Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
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Saturday, May 23 (11:05 PM)

The moment I laid eyes on my beefy Master's powerful jawline and intimidating scowl, I was once again swept off my feet and enamoured by the sheer awesomeness of his presence. The aura he radiated was very different from Zack's. Whereas his friend had all the qualities of a fairytale knight, Nick had something far more rugged and animalistic about him.

Even when being soft with me, his raw power and primal brutishness seeped through the cracks of that calm and composed veneer of his.

My man was a beast, and a dangerous one at that! Just looking at his jaw-droppingly huge muscles and glancing at those piercing blue orbs of his reminded me of just how much of a predator he was. And right now that hunky predator had me trapped and gagged in the very smelly confines of his puffy prison-lair.

My eyes followed along as the two-meter-tall goliath-hunk slipped his heavily overstuffed puffer jacket off and slowly undressed. His boots came off, his trackies were removed, and then the tight-fitting muscle-shirt gave way to the biggest, buffest, most awesome arms, pecs and shoulders I'd ever seen.

I'd been sleeping in this beast's bed for nearly five weeks already, yet I just couldn't seem to get over how freakishly huge he was. Zack may have had the most mind-boggling thighs, but Nick most definitely had the craziest biceps.

My 248-pound, blue-eyed boyfriend crinkled his nose up and sniffed the air a bit before making a face and glancing down at me.

"Man, it really stinks in here, doesn't it?" he complained, causing me to crinkle my own nose and nod in agreement.

I watched as the broad-chested muscleman sniffed the air again and grabbed one of his boots from off the floor.
He took in a tentative whiff close to its opening and immediately recoiled away from it.
The smell coming outta there really didn't seem to sit with him too well, but a few more seconds of investigating quickly convinced him of the fact that his footwear was surprisingly not to blame for the stench that permeated the air around us.

The boots did stink pretty bad, but the stench wasn't coming from them, nor was it coming from the clean pair of socks he'd donned prior to our departure from the house eleven hours ago.

"Aww god. It's Zack's shoes!" the blond man hissed, keeping his voice low so as not to be heard by the meaty-thighed, brown-haired muscle-king.

From the look on Nick's face, it was quite obvious that he found his fellow Alpha's powerful foot odour even worse than his dad's. And quite honestly, so did I!

Oh, don't get me wrong. Mr Hoffmann's socks, boots and shoes stank like you wouldn't believe.
But Zack's feet absolutely REEKED of cheese!

"Mhhggmm ggnmmh nn dmmph." I futilely muttered, desperately reminding Nick of the fact that, unlike him, I had no way of escaping the smell.

I tried motioning my head towards my duffle bag, wanting him to open it and see the garbage bags I'd brought in anticipation of this problem. Nick looked at me, but with my hands trapped to my sides and the frustratingly fat sponge ball in my mouth, getting my message across proved virtually impossible.

"What's wrong, babe? You tryin' to say something?" came my brutish muscle-king's visibly amused query.

I tried articulating through Zack's speech-proof ball again but soon found myself huffing and groaning in unbridled frustration.
That's when Nick came up with the brilliant idea of introducing me to his buddy's shoe for the first time.

Fatigue was blatantly displayed on his handsome face, but I guess the sound of my muffled speech-talk reminded him of just how helpless I was. I was sacked, gagged and had no way of getting a word out or escaping my fate. This was quite simply too good an opportunity to waste.

My initial reaction was to shake my head no and growl in my gag when I saw the blond goliath reach gown and grab his hunky friend's ratty old shoe from the floor. Unfortunately, that only added fuel to the fire and caused the jockstrap-clad brute to sit down next to my emprisoned form and open Zack's giant sneaker up.

"You haven't sniffed his shoes yet, eh babe? You've sniffed his hockey gloves and you've sniffed his socks, but now it's time you took a whiff of his bad boys." he teased, scooping my head up out the monstrously fat sleeping bag cocoon and wrapping his powerful fingers around the back of my skull.

The enormous, dingy-looking running shoe was brought down towards my grimacing face.
My nostrils tentatively flared open in an attempt to draw air before the pungent thing got too close, but the smell coming out of it was so strong and vile that I choked and gagged on its stench.

Nick chuckled and kept teasing me by hovering the rotten, cheese-infested trainer above my face.

"Yeah, stinks pretty bad doesn't it?" he asked, causing me to nod my head as much as I could and grunt disapprovingly beneath my sponge gag.

With my face turning green and my eyes watering over, the 248-pound muscleman must've known that I was on the verge of being sick and puking my guts out. But that didn't stop him from pressing his attack and making fun of how helpless I was.

"You wanna take a closer look? Wanna have your face inside it? Yeah, I know you do, boi. Here you go." he smirked, clamping the fetid running shoe onto my face and laughing at the fact that its gaping maw was seemingly able to swallow it whole.

I choked and gagged on the potency of Zack's foot odour, and found myself wondering how on Earth someone so righteous, so noble and so kind could produce foul smells of this magnitude. The stench of Zack's footwear was even more unbearable than Mike's!

"Shhh. Not so loud, babe. Haha! Yeah, I told you it smelled bad, didn't I?" Nick whispered, pulling the sickeningly putrid thing off my crosseyed face and speaking to me as though I was the one who'd asked to sniff it.

