Second Chance (F/m) Final Part Posted (9/2)

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Second Chance (F/m) Final Part Posted (9/2)

Post by Noire »

This story begins kind of dark. This story will not be as long as my other running story (I will get back to that story soon. I made a small mention to that story here). I’ve been struggling a lot in my life and this is something that I’ve been thinking about. This story is mainly fiction but some details are based on personal experiences.
I wrapped the rope into an s shape so that there were three neat rows of rope lying parallel to one above the other. I then pinched the ropes together in the middle and used the top row to wrap around the pinched space. I pulled the ropes tight until a small loop was left at the end just enough for my head to squeeze through. I took the excess length and tied it to the doorknob of my closet and threw the loop over the top of the door and closed the door. Once the loop was secured and was at the correct height, I grabbed the chair stationed under to my computer desk and brought it over to the door.

I stood atop of the chair, took a deep breath and squeezed my head through the loop. Tightened the loop around my neck and adjusted the knot so it was now behind my neck. I looked toward the computer desk and saw the poorly written note I left for someone to find.
“How did I end up like this?” I wondered looking down.
“Never thought I would be tying one of these” I thought as I grasped the noose around my neck.

Several years ago,

I was on top of the world, I had landed a well-paying civil engineering job right out of college with benefits and a retirement plan, approaching my four year anniversary in a loving and fulfilling relationship with my girlfriend, and moved into a new apartment building with a bright future ahead. I couldn’t believe my luck as I was only 24 years old at the time. Living in Southern California was always a dream of mine and I couldn’t believe it was finally a reality. I lived extremely close by to my girlfriend who was living in an apartment near her medical school.
I’m 5 foot 9 inches. I had naturally black hair but dyed it into a light brown. I wasn’t the most athletic person in the world, but I was by no means out of shape. I was just very average looking in my eye. I’m a very shy person who is usually outspoken and usually afraid of trying new things.
My girlfriend is 5 foot 4 inches. She has long black hair and wears thick black rimmed glasses. I thought she was the prettiest and cutest girl in the world and was surprised to even find myself talking to her let alone in a relationship with her.
Where did everything go wrong?

The feeling of being on top of the world didn’t last long enough before things started to turn sour. My job was getting more and more demanding and I couldn’t keep up. Eventually, I was let go. Fortunately, I had enough money saved to last 2 years. During the first couple weeks of my unemployment, I tried to remain strong and kept looking for new job opportunities. Unfortunately, all the jobs that paid close to the amount I was making before rejected me and all the jobs that did accept me were low paying entry level jobs. In the end, I didn’t get re employed but found myself drinking to numb myself when I got rejected from jobs. I never told my parents that I was laid off, I kept a smile on my face and told them everything was perfect.

Eventually, issues started arising in my relationship, less sex, less communication, and unhappy times when we were together. I did a lot of things to my girlfriend that I’m ashamed of and regretted. I said so many hurtful things to her that I wish I could have taken back. I pushed all my issues on to her and my failures. Eventually, we broke up and I was completely alone. Like most relationships, I eventually left all of her things on her doorstep and she left all of my things on my doorstep. Two months later, I stalked her social media presence and she was still single. I found myself messaging her asking her to meetup for coffee. At the coffee shop, I pleaded for her to give me another chance and apologized for everything I had done and promised to be better.

She was polite and cordial but in the end, she said it was nice seeing me again, but it would be in both of our interests if we were to both move on. I couldn’t tell with all the emotions raging inside of me but I swear I saw that she shed a tear as she walked out.
Alas, it just wasn’t meant to be. She was doing great things, finishing her final year in medical school and working at a local hospital close to the school. I on the other hand, haven’t really improved at all, still no job, still drinking, and still feeling sorry for myself.
Anyway, fast forward to now, I stopped drinking and am still looking for a job. I’m tired of trying though. I’m tired of fighting. Most of the time I spend during the day is looking for jobs or lying in my bed crying myself to sleep. I’m approaching the last of my savings as I have been unemployed close to two years now, and things haven’t been looking up.

28 years old and all alone. It’s finally time I throw in the towel. I looked down, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I kicked the back rest of the chair with all my might knocking the chair down.

