” Ken asked his wife; he knew her fears.
“Mmmm hmmm,” she looked at him with stars in her eyes.
“Very well,” he put down his shorts and put himself through the ring gag.

Tied as tightly as she was, Janie could barely move. She saw it as an opportunity to try a new toy with her husband and test herself. So strongly did Janie focus on Ken instead of Ken’s part that she did not even notice how it tasted. All she knew for sure was that the moment had been erotic enough for her that it felt truly consensual even if Lauren had put her in this position. She had done it: having sex with Ken after being tied up by someone other than him.

“No!” Nichole turned her ahead away, “Go away and f-ck a rose bush!”
“Eat it!” Lauren pinched her nose to wedge the soaked bandana in her friend’s mouth.
“EWWWWW!” Nichole groaned angrily.

While Lauren knotted the gag, she wondered about Nichole’s increasing temper. Even during their kidnapping games, Nichole never seemed genuinely angry even if she tried to resist and bargain her way out of things. She had seemed irritated when Janie dragged her out, and now she seemed to be in complete rage. For security, Lauren added a strip of microfoam tape over her friend’s lips.

“NO!” Nichole groaned while the drag rope hogtied her from ankles to harness.
“Oh, shut up!” Lauren spanked her with a big laugh.

The taste of her own orgasm was horrible. She wanted to be nowhere except in a dark place with no one around her except her husband. Instead, she had been forced to eat her own orgasm with no consideration of her own feelings. She knew the nuclear option was open to her, but she didn't take it.

“How about a big ol’ three-inch rubber for you?” Lauren undid the gag.
“The big one? Bring it on! Honey, where's Sammy?” Janie turned to Ken.
“She and Chris took the bikes to the store,” he responded.
“Mmmmmmmm!” Nichole groaned in her corner, “No no no!”
“Silence, sis!” Lauren jammed the ball in her mouth, securing it with a handkerchief.
“Augh!” Janie tested the gag and was satisfied.
“Here I come,” Lauren removed Janie’s sandals and took out the electric toothbrush.
Janie’s eyes grew wide, “Oh no!”

Janie met her worst enemy after an electrical taping of her big toes. Lauren was to the electric toothbrush what Nichole was to the hairbrush. Janie squealed before forced laughter emanated from her mouth and she threw her head back. The torture was underway… physical for Janie and mental for Nichole.

“Haaaaa ha ha ha!” Janie continued to cackle in her second tickling of the day.
“These feet are alllll minneeeeeee! Take this, cutie!”
“Noooo! Ha ha haaa!”

The sisters were merely reaffirming their love for each other after months apart. The sounds of laughter filled the air and drowned out the quiet sufferings of Nichole out on the porch with Ken and Zack. Tears filled Nichole’s eyes despite her resistance, and tears filled Janie's eyes despite her own resistance.

“Ha ha ha! Eh -e -o! Aahhhh ha ha haaaa!” Janie kept cackling.
“I won't let you go. I love you too much,” Lauren remained calm while she moved around her sister's feet.
“AUGHHHH!” it started to hurt Janie.
“AUGGGGHHHHHH!” Nichole yelled loudly into her gag and snapped thrice.
“Oh, my gosh, girl, is something wrong?!” Lauren ran over and dropped the brush.
“Mmm hmm! Un-hie -e!”

Lauren began unpeeling Nichole’s gag and blindfold while Zack and Ken undid the ropes. Such a drastic reaction got their full attention. The bloodshot eyes from her tears proved it was a real need, and Nichole scrambled.

“Thanks,” she sniffed from the tears, “I need to be alone.”
“What's wrong? Can I help?” Lauren looked into her friend’s eyes.
“Yeah, by leaving me the f-ck alone like I said!” Nichole viciously snapped.
“Whoa!” Lauren watched Nichole stuff the things in her bag without care.
“I’m… I need Chris,” Nichole began crying again and walked away, “Stay away.”

Nichole drowned her sorrows, if you will, by doing what she knew would be the first of many batches of TUG laundry for the week. She focused on washing her orgasm out of the bandana that had been stuffed in her mouth. A feeling of absolute betrayal filled her, and she knew what she was going to do to both Chris and Samantha.

“Janie, let's resume. It’ll help us forget, maybe.”

It's hard to think when an electric toothbrush is making you violently cackle. Janie did just that and more while the device ran its way along her soles, and it even visited her rib cage for a moment. Janie's laughter led to Lauren’s laughter as well; it was the same fun they had in high school. Just like those moments ended, this one ended with Lauren giving Janie a kiss on the forehead.

Lauren was worried about her friend. She had never seen Nichole act this way except in those dark times where Nichole was embroiled in a battle with self-harm or fearing that her male were looking to murder her. Janie knew for sure that “horny” was a lie, but she didn't know the truth either.

By the time she was clipping the laundry to the line to air dry, Nichole had her plan to fix this mess all together in her mind. Executing her plan would be difficult if others interfered, but that's why she was doing it the way she was. Hers was the plan that would most likely work. She had to save her marriage.

“Hi, baby,” Nichole stepped out of the RV when Chris and Sammy returned.

Nichole was still the Gangsta Queen with the same trainers, kerchief, and crop top, but she had added clean white crew socks and her canvas sneakers back to the mix. Her hair was brushed out again, and a fake smile was on her face. In her heart were a multitude of selfish intentions.

“Hey, sweetie!” Chris went right up to her, “You're a cute Gangsta Queen.”
“Let Sammy handle the cabin groceries; we'll get these,” she smiled at him.
“Oh, sure!” Sammy understood and immediately walked away.
“I want you,” Nichole hugged herself in a suggestive manner, “to tie me up.”
“And maybe do this,” he moved her arms around her and put his hand up the crop top.
“Please? I need you right now,” she wrapped her arms around him and stared into his eyes.
“You're never like this during sunlight,” he took the bait, “afternoon delight?”
“Afternoon delight and more.”

While they put the groceries away, Nichole was purposefully seductive. She put her hands on him for support rather than furniture; she bumped into him with her boobs; she made sexually charged jokes. It wasn't anything Chris had never seen before, but it was an unusual time of day to see it.

“Promise you won't gag me with anything but your hand until I say so.”
“Let's go,” he opened the lid to the undercarriage.

Down they went into the undercarriage to the mussed up bed that was there. Nichole crossed her wrists together behind her back for Chris to bind them with the white rope, and then he tied her ankles together in a similar manner.

She didn't need to undress for this, and she got his promise not to gag her. They closed the curtain and took out the white rope. All Nichole was wrist and ankle bondage. Nichole stared into his eyes and gave him a kiss on the spiky cheek.

Down went their shorts and underwear. Up Chris’s body went into Nichole’s while one hand played with her dark hair, the other played with her boobs, and his lips met hers. This Nichole was what he considered to be her most erotically Gangsta. The crop top and kerchief were like a reflection of her bedroom personality. He pushed her harder; Gangsta Nichole normally liked harder pushes; he guessed correctly.

“Who gets wet first?” he asked her playfully.
“Does it matter?” she asked, “As long as you’re rough this time.”

So he was rough with his motions, but he knew better than any other person how to push his wife into the pain of unfulfilled desire. The horny Gangsta needed punishment for seducing him like this, and he stopped pushing right after he orgasmed.

“Mmmmm,” Nichole moaned quietly and sighed deeply, “Why did you stop?”
“Edging or spanking? Which will it be?”
“Why must I be punished like this? Chris, please?!” she suddenly became a bit hysterical.
“For kidnapping Janie and Sammy and for seducing me,” he missed her change in emotions, “Spanking it will be then.”

Nichole got gagged with the hand that had played with her hair. She grunted and squirmed a bit to show some resistance. His hardness pushed inside her body while he squeezed her boobs with more force. Then came the moment at which she sighed deeply and pushed him into the air in a moment of temporary ecstasy. She almost forgot, but then she admitted the truth.

“I'm jealous of you,” she said to her shame.
“Jealous? Nichole?” he pushed hard against her and stopped in surprise.
“Yes, I got so upset when I heard you went to the store with Sammy.”
“Then, baby,” he increased the pressure, “I won't. I’ll do anything to ensure we spend our lives together.”
“Ohhhhhhhh!” she gasped and spoke tritely, “I knew you loved me. I’m sorry I seduced you.”
“Still getting spanked,” he cleave gagged her with a white bandana.

Sex was great. Getting revenge on that lecherous Samantha would be better.

“Nichole went to the bedroom Olympics,” Sammy said to Lauren when she entered.
“I guess something made her horny,” Lauren was surprised.
“I don’t know what but… Oh, you two sisters are so cute together! If I were into girls, Janie would be a temptation right now.”
“Woowwwwww! Someone’s opinion has changed since Saturday.”

Sammy just noticed that Lauren was still tickling Janie with the toothbrush. Brilliant stars were in their eyes as they played together in the way they loved most. It was just like being children again, and Sammy secretly photographed and filmed them. She couldn’t believe that any two people, siblings or couples, could love each other so much.

“Janie, your hair is so beautiful. Mind if I put it back in a braid?”
“No!” Janie looked up at her and smiled as best as she could despite the exhaustion of tickling.

Lauren stopped her tickling so that Sammy could begin the process of making a simple triple braid out of Janie’s long princess hair. Each wrap was done with perfect precision unlike her own braids because her vision problems made it hard to do the right proportions on herself. She wanted it to be the most beautiful braid she had ever given anyone, and she hoped it would be the most beautiful braid anyone had ever given Janie.

“I think that, by the end of this week, Janie and I will be friends. Lauren?”
“If you’re going to play with her hair like this, you’ll certainly have a chance.”
“There it is,” Sammy put it in the scrunchie and took a photo to show Janie, “How is it?”

Never had Janie seen such perfect proportions and even braiding from top to bottom. Her own usually had tight or loose spots, although she had friends who got it all the way up to the nape of her neck like this. It was always all the hair or all the proportions; this was both.

“Ah -ove ih!” Janie gasped into the massive rubber ball despite being soaked in sweat.
“Perfect… now, it’s time to play with the cute young woman,” Sammy pulled on the braid.
“What do you have in mind?” Lauren asked her with eagerness.
“Help me get her off here, and we’ll teach Janie how Samantha Raanta humiliates her friends.”

Being attached and detached didn’t change that Janie’s arms and legs were roughly bound by the brown rope. In fact, it was better for Sammy because now she could put Janie in her favorite tie of all. They brought the squirming girl over to the sofa so that Sammy could do as she willed. This time, the rower decided, would be clean and friendly.

“Lauren, give her a smaller gag, please.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” Lauren teased her.
“Save that for when I’m a pirate queen,” Sammy winked at Lauren.

Sammy attached the rope to Janie’s wrists before she tied the tight waist/crotch rope; this forced Janie’s hands against the top of her butt and her elbows to move off of her back: a chicken wing tie. The look in Janie’s face as she took deep breaths because she was still recovering from her tickling gave Sammy’s actions her own stamp of approval. Somewhere, inside, they did like each other and really wanted to be friends.

Lauren replaced Janie’s 3 inch gag with an orange 2 inch, but the same handkerchief was used to secure the gag in her mouth. The tired softball star didn’t even offer any resistance or talk when the gag swap was made. After this, for some embarrassment, they opened Janie’s shirt. They propped her up by positioning her with her breasts on the arm of the sofa, and Sammy sitting underneath her.

“Lauren, I think she needs a sandal against the nose first. Just like you did to us earlier.”
“Your captive, your rules,” Lauren quickly complied using a medical wrap bandage to hold it.
“Mmmmm!” Janie groaned when she got another smell of her feet.

Sammy attached a rope to the gorgeous braid she made and ran the rope to Janie’s ankles, then to her elbows, and then back to her ankles to make a hair hogtie to accompany the chicken wing. It was a very vulnerable position with her feet, tummy, breasts, hair, and butt all available for the duo to torment. Since Janie had been tickled for a while, a respite was given by starting with the dreaded spanking.


How little Janie and Nichole knew that they were both receiving 10 spanks. The former was being punished for fun, and the latter was being punished for afterplay. Janie received a much harder one, especially since she was more severely bound and gagged while Nichole was very simply bound and gagged.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! took little time for much pain and delight.
“That’s enough, Janie,” Sammy declared, “Enough spanking.”
“YOWCH!” Janie yelped when her braid was yanked.
“Just a taste of those… but the real deal here. Lauren, do your toothbrush stuff!”

Lauren attacked Janie’s souls with the toothbrush while Sammy tickled her ribs with her fingers. Tears rolled down Janie’s cheeks from the intensity of another tickling, and soon she was in fits of pain from being tickled twice in such rapid succession. She was uncomfortably bound and gagged, which was the best way to be when tickled, and she was happy to have struck up what seemed to be a new friendship and, at that, one with someone her own age.

Nichole grunted a little bit while she sat on the bathroom toilet with the same ropes binding her but the gag now gone. Gagging her instead was her husband. She was pulling out all the stops on his favorite things in this daylight rough-up they were playing. She moved up and down him until she stopped, pulled off, and smiled mischievously.

“Untie me, baby,” she asked pitifully, and he undid the knot binding her wrists while she kept him hard.

Nichole quickly untied her ankles and wrapped herself around Chris. She pulled herself up and down him while they kissed until he ejaculated. Finally, they were done. He turned the water on for a shower, and she did a mouthwash rinse.

“It feels so good when we do that,” Nichole opened the door.
“It does, but is something still bothering you?”
“I was thinking about the baby we lost… Until we finally get one, I’ll never forget.”
“I won’t either,” he gave her a kiss.
“Thanks. Please shave,” she folded her arms again, “I’m going back to the cabin.”

Just as Nichole was returning to the cabin, Janie was stretching after being freed from her rope prison. Right then and there, all the girls agreed that there would be no more TUGs, marital or otherwise, for the rest of the day. They needed a break.

One of them was lying though.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 19

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:42 am
by AlexUSA3

Nichole’s plans for revenge never left her mind. The Gangsta Queen was just waiting for bedtime and went through the rest of the day as if nothing was unusual. She teamed with Sammy no problem when they played front yard volleyball before dinner; she washed dishes after dinner while Sammy wiped without a problem either. Afterwards, they went for a walk around the area without Nichole showing any signs of coldness toward anyone let alone Sammy. She was determined and so confident about her revenge plans that she was completely cold about it.

“Sammy, let’s star gaze,” she said when bedtime came, knowing Janie had no interest.
“Oh, all right, let’s go!” Sammy followed her outside barefoot without changing.
“I think there’s a telescope on the shelf in the shed,” Nichole lied through her teeth.

Out went what Nichole figured would soon be former friends. The Black Gangsta Queen was still in the same clothes and felt like they were a perfect fit for her purpose. Sammy was still full of the same colorful blues: those navy trainers, the bright sleeveless t-shirt, and a bright bandana headband, with her hair still braided as at the start of the day. Sammy, despite her misdeeds of engaging in premarital sex and viewing p-rnography and despite her rough childhood, was truly an innocent girl on the inside. Along the way to the shed, Nichole picked up the bag she had left there and trailed behind Sammy to brandish zips and a gag.

“All right, where do we go to find it,” Sammy looked around the shed.
“Oh, it’s up there,” Nichole turned on the light and pointed.
“There’s no yikes!” Sammy got slew-footed and fell to the concrete facefirst.

Swiftly Nichole moved with a wide cable tie to bind Sammy’s wrists and then quickly jammed a 2.5 inch blue rubber ball gag in Sammy’s mouth and secured it with a red bandana. Sammy tried to buck Nichole and run, but the Gangsta Queen again tripped her and cable-tied her ankles and thighs. The clueless young rower wondered what the aggressive attack was about, and a sinister silence fell over Nichole.

