Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @Sockgaggedman Glad you're enjoying this, buddy.
I'm sure you'd love being in Steven's place, but I'm not so sure about the "you surviving the encounter with Zack's socks" part.
Only one way to find out 8-)

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention], I would love to have to find out, he is just a bit over my max tolerance limit, but hey, what can a sub do against his master's words :lol:
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Post by 4toes »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Heyya sir, I have just finished reading up to Chapter 10. First of all, thank you for the time and effort that you have put through writing these stories. They are simply well written and that's why I just can't afford skim reading your work. I really wanted to relish each moment. However, I do really feel sorry for Steven. I hope things get better for him eventually. Although, I really like that part wherein Steven willingly put his face in Nick's putrid shoes, falling asleep in there, and then Nick catching him. From both of their perspectives, it was so hot. For Steven, I guess Nick's foot odor was like a drug to him. He just can't help but get turned on by that familiar smell. I guess it's an acquired taste or smell for him in this case. All those years he had to put through with it. Hahaha I begin to wonder, how long has Steven been dealing with Nick's foot odor? When and how did Nick start developing foot odor? For Nick, it must really be a turn on for him and I just can't imagine how he was able to control himself at that moment after seeing what he saw.

Anyways, I am still looking forward on what's in store for Steven as I read through his journey.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Saturday, May 23 (10:30 PM)

I must've fallen asleep at some point, 'cause I honestly don't remember my captors entering the cozy camping shelter and settling themselves in. But sure enough, here they were. And from the distinctive tapping noises now echoing across the tent's nylon rooftop, it sounded as though a light drizzle had caught the two of them off guard and put an early end to their late-night campfire chat.

I had to moan and whimper quite a bit for one of the hunks to finally give me the attention I so desperately desired.

Drawstrings were unknotted, the dreadfully small peephole was opened up, and then the smothering sleeping bag trap was partially unzipped; freeing my face and allowing me to breathe fresh air again.

The brightness emanating from the battery-powered night lamp stung my eyes and forced to me squint them shut for a little while. But as soon as I got used to the light, my eyesight was returned to me and my hazel orbs were immediately rewarded with the indescribably awesome sight of my lover's puffer-clad form.

The excessively broad-shouldered hunk loomed above me, his low-collared muscle-shirt instantly giving away just how insanely beefy and muscular he was beneath that preposterously FAT puffer jacket he had on.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the downright colossal arms that sprung out from both sides of his broad frame. Then they slowly made their way up his thick neck and up to his powerful, peach fuzz-covered jawline until they finally met that ruggedly handsome face of his.

A set of piercing blue orbs gazed down into my hazel ones, and I immediately felt my loins stir with envy.
My god, what a sexy man he was.

The soft hue of the yellowish night light caused his blond beard-shadow to glisten.
His silky smooth North Face puffer jacket shimmered under the light and the dozen specs of raindrops that sparingly adorned it's shiny exterior only added to the dazzling display of dancing reflections.

Nick was a sight for sore eyes, and so too was the leather-clad man now sitting right beside him.

In their hurry to escape the rain, the two resident Alphas had seemingly abandoned their doomed campfire and opted to drag their low-resting camping chairs into the tent, no doubt as a means to finish their beers and continue discussing whatever it was they were chatting about.

Both of them were sitting in their respective chairs and Zack had apparently been in the midst of showing Nick something on his tablet when the blond man suddenly grew tired of hearing my moans and bent down to unzip his sleeping bag from off my face.

My Master's stern expression and furrowed brow quickly put an end to my whimpering, and the gloved finger he brought up to his lips instantly signaled me to be quiet. Nick may have been my boyfriend, but he was very much the boss in our relationship. And as such, I had no desire to test his patience or defy his authority.

He and Zack spent the next few minutes resuming their casual discussion about work and other things I couldn't relate to. But now that I could see the two men sitting right next to my sleeping bagged form, I was perfectly happy just lying there, listening to them talk and allowing their deep, masculine voices to ease me into a state of complete serenity.

Every now and then Nick would glance down at me from his comfortable seat, but other than that I was paid virtually no heed.
That eventually changed when Zack put his tablet away and complimented my man on his boots again.

"Man, those are really fuckin' nice." he spoke, scooting forward in his chair so that he could give my boyfriend's boots a closer gander.

