Deceptive Employment (M/M)

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Deceptive Employment (M/M)

Post by camoprisoner »

This story contains materials some might find disturbing. Read at your own risk. It is also the second thing I write, so don't expect an amazing storyline or plot. I wanted to write it because well, it turned me on. It might be a bit weird too for some.

Money was tight after the pandemic caused lots of layoffs. I was unfortunately one of the many “disposable” warehouse workers that were suddenly no longer needed to save costs for an already thriving mega corporation. Oh well, such is the way of life. But now I had to find a new job as money was getting so tight I had to start rationing food.

I didn’t want to find another job. I hated the job at the warehouse. There was never any sort of regulations so the higher ups never cared about keeping us safe or meeting our needs. I almost broke my back once because I had to carry something too heavy for one person as there was just nobody else working that shift to help me.

But maybe I could find something better. I skimmed the job listing looking for something of interest.

After some scrolling, I found “Finn & Co’s Underwater Research”. The role for the job was a “sample collector”, to collect samples from plants and wildlife underwater for research.

It looked like an interesting job and I had some interest in diving, so I applied for it. Obviously, I didn’t expect to even get a call back considering I was probably not qualified.

But then, a day later my phone rang. I pick it up and hear a deep manly voice. “Hello, is this Gregory I am speaking to?”

“Yes?” I replied.

“Awesome! I looked at your application and would love to have a meeting as soon as possible.”

My heart almost jumped out of my throat. “Is this about the sample collector position? Also, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Indeed it is. You seem to be a perfect fit. Can you meet me this evening at 9 pm?”

“T-Today?” I replied with hesitation, not realizing he didn’t give me his name.

“Yes that would be perfect! Thank you! Can’t wait to meet you.” he replied and hanging up before I could even reply back.

I was in shock. Did that just happen? Were I really just going to get a new job like that? I felt a knot in my stomach as nervosity built up inside me.

It was 8 pm. “Shit!” I thought, I had to get going. I could not ruin this opportunity for myself. I took my windbreaker and head out the door. As I didn’t have a car, I’d have to walk.

I walked through the windy streets. It was in the middle of September and it was already getting dark. The weather had been quite bad for some time, and today was no different.

As I approached the docks, I saw a silhouette of a man standing there. Getting closer, it was revealed to be a tall man (around 189cm) in a black dry suit. He greeted me as I got closer with a smile.

“Glad you could come. My name is Finn.” he said with a cheerful tone, before reaching out his hand to shake mine. “Oh, my bad!” he laughed before retracting it.

“It’s okay, everyone forgets. I’m Gregory.” I replied. “I know” he replied, before staring at me. A few seconds of awkward silence later he exclaims “Well, anyway! Ever wore a dry suit before?”

“No, not at all-- wait, are you not going to interview me?” I replied. He looked at me with a smile, “No need! I already have the relevant information from doing a background check.” he picked up a pile of black rubber on the ground, and handed it to me. “Here, strip naked and put this on”

“No, hold on a minute!” I exclaimed in confusion, “You’re just giving me the job, here and now?”

“That is correct. You’re lucky to be the first person that has contacted us. We need more people, the last guy we got just isn’t enough. And sample collection isn’t exactly a hard task, is it?” he replied, getting closer to me.

“Just imagine how cool of a job it is. Getting into all the different nooks and crannies underwater to collect samples that could very well be the components necessary to solve cancer!” he got even closer, placing his rubbered hand on my shoulder.

“It definitely sounds interesting. I’m willing to give it a try… but, aren’t we gonna discuss salary first at least?” I asked, looking around to see if anyone else were nearby. But there wasn’t. It was just me and him in the darkness of the evening.

“We can discuss that later, it’s not important right now” he said. “Here, let me help you with that. Just take off your clothes. Nobody will see you, and trust me I’ve seen many naked men before.”

I hesitated, but then eased up a bit. I was not comfortable showing my naked body to a stranger, but this was probably normal procedure for dry suits. Not that I would know.

“Alright, fine.” I said before stripping naked infront of him. Embarrassment filled my mind as I took off my boxer shorts and let my penis hang freely infront of him.

