Lila (F/M) [Entry 22 Added]

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Lila (F/M) [Entry 22 Added]

Post by Taperino »

It had been about 4 and half months since I've broken up with my "eccentric" girlfriend, Lila. I couldn't handle her bullshit any longer. I loved her a lot but she always took things too far. She was always into bondage. It was always bondage, bondage, bondage, with her. Any time I was with her, our make out sessions eventually turned into my arms tied behind me and a crop swatted on my behind. She was and will always be crazy. This is why I was very hesistant about meeting her again. She had called me about some kind of reunion, saying she "wanted to make things right". I am currently 24 and have only ever dated Lila, so it almost felt like an obligation to talk to her. Maybe she truly had changed.

10 P.M., I made my way out to my car and attempted to start the ignition. As it stands, my car has been a wreck recently. I ended up flooding it multiple times the last few weeks so I don't have much hope it will run. Surprisingly though, the car only took a few turns before activating. With luck on my side, I took off to the local park that Lila told me to meet her at. Driving through the night, I eventually notice her in the shadows. I can make out her curves anywhere as well as her long brown hair waterfalling behind her head. She is sporting a large dark purple coat and a pink-ish scarf tight around her neck. She could never stand the cold. I park the car and begin slowly walking torward her.

"Oh, hello there Steven."

"Lila..." I said cautiously. "What do you want?"
Lila looked over at me, getting closer to my chest, and then gripping my waist. "I just want to apologize Steven" she said softly. "I know you must have been overwhelmed with my... attitude, and I am truly sorry for that behavior..."

I looked at her and smiled sheepishly. "I- alright?"

"Is that not enough??" Lila looked at me peeved.

"What did you expect me to say Lila?? I tried so hard with you and you could just never ever stop tying me up! It was kinky at first but it was never ending!" I was not happy with her response.

Lila was quiet for a moment before rubbing her breasts even harder on my chest. She began hugging my body before sinking lower to pinch my ass slightly.

"Ehh??" I could never understand her intentions.

"Just let my body do the talking... I am only here for you..."

Lila began whispering into my ear. "...whether you like it... or not."

Click. Click. The sound of something metal comes from behind my back. I got tricked. I started pulling at my wrists but the chain connecting the cuffs is as small as it could possibly be.

"Lila!? Really??? Again with this shit!? This is why I broke up with y-"

Before I could finish talking, Lila pressed her hand on my mouth and tightened her grip on my body.

"Calm your tits Steven, we both know I'm stronger than you." She smiles folllowed by digging into my pocket.

I tried to free myself but Lila was right, she kept me completely immobile. "


"Ah there they are, your car keys, hope you don't mind Steven, I took a taxi here so we are gonna take your car." She began leading me toward my car but not to the passenger side. She pushed me all the way to the back of the car where she opened the trunk. Carrying me bridal style, she tossed me into the back still handcuffed.

"Lila! What the fuck you can't do th-" Lila had already reached for a spare cloth in my trunk, tied a knot in the middle and stuffed it into my mouth creating a quite effective and dirty cleave gag.

"Enjoy the ride hun." She says as she slams down the trunk.

The next few hours were fuzzy, cramped, and kind of terrifying. Every once in a while I would hit my head against the side of the trunk thanks to a speed bump Lila put no effort into slowing down at. The rag shoved into my mouth tasted rancid. I know because I literally used that rag to clean the muck off my car yesterday morning. Lila has gone too far this time.

Eventually the car came to a screetching halt. I heard what was presumably the front door open up and soon, the lid of the trunk was open too.

"Hey bitch." She said painfully casually. "We're here. Do I have to escort you inside or do you want to walk in yourself? Your fate won't change either way Steven."

I grumbled into the cloth and attempted to crawl out failing miserably. After a few attempts, I signalled torward my cuffs but she just shook her head instead.

"No way Jose, I'll just help you inside."

Lila said this before picking me up bridal style once again. She held me in place quite tightly before using her free hand to shut the trunk and lock the car. I felt my ass being pinched as she walked toward the door. Once there, she set me down on the front door bench followed by an icey stare.

"Try to escape and I'll beat your ass. Just stay still."

Lila pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. Making sure no one is looking, she picked me up again and brought me inside. Instantly I was baffled, Lila's house was a pit, trash all over the ground and dirty clothes on top of everything with a surface. Ignoring all that, she threw me onto the couch agressively. There was defintely something up with the couch. I could feel springs protruding and rough edges. I looked up at my ex girlfriend in disdain. Lila couldn't give less of a shit though, she was too busy looking under the couch.


The gag was so filthy, I just wanted it off, instead she crawled up to me with some white cotton rope. Without another word, my ankles and knees were tied harshly followed by a rope connecting my handcuffs to the furniture. The rope was itchy as hell and quite rough on the skin.

"Here's the deal Steven." The cruel woman spoke. "I'm keeping you. I'm keeping you to teach you a lesson, from now on, and until further notice... you are my slave boy."