The man hovered the giant size 13 trainer over my face for a few more seconds, but then grew tired from the strong, cheesy fumes coming out of it and tossed it back to the floor where it belonged.

I got to sample Zack's footwear that night, but that's not the only thing of his I was forced to become acquainted with.

"Looks like Prince Charming left us his boxers as well." Nick spoke, grabbing his friend's huge, baby blue boxer-briefs.

My boyfriend had no interest in sampling the cloth, but I guess he thought it would be funny to stick the chivalrous hockey player's undies over my face and let me bask in the scent of his friend's crotch for a minute or two.

Truth be known, I was rather looking forward to that. With the exception of Nick, with whom I was madly in love with, Zack was undoubtedly the hottest, most handsome guy I'd ever laid eyes on. Not only could his smile melt me from the inside out, but the sight of his gargantuan thighs and that very hefty-looking package of his literally had me swooning with desire.

It didn't compute in my mind that he'd arrived at the campsite an entire day before we had and it didn't fully register that he'd been wearing those blue boxers for two days in a row already. My desire to sniff the gorgeous man's worn undies had me practically lifting my own head up to greet them.

Of course, when the boxers came down I pretended to wanna escape and get away.

Nick just chuckled and smothered my face with them until I filled my lungs up.
And fill them I did!

I took a big whiff of Zack's cloth and ended up realising my mistake when an unexpected dampness made itself manifest against the underside of my nose.

In his uncaring haste to make me sniff the warrior-king's discarded boxers, Nick had unknowingly gobbled my nostrils up into the overly generous rear end material that lined his buddy's oversized bums.

My nose, or more specifically, my nostrils were left flaring right beneath the wet sweat patch that had formed around Prince Charming's odorous butthole. And by the time I realised what part of his briefs my sniff-holes were being smothered into, it was already too late.

The chivalrous hockey player's inexplicably powerful bum-stench filtered up into my oxygen-deprived lungs and sent me into a frenzied panic. His raunchy, size XL boxers smelled real strong of butt and balls, but it was the fart-like odour that permeated the back-end of them that had me coughing and gagging like there was no tomorrow.

Not wanting the two lovebirds to get wind of what was happening, Nick was quick to pull Zack's briefs away.
He brought a finger up to his lips and immediately motioned for me to quiet down.

I tried to obey, but when the blond-haired beefcake brought Prince Charming's reeking, fuming, bumhole-scented boxers down for another pass, I broke down into a fit and desperately screamed for him to stop.

The amused man was having too much fun and paid my protests little heed, however.
He rubbed the offending cloth all over my face and forced me to take a few more whiffs, this time filling my lungs with the crazy powerful scent of his hot buddy's stinkin' balls.

By the time Nick stopped and tossed the boxers back to the floor, I was a coughing, gagging, whimpering mess.

"Alright, babe. Now quiet down." he scolded, rising up from his seated form and quickly striping himself of his big jockstrap.

The oversized athletic support came off, and my boyfriend's positively enormous slab of meat sprung out.

Nick stood there in all his glory, his frighteningly thick tool shooting out from between his monstrous thighs and standing at a proud 90-degree angle. The sight of it was terrifying, to say the least. But the fear it commanded was only enhanced by the giant ballsack and the jaw-droppingly massive crotch bush that accompanied it.

I yelped in feigned disapproval when his giant jockstrap landed on my head, and couldn't help but groan in fabricated frustration when the colossal, furry-crotched beast squatted down and rubbed his smelly-jock pouch all over my face.

"You're lucky Zack gagged you with that sponge ball, boi. Otherwise, this smelly thing would've been going in your mouth tonight." he taunted, smothering my nose with his big, musky pouch again.

I coughed and groaned a little, but even though the scent of his crotch was fairly strong, the thought of being silenced with my own boyfriend's pube-filled jockstrap wasn't an unpleasant one, considering it had only been worn for a little under twelve hours.

Nick turned around when the sound of Zack's muffled laughter met our ears.
We could ears his deep voice as well as Jeremy's occasional whimpering, but with a nine-inch-thick layer of down insulation surrounding their intertwined bodies, Nick and I were left clueless as to what was going on inside the shiny, black cocoon.

Satisfied with the fact that his buddy seemed oblivious to the fun we were having, my brutish lover once again turned his gaze towards me and tossed his offensive jockstrap down to the floor before brushing my face with the back of his fingers.

"Hmm, I knew that cute face would land you into trouble someday." he purred, fondling my chin with his fingers and running his digits against the top of my gagged lips gently.

I moaned in delight and gave the fiercely rugged man my best set of puppy eyes.
I relished his attention, and it was clear to me from the engorged state of his banana-sized erection that he was enjoying our little exchange as well.

"I'm gonna be lubing you up now." he whispered, reaching down into his duffle bag and extracting a small vial from its clutter.

"Mmn pphff ggnnm mmpph ggm." I pleaded, raising my head out of the fat sleeping bag and articulating wildly in the hopes of having my gag removed.

"No babe. The gag stays in." he scolded, causing me to moan and whimper in genuine disapproval.
I wanted to be made love to. I wanted the two of us to kiss and indulge in a night of passionate love-making.
Whilst having my mouth plugged up was hot, I absolutely dreaded the thought of being kept silent while my frighteningly well-endowed boyfriend ploughed into me.

