The Mounties Always Get Their Man (M/M) Part III Posted 8/12

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The Mounties Always Get Their Man (M/M) Part III Posted 8/12

Post by KidnappedCowboy »

This is the first story I wrote featuring Simon DuWright of the RCMP. Hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it. Comments are much appreciated.

The Mounties Always Get Their Man!
A Simon DuWright of the RCMP Adventure
Sergeant Durango of the Yukon

Part I

Inspector Simon DuWright had been with the Mounties, since graduating from university six years ago. He rose quickly through the ranks due to his intelligence, fitness level, and keen detective skills. Now just shy of 28, he was in peak physical condition, training six days a week for triathlons following a schedule of running, biking, and swimming, adhering to a strict diet, and working out at the constabulary gym. The brown-haired, blue-eyed DuWright had honed his 6’1” tall, 185 lb. body into a work of art, and he looked every inch Canada’s pride in his red serge dress uniform. DuWright, though, worked most cases under-cover, usually wearing the clothes of the roles he needed to assume in the line of duty.

Simon’s superiors had chosen him for a very tough assignment. Vancouver was hosting the Winter Olympics in 2010, and the Mounties had received intelligence through an informant some months before the Games began of a plot to kidnap a premier Olympic hopeful, the pilot of the Canadian four-man Bobsled team, Johnny Trudeau. So, Simon was placed under-cover as one of the team’s alternate pushers, and he had been training in Calgary with them for some time. Simon’s triathlon racing had paid off well. He easily adapted to the rigors of bobsledding and blended in well with the other athletes. Not only did he gain their trust and respect, but he also developed a quick friendship with Trudeau, who did not know of the plot to kidnap him or Simon’s true identity. The two men were similar in age. They became roommates at the Olympic training facility and would remain so in the Athlete’s Village in Vancouver. When they were not training, Simon and Johnny were inseparable. Of course, Simon was watching out for Johnny at all times, keeping an eye peeled for any sign of an attempt to abduct the Olympian.

All had appeared quiet up to the week before the start of the Olympics. The bobsled events were at the beginning of the second week of the Games, and Simon, Johnny, and their other teammates trained each day in the state-of-the-art facilities constructed in Vancouver, including the Whistler Sliding Center. Like his teammates, Simon donned the form-fitting, lycra, one-piece red uniform with the Maple Leaf emblazoned on the arm. And like the others, Simon appeared born to wear the uniform, as it clung to every inch of his body, displaying his chiseled pectoral muscles, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, well-developed calves and thighs, and, not least, an ample basket in front and a high and tight bubble butt in back.

The excitement of the Games and the daily training had not dulled Simon’s focus on his primary mission, that was the protection of Johnny. But Simon had not taken account of the ambitions of a rival bobsled team from the rogue state of Slobobia. The Slobobian Security Agency had placed an agent, Ivan Whiplashtski, undercover as a team coach to make sure the Slobobian team won a gold medal. It was he, who had hatched the plan to kidnap Johnny Trudeau in order to take the Canadians out of medal contention and increase Slobobia’s chances to win the gold in bobsledding. The swarthy and mustachioed Ivan had kept a close watch on Johnny and studied his routine intently. Ivan grew suspicious of Simon, who never left Johnny’s side, except each day after practice runs, when Johnny went off to the Changing Room, leaving Simon behind for 10 to 15 minutes to help the other teammates with the sled. Ivan knew he needed to snatch Johnny in this window of opportunity and planned accordingly. He had two other Slobobian security agents to help him with his nefarious plans. Whiplashtski and his underlings studied the layout of the Changing Room facility, observed the comings and goings of a service crew, carrying away the dirty towels in vans. It was relatively easy for Whiplashtski to obtain one such van and matching service uniforms. Using the resources and contacts made available to him by his government, Whiplashtski outfitted a van for his purposes. The van seemed to belong to the Slobobian team with the Slobobian insignia emblazoned on its sides. But the insignia could be easily removed and underneath was the service crew’s emblem. As a Slobobian coach, Ivan began to drive the van to the back of the Changing room facility near the bay where the service crews loaded and unloaded their carts. All was set to put his plan into action.

