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Socks, Feet & Footwear
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Duct tape
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Post by Volobond »

Okay, the shower scene was amazing in its utter sexiness on its own, but to follow it up with this chapter... whoa, baby! :)

I'm loving the muscle worship that Steven is doing, and to follow it up with the return of that awesome ultra-tight sleepsack is incredible! And another really hot bit to me is seeing how Nick knows where to be gentle and accommodating (Steven's fears about NIck's...beast) and where to step it up and be rough. Also, I love the way Steven keeps calling him his King.

Thanks again for more additions to this awesome epic story!

By the way, it's so cool (and hot) to see [mention]NeedControl[/mention]'s thoughts as he catches up.

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by NeedControl »

Volobond wrote: 4 years ago By the way, it's so cool (and hot) to see @NeedControl's thoughts as he catches up.
Haha, thanks @Volobond! I'm really enjoying getting caught up, and I've been a bit afraid that my monopolization of the last page or so wouldn't be viewed favorably. 😬😅

WARNING: I'm about to post a reply which I was totally not expecting to write, and it's 5 pages long in my document editor. 😱
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Post by NeedControl »

So, I know I am practically halfway back in the thread, and perhaps all of this has been done and settled in the 10 months or so since this conversation first happened. I truly did not intend on commenting in this particular exchange/conversation because of the above stated reasons, but after the most recent perspective that I read, I felt there was a critical decision being completely ignored in the conversation, and the conviction with which various people were sharing their perspectives could use a little shaking from the direct confrontation of this specific, seemingly-forgotten, alternative.
ShadowHusky wrote: 5 years ago But the way Nick handled it, (Whether it was an impulsive decision or not doesn't matter) was the wrong decision.
So, you shared your thoughts on this from a couple of different angles. I trimmed the quote above to get to the crux of the matter; you obviously shared more detail than only what I've quoted. :)

You believe what you're saying so adamantly, but let's be very clear about the only moral alternative available to these men at this moment in time: involve the police.

You state that your objections are primarily the result of a consideration of Jeremy's well-being, Jeremy's perspective, Jeremy's psyche. So let's walk logically through what it would realistically look like to travel down the only genuine available alternative path here, and then perhaps the options as it relates to Jeremy's well being will be laid a little bit more bare than I think they are at this point in the conversation:

1. Put an immediate stop to the abuse that is happening before their very eyes. Done.

2. Prevent the immediate abuse from restarting for the brief period of time that the next couple of steps take. Done.

Steps 1 and 2 in most common-law societies constitute what is known as a "temporary citizen's arrest". In different nations/jurisdictions the civil and criminal laws related to this vary some, but most common law nations are, in the most critical ways, roughly equivalent here. In a situation such as this, a temporary citizen's arrest is very likely to be found appropriate and not in violation of law by both civil and criminal courts (later, obviously). Citizen's arrests are *never* guaranteed to be later determined as justified and free from consequence, but the circumstances of this situation fit nicely into the sweet spot that protects them (Nick and Shawn) the most.

3. Call 100/101/999/102/911/whatever the emergency police line is. While on the phone, make it clear that there was assault, battery resulting in physical harm, and an additional struggle to subdue the attacker. Likewise make it clear that you have one (or two) unconscious men and will need EMS (for BOTH of them, if they're both unconscious). Leaving out EMS for Jeremy here is *not* an option, because he is not considered medically responsive (remember his lethargy and stupor as Shawn carries him into the guest room), and thus he is going to need to be examined for signs of a concussion and internal bleeding (both in his head and in other parts of his body), along with more obvious physical examination of whatever his more apparent wounds are.

4. The police and emergency medical services arrive, and as interviews of Shawn, Nick, and Steven begin, all five of them are dragged into a situation that may last the next several years, and will quite possibly involve criminal courts, civil suits, psychiatric facilities, friends, families, employers, media coverage, and more.

5. Jeremy is taken to the hospital. Depending on his level of consciousness at the time, he may object to this. Depending on local laws, he may or may not be *allowed* to prevent his own trip to the hospital, given his injuries. Of course, if he is still unresponsive, then he won't have any choice in the matter. Furthermore, with immediate testimony from Nick, Steven, and Shawn, it is quite possible that the police who are present will be able to enact local [temporary] measures, designed to protect people from domestic abuse, which will also compel him to receive a standard medical evaluation, regardless of his state of mind. Chances of Jeremy not making it to the hospital at this point: low, but not completely impossible.

6. Brad is arrested, pending investigation. If he is unconscious, or otherwise deemed in need of more attention by EMS, then a police officer will likely accompany him to the hospital. Otherwise, it's straight to jail for him. Since it's the middle of the night, he will likely not be interrogated until tomorrow, unless Jeremy dies.