Nick was what you'd call a "mechanical fucker". He sometimes made a conscious effort to romanticise our sex life, but his main priority was to breed and plant his seed in me. As such, I could only expect so much from him when it came to making his intrusive ministrations bearable. My comfort, whilst being somewhat reasonably important to him, was only secondary. Enforcing himself as my personal breeder was far more important, to the point where he practically considered it as being a sacred duty of some sort. That was his order of things, and if there's one thing Nick held dear in his life, it was order. Order and duty above all else.

Desperately wanting the gag removed, I shook my head no and pleaded my case again, but that just earned me a light tap on the cheek and silencing glare.

"Quiet, boi. Now remember what we spoke about. I'm gonna take you nice and slow, but you're going to have to be quiet." he told me, pointing a finger straight down at me and keeping his somewhat disciplinary gaze locked on my face.

I gave the overly muscular Boss-man a set of pleading puppy eyes, but was once again faced with the frustration realisation that Zack's professional sponge gag did not allow for speech or negotiation.

It moulded itself perfectly to the size and shape of my oral cavity and reacted with lightning speed in keeping up with my articulation attempts. The inflatable plug-gag was definitely still my number one rival, but this foamy contraption was a solid contender for second place. It was maddening in its efficacy!

I thought Nick was going to flip on my back and lube my back entrance up at that point, so you can imagine how perplexed I was when he instead reached out and grabbed his ultra-fat, black North Face puffer from off the floor.

A loud swooshing noise ensued, and I watched with wide, questioning eyes as my very bushy-pitted, beefy blond boyfriend slipped his overstuffed puffer jacket on.

"Zack said I should wear it." he spoke, causing my brow to suddenly arch up in unbridled incomprehension.

Nick looked a bit disappointed by my reaction and seemed almost undecided and ashamed about whatever it was he was trying to do.

"Sorry babe. Zack seemed to think you'd enjoy having me like this." he stated, scratching his head nervously and betraying a very uncharacteristic level of uncertainty.

It took me a few seconds to finally understand what he was getting at, but when I saw him slowly slipping his super fat puffer off, I immediately raised my voice in disapproval and shook my head no.

The blond man's face instantly lit up a little and the subtle hint of a smile quickly returned to his lips.
"You want me to keep it on?" he asked, sounding almost relieved at the fact that I was now nodding my head yes and beaming him a set of very hungry, admiring eyes.

"You want me to wear these too?" he smirked, showing me his police gloves and causing me to nod my head again and eye him up with a look that betrayed extreme happiness and arousal.

I watched as the naked brute slid his incredibly bloated puffer back on and watched as he donned the big, creaking leather police gloves.

Nick was entering new territory now, and no doubt felt a little hesitant about trusting Zack's instincts and taking him up on his clever suggestion.

He was normally a really confident guy. But given how insanely fat and bloated his puffer was, I could definitely understand his hesitation to slip it on and risk being made fun of. Fortunately for his ego, my reaction was quite the opposite, and I was undoubtedly as turned on by what he was proposing as Zack had assured him I'd be.

The blond hunk didn't get off on wearing his jacket and gloves, but Zack apparently had the smarts to realise that Nick could fire up my libido by wearing this stuff to bed one night.

The righteous warrior-king was well versed in the art of sex.
He knew that the more turned-on I was, the more prone I'd be to enjoying my Master's brutish ministrations.

I was now going to be pleasured and bred by my puffer-wearing boyfriend and his fiercely oversized horse-dick.
Thank you, Master Zack. This is a wonderful gift you've given me.



Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] OMG! This is my new favorite chapter of this story . There where multiple scenes that where a tease .
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Post by Volobond »

It's really nice to see more and more vulnerability from Nick - and goodness gracious I gotta get me one of those sponge gags to use on some subs! Well, let's see just how much Zack's machinations will help once Steven's "in the thick of it," so to speak - he hasn't had that great a track record thus far!

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Post by GoBucks »

Wow what a fantastic chapter! Absolutely loved Nick letting Steven get up close and personal with Zach's raunchy shoes and fart-infused boxers!

Nick's sliver of vulnerability was also nice to see. I love that he wants to do something special for Steven in a way that does more to benefit Steven then himself. It shows just how deep his feelings for Steven are.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Nick can't resist teasing Steven with Zach's smelly clothing can he?! The hockey bag earlier in the story and now this. I do enjoy his mischievous, playful side, taking advantage of Steven's helplessness.

Love that he is taking some of Zach's advice with regards to dressing up for Steven, even if Steven was a bit slow on the uptake. It's nice to see him learning and trying to make things better for Steven. Maybe the beast is being tamed although I doubt it will ever be domesticated - but do we really want that!

Like the little reference to the whole other story going on in the other sleeping bag. So near and yet so far apart.

Looking forward to what the night brings... Great picture montage to end the chapter.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I just love this chapter! First that part where Nick made Steven sample all kinds of smells (and it seems it made Steven more appreciative of Nick's smell, haha). It's funny to see how thin the line is between pretending not to like it and genuinely not liking it.

Then the second part, Nick preparing himself for fucking Steven. Recurring themes, like Steven comparing Nick to a beast, and new themes, like Nick heeding Zack's advice, made this chapter special.