Two days before the Opening Ceremonies, just after Johnny and Simon had finished their practice runs, Whiplashtski saw his opportunity. Johnny walked back to the Changing Room, leaving Simon and the others to oversee the storing of their sled. The Slobobian agent followed him from a discreet distance. Johnny walked into the changing area to the front of his assigned locker, not noticing Whiplatski slipping behind another row of lockers. The Slobobian agent had a clear view of the Canadian athlete. Johnny bent over to pull off his booties. Whiplashtski reached into his jacket and pulled out a dart gun. Taking aim at Johnny’s lycra-encased gluteus maximus, he shot a sedative-laced dart, hitting Johnny’s left cheek. Johnny felt the sting, arched up, and grunted, “Uhhh…” before slowly falling against his locker. Moving quickly, Whiplashtski called to one of his accomplices. They grabbed the Olympian from behind, turned him around, and hoisted the unconscious man over Whiplashtski shoulder. He carried Johnny to an adjacent storeroom, where a laundry cart waited. He deposited Johnny in it and threw towels over him. Making sure the coast was clear, Whiplashtski and his man maneuvered the cart to the back door of the Changing Room facility, where the second underling waited at the driver’s seat of the van. They loaded the cart into the back of the van, and then peeled the Slobobian insignias off the door panels, revealing the service crew emblems. They then took the Slobobian emblems and applied them to another similar van. The agents wanted to throw suspicion off the Slobobians, when it was realized Johnny was missing. To the casual observer, it would appear that the Service Crew was merely leaving with another load of laundry and the Slobobian van still awaited its team. Getting into the passenger seat, Whiplashtski put on the cap and jacket of the service crew, pulling the cap down low on his face. Meanwhile, the third agent was in the back of the van. He pulled the still-unconscious Johnny from the piles of laundry and handcuffed his hands behind his back. The agent then roped the Olympic bobsledder’s ankles together. To make sure Johnny kept quiet in case he awakened before they reached their destination, he stuffed a crumpled handkerchief in Johnny’s mouth and sealed his lips shut with several layers of duct-tape around his head The van drove off through the exit gates with the comatose bobsledder in the back. The whole operation took 8 minutes.

As the van exited the gates, Simon was entering the Changing Room. He began to say, “We had some good runs today, Johnny. We’re in pretty good shape for our events…Johnny? Hey Johnny? Are you here?” Looking around for the man he was ordered to keep safe, Simon searched the empty Changing Room and the showers next door. The other Canadian bobsledders had now entered. “Guys…is Johnny still outside?” Simon asked them. They replied almost in unison. “No. He went in here ahead of us.” Not wanting to raise the alarm just yet, Simon told them to look outside for the missing pilot. Simon scoured the facility for the Olympic athlete. When he reached the back of the facility, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary. All appeared to be normal. There were two vans parked in the back, one belonging to a Service Company and the other to the Slobobian Bobsled team. Walking round them, Simon did not notice anything at first. But then his finely attuned detective’s eye saw the Slobobian emblem on a side panel looked as if it could be peeled off easily. Simon began to do so and saw the Service Co. logo underneath.

Simon thought to himself. “I should have known that the Slobobians were up to something. But I can’t cause an international incident before I can confirm my suspicions. I need to find Johnny and get him back as quickly as possible!” He carefully placed the Slobobian emblem back onto the van.

Working fast, Simon threw some track pants on over his lycra uniform, put some hiking boots on, and a NorthFace down jacket over the compression top that clung to his athletic frame. He flipped his cell phone open and dialed his superior officer.
“Superintendent Cabot, DuWright here. I’m afraid, sir, that Johnny Trudeau has been abducted.”

“What? Du Wright you were supposed to prevent this.”

“I know, sir. But I know who has taken him. Everything points to the Slobobians. I’m ready to go after them and get Johnny back!”

