Executive Assistant F/M

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Post by dl68 »

A full weekend – Part 2


I didn’t get much sleep as you might imagine and I had no choice but to wait for her return, by which time I was dying for the toilet.

Eventually I heard the front door and Miss Strickland walked in. ‘Please may I go to the toilet’, I asked and she smiled; ‘all in good time!’

Instead of freeing me however she picked up my socks and rolled one into a tube and before I could stop her she forced it into my mouth and tore a piece of duct tape from a roll she had brought with her and pressed it over my mouth. The other sock was taped over my nose and now I could taste and smell my sweaty feet

She sat on the bed and pulled the blouse open to reveal my nipples; they were a dull red and there were several angry red lines across my chest. I didn’t recollect that happening but I assumed it was the nails of one of the women in the club.

Miss Strickland took the ends of the cord that was part of the sailor uniform and began to brush the tips of my nipples. The pain and pleasure from this as the cord dragged across the skin was intense and all I could think of was the desire to ejaculate.

My cry of anguish must have sounded pathetic through the sock gag because she laughed and carried on with her torment. Eventually all it took was a finger nail lightly dragged down the shaft of my cock for a flood of sperm to jet out.

‘You mentioned the need to go to the toilet’, she said standing up and walking away. I had assumed she would untie me but she had other ideas. She slid a disposable diaper under my arse and taped it in place; ‘don’t ever say I don’t listen to you!’ she said with a smile as she turned and left.

It was clear she wasn’t going to release me for a while so I had no choice but to soil the diaper and then to lie in the warm wet material until she returned.

When she finally returned Miss Strickland had changed in to a blue blouse and blue pleated skirt. She untied the ropes and instructed me to shower. Once I had dried I smelt food being prepared. I dressed in my own clothes and went to see what was cooking.

Miss Strickland put down the knife and frowned at me; ‘I didn’t say you could get dressed!’ she shouted and I quickly stripped naked before she could say anything else. We ate in silence and then she told me to do the washing up.

Once I had finished she said; ‘as it’s a nice day I have lined up a treat for you.’ She handed me a bag of clothes which I realised when I got them out was the Cub Scout uniform I had worn a week or two ago.

I wasn’t allowed to wear any underwear under the course grey shorts and without a t-shirt the green jumper rubbed on my sore nipples. The coloured scarf was still folded and looped through the woggle so all I had to do was pull it over my head and tighten the plastic woggle. Grey socks and my own shoes completed the outfit.

‘We’ll take your car’, she said adding a matching scarf around her neck before leading the way to the garage. She drove and the journey took about 20 minutes and ended in a car park in some woods I had never been to. There was only one another car parked and as we pulled in two women got out, both dressed in immaculately ironed blue uniforms; blue blouse and knee length skirts. Each wore a yellow scarf with green and blue edging that matched the ones we were both wearing.

Miss Strickland led me over to them and introduced me; ‘Ladies; this is Simon my Cub Scout. As I mentioned he has been a naughty boy and deserves to be punished.’

‘Oh I think we can do that!’ one of them said. Neither introduced themselves but the other woman commanded me to follow them. Miss Strickland brought up the rear and when I glanced around I saw she was filming everything on her phone.

We walked for about 10 minutes until we were deep in the woods and well away from the marked trails. The women stopped and one produced two lengths of rope which she handed to me.

‘You have two minutes to tie a perfect Sheet Bend’, she said. I had no idea what that was; I assumed it was some form of knot so tied the best knot I could think of. ‘What a pathetic Cub Scout’, she said tossing the rope away. ‘Such a basic knot and you can’t even get that right.’

‘That’s your first forfeit’, the other one said; ‘take your jumper off’. I saw no option but to comply and as I did the two women carried on walking for another few minutes.

When we stopped I was instructed to make a basic shelter from what was around me. Of course I failed despite my best efforts. The women pronounced it the worst shelter they had ever seen and that incurred another forfeit.

Without my shoes and socks walking after them was painful but I managed to keep up. Their next challenge was to make a fire with sticks and tinder and a metal striker plate. I could have done with some matches because I couldn’t get a spark to light the dry tinder in the time they gave me and I lost my shorts as a forfeit and now I was naked.

‘I’m not sure you are fit to wear the scarf of your troop’, one of them said yanking the scarf from my neck. Before I could do anything she knelt down and tied the rolled ends around my cock in a tight knot. The rest of the neckerchief hung down between my legs. My cock responded!

