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Post by bondagefreak »

By the way, you guys know that you're allowed to disagree with me, right?
I may be a Dom, but the last thing I wanna come off as in these discussions, is patronizing.

Those of you who know me on a more personal level know that I am staunchly against the pushing of political correctness on others.
What the media and some power-hungry pundits are trying to make us common folk forget is that dialogue, conversation and peaceful exchanges are the founding ingredients of mutual understanding, peace and respect.

Instead of isolating ourselves within our own like-minded groups, we should be seeking out people with different opinions and trying to understand their way of reasoning. This, of course, carries a very broad meaning. But what I'm trying to say is that you guys are entitled to your own opinions, and I never want you to feel as though I'm rebuking you for having a different outlook than mine.

The world would be a far brighter place if people spoke to each other and sought to understand different POVs (within a certain limit of course). My voice doesn't weigh any more than anyone else's on here.

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Post by ShadowHusky »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago By the way, you guys know that you're allowed to disagree with me, right?
I may be a Dom, but the last thing I wanna come off as in these discussions, is patronizing.

Those of you who know me on a more personal level know that I am staunchly against the pushing of political correctness on others.
What the media and some power-hungry pundits are trying to make us common folk forget is that dialogue, conversation and peaceful exchanges are the founding ingredients of mutual understanding, peace and respect.

Instead of isolating ourselves within our own like-minded groups, we should be seeking out people with different opinions and trying to understand their way of reasoning. This, of course, carries a very broad meaning. But what I'm trying to say is that you guys are entitled to your own opinions, and I never want you to feel as though I'm rebuking you for having a different outlook than mine.

The world would be a far brighter place if people spoke to each other and sought to understand different POVs (within a certain limit of course). My voice doesn't weight any more than anyone else's on here.
I get what you're saying here, my breif response was due to me replying during my work break and also I understand the intrigue for push back. But at least to me, what you said had plenty of valid arguments and it was done so in a respectful and informative way.

So while I don't completely agree, all my points had already been stated and I felt no need to push back as we came to a destination where we both understood and accepted each others statements.

On the topic of you being a Dom, I've always been an art first kind of person. Probably something you may see in my posts, I'm not a very vocally kinky guy and while I do speak about that stuff, it's not often with a high level of vocal passion. So on that sense, I see you as a writer first and as a Dom second. I have no qualms with having a back and forth discussion.
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Post by Socksbound »

ShadowHusky wrote: 3 years ago It was rather naive of me to assume these guys would be following common BDSM principles and such. I do see Phil in a different light now, not particularly a better one, but a different one. I have my gripes and opinions about certain subjects but I guess I never went far into being informed about such topics. Which was rather silly of me.

Thanks for the lesson, Teach!
Yeah I agree, totally fell into thinking they followed those principles. Thank you [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for your in-depth analysis of the conversation and showing me once again how I let my emotions to rule my thought process
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago By the way, you guys know that you're allowed to disagree with me, right?
I may be a Dom, but the last thing I wanna come off as in these discussions, is patronizing.
Rest assured, that's not the impression you left on me. I really appreciate your help when reading this story, as you make me aware of deeper layers and of the flaws of having only one point of view (Steven's) represented in the story.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Special thanks for the awesome reviews and comments, guys! Really appreciate the support.
Glad to see the poll count increasing again over the weekend.
Next chapter coming out shortly.

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention]

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Post by Ossassin »

Gotta admit, I really appreciated the analysis of consent. I have set groups of people with different but similar opinions on these topics and as such I tend to not really hang out much with cis het non kinky guys. I never really hang out with people who are unfamiliar with consent so I had forgotten to take that into account.
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Post by sock_gagged »

Oh man Phil is little punk for sure! Reminds me of some of skater kids I grew up with. I feel a little bad for Steven - getting stink faced can be brutal. That said I’m enjoying his exposure to “new experiences” :) Sometimes we need all need to move outside our comfort zone and enjoy more than just a sweaty smelly sock gag ;)
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Post by Red86 »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Steven describes Josh as being a devil, but always portrays the troublesome jock in a humorous, positive light.
Steven also describes Phil in the same way, but portrays him in a totally different light.
Is it justified? Probably not.

All we know is that Steven finds Josh super hot, but doesn't find Phil nearly as attractive.
Would Steven's view of Phil change if he actually got to know the guy? Possibly. Only time will tell.