“You better be right, DuWright! We need to get Trudeau back as quickly as possible. We can’t let on that he’s been kidnapped. I’ll arrange it so it looks as if Trudeau was called away on a family emergency, but he will be back in 48 hours for the Opening Ceremonies. You need to find him before then, DuWright. The RCMP and Canada is counting on you!!”

“Yes, sir! I’ll find Johnny and bring those responsible for his kidnapping to justice. As a Mountie, I always get my man!”

Flipping off his cell phone, Johnny made for the exit of the Whistler Sliding Center.

Where have Whiplashtski and his accomplices taken Johnny Trudeau?

Will Inspector Simon Du Wright locate the kidnapped Olympian before the Opening Ceremonies?

Will this Mountie get his man?

To be continued…
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by wataru14 »

Love it! Can't wait for part 2!
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Post by george_bound »

Haha this is fun, especially as a Canadian resident, but Johnny Trudeau :lol: And where are the Germans! The Germans dominate the sliding sports (haha, just kidding). Can't wait for the continuation of this tale... a lycra-clad muscle stud kidnapped while another lycra-clad muscle Mountie gives chase, what could go wrong :P
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Part II

Ensnared in the Web of the Black Rope!
Sergeant Durango of the Yukon

(Continued from “The Mounties Always Get Their Man!”)

Inspector Simon DuWright had to act fast. And he knew just what he needed to find Johnny Trudeau and his kidnappers. Simon had at his disposal the latest tracking devices, and he immediately tuned his GPS unit and listening device to the coordinates of the Slobobian consulate in Vancouver. Sure enough – within thirty minutes – there were signals between what appeared to be a moving object and the consulate. It had to be the kidnappers! And through the marvels of modern technology, Simon could easily have them in his sights. With his GPS unit honing in on the signal sent from the moving van, Simon donned a helmet and hopped onto his Honda CBR600F4i for the hunt. An hour later Simon was certain he had tracked the signal from the van. He was north of Vancouver in a heavily forested area. The last signal appeared to come from up an old logging road off the main artery.

Simon knew that if he continued on his bike, the kidnappers would hear him approach, so he pulled his bike over and hid it under some brush just at the start of the off-road. He’d hike the rest of the way to the signal. He estimated the last signal to be at least a mile up this dirt road. Simon had come armed with only his GPS unit and two-way wristwatch/radio. As part of the Mounties’ elite new men, he carried no weapon, but he was trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, achieving the highest status: a red belt. Simon could easily take down a man twice his size. After a trek up this road for 45 minutes, Simon spied an old sawmill just round a bend.

Fearing that he might be detected, Simon DuWright decided the cover of the forest was the best way to get near to the mill. Simon hiked just past the mill and came up to it from behind. He observed the van from the Sliding Center in a shed adjacent to the mill. Seeing no one outside he crept up to a window and peaked through. The old mill was quiet, but well lighted. Simon could see the primary saw with the machinery and track to place logs for cutting. It looked as if it had only ceased operating. Simon saw no stirring, until movement on a nearby cot caught his eye!

It was Johnny Trudeau!!! He was still in his lycra uniform. And he was bound hand and foot with a tape-gag across his mouth. Johnny was struggling ever so slightly against his bonds. “Good! Thank ye gods! Johnny’s okay!” Simon thought. To Simon’s left was a door to into the mill. After waiting a few minutes more and seeing no one else around, Simon tried the door, found it unlocked, and entered the mill quietly.

Using cat-like reflexes, Simon bounded across the room to the cot where Johnny lay.”

“MMMMPPPPHHHH! MMMMPPPPHHHH!!” Johnny was surprised by his teammate and friend. “MMMPPPHHHH!!!”

Simon put a finger to his lips to quiet the trussed-up Bobsleigh pilot. Barely audible, Simon whispered, “I’ll get you out of here Johnny. But you need to remain quiet.”