7. Depending on local regulations and local law-enforcement policy (which isn't law, but simply standard procedure), based on their own immediate testimony Nick and Shawn may *also* be arrested, pending investigation and clearance from a sergeant, detective, lieutenant, etc. The likelihood of them being arrested is impossible to predict because of the massive variances from one place to another, even from one city/area to the next in the same region. It's really 50/50, just because we don't know. However, a couple points to consider: 1) This is Brad's area, and Nick and Shawn are *not* from here. Brad may well be known to the local law enforcement (being a rural area makes this more likely), which may be good or bad for Nick/Shawn, depending on Brad's local reputation. 2) This is a rural area. Rural areas *in general* tend to be much more practical about how they approach situations, and much less "sissyfied", to put it frankly. This lends itself to it being less likely that these two will immediately be arrested, but they may still be asked to come to the local "station", either now, or tomorrow morning, for further questioning.

8. Steven will almost certainly want to go to the hospital with Jeremy. This will probably be allowed. However, Steven has very little ability to speak on Jeremy's behalf, so his ability to *directly* influence what comes next for Jeremy will likely be small. So long as Nick has not been arrested, Nick will take him.

Pause: it's highly unlikely, given our understanding so far of the relationship, that Brad and Jeremy have any legal measures in place to offer each other special rights in the event of their incapacitation.

9. Given the complexity of the situation, portions of Brad's cottage will likely be declared crime scenes, if not the entire house. If investigators/detectives are going to become immediately involved (unlikely, since this is rural and in the middle of the night), then the crime scene(s) may be evaluated and cleared relatively quickly. If not (which seems more likely to me), then the crime scene(s) will be somehow blocked off and access prohibited for some period of time.

10. As it becomes apparent that Jeremy is objecting to further medical treatment and/or Brad's [currently temporary] incarceration, as long as he is in Emergency care at a hospital it is probable that a staff psychiatrist will be asked to talk with him. Additionally, this psychiatrist will be made aware of the testimony from Nick, Shawn, and Steven, including details of ongoing domestic abuse and Jeremy's blindness to it. This evaluation may result in two very different things, and there's not a good way for us to predict probabilities here: 1) Jeremy is determined to be of sound mind; -or- 2) Jeremy is determined to either *not* be of sound mind, or the determination is made that it is unclear and he needs further evaluation. Either of these in #2 will have roughly the same result: either an appropriate guardian will be granted temporary custodianship of Jeremy, including the ability to make medical decisions for him, or his care will temporarily be transferred to a local psychiatric institute, possibly within the same hospital and possibly not, depending on availability. This is typically called a "temporary commitment" or a "72-hour evaluation", etc, and is especially used to help protect people from themselves, to help those who are believed to be suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome", and so on. The police may have input into this decision as well.

11. If Jeremy is found to be in right mind (#1 above), and assumedly discharges himself from the hospital, where will he go? To Brad's place? Does he have a key? I bet not. Even if he does, will he be allowed to enter, given his direct relationship with the crime scene(s)? And if the entire cottage has been declared to be a crime scene, then there won't even be the option to enter. Will he go home with Nick & Steven? Hah! The ones who started this?? Fat chance. Where the hell else is he going to go? Where will he sleep? Where will he eat? What money does he have access to? Is this a good situation for him??? ....... And if #2 above, he is held against his will in the hospital, or worse (in his perspective), is transferred to a psychiatric ward somewhere, how will he feel about this? And the question remains for when he is released (assuming he is released in the relatively-near future, which of course we have no way of predicting): where will he go now? Will Brad have been released from jail, or will his incarceration have been extended, official charges filed, and possibly an arraignment scheduled? If #2 happens above then Jeremy will *not* have the option to prevent law enforcement from pressing charges, because the local government will do it on his behalf without him getting to say "no".

From this point the possibilities, both small and large, begin to diverge into an entire tree of branches and leaves and unknowable futures. I'm not going to try and spell them all out past this, but let's look at just a couple of the possible big points:

- Will Brad suffer long-term legal consequences from this? Quite possibly. Will he be prosecuted? Sent to prison? Forever a convict?

- Will Jeremy receive the care and help he needs? If involuntarily committed for a short time, and then released, will he seek help on his own? Where will he go next? Who will he turn to? Will he ever try to see Steven and Nick again? If not, is this not the same outcome, just with a different path to get there? And if involuntarily committed for a long time..... success here in the medical literature seems to be quite varied and unpredictable. I think a long-term commitment is unlikely, but if it were to happen, who knows whether this ultimately moves to Jeremy's success or not. He was still forcibly removed by friends, and then strangers, and now he's being kept by strangers and likely doesn't want to see his friends. ...

- If all three aggressors are arrested, Steven's going to be in a difficult situation for a bit, but he'll be able to get a hotel and move between the hospital and the local police station/jail/whatever. The chances of Nick and Shawn being held for more than a day or so are quite low, but they may still face criminal charges eventually, depending on whether their citizen's arrest is ruled to be legitimate and their use of force is deemed to be justified.