Immediately, I felt a tugging on my neck and my feet had nothing to rest on. My whole body weight was now being suspended by the rope around my neck. My head started to feel warm, and my hands unconsciously tried to pull the rope around to my neck to no avail. I wasn’t necessarily in pain but I wasn’t comfortable neither. As I struggled for air, my life flashed before my eyes, from the earliest moments of childhood all the way till now. It was so strange, I could still clearly see my bedroom in front of me but I could also see my past flashing in front of me as if it was being played like a film on top of what I could see. It was if my eyes were processing two distinct and clear images right on top of each other. Eventually, the world started to grow dark as I began to lose consciousness. As I was about to fade into the darkness, I heard the doorbell.

“Oh well.” I thought and closed my eyes and allowed myself to fade away. It’s probably just another rejection letter.

Eventually, I awoke and tried to open my eyes only to see darkness. I felt like I was laying down, and I tried to bend forward but found myself unable to as if I was welded in place. There was no sound, as I tried to move around. Although I couldn’t see, I felt as if my arms were stuck to my side and pushing against something silky and cool. My legs were tightly stuck together. Surprisingly, I was extremely comfortable, it felt as if I was in a slick and slippery blanket of darkness, but my throat did feel dry.

“Is this life after death, nothingness?” I thought as I started to remember the events that led to this.

“Hello?” I tried to say but couldn’t even hear my own voice.

I felt something touching my ears and I could hear again.

“What’s going to happen to me? Am I just stuck here after death?” I said again now being able to hear only to be greeted by straw touching my mouth. I sucked greedily and accepted the water gratefully.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I heard a girl’s voice shouting at me.

“Who are you?" I asked weakly

“Who do you think?” She said angrily, as she tugged at something on my eyes.

I felt a soft cloth fall on to my neck. I opened my eyes but had to close them as the brightness blinded me. Once my eyes adjusted, I looked around. I was in my room, the noose still firmly tied to the bedroom door. The chair was neatly pushed back to my desk. I looked down at myself to see I was covered in a white satin sheet. There were several black silk scarves wrapped around my body. Two on my chest pinning my arms to my side, one above and one below my knees.

I looked to my left and saw my ex-girlfriend sitting on the bed beside me, with tears in her eyes. She was wearing her thick rimmed glasses, a white t-shirt, and black track pants with stripes on the side.
I immediately tilted my head up and looked at the ceiling, trying my best to avoid eye contact.

“Um, what are you doing here Tiffany?” I asked weekly
I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as she slapped me before she jumped up and sat on top of me, looking me in the eyes. Her brown eyes looking intently at me.

“I am finally back in California after a year, and I wanted to see how you were doing. I was at your door when I heard a loud thud, I rang the doorbell but you didn’t answer. I remembered from before that you use to leave a key in the planter box next to your door so I let myself in. I called out to you but no one responded. Eventually, I saw some rope tied to your bedroom door’s handle that came from above the door. I opened the door, to find you hanging there, limp with your eyes closed. I ran over to you, checked your pulse and untied the rope from your neck before moving you out on the bed. I was so scared.”

I looked at the trembling girl sitting on top of me.
“Why am I tied up?” I asked

“You’re tied up because I don’t trust you.” Tiffany said

“Why did she want to see me?” I wondered. “Did she still have feelings for me?”
There was an awkward silence where we both just looked at each other.

“Look Tiffany, can you untie me, I’ll call you an Uber, and I’ll be fine.” I said trying to keep my composure as a wave of sadness came over me as I tilted my head to the left. I was so surprised to see her here but I knew I didn’t belong anywhere near her.

Tiffany shook her head, “I’m staying the night and you’re not going anywhere.”

“But why? I said struggling in my blanket.
She slapped me again.

“Justin, I still have feelings for you, but I just couldn’t admit it a year ago when we met at that coffee shop. I wanted to be done with everything, but after I left, I realized what I had lost. After that, I had to do residency at a college out of state and during that time away, I thought of you. I landed a position as a family doctor at the local hospital close by. When I came back, I thought I’d come see you so we could fix things.”
My brain was flooded with so many questions. A range of emotions ran through me as I looked at the girl that meant everything to me at one point. It pained me heavily to look at her cry.

“But why? I was terrible, I’m a failure, and I don’t belong with someone like you. I treated you so badly, I said so many mean things to you. So why? I could never make you happy.” I cried out with tears pouring out of my eyes.