Nick thanked his friend for the compliment and proceeded to explain to him that they were his dad's from back when he was in the active police force. Then he went on about how I'd fished them out of the closet, cleaned them up for him and made a fuss about wanting him to wear them.

Zack merely looked at my face and snickered a little at first. But then the discussion slowly oriented itself towards me and my recent antics, and pretty soon Nick's description of my strange behaviour had the brown haired warrior-king arching his left eyebrow and rubbing his chin in silent contemplation.

In a matter of seconds, I suddenly became the subject of conversation. And with the two of them now focused entirely on me, I quickly found myself wishing the sleeping bag was zipped up over my face again...that way I wouldn't have to deal with their curious stares and scrutinising gazes.

"So you like those boots, eh boi?" Zack asked, chuckling at the way Nick had described my behaviour prior to us leaving the house this morning.

"Not only the boots." Nick corrected. "He has a thing for this jacket I'm wearing and he has a thing for these gloves too."

Zack arched his eyebrow again and curled his lips up into an amused smirk when he heard that.

"You should see how pouty he looks when I leave the house without these gloves on." the blond man continued, raising his left hand up off it's armrest-perch and causing his friend's smirk to widen considerably.

"Hmmm...sounds like little Steven might have a bad case of gear fetish." Zack spoke, placing his half empty beer can down in his armrest cup-holder and scooting forward in his seat until his unreasonably broad-shouldered body was looming down above me.

Nick sat back and watched impassively as his brown haired work colleague bent down and scooped the back of my head up from out of the thick, downy sleeping bag loft.

Zack looked at me with those all-knowing eyes of his and slowly brought his other hand down real close to my face.
"Looks like the cat's out of the bag, kiddo." he finally spoke, flashing me a playful smirk before flexing his fingers a few times and causing the big gauntlet glove he was wearing to fill our ears with strained creaking noises.

The man tore his eyes off me just long enough to look at his own hand, and then fixed his gaze back on me again to make sure I was watching. Watching would've been somewhat of an understatement. I wasn't just watching, I was positively throbbing by that point!

And not only that, I was also amazed at the fact that Jeremy's lover had so easily deciphered and decoded all the stuff my boyfriend had spewed out and revealed about me.

Zack's smile had been one of curiosity at first. But the more Nick spoke, the more he led his much more kink-savvy friend to draw the right conclusion. I was indeed dealing with a serious case of "gear fetish" as Zack had called it. The leather-clad muscleman was onto me, and he knew exactly how to press my buttons.


I was spellbound and bewitched by the sight and proximity of this overgrown construction worker's superbly large hand.
The warrior-king's palm was as big as my boyfriend's, and his fingers were every bit as thick and as beefy.

I was entranced by the sheer size of them.
Zack had no way of knowing this, but my toes and fingers were wiggling in near-uncontrollable excitement as the sound of his creaking leather and the strong smell of his gloves overloaded my senses.

"You like that, don't you boi?" the hot man purred, flexing his beefy digits in a mesmerizing display and keeping the back of my head firmly in his grasp to make sure my eyes remained fixed on his highly erotic hand movements.

I was too ashamed to answer, but the state of unbridled amazement was painted so plainly across my tapegagged face that neither he nor Nick required an answer.

Zack gave my Master a quick glance before chuckling and focusing his attention back on me again.
He flexed his fingers a few more times and then clamped his hand down over my face; covering everything from the tip of my chin, all the way up to the bottom my eyes.

Staying true to my usual self, I growled beneath the fat gag he'd given me and protested in feigned disapproval. But that just caused the chivalrous champion-knight to flash me his signature smile and offer me that perfect, toothy grin of his.
Damn him and his gorgeous face!

"Hahaha! What's wrong, kiddo. Got somethin' to say?" Zack laughed, no doubt taking some sort of perverse pleasure from listening to me moan and sputter beneath his gargantuan gauntlet-clad paw.

"Look at that pretty boy face." he teased, lifting his hand up to squeeze my cheeks together and then using his giant fingers to pinch my nostrils shut. I giggled inside his squishy sponge ball and moaned incoherently, but the burly muscleman simply chuckled anew and clamped his hand back down to silence me.

"That's it, baby-boi. Deep whiffs. Yeah. Go ahead, boi. Yeaaahh, that's it. There we go. You're really liking this aren't you, boi?" Zack smirked, his deep, powerful voice quite literally sending shivers down my spine.

