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Post by socjuc »

What if we aren't considering an option here?

What if Nick and Shawn co-conspired the idea of what Shawn did to get Steven in line. You know in case he becomes naughty... :mrgreen: :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Damn, I think this latest chapter has really solidified the idea that Shawn is a dick.

I like Socjuc's theory! Though I doubt Nick would organise something like this, especially when his aunt is in hospital.

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

If Shawn's actions are genuine, I have to appreciate how realistic of an antagonist he is. There are really a lot of guys out there who think every sub will obey them no questions asked.

Anyway, I hope Steven decides to trust Nick. I have a feeling that the alternative will have worse consequences for him.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by NeedControl »

A couple replies baking here, to address different lines of conversation. 😀
First off, in regard to my Foot Odor Tolerance:

This is quite a difficult question for me to answer, for several reasons.

One big reason is because I genuinely lack *any* experience being gagged with gross footwear, or forced to smell the same. I can discuss my _theories_ about how I would handle things, but these theories are untested. We can consider my tolerances to other things, such as pain, discomfort, tickling, prolonged exposure to negative stimulus, and so on, but although these may all be conceptually related to how well I can tolerate strong foot odors, how *actually* related will they be? Also, there's a correlation between stink and taste, but they're not perfectly aligned, and taste itself is also significantly complimented by the sense of touch, specifically the perceptions of mixed textures and stickiness... What if I can handle perfectly well the stench and even the flavor, but sticky, gooey, fuzzy flaky bits lead me to almost instantaneous vomiting? Again, this is all unknown to me, never having been forced to endure, or attempt to endure, anything approaching all of this.

A second big reason is because I have near perfect control of my uvula, which has the wonderful side effect of allowing me to shut off my sense of smell instantly, and on demand. This is great when travelling through sewers, when working around anything which has died and is decaying, and when visiting public restrooms, among other examples. This also means that in at least some of the situations discussed in this story I would be able to simply turn off my sense of smell and not have to worry about how much I like it or not. For example, Steven is regularly assaulted by Nick's aromas during the normal course of daily life, and he often notices and dislikes this, but this would rarely, and possibly never, affect me; my smell would get automatically turned off with me barely even noticing it, since I am in the habit of doing that and often don't even realize that an area smells very bad because of my trained response. So licking Nick's feet when their at their most aromatic? Not at all a problem, because I would not smell them in the slightest! Of course, if my mouth is stuffed full with a gag and some raunchy fabric is taped over my nose, my only outlet for breath, then there will be no avoiding it, but the whole point of this second paragraph is that it's difficult to rate my tolerance to nasty odors when I don't typically experience them the way most people do: without a choice.

Another big reason deals more with my psyche, and is a bit more ethereal. In an attempt to describe this a bit more succinctly, I'll quote from my profile description on a popular kink site (with my spacing removed to condense it some):
### "
1. What I like doing most of all: having control taken away from me. There are a million ways that can happen, of course, but ^this^one^thing^ is the point of almost all of the rest of it for me: ^^ I want to have no choice. ^ To be helpless. ^ And for it to be _obvious_ that I can do nothing about it. ^^ ... ^^ All of these are AMAZING for me: ^ - when I’m physically incapable of moving some part of me, no matter how hard I try ^ - when I am entirely prevented from speaking, resisting with my mouth and words, "saying no" {...} ^ - when I am blind, unable to perceive your position, next steps, or devious plans ^^ #1 is the foundation of all the rest. =D
^^^ ... ^^^
3. Talking about the exchange of power, with me being the one losing it and you being the one using it, what will you do with your control, with your power over me? How will you use my helplessness for your pleasure, your enjoyment? ^^ Here is the essential answer: **whatever, however you want**. ^^ ... ^^ But the point of #1 is to enable #3: **use me as you wish.** ^^ If I like it a lot, GREAT!! ^ And if I really don't like it, ALSO GREAT!! ^^ ... ^^ What I am saying with #3 is that by doing things that *you* enjoy, whether I enjoy those things or not, you actually reinforce #1, which is the point of it all: I don't get to choose. ^^ ... ^^ I don't get to choose when you do things I really like a lot. I also don't get to choose when you do things I really dislike. And that makes me "love" it all, even the parts I "hate".
" ###
Here is the key portion of this point, which I sliced out of the quote above: "**My inability to stop the things that I don't prefer, or actively dislike, turns me on even more!!**"
Because of this part of me -- this very deep, powerful part of me -- I actually have a sort of feedback loop between disliking something, being forced to endure it, and liking that, which enhances my dislike but also simultaneously reduces it, and when this goes on long enough, it can actually lead to me liking what I previously disliked. ** This does not happen naturally. ** But it does happen when I am forced, when I have no choice. So, to conclude this third, and largest "paragraph", another reason it's supremely difficult for me to rate my own Foot Odor Tolerance is because even if I really can't stand super duper foot odors (which I don't know: see the first two paragraphs), my **actual** tolerance will not be purely determined by my simple preferences and tastes, **but rather** by a combination of these with the circumstances at hand. If I am forced to deal with it, really truly forced, it won't matter for very long how much I may detest it, because this helpless-forced-hate-love-want-need-helpless-drool feedback loop inside me will transform my _disliking_, at least somewhat, into _need_.