“Good, good…” he mumbled. I ignored it, and proceed to put on the dry suit. Putting my legs in, the inside felt slimy and wet, but for some reason I kinda liked it, I assumed it was just sweat from the last person who wore this. Then I put my arms inside the deep rubbery sleeves and feel more of that slimy stuff. It didn’t feel like sweat.

“Excuse me, is this clean?” I asked Finn, who seemed to be admiring the whole ordeal. “It was recently used by one of our staff. It’s just sweat. Sorry.” he replied, before getting behind me and dragging up the zipper on the back. After it went all the way up, he patted me on the back. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah… I guess.” I replied. It was a strange question I thought. But I did kinda like it. The constricting rubber feel of the dry suit was kinda hot. But no way was I gonna tell him that.

“Well then, get in the boat!” he pointed to a motorboat docked right next to us. “Go on, don’t be shy!”

Suddenly, I considered the fact that I was all alone with a complete stranger, asking me to get in his boat. The fact that it was a potential employer doesn’t make it any less sketchy. But I was not going to back down from this, it was better than sitting at home and seeing my bank account slowly get drained.

I hesitated before getting in the boat. I sat down at the back, before he got in as well. He started fumbling with the motor and revved it up. A loud engine was suddenly heard and we went off.

He smiled at me as we went straight into the middle of the ocean. It was dark and I thought about the fact that if you were to fall overboard at this point of time, you would be in complete darkness and rescuers would surely have a harder time finding you. I quickly shook the thought away as he suddenly asked

“Have you ever dived before?” he smiled at me again.

“Yeah.. a long time ago. I did with my dad, just for fun” I replied.

He stared at me for a second, before looking onto the horizon. “Awesome! You should have some experience then. Do you dive with your dad often?” he asked enthusiastically.

I paused for a second, before replying “Both my parents are dead.”

His smile quickly faded away. “Oh, I’m… sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it though! It’s fine… I somewhat got over it.” I replied, trying to damage control after just disclosing something very personal to a potential employer.

“Here we are!” he replied, completely ignoring the current topic at hand. He stopped the engine and looked at me again. “Time to put that diving experience to use!” he exclaimed before jumping into the water. “Come on!” he waved his hand at me to follow.

I jumped into the water, it was surprisingly lukewarm considering the time of day. “Wait, don’t we need something to breathe through? Oxygen” I asked, concerned about just diving down without any protection.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s not far, you can hold your breath. Just grab my hand!” He reached his hand out to me again. I hesitated before grabbing it.

“Ready? Let’s go!” he said, giving me little time to take a deep breath. We went under as he tugged on my arm with a rather powerful force.

I couldn’t see anything. It was pitch black. The only thing I could see was him, and myself. He was a very good swimmer, though. He seemed to have a lot of experience, as he was able to quickly guide me through the darkness to a rusty looking bulkhead door.

I was starting to run out of breath, but he calmly and systematically opened the door and let me inside. Once inside, the door closed behind us and water drained. I could finally breathe.

“Welcome to your new workplace!” he said enthusiastically. “Let me go get Conrad. He’s the head of operations here. Wait here.”

I didn’t even get a chance to reply as he disappeared through a door to the left. As I was left to my own devices, I started noticing just how smelly the room was. There seemed to be a very strong musk that filled my nostrils. I couldn’t quite place what it was, but it felt familiar.

After some time, he came back with another man, looking to be in his forties. He was around as tall as Finn, but slightly more toned. “Hi, pleasure to meet you. I’m Conrad.” he said in a calm deep voice. He seemed calmer and less enthusiastic than Finn.

“Thank you, I’m Gregory.” I didn’t know how to reply in a less awkward sounding way, but he didn’t seem to care.

“Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way first. You’ll need to do a little test first. Follow me.” he said, motioning me to follow him. And so I did.

As I followed him through the base, I noticed that the musk was not limited to just that room, but at least a large area of the base. The rooms and corridors looked old and abandoned. Did nobody maintain this area? We approached a row of doors, and he walked over to the third door.

