Jack’s changing friendship (chapter 22 added 15-1-21)

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Post by Socksbound »

Thank you for waiting patiently for a new chapter guys, as some of you know I’ve had a bit going on in my life and hadn’t gotten around to writing much. Hope you like the next chapter, it doesn’t have any illustrations as I’m unable to use my computer at the moment. Looking forward to your feedback as always.

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]

Chapter 20 - Unsuspecting guest

As the nausea subsided, the realisation of Liam’s words sunk in. He wanted to teach me that he was the boss and was going to do it by putting his seed in my ass. The thought of what was to come caused me to panic, actually it was an anxiety attack.

There’s a saying ‘it’s not bondage till you want out’ well, I wanted out now. I was thrashing round grunting and groaning trying to get Wills attention. I wanted him to let me out and hold me close.

My grunts and cries grew louder as tears once again started to stream from my face. Panic had really set in and despite my thrashing around I couldn’t free myself and hadn’t caught the attention of Will. I wanted Will to notice me. I wanted him to protect me, and keep me from harm. The punishments aside he had tried his best to do that. Every now and then he’d get carried away with the boys and let them go a little too far. This was one of those times. I was hurt that he hadn’t noticed Liam’s manipulation of him.

It took all my remaining strength to summon a muffled but almighty scream into the dirty gym sock taped in my mouth. I thrashed wildly attempting to kick my legs, rolling from side to side almost violently. It worked I finally managed to catch the eye of Will who when he noticed a pool of tears dripping down from my heavily gagged, shoe covered face, scooped me up in a warm embrace and quickly carried my bound form out of the room and into his bedroom.

I was gently placed on the bed, my legs were freed, as was my face from the shoe. Will however stopped there. He left me gagged and my arms bound in a box tie.

“Mmmpphh” I cried out wanting to be released.

Will shot a smile “ssshhh, quiet time, It’ll be ok”

He leant in and kissed my gagged mouth, before laying me down and snuggling with me. He put his thick muscular arms around me in a tight comforting hug. Will played with my hair with his other hand, slowly caressing it to help calm me down. It was working somewhat, in that I felt protected and comforted, but couldn’t settle completely because Liam’s threat sat at the back of my mind. I may have been still and quiet but inside I was still hurt and angry, I really wanted to blurt out what Liam had said. I needed to tell Will, to make him see his friend was out to get me.

We lay like this for some time, wills massive body squishing me into the bed. “I know this has been tough on you.... but I want you to know I’m real proud of you” will stoically pronounced. I was chuffed that he was proud but hated some of the things that had happened, none more so than Liam’s threat.

“Mmmpphh Mmmpphh” I continued to protest wanting to actually speak to Will.

Will looked down on my still gagged face whilst I tried to tell him about Liam. All I was doing though was mumble incoherently. My moaning and groaning eventually got what I wanted as will finally removed the tape and allowed me to spit that vile gym sock out.

Will held his hand to my mouth so he could speak. “Before you say anything.... if you are going to say anything about Liam... save it!!”

“He has explained that he said something to you that he regrets and if you apologise for the gym socks he will apologise for scaring you”

My eyes widened at that revelation. I didn’t even notice that happen with all the thrashing I had been doing. There were so many questions running through my head. Had he actually told Will what he said? Was this just Liam covering his tracks? Could he actually be sincere and those words were just said in the heat of the moment?

“I don’t want to hear a peep out of you, just put your tracksuit on and sit at the end of the bed”

I hurriedly got changed and sat with my head bowed and waited for Will to be ready. He came over a knelt in front of me staring right into my eyes. There was a real sincerity in his eyes. We just stared into one another’s eyes for a moment before both our eyes trailed down to what he was holding. In his hands he held a collar and leash.

“HHHUUHHH” I made a rather cloud gasp as he attached it to my neck. Last time I wore it Will allowed a little slack this time he pulled it snugly leaving absolutely no give between the leather and my skin.

“It’s too tight Will”

“It’s fine.... stop being such a pussy” he replied.

“On all fours” Will firmly commanded whilst tugging the leash. Begrudgingly I complied even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. “But Will....I don’t want to go out there”. Will turned his head and stared at me his blue orbs burned through me. He didn’t have to say a word I knew he wasn’t happy at me questioning him. He’d had enough of me whinging and whining. I’d made him a little annoyed and he’d store that away till we had some alone time.

I quickly dropped to the floor to try and make amends. The jock simply muttered something under his breath and tugged the leash heading to the door with me crawling behind him.

