Jingle and Jangle Hijinks: A Christmas Kidnapping (MM/MM) Part III Added 11/12/22

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Jingle and Jangle Hijinks: A Christmas Kidnapping (MM/MM) Part III Added 11/12/22

Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Well, there are the Twelve Days of Christmas. Shall this tale be a tale in twelve parts?

Jingle and Jangle Hijinks

Another season over, and Santa Claus was exhausted from the previous twenty-four hours, as he closed the barn doors after overseeing the reindeer back in their stalls and his sleigh put away, until he and his elves packed it once again next Christmas Eve. Santa headed back to his house, relieved that another Christmas was over for him but mindful that as the year ended, it had begun on a sour note. Mrs. Claus had decided not to give him a New Year’s kiss, but instead presented him with divorce papers.

“I’ve had it with this life,” she told him on the first day of the New Year. “You’re not the Kris Kringle I married. As a matter of fact, even then there was something about you that wasn’t right. You were just going through the motions in the bedroom! Now – You’re too fat! Plus. I’ve met the Heat Miser. He lights my fire, if you know what I mean, Santa Baby. So, it’s Tootles! See you around.” And Mrs. Claus left Santa and the North Pole to settle with the Heat Miser somewhere South of the Border.

Santa thought over what Mrs. Claus had said, when she left him – “Just going through the motions…” Mmmm…sex with Mrs. Claus was no thrill. I don’t know why, but I kept on thinking about my buddy Yukon Cornelius. Ah…I’m better off without her. Maybe she’s right, though. I could stand to lose a few pounds. So, Santa went to see his buddy Yukon Cornelius, who had given up prospecting for gold and silver and had opened a gym at the North Pole. Yukon Cornelius was a big, strapping man. He stood as tall as Santa – 6’4”. But whereas Santa was hefty with white hair and a full, white beard, Yukon Cornelius was a brawny man – all muscle – with red hair and a full, red beard. Santa had known Yukon Cornelius, since Santa was just Kris Kringle and Yukon was still prospecting. Santa was a few years older than Yukon, but that didn’t stop them from becoming the best of friends.

Unlike Santa, Yukon Cornelius never married. One day Santa overheard his elves, the identical twin brothers Jingle and Jangle, giggling about Yukon. Santa didn’t trust those two to be left alone. They were always causing trouble. And he did not like them being naughty and making fun of others. When Santa confronted them and asked what was so funny about Yukon, Jingle said that Yukon was just a “Friend of Dorothy,” and he giggled some more. “Dorothy?” Santa asked. “Dorothy Gale from Kansas? I’m a friend of Dorothy. The Wizard introduced me to her at last year’s celebration of the Munchkin Day of Independence. Yukon doesn’t know her. Now, stop that nonsense, Jingle and Jangle, or I’ll put coal in your stockings.” Jangle just giggled some more and replied, “Oh, Santa…we both know that you’re a “Friend of Dorothy,” too!” Santa paid no more heed to those two.

After Santa repeated to Yukon what Mrs. Claus said to him before she left him, Yukon told it to Santa straight. “Kris, you are too fat. Give me six months, and I will whip you into shape.” And Yukon did. He had Santa training six days a week. And Hermey, Santa’s elfin dentist, put him in touch with Clarice, an elfin dietician, who put Santa a strict regimen of a high protein, low carb diet. Now, Santa had to forego all those Christmas cookies, but Santa took to everything like a fish to water. Under Yukon Cornelius’s guidance, Santa was lifting ever-increasing weights in the gym. And Santa never skipped Leg Day! He began to swim, bike and run for cardio. With Clarice’s help, Santa started to cook healthier meals for himself, and his waist size began to shrink. By the end of June, Santa was a changed man. His fat was turned into muscle. Santa had a broad, beefy upper body that tapered down to a slim waist that ended in two sinewy and well-toned legs. He overheard Jangle tell Jingle that he thought Santa had a “cute, bubble butt.” Jingle agreed and replied that Santa was becoming a “Real Muscle Daddy.” That gave Santa a twinkle in his eyes, but he was going to have to speak to those two again.

So, Santa thought, as he made his way through the snow at the North Pole from the barn to his home, maybe it wasn’t such a bad year after all! Yes, Mrs. Claus would not be there to greet him, but Yukon Cornelius promised Santa that he would be around to celebrate Christmas with him. Santa looked forward to that. It would be just the two of them. It was Santa’s tradition to give his elves a fully paid vacation for the month of January. Hermey and Clarice had booked a spa resort for the entire crew on an island in the South Pacific. They had left right after loading Santa’s sleigh, and Santa dropped off Jinx and Wink – the two elves who rode with him Christmas Eve – on the island itself, after they had distributed all the toys to the good, little boys and girls throughout the world. Santa looked forward to some quiet time, enjoying Christmas and the weeks ahead only in the company of Yukon Cornelius.

Santa opened the back door of his home and entered the mud and tackle room. Yukon’s parka was hanging from a peg and his boots were placed under the bench. Santa smiled to himself. He took off his new, red coat and sat down to remove his black boots. After hanging his coat on a peg and putting his boots next to Yukon’s, he was left in his white, stockinged feet and wearing his new, red, fitted breeches – 32” waist – held up by suspenders over his white union-suit. I might have to get a new union-suit. This is getting too small. My chest, arms, and shoulders are beginning to rip the seams – but it’s thanks to the muscle I put on – and not fat. Santa was rather pleased. He called out.

“Yukon? I’m home.” Santa yelled out. “It was a good run this evening! Donner and Blitzen made sure we made good time…Yukon? Are you here?”

Silence. Santa’s home was quiet, even though the lights were on and Yukon’s parka and boots were in the tackle and mud room. Santa made his way from the kitchen through the dining room to the front parlor, where a fire stood lighted in the fireplace. Santa spied Yukon’s pipe next to his own, and the cushions of the sofa were deflated. Yukon’s pipe was still warm, as were the cushions, so Santa knew Yukon Cornelius must be around. It was dark upstairs, so Santa decided to check his workshop first A door behind the staircase led to it. Santa could see the lights were on in his workshop from the doorway underneath. He opened the door.

“Yukon? Are you out here?”

“Well, Hello, Santa.”

“Jangle – what are you doing here?”

Jangle the Elf was sweeping the floorboards of Santa’s Workshop. He put the broom down, and he picked up a punch glass next to a punch bowl filled with what appeared to be Eggnog.

“Oh…Jingle and I were a bit behind the others tidying up after we finished last night. We’re going to join the others, but why don’t you have a glass of Eggnog with me?” He began to ladle some of the punch in the glass.

Santa looked at him carefully. Jangle was in his usual outfit – tight blue jeans and a fitted white, sleeveless tee. Jangle – like his identical twin brother Jingle – stood about 5’6” tall and weighed approximately 132 lb. Jangle and Jingle both had curly, brown hair, blue eyes, and upturned noses. And they were lean with wiry muscles. Santa’s friend at the gym, the Winter Warlock, told Santa that the elfin twins were a couple of “ tricky twinks,” but Santa still wasn’t sure what the Winter Warlock had meant.

“Jangle – have you seen Yukon Cornelius? And where’s your brother?”

“Oh, Yukon’s around someplace, and my brother will be back soon. Here, Santa, let’s have a toast to Christmas.” Jangle held the punch glass out to Santa, which Santa – ever the gentleman – took from him.

“This isn’t spiked, is it, Jangle? I never touch spirits.” Santa sniffed the punch. It was extremely aromatic with nutmeg and allspice – very enticing.

“Oh, no, Santa. I would never spike it with alcohol. Here’s to another successful Christmas Eve – We elves believe it’s good luck to gulp it down all at one -- Merry Christmas, Santa!” Jangle raised his glass and then gulped its contents down at once.

“Merry Christmas, Jangle.” Santa raised his own glass and gulped the piquant potable down.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

Santa heard giggling behind him, and there was Jingle, dressed – as usual – in tight, blue jeans and a fitted, white, sleeveless tee.

“Hi Santa! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” Jingle greeted Santa, and – still giggling – he walked around and stood by his identical twin, Jangle, who also started giggling.

“What’s going on with you two? And where is Yukon Cornelius.” Santa put the glass down on a nearby workbench and walked towards them, but he had to put his hand on the workbench, since he suddenly felt lightheaded.

“What are we up to? Oh – just some Jingle Jangle Hijinks, Santa.” Jangle declared.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” Jingle giggled. “And Yukon Cornelius is a bit tied up right now, Santa. I was playing Jingle Bells with his balls, just before you came home.”

Jingle walked around Santa and over to a tall and large toy cabinet. Santa followed him with his eyes, although he was getting bleary-eyed.

“What have you two done now?” Santa asked them testily.

“Here’s Yukon…” Jingle bellowed like an emcee and opened the doors of the cabinet.


There in the cabinet was Yukon Cornelius - naked except for a bright red jockstrap and his brown leather, faux rabbit fur hat with the ear flaps down atop his red-haired head. He was bound – his hands behind his back, at his ankles, below the knees, around his brawny thighs – with bright green rope. More bright green rope crisscrossed his beefy upper torso, pinioning his buff arms to his sides. And there was a bright green ribbon pinned to the pouch of his red jockstrap with two small bells dangling from the bow. Yukon was wriggling about in the cabinet, causing the bells to jingle fast and furiously. And he was trying to say something, but he had a bright red ball-gag stuffed in his mouth and clear, cellophane-like gaffer tape sealing his mouth and wrapped around his head, which made his words inaudible.

Jingle held his right arm out, and with his middle finger and thumb he flicked Yukon on his balls.

🎶Jingle Balls,🎶 🎶Jingle Balls, 🎶🎶Jingle Yukon Away! 🎶🎶Oh! What Fun It Will Be To Ride Yukon And Santa Away!!! 🎶🎶 He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”


“Whath have yous two dun nowth?” Santa was wobbling now and slurring his words. He stepped towards the cabinet, but he was so sleepy and dizzy that he couldn’t quite navigate his steps. Santa suddenly stopped. He looked right at Jingle, and Santa fell forward. Jingle caught him and with Jangles help, laid Santa flat on the floor on his now flat, six-pack belly.

🎶Jingle Balls,🎶 🎶Jingle Balls, 🎶🎶Jingle Yukon And Santa Away! 🎶🎶Oh! What Fun It Will Be To Ride Yukon And Santa Away!!! 🎶🎶 He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” The twins danced around and sang.

“MMMMPPPPHHH!! HHHHUUULLLPPPP!! HHHUUUULLLPPPP!! Help! Help! Yukon Cornelius screamed futilely from behind his gags. He squirmed and wriggled about causing the bells on his balls to jingle and jangle in step with Jingle and Jangle’s ditty!

The twins stopped. Jangle bent down and goosed the comatose Kris Kringle’s caboose.

“I knew that bubble butt was rock-hard. He-he he-he he-he he-he!! Come on, Jingle, help me get his breeches off. We need to get him tied up, gagged, and then spirit Santa and Yukon Cornelius away.”

And Jingle and Jangle got to work…

To Be Continued.
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Hee hee, certainly my kind of Christmas tale! I look forward to finding out what these naughty elves have in store!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Tsuhaya »

An incredible start. I love your stories and how you describe the scenes, even if the action is not present, all your descriptions of scenery, characters, and dialogues are great, you have an incredible talent!

