Bondage model by choice... (MMF/FFFF)

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Post by Beaumains »

As the pthers noted, a great contrast between the two. Though I'm bot sure if Linda is actually liking it or just trying to keep the spirits up. I bet she would pick lounging on the yacht's deck any time over this.

I'm only left wondering, Jim seems like a professional and giving his wife to such a sadist without safeword, plan, or limits, is kinda weird. Or are their secret arrangements made or is there a hefty paycheck?
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Post by slackywacky »

Beaumains wrote: 3 years ago Or are their secret arrangements made or is there a hefty paycheck?
There is a heft paycheck for sure, but also it allows Diana to fulfill her more darker desires. It is not like she will be tortured with blood drawn or permanently scarred, but it is definitely not a simple hands behind the back set.
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Post by slackywacky »

Dungeon bound

Across the pond, deep in the dark dungeons of Castle Watford in the UK, Sharon O’Donnell and Sandra Maclean stood each in separate dungeon cells, their arms and legs spread, locked in heavy chains. Both were dressed similarly, a potato sack adorning their helpless bodies. The sack only just covered their butts with their hands pulled up and away from their bodies. The heavy steel bar doors were locked from the outside, so even if they had been managed to escape the chains keeping them prisoner, they would still not be able to get out of their cell.

“Is he going to keep us here all afternoon?” Sandra asked.

“I don’t know, but maybe the afternoon has passed, and it is evening, meaning we missed tea. Wouldn’t be the first time I spend the night in here.” Sharon sighed.

It was a bank holiday in the UK, which meant the Monday was busier than normal, as people were off work and the castle was a popular destination for day trips. Nothing as fancy as when Jim and the others were there last year to do work for a photo catalogue and acted out the witch hunt, but there had been several tours and Sharon had played her role of bound maiden in the dungeon. Sandra had been visiting, they had stayed in close contact since they met at the photoshoot for Jim, so it had been easy for Sharon to convince Sandra to join her. Steve, the lord of the castle, had not objected.

“When was the last tour?” Sandra asked in her soft voice.

The tall red head wriggled the chains holding her prisoner. Both women were dressed in skintight flesh colored spandex, that made it look like they were only dressed in the potato sacks, while still making sure they were covered up.

“About 45 minutes ago. I lost time, there could be another one soon, or we are done, and Steve has not come down yet to let us go.”

“If I had known I would be spending my afternoon, and what looks like my evening, in chains, I would have rejected your offer.” Sandra said.

Sharon grinned, twisting her head to keep her long blond hair from falling in front of her face.

“Come on, I know you like this. Showing off that amazon body of yours to all the men walking by all day long is just what you needed.”

“I have a boyfriend you know.”

“Yeah, boring Richard, I know.” Sharon grinned, making fun of Sandra’s love of her life.

“Not my fault he is an accountant.” Sandra stated.

They both knew that he was boring, but also very sweet and exactly what Sandra had needed to add stability to her life.

“When will he be back?” Sharon asked.

“In three weeks. This work trip for PWC to China was planned before we got together. They tried to get me a visa, but it was too short notice.”

“I still think he is a spy, like 008. Bond, Richard Bond.” Sharon quipped.

Sandra grinned.

“He can’t help it his last name is Bond. There are enough people out there who are called Bond and who are not secret agents with license to kill.”

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a phone playing an up-tempo melody. The phone was Sharon’s and it was lying in the furthest corner of the cell, hidden from view by some of the straw on the floor of the cell. After 20 seconds the music stopped. Another 30 seconds later a ‘ping’ indicated the arrival of a message.

“That’s Steve, that was his ring tone. He must be running late. How does he think I can read my messages?”

Sandra had to laugh. Both women were helplessly spread out in their cells and had no way of getting to the phone, even if it had been lying right next to them. Shaking the chains holding her prisoner for the hundreds of time did not change her situation.

“I wonder what his excuse is now.” Sharon said.

Time crept by slowly and no new tours showed up. The automatic lights in the walkways had turned off after their predetermined time and the women were standing in the dark. And with the lights off it was dark, there were no windows to let light in, they were too deep underground for that. And because they had limited staff during these bank holidays, they had no staff in the dungeon, other than the tour guides. Both Sharon and Sandra had spent enough time in the chains to know that being alone in the cells was not that frightening. Suddenly the lights went on in the hallway, somebody was coming.