My eyes got huge. "WHNGRNT??" I yelled into my gag. "ER YRG CRREAZE??" The knot just filled my mouth too good.

"It will only get worse for you, and no amount of yelling will get me to free you. A long, long, LONG, sentence awaits you. Isn't that fun??"

To Be Continued?
Last edited by Taperino 2 years ago, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Ak610 »

Yes Yes please continue!
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Keep it going! Great start so far.

Post by Taperino »

This was not good. Not good at all. Even if I wasn't bound up my ex still has my car keys. I whined for about 20 minutes while Lila was out of the room. I strenously pulled at my bonds but the knots held completely secure. She came back into the room eventually with a large black dufflebag. She looked at me intently.
"Steven, if I ungag you, you have to promise me your bitch ass will stay quiet.."

I nodded at Lila as best I could.

"Alrighty. Just for now." She spoke as she undid the knot behind my head and yanked out the cloth ball.

"Bleggh" Drool was all over my face and shirt and even without the gag, I could still taste all the crap that was on my car previously.

"I really need you to accept your position as my slave. We are not lovers any more, you essentially work for me." She pulled out a list from her bag. "You will do pretty much everything on this list daily. Clean rooms, scrub the floors, take out the trash, do my laundry, do my college work, make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and many, many, many, more little tasks throughout the day."

I look up at her dumbfounded. "Lila... how in the hell are you going to get away with this. This is a felony. This is just... insane. Take a deep breath and..."

Lila covered my mouth again. "You have no transportation, you have no immidiate family in this country, you don't attend school of any kind, and my friend is going to occupy your house (so the HOA doesn't get suspicious) from now on while you get to stay uncomfortably tied up here. There is no way out slave boy."

In disbelief, I looked at her. "You can't... you can't do this!! Lila!!" I shouted at her but before I could even get louder, something long was shoved down my throat.

It appeared to be a sillicone penis attached to a black studded panel gag. She pushed hard even though it wasn't going down fully. 6 inches was a lot for me to handle. Eventually she managed to cram the whole thing in before buckling on the panel gag portion tightly.

"Mrrnngh!!!" I yelled into my newly filled mouth.

"Steven hun, I told you not to yell." She said as I saw her eye something else in the bag.
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Post by Trickster »

Fantastic abduction! Hope you write more!

Post by Taperino »

With my wrists still firmly attached to the couch as Lila's prisoner, I could only notice from the corner of my eye what she was pulling out from her bag of "goodies". She then brought it closer to me so I could see what it was, and when that happened, my heart sank 10 feet deeper. Lila was holding up a straitjacket by its sleeves, and it looked exactly my size.

"Lookee Steven! This is what you'll be wearing when you aren't doing chores! I'll be sure to make it as tight as possible. Oh and by the way, how's that dildo taste? Its in there pretty deep." She says while tapping the front of my panel gag.

"Mmrrpphh! Rmrmmrghj!!!"

Without another word, she took off my handcuffs but held me in place. With precison and skill she was able to take off my shirt and pull my new restrictive outfit over my head while still making sure I couldn't escape.

"Snuggly huh? Lets get it tightened now, my favorite part!"

"Mmmmrrrrtfgghhhghhh!!!" I groaned into my gag showing my displeasure to the situation, Lila of course was busy with other things.

She grabbed my oversized sleeves and started pulling them around my body before both my arms were pulled securely behind my back. This combined with the forced deep throating has been insanely humilating.

"I think you need a collar and leash too. Not only to help tug you around when needed but just to indicate you are owned." She says while grabbing an oversized dog collar to lock around my neck.

"We'll upgrade later but right now this should do" She buckled the collar around my neck and I could feel my dignity slipping away quickly.

"Little bitches need a way to be manuvered, just trust me Steven, this is the best for someone as pathetic as you." She giggles.

Lila stood me up and showed me how to bounce with tied up legs, a skill I hadn't thought about learning, It was only slightly difficult. Lila then applied a leash to my collar which was inevitable in my current state. she pulled the leash hard bringing me to some kind of room, I tried to hold my ground, but choking to death with a mouth full of dick wasn't what I wanted to do today. She got me to a room where the door was custom labled with "Steven's Cell'

"ALRIGHT! Lets get you in there sweetums" she smiled.
Last edited by Taperino 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gagfan »

I'm really enjoying this dark little tale, definitely don't think poor Steven has any hope of escaping his new life!
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:

Post by Taperino »

Not being sure what to expect, Lila used one of her many keys hooked onto her ring of other keys to unlock the door while still holding my leash intently. Pure light blasted out from inside of the room as it appears to be covered in milky white pads. Appearing to look like a mental patient or asylum-like cell, this was the most terrifying part so far.

"How the fuck could she manage this" I thought to myself as Lila ever so slowly inched me toward the room.

"I used to have a boyfriend who specialized in home construction, if you must know. I figured it'd be fun for kink-play but even better for holding some jerk bitch hostage to teach them who they can or can't mess with." She looked into my eyes with that last sentence.