Zips pulled Sammy’s elbows and forearms together quite tightly, and more tied her knees, her upper thighs, her shins, and her big toes. Nichole pulled up Sammy’s shirt and bra before she used the longer cable ties to pin her arms above and below her exposed breasts and to her waist. Sammy was in zip-tie hell.

“MMM MMMM!” Sammy groaned into the gag.
“You thought I’d not notice you playing it cute with my husband, huh?” Nichole snarled.
“OWWWWWW!” Sammy had never been spanked that hard by Nichole, “NO!”
“Well, I did, you little homewrecker! Chris loves me, and I’m making sure you stay out!”
“Ih-hole, -et -e -o!” Sammy begged her, “I ohn’h ahnt him!”

Nichole had already made up her mind what to do, and she knew the start was going to go a certain way so that the darkest deeds were done in case someone found them. To do her plan right required that she first jam a black bandana in Sammy’s crotch. A black crotch rope was tied with painful tightness to do the job faster.

“OWWW!” Sammy yelled in pain when Nichole clamped her nipples.
“Chris only touches my nipples, got it?!” Nichole was wild and sweating with rage now.
“AUGH!” Sammy groaned when Nichole simultaneously yanked the clamps and the crotch rope.

Nichole had tied the rope so tightly that both the vaginal and the butt cracks were obvious even at a distance. She pulled roughly on the rope and caused Sammy to feel warm down there, but just when it seemed she would force a painful orgasm Sammy instead felt Nichole pull on her braid and spank her. And they were hard spanks too.


Nichole shouted right in her face and without any concern whatsoever. Sammy didn’t cry even though she knew she had done nothing wrong, and Nichole resumed with the breast and crotch torture instead. The rope was already causing intense pain down below, but once again Nichole stopped before Sammy could orgasm.

“Kiss my husband will you?!”
“Go to the store with my husband, will you?!”
“B-tch, you think you’re going to seduce him, don’t you?!”
“Well, let me tell you a thing or two, you’re getting thrown out as soon as we get back!”
“AYNIE! THAYE -EEEE!” Sammy screeched.

In the RV, Janie, who had a sixth sense for these things, felt a sudden disruption in her soul as. She felt a strange call in her heart, a call that said that Sammy was in spiritual distress. She looked out and saw no one by the gazebo, and the porch light was off. The shed light was on though, and she realized she had heard the real call of a distressed Sammy Raanta! Janie charged out in her pajamas, a.k.a. her sports bra and a pair of trainers.

Nichole resumed the brutal treatment of Sammy’s crotch and boobs until the girl was finally at her orgasm. The captor untied the crotch rope and pulled the bandana out. Nichole kicked off her shoes and pulled the crew socks off her feet. She now had a triple package to replace the ball in Sammy’s mouth.

“Nichole, let meemph!” both socks and the bandana entered her mouth.

Nichole wrapped 9 layers of duct tape around Sammy’s head while she tried to talk sensibly with remarkable calm despite Nichole’s fury. If only Nichole would listen to her! Instead, she was gagged with her own c-m and Nichole’s dirty socks! Nichole had no desire to harm Sammy, but she really wanted to scare her and teach her an important lesson. Sammy understood this, and she tried in vain to get Nichole to give her a chance to talk.

“Stop before I f-cking kill you!”
“SH-T!” Nichole froze solid.
“What the f-ck is going on here?!” Janie’s anger grew.
“Sammy and I are playing a super heavy game. She likes breathplay!” Nichole lied, but this time she shook with terror knowing Janie’s strength.
“You get one chance!” Janie dragged Nichole by the arm and opened the window, “LAUREN!”
“Janie, please! She’s trying to ruin my marriage!” Nichole shook in fright.
“Ungag the girl! NOW!” Janie shoved her in a show of her strength.

Nichole quietly took out her scissors and cut the tape gag and unpeeled the tape. Sammy spat out the massive package of Nichole’s filthy socks and a c-mmy bandana. Without thought, the former captor cut all of the zips off Sammy’s body, which was full of marks that fortunately had not had time to dig as deep as they otherwise would except that the entire episode had lasted only 10 or 15 minutes.

“What is happening here?!” Lauren entered the shed and saw the sorrow in one girl and the fear in the other.
“Sammy has been acting inappropriately around Chris!” Nichole choked on her own tears while knowing she had overreacted.
“Sammy? What do you say?”
“Nmm mmm,” she crawled into the corner and curled herself into a ball, “No.”

Nichole explained her position clearly despite the looming threat of harm from a very upset Janie Rondell. Sammy had not only kissed Chris but then put herself into a setting to be alone with him which, to Nichole, implied that she was making a play for him. At least to the Gangsta, it seemed to be a logical conclusion.

“Bullsh-t on the first,” Janie said.
“Bullsh-t on the second,” Lauren agreed.

Janie explained how Sammy had lost her prayer rope, something very precious to her because it was a gift from her deceased godmother who had loved her like a grandmother. She frantically looked for it all over, and Chris happened to find it. Sammy was so happy to have it again that she gave Chris a kiss of gratitude.

When it came time to go to the grocery store, Sammy, who loves riding a bicycle, happened to volunteer to go. Lauren was busy with the bound Janie and Nichole at the time, Zack was with Andrew, and Ken was watching the sisters go at it. That left only Chris to accompany her on the other bicycle.

“Sammy… I’m so sorry,” Nichole was breaking down and collapsed to her knees on the floor.
“Well, now what?” Lauren went over to be a crying towel for her friend.
“Keep her tied up for 24 hours and don’t do anything to entertain her?” Janie asked.
“Tied in an ‘X’ on the gazebo for us to spank, tickle, and do whatever else?” Lauren suggested.

It was all so obvious now as Nichole replayed what she had seen in her mind and thought about how she had behaved all day… snapping at Janie and Lauren, seducing Chris, and finally tying up and torturing one of the people she loved most in the world. Janie and Lauren went back and forth with different suggestions. They suggested various ways to tie and torture the Gangsta Queen, and Nichole was ready to accept anything. Her plan had forgotten one very important thing: that Sammy was a person too.

“Sammy,” Nichole dried her tears, “you don’t have to forgive me for anything.”
“Forgiveness would still be better; maybe she should decide your punishment,” Janie suggested.
“Let God arise…,” Sammy began singing that song once again.

The words of the song filled the shed with the sonority of Sammy’s perfect pitch. She sang the same song she had sung to Janie before, the song of forgiveness. This was her answer to what was the latest and greatest controversy of this trip. Sammy understood that Nichole mistook her actions, and somehow through the ordeal the Gangsta Row never cried and remained firm in the confidence that Nichole would see the truth. This was how strongly Sammy loved Nichole.

“I’m going to spend some time alone on gazebo. Sarah Nichole Petersen, I still love you; I forgive you; and I don’t want you to be punished until you and I get chance to talk about it in morning,” she kissed Nichole on the forehead.

Sammy walked out of the shed and left the other three in silence. Lauren and Nichole could not believe this, but Janie had a huge smile on her face at how the rower handled herself. It was she who made the next motion.

“I’m sorry about all this misunderstanding,” the big girl crouched near Nichole, “You know what I think? I think I still love you, too, Sarah Nichole Petersen. You really love Chris, but you got too protective and formed conspiracy theories in your mind instead of asking other people about it. I know you’re sorry, and I forgive you for how you’ve acted today,” Janie also kissed Nichole on the forehead.
“L-Lauren?” Nichole asked when they were alone as she finally stood up and dried her tears.
“Why didn’t you ask, honey? This never would have happened,” Lauren looked into her eyes.
“Because I was too proud…”
“All you did was damage other’s opinion of you… I forgive you as well. You and Janie are a lot alike… you both are smart and, like Janie said, form conspiracy theories. Look what happened this morning with Janie. Try to be more humble like Samantha. Let’s bring you to Chris.”

Lauren wrapped an arm around Nichole as they turned out the light, locked the shed, and walked to the RV together. Nichole and Sammy had a lot to think about. In fact, Sammy didn’t sleep on the gazebo. Instead, she spent hours in Orthodox style prayer, begging for peace for the souls of all of them, but especially Nichole. It was after midnight when she finally felt some semblance of peace and decided to go to bed.

“N-N-Nichole?” Sammy entered the RV to see her friend putting pressure on her arm.
“Hey,” Nichole whispered from the driver’s seat, “Been here 20 minutes.”
“Are you… OK?” Sammy sat down next to her having never seen this before.
“I wasn’t OK… never fell asleep… but I finally felt at peace 10 minutes ago.”
“Were you watching me?” embarrassment filled her as she looked away from Nichole.
“I was… and praying with you… I sat down here after I… slashed myself.”
“Is that blood on those paper towels?” the rower grew wide-eyed.
“Yeah, but I finally got it under control… I haven’t done this since I was a junior.”

During the battle from the summer after freshman year until the end of the fall of junior year, a period of 18 months, Nichole fought a war against herself that had seen permanent harm done to her body. Once a decent clot formed, Sammy helped Nichole put antibiotics on the open slice and wrap layer upon layer of gauze and bandage upon it.

Nichole hadn’t gone to bed as shown by the clothes she continued to wear. Neither one did. In a true show of the powerful love of forgiveness, Sammy helped Nichole into the overhead bed, and there Nichole slept peacefully while Sammy watched her until she, too, fell asleep.

The next morning, Janie woke up to find herself in the middle of the fourth decade of a rosary that she had been praying for Nichole. She stretched and yawned and walked over to the window by the sink where she saw the dreadful drops of blood in the sink. When she turned around, she saw the first aid kit on the dinette. She looked up and saw Sammy and Nichole together and didn't know whether to cry with sadness over Nichole’s action or to jump with happiness over Sammy’s kindness.

Into the shower Janie went, much to Ken and Chris’s frustration. She needed a fresh start in a way, and washing her body was a way to do this. Janie went to one of her favorite outfits: green trainers, a yellow “Orlando East Athletics” t-shirt, and a green bandana headband with today's braid held by a yellow scrunchie. On her feet were her red running shoes and green socks.

Nichole and Sammy were still asleep, so Janie gently moved the covers so that the sunlight wouldn't bother them sooner than their bodies absolutely needed. Out she went to the porch where she found her sister and her nephew. Purple trainers, a blue t-shirt, and a purple bandana headband were Lauren’s clothes, and her hair was back in the usual bun; on her feet were black flip-flops.

“Lauren, I don't believe it,” Janie put her chin in her hands.
“What's the matter this morning?” Lauren saw the long face on her sister.
“Was last night real? I have never seen Nichole like this.”
“Unfortunately, it was real, and Sammy remained so beautiful through it.”
“She really did. Nichole’s sleeping in her bed with her right now. But, Lauren… Nichole… she sliced herself last night.”
“We have a problem on our hands,” Lauren groaned.
“Seeing how she handled things last night made me feel worse about my fight with Samantha yesterday,” Janie spoke from the heart.
“What you saw last night was the real Sammy… the girl Nichole and I cherish as a friend,” Lauren winced against a terrible migraine.

When 6:30 came, Janie felt it was all right. When 7 came, she wondered if Sammy and Nichole were still breathing. When 7:30 came, she gently nudged the rower. It didn't take too much to wake her up, but the process was slow.

“Mmmmm!” Sammy stretched and rolled over to see Janie smiling at her.
“Hi, Gangsta Row,” that grinning face spoke.
“I hear a pet name in that,” Sammy suggested that Janie and she were closer now.
“You handled yourself like a saint last night.”

Sammy’s flat lips never showed much, but a slight frown came over her face at being called a saint. She wasn't a saint; she was chief of sinners in her mind. A pain filled her heart at the recollection of her interactions with Nichole from the previous night.

After gently shaking Nichole, Sammy climbed down from the bed and pulled the blue bandana off her head finally. She nervously played with the cotton scarf and glanced away from Janie towards Nichole. Without a word, she got her clothes and dashed into the bathroom just as Ken exited it. Janie wasn't forcing anyone to talk.

“What's up?” Nichole woke and turned to Janie.
“Slept like a baby, huh?” Janie asked her.
“Sh-t, last night was real,” Nichole muttered to herself while examining her arm.
“Is something wrong?” the big girl pushed.
“No, I’m fine. I’ll just… stay here until… Sammy's out.”
Janie’s voice cracked a little, “I know what you did.”

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 20

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:13 pm
by AlexUSA3

Nichole neither shrank back nor moved in place. Instead, she groped for her scarf that had fallen off during the night. Once she had it back on her head, she crawled down and took a seat in the same chair she had chosen the previous night. She crossed her legs and put her arms on the arms of the chair.

“So what are you going to do? Tie me up for it? You know what my problem is?”
“I’m listening; I'm curious what you think,” Janie sat across from her.
“I’m just as over the top intelligent as you, but I'm extremely proud of it even though I don't often show it,” confided the Gangsta Queen, “Opposite of you insisting you're not smart. Me? I wave off a compliment but inwardly love it.”

Nichole had clearly thought about Lauren’s comment about her and Janie using their intelligence to drive themselves to conspiracy theories about others. Lauren, Nichole realized, was also smart, but she never had the opportunity to shine because of Janie. At this point, Nichole knew she had to stop talking about last night and instead work on achieving genuine transformation of her heart.

“Hey, girlfriend,” Sammy exited the shower, “Shall we go for a walk and talk?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” Nichole followed her outside and left Janie behind.
“They can’t just…,” Janie watched them depart, “I guess they can.”

The girls weren’t exercising. They were talking about a variety of things. Most of all, though, Nichole talked about how deeply affected she was by watching Sammy pray for so long. To take that kind of time to pray for a friend after what had just happened required a remarkable person.

“You remind me of my sister.”

Perhaps Sammy was being too forgiving. Normally she struggled to forgive and would get into squabbles like she had with Janie and drag them out. If it took her an entire day just to accept Janie and to forgive her, how did she so quickly forgive Nichole of false accusations and brutally kidnapping her? That ability to pray for others, even her enemies, was Sammy’s strongest trait.

“It wasn’t easy to forgive you or Janie, but after I talked to my mother yesterday it made so much more sense to me. I am discovering things I like about all of you, even Janie, that I never knew I liked. It was easier to forgive you because I knew you were genuinely upset and were trying not to hurt me. You wanted to scare me, but I wasn’t scared.”
“Oh, Samantha,” Nichole wrapped her arms around her roommate.
“Nichole, remember how a couple months ago when you first mentioned this vacation we joked about having a picnic on the archipelago?”
“Of course I do. Do you still want to do that?”

“Just me and you, but I am changing things. When we get back to the cabin, I am keeping you tied up as much of the time as I wish. Janie wants to go into town today. Pirate Day will have to wait,” Sammy looked at Nichole’s arm.
“I’m sorry I added suffering to suffering,” Nichole hid the wound, “I’ll be your captive. Sammy, do you really forgive me?”
“Gangsta Queen, now’s a good reason to give you a hug,” the rower opened her arms.

It all made so much sense in its own way. Sammy had done her part; the component left was for Nichole to forgive herself. As shown by the new ugly wound, that wasn’t happening as quickly, but it was a work in progress. Like her older sister, who really was a Gangsta Queen, Nichole had the same fiery anger, but unlike her sister she had the restraint to do no genuine harm to any person except herself.

“Are you going to change?” Sammy asked as they approached the RV.
“Why? I’m barefoot right now, so I need a shower after that walk. Just take me.”
“Either you can shower in the RV, or my first act will be to tie you up and give you one.”
“Well, Gangsta Row, you’re gonna have to give me one.”

Sammy didn’t look too intimidating in bright green trainers, a yellow sports bra, and a bright green bandana headband, the green having concentric green and yellow circle patterns filling the field. She didn’t need to try though to put an inescapable grip on Nichole and to drag her friend by the left arm. Into the RV they went, and she temporarily ziptied Nichole’s wrists behind her. The captor picked out some clothes for Nichole and again took her by the arm. Without a word from either they marched into the cabin and into the small bathroom.