He led me to a room with a bed and a desk. On the desk there was a pen and paper. “The test is on the desk there. Take a seat and go through it. Some of the questions may seem invasive, but they are important. Try to not pay too much attention to them.” before letting me answer, he disappeared back into the corridor, and into another door on the opposite side of the corridor.

I sighed. The rubber from my drysuit that I was still wearing squeaked as I put my ass on the chair. I looked at the test before grabbing the pen.

“1. When was the last time you had sex?”
I stared at the question in confusion. He wasn’t kidding, huh? These questions were for sure invasive.

I hesitated, then ignored it and went through the rest. The questions were mostly focused on my personal life and sexual activity, and even stuff like how often I masturbate. I finished the test and put down the pen.

As I was about to get up, I felt a presence behind me. It was Finn, keeping his hands on my shoulders again. “Nice, nice… good job.” he said. He took the paper and looked at it some more. “That should be it then. We’ll review this and come back to you tomorrow. Feel free to get some sleep, I mean, it’s late already isn’t it?” he smiled at me.

“Yeah, okay.. sure” I replied, feeling startled after he just appeared on me like that. He left through the door and gently closed it. This was getting weird, I thought.

I started taking off my drysuit. That’s when I remembered I was completely naked under. A wave of embarrassment filled me as I quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking. I jumped into the bed and covered my vulnerable body with the bed cover.

The bed was comfortable and I slowly drifted into deep sleep and into dream land.

A loud noise was heard. It was shaking the entire base. Was I still dreaming? I opened my eyes, and got out of bed. The dry suit was gone, and the lights were turned off. I reached for the door handle, before noticing it wouldn’t open.

A wave of panic. Was the base flooding? Why is the door locked? Am I just dreaming?

I tried kicking the door open, to no avail. “Fuck!” I thought. Feeling defeated and concerned, I sat back down on the bed. I listened closely, but there was only silence.

Until there wasn’t. I heard footsteps nearing the door. Were they going to let me out? The door unlocked and the handle started turning. As it opened, a wave of light flooded the room.

But to my surprise, it wasn’t Conrad and Finn who stood there. It was something otherworldly. Two completely black shiny rubbery figures stood in the doorway. They were tall, humanoid and had tendrils hanging from their supposed mouth. They looked like aliens!

The taller one of them stepped into the room and walked towards me, without saying a word. Now I was really starting to panic. I got up from the bed. I needed to think fast. I had no idea what this creature was going to do to me.

Thinking quickly, I looked for the pen on the desk which I could potentially use as a weapon. But it was gone! The creature was mere centimeters from me now.

“Help! Conr--” I yelled before quickly being grabbed by the creature. It grabbed my neck and with incredible strength, turned me around. It forced me to face it right into the eyes. I struggled, but to no avail.

It opened its mouth, revealing more tendrils. They shot towards me, straight into my face and forced their way into my mouth and nose. They went deep inside, spraying something straight into me. Suddenly my body felt heavy. My vision got blurry..

After a few seconds, the creature retracted the tendrils. It motioned to the other creature, and it walked from the other doorway and then behind me.

The first creatures started lifting my legs and the other grabbed my arms. I was forcefully carried out of the room, panicing and being unable to struggle out of their grasp.

We arrive at a small dark room with a round door with a glass window on the other side. They close the door we arrived through and lock it with a code. “I’m in deep shit” I thought. My body still felt heavy and I couldn’t think clearly anymore. What were they going to do to me?

The second creature gently grabbed my hands and forced them into fists. It covered my hands with its and a clear thick viscous liquid shot out of tendrils on the inside of its palm. The liquid covered both my fists leaving them in a thick and sturdy slimy prison. I wouldn’t be able to defend myself now if I were to regain my strength.

The creature licked my neck, and sighed into my ear before letting go of my now useless hands. I tried to open them but the liquid had hardened and my fingers wouldn’t even budge.

The taller creature started violating my behind with its hands, as the shorter one got infront of me. Suddenly I was pushed down on my knees. That’s when I noticed why the shorter one got infront of me.