I can't wait to see what these two mischievous twins have in store for our couple of muscular friends :P.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, [mention]Volobond[/mention]! Compliments from a man who writes such great stories as you do is truly humbling.🙂

And many thanks to you, [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention], for your words of encouragement. They truly mean the world to me.🙂

As for the elves, these two are a mischievous lot. Santa and Yukon Cornelius will experience a lot from them, when all is said and done! :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's the kind of Christmas story I like to see!

I loved the characters, whimsical setting and the witty narration. The hunky captives, great gag and jockstrap helped, too. Can't wait for the rest!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by stimle »


Love this. LOVE this!! What an awesome Christmas present!
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Post by cherryboy »

haha oh my gosh this one is shaping up to be a fun story! i can't wait to read the continuation
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

It turns out that if you have been extra good (or just not too naughty), Santa rewards you with a Christmas story from @kidnappedcowboy! This was fun. Can’t wait to see what Jingle and Jangle have in store for Cringle and Yukon.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Sorry it has taken me so long to write Part II of this Christmas Story. I hope the second part was worth the wait!

Jingle and Jangle Hijinks: An X-Rated Christmas Kidnapping II

🎶🎶“Silver Bells! Silver Bells! 🎶It’s Criss-Cross Time across Kris Kringle🎶🎶String-a-ling, make them link🎶🎶Soon Kris Kringle will be tied down!🎶 🎶Jingle binding, Jangle fastening🎶🎶Dressed in Dominating Style🎶🎶In the air there’s a feeling of Captivity🎶🎶Jingle Muffling, Jangle Gagging🎶🎶Meeting Knot after Knot🎶🎶And on Kris’s bait and tackle you’ll hear🎶🎶Silver Bells! Silver Bells!🎶 🎶It’s Criss-Cross Time across Kris Kringle!🎶🎶

Jingle and Jangle were singing and dancing around Santa Claus, as they twirled silver colored rope around him, binding him very securely to a pole. They had stripped Santa of his socks, breeches, and union-suit, and slipped on a gold lame jockstrap over his bodacious, bubble butt and across his slimmed-down waist, but the pouch could hardly contain the Kringle scepter and family jewels. Santa may now be buff and no longer husky, but he remained a big man in all respects – much to the delight of Jangle! The rascally twins had bound Santa’s ankles together, then cinched more silver rope around and between his legs just under his knees, and similarly girded his thighs together with the silver cables just under Santa’s now magnificently muscular hindquarters. Jingle and Jangle next worked in unison to secure Santa’s wrists behind his back and then pinned his toned arms to his brawny torso. When they had finished, Jingle and Jangle hoisted Santa to a standing position against a candy-striped pole. Jingle then went to retrieve more silver rope, while Jangle very gladly steadied Santa. For a pair of 5’6” and 132 lb. elves, Jingle and Jangle were very strong and agile. When Jingle returned, that’s when he and Jangle began to dance and twirl around in opposite directions, singing their rendition of “Silver Bells.” All throughout this ordeal, Santa slumbered.

Watching this all unfold was Yukon Cornelius, bound and gagged himself in an open toy cabinet – stripped to a bright red jockstrap with a green bow with bells pinned to the pouch covering his Yukon Johnny & his boys – and his brown leather Aviator hat atop his head! Yukon squirmed around, trying to free himself from his bright green bonds, but he could hardly move, since he was stuffed between two life-sized and overly stuffed teddy bears. Yukon only succeeded in jingling the bells on his balls and getting the attention of Jingle, who would break from his reverie to flick Yukon’s Pride & Joys to let Yukon know Jingle was now his Boss.

Oh! Yukon – you fool! How on earth did you let these two hooligans get the best of you and allow them to get the drop on Santa? Yukon thought back on how – just a short time ago – Jingle and Jangle got the drop on him –

Just a couple hours ago, Yukon thought –

I got to Santa’s home an hour before dawn, knowing that Rudolf would be guiding Santa’s sleigh back home after dropping off the toys for all the good, little boys and girls around the world right about then. I didn’t want Santa to come home to an empty house and workshop. It had been a tough year for my friend Kris Kringle. Mrs. Claus left him for the Heat Miser. Boy – did I see that one coming. Heat Miser and his brothers, Snow Miser and North Wind, started hitting my gym pretty regularly. Those sons of Mother Nature would come in to lift just around the time married, stay-at-home wives and mothers did – between 9 and 10 each morning. They tried to work their magic on those women. The three of them were a trio of Gym Bunnies – wearing tight-fitting athletic tees and high-waist, fitted sweatpants. Heat Miser zeroed in on Mrs. Claus with laser beam precision, complimenting her on her strength and conditioning regimen, offering to spot her, getting her towels and water – just shamelessly flirting with her.

Frosty the Snowman tried to warn Mrs. Claus that she was playing with fire. That really ticked Heat Miser and his brothers off. That jolly, happy soul disappeared the day after he talked to Mrs. Claus about Heat Miser. That night after the gym closed, I found that someone had jammed the door to the sauna, so that anyone using it would be locked inside. After unjamming it, all I found inside was an old top hat, a corncob pipe, a button, and two lumps of coal in a pool of water. The place also smelled like a tart’s boudoir from the distinct aroma of man sex. Frosty always steered clear of the sauna and steam room, but he was a sucker for popsicles -- and guys with bad boy reputations. And North Wind was always one of those guys, promising other guys he would send chills through them, if they would just let him give them a breeze. I know, for a fact, that Frosty grew hard as ice whenever North Wind was around. Just one gust of North Wind would cause Frosty to sprout a good-sized popsicle. Frosty would not blow off the opportunity for a blow of North Wind. He'd even risk liquefying a bit for that chance. So, I figured North Wind may have lured Frosty into the sauna and gusted off once Frosty sprouted, while one of his brothers, I suppose Heat Miser, locked Frosty inside. Can’t prove it though, and maybe Frosty will be back again someday. But even after Frosty’s warning, Mrs. Claus still went off with Heat Miser. Can’t say I blame her. I figured the marriage was in trouble for some time even before Heat Miser stoked her fire. But Santa’s my friend. I hope she roasts with Heat Miser in his volcano South of the Border!

When Santa came to see me, I felt so sorry for him. He was once so lively and quick – now I could hardly see the twinkle in his eyes or the merriness in his dimples. “She was right about me, Yukon” he confessed, “I have put on too much weight. And I was only going through the motions with the marriage.” He looked at me with pleading eyes. How could I resist his call for help? Truth was, I was in love with Santa – been so ever since we met – when he was just Kris Kringle and we got entangled in a struggle with the Burgermeister Meisterburger over in Sombertown. And I was a young prospector – looking to stake a claim. Of course, I kept my sex life to myself back then – still do – not exactly in the closet, but not advertising it, either. I get myself some, when I get a tinkering for it – Humphrey, Santa’s Head Elf, is a friend with benefits, if you know what I mean. And King Moonracer and I had a fling once, but that was a long time ago. Now, Kris Kringle – Santa Claus – really churns my butter. Trouble was that though I suspected Santa might play for my team, he was so deep in the closet, he could see Narnia! Subsequently, I had various reasons for helping Santa solve his problems.

Boy – did Santa dedicate himself to the training program I set up for him. And Clarice the elfin dietician set him on a great course of adjusting his diet. Gone were the Christmas fruitcakes and cookies. Santa began to eat nutritious and well-balanced meals. It would take time and patience – I told him – but in six months, the old Kris Kringle had reemerged. Santa was once again a beefy, brawny hunk of a man – a Muscle Machine even. He turned heads at the gym and all over the North Pole. Of course, Santa always turned heads wherever he went, but now I could see many appreciative glances from grown women and men who would have liked to see Santa come down their chimneys. The men included those mischief makers, Jingle and Jangle, and the Winter Warlock, who, rumor had it, was a Leather Daddy who liked to dominate the men who found their way to his lair. Then again, I caught Jingle – or was it Jangle? – and the Winter Warlock checking me out, too. But I only had eyes for Santa. Every once in a while, I caught his eyes lingering over me, but he never made a move. Nor did I. I resolved that after the rush of Christmas Eve, I was going to Tell Kris – Santa – how I felt. So, I told him I’d be waiting for him at his home and workshop, when he returned from his Christmas Eve ride.

I let myself into the house through the back door and left my parka, faux rabbit fur hat, and boots in the tackle and mud room. I wore my usual – jeans held up with braces and a red flannel shirt – but chose a pair of jeans that was especially worn in. I wanted Santa to notice how the britches showed off my best assets – my bubble butt and full package. After brewing a pot of coffee in the kitchen, I then made my way through the house to the front parlor. The house was quiet, since the elves had left on their month-long vacation earlier, after loading Santa’s sleigh. After setting a fire in the fireplace, I settled down on the sofa in the parlor, lit my pipe, picked up a novel to read, and stood ready to hear the jingling of bells, signaling Santa’s return. I was more than a little nervous about what I intended to do that Christmas morning – face Kris and declare my love for him.

After a spell, I heard the sound of tiny feet pattering on the wooden floor out in the hallway leading to the workshop beyond the staircase. It was dark, and at first, I thought it was my imagination. Then, I heard it again followed by giggling.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” And then I heard more pattering feet.

“Who’s out there?” I called out.

No response. I put my pipe down next to Santa’s, rose from the sofa, and went out to the hallway to investigate.

“I know someone’s here. Show yourself.” I demanded.


The door to the workshop stood ajar, and the lights were on. I pushed the door open and walked into the workshop.

“Come out from wherever you are. I know someone’s in here. It’s no use hiding.” I looked around but couldn’t see anyone. Then I heard giggling from behind me.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

I turned to face towards the hallway once more. No one was there.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” It came from behind me. I quickly turned to face the workshop again.

Jingle – or Jangle I could never tell them apart – stood before me.

“Hi there, big boy!” He said to me, trying to sound seductive.

“Jingle – what’s going on? Why are you still here? And where’s your brother?”

“Oh, hot stuff – I’m Jangle. Jingle’s behind you – ready to catch you.”
“Catch me?” I began to turn around. “What in tarnation do yo…” Before I could finish a large net was thrown over me and Jingle – or was it Jangle – blew some glitter in my face that he held in his hand. It smelled like sugarplum –

Fairy Dust!!!

Fairy Dust rendered you catatonic but still completely aware. It immediately entranced me, and I began to crumble to the floor of Santa’s Workshop. The twins grabbed hold of me to ease me to the floorboards and then started to dance and sing around me.

🎶🎶Think Of All the Fun We’ve Missed!🎶 🎶 Think Of All The Fellas We Want To Kiss! 🎶🎶 Next Year, I Could Be Just As Good 🎶 If You Check Off My Christmas List🎶🎶Santa Baby, I Want Yukon Cornelius 🎶 And Really 🎶 Who’s Knotted A Lot🎶🎶Been An Angel All Year🎶🎶Santa Baby, So Hurry Back To The Workshop Tonight!!🎶🎶

“We’ve got to get to work, Jingle!”

“You’re right, Jangle. Oh! I so look forward to this!” Jingle crouched down and took the netting off me. “Oh! Yukon’s such a stud! Lemme…Lemme…” He swatted at his brother’s hand away and reached under me to grab hold of the button of my jeans after easing my suspenders from my shoulders and arms. He unclasped the button, unzipped me, and started to pull my denims down. “They’re so tight on him. He’s so ripped – my Big, Sexy Cherry Man! I will have to yank harder to get them past his muscular hindquarters and down his thunder thighs. Oh! Jangle just look at that toned tush – Yippee!”