“All right, what’ll it be?” Sammy gave her one final chance.
“I’ll do it myself,” the Queen surrendered with a forced smile.
“That’s better. Oh, and, Nichole, one thing… don’t ever be afraid to say something if you think I’m doing something wrong, whether to you or Chris or anyone else,” Sammy shut the door.

Nichole didn’t know whether to smile, laugh, or cry. Outside the bathroom, Sammy explained her plan for the day to her fellow vacationers so that minimal interference would occur. That was easy to accept for all of them. They also agreed to go into town, whether before or after lunch.

“Sammy, I know I keep asking this, but would you sing that song? Again?” Janie smiled.
“Very well, because I need to hear it too,” agreed the rower, and she began again.

In the shower, Nichole was able to hear her friend, and while she wasn't the type to cry over such things she did feel her soul getting pierced by her friend's kindness. It didn't seem possible for them all to be helping each other in so many ways, but they were. Most likely, more crises would arise; would they keep overcoming them?

With Sammy being committed to Nichole, the rest had to create their own adventure. A variety of ideas were discussed, but none of them were ideal. Then Janie and Chris each had interesting suggestions: couples volleyball (not that Nichole could play), a nature walk, and a walk around the downtown of nearby Sheboygan.

“I also have a Team USA uniform to be a hostage in,” Janie added for Lauren.
“How about town first?” Lauren liked the idea, “We can even do that with Nichole in some amount of rope.”
“Public humiliation?” Nichole gulped at that thought as she exited the shower.
“Well, we only have the two bicycles,” Janie started.
“We towed my Jeep for nothing?” sarcastically came off Lauren’s mouth.

Nichole stood in teal athletic shorts, typical white socks and canvas sneakers, a white sleeveless t-shirt, and her blue floral bandana as a headband. She shuffled her feet in place and crossed her arms at this though. Such humiliation, she knew, would be very humbling for her, and she right now needed a big piece of humble pie.

“It's still early,” Sammy brandished a piece of Nichole’s white rope.
“All right,” Nichole put her arms together behind her back, “We’ll go after we eat.”

It was a simple start to a simple day with Sammy binding Nichole’s crossed wrists, her thighs, and her ankles using the familiar, marked white rope. Nothing more was needed. The Gangsta Queen was given to her two friends who were hogging the sofa and squeezed between them without a thought. Lauren crushed Nichole’s mouth in a hand gag.

“Sammy, while you’re cooking breakfast, mind if I tickle this one?” asked the Gangsta Mom.
“How about we just go into town now since it's almost 8:30 anyway?” the rower changed plans, “Go ahead and blindfold her, and you and I will sit in the trunk with her since it’ll be a 15 minute ride.”
“Oh, all right,” Nichole’s headband was pulled over her eyes.

The septet got ready for a day on the town, which mostly meant packing things for the baby. After they arrived, all agreed to let Sammy have sole control of the captive. It was hard to resist a captive Gangsta Queen, but once in the vehicle Lauren again hand gagged Nichole.

“Heh heh heh!” Nichole felt Sammy’s fingers in her ribs.

The entire distance into Sheboygan, Sammy tickled her captive that, to everyone’s amazement but her own, was still her friend. Nichole howled into the gag because the fingers were being much rougher than usual, but it was all in good fun. By the time they were within city limits, Nichole was exhausted.

Now it was time to get Nichole ready to walk around downtown. They pulled her navy blue hoodie over her after untying her arms and zipped her wrists together inside the pocket. Cuffs weren’t an option due to concerns about metal detectors. When the vehicle stopped, the seven relatively young people stepped out of the Jeep and looked around. Sammy, in just a sports bra, had thrown her white pullover jacket onto herself and buttoned it.

“You comfortable?” Lauren looked at Nichole.
“Yeah,” Nichole stepped out and squirmed in place, “but I’m not an exhibitionist. I know Janie would be giggling and asking for a crotch rope on top of it, but just the wrists make me nervous enough.”
“Hey, just stick to us, all right? Sammy and Janie will keep you safe,” Lauren reassured her.
“Oh, you try so hard to be positive,” the captive responded by playfully nuzzling.
“Niccchooollllleeeeeee,” Janie sang out, “I see a candy store and a bakery.”

If Nichole had a gastronomic weakness, it was for candy and pastry. Even at 9 AM, it all sounded so good to her. Sammy wasted no time in hustling her captive across the street and toward the first of what they knew would be many stops in their morning. Of all the people Nichole, only her “sister” and Sammy would bring her to a bakery so soon after an incident like the previous night’s.

Sammy and Nichole marveled at the variety of treats in the bakery, and, while they couldn’t buy everything they wanted, they enjoyed revitalizing a friendship that all of them were certain had come to an end the night before. Instead, if anything, Sammy seemed to be the one who wanted things to be better than ever.

“Is there anything you girls want?” Janie asked while watching their eyes sparkle.
“We can do without sugar,” responded Sammy.
“I love the way she talks. I hope you teach your children someday to talk Russian.”
“Watch it, Nichole,” the Gangsta Jock snarled and then pointed in the case, “No, my treat. Sammy, I saw you eyeing that one there.”
“Yeah, I was loo-”
“A piece of the lemon creme cake, and one of the Strawberry Fields Forever, please.”

Suddenly the zip ties inside Nichole’s hoodie didn't feel so restrictive anymore. Love, she concluded, really never fails others. It was a special kind of love she felt from her two friends, and she looked and saw a different kind of love in Ken’s eyes. What Ken loved most about Janie was on display right here.

As they proceeded from one place to the next, Nichole felt more like a prisoner of her friends’ love than a prisoner or her mistakes. She knew the bandage on her arm broke Janie’s heart because she knew that pain better than even Chris. Never considered by Nichole was that doting on her was how Sammy and Janie were coping with the slash on her arm.

Lauren was affected differently by Nichole’s actions and Sammy’s response. As she approached her own 2nd anniversary of marriage to Zack and her son’s first birthday, she wondered if she and Zack were properly communicating to each other about their personal fears and concerns. Would she have reacted like Nichole did, better, or, she shuddered at the thought, worse?

Throughout the morning, as they went from place to place, Nichole was constantly escorted by her roommate or her husband without complaint. She felt comfortable and somehow knew that, despite her concerns, they would keep her safe even in the event of someone figuring out that she was bound. Part of her marveled over the events of the past 24 hours. Forgiveness from Sammy was one thing; forgiving herself would be painfully slow.

How many times had she inconvenienced Sammy over the past year? She had prepared dinners that violated Sammy’s religious fasts; she had disrupted Sammy’s prayer routines; what else was going to happen? She was an arrogant jerk just like the family she had disowned four years ago.

“I didn't plan on burning $150 today, but it’ll be worth it,” Janie smiled as they walked to the Jeep, “How was it being tied up like that?”
“I didn't enjoy it like you would, if that's what you're asking,” Nichole responded while Sammy helped her into the far back of the Jeep.

On the way home, Sammy cut the zip so Nichole could remove her hoodie and bound her again with the same three ropes, and this time she held her without Lauren’s help, maintaining a tight hand gag the rest of the time they were in the car. Humiliation was an interesting way to spend the morning, and Nichole wondered what the afternoon would bring them. When they arrived, Sammy forced Nichole to hop back into the cabin, swatting her when she wasn't fast enough and always maintaining the hand gag. It seemed hopping was going to be a popular theme of the day.

“You have to wait while we make the lunch, but you can't see, hear, or smell what we're doing,” Sammy explained.
“What does this mean?” Nichole turned to her and got forced to sit on the table.
“It means I have to go get my TUG bag from the RV,” Sammy strutted away.
“Booooobbbbbbieeessssss,” Lauren playfully squeezed the captive’s breasts.
“Leave her alone!” the captor shouted back to the others.
“Please, Lauren,” Nichole looked up as if she were fighting herself, “Don’t.”

Lauren wasn’t sure how to construe this. Something in Nichole’s eyes both asked Lauren to help her and told her to leave everything up to Samantha. It was a gaze that Lauren knew too well. It was going to be difficult, but she knew she had to leave things be. Suddenly, she felt the soft and familiar grip of her sister pulling her away.

“Let her be,” Janie was calm and firm, “Lauren, don’t make things worse by interfering.”
“I don’t rank people, but she’s a top 5 among my friends,” Lauren struggled.
“I think now is a good time for me to show off my Team USA uni.”
“OK,” the older sister never took her eyes off Nichole, “Let’s do that.”
“I’m back,” Sammy walked into the cabin with her bag and a rare smirk on her face.
“Bring on the cuddles?” Nichole laughed at her own joke.

Sammy began to swap the soft white rope for some of her own tougher brown rope, beginning by crossing Nichole’s arms at the midway point and lashing them together with tender care. It was a strange feeling because although she was being tied up for being bad it was almost like Sammy wanted to make sure a friend didn’t slip away as opposed to the punishment and imprisonment ties Nichole endured several times while in college. She remained tight-lipped while the ropes were being secured, and the ankles and thigh bonds were also replaced with the rougher brown rope. A fourth rope made a simple breast bond with ropes only above and below her boobs with cinching through the armpits; no V’s or windings around the neck were wanted this time.

“Hmmm,” Sammy revealed her secret weapon, a 2 inch red ball gag, “Open wide.”
“Where did you get that?” Janie raised her eyebrows with curiosity.
“My crewmates let me borrow some stuff for this trip,” came back out without any emotions.
“Get that away from me!” Nichole stood up and hopped toward the closet in a teasing manner.
“Oh, no, you don’t, Nichole,” Sammy reeled her friend in and pulled an old, clean, and soft pillowcase over her head.

Nichole now was helpless against her captor’s desires. Apparently, some personal joke existed between the two of them concerning ball gags, based on the smile on their faces. Finally, after so much time, Sammy was smiling while she pushed the gag into Nichole’s mouth and secured the strap behind her. Janie had finally seen a genuinely happy smile on the face of Sammy Raanta. Lastly, she put noise canceling headphones on Nichole’s head.

“Into the closet with you, just like you did to me,” Sammy shut the door and wiped the dust off her hands.
“That was beautiful,” remarked Lauren.
“Thank you,” Sammy pulled out her phone and set the bluetooth headphones to play soft music.
“The headphones are interesting,” Janie walked over, “Do you do this often?”
“Sensory deprivation? It’s extremely therapeutic,” the rower shrugged, “It works wonders.”
“All right, I won’t keep you from your lunch surprise. I have something I need to do.”

Janie stepped out of the cabin, and Sammy stepped into the kitchen. Sammy had a plan, and she had just the right people to do it. With this group of people helping her, Samantha Raanta was going to prove just how much she still loved her best friend. She silently prayed that her effort would put a genuine smile back on Nichole’s face.

In the closet with classical music filling her ears, a pillowcase over her head, a ball gag in her mouth, and ropes over her body, Nichole was once again a prisoner of love. Should horrible acts such as what she did be truly acknowledged like this though? She couldn’t move much, and only a little light filtered through the navy blue hood over her eyes. Symphonic notes filled her ears in a pleasing way as if the noise canceling headphones weren’t enough alone.

It seemed appropriate to be locked in the closet, to be put away, to be sequestered… to be given a chance to redeem herself. Sammy didn’t need to do this, but Nichole knew she wanted to do it, whatever it was. She couldn’t believe how much Sammy cared; the music indeed helped her to relax and not worry about things too much. It didn’t take much effort to know that Sammy tied her up very well.

“How do I look?” Janie stepped into the cabin.
“Like Auntie Sammy, and I don’t mean her,” Lauren pointed to the rower.
“Like a sexier version of the American flag,” her husband had to give his opinion.

Janie was wearing her Team USA softball uniform, in this case it was flag red with white letters, a white long-sleeve t-shirt under that, navy blue socks that almost reached her knees, and Janie’s personal touches: a flag bandana headband and red, white, and navy blue ribbons holding her braid. It was very American and very Janie. Lauren couldn’t help but beam with pride; her baby sister was forever cemented in American softball history.

“Oh, Janie, I think you’re going to get in trouble after we eat,” Lauren teased her.
“I don’t know about that,” Janie was just showing them her threads because they wanted to see.
“Nichole will get her turn, right?” Sammy looked out for her captive.
“Of course! I want her to see it before it goes back to preservation.”
“Where are your other flags?” Lauren ran reconnaissance.
“On my wrists for when you kidnap me,” smiled the more legendary of the Patterson sisters.
“Janie, I’m sorry, but today we have to focus on Nichole,” Sammy played off Lauren.

Lauren raised her eyebrows at both comments while she flipped a piece of French toast. Janie was hoping for the true element of surprise, and she was going to get it. The older sister agreed with Samantha; they had big problems with Nichole. Sammy was telling the truth that the focus was on Nichole, and Lauren told the truth in her agreement. When Janie was outside, they had formed this plan, and it seemed to be already working to perfection based on the disappointment on Janie’s face.

“Oh, Nichole is so adorable!” Janie heard humming from the closet.
“She sometimes does that during SD and oftentimes doesn’t realize it.”
“Can you explain to me why you do this to each other? The so called ‘SD,’ I mean.”

“Physical relaxation aids psychological relaxation,” Sammy briefly explained it, “Makes it very easy to work out your problems and worries without raising your blood pressure. For me, that leads me toward more meaningful prayer when I am struggling to block a stream of four or five different thoughts haunting me all at once. Nichole struggles with the same thing, and the SD helps her in a similar way. Right now, Nichole is struggling with what happened last night, both in the shed and with her arm, and this will help her to get her focus back and truly apologize in both the spiritual and personal sense. It’s great both before and after a tough exam or a big race. Replace the cognitive dissonance with consonance.”

“I’d like to try that sometime,” remarked the younger Patterson, “I struggle with that too. You have done a lot of research, I can tell.”
“I just bury thoughts and forget about them,” cackled Lauren.
“Lucky you, not getting tortured by yourself for days, weeks, months, years.”
“Likewise I do not get the seemingly unending pleasure of good thoughts like you.”

Janie had to admit that she had many advantages over Lauren in that she could just as easily dwell on a good thought, like Ken buying her flowers, as she could dwell on the bad memories of childhood. Memorizing copious amounts of information was trivial, but likewise she was easily distracted as seen by how quickly she forgot the talk about not kidnapping her. She saw herself as a computer with a smaller hard drive than her sister but with twice the RAM.

Sammy could relate to what Janie was saying. It was hard for her to forget the events even if she was able to forgive. Internally, she hadn't forgiven Nichole, and there was a mixture of revenge in her actions that she hadn't yet recognized. It was a difficult battle that was so common that now it was a background process in her brain.

“This will now keep safe and warm. Chris, get your lovely wife, and we can go!”
“Sammy, are you sure that will keep?” Chris looked at the spread.
“The mess is worth it to revive her spirits,” Sammy made sure the jar was sealed properly.
“You watch that; I'll make sure Nichole gets there safely.”

Nichole had no idea what was happening to her when she was hauled out of the closet and tightly blindfolded, on top of the pillow case, with a yellow bandana except that her friend and husband had a plan. The SD therapy had worked well, with Nichole almost limp from the half-hour she’d spent locked up and alone in the closet. Janie imagined herself being carried so easily by Ken, but the only way he could carry her was thrown over his shoulder.

With the blindfold, there was no making her hop, hence Chris carried her all the way to the boat. Nichole was almost purring like a kitten, but it was more the peaceful growl of love. There was no eros in this; it was a bashful expression of how she appreciated Chris and Sammy’s love. If there was a moment in which she should feel so much emotions, it was now. Tears began rolling down the captive’s cheeks as she was carefully laid in the canoe for Sammy to row to the island she had picked.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 21

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:55 am
by Lucky Lottie
Loving the story, the last few chapters were intense

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 21

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:08 pm
by AlexUSA3

Nichole couldn’t wait for the layers to come off, perhaps for her arms to be freed, so that she could see what Sammy had done. Indeed, the headphones came off first after a graceful crossing of the water; then the wrist and breast ropes came off. Nichole’s gag was removed, and she was told to remove the blindfold. Slowly, Nichole unknotted the bandana and removed the sack and saw before her strawberry stuffed French toast.