‘This way’, she said leading us deeper into the wood and finally to a small clearing at the edge of a lake. She positioned me between two trees and quickly tied rope to each of my wrists. The other ends went over branches of the two trees pulling my arms into the air.

More rope went around each ankle and soon my legs were spread apart and tied to the base of each tree.

‘Miss Strickland was correct; you definitely deserve to be punished as you are a disgrace to the Scout movement’, she said.

‘So Simon’, the other woman asked; ‘what punishment do you deserve for being such a pathetic troop member?’ I had no idea what to say and in no time I couldn’t say anything anyway. Two pairs of warm panties were crammed into my mouth and duct tape over my mouth completed the gag.

I watched helplessly as one of the women walked down to the lake and filled a bucket with water. I wondered what she was going to do with it and then she threw it over me; it was ice cold! The two women laughed as the bucket was filled again from the lakeshore.

This time however its contents weren’t thrown because when the bucket was put down I saw it was full of thick black mud. The two women pulled on rubber gloves and took handfuls of mud and daubed it all over my body careful not to splash their uniforms.

Very soon I was covered from head to toe in the stinking ooze. They paid particular attention to forcing it into my hair and even into my rectum.
One of them then grasped my cock with her slimy hand and soon I was moaning with frustration as she held me on the edge of cumming. After removing the gloves she wrapped my rigid cock in the loose scarf hanging from my balls and gently teased my shaft through the cotton until I shuddered and climaxed. She deftly caught all my sperm in the scarf and then squeezed the shaft to extract every last drop.

‘I got all that’, Miss Strickland said putting her phone away; ‘thank you ladies.’ They said nothing as they untied me. I had no way of cleaning the mud off other than a dip in the lake which was far too cold and anyway Miss Strickland started walking back to the car park and I had no option but to follow.

Fortunately ours were still the only two cars in the car park as I was naked however the mud had dried to a grey colour. Miss Strickland turned to me and pulled the wet scarf around my neck and threaded the ends through the woggle. I couldn’t see the point other than ritual humiliation of wearing a cum soaked neckerchief.

She got into my car and I realised the seat was going to be covered in mud by the time we got home, if that was where we were going!
Miss Strickland did indeed drive me home and parked in the garage which at least meant I could get into the house without being seen.

Once inside she pulled the scarf from my neck; ‘go and take a shower’, she ordered. Once I was dry I returned downstairs still naked – I had learnt my lesson.

She handed me the damp scarf; ‘masturbate!’ she commanded. I wrapped the scarf around my cock which thickened almost immediately and I pumped away until I was ready to cum but she commanded me to stop, wait and then continue.

This continued for quite a while before she commanded me to climax. The scarf absorbed the milky sperm and I was instructed to squeeze every last drop out and dry myself.

Miss Strickland took the scarf and sealed it in a plastic ziplock bag; ‘for another time’, she said with a smile.

‘I’ll see you at work tomorrow’, she said heading for the door.

I made some food and retired to bed exhausted from the weekend’s activities and as I had a busy week at work I needed to be fully rested.
In the morning I got a shock. All the vests and pants I possessed were missing. My drawers instead were full of ivory coloured silk knickers and matching silk camisoles.

I realised this was Miss Strickland’s doing but I had no option but to go to work wearing a pair. I would get some new underwear at lunchtime I thought and anyway no-one would know – apart from Miss Strickland of course.

The look she gave me said it all and when she came into my office during the morning she whispered;’ don’t think of replacing your underwear, I will be checking’.

I wasn’t sure whether she meant physically checking what I was wearing or checking my drawers at home. Best to stay as I was, and anyway the silky smoothness was quite sensual against my skin!
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Post by LunaDog »

This story started to an EXTREMELY high standard, which you have FULLY maintained. Well done!
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Post by dl68 »


On Friday, as usual, I was the last person out of the office. Miss Strickland had left earlier without any comment.

Down in the car park I got into my company car and drove slowly out of the underground garage.

As I reached the barrier I wound the window down to insert my card. My attention was on the task so I didn’t immediately react to the passenger door opening. When I turned I saw a man had entered; a man dressed in black wearing a ski mask and brandishing a wicked looking knife.

‘Drive!’ he commanded closing the door. The barrier was up and I realised I should set off. He held the knife against my stomach as he gave me directions.

After 10 minutes or so we ended up on some waste ground behind a disused factory. He directed me to drive inside the building and park. This was not looking good I realised. I tried to placate him by offering him what money I had but he laughed. ‘Keys’, he said and when I passed them over he dropped them in his pocket.

‘Out!’ he commanded and as I got out he did too and before I could make a dash for freedom he was round the car and at my side with his knife back against my stomach.