Jingle reached between my thighs and tickled my taint. It sent shivers through me – strangely enough under the circumstances – a rather pleasant sensation.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!! Look, Jangle – Yukon Cornelius twitched – I think my Big, Sexy Cherry Man liked it!!! “He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” Jingle giggled and rubbed his hands together. “Stripping him is like opening a present on Christmas morning. “He-he he-he he-he he-he!! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

“Well, it is Christmas morning, Jingle – And stop that – you don’t have time to play with him now.” While his brother took my britches off, Jangle tore my red flannel shirt from me – none too gently I might add. “Help me get his arms behind his back, Jingle. Oh! Dringle Drangle! Yukon is heavy – all those muscles – I better put more of the Sprite’s Spice in the Eggnog. Santa is all brawny like him now. It’ll take a large dose of the Sprite’s Spice to knock him out!!”

Santa? The Sprite’s Spice? Knock him out? Oh! Jeez Louise! These two elfin oafs plan to take down Santa. What are they trying to do? I have to warn him! Damn this Fairy Dust – I could be out of it for a while –

Jingle reached up between Yukon’s thunder thighs yet again and tickled his taint once more. Yukon quivered again at the elf’s touch.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!!” Yeah, my Big, Sexy Cherry Man – you want that, don’t you?’ Jingle cooed.

Oohh! Hmmm! Come On, Cornelius – Get a hold of yourself – you can’t be having this reaction!!These tricksters are kidnapping me – but why does that feel so good?

“Stop that, Jingle -- Get the jeans all the way off him – and his socks too – Good!”

The elfin brothers had Yukon Cornelius in his Birthday Suit in no time.

“Now, get me the green rope over on the workbench. We’ve got to start tying him up. Bring the red ball-gag and cellophane tape too, while you’re at it.” Jangle directed Jingle. Jingle skipped over to the workbench, where he grabbed what Jangle wanted and soon skipped back and put everything beside the prone prospector.

“We’ve got to lash his wrists together first.” Jangle took Yukon’s arms and crisscrossed them behind his back at his wrists. Jingle quickly laced them together tightly, making sure Yukon could not get at the green knots.

“Okay, now we’ve got to roll him over.” Jangle said.

“Finally – I get to see Yukon’s tool and baubles!!!” Jingle clapped.

Together, Jingle and Jangle rolled Yukon onto his back, and they were greeted with quite a surprise.

Oh! No! Now they’ll know – Yukon worried that now Jingle and Jangle would see that –

Yukon Cornelius sported quite the boner – a very hard – rigid – erection that had Jingle quickly doing an impromptu jig and song!

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!! 🎶Cornelius is so Fine and Dandy🎶🎶Lord, it's like a Hard Candy Christmas🎶

“Would you settle down, Jingle. Get a hold of yourself. You know that Faerie Dust has that effect on men – gay men, especially.” Jangle shook his head disapprovingly at his identical twin brother.

“I know – I know, Jangle. But I’ve wanted to see Yukon Cornelius naked for the longest time. And now I have – and he’s at full mast. Can’t I get a hold of Yukon, while I get a hold of myself? Tee-Hee! Besides – you’ll get your turn with Santa.”

“Well, I won’t, if we don’t hurry.” Jangle admonished Jingle. He pulled a bright red jockstrap from his back pocket and threw it at his brother. “Here, have fun putting this on him. He-he he-he he-he he-he!! You’ll have a hard enough time getting his Woodie and Cherry Nuts to fit into the pouch – but I think you’ll manage. He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

Jingle eyed Yukon Cornelius’ Pride ‘n Joys, then gave Jangle a big smirk. “With that cherry man bush and the cherry fuzz around his balls – I bet Yukon’s Shaft and Nuts taste both sweet and sour! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

Jingle worked Yukon’s feet through the straps of the jockstrap and then pulled the supporter up and over his manly legs. When he reached Yukon’s forbidden forest, Jingle had to push Yukon’s rigid Meat and Potatoes to one side, so that he could get the waistband set properly. Jingle couldn’t resist, and he took the opportunity to tickle Yukon’s taint some more. This resulted in Yukon poking Jingle in the eye with his stiff chubby. Jingle erupted into fits of giggling, but a stern look from Jangle put Jingle to work again. He maneuvered Yukon’s hard cock and balls into the pouch, and when he was done it truly looked as if Yukon Cornelius had pitched a tent and was ready to prospect.

Once Jingle had Yukon Cornelius’ junk packaged, he went to work tying up Yukon’s legs starting at his ankles, then working upward – lashing his legs right below his knees and then threading the green rope between and around his thighs right below Yukon’s forbidden forest. There he met Jangle, who was busy tying Yukon’s arms to his side, interlacing the green rope around his broad cherry-furred chest and shoulders and across his taut abs with that fine cherry trail that led to his crimson cabbage patch. Jingle ran his fingers through Yukon’s crimson short and curlies.

“Oh! They’re so warm and fluffy.”

Humm…why does that feel so good!!! Yukon couldn’t believe his thoughts.

Once they were done binding Yukon, the two elfin brothers high-fived each other. They were just in time, because they heard Santa’s sleigh off in the distance. The reindeer with Rudolph at the lead would soon be guiding the sleigh in for a landing. Jangle quickly grabbed the red ball-gag and inserted the ball into Yukon’s mouth and strapped the gag tightly shut at the back of his head. Jingle had the cellophane tape in hand. Before he wrapped it around Yukon’s mouth and head, he bent down and kissed the comatose man. “🎶All I want for Christmas is you, Yukon!🎶” He sang softly to his Big, Sexy Cherry Man, and then swathed the adhesive cellophane over the red ball-gag and circled Yukon’s head with it several times.

Jingle and Jangle then dragged the bound and gagged Yukon Cornelius over to a standing toy chest built to store the largest toys the Elves made. It was thus big enough to suit a brawny, beefy man like Yukon Cornelius. Jingle and Jangle pulled the tied-up man to his feet and stuffed him in the chest, nestling him between two large, life-sized Teddy Bears, who would keep Yukon upright and muffle any sounds he might make. Right before they closed the door, Jingle took a green bow with two bells attached and pinned it to the pouch of Yukon’s bright red jockstrap. He flicked Yukon’s balls with his fingers, causing the bells to jingle. Yukon let out a moan, which meant that the Faerie Dust was beginning to wear off.

Jingle turned to Jangle and asked, “Should you give him another dusting of the Faerie Dust?”

“No,” Jangle answered, “It’ll wear off slowly enough, so that he won’t interfere with our sacking of Santa. He’ll be awake once we’ve given Santa the eggnog spiked with the Sprite’s Spice.”

Jangle was just about to shut the toy cabinet closed, when Jingle yelled, “Wait! I almost forgot.” Jingle darted off and was back in a flash with Yukon’s Aviator hat in his hands.

“I want my Big, Sexy Cherry Man looking his best.” He explained to Jangle, as he adjusted the hat on Yukon’s head – making sure the ear flaps were down.

Jingle gave a final ping to Yukon’s junk – causing the bells to jingle once more – before blowing a kiss at Yukon. “Tootles for now, Sexy Scarlet!”

They shut the door to the Toy Cabinet, and Yukon Cornelius was enveloped in darkness – bound and gagged between two giant teddy bears propping him up.

Just how long Yukon Cornelius remained locked in that chest, he could not tell. A fogginess to his mind lingered from the Faerie Dust, and the workshop remained quiet for some time. Yukon gradually focused on the impending doom that was about to befall Santa at the hands of those trickster twins, and he tried to come up with a way to warn his friend and the object of his desire. Entrammeled, gagged, and half out of it as he was, Yukon Cornelius could only bide his time in this closet of sorts.

The Faerie Dust had completely worn off by the time Yukon heard one of the tricksters talking with Santa. Buttressed between the over-stuffed and life-sized teddy bears and with the ear flaps of his Aviator hat down, noise from outside the toy cabinet sounded muffled. The red ball-gag and tape gagging him smothered what little noise Yukon Cornelius could make. He tested the bonds, but they were tight. Jingle and Jangle knew how to a tie a man tightly – after all they each attained the rank of Penguin Pixies, when they were Boy Pixies. And to reach that level, a Boy Pixie needed to know every knot to make sure the bundles of toys were secured securely in Santa’s sleigh. Yukon Cornelius – try as he might – just couldn’t reach the knots that Jingle and Jangle had fastened so fastidiously. The only thing left to Yukon was to wriggle as best he could to get the bells on his balls to jingle – hoping Santa might hear them ring.

🎶🎶Bells are ringing – Santa – Are you listening?🎶🎶 In the case – I’m twisting🎶🎶 🎶🎶 A bound & gagged plight – We’re sappy tonight🎶🎶 Falling into a Winter Hand-Cuffed Land!🎶🎶

It was no use. Yukon’s balls could not ring those bells to a climatic release. The teddy bears and the restrictive restraints restraining Yukon encumbered his movement, and the sticky tape and the scarlet ball-gag stammered his speech. Yukon could not warn Santa of the hijinks on the horizon awaiting him from Jingle and Jangle!

Next, Yukon sensed Jingle – or was it Jangle – approach the chest. The door flung open, as Yukon heard one of the elves drawl out, “Here’s Yukon…”


Yukon saw Santa before him. His eyes were unfocused, but Santa wore an expression of shocked surprise. Yukon began to gyrate his hips more tolling the tocsin, but it was too late.


Santa staggered toward the cabinet. He swayed on his feet and tried to focus on Yukon.

“Whath have yous two dun nowth?” He garbled. And then Santa began to collapse –

The Sprite’s Spice has gotten to him!

Yukon watched, as those devious, little twins caught Santa before he fell face first onto the floor. They eased him down gently. And then, Yukon witnessed them dance their little jig around Santa’s prone body and sing their deceitful ditty, before they got to work at stripping the now strapping Santa and fettering him as they had fettered Yukon a short while ago.

Once Jingle and Jangle finished strapping Santa to the pole, Jangle attached a silver bow to the pouch of the gold lame jockstrap they had dressed him in. Like the bow attached to Yukon’s athletic supporter, the silver bow had two bells hanging from it. They were old-colored bells. Jangle began to jingle the bells by flicking the Kringle family jewels, which caused Kris to stir from his involuntary slumber.

“Ho…Ho…Ho…My head!” Santa’s head lolled from side to side as he wakened. “Ho…Ho…Ho…that hurts.”

Yukon saw Santa slowly realize the predicament he was in. He watched his friend wince from the sharp pain to his Kringle balls, when Jangle grabbed his junk. Kris tried to protect his big nuts from Jangle’s fingers by covering them with his hands, but he quickly grasped the fact that his hands were tied behind his back. Yukon was so engrossed in the spectacle before him, that he failed to notice Jingle removing each of the over-stuffed and life-sized teddy bears on either side of him. Jingle then climbed into the toy chest and leaped onto Yukon. Jingle wrapped his legs around Yukon’s waist and his arms around Yukon’s neck. He began to kiss Yukon’s on his red ball-gagged and cellophane adhesive-taped mouth.


“Oh! My, Big and Sexy Cherry Man! You’re so strong – Just keep balancing on those tree trunk legs of yours! I want to kiss you from top to bottom – and I do mean your bodacious bottom! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

Jangle had likewise leaped onto Santa tied to the pole and had his legs wrapped around Santa’s newly svelte waist and his arms around his neck. Jangle started kissing the ungagged Santa on the lips. Kris was only partially conscious as yet, but Jangle’s kisses roused him from the strong-armed snooze that The Sprite’s Spice forced on him.