She looked at Sammy and saw a smile; she turned and saw a smile on Chris’s face as well. After a glance at her arm and the bandage on it, she saw a look of pain in both faces, and she blushed with embarrassment. Looking back at the French toast brought the smile back to her face though. All was truly forgiven.

“I… You two really… Sammy, I’m sorry I ever thought you would want to steal Chris away from me,” Nichole kept her eyes on the food, “If anyone, it's me you’d want.”
“That's the Nichole I love more than the world,” Chris kissed her.
“This looks delicious. That’s why you took some of the bags into the cabin yesterday! Sammy Raanta, you're a sneak! Whose idea was it?”

But no answer came. Soon, they had finished their lunch, and Nichole found her arms and breasts back in the same ropes as before. The red ball gag filled her mouth once again, and the yellow bandana once again blindfolded her. Sammy started play with a nearby ant mound and looked mischievously at Nichole. Chris, who himself had no fears of bugs, merely watched her with curiosity.

“What are you going to do with that?”

Nichole felt a strange sensation on her body. Something seemed to be tickling her. In a moment, she determined there were several tickles. Her legs were extremely ticklish right now! She couldn't help.

“Heh heh heh!” she started laughing.

But what was it? Something was traveling about, it seemed. It could be some sort of itching fluid, could it? Or even itching powder? Maybe Sammy knew of a kind of contact dermatitis? It was forcing her to cackle though.

“Ants, really, Sammy?” Chris shook his.
“Huh? EEEEEEEE!” Nichole started thrashing to throw the creatures off her.
“Ha ha ha!” Sammy laughed loudly, “Nice try, but there are too many!”

As long as Nichole could remember, she had been terrified of bugs. Her brothers had regularly put a variety of harmless and dangerous creatures in her room over the years. Even years after she left her childhood family for good, she still was petrified of bugs.

Sammy didn’t want to torture her friend and began flicking the little black specks off of her body with caution taken to not damage any skin. Soon, all of the small creatures were back on earth where they belonged. Now Sammy decided to take advantage of her friend’s position.

“You know what happens to good girls who act naughty?” Sammy teased her.
“Hmmmph!” Nichole got pulled across the strong rower’s knee.
SMACK!… “Beautiful sound, isn’t it?” the captor looked at her captive’s husband.
SMACK!… “I agree, but maybe you should do it more like this,” he demonstrated.
SMACK!… “Mmmph!” Nichole groaned and heard Sammy ask, “Like that?”
SMACK!… “Yes,” he confirmed.
SMACK!… They took turns though they didn’t have synchronization.
SMACK!… “Eyyyyyyy!” Nichole calmly protested, “-ou hoo aren’h nithe!”
SMACK!…“We aren’t,” Sammy smiled, “But you were naughty last night!”
SMACK!… Nichole squirmed a bit that time.
SMACK!… she couldn’t see who was doing this to her.
SMACK!… it felt so deserved in a good way; Sammy really loved her.
SMACK!… “OWWW!” she wailed and heard Chris mutter, “Pretty good.”
SMACK!… that rower knew exactly what she was doing!
SMACK!… how could impact play reek of love so much?
SMACK!… she squirmed, clenched her hands into fists, and relaxed them.
SMACK!… “She’s a champ in so many ways!” Sammy complimented her.
SMACK!… that one really stung.
SMACK!… why did she like that feeling?
SMACK!… “Mmmmm!” she flipped them off while inwardly loving it.
SMACK!… her butt was getting really sore now. How many were they doing?
SMACK!… “I love you, just not like Chris does,” joked the rower.
SMACK!… this seemed to go on forever.
SMACK!… “Are you having fun? I am!”
SMACK!… “Aren’t her struggles the cutest?” Chris asked rhetorically.
SMACK!… Nichole tried to roll away and got pulled back.
SMACK!… “There… you’ll be 25 in under four months!” Sammy pronounced.

Nichole was carefully handed over to her husband, who gently rubbed her back. Sammy took a step back and knew that they needed to be alone. She muttered an excuse and took a boat to go explore the other islands. Whether or not Nichole felt worthy of such kindness, Sammy was still planning for their anticipated “Pirate Day” fun.

“We’re alone,” Chris sat with Nichole on his lap and with his back against a tree, “Want to talk?”
“Mmm hmm,” she spoke softly, and he unbuckled the gag.
“I know this seems unusual, but genuine punishment wouldn’t have done any good.”
“You know I hate myself for what I did,” Nichole blindly squirmed a little.
“I think Samantha blames herself,” Chris squeezed one of her breasts.
“Not now you, brat!” Nichole snapped, “You really think she does?!”
“Just my opinion. She feels she made bad decisions to make it possible for you to misconstrue her actions.”
“Where is she?!” Nichole started crying a bit.
“She went to explore the other islands a bit. What’s wrong?”

Nichole rarely talked about life at home with anyone except Chris. Once Nichole’s older sister found trouble, Nichole was ever after treated as a second-class citizen in her own home. It was hard for her to go more than 2 weeks without getting beaten by her father. All was crystal clear now.

“I have to more meaningfully apologize to Sammy,” Nichole responded, “For now, let’s enjoy each other.”
“What do we need for that?”
“Just each other and nothing dirty. Another couple on the park bench at school.”

Nichole felt Chris wrap her in his warm embrace, and his lips met hers. This was the kiss of true marital love, and in that kiss Nichole felt just how much more Chris understood her than she had ever believed. Her passions had dominated her, and she had to learn how to control them. Those words of that song of forgiveness came back to her, and she felt a strange peace overshadow her.

“You may play with me, gently. Clothes on.”

It was not a process that would happen in an instant. It would be days, weeks, months, and years to overcome all the problems of her youth. She thought it had been all put away for good, but still some things had lurked beneath the surface just waiting for the perfect occasion to arise and shame her.

How things had changed from when she first met Samantha. Then, the young rower was a closed door. In the months since, Nichole had grown to be the one friend that Sammy trusted like her own family. Thinking of her own adopted sister helped the now captive young woman to appreciate her role in Sammy’s life.

While their lips touched, Chris gently ran his fingers through Nichole’s hair. Despite everything that had occurred, their love hadn't wavered, and he felt a change in her body language. To him, it was a renewal of the confidence that had been lost the prior night. He trusted she would right things with their friend.

“I love you,” Nichole spoke softly.
“You’ve had a stressful time lately,” he squeezed her breasts a little.
“No,” she shuddered, “Not right now. Gentle, please.”
“I see Sammy coming back. Has that much time gone by?”
“I hate to interrupt you two, but I see storm clouds forming.”
“Chris, stand me up. Before you gag me,” Nichole blindly looked toward the rower, “I want to apologize for last night. Not just for what I did, but for not trusting you.”
“Nichole,” Sammy hugged her and gave a rare smile, “I’m glad you understand. All is forgiven. Please, forgive yourself.”
“I’m trying,” Nichole admitted, “I’ve become the very thing I hate.”

Nichole opened up in a new way describing how the various abuses she endured for years had made her feel. How strange it was that her bondage kinks were all based on things she had suffered as a child and teenager: spanking (not counting beatings she suffered), over-clothes fondling, and imprisonment. Those things were manifested in her life in very different ways, and she began thinking about other aspects of this while she spoke.

“Even as a teenager?” that part stung Sammy but still came out flatly.
“Until the day I left forever, physical abuse, increasing in frequency as I aged until a day rarely went by without him doing something to me.”
“That's why we bond so well… And we find solace in the same things.”

It was a painful truth to say the least. She remembered the one time her father had, for reasons she no longer remembered, sealed her in a suitcase for over an hour. Like always, it became the then 17 year-old Nichole’s start of a kink. Gangsta Queen was putting more and more together.

How different Nichole was from Chris. Chris has a well-to-do family that absolutely adores the two children. Nichole is like the daughter they never had, and everyone gets along. In the Petersen family, it's the polar opposite all the way.

“Here we are!” Sammy calmly announced.
“Any chance you'd tie me up better for an afternoon nap?” Nichole asked her.
“Oh, of course! We can do this no problem! Come on!”

Chris brought Nichole over to the porch while Sammy put the other things away, such as the dishes and her TUG bag. Business before pleasure was at work here, and she knew she had the storm clouds possibly keeping her from the RV. All she needed to do was get in there before it got too close.

“Mmmm!” Nichole groaned as the red ball gag returned.
“So cute!” Sammy smiled and squeezed Nichole’s cheeks.

Sammy first tied a nice waist rope to hold her legs down. Two more pieces tied her below her knees and below her waist, and the brown nicely pushed her skin down for security. Her pale skin stood in stark contrast against the brown rope, unlike Janie and Lauren who had a similar depth of color. Sammy laid the captive on her back on the porch and sat on her tummy!

“Now, are we comfortable?” Sammy kicked off her left shoe and put her sock against Nichole's nose.
“Nmmmm!” the Gangsta Queen tried to escape the Gangsta Row by turning her head to the other side.
“Now, Nichole, quit moving, or I’ll have to put these in your mouth. Do you want that?”

Nichole’s blindfold was slid down to her nose. On Sammy’s face she saw the standard flat lips that were usually on her face. There was an unusual sparkle in her eyes that eventually permitted a wry smile to grow on her lips. Whether Nichole wanted it or not, those smelly socks would be in her mouth sooner or later. Sammy gently fluffed the curly hair while awaiting a decision.

“Mmmm,” Nichole surrendered herself to the present state of affairs.

Sammy looked back into Nichole’s eyes and was pleased to see what was almost a peaceful look in her eyes despite the emotions of the present game. All of the previous night was as if it had never happened, but there was the bandage on her friend’s arm that cut her as well. Seeing the fresh blood and Nichole’s efforts to stem the flow had made the strongest impression upon her of all the things that had occurred the night before.

“Let’s go,” Sammy stood up and helped Nichole up as well.
“Awwww,” Nichole put her head on the taller girl’s shoulder.
“Our daddy’s tried to ruin both of us. We both have our flaws, but we more or less won. I’m sad though that your daddy never changed like mine did.”
“Ih hon’h -atter. Ah’ve -ot Chrith anh hrienhs -ike -ou!” Nichole smiled.
“All right. Enough chitter chatter,” Sammy hugged her and pulled the blindfold back down.

Sammy took the bag in one arm and her happy captive in the other. Nichole began humming that song until Sammy began softly singing it. Each one of them was being affected by it in different ways, and it seemed to be taking off like a contagion. It was badly needed, too. As drops of rain began to fall, a bolt of lightning filled the sky, and Sammy and Nichole heard a dismayed cry from Lauren as they entered the RV.

They were stepping into a minefield.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 22

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:48 pm
by AlexUSA3

“That was delicious,” Janie put her plate by the sink, having eaten more food than her sister.
“Thank you,” Zack laughed at her, “I'm a talented maker of bacon.”
“F-ck yourself instead of Lauren for a change,” joked the Gangsta Jock.
“Oh, be nice now,” Lauren cautioned and winked at Ken.
“Yeah, well, back to the boring yellow and green,” Janie shrugged and walked out the door of the cabin.
“Go,” Zack motioned to both of them, knowing as well as they what Janie wanted.

Janie shuffled out to the RV not knowing she was being followed. In fact, the door didn't shut behind her because of a hand blocking it from latching. She turned when she heard footsteps and saw her sister, masked with a blue bandana, and her husband charging at her; in an instant, she was on the floor. Lauren hand gagged her and held her against the floor with her elbow in just the right place to keep her in submission. They took the bandanas off her wrists to use against her.

“We can't mess up her outfit.”
“Somewhere she has the white and red socks as well because they have each part in red, navy, and white,” Ken muttered, “She only brought the red uni though.”
“Damn, Janie, they really liked you!”
“Ah ha, here are the white ones!”

Ken pulled the white socks up his pinned wife’s arms; the knee socks almost reached her armpits. In one unending strip, Ken tightly duct taped her arms from her wrists up to her shoulders and paused. He took over holding and gagging Janie so that Lauren could open the jersey and pull up her navy shirt and yellow bra to expose her. She then took over the taping and wrapped around above and below her boobs before she broke the tape. Another wrapping at her waist put her arms fully out of commission.

“These yellow socks are pretty gross from walking around town all day. A little c-m would do wonders for them,” Lauren unbuckled Janie’s black leather belt.
“I know panty orgasm is gross; she hated that one!” Ken watched Janie get exposed.

Lauren jammed one sock in the other and knotted one flag bandana around the mouth of the parent sock. Against Janie’s bare crotch went the thick wad, and Lauren began pushing it and rolling it against Janie while her sister shrieked and began sweating. In the loving way only a sister could, Lauren clipped binder clips to her sister’s nipples.

“This hurts worse when you're breastfeeding, FYI.”
“Mmmmggggg!” Janie tried to kick her legs.

Lauren took over holding Janie with her hand and tortured her crotch and breasts so Ken could duct tape her feet, ankles, knees, and thighs together to stop the kicking since they intended to put her pants and belt back on her. Lauren wasn't the grand master, but she still knew how to force a quick and decent orgasm out of Janie. A despairing groan came from the girl while she soaked the wad that violated her. Immediately, Lauren pinched Janie's nose and waited about a minute before removing her hand.

“GOMMM!” the wad easily went into her mouth, and Lauren cranked on the bandana.
“That's our Janie.”

Janie got blindfolded with the other flag bandana, and Ken put her pants back into their proper place, including the belt, but only after tying a crotch rope with multiple knots and putting a bandana against her bare body to absorb anything so that Janie would not need to change those afterwards. Another strip of tape wrapped her upper thighs, and Lauren wrapped 10 layers of clear tape around her face.

“It's time to make you sweat! Let’s bring her out to the Jeep and lay her on the middle seat,” Lauren pointed.
“Janie really loves the hot stuff,” Ken made a double entendre and grinned about it.

Janie squirmed as much as she could, but the duct tape was thick and sticky and only going to get thicker and stickier. In her mouth was a foul combination of flavors of c-m and her own feet, a combo that was definitely worse tasting than either alone but better than underwear. It was absolutely humiliating, and she suspected it was only going to become a lot more humiliating and warmer.

Into the dangerously hot machine Janie went with her sister. Despite the dangers, the thought of anything bad happening to her never truly crossed her mind in the moment; she trusted her sister to do all the right things to make sure nothing bad happened. The door was shut, and the battle to torture Janie was underway.

“OWWWWW!” Janie felt the dreaded twisting of the binder clips
“Oops! Did that hurt?” Lauren taunted her.

Janie was in trouble for real and knew it when Lauren put her on the floor between the front and middle seats and inveigled her in the blanket that they had brought in case of a cold night. Lauren then got on top of her sister and began strongly tickling her. Out came the cackles which both knew would only serve to make things even warmer.

The crotch rope had been tied very tightly so that any and all movement of her waist would pull on it. The excitement of the heat and the inability to resist the violent tickling was already more than Janie could handle. A loud guttural groan of orgasm was followed by a laugh of satisfaction from Lauren, who didn't cease tickling Janie.

Sweat was now soaking every inch of Janie’s body, making her enjoy the sensations even more. The forced laughter’s effect on her lungs was doubled by the temperature, making her laughter more painful. Being wrapped in the blanket helped to insulate her, making the temperature rise faster. Nipple cripples made her scream in pain, but she enjoyed the pain and was warmed by it. Spanking made it all worse.

SMACK!, interrupted the proceedings once.

Lauren playfully dug her fingers into Janie’s body in full understanding of what she was doing. Hearing her sister’s laughter filled her heart with joy, and the knowledge that she was making her sister happy made her own sweat worth it. This weakness was about to get her in a painful way.