“I don’t deserve you.” I whispered quietly

Tiffany stopped crying, reached into her bag and pulled out a roll of duct tape.

“I don’t want to hear it, you obviously need some time to cool down. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait, what are you doing? Untie me!” I said as she approached my lips with the tape.

“Just keep your lips closed and we can talk about this tomorrow ok?” She pushed her hand over my lips.
I struggled against her hand but she wouldn’t let go until I nodded my head.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered quietly.
With that, she placed several strips of tape over my lips. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking the silk cloth around my neck and retied it over my eyes. I felt her replace the ear plugs in my ear before I was left alone with my thoughts.

This girl meant everything to me at one point. She was my source of happiness, she was my best friend, but do I really deserve her? To hear that she still has feelings for me made me so happy. So incredibly happy, but I don’t want to hurt her again. But with her in my life again, this might be my second chance to turn this all around. I want to do better for her but I want to do better to prove it to myself that I’m worth something. I just needed a little help. This was what I wanted in the first place all that time ago. A second chance.

After a while, I felt a weight on the bed beside me. She pulled the earplugs out of my ear.
“Your apartment is such a mess nowadays, what happened to you?” her soft voice tickling my ear.

“Mmpph” I tried to say sorry. I use to be a clean freak that often got on her case about being sloppy or leaving things out of place but I stopped caring a long time ago.

I felt her shift her weight, she turned my body so that I was facing her before she embraced me in her arms. My head now resting on her shoulder. Her hair was a little damp but she smelled pleasant and clean. I haven’t been held by anyone since we broke up almost 2 years ago. I broke down and started crying under my blindfold. She was so warm, so gentle, and so loving.

“I love you Justin. I hope you can forgive me. You mean so much to me. We can talk more tomorrow, do you still love me?” She said as she wrapped her legs around me as well.

I couldn’t say anything, so in my best attempt, I wiggled closer to her face and planted the best gagged kiss I could on her lips. She giggled before she returned the kiss where my mouth would be.

“My first night with you again, and you always seem to take the blanket all to yourself when we’re in bed together,” she laughed “I guess I just have to hold you to stay warm”

She squeezed me and held me tightly.

“I fucking missed you so much. So so much.” Tiffany whispered in my ear. As we both gradually fell asleep.
Last edited by Noire 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Xemora »

I'm really sorry that you have to struggle in your life, thats a really heartwarming story and the message that no one should feel that they aren't enough is important to understand. Please know that you don't need to do something so drastic to cry out for help, no one can see your soul if you dont show it to them. I am certain that everyone has at least one person in their lifes, who will gladly help them.

Thank you for your wonderful story and I hope the thought that we as a community have your back will help you at least a little

Have a wonderful day!
Whatever you do and however you do it, just remember to be happy and make happy!
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Post by Noire »

The following morning, I awoke still tied up, still couldn’t see and still stuck in Tiffany’s embrace. I felt her breath on my cheek as she snored softly. I wiggled my head and rubbed my nose on her nose to wake her up.

“Mmmh mmphh” I tried to say through my gag.

“Morning baby.” She said as gently caressed my hair. “Are you ready to talk to me?”
I nodded my head

“Well too bad, I need to use the bathroom, so we can talk over breakfast.” I heard her say as she got up and headed to the bathroom.


“Don’t worry, I’ll come back.”

I squirmed in my bonds and actually started to really enjoy this feeling of being bound even though I’ve been stuck in this blanket for over 10 hours. I don’t know how to describe it. Tiffany and I experimented with bondage once where I tied her up but we never did that again as it just didn’t feel right but yesterday was a whole other ball game. This feeling of being bound, surrendering myself and being vulnerable with someone that I loved made me feel giddy. Not only that, I was extremely comfortable. To lose all control and know that my fate lies with someone I loved. The idea that someone would tie me up, to keep me to herself made my head swim.

“Alright babe, I’m going to untie you now and take you to the bathroom! I left some clothes on the bathroom sink. Once you’re done freshening up and getting dressed, re apply your blindfold before opening the door and I’ll come get you.” Tiffany said while untying me.