“Hi Sandra, hi Sharon.” It was Maaike, one of the tour guides.

She had been by several times during the afternoon, showing guests around, which included a tour by the two locked up females.

“Okay, what did Steve do this time?” Sharon asked.

Maaike stood in front of the cells, looking at both prisoners.

“Euh, hmm, his car won’t start, so he is not back yet.”

“Really? That is his excuse?” Sandra laughed.

“He asked me to let you out, but I cannot find the keys to the cells.”

“You mean they are not on the hook, just around the corner?”

“No, I looked already. They are not there. I asked Steve, since he locked you guys in, but I have not had a reply yet.”

“When is Steve expected back?” Sharon asked.

“He should have been back an hour ago, it is past 7 PM. His last message said something about being 2 hours delayed. I’ll go and look upstairs, but I do not have keys to his office and Harold is with Steve.”

“Okay, not your fault. We’ll manage.” Sharon said.

“Speak for yourself. I want out. Help me please.” Sandra fought her chains and screamed out loud.

Maaike looked distressed, until Sandra stopped. When she saw the expression on Maaike’s face, she had to laugh.

“I am sorry, did I scare you?” She asked Maaike.

“Euh.., yeah.”

“I am sorry. Yes, we’ll manage. I have been locked up longer than this before.”

Maaike sighed and walked away, leaving Sharon and Sandra alone in the dungeon again.

“That was mean.” Sharon said, laughing.

“I know, but the expression on her face was worth a million pound. I’ll apologize to her again later.”

For a while they stood silently in their individual cells. The lights went off again and they were back to total darkness. Sharon made a mental note to have Steve put in some emergency lights, so they would at least have a little light when they were down here. Normally the groups visiting them were spaced close enough apart the lights did not go off often, but without any groups around anymore, the timers did their jobs.

“Yeah, light.” Sharon said when the lights turned on again sometime later.

Both women were now just waiting for release.

“I am sorry.” Steve, the lord of the castle, said when he walked up to the cell doors and unlocked the one Sharon was in. “My car didn’t start, and it took a while before the AA could send somebody out. I apologize.”

“Yeah, yeah, heard that excuse before.” Sharon replied, mocking him.

“You know I could just leave you here?” He said, stopping in front of the blond woman.

“Been there, done that.” She kept going.

“Stop teasing him, Sharon. I would like to get out at some time today.” Sandra said.

Steve stood in front of the spreadeagled woman and smiled at her.

“See, that is a smart woman.” He said to Sharon, pointing a finger at Sandra.

“Yeah, so smart she got herself locked up with me.” Sharon grinned.

“Anyhow, what I wanted to ask was if you wanted to join me for a trip across the Atlantic. I have been invited by a university to weigh in on a study they are doing about people in captivity. How they react, how they survive the situation, that kind of thing. Linda, you remember her I assume, is one of the test subjects. She’s been locked up now. When Jim and Diana were here, we talked about our models not knowing what was going to happen to them in a photo session. They took that a step further. Since you have been at the receiving end of being restrained longer than planned, I figured you might enjoy a trip. It will also allow us to meet up with Jim, Diana, Robert and Linda, if they released her by then.”

“When will this be?”

“A little short notice, in 2 days. I assume your passport is valid.”

“Yes it is. And I have not much else to do, so why not. Sounds like fun.”

“You want to come too?” Steve asked the other helpless woman in the dungeon.

“Can I? I think my travel paperwork is in order since I just got a new passport. With Richard away to China, nothing is keeping me here. Well, except these chains.”

Sandra shook her chains again, indicating she was still restrained.

“I don’t think Jim or Diana will object. It will be an 8-day trip. We should be back on Friday next week. I will have to book the flight, no worries, Jim, and I are splitting the cost. And I will have to arrange for transport, oh, and I must not forget to pack.”

He walked back and forth a couple of times in front of Sharon, who was watching him with a smile on her face.

“How about letting us go?” She asked.

“Oh, what, euh… yes. Good thing you reminded me.”

To Sharon’s surprise he walked out of the cell, not closing the cell door behind him, but that did not make much difference to the restraint woman in the dungeon cell.

“Hey, come back here, where are you going?” Sharon called after Steve.

“Upstairs, got stuff to organize.” He replied. “Why?”

“We’re still restrained.” She called back, after he disappeared around the corner.

“I know. Have fun.” He called back, sticking his head around the corner. “I’ll be back later.”

