Happy Birthday! (M/M)

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Happy Birthday! (M/M)

Post by GMen »

About a little over a month ago, I got to talking to [mention]ShortSocks[/mention] and he quipped that one of his fantasies was to be kidnapped, especially in his linear, no-show socks. That got me thinking back to another sock-loving aficionado roaming around this board - I'm of course referring to [mention]fratboydanny[/mention]. So, I decided to resurrect a character I had based off of Danny and created a character based on [mention]ShortSocks[/mention] for this story. While I intended it to be a multi-part story, I'm going to leave it open-ended for the time being. I originally thought I'd have this written in about two days and it ended up taking about two months, so I don't want to commit to another part that might not happen for quite some time, if at all. Anyways, here is "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" for your reading pleasure:

Danny reread the private message, mostly because he did not think it could possibly be true; surely, it was someone presenting him a plot for an innocent online roleplaying rather than a serious inquiry.

Danny, you don’t know me but my husband, @ShortSocks, shares in your love for all things socks, preferably short socks, as well as some light bondage. His birthday’s fast approaching and I want to give him the best birthday present ever…a genuine kidnapping by a sock fetishist. If you’re interested, reply and we can sort out the details. And in case you need some visual inspiration…

The sender had attached numerous candid shots featuring a pair of socked feet. Most of the socks were short, liner socks while others included half-cut socks. Some were white, others were tan or dark blue and black. It was no exaggeration to say that Danny started salivating a bit.

It had been quite a while since he last had the opportunity to turn his fantasy into reality. After all, he was almost exclusively a sub in these situations. He loved being in peril just as much as he loved a pair of socks. He had fallen victim to his friend Todd many times before but, in his most recent excursions, he had taken a shining to exacting revenge on his old friend – mainly because Todd went out of his way NOT to wear socks around Danny. After so much teasing, no one could blame Danny for turning the tables on his good buddy…

He scrolled through the message again, taking in the words and, of course, the photos. Unlike his other escapades, this would be the real thing…the struggles would be real, the adrenaline would be real…everything would be real. The more he thought about it, the more dangerous it became. But, then again, the more he thought about it, the more exciting the prospect became. He stared at the blinking cursor for a couple of minutes before authoring his brief reply.

I’m in! It’ll be a birthday he’ll never forget!

Over the course of the next few days, Danny learned about both his victim and his client. Trevor, his wife Casey wrote, came into the relationship with his sock fetish fully formed. It was a bit unusual, she conceded, especially his fascination with the liner socks, especially considering you could hardly see them (if at all!) The bondage aspect came to fruition while they were dating, as she would often wear liner socks with her flats and his imagination piqued wondering if she was, in fact, wearing any socks at all. After constant teasing on her part, he had no choice but seize control and secure her with the help of silver duct tape. From there, he could satisfy his wondering mind despite her vocal (and often times muffled) protests. This continued throughout their courtship, engagement, and eventual marriage. However, the monotony of married life had seemingly come to bore Trevor, at least as it pertained to bondage and socks. After all, it was always him who had to initiate the tying or taping. Although Casey was fit and athletic, she never once attempted retribution on her husband. She enjoyed the excitement of being tied up but, honestly, was not as much into socks as he was.

The sparkle in his eye that used to illuminate any time he saw her in socks was not nearly there as much as when they had been dating, she informed Danny. She soon discovered that he had taken to writing stories in which a male protagonist fitting his physical description was usually taken by force and forced to indulge in sock worship or, in other instances, be subject to sock worship himself. In subsequent responses to posts about his stories, he would often extoll the idea of being desired that much that someone would go through the trouble of kidnapping him. In his wife’s mind, what better way to celebrate his birthday?

Two weeks later, Danny arrived at the house on an early Friday afternoon. Casey had been meticulous with the details, and generous enough to provide the airfare as well covering the cost for supplies. He looked around casually at his surroundings, but all seemed normal. It was a quaint two-storied house in the middle of a tree-lined street, a picture out of Anytown, U.S.A. Danny wondered to himself if the neighbors ever knew of the escapades that likely transpired with their lovely young married couple. He walked up to the front door, removed his sunglasses and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, an attractive young woman, no more than thirty years old (although she could pass for twenty) answered.

“Danny, I presume?”

“You must be Casey.”

