Devastation - A sequel to Devotion (M/F) (M/M) Complete

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Post by wolfman »

"Steve!" Louise screams running from cover, at the sight of Steve harpooned and swinging under the receding helicopter. 

She raises her weapon to her shoulder but stays her hand, "Ricochets could hit Steve and if I shoot it down, Steve will be killed."

Louise stares stunned into inaction, "I don't know what to do. I have never had to rescue Steve before."

Everything seems so distant, as she focusses on Steve impaled under the helicopter. The wind in the trees behind her, seems miles away. The grass beneath her feet seems out of reach as she stands numb. A rhythmic thump approaching, sound like echoes of distant thunder. 

Kate pushes the horse hard, as she races across the meadow to Louise's side. "This is bad." she thinks seeing, Steve hanging under the aircraft, "Very bad.", as she sees Louise, looking ashen with her weapon limply held at her side. 

"Wish I'd had more time." She thinks, reflecting on fitting a bridle to the horse but no saddle. "I will be sore in the morning."

She pulls the horse up next to Louise and vaults off its back, landing by her side. "Lou. Are you ok?", she asks, softly, as the places a hand on her shoulder. 

Louise breathes in sharply, with surprise, "Kate, Steve's gone." Louise says weakly. 

Kate takes Louise's face in her hands and looks deep into her eyes, "Lou. Listen to me. He is going, but he is not gone. We can help him, but, we need to move." she says gently, but firmly. 

"You have a horse?" Louise says sounding dazed, "Where did you get a horse?"

"Well, Steve did send me to the stables." Kate say with a smile, "Do you ride?"

Louise exhales slowly as a smile returns to her lips and calm returns to her heart. "Let's do this."

"Ok old son. Time to stop just hanging around" Steve says under his breath. 

"This is worse than a gun shot." he reflects as the barbs on the trailing edge of the bolt, dig deeper. He breathes deeply, bracing himself and reaches down with his injured right arm to start removing the bolt's fletching. 

"I think we are approaching Watford. This bird won't get much farther than that with the damage to the hub. Need to get ready for when a chance arises." he thinks removing the first flight. 

Movement on the ground about a quarter of a mile behind the Lynx catches his eyes. He squints trying to make out details in the evenings gloom, making out two figures on a horse, "Unbelievable." he thinks with a smile. 

Kate's long brown hair trails in her wake, as the horse thunders after the helicopter. She sits behind Louise whose shorter hair, frames her face like a mane of dark fire. Louise reaches for her sidearm and threads a silencer, "This might not do much to the aircraft, but it won't spook the horse.", she thinks, reaching down to pat it's flank.

Kate arms loosely reach around Louise, as she tightly grips the reins of the horse. "The helicopter is slowing down." she notes.

"Judging by the amount of smoke and the speed of the thing it will be coming down soon. I don't know if we should force it down or wait for it to land. What would Steve do?" Kate shouts over the clatter of hooves.  

"Kill everyone with unmatched brutality and then cook a nice meal." Lou says, filled with a flush of warmth, as she thinks of what comes after the meal.

"At this stage, that sounds like a great plan." , she says smiling, "How do you want to play it?"

Louise looks at the wide open field around them, regaining her composure. "I have a really stupid idea." Lou says, chewing her lip.

Everyone aboard the Lynx looks around sharply, as bullets ping harmlessly off of the tail of the aircraft. "Sir?" Ruiz says checking the Lynx's external cameras. 

"Yes, Ruiz." Harris says, tearing his eyes away from Steve. "What is it?"

"Sir, we appear to be being followed by two women on a horse." he says pointing.

"What?", Harris asks with a raised eyebrow. He pulls down a pair of binoculars, hanging from the bulk head and takes a closer look. "Gus, I need you to do a one eighty and sweep low over the field we have just passed over." Harris says over the comms. 

"Roger that." Gus replies, pulling up the Lynx sharply to a stop and diving, as he turns.

Louise reloads, as the helicopter turns and begins sweeping low towards them, towing Steve in its wake. "I hope this works." she shouts above the scream of the rotors. 

Kate pats the side of the horse lovingly, "So do I.", she reaches further done and pulls the holdout pistol out of her boot and tucks it into the back of Louise's coveralls.

From his vantage point, swinging under the helicopter, Steve shakes his head in disbelief, "Why are you on a horse playing chicken with a helicopter?" He chuckles, "Probably because you would.", he shrugs. 

Louise smiles and waves at Steve as soon as she can see him clearly. Her smile falters as she realises two things; how much blood he is losing from his leg, the fact that he is heading straight for them. 

She raises the handgun, rapidly firing at the incoming vehicle, reloading and resuming as her weapon runs dry. "I can't hit the cable." she shouts above the noise of the rotors. "I am sorry Kate, this was a bad idea."

Harris laughs, as he watches the monitors over Ruiz' shoulder, "What was the best you though was going to happen?", he thinks as he watches, the Lynx's rear monitors as the helicopter overshoots. He watches the horse rear up sending Shaw spilling off of its back, landing hard. After she rolls, she does not move again.

Louise scrambles to take the reins, just as the horse twists and topples onto its side. She is thrown clear, screaming in pain, clutching her right arm.

Harris smiles darkly, winding the cable in to leave Steve, twenty feet below the helicopter. "Gus, take us down to thirty feet and hold position. I am going to drop in on Miss Carter."

As the helicopter lowers, Harris opens the other side door, securing a line and rappelling down. He pauses, out of reach of Steve, "I will deal with you in a minute. Any last message for your fiancé?"

"Don't worry, I will tell her myself." Steve says, looking pale, dripping blood from his leg.

Harris laughs to himself and continues his descent. As soon as he is on the ground, he pops his harness and walks away from the line. 

"Kate. Are you ok?" Louise cries out, as the panicked horse, gets to its feet and bolts away.

"Lou, are you there? I can't move." Kate says weakly.

"It's ok Kate, I am coming. Are you hurt?" Louise says, putting weight on her right arm to get up and collapsing with a scream. 

"Lou!" she cries, "I can't feel anything."

"I am so sorry, this is all my fault." Louise moans softly, clutching her arm. As she sees Harris approach she reaches across her body with her left hand for her sidearm. 

Harris aims his own pistol at her head as he approaches and shakes his head, "Now, now, my dear. Bring it out slowly and toss is away"

"I will kill you, old man." she says as she pulls out her weapon, throwing it behind her. It lands with a thud, next to Kate's unmoving body. 

He watches it land and sees that Kate is not moving in any way, "Nothing to add Chief Inspector?"

"Fuck you." she says, filling her weak voice, with as much venom as she can muster. 

The large pistol in his hand barks, sending hot led into her side. He raises his eyebrows when she doesn't flinch. "Oh really?"

"You bastard, she can't feel anything." Louise says weakly, tears forming, as she looks at her stricken friend.

"Don't worry, I will finish her in a moment." he says, warmly as he turns back to Louise. 

Harris pulls a pair of handcuffs from his belt and throws them to Louise, "Lock your left wrist to your right ankle, ", he orders.

She smoothly locks a handcuff around her ankle first, but finds it hard to lock the cuff around her left wrist, being unable to close her right hand. Once it is in place, she sits panting, glowering at Harris. 

"You have all cost me so much. But soon it will be worth it." Harris says, coldly.

"You will never win." Louise says, taking ragged breaths. 

"Steve is hanging on a hook, like a side of beef. You are broken and chained up, like a slave and the Chief inspector is pretty much done for." Harris says, "I have already won."

"How can you live with yourself after this?" Louise asks defiantly. "How many have to die for your victory?". 

She tears her eyes away from Harris as Kate softly starts to weep. "Lou, help me. Please don't let me die alone."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow. How heartbreaking. I never thought, that Kate must die this way. She is such a great character. And Harris is a Bastard.
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Post by Caesar73 »

And even if Kate survive this ... crippled for life .... what a Tragedy.
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Post by wolfman »

"I am here Kate. Please, don't leave me." Louise pleads. 

Harris looks down on Kate, "Sorry you are suffering, my dear. It will all be over soon. " He says softly.

"Please, let her go." Louise begs. 

"I am truly sorry.", Harris says, calmly. "However, it must be this way, once you are all dead, I can move forward without fear of retribution."

"You have won nothing, you threw people at us until we were worn down enough for you to bumble in, during a moment of our weakness, by chance." Louise says, scoffing at the man, "More luck, than judgement."

"You really have no idea, do you?" Harris says, thoughtfully. 

"I know that the line about my mother and sister you spun back at the van, was a pack of lies." Louise says, wincing. 

"Not entirely, Nirvana was getting too powerful, needed to protect my company, my dear." he says candidly.

As Harris talks, he is oblivious to Steve moving on the steel cable behind him. "Time to move. Hang on girls." he thinks as he pulls himself up slightly on the cable, easing the tension on the bolts barbs. 

"Should have used a padlock. " he thinks as he unclips the bolt from the line. 

He taps the end of the bolt, pushing the shaft deeper into his legs and breathes deeply. "Fuck you Harris." he thinks as he pushes the bolt hard, until the head, pierces the skin under his thigh."

Breathing through the pain, Steve, reaches under his leg and sharply pulls the bolt through his leg. Darkly he stares at Harris' back as he takes the bolt between his teeth and starts to climb.

Louise focuses all of her being on hate. Every time she feels herself wanting to check Steve's progress, she steels herself and looks back at Kate's unmoving form.

"Aw, how sweet. Worried about your friend are you?" Harris says walking slowly towards Kate, "How about I put her out of your misery?" 

Kate cries out, weakly, "Lou, everything is going dark. I am so scared." she breathes out slowly and then goes quiet. 

"No!" Louise screams, tears flowing freely, "Why her?" Louise asks, hoping to stall harris. "I kind of get why me, but I have no idea why her. Why did she have to die?"

Harris stops in his tracks, as if weighing up the options, "It was your father fault." Harris says. 

Louise's heart thumps hard in her chest and she feels dizzy. "What?" she says weakly, "How?"

"He was a good man, but even he had his moments." Harris says, coldly. 

"You can't give a straight answer, can you?" Louise says, bitterly. 

"Why should I? This is my ending, not yours.", he says off handedly, "History is written by the victors. What reason is there for me to share with someone who lost?"

"So why are you here?" Louise asks, "You could have stayed on the helicopter and picked me off from there?"

"True." Harris nods, with a faraway look, "I have trusted good people to end you and have been let down at every turn. I want to be sure you are dead at the end of this." 

"You let them down. You sent them to their deaths and it means nothing to you. Just so you could win whatever game you are playing." Louise scowls. 

"They were weak. They had the best money could buy, the best training and oversight and still they failed." Harris snarls, viciously. 

"You are an officer, you give orders." she continues emphasising ever word , "You. Failed. Them.", she pauses, shaking her head in quiet contempt, "We're warriors, we make war. We won. You just got lucky." she says, coldly, thinking, "That's it, just a little closer."

"Ha." he scoffs, "Luck? I planned your downfall. All of you and you will never know why." he says towering over her.