- Regardless of his criminal situation, Brad will still have the option to press civil charges against Nick, Shawn, *and* Steven. Will he? Oh yeah, and Jeremy will have this same option available to him to press charges against the three friends (unless he is in a psychiatric institution), although I don't see him having the funds to do so successfully, even if he wanted to.

- If criminal charges are pressed against Brad, will he fight them? Will he plead guilty? How long will the trial last? How long will Nick, Shawn, Steven, AND JEREMY be required to stay involved, testify, answer questions, deal with journalists, and face the repercussions in their own lives and with families, friends, and jobs? If Brad fights it but is found guilty, what about the appeals process? How many times will they all have to go over the entire situation again, and again, and again?

Is this a better outcome for Jeremy? Is this a better outcome for Nick and Shawn? Is this a better outcome for Brad? For Steven?

I don't have an answer for you.

But looking at what Nick and Shawn were faced with, they had a pretty binary choice:
a) deal with it ourselves -or-
b) have the police deal with it (which necessitates temporarily doing #A until they get there)

#A, which is the story as written, leads to them removing Jeremy from the situation.
#B, the only realistic, moral alternative, leads to the police removing Brad (seemingly Jeremy's only alternative support) from the situation, and potentially leads to the same happening to Jeremy.

There is no ignoring a man being beaten and abused into unconsciousness. And there is no saying, "Okay, go back to your abuser," when the same abused man is finally aroused from his stupor a matter of minutes after being knocked senseless. He clearly is not able to make good decisions at this specific moment. To protect him, his friends either have to protect him themselves, or get law enforcement to do it, because legally what Brad did is highly prosecutable and could land him in jail for decades; the police will have no choice but to at least initially arrest Brad, or do so after he is cleared from the hospital. And once the government is involved, there is little that can be done to control the path from then on.

My point: let’s debate. Let’s disagree. Let’s discuss. But when we object vociferously to someone else’s perspective, let’s offer concrete, realistic alternatives, and let’s make sure we understand where our alternatives lead.

Nick and Shawn had some pretty freaking huge decisions to make in only an instant (as is the case any time someone faces an emergency), and the long-term implications of their decisions are clearly difficult to predict, but almost certainly very very far-reaching.
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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago I didn't need to humiliate myself even further by telling him how much I enjoyed being pinned down and manhandled.


I was sad that he'd left, but I was even MORE disappointed at the fact that he'd left me without a gag!

His ropework was extremely tight and restrictive. Yet, somehow it felt a little...incomplete.


My erection wasn't going away and I wasn't able to do anything to relieve myself.
This was infuriating, yet strangely gratifying at the same time.
@bondagefreak how in the world are you so deep inside my head??!!! 😇🤤
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Post by NeedControl »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Last chapter is a good example of how Steven is so irrational from my PoV:
I really can't understand that constant hesitation he feels when he's already past the point of no return. Why in the world think about how humiliating it is to lick another guy's balls when he's already sitting on you and you're alone with him in a room and all you have to do is just do it... That's beyond my understanding :roll: TRY IT BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT IT, GODAMNIT!!! :lol:
💯% agree with you bro!!! 🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago In your opinion, is Brad at all salvageable as person and as a Dom?

Can his relationship with Jeremy be repaired and saved?

What kind of relationship (if any) do you think Brad would be most suited to?

If you had the chance, would you go back in time and take Jeremy's place in an attempt to change Brad for the better? If so, what would you have done differently?

If you could choose THREE words to describe Brad, what would they be?
Is he salvageable? Who knows. But *for sure* he is not magically going to fix himself. That's not how humans experience life; that's not how children mature into adults.

If his remorse, expressed to Steven via Nick, is genuine and not simply more manipulation, then that is a good, necessary prerequisite for real progress. But he is not going to mature, destroy significant character flaws, and abandon his incredibly dangerous allowance for violence as a solution to non-violent problems, without some significant amounts of help, guidance, and counseling. Distancing him from Jeremy may be beneficial to Jeremy, but it does not solve Brad's moral bankruptcy; at the most, it simply highlights it. If he wants to fix the really fucked up parts of himself which have led to the actions we so despise, he needs help.

Whether the help is professional or from the community of fetish and power exchange, the kinds of internal flaws which allow a man to use his power over another to cause harm instead of protect are deep, serious flaws, and are going to need deep, serious focus to identify, understand, address, and heal.

For the next two questions, I really think there is no way to know at this point. If the kinds of deep transformation necessary in his life happen, much more will be affected than just his openness to gross levels of violence or rage. When making deep, lasting changes inside one's self, the ultimate effects are typically much broader than simply the symptoms we were initially aware of. Although he would still "be Brad" after making good progress, there would be a lot of things, small and large, that people in his life would experience differently from him.