Simon bent down to untie Johnny’s feet. As he did so, Johnny tried to signal Simon with his eyes, but the Mountie did not notice. If he had, Simon would have realized that Johnny was trying to tell him something. Johnny had seen his kidnappers enter the room just as quietly as Simon had. And the ringleader stealthily tiptoed closer to the bent-over Simon. Raising a dart gun, Ivan Whiplashtski took aim at the gluteus maximus of Simon DuWright. As he did, Simon caught Johnny’s pleading eyes. Simon began to turn around just as Whiplashtski fired the gun. A small dart pierced Simon in his left butt cheek.

“AAARRGGHHH!!!” Simon reached to pull the stinger out, but it was too late. The quick-acting sedative did its work, Simon crumpled over Johnny Trudeau on the cot.

“You were correct, Comrade Whiplashtski. We were followed.”

“Yes, Comrade Sverdlov, we were. Quickly, turn him over. Let us see who it is.”
Sverdlov and another Slobobian, Petrov, pulled the drugged Simon off Trudeau.
“It is another Canadian bobsledder, Comrade.”

Whiplashtski peered down for a closer look. “I recognize that face! He looks very familiar! Aha!!! I should have realized this sooner. As we were making plans to abduct the pilot, I kept wondering where I had seen this slider before! Now, I remember. This is no Canadian slider. He is an inspector with the Canadian Mounties. We have a file on him at Secret Security Headquarters in Slobobia. Last year, this agent was instrumental in thwarting the plans of our allies the Livonians, when they wanted to abduct that American speed-skater with the name of a Greek god. Well, now we have him. But too bad for him! He will simply suffer the fate of Trudeau here. Comrade Petrov – get me the black rope in my utility bag…and tape. Comrade Sverdlov, it appears the agent still wears the bobsled uniform underneath his track pants and ski jacket. Strip the pants and jacket off ‘our guest,’ so we can have a matching set of tied-up sliders! Ha!! Ha!!! Ha!!!”

As Whiplashtski laughed maniacally, Johnny started to sweat from fear and confusion. Simon, his rescuer, was revealed to be an undercover Mountie! But now he was in the same predicament!!! “How can we get out of this??” The poor helpless slider thought.

Johnny began to wiggle about and grunt through his gag, pleading with Whiplashtski…”MMMPLEASMMMMPPPHHHH!!!”

Whiplashtski turned to Johnny and began to caress the cheeks of the fettered Olympian. “Do not exert yourself too much, young man! You will not be going anywhere too soon! And your would-be savior will find out what happens to those who attempt to foil the plans of Ivan Whiplashtski! But you need to be put to sleep as well, my young Olympian, in order for me to prepare you and your Mountie for the fate that awaits you!”

Whiplashtski walked to a nearby table and soaked a cloth with a powerful sedative. Returning to the helpless Trudeau, he held it over the young man’s mouth and nose. “Breath deeply and do not struggle! You cannot fight its effects.”

Johnny could only whimper in his gag, contemplating the fate awaiting him and Simon DuWright, as he succumbed to the sweet-smelling fumes!!! “MMMPPPHHH!! MMMMPPPPHHHHmmmpppphhhmmpphhmph…!!!” And he was out!

Petrov soon returned with coils of black rope and a roll of duct-tape. Whiplashtski turned to him and Sverdlov. He ordered Sverdlov to pick Simon up and Petrov to untie Johnny. “Seat them back to back on the conveyer belt of the primary saw, Comrades! Make sure that their knees are pulled close to their chests” Picking up some of the rope, he continued, “Watch, Comrades. You will experience the privilege of witnessing a demonstration of one of the secrets of the Brotherhood of the Black Rope.” With that, Whiplashtski set to work…

An Hour Later:
As Simon DuWright and Johnny Trudeau slowly regained consciousness, they heard Whiplasltski say, “Stay still, gentlemen! The slightest movement on your part will result in the tightening of the ropes around your necks!”