"You are a joke. You betray the most loyal and capable man you know and offer half truths and lies when asked something that would bring peace in someone's final moments." Louise rants, whilst thinking darkly, "Focus on me, you bastard."

"My dear, if I were to share the things I know, they would bring you everything but peace." he says, raising his pistol and levelling it at her head.

Steve is breathing hard as he climbs into the cabin of the helicopter. Gus and Ruiz are transfixed by the scene below and do not notice his entrance.

He grasps the crossbow bolt with torn and bloody hands and presses it to the back of Gus' neck. Gus freezes and whispers, "Ruiz. We're fucked." over the comms. 

"He's behind us, isn't he?" Ruiz asks, swallowing hard, as his life flashes before his eyes. 

Steve puts on a headset, so he doesn't need to shout, "Engage autopilot, please." he says calmly. 

Gus reaches down and flicks on a switch and raises his hand slightly. "Done." he says with a gulp. 

"Thank you, gentlemen." Steve says, evenly. "Please leave your weapons, rappel down and get out of here."

"Seriously?" Ruiz asks, nervously. 

"Just make sure Harris doesn't see you." Steve says. "Oh and pass me that mug."

Gus and Ruiz rapidly discard their weapons and climb in to the helicopters passenger cabin, putting the empty mug on the rear seat.

"Is this a trick?" Gus asks as her prepares to descend. 

"Not tonight. There is only one person I want to kill. Get moving." Steve says, calmly. 

The men quietly slip down the line and start running away from Harris. 

Steve quickly attaches the fletching to the bolt and loads the crossbow. With sharp eyes he watches Harris pause by Louise and talk to her. He pulls the pin on a grenade and slips it into the mug, allowing it to hold the spoon in place, as he sets it upside down, on the floor of the cabin.

He raises the silent and deadly weapon to his shoulder and takes aim. He smiles, removing his finger from the trigger, "This should be fun."

"For what it's worth, I am sorry it has to end like this. I have to admire the skill you have acquired over the last few months, you are quite remarkable." Harris says, wrapping his finger around the trigger. 

A polite cough behind him causes him to turn around sharply, "What?" He shouts, before quietly saying "Oh."

Kate stands strong, with her left arm folded across her waist, clutching her bleeding side. Her right hand deploys the extendible baton with a flick of her wrist, knocking the gun from his hand.

"But how? You were paralysed? I shot you and you didn't flinch? You were dead." Harris asks, flustered in disbelief, clutching his right wrist.

She sharply strikes his left arm on the cap of his elbow, bringing the baton acros his body. At the end of the swing, she circles her arm back and cracks the side of his right knee cap, taking his leg out from under him. "Just because someone lays still and says they can't move, doesn't make it true, you bell end."

Kate slowly walks around him and continues, "and for the record, when a person breathes out slowly and keeps quiet, doesn't mean they are dead.", she says, delivering a sharp blow across his face, shattering his left cheek, knocking his head back. She sends him to the floor, with a powerful, thrusting kick to his chest and stands resplendent over him.

"And just because someone clutches their arm and pretends it's hurt, doesn't make it broken." Louise says, pulling the holdout pistol from the small of her back, with her uninjured right hand. "You assumed you had us beaten and broken, but you were too arrogant to check." 

She coldly shoots him twice in the stomach, before continuing, "Just as you lured my mother to her death at Price's hand, we lured you down here and tricked you into dropping your guard. It's over you miserable old bastard." She says, in a low tone, filled with venom.

Harris spits blood, "Fuck you, bitch. It's over when I say so. Not you."

"You were once good man. What happened to you?" Louise asks, with disgust. 

He shifts uncomfortably, "I saw a chance and went after it with all I had."

"And now you have nothing." Louise says, coldly.

Before Kate can stop him, he snatches a grenade from his combat webbing and pulls the pin, holding the spoon. "Be that as it may." he laughs, dropping the grenade. "I still win."

Louise drops the holdout pistol and grabs the grenade, tossing it up. Kate swings the baton hard, in a powerful backhand swing, sending the grenade soaring up and away. It detonates a second later, halfway across the field. 

He hangs his head and sighs heavily, "Just fuck you then." Harris says, shaking his head, as the crossbow bolt digs deep into his back. He howls in pain, as the trailing edge barbs, dig in to his spine.

Steve sets the winch to retract at half speed and rappels down rapidly. Slowly, he limps to past a cursing and screaming Harris, as he is dragged backwards. As he passes, he waves, "Cheerio, old boy." 

"Oh Kate, I am so glad you are ok." Louise says looking up at her friend. 

Kate flops down beside her and puts her arm around her shoulder, "We did it." he says breathlessly, clutching her side.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know he was going to shoot you." Louise says, crying.

"Well, babe, all great plans, have the occasional wrinkle." Kate says, weakly laughing, "I am just glad you are ok.", she looks up seeing Steve limping towards them, "Here he comes." she says, warmly, with a wave.

Louise's face lights up when she sees him, "What took you so long?" Louise says, relieved.

"You were having a conversation. It would have been rude to interrupt." he says, staggering on his bad leg slightly. "We should probably, get moving."

"Would love to but.." Louise looks up at him and tugs the handcuff locking her wrist to her ankle. 

Kate picks up the holdout pistol and puts it back in her boot. She wavers slightly, but stays standing. "Hi Steve." she says smiling. Her expression drops, alarmed at the blood, pouring from his arm and leg. "Are you ok?" she asks concerned.

"Been better. You?" Steve says, noting her injuries.

"I need a holiday." Shaw says, with a shallow cough, as she lights a cigarette.

"Yeah." he says slowly, "I know what you mean." ‎He reaches down, picking up the grenade pin Harris discarded and whispers to Louise "I love you so much." , sealing their reunion with a gently kiss.

As their lips part, he whispers, "Let's go."

She stays her objection, when he realises she is no longer handcuffed. Louise rises to her feet and puts her arm around Steve to support him.

"You have to show me how to do that." Kate says, "I am so tired of getting handcuffed." 

Louise extends her other arm to support Kate as they walk, limp and stagger away, "How did you stop yourself from reacting when shot?"

"I didn't feel it, at least not at first. I heard the crack of the shot felt a light thump and thought I had been hit by a stone, kicked up by him missing. I could feel a burning in my stomach and then felt a sticky wetness. That's when I knew I was wrong." Kate explains, with a shiver, "When I played dead, I actually passed out, from the pain" Kate says, wincing, "Now it hurts more than ever."

"I am so sorry, we will get the best help we can find for you." Louise says, squeezing Kate's shoulder. "We are here for you, Kate."

"I am here for you guys too." Kate says, warmly.

Steve looks at Louise and Kate, "They are incredible." He thinks, allowing his thoughts to drift. 

Harris moans softly in pain, as he is roughly dragged aboard the helicopter. Slowly he staggers to his feet and shuts down the winch. "Fucking insects." he thinks coldly. "I am not done yet."

He reaches for the crossbow and shakes his head, "I am going to flay Gus and Ruiz when I catch them. It is bad enough they ran, but this aircraft is a mess." He thinks, picking up the upturned cup on the floor.

As the cup lifts, the spoon on the grenade springs away. Harris' shakes his head and utters his final word, "Really?", as the grenade explodes, detonating the remaining fuel in the Lynx's tank.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by OldTUGger »

Smashing climax to a tremendous story! Well done. Do I sense an epilogue coming?
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Post by wolfman »

Thank [mention]OldTUGger[/mention], there is a little more to tell to round off this story indeed.

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], after Kate's journey, there was no way, she was going to end her days in such a crushing way. She, Louise and Steve still have so much to be explored.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

I should have known that :) But your description Was so compelling that I thought, that Kate would not survive. The three of them travelled a long way, and you developed the characters nicely. What really surprised me, was the fact, that Harris was behind it all. Steves Idea to hide the Grenade in the cup? Very original.
Overall an incredible story with grandiose action Sequences, frequent changes of pace, a clever constructed Story Arc.
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Post by wolfman »

"I hate this." Louise thinks staring at the wall of the Nirvana waiting room. "They have been in there for hours."

Her heart skips, as the door opens. She leans forward in her seat, desperate for news. She sinks back into the chair, as the doctor walks straight past her. 

"They have both lost so much blood." she thinks, holding back tears, fearing the worst, as she continues her vigil. 

The light catches the diamond in her engagement ring and she smiles, thinking of the proposal. "He is so lovely." she thinks, "Steve completes me. When I fall he catches me. When I falter, he is strong. When he smiles, I am happy." Louise bathes in the warmth her memories bring, "Come back safely to me."

She thinks of the events of the past few weeks, her kidnapping, so much violence, so many dead. "We have come so far, it is not fair for this to end now.", she reaches into the bag holding Kate's personal effects and pulls out a cigarette, "First one since university." she thinks lighting it. "I never thought, I would smoke again."

She coughs, at the first deep draw of the acrid smoke, but feels a little better, "Sorry Kate, but I need this." her mind is filled with thought of Kate, "We have faced so much in so little time. Only a few short days, but it feels like I have known her all my life."

She almost jumps from her seat as another doctor enters the room and keeps walking. She sinks down in the seat, dejected, drawing again on the cigarette. "They have been in surgery for so long. I hope everything is alright. Please let them be ok." Louise silently hopes. 

She stubs out the cigarette and chastises herself, "You know dad wouldn't approve Lou?", she remembers one of the last times she saw him, cigar in hand lecturing her on the dangers of smoking. She smiles warmly at the memory, "He at least showed an interest in me."

"Oh dad, what would you make of all this?", she asks herself, "Your wife and eldest daughter dead. Your youngest daughter a trained killer. Would you tell me to run from everything and hide?" she sighs, sorrowfully.

She pictures him in her mind speaking, "Louby. Your mum and I, have always wanted what is best for you. Work out what it means to be you and stay true to that and you will be ok in the end."

She smiles at the thought, "He was always such a gentle soul." she thinks smiling, "God I miss you dad."

"I wonder what Harris meant, saying that Kate's involvement was dad's fault?", she wonders. "Kate never mentioned meeting him. I don't think she would lie about it. But?" Louise tries to pin down the thought that teases the edge of her mind, "If mum kept his things, there might be answer there. Once I know Steve and kate are ok, I will have a look."

She watches as another hour ticks by on the clock and closes her eyes and choking back the tears, "I am so alone." she thinks leaning back in the chair, resting her head on the wall behind her, "Dad, Mum, Helen. All gone."

Silently she prays, "There has been enough death, please don't take Steve or Kate. I will give anything not to lose any more. Please let Steve and Kate be ok."

"Snap out of it. They are going to be ok. They are in safe hands." she assures herself. 

"But why is it taking so long? What if there is a problem and the doctors don't want to tell me? Her lip quivers slightly, "What if they are both gone?" The thought, hits her like a hammer blow, as her heart lurches.

The door opens slowly and she sees Adam's large frame fill the entrance. She looks up at him and bites her lip.