Would I take Jeremy's place? Not a chance in hell. 😶

Three words? Weak Corrupt Child
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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago CHAPTER 153 - TRICKED
Oh man oh man oh man, this chapter was INCREDIBLE!!! You just know that Zach is not being honest with Steven, but Steven is oblivious, and witnessing the descent into being gagged again, while still bound tightly in his spandex sleepsack, knowing he's gonna be like this all night with these two sexy, horny fuckers surrounding him.....

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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Nick fumbled with the rear end of my spandex restraint, the sound of a zipper was heard, and I suddenly found myself both surprised and terrified at the fact that a convenient opening in the sack led right to my back entrance.

I whimpered in fright, thinking I was gonna be fucked on the stop.
But the blond muscle-King just hushed me down and pressed his underwear-clad package into my butt before lowering himself on top of me and crossing his arms around his lofty pillow.
This is exactly. One-hundred percent. Without modification. Completely. How I would want to be treated.

As soon as Nick started unzipping it, I knew this was the result he was going for. I knew he simply wanted nothing between him and his boy. He wanted to feel his ass holding him snugly throughout the night as usual. He wanted to make sure Steven felt him holding him down, surrounding him, heating him, and resting against all his sensitive and sexual parts exactly like normal, even though he was in Zack's sleepsack and gagged for the night. Reassurance. Dominance. Control. Possession.

If I were Steven I would have swooned. This is perfect. @bondagefreak I wonder aloud again: how are you so far inside my head???

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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago I giggled and scampered back towards the bedroom...
I literally started giggling out loud when I read this. Not out of humor, but out of pure, blissful enjoyment! "Scampered" was the PERFECT word to use here!! I giggled out of surprise that you used it. I giggled imagining the predator stalking his scampering prey. I giggled at the blend of coy, playful, seductive, and arousing.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I agree with Steven, it sounds really scary when you read the descriptions of Nick's cock and I'm glad he agreed to go easy on Steven. It's very hot to read that the smell of the fat down sleeping bag resembles the smell of Zack's hockey gear. Funny is that Steven again gets one of the feathers inside of his mouth, just like what happened the previous time.
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Post by bondagefreak »

NeedControl wrote: 4 years ago Oh man oh man oh man, this chapter was INCREDIBLE!!! You just know that Zach is not being honest with Steven, but Steven is oblivious, and witnessing the descent into being gagged again, while still bound tightly in his spandex sleepsack, knowing he's gonna be like this all night with these two sexy, horny fuckers surrounding him.....
Glad you liked that part, my friend.
Still can't believe you read all those chapters in two days!

That's quite an undertaking ;)

I'll be posting the next chapter soon. Just need to let the everyone catch up.

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Post by NeedControl »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Glad you liked that part, my friend.
Still can't believe you read all those chapters in two days!

That's quite an undertaking ;)

I'll be posting the next chapter soon. Just need to let the everyone catch up.
Hahaha, yeah Locktober can be very motivating in some, er, _unexpected_ ways. 🤪

But in all seriousness, this fantastic story provided plenty of incentive for me to catch up as quickly as possible! I didn't sleep much for a couple days, and was almost certainly less productive because of that (which is out of the ordinary for me), but it was worth it. You've gotten the hook anchored so far into my cheek that there's no way I'm gonna be able to escape the line as you keep reeling it in. 😏

Anyway, no pressure from me to meet a particular schedule. I'm the submissive, and yet somehow it seems like you're the one serving me so much here with your passion and investment. You have my full support, respect, and admiration. 🤗
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Post by bondagefreak »



[mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]handovermouth[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]jay_write[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Valimure[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]NotRowan[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]boundluis[/mention] [mention]hb54[/mention] [mention]LK3869[/mention] [mention]Scottstud94[/mention] [mention]hotgom[/mention] [mention]Tickler1079[/mention] [mention]atilaus[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]inky[/mention] [mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] [mention]Blakenome1999[/mention] [mention]sock_gagged[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]downlover[/mention] [mention]observer1[/mention] [mention]gaggedup[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Hmmm[/mention] [mention]TiedNW[/mention] [mention]dahandband[/mention] [mention]tieemup[/mention] [mention]that.kid13[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]harsim[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]jamieti684[/mention] [mention]ColonelShuffle[/mention] [mention]Meac[/mention] [mention]devilmaymoan[/mention] [mention][/mention] [mention]Harlequinn[/mention] [mention]NeedControl[/mention] [mention]Tyler[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention]

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Post by bondagefreak »

Friday, April 28 (6:15 PM)

Nick had promised to take it slow with me that evening, and thankfully he did...sorta.

My body was secured inside his friend's spandex sleepsack, my mouth was forcefully taped shut and my struggling form was lowered down into the muscular hunk's extremely fat winter sleeping bag.
I was trapped, gagged and captured, which as far as Nick was concerned, made me all the more irresistible.