DuWright and Trudeau found themselves in a web of black rope made of a strange fiber. They were back to back with their legs drawn up to their chests. Starting at their ankles, the ebony bonds crawled up their legs through to the legs of the other man in an intricate criss-crossing pattern. The coils wound their way around their knees. Each man found the ropes entangled around their crotches in an almost obscene manner. Cinched at their waists, the bonds wrapped around their own and each other’s wrists. Working their way across the finely-honed six-packs and pecs of our heroes, the bonds grasped the elbows and upper arms to pin them to the limbs of the other. The ends of the mysterious black-hued cables binding DuWright wrapped around the neck of Trudeau. Trudeau’s bonds similarly ended around DuWright’s neck. Both found their mouths stuffed with a balled-up sock with several layers of black tape tightly sealing their lips in silence! It looked as if the two were almost encased in a black cocoon!!!!

Poor Johnny Trudeau did not immediately heed Whiplashtski’s warning. His struggle resulted in the tightening of the ropes around the men’s necks. Their nostrils flared as they fought for breath! “MMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!!!”

“Now, you see what will happen! Think before you attempt another movement again!”

All Simon or Johnny could do was to give side-long glances at their captor as he spoke.
“Dear ‘Guests,’ you find yourselves placed at the start of the conveyor belt that leads to the main saw of this mill. Though the mill is closed, the blades of the saw, I assure you, are still quite sharp. Inspector DuWright, though you face away from the blade, young Trudeau here, can testify to its pristine condition.”

Johnny gave a slight grunt, which once again produced a tightening around their necks! That was enough confirmation for Simon!

“I have placed the switch for the saw on a timer. Once I am finished explaining the method of binding you as you are, I will set it to go off in a few hours’ time.”

Simon could sense Johnny’s fear, but he kept his own stoical demeanor!

Tracing his fingers down the sides of the faces of his captives, Whiplashtski continued, “You see, Inspector, you and your companion have the pleasure of being bound by a member of the Brotherhood of the Black Rope. My branch of this ancient order originating in Central Asia at the time of Genghis Khan. Today our order is small, but it extends to all corners of the globe. We are elite warriors, trained to assassinate with all manners of weapons. But the Black Rope is our specialty. As you can tell, it is made of a razor-sharp material. You are bound in an “Irkutskian Ball.” The patterns, as it webs around its victims, are designed to tighten and crush them. The slightest movement will produce this effect. And the coils will slowly strangle anyone ensnared in their embrace. So, gentlemen…if you struggle against the bonds, all that you will accomplish is pain, suffering, and a slow death for each other!”

“Only one man, an officer with the RCAF, has ever escaped the clutches of our Black Rope. And that was during the Second World War, when our brotherhood worked closely with the Germans. That Canadian was lucky! Since then, my brothers and I have improved our binding techniques! There is no escape for you! Within an hour you will tire, causing you to move. Then, your bonds will tighten around you. Breathing will grow difficult. Within two hours, you will be gasping for breath! At the end of the third hour, if you are not dead already, the timer will cause the switch of the saw to be turned on. The conveyer will drag you to the whirling blade…If I were you, I’d pray that the Black Rope takes you first! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

The maniacal laugh echoed across the cavernous mill! Whiplashtski and his minions quickly gathered their belongings to leave. Just before turning the timer on, the evil Slobobian returned to his captives. Cupping the brave Mounty’s chin in his hand, Whiplashtski gave one parting shot to him, “You are a handsome fellow, Inspector, especially in that skin-tight Bobsleigh suit! I would have enjoyed taking you with me to tie you up and torture in all sorts of ways. But, alas, we must make sure Slobobia wins gold medals! Good-bye!” With that, he bent down and kissed DuWright’s tape-gagged lips!

Simon gurgled a low growl in return, “ggggrrrrr!” And he conveyed his determination to fight to the end through a cold stare at the devilish Mastermind!

After setting the timer, the Slobobians left. Simon and Johnny were alone and without apparent hope. Each tried to stay as still as possible. After they heard the van’s doors shut, the engine turned on, and the van drive away, the mill was eerily silent, save only for the ticking of the timer as the minutes left to our evilly trussed up and securely gagged, skintight lycra-clad heroes ticked away!