He smiles gently and places a fresh cup of coffee and plate of steak, bacon and brie sandwiches by her side. "Miss Carter, The surgeons are just finishing with Kate now, the operation seems to be a success. Once she is stitched, she will be in recovery for a few hours.", he says, warmly, "Steve's leg will be fine in time, but he will need plenty of rest, the other cuts have all been treated and his ribs pinned. Both will need support for a little while."

Louise's eyes fill with tears as a wave of relief washes through her. "Thank you Adam. When can I see them?"

"My pleasure, Miss Carter. They will be in recovery for a few hours, I can arrange an extra bed to be placed in the recovery room so you can rest with them, until they wake up.", he says passing her a tissue.

"Thank you Adam, I would really appreciate that." she says, feeling drained.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks, warmly.

"I wouldn't mind a tablet or something to find somewhere for us to go. Maybe some clean clothes too." Louise says,

"I would recommend the either the Chateau or the Swiss retreat, full medical and leisure facilities on site. Security will be assured, Miss Carter." Adam recommends, pulling out his phone, "I will send for one of our stylists to take all of your measurements."

"Thanks, but that would be a little pricey." Louise says, warmly, taking a bite of the sandwich, "This is really good." She says between mouthfuls of the sandwich.

Adam quietly takes a seat, deep in thought, until she finishes the sandwich. "Do you remember that, I said I needed to speak to you, when we arrived?", he says, placing his hip flask on the table, next to Louise. 

"Yes?" Louise says, slowly, wondering where this is going. 

"In addition to being responsible for your mother's security, I am also the executor of her last will and testament.", he speaks deliberately, choosing his words carefully.

"Oh, Adam, I don't think I can do this right now." she says shaking her head, as the events of the last few days, flash through her mind. 

"Please, Miss Carter." Adam says, wearily. "I failed as your mother's protector, please let me do the only other thing, she asked of me."

Louise sees the pain in his eyes and realises, that this once strong man, is somewhat changed before her. "To lose someone he protected for so long, must be hard. He helped us when Harris' men came, maybe I should help him find some measure of peace." she muses. Silently, she nods, wary of what this man is about to say. 

"Thank you Miss Carter, It is my duty to inform you, that according to the terms of her will, your mother, named you as her primary beneficiary." Adam says, professionally.

"What?" Louise says softly, as her breath quickens. 

"She left almost everything to you. Her controlling stake in Nirvana and associated job title, her property, shares and physical assets." Adam confirms, "At a current market value of four hundred and thirty eight millions pounds."

Louise takes a sip from Adam's hip flask and sits in silence, numb. "I had no idea. I hadn't even considered that she would leave me anything, given how she shut me out."

"Helen was never the daughter she wanted. She tried to make her a better person, steer her on better paths." Adam says, "However, she knew she couldn't entrust the organisation she and your father had spent so long building to Helen.", he pauses, "She was so very proud of you and watched you from afar. When you got a promotion, she almost cried."

"Why didn't she ever say anything?" Louise says, feeling a little lost. 

"She thought if she praised you, then you would rest on your laurels and stop trying." Adam explains, "Ms Carter was complicated."

"That she was." Louise asks, still trying to process her inheritance.

"I have no idea how to run things." Louise thinks, feeling lost. Steve's voice echoes in her mind, "Take every opportunity to cultivate assets, it never hurts to have friends."

"How long did you work for her?" Louise asks.

"Just over eight years. Started for her when I left the army." Adam says, with a far away look. 

"Must have been tough, I know how bad she could be." Louise says, softly. 

"It was all an act. She would charge in all guns blazing and over compensate, so no one would dare challenge her. But, away from everyone, she was," he pauses, looking for the right words, "different."

"Were you close?" She asks wondering how far his duties went. 

"I pretty much never left her side until she went to identify your sister. We talked a lot over the years." Adam says, with a faraway look.

"Were you", she pauses hating herself for asking, but knowing she must "involved?" Louise asks, gently.

He smiles softly, "No, I am not even sure if she saw me as a friend. Besides, even after your father died, she still considered herself married." 

"He was a lovely man." Louise says, remembering his face the last time they spoke. 

"He was a very good man. Absolutely devoted to your mother and you girls." he says taking a sip from his hip flask. "He was quiet. Thoughtful. You know? Almost the opposite of your mother."

"I wish he were still here now. I wish I'd told him that I loved him before he died." she says, considering another cigarette, but deciding against it. 

Adam smiles and looks her in the eyes, "He knew." he says warmly, "You could see it every time your name was mentioned. He knew you loved him and he loved you in return."

"Were you there when he died?" Louise asks, biting the bullet. 

"When your mother was beating Helen, I was outside the room. She told her that your father had a heart attack after finding out what she did to you." Adam says shaking his head, "For the first time since I started working for her, I saw, how far she would go to hurt someone. All the times that she hurt people, this was the first time I felt revulsion."

He hangs his head and rubs the back of his neck. "Truth is, he found out about what she did two weeks before that night. I still can't believe your mother would hurt your sister with a lie like that."

He composes himself with a shot from his hip flask, "Your parents had an argument that night. She got off the phone with their lawyer and she was furious. She ordered me to leave them alone, so I retired to my quarters. I have no idea what it was about, but I have never heard your mother so angry, before or since." He pauses, staring at the celing, "She called me about an hour after I left, in tears. I ran back to the room, your mother was inconsolable and you father was laying on the floor." Adam takes a deep breath and another shot from his flask, "I did CPR for half and hour, until the ambulance came, but it was already too late."

Louise rests a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you for not giving up on him."

"It wasn't enough. The truth is Miss Carter, I failed your both mother and your father. I couldn't stop your mother from hurting your sister and I didn't prevent Helen from being taken from here. I am so sorry for all I have cost you.", the big man crumples, as he begins to weep. 

Louise sits next to Adam and puts her arm around his shoulder, "You have nothing to apologise for Adam. You tried to save dad." she whispers, "There is no need to be sorry, you did all you could and I am grateful that you never gave up. Thank you."

They sit in silence while Adam gathers his thoughts. He straightens himself up and looks at her with weary eyes. "Thank you, Miss Carter. If you need any assistance with anything, I am at your disposal. I may not have saved them, but, I can honour them by helping you any way I can."

"Thank you Adam, I think I will need all the help I can get." she says tired.

"Anything you need Miss Carter." Adam nods.

"Thank you Adam, please call me Louise." she says extending her hand. 

"Thank you ma'am." he says shaking her hand. 

"Would you be able to set up that bed in recovery for me?" Louise says suddenly feeling tired. 

"Of course, I will get on that right away.", he says, getting to his feet. 

"Thank you Adam." she says, warmly, "Get yourself some rest. We will talk again soon."

"Yeah, I am just about beat." he nods as he reaches the door, "There is one more thing though."

"Yes?" she says smiling. 

"Your mother said, in the event of her death, I was to give this to you." he says handing her a small plain white envelope. "She asked me to tell you that, once you have read it's contents, remember that she loved you."‎
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Post by wolfman »

Steve wakes gradually from the anaesthetic, to the sound of a soft beeping. He opens his eyes to find himself staring at Louise's slumbering form in the bed next to his, he smiles warmly, thinking, "I am glad she is ok. I am glad this is done so we can start a new life frees."

 Starting with his toes, he flexes every joint in his body, one by one. "I can still feel everything and move the bits that matter. That's a good start."

He watches Louise sleep, finding solace in the soft rhythm of her breathing, "Poor love. She must have passed out as soon as she lay down. She hasn't even got changed or got into the bed." He thinks, quietly. "No sign of a chart so at least she is ok."

He moves slowly, as he sits up and looks at his own chart, "Significant tissue damage to my leg, nine cauterised contusions and a torn ligament in my shoulder from the fragmentation grenade and four cracked ribs. Not my worst day." he thinks, breaking down the medical terms into English.  

He rubs his face and smiles when he finds no blood or injuries. He laughs to himself, "At least I am still beautiful."

As he looks back at Louise, he notices Kate in a bed the other side of her. "That's where the beep is coming from." he realises looking at the machines monitoring her. "This wasn't your fight Kate. I am so sorry you got caught up in this, we shouldn't have taken you that night." 

He looks at Kate, with sadness, "If we had left you, you wouldn't be here now." Steve says, with a sigh, "You don't deserve this.", thinking of everything she has been through.

"Who am I kidding? We couldn't have done this without you. Without you, I would likely be sat alone.", he thinks.

Stiffly he pulls the cover off of his bed and gingerly swings his legs around. He stands, putting his weight on his right leg and hops to Louise's side. Gently, he lays his cover over her and makes sure she is comfortable. He leans down, kissing her tenderly on the forehead, "I love you so much Lou."

She stirs with a soft moan, before snuggling into the cover and settling again. He stands watching her sleep for a moment. "You are so beautiful and I love you with all my heart" he whispers, "I can face an army, without pause or hesitation, walk through fire without fear, as the world explodes around me, but the thought of losing you, is what terrifies me." he confesses, "I couldn't bear to lose you. You are my world."

He kisses her lips gently, "Sleep well my love.", he whispers before limping to Kate's side. 

He look over Kate's chart, "Significant bruising, cuts and scrapes on most of her body, from falling off of the horse. Gunshot wound to the torso, entered just above her hip and travelled up through her abdomen, before glancing off of a rib. Mostly muscle damage and blood loss. Body brace to remain in place, until review to prevent accidental injury.", he puts the chart down, "You will need to be on your back for a bit but you will be ok."

He looks down at the stiff looking brace covering her stomach from pevis to sternum, preventing her from bending. "They really don't want her to pop her stitches." he thinks, sympathetically. "I am so sorry you ended up like this Kate. It won't be for long."

He stands for a moment, before taking her right hand in both of his, gently. "I owe you for every time you saved Lou's life. You were there when I couldn't be.", with tears in his eyes, he bends stiffly and gently kisses her hand, and says "Thank you Kate, I owe you everything."

Back in his own bed, Steve glances once more at Louise, before he lays back shakily and hears a soft buzz from his phone. Gritting his teeth he rolls onto his side and searches the drawer of the bedside table, flopping onto his back once he has it.

"What have we here?" He asks himself as he opens the message. 

"Hi Steve, all copies destroyed. How did you know there was a problem with it? How did it go?" Ryan asks. 

"Hi Ryan, all done. Kate and I are a bit banged up, Lou is ok. What was the problem?" Steve texts. 

"Glad you are all in one piece. There was a clause in the contract, transferring all of Louise's assets into Harris' name if she died. How did you know?" Ryan responds. 

"The bed and breakfast lease was started about the same time Louise and I got together. I figured if he set Price up then, what else was set in place. He had the wheels in motion back then." Steve sends. 

"Unreal. But why did he help save her from Lombard? He put himself at risk there." Ryan messages. 

"Good point, why did he help so much?" Steve closes his eyes and follows the logic. "If he got everything when she dies, why keep her alive?"