A sudden wave of heat washed over me as the mighty goliath King settled his enormous weight on top of my much smaller body.

"Hmmphf..." I complained below my unreasonably fierce duct tape muzzle.
Nick's colossal thighs came down on top of my own, and his ginormous arms folded together protectively above my head.

As soon as he lowered his broad chest down on top of me, my face was unceremoniously pressed inside the monstrously thick layer of stinky down loft. I could offer up no meaningful resistance as the frighteningly heavy muscle-god zipped his winter bag up and trapped me beneath his incredibly buff form.

"Shhh..." Nick suddenly purred, nuzzling his nose and face into my hair as his giant, oily cock probed my defenceless and very vulnerable back entrance.

I tried to plead with him through my gag. Tried to remind him to take it slow. But the wide layers of heavy duty duct tape performed admirably and kept me from getting even a single word out.
Even without the tape, my words would've been badly muffled up by the thick layer of down that kept smothering my face up. It was maddeningly cramped and puffy inside here.

I whimpered into my gag and cried out in pain when I felt my lover's enormous mushroom head working it's way into my back hole.

"Fuck! You've got a tight pussy." he growled, wrapping his huge arms and legs around me and whispering sweet nothings into my ears, while forcing his massive, slippery boner deeper and deeper inside of me.

I felt his thick pubic bush rub against my butt cheeks and quaked in fear at the realisation that I had all eight inches of him inside my ass.

The blond goliath's velvety tongue started trailing up and down my right ear, while his hips began bucking up and down and driving his monstrously large tool in and out of my tight opening.

My eyes beamed wide in terror and my muffled cries and whimpers quickly became erratic and desperate.
He was just too big. WAY too big!

I wiggled underneath the mighty stallion, wanting to get away from his devilishly hard, oil-covered member.
But I had nowhere to go and no way to escape his ridiculously fat sleeping bag, not to mention his friend's maddeningly tight sleepsack restraint.

In his defence, Nick tried his best to take it slow and go easy on me. But given our sheer size difference, there was only so much he could do. He was a full head taller than I was and weighed over a hundred pounds more than I did. His torso was substantially broader than mine. His arms were the size of my thighs and his tights were about as thick as my waist. Add to that the fact that the size of his boner was similar to that of a FAT garden zucchini, and you have yourself a recipe for disaster.
Whether Nick went easy on me or not, pain and discomfort was something I'd simply have to get used to.

I just couldn't believe this was happening.
The same guy who'd been partially bullying me and protecting me from others all these years. The same massive jock who used to flirt with all the hot girls back in school and who used to joke about making me his bitch...
I was in his bedroom, restrained and gagged inside his very own, personal sleeping bag, and being forcefully fucked by his huge, beefy member.

The blue eyed hunk knew I wanted out.
He knew I was virtually suffocating inside his fat bag and he knew I was on the verge of passing out from the pain caused by his oversized intrusion.

But still, he didn't back out.
The hunky stallion thrust his hips down and plunged his throbbing erection in and out of me, involuntarily threatening to rip me open and tare my hole apart if I moved or fought too much.

"Mmmhhrrr...yeah. Uhghhrr...OH YEAHHH!" he growled, squeezing his giant thighs around mine and forcing my suffocating form even further down inside the loft of his immensely thick sleeping bag.

It continued like that for many long minutes, until finally the stud increased his cadence and started growling and groaning in satisfaction.

A huge hand clamped itself over the near-entirety of my already-gagged face and the bucking of Nick's hips suddenly became much more pronounced and strenuous.

Nick probably didn't realise this, but I was just about ready to pass out from being unable to draw air beneath his thick, fleshy handgag.

Finally, a series of powerful streams fired out of his huge shaft and started splashing inside me and coating my innards.

"Ugggh yeah. Oh FUCK YEAHHH!" the 6'4 Alpha roared, forcefully driving his oversize meat all the way in and using his huge muscles to crush me to a pulp while he bred my ass and filled me with his fertile seed.

I was no prude and I'd had my share of powerful ejaculations as well.
But this...this was simply on another level.

Nick's enormous boner continued firing stream after stream of steaming hot liquid, until it felt as though my gut itself was filling up on his godly nectar.

I moaned and cried out with each shot he fired inside me, but the muscle-bound stallion just slammed his hips into me and fired anew.
The liters of water he drank to keep his muscles hydrated, no doubt played a pivotal role in the size and intensity of his loads. But the size of his member and the sheer amount of liquid spewing from it's swollen tip was
mind-boggling to say the least.

I stopped counting after the ninth or tenth stream he fired inside of me.

When he was done, the giant hunk simply nuzzled my short hair and licked my exposed ear before slowly pulling his oversized tool out.

He kissed my the top of my head and whispered gentle niceties into my ears while I whimpered and sobbed inside my gag.

"Shhhh. You gonna make me some babies now, kiddo?" he whispered, no doubt attempting to cheer me up after the rough fucking he'd just given me.