Before I could process the scattered emotions in my head she had already placed both hands onto my back to furiously shove me onto the floor of the room. Without control of my arms, I just had to face the fall. Now being on the floor unable to get up, I struggled and squirmed desperately to get into a comfortable position until I eventually gazed up to see Lila standing tall in the doorway.

"Anywho, I have some errands to run and this place is as secure as it gets so you won't be in any REAL danger if someone were to break in. Just enjoy the spectacle darling, not often you get to be in a REAL helpless situation!"


"OH one more thing. The air conditioner is currently broken in here, okay thats a lie, I've taken the liberty to turn the heater way up in here so if you are already getting hot, that would be the reason. Hope you don't mind sweating a little bit. Just try to make your muscles tensionless, its hard but doable. Anyways. Later bitch. Have fun being hot and bothered!" She said as she slammed the door shut, locking it, and then walking away.

Post by Taperino »

Lila has officially trapped me. Trapped inside a straitjacket, and locked inside a cramped padded room. I wasn't going to give up so easily though. First priority was to get this god damn gag off. I decided to position myself where my stomach is flat on the floor and begin trying to scrape the edge of the panel gag against the ground. No use. The penis jammed down my throat keeps the gag sturdy and locked in place. Its defintely not coming off. I take a look at my straitjacket. "Maybe I can undo the buckles" I thought before quickly realizing, without my knowledge Lila had used multiple padlocks for each strap. There was no way out and to make matters worse, I could finally feel the heat coming on. Sweat dripped from my face and it only seemed to get hotter. Like a sauna from hell.

"Mmmrrprrgh!! Hhllrrmpph!!! Mmnnrfggghgrrggh!!!!!"

I couldn't tell how much time had gone by but it wasn't a short period. I sat there thinking on why this was happening but ended up getting distracted from sucking cock and feeling like I was going to have a heat stroke. "Was I really that bad of a boyfriend?? I admit I wasn't the best but to deserve this??"

After what felt like forever. Lila unlocked the door to my cell and greeted me with her hands full of groceries.

"Hello there boy slave! How was your extended time out? I bet your throat is sore as hell at this point. Lets get you out of here." She approached me with all her keys, unlocking each padlock on my jacket. She then pulled it off of me and I knew I needed to act fast. With my arms free, I pushed her aside and began hopping toward the door. This was a terrible idea considering my legs were still bound. I fell over about 4 seconds after hopping away and before I could get back up, my hands were already cuffed behind my back.

"Excuse me Steven? What the hell do you think you are doing. Thats gonna be extra punishment for you now. You barely think huh? Just like in our relationship."

She pulled my leash and brought me out of the cell and into the kitchen.

"Make me dinner. Only me, you are going to bed without it."

I signalled toward my cuffed hands but she shook her head.

"I don't care. Figure it out yourself but I want dinner in the next half n' hour or else you'll be spending the night in a reverse prayer in the basement, with a smelly shoe strapped to your face. Your time starts now."
Last edited by Taperino 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TripleZero »

I like this story, please continue if you are able :)
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Post by jone123 »

interesting story

Post by Taperino »

The countdown had begun. With my arms chained behind me, I had to some how cook dinner. I pulled my wrists forward as best I could and grabbed a nearby pot. This caused the metal to press against my wrist quite painfully but I beared through it just to avoid an even more painful night. I practically threw the pot into the sink in order to fill it up with water but I couldn't reach the tap at all. I decided to hop up with my legs and bend my knees in such a way to get halfway on the counter and that resulted in me just barely being able to twist it on. The pot filled up with water, but I was still balancing on the counter. I gently brought my bound feet down onto the tile and only slightly twisted my left arm. Now it was time to grab the pot full of water and move it toward the stove. With all my might I could just barely manage to grab the pot and quickly push it onto the heated plate. Now another tricky part would be activating the heat. I once again performed the impressive feat of getting on top of the counter but I had to be extremely careful to get off the plate after turning it on. With a deep breath, I twisted the knob and tried to get down. Suddenly Lila who had been chortling this whole time in the background actually seemed worried and decided to rush over to the stove and pull me down.


"I'm not going to let you burn yourself bitch! I'm not that cruel. Just hurry up with the food."

Still thinking about Lila, it took me a moment to snap back to reality and hop over to the cupboard. Luckily enough, there was something as easy as packaged ramen to throw into the boiling pot. I cautiously bounced over to the pot again and tore open the packet from behind my back. following that, I then turned backwards and made an expert shot into the pot. The shit I was doing to avoid Lila's wrath was ridiculous, she really has gotten me bowing to her every whim after such a short amount of time. Ignoring that thought, I threw the flavor packet onto the counter and watched the ramen boil. There was no possible way to stir it without injuring myself so I just watched the raw noodles collapse into the pot. Eventually I turned my back around to grab the flavor packet, rip it open, and turn back around. During the process I lost quite a few of the flavoring particles onto the floor but I was already performing gymnastics just to make some noodles! Once again I couldn't stir but at this point Lila had come back.