“Hi Ho! Kris Kringle – Let’s get kinky!! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

“Ho…Ho…Ho! What’s going on! Stop that, Jangle! Stop that!”

Jingle ceased kissing Yukon Cornelius and looked over to see what his brother was up to. Jingle started to sing, and he reached behind Yukon to poke his finger between the bound man’s butt cheeks.

🎶🎶I saw Jangle kissing Santa Claus🎶🎶Who was tied up to a pole on Christmas Morn!🎶🎶 Then I saw Jingle tickle Yukon’s taint🎶🎶Underneath his jockstrap Oh So Tight! 🎶🎶


Yukon began to feel another poke – this time at his six-pack abs –right where Jingle straddled him. It dawned slowly on him that that poke didn’t come from Jingle’s fingers or feet.

“MMPPUUUHHMMMHHH??” Uh?? Yukon looked at Jingle hesitantly.

Jingle gave him a wink.

“Yup – that’s what it is, My Big Sexy Cherry Man!” Jingle wriggled around poking his stiffy into Yukon’s buff belly and then lower right into Yukon’s own Johnson.

“UUHHMMIIGGHHUUUDDTTHH!” Omigod! Yukon stewed.

Meanwhile, Jangle began to grind his pelvis into Santa’s white furry and sinewy stomach. Yukon saw Jangle’s elfin buns in his tight jeans squeeze and flex.

“Ho...ho…ho! What’s going on? Untie me, Jangles. Stop that! Fi...Fye…Fo! Omigosh! What are doing, Jangles! Is that…” Kris Kringle looked shocked.

Yes, it is, Santa Baby! My candy cane is ready to spray my peppermint! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

🎶🎶Fine and Dandy Santa🎶 🎶 It's Jangle’s hard candy Christmas🎶🎶

“Ho…Ho…Ho!! Help!!! Someone help us!” Santa began to yell for help.

“Sorry, Santa…the other Elves have left. There’s no one around who will hear you. Even so, I think it’s time to shut you up!”

Seemingly out of the air, Jangle produced a silver leather breather gag. Jangle dangled the leather muffle in front of Kris Kringle.

“Far too many Ho Hos from you, Santa! Or can I call you Kris, Santa Baby!”

“Don’t you dare gag me, Jangle – And No, you canno...MMMPPPHH!”

Before Santa – Kris Kringle – could finish his sentence, Jangle inserted the gag – which had a bulky, penis-shaped protrusion on its inside – into his mouth and tightened the strap behind his head. Kris’ indignant protests were reduced to jumbled grumbles.


“You’ll be ho…hoing soon enough, Kris!” Jangle taunted Santa, ignoring his command. As he continued to straddle Santa around his waist, Jangle also began to play with his Boss’ nipples through the forest of snowy white hair that matted his manly pectoral muscles. Santa’s grumbles of protest soon slowly turned into protests of pleasure.


Beholding this scene in front of him, Yukon Cornelius worried for his friend and – he had hoped – his lover, but that worry turned to fascination, as Jangle played with Santa’s hard, erect nipples alternating between tweaking, pinching, biting, and kissing them. Yukon – without the benefit of the Faerie Dust – began to grow hard in his bright red jockstrap, and – indeed – he saw that Kris was beginning to experience the same sensation.

Jingle – still wrapped around Yukon’s waist – soon noticed Yukon’s chubby as his jockstrap pouch pitched a tent.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!! Oh! My Big, Sexy Cherry Man likes what he sees. Let’s see If I can get you to pitch a bigger tent!” Jingle reached behind Yukon Cornelius and pinched, prodded, and patted Yukon’s pert patootie, causing the bound and gagged man to thrust forward, sideways, and every which way to avoid Jingle’s fingers. All Yukon succeeded in doing was setting the bells on his ball to jingle and sending Jingle and his identical twin brother Jangle grasping Kris Kringle into peels of giggles.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!! He-he he-he he-he he-he!! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

Jingle and Jangle then began to sing.

🎶🎶 Santa’s Balls, Yukon’s Balls! 🎶 Jingle And Jangle Are Taking Those Balls Away! 🎶🎶 Now Santa’s Fur Is White 🎶Twirl it While You're Young 🎶🎶Take The Men Tonight 🎶And Sling Them In Sleighing Thongs 🎶🎶Just Hitch A Bow-Line Knot 🎶🎶Two-forty At His Limbs 🎶🎶Then Hitch Him On An Open Sleigh And Crack! You'll Take The Lead! 🎶🎶Oh! Santa’s Balls! 🎶Yukon’s Balls! 🎶Jingle And Jangle Them All The Way!🎶🎶


Yukon wriggled, writhed, and twisted in his bondage trying to shake Jingle from him, but like Kris Kringle, Yukon Cornelius grew ever more aroused from the Elf working him over. Yukon could not help but find Jangle’s manhandling of Santa alluring. And Yukon grew hornier, as Jingle pinched, slapped, and prodded his muscular hindquarters.

Suddenly, Jangle stopped. He climbed down from Santa. Santa was perplexed – He was outraged that the two elves had him and Yukon all tied up and gagged. He was incredulous that they dared to feel him and Yukon up. But the pawing and petting stirred something in him.

What’s going on, Kris? I can wring the necks of these evil Elves! Yet – Omigod! Yukon looks so freaking hot all tied up and wearing that red jockstrap. His face is so cute – gagged like that! And – so help me – Boy – Does he ever have the most beautiful red hair covering his brawny body. And Jeez! My nipples are so sensitive. From the looks of it – Yukon is enjoying this, too. That jockstrap is straining from the length of Yukon’s tool. It must be massive. His short and curlies look so cute, too.

Jangle meanwhile walked over to his identical twin brother Jingle, who still straddled Yukon and was still smacking the man’s meaty butt.

“Ah, Jingle.” He tugged at his brother’s arm. Jingle was too entranced with Yukon to notice, at first.

“Oh! My Big, Sexy Cherry Man! Yes – you like getting that brawny butt of yours smacked. I’ll have to spank it properly – you tied down to one of the work benches.” Jingle continued to coo, as his brother tried to get his attention.

“Ah – Jingle! Come On, Jingle” Jangle tugged his brother’s arm harder.”

“Sexy Cherry – What? Jangle leave me alone – You’ve got Santa over there all tied up – go play with your wrapped up present – and let me play with mine. We can switch later, if you want. I’ll let you play with my bound and gagged Big, Sexy Cherry Man, if you let me play with the Boss!”

“We can’t, Jingle.”

“Can’t? What are you talking about, Jangle? We’ve planned this kidnapping for a long time.”

“We can’t, Jingle. It goes against our Elfin Code of Ethics.”

“The fuck it does, Jangle.”

“It does, and we can’t. It’s against their will. Look at them.”

Jingle looked at Yukon, who was dazed and confused, He then looked over at Santa, who had the same look of confusion and surprise. Jingle also noticed the very large erections each man sported.

“But Jangle – look at their wood. They’re each ready to burst their nuts! He-he he-he he-he he-he!!”

“I know THAT, Jingle – But it’s not for us that they are aroused – look at them!”

Jingle looked up at Yukon, who had a goofy – no, a hungry – look on his face. He was looking past Jingle and over at Santa.


Jingle looked puzzled and turned to his brother. “I’m pretty sure he just said, ‘Kris I want you.’”

Jingle crawled down from Yukon.

“And look at Santa, Bro!” Jangle pointed at their bound Boss. He had an equally hankering gaze directed at Yukon. It also looked as if Santa was attempting to wriggle out of his jockstrap.

“That’s kind of a sexy, little twirl Santa’s doing, Jangle,” Jingle noted, “Work it, Santa.”


“And he wants Yukon, Jingle.” Jangle put his head down, took his chin in his hand, and thought for a while.

Jingle stood by the tied-up Yukon Cornelius as Jangle thought. Jingle prodded Yukon every so often to watch and hear the bells jingle on the man’s jockstrap, which had tented to gigantic proportions. Jingle looked over at Santa tied up to the pole, gagged with the silver muzzle, and dressed only in the gold lame jockstrap with the silver bow attached to the pouch. And that pouch – like Yukon – Santa had pitched a tent whose proportions equaled – if not rivaled – Yukon’s. But what really drew Jingle’s attention was the way the two men looked at each other. There was lust in their eyes to match their cocks were ablaze with desire.

“Ah, Jangle – the Faerie Dust and the Sprite’s Spice are still working their magic on our two lovebirds. With his white furry hair, it looks like Santa has pitched a ten-inch pole in the middle of the North Pole. And my Big, Sexy Cherry Man looks like he has a similarly-sized shank rooted in a bed of red man cabbage. Those potions are exceptionally potent!”

Jangle looked up at his brother and then at Santa and Yukon.

“That’s not the effect of the potions, Jingle. These two have the hots for each other – have had them for a long time. I figured it out a long time ago, back when Kris Kringle first became Santa Claus. He was a beefy buck back then – so was Yukon Cornelius. He-he he-he he-he he-he!! I used to catch Yukon steeling glances at a naked Kris Kringle in the locker room of the gym, where I was a trainer. Boy, was Kris a catch! All Beefy – with red hair back then like Yukon’s. And I saw Kris give Yukon a more than the appreciative once-over more than once! They were both closeted then, Jingle. When he became Santa, Kris’ hair turned snowy white. It suited him. But the times being what they were – very homophobic and all that – Kris never acted on his feelings for Yukon. And the world would not accept a gay Santa Claus back in the day. That’s when Mrs. Claus came in. Oh! She was a real beauty! Didn’t you ever wonder why they didn’t have kids, Jingle?”

“Can’t say that I did, Jangle. He-he he-he he-he he-he! I only ever wanted Yukon.” Jingle watched as Yukon and Santa each writhed and squirmed about against the ropes – jingling all the way – breathing lustily through their nostrils and moaning under their gags.



“See, Jingle – they’re moaning for each other. They were meant to be together. Santa and Yukon have had the hots for one another since they were younger men. But Santa couldn’t express his feelings for Yukon, because of society’s prejudice in those days. So, Santa took a wife, but the marriage was doomed to fail. I can’t blame Mrs. Claus for leaving him for Heat Miser.”

“He-he he-he he-he he-he! I bet she’s riding a heat wave right now, Jangle.” Jingle giggled.

“And good for her. Mrs. Claus deserves to be happy – even if it’s with that Bad Boy, Heat Miser. So, do Santa and Yukon – and we’re going to make that happen, little brother.”

“Only older by 7 minutes, Jangle! Oh! Alright! What do you have in mind to do with Santa and my Big Sexy Cherry Man? He-he he-he he-he he-he! I still want to have some fun with them.”

“Oh! We’ll have plenty of fun, Jingle. Just look at them. They may be pretty mad at us, but Santa and Yukon are enjoying being tied up. Their states of arousal, squirming and wriggling about, trying to get free – it all combines with their desire for each other. And I suspect Yukon delighted in the spanking you were giving him. His adorable butt kept on backing towards you after you delivered those playful smacks to it. And Yukon so desperately wants to be with Santa – as does Santa want Yukon to be with him. So – it’s our Elfin duty to bring them together. Now – I’ve got to untie Santa from the pole, march him over to that workbench over there –” Jangle pointed to a workbench with a padded cushion and very sturdy legs under a large picture window with a tremendous view of the North Pole. “I’m going to tie him up bent over the bench with his legs spread out and secured to the legs of the workbench, so Santa will be ready for Yukon’s entry.”