In @gaggedfeety's words, Phil is a "douchy opportunist who just likes to fuck with people" which is exactly what Josh has shown himself to be. Alas, he gets the "hotness" pass, and not only with Steven, but with MANY of you!

The extra screen time Josh has been granted allowed Steven to see a lighter/friendlier side to the jock.
I'll leave it up to you guys to decide whether or not Steven's dislike of Phil would lessen if he were given equal screen time.
I label both Josh and Phil as slightly evil little sh*t's since the "hotness pass" doesn't work for me here. However since we have had the additional screen time with Josh and have seen the friendlier side of him even though he's still manipulative, maybe, just maybe if we had an equal opportunity with Phil the same could be said for him. There's an old saying that says don't judge a book by it's cover. That could apply here and perhaps time will tell.

Not gonna lie, Josh may already be knock down a bit but IMO Phil needs to be knocked down a peg or two as well... :lol:
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Post by Pup »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago By the way, you guys know that you're allowed to disagree with me, right?
I may be a Dom, but the last thing I wanna come off as in these discussions, is patronizing.
With a Dom?
I don't think you understand how our brains work.

I would have to agree that comparing what is essentially a prankster hazing someone to a Dom isn't really a fair comparison.
That being said, I do find the perspectives Steven tends to have a little, strange?
I almost think he would/should have a more hostile viewpoint towards some of the jocks actions towards him.
One thing I would say above all that the most recent few chapters shows to me is that Steven can be quite shallow in how he sees people, but then so can most people so, makes sense.

I don't know, the thing I find most "unrealistic" in this whole section is the idea of Nick just leaving Steven with Shawn at all. Like I know Nick is distracted by events and all, but surely he would be taking a more active interest in how Steven was.
That being said I think that might be a side effect of the way time in this story seems to, dilate.
Amazing how many chapters it can take to cover a few hours sometimes.
Guess it hasn't been as long as it seems since this whole section kicked off.

Either way, great chapters as always. :P
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hey Pup! Always a pleasure hearing from you.
Pup wrote: 3 years ago That being said, I do find the perspectives Steven tends to have a little, strange?
I almost think he would/should have a more hostile viewpoint towards some of the jocks actions towards him.
Maybe he should, but given how his views are mirrored by those of readers here, and how most of them are forgiving of characters they find physically appealing, I don't think Steven is all that strange.

I'm not surprised you feel that way though.
I know you're not attracted to jocks and muscular types, so you're naturally not going to be as forgiving of them as Steven is.

Pup wrote: 3 years ago The thing I find most "unrealistic" in this whole section is the idea of Nick just leaving Steven with Shawn at all. Like I know Nick is distracted by events and all, but surely he would be taking a more active interest in how Steven was.
While I do sympathize with what you're saying, I think it would be good to remember that Nick's been gone for a mere 72 hours.
He left Steven home and called his cousin to come bodyguard in case Brad showed up and decided to do something stupid.

With the passing of his relative and the knowledge that he just spoke to Steven yesterday and that everything seemed okay, I don't exactly see the scenario as being unrealistic. The number of chapters and the lengthy production time probably account for the way you feel about it.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I've been on nephew duty for a few days (great fun but always nice to give them back!) but I've now had a chance to get back to some reading and have made it to chapter 100 and the end of part 3. Also exciting that the posts are now only 1 year old rather than 2!

I've come to the conclusion that the worst thing about this story is just how addictive it is! Once you start reading it's really hard to stop although I tend to find that a break is required every few chapters to allow things to cool down! There are so many little nuggets of detail within the story that it gives you a lot to think about and I'm afraid that what follows is a bit of a brain dump! Enjoy me overthinking everything that Steven has already overthought (overthunk???!).

As always, the level of description is superb regardless of the subject matter and I think you also do a really good job with the pacing, building things up and then letting them subside before starting to build again. There are some great moments of tension and anticipation and some great cliff-hangers- you really know how to play with your readers! I particularly like the fact that you really take the time to describe the tie ups in great detail over multiple chapters - it keeps the anticipation building and, for me, the process of tying up is as important as what happens after.