To be continued…
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Post by george_bound »

Oh my [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention], what the hell did I just read, mate! That Web of Black Rope aka Irkutskian Ball is one serious bondage technique that had me rock hard in an instant. So cleverly described with its intricacy sooooo incredibly diabolical. Coupled with two lycra-clad studs positioned back to back and relying on each other's stillness is beyond sadistic :twisted: And then if that's not enough to send the reader over the edge, add a sawmill conveyor belt and timer, the classic Canadian/Mountie themed peril locale. Can't imagine how our hapless sliders will escape but will try to patiently await the next part! But in the meantime, I'll definitely re-read this a couple of times :P
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Part Three:

The ticking of the clock and their labored breaths were the only sounds that broke the silence of the abandoned saw mill, as Simon DuWright and Johnny Trudeau (bound together in the intricate web of the black rope and silenced by layers of black duct-tape) awaited their almost certain fate either of slow strangulation or of being sliced in half by the blade of the saw! The slightest movement by either lycra-clad man would cause the ropes wrapped around them to tighten. Each was alone in his thoughts.

Johnny was scared. He had trained long and hard to gain a spot on the Canadian Olympic team. His hopes of gaining a gold medal, or even of living, appeared dashed by the evil machinations of the Slobobian secret agents and their nefarious mastermind! The ropes dug into the rock-hewn muscles of his body, and he dared not even attempt a whimper to work its way through the duct-tape pressed against his lips. The only comfort left to him was that by some way he believed Simon would get them out of this hopeless trap. Johnny had just discovered that Simon was an undercover Inspector with the RCMP, but Simon had already gained Johnny’s confidence with his skill in the bobsleigh. Johnny also had a secret crush on Simon! He had daydreamed often of his handsome teammate, especially when Simon was pressed close to him in the tight confines of their sled. Pressed together now back to back in a deadly embrace of sorts, Johnny tried to calm himself with the knowledge that the ropes ironically tied him closer to Simon in ways other than the obvious. Knowing that any movement would asphyxiate them both, Johnny hoped only that the touching of their hands entwined together would convey Johnny’s complete trust in Simon!

Simon DuWright’s mind was in overdrive. His training as a special inspector with the RCMP had prepared him to escape many locks and knots. His instructors had bound and gagged him in all types of predicaments with ropes, chains, handcuffs, tape, cloth, and ball gags. Simon had been dangled in bonds over vats of acid, lashed to railway ties with trains hurling towards him, and chained to anchors thrown overboard from racing motorboats. Each time his instructors made sure to muffle him in silence with no chance of calling for help, so that he could learn to break free of his bonds, relying solely on his own ingenuity. Now, Simon’s mind raced to remember anything that he had been taught that remotely resembled the Web of the Black Rope! There had to be something in his past!!!!

And then it hit Simon!!! The press of Johnny Trudeau’s flesh against Simon’s body sparked the memory of his beloved grandfather, the late Prescott “Doodles” DuWright! Doodles had regaled the young Simon with his exploits as an inspector with the RCMP, and Simon looked up to his “Gramps” with great awe. Indeed, Simon had joined the renowned force because of him. Before the RCMP, Doodles DuWright had served in World War Two…as an officer in the RCAF! And Doodles had often related his adventures during the war to his young grandson.

Simon remembered one such adventure of “Gramps,’ when the elder DuWright was sent behind the lines in occupied France to recover secret German plans to defend occupied Europe from Allied invasion. Unfortunately, a turncoat betrayed Doodles, and he was captured and turned over along with a French-Canadian fellow RCAF officer to the Germans. Doodles and Pierre de Ravir were subjected to all types of torture under the careful watch of a devious, diabolical, and dreadful Colonel von Einführen who had a mysterious tattoo of crossed wrists tied with black rope just under his right ear lobe. Of course, Simon now realized, Ivan Whiplashtski sported the same exact mark under his right ear lobe!!! And the only man who ever escaped the snare of the Brotherhood of the Black Rope was none other than Simon’s beloved grandfather, Doodles DuWright!