Nick slowly emerged from his impassive state and unzipped his monstrously fat sleeping bag down a little further before reaching into it and grabbing my positively engorged, spandex-clad erection between his fingers.

I instantly yelped, but was forced to close my eyes and moan when the rhythmic cadence of his somewhat brutish ministrations started working it's magic on me.

"Yeah, looks like someone's really happy down there." the blond beast chimed in, adding his even deeper, huskier voice into the fray.

Nick spent a few seconds rubbing my throbbing boner, but when he stopped, the angry thing desperately pushed up against the skintight spandex cocoon and I found myself crying out and begging for release.

Unfortunately for me, that was not part of the plan.

Zack forced me to take whiff after whiff of his strong-smelling glove, but then he surprised me again by lifting his hand off my face and clamping his fingers around my jaw real tight.

"Now you're gonna sniff your Master's police gloves, boi." he calmly explained, causing Nick to crack his first cocky smirk of the evening and bend down to reach my face.

"Go ahead, buddy. He's all yours." Zack spoke, effortlessly holding my head in place and offering my face up for his giant, puffer-wearing friend to smother. And smother me he did!

I practically shot my load out when the blond man's huge paw came down and swallowed my face up.
Nick's massive, leather-clad left hand pressed itself down over my face, and his other hand swiftly positioned itself atop my head and forehead.

I did the only thing I could and tried breathing in, but the burly beast's grip on my face was so tight and heavy that expanding my lungs proved difficult.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined being smothered like this.
With Zack holding my head up in one hand and holding my jaw in the other, and with Nick smothering me and holding the top of my head at the same time, only my eyes spared from the suffocating embrace of their four smelly gloves.

I struggled to draw breath and bucked my hips upward in an attempt to grind myself into the thick sleeping bag loft.
The two musclebound construction hunks were suffocating me, and I was totally getting off on it.

Had Shawn been the one smothering me or had Brad been there assist Nick instead of Zack, I would've probably been terrified.
But even though my lungs burned and my continued pleas for mercy went unheeded, I felt safe.

I was in good hands.

My Master and his friend only held my face in their hands for a short minute or so, but by the time they let me go and allowed my head back down into the sleeping bag hood, I was panting and heaving as though I'd just run a marathon.

Zack was laughing and having great fun, and although Nick's demeanor wasn't even half as jovial as that of his brown haired counterpart, the discreet smirk on his lips and slight sparkle in his tired blue eyes betrayed just how amused he was.

"Yeah, he's a keeper this one." Zack teased, flashing me an approving wink and ruffling my hair up before finally grabbing the sleeping bag zipper and zipping the dreadfully fat thing all the way up to my chin.

He and Nick stopped teasing me after that, and the leather-clad warrior-king instead took some time to rub my cheeks with the back of his fingers and ran his hand over my hair to calm me down.

With the smelly sleeping bag now zipped up nine-tenths of the way and only the front of my face pocking out from the immense loft that threatened to swallow my head, I closed my eyes and fell into a trance-like state as the two hunky men finished guzzling down their beers and conversed in a subdued manner.

It must've been around eleven o'clock when Zack called it a night and rose up from his chair to start getting undressed.

Nick slowly followed suit and tossed his sports cap down to the tent floor before slowly peeling his gloves off and bending down to unlace his heavy size 14 police boots.

That's when things suddenly turned mighty smelly.

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

I think that Nick's gloves are not the only thing that Steven is going to smell tonight! :lol:
Looking forword to see what he has to endure :twisted:
Oh God! I wish I was him! :oops:
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Post by Volobond »

I love when Zack and Nick work together! Good things always happen for me when Zack harnesses Nick's dominant energy and they both go in for the kinky kill! Still, poor Steven, though. I bet that boner of his will be swiftly deflated!