Okay, that's about enough out of me on this one question, eh? In my defense, I'll quote the man himself:
bondagefreak wrote: 4 years agoKeep it real, guys! And remember, the more detailed your answer, the better!

#1 - I really don't know == ~10 (because it's in the middle, and for no other reason)
#2 - I have superpowers == ~17 (because in many circumstances, I can tolerate way more than most people, for way longer, and remain unaffected)
#3 - Make me, and soon I'll need you to make me == 20 (because it doesn't matter; I'm going to imprint on you, and every part of you)

Mister BondageFreak, I'll leave it in your hands to determine what to distill this into, in terms of your rating scale. And if you wish to set my level at one number, and then put that to the test, I welcome your worst. 😈
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Post by NeedControl »

Second, some thoughts on the last few chapters:

Jeremy's return: fucking asshold Brad. 'Nuff said. I hope we'll get more of this cutie (Jeremy).

Zack: glad he's taking care of Jeremy. I hope he and these friends together can help Jeremy heal; he has a lot of healing to do.

End of Part V: Chapter 178 was the smoothest transition between parts in the story so far! You sped time up, which is quite rare for you, and I really enjoyed the web you wove!

Nick & Steven: Steven seems to be maturing, which is fantastic, as Nick has certainly done a lot of maturing over the last several weeks. Their love for and devotion to each other growing and beginning to bloom is beautiful, and I am so happy to be able to follow along!

Regular foot service: 😏 It's not my thing, but here in this story it is 🔥🔥🔥, and in Steven's position I think I would absolutely adore this, my previous interests be damned. ☺

Nightly bedtime: Hell. Fucking. YES!!! I sleep in a spandex sleepsack almost nightly, and to have my lover and master capture me helpless inside every evening would be amazing. The gag sounds so very intense, and his helplessness to do anything about it, combined with Nick's utter, ruthless insistence, is making me melt a little more every time I remember it. I personally am capable of enjoying quite a bit of rear-end-loving, so although I understand it continues to contain a lot of discomfort for Steven, it would almost certainly not for me. And his embracing of this, despite the difficulty, is splendid. I think the routine is good for both of them, in a lot of ways. Nick's utter dominance is dreamy. Let's be clear: I recognize how frustrating it can be in real life. Nevertheless, should a man demand such subjugation from me, a man I love, a man who cares deeply for me like Nick cares for Steven, well, I'm not experiencing that right now, but knowing myself fairly well, I believe all the real-life hardship would pale in comparison to my eager submission to him, including all the overbearing aspects.

Shawn & Nick: Nick's being overbearing in his protectiveness of Steven. But, it's only been a matter of weeks, or perhaps a few months, since Steven was "at death's door" (from Nick's perspective), so it doesn't bother me as being unwarranted, even if it's not actually necessary.

Shawn: Not very long ago he was first introduced to this world of power exchange in a not-as-healthy manner, with Brad's influence in everything still strong, and Nick's maturity as a Dom and lover still only beginning to show. During his first couple days exposed to all of this, he (Shawn) was hesitant to exert his muscles in dominance, but enjoyed pieces of it, and wasn't sure how to handle his enjoyment, allowing stoicism to lead while his feelings and desires were ambiguous. This dearth of experience and reality is demonstrated clearly now by his utter lack of maturity and responsibility.