This is a chapter that I need to re-read a few times. It's so good!
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On another note, I'd also like to welcome one of our newest members [mention]Kilonbd[/mention] who found BOUND & GAGGED on Deviant Art and who followed my invitation to jump on board with us and continue Steven's adventure right here, on the forum.

Welcome to the party, my friend!
Hope you decide to keep us updated about where you are in your reading. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the characters and the predicament Steven finds himself in. Same applies to you as well [mention]thebadguy[/mention]. Welcome on board to both of you!

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Post by bondagefreak »


Saturday, May 23 (11:15 PM)

Nick took a few seconds to put his gloves on and purposefully make me watch as he flexed his fingers into fists and made the noisy leather creak. Had my mouth not been stuffed with his brown-haired friend's hefty sponge ball, I would've no doubt been salivating at that point.

My boyfriend looked HUGE with his outrageously fat black puffer jacket bulging out around his arms and torso.
Its glossy exterior glistened vividly under the soft hue of the night light, and my senses were only further aroused by the constant swooshing of nylon that accompanied it's wearer's every move.

I tried lifting myself up into a sitting position, hoping to somehow stick my face inside the buff man's unzipped puffer and kiss his pecs. Nick had other plans, however, and promptly flipped my lithe form over on its stomach before grabbing the vial of transparent lube he'd extracted from his duffle back.

The front of my body was swallowed up into the monstrously fat layer of sleeping bag loft, and my attempts to squirm around and lift my head out of the suffocating worm were quickly defeated when a very large, very powerful leather-clad hand swooped in and intervened.

"Get your little face back in there." the imposing man immediately scolded, wrapping his huge paw around the back of my head and pushing my face back down into his bag's smothering embrace.

The convenient entrance at the back of my spandex prison was unzipped, my bum cheeks were spread apart, and then a cool liquid was poured onto my defenceless orifice. My warm crack quickly took care of heating the lube up, and then a pair of giant gloved fingers entered the melee and started twirling circles around my sensitive bumhole.

Nick's ministrations felt good at first.
But then I gasped when one of the oily fingers slowly applied pressure to the center of my opening and started pushing downwards.

I yelped in surprise and whimpered unintelligibly, but Zack's undefeatable sponge gag easily kept my protests at bay.
I wanted to speak to my boyfriend and beg him to go easy on me, but Jeremy's Prince Charming had imposed on me a gag that prevented me from doing so. The fact that it served as punishment for rules I hadn't even broken made the whole thing even more frustrating.

Nick kept pushing his giant finger into my hole whilst using his other hand to keep my head smothered into the sleeping bag loft.

He pulled his lubed finger out after a second, but then slowly pushed it back in, this time going in deeper.
The blond goliath repeated the process again until the near entirety of his middle finger was deep inside me.

When he finally pulled out again, I let out a soft whimper of relief.
But that relief lasted only a few seconds as another finger suddenly joined the first in pushing down against my sensitive orifice.

My beefy boyfriend spent the next few minutes lubing my ass and stretching my back entrance out.
I didn't enjoy the fingering process, but then I knew it had to be done. Without it, the sex would've been even more painful.

"Man, that is one tight pussy." Nick finally chuckled, actually keeping good on his promise to go easy, but still not managing to hide the fact that he found our great size difference a little amusing.

The fact that he weighed over a hundred pounds more than I did and that his chest width was broader than my shoulders could not be overstated. The man was an absolute BEAST. And I was a puny twig in comparison.

Nick eventually dried his oily fingers with a dry rag he'd brought along, and slowly placed the vial of lube back in his duffle back before slowly kneeling back down next to my head.

I thought he was gonna crawl into the sleeping bag at that point, but the sight of him reaching into the duffle bag and fishing out his mighty fat roll of black industrial tape instantly alerted me to him having something different in mind.

The spandex sleepsack's back entrance was zipped shut.
My body was flipped over on it's back once again, and then the 248-pound puffer-king straddled my upper chest and planted his knees down on both sides of my head.

I looked up wide-eyed at the hefty roll of tape he was holding but was equality terrified by the massive tree trunks that threatened to crush my face, not to mention the fear-inspiring, rock-hard boner that angrily sprung up from between them.

"Shhhhh." was the only explanation I got as a giant slab of tape was unceremoniously slapped down onto the left side of my face.

I "mmpphhhed" in protest and tried reminding the brute that my mouth was already plastered shut thanks to Zack's super sticky athletic tape. But Nick would have none of it. He simply yanked my head up by the hair and pulled his jumbo duct tape around the back of it before pulling it taut and coming around for a second pass over my already tape-gagged lips.

The man kept his steely blue gaze on my pleading puppy eyes but showed no remorse for what he was currently doing.
The extra-wide, black adhesive was wrapped around my whimpering face four times and was then plastered atop my head before being pulled down beneath my chin and pulled up over my head again.

After the fourth vertical revolution around my jaw and head, the tape was severed and the roll was tossed back down to the floor.

Nick spent a few moments smoothing the tape down and making sure my gag was real nice and tight.
I tried complaining about it but found myself no longer able to stretch my jaw or expand my oral cavity at all.
Even worse was the fact that I couldn't move my tongue a micron in any direction. Zack's authoritative speech-proof ball had it under complete control, and no amount of wrestling or screaming would free me of its unrelenting grasp.

