Jimmy's Kidnapping (M/M)

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Jimmy's Kidnapping (M/M)

Post by Scottstud94 »

A dark and short story about a man named Jimmy who made one mistake in his life, and it led him into danger.


A couple hours ago I was the happiest person in the world. It was my 18th birthday, I had graduated high school two days before, and today I had hit the game-winning home run in the state championship game.

After the game was over, the celebrations wound down, and everybody headed for home. I didn't realize it, but I also said goodbye to my parents, family, and friends for the last time. I planned to go to my friends to celebrate overnight and hang out one last time before we started our busy summer and went on our separate ways.

I put on my flip flops, still wearing my green baseball socks pulled taut to my knees, tight baseball pants, and green baseball jersey, left the locker room, and headed to my car. It was a cool summer day and I was excited to celebrate the championship with my friends. I put my cell phone which had hundreds of congratulatory texts in my dashboard as I always do, and took off for my friend David's house.

It was a 10 mile drive, not too far. Immediately as I left the field a white truck began to follow me. It didn't make me nervous though, but I turned down a few back streets, and it continued to follow me. Now I was getting somewhat nervous. I turned on to a dirt road in the woods not even knowing where it would go, hoping to lose him. I pulled out my phone to search for directions, and got the dreaded no service notification. I threw my phone frustrated, but as I was looking down went off the dirt road into some trees and *CRASH*!

The airbag blasted into my face and nearly knocked me unconscious. I wasn't going that fast, but when I groggily got out of the car, a middle aged man came up to me concerned. From the white truck. He approached me as I sat on the ground against my car.

"Son are you okay?" He said. The man was about 25, blonde hair, tall, in jeans, leather boots, and a white t-shirt clearly too small for his large muscles.

"Ugh I'm fine," I said. "Just gotta call my parents", I opened my door to look for my phone. I grabbed it as the man looked on, but again, no service.

"Damn, still no service. Can I borrow your phone... sir..."

"Eugene," the man said extending his hand, "Eugene Johnson". He helped me to my feet. My flip flops keeping my socked feet from contact with the wet leaves below my feet.

"Well of course, but I don't have a cell phone. My house is just down the road though. I'll drive you down and we'll call your parents and a tow truck."

All those times my parents told me to be wary of strangers must of been lost on me. Eugene seemed nice, I had no idea where I was really, I took a few weird turns. I really had no choice. I got into the passenger door and hopped in.

Eugene also hopped in and drove us down the dirt road turned onto a long unmarked dirt driveway and finally we came across a small home. It was a little dirty, some junk and an old truck on the side. Pretty standard for West Virginia up in the hills. I entered the house right behind Eugene and closed the door, I took my flip flops off out of courtesy only in my baseball uniform now.

"Phones right there," Eugene said pointing to a landline old phone. I walked over and picked it up and dialed my mom's cell phone number, only to get the signal that the phone was dead.

"Phone is dead!" I shouted. I looked around, checked my phone again. Still no service. Dang I was supposed to be at David's 15 minutes ago. I looked around curiously. "Eugene?" I said.

My socked feet went from the hard floor to the carpeted living room. As I turned into the living room, Eugene grabbed me around my neck. He wasn't very large, but I was only 5'8" and 150, very small for being 18, and completely taken by the element of surprise.

Instantaneously I felt a needle being stabbed into my shoulder as I was being tightly held, a syringe injected into me, and quickly tossed aside as I flopped around. "HELLLLLLMMPPPHHH!" I shouted as Eugene held his plastic gloved hand tightly over my mouth.

Whatever it was that was injected into me had taken immediate effect. My arms had gone numb, my legs couldn't support myself, I was soon laid down and tried to shout. My mouth moved slowly at first and then not at all. All I could do was force subtle noise from my throat. "mmmmmm...." I sounded in completely shock at what was going on.

Eugene looked over me. "Guess you forgot not to take rides from strangers kid." He said pacing around my limp body.

"You see kid, I've been watching you for a long time. Every hour, every day. I've been keeping tabs on you. For the longest time I knew I wanted to kidnap you. Now here you are. Paralyzed with a unique chemical for a good hour or so. You will be awake the whole time."

"Mmmmmm!" I forced from my throat, trying to move, but I couldn't. I was a potato. I literally couldn't do anything.

"Come on buddy let's go," Eugene lifted me and took me down the old wooden stairs. Nothing in my pockets. My phone upstairs useless. I was in baseball pants, green baseball socks, an undershirt, and a jersey. At the base of the stairs was a steel door. Very oddly placed considering the rest of the house was old as dirt. Eugene unlocked the door and closed it behind him. A single lightbulb hanging above was turned on revealing the horrors below.

It was a small room. Maybe 20 feet by 15 feet. At its base was a bed. One mattress, iron base, iron poles on each corner, and an iron head board. Attached to each of the iron poles on the corners were thick metal chains. Each about 1 foot in length and padlocked around the pole. At the other end of the chains were iron cuffs. Old fashioned, but when secured around the ankle or wrists were thick, not coming off. Several cameras were positioned around the room. On a single table to the right was a box that had my name on it. "Jimmy"

"Mmmmmm" I moaned, but it didn't matter. I was done. I was laid down onto the bed. I didn't know what was going to happen. This man could rape me, chain me down, maybe it was all a sick joke. Soon I realized it wasn't though. I watched as Eugene grabbed a roll of duct tape from the box, and some leather looking things.

He went over to me as I lay face up on the bed still completely paralyzed and put two leather mittens over both my hands. This wasn't normal leather, it was strong and reinforced. Around my wrists were strings which Eugene then tied off. The mittens were snug and with no fingers, my hands were balled up into fists. The use of my fingers were no more. He then used duct tape and completely mummified my now balled up fists until the leather couldn't be seen.