Think back to the veeeeeerrrry beginning: Nick was *very* uncomfortable yielding Steven to Brad, ***his best friend***, even though Nick would be present for almost everything Brad would do. This was at the very beginning of all of this, before Nick had really taken Steven as his own, even though he already loved him.

Nick has multiple times been FURIOUS with Brad for taking liberties with a sub's safety, or violating perceived consent (Nick obviously views consent quite differently from "average", but it is violations of *his* perspective on a sub's consent which has led him to repeatedly be viscerally upset with Brad).

And this is Nick's best friend we're talking about.

Hell would freeze over before Nick would allow Shawn, or anyone else for that matter, to sexually take advantage of Steven. The stars would explode, fade away, and cease to exist before Nick would consent to Steven having sex of any kind with others while he is not present and participating himself; even in person, it's going to take a lot of trust for this to be possible: we've yet to see it happen! They were _apparently_ close once with Zack. Once.

Also, Nick is intelligent, and knows Steven very, very well, so all Shawn's bullshit blackmail material is not going to actually be effective with him, period. Hopefully Steven will realize this and act accordingly. A little bit of cunning from him, for a few days, and Nick's return will herald an entirely new world of revelation for Shawn, an experience he will almost certainly never wish to repeat.

Shawn's reticence to use brawn to force the issues is encouraging to me, and his reduction to ill-considered extortion reinforces my hope that he will not change significantly here, at least not in the next few days; he has been consistent in this, even since he first joined the storyline. Because of this, I am not supremely worried about Steven's safety, but I am concerned, because that sleepsack, which Nick spent time discussing with Shawn, is so easily accessible, as are many other implements of bondage and control. He has days to seduce Steven with the promise of safe helplessness, and Steven is especially gullible where this is concerned. Additionally, Steven is apt to internalize instead of reach out to Nick for help, especially because of the current circumstances in Nick's life.

I'm hopeful that the other characters yet to be introduced will provide a distraction of focus away from sexual, which will so easily become rape, and toward other things, which may be similarly unwanted by Steven, but possibly less difficult to deal with in the moment, and after the fact.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'd like to thank all those of you who've been supporting and encouraging me with comments these past few weeks.
I really appreciate the time you guys take to comment, and I hope more of you decide to join in as well.

Just knowing that some of you are still onboard and enjoying this is reason enough for me to keep writing.
I'd also like to give a special shoutout to two first-time reviewers: sws91 and OrdinaryWorld

Can't tell you how happy it makes me to see new names pop up.
I really hope the two of you will consider chiming in on a regular basis from now on!

Now as for the comments themselves;
From being angry with Shawn and disappointed with Nick, to being annoyed with Steven for his lack of compliance, the plurality of opinions expressed so far show an amazingly wide array of perspectives.

Socjuc and OrdinaryWorld both bring interesting points to the table.

And a special mention to NeedControl for his in-depth analysis of the character growth and current relationships.
Without confirming nor denying anything, your conclusions about Shawn being a young and aspiring-Dom who only has Nick and Brad's previously poor behaviours as role models is very astute. The cottage scene immediately comes to mind here.

Your analysis is impressive and on point.
Shawn's latest move is very much in line with his character, and it's hugely rewarding to see past events being brought up as a possible explanation for his current behaviour.

Really loving these exchanges.
Carry on, guys!

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Post by bondagefreak »

Wednesday, May 20 (9:30 AM)

I couldn't believe it.
This was just a bad dream. It had to be!

I was genuinely terrified.
Terrified of what might happen if Nick saw those photos of me trying to hook up with other guys, and terrified of how far Shawn would go before his conscience told him to stop.

Any man who was willing to destroy another man's life in order to further his own goals deserved no respect.
On the other hand, Shawn didn't deserve my respect, he simply had it from the start.
His demeanor and the sheer size of his imposing musculature demanded it!

He was definitely an Alpha.
And one that I had to be weary of, at that.

"Shawn, wait! You can't be serious?!" I cried out, desperately trying to talk some sense into the guy.