He texts his thought to Ryan. "At that point she didn't have anything really and he was biding his time, but my guess is with Dionne dead, she is now the sole beneficiary of her will. He would have got Nirvana. It was about the money. When she wakes up, I will ask Lou about it."

"Should have known. He was a good man once, Steve. I still can't believe it." Ryan responds. 

"Neither can I Mike. This life destroys everyone it touches in time. Get out while you can, you are better than this. Lou and I are getting out." Steve sends.

"Don't blame you mate. I am so done with this business mate. I hope all goes well with you and Louise. Give Kate my best, I hope she is ok. I am going to vanish, maybe do something worthwhile, but If you ever need me, text this number." Ryan texts. 

"Thank you for everything Mike. Not just destroying this contract, but everything over the years. I couldn't have done it without you. It is an honour to call you my friend and I wish you well mate. I will drop you a line when we get settled. If you ever need me, drop me a line." Steve texts, sadly.

When no response comes, he sets down the phone and lays back on his bed. His injured leg itches and he scratches the bandage absent-mindedly. "What a day." he thinks as he closes his eyes and goes in search of sleep aided by the last traces of anaesthetic.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the way you described Steves thoughts!
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Post by wolfman »

Kate stares at the ceiling and yawns with a tentative stretch. "Everything hurts.", she says under her breath, as she lays back on the bed, feeling every bruise. "I can still breath in and out, that is a start."

She tries to push herself up off of her back but finds herself pinned down. She twists her torso slightly and feels the unyielding brace around her abdomen, preventing further movement of her body. She strains to lift her arms only to find them pinned to her sides by overzealously tucked in bed covers. 

"Great.", she thinks, "Wait till I get my hands on the genius who tucked these sheets under me. If I could sit up I could get my arms out, but with this thing round me, I can't even turn over."

Kate turns her head to see two freshly made beds, "Just me then." she thinks sadly. "I hope Lou and Steve are ok."

She smiles, weakly, "On my own again. Just like usual.", she sighs, looking back at the ceiling and thinking over the events of the past few days, staring at the empty beds.‎ "Since meeting Lou and Steve, I have been kidnapped, framed for murder, escaped custody, been in car chases, chased a serial killer, escaped a sinking yacht, had a few gun fights, saved a firearms team, nearly got executed, raced a sports bike across London, pulled a friend from the Thames, chased a helicopter on horseback and been shot." she thinks with a gentle laugh, "I have never felt so alive. I always knew I was good, but I have seen a whole new side of me thanks to them."

"Well I have laid here long enough, time to find those two and dive headfirst into danger again." she thinks, with a smile. Furiously she thrashes, trying to free her arms. Her only reward is a blinding pain from her stomach, that fills her mind with agony‎. Panting hard, she gingerly settles back down, thinking, "Yep, not trying that again. Maybe I should stay here a bit longer after all."

Kate shakes her head trying to get her hair out of her face, without success. "For goodness sake." she says exasperated. "It is going to be a long day."

Kate turns her head slowly, as the door opens and smiles when she sees Louise standing there, dressed casually in jeans and a tank top. "How can you look so good after the past few days?" Kate says with a giggle of relief. 

"I moisturise." Louise giggles back, "How are you feeling?" she asks warmly, as she sits on the edge of Kate's bed. 

"Like I have fallen off of the top of Mount Everest and hit every rock on the way down. How are you?" she says joking before she realises Steve is not there, "Is Steve alright?" she asks concerned. 

"Don't worry, he is a bit battered, but he is ok, he's just getting breakfast." Louise says warmly, untucking the tightly fitted covers, "I am pleased you are ok." She back tracks quickly, "You are ok, aren't you?"

Kate takes Louise's hand and looks up at her with a smile and a wink, "Never better. But if I find out who tucked me in, they won't be ok"

"I am so pleased. Must have been one of the nurses", she says smiling with a twinkle in her eyes. 

"I will hunt them down." Kate says, with a soft laugh. "It has been a hell of a week. Glad we got through it."

"Me too." Louise says, staring into space, deep in thought. 

Kate squeezes her hand and with a touch of concern asks, "Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

Louise's lip begins to tremble as the colour drains from her face, "I don't know what I am going to do." 

Kate tries in vain to sit up to comfort Louise. Each attempt, lances her with more pain, "Oh Lou. What's happened? What's wrong?"

Louise looks lost as she searches for the words, "Mum left me everything. How could she do that to me?"

Kate lays back confused, "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"Nirvana, her shares, her money, the lot." Louise says, weakly. 

"Oh." Kate says, open mouthed, "I don't know what to say."

"I never wanted this. I just want a quiet life. Mum has forced me to take over. Trying to contro me in death as she couldn't do in life." Louise says.

"Oh Lou. I am so sorry." Kate says, reaching up to brush a tear from Louise's cheek, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," she says sounding defeated, "If I take it on, I am worried that it will come between Steve and I. But, if I don't, then everything mum and dad worked for was for nothing."

"Oh Lou." Kate says stroking her arm, "What does Steve think?"

"He has been quite sweet about it really. He thinks I could do it, but he is not pushing either way. I am not sure." Louise confesses. 

"For what it is worth, I think you could do it too. In six months you have gone from being a finance manager, to being able to stand toe to toe with elite forces personnel. You are one of the most capable people I know." Kate says, warmly, "Your strength is your ability to adapt and do what needs to be done. If you want this, you can do it." 

"But I won't be able to run things like mum." Louise protests. 

"Then don't. Be your own woman. Run things your way, take what she started and make it yours." Kate says, looking around.

Louise reaches into a drawer of her bedside table and passes Kate her cigarettes and a lighter. "Where would I start?" Louise asks, wondering if she could do this.

"Lifesaver." Kate says, as she lights a cigarette, drawing deeply, "You can't do everything yourself. Take the time to learn how the organisation works and and in the mean time manage the people running the day to day business."

"Maybe." Louise says, wondering.

"The question is, if you do it, why are you doing it?", Kate says launching a plume of smoke straight up, "If you do this just because it is expected, you will never be happy. That is how I ended up where I am in my career." Kate says, sounding distant, before focusing, "But, if you want this and want to do it for you. You can change the world."

"But, what if I am not up to it?" Louise asks, considering stealing a cigarette, but suppresses the urge.

"You have been in the presence of armed maniacs and not backed down. You can read people and talk to them on a level. You are strong and capable in ways you don't realise.  If you turn your mind to it, you could take the companies resources and use them to do some real good." Kate says, earnestly. "If things don't work out, you will have cash and can still run."

"That is what I have been trying to say.", Steve says from the doorway, "But, you've put it better."

Steve enters the room and places a paper bag and three coffee cups on the bedside table, before kissing Louise on the cheek. "I brought breakfast for you both." he says lightly, before taking the controls for Kate's bed, "Would you like to sit up?" He asks, warmly. 

"Yes please." she nods bracing herself for the pain. 

"Try to relax and let the bed do the work." Steve says softly.

He presses the control and Kate finds the bed slowly raise her to a seated position. Kate smiles and gently adjusts her position on the bed, "Thanks Steve, don't feel like I am on a slab any more."

"Maybe I should do it. Try to get something positive out of this mess." Louise says, chewing her lip. 

"Whatever you decide, I am with you my love. If you want to run, we run." Steve says, tenderly, "If you want to step into the role, I will be by your side."

"So am I." Kate says, "I have only known you a few days, but I can see how capable you are. You can do anything. I believe in you."

Louise takes a bacon and mushroom sandwich from the bag and has a large bite. She chews thoughtfully as Kate and Steve watch. She takes a sip of coffee and winces slightly, "I am going to try, if it goes wrong, we can run." she says looking up. "I can't do this alone."

Kate looks at Steve and nods, as he turns to Louise, "We are with you." He whispers, as he wraps his arms around her and kisses her softly.

As their lips parts, Louise speaks softly, "I spoke to Adam and he told me that there will be a directors meeting today around one pm, at the Chateau. Good time to make an entrance.", she says, trying to sound brave.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Bandit666 »

Awesome as ever. I deliberately waited till you’d posted plenty of updates to making the reading all the more enjoyable. Just like a good book. Cliffhangers at the right moment, action the same.

You really should think of becoming an author of action novels
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Post by wolfman »

Adam smiles as he checks his phone. "All the arrangements are in place. Helicopter due in ten minutes, pickup arranged, hair, clothing and makeup en route." he thinks. 

"Group Productivity Director has a nice ring to it. Appointed whip cracker and enforcer of the CEO. Not what I expected from the day, but I am very happy." Adam thinks smiling as he walks towards the recovery room. 

He gently knocks and enters when he hears Louise say, "Come in."

"Good morning, we are all set, ready and good to go ma'am." he says warmly, to his new employer, before turning to Steve and Kate, "Good morning, do you need anything at all?"

They both respond with a smile and a shake of the head. "Come and join us Adam." Steve says, warmly.

He steps in and pulls up a chair. "Thank you, I have arranged for hair, make up and wardrobe en route, clothing options will be limited, but you will all look the part.", Adam looks at Kate warmly, "You are looking well, you had the doctors worried."

"Really?" Kate asks, surprised. 

"You lost a lot of blood, they nearly lost you on the table." Adam explains, "Luckily there was a compatible donor on site."

Louise gently touches Kate's arm, "Least I could do. Besides we need you for our trip to France."‎

"Not me." Kate says, shaking her head with a smile, casting a sly glance at Adam "I will sit this one out. I am a wreck."

"Oh no you don't. You have come this far, it wouldn't be right for you to miss the end. I need you with us Kate." Louise says, smiling. 

"I will be of no use to you there, I don't even speak French." Kate says, in mock protest.

"Whilst I head up to the meeting, would you be able to get Kate settled?" Louise asks Steve. 

"No problem." he says, glancing at Kate. "Are you sure you don't want me in the meeting?" 

"I am thinking if I head in with an entourage, it will distract everyone and make the room harder to settle. I need to present myself as an independent and steady hand. There will be some unsettled people in the room, they need reassurance." Louise explains. 

"Sounds like a plan." Adam says, nodding. "Where do you want me?"

"Can you get yourself set up with access to all business units? It would be really helpful to have you on an earpiece, telling me who does what and let me know who is speaking."

"No problem at all, the office has cameras, so I will be able to assist in real time." Adam says nodding. 

"Adam, would you be able to get me a few bits." Steve asks, passing Adam a piece of paper, "No rush."

Adam scans the list and nods, "I will message ahead and have the items ready for our arrival."

"Looks like I am going to France then." Kate says, with a gentle laugh.

"It has been a while." Louise thinks as she steps out of the minibus, into the warm breeze of a summer afternoon. For the last three hours she has been reviewing employment terms and articles of incorporation for the Nirvana group and she takes a moment to centre herself. The classically style Chateau, sits high on a hill top surrounded by sculpted gardens and lakes nestled amongst tennis courts and bike trails and function areas. 