She emitted a wide grin before motioning him inside. As she led him into the living room, he took in the surroundings, and even his client. She stood at 5’6 with dark blonde hair that, at the moment, was affixed in a ponytail. She wore jeans that fit her tight athletic frame quite nicely, as well as a turquoise tank top and tan flats. If he had been straight, she would’ve made for the perfect victim, he surmised. He set his duffle bag and backpack down while she had him sit down on their couch. She excused herself for a moment before returning with her own brown paper grocery bag. She handed it over while she took a seat in the lounge chair directly across from him.

“As we discussed, here are the provisions you requested.”

She handed the bag over to him and he examined the contents. Plenty of nylon rope, and in various colors. There was blue, black, and, of course, white. “I use those for when I rock climb,” she said with a wry smile. “High grade, Black Diamond. You can’t beat it. Trevor will use it on me and I’m stuck for hours.” Danny nodded with approval before setting the ropes aside. He removed two rolls of unopened duct tape, one roll a shiny silver while the other was more battleship gray. Either one would be acceptable. Then there were the handcuffs. “Only to be used in the initial capture, if necessary,” she said matter-of-factly. “We both think handcuffs are cheating.” “I agree,” Danny said before putting the contents back in the bag. “I doubt I’ll use them. Anything else?” Casey jumped up from the chair and started digging through her handbag that rested on the ground by the front door. She removed the bottle from the bag and walked back to the sitting area. “I forgot I put it in here for safe keeping. We’ve never used this before and Trevor would be suspicious,” she said as she handed the brown amber bottle to Danny. “I read your stories. It seems you have a thing for chloroform and nets. Sorry, we have no nets but I did abscond some of the former for you.” Danny looked at the bottle and examined its contents. “It’s real, but the less you ask about how I retrieved it, the better.” Now it was Danny’s turn to smile.

She returned to her seat and for the next hour, she went through Trevor’s schedule for the rest of the day. He’d leave the office usually a little before 5 and took advantage of the early dismissal by usually going to the gym to lift. After thirty minutes, he’d come home and then jog for another thirty minutes; he refused to jog on the treadmills at the gym. Danny took all of the details in and his mischievous mind immediately went to conjuring up the various different scenes that could play out. He had to be meticulous. After all, this was real life and his victim was truly in the dark. If he failed and got caught, he could only imagine the look on the police officers’ faces when he’d tell them the truth. And who knows if they’d actually believe him?

Together with Casey, they brainstormed the possibilities and she provided as detailed of a description of the various environments her husband would be in later that day. Yes, there was an exit in the back of the gym which led out to the dumpster and rear parking lot but, as Danny noted, it would still be light out at 5:30. He cursed daylight savings time under his breath before moving on. Estimating the drive home would take about twenty minutes, plus another ten minutes for him to change into his jogging outfit, then the thirty-minute jog itself, he estimated that Trevor would be completed with his jog and just about to return home at about 6:45. The sun would still be out, but it’d be ducked behind the horizon, the trees providing some darkness on the block. If he couldn’t acquire the target by then, Casey said, he was to let her know and she would conjure up an excuse to leave the house before he returned and leave the front door unlocked for her mystery guest as a failsafe.

He contemplated each option and kept an open mind to all of them, the thrill of the moment overtaking any sense of pragmatism at the time. He knew he’d have to be careful and efficient but didn’t want to rule anything out.

“Once he’s in your clutches, you can go to town on him and his socks. You’ll have a few hours with him before I make the big birthday reveal. Hopefully by that time, his fear and likely anger will subside. Then we both can have some fun with him. And then of course you’ll be invited to the party we’re hosting tomorrow with all of our, ahem, normal friends,” she said, motioning air quotes at the word “normal.”

“Well,” she continued, “that’s about it for now. I just need to finish up my teleworking for the day. Feel free to freshen up if you’d like. The guest room is on your left at the end of the hall, but don’t put anything in there in case he comes home early or you can’t grab him in time…I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. Oh, and before I forget, I left a thank you gift for you on the bed.”