The hairy oaf just stood in front of my seated form with the absolute smuggest of looks on his otherwise boyish face.
He was proud of himself for what he had done, and was probably thrilled at the fact that his little plan had worked just like he'd wanted it to.

"Sir, please...please don't do this. Can't we just be friends?" I pleaded, instantly hating myself for having accidently referred to him by a title I secretly deemed him worthy of.

You should've seen how quickly his face lit up upon hearing those words.
The fact that I was trying to negotiate a truce must've seemed quite promising to him. But my use of the word "Sir" is what really caused his excitement to spike.

"Sure we can! But you're still gonna be my bitch!" the blond bully laughed, ruffling my hair up like his older cousin was in the habit of doing.
That wasn't the answer I wanted to hear. And as if things weren't already bad enough, I could tell from his expression that my slip of the tongue had given him a serious boost of confidence.

He was getting a taste of power now.

"Shawn, this isn't funny! You don't need to set me up like this! Please...please, just delete those photos from you phone!"

"Don't worry, buddy." came the hunk's amused response. "I don't need to show Nick those pics. I mean, not unless you make me..."

When it became evident that this was all just a game to him, I lifted my knees up and wrapped my arms around them before lowering my head down to contemplate the grimness of my situation.

Those photos could seriously ruin my life.
And if they were ever leaked out, who would Nick believe?
Me, who couldn't even hold the promise I'd made not to play bondage games when he wasn't there to supervise?
Or his blood relative, whom me got along with exceptionally well?

The evidence against me was irrefutable.
Think about it!

Photos of me staring at the screen, and an expression of shock on my face as I turn around to look at the mastermind who set the trap.

ANYONE looking at the photos would think that I'd been caught in the act!
The look of shock on my face would be interpreted as one of embarrassment.

Even worse was the fact that the user account was visible, and a quick zoom in would reveal my name as well as my face pic.
This was truly damning evidence.

Even if Nick trusted me, how far would that trust go?
Would he believe my far-fetched story about his cousin going through all the trouble of finding my photos and creating a fake account, only to set everything up while I was asleep?

Was Shawn bluffing?
Did he actually plan on using this falsified proof against me if I didn't comply with his wishes? Or was he just trying to intimidate me?

I couldn't be certain.

But when I looked into his eyes, I didn't see an evil man.
I didn't feel threatened or unsafe like I did when Brad was around.

I saw a young man who was perhaps a little power hungry, but who didn't necessarily carry any ill will towards me.
He didn't wanna hurt me, but I had no way of knowing how far he'd be willing to go in order to get what he wanted.

The one thing I knew for certain, is that I didn't want those incriminating photos being leaked out.

I wanted to tell Nick about them and knew that at some point I'd have to warm him about what his cousin had done.
But my seemingly undefendable position would lose all credibility were those photos ever to reach him first.

"Shawn, why are you doing this?" I whimpered, keeping my head down before finally raising my tear-glossed eyes up to look at him.

Surprisingly enough, the young jock wasn't so brave when faced with the prospect of dealing with one of my emotional breakdowns.
I think the tears welling up in my eyes actually scared him a bit.
He was definitely nothing like Brad.

"Awww jeez. No. Don't get all mushy and shit." he complained, rolling his eyes and turning around so as not to face me.

"How can you do this to me? I've always been nice to you..." I continued, allowing myself to actually cry in front of him, while at the same time hoping that it would further weaken his resolve.

It did, but not to the extent I was hoping.

"Alright, calm the fuck down. I told you I won't show Nick those photos, and I won't!"

"Then erase them from your phone!" I cried out, begging for immediate and unconditional reparations on his part.
Believe it or not, I was actually ready to forgive him and put this whole incident behind us if he decided to comply and apologise.
Granted, I would've never completely trusted him again...but that was beside the point.

"I will! But only AFTER Nick gets back from the hospital." he assured, again, not giving me the answer I was desperately in need of hearing.

The look of fear and distress on my face must've weighed heavily on his heart. 'Cause even after I'd stopped groveling, the jock went out of his way to provide me with added assurances.

"Look. All you gotta do is do what I tell you. That's what Nick made you agree to anyways."