She runs her fingers through her freshly styled French bob and takes a deep breath, of rose scented air, as she looks up at a red kite circling over the Chateau. She watches the large bird of prey and listens to the wind in the trees. "Feels so strange being back." she thinks, lost in her memories. Despite the warmth of the day, she feels a shiver under her fitted grey trouser suit and dark plum coloured silk blouse. 

Steve emerges from the van aided by a black walking stick. He takes her hand and softly kisses her knuckles. "You look amazing Lou. I believe in you and am here for you." he whispers softly. 

She smiles softly and appraises his dark suit and waistcoat with open shirt, whispering, "You look damn fine yourself. Thank you for doing this."

"I devote myself to you and your needs whatever they may be." Steve says, kissing her cheek, "I am here for you. Are you sure you don't want me in there?"

She smiles, "I need to show strength in there. This needs a show of quiet power, not overwhelming force. Besides," she fingers her ring, "I will feel you with me."

"Kate and I will be looped into the earpiece and be right there with you." Steve says, gently kissing her ring finger. 

Louise hugs Steve warmly, "Is it too late to run?" she whispers.

"Say the word and we go." Steve whispers warmly, "If you don't want to do this, I am with you."

The clock of the local church chimes signalling that is it one forty five. Louise looks at Steve nervously, "I had better get in there." she says, checking her reflection in the window of the van.

From the back of the van, Kate calls out, "Knock 'em dead Lou. We will catch up later." 

"Thanks Kate. I hope you can rest. I am looking forward to a chat later." Louise says, warmly, before turning to Steve, "I really hope you can relax Steve. Adam has us all in the presidential suite, I cannot wait until we can catch up later."

"Neither can I my love, I will get the champagne chilled and ready for you. I believe in you." says softly into her ear. 

Louise takes a deep breath and nods, decisively, "It's time."

As Steve and Kate watch Louise stride towards the front door, they wave. Kate settles back into the wheel chair, as Steve guides her towards the building. Progress is slow, with his injured leg and halfway to the door he grumbles, "Shame Adam had to dash in there to get set up."

Kate looks up at the impressive building, as they draw closer, "Bit nicer than where we went, the first time you kidnapped me."

"To be fair, you will probably find that being tied to the chairs here, will be more comfortable too." Steve says inscrutably.

Kate looks at him, with mock anger, "Not going to happen, funny man.", lighting a cigarette.

Steve purses his lips and gives a small smile, "Don't worry, I will keep you safe."

They approach in comfortable silence as Steve thinks about the past few days and everything he had faced with Louise and Kate. For a split second a look of shock plays across his face, as he realises something that he has missed.‎

Louise's progress through the Chateau is relaxed and smooth, as her heels click through the halls. Many of the long serving members of staff, recognise her and offer their condolences and best wishes, as she passes. 

Almost without warning, the well wishers fade away, as she stands before the door to her mothers former office. She takes a deep breath and taps the ear piece under her hair. 

"Confirm ear piece receiving." Adam says, warmly. "Meeting is in full swing, being chaired by Garth Hendricks, company president. Seems he has browbeaten everyone since the meeting started and is trying to shape the oranisation in his image, in the process. I am on Skype with your mother's former secretary Jacqui, he spent the first thirty minutes screaming at her and giving her a months notice and he is just held a vote to appoint himself CEO." Adam explains, speaking quickly, "He and your mother were often at loggerheads. She wanted him gone, as he would make habit of undermining her in meetings and would bog anything he didn't like, down in red tape."

"Surprised he lasted, given how mum could be." Louise says quietly. 

"She always held herself in check in board meetings. Dionne was brutal, but not stupid, if she lost it in front of the board, they would table a no confidence motion and force her out." Adam explains.

"Thank you Adam. I am going in." Louise says, as she gently opens the door and steps inside. She strokes her engagement ring with her thumb and submits to the same sense of calm she feels when Steve wraps his arms around her.

She turns to the door to close it quietly, as she hears a booming voice, shout across the room, "You stupid tart, where is the coffee you were supposed to bring? I instructed you lot ten minutes ago, I will have your fucking job for this."

Louise smiles to herself, "And so it begins." she turns calmly and steps towards the large table, in the centre of the room, "Everyone is sitting as if they have been strapped to their sets in fear for their lives" , she notes.

A quiet burble rises from the silent wake of Hendricks' outburst, as everyone realises who has just walked in. She walks slowly, for effect, gliding gracefully around the table. 

In the skies of the chateau a red kite, begins circling an oblivious rabbit. 

"According to the standard terms of employment for this organisation, the use of any derogatory term, based on an individuals gender, race, sexual orientation of beliefs, is a disciplinary matter, which will result in instant dismissal." Louise says confidently, as she moves around the room, "Mr Hendricks. You have just used such a remark, against the majority shareholder for this organisation, in front of a room full of witnesses. Explain yourself.", She asks, calmly. 

The rabbit hears the raptors call, but continues to graze, unaware of the predators eyes, focused on it's back.

"What are you on about?" Hendricks asks, incredulously. 

"At this level, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard, as we lead this company into the future. The days of bombast and abuse are over. That type of language is no longer unacceptable." Louise says, looking him in the eye. 

"You can't just stroll in here like you fucking own the place and -" Hendricks is cut off. 

"I am not," she says sharply, interrupting the man, "I am strolling in here, like I own fifty one percent of it. My wishes will be respected." 

"That is as may be, you stupid bitch, but I am CEO of this company." Hendricks sneers, trying to regain his composure. 

The rabbit sees the shadow of the kite and sniffs the air, looking for a place to run to.

"According to the articles of incorporation for this organisation, any such appointment can only be ratified with a minimum of sixty percent approval from shareholders and all shareholders with a greater than six percent holding, are to attend in person or by nominated proxy. By virtue of not having my approval, it is null and void." Louise explains, whilst thinking, "The trap is set."

"Your shares were assigned by proxy in support of the vote." Hendricks says, with a self satisfied look. 

"Who assigned the proxy?" Louise asks, with a cunning smile. 

The rabbit feels the claws enter it's back and twist free. The kite stretches it's wings and watches the rabbit begin to hop away, letting it tire itself. As the rabbit runs, bleeding, the kite ascends for a finishing strike.

"I did." he smiles. 

"Interesting." She begins, with a thoughtful look on her face, " Our employment contract also states that, any executive found guilty of assigning proxy votes, without the informed consent of the share holder or in contravention of the shareholders wishes, is deemed to be negligent. Such individuals, shall be dismissed instantly, with full forfieture of any and all agreed severance packages. By your own admission, in front of a room full of witnesses, you are guilty of this infraction."

She walks to the window, turning her back to the room.  Louise watches the red kite circling above, as it fold it's wings back and dives towards, it's stricken prey.

She calmly continues, "in light of your many years loyal service, I will give you a choice. You may resign of your own volition and retain your severance package, or you will be summarily dismissed.", she pauses, letting the point sink in, "In either case, by the end of today, you no longer will be employed by this organisation in any capacity."

Stunned silence fills the room as everyone holds their breath. "You can't fucking do this. Don't you know who I am.", he bellows. 

The exhausted rabbit is pinned under the weight of the kite and the grip of its claws. The broken and bloodied creature creature cries out, as the bird's powerful beak descends.

"I know who you are Mr Hendricks. You are an ex-employee who is in my seat." she says calmly, turning to face the room. "Jacqui, would you be so kind as to contact security and inform them that Mr Hendricks will be leaving the building shortly? He is to be searched for any company property and physically removed if he resists. Can you also please arrange for any systems access he has, to be terminated with immediate effect?" Louise pauses, before warmly asking, "Oh and I think I will need a new PA, could we have a chat later to negotiate a package for you?"

Jacqui's eyes light up, "Of course Miss Carter."

Louise smiles, as over her ear piece, she hears Kate, "Damn Lou. There was me thinking, the way you took out a car full of guys, with a 40mm flechette round was brutal."

Ignoring Hendricks ranting, Louise addresses the room, "I hereby put myself forward as CEO of the Nirvana group and propose a vote on this proposition to be held later today. Does anyone second this motion?"

"I will destroy anyone who supports this." Hendricks bellows. 

Several people around the table exchange furtive glances, but remain silent. Louise gently holds the gaze of each member in turn, waiting for someone to make the first move.

A smartly dressed black man in his early forties rises to his feet adjusting the charcoal grey jacket of his tailored suit, "I second that motion.", he says, with the merest hint of a Ghanaian accent, appraising Louise, "I am in favour of a future without bombast and abuse, as you put it."

"Adabe Ojong, head of continental African operations" Adam advises in Louise's ear. 

"As do I.", a stern looking woman in her fifties offers, in a clipped German accent. "It is nice to know someone at this level, knows our employment terms." she adds, staring at Hendricks accusingly.

"Claire Wolstenholm, group HR director." Adam says, impressed. 

A crisp and quiet voice to her left, speaks, "If I may." he pauses, as everyone focuses on the source of the voice. 

Louise sees the man shift in his seat, "Uncle Rob?" He asks under her breath.

The thin man in his late sixties rises to his feet. Despite his slight frame, his dark suit and gleaming shaved head, give him an air of authority, as he speaks softly, "I have been the legal counsel for the Carter family for over forty years, I have known Miss Carter all her life." he begins as sience descends across the room, "As part of my duties, I would provide regular reports to the Carters, on their daughters, throughout their adult lives and through testimony and observation, I can attest to her capability and character. I therefore support this motion and cast my vote in her favour."

Having eaten it's fill, the kite take to the sky with a flap of its powerful wings, leaving the carcass of the rabbit, in its wake. 

As further votes are cast, Adam speaks into her ear piece, "Holy shit. Robert Wickham, Carter family lawyer. This is the first time he has spoken at one of these meetings."

As the laywer takes a seat next to Louise he gently touches her arm to get her attention. She inclines her head towards him, watching the room. 

He whispers warmly, "Very good to see you my dear. If you haven't already done so, read the letter Adam gave you and then we need to speak."

Less than five minutes later, Hendricks is being dragged out of the room in handcuffs, as the room erupts into warm, but dignified applause in support of their newly appointed CEO "Louise Carter". 

Louise smiles, warmly accepting their applause as Steve whispers into her earpiece, "Never a doubt in my mind." he says, "I have never seen this side of you. You are truly magnificent."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Impressive how Louise asserted her authority - and clever and kind. This is Louise.
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Post by OldTUGger »

Superbly done. The superimposed metaphor of the kite and the rabbit was a really nice touch.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I thought that myself. This metaphor is beautiful.
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Louise smiles as Jacqui bounces out of her office with a big grin and a bigger pay rise. "That went well." she thinks, warmly. "Jacqui and Adam know the ins and outs of this place and do more than mum ever gave them credit for."

She walks to the window and rests her hands on the sill as she looks out, "Am I doing the right thing?" she wonders. 

"Adam are you still there?" She asks, out loud. 

"Yes ma'am. Very well played. Today got you a lot of good will with the board." Adam says, thoughtfully, responding via her concealed earpiece.

"Thanks Adam, I really appreciate your help on this." Louise says warmly. "I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help."