“I got to go to the bathroom.” Sharon called back.

“The straw on the floor will absorb it.” Was the last reply she heard.

“Oh, the fucker.” She cursed.

“I assume we’re not getting out of here yet?” Sandra asked, a grin on her face.

“Looks that way.” Sharon said.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice change of place :) An added Bonus, we get a time frame for Lindas Partizipation in the Experiment :)
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Post by wolfman »

This is a beautifully framed, wonderfully paced chapter. Looks like Linda is not going to have such an easy time of things after all.

I love your relaxed and fun style. You paint a vivid picture with every scene and make every character come to life.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Once again wolfman sums it all up perfectly and being able to remember the characters so easily thanks to your excellent writing style it all promises so much
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Post by Beaumains »

I doubt medieval torture methods make the experiment any more scientific, but I couldn't care less. Let's see of some old-fashioned techniques are able to break Linda.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I hope not :)
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Post by slackywacky »


Diana was not sure whether she slept, dozed or not, but the truck heading off the paved road, back onto a dirt track, woke her out of the state she was in. The terrain was rough again for a few minutes until the truck stopped. It backed up, a loud beep was audible, before stopping again. Doors opened and closed, and Diana waited for the tailgate to open. Instead the hardcover that covered the truck bed was lifted and folded away, giving Diana for the first time a good look at her fellow prisoner.

“Hmmppfff.” Diana tried to get the woman’s attention.

The woman was young, probably just in her twenties, with dark hair. It was hard to say she was pretty, as the leather harness gag was pulled tight and the big ball forced her mouth wide open. Her hair was a mess due to the straps around her head, but there was nothing the woman could do about it, as she was similarly restrained as Diana. She had been crying, based on the marks of tears on her face. Her clothes were like Diana’s, black boots, blue jeans and a white blouse.

“Hope you enjoyed the ride.”

Eric, the masked man opened the tailgate of the truck. Roughly he pulled Diana towards him.

“Behave.” He told her, before he uncuffed her left foot.

It did not take long, he only released the cuff, so he could loop it free from the handcuffs before he locked it again around her ankle. Diana was able to stretch her legs again. He pulled her a little further to the end of the tailgate, before helping her up out of the truck standing onto the floor. It gave Diana a chance to look around, but there was not much to see. The barn was standing alone in the middle of field, she could not see other buildings from her vantage point.

“Bring her inside.” Madam Sinister said, standing to the side.

Holding on to one arm, Diana was guided into the barn, making small steps due to the cuffs on her ankles. The barn was empty and looked like it had not been used in a long time. The floor was just hard dirt, compressed over the years if usage the barn probably had seen. The bones of the building looked well enough, but parts of the walls were missing pieces of wood and several holes were visible in the roof. Eric guided Diana to a corner of the building. A bunch of ropes were lying along the wall and two ropes were hanging from a beam. Eric connected one of the ropes to the d-ring on top of her harness gag, pulling it tight, forcing Diana to stay upright.

“Nice tits.” He said, squeezing them when he had his hands free again

“Auw.” Diana cried out when he slapped her butt hard.

After letting go of her, Eric unlocked the cuffs around her elbows. It felt good not having the tight steal of the cuffs on her elbows, but she figured it would not last long, and she was right. Picking up a long rope, Eric wrapped several loops around her torso, just above her breasts, including her arms, pulling the rope tight with each wrap. More wraps followed just below her breasts, cinching the bottom rope between her body and arms. Without stopping, Eric unlocked the wrist cuffs and picked up another rope. Forcing Diana’s arms up into a reverse prayer position, he tied her wrists together. Diana was flexible and could endure the position, but it was still tight. The ropes from her now useless arms went over her shoulders to the front, wrapped around the rope below her breasts, before being pulled back over her shoulders. This caused her breasts to being squeezed by the ropes. Eric picked up more rope. More ropes were added to her upper body bondage and soon she was unable to move her arms at all.

“Nice work.” Veronique said, looking at how Eric tied Diana.

He ignored her and grabbed Diana’s breasts again, squeezing them.

“You enjoy yourself?” He asked Diana, seeing how hard her nipples were.

Her body was betraying her. The tight ropes around her upper body felt like they were hugging her, even as tight as Eric had tied them. Diana knew that she craved this kind of bondage occasionally, and she knew that Veronique knew that too.