"Nick doesn't want me to suck your dick, Shawn! That's total bullshit and you know it! You wouldn't be trying to blackmail me into blowing you if you actually thought that he'd be okay with that!" I cried out, feeling truly frustrated at him using my own boyfriend against me.

Upon hearing those words, the hunk merely smirked as if to hide his discomfort.
"Man, you're such a whiny bitch sometimes! I can definitely see why Nick keeps your mouth plugged up at night." he chuckled, no doubt using humour as an attempt to diffuse the tense situation that now reigned across the room.

" and I are gonna get along just fine. Nick likes you a lot. I've seen some of the chicks he's fucked, and man...if he's keepin' you here and bangin' you like I know he is, then you must be pretty fuckin' special. I just wanna see what the whole fuss is about." he explained, my cheeks suddenly tingling at the realisation that Nick's love for me actually ended up getting the better part of his cousin's curiosity.

The kid was willing to blackmail me, just to get a taste of what his cousin was getting!
In other words, me!

The sad part is, I sorta liked the guy.
I really did.

I just wish he hadn't resorted to something as low as this.
Flirting and trying to convince me to blow him was one thing. But extorting me was another!

"So here's what you're gonna do." Shawn told me. "You're gonna be real good, and you're gonna do everything I say. You're gonna show me a good time when I ask you to. And tomorrow night, when Nick get's back, I'll delete those photos from my phone and I'll tell him what a great boy you've been. Deal?"

Not knowing what else to do and being stuck between a rock and hard place, I shrugged my shoulders and cast my gaze down to the floor before nodding my head 'yes' as a sign of compliance.

You have no idea how scared I was of losing Nick.
No idea how terrified I was at the mere thought of losing his trust and being pushed out of his life.
It didn't matter if the odds were stacked in my favour.
Him not believing me was a risk I wasn't willing to take!

Nick could NOT see those photos.
I was ready to be Shawn's bitch for a day or two if it meant keeping that damning evidence away from my boyfriend's eyes.

I'd be his bitch and I'd see him finally delete those photos off his phone.
Then, and only then would I have my revenge.

Once those photos were gone, I'd tell Nick what had happened.
I'd tell him everything.

If Shawn wanted to play dirty, then I was gonna do the same.
I'd done it in the past with Brad.
And I had no qualms about doing it again.

If the big oaf thought he was just gonna bang me and then get away with it, he was in for a major surprise.

And so I ate, drank my coffee and spent the next fifteen minutes showering and silently plotting my babysitter's eventual demise.

By the time I made it out of the shower, the young muscle-hunk was still in the bedroom, sitting on Nick's recliner chair and wearing nothing but his underwear.


I got dressed and tried keeping my eyes to myself, but even though I was pissed off and angry, it was hard not to glance his way every now and then.

The guy was built like a fuckin' brick house, with HUGE, hairy legs and a very buff, furry torso.

His hands and feet were very similar in size to those of his cousin's, and from the look of his splendidly full underwear, it seemed as though he might've been similarly endowed as well!

"Get your toothbrush and some clothes packed. We're leaving in a few minutes." he told me, looking up from his phone just as I was finishing to get dressed.

"Where are we going?" I asked, suddenly alarmed at the prospect of being removed from the illusional safety of my home.

"My place. Nick's console sucks! Besides, there's nothing to do here and there's almost no beer left in the fridge."

I lost no time in letting him know I wasn't happy about his decision, but the brute didn't seem to care and simply told me to hurry up and pack my stuff.

I obeyed and discreetly watched as he got dressed and started packing his own bag, not only with the clothes he'd brought...but with some of Nick's stuff as well.

By "Nick's stuff" I mean; the sleepsack, the plug-gag, the gasmask, the leather muzzle, the duct tape, and of course...lot and lots of rope!

When Shawn initially told me we'd be heading to his place, I assumed we'd be coming back home sometime before nightfall.
From the looks of it though, my burly captor was packing up as though we'd be gone for a while!

"Why d'you need all that stuff?!" I asked, more than a little alarmed at the fact that he was thinking about using so much gear.

Unfortunately for me though, the young Alpha was as tight-lipped as his cousin, and I got no enlightening response.
"Hurry up and stop asking questions." was the only explanation I got.

Just as we were about to leave, the muscular jock turned around to look at me and placed his hand around the back of my skull before rubbing my head affectionately.