“GMMMMMMM!” Janie quickly orgasmed a second time.
“Janie, I’m sweating so much. Let's get you out of here. Hard to believe it hasn't been 10 minutes.”

Lauren pulled her sister out and toward the cool cabin. She had just called Zack for help when a sudden pang of pain hit her. Next thing she knew, she was vomiting while on her hands and knees on the ground. In a fit of irony, she was the one who had been pushed too far by the heat, and Janie was in the arms of her husband and clueless as to her sister's condition while being escorted to the RV.

“Thanks,” Lauren gasped while she soaked her face with a cold washcloth.
“Be careful! You could have died,” Zack stated the obvious while she lay on the sofa.
“I’m sorry,” Lauren felt guilty at the thought, “I won't make that mistake twice.”

“Move along,” Ken swatted Janie on the butt while she hopped along.
“Nmmmm mmm mm mmmmm!” she complained.

Ken did not want Janie to know about her sister’s condition lest she panic. Once they were in the RV and after she was on the bed, he cut the tape on her feet and removed her cleats. Janie was soaked in sweat already, but Ken wanted to see her sweat some more. Rarely did he discuss things that he found arousing because it was rare for him to be aroused by the sight of Janie bound and gagged.

His plan was basic: slowly replace the tape with rope so that her socks could be used against her. His method of choice for increased sweating naturally was a combination of tickling and torturing her vulnerable nipples and crotch. She seemed to be enjoying the situation, and she made some playful groans.

“Gah ha ha haaaaa!” the tickling resumed at a brisk pace.
“You have to surrender, honey,” he teased her.
“Nooooo!” she rejected such conversations.

Janie didn't want Ken to take advantage of her; she was afraid of Lauren walking in on them and wasn’t in the right frame of mind. She was extremely warm inside as a result of the torture from Lauren, and her body was soaked in sweat. It was supposed to be two sisters having fun with an occasional torture of her boobs and crotch. But she was getting more than any of them bargained for regardless.

“Mmm ughhh!” she roiled on the humiliating taste of her socks and orgasm while laughing.

Janie wasn't 100% certain of the meaning of any action Ken took and certainly wasn’t aware of her sister’s illness, and soon her sister would be feeling much worse. Could the laughter keep at this furious pace? Janie certainly wanted it to continue and was hoping for some impact play.

“Bathroom,” he muttered and carried her into the one place they could get some semblance of privacy.

Inside, despite his primary concern being Janie’s well-being, he was like his siblings and liked a rough game, in a sense. He was enjoying the sight of her bound and gagged too much and knew he wanted to play a nastier game with her. Janie squealed when he unbuckled her belt, and she knew what was coming when he undid the crotch rope.

“No, no, no!” Janie groaned, but it was so soft that Ken took it as a playful response.
“Janie, I love you more than I did the day we married.”
“Huh?” Janie got rolled onto her stomach, which she didn’t expect at all.
“Don’t worry. I’ll only finish where it counts,” he innocently encouraged her.
“OWW! NO!” she wailed as he railed her.

Groaning in rhythm with his motions and shrieking at the pain of Ken’s hardening part was all Janie could do. The duct tape held her firmly in place, and being forced against the floor not only ground her breasts into the floor but twisted the binder clips on her nipples. At this point, she felt the sweat constantly dripping off the tip of her nose.

This felt different from different scenarios. Yesterday was quick and seemed appropriate given her state of rage; she had been given a choice and chosen it because even ass, she figured, would be better than a spanking from Nichole. What was presently happening wasn’t really assault; she knew that much. It was bad though, and it hurt horribly. She understood Lauren’s arousal, but in her mind it was still sin.

“AUGH! NNNNN!” she struggled and shook, but she only made all the pains hurt more.

Just before he burst, Ken stopped moving inside Janie and gave her an intensely erotic kiss on the cheek. He pushed hard one more time and pulled himself out, and she heard the sound of him cleaning his member. Squirming on the floor was useless as she had no way to escape from him, but she did briefly retch on the flavors of sweaty sock and c-m.

“GAH!” she squawked when he turned her on her side, folded her legs, and penetrated her.

The kisses on her cheeks did little to alleviate her strong emotions at the present moment; she had been taken to the cleaners on account of Lauren. The orgasm that came from her as a result of the rubbing of her husband inside her body provided no comfort. A groan of disgust emanated from her and only expressed her displeasure. The sticky tape held her captive with no chance of release on her own. She quietly took her suffering when Ken finally filled her body.

When they were done, Ken put his initial plan into action. He would tickle Janie a little, then cut a tape bond, and finally replace the old bond with a piece of her red rope, and a new crotch rope was tied with the same bandana in place because he saw Lauren finally moving around. Slowly but surely, Janie found the rope replacing each and every one of the spots where the tape had bound her, but the harness was much more detailed than what the tape had done. As he untied her, he worked her socks off her feet as well.

Janie was so exhausted that she gave little more than the forced giggles during the tickle torture, which had truly become torture at this point. The tape being replaced with rope made her a bit more comfortable in her position, but it still wasn’t great. It had been fun until Ken had stuffed himself inside her, and now the moment was ruined. An orgasm forced by the crotch rope didn’t bring any satisfaction either.

“Let’s remove this,” Ken said and began unwinding the tape on her face.
“Mmm,” she groaned softly to herself.
“We’ll untie this,” he unknotted the bandana, “And pull these out.”
“Yuck,” she said without emotions when the socks and bandana came out.
“And give you a fresh gag!”
“Wait!” Janie started thrashing, “NOOOO MMMMMPH!”

Janie’s mouth was filled with the second multiply-orgasmed bandana, almost soaked, and one of her socks; the same bandana was used for a knotted cleave gag to hold the disgusting laundry in her mouth. Ken spared nothing in making the knots tight, and he added a strip of microfoam tape for good measure.

Ken carried her out to the back of the RV by the chrome ladder. The strong metal was perfect to suspend her upside down in her exposed state, and. She was vulnerable and exposed, and finally she was being given back to her sister for whatever came next. Whatever it was, she hoped it did not involve sex.

SMACK!, started things anew.
“Sorry to dump you on Ken; I had a little heat stroke and was barfing.”
“You really like being spanked don’t you?” Lauren asked her little sister.
“Mmm hmm,” Janie nodded disinterestedly.
“I don't know where I would be without you, but I just don't enjoy the spanking.”
“Mmmmmm!” felt the crotch rope making her orgasm again, and this time she wailed.
“Let's play with my captive sister,” Lauren squeezed her breasts, “Boooooooooobies!”
“Sis, what’s wrong?!”
“Emme hown! Hleathe!”

Lauren didn't need to be told twice, and she gently lowered her sister to the ground and brought her into the RV. She removed the blindfold and saw the distinctive red of bloodshot eyes from crying. All Lauren knew was that Janie was upset.

“Do you want to be untied?”
“Ummmm,” she felt more and less secure with being tied up.
“I’m beat still… Do you want to take a nap like we always did?”
“Eh,” Janie shrugged while her eyes begged Lauren for help.
“Do you want to talk?” Lauren peered into the chocolate brown eyes.
“Ummm,” Janie looked at Ken and back at Lauren, “Nuh uh.”
“Ken, leave us alone,” Lauren started to unpeel the tape to reveal the double sock gag.
“All right. She wants her hero,” Ken smiled at them.
“One more,” Lauren unknotted the double cleave gag.
“Thank you! Please untie me!”

Lauren carefully untied her sister; Janie refused to talk about anything until she was completely free. Once she was free, Janie began wringing her hands nervously, and she spied the other sock on the floor. She was nervous and quiet, but an idea sprang to her mind. She had been kidnapped and then left to be used as a sex toy by Ken. In the span of 45 minutes, her vacation had gone from fun to a nightmare. All the red rope grabbed her attention.

“Lauren, this is all your f-cking fault!”

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 23

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:31 pm
by AlexUSA3

“What did I do?!”

An angry silent Janie is a determined Janie. Lauren knew the lack of response meant that Janie was expressing her anger in a more personal manner. She effortlessly tied her sister's wrists and elbows behind her back. In her heart, Lauren was certain that she had done no wrong.

When Janie was angry, her true strength became readily apparent, and even Lauren could be powerless against her. The victim was pushed onto the dinette table so that her legs could be tied together. Janie frogtied her sister's legs before zip tying her big toes

“I still have one,” Janie grabbed the other knee sock and neared Lauren’s mouth.
“Sis, let me mmpphhh!” Lauren got no chance to explain.
“Oh, you said, ‘Let me be gagged,’ right? Of course, Lauren!”

Janie took one of the socks that had been on her arms and made a knotted cleave gag from it; the other became a blindfold. Lauren got a decent taste of Janie’s feet in her mouth and didn’t like it one bit, but she kept calm knowing that this fury would pass. The frogtie was tight, and one final piece made a secure and stimulating waist/crotch rope.

“I can’t believe you let me down!” Janie laid her first false accusation.
SMACK!, Janie wasn’t being nice about it.
“How could you trivialize what happened to me?!” the second came in with fury.
SMACK!, that one hurt.
“OWWWW!” Lauren let out a rare groan of genuine pain.
“You turned my husband into a butt f-cking r-pist like yours!”
“Aynie, thtop!” the captive pleaded because it was too much pain even for her to handle.
“I… I…,” Janie heard that pitiful desperation in her friend’s voice.

Years before, Janie and Lauren had had a big fight. Only on that occasion the fight had become an all-out brawl that ended in Lauren suffering a ruptured spleen. The memory of that moment came back to her, and Janie didn’t want to repeat that incident or cause any other bodily injury to Lauren either.

“It’s going to rain. I’ll tie you to the roof, and afterwards we’ll talk.”

Lauren had a rope attached to each knee, and she was carefully dragged out of the RV. For a smoother ride for her sister, Janie pulled her up via the front of the RV with the smoothness of the engine baby and windshield making it easier. The ropes were tied to the roof rack in a way that Lauren could only fall by destroying the RV, and, like that, Janie abandoned her.

Janie put her original outfit back on albeit without her socks and put her Team USA outfit back in the closet to perhaps return on another day. The yellow and green outfit was a reminder of the good times she and Lauren had shared in high school. As a crack of thunder shook the RV, she began to wonder if she had overreacted and possibly even misunderstood the situation.

“Hey, Janie,” Sammy and Nichole entered the RV, “Where’s Lauren?”
“She’s tied up right now,” Janie’s voice started choking when another bolt of lightning flashed.
“What’s wrong, Janie? I was hoping we could all enjoy a nap.”
“I tied her up on the roof rack!” Janie’s wavering voice turned to a wail.
“Go get her down!” Sammy felt like she was living a strange nightmare.
“I’m too scared to go out there!” Janie froze in place.
“You’re going out there before it starts downpouring and getting her!”

Sammy grabbed Janie, who stiffened up in fear of the weather. Nichole swelled with pride as she watched the young woman, who normally shrank in fear from any situation, defend Lauren and push Janie outside. For good measure, Sammy locked the doors of the RV as well.

Sounds like things you do not like in her are things you do not like in you, reverberated in Sammy’s mind.

Janie had no choice but to either flee and forever prove herself a coward, or she could rescue her sister. Fortunately, she chose the latter, climbed the ladder, and untied the knots. Another flash filled the sky, and Janie whimpered a little bit.

“Lauren, I’m sorry I did this to you,” she spoke while still believing she was right.

Janie carefully lowered her sister to the ground before scrambling around to find Sammy already pulling the softball catcher into the RV. Janie managed to get into the RV just before the rain started pouring buckets, and a sheet of lightning illuminated the entire space. Janie grabbed a blanket and hid underneath it, and Sammy froze in place.

“Close the windows!” Janie motioned to Sammy.
“Help me to do it!” whined the fearful rower.

Janie came out of her hiding place and saw equal terror in the other’s eyes. Here they were, both around 20 years old, and scared of thunderstorms. It was Janie’s turn to be strong, and she jumped up to quickly close all the curtains and window covers, including the big curtain separating the seats from the rest of the RV.

“Lauren, I’m sorry. Please, talk to me,” Janie undid the massive sock gag.
“Blah! Man, that felt pretty awesome. Maybe you should put it back later?” grinned the perhaps too forgiving older sister.
“Lauren, it’s time. I’m ready,” Janie knelt by her sister, “To tell you the story.”
“Sis, do you really believe I let that happen?”
“Yes, Ken not only took me to the cleaners while I was tied up but he even kicked it off by ramming his junk up my ass! He never asked me… but I didn’t stop him even though I could have… because I wanted to force myself to like it.”
“I’m sorry I let you down and didn’t protect you. Heat exhaustion or not, I had a duty to protect you. It’s my fault telling Ken to take you into the RV like I had planned.”

Now they stood there with Lauren on the dinette table itself and Nichole sitting at the same table, shaking with a bit of fear. As hard as it was, Sammy had to tell Janie the truth. After three days of observation, Sammy understood what it was she didn’t like about Janie. She took a deep breath and sat down and hugged Nichole.

“Janie,” Sammy said as another rumble of thunder shook things, “You’re an ingrate.”
“What did you just say?” Janie shrank at those words.
“You’re humble, but you’re not grateful. You’re the spoiled winner of the lucky sperm race.”

Sammy had never seen anything like it. Lauren and Janie genuinely loved each other, and Janie genuinely took no credit for her intellect. But she had never contemplated how blessed she was, despite the bad things, to have a sister who loved her as much as Lauren, to be born with superb intellect, to have grown up in a big house with a swimming pool and been allowed to play and excel in softball, to have natural talent at that sport, to have a husband like Ken, and to have so many friends like Nichole.

“You don’t even seem grateful you survived that night! It’s ‘Boo hoo, something bad happened to me.’ It’s OK to be scarred, Janie; really, it is. Someone tried to kill Nichole here. Hardly a day goes by where she doesn’t thank God for letting her live.”
“I’m sorry, sis, but she’s right in a way.”
“I,” Janie took off her bandana and nervously played with the knot, “I never noticed.”
“I still think you’re a good person. It’s the only reason I said something… because I think you really don’t know better and want to be better.”
“I’m… Sammy, you remind me a lot of Nichole’s sister in some ways,” Janie looked down and kept adjusting the bandana before putting it back on her head.
“Gangsta Jock,” for the first time, Sammy willingly smiled at Janie in the spirit of true friendship and grabbed her by the arm, “I’m putting you in naptime timeout.”
“Hey! No!” she failed to escape Sammy’s grasp despite pulling back.

Sammy might have ribs that could be easily seen when she was shirtless or wearing a tight shirt, but Janie discovered that the rower was stronger than her. They wrestled on the floor for a while before Samantha got the first bond around Janie’s wrists. Janie had never felt anything like it in her life, and her wrists were pulled together behind her with brutal efficacy before it was secured.

“What the heck is that?!”
“Cinch straps,” Sammy patted her on the butt, “You have to be bendy like us to have them used on you and a tough girl like me to use them properly.”
“Get off me, Sammy! I wanted to cuddle with Lauren!” Janie felt another strap bind her forearms.
“Well, instead you’ll be in a bed with me and Lauren and Nichole!”
“I’m an engineer. I’ll gladly trade this blindfold for my old gag so I can see!” Lauren finally spoke.
“I think untying you is even better,” opined the rower as she cinch-strapped Janie’s elbows.
“I’m still Janie’s captive,” Lauren laughed while Sammy removed the blindfold.
“Let her go so she can tie you up and free me!” protested the determined Janie.

The wide bands made Janie’s arms suddenly become extremely rigid unlike any other bondage she had experienced. A green band wrapped around her chest twice just below her boobs, and then she heard a strange sound before she heard a clicking sound. A ratchet strap!