“Hmmppffff.” Diana grunted, not wanting to acknowledge his question.

He pinched her nipple through the fabric of the blouse, making Diana squeal.

“Don’t worry, I am just starting. We’ll see how you feel in a few hours.”

All that Diana could do was sigh. Eric picked up another rope and started on her waist. With her hands pointing up, there was nothing in the way for Eric to tie a waist rope around her. She suspected, and was proven right, that a crotch rope would follow, and she felt the tight rope being applied. At least the jeans gave a little protection. The rope was being pulled tight until she grunted. It was knotted off and so tight it was hard to forget it was there, especially since the rope was pressing on a sensitive spot. Satisfied with the ropes so far, Eric started on her legs. Ropes were applied around her upper legs, above her knees and below her knees. Each rope was wrapped several times around her legs, before being tightly cinched. All the ropes were tight. Her ankles received a larger amount of rope. First it got wrapped around her booted ankles before he ran the rope at the bottom of the boots. Eric created a loop, before tying everything off.

“Tight enough?” he asked his victim.

Diana could only nod.

“You sure?” He asked, pulling at her crotch rope.

“Hmmppfff.” Diana grunted.

“You have nice tits; I love to play with these.” He said again.

Her blouse was stretched tight over her breasts because of the ropes and standing behind her, he grabbed both breasts and played with them, kneading, and pinching them.

“Good thing you are not wearing a bra.” He grinned, playing with them some more.

After a few minutes playing with her breasts, he released the rope holding her in a standing position. Without warning, he picked Diana up and placed her on the floor on her back. A pulley system was lowered and the hook at the end, after lifting Diana’s feet up, was connected to the loops Eric had made at her ankles. Diana understood now what was going to happen. Slowly the rope got pulled tight and her legs were pulled higher. Her upper body slid across the floor, but nor Eric or Veronique helped her. The pulley system kept pulling her higher and higher, until she was completely off the floor, hanging upside down, her head about 4 feet from the floor.

“See, easy access.” Eric said, while grabbing Diana’s breasts.

“Hmmppff.” Diana yelled out in pain when he slapped her right breast.

She was completely helpless, hanging upside down, bound and gagged as she was. There was no way she would be able to escape the tight ropes holding her prisoner.

“Nice.” Veronique said. “Now let’s get the other one.”

Eric grinned and slapped Diana’s butt.


They left her alone for several minutes, before the other woman was brought into the barn. She tried to fight Eric, but all that resulted in was a slap to her breasts. Diana suspected they could both wear the same bra size. It was hard to see when you hang upside down, but Diana thought she saw real fear in the eyes of the young woman.

“Behave.” Eric said to the woman.

There was no reply, other than soft gagged cries. The process was much the same as it had been for Diana. A rope connected the gag to the beam, preventing the woman from moving away. Ropes went around her upper body, just as tight as Diana’s bondage was. It looked though that the young woman was not accustomed to having her arms point up in a reverse prayer position, as she started to complain in her gag when Eric tied her wrists, but she was ignored by both Eric and Veronique. The large ball of the harness gag kept her pretty quiet, similar as to Diana.

“Hmmppffff.” The woman resisted when Eric played with her breasts.

The application of the crotch rope was also not without complaints, but whenever the woman complained, a hard slap on her breasts or butt was what followed. Diana wondered why the woman was not more compliant, it would save her some pain. All Diana could do was watch how Eric tied her up in the same way as she was and soon she was hanging next to Diana, about 3 meters (9 feet) separating them.

“Your beef is ready.” Eric said to Veronique who had been standing a little away from them.

Diana had not noticed that the woman was pleasuring herself through the tight spandex.

“Give me a moment.” She replied, breathing hard.

Eric grinned and played with the breasts of both Diana and the unknown woman. It was obvious that Madam Sinister was enjoying the scene. Eric gave Diana a push and she started to swing. It was hard to stop the motion, bound as she was, so she just let it happen. Every time she got close to Eric, he slapped her butt, making her swing more. It hurt, but she was not going to give in to his fantasy by crying out about it. What she did not foresee was since she did not react, he took it out on the other helpless female. Each slap on her butt was harder than on hers and the woman cried out at every hit.

“Hmmppffff.” Diana grunted, but Eric ignored her.

One problem with hanging upside down was that the drool from the gag did not run down your chin, but instead collected in her throat and into her nose. She had to force the drool out and Eric had to grin when drool ran down her head from her nose.