Once I was out of the blanket, I stretched my arms and legs before reaching to my gag and blindfold. She wrapped her arms around me, keeping my hands to my side before slowly pushing me ahead to the bathroom. As I fumbled my way into the bathroom, she closed the door behind me. I ripped the tape quickly off my lips and pulled the cloth off my face, laying it on counter. I saw a pair of boxers and a robe on the counter. I could hear her in the kitchen start preparing breakfast. I relieved myself before I took a much needed shower and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed the matching navy satin boxers and robe on the counter and put them on. Once the robe was on, I wrapped the robe’s sash and tied it firmly around my waist. I always had a thing for silk and satin since I was young. I just really enjoyed the feeling of the material on my skin. I took the silk cloth and tied it on my forehead before taking one last look at the mirror and taking a deep breath. I slid the cloth over my eyes securely before I opened the door.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I felt a hand over my mouth and an arm wrapped around me.
“Tifmphh?” I tried to call out

“I’m just helping you to the kitchen.” She said with a giggle as she slowly dragged me into the kitchen.

Once we made our way into the kitchen, she quickly secured me to a chair, attaching my wrist to the arms of the chair with more silk scarves.

As she fed me breakfast, we caught each other up about our lives and what the future would hold. I opened up about my life after we broke up. It was hard to say all of it out loud but I felt safe enough to open up to her and got through it. I felt love, understanding, progress, and connection to her again. There were tears from both of us but there was a lot of progress made. Honesty and vulnerability are places in a relationship where real change can begin.

“Anyway, I’m really sorry about tying you up.” Tiffany said as she began washing the dishes.

“To be honest, I actually really enjoyed it. It’s weird, I was so vulnerable but surrendering myself to you felt liberating. I felt so connected to you even if I couldn’t move an inch.” I giggled. “I felt loved, desired, and cared for.

“Not to mention, it turned me on” I said weekly, my cheeks reddening.

There was no response. Eventually, I heard the water turn off.

“Tiffany?” I called out blindly trying to look in her direction.
I felt the taste of rubber in my mouth before it was tightened and secured into my mouth.

“That’s great because I love tying you up.” Tiffany whispered into my ears.

“I forgot to mention, I still need to punish you for pulling such a stupid stunt last night.” Tiffany said.

“I’m going to untie your hands and legs. I just cleared the dining table. I want you to lay stomach down on the table and spread your arms and legs out.”

I did as instructed and was rewarded with rope being circled around my wrist. The rope was then pulled tightly to one of the legs of the table. The process was then repeated for the other legs. With the way I was lying, she had full view of my back and ass.

“Where did she get this stuff?” I wondered

As if she was reading my mind,” I visited my friend Teresa at her academy. She’s an R.A over there and they’re really strict over there. She taught me a thing or two when I stayed there for a couple of weeks. They let me keep some of the stuff they used on me when I was there.”

“What a strange school, I thought”

I heard her clap her hands and rubbed them together. I felt her undo the sash on my robe and let it fall to the ground. She then lowered my underwear to my knees, allowing me to feel a breeze on my now naked rear. I felt a sudden sting on my butt. I squealed into my gag. It didn’t really hurt, it just kind of shocked me.

“Okay dear, I’m going to give you 15 of these and I want you to count them out and say thank you after each one. If you miscount or don’t say thank you, we have to start over okay.”

I braced myself for the next strike. I felt an incredible sting. She wasn’t using her hand anymore. It felt like a ping pong paddle or something. It was made of wood and she wasn’t holding back.

“Onmph” I squealed. “Thmph mphou”

She spanked me repeatedly until we reached 7. All of a sudden she started to speed up and spank me much faster than before. I couldn’t keep up. I didn’t know if she just spanked me 5 or 6 times.

“11, thmph mphyou, 12 thmph mphyou.” I said closing my eyes under the blindfold.

“Aww what a shame, we’re on 13. We have to start all over again.” She said giggling.

I moaned into my gag. I felt the paddle on my rear again and began counting.
Eventually, we finished all 15 and my butt was on fire. I felt her rub some ice and then apply some ointment on my rear, cooling my now red cheeks.

“Good job, are you going to be a good boy now? You’re never going to do something so stupid again?” She said caressing my head.
I nodded my head vigorously.

“Good boy, time for your reward now.”

She untied me from the table and led me back to the bedroom. I heard her rustle through her bag before pushing me down on the bed. She guided my hands so they were above my head and she placed what felt like leather cuffs on me trapping my arms to the headboard.

Again, how much stuff did that academy give her!?