I whimpered and cried out, but my man just snickered and ran his big, smothering hands over my helpless face and nostrils.
"There we go, babe. Nice and quiet." he purred, holding the back of my head in one hand and running his powerful fingers against my tape-covered cheeks with the other.

His attempts to calm me weren't having much effect though. Not with my hazel orbs staring straight up at the underside of his freakishly large boner and my nostrils flaring up just a few inches beneath the monstrous thing.

My overly muscular, hyper-masculine boyfriend obviously noticed the fearful way in which I eyed his shaft up.
He knew I had a very healthy fear of it, but he couldn't quite stop himself from teasing me and using it to frighten me every chance he got.

At home, when I was sacked and plug-gagged like I usually was past 9 PM, the bushy-pitted man often took a perverse pleasure in stripping outta his boxers and strutting around naked in his bedroom. The sight of his inexplicably massive dong bobbing left and right terrified me shitless. He knew that, of course. But I guess he found my fear of his size quite amusing. After all, what Alpha wouldn't?

"It just gonna be you, me and this angry thing." he purred, pressing a gloved finger atop the base of his shaft and causing his ridiculously oversized cock to lie flat against my face; from my chin all the way up to my forehead.

My eyes narrowed down on his crazy thick meat, but then the giant brute scooted forward a bit and used the underside of his rock-hard cock to tap my forehead playfully.

"Been saving my babies up for you all week, babe. Now I'm gonna fuckin' empty my balls inside you." he growled, rubbing his monstrous hard-on over my face and appearing quite unconcerned at the fact that his very hefty nutsack was practically smothering my nostrils.

The man continued teasing me for a bit, but then ruffled my hair up playfully and flipped me over on my stomach before once again unzipping the back entrance that led to my lubed hole.

He massaged my neck for a few minutes and used his other hand to rub my lower back and squeeze my bums a few time.

His enormous thighs finally slid down into the puffy sleeping bag prison, and then his incredibly broad torso came down, instantly squashing my face into the smelly loft and causing my entire body to sink down into the extreme puffiness of his heavily-overstuffed cocoon.

The blond goliath's raging boner nestled itself into my slippery crack, and then those absolutely BEASTLY, puffer-clad arms of his wrestled their way into the fat mummy bag and caused a cacophony of loud swooshing noises to fill our ears.

I was somewhat frightened by how aroused he was, 'cause I knew just how brutish and forceful he could be when he allowed his lust to get the better of him. Thankfully though, Nick was true to his word and ended up treating me like his captive prince that night.

The night-light was turned off, the suffocating sleeping bag worm was zipped up as much as my man's bloated puffer would permit, and then a pair of gargantuan arms crossed themselves above my head, serving as a makeshift pillow for my man and acting as a protective shield for me.

I thought his dick was going to force it's way into me just then, but my boyfriend instead started nuzzling the back of my head with his face, puckering his lips against it and whispering sweet things into my ears. He nibbled on it for a few seconds before finally trapping my gagged face inside his very sizeable hand.

I moaned in delight and instantly filled my lungs up with the very powerful scent of his leather.
His palm was so big that it covered most of my face, but its grip was loose enough so that I could still draw breath.

"How's that, babe? You nice and safe down there?" he asked, right before planting another series of gentle kisses across the top of my head.

I moaned and whimpered, closing my eyes and letting the scent of his glove override my fear of the freakishly large boner now resting between my bums.

Every now and then the brute would clamp his enormous hand a bit tighter over my face.
His strong-smelling police glove would temporarily prevent me from drawing breath, serving to remind me of the fact that its wearer was in full command of my ability to breathe.

Nick wanted control. Absolute control.

In his day-to-day dealings with me at home, he was usually fairly lax and liberal.
How or in what order I chose to do my chores was left entirely up to me. It was the same for entertainment. The man was very permissive with me.

If there's one area where Nick did not allow me much freedom though, it was the bedroom.
That was his domain, and right now that domain was a suffocatingly fat, mummy-shaped cocoon...a prison of sorts.

The colossal, testosterone-ridden beefcake had nothing do to but claim dominion over me.
I couldn't go anywhere or do anything to escape his lair.

I was his prisoner.
He was my jailor.

And from the muffled set of noises coming from the other puffy worm in the tent, it sounded as though Jeremy and I were both going to be receiving an injection of steaming hot seed tonight.

Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

That was an extremely hot chapter! I love how gentle Nick is and how Steven puts this right next to his expectations and previous experiences. There is a huge difference! I like Nick more the way he is now than the Nick we got to know in earlier chapters.

Steven has found a great way of telling us just how frighteningly big Nick’s dick is: “causing his ridiculously oversized cock to lie flat against my face; from my chin all the way up to my forehead.” That instils fear!
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Post by GoBucks »

Awesome chapter! I loved all the glove play! It's kind of amazing how Nick is managing to be the kind of prince that Steven has wanted, while at the same time being SO dominant. Like all that extra tape was unnecessary, but hot ;) . Guess all it takes to bring out Nick's sweet side is to be totally immobile and silenced :lol:
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Post by Volobond »

Some very hot glove play! I just keep trying to wrap my head around the size difference between these two and it just blows my mind each time!