Quickly, Simon delved into the recesses of his memory to recall how his grandfather had escaped Colonel von Einführen! Doodles and Ravir were tied back to back with razor sharp black rope, after being stripped to their underwear! And both men were muffled with a new type of adhesive tape that German scientists had developed. Both Doodles and Ravir were great admirers of the American Charles Atlas and before the war they had exercised with dumbbells, barbells, and kettle bells! They honed their physiques on the trapeze, balance bars, and engaging in other gymnastic calisthenics! In the winter, each man developed lightning fast reflexes by playing hockey. Trapped now in their skivvies under coils of this mysterious black rope, their muscles ripped, bulged, and ached all at once. The German Colonel told them that any movement would result in their deaths from strangulation in two hours’ time, unless they told him the purpose of their mission. Their gags would guard against any words of encouragement from one to the other. And then, the Colonel left Doodles and Ravir to contemplate their fates!

Simon remembered his beloved “Gramps” telling him this daring but desperate tale! And it awakened him to an interest in tie-up games and escape tricks! But how did “Gramps” escape from the clutches of the Black Rope? Simon couldn’t think fast enough! The ticking of the clock, the saw that awaited him and Johnny, the touch of Johnny’s tied hands on his own bound ones, hit him with the desperation of their situation!

And, then, Simon remembered!

Doodles as a young man on the western plains of Canada had learned from a companion, who was a member of the Dakota Sioux how to escape from the tightest of bonds. The adventures of Doodles and his friend – Bear Man Tied With Rawhide (Bear, for short) – came in handy, as Doodles and Ravir now grasped for air, as both men fought their urge to give up the plans of their secret mission to Colonel von Einführen. When tied with Bear in a similarly hopeless situation, Bear had signaled Doodles to follow his lead by communicating in their secret code through the tapping of his fingers against Doodles’ own. Doodles tapped back that he understood. Bear then in a very low hum through his rawhide gag, began to mmmpppphhhh the national anthem, “O Canada!” Doodles did the same! Soon, they were synchronized in gagged harmony! When they reached the line “The True North strong and free,” their bonds loosened ever so slightly! Again, when they mmmppphhhed “God keep our land glorious and free,” the black rope began to slacken. Over and over Doodles and Bear mmmppphhhhed that glorious hymn, until they were free.

Doodles used the same tactic with Pierre de Ravir! Ravir mmmppphhhed the French version of the anthem. And at the line “Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,” it was as if a sword was cutting through the black rope! Doodles and Pierre broke free, ripped off the gags that were almost glued onto their lips, and embraced each other in triumph. After overpowering two German guards, stripping them of their uniforms, and securing and gagging the Jerries with the same black rope and sticky tape used on them, Doodles and Pierre in their purloined uniforms made their way through occupied France to a safe house. From there, they made it back to England with the German plans. Those plans were key to helping the Allies launch D Day. Doodles DuWright and Pierre de Ravir were awarded the Victoria Cross. As for Colonel von Einführen, a search was made to find him at the conclusion of the war, but he eluded capture and disappeared to parts unknown!

Simon now began to tap his fingers against Johnny’s, telling him to follow his lead. Johnny tapped back that he would. Simon began to hum the bars of the Canadian anthem through his sealed lips. Johnny soon followed Simon’s lead. The trussed men were soon MMMMPPPPHHHHing away in garbled harmony. At that very moment the clock wound down, setting on the switch to the saw. The gagged humming of our nearly doomed and ensnared heroes was joined by the hum of the whirring blade of the saw. The conveyer belt on which Simon and Johnny were bound began to carry them to what would be certain death!!!!

They needed to increase their tempo!!!

Simon grunted, “MMMPPPPHHH!!! MMMMPPPPHHHH!!! MMMMPPPPHHHH!!!!” (“The True North strong and free!”)

In return Johnny answered, “MMMMPPPHHH!!! MMMPPPPHHH!!! MMMMPPPPPHHH!!!!” (“God keep our land glorious and free!”)