That last comment caught Danny off-guard and he cautiously scaled the steps to the second floor. At the top of the staircase, he made a left, as instructed, and walked to the vacant guest room. Peering in, he saw a neatly made queen-sized bed with tasteful sheets. Sitting atop of them was a white plastic shopping bag. He set his bags down and walked over to the bed. When he picked up the bag, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Inside were what amounted to five pairs of socks and he could tell by their look and hint of odor that they had been used, albeit slightly. Euphoria. He took each of the ten socks and pressed it over his face, inhaling deeply. None were too pungent; Casey had specifically mentioned how Trevor never liked heavily worn socks, just lightly used after one day or maybe a jog. As a result, she said he had accumulated dozens of pairs of liner socks as to ensure none were in heavy rotation. The sheer excitement was starting to become too much for him and he quickly put the socks back in the bag and tied it in a knot. They’ll be plenty of time for that later he thought to himself.

He took his generous hostess’ advice and got cleaned up. He had been on the go since early in the morning in order to make the flight out. After a quick shower, he donned a fresh pair of faded blue jeans, a white t-shirt, black ankle Under Armour socks. He collected his belongings, including his Adidas sneakers which he kept in his hand, and headed back downstairs.

“All cleaned up,” he announced as he took the last step. Casey turned around from her desk and looked him over. “Nice socks, although Trevor would say they’re too high. I’ve got the low-cut ones that go just above the ankle…yea, he’s not a fan…says it’s no fun if you can see that they have socks on. I know, it’s odd.” Danny dropped his sneakers and started putting them on. “Half the fun is being able to identify the socks,” he said in a mockingly incredulous tone. “I’m going to have to teach that boy what it means to have a sock fetish!”

“Good luck,” she said as he headed to the front door. “You have my number in case something happens. If he gets home, I’ll let you know when I’ve left.”

Danny left the house and headed back to his rental car. Putting his bags in the back seat, he hesitated briefly before pressing the start button. It’s really happening. After all these years of fantasizing, you’re really going to do this! his inner monologue screamed. His wicked smile returned as he dropped his sunglasses over his eyes and headed to the address Casey provided.

The anxiousness and excitement he felt as he drove across town was getting to him. In fact, he knew he would need to calm down otherwise he was liable to screw everything up. He arrived at the gym and scoped out both the front and rear parking lots. Although the gym was at limited capacity due to social distancing protocols, it was entirely too early to make a clean getaway. He could grab Trevor in the locker room but a security camera positioned at the rear door would make it impossible to get away undetected. Even still, his hesitancy was almost overcome entirely when he witnessed his target entering the front door. He was average height, Danny deduced he was no more than 5’10 with short black hair, buzzed on the side, and a hint of a beard. Lean, albeit not overly muscular, he was certainly an attainable captive. Trevor walked in with fitted jeans, a royal blue polo, and what appeared to be grey wool running sneakers. Danny waited a few minutes before exiting his own car and casually walking over to Trevor’s. The doors were locked. Foiled!

He headed back to his car, and gave Casey a quick update over text. All wasn’t lost, however. He waited the half hour before he saw Trevor exit the gym. He was still in his gym attire: navy blue basketball shorts, grey t-shirt, and a pair of lime green Nike Zoom Rival Waffles. Naturally, he couldn’t see any sign of socks, but he was sure he was wearing a pair. Danny drove away quickly before Trevor could even notice he was there. He headed straight to the park that was nearby Casey and Trevor’s home. It was largely empty, just a few kids riding around their bikes and a pair of middle-aged woman power-walking around the paved path that surrounded the small pond situated in the middle of the park. Another, longer paved path meandered through the rest of the park. That was the path, Casey had said, that Trevor usually ran on.

Danny was mid-thought about how to approach the situation when he saw Trevor’s car pull up on the other side of the parking lot. He quickly glanced at the car clock. Damn, he’s early! Danny quickly retracted his seat and lay low, fearing Trevor might have recognized the car from the gym parking lot. He wondered how he could’ve miscalculated the time and waited a few minutes before returning his seat upright. By then, he could see Trevor in the distance, already trotting along. Sure enough, he was in the same attire as before. He must’ve quickly dropped off his belongings and headed to park without changing. He followed Trevor’s movements intently, waiting until he came around to start his second circuit before hopping out of his car and making another attempt at Trevor’s. By now, the kids had left and the two women were on the other side of pond, unable to see the parking lot from their vantage point. Sure enough, there was no gym bag in the car. He tried the door again. No luck. Then it hit him. He dashed off a quick text to Casey. She replied with five digits. He tapped the illuminated numbers on the side of the driver’s side door frame before he heard the lock unlatch. Eureka!