As we headed to the games room, I could hear the boys jumping round and cheering. Bumps and muffled cries echoed down the hall. Must have been some wrestling going on. Those hunks were always wrestling and teasing one another. When we entered the room the raucous display stopped and everyone looked at us. Will just smiled and lead me in towards the group of jocks.

As I rounded the couch something caught my eye. It was a bound form lying on the ground being obscured from my view by the mass of legs and bodies in front of me. I scanned the room, to see who it was. Nate, Theo, Max, Mitch, Liam, Will and myself all accounted for. Who on earth was the person.

As we got closer Liam turned around. The smug look on his face made me scowl at him. “He look twerp you’ve got a friend to play with” he mocked.

“Is that your little bro Theo?” Will asked.

“Sure is” Theo called back whilst jabbing the tightly trussed boy in the ribs. His grunts and giggles barely audible under the tape covering most of his face.

“Thomas this is Jack, Jack this is Thomas” Theo winked at me whilst he said it.

Theo jabbed Thomas in the side again “say hello to Jack, Tommy”

“Mmmppphhh mmmgggpphhh” Thomas responded

I just knelt there with my mouth agape. It was quite a sight, and a very unexpected one at that. I took my time to survey the bound boy. Black tape coating his entire face leaving only his nose free. His cheeks slightly bulging with what I could only assume was someone’s sock.

Trailing my view down the boys slender frame you could see the rope work was done expertly. His wrists bound to his ankles. His elbows were tied together but not touching that would have been very painful for the kid if they had been pulled that tight. The ropes wrapped round his chest and ran down his body and I assume his junk was trapped in a crotch tie as well.

It was some really impressive rope work to be honest, I was in awe of just how snug it hugged his body and showed of his taut lean body. The sight actually stirred something inside of me, I could barely hide the excitement growing in my pants. I bit my bottom lip and hummed a little, gee he looked great all trussed up and vulnerable.

All of a sudden I noticed all eyes were in me. “Ok boy time for you to give Thomas some company, the big boys can’t babysit you two all day” Will announced whilst pushing my body flat to the ground. Before I knew it Theo was all over me ropes in hand. He quickly and effectively tied me in the exact same way Thomas had been.

Will came up behind me and grabbed my hair before jamming a sock in my mouth. It must have been Thomas’ as it wasn’t to large or foul only a slight saltiness to it. The black tape came out and I was gagged and blindfolded with the tape like Thomas. We could have passed for twins so identical did out ropes, gags and body shapes appear. Not only that but our muffled grunts sounded exactly the same.

The major difference came when we were both attacked by the devilish invading fingers of our captors. I immediately burst into hysterical laughter, choking and gagging on the sock in my mouth whilst doing so. Thomas though attempted to remain stoic and tried to hold his nerve and laughter in. He tried not to give the boys the satisfaction of showing his demise. His efforts were to no avail as the relentless assault continued for several minutes. Soon the muffled sound of his laughter joined mine and echoed through the room.

All the jocks got in on the action attacking our bare and exposed feet, our ribs and our underarms. I don’t know if anyone got Thomas but one of the guys I’m assuming Will assaulted me inner thighs causing me to jerk at every touch. The crotch rope pulling on my extremely hard erect member causing me to moan through the laughter.

Finally after at least twenty minutes of torture we were allowed some respite. Sweat dripped from my body, I was like a slimy eel all slippery and wet. It was then that our ordeal grew worse the guys retreating to the kitchen leaving only Liam to attend to us. With him proclaiming he wasn’t hungry.

Once the last of the guys had left Liam leant down and whispered in my ear “it’s time to humiliate you little fag, I’ll make you regret ever toying with me. Will won’t be able to protect you this time”

“Mmmppphhh” I screamed into the sock taped into my mouth but no one else could hear my cries.

Liam had me right where he wanted me and there was nothing I could do about it, to top it off he was gonna use Thomas as part of his plan and embarrass us both at the same time.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

When Will said Liam wanted to apologise, I knew something was completely wrong. Very clever, mister "I'm not hungry". Poor Jack! Now we need someone like Phil (from bound and gagged in a sleeping bag) who makes Thomas and Jack swap places without Liam knowing about it. ;)
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A great return [mention]Socksbound[/mention]

We once again see the more tender side of Will, comforting the distressed Jack. It's just a shame it looks like Will may have been manipulated by Liam although I think Jack may have taken Liam's threat a bit too literally.