"My pleasure," he says, "I appreciate this opportunity."

"You know your stuff and you are a good man. It is good to have you on board." Louise says, looking out of the window.

"What else do you need me to do today?" Adam asks, expectantly. 

"Nothing that can't wait, until tomorrow. I am done for the day and if you want to sign off, please do so with my thanks." Louise says warmly. 

"Thank you ma'am.", he says sounding surprised, "I guess I will talk to you in the morning."

"See you tomorrow. Have a good evening." Louise says, feeling the envelope he gave her in her pocket. 

"You too ma'am." he says as he signs off. 

"He seems a good guy." Steve says over the earpiece. 

"He is." Louise says, smiling. "Over the next few weeks, I think I am going to have to work closely with him. Are you ok with that?"

"Of course I am." he says gently, "I know it will be long hours, but it is ok, I will always be waiting for you. I'm with you on this."

"Thank you Steve. I couldn't do this without you." Louise says, beaming. 

"You never have to worry, I am here for you. I love you so much. Are you heading to the room yet?" Steve asks, warmly. 

She takes out the envelope, staring at it, "Not quite yet, I have something to do first."

"No problem, Kate is just resting at the moment and I am just going to watch the birds in the trees and rest my leg." Steve explains with a yawn. 

"Good plan, build your strength up lover." Louise says, biting her lip. 

"Count on it, my Lou." Steve says, "I miss you, don't be too long."

Louise removes the earpiece and flexes her jaw as she examines the envelope. "Probably a lit of instructions on how to run her empire." she thinks staring at it, "I could do this tomorrow." she muses, putting the envelope in her pocket and rising from her seat. 

She taps the pocket holding the letter, thoughtfully, "With everything that has happened this week, I am not sure I want to read this just yet. I don't know if I can take anything else."

Louise tidies away some of the left over papers from the meeting and surveys the office, seeing a photo of her with her mother and sister. She walks over to it, and plucks it from the mantelpiece. She traces her finger around the faces of her mother and sister as her eyes moisten, "They really are gone." she thinks as she sits in the large padded leather chair behind the desk. "I miss you both despite everything. I wish I could have made peace before you passed away."

She reaches into her pocket, slowly retrieving the envelope. "Mums last words to me. He wasn't perfect, but in her own way she tried to do the right thing. I owe her for that. I don't think it would be right to put this off.‎

She slowly exhales and tears the envelope open. Bracing herself, she takes the first handwritten page and begins to read. 

"To my dearest Louise,

Before anything else, I want you to know, I am sorry for never telling you how much I loved you and how proud I am of you. I think of you every day and was so very proud of everything you have done. 

This letter has been entrusted to Adam, to give to you in the event of my death. I write this in the wake of our argument, fearing I will never see you again to tell you the truth behind the night your father died. This will not be easy to read, I am sorry, I never told you of this in person and I regret that I am not as expressive as this letter requires,."‎

Louise lays the letter down, feeling numb, "I have a feeling this will be a long night." she thinks, as she crosses the room and pours a large brandy. 

Knocking it back she pours another and returns to the letter. With trepidation, she picks up the letter and begins to read again.

"Your father was a good man, but he was not a perfect man. I remember when I first saw him, I thought he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. Charming, disarming and kind in a way I had never known. 

We met on the train home from St Pancras, it was a busy Monday and I was travelling into London to do a little christmas shopping. I was loaded down with bags and lost my footing in the aisle. 

Your father caught my arm and made sure I was unhurt. I lost myself in his eyes and was unable to speak. He found me a seat and sat with me, concerned that my stumble and speechlesness was something more serious. 

The gentleman that he was, he got off the train with me and took my bags, for the walk home. We talked for hours that night and the next day and within weeks we were inseparable.

But there was always a sadness in his eyes that he never spoke of. On the night I told him, I was expecting your sister, he told me the source of his sadness.

Three years before he had met me, he had grown close to a married woman, near where he had grown up in Luton, whilst back at home from university for the summer. Her husband was in the forces and was due to be away for a long time abroad and she was at home alone with a young baby. 

She was lonely and he was there for her. He described it as a summer of love. He went back to uni and didn't hear from her, whilst he was away. He wrote regularly, but she never replied. He said he was saddened, but thought her husband had returned.

When your father returned home the following summer he sought her out and saw her and her husband playing with their child in the garden. He was glad she was happy and walked away discreetly. 

He didn't know at the time, that she had seen him and that night, she knocked on his door. She was quiet and distant at first, after half an hour of silence, she told him, that after he had left for his studies, she had discovered she was pregnant."

Louise drops the letter and chokes back nausea as the room starts to spin. "Why did they never tell me?", she says weakly, as she sits numb, feeling drained. 

The walls of the large office, seem to close in on her as a flood of thoughts race through her mind. "I can't breath." she thinks, her head pounding.

Louise opens the full length window and steps out onto the offices private balcony. The cool large afternoon air, kissing her skin through her thin suit as she takes a seat and gulps down air.

With trembling fingers she picks up the letter and continues to read.

"She had been terrified of her husband finding out. He was a strong man and finding out about the affair would have broken him. She told your father how conflicted she was. Her strong catholic beliefs prevented her from having an abortion and she couldn't keep the child for fear of hurting her husband. 

She had agonised over what to do and considered contacting your father. She loved him in her way and didn't want to burden him with a child just as he was qualifying as a doctor. 

She carried the baby to term in secret and had a home birth,‎ a month earlier than she was expecting. With a broken heart, she abandoned the child, two nights after it was born.  

Your father told me was beside himself. He begged her to say where the baby was, but she told him that to her shame, she didn't know. He never saw her again.

He spent his whole life searching for the baby, but never found it. On the night he died, he told me that he wanted to change his will to leave a provision in trust, should his child ever come forward. 

I had always had issues controlling my emotions and when he told me his wishes, I saw red. I had spent so long, building up the Nirvana group and he just wanted to give it away to a child who he had never met, taking away from our daughters.

We argued long into the night and things were said on both sides that couldn't be unsaid. As I write this, I can still see him clutching his arm and collapsing and feel the terror of knowing he was gone, because I was so petty and selfish.

He never told me the mothers name and all I know is written here. I have done a great many terrible things in my life, but not even I could hold this from you. I am so sorry, I could never speak to you of this. He begged me to tell you about your missing sibling, but I refused to allow it, to my shame. 

If you every find your sibling, please be kind to them and tell them how sorry I am for my part in all this. ‎

I write this in the wake of our argument Louise. I am unable to fathom, how much I have hurt you in your life. I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you and wish I could have been a better mother to you. I have left everything to you apart from a stipend for Adam as a thank you to him and a provision for your father's child, should they ever be found. 

I hope you can use your inheritance to find a good and happy life. Never forget that I have always loved you and have always been proud. I'm sorry, I did not have it within me to express it better. 

Love mum xxxxx"

Louise stares at the letter, willing it to give her more. "Why didn't they tell us?" she asks herself, turning to look out over the grounds, "I wonder what else they kept from me."

As the cool of the afternoon, gives way to the chill of the evening, Louise shivers rooted to the chair. "You need to move. Steve and Kate are waiting for you." she thinks, pinching the bridge of her nose, "What the hell am I going to say to them? 'Meeting went great. Oh by the way, could you help me find my secret sibling, that my parents lied about all my life?"

She slowly rises from the seat and goes inside, "So many lies, so much deceit, where will it end?", she thinks as the stands in the centre of the room feeling lost. 

"Snap out of it Lou. People depend on you now, put a brave face on and get to the room. Fall apart later." she counsels herself as she straightens up and adjusts her suit jacket and runs her fingers through her hair and heads towards the door. ‎
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Post by wolfman »

[mention] oldTUGger [/mention]
[mention] Caesar73 [/mention]

Thank you for your comments, I wanted to try something a little different to a standard boardroom scene and liked the idea of contrasting Louise's actions with those of a red bird of prey.
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Post by Caesar73 »

More Mysteries to unravel :) Who is Louises Sibling and what role will he or she play???

I like the change of pace: Louise reading and reflecting.
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Post by wolfman »

Louise walks slowly through the Chateau, every so often seeing her mothers touch in the decor. Polished pure white marble stairs, old trimmed bannisters, with sculpted ends like her mothers wedding ring, white satin drapes in the lobby and the polished work surfaces in the kitchens. 

Now that she looked, she saw. "Mother always made us all wear white, as if appearing pristine, made us pure. If only we knew the secrets our parents shared."

Unnoticed, she slipped through a concealed door under the main staircase and made her way down. ‎"Been a long time since I came down here." the thinks, as her heels echo down the dark stairway. 

She breathes deeply at the foot of the stairs. "I wish I had been able to talk to mum about that letter." she thinks, walking deeper into the dungeons. She trails her hand along the pristine, gleaming stone wall, savouring the sensation of something other than numbness and confusion. 

She stares at the cell door conflicted, "A part of me just wants to curl up in a ball, but I can't rest knowing that there my be answers behind this door."‎ Motionless she stands until he takes a deep breath and girds her resolve.

Louise slides the bolt of the cell open and steps inside, removing her jacket. Slowly and deliberately, she hangs the jacket up before turning to the naked man chained on his back, with his arms and legs outstretched on the hard stone floor.

"Hello Etienne.", she says without emotion as she stares with cold, hard eyes at him.

"Miss Carter, please! Adam has gone mad." Etienne pleads, "Help me get out of here."

"Save it." she says sharply, "I know."

"What do you mean?" Etienne asks, his eye wide with fear. 

"You helped Helen out of her cell and delivered her into the hands of a man who tortured and murdered her, so that he could draw my mother away from here, to do the same to her." Louise says, in a low voice. 

Etienne swallows hard, his eyes darting around the room, "Please, let me explain."

"You took my mother and my sister from me." she says, slowly stretching, "Is there anything you wish to add?"

As the door slams closed, Etienne begins to cry. 

"Any sign of Lou yet?" Kate says, yawning as she slowly, shuffles into the living room. 

Steve gets up and helps her to a seat, "No, nothing yet, I think I might go and have a look for her."

"Are you sure that's wise?" she says, struggling to get comfortable. 

"She has probably been waylaid on her way and it's most likely nothing." Steve says, putting the kettle on, "But she said she wouldn't be long."

"Go. I can wait here for her, have you still got your ear piece?" she says, popping hers into her ear. 

"Never took it out.", he says turning his head to show the discrete device in his ear, "In case she needed me."

"Have you tried to call her on hers?" Kate asks. 

"Every half hour." he says with a gentle smile, before making a cup of coffee. 

"I could really go for a coffee." Kate thinks as Steve picks up the cup. 

Steve sets the cup down in from of her with a smile, "Black, strong, no sugar. Right?"

"Thanks Steve. Are you having one?" Kate asks, taking a sip, with an approving nod.

"No, I am going to head out." Steve says, retrieving his walking stick.

"Where will you start?" Kate asks, pulling out the holdout pistol and offering it to Steve.