He looked around, making sure the coast was clear, before opening the door. He knew he couldn’t tamper with the car too much, he couldn’t risk Trevor seeing his car’s hood open. His mind then harkened back to the old scenes from movies and television where the villain is crouched in the backseat. Unrealistic, he thought. Moreover, his white t-shirt would stick out against the black interior. Danny admittedly knew very little about cars but knew a thing or two about electronics. He leaned down and opened the fuse box under the dashboard, and frantically pulled out a few. By now, he was starting to perspire, hoping he could accomplish this task without alerting anyone. He had no idea what each fuse did, he just hoped it would create enough of an issue that could keep his victim waylaid for a bit. He glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Trevor had already passed the starting point to begin yet another lap. It wouldn’t be long before he’d be done, so Danny got out of the car, pressing the lock button, and closing the door. He sauntered over to the nearby bench that overlooked the pond and tried to act occupied, as if he was waiting for someone to show up at any minute. He was sure to give a nod as Trevor jogged by.

The sun began to set behind the trees and it appeared to be getting darker by the minute. Trevor passed by at least six more times before dusk started to really show. Danny watched as he turned the corner around the pond and started to pace down. “How’d you do?” Danny asked as he walked by, panting as he walked. Trevor looked at his watch. “Three-and-a-half miles,” he replied. “Not too shabby. Nice pace,” Danny said as he glanced down at Trevor’s ankles. There was no hint of any color; it almost appeared as if he wasn’t wearing socks at all. But Danny knew better.

With their brief interaction over, Trevor headed straight for his car. Danny tried paying no attention as he hoped beyond hope that he was able to successfully disable the vehicle and that he didn’t simply pull the fuse that controlled the radio or windshield wipers. When he didn’t hear the sound of the engine firing, he figured he must’ve yanked the starter solenoid fuse. He smiled to himself as he reached into his pocket and removed the brown bottle and a thick, 12-ply gauze sponge. He opened the cap and dabbed the clear liquid into the sponge a few times before squeezing to ensure it was fully soaked through. He then folded the 4x4” sponge and placed it back in his pocket along with the bottle.

Danny stood up from the bench and headed for his own car on the opposite side of the lot. As he neared Trevor’s car, he heard the distinct thud that comes when someone pops the hood release. Trevor then got out and lifted the hood. “Car trouble?” Danny asked in his most innocent tone. “Yea, the damn thing won’t turn over. I keep pressing the button but no dice.”

“Well where ya headed? Need a lift?” he asked as he approached him. “Oh no, I’m sure I can fix whatever it is. If not, I don’t live too far away. I can always have my wife pick me up.”

Ugh, why must he make this so difficult? Danny thought.

As Trevor leaned down to examine the engine, unsure of what he should be looking for, Danny eyed him as he approached from behind. The toned legs that were hairy but not too hairy…and now he could just see the slightest hint of white peering from the back of his liner socks. A beautiful specimen if he did say so himself. Trevor heard Danny’s footsteps from behind. “Might be spark plug. Maybe even the start----mmmmppphh……” his sentence was cut-off as the thick pad was clamped over his face. His assailant pushed him forward, closer to the engine, hoping to maintain the leverage over his bent over figure. “That’s it. Deep breaths. Don’t fight it,” Danny whispered as Trevor tried pushing his assailant off him. He deduced that he was being chloroformed and although he possessed a kidnap fantasy, the shock and fear of this happening in real life had overtaken any thoughts of having his fantasy indulged. The soles of his Nike sneakers shuffled on the gravel beneath it as he attempted to wiggle himself free. However, Danny had the advantage of surprise and leverage. In the midst of the initial struggle, Trevor hadn’t even thought to instinctively grab at the arm that was assaulting him, but by the time he grabbed hold, he had breathed in too much of the anesthetic.

Danny took great pleasure at the muffled protests and grunts that were emanating from Trevor’s mouth. Although he was usually a submissive himself, he had at least come to appreciate the role of captor, especially if he could play with the captive’s socks. “Shh….don’t fight it anymore, Trevor,” he cooed. “It’s just you, me, and those sexy socks of yours.” The drug was doing a number on Trevor, and although it sounded as if it was being said down a long tunnel, he could clearly hear his name and the phrase “sexy socks.” It might have been a hallucination but it gave him pause and for a brief moment, his struggling lightened. Of course he inhaled another deep breath of the drug which only served to weaken him further. His strength nearly depleted, his arms fell limply to his side while his legs simultaneously started to give out. Danny repositioned his left arm under Trevor’s armpit while his body slowly lost all of its strength. He kept the gauze over Trevor’s face for another thirty seconds before removing it and placing it in his pocket. He put his right arm under Trevor’s other armpit and, once realizing the coast was clear, slowly dragged his unconscious victim back to his car. He loaded him into the front passenger seat and buckled him in before returning to his car to put the hood down and replace the fuses. He figured Casey could pick it up later.