That overkill gagging Nick did was super hot, by the way.

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Post by gaggedfeety »

Great continuation as always, curious as to what Jeremy and Zack are up to..
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Great chapter [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A very stimulating chapter! It's nice to see Nick being so loving and gentle with Steven whilst at the same time being so completely dominant. Hopefully he will keep his lust reasonably under control as the sleeping bag warms up and give Steven the night he deserves with that fearsome monster!

Love that Steven has a bit more gag frustration in this chapter. It's interesting that he looks on the gag Zach imposed as a punishment but I don't think Zach viewed it that way. In fact neither Nick or Zach really impose gags as punishment (apart from that one case in the car earlier in this part). They mainly do it to ensure compliance and exercise their dominance (and because they enjoy it!). I love the frustration it instils in Steven though! I also very much enjoyed Nick doubling down on the gag, exerting his own control over Steven's ability to speak rather than just relying on Zach's work. Both of them want Steven silenced and the gags work together to achieve that with Nick's gag on top of Zach's. I'm sure there's lots of psychology going on there!

And finally another little hint at the activity in the other sleeping bag.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by chadmc90 »

[mention]Buckeye Boi[/mention] This is the story. It is in the Fictional Adult section.
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Post by Buckeye Boi »

Pup wrote: 5 years ago So far not much seems be influenced by the addition of Shawn, still can't wait for more.
The tension mounts; poor Jeremy!
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Post by Pup »

Is it bad how I really want a side story of what's going on in the other sleeping bag too?

Great as always.
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Pup wrote: 3 years ago Is it bad how I really want a side story of what's going on in the other sleeping bag too?

Great as always.
I want that to! So either we are both mad, or this is normal! :lol:

Btw, great chapter. I felt so good to post something in here after such a long time! :)
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Post by bondagefreak »

It seems like quite a few of you are interested in the happenings going on in Zack's sleeping bag.
The upcoming chapter, which will be released in a few hours should, somewhat take care of relieving that itch.
Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago Both of them want Steven silenced and the gags work together to achieve that with Nick's gag on top of Zach's. I'm sure there's lots of psychology going on there!
I'm glad you picked up on that, boi 8-)
Sockgaggedman wrote: 3 years ago Btw, great chapter. I felt so good to post something in here after such a long time! :)
Welcome back, my friend!

[mention]Buckeye Boi[/mention]
Welcome on board, buddy!
Always thrilled when a new reader decides to pop up on here!

I hope you're enjoying your reading.
From the comment you quoted in your post, it sounds like you're around chapter 90 at the moment.

Your fellow readers and I would love to hear your thoughts on Steven's predicament (him moving in with Nick and etc), and we'd love to hear what you think of the characters you've met to date. Again, welcome on board! Hope you decide to stick around and give us regular updates about your reading.
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Post by bondagefreak »


Saturday, May 23 (11:25 PM)

Nick's initial plan had been obvious; spend a bit of time warming me up and wait for Zack to fall asleep before fucking me silly. Much to my Master's slight surprise though, his brown-haired buddy showed no signs of wanting to slip into the dream world just yet. Quite the opposite, in fact. From the series of heavily muffled chuckles and moans coming from the neighbouring sleeping bag, it sounded as though our two lovebird-friends were having quite a bit of fun in there.

Nick immediately stopped teasing me and fell silent when he finally caught wind of what was happening next to us.

With the monstrously fat sleeping bag loft quite literally threatening to swallow my face up, it was very difficult for me to hear any noise from beneath the safety of my blond Master's buff chest. The fact that his bulbous puffer jacket added to the soundproof quality of his massively overstuffed cocoon certainly didn't help either. But even with all the down insulation surrounding my head, I could still pick up a fair amount of noise being produced by the other couple. Namely; the occasional whimpers escaping from my freckle-faced friend's well-gagged mouth and the constant swooshing of Zack's insanely fat, -60c-rated sleeping bag.

*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*

It didn't take a particularly brilliant mind to understand why the super beefy warrior-king's shiny black worm was swooshing around so rhythmically.

In layman's terms, Jeremy was being BONED.

I'm not sure why, but knowing that my friend was currently receiving the same treatment I was sorta turned me on and put a smile to my face.

While it's true that my connection to Jeremy wasn't as strong as the immediate bond I'd formed with Josh, the knowledge that the naive kid was no longer suffering under Brad's tyranny was quite soothing, to say the least.

Physically, I had a very good idea of what the diminutive nineteen-year-old was experiencing right now.
Psychologically though, I can't even begin to imagine how overwhelming and different his new life probably seemed.
I mean this was the same boi who'd been forcibly conditioned to sleeping on cold floors. And now he was quite literally sleeping inside one of the fattest, puffiest and warmest sleeping bags on the planet, whilst at the same time being kept under personal guard by the beefiest and most chivalrous of modern-day knights.

Zack's ridiculously fat, Antarctic-grade sleeping bag probably smelled as strong as Nick's, and right now Jeremy's flaring little sniff-holes were basking in that scent and trying to deal with the loft's suffocating puffiness.