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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Another great chapter . I love the Tag team between nick and zack . When they gang up against Steven and Jeremy . I love that cliffhanger . Can't wait to see what fun nick and zack have . And what way they will punish Steven and jeremy .
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Post by chadmc90 »

I have finally caught up with the story, and I wanted to share my thoughts on each of the key characters:

1. Steven
Since Steven in the main character in this story, I think it is only fitting I start with him. Steven has certainly been on a roller coaster of a ride since he was kidnapped and dragged to the cottage by his "friend" and old school rival. The things he has endured and faced have broken and molded into a submissive and virtually helpless house boi. I think every since he was kidnapped by the two jocks, he has been experiencing Stockholm Syndrome. It especially doesn't help that he has been best friends with one of his kidnappers. Even before the events of the first book, Steven just kind of clinged onto Nick for protection. I have a feeling he didn't have many friends in high school, if any at all. Nick was the only one there for him, and out of desperation to have someone in his life, he endured Nicks bullying and torment. I honestly believe Steven was slowly brainwashed into thinking Nick was the best thing to ever happen to him, though I do believe it was unintentional on Nick's part. It kind of reminds me of those domestic abuse situations, where one spouse just has convinced themselves that this is what they deserve.
I honestly think Steven is living in a fantasy right now. He has this idea of Nick turning him into a total bitch is somehow the best thing that's ever happened to him. The reality is though that if something happens to Nick, who will he fall back on? Unless Nick outright marries him and makes sure that he is the primary beneficiary, things will certainly come crashing down for them.
I think, all in all, this relationship need work if this is what Steven and Nick really wants.

2. Nick
Now my review of Steven will make you think I am totally against Nick, but I am not really against his character. Yes, I think he really did damage Steven with that camping trip and should've NEVER happened. I think that it was completely uncalled for and quite illegal. When you consider the fact that these two were supposed to be friends, it really was a horrible thing to put a friend through.
I honestly think the root of Nick's issues is not being able to see the effects of his actions in the moment. When he wants something, he does everything he wants to get it, damn everyone around him. Another flaw of his is his potential to be influenced by peer pressure. Think about it: when he is around Brad or Shawn, his personality changes drastically and goes into aggressive Alpha mode. But when he is alone with Steven or he is hanging with Zach (as shown in the most recent chapters), he is suddenly not so stern and even affectionate at times. I do believe a lot of the bad decisions he has made is rooted partially in the company he keeps, rather something that is fundamental to his character.
In the end, I think Nick is redeemable. I think he needs to have self reflection and think about what he wants in life and remember that he is not a perfect person and needs to work on certain bad habits of his.

3. Brad
Honestly, there really hasn't been much character development for Brad after the second book. He has always been manipulative and abusive, and it was apparent when Jeremy escaped from him after their reunion.
I feel like Brad has serious self esteem issues and needs to work on his anger management. He needs serious help, and if he doesn't get it, he is going to end up doing something he can't take back. I am kind of wandering if Brad has been abused in the past. Sometimes, abuse victims turn out to be abusers themselves. I do hope we get to see more of Brad's background as the story progresses.

4. Jeremy
Just like Brad, we really do not know much about Jeremy other than his interactions with Steven, which have been too few to get a good read on his character. I do think he is a fundamentally good person and just looked for love and affection: something he likely never had in foster homes. This lead to desperation and resulted in him ending up in Brads control.
I think Zach is the best outcome he is going to get (though I think professional therapy is not such a bad idea either). Jeremy needs a positive influence in his life.

5. Zach
I think Zach seems like the person not just Jeremy needs in their lives, but Steven and Nick do as well. We haven't seen too much of Zach at this point, but overall, he seems to be a positive influence on everyone. He seems down to earth, sympathetic, understanding, and reasonable. He is like one of those loving uncles you cannot wait to visit during the holidays.
I think as long as Zach is in the picture, things will work out, but only time will tell.

6. Shawn (and his fraternity-like possy)
Eh, Shawn and his friends just strikes me as young jock very into their college life. It seems all Shawn wants to do is play sports, work out, and play games. He is a very neutral person and just seems to go with the flow. He sees Nick as an older brother, and just does everything he tells him to do. Shawn just....doesn't care.
Out of the entire group, Josh strikes me as the most likeable. Yes, he has devilish tendencies, but remember he is still in his teens and has some immaturity to work on. I just see him as one of those hyperactive brothers that you need to keep a leash on at all times to prevent them from jumping out the window.
I really have no feelings towards the others, and honestly had some difficulty getting through the 6th book. I am just glad book 7 picks back up with Nick and Zach.

Overall, the story is really good. I think the bondage scenes are well thought out and the attention to detail is marvelous, as always. The kinks that are portrayed in this series are certainly not my own (I revolt at the thought of having any of the gags used in this story in my mouth), but I do enjoy the bondage, nipple play, and edging/denial. The emotion and drama in this series is top tier, and that is what really sets this story at the height of this forum.