It was less than a five-minute drive back to the house and he pulled right into the driveway. He rang the doorbell and Casey whipped open the door. “Well?” she asked, as she looked left and right. “Mission accomplished. He’s sleeping like a baby.” She emitted a mischievous smile as she craned her neck to see him slumped over in the passenger seat. Walking outside, she went over to the garage door, punched a few buttons on the keypad, and the garage door began to open. “Pull in and then carry him inside,” she ordered. Danny returned to the car, started it up and slowly entered the garage. Casey gave a quick glance behind her before inputting another set of numbers and having the garage door close.

When she entered the garage through the side door off the kitchen, her husband’s limp body was already slung over Danny’s shoulder. “Put him in the guest room,” she suggested. Danny headed up the stairs, his victim’s arms swaying back and forth like limp noodles, occasionally bouncing off his back as he climbed the stairs. He gently laid Trevor down on the ground. Rolling him over onto stomach, he caressed his victim’s toned legs before removing his running shoes. They came off effortlessly, revealing the awesome sight of a pair of size 11 feet clad in tightly fitted liner socks. He marveled at how they clung to the soles and were shaped by the foot’s imprint. “Go ahead,” he heard coming from behind him. Taking that as permission, he bent down and thrust his nose straight into the two socked soles in front of him, inhaling deeply. The socks were worn, but not overly dirty. The remnants of sweat from the jog earlier made them cling tightly to the soles and emit a mild odor. He kept at it. In. And out. In. And out. After his fourth or fifth inhalation, Casey cleared her throat. “Ahem, he’s not going to be asleep forever, ya know.”

Having been brought back to reality, Danny went to work. He wrapped coils of rope around Trevor’s ankles and did the same with his wrists, which were crisscrossed behind his back. Connecting the two knots with another length of rope and he had himself a basic hogtie.

“Nothing too extreme,” Danny said in defense of his pedestrian choice. “But it should him for a while.”

Casey examined the knots. They were basic, to be sure, but sturdy. She did worry about what would happen if her husband really started to struggle, would he be able to free himself? Her train of thought was interrupted by the familiar moaning Danny had become accustomed to each time he regained consciousness. “Well, you boys have fun. Let me know if you need anything,” she said as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Danny repositioned himself so that he was sitting in front of Trevor as he slowly came to his senses. Unlike the movies, it took quite some time before his incoherent mumbling started taking the form of intelligible words. “Wha…wha…” he stammered, rapidly blinking his eyes and licking his dry lips.

“Rise and shine, my new friend,” Danny joked as he ruffled his captive’s hair. “Don’t struggle too much too soon, you’re far too weak for that.”

Trevor attempted to move, but soon recognized the fact that he was in a hogtie. If he wasn’t so paralyzed by fear, he would’ve actually enjoyed himself in that moment; he loved hogties, the view of the elevated – and socked, of course – soles of his captive or his own soles for that matter was an instant heart-pumper. Danny looked up over Trevor. “Mmmm-mmmm, those are some great looking socks you’ve got on,” he said. Although in his stupor, Trevor was able to make that phrase out clearly and he raised an eyebrow. “Wha….what do you want from me?” he asked weakly.

“Oh,” Danny said, nonchalantly looking around the room, “just to have some fun. Something tells me you and I like to have the same sort of fun.” Without waiting for a response, he put his legs together and then placed his right foot vertically over the toe of his left shoe and used the latter to slowly pull his right shoe off. His right sneaker casually fell to the ground, revealing Danny’s socked sole. He smiled as Trevor watched intently as Danny repeated the same gesture, but with his right foot on his left shoe. Once both sneakers were off, he put his feet back together, bending his toes just inches from Trevor’s face. “So, what’d’ya’think? Cute, huh?” he asked, emitting a fiendish grin.