"Keep it." Steve says, twisting the walking stick and pulling slightly, to show a concealed blade. "I will start at the office and then sweep non public areas."

"Stop blubbering." Louise says, looking down on the man. "Your betrayal of my mother and sister cost them their lives. What I want to know, is what else did you do?"

"What is it worth?" Etienne says sensing an opportunity. 

"You can tell me, or,", she pauses, sipping from a bottle of water, "You can take your silence to the grave. I am giving you a chance to confess your sins."

"Let me go and I will tell you everything." Etienne says, with a shrug. 

"Tell me everything and the end will be quick." Louise says, softly. "Make no mistake Etienne. You will not walk away from this."

"Then there is no reason for me to speak." Etienne scoffs.

"It depends on you, you can die quickly, or have a death measured in weeks of slow agony." Louise explains, trying to think what Steve would say.

"You're bluffing.", he sneers. 

"Am I? My mother withheld her love from me, for reasons of her own and in her final letter told me of her love. Your actions took away any chance of a reconciliation between us." Louise says, whilst thinking, "A little white lie."

"Oh," he smiles, "You have read her letter. I am so pleased you have found out that you are not alone."

"What do you know of it?" Louise asks, curiously.

"Your mother rewrote that letter half a dozen times, I saw the discarded copies in the bin.", He says, with a cunning smile, "I know something, she missed out of the final draft."

"Where the hell is she?" Steve thinks as he checks the last function room for a sign of Louise, "I am starting to get worried now."

"Kate? You hear me?" Steve asks in a low voice. 

"Hi Steve, I am here. Any luck yet? Kate asks, over the earpiece. 

"Have been to the office and all the function rooms, I have been checking the public areas as I go. No sign of her yet." Steve says scratching his chin. "I have no idea where to try next."

"Is it worth notifying Adam? He would be able to co-ordinate with hotel security." Kate suggests. 

"I don't want to cause a panic." Steve says, "Helen was kept in a cell. I haven't seen them yet, I think I will try to find them."

"Why would she be down there? Do you need backup?" Kate says, putting the holdout pistol in her pocket and clamps her jaw shut against the pain. 

"With all the injuries she has sustained and everything she has been through, she is still ready to go. There aren't many people I have been on operation with that would be willing or even able to in her condition.", he thinks in quiet admiration. 

"Thank Kate. Can you stay there? If she comes back you can let me know, if there is a problem, it's good to have you in reserve." Steve says, considering the options.

"In reserve? Translation, you want me to sit this out as I am injured and think I would slow you down." Kate says, settling back into her seat. 

"No, Kate, not at all. If there is a problem I can't handle in my current state, I trust you to deal with it." Steve says earnestly. "I underestimated you, Kate. But I have seen you rise to meet every challenge we have faced, without fear or hesitation. You are one of the most capable people I have ever worked with and I respect you enough to feel happy having you watch my back."

Kate sits, struck dumb and lights a cigarette, "Thank you Steve.", are the only words that can escape her lips.

"What was missed out?" Louise asks, softly.

"Let me go." Etienne says, coolly, "Then I will tell you."

Louise walks slowly over to her jacket, and takes a jar from its pocket. She takes her time undoing the lid and setting it on the hard stone floor. Etienne watches her closely as she approaches, dipping her finger into the jar. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Etienne asks as Louise reaches down, wiping her finger across his eyelids. 

"Did you know, that if you want to bait a mousetrap, then cheese is not the best thing to use?", she explains as she dips her finger into the jar again, "Chocolate works much better. Drives rodents nuts."

Etienne shifts uncomfortably, pulling against the chains, as Louise applies a generous layer of chocolate spread to his ears. 

"Right now, you have a choice." Louise says, as she calmly pours some of the spread on his manhood. "You can tell me what was missed out, or, I can come back in the morning after the rats have eaten their fill."

"You can't do this.", he says, trying in vain to reach his eyes and ears.  

"That depends on you." Louise says, coldly. "Tell me, or I leave you here."

Steve stands in the shadow of the main stairs, dominating the Chateau's foyer. "So far no sign of a way down." He thinks, as he casts his eye over the wood panelling. 

"There." he says under his breath as a small panel around three inches square catches his eye. He steps closer, to examine it. "All the other panels here have flat smooth designs, but this one looks out of place. The smoothness is not as even."

He places the palm of his hand on the panel, pressing gently, until he is rewarded by the click of a concealed door opening. He smiles to himself as he slips through.

Slowly, he walks down the carved stone steps, pausing at their foot and listening. "Muffled noise up ahead." he thinks as he twists and pulls the walking stick, drawing the razor sharp two foot long blade.

Louise steps out of the cell and bolts the door behind her, locking the chocolate coated man inside. 

From behind the locked door, muffled cries of "You can't leave me like this." and "I told you what you wanted to know.", echo softly.

She slumps against the wall, exhausted, hand trembling, "I held it together." She stares at the floor, numb. "I wish Steve was here, right now."

She begin to walk towards the stairs, until a familiar figure, limps into view. 

Louise looks up to see Steve standing before her, with a concerned look on his face and a sword in his hand. "Lou?" He asks softly, "Are you ok?"

There are no words, as she rushes towards him. "Everything will be ok." Steve says gently. He sheathes his sword cane and hugs her tightly, "I've got you." he whispers. 

"What's wrong Lou?" He gently asks.

Louise closes her eyes, sinking into the feeling of warmth and safety of Steve's arms. She smiles, resting her head on his shoulder. "I read mums letter." she says quietly. 

Steve nods with understanding, "Let's get you back to the room. We don't have to talk until you are ready to."

She nods against his shoulder as they walk back to the stairs. "Of all the old castles I have visited in Europe, this is the cleanest dungeon, I have ever seen." Steve says, looking around. 

Louise smiles, "Mum insisted that they be kept spotless and pristine despite what happened in them. Floors are buffed once a week and the cells deep cleaned after each resident leaves." she explains, with a dark smile, "Who knows how long it's been, since a rat was caught down here."
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Louise smiles and nods to well wishers, as she and Steve return to their suite. Steve watches her closely, as they move through the Chateau, "Even though she is breaking inside, to all outward appearances, she seems as if it is just another day.", he thinks, in admiration. 

Approaching the door to the suite, she waivers slightly. He scoops her up in his arms, biting through the pain from his shoulder and leg, "It's ok Lou, we are nearly there. Just a moment longer." he whispers as he opens the door. 

He kicks the door softy closed behind them and calls out, "Kate. We're back.", with a sense of urgency.

Steve enters the living room with Louise to see Kate, still struggling to stand. Gently, he sets Louise down on the sofa, tenderly her brushing hair out of her eyes and softly kissing her cheek. He smiles gently down at her, "You are safe, it is just Kate and I here now."

Louise throws her arms around Steve's neck and softly peaks, "They lied to us all our lives." Steve hugs her warmly and gently rocks her back and forth. 

Kate stands shakily and slowly walks past Steve placing a hand on his shoulder as she passes. She stands by the breakfast counter and turns on the kettle, before preparing three cups. 

"What the hell happened Lou?" She wonders, looking on as Steve comforts her. As the kettle boils, she cannot hear the soft whispering between Louise and Steve. "They are so good together." she reflects, as she fills the cafetiere and waits for it to brew.  

She pours a cup for Steve and herself and makes a cup of tea for Louise. She makes eye contact with Steve and mouths the words, "Is everything ok?"

He mouths back, "Not sure."

She brings over the drinks and sets them down on the coffee table. She considers staying with Steve and Louise, but decides that both she and they need some space. ‎She fetches a box of tissues and brings them over for Louise, before slipping out. 

Louise smiles at Steve, "I am so sorry, it has been one of those days.", she says sipping her tea.  

Steve smiles gently back at her, "Another in a long list eh?"

"You could say that." She says with a smile, before the humour in her eyes, turns to sadness. She takes the envelope from her jacket and presses it into his hand. "This is the letter Adam gave me from my mother. She wrote it just after our argument. I had no idea." 

She kisses Steve on the cheek and he squeezes her gently, "Why don't you freshen up and get changed? We can get room service and either discuss this or forget about it for the evening. Whatever you need Lou."

"Steve.", she says, biting her lip. "Right now, I need peace more than answers." she pauses, "I need you."

Louise closes her eyes, feeling the tightness of her bonds. She bucks her hips and strains her shoulders, testing the limits of the scarves securing her wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed. Satisfied, she relaxes and breathes deeply, "Nothing to do, but surrender to this moment."

She bites down on the cloth secured in her mouth. "With luck, we won't disturb Kate." she thinks, with a muffled giggle. 

Louise allows herself to sink into the darkness of the black silk covering her eyes. Her mind races, visions of recent events loom out of the darkness to tug at her mind. 

"The rescue of Kate from the security van. The fear from waking in Price's bunker. The elation of release and the terror that Steve had been killed. The closeness of bonding with Kate and the fear that she had been executed. The panic of being bound in a sinking car and her rescue. The power of holding petrol covered men at gunpoint and commanding them. Watching Steve being swept away by helicopter and giving chase on horseback. They all pale next to the revalation that she has a sister out there. " The thoughts race and tumble, her mind unable to focus. 

"I need this." She thinks anticipating Steve's touch, craving the clarity, he gives her. 

Even injured as badly as he is, Steve moves silently towards the bed and his love. He smiles gently, as he watches her test her bonds. "You never cease to amaze me.", he thinks, savouring every curve of her body, every ripple of muscle, "I love you so much, Lou."

He reaches down and gently brushes one of her rapidly hardening nipples with his finger tip, eliciting a gasp from Louise.

Steve leans in tenderly and whispers into her ear, "Every moment we share is a gift and I cherish every one. You are safe and you are loved."

Louise feels Steve's finger travel slowly around her ariola and sighs, as he cups her breast in his hand, with a gentle squeeze. Her mind begins to clear, as the soft moan in her throat, chases the cacophony of the past few days events to the periphery of her thoughts. 

The hand cupping her breast is joined by his hungry lips tracing a line of feather light kisses from her nipple, down her muscled stomach to the wetness of her core. She purrs as his tongue teases the lips of her labia, with each pass writing a litany of love on her soul.

Louise shudders as his tongue eases past her lips and finds her special place. In her life, he is not the first to find it, but he is the only man to bring it to life, so completely. 

Helpless before his touch, Louise can do nothing but accept his loving gift. Each stroke of his tongue sending waves of pleasure through her body, chasing everything from her thoughts. 

Steve moves his tongue in a relentless slow dance with her clitoris. Her back arches, as a low ragged moan escapes from her throat. As Steve finds his rhythm. Louise's hips grind forward, wer low moans becoming a barely stifled howl as he picks up the pace. 

Louise feels the sensations from her body fade into the background as she feels a roiling cascade building within centre of her being. Building like the deluge of a powerful storm, threatening to burst a dam. She pulls instinctively at her limbs, as if to shield herelf from the torrent, but there is no escape, no respite. Only the sensation of a gathering force, her body cannot contain.