Good job, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for the amazing tale you have told over the last decade!
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Awww what kind of smells are filling the tent? Feet or the beans? ;) ;) :lol: :lol:
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Detective Zach quickly deduces another of Steven's fetishes and proceeds to take full advantage! Not that Steven was complaining. It definitely shows how much more clued up on this world Zach is compared to Nick and once again highlights Zach's positive impact on those around him.

A very exciting chapter with Nick and Zach teaming up to dominate Steven with those leather gloves. His predicament is quite appealing at the moment but I feel things are about to go downhill as the smells are unleashed. Steven came prepared to deal with some of them but sadly he's not really in a position to take action!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by GoBucks »

Wow I don't consider myself much of a gear fetishist, but man that chapter was hot, having Nick and Zack smother Steven with their large leather gloves!

Lookin forward to the smells!
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I never thought I'd say this, but wow, I want to sniff those leather gloves as well and I'd love to experience this kind of breathplay at Zack's and Nick's hands.

I'm so happy Zack put the pieces of the big jigsaw puzzle that is Steven together for Nick. Zack understands Steven really well. It's so immensely good to see these three guys genuinely enjoying their time together.

And now those hot police boots get taken off and I'd love to be there to witness that!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the comments, guys!

[mention]4toes[/mention] Hey buddy-boi!
So glad to hear you're enjoying the adventure so far and that you enjoyed the scene with Steven getting off on Nick's intoxicating basketball shoe. Hope you continue having fun, buddy 8-) Keep us posted on your progress and feel free to share your thoughts with us whenever you have something to say. It's always a thrill for us to get fresh perspectives from new readers.

250+ chapters in five days? I think it's safe to see you've broken all previous speed records, my friend.
I'm glad you enjoyed this enough to binge-read ;)

Really enjoyed reading your analysis of the characters.
The only thing I'd like to comment on has to do with your assessment of Steven's relationship with Nick.

Formalizing their union at this point would be incredibly premature.
I know it's easy to forget this, but the two of them have only been living together for six weeks now and have only been romantically involved for a month. Nothing has been hammered out yet and nothing has been cemented or finalised. I also want to point out that Steven is in an infinitely better situation now than he was a few weeks ago (being jobless, in debt and on the verge of being kicked out of his apartment). Nick obviously cares a great deal if he took it upon himself to clear the little guy's financial crisis. Nick has also shown himself to be a generous provider and a fairly good planner. Without spilling too many beans, try to have more faith in the guy ;) He's usually one step ahead of Steven and probably understands the issues at hand better than we give him credit for.

Hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the adventure, my friend.

Sniffmyfeet wrote: 3 years ago I never thought I'd say this, but wow, I want to sniff those leather gloves as well and I'd love to experience this kind of breathplay at Zack's and Nick's hands.
You've succeeded in putting a smile to my face, buddy.
While this latest scene was written primarily for [mention]CorbD91[/mention] (hope you'll let us know what you think, Corb) I had you in mind as well. I know you're normally not fond of breathplay, so you finding the Nick+Zack glove-smothering duo to be hot is a definite mark of success for me. Glad you enjoyed that, boi 8-)

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Post by CorbD91 »

So I'm all caught up after letting the chapters build up, I love to save them and have a good binge! Last time I saw Steven he was being reprimanded by Nick in the store.

Let's start with that scene in the car when they go for some alone time. It didn't sit well with me, at all. It was basically rape from my perspective. I don't know whether Nick, or even Steven himself realise this, but it's a pretty serious thing and I hope that the apparent changes in Nicks attitude going forward are a major step in the right direction. No means no, even in a master/sub scenario!

Now then, the return of my god, Zack. I've been a fan since he was introduced, and god damn he doesn't disappoint here as well. I don't care how little we know about him, just from what I've seen so far I'll stan and serve him forever (so long as he washes his socks!). I like that he's sort of this confidante between the main pair, but despite his cool exterior, I'm sure it can't be doing him well to be the "third wheel" of sorts, relaying things between the two when they should just sit together and hash things out themselves. Maybe if Jeremy didn't interrupt the 3-way earlier that could have paved the way for some open honesty between them.