“What? I mean, huh? How…” Trevor started, the remnants of the chloroform still fogging his mind before he conjured up a moment of clarity. “How did you know?”

“Oh pfft, all answers are on a need-to-know basis and, right this second, you don’t need to know. Now make your next words good, because I’ve got myself a nice pair of slightly used socks that would fit perfectly in that mouth of yours. I would have gagged you sooner but wanted you to have an opportunity to confront your captor first.”

Trevor paused for a moment, thinking of what he should say. “What’s your name?” he asked. “That? That’s your question?” Danny asked in a mocking tone. “Okay, fine, forget that. What are you doing to do to me?”

“Ah, now see, that’s a great question worthy of my answer. Well first, so that you’re not too worried, this isn’t a permanent arrangement. You’re going to be my captive for a little while – a few hours, no more than that. You also don’t need to worry about anything too sinister taking place. I’m here to have fun with a fellow sock aficionado. I’ll enjoy your puppies, you might even get to enjoy mine, only time will tell. If you try to escape, there’s going to be trouble. I know this sounds ridiculous but all you have to do is lay there, and, most importantly, trust me. I’ve already made the first part of your fantasy come true, right? You got yourself kidnapped, buddy! Now open up.”

Danny shoved a pair of Trevor’s discarded socks into his mouth before he could even respond. He emitted some garbled protests but kept them fairly quiet as Danny produced a strip of silver tape and pressed it tightly over his lips.

“Pretty as a picture. Now let’s have some fun.”

He stood up and walked behind Trevor before kneeling down. Trevor was starting to feel his knots and bonds out, and moved slightly if for no other reason than to be more comfortable. He was used to hogties – Casey had sometimes tied him in one during their exploits – but the prospect of being stuck in one for hours was not appealing. Thoughts were racing through his mind – who was this guy? How did he know about his fascination with socks? And could he really be trusted? Different answers to all those questions flooded rapidly through his train of consciousness but they all suddenly stopped as soon as he felt the warmth moistness of Danny’s tongue caressing his socked soles. “Oh, my, my, my,” he heard his captor say from behind him. “Mmmmm…These are delicious. Not too worn, not too clean.”

Danny’s movements were slow and methodical. He started at the toes and moved deliberately down to the heels. Back and forth. Back and forth. He repeated the process no fewer than five times, occasionally stopping to refill his saliva ducts. After the final time, he wrapped his arm around Trevor’s ankles before placing each of his captive’s feet into his mouth one by one, as far as they could go without engaging his gag reflex. Soon the singular moans of enjoyment emanating from Danny’s mouth turned into a duet as the excitement finally reached Trevor.

“I must say, for a guy, these are some pretty delectable feet, and I’ve seen all kinds…that’s why I’m a sock guy myself,” Danny said. Trevor gave a moan and nod in agreement. “These guys might be small,” he said, referring to the liner socks, “but they hug the soles perfectly. Make for a great form.” As he spoke, he used his two hands to press deeply into Trevor’s socked soles, rubbing his thumbs up near his toes.

About ten minutes had transpired when Danny noticed his captive was seemingly more uncomfortable and fidgeting profusely. “What’s the matter? Something wrong?” Danny asked reassuringly. Trevor attempted to say something but it came out garbled. “Mmmmgmgmmmmlmmm….” Danny tried valiantly to understand; after all, he’d been gagged so many times he half-expected to be able to understand just about anything. Trevor continued to fidget, and finally Danny rolled his captive over to his side. Trevor’s face was bright red and he gave an instant sigh of relief. Motioning with his eyes downward, Danny soon discovered the issue. “Ohhh, I see. Someone’s having a little too much fun, eh? Well we don’t him getting strained any more than he already will be.”

He then reached down and slowly removed the tape and pulled the socks out. “Let’s see if you’re as good of a giver as you are receiver,” he said, motioning down to his own socked feet. He lightly pressed them over Trevor’s face and he saw him take great delight and taking deep inhalations, just as Danny had done to him earlier. “Sexy,” Trevor said, his eyes closed as he just took in the smell. There was a minor hint of saltiness in the taste as he began to lick them, but nothing too overpowering. Danny handled the navigation of each foot, guiding it around Trevor’s tongue and eventually slowly into his mouth.

“Mmmm, you’re not a bad worshipper...” Danny said, genuinely impressed.