I was too exhausted to respond and simply continued panting beneath my tight duct tape muzzle, struggling to catch my breathe and recover from the painful ordeal.

When the blond muscle-beast slowly reached up for the heavy duty sleeping bag zipper, I raised my head up and produced an moan of relief.
Finally! Freedom, I thought to myself.

Imagine my surprise when the beefy armed stud merely pushed my gagged face back down inside the super musky loft and zipped his fat winter bag up all the way.

"Get your little face back in there." he growled, smothering my face down inside the bag's loft before sealing us both inside his incredibly thick, puffy prison.

I closed my eyes tight, curled my toes up and let out an exasperated moan of defeat before flaring my nostrils up and accepting the strong, earthy scent that filled my lungs.

Nick spent the next twenty minutes kissing my head, nibbling my ear and telling me how helpless and irresistible I was.

He told me how much fun he had wrestling his giant boner into my tight hole and kept telling me what a good boy I'd been and how proud he was of me.
Suffice to say, after a few minutes of being lavished with compliments, I was reduced to a whimpering, swooning mess-of-a-man.

Nick had a way with words, and his natural deep voice and husky tone drove me even deeper into submission and compliance.

"You warm enough down there?" he asked, crossing his massive arms above me and gently puckering his lips against the crown of my head.

"Umm hmm." I whimpered softly, nuzzling my face underneath of his incredibly thick bicep and nodding my head a little to let him know I was toasty warm.

The dominant Alpha growled in satisfaction and flexed his huge arm muscles above my face before kissing the back of my head and lowering his face down on top of his forearms, completely burying me beneath his warm, muscular body.

I fell asleep like that, only to wake up half an hour later to find myself being pulled out of the lofty down cocoon and slowly deposited on the bed.

My tape gag was slowly removed and after a bit of tickling and teasing, I was released of the dreaded sleepsack restraint.

Nick and I kissed, but as soon as I sat up on the bed, I felt a stream of sticky wetness pour down my leg and I instantly knew what was happening.

Gasping in surprise and shame, I quickly placed a pair of fingers over my sensitive butthole and ran to the washroom before any more of the warm, sticky stuff could drip out of my back orifice.

The second I sat myself down on the porcelain throne, Nick's giant load spilled out of my ass and mixed with the cold water beneath me in a series of loud splashes.

The blond muscle-King laughed, but for some reason, I found this part of the experience extremely humiliating and degrading.

I thought I'd expelled all of his semen out of my system, but as soon as I got up to flush, more of the hot liquid poured out of my anus and ran down my legs, causing grimace in horror and sit down anew.

Nick was all smiles when he walked into the washroom to collect his big, blue boxer-briefs.
His enormous boner was already back to full mast and his low-hanging ballsack looked as large and as heavy as ever.

I knew he was ready for another round, but was infinitely relieved when he slipped his boxers on and tossed the shower curtain aside to get the hot water running.

"Here you go babe. Come on." he instructed, gently grabbing my upper right arm and flushing the toilet for me, before guiding me into the bathtub and ordering me to squat down like a good boy.

The instant I complied, a sizeable amount of cum leaked out of my anus and slid down the drain.
Adding to my humiliation, Nick stayed there and watched as I curled up into a ball and expelled the remnants of his seed.

He didn't hide his proud smile, but I understood that he wasn't trying to degrade me when he placed his hand on the nape of my neck and lowered it down to rub my back affectionately.

After helping me rinse off, the underwear-clad King shut the water off and lifted me out of the tub before lowering me down onto the bath mat.

His thick towel was draped around me like a protective cloak, and a pair of beastly arms wrapped around my frame so that my face was pressed into his powerful chest.

"Get dressed." Nick purred, before craning his face down and puckering his lips against the crown of my head.
"I'm taking you out to dinner." he added, right before giving me a light tap on the bum and walking
out of the washroom with a confident spring in his step.
Last edited by bondagefreak 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by NeedControl »

Mmmmmmm, bound, gagged, licked, fucked, held tightly, lavished with love and praise, and then taken out to dinner. Sounds fabulous. 😋

True story on after-fucking logistics, haha. He's either got to stay laying down for a few hours, or Nick's got to put a plug in him after he finishes to make sure all of him stays inside Steven where it belongs. 😏

I'm really sad for Steven that he doesn't ever seem to adjust to being fucked, even after it has lasted for a while. One of the best feelings imaginable comes from a good fucking when you're fully relaxed into it, and this comes even from very well equipped Tops... until he gets there, it's honestly beyond his imagination. I hope he and Nick will be able to get past entrance/adjustment pain and share these moments with all their potential greatness at some point.
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Post by Volobond »

Super intense and hot! I don't blame Steven for having such distress, but I absolutely LOVE how tender Nick is getting with him! I like the way you showed Steven's feelings of discomfort and shame with the... aftermath, and how Nick comforted him. He's still super forceful and pushy, but I'm eager to see more of this sweet side of Nick. Another amazing chapter!