I think Nick and Steven have come a long way since they were last at the cottage. Whilst they both clearly need to sit down and have a good long talk, I think they both have a better grasp on their feelings for each other. Steven has come to terms with the fact that he is attracted to guys and that he likes to be dominated, restrained and forced to do things. Nick, it seems, has always had a desire to dominate and restrain people (he is clearly very practiced at tying knots and gagging!) but it feels like it is only really since his kidnapping of Steven that a sexual element has come in to it. Nick was turned on by dominating Steven who in turn was turned on by submitting to Nick - a virtuous circle developed. Obviously there have been some bumps along the way but I feel in general Steven trusts that Nick will look after him and Nick cares about and wants to look after Steven. It's also nice to see Nick caring a bit less about what others think of him. Whilst I do love the dynamic of their relationship I think for it to work long term Steven needs to develop his own life (job, hobbies, etc.) beyond Nick - I don't know how open Nick would be to this.

Brad and Jeremy on the other hand - this really doesn't look like a good relationship. I feel really sorry for Jeremy. He's done much better than me in terms of accepting his gay and kinky sides at just 19 but instead of just getting out there, exploring and having fun he has entered an emotionally complex relationship with Brad. Whilst I completely get the appeal of the master/slave role play I think making it the foundation of a full time relationship would be almost impossible even if the parties involved knew and trusted each other implicitly. We have the naïve and emotionally immature Jeremy being dominated and controlled by the cunning and manipulative Brad. There is obviously an awful lot we don't know about this relationship and Steven is not an impartial narrator but it does bear many hallmarks of an abusive relationship.

Brad is definitely a complex character. He's clever, cunning, manipulative, sadistic but also not entirely without empathy. Did Nick awaken something within Brad when he got him involved in kidnapping Steven or was it already awake? Clearly he was keen to establish his own master/slave relationship after that event. My feeling is that initially Brad and Jeremy probably had something that worked for both of them but over time Brad has stepped things up until he has recently taken things too far. Nick, who up to this point has respected the relationship, clearly thinks things have gone too far. As much as Nick enjoys bullying and abusing Steven and Jeremy I think he does have a line in the sand that he won't cross. I'm not sure the same can be said of Brad.

Shawn is really the odd-one out in this quintet. I think he sees the activities with Steven and Jeremy as just a bit of additional fun. There doesn't seem to be any sexual element to it - he's just going along with Nick and Brad. Although his inexperience does make things interesting for the two subs. I'd definitely rather have been in Steven's place than Jeremy's.

Does anybody else's brain hurt? I guess it's a testament to the story that it is possible to go into so much detail with the characters - they are all complex and flawed just like real people. We are also not helped by our unreliable narrator - he's definitely biased and it's impossible for him to see the complete picture. I'm also curious as to why Steven is telling this story to us - whilst generally in the moment there are occasional clues that he is actually recounting events from his past...

I think one of the highlights of this section of the story is the interaction between Steven and Jeremy. It's great watching Steven take a few moments to tease Jeremy when he finds him in the sleeping bag - who could resist - and it's interesting that he goes straight for the erection. Contrast with Nick who tightens things up and goes for some breath control. I love the mystery of the sleeping bag, we have no idea what is going on inside. We also have Steven trying to protect and defend Jeremy, getting turned on watching Jeremy get mummified whilst at the same time trying to avoid the same fate himself. He's even forced to torment Jeremy with some smelly socks.

It was fun watching Steven trying to trick Nick. Of course it didn't work - I don't think Steven could have done anything to avoid his mummification so it was probably for the best that he submitted willingly. I think I would have done the same! I haven't had the opportunity to experience mummification but it definitely sounds like fun! I enjoyed the game the alphas played to pick socks (having played a lot of Mario Kart this weekend I like to imagine them playing that although I'm sure they were actually playing something much more macho!). I also like the fact that the sub is made complicit in choosing their gag even if all the choices are horrible! I don't think I would pick any of the options willingly. The image of the three alphas gaming with the two subs, mummified and gas masked with Brad's shoes, at their feet is definitely a good one

The final scenes between Steven and Nick were great even if it wasn't the romantic image Steven hoped for - at the end of the day it probably rarely is. It felt very symbolic and in keeping with the characters and the story. I think you did a really good job of describing the action without it getting overly biological or resorting to overblown similes and metaphors. It was tender and erotic and real and so many of the key story elements were present. The bondage might have been a bit unnecessary for Steven but I think it was right for the story and I'm glad he wasn't gagged.