Do you really need me to say I enjoyed the glovesmothering scene? I couldn't keep my hands out of my pants the whole time. The descriptions were amazing, and having experienced a few HOM/GOM smothering sessions myself, my imagination had no trouble kicking in and letting me take Steven's place for a while. My only teensy nitpick is that it was given over the top of an already gagged mouth. There's nothing like the feel of leather against your bare lips, it adds to the sensation. Overall though, fantastic chapters! Thank you for the latest scene, and here's hoping those beans don't impede everyone's sleep too much!
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Post by bondagefreak »



When the parents are out and the older brother's left in charge, younger siblings better make themselves scarce, right?

Not this time! Meet sixteen-year-old Ethan and follow along as he tells you about the time he successfully turned the tables on his older brother. Fans of role-reversals are sure to love this one. Don't miss out!


[mention]The WinterShuffle[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]tugfan[/mention] [mention]luiggi87[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]abcdefsmith3[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]ravish[/mention] [mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]harsim[/mention] [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]dallen108[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]user3434658[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]FelixSH[/mention] [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]privateandrews[/mention] [mention]Hojojutsutengu[/mention] [mention]Tiedinjordans[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Charmides[/mention] [mention]TightropesEU[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]ohazut[/mention] [mention]Yaru[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »


Saturday, May 23 (11:00 PM)

So yeah, things got pretty damn smelly after that. But not for the reasons that you might expect.

You see, just as Nick was about to pull his strong-smelling boots off and follow Zack's lead in getting undressed, he suddenly felt the need to take a leak and promptly left the dome-shaped tent in order to relieve his beer-filled bladder.

My eyes looked on with unbridled awe as Jeremy's brown-haired muscle-god went about slowly taking his leather jacket and shirt off.

His upper body and arms were every bit as thick and as built-up as Nick's, but the manner in which he pulled his shirt up off revealed a set of far more pleasantly groomed and well-maintained armpits.

Simply put, the man was gorgeous beyond words.

I watched as he removed his crummy old running shoes and watched as those dark denim jeans he'd been wearing came off as well.

It took about ten seconds for me to pick up the unmistakably cheesy scent of his feet, but the odour wasn't strong enough to draw my attention away from the lower half of his body yet. At least, not for the first minute or so.

It's true that Nick had a phenomenally meaty ass and that his thighs and legs were built like century-old oak trees.
But Zack's thighs were on a whole other level of beefiness. I'd never seen thighs like his before.

The brown-haired warrior-king's rigorous lower body workouts and long hockey matches definitely had an impact on his build. His calves were twice the size of mine and his inexplicably beefy thighs were even bigger than my boyfriend's!

I'd seen Zack in his boxers before, but the sight of him was just terrifyingly magnificent. So much so that the rapidly-increasing potency of his foot-stench hardly seemed to occupy my mind at all.

The beefy, brown-haired muscle-hunk spent about thirty seconds moving stuff around and organising his discarded clothes into a neat pile.

Even as I lay there and silently marvelled at his thighs and at the mind-bogglingly impressive bulge that hung in front of them, Zack remained oblivious to my hungry eyes.

Let's just say, his baby blue boxer-briefs left very little to the imagination.

With each one of his thighs being wider and substantially thicker than my waist, it probably wouldn't surprise you to know that his undies were stretched and strained beyond what the manufacturers had intended.

The leg slots, which were supposed to be hugging his thighs and riding down his tree trunks, were overstretched beyond capacity and bunched up real close to his crotch, where his thighs were at their narrowest.

The briefs were so strained around the beefy man's upper legs that the very hefty-looking front pouch bulge actually hung lower than the leg sleeves which were supposed to be riding below it.

Zack's bulging meat-sack was also unusually large, and the sight of it was rendered even more impressive by the fact that his overly buff thighs caused it to jut forward and stick out quite prominently.

Every step he took caused his giant, low-hanging protrusion to shift from one side to the other.
Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right.

When the brown-haired muscle-god suddenly squatted down to rummage through his duffle bag, I was afforded a good view of his rear.

His bums were as gargantuan as Shawn's and were surpassed in size only by Nick's. The sizeable wet patch near the bottom of his briefs betrayed just how sweaty his gooch and crack was. But it's only when the burly warrior-king stood back up again that I got a first-hand glimpse of what Jeremy had been complaining about.

Zack's sweaty bumhole accidentally flared open, and a very brief, very high-pressured fart suddenly broke the silence that had been reigning in the tent.