Nice to see the addition of another bound boy to keep Jack company. It's great to finally meet Theo's brother after he was mentioned earlier in the story. I enjoyed Jack admiring the rope work before he was put into exactly the same position - always a fan of symmetry!

Looking forward to what Liam has planned for the two of them.
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Post by GoBucks »

So glad to see you continue this [mention]Socksbound[/mention]!

Man, Liam is quite devious. Can you imagine if he and Phil were to meet and team up??

I have no idea how Theo's little bro is going to factor into this but I'm sure it'll be quite humiliating and I am all for that 8-)
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] Thrilled to see you getting back to your writing boy!
I'll admit, the wait for this chapter has been painfully long. But now that I've read it, I've gotta say; it was definitely worth the wait!

Lots of great stuff going on in this chapter.
The pace seems to have slowed down when compared to some of the earlier scenes, and we're given some deeper insights into the headspace of our little protagonist.

I really like the interaction between Jack and Will.
This scene particularly stands out for me:
I quickly dropped to the floor to try and make amends. The jock simply muttered something under his breath and tugged the leash heading to the door with me crawling behind him.
I think this will be right up [mention]Pup[/mention]'s alley.

Aside from that, the bondage was superb and Liam's skill with the ropes is mighty impressive.
Jack most definitely has a thing for bondage if the sight of bound Thomas had such an effect on his little wee-wee ;)

Good to see him properly trussed up and gagged like that.
Both of them would probably look good as permanently bound, sock-munching gimps.

Definitely looking forward to what nasty-boy Liam has in store for our little twerp, and what Thomas' role is going to be in all this.

P.s- I think nasty-boy Liam and skaterboy Phil might be blood relatives of some sort 8-)

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Post by Socksbound »

Thank you as always for your comments.

Given our earlier discussion about Will getting his shoes from Shawn it could be plausible that Liam is in fact related to Phil
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Post by gaggedfeety »

What a great continuation!!! I feel like knowing what he did before, I don't think it was unreasonable for Jack take Liam for his word with the threat. In seeing that there's this rivalry between them (whether it's for Will's attention or just cuz), I think Liam is willing to do whatever he can to "break" Jack, and when Will's not there, he'll take advantage of it. I'm lowkey a little mad that Will kinda played it off and took Liam's word about the situation; and I know he's a sub, but I don't like that he had to apologize to Liam as well. But again, Will might not really know what happened, and Jack never really got to say. But I have a feeling that if Will knew, he'd be upset and probably punish Liam again...which makes this rivalry all the more interesting.

Also, I loved the addition of Theo's brother, I'm curious as to what's in store for them!!!
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] Awesome to see you have extended this story!

Now the situation is perfect....Can't wait to see how Liam is going to seek out his revenge on Jack. And with nobody watching Liam will have full reigns to do as he pleases. If he acts out anything like his threats throughout, I can see Jacks future to be quite humiliating... :lol: :lol:

And interesting also is if Thomas will come into play. sounds like his socks have already been used on Jack :mrgreen:

Liked reading how Jack was turned on with how he described the bondage of Thomas.

Now if only Phil could show up, you know to assist Liam :lol: :lol:
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Post by bondagefreak »

socjuc wrote: 3 years ago Now if only Phil could show up, you know to assist Liam :lol: :lol:
What a brilliantly cruel thought to ponder!
In all honesty though, that would most likely spell the end of poor Jack's existence.

I can only imagine all the crazy mischief those two would get involved in 8-)

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Post by Tsuhaya »

I didn't comment much on this story, and I would like to apologize :roll:

I just love it! I love Jack and Will's relationship, the way Jack trusts Will and Will cares about him. I really enjoyed seeing Max playing a switch role. I would like to see more of his relationship with Theo.

We can say that Liam is a great friend of Phil in some alternative universe, but IMO Liam manages to be more perverse than the skateboarder :shock:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Just reread chapter 20 again.

I hope we get to read chapter 21 soon.
I can't wait to see what Liam has in store for the two bound twerps!

Poor guys.
Where's Will when you need him, eh? 8-)
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Post by Jason07 »

I've been reading through and catching up on this tale of yours. I find it delightful and I look forward to more! I hope and pray you continue to add to this wonderful story!
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Post by Socksbound »

Love how you guys think Liam has a resemblance to Phil, every story needs a good villain. Phil may be an evil genius, but I’m thinking you’re all in for a ride when Liam manipulator extraordinaire gets to work.
Tsuhaya wrote: 3 years ago I didn't comment much on this story, and I would like to apologize :roll:

I just love it! I love Jack and Will's relationship, the way Jack trusts Will and Will cares about him. I really enjoyed seeing Max playing a switch role. I would like to see more of his relationship with Theo.