Once again, things have ended up heading south at Brad's cottage and we have a second appearance of Nick the hero. I'd love Jeremy to return home with Steven and Nick and for everything to be alright but somehow I think that is unlikely. I think it's time to continue the story, I believe I'm about to meet a new character...
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

And with the start of part 4, reality comes crashing back and we are reminded just how complicated life can be. Abusive relationships are an incredibly complex topic to discuss. The focus is so often put onto physical abuse, and it appears that that is what caused Nick to intervene, but it is the mental and emotional abuse that often has the long term impact on a person's life and can make it incredibly hard for them to even realise/accept that they are being abused - particularly if they are cut off from everyone else.

As with most moral dilemmas there are no easy answers. This case is particularly challenging due to the way it escalates so rapidly - there really is no time to think. I think all 3 characters react as you would expect them to. Restraining Jeremy is probably not the best idea but it wouldn't be the first time Nick has justified bondage as a way to keep someone safe. Surely it's better to do something to try and help rather than nothing. Unfortunately, I think the only person now who can truly help Jeremy is Jeremy. Friends can support him and professionals can help him work his way through his thoughts and feelings but only Jeremy can accept that there is a problem and take steps to address it.

Well done [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for exploring such a difficult subject. Stories are a great tool for this and you definitely triggered a debate at the time (just before Christmas as well!) Hopefully I've not brought back too many painful memories. I've also read that in the UK it has just become compulsory for schools to teach pupils about coercive control so I think that shows just how important these discussions are.

On a much lighter note - what was Steven thinking making a peanut butter and banana sandwich?! I can't imagine anything worse to put in my mouth! Actually, scratch that, I've read over 100 chapters of this story, I most definitely can imagine worse!

I've also noticed a bit of a pattern emerging with regards to the characters in this story - they do seem to fall into a couple of 'slightly' stereotypical camps! At least their personalities are all quite different. Hopefully some of the later characters will break the mould.

It also looks like we have a bit of a clichéd scenario coming up with 'The Babysitter'. Hopefully you will subvert our expectations or completely fulfil them - either way works for me!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Pup WIngletang[/mention] I have loved reading your thoughts and reviews on the story as you have read thus far - but I must stand in defense of the peanut butter and banana sandwich! Of all the issues you have brought up, this strikes me as the most important. Far superior to the peanut-butter-and-jelly monstrosity that has become ubiquitous in our society, the peanut butter and banana provides a creamy yet complex flavor and texture. Even better if you have it on toasted bread so that the peanut butter melts just a little and you have a satisfying toasty crunch with creamy peanut butter and banana within... yay.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts so far!

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] I think you've just made things worse with that description! However, at least we can agree that peanut butter and jelly is a monstrosity although thankfully it has not really become ubiquitous in the UK.

Glad to hear you've enjoyed reading my thoughts - it's great to have an outlet for them, they build up so quickly.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago On a much lighter note - what was Steven thinking making a peanut butter and banana sandwich?! I can't imagine anything worse to put in my mouth! Actually, scratch that, I've read over 100 chapters of this story, I most definitely can imagine worse!
I have to agree with what you say here. Peanut butter and banana isn't a combination that I like. Chewing on Nick's workout socks isn't going to leave a nice taste in my mouth either, but at least it would make me horny. :P
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Post by Socksbound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago @Pup WIngletang I have loved reading your thoughts and reviews on the story as you have read thus far - but I must stand in defense of the peanut butter and banana sandwich! Of all the issues you have brought up, this strikes me as the most important. Far superior to the peanut-butter-and-jelly monstrosity that has become ubiquitous in our society, the peanut butter and banana provides a creamy yet complex flavor and texture. Even better if you have it on toasted bread so that the peanut butter melts just a little and you have a satisfying toasty crunch with creamy peanut butter and banana within... yay.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts so far!
I had to read your comment twice I thought you said you had it with crunchy peanut butter. Then I would have totally disagreed with you. But creamy smooth peanut butter and banana is da bomb :D
Sniffmyfeet wrote: 3 years ago
I have to agree with what you say here. Peanut butter and banana isn't a combination that I like. Chewing on Nick's workout socks isn't going to leave a nice taste in my mouth either, but at least it would make me horny. :P
I’m with you there too, in the fact that I’d happily (more like accept) Nicks workout socks for the ability to be made horny too
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

I'm still very much behind, Sir, but I just started catching up again and finished chapter 207.