"Don't worry. It'll be fun, you'll see." he spoke, no doubt trying to ease his own guilty conscience by attempting to prove to me that he wasn't just some cold, heartless bastard.

I put the alarm code in and used my key to lock the door as we left.
I knew he didn't have a car, so I assumed we were gonna take the bus or something.

But when I saw a crummy old car parked in front of our place, I quickly realised why he'd been in such a hurry to get going.

One of his buddies was here to pick us up.

As soon as we arrived next to the car, Shawn opened the passenger side door and told me to sit in the back.
I complied and was immediately greeted by our driver, Chris. A rather handsome and amicable fellow who, as it turns out, was one of Shawn's roommates. One of three.

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Post by Volobond »

Uh oh. I'm really worried for Steven. With these unfamiliar people and how much of a crappy dickwad Shawn has turned out to be, I hope he'll be okay. Never thought I'd say this, but I hope Nick gets Steven back soon!

As for socjuc's theory, I wonder if Nick would be capable of coming up with such a layered deception. And putting Steven through that kind of emotional distress would not be cool...

At least Shawn has the decency to be somewhat ashamed at making Steven feel so bad. Maybe he can learn, but until then, he has no business trying to be a dom.

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »


A lot of things that need to be said

1. I think Shawn is wayyy different from Brad if he is able to show genuine empathy, also I doubt that Shawn would want to act like Brad because I remember that Shawn criticised Brad pree harshly in an earlier chapter. While his actions are still horrible, and motive too, I can sort of see where he is coming from.

2. I'M SCARED. Chris just looks like another generic jock type but sTILL. And one of THREE roommates????

2.5. Chris kinda hot tbh

3. "By "Nick's stuff" I mean; the sleepsack, the plug-gag, the gasmask, the leather muzzle, the duct tape, and of course...lot and lots of rope!" Jesus Christ I'm scared and excited. If anything feet related will be involved then I have a feeling this will be one of my favourite chapters in the whole BaG series

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Post by ShadowHusky »

Firstly, I'm appreciating that it was mostly a facade, where his intentions weren't truly to hurt Steven and take him for his own, instead wanting a taste of everything Nick raves about.

Secondly, those thighs are a bloody weakness of mine, oh god, I love.

Thirdly, I feel bad for Steven having to go to such an unfamiliar environment, but Chris is so damn hot and seeing the car and the way Shawn is; I would not be surprised by a messy, smelly house... Super excited to see how this goes down.
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Post by GoBucks »

So excited to see what the guys have in store for Steven. 3 roommates? I love new characters. Chris definitely looks like he isn't going to be smelling like roses.

I love how Shawn is taking Nick's stuff with him. We are due for some gasmask fun!

Glad Shawn showed that he does have some emotion and isn't a robot. He just seems to want to experience being a dom like his cousin. He definitely went about it the wrong way- blackmail isn't right because in a real dom/sub relationship it's important to build trust. I still can see where he is coming from though.

I just can't freakin wait for more. I need your story like I need food and water. BF, you are definitely "essential."
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Post by blackbound »

God, Steven is such an insufferable bitch. I almost wish Brad on him for some attitude adjustment.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

The last chapter was so good I am so happy you are bringing back the gasmask maybe Beefcake Chris has some socks that Steven can smell or his shoes put those over the tube
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Oh my God indeed!

Three roommates? And THREE other persons coming up?
Wow, that was definitely not expected...

Yeah, the way Steven was blackmailed was really not cool from Shawn.
My assumption is that he just did not know how to get what he wants (Steven's submission) as he's practically completely new to this kind of stuff. I always knew he isn't like Brad - his ability to show empathy speaks for itself.

Chris looks damn hot.
I'm sure Steven has two days of much new stuff before him. And damn I can't wait for it, Master.
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Post by NeedControl »

blackbound wrote: 4 years ago God, Steven is such an insufferable bitch. I almost wish Brad on him for some attitude adjustment.
"Et tu, provocateur?"

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Post by bondagefreak »

Wednesday, May 20 (11:30 AM)

Save for a few embarrassing moments, the ride to their apartment wasn't all that bad.
Being with one of Shawn's friends should've made me feel nervous and a little apprehensive. And it did, at first.
But the more I heard Chris talk and the more I listened in to their topics of conversation, the calmer I got and the less nervous I became.
Whatever their relationship was, these two obviously got along fairly well.

