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Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Five

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 6:24 am
by JennyTied
Nice update.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Five

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 8:37 pm
by Ropesworn
This was so good, love the scene and writing! Really got me thinking about this and similar scenarios all day.

Finally created an account to let you know, I hope we get the next chapter soon!

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Five

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:28 pm
by TapeTurtle
Part Six:

It took hardly no time at all for the Late Night Lasso to shut completely down once the entirety of the party watched a white van screech down the driveway and off onto the road. Once it became clear to the students in attendance that their four bound classmates were nowhere to be found, it took barely a minute for the questions “Where are they?” and “Are they okay?” to shift into “How do we explain this to the police?” The answer, at least that night, arrived at by the seniors of Arlington High, was simply to close the party, and say nothing—praying the four would turn up at school the next Monday with lively stories about their fake abduction.

No such stories were heard in Monday, because the girls were nowhere to be found. Whispers among the seniors debated and argued about what to do, who to tell that something horrible had happened at their nearly unexplainable party. The students carried in for an entire day of school like this, exchanging looks and nervous text messages, while doing nothing, waiting for a sign the girls were alright.

They did not have to wait long. At 10:15 p.m. that Monday, as each of the seniors settled into the evening, a text popped into the senior group chat — the one used to organize the Late Night Lasso. No one recognized the number, or could track who had added it. All there was to look at it were the words “The Lasso Lives On” in all caps, followed by a link. By 10:17 that night, nearly every senior at Arlington High could be found on the website attached to the link — a small, simple livestream entitled “”

By 10:20, the entire senior class was watching as the livestream clicked on, showing an old barn somewhere in some anonymous, undisclosed woods. Whoever was holding the camera hovered for several seconds on the barn from a few yards away, before stepping slowly toward the old, rotting door. Extending a gloved hand forward into the view of the camera, the mystery cinematographer placed their palm on the door and pushed forcefully inside, revealing a pitch-black, imperceptible void.

A digitally-distorted voice filled the blackness.

“Every year, the Late Night Lasso aims to do good for our community. However, in doing so, it perpetuates the inequities that drive many of the issues that plague our society. Why should the night end with the wealthy enjoying the four winners while the rest of us normal folk are forced to simply pack up and go home? We say ‘no more’ to this annual unfairness. This year, we will show you how much good we can really do by making the pleasures of the Late Night Lasso open to all. During the Lasso, these four women belong to all of us!”

Just then, a light filled the inside of the barn with a sharp blast, disorienting the focus of the camera. As the lens re-settled on the contents of the barn, students across Arlington leaned in toward their laptop and phone screens, some surely gasping, some smiling and laughing, but all of them transfixed on the swinging bodies of Jane, Carmen, Carly, and Abby as each of them hung upside down, completely topless, bound at the ankles and knees, their wrists tied behind their backs, their lips sealed with layers of duct tape, their hair hanging down below their swaying heads, their large breasts sagging down toward their chins. As the light burst on, each of the four kidnapped girls began writhing as they rotated slowly in place. Carmen, fighting her binds vigorously, managed to arch her back forward as if doing an ab-crunch, before laying her eyes in the wooden bannister twenty feet off the ground that each of their ankles were tied to. Carly’s enormous chest heaved in between screams and sobs. Jane frantically looked around the room for answers, trying and failing to plead with the mystery camera person. Abby, in contrast to the other three, calmly moved her eyes up and down the walls of the barn, searching for any signs of where they were being held, wrenching her wrists behind her as she looked around.

“Don’t worry ladies. You will be okay.” The digitized voice drew a nervous “mmmmpf!” each of the tied senior girls. “You will be released at this time tomorrow, you have our word. Until then, however…” the camera approached Carmen’s toned, athletic body, which, admittedly to some onlookers, looked irresistible in the weak light of the barn. The gloved hand reached out toward the gagged basketball star, stroked her face, then gave her breast a hard squeeze, which Carmen fought feverishly from upside down. “Until then, we will be collecting more donations for Ms. Ross via this website here. What makes this a more collaborative and equal version of the Late Night Lasso is that you can leave a custom request for these ladies alongside your donation. We will be live-streaming these new favors for the next twenty four hours.”

The four young women screamed into their taped lips, wriggling more where they hung.

“Look at that! We have one already. And such a generous offering. This one is for Ms. Carmen…” the camera panned to a nearby folding table, which was covered in tape, ball gags, zip ties, paddles, feathers, and a wide range of other toys. The gloved hand grabbed a small paddle off of the table and turned back to Carmen.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:40 pm
by Caesar73
Wow, what a brillant twist! I like that! Very much!

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:47 pm
by Ovi1
Thanks for continuing to write an amazing story tapeturtle! I had missed the previous upload but I am now fully caught up again.

You are doing great and I hope you continue. If you would like to have any feedback or suggestions I'm happy to type out a bit more of a review.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:13 am
by laz

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:10 am
by GreyLord
You are doing a very impressive work, [mention]TapeTurtle[/mention].

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:02 pm
by JennyTied
Thanks for part 6.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:32 pm
by TapeTurtle
Thanks for the kind words everyone — I have a lot of stories going right now and would love to focus my effort on those. Would anyone be interested in taking this story over from here? PM me if so.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:57 pm
by Ovi1
Good news, maybe, after a long time I have started writing a continuation for this story. With TapeTurtles permission ofcourse.

the bad news is, that just after uploading, I realised that the continuation I had written was not in line with the guidelines of this site, so I will upload the updated version after a small rewrite.

Also, since I am quite unsure about the choices I'm making, if anyone is willing to help me out by proofreading and/or editing and/or co-writing, please let me know.

Re: Charity Night Gone Wrong (?/FFFF) Part Six

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:37 pm
by SquidIncMaster
Ovi1 wrote: 5 months ago Good news, maybe, after a long time I have started writing a continuation for this story. With TapeTurtles permission ofcourse.

the bad news is, that just after uploading, I realised that the continuation I had written was not in line with the guidelines of this site, so I will upload the updated version after a small rewrite.

Also, since I am quite unsure about the choices I'm making, if anyone is willing to help me out by proofreading and/or editing and/or co-writing, please let me know.
Hi! I'd be happy to proofread for you!