“You mean, Jangle – we’re going to let Yukon...?”

“Yup, Jingle. We are – and they want to do the deed. Just stand there…Get ready to reveal Yukon Cornelius’ hardware to Santa, when I tell you.”

Jingle stood beside the brawny, bound and gagged, ginger-haired and bearded man. Yukon squirmed in his bonds, but Jingle saw that his Big, Sexy Cherry Man had begun to struggle more out of horniness than frustration of being tied up. As Jingle began to pat Yukon’s bulky frame, for the first time the Elf really understood Yukon. Yeah, Yukon lusted after Santa – but Jingle saw something else in the prospector come gym owner’s eyes. Yukon loved Kris Kringle. And as much as Jingle wanted to pop the cherry of his Big, Sexy Cherry Man, he knew that it would be wrong, since Yukon wanted another man.

“Yukon, you want Santa, don’t you?” Jingle asked him, as Jangle began to untie Santa from the pole.

Yukon looked at Jingle. He was as mad as hell that the two mischievous elves had gotten the drop on him and then Kris, before stripping them down, putting them into these revealing, bell-jingling, Christmas-themed jockstraps before tying them both up, gagging them, and finally pawing and petting them. Yukon thought that he’d tar and feather these twin twinks, when he got free. But then…

I hate to admit it, but…I kinda like getting overpowered by a couple of little guys I thought that I could easily take. Yeah, it’s intense – Boy, Kris looks great. All that time in the gym under my supervision and his new diet – he’s become one hot Muscle Daddy! But’s he’s still the Kris Kringle I fell in love with the day we met. I want him so – And he looks so friggin’ sultry all tied up and gagged. And I have to admit – I enjoy being bound and gagged like this myself. And when this elf spanks me – it shivers me timbers and gives me wood.

So, Yukon looked intently at Jingle for a moment or two, before he slowly began to nod his head up and down in assent – Yes, Yukon wanted Santa.


Meanwhile, Jangle had untangled Santa from the pole, and he told him to bunny hop over to the front of the tall toy-cabinet where Yukon now stood in front with Jingle’s hand on him lest he fall down. The two jock-strapped clad, bound, gagged muscle men soon stood face to face with their very erect cocks brushing against each other. Both men started to fidget in their attempt to get even closer. The clinking bells on their jockstraps played a very obscene tune.

“DDHHUUKKOONNTTTHH” Yukon Santa moaned and twisted his head to the side, as he tried to kiss Yukon through his muzzle-gagged mouth.


Jingle and Jangle did not have to know gag-speak to translate Santa’s response.

“AAHH DDHHUUVV UU!” Kris answered, as Yukon’s equally tape-gagged lips met his.

The elfin twins looked away to allow their boss and his newly discovered lover their moment of intimacy.

Before long, however, Jangle had Santa bunny hop to the bench, where he quickly untied the jolly Muscle Daddy’s hands. Santa was too filled with lust for Yukon to resist, as Jangle bent him over the bench and retied his wrists together in front and pulled his arms down to secure them to a crossbar under the bench. Jangle then unhitched the bindings from Santa’s legs. Jangle pulled the silver jockstrap down and had Santa step out from it. Jangle then stretched the now-naked Santa’s legs apart before fastening those sinewy limbs to the supports at either end of the bench.

Once his brother was done securing Santa, Jingle had Yukon bunny-hop over to position the bound prospector come gym owner right behind the exposed Santa’s very muscular hindquarters. Jingle took a moment to admire the snowy hair-flecked, strapping buns and man cave of Father Christmas! He let out a low whistle, as he gave a playful smack to his Boss on those cheeks.

“You sure don’t skip Leg Day, Santa Baby! Yukon – my Big Sexy Cherry Man – you’ re going to enjoy exploring Santa’s snowy dark @$$#013! He-he he-he he-he he-he!”

Jangle sighed and shook his head in mock disbelief. He then walked over to a sideboard. Opening the top drawer, he retrieved a golden pot and a package, before returning to the others with the objects in hand.

“What are those?” Jingle asked.

Unscrewing the lid of the golden pot and opening the package, Jangle giggly explained. “He-he he-he he-he he-he! This, dear brother,” Jangle held up the golden pot. “…is from Seamus O’Shaughnessy the leprechaun. As you know, once you catch a leprechaun, he must reveal where he’s hidden his pot o’ gold to you. We met at Stiff Cox’s Pub last St. Patrick’s Day. We went back to his hollow trunk in the Faerie Tree, where I soon had him naked, tied up, and gagged on his bed. I forced him to reveal his pot of gold to me, as I fondled his Irish meat and potatoes. He nodded over at the nightstand. Opening the drawer, I found the pot of gold. Inside was this.” Jangle showed the open pot to his brother.

“Leprechaun Lube! He-he he-he he-he he-he” Jingle giggled at his discovery of the contents of the pot.

“Water-based, of course. He-he he-he he-he he-he!” His twin answered, as he proceeded next to open the package. Jangle tossed a small packet to his brother from the contents inside. Jingle deftly caught it.

“And you’ll need to put that on Yukon. This package of “French Letters” is courtesy of Frère Jacques, when I stormed him last Bastille Day, as morning bells were ringing. He-he he-he he-he he-he!”

Jingle noticed with a twinkle in his eyes thar it was a magnum, ribbed, pre-lubricated rubber. “This should fit you, My Big Sexy Cherry Man.”

Jangle scooped some of the Leprechaun Lube from the pot o’ gold and began to prepare Santa for Yukon. Right before he lubed Santa’s butt crack and chute, Jangle bent low to Santa’s face and spoke softly to him.

“Boss, Jingle and I are not sorry for tying you and Yukon up and gagging the both of you, too. Yes, we’re a couple of mischievous elves, but we’ve known for a long time that you had the hots for Yukon and he for you. Mrs. Claus – she may have left you high and dry – but you have to admit, Boss, you were not the right man for her. So, Jingle and I decided to bring you and your true love together. You want Yukon, don’t you, Boss? And that means, you want Yukon to ride you, doesn’t it, Boss?” Jangle looked intently at Santa before continuing. “We also observed a long time ago that men like you and Yukon – men who are assertive and are used to giving orders – you might enjoy losing control…giving it up to men like me and my brother. Getting tied up and giving control sometimes to other men is pleasing, comforting, and enjoyable to confident and authoritative men like you and Yukon. Come on, Boss – you like being tied up and gagged, don’t you?

Kris Kringle – Santa – looked Jangle in the eye. This elf and his twin brother had caused him a great deal of trouble. They were always messing around, and this had to be the biggest muddle the two had ever created. Kris was ready to wring their necks, to kick their puckish patooties to the curb, and to send them packing to the South Pole. Yet – Kris – he could hardly bring himself to think it, let alone – No, Kris had to admit there was a great deal of truth to what Jangle had just said. Kris had fooled himself into thinking that he could make a marriage work with Mrs. Claus. He did love her – in a way – and she loved him, but Kris could never give her what she wanted. She’d be more fiery and more passionate with the Heat Miser.

Santa tested his bonds. Jangle knew how to tie a man twice his size up very well. Santa was not going to get free any time soon. Santa – Kris – was surprised. And for some strange reason, Kris felt safe and secure. It felt good to cede dominion over himself to another man – an elfin underling no less. He spent all his waking hours throughout most of the year directing those elves in their toymaking, and more and more now Kris yearned for someone to tell him what to do. Getting the tables turned on him gave Kris a tingly feeling of refuge from all that command.

And the struggling against the ropes and his futile attempts to cry for freedom from behind the leather muzzle gagging him triggered some long-forgotten memories of having been bound and gagged alongside Yukon Cornelius once before – when they had tangled with the Burgermeister Meisterburger, the joy-killing, toy-hating, tyrannical mayor of Sombertown. The henchmen of the Burgermeister Meisterburger waylaid Kris and Yukon, when they came to town to hand out toys to the good, little boys and girls there. They ended up shackled in ropes and chains in a dungeon underneath the Town Hall. The Burgermeister Meisterburger demanded to know who had sent them. Neither Kris nor Yukon would reveal that Tanta Kringle had told them about the poor little tykes of Sombertown, so the Burgermeister Meisterburger subjected them both to torture. As each man underwent nipple twisting and pinching, the other was gagged with stockings that had been hung to dry by chimneys with care to prevent him from offering comfort to his companion. Kris remembered how he noticed Yukon grow aroused from that manhandling, only to look down and seeing a raging hard-on tenting his own breeches! It was a sensation both new and familiar. New – because Kris felt horny twisting and wriggling in bondage and watching Yukon do the same. And familiar – because
every time he was beside his friend Yukon, Kris’ eyes wandered up and down Yukon’s brawny, beefy, and manly physique. It resulted in Kris throwing wood. Deep down, Kris knew that Yukon looked at him the same way with similar result to Yukon’s manhood.

Kris could deny it no more. He was in love with Yukon and desired him more than anything in the world. He did not care who knew it. The world would have to accept a gay Santa Claus. With Yukon by his side, Kris was now prepared to step out of the closet. But now, all Kris wanted was Yukon deep inside him. So, Kris returned Jangle’s gaze and began to slowly nod his head up and down and grunted his assent through the gag to the mischievous elf’s queries.


And so, Jangles took a dollop of the Leprechaun Lube from the pot o’ gold and began to lubricate Kris’s robust rump and chute. While he did so, Jangles advised his Boss on how to relax and push out, as Yukon slid his prick inside him.

Meanwhile, Jingles prepared Yukon for entry.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he! My Big, Sexy Cherry Man – you’re about to experience what you’ve long been waiting for. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Yukon gave Jingles a sidelong glance and began to nod his head up and down.


“He-he he-he he-he he-he! Let’s get you ready then for some safe sex!”

Jingles crouched in front of the bound and gagged Yukon and pulled his jockstrap down. It jingled as it came to a rest mid-thigh level. As Yukon’s very erect schlong broke free from the pouch of the athletic supporter, it hit Jingles on his pointed nose.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he!”


“That’s Okay, My Big, Sexy Cherry Man1 You can hit me with your rhythm stick anytime! He-he he-he he-he he-he!”

Jingles put a bit of the Leprechaun Lube on the head of Yukon’s rod before sliding Frère Jacques’ pre-lubricated, French Letter on and down his shaft. Jingles then gently guided Yukon in bunny hops over to the workbench that Santa now straddled. Soon, Yukon’s now-sheathed and very hard prick grazed Kris’s gate to paradise.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he! Yukon’s piston is ready to bump and grind, Jangles!” Jingles declared to his twin brother.

“And the Boss is ready for him, Jingles” Jangles answered him!

To offer some encouragement, Jingles started to cuff Yukon’s hard budunkadunk. The bells on the slipped down jockstrap began to jingle, and Yukon Cornelius slid partway past the entry between Kris Kringle’s cakes.

“MMHH!! MMMHHH!! MMMMHHHH!!!!” Kris grunted first in pain, as he felt Yukon’s cock enter his tight hole. Yukon waited a moment for Kris to adjust to the new sensation before he slid partway out. Jingles patted Yukon’s patootie again, and the ginger haired and bearded, brawny man once more slid into Kris’ buns – this time inching further up his velvety smooth and moist tunnel. Jangle soon noticed that Kris’ own north pole jutted rigidly up in the air in reaction to Yukon pounding his arse.