‘Toss the phone in the car’, he said and I complied; ‘now the wallet.’ That followed the phone; ‘shoes’, he said next and I bent down and removed my expensive leather shoes. ‘Suit’, he said and I tried to reason with him but he waved the knife so I took the jacket off and dropped it into the car.

He jabbed the knife and I unbuckled my belt and removed my trousers. ‘Socks’, he was clearly enjoying this I thought as I peeled them off. My shirt followed in short order and he laughed at the silk lingerie I was wearing. This would have been embarrassing had it not been for my predicament.

‘Hands behind you’, he commanded and as I did I heard the unmistakable sound of ripping duct tape and my wrists were taped together. He bent down and picked up a sock and forced it into my mouth. More tape held the sweaty material in place.

‘This way’, he motioned forcing me to walk across the rough concrete to an old office unit in the corner.

‘On the floor!’ he commanded and I had no choice but to lay down on the filthy cold concrete. He bound my ankles together with more tape and then looped several turns of duct tape around my chest and a vertical steel column.

‘I imagine you can free yourself in time’, he said standing over me. I didn’t see his foot move but I screamed in pain as his shoe connected with my balls. Three more times he kicked me and on the third time I was sick, but of course it wouldn’t pass the gag so I had to swallow it.

He turned without saying anything and walked away. I heard my car depart and despite the pain in my testicles I frantically set about freeing myself.
I was able to rub the tape binding my wrists on the rusty side of the column and eventually I could tear my wrists apart. It didn’t take long to remove the rest of the tape.

After plucking the wet sock from my mouth I put my socks on and contemplated what to do. As far as I could remember my house was across town from where I was so getting home would take a number of hours and then I remembered Miss Strickland’s house was reasonably close.

Either way I would be walking the streets wearing nothing but silk underwear – not a brilliant prospect. Nevertheless I had little choice so I set off and it took me 20 minutes to get to her house. Fortunately it was dark so I don’t think anyone noticed me.

I rang the doorbell and after a while she answered it;’ Simon!’ she said looking surprised. She was wearing a neatly tailored pair of green hospital scrubs; why I had no idea. I tried to explain my predicament and she invited me in.

‘Would it be possible for you to drive me home? I can sort out things with the Police and Bank etc when I have dressed’, I begged and she smiled that smile I didn’t like; the one that has no humour to it.

‘I’m afraid the girls and I are just on our way out, another few minutes and you would have missed us’, she answered. ‘Please could you drop me off on the way to wherever you are going’, I pleaded but she laughed again; ‘we are not going that way.’

She paused; ‘hold on a minute; Girls’, she shouted and two women I had never seen before came out of the lounge. One was wearing a grey pinafore blouse with a pleated skirt and white shirt looking like an adult version of a school girl and the other was dressed as a Police women complete with utility belt and handcuffs.

‘What have we here?’ the “school girl” asked and I blushed as I suddenly remembered what I was wearing. ‘This is Simon and he has had his car stolen and wants a lift home’, Miss Strickland said. The Police woman thought for a moment and then said; ‘why don’t you come with us to the party and we can drop you home afterwards.’

Miss Strickland said that was a good idea, and it was clear from her tone of voice that this was not up for debate. I simply said; ‘I have nothing to wear, the thief took everything.’

‘Well not quite everything’, the school girl said and they all laughed at my embarrassment. ‘I’m sure you must have something he can wear’, the Police woman said and Miss Strickland nodded.

‘Go into the lounge and I will find something suitable’, she said. When she returned she carried a bag. ‘I think your costume should be a surprise’, she said tying a scarf around my eyes.

Hands removed my underwear and something silky was pulled over my head. I was then laid down on the floor on my back and something was done around my waist.

When the blindfold came off I saw that I was wearing a pink camisole style vest with the word “Baby” embroidered in big letters. Around my waist was a thick white towelling diaper secured with two enormous pink safety pins.

‘I can’t go anywhere like this’, I said and the Police woman laughed; ‘it’s a fancy dress party so the costume is brilliant.’ Miss Strickland handed me some short pink socks and shoes.

‘No baby should go anywhere without a bottle’, she said handing the School girl a very large plastic bottle full of brown liquid complete with a large teat on the top.

‘I think Baby should have a drink before we go’, she said and without giving me a choice she pushed the teat into my mouth. The contents clearly contained alcohol but mixed with something I couldn’t discern.

When it was empty Miss Strickland went out and refilled it. ‘I think we can go now’, she said pushing a large dummy into my mouth and tied it in place with some pink ribbon. The latex bulb completely filled my mouth.