Now with my hands incapacitated, my right hand was pulled to the far right corner of the bed, and the iron cuff clasped around my wrists, tightened to my skin, and secured. Then my left hand was pulled to the other side of the bed and the process repeated.

Eugene began to work more quickly. "I need to finish securing you by the time these drugs wear off. Then I can get rid of your car and phone, and you'll never be seen again."

Eugene grabbed a knife from my box and walked over to me. This was it. This was how I was going to die. I prepared, as Eugene loomed over me grabbed my baseball jersey and slashed it open. He cut my jersey off and threw it aside. Then he proceeded to remove my baseball pants, so I was only in my green baseball socks pulled to my knees and boxer briefs.

He pulled me down by my ankles and began to secure them to the bed. My left ankle went first and the iron cuff locked around my socked leg. Then my right ankle. I couldn't feel it, but I could see it. I was stretched to the absolute max.

I prayed this was a nightmare in my head. This couldn't be real. But it was. The next thing Eugene pulled out of my box of horrors was small, but terrifying. A tube of industrial superglue, and I didn't know how he got it, but a tube of dental cement.

I wanted to scream. All I could force out was "mmmmmm" as my nightmare got worse. Eugene got up on the bed and forced my head between his thighs. The 20 some year old jock was ripped, and even if I wasn't paralyzed, I stood no chance. My teeth were forced together as he shoved the gob of dental cement it with his gloved hands. He smeared it all over. In great amounts as the playdough like substance filled my mouth. He forced my jaw closed getting some dental cement in my hair from his gloves. He didn't care. All he wanted was to seal my mouth shut forever. 5 minutes later, he removed his grasp from my skull. I knew the deed was done.

Next he superglued my lips shut. Getting up close and blowing. Final as a cruel finale, he grabbed the duct tape, after smearing superglue on my face and wrapped the tape around my head a dozen times, going over, underneath, and around before severing the tape and smoothing it over my head.

I began to feel my sensations coming back. I tried to force the mmmmmm sound from my mouth. Nothing. I couldn't even do that now.

Eugene began the final stage of his evil plan. I began to gain control of my body again as he cut off my underwear. I thrashed as he tore them off and tossed them aside.

He went into the box with my name on it again. He pulled out what was an adult diaper. He went over to put it on me "You will never leave this bed again. You will be fed by IV once a day. There will be no clocks, TVs, anything. No bathroom breaks. You will use this diaper and I will change you once a day." He finished taping the diaper on me and began to fill the keyholes on the iron cuffs that kept me tied to the bed with superglue. I kicked, I thrashed, I struggled. Now with full use of my body again to no avail.

Eugene finished the last cuff and I was stretched to my max in my new prison.

Eugene looked over what he had accomplished. He had ruined my life, but his lifelong dream of having a real slave was over. He patted the duct tape over my mouth. I began to sob as my situation came over me.


YOU DECIDE THE ENDING: DM me whether we should leave Jimmy on the bed, or whether he escapes Eugene's trap. DM me the result you would like and in 3 days, the epilogue will tell you the conclusion.

I know it's a darker story than most of mine, I'll have a more lighthearted one soon.

"Cheer up little buddy. You never have to work. You never have to worry about money. I've saved you."

I was now crying uncontrollably. In a diaper and knee high baseball socks, I was chained to a bed, and I was gagged in a way I could never speak again.

I looked over in the corner as I saw the machines he would use to feed me through IV. It was real. It was all real.

"I've got some things to take care of Eugene said," he turned around to dispose of my phone and car undoubtably.

I screamed into my gag as he closed the iron door and I heard the many locks close on the windowless room. All I could do was sob as I lost control, I soiled my diaper, I knew I was never going to leave this bed unless somebody saved me.
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Post by bondagefreak »

A darker theme than the ones you've gotten us used to!

I do like the over-the-top restraints even though some of these are rather extreme (especially the gagging).
I can't say I understand Doms who thrive on keeping their subordinate(s) constantly caged or restrained.

If I was to "capture" myself a sub, he'd be collared but free of restraints.
What good is a "boi" to me if he's not cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry?

I hope Jimmy boi escapes the crazy kidnapper.
He'd be much more useful with his limbs free and mouth intact 8-)

Well written as usual.
Looking forward to seeing the other tale you'll be posting soon!

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Post by MaxRoper »

Very dark, very well written. I'm not in favor of a "bound forever" situation and, as Bondagefreak says, what good is a slave you can't use? I'd like to see our hero put himself (or be put) in a more favorable situation.

I love the outfit of green knee socks and nothing else. But a "middle aged man" of around 25? Yipe! Makes me feel ancient.

Definitely looking forward to whatever you choose.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Wow...yeah. Pretty dark.

The slave isn‘t going to be useful...
But I love the style of writing and how you describe things.
Keep up the good work :)
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Post by Pup »

Definitely dark but well written and interesting none the less.
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Post by alkaid_ »

I'm feel so sad for Jimmy... keep completily tied and without a chance for escape.
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Post by LK3869 »

I'd say let him escape just to see what you'll come up with :D
But as it started, the dark ending would be quite a challenge too. Curious to see what the others decide.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...

Post by Mouthless »

Don’t let him escape in the end
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Post by Tiedtothelife »

It seems like an eternity has passed since this story was published. But still, I give my vote that Jimmy can never escape, hahaha.
You know what's better than a shirtless boy tied and gagged? A shirtless boy tied and gagged being tickled.
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