“MMHH!! MMMHHH!! MMMMHHHH!!!!” Kris now groaned in pleasure. Jingles rhythmically and playfully began to whack Yukon’s beefy bum, and, in turn, Yukon began to pump in and out of Kris’s muscular hindquarters in time. Soon, this trussed tryst elicited muffled moans of ecstasy from the two men behind their gags. Santa’s workshop was filled with what sounded like covetous carols sung by a captured couple! Jingle and Jangle began to sing their own carol to serenade the shackled but united in love pair.

🎶“Here cums Santa Claus, 🎶here cums Yukon, 🎶right up Santa’s Lane🎶
🎶Yukon’s Blitzen and his bro globes pumping on the taint🎶
🎶Bells are ringing, 🎶Elves are singing, 🎶Santa’s cherry is tight🎶
🎶So hang your stockings and say your prayers, 'cause Santa ‘n Yukon cum tonight🎶

Before long, both Kris and Yukon drew close to ejaculating – their curbed cries of rapture hummed roughly through the workshop.

“MMHH!! MMMHHH!! MMMMHHHH!!!!” Kris kringled

“MMHH!! MMMHHH!! MMMMHHHH!!!!” Yukon yodeled.

The pinioned pair could hold it no longer. Yukon clenched his strapping booty and thrust hard once more, and he popped Kris’ cherry. At that moment, Kris began to shudder in sexual satisfaction. He crunched his face up ready to bust his nuts. Just as the Arctic sun began to shine through the windows of Santa’s Workshop, Yukon shot his load into Frère Jacques’ French Letter deep inside his true love. As streams of his man juice pulsed into the condom, waves of pleasure washed over Yukon. Simultaneously, Kris sprayed jets of his Santa seed onto the floor of his toy shop. A slick and sweaty Yukon – still bound and gagged – slumped exhausted onto the back of an equally slick and sweaty – and bound and gagged – Kris. Jingle and Jangle clapped their hand together, linked arms, and performed an elfin jig in celebration.

“He-he he-he he-he he-he! 🎶Here cums Santa Claus,🎶 here cums Yukon, 🎶right up Santa’s Lane🎶 They'll cum around when chimes ring out that they made love tonight!”

The two elves were so busy dancing around and singing their song that they failed to notice a figure had entered Kris Kringle’s abode, and he had been standing in the doorway to the workshop for some time observing the little scene that had just played out. He was as tall as Kris and Yukon but more muscular and cut than the two other leading figures of the North Pole. The man was dressed in his trademark black leather. He wore Doc Martens on his feet. His leather trousers fitted over his muscular legs like a second skin and highlighted his ample package and bountiful buttocks. A leather vest barely covered his upper body and was buttoned to accent his tapered waist and display his broad, black-furred chest and equally broad shoulders. One black, studded arm band (matching his black studded, leather belt) wrapped around one of his very muscular arms. The man sported a neat trim, jet black beard. He was a very handsome man with a straight nose, sensuous lips, high cheekbones, and piercing dark blue eyes. His hair, like his beard, was trimmed short and jet black. He now smiled very slyly.

“What have you two elves done to Kris and Yukon?” His voice boomed across the workshop.

Jingle and Jangle stopped dead in their tracks. Jingle shook in terror, while his twin brother Jangle looked over at the man in shocked surprise.

“Winter Warlock – What are you doing here?”

To Be Continued…Christmastime 2021!!
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Post by Volobond »

A humorous, Christmas-related-pun-filled, joyful sleigh ride through the climax of Yukon and Santa's first time together! It's been fun to see, and I can't blame Jingle and Jangle for wanting two handsome muscle men bound and gagged to play with! I wonder, though - will the Winter Warlock take Santa and Yukon for his own Christmas Day Presents, or will he truss up Jingle and Jangle like Yuletide Geese?

Or, will the wacky little elves be able to wangle their way into having Three Muscle Kings in Bondage Afar?

I suppose I'll have to be very good if I want some more captive hunks sent my way this Christmas!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I adore everything about this sequel; from the blooming love between Yukon and Santa Claus to how the elf duo helped them.

This setting was surprisingly ripe for bondage scenarios so I'm glad that you're not abandoning it. Great job, dude. Definitely the best Christmas story I've ever read. ;)
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by szlm1515 »

Can't wait next Xmass😍😍😍
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Damn! How many days until Christmas 2021? This story was so creative. The roping scenes, Kringle’s workbench, er, revelations, the suppressed bromance into bonds of romance, Yukon’s helpless struggles with the cords… and the sight of Chris in the same plight… and the hilarious tricks and songs of that pair of cunning elves! Not to mention the bell-end bows and bells on those humiliating jockstraps.... Man, this year, my Christmas stocking get well and truly stuffed. Thanks for the winter cheer!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Man, this year, my Christmas stocking get well and truly stuffed. Thanks for the winter cheer!
So happy to oblige [mention]Muscle-Flex[/mention]! I love stuffing men's stockings with cheer! :D
I adore everything about this sequel
Thank you as always, [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] ;)
Or, will the wacky little elves be able to wangle their way into having Three Muscle Kings in Bondage Afar?
Well, [mention]Volobond[/mention]...you've given me an idea... :) And [mention]szlm1515[/mention], you may not have to wait that long... 8-)

I'm working on the final chapters of "Bound in Byzantine Bonds," but I may take a short interlude to have these bondage-loving brothers abduct a few other characters who hang around and work out at Yukon's Gym, such as the Easter Bunny, who in reality is a Gym Bunny :P And his workout partners are that trio, The Three Muscle Kings who travel afar to lift at Yukon's Gym! ;) Jingle and Jangle make the Easter Bunny show them what's in his basket, and they make the Muscle Kings display their gifts. Caspar is a Turkish wrestler. Melchior is an Indian cricketer. And Balthazar is a decathlete from central Africa. They're a thruple. :shock:

And they'll take the four of them to the Island of Misfit Toys, where they'll overthrow King Moon Racer (a real Lion of a Man). All the while, the Grinch (another Leather Muscle Daddy) has been observing all from his perch on Mt. Crumpit. With the help of his sidekick, Muscle Max, the Grinch steals them all! :twisted:

How's that for a sequel? :lol:

And as for Kris Kringle and Yukon Cornelius -- Well, the Winter Warlock keeps them on ice in his private dungeon (aka his playroom). :D
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Post by Volobond »

Haha, sounds like an exciting little universe of bondage! Perhaps with ol Kris out of the way... Jingle and Jangle might fulfill some of our Christmas dreams and send us some hopelessly bound hunks? ;)

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago I'm working on the final chapters of "Bound in Byzantine Bonds," but I may take a short interlude to have these bondage-loving brothers abduct a few other characters who hang around and work out at Yukon's Gym, such as the Easter Bunny, who in reality is a Gym Bunny :P And his workout partners are that trio, The Three Muscle Kings who travel afar to lift at Yukon's Gym! ;) Jingle and Jangle make the Easter Bunny show them what's in his basket, and they make the Muscle Kings display their gifts. Caspar is a Turkish wrestler. Melchior is an Indian cricketer. And Balthazar is a decathlete from central Africa. They're a thruple. :shock:

And they'll take the four of them to the Island of Misfit Toys, where they'll overthrow King Moon Racer (a real Lion of a Man). All the while, the Grinch (another Leather Muscle Daddy) has been observing all from his perch on Mt. Crumpit. With the help of his sidekick, Muscle Max, the Grinch steals them all! :twisted:

How's that for a sequel? :lol:
This trio sounds like a dream. I can hardly wait for you to write them, it's a brilliant concept!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Holy Holiday Horseplay [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] ! With stories like that you will have my Cadbury Easter Eggs loaded with cream, my censer full to the brim with myrrh, and the toys in my toychest looking dull by comparison. All the Whos down in Whoville say yay! I think they are already getting out their miles of Christmas ribbon. You know how much they love wrapping up big hunky toys for all the good boys (or is it that they like wrapping up all the hunky boys into good helpless toys?)
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Since the holidays are coming up fast, I thought I'd update this story.

I hope y'all enjoy it! :)

Jingle and Jangle Hijinks: A Christmas Kidnapping III
Jingle and Jangle and The Three Sage Studs

Santa’s Workshop, Christmas Morning
Winter Warlock glowered ominously over the elfin twins, Jingle and Jangle, before he returned his gaze to the bound and gagged Santa Claus and the equally bound and gagged Yukon Cornelius. The handsome Leather Muscle Daddy was very pleased and leered lasciviously at the detained and drained duo. In no uncertain terms, he enjoyed the sight of the North Pole’s crimson bearded, former prospector and current gym owner slumped over the back of the newly well-muscled Saint Nick, after Yukon had just shot his load up Kris Kringle’s chimney. Turning back to the elves, Winter Warlock demanded of them.

“And just how did you impish twinks get the drop on these two?”

“Ah…hhhmmm…” Jingle hemmed and…

“aaaawwww...” and Jangle hawed.

“OUT WITH IT!” Winter Warlock bellowed at the two hesitant hobgoblins.

“Faerie Dust.” Clanged Jingle.

“And Sprite’s Spice.” Chimed in Jangle.

“Those are powerfully hypnotic love drugs. Kris Kringle and Yukon Cornelius will be out but aroused for some time to come. How did you get your hands on those poppers?’” Winter Warlock gave Jingle and Jangle an icy cold stare that sent shivers through them.

“Well – After Valentine’s Day last February, I met Cupid at Stiff Cox’s Pub. After a few rounds, we went back to his Love Nest” Jangle confessed.

“And…go on.” The Winter Warlock thundered.

“Well, we started to…”

“Cut to the chase!”

“I tied up Cupid in a Venus Fly-Trap. While he was ensnared in its embrace, I rummaged through his quiver and found his supply of Faerie Dust and Sprite’s Spice. I helped myself to some.” Jangle provided the Reader’s Digest version of his tie up game with the 23-year-old, very studly son of Venus and Mercury.

Winter Warlock walked over to the tied-up twosome, his Doc Martens making hardly any noise on the well-polished floorboards of Santa’s Workshop. The cool wizard grabbed the left cheek of Yukon’s brawny buttocks in his large right hand and gave the handsome mountain man a good squeeze.

“Mmm…mmm.” Yukon mumbled his semi-conscious, postcoital pleasure under his gag.

Admiring the muscles of the strapping sapper of the North Pole, the Winter Warlock leaned over to inspect Yukon’s package.

“Yukon has quite a pole himself – even spent as it is. And no wonder he gave up prospecting – why go prospecting for gold when he his own precious nuggets worthy of any gold he might find in The Yukon. Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Winter Warlock then turned his attention to Santa, who was still bent over at his waist and bound to the work bench. A mixture of Yukon’s splooge and Leprechaun Lube trickled from Santa’s South Hole and down his strapping legs. Winter Warlock sniffed the sex in the air, as he looked over and saw Kris’s spilled Santa-seed on the floor of the toyshop.

Winter Warlock gave an impromptu rendition of Eartha Kitt’s Christmas classic.