“Fun, right?” He asked her.

The other prisoner showed the same issue, she had more trouble getting rid of the drool and she started to cry again., which only made the mess bigger, as the tears also wanted to follow gravity. Drool and tears ran from the nose, between her eyes into her hair. Diana understood how the other woman was feeling, but she also knew there was nothing she could do about it. Being gagged this tight always made you drool.

“Ready for the next phase?” Eric asked Veronique.

Madam Sinister nodded, being done pleasuring herself.

“Yes, let’s make it as bit more interesting for these two.”

Diana had no idea what they were talking about, but things became clear very fast. Eric picked up a rope and tied it to the crotch rope on Diana, before running the end of the rope to the crotch rope on the other prisoner. He pulled it tight, which resulted in the tension on their crotch ropes to tighten and that they now faced away from each other.

“A little tighter.” Veronique said.

All that Diana felt was more pressure between her legs. The jeans helped a little, but the rope had been tight before, but was tighter now.

“I think we can leave them like this.” Veronique said to Eric, who was playing with Diana’s breasts again.

“Okay. You heard the lady. We’ll be back.”

Eric and Veronique left the barn, closing the door, leaving the two women helplessly hanging in the barn.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Love to see who that other woman is, and whether she's here voluntarily. Great stuff!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Diana is in a tight Spot :) Is that not dangerous handling head down for a prolonged period of time? Sounds dangerous.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Great update, and I admit I’m looking forward to finding out who the other girl is and why she’s there. For I’m sure the torment and abuse has only just begun
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

another amazing update as always. love your stories.
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Post by TightsBound »

This has been a great story and this chapter is no exception! Why do I get the feeling that their bondage is only going to get more challenging? And do we have a new regular character entering the mix? 😁
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Post by slackywacky »

Thank you [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]dogrednuht123[/mention] and [mention]TightsBound[/mention] for your comments.

Hanging upside down can be dangerous, blood wants to flow to your head, a gag might result in a blocked nasal passage, but in the end this is fiction, so I am taking a little leeway :-)

And as to who our mystery woman is... all will be revealed (or not). I have not made my mind up yet. With Sandra and Sharon coming over from the UK, with Winona around modelling for Subtle Leather, Linda and Diana getting out of their bonds at some time in the future, there is a lot of characters in the mix, so I am not sure yet if I need to add another one. We'll see.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to all the developments in the future :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Tables turned

Time went by slowly and both Diana and the unknown woman were not enjoying the situation they were in. It had been several hours since Veronique and Eric had left them hanging upside down, helplessly bound and tightly gagged. Diana noticed that the light that came from under the barn door and through the openings in the walls was getting less, telling her that it was getting evening. Darkness did not come till after 9 PM this time of year, so she figured it might have been 8 PM. She knew she arrived at the farm around 2 PM, the drive had taken an unknown amount of time as she had fallen asleep for a while, but most likely had only taken an hour, so they had probably been strung up like beef for around 3 to 4 hours. This session was way lasting a lot longer than normal, not that she had any influence on it.


A pitiful grunt in the tight gag came from the unknown woman. The woman had fought her bonds at times, a useless exercise, as they were tied way to well to be able to escape, but due to the fact that their crotch ropes were attached, Diana could feel her movements. The excitement of the situation when she got strung up had long been replaced by boredom. The tight ropes starting to hurt, the big ball in her mouth causing her jaw to ache, but there was nothing Diana could do. Keeping her mouth and nose clear kept her busy, she was still drooling from the gag, but for the rest she just stared into the distance and endured the situation. She had been in long bondages often enough to know that relaxing, if possible, was the best method to get through it. Distractions helped, but there was nothing to see in the darkness of the barn and the distraction caused by the other women, whenever she moved were of no use. Diana focused on her breathing and on keeping her nose clear.

“Hmmppff?” The other women suddenly grunted.

Diana recognized the difference between this grunt and the previous grunts. She listened and could hear why the woman had reacted, there were noises outside. The barn door opened, and a flashlight shone into the building, focusing on the two hanging females, blocking their view of however was holding on to the flashlight.

“Now look at that. They are still here.”

It was Eric’s voice.


Suddenly Diana was fully awake. The grunt had not come from the unknown woman or herself, it was a third person who sounded like he or she was gagged too.

“Let me give you some more light.” Eric said.