Damn, Joshua is having much fun with the tightly mummified Steven, isn't he?
At this point, I'm pretty sure Joshua is also submitting somehow. Can't wait to find out.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] Congrats for reaching chapter 100, pup!
I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you're enjoying this as much as you are.

You've again provided us with a wonderful analysis of the characters and their developing relationships, and given myself and the other readers much to think about. Fantastic reviews, boy. I hope you enjoy Part IV as much as you've enjoyed the previous three parts.

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna enjoy Part IV's addition the cast ;)
Have fun, pup.

[mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] Welcome back, babe.
It certainly has been a long time since your last visit on this thread.
Knowing you like I do, I know you're gonna enjoy the latest developments a lot. There are a few surprises in there for you.
I guess it's a good thing your LOCKtober challenge is about to finish, eh boi? 8-)

* * * * *

Those of you following my meager DeviantArt page know that I've been publishing a few of my minor works on there over the course of the last month or two.

A few days ago, I was contacted by a guy who stumbled across my works and really enjoyed what he read.
So I took the opportunity to invite him on here with us.
He sent me a nice DeviantArt reply a few hours ago:

"Thank you so much for your kind response!! I just made an account under "smushboy" the other night and have been reading your "Bound & Gagged in a Sleeping Bag" for the past few days. And HOLY CRAP. Seriously I love every single part of it!! Already on Chapter 91, I can't get enough!!! I want to be under all that amazing man stench and weight so badly! lol

Thank you so much for your amazing work!! Once I get caught up, I'll try to comment when I can :) I'll give you a little shout out in my introductory post I'll do there sometime this week. Thank you again for introducing me to this amazing world! It's amazing finding a community that's into similar interests. Never thought I'd find that!


Welcome onboard [mention]smushboy[/mention]!
I'm super happy you're enjoying Steven's tale!

I've looked at your DA page and took a few minutes to browse through your "favourites" the other day.
You definitely are at home here, boy ;)

I sincerely hope you don't wait to be caught up before commenting though. That applies to user [mention]Fool[/mention] as well ;)

As you can tell from the comments here, the reviewers sharing their thoughts are all at different stages of the story.

One of the readers who wrote a nice review a few hours ago ([mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]) just made it to chapter 100, and another reader ([mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]) just made it to chapter 207.

Some of the reviewers are fully caught up, some are just starting, and others are half-way through.

If you really enjoy what you're reading, I strongly encourage you to share your thoughts with us (about the characters, their relationships, your favourite parts, your favourite character(s), who you identify with the most so far, etc). Don't wait 'till you're fully caught up, boy.
This is an ongoing story and our awesome community (which you're not a part of) is built on reviewers and author/reader discussions.

Welcome to your new family!
Really hope to see you participating and become an active member.
You're gonna have a lot of fun here 8-)

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Post by smushboy »

Oh my goodness, I am so ridiculously honored by this welcome post, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] <3 <3 <3
Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Hi everybody!! As the incredible author of this thread's story said, I'm new here and so psyched to have found this site and community! Yes, my favorites on DeviantArt and general interests certainly are explored so specifically on this site. I've always fantasized about being non-consensually tied up/mummified. My mouth filled and face covered with gags dripping of men stink. My smaller, paralyzed body dominated and smushed by bigger, raunchy men who keep me like that suffering for hours on end. Days. Weeks. Years?
All of that and more!

I will definitely post as often as I can and give reviews on where I am with this story :) Thank you for the encouragement!

Thank you again SO SO MUCH for the incredibly kind welcome [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] and to everyone else for having me be a part of this community and family!! <3

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Post by Socksbound »

smushboy wrote: 3 years ago Oh my goodness, I am so ridiculously honored by this welcome post, @bondagefreak <3 <3 <3
Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Hi everybody!! As the incredible author of this thread's story said, I'm new here and so psyched to have found this site and community! Yes, my favorites on DeviantArt and general interests certainly are explored so specifically on this site. I've always fantasized about being non-consensually tied up/mummified. My mouth filled and face covered with gags dripping of men stink. My smaller, paralyzed body dominated and smushed by bigger, raunchy men who keep me like that suffering for hours on end. Days. Weeks. Years?
All of that and more!

I will definitely post as often as I can and give reviews on where I am with this story :) Thank you for the encouragement!