A rubbery black cock was shoved into my mouth. I yelped, trying to resist. But I couldn’t. I was completely under the creature’s mercy. It started fucking my mouth, moaning in the process.

At the same time, the taller one behind me had started guiding its member into my ass as well. I was now being fucked by god knows what.

I cursed my cock as it started rising. I felt betrayed. Despite being subjected to this against my will and basically raped, my cock was liking it. The creature who was mouthfucking me started going faster and faster. It seemed to be reaching a climax.

As it got faster, it grabbed my head and forced it back and forth. It moaned more and more. Suddenly, a thick liquid was shot straight into my mouth as it practically shaked from the euphoria.

It pulled its member out of my mouth before grabbing my neck and forcing me to swallow. I swallowed all of it involuntarily. I felt my ass being invaded at the same time, and the taller one was too now moaning as if about to climax.

And I was right, as my ass got rammed a few more times, I felt the same thick liquid shot into my rectum. I felt completely violated. I was just raped by aliens. The worst part was my cock betraying me even more. It started to rise more and more, getting rock hard in the process.

Suddenly, the creatures grabbed me again, and walked towards the door at the other end of the room. One of them plotted in a code and the door hissed before opening.

Inside was a circular room with an also circular moon pool. It was pitch black. I stared panicking again, but there was no use as they just pushed me inside and closed the door.

I was now alone. I looked down into the water. It was dark. Unnaturally dark. I had regained my strength, but I was stuck in this room, completely naked and violated. I ran up to the door, looking through the window to see if I could see the creatures who had wronged me.

But what I saw sent shivers down my back. I saw Finn and Conrad. Conrad was looking at me with a dead expression, and Finn was smiling the same way he always had, waving “goodbye” with his black rubbery hand.

“You fuckers!” I yelled. “Let me out of here!”

They both burst out in laughter, before promptly leaving the room. I was now completely alone.
I tried looking for a way to open the door, but my hands were still useless within the hardened slime.

I started taking deep breaths, in order to calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out. After feeling slightly better, I sat down on the floor. “How do I get out of this situation?” I thought.

The answer to that would soon show itself, as the water started bubbling. I got up, backing away from it, slightly slipping as I hit the wall behind me.

A long thick rubbery tentacle appeared from the moon pool, and shot straight for my legs. I was powerless to stop it as it twirled around my ankles and secured them. “Help me!” I screamed. But nobody was there to help me.

Another tentacle appeared, this one going for my arms. I was promptly lifted in the air and pulled through the moon pool. I was pulled into the darkness, holding my breath as to not drown.

After a few seconds, I arrived to what must be the source of the tentacles. A loud growl was heard as the tentacles securing my arms tightened. My ankles were released and I started kicking and flailing before feeling something slimy and soft touch my left foot. Not soon after I felt it on my right foot too, then something was encasing them, sucking them in.

An incredible amount of sucking power ensued as my arms were released and I was sucked into a tight slimy rubbery chute. The chute tightened at the exit as my head passed it and I was sucked into the unknown beast.

I felt my body being sucked further until I fell straight into a rubbery pouch. The opening to the room closed, and I noticed that it was equally slimy and started shrinking.

The beast growled again and a tentacle with a bulbous end appeared infront of me. The bulb-like object split into two and revealed the hollow inside with tendrils all over. I tried to get away from it, grabbing at it with my hands, but as they couldn’t grab onto anything they just slid over it. I started struggling violently, kicking at the pouch and trying to find a way out.

As I was exhausted from struggling too much, the object took this opportunity to approach my head, and I felt the rubbery slimy material close around my head. The tendrils found their way into my ears, nose, and mouth. I felt my head being constricted and the slimy rubber secured itself tightly around my neck.

My head was fully encased and I couldn’t do anything about it. I grabbed at it again with my hands, but there was nothing I could do. I was completely trapped and under control by the beast.

Defeated, I stopped struggling. This seemed to ease on the constriction around my head somewhat. A few seconds later I feel something prodding at my cock. Something thin and slimy is felt entering my urethra. It was like having a sounding rod shoved right in without any warning.