A large camping light turned on and the flashlight turned off. The light was strong enough to light up the inside of the barn. Diana looked shocked at the third prisoner that Eric had brought into the barn. It was Veronique.

“I brought you some company.” He said, pushing Veronique closer to the suspended women.

Ropes circled the overweight woman’s latex covered upper body above and under her massive breasts. Her wrists were tied crossed with white rope. There was no way Veronique would ever be able to touch her elbows behind her back. More rope was tied around her not so small waist, holding her bound wrists to the small of her back. A tight crotch rope was applied. Diana could easily see that the woman would never get free without help. As a gag, a large ballgag was strapped very tightly in her mouth, pulling at the corners of her mouth, and a leather blindfold kept Veronique from seeing. Her legs were tied at the knees, her ankles were however still free, but that did not last long. Eric pushed her to the floor and tied her ankles together.

“Next time, do not argue with me.” He said to the now helpless woman on the floor.

The 48-year-old woman whimpered but was ignored by the man who had tied her up. Diana was nothing closer to finding out who he was, he had been masked the whole time and Veronique had only used a first name. He knew his ropes, this was not somebody who just started in the business and she figured she should know him, but so far, his identity had eluded her. He walked up to Diana and stood in front of her, grabbing her tits again and kneading them. After he was done playing with Diana’s breasts, he pointed at Veronique.

“This miserable piece of a woman figured you two had enough and you should be let go. Is that right?”

The unknown woman sobbed and grunted something in her gag. Eric walked up to her and smacked her ass hard and she jerked. The connecting rope between the two women transferring the movement to Diana.

“What was that?” Eric asked the woman.

“Hmmppfff.” Diana said, trying to pull away the attention from the other women.

A hard smack landed on her left buttock, before another one hit her right buttock.

“Hmmppfff.” She screamed.

The slaps were hard and hurt like hell, but she did not get a chance to recover, as the next slap was on her right breast, followed by another smack to her left breast. At least Eric’s attention was focused on Diana now and not on the other woman, or Veronique, who was lying on the floor, sobbing in her gag, her long black hair a mess.

“Hmmppfff.” Diana screamed, as another pair of hits hit her breasts again.

Without warning, Eric ripped her blouse open, exposing her firm breasts.

“Nice.” He said, grabbing them.

Diana tried to twist away, but all that resulted in was that he pinched her nipples.

“Behave.” He said. “Pull away again and I will hurt Cadence instead of you.”

At least she now had a name for the other woman.

“Hmmppffff.” She screamed in her gag when Eric twisted her nipples.

He double checked the bondage of all three women, fixing a knot here and there, but mostly none of the ropes had slipped. He played with the suspended women, kneading their breasts, playing with their nipples, and smacking both their breasts and asses.

“I think I will be leaving you three here for the night. Nobody ever comes around here. Nobody can hear you scream; the closest farm is too far away. I might come back in the morning, maybe.”

Both Cadence and Veronique were whimpering in their gags but got completely ignored by Eric. He stood in front of Diana again.

“You are strong willed. I like that in a woman. Not that it will do you any good, but I still like it.”

He turned his attention to Veronique, turning her onto her stomach and tightly hogtying her. The helpless woman screamed in her gag. She could not touch her heels with her hands, her knees would not bend that far, but Eric tied them as tight as he could. Ignoring her pleas, he put the knot out of reach of her fingers.

“That should prevent you from letting these two loose” He told her, smacking her latex covered but.

Veronique softly cried, tears running down her cheeks. Diana felt sorry for the woman. Obviously, this partnership she had going with Eric had turned sour and had resulted in her being a victim too. Diana had never seen Veronique tied up, she was always the dom. Cadence had been hanging quietly while Eric was around and only reacted when he pinched her nipples or slapped her butt.

“Hmmmpppfffff.” Diana grunted in her gag to get Eric’s attention.

“Did you not have enough yet?” He asked her, walking back to her and grabbing her exposed breasts, pulling on her nipples. “Don’t think I don’t see that you are trying to pull my attention away from these two.”

He slapped her breasts hard.

“I do love your tits. Did I say that already?” Eric said, slapping them again, grinning at Diana who tried not to scream out.

More slaps followed on her breasts and rear and every time Diana tried to keep the scream in. It worked for a while.

“You know, I can keep this up until you scream.” Eric said.