“My wife,” Trevor started saying as he continued licking and eventually kissing Danny’s socks. “She occasionally lets me have my way with her socked feet from time to time.” He continued his foot worship while he gave Danny a synopsis of his experiences. “You can only do so much foot worship with bondage though, before it gets dull…and I love my wife, don’t get me wrong, but there’s less to worship there. She’s only a size 6 shoe,” he lamented.

“Heh, that’s unfortunate.”

“Tell me about it. But I don’t discriminate. Guys, girls…socks look awesome on everyone!”

The worship session didn’t last very much longer before Danny removed his feet and replaced the socks and the tape to Trevor’s mouth. Without saying another word, he walked back around him, Trevor’s legs now bent over on the ground. Trevor expected feel the warmth of the tongue once again but was instead surprised when he felt scraping of Danny’s fingertips. Oh no! he yelled to himself. He knew what that meant. A split-second later, he felt more scraping as ten fingers started ravishing his socked feet. He exploded in muffled laughter – “MMMM!!!!” eventually turned into “MMMGMGMGPPPHH!!!!” and then “GGGRRRMMMM!!!” – as all of the oxygen in his lungs was thrust into the world. He both loved and hated tickling, all for the same reasons. He hadn’t received this kind of concentrated attention on his feet before; he always felt guilty bringing up to his wife, although she would definitely indulge him from time to time. Any sense of apprehension faded as he writhed on the ground, helplessly unable to avoid the ten fingers and their nails.

The tickling was sucking up most of Trevor’s energy, even as he remained in an almost perpetual state of exhilaration, as evidenced by his throbbing member. Danny stopped momentarily and looked over to check on his captive. Trevor’s face was beet red now, beads of sweat drenching his brow and the top of his shirt. Additional sweat stains were formed around his armpits. He looked behind Trevor’s back, his wrists were another shade of red, the result of the constant tugging. Feeling some sympathy for him, Danny slowly peeled the strip of tape off and Trevor quickly spit the socks out. “Than…..thank…..you,” he said, panting heavily. “I….just…..need….to….catch….my breath.”

Trevor’s muscles eased up as he continued panting for a while. All of a sudden, the door to the guest room flew open. “Would you two be quiet?! I can hear your laughter from the basement,” Casey shouted. “The neighbors will hear you!” Looking down at her husband, uncontrollably panting, helplessly tied, she then grinned. She walked over to him and bent over. “Happy Birthday, sweetie. Like your present?”

Trevor’s eyes lit up. “You? This was your idea?” He gave a quick laugh in between his panting and looked away. “I should’ve known! Babe,” he said, looking back up at her, “you’ve outdone yourself this time. Only thing that’s missing is you in a nice pair of socks,” he said, glancing her clearly sockless feet clad in her flats.

“Oh, but then that would be depriving you of your gift tomorrow, cutie,” she said, giving him a playful wink.

To Be Continued?
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 340
Joined: 3 years ago

Post by ShortSocks »

You did a great job! I liked the build of suspense leading up to the capture, and the usage of no show socks in the story! Sockplay was great too! Hopefully you continue one day!
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Post by fratboydanny »

Well done [mention]GMen[/mention]! Thank you for the time, effort, and thought that went into this. Nothing like a good socks and tie up scene, unless, of course, one manages to actually get bound in their socked feet...

I can’t wait for more!
David Han
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Post by David Han »

very nice. The details are great.
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by fratboydanny »

After reading and enjoying this for the fifth time, I must say again, [mention]GMen[/mention] how enjoyable this story is. Chloroform, kidnapping, socks, ropes, gags, sock worship, all as a birthday gift....I love it.
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Post by ShortSocks »

fratboydanny wrote: 3 years ago After reading and enjoying this for the fifth time, I must say again, @GMen how enjoyable this story is. Chloroform, kidnapping, socks, ropes, gags, sock worship, all as a birthday gift....I love it.
Thanks for being the fictional character that this was based on to kidnap me! :lol:
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Post by fratboydanny »

ShortSocks wrote: 3 years ago
fratboydanny wrote: 3 years ago After reading and enjoying this for the fifth time, I must say again, @GMen how enjoyable this story is. Chloroform, kidnapping, socks, ropes, gags, sock worship, all as a birthday gift....I love it.
Thanks for being the fictional character that this was based on to kidnap me! :lol:
My pleasure! Always happy to be a part of such a story.
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