She took my gag off and passionately plunged her tongue into my mouth. I met her tongue and began passionately following her lead. Our tongues dancing with each other. She began kissing me all over my body, working from my neck down to my groin. Her hands rubbing and tracing my nipples before I felt her take my manhood and stroke it up and down.

I moaned loudly. She stopped to my frustration.

“Please don’t stohhhh” I felt her take me in her mouth. Her lips and tongue sliding me into ecstasy. She licked and sucked the head, probing the slit with curiosity, while her fingers, circling my cock, moved up and down. Right before I was about to go over the edge, she stopped.

I groaned loudly. She re-positioned herself so now her pussy was in front of me. I could smell the pleasant feminine scent invading my systems inviting me in to her.

“You do a good job and I will do a good job.” She said seductively.

I began my assault on her pussy. Licking and sucking as best as I could without being able to see. Savoring her sensitive and delicate pussy. I continued kissing and licking Tiffany’s clit picking up my pace until I heard her breath become heavy and her body trembling. She was close now, I could feel it, until she got off me.

I struggled against my cuffs gasping for air trying to break free but with no success.

“Come backmhh” I called out before she stuffed her panties into my mouth.

She placed a finger on my lips telling me to be quiet before I felt her impale my cock. Riding me up and down with such skill and grace. She grabbed my hair and pulled it lightly. We were both close.

“Cum with me!” She shouted

With all my might, I flexed my chest and thrust myself faster and faster until I no longer could hold it in. We moaned in unison and she collapsed beside me. She cuddled and nuzzled my head before she gave me a kiss on my cheek before we both fell into a post coital nap.
Last edited by Noire 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice read, thank you for posting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Noire »

“Oh man, we’re going to be late!” She shouted and got off me.

She untied me first before I reached for my blindfold. I haven’t been able to see all day since my bathroom trip so it took a second to adjust to the light. She told me to dress nicely as she was going to take me to meet someone important. I put on a nice dress shirt and slacks before I headed to the front door to wait.

“You look great!” I said

Tiffany was wearing a beautiful gold satin blouse and black leather skirt with heels. Her thick rimmed glasses complementing her outfit giving her an air of professionalism.
I hopped in her car and she took me to a local Italian restaurant. She told the waitress that we were meeting someone and she led us to a table with an intimidating older man. He was taller than me, wearing a nice blazer and tie. He pushed his glasses up and introduced himself. I shook his hand before pulling the chair out for Tiffany and then myself.

The air in the mood was uncomfortable until eventually, Tiffany broke the silence.

“Tom, I invited you here to ask a favor of you. I would like you to give Justin a chance at working at your firm.”

I looked at Tiffany and then Tom. I was not expecting this at all. Tom looked at me up and down. He studied me and closed his eyes.

“I’m not so sure. What have are some previous projects you have worked on? Companies you worked in before?”

I explained my previous employment and told him about some of the previous projects I worked on. I kept my confidence up and walked him through a day at my old job. Once I was done a large smile appeared on his face.

“Well, I have to get back to you from HR, but you sound like someone we could use.” He said with a grin.

He explained his company and the contract work that he was given to me. He gave me the run down and most importantly the pay.
I couldn’t believe it, a new engineering job that actually interested me and paid almost as much as my old job.

Eventually our dinner went swimmingly and we ended the night exchanging emails. He promised to send me an official contract of employment and when my first day would be. We said our goodbyes and headed to our cars.

“Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me!” I screamed with tears of joy running down my face embracing her.

“I called him today while you were in the bathroom when I saw all your rejection letters last night. I know you just needed a little help to get you back on your feet.” Tiffany said graciously returning my hug.

It was still early in the night, so we decided to go for a walk around the city. We visited many of the previous places that we use to come to when we were a couple. We went to the local park, looked around the mall, and eventually went to a cinema to watch some comedy flick.

I felt like a teenager again, happy and spontaneous. Eventually, our day came to an end as we started heading home.

“I haven’t felt this way in a long time, Tiffany. I haven’t smiled and laughed like this in so long.” I said as I caressed her thigh.

“I feel exactly the same way. The night is still young, why does the fun have to end?” She said grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly.