I had no choice but to follow them to the car. The drive didn’t pass my house so Miss Strickland was at least correct in that. It was about 30 minutes before we arrived at a large mansion house with lots of cars parked in its impressive driveway.

Miss Strickland parked and led us inside. ‘We are only staying a couple of hours’, she said to me and I was glad about that; but a lot could happen in that time!
Inside there was every conceivable type of fancy dress attire on show. Most people were dancing but some were standing around a makeshift bar which was where Miss Strickland headed. The other two disappeared.

I tried to find somewhere to hide out of sight but Miss Strickland seemingly had other ideas. She kept a tight hold of one hand as she handed me a drink.

As I slowly drank it I felt my diapered bottom grabbed from behind; ‘a very authentic if unusual fancy dress’, a voice whispered in my ear. I nodded not knowing how to answer that. The woman, who was dressed as a Nurse didn’t seem to expect an answer instead she said; ‘come with me.’

Miss Strickland let go of my wrist and the woman dragged me out of the room, across the corridor and into what turned out to be a bedroom.

Before I knew it I was thrown onto a bed and she landed on top of me. I gasped in surprise at her actions, although the dummy muted my outburst.
She reached above my head and there were two metallic clicks as my wrists were locked into handcuffs that were already secured to the bed head. ‘That’s better’, she said. Not for me I thought!

She pushed my top up my chest to reveal the towelling diaper. ‘Very old fashioned’, she said, ‘but I am sure quite stimulating.’ To demonstrate what she meant she rubbed my groin and my cock responded. ‘Ata boy’, she laughed.

Before I could enjoy it too much she stopped and left the room only to return with a man, who was dressed in a similar hospital style uniform. ‘Wow’, he said, ‘a captive Baby, how nice!’

‘Come on Gary we can have some fun!’ she laughed and he nodded. They didn’t ask my view! Gary said; ’I’ll keep Baby amused, you go and see if you can find some suitable supplies.’ What he meant by “suitable” I had no idea.

As the woman left Gary sat on the bed; ‘it was brave of you to come to this sort of party dressed as you are’, he said and I wondered what he meant by “this sort of party”.

He undid the two safety pins and opened up the front of the diaper revealing my thick erection. ‘Not really a properly authentic diaper’, he said gently stroking my cock. I twisted my body trying to make him stop but he laughed and was just carrying on when the woman returned carrying an armful of items.

‘Sarah had a well stocked cupboard’, she said without saying who Sarah was, but I assume she owned the house.

‘We have everything to do the job properly’, she said with a smirk. I tried to reason with them but the dummy was quite effective; but clearly not effective enough because that was where she concentrated her attention to begin with.

After removing my socks she untied the ribbons holding Miss Strickland’s dummy in place and pulled it out. As soon as it was free I tried to tell then I needed to leave.

She ignored me and forced one of the pink socks into my mouth and then pushed the dummy back in place and tied the ribbons tightly to ensure I couldn’t force it out. I realised I was very well gagged!

She then tied a couple of scarves to my ankles and pulled them out to the corners of the bed and tied them in place.

Gary meanwhile picked up a large vibrator and applied some clear liquid to it. We all knew where it was going and sure enough he positioned it between my legs and forced it deep inside before turning it on.

I could feel its vibrations in my testicles as it ran through a programme of different speeds and actions. As it hammered away inside my rectum the woman began to play with my nipples. They were still sensitive from previous sessions with Miss Strickland so in no time they were firm.

As she tormented one with her fingernails she licked and bit the other. All the time my climax was getting nearer. Eventually there was nothing I could do to prevent the vibrator’s actions and I felt sperm erupting from my cock.

They both laughed as they watched my climax. Gary pulled the vibrator out; ‘all nice and warm and ready for the main act’, he said and I didn’t like the sound of that.

The woman passed him two large tablets and I felt him push them deep into my rectum with his index finger. ‘One suppository is never enough for bed bound patients in our hospital ward’, he said with a smirk as he held up a tampon; ‘something to seal the hole!’ he said. The tampon was pushed into my rectum.

The woman pulled on a pair of latex gloves, opened a tube and squeezed some white cream onto her hands. She coated my limp cock and groin in the cream and for good measure applied some to my nipples as well.

After liberally coating my groin in talc she pinned the sperm soaked towelling diaper back in place.

That wasn’t the end of my humiliation because she had brought two extra towelling diapers. Each was folded and pinned in place and now the lump of towel between my legs was huge.