I felt the small tentacle find its way deeper in, before settling. That’s when I felt a bigger hollow tentacle covering my dick.

The large beast growled again, and the walls that I was stuck within started shrinking faster now. It wasn’t long before I was completely encased in the slimy rubbery tissue. I felt my legs and my torso being constricted, my arms forced behind my back. I was completely fucked. Nothing I could do would get me out of this situation.

The blob on my head constricted again and I could feel myself losing the ability to think. It was harder to think about how to get out of here. It was as if the beast was suppressing any thoughts of escape.

Eventually I was forced to focus on my dick instead. My dick that was now being milked mercilessly by whatever has attached itself to it down there.

I started hearing moaning. From other people. I was not alone. But that was irrelevant now. I was getting elated by the milking, my entire body started convulsing as I reached climax. It didn’t take long before I shot my first load with great euphoria, and I moaned in ecstasy.

But then it stopped, and I realized my situation. The blob constricted further around my head, and something was forced into my mouth. I felt the tentacles in my ears thickening. I lost my hearing. I felt myself getting sleepy. I was being forced to sleep.

This was my life now. A cycle of milking and sleeping. There was no escape, and no end in sight.

Above the beast, in the underwater base, the two perpetrators Finn and Conrad stand by a console. Conrad plots in their newest production unit into the database. “Only 160 more units and we can generate enough energy to invade this planet” Conrad mumbled. Finn laughed, before saying “The idiot we managed to trick this time was a good find. Lots of serum in him. Loved the taste of his ass too.”

“And the job listing? Getting many hits on it?” Conrad asked, not even looking away from the console or addressing his partner’s inappropriate language. “Oh yes, it’s all going according to plan.” Finn exclaimed, before leaving the room. He could be heard laughing as he left.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Dark and captivating. I'm impressed by the tense build up to a Lovecraftian trap from what appears to be a regular kidnapping. Great job.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by blackbound »

Very interesting and different. Thanks!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Frightening, yet very erotic.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]camoprisoner[/mention] I know you've been here for several months already, but it's always fun when a silent member decides to break the ice and start posting.

Welcome aboard!
Impressive writing skills and very arousing descriptions.
Loving this story, mate.

[mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] Hey buddy! Tagging you in case you might miss this.
I think this'll be up your alley.

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Post by Aarav »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago Dark and captivating. I'm impressed by the tense build up to a Lovecraftian trap from what appears to be a regular kidnapping. Great job.
A thrilling and exciting story!" The slow shift from a traditional kidnapping scenario to a Lovecraftian storyline was beautifully accomplished, adding a gripping dimension of suspense. Outstanding work in developing an immersive and exhilarating experience.

Post by ZiptieFanatic »

I'm taken back, this was exhilarating to read. Normally I wouldn't think this would be my thing but... Damn if I'm not incredibly scaroused by the entire thing. I can't wait for part 2.

Highlight: the head-encasing tendrils. Not often do you see a hood and cock torment without other bindings at the same time, interesting to see!!! ♥️♥️
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Post by Aarav »

ZiptieFanatic wrote: 7 months ago I'm taken back, this was exhilarating to read. Normally I wouldn't think this would be my thing but... Damn if I'm not incredibly scaroused by the entire thing. I can't wait for part 2.

Highlight: the head-encasing tendrils. Not often do you see a hood and cock torment without other bindings at the same time, interesting to see!!! ♥️♥️
Your excitement for the material is evident and captivating. It's fascinating to observe how unexpected components in the story, such as the head-encasing tendrils, piqued your curiosity. Your eagerness for the sequel demonstrates the writing's capacity to fascinate, even surprising people who do not anticipate to be drawn in.Nrega Job Card List
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Post by Maria465 »

"Deceptive Employment (M/M) explores the intricacies of workplace dynamics, weaving a tale of intrigue and forbidden desires. The author skillfully delves into the complexities of hidden relationships, creating a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The character development is exceptional, adding depth to the storyline. The tension builds gradually, making each page more gripping than the last. A captivating read for those who enjoy the blend of mystery and romance within the workplace setting
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