"Yo, weren't you supposed to be babysitting some kid today?" Chris asked, suddenly confused as to why he was picking Shawn up and driving us home. The guy apparently had no idea who I was. He probably just assumed I was one of his roommate's buddies or something.

"Yeah, he's the one I'm babysitting." Shawn answered, nudging his head towards me and showing absolutely no concern for my dignity and self-respect.

"Wait, what?" Chris laughed, stopping at a red light and angling his rear-view mirror so that he could get a better look at me.
"Dude, how old are you?" he asked, his voice betraying no small amount of amusement and curiosity.

I sighed and nervously lifted a hand to scratch my eyebrow before looking away and muttering the words "Twenty-three."

Chris apparently found my answer pretty mind-boggling and couldn't quite contain his state of confusion.
"Twenty-three?! Then why d'you need a babysitter, bro?!" he chuckled, all the while staring at me through the annoyingly intrusive rear-view mirror.

Stricken with shame and not knowing how to answer the jock's genuinely valid question, I simply shrugged my shoulders and turned my head away to look outside.

Shawn saw fit to fill his friend in by that point.
I saw the two of them whispering up front, with the blond man not-so-subtly hinting at the fact that I was the one who was being "banged" by his cousin.

I don't know why, but finding out that I was Nick's boyfriend suddenly seemed to clear things up for Chris.
It might've been that Shawn had already told him about me and about the bad blood that reigned between Brad and myself.
After all, that was the main reason why Nick didn't want me being alone, right?

Then again, I had no idea what Shawn had told Chris.
Not that it mattered anyway.

The car went deadly silent after that.
But as soon as we stopped for another red light, Chris ended up twisting around in his seat, and his eyes literally ate me up from top to bottom.

"Yeah, not bad. Not bad at all..." he purred, giving me a cheerful wink before spinning around again and fixing his gaze back on the road.

Something about being scanned and physically evaluated like that was hugely unnerving.
Had the jock not said anything, I might felt a bit less awkward.
But the fact that he had given me a passing grade after having eyed me up and down made me feel extremely...whoozy!

There was no doubt in my mind that Chris was straight.
And while I would've been wounded or offended at being given such a "meek" grade by a chick or a gay guy, the fact that I'd been graded as "passable" by straight hunk, made my stomach knot up and caused my cheeks to tingle.

When we eventually made it to their place and got out of the car, I was finally able to get a good look at our driver.

I'd already seen his face, but being able to set my eyes on the rest of him pretty much confirmed what I already knew.
Chris was a mighty fine specimen.

And no, before you go on making me out as sort of unfaithful whore, Nick was and always would be my one true love.
I was just looking around, is all.
Having a boyfriend didn't mean I couldn't look around and enjoy the view.
It just meant I could look, but not touch. At least, that's how I viewed it.

We gathered our bags, closed the car doors and walked up into the large, slightly rundown apartment building.
Shawn walked behind me and Chris led the way, giving me a good enough view of his very shapely arms and torso.

The guy was tall, maybe about an inch or two shorter than Shawn, but still pretty tall.
It was hard to be certain without us being side by side, but even from a distance, I could tell he was a bit over half a head taller than I was.

The sleeveless blue muscle-shirt he wore did little to conceal his built-up physique.
And although I found him incredibly pleasant to look at, his thick arms and extraordinarily buff torso seemed a little disproportionate given the size of his rather underdeveloped legs.

Chris, while being in amazing physical shape, was apparently one of those guys who worked out a lot, but who focused mostly on upper body training while forgetting the legs.

He didn't have particularly thin legs of anything. They just weren't that...impressive.
The fact that he had such a massive V shaped build sorta accentuated it a little.

Still, if I had to give this guy a rating on ten, I'd give him a solid nine-point-five.

We walked up two flights of stairs before finally reaching their apartment.
And as we made our way up, I couldn't help but look at the lead-man's hairy legs and notice the crummy-looking crew socks he was wearing inside his beat up, black and white Air Jordans.