As the scarves and handcuffs were undone I noticed that my penis was beginning to get very warm. The woman noted my look and smirked; ‘deep heat cream!’ and I groaned at what was to come.

She pulled my top down and made me step into a pair of pink rubber pants that said “Baby”; matching the top I was wearing. The pants had tight elasticated leg and waist holes.

‘We can go back to the party now and enjoy a dance’, she said taking my hand. I really didn’t want to go back there but I had no choice.

I was made to join her on the dance floor and I found it difficult to concentrate with the burning sensation on my cock and nipples and the growing gripes in my rectum which I realised was only going to end up one way.

She knew that and kept me on the dance floor until it was obvious I couldn’t contain things any more. I cried out as the tampon was forced out by a large fart along with other more unpleasant stuff. I could feel it lying between my legs. The woman laughed and reached down and ran her hands over the rubber pants pressing them against my groin before leading me over to the bar.

Miss Strickland walked over; ‘time to go!’ she said and I couldn’t have been happier to follow her.

The other two ladies were clearly staying as we left the party alone and walked over to her car.

She drove me home and to my surprise my car was in the drive. She said nothing as she parked behind it and led me inside my house. I wanted to discuss the car as I was confused as to why a stolen car would be returned but I was still gagged.

I had no choice but to follow her to my bedroom. She made me lie on the bed and then she clicked a pair of handcuffs around my wrists and connected a padlock to the chain in the middle. Another chain from the padlock disappeared under the bed.

‘The padlock is an electronic one and is on a timer’. Miss Strickland said. ‘It will release you later; although I won’t say when. In the meantime I suggest you get some rest.’

Before she left she untied the ribbons and removed the dummy and the sock from my mouth. I was so dry I couldn’t speak, not that she gave me any time to do so before she forced the knotted soiled Scout scarf into my mouth and tied it tightly in place. I immediately tasted my stale semen.

‘I told you it would come in useful later’, she said as she walked out without any further explanation. I tried to get free but the chain was well secured so I lay back on the bed feeling the bulk of the towelling nappies between my legs.

My wrists although handcuffed had sufficient freedom to reach my groin and soon I was rubbing my cock through the three layers of towelling material and a climax was inevitable and pleasurable.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken by a loud click and I found the padlock was open. I got up and stripped off – the dirty diapers went straight in a black bin bag and then I took a long shower.

Once I had dressed and eaten I checked the car was amazed to find my clothes, wallet, keys and phone were all inside. I couldn’t work out what had happened … unless Miss Strickland was behind it all the time!


Miss Strickland only acknowledged my arrival with a curt nod. As I sat down at my desk the phone rang; it was the CEO’s PA informing me he wanted to see me immediately.

I wondered what I had done wrong as I walked up the stairs to his office. He told me there was an urgent need for yet more restructuring to bring costs down.

As ever there was good and bad news. He was cutting the senior management from 4 to 2 posts. I and my three colleagues would be interviewed for those two positions. That was the bad news; the good news was he was thinking about axing the Executive Assistant role completely in favour of a central admin unit.

He asked for my thoughts. I said it would mean more work for those Senior Managers who remained. Miss Strickland, I said, did away with a lot of the mundane tasks; however if that was the only way to keep the costs down I could live with – assuming of course I was successful in getting one of the two jobs. He smiled and asked me to deliver the news.

I said perhaps it would be best coming from HR and he said; ‘if you are the senior Sales Director I would expect you to sort out the hiring and firing.’ I nodded realising my job was safe only IF I did his dirty work for him.

At least with Miss Strickland being made redundant that meant she would have no further leverage over me!

When I told her in one of the meeting rooms she just nodded and said she understood. It couldn’t be that easy … could it?

I had checked with HR and by paying her outstanding holiday she could leave immediately. I asked if she wanted a leaving party or drinks and she said she didn’t. She packed up her personal things, said goodbye to others in the office and left.

When I returned to my office there was a small box on my desk. I opened it and inside was a pair of silver cufflinks engraved with a pair of handcuffs. There was a typed note: “I know you did this to protect your job. You haven’t heard the last of me …..”

A large part of me was happy to read that and a small part wondered how she knew before I did!
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Post by dl68 »

That's the end of Miss Strickland's story - probably!

I hope it did justice to @Ak610's idea.

Thanks to everyone who commented.
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Post by Ak610 »

dl68 wrote: 1 year ago That's the end of Miss Strickland's story - probably!

I hope it did justice to @Ak610's idea.

Thanks to everyone who commented.
Yes My friend. It has been an amazing story.
Thank You very much.
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