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Post by NeedControl »

Volobond wrote: 4 years ago ...
I like the way you showed Steven's feelings of discomfort and shame with the... aftermath, and how Nick comforted him. He's still super forceful and pushy, but I'm eager to see more of this sweet side of Nick.
I completely agree!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Friday, April 28 (7:30 PM)

Even though I had trouble walking and kept moaning and groaning about how sore my ass was, Nick insisted on taking me out to dinner that night.

He watched as I got dressed with the new clothes he'd bought me and couldn't help but eye me with a cocky smirk as I sluggishly walked over to put my new shoes on.

His little house-boi was sore and swollen from having been impaled on his big, hard dick.
And for some reason, that seemed to give the horny hunk an inexplicable amount of pride and satisfaction.

The blond Alpha walked around wearing nothing by his old basketball shoes and shiny track pants. But as we got ready to leave, he slipped a white wife-beater over his buff torso and put on the same leather jacket he'd been wearing earlier.

He strained to fit his colossal limbs into the creaking jacket's sleeves, but the result was well worth the effort.
One glance at the tall stallion's leather-clad torso would be enough to impress even the most passive onlooker.
Nick was built up like a BEAST! And I was his personal fuck-toy.

My heart nearly skipped a beat when I watched my lover grab his wallet, put on his black sports cap and pick up his thick, leather police gloves.
Mmmhh...God! What a total hunk.

Just as I was about to walk up to the entrance and step out the front door, my towering Alpha pinned me to his torso, yanked my head up by pulling my hair back, and lowered his face down before burying his tongue
inside my mouth.

We kissed like that for a moment, until Nick took a step forward and forced my back against the wall.
His hand left my head and instead wrapped itself around my throat and squeezed. Then he closed the gap between us, used his tight grip around my windpipe to force me up on my toes, and lowered his head down to
claim my mouth once more.

I moaned, partially from the tightness of his grip around my throat, but mostly from the aggressive nature of his kiss and the fact that I wanted more.

Growing up, I never thought this guy would be such an aggressive and demanding kisser.
Boy oh boy was I wrong.

Nick didn't step back right away, after releasing me from his embrace.
He just stayed there, towering with his big, broad chest against my face, looking down at me as I recovered from his not-so-tender ministrations.

Then he opened the front door for me, gave me a light smack on the bum and activated the home security system before stepping outside and locking the door behind him.

Sitting in the truck and keeping my gaze cast downwards as I usually did, I couldn't help but get all tingly at the sight of my muscular lover attempting to force his large digits into the leather police gloves he usually wore.
The thick leather creaked and strained wildly as he pushed his hands in.

I don't know why, but I was developing a serious thing for his leather gloves.

I can't really explain it.
It didn't matter if he was wearing them with his leather jacket or one of his super puffy down bombers.
My boyfriend's already-high masculinity rating simply skyrocketed as soon as he slipped his cop gloves on, and so
did Zack's when he was wearing his.

I guess I just really liked guys wearing leather gloves.

Nick and I made it to one of the local sports bars by around eight o'clock that night.
It was busy, like a healthy restaurant should be at this hour on a Friday.

Nick had a steak, I had some shrimp pasta.
We didn't talk much. We didn't need to.

Just being in the same booth with him made me happy.

I was still new to this life of subservience and had a lot of trouble letting go and accepting the fact that all my needs would be taken care of. My boyfriend had spent several hundred dollars on me today, and now he was taking me out and paying for dinner as well.

Somehow, it felt wrong.
I don't know why. It just did.

"Glad you found your appetite back." Nick casually noticed, sipping his beer and watching me scoop up what little pasta remained on my plate.

"Yes, Sir." I quietly answered, careful to keep my tone down so that no one would overhear.

Not even bothering to ask if I still had room, Nick requested the desert menu and had the waiter bring us two slices of chocolate mousse cake.

As soon as the deserts arrived, my boyfriend dug into his plate and eyed my piece intently as I worked my way through it with difficulty.

"Here, lemme help you with that." he offered, grabbing his fork and helping himself to my portion of the desert.

We sipped on our respective drinks after that, and spent a few minutes watching the wrestling match that was playing on the large TV animating our corner of the dining room.

"Nick?" I asked, while we waited for the bill to arrive, "I uhh...I think I'm gonna start looking for a job." I told him, lowering my gaze down and scratching my forehead in anticipation of his reaction.

Truth be known, I didn't know HOW Nick would react.
But I hardly expected him to be so...undiplomatic in his response.

"No." was all he said after staring at me from across the table for a few seconds.

Taken aback by the dryness of his answer, I couldn't help but raise my eyes and meet his gaze with a confused expression painted across my face.

Just as I was about to answer, the waiter showed up and Nick took out his debit card to pay for the bill.