"It certainly looks pretty shoddy, but giving your circumstances, pretty good for the most part." She stared into the pot before looking back at me and grabbing the leash. "Any who, back into your cell you go. I'll let you know how the food is when I feel like letting you out."

I protested out of my cock filled mouth but she already made up her mind.

She tugged me down the hallway, got my straitjacket back over me, and finally pushed me back onto the cushioned floor of my personal cell.

"As punishment for trying to escape earlier, the heater stays on, if you can learn to behave, eventually it will become cooler in here." She said to me in a smug fashion. "See you in a while bitch." She smiled before shutting and locking the door forcing me to endure the sauna once again.

Post by Taperino »

My face was wetter than the Niagra. I stopped caring about anything besides the endless burning sensation all over my skin. "Lila is a fucking maniac" I thought to myself, my hair smelling awful. "This is what I get for dating a girl only into bdsm."

Almost on cue, Lila was back and along with her some hope of getting me out of this hell hole.

"Aww, you are really sweating. It can't be THAT hot in here. I think you are just a bitch honestly." She stares down at me. "Lets get you a drink". She pulled me up to my feet via leash and brought me to the living room. It was so nice to see an electric fan above me which to add insult to injury, Lila instantly turned off.

"Its kind of cold in here." She says as she throws me on the couch and ties my leash to the leg of the sofa. "I'm going to ungag you now. If you speak without being told, I will beat you up. Sound reasonable?"

I nodded my head knowing full well this was anything but reasonable. She undid the buckles and slowly pulled out the long sillicone cock that had been down my throat for at least 7 hours. The cock was now slimy and wet. Lila threw it aside before getting a small bottle of water.

"You may speak by the way."

I looked nervous but started talking.

"You can't really be serious about this. Keeping me a hostage?? Torturing me?? Doing your bidding??"

"I'm 1000% serious cock sucking bitch. If you really don't get it now, you don't deserve freedom. This is all just simple revenge."

"Revenge for what?? What did I do!"

She looked at me intently before getting close up to my face. "The fact that you don't know is why I'm going to make you suffer. Now be quiet!" She shut me up by shoving the bottle of water into my mouth not letting go until it was empty.

"Aghhh... You have to let me take swigs!"

"You are lucky you are getting water right now anyways. I'm going to keep you healthy but that does not mean you will enjoy your time here. Think of this like prison... just much, much, worse." She smiles sadistically.

"Can we please just talk this ov-" this time she stuffed a 4 and a half inch rubber cock down my throat with the other end being a ball instead of a panel. She kept pushing until the large ball was behind my teeth. Watching her do this was a nightmare because any way I spun it, I could not see that big ass ball going in, but with a lot of handiwork (pushing and proding) it went in, and it hurt like hell, much worse than my old gag.

"Nnrrgh!! Nnndfgdrfeffhr!" I whined about my jaw being extended but in response, Lila slapped me incredibly hard in the face. This left quite a big mark but also got the message across. I just had to deal with it.

"Now thats a gag. Silent from inside and out and impossible to get your jaw used to." She licked her lips. "Its just so satisfying..."

Post by Taperino »

Of course, considering Lila's addicton to padlocks, she was finishing up by making sure my aching jaw would only get a break on her watch.

"There thats better. Its always great to hear you unable to talk again. One day I hope to find a way to keep you perma-gagged."

"Yrrnnfh crnnghzy!!"

"What was that? You want your normal life back? I think slavery fits you better anyways. She smiles at my misfortune. "Its 9pm now and you have to be up at 6am sharp to start early on your chores as well as breakfast. So I guess I should introduce you to the system that works around here."

I was back in my cell, laying on the cushioned floor, humiliated. This time however, she had given me a different jacket. One that was bright pink.

"Okay so. Don't ask how I did all this but, I have this door set on an alarm that will make it so it will automatically unlock and open around 5:45am. Believe it or not, same with your jacket. At 5:30am, your jacket will also automatically unlock and untighten around your body. This is only so you can start your work on time and still be locked up in here over night. Here's the kicker though. Around your wrists are metal cuffs that will activate once you leave the room, once again I don't know the details. One of my boyfriends was profcient in tech stuff but hey it works! The cuffs will magnetize infront of you. It should be easier to work that way. Hopefully I can trust you eventually to have no restraints during chores at all, but I don't see that happening for at least another 4 months. Oh and also, the heater is slightly lower for tonight, I want you to get some actual sleep considering your big day. Oh oh oh! Theres also a full list of chores in the kitchen for you tommorow morning! Man, I'm such a blabbler mouth! I'll let you sleep now! Goodnight bitch!" She left the room slamming the door shut and after a few seconds, the only dimly lit bulb in my cell was turned off.