We can say that Liam is a great friend of Phil in some alternative universe, but IMO Liam manages to be more perverse than the skateboarder :shock:
No need to apologise, glad you like it. Max and Theo could end up with their own little tale one day ;) Phil has nothing on Liam, the next chapter will attest to that
Jason07 wrote: 3 years ago I've been reading through and catching up on this tale of yours. I find it delightful and I look forward to more! I hope and pray you continue to add to this wonderful story!
Thanks for dropping a comment there is definitely a new chapter to be released soon.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Only at chapter 5 now but I needed to write a comment!

Absolutely superb!

What a fun read. Jack is a treat and Will is perfect.

Their relationship is off to a great start. I am intrigued by the fact that this is not Will's first rodeo... Hopefulle later chapters will answer the question...
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Chapter 21 - Liam’s bold plan

There we were Thomas and myself tightly hogtied our faces taped and putrid gym socks inside our mouths, and to top it off the sadistic Liam was caring for us. Pfft caring for us is a very lose term, he was out to humiliate me and Thomas was going to be collateral damage.

I heard a muffled squeal coming from Thomas but with my eyes covered in duct tape I had absolutely no idea what Liam was up to. I could hear what sounded like a person being dragged along the floor and the muffled cries grew more and more distant until I could here nothing but the boys into kitchen laughing and joking about.

I lay silent and a little stunned for a few minutes, before I realised there may be a chance to get out and prevent myself and possibly Thomas from receiving whatever it was Liam had planned for us. I writhed and strained trying to find a knot or some loosening of the ropes.

The ropes were tight and I couldn’t find any knots to try and undo. I was not going to give up though as far as I knew Liam was going to make good on his threat from earlier.

The wriggling and squirming was tiring, but eventually paid off as one of the ropes holding my wrist to my ankle started to loosen. The slack in the ropes grew and slowly but surely I managed to get closer and closer to slipping my wrist out. It took one last effort but I finally managed to get enough slack to slip my wrist out. That was unfortunately the moment when Liam walked back into the room.

“Well, well, well what do we have here?? Trying to get away from me we’re ya twerp?? Can’t have that can we”

I grunted angrily in response, causing the much bigger and stronger oaf to kick me in the side and rest his knee on my heavily taped head. My grunts and groans at this treatment only provoked him into more harsh treatments of me. He rolled me on my side before firmly gripping my manhood. Squeezing it until I was screaming into my gag. If it wasn’t so well stuffed the other guys surely would have heard me and come rushing into see what the fuss was about. Alas none of that happened and I remained Liam’s prisoner totally at his mercy.

He must have come prepared as my free wrist was quickly grabbed and Liam placed a discarded sock over my hand before taping it into a fist. The sock mitt was once again bound to my ankle, and tightened to a level that was uncomfortably tight. Liam then released my other arm only to repeat the sock mitt procedure. I was well and truly at his mercy if I wasn’t already, he wasn’t going to show me any that’s for sure.

Liam effortlessly picked me up and carried me on his shoulder. He walked for a short while before I felt cool air on my body, I surmised that we had gone outside. This revelation made me nervous. I was truly worried what Liam was up to and panicked starting to wriggle and squirm.

The wriggling caused Liam to lose his grip on me and I fell hitting the dusty ground with a thud. It took the wind out of me, but it irritated Liam to no end. The disgusting dickwad hocked up a loogey and spat it straight into my taped face. “I’m gonna make you pay, faggot!! get used to It” he sneered at me.

Now angry and irritable he dragged me across the ground before picking me up and dumping onto a hard carpeted surface. It took me a while to work out where I was, but then it hit me he’d put me in the boot of his car.

Liam was going to kidnap me!!! Before I had a chance to move a large heavy bag was dumped on me and then the door slammed shut. It didn’t explain where Thomas was though or how he thought he’d get away with it? I was left to struggle and cry out for some time before I heard the car door open and the car start.

We travelled for a good 20 minutes before the car stopped and the boot was opened. Liam moved the heavy bag off me and roughly dragged me out of the boot. He didn’t say a word to me whilst he moved me. I was so scared stiff and terrified of him that I didn’t move or make a sound as I was brought inside. He dropped me on the ground and strangely began to untie me.