Thank you again SO SO MUCH for the incredibly kind welcome @bondagefreak and to everyone else for having me be a part of this community and family!! <3

- smushboy

Welcome [mention]smushboy[/mention] its a terrific story, and the community here are amazing. With interests like that there are plenty of works on here right up your alley. Look forward to reading your comments

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

So I've managed some solid reading today and have completed events up to the end of chapter 127. Sunday, 23rd April was definitely an eventful day! (I love the addition of the date stamps at the beginning of each chapter). Also a quick shout-out for the chapter titles - they give you a little hint of the excitement to come.

A great introduction for our newest character. At the moment Zach seems like a nice positive force in the story - he helped to boost Steven's self-confidence about his relationship with Nick and he seems to be having a positive effect on Jeremy. It was fun to see him catch Steven sniffing Nick's underwear and he very kindly agreed to tie Steven up - another great hogtie. Potentially a risky thing for Steven to agree to as he really doesn't know much about Zach. Luckily Zach seemed to handle it very well - definitely a contrast to both Nick and Brad.

I particularly enjoyed Steven's disappointment at not being gagged and at being untied too soon but not being able to voice his feelings. I can relate to that! Subs are full of contradictions - luckily there are people out who can deal with them!

I can feel myself being seduced but then Daddy Nick came home and fed Steven pizza... I definitely enjoyed their evening activities - it was definitely quite an intense experience for Steven. Nick was incredibly dominating and very turned on but I don't think he lost sight of Steven and what he could take. I think Steven is a bit like me in that he benefits from being pushed every now and then. It's also easy to forget that most of what's happening is new for the characters in this story so they are still working things out.

Back to Zach, something must be wrong, we don't yet know anything about how he smells. That's very unusual for alpha characters in this story - I'm sure [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] has something up his sleeve!

You raised an interesting dilemma when Nick and Zach forced Jeremy to take the Melatonin pills. It's completely in character for Nick to try to keep Jeremy safe by restraining him in a sleeping bag and I get that if that is the end goal it would be better for him to be asleep but is any of this really the best solution? Surely the best thing is for him to not be restrained and to be kept under supervision with much more gentle persuasion to take the pills to help him sleep. I just feel pills should always be taken with consent, especially anything that requires a doctor's prescription as is the case with Melatonin in the UK. I also feel that by forcing him to take the pills they will have undone all the good work they did during the day. A difficult and complex situation. However, for the story, Nick's actions make sense and it leaves Nick and Steven free for a fun evening!

Can't wait to see where this story goes next...

PS: Looks like it was a draw on the peanut butter and banana sandwich front!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Note from the author: This one goes to my highly esteemed, long time supporter [mention]socjuc[/mention]. Have fun, boy!

Friday, May 22 (6:10 PM)

I would've normally been happy to have my blindfold removed and my vision restored.
But in this particular instance I found no solace in the fact that I could once again see and observe my surroundings.

As soon as Skaterboy Phil pulled me towards the foot of the couch and sat himself down on it's cushiony canopy, I knew I was about to endure something terrible. Watching my own demise unfold before me, but not being able to do anything to prevent it was arguably even worse than not seeing it at all.

I could only lie there and mewl pathetically beneath my gag as the teen-tyrant brought his feet up on the couch and slowly started unlacing his old, heavily worn-out Converse sneakers.

The instant his left shoe came off and fell to the floor, I cried out in terror and struggled against my body-hugging, skin-tight restraint.

I recognised those socks.
Those were the same crummy fucks he'd been wearing last night.
The same shitty stinkers that had gone an entire month without a wash.

The cruel twink's smug face twisted into an ugly grin, and then I watched as his second shoe came off and landed on the floor, right next to the first. By that point I was struggling like MAD in an attempt to break free.

"Haha! Where d'ya think you're goin', bitch?" Phil grinned, chuckling evilly at my futile escape attempts, and planting his right foot down on top of my duct tape-clad forehead.

I couldn't tell whether his sock was moist or not, but even from beneath the layers of thick adhesive, I could feel the warmth emanating from his cotton-padded stinker.

The teen-devil used his hold over my forehead to stop my face from moving.
I tried to twist my head away from beneath his foot, but his grip was too tight and the tape cocoon was just way too restrictive.

I looked up into my captor's stupid face, and then went wide-eyed as his second foot came down to terrorize my already-frightened face.