This game of willpower went on for a few more minutes, until finally Diana had to give in, and she screamed when Eric hit her.

“That’s better. Told you I would hold out longer.”

He stopped hitting her and looked at the three women.

“Time for me to go. I will see you all, maybe, tomorrow.” He said, before walking to the door.

Both Cadence and Diana screamed in their gags, although they both knew it was useless. The door closed and a short time later an engine could be heard. The sound faded and soon only the sounds in the barn were audible. Diana had been holding out, but with the long hours of the night ahead of them, tears came to her too. The fact that they did not know how long it would be before Eric came back, if at all, made their position even more helpless, they were royally screwed.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

This looks very, very bad. Where is the cavalary, when she is needed. Where are the knights in shining armour? A rather dark chapter.
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Post by wolfman »

This is really excellent. I love the sense of drama and tension and I am worried about the outcome for our helpless heroine.

really great stuff
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Post by TightsBound »

Your stories never cease to amaze me. This chapter managed to be both hot and thrilling at the same time. Hopefully our damsel and her co-captives will find a way out soon, even if it just leads to more bondage 😉
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago This looks very, very bad. Where is the cavalry, when she is needed. Where are the knights in shining armour? A rather dark chapter.
It is a thin line between a fun bondage session and one that turns ugly. I have a few ideas for the next chapter on Diana, which might not be the next chapter posted, I still have Linda in chains and Steve, Sandra and Sharon are flying in. And there is Wynona. A few story lines that need continuations.

Thank you for your continuing support of this story [mention]Caesar73[/mention] . And [mention]wolfman[/mention] and [mention]TightsBound[/mention]
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by RopingRingers »

Dayum. That turned dark very quickly, well done. I don't think I could handle hours of extended hanging upside down, getting a headache just thinking about it 😂 good luck Diana, hold onto that willpower 🥃
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Post by Bandit666 »

What a great update and twist in the tale of Diana and her mysterious capture. And yet while it doesn’t look good, something tells me she’ll find a savour in Jim. Unless of course he’s the man behind the mask
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Post by slackywacky »

Bandit666 wrote: 3 years ago Unless of course he’s the man behind the mask
I suspect Diana would have noticed if Jim was the man behind the mask. You would recognize your partner, certain behavior, the way he ties, she would recognize that. This is not Jim (or Robert for that matter).
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Change of plans

Alicia dreaded her visit to Linda. Not because she had to take care of a chained prisoner, but because that chained prisoner was still not acting like a real prisoner. After the second visit, Alicia had talked with her professor about Linda’s behavior and had looked for guidance what to do, but Professor Mosley had not provided her with something she could use.

“Just see how things go.” Was all that she had said, forcing Alicia to come up with her own ideas.

This was visit number 5. Linda had been imprisoned for 3 days now. Alicia really hoped that Linda would be less happy to be locked up and chained, but she did not think that would happen. It was interesting that even after 3 days, Linda was sticking to her routine. She walked, she sang, she ate slowly, drank slowly, and talked to Alicia as if she were not locked up.

“Let’s get this over with.” She told herself, opening the big sliding door.

The lights were on, they were on 24/7. It did not seem to bother Linda. The woman seemed to be able to sleep by just lying down. Alicia picked up the bag with food and walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

“Hello Alicia. How are you today?” Linda greeted her.

At least one thing had changed over the three days, Linda’s hair was a bit of a mess. With her hands cuffed to her waist, she could not maintain her blond hair. Alicia placed the bag on the other side of the room, way out of reach for Linda.

“Okay, so what is different today?” Linda asked, as if she was just having a friendly conversation.

“Bath time.” Alicia replied, smiling, as she figured that this might be something Linda did not like.

“Bath time?” Linda asked.

So far she had not had a bath since she was locked up. She wondered what it would look like, until Alicia picked up the water hose, turned on the tap and started to spray her with the cold water.

“Aaaarrrggghhhhhhh.” Linda screamed when the cold water hit her.

She tried to get away, but chained as she was, it was easy for Alicia to follow her.

“Okay, have it your way.” Linda said.

She stopped and stood still, while Alicia sprayed her with the cold water. Linda even turned around, allowing Alicia to spray her back. It might have lasted a little longer than what was needed, but Linda’s resignation to being washed this way had felt like another defeat to Alicia. Linda had seen the expression on Alicia’s face change when she stopped trying to get away from the water and she knew she had another, although small, victory. It did not help her getting away from this place, but she still saw it as a victory.