As both my arms were freed from my ankles I felt the harsh cold metal of hand cuffs round my wrists and the distinctive click as they were locked shut. The rest of the ropes were removed as was the tape from my face. Still stunned at the situation I just knelt on the ground and looked at the large menacing figure eyeing me up and down.

Liam had been a bit of a dick to me but this was an extreme way to get his revenge. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Liam was the first to break the silence. “I bet you are wondering what’s going on aren’t you??”

I didn’t respond, and just continued to stare blankly back at him. He once again jabbed me with his foot. “Answer me, you stupid fag”

“Y-yes” I stammered back.

His quick reply was “yes whooo??”

I gulped before answering “yes master Liam” I wasn’t stupid even as frightened as I was I could tell he what he wanted me to say and was getting off on his power over me.

His smug smile broke me out of my scared submissive state and back to a defiant more rebellious state. Liam sensed it and in a flash the hulking brute was on top of me his giant right foot planted on my face pushing me into the floor below.

Liam bent right down and made sure I could see his miserable face. “Let’s get this straight, you are my toy to play with. Will isn’t going to come and save you, I’ve told the others that you escaped and ran away” I could only stare back in disbelief.

“They are out looking for you in the total other direction. We have a couple of hours till I’m going to say I found you and we will return. If you behave this won’t be too bad, but piss me off and you will never be the same again, understand??”

That nervous submissive state quickly returned, who knew how far he’d go. Liam was a psycho. I hesitantly replied “yes M-master Liam”

“Don’t worry about Thomas I just tied him naked to the front porch pole so everybody could see him. Theo might have released by now” he chuckled. I just averted my eyes towards the ground in a sign of total submission.

Happy with his clear dominance over me he removed his foot from my crushed face and sat me on the floor in front of him. “You’ve got too many clothes onto be my slave let’s get you out of those clothes so you can serve me better”

I was very quickly undressed and back on my knees totally naked, humiliated and embarrassed before I knew it. The only thing I had on was a leather collar with lead attached that Liam had tight grip on. Oh and he kept my hands in the sock mitts so I couldn’t play with the lock but had removed the cuffs when he was satisfied I was being compliant.

Liam continued to eye my up and down, they way he licked his lips and watched my every little movement made me feel like he was some lion eyeing of a gazelle to eat. He began to yank the leash bringing me in closer and closer. Making me crawl on all fours until me head was right in front of his crotch. The engorged member inside his tight football shorts was straining hard to get out.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, not out of wanting it but out of sheer terror that it would be soon inside me. I may not have been able to see it in all it glory but I had a feeling it would be angry or at least Liam use it as an angry lover. Whereas Will was slow and controlled with me, I knew Liam would afford me none of that.

“Don’t worry you filthy little slag you’ll get to try daddy’s meat soon enough, turn round put your hands behind your back so I can make you more comfortable”

I shivered at the thought, but complied out of my continuing fear of him. Liam produced one of the ropes I had been bound with when I was brought in and he used it to effectively bind my wrists together, so tight I was sure it would cut the circulation off. He wasn’t done yet and he produced a broom he had placed on the ground beside the chair. “Lie down” he barked as he pushed me to the ground.

Using some more of the rope each of my ankles was tied to the brim spreading my legs apart and making any escape impossible. He picked me up and rolled me onto my back so I was forced to face him.

“Hope you can handle some pain coz that’s what you are gonna get twerp”

I went to plead with him to stop but I was met with one of those gym socks stuffed, no punched into my mouth as I opened it. To hold it in place my muzzle was used the smell of the leather punctuated the air. This time though it wasn’t a sensual experience to be enjoyed. It’s also at this time I realised the heavy weight was the duffel bag with Will’s gear. He had it all and I’m sure he was going to make great use of it and any other objects he could find.

Now that I was silenced he was going to put his sinister plan into effect. He spent several minutes fishing through cupboards and crates collecting things whilst I lay there trying to see what he was up to.

As he walked back over with a handful of goodies he remarked “looks like someone is excited to be with master Liam”

It was then that I noticed that I was hard as a rock despite the fear of what this sadistic prick had planned. He sat on the floor beside me, putting the items on the other side of him to prevent me seeing them. He produced a peg, I looked back a little confused. What on earth was that for??