I tried my best to get comfortable but hell if that was going to work. It was still hot in here but way more bearable than before. What wasn't bearable was my new torturous gag which I had no idea how I was going to handle wearing all night long. This was the worst. Whatever I did to her must have really REALLY ticked her off but in the end, she is still the criminal here.

"I'll escape from here. I WILL escape. Maybe I could even avoid pressing charges and just keep Lila as my hostage." I fantasized to myself.

"Nnrrgghnn!! RRrrgnghnbgr!!" I tried to close my jaw more to get just a tad more relief but that ball wasn't shifting. It was stuck in place, directly in the most painful part in my mouth, with another cock deep throating me to make it even worse.

"She will pay for this."
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Post by TripleZero »

Good story :)
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Post by SinfulSloth »

Great story

Post by Taperino »

This was by far the worst night of my life. I only could get about 2-3 hours of sleep. At some point my face started itching and that was hell but none of that mattered now because my straitjacket had fallen off my body just like Lila said it would. I shook off the sleeves and did some stretching. I noticed the cuffs on my wrists, the ones that apparently will keep me at bay once I exit the cell. After about 15 minutes, my sleep deprived self noticed the door to my cell had unlocked and opened. I didn't walk out just yet though. If I could get this metal rings off my wrists, I might have a chance to get out of here. I twisted and jabbed at them with both hands, but they seemed almost glued to my skin. I took my losses and decided to exit the cell and instantly my arms were pulled together in the front of me. Lila's automatic slave system worked better than I could imagine. Lila had also untied my legs and replaced the bonds with some more cuffs on a chain. It allowed me to walk, just not that well. I headed into the kitchen with huge bags under my eyes and picked up the list Lila had written for me. The list was massive,  flowing down with so many random requests with a "friendly" reminder at the end how she would torture me if it wasn't all complete.

"Fuck that" I made my way to the front door and started trying to jimmy the lock. With about half an hour under my belt I had sucessfully unlocked it. With freedom right infront of me, I began walking toward the outside and was instantly physically impaired by an electrical shock through my left and right arms.

"Mnnmrfghhh!!" I ran right back inside to the living room realizing the secondary ability of these magnetic cuffs. I slowly backed away from the doorway in dismay but behind me was an even bigger threat.

"Trying to escape bitch? You didn't even start your chores. You are going to regret that... heavily." She slaps me in the face.
"Get started on your chores now! And maybe i'll go a little bit more easy on you."
With no hope of freedom, I walked to the kitchen defeated and began reading. There was at least 30 things on this list, from cleaning the bathroom, dusting the furniture, and finally writing Lila's college essay. With no other choice, I became Lila's humilated little chore boy and started working.

I worked for about 45 minutes on the living room while Lila sat on the couch watching TV and drinking lemonade. I was extremely thirsty but I don't think Lila wanted to hear it. Next was the bathroom, I scrubbed the sinks, tub, and toilet, as we all the entire floor which took a whopping 2 and half hours with the way my arms were. Lila stopped by the bathroom while I was scrubbing the tile.

"Start making lunch for us. I want steak and wine but you'll be having chopped liver and water considering your little stunt you pulled today." She walked away from the bathroom.

"Are you kidding me!?" I thought to myself. "She decides what I eat too?? That bitch!"
Without another word, I made my way to the kitchen to begin cooking. This time with my hands cuffed in front of me it was still annoying but way less of an ordeal. I slaved over a hot oven making Lila he steak as she sat at the table on her phone.

"Theres a can of chicken liver for you in the pantry by the way." She said without looking up at me.

There certainly was a can, and boy did it look disgusting. I used a can opener to cut open the can, followed by shaking the contents out and onto a paper plate. I look at the brown substance I'll be digesting while Lila enjoys the steak and wine I prepared for her. Lila used some belts to tie me down to the dinner chair and spoon fed me the entirety of the liver. I was so happy the ballgag was removed but this crap tasted miserable, I had to eat though. Once it was all gone, and I had drank a full bottle of water, the cock and ball combo gag was forcibly shoved back into my throat and padlocked for good measure. I was unbuckled from the chair as Lila started eating the steak I cooked.

"Hmmm.. not bad bitch. Not bad at all. Just a tad overcooked but still completely edible. Good work, now continue doing your chores and when I'm done eating, start the dishes. Don't forget about my essay either. Its in my bedroom where i'll be relaxing while you do your absolute best to get me a good grade. Got it?"

She pushed me aside as I started to once again go down the list. I collected her panties and bra from the floor of her bedroom for the laundry and started it up. In the kitchen, Lila had finished her steak and wine and demanded me to start on dishes. I did so as Lila giggled at me from the back.

"I can't get over how great this is."
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Post by Mirandabound »


Post by Taperino »

With Lila still behind me, giggling at my slavery, I did my best to ignore her and get the dishes done. Once finished, I checked back on the list and realized I was almost done. In any other scenario I would be happy that I was nearing completion but knowing that I wouldn't be free to play video games or look at porn, I wasn't super thrilled. Without thinking too hard I got all the trash bags ready and walked up to Lila.