He was sacked for his own safety and gagged to prevent any sort of mouthing off. A massive amount of down and a thick layer of doubled-up memory foam took care of swallowing the front of his body up. Everywhere he turned, his hunky protector's earthy scent was there to greet him. And lying atop him was the smooth-talking warrior-king himself; personally taking charge of keeping his boi safe and personally seeing to it that no harm came his boy's way.

Jeremy had effectively gone from being treated like a worthless house-slave, to being treated like a cherished boi-prince.
The change was quite drastic, but that just made it all the sweeter.

I had absolutely no doubt in mind that Zack was smoother in bed than Nick was.
But from the very intense-sounding moans Jeremy was managing to produce through his gag, it sounded as though the brown-haired warrior's size was giving my green-eyed friend a fair amount of trouble.

Keep in mind that I was considered short and light by most people's standards. Jeremy, however, was even lighter.
The size difference between him and Zack was even greater than the one between Nick and myself.


When my man and I came to the realisation that the beefy-thighed hockey-player was breeding his boi, we both looked at each other with perfectly matching "holy fuck" expressions.

*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*

Realising that he could use the ensuing noise and muffled moans as a means to cover my own, my heavily-endowed boyfriend suddenly jumped into action and clamped his huge hand real tight atop my face.

The colossal muscle-brute plunged his overgrown man-tool into my back door and breached my walls without even so much as a warning.
His once loose handgag tightened to the point of smothering me, and then the puffer-clad beast impatiently entered my slippery orifice and claimed what was rightfully his.

He didn't wanna wait for his friend to fall asleep.
He couldn't wait. He had to take me now!

My body convulsed and my eyes bulged when his absolutely enormous, cucumber-sized erection aggressively stormed my entrance.
His oversized boner slipped into my oily hole, and I remember my eyes rolling up into my skull as the girth of his intrusion instantly tore down my composure.

My breathing was kept under strict control to minimize the amount of noise I could make, and the sound of my Alpha's laboured growls and feral grunts soon joined the fray as his powerful hips drove into me, deeper and harder.

The mummy bag we were trapped in was so freakishly fat and puffy, and so was the overstuffed puffer jacket the blue-eyed muscle-brute currently had on. Only the primitive sound of grunts and growls punctuated the cacophonic orchestra of swooshing nylon as Nick's ginormous mammoth-cock penetrated my tight orifice.

It was fortunate for both of us that his sleeping bag was so puffy and that beneath it lied a generous amount of memory foam.
Had the bedding not been so plush and forgiving, the 248-pound brute would've surely ended up hurting me or accidentally crushing my body to a pulp during the laborious intercourse.

My lover was currently engaged in an internal struggle, but I had no way of telling which side was gaining ground.
Part of him quite obviously wanted to take it slow and make it last. But the other part of him - the part no longer able to cope with the unbearable lust and tension that has built up over the course of the last five days - yearned for an immediate release.

He tried to contain himself and tried showing the restraint he'd promised, but his deep-engrained need to breed eventually took control and overrode that desire to take it easy and go slow. He wasn't overly rough, but he certainly wasn't being gentle either.

Now Nick was usually a slow cummer and could normally keep up an impressive rhythm for quite a long time before actually shooting his load. Much to his own disappointment though, that five day period of abstinence could no longer be contained and quickly provoked him into a somewhat premature ejaculation that night.

In short, what was supposed to be a long night of slow sex turned into a five-minute-long foray of fiery intercourse.
My man had quite obviously planned on taking it slow, but the instant he got a taste of that irresistible tightness, his need to fill me with sperm quickly took the fore.

Considering how much difficultly I had coping with his size, that wasn't such a bad thing, mind you.
But I'll admit, I was a little disappointed at the lacklustre climax to what had previously seemed like such a promising build-up.
Nick was a little disappointed as well, though I knew he was seriously relieved from having finally emptied his balls inside me.

It all happened so fast.
His super heavy body was pounding down into me, squashing me down into the suffocating embrace of his superbly fat sleeping bag loft.
The coarse hairs of his overgrown man-bush started rubbing against my overly stretched hole, alerting me to the fact that he was all in.

With each thrust of his hips, my eyes bulged a little wider and my toes curled a little tighter.
His cadence was over twice as fast as Zack's, and my moans were kept even quieter than Jeremy's due to the incredibly smothering handgag that he kept clamped over my face; from my chin to my brow.

*Swish. Swoosh. Swish. Swoosh. Swish. Swoosh. Swish. Swoosh.*

Nick managed to keep that insane rhythm up for just a few minutes before finally achieve that relief he so desperately desired.

The blue-eyed goliath growled and his body tensed up. His tree-trunk sized thighs clamped down around mine and his handgag tightened to the point where I thought I was going to lose consciousness.

That's when a veritable DELUGE of steaming hot liquid BLASTED out of his enormous boner and started flooding my innards.
Truth be known, I'd never seen anything quite like it.

Stream after stream of fertile seed fired out of his painfully engorged member.
The pressure was such that it would've no doubt coated the tent ceiling had my cavity not been there to absorb it.

The puffer-clad beast filled me up, firing sixteen high-pressured shots into my receptive orifice, before finally slumping down on top of me and allowing me to breathe freely once more.

My man was exhausted from sleep deprivation and understandably drained from the mind-bogglingly large load he'd just fired within me.
The last few days had been very demanding of him, not just on a physical level, but on a mental one as well.