“All done?” Linda asked when Alicia turned off the water.

The floor of the area where Linda could walk was soaking wet, but it did not seem to bother her. She watched Alicia clean up the hose, grab the bag and placing it within reach of Linda’s chain.

“What is the code for the safe?” Alicia asked.

“Tomato’s, peaches, apples and lemons.”

By now Alicia was used to the weird answers Linda was giving and she did not even record them anymore. At least the behavior of Linda gave her enough for her paper, as Kyleigh had reacted completely different. And even though neither woman was told how long they would be locked up, deep down they all knew it was just a study. It would not be imprisonment for years.

“Bye.” Alicia said, walking to the door and opening it, leaving Linda behind.

With a thump the door closed, and Linda was alone again. The cold water had cooled her off, it was always the same temperature in the room, not cold, not hot, just enough to keep a naked woman warm enough. Water was everywhere, including where Alicia had placed her food, so that was priority number one, getting her food out of the water.

“What are we eating today?”

As with the sandwiches on the first day, the food was rather good. Enough to keep her from starving, but Linda figured she would lose a few pounds if this thing would be going for a few more days. She had no idea how long she had been locked up, she figured 4 days, but there was nothing that helped her determine a timeline.

“Oh, chicken and rise. Bugger, no spoon.”

The food was still warm, so Linda decided to eat first. She found a spot that was not soaked by water and sat down. She managed to hold the plastic box in her hands and eat directly from it, the cuffs were too tight to her waist to allow for her hands to reach her mouth, but with the box it worked. It was not the easiest way to eat and she dropped food on the floor and her feet, but it was food. She ate slowly, there was not much else to do, and once she finished, she walked over to the water bottles and drank some water.

“I might as well do my exercise.” She said to herself.

First she cleaned up the plastic box. For a moment she considered keeping it to see if she could make something out of the hard plastic that might undo the cuffs, but the handcuffs were covered by a plastic box that covered the key holes and she figured that the plastic was not strong enough to pry open the cuffs. Once she cleaned up, she started walking her circles again. She had lost count of how many laps she had done, and she did not really care. It consumed time, that was the main thing.

“Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began.”

She started singing the Foo Fighters hit.

“Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones go marching in, again
The need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are ever ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole defense”

More of the song followed, singing loudly, but not always good, while she walked her laps. She stopped singing when she heard noises in the hallway. She was not sure what she heard, it did not sound like Alicia, she was always quiet. This sounded like more people, would the study already be over?

“Hello?” Linda asked.

There was no reply, but there were still sounds on the other side of the large door. Suddenly the door opened, and Alicia walked in. Linda had to correct herself, Alicia fell into the room. It was clear to Linda that something was wrong, as Alicia’s hands were tied with rope behind her back. Due to her bonds, she could not protect herself from the fall and she hit the ground hard. Linda walked towards her, but the chain did not allow her to reach her.

“Now what is this?” A male voice said.

Three men, masked with ski masks, entered the room.

“Now that is nice.” One of them said, not the same one who had asked the question.

Linda tried to hide her nakedness, which was not that easy cuffed, but she partially succeeded.

“We were wondering what this red head was doing down here. This makes it even more interesting. Why are you chained up?” The tallest of the three men asked.

Linda looked, but did not answer. She could see that her nakedness and helplessness influenced at least two of the three men, as the bulges in their pants gave them away.

“Answer me?” The man said, sounding a little angrier.

“It is a study.” Alicia said, with some difficulty crawling up into a sitting position, tears in her eyes, fear clearly visible in her facial expression.

“What kind of study requires a woman, a good-looking woman for that matter, be tied up in a basement of an unused building?”

He looked around and suddenly noticed the camera against the ceiling.

“Crap, this is being recorded. Let’s get out of here. Where are the keys for the locks?” He asked Alicia.

“In my coat pocket.” She said, not wanting to upset the men.

One of them searched her coat pocket and found the keys.

“You resist, you will regret it.” He whispered to Linda when he walked up to her.

He only unlocked the lock that connected the long chain to her waist. All other cuffs were kept locked.

“Let’s go, before they notice something is wrong.” The leader said.

One of them grabbed Alicia, while the tall guy grabbed Linda.

“We will have some fun with the pair of you.” He grinned, before they were dragged out of the room.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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