"Whmrrfg dmrh mrgg trmrshm gmfr!?" I tried to ask her where I should put the trash.

"I can't understand you fuckhead. The gag ain't coming off. If thats what your asking."

I looked at her peeved off. "WHRRN DRG NRFG PMNRT FRHH TRMMSH!!"

Just like that, I found myself back in my bright pink straitjacket and on the floor of my cell.

"I don't appreciate your yelling." She looked down on me smugly. "No worries, at least you are back where you belong, but since you didn't finish your chores, I'll have to punish you."

"Mmrfg jrmnst wmhntmd mrf mrnmn whrhm mrfg trmrfgsh wnmnt!" I whined into my gag at her harshness.

"Poor baby. Humilated little slave." She crouches down next to me.

"MrRRGGgh!!! Mrrmtrssghmh!!!"

"Just shut the fuck up Steven. Dear god! Silence is a virtue!" She says while slipping off her shoes and socks.
I have a feeling I know exactly where this is going but I'm not going down without a proper fight. I struggled as hard as I could on my jacket but it must have military grade security because I could pull at it for a hundred years and I wouldn't make a dent.

"Accept your new life and accept this disgusting shoe on your face while you're at it!" She held me tight with one arm and with the other she was holding something particularly tiny. It was a little nose plug that Lila shoved deep down my nostril. Only one nostril obviously, I still needed to breath. Next was the punishment. She took her long sweaty sock off and tied it directly over my nose, knotting it behind my head. It was putrid. She wasn't done yet though, Lila grabbed her shoe and pressed it over my sock covered nose, already obstructed by the plug. She finished off her work by duct taping the shoe around my skull about eight to nine times.

A blast of fresh foot odor clogged my senses. Even worse, in order to not pass out, I had to take giant whiffs of air through my nose which was filtered through Lila's horrid shoes and socks. Instictually, I began trying to shake off both parts to my smelly enclosure but I was far too restricted to get it off. Plus using too much energy is not ideal, I could barely breath as it was.

"Just in case you are too comfortable, I also have some razor sharp nipple clamps for you. Designed with a rigid clamp to enhance the pain!"

While I was throughly distracted by the stench prison stuck on my face, I felt something just as, if not worse! Through my pink rubber straitjacket, the nipple clamps were able to bite hard enough to effect my chest, leaving me in even more desperation. They had no restraint and made my nipples go numb in a matter of seconds.

"MRPFGH!! MMRFRRGGH!!" I bucked on the ground like a raging bull. Trying to feel anything other than bitter agony.

"Next time do your chores without any back talk." She pushed me onto my back holding me steady. "I've got one last thing for you, a slight bit of relief... more or less." She said as she pulled something else out from her bag that I was too low to see, of course there were more things to worry about.

"Let me just plug this in... and..."

Suddenly I heard super loud buzzing. I squirmed again but Lila kept me steady. As the tool collided with my bottom half, I realized it was magic wand vibrator! Lila licked her lips as she pressed hard agaisnt my crotch area. It was all too much to bare. The horrendous stench from her shoes and socks made me want to barf but the clamps pressing down on my senstive nipples was even worse. Now through this inferno of unpleasantness, Lila humilated me further, making me now want to cum, cum badly.

"You used to use this on me when we were dating. Probably got some of my smell leftover on it. I would let you have a sample but I think your nose is occupied." She presses the wand on harder."

"MPRPPHHGH!!!" Let me cum! Let me fucking cum!!

"Actually. Hang on." She took the vibe off of my parts leaving me extremely frustrated, it also allowed me to notice the sharp pains again.

I tried to get up to no avail but could get a glimpse of Lila holding some black duct tape, probably gorilla tape. She frogtied my legs, something I was mostly familar with, followed by pressing the end of the wand up to the slight patch of wetness on my pants.

"Now you can be edged all night."
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Great story so far!

Post by Taperino »

In humilation, I had started to moan. My chest hurt like hell and I could barely breath but the wand was still more powerful. It should of been pleasurable but nothing about it felt good. I heard the tape rip off the roll once more as she began sticking the wand to my frogtied left leg. She made absolutely sure the vibrations were directed straight into my crotch with no leeway. It just kept buzzing, ramping up my sexual urges but never far enough to let me release. My vision was slightly obscured by the shoe on my face but I noticed that Lila finished up torment with some ankle cuffs.
"Looking lovely." She winks at me with her tongue slightly out. "Maybe next time you won't talk back. After all, you have no power here, like a lower lifeform."

I squirmed around on the floor in agony. Twisting and turning, trying to get anything from the wand, shoe, or clamps off of me.

"Stmmpd bmmtch!!!" I was furious at this point.

"What was that? Wanna run that by me again? I've got many more tools at my disposal to use on ya so I'd recommend being a good little prisoner and suffering quietly. OH and I'm turning up the heat back to high in here."