“What the f-ck?!” Janie protested, “This is a bit extreme, isn’t it?!”
“Used properly, it’ll be your kind of fun,” Sammy clicked the ratchet several times.
“You’re either crazy or really love TUGs. GET OFF ME!”

Janie kept swearing and fighting while Sammy used more of the cinch straps to bind her ankles, shins, knees, and lower thighs. A much longer, Janie guessed 8 feet, blue strap wrapped around her upper thighs and was ratched as well. Never had Janie felt her butt be so obvious while tied up. Sammy, she saw while struggling, had two of the short ratchets and two of the long, and the second of the long ones was used to secure Janie’s arms to her waist. The young girl then checked to make sure each of the cinch straps was secure.

“Gangsta Row, let me gomph!” the orange 2.5 inch rubber ball filled her mouth.
“Now a chance to relax,” Sammy knotted the black bandana.
“-hen ah -et ou- o- thith, ah’ll -o -orth -o -ou!” Janie yelled into the gag.
“Was that worth it?” Sammy asked as a massive bolt of lightning shook the RV, “Yikes!”
“I should say so. Those are pretty intense. Where’d you get them?” Lauren observed her sister.
“My friend Lauren bought them and told me not to use them except on a girl named Janie and only after I trusted her. Now, Janie's in cinch strap timeout, and she is super adorable. And we have lots more of this stuff hidden from you.”
“Mmmmm,” Janie moaned in disbelief at her defeat and winced at another rumble.
“Let's get you all in bed.”

Sammy tied Lauren’s legs in standard fashion using the same ropes on her ankles and thighs instead. She put Lauren's gag and blindfold back in place, and then one by one the captives were brought to the bed. Sammy climbed onto the bed so that she had Lauren on one side, Janie on the other, and her beloved friend Nichole right up against her. She pulled the covers over their heads to block out the lightning and sent a text to Zack and Chris to let them know that all was well and where they were.

Janie, you’re an ingrate, was at the front of Janie’s mind.

Janie’s sleep was disrupted by Sammy’s words. In her lifetime, unsurprisingly, she had been the victim of accusations and, as shown by her actions, still accused others of things. Had she ever truly thanked God for the blessings in her life or the people who had supported?

The more Janie thought the more she realized just how much of her world she took for granted. But she loved Lauren and Ken and so many others! If she truly loved them, then of course she didn't take them for granted, right? Sammy had only truly met her recently; she couldn't possibly know Janie well enough to say things like that!

The straps held her arms tightly against her body, although she suspected she could escape the cinch straps with enough wiggling to loosen the velcro. She wasn't going to push her luck and potentially bring on something more intense. Instead, she chose to relax in her position and listened fearfully to the ongoing thunderstorm.

Sammy woke up to see two of her captives sleeping happily, and the third was awake but peaceful. She gave Janie a kindly pat on the head and smiled when the softball player looked at her. In Janie’s eyes she saw mixed confusion and sorrow. Ignoring this for the moment, Sammy motioned for her to be quiet while she carefully placed her feet over Lauren’s nose.

“Hmmm?” the young lady arose to the taste of Janie’s foot and the smell of Sammy’s.
“Hi, friend,” Sammy grinned although only Janie saw it.
“Groth,” Lauren muttered and buried her face against the pillows.
“Hiiiii, Nichole,” the rower switched to her landlord.
“-et that opf -e!” groaned the Gangsta Queen.
“Oh, Nichole! Yikes!” thunder interrupted Sammy, “I do love you!”

There was something different about Nichole’s reaction. She was almost happy to smell her friend's foot because of how strong the friendship was; even foot smelling was enjoyed as part of TUGs between them. The Gangsta Queen tried to roll away as well, but the Gangsta Row held her firmly in place…

“Take a deep breath, sweetheart,” Sammy ordered her and then moved her feet.
“-e?” Janie looked in fright, “Nooooo!”
“Yes, it's Janie’s turn, you cute giant!”
“Ewwwww!” she roiled at the smell of Samantha’s feet.
“You have been a bad girl, Janie, so I have to give you a special punishment.”
“Oh, no!” Janie started squirming a bit more, but the ratchets crushed her for now.

SMACK!… “Bad girl! Leaving your sister outside like that!”
SMACK!… Samantha was right… that was bad.
SMACK!… “Owwww!” Janie squirmed in her imprisonment.
SMACK!… “How could you kidnap your sister for trying to help you?”
SMACK!… Janie couldn't answer that one without incriminating herself.
SMACK!… “Mmmmm!” Sammy was simultaneously sweet and rough.
SMACK!… “I like the way you're squeaking.”
SMACK!… Sammy knew how to make them hurt.
SMACK!… “You know Lauren loves you so much!”
SMACK!… Janie looked and saw the usual meek flat face.
SMACK!… This was almost too much fun instead of punishment.
SMACK!… “Learn to appreciate what others have done for you!”
SMACK!… What if Sammy was right?!
SMACK!…So much pain… but so amazing.
SMACK!… That one was… exciting!
SMACK!… “You're an ingrate now, but soon you’ll be annoyingly grateful.”
SMACK!… “Ouch! Thammy!”
SMACK!… Perhaps Janie was an ingrate.
SMACK!… Sammy made spanking a pleasure.
SMACK!… Janie started crying tears of a different kind.
SMACK!… “And one to grow on!” Sammy said and gently pet Janie’s head.

“Janie, I think I know what's going on in your mind. Just take your time and escape, and when you're out I’ll leave you and Lauren alone.”

Sammy took Nichole and sat her up before yelping at the continuation of what she now could tell was a line of storms. She had made Nichole a promise of sorts and was ready to follow through and started by removing the ball gag. Nichole was glad to be given that much liberty, but she knew it wouldn't last long.

“Pretty please, take this blindfold off?” Nichole whined.
“Ummm…no!” Sammy cheerfully rejected her and took off her socks, “I won't yet!”
“Oh, come on, Sam! I’m being such a good little captive and MMPH! EWWW!”
“That's my adorable little captive!” the Gangsta Row added a red bandana cleave gag.

Lauren was still gagged with Janie’s dirty knee sock and gagged and blindfolded with the clean ones. The cleanliness or dirtiness of the laundry was of minor concern when her mind kept worrying about Janie. She knew in her heart that Samantha was correct that Janie was an ingrate, and she felt guilty knowing she’d empowered this behavior over the years.

But then Lauren’s thoughts were interrupted by the introduction of one of Sammy’s shoes to her face with an ace bandage being used to hold it against her nose. Little did she know that the other shoe was being put against Nichole’s nose until she heard the Gangsta Queen’s familiar squeak.

“You're the only one left!” Sammy said and forced Lauren onto her knees on the floor.
“Mmmmm!” the mother was pushed against the bed in a tetris shape now.
“You get five smacks, got it?” the Gangsta Row heard a familiar voice.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 24

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:48 am
by AlexUSA3

“How about,” Sammy didn't flinch, “I wait and am allowed to go her age plus one?”
“If that's what you did to Nichole, then it's only fair. Revenge is a b-tch though.”
“I did it to you too. Now, I’ll take Nichole and go–”
“Stay… Sammy, please stay,” Janie choked a little, “I want you both here.”

Janie took her sister, and Sammy took Nichole. Together, they went to the four seats at the front of the RV and rotated them to make a little conference space despite the weather. Frankly, Janie liked the ambiance of the scene and had Sammy remove both captive’s blindfolds, shoe gags, and regular gags. They could return later, but Janie needed their full attention.

“Is Sammy right? Am I an ingrate?” Janie’s tone was self-critical.
“Ummmmmmm…,” Lauren’s face sank, and she slowly nodded while looking down.
Nichole simply nodded and gave a quiet, “Yes,” to support it.

“I had to relive a horrifying nightmare when Ken took advantage of me earlier. Remember that night, Nichole? You tied me up so tightly I orgasmed twice while sitting in that chair in your kitchen, the day before your sister’s birthday. All I wanted was to pop in on a teammate of mine on the way home. As I went the other way, I just happened to pass the Pike house on that route. I heard a girl calling for help, and then someone punched me. I’m so big, the roofies didn't fully knock me out, and I… I… I remember everything. I was out enough I couldn’t move or clearly see anything, but I felt them sharing me and pumping into me and being unable to even scream.”

“When it happened, Lauren, you immediately said you wished it had been yourself instead of me. If we’d been walking side-by-side that night, you would have begged them to take you instead of me. Despite how much I love you… I don't think I would do the same for you. I’m a coward and don't truly appreciate how much you worship the ground upon which I walk. I’m an impertinent spoiled little shit always getting and never giving! Everything has fallen into my lap! My brains, family, friends, Ken, softball, TUGs… everything! It's all been handed to me!”

“Janie, that's being blessed,” Nichole tried to calm her.

“I’m a freaking imposter!” Janie stood up and began pacing the RV, “I don't belong here! I should be in college next to Sammy! I haven't earned anything! I’m a f-cking joke! I got what I deserved because I was an impenitent whore all those years! I shouldn't be finishing a master's, and I certainly shouldn't be married. What shitshow world let me play softball for Team USA? I don't deserve any of it, but most of all I don't deserve to have a sister like you, Lauren.”

“That's not how it works either,” Lauren sternly corrected her.
“Sammy isn't saying that you don't love us; she's saying you're unappreciative,” added Nichole, “You did something that I really appreciate when you volunteered to be my personal bodyguard after I was attacked.”
“From what Lauren has told me, your life has been filled with moments where others did things to show you how much they care,” Sammy looked right at Janie, “Good start would be to reciprocate that. Have you ever tied your sister up for 24 hours and spent the entire day doing her favorite things and eating her favorite foods? Have you ever surprised her with a gift or by secretly working your schedule to spend time with her?”
“I’ve… for a couple other people… not… Lauren…,” Janie paused, “I'm a piece of shit sister! She deserves better than me!” Janie started to storm out of the RV.
“Not today!” Sammy grabbed her tightly.
“Let me go!” Janie tried to wriggle herself out of Sammy’s grip.
“Janie, you're out of control, and I think you need to spend some time in SD.”

Janie had a couple of friends and a husband upon whom she would dote constantly. In fact, she probably surprised Ken more than he surprised her, but there still were moments where she felt she was shallow. She and her best friend in Florida also regularly did little things for each other and were always there for each other.

A rainbow broke across a now sunny sky just as she surrendered and allowed Sammy to begin tying her up. She couldn't even look at her sister anymore; she didn't know if she wanted to hide, be with Ken, or swim into Lake Michigan until she couldn't make it back. The location didn't matter as long as Lauren wasn't there.

“Janie, I’ve changed my mind,” Sammy removed the ropes, “You need to talk to Ken first.”
“You don’t have to do this. I don’t deserve any kindness,” Janie looked away from her.
“It would do you good to first spend some time with someone you do know how to love.”
“Then I can work on learning how to properly love the rest of you.”
“You get it,” Sammy responded, “Go see your husband.”
“Don’t forget,” Lauren added, “BPD and PTSD aren’t your fault.”

Janie departed the RV and walked to the cabin with mixed sadness and confidence. Janie knew in her heart that there was truth in the words she had just heard. She had never reciprocated her older sister’s magnificent love in any comparable manner, but it wasn’t too late to start.

“Ken, we need to chat on the porch,” Janie said as she entered the cabin with a tired look on her face but a forced smile accompanying it, “Just a little time to make an amazing marriage even better.”

Inside the RV, Sammy now had Lauren and Nichole tied up and helpless and at her disposal. She already had changed her plans for Pirate Day, but she needed the agreement of her co-conspirator Nichole. Janie needed some tough love, but now it was time to give her opportunities to put into practice the lessons she had learned.

“It’s all my fault Janie is this way,” Lauren groaned.
“Don't knock yourself,” Nichole turned to Lauren, “You didn't know better. Face it; you were wearing multiple hats then.”
“You are right. Both of you. And before you ask, yes it does sometimes hurt me a lot that she's never reciprocated any of it,” her tone became sadder, “Then she said I did that on purpose.”
“Girl,” cautioned Sammy, “Resist getting bitter. She's having an eye-opening week whereas we already understood these things. We just have to guide her on the right path. You did an awesome job teaching her; it's just an unfinished job.”

Lauren wasn’t certain what to think of any of these developments. Was there something that she, too, had suppressed and had never allowed to see the light of day? In true Patterson girl fashion, she suppressed the thought of self-suppression and moved on.

“Sammy, how can you be so positive?” the softball catcher looked at the rower.
“Because she sees the potential in Janie,” Nichole interjected, “I know she's always been the moral foundation for you, her siblings, and her friends. Just think with that moral foundation and the way she overflows with love for you and Ken; imagine the beauty we will get to witness once she understands how to love you as you love her!”
“This chitchat has been lovely, but I have a spanking to resume,” Sammy smiled.
“Before you ask, I’m 17. It's all been a lie. I’m the prodigy, not Janie,” joked Lauren.
“Very funny, but I know how old you are,” Sammy stuffed the gag back in her mouth,

Both found the same tasty gags back in their mouths, with Nichole’s still having the strong flavor of Sammy’s feet on them. She shook her head, but it was useless. If she hadn't agreed to be Sammy’s captive for the entire day, she would just escape. But, if she escaped, that would allow her to use the bathroom and get a different gag!

Lauren was back in the same tetris shape as before, but now Sammy really was going to spank her. We needn't visit that same routine of going through each spank blow by blow. Nichole knew she could escape these ropes during that time especially with the other two being by the bed.

SMACK!… these ropes weren't too tightly tied.
SMACK!… Nichole would just have to do some careful wiggling.
SMACK!… “Stop squirming!” There had to be slack somewhere.
SMACK!… Sammy was a much better kidnapper than escapist.
SMACK!… “You're mine, Lauren!” Those socks were awful.
SMACK!… Aha! Off went the wrist bond.
SMACK!… Lots of cinching; Sammy had done this carefully.
SMACK!… “I said, ‘Stop squirming!’” Got to get this harness off.
SMACK!… Finally! Too bad; visually, the boons were Nichole’s favorite part.
SMACK!… How had Lauren not yet cried out in pain?
SMACK!… Now she got the gag off by unknotting the bandana.
SMACK!… Wet Sammy socks weren't as bad as the others, she thought.
SMACK!… Even the waist rope was interesting!
SMACK!… Now she had to untie her legs.
SMACK!… “I warned you!” First she did her ankles.
SMACK!… Lauren was an impressive warrior.
SMACK!… Then came her knees.
SMACK!… Maybe having a baby made Lauren so strong?
SMACK!… “Spanking is fun with your big ass!” Now, the thighs came free.
SMACK!… Nichole wasn't impressed to escape so quickly.
SMACK!… It showed just how much Sammy trusted her.
SMACK!… She knew Nichole would cooperate. Now, get to the bathroom!
SMACK!… She had to be silent lest she be caught.
SMACK!… “Owwwwww!” finally Lauren yelled.
SMACK!… Bathroom door was shut. Just in time!
SMACK!…. “And one to grow on!”

Nichole took a little extra time in the bathroom. She adjusted her bra, shorts, and floral bandana to be more comfortable because that much captivity always causes problems like shorts crawling up your butt. The relief from using the toilet restored her mood although there was the lingering sadness about Janie and the internal concerns about the previous night. Just like that, it was time to go back to her imprisonment.

“How would you feel about us being up together and locked in the closet until dinner?”
“Huh?” Nichole wasn’t ready for that question so soon.
“You silly, I’m talking to you,” Sammy poked a finger in Nichole’s ribs.

The Gangsta Queen studied the Gangsta Row in her bright green trainers, yellow sports bra, and bright green bandana headband that had those strange circles. Except for when she added a shirt when they were in town, Sammy had shamelessly been in just the bra all day. Despite her own mistakes, Sammy was strangely able to live with herself and not let the weight of her past alter her present.