"But Nick..." I started saying, as soon as the waiter had left and bid us a fair evening.

"No buts. I said you're not looking for a job and that's final." came my dominant lover's rigid interjection.

The next few minutes were spent in complete silence, but I guess the blue eyed King eventually noticed how hard his words hit me. He turned away from the TV screen, fixed his gaze upon me and let out a poorly concealed huff before placing both of his hands squarely on the table.

"Look. We'll talk about it. But not now." came his more toned down and reasonable response.

Feeling a little hopeful at the fact that he was somewhat open to discuss it, I nodded my head okay and agreed to drop the matter for another time.

"Come on. There's somewhere I wanna take you." he instructed, before pulling his gloves back on and motioning for me to get up and follow him out of the crowded restaurant.

"Thank you for taking me out, Sir." I told him, as soon as we were alone in the truck.

Nick got the engine going and slowly pulled out of the parking lot before extending his right hand towards me and wrapping it around the back of my neck.

"It's alright, babe. Besides, I don't take you out often enough. You need to get out of the house more often." he answered, his thick leather jacket creaking noisily as he lowered his hand down and placed it on my left thigh.

By the time we arrived at our secret destination, it was already getting dark outside.

"Wow! A drive-in theater!" I exclaimed, as we approached a flat piece of land with a series of cars and vehicles parked in front of a huge, outdoor screen. "I've never been to one of these."

"I haven't been here in years." Nick admitted. "Thought it might be fun to revisit some stuff from the past." he added, parking the truck not far behind the cars that were already there and lowering the windows down so that we could listen in on the movie that was about to start.

Nick ended up opening the fold-up seat between us, so that I could scoot closer to him.
But it's only when he draped his right arm around me that he realised how cold I was.

"Babe, you're shivering!" he cried out, pulling his leather gloves off and throwing them on the dash before grabbing my hands in his and using his mouth to blow hot air on them.

"Come here." he ordered, pulling me up against him and spreading his massive legs apart so that I could sit in between them.

It took some doing, but the handsome muscle-King took his leather jacket off and covered my body with it before clamping his huge tights around mine and wrapping his big arms around my shivering body.

"Why didn't you tell me you were cold?!" he angrily scolded, pulling the collar of his leather jacket up over the bridge of my nose and forcefully squashing me against his super warm, powerful body.

I nuzzled my face down inside his jacket and turned my head sideways so that my left cheek was resting flat against his pecs.

The earthy, soothing scent of my lover's skin mixed with the strong, distinctive smell of the leather, caused my senses to tingle and sent waves of warmth coursing throughout my body.

That's how I ended up spending our romantic evening at the drive-in theater; sleeping safe and sound inside my lover's arms, safely tucked away beneath his heavy leather jacket.

I spent most of the drive home sleeping as well, and only awoke from my slumber when it was time to exit the truck and walk back to the house.

As soon as we were in, I took my shoes off and dove straight for the bed.

Nick ordered me to brush my teeth and get tucked in. I complied without so much as a peep.

By the time he arrived in the bedroom and peeled his socks, trackies and wife beater off, I was already fast asleep.

The bedroom lights were turned off and a great weight settled down right next to me.
I was stirred out of my sleep when Nick wrapped his huge arms around me and planted a series of kisses on the back of my neck.

We spooned for a few minutes, but after a fair amount of time trying to get comfortable, Nick quickly assumed the position he was most comfortable with and pulled me completely underneath him.

Sinking down real deep inside the thick memory-foam mattress, I quickly allowed myself to get used to my lover's weight and closed my eyes before nuzzling my face in between his lofty pillow and the mighty left bicep he draped around it.

Nick kissed the top of my head and I let out a submissive whimper before closing my mouth and allowing the scent of his skin and the warmth of his body to carry me to sleep.

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Post by NeedControl »

So sweet, so tender, so affirming. Steven must feel so cared for. ☺️
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Post by GoBucks »

What a sweet chapter! Steven is lucky to have an alpha like Nick to take care of him. I see why he may feel useless to Nick, but I'd love to not have to work :D

I also wouldn't be complaining much about getting to sit between those beefy thighs and get warmed up by a guy like Nick ;)
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I liked the two chapters nick was so gentle in the second one so aggressive in the first one
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Post by Volobond »

More sweet Nick! Awesome!

And oh boy, Steven's starting to get inside his own head again... just enjoy being cuddled up and taken care of by Nick, man! Who knows how long it'll last?

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I like the contrast between how Steven gets fucked "gently" by Nick and then is taken out for dinner in a true gentle way. It's Nicks way to show how much he loves Steven, I think. And in between the moments of pain, Steven recounts how he admires Nicks body.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Oh god, I just read chapter 150 - and I LOVED it.
How Steven basically melts while under Zack‘s care...and how he even wants his socks in his mouth. So hot!

I wish I was at his place.
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