🎶 “Oh, Santa Baby…Cum’s dripping down your chimney tonight!” 🎶

As he stood looking at his nemesis – all bound and gagged alongside his confrere similarly constrained – a sinister scheme started to storm the psyche of the sorcerer of snow. Santa with Yukon had long guarded the peace and tranquility of the North Pole and prevented him from wreaking havoc. Winter Warlock now had a chance to change that. All he had to do was keep Kris and Yukon under wraps for a while. “The Freezer” – the Playroom at his mansion – would be a perfect spot to keep them in cold storage.

“You…” Winter Warlock pointed to Jingle. “Go fetch Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze. They’re both outside. I need them in here – pronto!”

“Bbbrrrr…” Jingle shivered at the thought of getting Winter Warlock’s sidekicks, Jack Frost and Cold Snap, aka Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze. They worked together and usually heralded the arrival of Winter Warlock. The last time Jingle encountered them was at Stiff Cox’s Pub around Thanksgiving. He had one too many Blue Pixie Sticks that night and challenged the drafty duo to a game of darts. Despite his inebriated state, Jingle won. Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze kept icing their darts over, which then fell short of the Bull’s Eye. In retaliation, Mr. Frost nipped Jingle’s nose, and Mr. Freeze almost froze the elf’s arse over. He had no wish to repeat that chilly encounter again, but he was even less inclined to cross Winter Warlock, who could send him into hibernation for good! Jingle hightailed it out of the Workshop into the cold, Christmas morning air of the North Pole.

While waiting for Winter Warlock, Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze had assumed their positions --- standing straight and erect, feet shoulder width apart, their heads up but with their eyes downcast to some invisible point on the ground on the driver’s side of a Black Lincoln Navigator. The two were brothers – fraternal twins. They were both good-looking guys – but they had very chilly demeanors. Their skin was incredibly pale – one could say an icy pallor. Like the Winter Warlock, their eyes were dark as the Artic. Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze were habitues of Yukon Cornelius’ gym – and it showed. Both were well-muscled from their necks to their ankles. Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze dressed identically. This morning they wore skintight, black leather trousers with black Doc Martens. The trousers highlighted their ample packages and bubble butts. Over their brawny torsos, they each had on black puffer down jackets sized one down to accentuate their physiques. The jackets were zipped only partially way up to reveal the black leather, studded chest harnesses each wore across their broad, shaved chests and above their smooth six-packs. They sported dark lensed, black Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses and fitted, short black leather gloves. Atop their close-cropped heads were black wool beanies cuffed and worn to cover an exact quarter inch of the tips of their ears.

When they saw Jingle coming out of Santa’s Workshop, their eyes shot up from behind the dark lenses of their Ray Bans. Jingle felt the chill of their ice-cold stares boring through him.

“Well, look who it is, Jack Frost” Cold Snap said to his brother.

“What do you want, little elf?” Mr. Frost asked Jingle.

“I…eeeerrrr…came out to…Oh Gosh! By Golly! It’s cold out here!!” Jingle shivered.

“He’s not so warm now without those Blue Pixie Sticks under his belt, is he Cold Snap?”

Mr. Frost looked down with frosty precipitation at Jingle. “Better be careful, elf! Try to pull one on us again like you did at Stiff Cox’s, I’ll give you a taste of my specialty.”

“What…would…that…be?” Jingle asked hesitantly.

“Frostbite – On your pixie-sized prick!”

Jingle instinctively cupped his crotch.

“Hey, I’ll have you know that I’ve had no complaints about the size of my…”

But when Jingle saw Mr. Frost move menacingly toward him, he thought discretion the better part of valor and turned to the purpose of his mission.

“Winter Warlock wants you inside.” He told them.

The two were off like a flash into Santa’s Workshop, leaving an Artic chill behind in their wake. Jingle shuffled off after them, shuddering all the way. When he arrived back in the Workshop Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze had assumed their positions before their Dom. Jingle realized then that their eyes were downcast towards a point slightly above Winter Warlock’s knees. Jingle joined his own brother off to one side of the glacial gang and next to their bound-up boss, Kris Kringle and the equally lanyard-rigged Yukon Cornelius. They listened as Winter Warlock gave orders to his subs.

“Take these two,” Winter Warlock indicated Santa and Yukon, “back to the fortress and put them in “The Freezer.”

“Yes, SIR!” Mr. Frost snapped to attention.

“Right away, SIR!” Mr. Freeze did likewise.

“It may be easier for you to transport them, if you carry them off in…” Winter Warlock looked around Santa’s Workshop until he found what he was looking for.

“There – in the far corner…” He pointed to a corner of the Workshop where the elves stored packaging material.

“Take two postal bags from that stack and stuff Santa and Yukon in those bags. It will be fitting to carry Santa and his friend away in the bags that bring letters from people all over the world to him detailing their Christmas wishes.”

Winter Warlock indicated the large, gray, heavy canvas postal bags that lay empty in one corner of Santa’s Workshop. The letters they had once carried had been opened in the weeks before Christmas so Santa and his elves could fulfil the Christmas wishes of good, little tykes the world over. So vast and weighty was the correspondence delivered to Santa at the North Pole that postal services across the globe strengthened those bags with strong leather bottoms and leather strips at the seams. It was not only Christmas Lists that the bags carried, too. Santa also received gifts from time to time from around the world – and often those gifts were cats, dogs, and other little pets. Of course, Santa always regifted those pets to deserving recipients and to the local chapter of the SPCA at the North Pole. But to carry those small animals – the postal services perforated the sides of the canvas bags with metal grommets to allow air to circulate. Now, Winter Warlock planned to send Kris Kringle and Yukon Cornelius care of delivery to his own workshop of sorts deep inside his North Pole fortress, where his subordinates could deep-freeze Kris and Yukon until he was ready to defrost them!!!

In a cold flash, Mr. Freeze and Mr. Frost dashed over and grabbed two of the largest postal sacks and in a cold snap were soon beside the packages they were to deliver. Kris and Yukon were still in a catatonic state as much from post-coital bliss as the effects of Fairie Dust and Sprite’s Spice. Working together in a flurry of activity, Winter Warlock’s twin subs set to work in unwrapping Kris and Yukon from their present circumstances and rewrapping them to fit into the postal bags. They first pulled the crimson-haired, burly, former prospector off the snow-haired, brawny toymaker. The bound-up buddies needed some buffing before bundling them in the bundles. Jingle pulled Yukon’s bright red jockstrap up over his magnificently muscular hindquarters, while Jangle finagled the former prospector’s hefty cock and balls into the pouch. The bells of Yukon’s Christmassy athletic supporter chimed along the way. After leaning Yukon against the Toy Cabinet in which he had recently been imprisoned, the frigid freres untied Santa from the workbench and pulled him to his feet. They then readjusted the straps his gold lame jockstrap over his bodacious, bubble butt and carefully pocketed his spent St. Nick’s Prick back in the chime-pealing pouch of his holiday supporter. Kris soon joined Yukon against the Toy Cabinet.

“Since they’ll be hanging in ‘The Freezer’ inside those bags for the time being – truss them up like a couple of Christmas ornaments.” Winter Warlock ordered.

Mr. Freeze and Mr. Frost grabbed strands of miniature Christmas lights and started to trim Kris and Yukon. They reinforced the bonds at their wrists, ankles, and above and below their knees with colored lights. They used white lights around their upper thighs and their waists to highlight their high and tight buns of steel and muscular midriffs. Winter Warlock’s sidekicks took up some more colored holiday sparklers and crisscrossed the taut torsos, broad shoulders, and brawny arms of Kris and Yukon with them. After Mr. Freeze and Mr. Frost tightened the strands of Christmas lights around their captives, the chilly chums took yards of heavy-duty garland in hand to ball the Yuletide duo up into Christmas bulbs. Mr. Freeze pushed Yukon’s knees up to his chest. He then tied one end of silver garland around his ankles and looped it under his beefy buttocks to bind the other end around his wrists. With more silver garland, Mr. Freeze affixed Yukon’s thunder thighs to his firm upper body. Like his brisky brother, Mr. Frost took garland in hand – gold colored though – and tied up Santa likewise. A yard of gold garland curled around Kris’s ankles, coiled under his rich rump, and curved around his wrists. Still more garland convoluted around and bound his strapping thighs and sturdy trunk together. As soon as it took a cool nip to set in, Kris and Yukon were trussed up like a couple of Christmas ornaments ready to set alight!

Mr. Freeze and Mr. Frost pushed Kris and Yukon onto their backs. They then took the extra-large postal bags, opened them wide, and pulled them over Kris’s and Yukon’s feet. Mr. Freeze and Mr. Frost then tugged the heavy canvas carriers under and somewhat around the holiday-hitched, hefty men. Pulling Kris and Yukon upright, the would-be mail carriers drew the bags up to their necks…

“Just a minute…” Winter Warlock stopped them.

“Yes, Sir.” They answered in unison and assumed their positions to await further orders before they cinched the bags closed at the necks of their captives.

Winter Warlock picked up Yukon’s red plaid aviator hat with ear flaps, which had fallen from his head. He looked around the Workshop and lighted upon Santa’s bright red wool, stretch knit beanie with white pompom and cuff. It was a variation on his trademark cap. Ever since he buffed up, Kris preferred the fitted beanie to the floppy hat. Winter Warlock also picked up some rolls of red and gold duct-tape. He tossed those to his icy underlings.

“Here – reinforce their gags. I don’t want to hear any Ho…Ho…Ho’s from Father Christmas here,” he indicated to Kris. “Or Eureka’s from him,” he said, pointing to Yukon.

Jack Frost set to work on applying more gold tape to the already well-gagged Kris. He coiled the golden adhesive over Kris’s muffled mouth and around his head several times. Jack’s brother Cold Snap took the red duct-tape and mortared Yukon’s muted maw some more before winding the roll around his head a few times. By this time, Kris and Yukon had begun to come to from the daze under which they were bewitched.

“Mmmpphhhooo…Mmpphhooo…Mmmppphhhooo…” Kris tried to shake the webs from his head.

“Mmmmppphhhzzz…Mmmmmpppphhhhzzz…mmmpppphhhhzzzz…” Yukon moaned.

Kris slowly came to. It was taking Yukon longer to regain consciousness. As their present circumstances began to dawn on Kris – bound up into balls and bundled in mail bags. Kris tried to break free. His mail bag shook and chimed from the bells on his jockstrap. Try as he might, however, he could not break free. His jolly old face grew red in frustration, and he snorted in anger.

“MMMMGGGRRRHHHH!!!!” Kris griped.

He looked about him. When he alighted upon Winter Warlock and his sidekicks, a look of astonishment crossed his face. The mail bag really quaked and tolled now!


“HA! HA!! HA!!! Poor Kris Kringle – I’m kidnapping you and Yukon Cornelius – that’s what I’m doing here!”


“I dare very well, Kringle! And you can thank your elves – Jingle and Jangle – for packing you and your red-haired lover up for me!”

Kris glared over at his mischievous employees. The mail bag juddered and jingled, as Kris shook in foiled fury! Jingle and Jangle looked down at the floor, too ashamed now of what they had gotten Kris and Yukon into.

“But enough out of you! Time for my subs to carry you and Yukon off to “The Freezer.”

“NNNUUUUU!!!” No!!! Kris shook his violently.

Winter Warlock poured some Fairie Dust in his hands and stood over Kris in his bundle. He crouched low on his haunches and blew the narcotic into Kris’s face. Its effect was immediate. Kris Kringle was once more stupefied. Winter Warlock repeated the same to Yukon, before he awoke from his earlier dose of the sedative. Winter Warlock next adjusted the caps of the two. He pulled Kris’s beanie down tight on his head, and he made sure the ear flaps of Yukon’s aviator hat covered his ears.