Again and again, they muffled their way through those refrains. They were now only seconds and inches away from a blood splattering demise! Until…

The ropes began to give and give again. Now with enough slack in their bonds, the inspector and the athlete flung themselves over the conveyer belt without worry of strangulation. Once they landed on the floor of the mill, Simon was abled to free his hands from the dreaded black rope. Once his hands were free, he helped Johnny to untie his own. They then uncoiled themselves from the web of black rope. Sitting up they faced one another. Simon unsealed his lips from the layers of duct-tape, while Johnny still extricated himself from the remaining rope. Simon reached over and gently pulled the tape from his charge’s lips.

“Are you okay, Johnny?” He asked. Breathing hard from exhaustion and relief, Johnny slowly nodded yes.

“How did you know how to release us from the deadly grip of the black rope, Simon?”

“I don’t have time to explain now, my friend! I need to get you back to safety!”

“I still want to compete in the games, Simon!” Johnny responded. “With you…and the rest of the team!” He added.

‘We will, Johnny! And we will find Whiplashtski and his hideous henchmen!”

Simon and Johnny left what had almost been their tomb. With Johnny pressed closely to him on back, Simon raced his Honda CBR600F4i back to Vancouver. They made it to their event in the nick of time, and they won the gold. Of course, the Slobobians were astounded at their own loss. Whiplashtski and his goons were nowhere to be found. The day after Johnny and Simon’s event, the Slovenian Broadcast Company could not contact their star reporter, his producer, and their cameraman. The trio were soon discovered stripped of their clothes, equipment, and press credentials, and bound and gagged in the closets of their hotel rooms! Upon returning to their rooms, they had been overpowered by three men whose descriptions matched those of Whiplashtski and his henchmen. The reporter had a note, addressed to Simon DuWright, taped to his chest. It read:

Dear Inspector DuWright:
The Brotherhood of the Black Rope has an extensive dossier on the man who once escaped the snare of the black rope. I detected your resemblance to him. Like your grandfather, you may have once escaped the black rope’s stranglehold, but our Brotherhood has learned many techniques of binding and gagging men over the centuries from which escape is, at best, only a remote possibility. Take heed, Mountie! The next time we meet, you will not escape the embrace of our ropes, nor will you avoid the silencing of our gags!

The End
Watch for our next adventure:
Simon DuWright, RCMP, Bound in Byzantine Bonds!
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Post by george_bound »

Haha [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] too much fun for a Canadian to have lol! That was a thoroughly enjoyable tale with the right amount of genuine (albeit cartoonish) peril and a restraint method that has to be one of the best I can recall...and getting to envisage a lycra-clad pair of strapping guys bound back to back in the Irktuskian Ball as well as an equally strapping pair of young soldiers stripped to their skivvies in the same predicament, so mesmerizing for one's imagination...looking forward to his adventures in the Byzantine Bonds :twisted:

Also, after I re-read the first two parts, I thought about the title "The Mounties Always Get Their Man"... now of course that's supposed to refer to "their man" as the culprit; however, methinks in this case "his man" (aka Simon's man) is actually Johnny ;) I certainly think Johnny would like that!
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

The perfect story for a Sunday evening tea time read. A wonderful, modern melodrama with lycra clad hunks in diabolical bondage. What's not to like?!

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] You've spun a very entertaining tale that kept a smile on my face from beginning to end. You've really capture the spirit of the melodrama with a daring hero, a dastardly villain and a dude in distress. Some great names in there as well!

I'll definitely have to tune in next week to see the further adventures of Simon DuWright. Hopefully he will eventually get his man.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you so much, [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]!

I really enjoy writing Simon DuWright and love the adventures in which he gets entangled! :D

I'm writing the concluding chapters of Byzantine Bonds, and I have already begun outlining his next abduction adventure that takes him to Argentina and a gang of gnarling Gauchos and kidnapping Kiwis. ;)
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Post by NeedControl »

This was so fun! And subtly arousing 😏

I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. 😛😛😛
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

NeedControl wrote: 2 years ago
I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. 😛😛😛
Thank you, [mention]NeedControl[/mention].

Simon's adventure continues in my saga. Just click the banner.
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