That’s when he attached it to one of my nipples. The pain that seared through me caused an almighty scream. Luckily I was so well gagged or Will and the gang would have known exactly where I was being held. He produced several more applying them to all the sensitive areas. Both my nipples, half a dozen down my sides with a string attaching them together, and a couple on my earlobes. Not to mention a string of them down my inner arm. I screamed and cried as each one was attached.

Then Liam went for the kill....

He began attaching them to my balls, each one sending a jolt of pain through my body. The pain was overwhelming. So much so that I began to yet again sob uncontrollably. This seemed to be exactly what Liam wanted and was what he got every time he had been in charge of me. This was him showing me how inferior to him I was.

Finally after attaching so many pegs you could barely see my balls he stopped. The pain of each one began to slowly fade to a numbness. That’s when I truly felt pain as liam began to yank from my body. As it shot through my body the blood curdling screams were barely contained in the gag. My body shaking at the intensity of the pain.

Liam on the other hand had a wicked and delighted smile plastered on his stupid smug face. He was totally enjoying and really getting off on inflicting this pain on me. The tent in his shorts attested to that.

As he violently removed more and more of the pegs the pain finally got too much for me and I guess I blanked out. This wouldn’t be the end of the ordeal in fact Liam had devised many more ways to break me or at least try to. This was going to be a hellish couple of hours....
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Post by blackbound »

Supremely hot. Clothespins are a terrible torture implement.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Ouch that was a hard chapter for our poor sub. He must be so afraid! Liam is a true sadist, it seems. Jack now really needs Will's protection and it will be some time before he gets that again, I'm afraid. The scene with the clothespins was intense!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Well we knew Liam was an unpleasant character but that chapter just took things to a whole new level. With the setup from the previous chapter I really didn't expect him to go and kidnap Jack like that. He really has a sadistic streak! The worst thing about having pegs applied is knowing at some point they have to be removed!

I'm a bit disappointed in Will at the moment. He has really dropped the ball this time, completely failing to protect his friend from a situation he is partly responsible for creating. He knew Liam had threatened Jack but didn't take it seriously enough to keep an eye on him. Hopefully he will get a hero moment, sweeping in to save Jack and dealing appropriately with Liam before admitting his mistakes and learning from them.

Loved the call back to the muzzle but that this time it didn't have the same relaxing effect given the different circumstances. Also loved that Jack was on the way to escaping before he was found out and tied back up and kidnapped.

Great story and great writing. Your talent is definitely growing.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

What a chapter...[mention]Socksbound[/mention] knows I have a list of guys who I do not like (many of whom are stars in [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s stories :lol:) and Liam just made the list, although I have a feeling his place will change as we read more.

I agree with [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] in his disappointment with Will. Although he really isn't at risk of joining this list of mine, he frustrates me so much because in my eyes, this is all his fault, and whatever happens to Jack is on him. Hopefully Will does come to save the day, but I have a feeling that Jack is gonna suffer and I hope Will doesn't step in when it's too late (i.e. Liam following through with his threat). And regardless of what happens, and whether Jack and Will are still friends (or more), in my eyes, Will has a long road of redemption.

But again, another amazing chapter that gets me heated! Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

That was a hot chapter . Such a sadistic punishment .
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Post by bondagefreak »

Poor Jack.
The Daddy in me has trouble enjoying his treatment at the hands of mighty Liam.

The boy really does sound terrified, a credit to your writing for getting his feelings and emotional state so well across.
I bet Will is gonna be furious when he finds out about this. Or IF he finds out about this.

Liam is as big as he is, not to mention several years older.
Might take a few guys to successfully take him down.

Definitely rooting for some much needed justice here!

Let's see that list of your's [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] 8-)

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Post by bondagefreak »

By the way, boy.
How do these guys all stack up on the Stink-O-Meter scale?

Some folks *me* want to know 8-)
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Post by Jason07 »

I've been enjoying this story a lot so far.

But now it's taken a turn for the scary. . . . . . .

I Certainly hope the poor boy gets rescued and Liam gets kicked to the curb. It's NOT ok to treat a person like that.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Chapter 13.

Having a great time. Curious to see the dynamics of all the new guys...

Great story. And the emotional undertone about his father is great
Learning new things each day...

A list of my work...
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Post by GoBucks »

Wow Liam is evil! Seems like the kind of plan Phil would cook up. I do think Will will eventually show up to save Jack because it's pretty obvious that Liam took him, but I'm just not sure if he would make it in time. The twisted part of me kind of hopes he doesn't before Jack gets to enjoy some of that dick :twisted:
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