“Nichole, am I pushing too much?” Sammy’s smile was wiped away, but she didn’t frown.
“No, I just,” Nichole looked at the rower and saw the look in her eyes, “I love you too.”
“Is that a ‘Yes’ then?” Sammy looked down and grinned a little.
“Yes, we can do that, on the condition that you’re tied up with the cinch straps and such.”
“Sweet… It’ll be fun to try those out!” even in that moment, there wasn’t a full smile.

On the porch, Janie stood behind her husband and ran her fingers over the top of his head. He loved the way her nails perfectly scratched his scalp. Of course she had told him how she really felt about what he had done, and he naturally apologized. She knew something had changed in her though because she was able to forgive him from the bottom of her heart. After the past two days, she had learned something after all.

“I see Sammy coming,” Ken smiled at Janie, “Hopefully future problems get resolved without you tying up someone and leaving them out in a thunderstorm.”
“I hope so… Bigger part is learning not to overthink things.”
“Janie, are you going to finally untie your sister?” Sammy approached her, “She's a bit sore at things.”
“Time to go fix a couple things.”

Janie took a walk to the RV while Sammy bounced behind her. The rower’s energy, at times, seemed exhausting even to Janie; but at other times the same girl’s solemnity was almost bizarre. Happiness, sadness, injury, fear, anger, and boredom all looked the same on her face, and Janie was befuddled how anyone could read the rower.

“Had enough of my socks?” Janie asked when she entered the RV.
“Mmm hmm!” came back with a lot of squirming.

There was a different sensation when one was released from a kidnapping as opposed to a consensual bondage. The kidnapping release from one’s own kidnapper was often hollow and felt like the end of an argument while the release from a consensual felt like the end of a game. Sammy had made the situation better, but Lauren was hurt mostly by her own misunderstanding of her sister’s flaws.

“Am I sexy?” Nichole blurted out at random and laughed a little.
“Are you insecure, horny, or joking?” Lauren asked while rubbing her arms.
“Well,” the Gangsta Queen tied a navy bandana wristband to cover her bandage, “All three.”
“What are you picturing?” the big Janie looked at her.
“Lots of things, but especially ending the day in a way that Chris finds ravishing.”
“Haven’t you three had enough sex for two months let alone a week?” Sammy looked at the trio.
“I stiffed Chris for a while ahead of this because I anticipated these situations.”

Sammy’s flat face got even flatter as she realized by the grin on her face that Lauren’s situation was similar. She looked at Janie and knew that the bigger of the softball sisters had experienced adventures earlier in her trip and didn’t have the same feelings. At least one of this trio wasn’t chronically ready for a bedroom-only TUG.

“Eh, Sam and Janie wear their bandanas so tight it squeezes their brains out,” Lauren teased.
“Come on. Us older, more mature women need a supper plan,” Gangsta Queen fired a shot.
“Oh, sure, such maturity!” Janie fired back before the door shut.
“Janie, you didn’t really take that personally, did you?” Sammy turned toward her.
“No. Of course not. I’m taking what you said personally though… because it’s true.”
“Then you’ll tie me up. You go ahead of me back to the cabin; I have to grab some things.”

Sammy didn’t want to reveal her full hand and only left those things which she wanted Janie to find in her special TUG bag. Between her, Lauren, and Sammy, they had created a laundry list of things to try on this trip, and so far the ratchets and cinches had been an interesting success. It was only natural that she didn’t want Janie to stumble onto more of the surprises!

“All right, here are the goodies!” Sammy handed the bag to Janie.
“What am I doing with these anyway?” Janie peered into it.
“You're going to tie me up and stuff me in the closet alongside Nichole!”

Janie was standing at the sink with a big batch of TUG wash. There were bandanas and balls and socks and specialty gags in there. Studying the situation gave Janie an idea of how to tie up the Gangsta Row and Queen. First, the laundry should be done, and Lauren walked over to help.

“Just like childhood, only we were washing real dishes then,” the elder said to the younger.
“Yeah, but I was better then,” Janie remarked sadly, “I wasn’t the hot mess I am now.”
“If you keep acting like that, you will always be a hot mess,” Samantha rebuked that.
“Quit being so spiritually insightful; you ruin pity parties,” Janie smiled at the rower.
“I’m no saint, Janie. But we’re trying.”
“Would you take over for me? I need to do something.”

Janie pretended to attend to something in the bathroom before she came out and studied her sister. Those purple trainers, blue t-shirt, and purple bandana headband were so Lauren, so was the bun that held her hair up. That bun was so annoying even with Janie knowing the reasons. She had been so vulnerable to Lauren for so many years and always been treated to little shows of love; now it was her turn to do the same.

She walked up behind her sister and slowly reached for the bun.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 25

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:34 pm
by AlexUSA3

Janie felt herself perspiring as she moved closer to Lauren. The older girl flinched only slightly when the younger one made contact, but she said nothing and allowed her sister to undo the bun. Next thing either girl knew, Lauren’s hair had fallen down to reveal its true length, and Janie then carefully ran her fingers through the hair to undo the artificial curl of the bun.

For Lauren, it was the feeling of a weight lifting off her to realize that just as she felt the pain of Janie’s trauma, so, too, Janie felt hers and was hurt by it. It was odd to experience the sensation of her hair being so open and free while knowing that others could see it. Just like Janie revealed her secrets in the RV, now Lauren felt as if her own had been revealed.

“I might have a little more height and might be better at the plate than you, but you’re the better catcher and… the prettier Patterson girl.”
“That’s a good start,” Nichole came up behind Janie and began untwirling the braid.
“My braid stays put, please,” Sammy smiled, “I just love a braid too much.”
“You have a choice to make, Miss Samantha,” Janie kept her attention on her sister’s hair.

Samantha’s choice wasn’t the best one: her crewmate’s ball gag, Ken’s head harness ball gag, Lauren’s ring gag, or a homemade ball gag. She took her time with the decision because she had experienced all but the head harness although she figured that one wouldn’t be too different. She knew what Janie wanted, so she decided to be gagged with the harness.

“Hot stuff, why don't you tie up Nichole then? Then I will tie you,” Janie pointed.
“Oh, sure, just sell me into slavery!” giggled Nichole at that.
“Come on, Nichole; take off your shirt for just this one!” Sammy whined a little.
“No! My front is for my husband only!” Nichole got very defensive, “No other man will lay his eyes upon my body! Either get those thoughts out of your head, or forget tying me up!”
“Take a chill pill,” Lauren groaned a little, “We three walk around in bras sometimes.”
“Those are tight, form fitting sports bras.”

Never in her life had Nichole had so strongly felt that she didn’t belong in a group of friends. She had spent years around athletes, but never once did she feel shamed for not being one in her own right. She turned away and quietly pulled off her shirt while feeling peer pressured into doing something that was wrong for her.

“Nichole, don’t do it if you don’t want to do it,” Janie said without ever looking at her.
“I don’t really understand why, but thank you,” Nichole started to put her shirt on.
“All right,” Sammy accepted this, “Let’s forget that.”
“Aw, what harm is there? She’ll be in the closet,” Lauren took the offensive.
“Leave her alone!” Janie turned toward her sister, “Not everyone is an exhibitionist like you!”
“Me?” Lauren put a hand to her chest, “No freaking way! None of us are that. Get your facts straightened out. Here’s a fact: Nichole is being a bit prudish right now.”
“This is my cottage. Get the f-ck out,” Chris stood up, “Just get the f-ck out and don’t come back until you’re ready to apologize and acknowledge that you’re dead wrong.”
“Fine!” Lauren slammed her hand on the counter, “You’ve trusted me before. I don’t get what’s different right now!”

Lauren stormed out of the cottage and walked down to the lakeshore and sat down there and let her hair blow in the breeze just like Janie would. She was steamed, and all she did was imagine torturing Janie in an upside-down hogtie. Both her sister and Nichole were frustratingly plain with some things, and she was only just starting to appreciate her sister’s feelings about these matters.

Those same thoughts from before resurfaced, but now she entertained them. They were true.

“I’m done with this, OK? Orgasm gags are my limit. You may make me orgasm, but my clothes stay on during bondage unless I bring it up first,” Nichole laid down the law, “Nothing ever related to my breasts! I just need to have this respected, please. Both of you?”
“I,” Janie looked at Nichole’s pained eyes, “will always respect such wishes.”
“I’m sorry I even asked, Nichole. After so much time, I wasn’t aware of how much Chris meant to you,” Sammy looked down.
“Did your daddy or brother ever grab your breasts?” blurted Nichole while looking at Janie.
“Did my dad ever what?” Janie wasn’t sure she had heard that properly,
“Now, we can finally play this game. Do it well, because I intend for this to be the last tie of the day.”
“All right,” Sammy said, “I think it’s tape this time then. Maybe a dirty gag too.”
“Not this time, please.”

Sammy crossed Nichole’s wrists together behind her back and began wrapping the tape perfectly around her wrists and then her waist in a single motion. To keep her arms down, Sammy taped her above and below her breasts in a single motion as well. Down the tape went from the bottom of her shorts to her kneecaps and then from her kneecaps to the tops of her feet.

“Save my socks to use before bed. The shoes keep my feet warm.”
“All right, my friend,” Sammy reached into the bag, “You get this.”
“MMM!” Nichole’s jaws spread apart as the orange 2 inch rubber ball filled them.
“That should do it,” she knotted the purple bandana tightly.
“Janie… use the bag… please?” Sammy pushed the new toys toward Janie.

Janie looked into the bag and saw a variety of cinch straps and the same trio of ratchets. The straps came in different sizes and lengths, and Janie favored the ones that seemed wider. She compared some to Nichole’s gag and found that those were as wide and wider than Nichole’s present gag.

“Zooop!” Janie said with a laugh as she pulled Sammy’s elbows together with a cinch.
“Wow! That does work nicely even if it’s easier to escape.”
“This will be fun to try!” Janie secured the first strap.
“I’m worried a bit about your sister,” Sammy twisted to look Janie in the eyes.
“I’ll go talk to her,” Janie pulled the captive’s wrists together in similar fashion.
“You two girls are so unstable that it overwhelms me.”
“Sit down for me,” Janie pointed to the chair and grabbed some of the 3 inch straps from the bag.
“I’m sorry if I’m being too candid. It’s worrisome. What if you snap?”
“That,” Janie stopped talking while she strapped Sammy’s ankles, “I won’t go there.”
“If you need to talk, Nichole’s your girl,” Sammy admitted, “Not me.”

Janie felt a little sadness at that remark but admired the humility. She strapped Sammy’s knees, shins, lower thighs, and upper thighs, pulling them tightly to make the rower be as helpless as possible. Once she had checked each cinch, she pulled out the long green ratchet straps.

Nothing was said when Janie carefully wrapped the strap around Sammy’s elbows twice and then around her torso below her breasts twice before tightly ratcheting it. Janie repeated this above Sammy’s breasts, and she took care to make sure the straps on each were flat. The third did the same around Sammy’s wrists and waist, but Janie stretched this one closer to its limit by making it pass around her crotch as well. Janie made sure each of the ratchets was behind her victim's back and secure. Then, she made another check of the cinch straps.

“I think I’m in trouble,” Sammy giggled a little.
“I think Nichole is as well,” Janie added.
“Mmmmm!” Nichole stomped her feet on the floor.
“Oh, stop being such a Gangsta, Gangsta Queen!” teased Janie.
“Is that the harness?” Sammy watched Janie pull the gag out.
“Yes, and just for you,” she put the ball in the eager mouth, “I grabbed padlocks.”
“Huh?!” Sammy started shaking her head and squirming at her seat.

Sammy couldn’t stop Janie though. The straps of the gag were secured and then padlocked to ensure that gag stayed on Sammy’s head as long as Janie wanted it to stay there. The rower was in quite the spot and found herself being forced to hop towards the closet. In the closet, the ring on the top of the harness was used to rope her head to the closet rack. Nichole was then put on the floor next to her before the door was shut and locked.

The two girls now sat in darkness with only the light that passed under the door to illuminate the cramped space. The Gangsta Queen gave a loud groan and squirmed on the floor. On the other hand, the Gangsta Row was still trying to understand just what made her current bonds work so that she could try to get out.

“Chris, I am sorry about how my sister treated your wife. I’m going to go talk to her.”
“Lauren likes pressuring people into doing things they don't like,” Chris remarked.

Janie stepped outside and walked to the edge of the porch and saw her sister down by the water. Never in her life had she ever thought Lauren of all people could show any signs of being run down. As she walked closer to her sister, she worried about saying the right things and not making things worse.

“It's a beautiful lake, isn't it?” she asked Lauren as she sat down.
“I’m a big bully, aren't I?” Lauren asked her.
“Not too much. Today you are.”
“I have been pressuring you to try CNC too much as well. There's no reason for that.”
“Everything you’ve ever enjoyed in life, you’ve always shared with me. Softball, food, games… but there’s this one thing you’ve tried to share with me and have never been able to do so.”

Lauren knew Janie was right, but she didn’t want to hear it. She had to submerge the guilt that still racked her after what had happened the prior year. Inside her was either a beast or an angel that wanted to see her sister try this one thing.

“Friday, I promise I will try it, but I make no promises about liking it or even getting through it.”
“There’s no use apologizing for what I couldn’t help, but I can apologize if I ever did anything that hurt you.”
“I’m sorry too. You owe Nichole an apology, too.”
“I’m going to play this one up, but nicely. I don’t want to be left outside the cabin, but I want to make Nichole have to scheme and get back at me. It’ll make tomorrow interesting.”

In the closet, Samantha and Nichole had drool pouring off their ball gags while they struggled in the dark. Janie had used the cinch straps very professionally, and so far Sammy had been unable to extract any slack from the pieces of plastic and velcro. The ratchet straps squeezed her body in a strangely pleasing manner.

“Mmmmmm!” she hopped in a spot where she knew she wouldn’t strike her head on the rack.
“GRRMMMMM!” Nichole shook her head where she stood and made her bandana fall off.

Nichole tried to turn the knob of the door, but it was locked from the outside. Even if they could find a way out of the bonds, they were going to be trapped inside this cramped room. It was just like being a damsel in distress, and how the thought thrilled both of them! The smaller girl wanted to help her co-captive, but she was unable to loosen the ratchets in her crossed-wrist position. The cinch straps, on the other hand, seemed quite reasonable…

“Mmmm!” Nichole pulled at the first in the darkness with a loud ripping noise.
“Oh, think you’re smart, huh?” Lauren unlocked the door and opened it wide.
“Hmmmm!” the less restricted captive tried to hop out.
“Not so fast!” the mother pushed her back in and picked up the floral bandana.
“Eh ee oh!” pleaded the Gangsta Queen, but she got blindfolded with her own bandana instead.
“Get back in there!” Lauren pushed Nichole into the corner and reapplied Sammy’s strap.
“MMMMM!” Nichole wailed pitifully and uselessly.
“This is personal between us now, girl! I might be sorry for what I said before, but I’m a better kidnapper than you are!” the big softball player shut the door and locked it again.

Lauren again left them in darkness and sat on the floor by the door. She was trying to listen for sounds of velcro coming off because then she planned to go back in and tape Nichole’s fingers. The sight of Sammy bound and gagged while wearing glasses was absolutely adorable to Lauren.

What's the plan? Janie texted Lauren.
Antagonize Nichole so much that she wants to tie me up, she got back.
There’s nothing special about that, the doubt could be seen on Janie’s face.
Her slew foot tricks don't work on me; she will have to have help to get me.
“I see,” Janie sat, “This story got slow, so you’re re-engaging it by stirring the pot.”
“See? You get it!”


Lauren reached into the bag and grabbed the electrical tape and the duct tape before standing up and opening the door again. A pair of innocent, pleading eyes peered through glasses at Lauren, and a curly haired girl, despite being blindfolded, howled muffled threats at her. The big catcher gave Nichole a girlfriend kiss on the forehead and then spun her around.