Once we got back to my apartment, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. She pushed her lips on to mine while she used her hands to undress me. I graciously reciprocated with my tongue and helped her out of her blouse and skirt. Once we were down to our underwear, she gently pushed me onto the bed, before laying on top of me. As we got more and more into it, she guided my arms above my head where she used the leather cuffs to re-cuff my arms to the headboard.

“Finally, I have you back in control again. Seeing you tied up makes me so wet.” She said while caressing my chin and licking her lips.

As I opened my mouth to say how much I loved being in her control, she quickly pushed her hand over my mouth. She used her other hand to take off her panties.

“Shhh, be a good boy and open wide” I was rewarded with her silk panties being stuffed into my mouth still moist with her juices.

“You’ll be in big trouble if you spit those panties out!" She said as she rubbed my butt.

She grabbed the pillow my head was resting on and took the silky pillowcase off before plunging it over my head submerging me into darkness.

“I love having my boyfriend, blind and quiet. You’re powerless to stop me, let alone see what I can do to you.” She said seductively slowly working her hands down my body and eventually my manhood.

I heard her get up and reach into her bag. She returned and lowered my boxers exposing my shaft. I’m not sure what she grabbed but I felt her attach something to the head of my cock. Once whatever she attached to my head was secured, she pulled my boxers back up. But then, I heard a low hum and began feeling a pleasurable tingling building on my head. This tingling wasn’t enough to send me over but just there to tease me and keep me on edge.

As I focused on the sensations in my groin, moaning into my gag and closing my eyes under the blindfold. She grabbed my legs and attached them to lower end of the bed, spreading my legs apart.

“I also love seeing you smile and laugh so I’m going to help you. It makes me happy to see my big strong man laugh and giggle like a schoolgirl.” She said

I moaned in response before I braced myself for the oncoming tickle attack
“But I’m going to give you a chance here to opt out. All you have to do is guess how many fingers I’m holding up.”
With no options I had to take part in her obviously unfair game. I didn’t know if she was using both hands or just one. I took a shot in the dark, and I tried my best to say 7 through my gag.

“Can you at least try baby? I can’t seem to understand you.” She giggled.

“Semphh, sempphhhhh!” I shouted.

“Fine if you don’t want to play this game, I guess you want me to tickle you.” She said as I felt my grab left foot.

“Nmpphh” I shook my head under the pillowcase.

“Too bad!” she said as she started sliding her fingers on my feet. “Also I lied, I didn’t have any fingers up.”

I squealed in to my gag in response, shaking and struggling as much as I could in my bonds. Being blind, I had no way to know where she was going to strike next. She tickled my left foot, my right armpit, my stomach, my right foot. She was relentless, only stopping to reposition to tickle the next spot.

As I felt as if I could take no more, she stopped and began patting my head. My body was still shaking and I was still breathing heavily.

“See, isn’t so much better to smile and laugh than be sad?” She said

“Okay, are you going to be a happy boy or do you still need some encouragement?” As she grabbed my foot.

I tried to say happy boy through my gag but somehow she interpreted it as I was still sad.

“You’re still sad, that’s okay, we have all night to do this!” She said as she stroked my feet.

I shook my head and tried my best to curl my toes to protect my exposed feet but the tickling started up again.
After an eternity, she stopped and took the vibrator off and positioned herself beside me.

“Okay, whew, my fingers need a break,” Tiffany said

I felt her warm moist mouth take my erect manhood. Licking and sliding up and will skill bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
Right when I was about to let it all out, I felt something extremely cold held against my shaft.
I screamed into my gag, as I realized she had an ice cube.

My shaft shrunk and I angrily moaned into my gag. As if on cue, she took it back into her mouth and I felt it began growing in size again. She repeated this awful torment of bringing me close to the edge and then putting an ice cube on it to start over several times before she finally let me have my finish.

It was a good thing I kept her panties in my mouth because the neighbors probably would have heard me. The repeated build up and denial caused an explosive finish. She laid beside me and positioned her head on my stomach.

“You taste great.” She said as she slapped my groin and licked her lips before pulling my boxers back up.

“Let’s shower together and clean up before bed.” She said.

I nodded my head and felt her untie me from the bed. I pulled the pillow case off and threw the panties into the laundry basket.
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Post by Noire »

You know, many couples think it’s fun or romantic to take a shower with your significant others but it usually devolves into a battle of who gets to sit under the water. Forget the hot and steamy bathroom scene of Hollywood. For us, it was a constant battle of taking turns shivering while waiting for the other to finish so the hot water can run on us. It was a cramped intimate squeeze in my tiny shower.