"WHRMMT?? MMRPH!!" I interjected.
"I'm heading out for the day, have fun sweating." She said with a shit-eating grin before walking out and locking up.

Almost instantly I could feel the heat crank up causing my body to sweat furiously. My one open nostril became stuffy and dry but could still breath in the stench of Lila's feet. As the heat raged on, the stench of her shoes became amplified. I was so frustrated, I had done barely anything wrong, I followed her orders to the best of my abilities and still I'm the one who gets tormented! While laying on my back, I jolted my waist upwards. This was less struggling and more out of anger. Unfortunately, the thrust was powerful enough to swing one of the many padlocks into my chin. I treated this as a wake up call to stop thinking and relax. This was difficult for a variety of reasons, arguably the worst part was needing to cum and being prevented. If I could just adjust it away from my genitals.

[Sorry for short parts. Motivation to write comes and goes quickly. I appreciate the comments though]

Post by Taperino »

The door unlocked in the morning (as it does) but the difference was my straitjacket stayed put and my captor was waiting for me in the doorway, presumably because she doesn't trust me. She was sporting a grey tank top and jeans with her hair in a pony tail. She looked despicably cute I'd hate to admit. Kidnapper or not, she was attractive and she knew that.

"Wow you look miserable. C'mon I barely went ham on you. Few clamps and a vibrator never killed anyone."

She crouched down and poked my soggy groin.

"Speaking of which, that vibrator did a number on you! Look at all that precum."

I was a mess. Lila's shoe was still firmly plastered on my face as well as her sock. My skin was drenched in sweat much like last time and my nipples were completely sterile to the pain. I had even forgotten I've been deep throating a rubber cock for 9 hours but I hadn't forgotten the ballgag jammed behind my teeth. My eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep and to top it off I was lying in a puddle of my own semen.  Any ounce of masculinity I had was completely gone.

"You look pathetic and sad but at least now you understand how things work around here." She said as unlocked my ankle cuffs and hoisted me to my feet by pulling the leash around my neck. Once I was standing, the vibrator taped to my thigh was finally removed leaving my dick limp and numb. Lila then removed her rancid shoe and sock from my face and uncorked my nostril, finally fresh air again. However, Lila didn't remove the agonizing clamps on nipples that have no doubt made them sore and red under my jacket.

"Come now, last night I ordered some new things for you. If you work like a good slave I may earn your trust back, not for awhile of course." She tugged at the leash and yanked me into the kitchen before tying me down to the dining room chair.

"What do you want for breakfast, I'm cooking this time but don't get used to that. I'll go through the options just say when." She said looking at me, half asleep and exhausted.

"Pancakes?" I nodded my head.

"No? Okay just tell me when."

"Mmrfggrgg??" This must be another humiliating joke.

"Bacon and eggs??" I once again nodded quickly yelling yes into my gag.

"Come now Steven. You are a picky eater... how about a nice big bowl of lard."

"Hrmrfgg!?! Rmrmgh!!" I shook my head like crazy.

"Really? I mean I'd think pig fat wouldn't be your first choice for breakfast but if you insiiiist~"

"MRRFGH!!" I bucked my head like a horse while tied down to the chair as Lila pulled out a jar of a buttery white substance from the cabinet. A bowl was placed infront of me before she twisted open the jar and flipped it on its head. I watched the fat slowly find its way on to the bowl.

"Mmmm, yummy. You are certainly eating good while you're here, lard for breakfast, liver for dinner, hehe."
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Very nice, can't wait to read what will happen next.

Post by Taperino »

SupermanFan522 wrote: 3 years ago Very nice, can't wait to read what will happen next.
Hehe, at least we get some enjoyment from Stevens capitivity. God knows he isn't :P

Post by Taperino »

She can't do this to me, all I did was talk back once! Can she really blame me!?

"Lets get that dick out of your throat. Don't worry we'll put it back in later, so don't fret, your cock sucking days are far from over." She patronized me as she began unlocking the gag I've worn for at least 12 hours or more. She yanked out the dildo that was soaked from saliva.

"Good boy. Now say ahhh!"

"Lila! P-Please reconsider you can't keep me her-mnraagh!! Nnnaaafgh!?"

"Quiet you, or its back in the cell." She after jamming a ring gag behind my teeth.

"Nnaartggh!! Naagh!!" I twisted and turned which resulted in a slap to the face and a swift punch to the stomach.

"Shut up you bitch, you know deep down you deserve this, you abusive shit!"

What is she even talking about?? I'm not abusive!

"Here comes the airplane~" She stuck a mountain of lard into my mouth and waited until I had swallowed it. It was hard to do because I wasn't able to chew but it was semi-solid enough that it went down. It was like eating salty plastic, I hated it. She made me eat the entire bowl-full.

"Very good. Thats the most gourmet you'll be getting." She said as she picked up my cock gag again.
"I suppose you want water though huh.. okay hang on." I sit there still trying to digest the "food" I was force fed.