While Nichole squawked and drooled, Lauren taped her first and second fingers together, then her third and fourth fingers, and then finally all four together. For extra punishment, she wrapped Nichole’s face in 7 layers of duct tape. The scene repeated with Lauren re-cinching Sammy and shutting the door again while both girls protested.

“I’m the cruelest kidnapper ever, in my humble opinion,” Lauren smiled.
“So humble indeed,” Janie shook her head and opened the refrigerator.

Nichole wasn’t being stopped so easily, and she slowly approached Sammy for the third time. Lauren would have to tie her into a ball to stop her! She started peeling the straps by pinching them between her thumb and her pinky finger. Slowly and carefully she pulled in the hopes that Lauren would hear her doing this.

“Ah ha!” Lauren threw the door open, “I knew you would try again!”
“Hmph!” Sammy felt the cinch again tighten around her wrists.
“GRRRRR!” Nichole was extremely frustrated by this.

Lauren closed Nichole’s hands around her thumbs and taped them shut, encasing her entire hands in tape up to her wrists. She laid the captive on the floor and gave her four hard spanks on the butt, two on each cheek, as punishment for her schemes. With Nichole still on her stomach, the captor attached a rope to her ankles and ran it up to the rack and made it short enough that Nichole’s ankles were hoisted about 6 inches off the ground. Lauren also gave two click’s of Sammy’s waist/crotch ratchet and then redid the rope connecting the head harness to the rack to merely go over the rack and to the crotch ratchet.

“Sorry, Sam, but I want you to do this solo,” Lauren kissed her on the cheek.
“Mmmmm!” the visually impaired captive drooled.
“Just knock if either of you two escape, or there’ll be hell to pay from the master kidnapper!”
“GMMMM!” wailed the captive.

Again, Sammy found herself in darkness and with no chance of Nichole helping her anymore. The extra ticks of the ratchet rammed the strap deeper into her crotch, and what made it worse was that she knew she could handle at least two more clicks to get to the perfect spot. There was a strong burning in her despite her resistance, and she was in exactly the spot Lauren wanted her.

Re: Road Trip (F/F, F+/F, F/F+) - Chapter 26

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:25 am
by AlexUSA3

Sammy’s attempts to move about only caused more stimulation of her crotch. It was useless to resist when she knew that to escape would require reaching at least one orgasm. She squirmed in the darkness and felt a rough pull on her crotch and softly giggled to herself. Whatever she did, she wasn’t getting herself cinched up a fourth time!

She shimmied her arms behind her back and felt the burning sensation increasing. Knowing that it was coming, she squeezed her breasts tightly against the wall while she struggled. Just before she collapsed, she felt the cinches on her upper legs slide down.

“AUGGGGGG!” she moaned and crushed her body ever more tightly against the wall.

At that moment, the cinches slipped off Sammy’s elbows and upper arms, to her disappointment. These weren’t such great restraints unless you were keeping a watchful eye on the captive. She still had the problem of the way Janie wrapped the ratchet straps around her arms, though, which prevented them from falling all the way. But her arms were much looser now.

The added flexibility, however, gave Sammy the freedom necessary to pull her wrists out of that particular ratchet. It was still tight enough around her waist that it held in place. Now, with a bit of shimmying, she got the first cinch strap off her wrists, and she knew victory would soon come to her. Patience, however, was still a virtue.

Unbuckling the waist ratchet was easy although it took some effort to remove because of the rope to the harness. More shimmying got the remaining cinches and ratchets to loosen. Then, it was a simple matter of undoing all the cinches and ratchets and freeing her head. Finally, it was time.

“It's for you,” Zack teased his wife.
“Thank you,” Lauren smiled widely and opened the door, “Welcome, Samantha!”
“Mmmm!” she couldn't remove the padlocked gag.
“That's Janie’s department. I only kidnap people; I don't release them.”

Janie took the keys and undid each of the padlocks so that Sammy could remove the gag. Sammy maintained her usual body language and winked at Janie. That was all the Russian was giving for an expression of appreciation. At the same time, Nichole found herself in Lauren’s arms and with her nose pinched shut. Her attempts to squirm away were a waste of energy, but Lauren quickly let the girl breathe again. She wanted to have a little fun but also knew not to risk any medical events.

“That right there is the ultimate in excitement for me,” Sammy outed one of her TUG secrets.
“You have breathplay fantasies?!” Janie turned in shock, “That’s one I’m not humoring.”
“You two will never be comfortable with one another, will you?” Lauren stepped into the middle.
“I’m only 100% comfortable with Nichole, so that’s not saying much,” Sammy watched Janie nervously squirm in place, “Don’t make her feel bad for being honest about her boundaries.”
“Ken, I think it’s our turn to go to the store,” Janie looked at her husband with pleading eyes.

Janie stepped outside and got on a bicycle without saying anything more. Ken followed her, and soon they were gone. Sammy crossed her arms and only looked at Nichole; she wouldn’t look at anyone or anything else except the wall.

“You and your sister are incredible,” Sammy spoke after a long, awkward silence, “I guess all of us need a hard reset this week.”
“I really don’t get you two kids. You both take everything so personally.”
“You take TUGs too seriously. It’s supposed to be fun. ‘G’ is for ‘Game,’ Lauren,” Sammy’s tone was serious, “You’re always thinking in terms of actively doing things. It was so annoying that you kept screwing with Nichole and me when we were in the closet. No matter what anyone asks or what the reason is for the tie up, you’re always screwing with captives. I’m trying to be a good friend to Nichole, and you keep interfering.”

Lauren, as much as the rest of them, while tied up, enjoyed being left to try to escape. But she seemed unable to leave a captive alone. She was always getting her fingers in on other’s prey, and even at the moment she was gently playing with Nichole’s hair. This was obviously not new to her; it was only new to hear it from Sammy.

“I bet when you’d keep Janie for 24 hours the only time she got alone was when she was asleep.”
“Why are you trying to hurt me?!” Lauren snapped, “I do it because my sister and friends are so precious to me! Janie never had a good life, but, when I realized how bad my sister had it when compared to me, the bubble burst for me! I lived a lie for 23 years, and during that time I saw and tried to be everything for Janie because I was her everything while never truly accepting reality! I love you and Janie and Andrew and Zack and Nichole. Oh, I sure don’t blame myself for what happened to Janie that night, but I sure as f-ck blame myself for what happened in the 19 years leading up to that!”

Lauren clutched Nichole tightly and sat on the sofa with her friend. Sammy didn’t seem fazed by anything Lauren had said and even seemed to expect it. Her face was as flat as ever, but her eyes showed that she was sympathetically processing it all. Finally, Sammy made a deep sigh, again looked at Nichole, and pulled the bandana off her eyes.

“I have a friend who could really use a stuffie and a tickle toy right now. Would you mind doing that for me, for my friend’s sake? She just wants someone to love at the moment, and you are a very lovable person.”
“Mmm hmm,” Nichole nodded and then looked at Lauren.
“You willingly fall into the clutches of the master kidnapper?” Lauren hugged Nichole tightly.
“-ow -ithen -ho -e. -ou are -ot -he -athher hi-na–er. Ah am!”
“Uh, oh! Time to turn you into a human footstool. Chris, take a seat!”

Lauren, Sammy, and Chris squeezed onto the sofa, and Nichole was laid across the coffee table. Each of them put their feet on Nichole and enjoyed the padding of her body. Chris put one of his feet at the back of her head so that she couldn't lift it up.

“I have an idea that will help get this adventure back on the proper footing,” Sammy began, “We break up into groups for a while. Janie and Ken together. Me, Chris, and Nichole. You, Zack, and Andrew. Nichole and I are on the right track, but you and Janie need some family time. If anything, I am proud of how much Chris and Nichole mean to each other. I should not have ever kissed Chris even if I was so happy. But you and Janie… it’s a coming to reality moment for you two.”
“Would you three mind going in the RV?” Lauren looked right at Samantha.
“Until Janie and Ken get back, sure. Let’s go, baby,” Chris picked up his wife.

Nichole gleefully squealed when Chris picked her up. Into the air and over his shoulder so that she was looking back at Sammy. Nichole’s eyes were brightening, and for the first time all day she, at least to Sammy, seemed to be fully herself. The rower put the captive’s bandana back where it belonged.

In the RV, no true privacy was to be found. For supper, Janie and Ken sat in the rear passenger seats while Nichole’s trio sat at the dinette. For privacy, Janie and Ken pulled the curtain closed in order to separate the groups.

“Janie, you’re smiling!” Sammy poked her head through the curtain after supper.
“Samantha,” Janie turned to her, “I can never thank you enough. You brought the joy back into my life!”
“Thank God, Janie. He’s the one Who did it.”
“OK, I will,” Janie said, “In case you can’t tell, going to the store with Ken was helpful.”
“Let’s try to do what failed Sunday night. See me before bed time.”

In the cabin, Lauren sat with her husband and quietly fed their son. This right here was what mattered most to her. This was her opportunity to do things the right way, and she relished each opportunity she had to become a better person. Now, she relished them more than before. It was not a new beginning, but it was the start of something special.

It was a quiet evening, but of course there was another request for Sammy to sing. She sang for at least an hour before Janie finally had enough. That song of forgiveness wasn’t the only thing that touched Janie’s heart; she and Sammy had somehow given each other an intimate view of their personal flaws. They had helped each other to find the thing that was missing from their respective lives.

Rain kept them in the RV, but text communication assured Janie that all was well. She, Sammy, Ken, and Chris passed the time by playing card games, and then after so much adventure they all decided to take an early bedtime in the knowledge that Sammy wanted something from Janie. But Sammy first had business with Nichole.

“Janie, want to try again what failed on Sunday, tying me up with the scarves and keeping me as a cuddle toy?” Sammy asked while she untied Nichole’s sneakers, “Hand me a bandana, please.”
“Sure thing,” Janie handed her new friend, albeit with still much to learn, a blue bandana.
“Before you do this, can I at least say one thing?” Nichole asked and squirmed in the tape.
“I’m not stopping you,” Sammy removed Nichole’s socks and stuffed one in the other.
“Today, you showed not only everything I love about you but also everything your mom loves.”
“I,” Sammy paused and knotted the bandana around the socks, “Tried to do right; that’s all.”

Sammy’s humility couldn’t be toppled in matters in which she was convinced she had merely done her duty. Janie, however, this time finally was able to accept it; doing the right thing was to be expected, right? She knelt down and put a hand on her new friend’s shoulders.

“Instead of touching me, how about you tape Nichole’s toes together?” Sammy asked without looking at Janie.
“EWWWW!” Nichole wailed when the socks entered her mouth, and Sammy knotted the gag without a word.
“My beautiful, you’re in trouble again,” Chris teased her.
“Lauren would say something like, ‘It’s going to be f-cking wonderful!’ right?” Janie giggled.
“MMMM!” wailed Nichole because Sammy began wrapping her face in duct tape.
“Christian, I am leaving the choice of a blindfold up to you. She is all yours until 6 AM.”
“Thank you, Sammy. I know you two had a good day together.”

Nichole waved to them before she was pulled down the hole. She knew what was coming as well as they did, and it excited her to no end. The prospect of the next three days suddenly became much more exciting than it had been before. The little light turned on, and the curtain was closed.

“Gangsta Row, I want you to keep your clothes on, to tie you up just as you are.
“Well, all right,” Sammy remained flat lipped and handed a bag to Janie, “Here they are.”
“Oh, these are so pretty!” Janie picked through the bag and studied them.
“Scarves, bandanas, use whatever you like as long as it's tight.”

Janie set one scarf aside for a special purpose and took another to tie Sammy’s wrists together behind her back. That scarf was joined by a second one that tied her elbows with equivalent tightness. A black bandana tied her forearms for some extra security.

Janie continued and used three scarves to make a harness with one on either side of Sammy’s breasts and another doing the cinching through the armpits. Once the victim was sat down, Janie tied her ankles, lower thighs, and upper thighs with more scarves and her knees, lower shins, and upper shins with more bandanas. Janie took another scarf, put a pair of socks in it, and knotted it up well.

“How about that?” Sammy looked around with a slight smirk, “I’m tied up! Heyy!”
“Another piece of the puzzle,” Janie grabbed the orange rubber ball and ran it through the scarf.
“Oh, bother, Janie!” grimaced the victim as the rubber ball was put against her crotch.
“Nice and tight and ripe for orgasm!” Janie pushed the wad into Sammy’s mouth.

The nabber wrapped the scarf around her head twice and knotted it tightly behind her head. The rubber ball scarf was tied so that the rubber tortured her crotch. Sammy looked with dismay in her eyes and watched Janie take out a bunch of bandanas.

“Gmph!” Sammy groaned from her seat.
“You might be a rope bunny, but I have a feeling this will get you in the feels,” Janie smiled.
“Mmmmm!” she could only watch Janie add a blue tight triangular OTM bandana gag.
“That looks much better!”
“GMPH!” Sammy tried a second time.
“Now, now, Samantha, you’ll enjoy this.”

Janie took a red bandana, folded it into a triangle as well, and OTN gagged Sammy with it. A tight navy blue bandana cleave gag followed along with a white one gently wrapped around her neck to hold the rest in place. Sammy was forced onto the dinette table on her, and she knew what was coming.

SMACK!… that was a good start to things!
SMACK!… “OWW!” Janie spanked pretty strongly!
SMACK!… “You deserve it for spanking me and Lauren earlier!”
SMACK!… Janie had a good technique and controlled her strength.
SMACK!… “HMPH!” Sammy glared at Janie.
SMACK!… the victim tried to push Janie away with her legs.
SMACK!… “Not getting rid of me that easily, I’m afraid,” Janie laughed.
SMACK!… now it was beginning to hurt.
SMACK!… but it was beginning to feel so good as well.
SMACK!… There was nothing like a little dose of comeuppance in TUGs.
SMACK!… “You like this, don’t you?”
SMACK!… “In uh -ay,” Sammy grunted into the layers.
SMACK!… “Impact play pushes me toward subspace, but it excites you!”
SMACK!… Sammy felt that was true especially since her heart rate was increasing!
SMACK!… Janie gave a little more effort on that one.
SMACK!… Maybe Sammy liked it because her mother never spanked her?
SMACK!… Janie realized she never got spanked as a child either.
SMACK!… “Ha ha!” Sammy taunted her captor.
SMACK!… “Did that one hurt?” Janie went extra hard that time.
SMACK!… “Hmph!” squirmed the victim.

Before Sammy could do anything, a black bandana was wrapped around her ankle bonds and used to pull her into an arching ankles-to-elbows hogtie. Janie was pleased with the ease with which Sammy’s body folded into the dreadful position. Another black bandana bound her feet, and then Janie tied a pink bandana around Sammy’s braid and connected it to her feet.

“You are in a bit of trouble, aren’t you?” Janie taunted her.
“MMMM!” Sammy loudly shook her head but painfully yanked on her hair.
“MMMM!” Nichole softly growled down below.

Nichole was gently cuddled by her husband, and the growl came in response to being fondled. She looked up at him with stars in her eyes, but tonight his eyes were the brighter ones. A coy look from her was wiped away with a hand rubbing her bare crotch. She knew that soon the time would come. The words “tonight is all about you” had brought a spark to her play, and she did not want to blue ball her husband.

The taste of her own socks wasn’t too pleasing, but it was a minor problem as long as she was quiet. Her thoughts distracted her enough that those things didn’t matter to her. Indeed, she seemed possessed and unable to look at anything else while he caressed her, kissed her, and ran his hands over body. Tonight, her favorite part was the way he squeezed her breasts despite her clothes being in the way.

A slight push was sufficient to put Nichole on her side, and he prevented her attempts to stretch out her body. Instead, her legs were folded into her chest, and she felt him push into her body. A grunt came out of her, and she kicked him away from her. She wasn’t going down easily.

The fight was on!