"Mmmpph! Mmmpph" I yelled, as soon as his pungent-looking, stench-ridden socked foot came into view.

The stubby Hanes ankle socks on his feet looked positively ripe and smelled inexplicably toxic.

I screamed and yelled, cursing at the fact that Phil's soles were back to haunt me.
After the forced sniff-session he'd imposed upon me last night, the very LAST thing I wanted was to have another go at this kid's sweltering stench-bundles.

"What's wrong, worm? Got somethin' to say?" he mocked, once again speaking to me in a condescending tone, while at the same time slowly lowering his foot down 'till it hovered right above my nose.

I gagged and choked on my talk-proof mouth stuffing, eyeing the underside of my captor's cotton-padded stinker and struggling furiously to get away from it's reach. Much to my sudden frustration, the skater-twerp practically squealed with glee when I was forced to flare my nostrils open and breathe in his rotten fumes.

I desperately tried holding my breathe, but no matter how much I didn't want to, my nostrils were eventually forced to flare open and sniff up the college bully's rancid-smelling, month-old sock.


Satisfied with my inability to flee, scream or do anything to escape the scene, Phil took things as a step further and wiggled his socked toes around before lowering them onto my face; directly over my nose.

I screamed and coughed with renewed vigour, but my protests were of little help when the ratty twerp's socked digits came down and curled up around my flaring nostrils.

"Haha! Yeah! Sniff them toes." he chuckled, grinning rather stupidly as I lied there and breathed his stench.
The kid apparently got a huge kick out of forcing me to draw breath from in between his toes, and he seemed unable to stop himself form squirming around and giggling each time my nostrils flared open underneath them.

It continued like that for a good five minutes, until FINALLY one of the older hunks stalked up to the couch and decided to check up on me.

Sweet mercy, I thought to myself. Chris!
For sure Chris is gonna put the evil twerp back in his place, I thought.


Instead of scolding the skater-twink or expressing concern for my well being, the heavily-muscled, shirtless college hunk came over to the front of the couch and plopped himself down, right next to his smaller buddy before draping an arm around the guy.

Phil's foot instinctively retracted away from my face a bit.
But the lack of opposition from Chris quickly put him back at ease and even encouraged the stupid runt to resume what he had been doing.

Chris, who up 'till now had been nothing short perfect gentleman, didn't even flinch or appear concerned by what the smaller teen-bully was making me do.

Of course, there wasn't really anything "serious" to be concerned about.
I mean, yes, my brain cells were practically frying from the stench of Phil's absolutely rancid bundles, but it's not as though I was in any immediate danger or anything.

If anything, Chris seemed to find the whole thing pretty damned amusing. And his reaction, or rather, lack thereof, quickly led me to believe that the other guys would probably feel the same way, had they been there to witness Phil's cruel theatrics.

"Hey, we're wearing the same socks." the broad chested hunk casually chuckled, kicking his heavy-looking Air Jordans off and allowing both Phil and I to see the matching pair of Hanes socks he was wearing over his giant size 12 feet.

Chris' socks didn't look even remotely as ripe as Phil's shitty fucks.
But that didn't mean they looked clean.
Quite the opposite. The college-hunk's well-worn bundles looked pretty fuckin' crummy, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they'd seen better days.


Chris seemed pretty content to just air his soles out and watch the football game with his left arm slung around the younger student's bony shoulders. But Phil's antics eventually got the better of him, and the unhealthiness of what he was making me do quickly came to the fore.

"Go easy on him, bro. You're gonna make him pass out." the muscle-jock quietly chuckled, probably feeling a tad bit sorry for what I was currently going through.

"Nah! He's fuckin' loving it." Phil replied, ignoring my muffled pleas and curling his rancid toes up around my defenseless nostrils. "You love sniffing my toes, don't you, faggot? Yeah, I know you do." he teased, causing me to growl and cry out in utter desperation.

Chris just sat there and watched as I gagged on Joey's sock and suffocated beneath Phil's smothering toes.

At one point, the skater-kid pressed his right foot down a little harder over my forehead, and then removed his other foot from my nose before lowering it back down, right on top of my tapegagged mouth.

"Here. Your try." he spoke, using his feet to hold my head in place and inviting his much more muscular buddy to join in on the fun.

Chris looked at my face and noticed the clear opening Phil's soles had left over my nose.
The opening was for him of course. But much to my slight relief, big muscle-man Chris didn't seem entirely keen on the idea of making me sniff his socks.