"Oups. Haha! Sorry 'bout that." the righteous muscleman immediately apologised.

I actually found his gassy eruption pretty amusing a first.
But then the stench of it reached my nose and I instantly changed my mind about it.

'Oh my god. Oh my fuckin' god! What is that SMELL?!' I thought to myself.

Jeremy was safe for now, what with him being completely zipped up and smothered inside his boyfriend's bag and all. Nick's bag, on the other hand, was still partially unzipped, leaving my gagged face totally exposed and vulnerable to attack.

Of course, Zack wasn't gassing us up on purpose. The fact that he immediately apologised and chuckled somewhat sheepishly betrayed a certain level of shame on his part. Unfortunately for me, his remorse didn't quite compensate for the indescribably ROTTEN stench that now lingered inside the tent. Not by a long shot.

It seemed impossible for someone as gorgeous and as well-meaning as Zack to produce foul smells of this magnitude.

When Jeremy had warned me about this, I laughed. But now that I was sampling the cause of his complaints, I found nothing even remotely funny about it.

If Zack's puke-inducing eruptions were commonplace and frequent after consuming eggs and beans, then I sure as hell wouldn't have been too keen on spending the night with him inside that fat mummy sleeping bag either. Even less so with a speech-proof gag in my mouth!

The broad-chested warrior-king spent the next few seconds going about his business whilst simultaneously remaining completely oblivious to my grimacing face and to the trouble I was having coping with the lingering stench that now seemed to permeate the air.

Unfortunately for me, that's also when the smell of his chronically cheesy socked soles and the fumes coming out of his dreadfully putrid running shoes started assaulting my nostrils.

I coughed and gagged a little, but Zack had already unzipped his monstrously fat sleeping bag and was too busy tending to his own boi to notice how horrified and revolted I was.

Only two minutes had passed since my boyfriend had walked out to take a piss, and already the tent was smelling of blue cheese, vinegar and rotten eggs!


The colossal brown-haired stallion turned the night light down to its lowest setting, kissed Jeremy on the forehead and then turned the sleepsacked prince over on his stomach. I watched as the stunningly handsome man stripped his light blue boxer-briefs off, and watched as he kept his socks on and slowly slid down into his supremely fat, -60°C rated mummy bag.

Those MASSIVE, tree trunk-like thighs disappeared into the narrow worm, and my heart suddenly leapt when I saw Jeremy wrestle his tape-gagged face up out of the extremely thick layer of suffocatingly smothering loft.

With Zack being a serious cold-weather outdoor enthusiast, and with him no doubt being in the habit of sleeping naked during his camping trips, his inexplicably bloated black mummy bag must've carried his scent and probably smelled of him real strongly.

In any case, Jeremy did manage to pull his cute little face out of the musky bag's bulbous loft for about a second or two. He looked at me, causing our eyes to meet for the briefest of moments. But then the unsuspecting kid's momentary freedom was immediately cut short when his jaw-droppingly buff boyfriend's freakishly ginormous broad torso came down.

Jeremy's face was instantly swallowed back up into the insanely fat bag's suffocating loft, and his head completely disappeared beneath the 250-pound warrior-king's enormous pecs. That was the last I saw of my friend that night.


Zack proceeded to pull his mighty thick arms into the musky prison and then crossed his forearms up above Jeremy's head before slowly working the zipper up.

He spent the next minute whispering sweet nothings to his boi, kissing the freckle-faced lad's head and causing the puny nineteen-year-old to moan and whimper into his silencing sponge gag.

Jeremy was probably over the moon by that point. I know I would've been.

Nick walked in a few seconds later and was instantly greeted with a waft of the brown-haired knight's potent gas and powerful foot odour. He crinkled his nose up but bit back his complaint.

"You remember the code?" the blond puffer brute asked after zipping the tent door shut and producing a combination-coded padlock from his pocket.

Zack confirmed that he did, and my hyper-masculine boyfriend immediately responded by padlocking the entrance shut, preventing Jeremy or myself from leaving the tent should we miraculously happen to escape our sleepsacks and get past their bodies and past their dreadfully fat sleeping bags.

I was somewhat used to my overbearing lover's protective tendencies. But for Jeremy, who had pretty much been conditioned to sleep on the cold floor and remain alone with his thoughts all the time, this must've been a little overwhelming and strange.