His shoes looked really big. Probably size 12s or something.
The off-white socks he was wearing were barely perceivable.
But my trained eyes could see enough of them to notice how absolutely dingy they looked.

A quick look at those socks almost instantly reminded me of the fact that these guys didn't have a washer and dryer in their apartment.
They had to use the building's public laundry room.
A laundry room with machines that were probably always full or temporarily out of order.

Either way, that didn't bode well for jocks who were already prone to being lazy in that department.
I could only imagine how many times Chris had tossed his old socks away, only to pick them up and wear them again the next day.
Hopefully his boxers didn't suffer a similar treatment.

The door to the apartment was already unlocked, and Shawn placed both his hands on my shoulders before guiding me in.

I have to admit, having the big guy take hold of me like that felt strangely good.
Not only was I insecure about being in an unfamiliar place, but I was now extremely nervous at the prospect of being introduced to two more Alpha-type jocks.

Shawn, while not exactly being the kind-hearted guy I'd come to hope for, was a familiar face and was also the only thing I could connect to at that moment.

I was still really upset with him and still couldn't get my head wrapped around the elaborate ruse he'd concocted.
But even though he was an ass, he was still my boyfriend's cousin.

I knew he wasn't going to hurt me, and the fact that Chris was sorta nice and friendly gave me a bit of hope as well.
Besides, being physically escorted like this was kinda nice. It almost had me feeling as though I was being taken into their some sort of prized bounty or something.

I was quite literally a sheep among wolves.

I don't know why, but I was expecting a rowdy reception as soon as we'd open the door and step inside.
Thankfully though, there was only one unfamiliar face around to greet us as we walked in and put our bags down.

There, sitting around on the living room floor with a PlayStation 4 controller in hand, sat a very big guy who was almost immediately introduced to me as Mike.
More specifically, Big Mike.


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Post by NeedControl »

Big Mike, huh? 😏
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Oooof a house full of jocks with no washer or dryer? Definitely excited for what Steven will have to go through ;)

Chris seems like an odd but interesting character, I'm curious to find out more about him.

Hope Steven gets to deal with those socks on Big Mike!

Overall, I'm quite interested in the next chapters. :D

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by Volobond »

Leave it to Steven to "enjoy the view" at a time like this, huh? I'll wait to see more of how these guys act before judging them...

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's always impressive how you write so many detailed descriptions yet they never disrupt the pacing of the story.

But the part where Steven was smitten by a straight guy complimenting him is the hands-down best part for me. It felt super relatable.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by LK3869 »

I think I've totally given up on Steven - or possibly, given some of the comments, I really doesn't understand the dom/sub notion of trust and respect... Getting into submission for pleasure, that I can get; but accepting to be treated like a 6 YO anywhere out of the bed...
Ok, Steven's been a mess in recent times and Nick helped, but Steven would have never been in such a sorry state if Nick hadn't messed up his life first... Not only doesn't Steven ever think of that and treats Nick as an actual saviour and positive force in his life, but he accepts every new loss to his independance...

Maybe it takes my experience in predatory thoughts to see Nick under such light, but a DA would surely compare what he did since the beginning of the story to some cult-style thoughts-conditioning. First destroy your prey's life, then make sure they can't do anything without you...

So yeah, don't be mad at me, but Brad - and now possibly Shawn - are the only characters in all this I'm sure I understand... :D
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by GoBucks »

Oh yeah Big Mike looks like he has some tasty gear :P

An apartment of jocks without their own washer... poor (lucky) Steven!
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Mhmmmm Big Mike, what a adorable guy :-P

Steven is definitely in for an intense two days.
And damn, I can't wait to get a closer look at Chris' Jordans and crew socks.

What LK3869 says, crossed my mind some times during reading the whole story, especially around the time when Steven moved into with Nick after that cottage stuff happening.

But we also gotta see that Steven definitely DOES enjoy what he is put through by Nick. And if he genuinely did not wanted how he's living right now, I'm pretty sure he could seriously talk to Nick.
That's just my point of view - but I can definitely also see what you mean, LK3869.
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Post by harsim »

Loving the return of Shawn and the introduction of new characters. Can’t wait for what’s next!
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Post by ShadowHusky »

A house full of jocks with no washer or dryer? This... This is a dream.
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