"Haha! Nah, I'm good. Besides, I haven't washed these socks in a while." he laughed, turning down the twink's invitation and hinting at the fact that I wouldn't like the smell of his crummy-looking bundles.

"Dude! Who cares!? I haven't washed my socks in like a fuckin' month!" Phil protested. "C'mon, man. Just stick your toes on top of his nose." he pressed, causing the larger jock to roll his eyes and scoff amusedly at the sheer absurdity of what the cruel runt was suggesting.

Chris eyed my face for a few seconds, and then smirked and huffed in feigned surrender before lifting his left foot up off the floor and lowering it down in between Phil's soles, right on top of my flaring nostrils.

With my lower face and forehead being firmly held in place beneath the skaterboy's size 9 stinkers, I had nowhere to go and possessed no means of escaping the much bigger hunk's incoming foot.

The man wasn't kidding when he said his socks hadn't been washed in a while.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Oww GOD! Chris' socks REEKED!
Not as bad as Phil's, but they still reeked like you wouldn't believe!

"Mhhhhgggphh!" I cried out, eyes going wide as a flurry of incredibly strong smells assaulted my vulnerable sniff holes.

Chris placed his foot down across the center of my face and then left it there for a short while before tentatively moving it around a little and curling his large toes up around my cartilaginous nose.

"Hahaha." he chuckled, visibly amused and unable to stop himself from smirking as I took a big whiffs of his crazy strong-smelling, cotton-lined stinkers.

"It tickles, doesn't it?" Phil asked, no doubt referring to the sensation of cold air rushing between their toes each time I flared my nostrils up and sniffed.

"Haha! Yeah." Chris was quick to respond.

"You like that, bitch? You like smelling our socks?" the skater-punk suddenly barked, temporarily removing his foot from my lower face and roughly nudging my head to provoke a response.

I cried out and growled beneath my gag, but the two guys just laughed at my demise and fed me more whiffs.
Suffice to say, my cock was rock-hard by that point.

Chris quickly lost interest in the whole sock-sniffing thing and promptly removed his heavy foot from my face before slipping them into his beat up basketball shoes.

His loss of interest was a mixed blessing though, and it inevitably resulted in my poor, helpless nostrils once again falling prey to Phil's much smellier toes. A far worse fate, if I had to compare the two.

Things eventually took a quick nosedive in the wrong direction when one of Kyle's friends pulled up next to the apartment complex and invited the gang to come down and check out his new car.

I looked on rather helplessly as Shawn, Chris, Kyle, Joey and Mike all got dressed and filed out of the apartment in quick succession.

"Keep an eye on them. We'll be back in a few minutes." Shawn told Phil, who was the only one to remain in the apartment with us and the only one who seemed not to care about Kyle's friend or even know who he was.

I screamed and yelled for Shawn not to leave me alone with the stinky-footed teen menace, but the brute paid me no attention and seemed in a rush to go outside and check out the guy's flashy sports car.

The apartment door was shut, and my eyes beamed wide in terror at the realisation that Josh and I were now alone with the evil-hearted tyrant.

Our bodies were heavily taped up, our mouths hopelessly stuffed.
And as if things weren't already dire enough, no one was there to keep Phil from going all crazy on us.
This was NOT going to end well.

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by socjuc »

Well I just had a cigar and a brandy... :lol:

Thanks [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] , for the tribute :oops: (am not worthy), and for teasing me...for so long. You really stretched that out! Well done.

Descriptions are simply the best. I don't care for Phil (u knew that but still used him for this scene...evil :mrgreen: ). Love how he egged on Chris until he finally buckled and duplicated what he saw Phil do. (e.g. curling the toes). Hot to see also that still being cocooned, Phil used his feet to control Steven's only point of freedom...his neck. And then Chris comes in for the topper... :P Nothing like introducing the jock to something new that he didn't know he enjoyed! Thanks Phil. Hot! No other way to say it.

Now that Filippo is all free uncensored, Josh and Steven will surely endure unparalleled treatment....I guess they likely are hoping the others don't join in once they are back.
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Volobond »

Well, crud. Phil in a position of power with no way of reigning him in? Yikes. Poor Steven. Damn these straight guys' fascination with cars! :lol:

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] that was another great chapter . The sock sniffing was so Hot !!!!!!
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