Over were the days of him being made to sleep like a worthless domestic.
Zack was even warmer and more attentive than Brad was cold and uncaring.

I didn't know much about their relationship yet. But from what I'd seen since our arrival at the campsite, my fragile, pale-skinned friend was quite literally being smothered with care.

The boi was permanently collared and he was often kept on a tight leash.
He'd spent supper eating quietly between his Master's feet and had spent most of the evening curled up inside the burly, brown-haired man's powerful, superhero-sized arms.

Now the lad was locked in a tent, zipped in an escape-proof sleepsack, trapped inside a monstrously fat, squishy sleeping bag and kept under personal guard.

No harm would come Jeremy's way.
His 250-pound guardian angel would see to that.

Nick walked up to his buddy's sleeping bag and crouched down next to it so that he and Zack could share a few words.
They spoke about tomorrow and agreed to take it easy and sleep in a bit later than they usually did.

My boyfriend then offered to zip his friend up; an offer which the brown-haired muscleman graciously accepted.
They said goodnight, and then Nick slowly zipped Zack's massively overstuffed bag shut before taking hold of the hood strings and pulling them tight.

"Hey!" I heard Zack humorously object, the sound of his laughter being greatly muffled by the mind-blowingly thick Antarctic-weather sleeping bag he was currently trapped in.

Nick just smirked and chuckled a bit before closing the opening up to a tiny peephole and triple-knotting the cords together.

"Night, buddy. Sleep tight." he spoke, quickly placing a hand on the shiny black sleeping bag and causing it to swoosh noisily as he brushed his fingers against its silky exterior.

My man and I were finally alone.

With our two hosts now comfortably zipped inside their muffling, sound-proof cocoon, and our own bodies about to befall a similar fate, Nick and I might've as well been in an entirely different room.

Our two friends were so close, and yet the unreasonably fat layer of squishy insulation that surrounded them kept them so far away.

This was perfect, and it was exactly the type of privacy Nick wanted for that romantic night of passionate love-making he'd promised me.

Last edited by bondagefreak 1 month ago, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Although I'm not one for fart play, I do appreciate the skeptical Steven bore the brunt of the gas attack while Jeremy was safe inside the bag! Anyway, I'm glad Jeremy's getting well-deserved care! And that Steven might be getting the same.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Was Nick's kindness at the end of this chapter just a disguised way of making sure the rotten stench of Zack's farts stays inside the sleeping bag? If so, well done! But I feel sorry for Jeremy who has to sample the smells up close.
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Very nice, this was wonderful mix of hot and lovely. The descriptions of Zack's thighs truly made me lean towards him and really just adore him more, though I am curious to learn more about him, there has to be some flaw in the Prince Charming. But otherwise, I adored the details here along with all that occurred... Some parts a little more so... A lot more so.
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Post by GoBucks »

Glad we finally got a whiff of what beans do to Zack! Maybe it has a similar effect on Nick with them being built so similarly :twisted:

Man what I would give to share a sleeping bag with a naked Zack...... damn Jeremy!!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Omg that chapter was so good . The descriptions you wrote of zack was so HOT . When he started farting that was hot . The cheesy socks where hot also .
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Despite the smelly torture hahaha, seeing Zack and Jeremy and Nick and Steven getting all cozy was sweet to read
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Always nice when Steven goes into full descriptive mode about Nick or Zach. He always takes the time to make us feel sorry for their underwear - all that stretching! It sounds very cosy in Zach's sleeping bag. I think Nick did the right thing in trying to keep Zach's smells (or at least some of them) enclosed for the night. Feeling simultaneously sorry and happy for Jeremy and at least Zach will get some of his own medicine!

Looks like Nick and Steven will have some privacy for a bit of romantic fun. Let's see what Nick can pull out of the bag...
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago It sounds very cosy in Zach's sleeping bag.

Indeed it is, my friend. Even more so with the thick memory foam mattress beneath it.
Jeremy is perfectly safe in there. Totally different from sleeping on a cold, hardened surface like Brad got him used to.

[mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]

Thanks for the wonderful comments guys!
Next chapter will be out in a couple hours and should be a tad bit longer than usual.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Just wanna take a quick minute to welcome one of our very talented forum artists [mention]thebadguy[/mention] to this adventure.

Welcome to Steven's tale, my friend.
Hope you enjoy the ride 8-)
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