“I want to make sure our dynamic duo doesn’t catch cold in “The Freezer!” He chortled.

Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze smirked to themselves – knowing what frosty fates awaited them.

“Now – we must go. Away with them! On the way home, I want you to drop me off at Stiff Cox’s. I understand King Moonracer may be around today. He usually drops by to see Santa for some Christmas Cheer to thank him for taking some of his subjects – the misfit toys – to good, little rascals on Christmas Eve. He could prove a thorn in our side, if he hears that I’ve abducted Santa and Yukon. I may have to abduct him and let him join these two.” Winter Warlock explained.

Jingle and Jangles looked at each other –guilt and worry washed over their faces.

“Sir – How shall we store them, once we’re back to the fortress?” Mr. Freeze asked.

“Ah…when you get them home, you’ll take them to “The Freezer” and remove them from the mail bags. Place them in the heavy-duty netting and hang them from the ceiling hooks in “The Cooler.” They’ll keep, until I’m ready to thaw them out for play!”

“YES, SIR” The brisky brothers answered in unison.

One at a time – starting with Yukon -- Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze carried the heroes of the North Pole out of the Workshop to the Lincoln Navigator, where they deposited the poor, pinioned pair in the cargo hold. Before Winter Warlock left Santa’s Workshop, he turned to Jingle and Jangle.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you two naughty imps.” He barked.

“What could we possibly do for you that we haven’t done already, Winter Warlock?” Jangle asked.

“Yes, we’re just two elves minding our own business.” Jingle said innocently.

“Don’t give me that balderdash! You two are in this up to your necks! It was YOU who waylaid your Boss and his friend! Now, that you’ve had your fun with them, and I’ve taken them off your hands – all you want to do is wash yourselves of the whole kit and caboodle!”

“Well, now that you mention it, WW, we’ll be moseying along…” Jingle grabbed Jangle and turned to go.

“NOT SO FAST, YOU TWO!!!!” Winter Warlock bellowed.

The elves meekly turned around.

“You have another task to perform for me.”

“What can we possibly do for you, Winter Warlock?” Jangles asked and braced himself for the answer.

“There will be a trio of visitors arriving later today at the North Pole…”

“Well, it’s Christmas, Winter Warlock, I’m sure they’re paying a holiday call to someone’s home. But everything else is closed – so they won’t find too many around to greet them.” Jingles said, thinking Winter Warlock had forgotten what day it was.

“I know that, you prank-playing pixie!!!”

“Yeeessss…Sir.” Jingles quivered in answer.

“At the gym the other day, Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze overheard Yukon Cornelius tell Peter Cottontail that the trio would be arriving today, and he was putting them up until after the New Year. They’re traveling afterwards – they need to be in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on the Sixth of January…”

“Who are they, Winter Warlock?” Jangles asked.

“I was getting to that before you interrupted me – you cur!”

“Sorry,” he offered and in an aside to his brother, “’Cur?’ What is he – a ham actor?”

Winter Warlock rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief that he had to deal with these two.

“They are the Three Muscle Kings – Caspar Arslan, a Turkish wrestler – Melchior Patel, an Indian cricketer – and Balthazar Mandaba, a decathlete from Central Africa…”

“Why are they called the Three Muscle Kings?” Jangles queried.

“If you stop interrupting me – I’ll tell you.”


“They’re at the top of their sports. They work out a lot. And they’re a throuple!”

Jingles suppressed a knowing giggle.

“What do you want us to do, Winter Warlock?” Jangle chimed in.

“I want you to kidnap them for me.”

“Kidnap? We’re no kidnappers!” Jingle protested.

“Don’t give me that, Hagseed! What do you call what you two did to Santa and Yukon?”

“’Hagseed?’ Hey – Just hold on a sec’ WW – our mother was not a Hag! Tsk! All we wanted was to have some fun with our Jolly Ole Boss and Mr. Big Cherry Man.” Jingle confessed.

“And get them to see that they are crazy about each other!” Jangle pleaded.

Winter Warlock ignored the last comment.

“Well – you did an expert job at tying the two of them up and gagging them. You may have a future as Doms – if you play your cards right, I could take the two of you on as apprentices. But – for now – you’ll abduct the Three Muscle Kings for me.”

“Where will we find them?”

“They’ll be at Yukon’s Gym later today.”

“Today? It’s Christmas, WW!! Nothing’s open on Christmas Day!” Jingles moaned.

“Well – Yukon’s will be. He’ll have two workers on staff there – the Easter Bunny, Peter Cottontail and the Pilgrim, John Smith.”

“Why them?” Jingle wanted to know.

“Cottontail won’t be busy until the spring. He volunteered to work today in the spirit of the season. Smith was going to be alone today. He saw all his relatives at Thanksgiving. And his husband, Powhatan, is in Virginia for the annual meeting of the Algonquian tribes.”

“And the Three Muscle Kings?’

“From what Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze overheard, the Three Kings will go directly to the gym, because Yukon left a spare key to his place there with Cottontail. Yukon told Cottontail to suggest a workout to the trio first before they headed over to his place. Yukon would meet them later for a big Christmas dinner with Kris Kringle.”

“Except they won’t be meeting later.” Jangle noted.

“No – they will be. The Three Muscle Kings will join Yukon Cornelius and Kris Kringle tonight – trussed up in “The Freezer” – thanks to you two!! Ha! Ha! Ha!” Winter Warlock roared with laughter.

“Thanks to us?” Jingle wondered aloud.

“YES!” Winter Warlock roared back in anger. “Don’t cross me, Elves!! I can make your lives miserable! Deliver the Three Muscle Kings to me by midnight tonight…Or Else!!!”

With that Winter Warlock blew out of Santa’s Workshop, leaving a freezing draft behind him.

Jingle and Jangle shivered from the tips of their pointy ears to their toes in their pointed red Elf shoes. Their mischief had made its mark. Thanks to them, Kris and Yukon were now in the hands of Winter Warlock and his sidekicks – Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze. If they hadn’t jumped them, knocked them out, and tied them up, Kris and Yukon would not now be Christmas bulbs hanging in cold storage. Yes – all the two elves wanted was to bring Kris and Yukon together – the two had been pussyfooting around long enough – waiting for the other to make the first move. And Jingle and Jangle thought – Why not get them together and have some fun while doing that! Now – the elves had to take stock of what happened – and what Winter Warlock wanted them to do! They looked about the Workshop. It looked as if a blizzard had come through – then again, blizzards were Winter Warlock’s stock in trade.

“What do we do, Jangle? We can’t cross WW! He’ll freeze us so we’ll never thaw out if we don’t do as he says!”

“I know, Jungle, I know. But I’ve got a plan. We can’t cross him. We’ll have to grab the Three Muscle Kings. And we can’t leave our Boss and the Big Cherry Man in the clutches of Winter Warlock. We must get them out of “The Freezer.” We’ll use the Three Muscle Kings to get into Winter Warlock’s fortress. And from there...”

“From there…” Jingle looked at his brother for answers.

“From there…I don’t know, Jingle, but we must try. If we don’t…this may be Santa’s last Christmas!!!”

“Oh, Dear...Oh, Dear!!” Jingle giggled a worry.

Jangle yawned and looked at his watch. “But we need to get some sleep first. We can’t kidnap three, strapping athletes this afternoon, if we’re not well rested. We’ll have to take care of Peter Cottontail and John Smith before the Three Muscle Kings arrive at the gym.”

“And we can’t do it on empty stomachs, either.”

“No, I suppose not.” Jangle rolled his eyes at his brother.

Jingle and Jangle locked up Santa’s Workshop before heading out to the Elves’ Bunkhouse to catch some z’s. They had a big afternoon and night ahead of them.

To Be Continued…
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Waking up to be notified that one of your stories got updated always makes my day, [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]! And what a great update this is!

Jingle and Jangle were real rascals but at least their hearts were in the right places - to a degree. Winter Warlock is a true bad guy and I like that the mischievous twins have real doubts about obeying him. Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze, subs as they may be, are also quite intimidating men.

The way Santa and Yukon got ball-tied with festive material before being bagged was super hot and I appreciate that they at least got to keep their jocks and hats! Even though their situation is grim, your cheeky and witty writing makes the whole kidnapping affair an enjoyable read.

I'm looking forward to meeting with the Three Muscle Kings (especially Caspar, whom I take the liberty of imagining as a Burak Özçivit lookalike :D ) and it's going to be pretty interesting to see how the elves are going to abduct three muscle-bound athletes together. And they are not even the only targets they need to beat!

Thanks for this chapter, I'm really looking forward to the next one!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 1 year ago Waking up to be notified that one of your stories got updated always makes my day, @KidnappedCowboy! And what a great update this is!

Jingle and Jangle were real rascals but at least their hearts were in the right places - to a degree. Winter Warlock is a true bad guy and I like that the mischievous twins have real doubts about obeying him. Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze, subs as they may be, are also quite intimidating men.

The way Santa and Yukon got ball-tied with festive material before being bagged was super hot and I appreciate that they at least got to keep their jocks and hats! Even though their situation is grim, your cheeky and witty writing makes the whole kidnapping affair an enjoyable read.

I'm looking forward to meeting with the Three Muscle Kings (especially Caspar, whom I take the liberty of imagining as a Burak Özçivit lookalike :D ) and it's going to be pretty interesting to see how the elves are going to abduct three muscle-bound athletes together. And they are not even the only targets they need to beat!

Thanks for this chapter, I'm really looking forward to the next one!
You are very kind, [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]!!! I'm chuffed. :)

As for the Three Muscle Kings...

Burak Özçivit would be the perfect Caspar. My other Muses are:

Ravindra Jadeja as Melchior

And Garrett Scantling as Balthazar.

Stay tuned... :D
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Post by Volobond »

My friend, I am always stunned into silence by your alliterative artistry and Holiday Themed Hijinks!

I love seeing Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze as the matching subs of the Winter Warlock, and their sinister chill subdued by a look from the Hyperborean Hunk! I can't wait to see just what awaits Santa and Yukon in the Freezer, what saucy spells and binding blessings WW will cast upon them and others, AND how Jingle and Jangle will save Christmas through mischief and magic!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Volobond wrote: 1 year ago My friend, I am always stunned into silence by your alliterative artistry and Holiday Themed Hijinks!

I love seeing Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze as the matching subs of the Winter Warlock, and their sinister chill subdued by a look from the Hyperborean Hunk! I can't wait to see just what awaits Santa and Yukon in the Freezer, what saucy spells and binding blessings WW will cast upon them and others, AND how Jingle and Jangle will save Christmas through mischief and magic!
Thank you, [mention]Volobond[/mention], for your compliment. Might I add you, too, are very adept at alliteration, yourself!

Glad you are enjoying Winter Warlock and his frosty flunkies. As for Santa's foolish fools, they'll need to craft some cords around unsuspecting men to free their boss and his bosom buddy!
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Post by harveygasson »

Hahaha wow this is brilliant! Really loved where this went/is going and I'm impressed with how much 'lore' etc you've crammed into this with all the characters
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Hahaha wow this is brilliant! Really loved where this went/is going and I'm impressed with how much 'lore' etc you've crammed into this with all the characters
More "Lore" to come!!! :)

Thank you for reading and commenting on the story.
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