I tried my best to make a move in the shower, grabbing her and holding her tightly. Slowly working my hands around her body, admiring her body glistening from the hot water. Kissing her at the neck and slowly working down. As I was trying my hardest to get into the mood, she splashed water in my face and giggled.

“This isn’t as romantic as the movies make it huh? Kissing under the rain.” She laughed as she pointed the nozzle at my face.

I laughed and nodded so instead of trying to make a scene that we would find in some raunchy movie, we quickly finished up. Lovingly rubbing soap on each other’s back and sharing the nozzle. Laughing and cracking jokes at one another while we helped one another. What a great day, I thought as I exited the shower.

As she was blow-drying her hair, I moved my attention to her shoulders.
I pressed down firmly and began massaging her with a few playful gropes here and there.
“That feels heavenly.” She said closing her eyes and putting the dryer down.

As I continued, she slowly fell in to a trance, savoring the magic my fingers were working. She leaned her back into me and closed her eyes, her breathing slowing, and her arms falling to her side. Right before she fell asleep on me, I took a spare towel and rubbed her head as if she a puppy.
“Justin! You ruined my hair.” She said.

“We’re going to sleep, why do you need to do your hair before bed? It’s going to get ruined anyway.” I laughed.

“I thought you were going to be a good boy.” She said with her hands on her hips and the cutest pout on her face.
What a beauty, pert breast, perfect ass looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes and a wicked smirk. She took my hand and led me back into the bedroom.

In her bag, she withdrew a pair of matching satin pajamas. The pajamas looked very elegant, a white satin long sleeve pajama top with black piping and a matching pair of pants with some sort of logo or picture on the left thigh. Something was off about the pajamas though, the proportion of the top was off. The sleeves were way too long, a zipper to where the sleeves open, a large loop in the center of the top and a long strap at the end of the top.

“I got this at that school I went to. These are so cute! I actually have two pairs, this one should fit you. I got a smaller pair for myself. They're also super soft” She said.
I put a clean pair of boxers on and the pants on first. She helped me into the pajama top, buttoning the front before zipping the sleeves closed. I waved my now useless arms getting a feel for my helplessness. She was right, the satin hugged my body but wasn't uncomfortable.

“I want to try something,” she said as she put on the matching pair. “We look so cute together!”
After a couple of cute poses together and photos in front of the mirror, she took the ends of my sleeve and strapped them around her so I was stuck hugging her. She guided me back to the bed and we awkwardly fell on to the bed.

“Good night.” She said “Maybe if you’re good tomorrow, you can zip me up in this but tonight you’re mine again.”
“Good night baby.” I replied as I felt her caress my bottom and pinch it.

Several months have passed now, Tiffany has been living with me and we’ve been growing and improving together as a couple. The manager of the engineering firm took a liking to me rather quickly and I was able to climb the ranks and eventually was in a position that paid significantly more than my old job. While the work was difficult and demanding, the boss and my co-workers were very kind and helpful. I didn’t feel as if I was drowning in my work load anymore. I plan to propose to her in the coming future as I am planning to incorporate some bondage into it too!

My life has took a complete 180, I’m happy with my life outside and inside the apartment. At work, I am a trustworthy and reliable member of the team. At home, I am usually her plaything. She loves tying me up but occasionally I tie her up as well to spice things up. But more often than not, I usually find myself bound, gagged, blindfolded and teased and loving every moment of it.

Unfortunately, I’m going to have to cut this to a close as she’s finishing up the last of my bonds. I'm only in my satin boxers and my ankles are tied to the legs of this chair with white cotton rope. She also already tied my chest to the back of the chair. Not to mention, she just stuffed a silk scarf in my mouth before tying a larger white silk scarf over my mouth and nose! My arms are stuck to the arm rest but she’s letting me finish up this journal entry. Isn’t she the best? Right now, she’s giving me the biggest grin, in her hands is a bright pink sleep mask. She is impatiently tapping her foot waiting for me to finish so I must stop here. Life is great and I’ve never been happier!

Thanks for reading!
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 168
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Post by scarfgagged »

I enjoyed a lot! Thanks for the story!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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