She came back with a bottle of water lettng me take swigs from it until it was empty. Afterwards she performed a quick swap between the ring gag and penis ball gag combo before I could get a single word in.

"Mrrffgnn..." I looked at her wondering what was next. She untied me from the chair and started unbinding me from my straitjacket before cuffing my arms infront of me along with some ankle cuffs the wrist cuffs connected to. She finished by taping a different vibrator to my leg positioned on my balls. This time however it was on a much lower setting so while it was still tantalizing it could of been worse. My nipples were also clamped again, this time under my shirt on my bare skin. I only got a small yelp out followed by the usual slap on the face for whining.

"You are ready for work again, start your list and when you finish..." She began walking torwards the hall. "Meet me in the bedroom~"

That defintely made me perk up. Did that really mean what I thought it did? I didn't want to get my hopes up, I still had to start my chores and finish quickly along with dealing with the sharp pains on my chest and my stimulated crotch area. I got to work trying my best to ignore my rising cock.

After a few hours, I was able to finish up all my slave labor on my warden's list. I inched my way to her bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Door is unlocked come in!~"

I turned the door knob slowly to see no Lila in sight.

"I'm getting dressed, sit on the bed and don't go anywhere."

I did what I was told and waited. I peered around her room to notice the maroon wallpaper and intricately pearl colored furniture. Eventually Lila walked into the room and greeted me. The shocking part was her breasts were completely exposed (not that I hadn't seen them in that state before). Her boots went up to her knees and were coated in white laces from top to bottom. A pair of lingerie panties was covering her private bits along with with a shiny black corset tightened around her waist. Looped around each wrist, she sported dark cufflings and around her neck was a belted choker. Finally her hair was magnificently tied upwards in a pony tail to flaunt more of her power.

"Hey there slave~ how do I look? Threatening?"

I nodded at her statement slowly.

"Well thats good. Anyways... lay longways on the bed so I can tie you down." She said clenching a bundle of rope in each hand.

I looked at her wondering if she was going to take advantage of me like old times. I decided to go along with it to avoid punishment. I climbed onto the front of the bed and laid straight in an awkward position. Beforeanything else she pulled off my pants, shirt, cuffs, and removed my vibrator followed by instructing me to raise my arms above my head. Unfortunately she left the clamps to bite my nipples.

Lila crafted intricate loops of rope around each of my wrists, bounding them seperately and then together before yanking them far above my head. She took the stray end rope of my binds and tied them to a hook near the ceiling. While she set me up I was quiet and tried to let her work in peace without distractions. After my arms were secure she performed the same procedure on my ankles, tying them all the way around under the bed to keep them still. I was tied tightly to her bed in only my undies.

"Okay, Okay~ you look like a raw turkey ready for the oven." She stood above me, her tits projecting a shadow over my face which I found more terrifying then sexy (...but still sexy). She pulled out scissors from her desk drawer and swiftly cut off my underwear leaving my bare cock out.
"This has to be a mercy gift for me" I thought as Lila crawled on top of my pathetically tied body.

"Mmmm, you look so tasty~"

"Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes!" I closed my eyes and prepared my cock for her warm sensation but was instead greeted to an ice cold one.

"Mmrpgh!?" I looked up at Lila who was smiling deviously and then down at my cock. It was encapsulated in a metal surface laced with padlocks circling my balls. I looked back to Lila now swinging a key on her stray finger.

"Honey, you really thought I'd let you inside of me? I just needed you here to lock up your pulsating rock hard penis until further notice."

I screamed into my cock gag at the sight of my privilages being taken away from me.

"Theres also more where that came from..."

My socks were pulled off my feet and my ankles were untied. I hesitated to try kicking for a bit but after Lila had enough she pulled the chains connecting my nipple clamps making me forfeit the rough housing. She slipped on each leg a tight latex stocking going up to my thighs, the ending holding a latch and small padlock. The top of each stocking was tightened and locked, effectively squeezing my bare thighs. She wasted no time spreading my legs out and pulling what was presumably her panties over my caged cock. My legs were tied again before her next trick, high heels. I soon realized too late she was crossdressing me. There was no sex to have, just more humilation. She slipped on some dark, tall, and rather uncomfortable heels that bent my feet back ever so slightly before locking them in place with more padlocks.


She gave me an ice cold stare. "Quiet you. Suck that cock like a good girl."

God damnit. All she wants to do is make me miserable! She continued the game of dress up by untying my arms. I possibly could of tried escape then but my waist was already tied up good and her grip on my arm was like an angry cat. She held both up before slipping on a classic black and white maid get-up, half infused with latex. Continuing the latex theme, she locked a pair of shiny black arm gloves on me. She stretched out the end and let it snap back on my skin.


Before anything else I was restrained again before her next accessory. She attached a special garterbelt to my panties connecting them to the stockings as well as locking the dress in place with a strap located directly under my dress.
Last edited by Taperino 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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