So even though this hadn't been the fairytale love-making I'd come to hope for, I found Nick's desire to indulge my growing kinks and his willingness to warm me up truly quite endearing.

He was at his weakest tonight, and yet he'd still made an effort.
He had failed, but at least he was trying.
And for that, I was grateful.

Nick didn't apologise to me with words after that. But he did manage to lift his head up and kiss the crown of my head a few times before nuzzling his nose into my hair and telling me what a good boy I was.

The man even took pity on me and decided to remove the duct tape from my face before zipping the sleepsack's back entrance shut and slowly taking his gloves off.

The closing of my tight spandex prison's back door had for effect of pressing my bum cheeks closer together, which in turn prevented my Master's seed from slowly seeping out of my hole during the night.

His babies would swim around inside me until such a time as I was allowed to expel them by squatting down.

I moaned and whimpered for the athletic tape to be removed as well, but the brutish man promptly hushed me down and told me that Zack's gag would be staying in my mouth, if only to keep me safe and prevent me from drawing unwanted to myself for the duration of the night.

I remember chewing on the uncompromising sponge and moaning in exasperation at how frustratingly effective it was.

Still, it wasn't all bad though.
I would've obviously rather not been gagged at all, but my hyper-dominant, super hunky boyfriend sought to please me one final time that night by slipping out of his monstrously fat puffer jacket and splaying it open inside his equally monstrous sleeping bag.

My upper body was lifted up, the bulbous North Face puffer was spread open beneath it, and then my sleepsacked formed was slowly lowered back down into its crazy puffer, warm embrace.

The instant my face settled back into the loft, an unmistakably earthy scent rose up to greet my nostrils.

I sniffed, moaned and tried raising my head up.
Nick's hand was already there to stop me, however.

"No, babe. Face in my puffer." his deep voice confidently commanded.

I moaned anew and closed my eyes in pure delight as the combined loft of my man's stupidly fat jacket and insanely thick sleeping bag puffed up around me and overwhelmed my senses. My lungs became filled with the scent of my man, and my lithe body seemingly went numb from inebriation.

The naked muscleman climbed back into the cocoon-shaped bag with me.
His tree-trunk sized thighs nestled themselves around mine. His excessively broad chest came down atop me, and then those truly gargantuan arms of his slowly pulled the heavy-duty zipper up and crossed themselves above my head.

By the time my man has us completely sealed in and ready for bed, the giant slab of meat between his legs was back to full mast and positively throbbing for round two.

Fortunately for me, it's very beastly, sex-crazed wielder was too fatigued to think about sex.

"Goodnight, babe. Sleep tight." he lovingly whispered, kissing my head with puckered lips before finally resting his own on top of his forearms and falling asleep.

Nick slept and I soon followed.
But even as I basked in the gorgeous man's warm scent and allowed myself to slowly drift away to dreamland, Zack and Jeremy were still going at it.

The super buff warrior-king's cadence remained slow. Slow and steady.
His rhythm was controlled, and from the faint moans now echoing out of the other bag, my heavily gagged friend sounded as though he was desperate for a culmination of the brown-haired muscleman's torturously slow ministrations.

Zack was thrusting in real nice and deep, whilst at the same time showing no signs of being ready to fire his load anytime soon.
He was a master at this stuff, and one of the last things I heard before finally succumbing to the effects of fatigue, was the sound of his very deep, very masculine voice chuckling and growling in unbridled amusement.

Knowing how much the righteous muscle-knight got off on tickling, teasing and dragging things out, the idea of his bringing his boi all the way to the edge and then keeping him there through deliberate, skilful ministrations wasn't all that surprising.

My night had come to an end.
Jeremy's was only just beginning.

*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*
*Swish. Swoosh.*


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Post by Volobond »

Wow - now I'll never be able to hear that distinctive swoosh without thinking of an adorable muscle twink getting absolutely RAILED by a giant brute or knight. Haha, it sounds like some sort of kinky chess when I put it like that.

Even if Nick did fail, I like that Steven is taking the best possible view of it - although poor Jeremy! Perhaps Zack's... ahem, hockey stick... isn't as proportionally large and is easier on my favorite little sub (sorry Steven, you know I still love you).

But also it was adorable seeing Nick and Steven both react the same way!

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

*Swish. Swoosh.* The sleeping bag equivalent of a creaky bedframe or banging headboard!

Shame things didn't quite go to plan for Nick and Steven but at least Nick tried to make an effort - sometimes you just can't fight with biology.

Zach really is the master of control, of both himself and others, but it's a very positive form of control. I think it's definitely second time lucky for Jeremy, even if he does end up a bit frustrated at times!

Definitely one very cosy tent.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I really loved that last chapter describing how both Steven and jeremy are getting boned is so hot .
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Well Nick tried so I guess that's something...and poor Jeremy, I think it's gonna be a long night for him haha
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

It’s quite interesting to read everything Steven writes about what happens in Zack and Jeremy’s sleeping bag, based only on the sounds they make.

I'm proud of Nick. He’s doing the best he can to make it a pleasurable experience for Steven. And the fact that he spreads out his puffer jacket so that Steven can sniff it all night is so lovely.
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