Steve kneeds her breast, teasing her nipple out of sync with his tongues strokes, as he feels her writhe under his ministrations. "Each touch, each taste, everything I do, is a silent prayer of thanks that you are safe with me, my love." he thinks, feeling her body spasm with the throes of her first climax. 

Louise cannot think, as the dam within her breaks and her body overwhelms her mind. The world around her replaced with his lips, his tongue and his touch, sweeping everything from their path. 

Wave after wave of blissful ecstasy crashes through her body, cleansing her soul and filing her with light. Louise lays back, her spasms and writhing slowly diminishing as she becomes more exhausted. 

Steve slowly rises and wipes his mouth before freeing her lips from their cloth prison. Her gulping breathes are hungry as she recovers. Greedily, she gulps water from a bottle as Steve cradles her head. He leans in and tenderly kisses her, cradling her lovingly, "I love you so much Lou."

Louise lays back spent as he releases her. When her arm is free she pulls off the blindfold and smiles, "I love you steve." she says, her voice husky, "Thank you."

She allows Steve to pull her hands together behind her back, tying and cinching them. "I love you too my darling." he whispers, laying back and guiding her down against his right side, before wrapping an arm around her. 

Louise sighs as she surrenders to the feeling of safety, as she lays bound in his arms. Her thoughts are once again her own and the raging storm of the past few days is no more as sleep claims her. 

Steve smiles and softly kisses the top of her head. "Sleep well Lou.", he whispers, before closing his eyes.
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Steve looks at the clock, "Half five. Well I got about six hours.", he thinks, "A little more than normal."

He settles back onto the bed and relishes in the feel of Louise's body against his. Louise sighs and settled into him as he moves. "Sweetest sound I have ever heard.", he thinks reaching down and releases the scarf holding her hands.

Steve lays his head back and finds himself plagued by questions, "Why can't I sleep? Harris is dead, the elements of Advanced Options loyal to him are neutralised. So why do I feel like there is something missing?"

He stares at the ceiling counting the feathers of one of the angels depicted. "Most things are resolved, but why Kate?"

"Assuming Harris was lying, nothing he said can be trusted. So, what do we know?", he wonders, "Katherine Shaw, police Chief Inspector, head of South UK counter terrorism, top flight operator. First involvement was as part of the initial investigation into Louise's disappearance six months ago." Steve's blood runs cold. 

"Shaw became involved back when this began, as Price was. How did she get involved back then? If it was Harris, why?" Steve wonders. "There was no way he could know that she would become a friend, and certainly couldn't know how well Lou and I would work with her."

He begins to count the feathers of a second angels wings as he wonders further, "After six months in each others pockets, Lou and I are a well oiled machine. Kate feels a natural fit with no priming. She and Lou are good together too."‎

He closes his eyes, chasing a wisp of a thought, until sleep finds him again. 

"This is beautiful." Kate thinks as her eyes drift open. she reclines on a lounger, watching the sunrise from the suites balcony. "Haven't slept under the stars since I ran away from a care home as a kid."

She lights a cigarette and gazes up at the last of the nights stars, as they are consumed by the fiery orange of the sunrise. "Was a little noisy inside last night, thanks to the lovebirds, but this has been a perfect spot."

Kate casts aside the thin sheet covering her, to accept the cool kiss of the mornings air on her arms and legs, glad she chose to sleep in a t-shirt and shorts.

Kate closes her eyes and listen to the opening chords of the dawn chorus, "However this day ends, it has begun perfectly."

Slowly she sits up and looks out over the grounds, watching the grounds staff cleaning the tennis courts and fields for another days activity. "This is so surreal. This place is so beautiful, but there is so much death linked to this place." 

She draws deeply and exhales smoke slowly up into the air, "Soon you will have to stop thinking like a police officer, girl. What the hell are you going to do with yourself?" Kate sighs sadly, "Lou and Steve are great, but they will soon have their hands full and you will be alone again. Are you sure you want to leave the service?", she asks herself. 

She can almost imagine Steve standing there and speaking to her, "Find out who you are. Set aside what is expected and be true to yourself."

Kate smile to herself as she stubs out the cigarette, "I must admit it felt kind of nice getting Steve's approval.", she thinks as she recalls his validation of her abilities and she considers the man. "I can't make sense of him. He's capable beyond words, intelligent, surprisingly insightful, easier than most to work with as well, but deadly and brutal. Everything about him says psychopath but, the love he shows for Lou says otherwise."

She smiles thinking of Lou "She can go toe to toe with the best, but is so gentle in her heart. Woe betide any who cross her." Kate looks out across the grounds again, as her smile fades, "She has lost so much. I hope that she can move beyond that and not lose herself in the process. If anyone can help her, I think Steve can."

Kate leans back and closes her eyes, as the first rays of the days sun kiss her skin. The soothing warmth and soft breeze are her lullaby as she let's her thought drift and she dozes again. 

Steve sets down the letter on the breakfast counter and sips his coffee, deep in thought. "Can it really be true?" He wonders. 

He looks up and gently smiles as Louise enters, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "How are you feeling?"

"Better thanks." She says smiling, "Thank you for last night, do you need me to do anything for you?" she says biting her lip. 

"I would love you to, but with my leg, I think I had better wait a couple of days." Steve says, as she sidles up next to him and rests her head on his shoulder. He slips his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. 

He pulls Louise close and embraces her tightly, "I understand why you were upset last night. How do you feel about this?"

"My parents lied to Helen and I. It must have crushed dad not knowing and not being able to find her. If nothing else, I think I owe it to him to find my sister." Louise looks up.

"Her? It only mentions a child in the letter." Steve asks, confused. 

"Etienne found an earlier draft, where mum says that the baby was a girl.", she says, turning red. 

"I did wonder what you were doing down there. I won't ask why he chose to share." Steve says, with a smile and a shake of his head. 

Louise smiles darkly, "Probably for the best. He also told me that he dealt with the strike on Milton Keynes hospital."

"Who did?" Kate asks as she enter the room yawning, "Any coffee on the go?"

"Etienne did. He co-ordinated with the team responsible for the attack." Louise explains as she pours a coffee and places it on the table for her.

Shaw slumps down in the seat, "Can I drag him back to the UK, for charges to be filed?" she asks, taking the cup from the table.

"Be my guest, throw the book at him." Louise says, nodding.

Shaw raises her eyebrows, "No payback for what he did to your sister and mum?", she asks, surprised.

"No." he says smiling at Steve, "Kill 'em or let 'em go. Anything else is a distraction."

"Fair enough." Sensing a tension in the room, Kate asks "Is everything ok?"

Louise passes Kate the letter, "I will order us breakfast and then we need to talk."

Kate pushes her empty plate away and leans back in her seat, "I was skeptical about a cheese and mushroom omelette with steak for breakfast, but that was excellent. I won't need to eat for about a week." 

Louise smiles, "The protein helps with healing so they say."

"Don't know if that is true, but it has made me feel better." Steve says, leaning back onto the sofa, "How are you this morning, Kate?"
Before Kate can respond, a soft knock is heard at the door. Louise pushes a button on the tv remote, to show an image of the corridor, "It's Robert Wickham. He said he needed to talk to me once I read the letter. I was hoping for more time." Louise says, raising her hand to her mouth.

"We can stall him if you want or we can et this over with." Steve says, "Either way, I am in." 

As Louise shows the lawyer in, Steve clears the plates and refills the cafetiere. He looks up at Kate as she makes to leave, "Kate? Can you stay? I think Lou will need both of us."

Kate retakes her seat, squinting at him "Do you know something?"

"No, it's just a feeling." He says quietly.

Robert Wickham sits back in an arm chair, unbuttoned shirt at odds with his dark waistcoat and stiffly pressed trousers and highly polished shoes. He hasn't stopped smiling since he entered the room. 

"It's good to see you again my dear, I am just so very sorry it is not under better circumstances.", he says with a gentle smile, "I am so very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you uncle Rob. It is good to see you too." Louise says, with a sad smile. She turns to Steve and says, "Rob was our family lawyer and my tutor, when I was growing up."

Rob nods and smiles, "You were a wonderful student, my dear."

"She is a fast learner." Steve confirms, gently squeezing her as she leans back in his arms.  

"Your parents were so proud of you." Rob says, softly. 

Louise smiles gently, "Thank you.", her smile fades as she continues, "I have read the letter."

Rob nods, "Of course you did, my dear." he takes a deep breath, "I am deeply sorry for my part in all this. I wish I could have told you."

"I understand." Louise says, warmly, "Mum wanted it hidden from us."

"Protecting your legacy, she said. It was an act of petty jealousy more than anything else. She knew nothing of my investigations. Your father asked me to find your sister. I hired an investigator to look into it about ten years ago."

He pauses, sipping his coffee, "Around three years ago, he called absolutely elated, saying he thought he knew who the girl was. He had traced missing persons and found the person who had discovered the baby and would be in the next morning to present his findings."

Louise's eyes light up, breathlessly, she asks, "So, you know her name?"

He seems to shrink in his seat deflated, "When he didn't arrive the next day, I called his office. Apparently, he had a tussle with a man as he left the office and the stranger pulled a knife and left my investigator bleeding out on the office steps, as he ran off with his case." Wickham says, setting down his cup, "I managed to get into his office that night and most of his files were emptied. The only thing I could find was a slip of paper." he reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small envelope, passing it to Louise. 

"BC112=surname." she reads aloud, and turns it over, seeing nothing on the other side, "What does that mean?"

"I have no idea, I have challenged code breakers to identify it to no avail." Wickham says. 

"The child's mother was from Luton. BC could be Bedfordshire Constabulary and the number could be a badge number. It is possible that social services used the name of the discovering officer as a surname for the child if their name was not known." Kate suggests.

"Oh dear lord." Wickham says, looking lost, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Kate, could you find out who that officer was?" Louise asks, biting her lip.

Kate pulls out her phone, "Give me a moment. I need to make a couple of calls." she says slowly heading for the balcony. 

"It really is good to see you Louise." Rob says with a gentle smile. 

"It's good to see you too, uncle Rob. I am sorry it has been so long.", she turns to Steve. "Can you give us a moment to catch up?"

"Sure, I will freshen up a little." Steve says, kissin her cheek before he rises unsteadily and heads for the bath room. 

As Steve closes the door behind himself, Louise turns back to the lawyer and drops her smile, "Did Etienne tell you what mum wrote in the letter?"

The lawyer, raises his eyebrows and nods softly, "Yes he did. How did you know?"

"Mum wouldn't have told you, only other person I believe knew about it was Etienne. Was there something else you wanted to talk about? Or did you just want to see us up close?" Louise asks, with a twinkle in her eyes 

"A little of both to be fair. I wanted to see if the stories are true about how you have changed.", he says appraising her. "You are the young woman, you were always meant to be. I knew from a young age you would blossom. I love being right."

"You always did believe in me.". She says, smiling at him.

"I would throw topic after topic at you and you would soak everything up like a sponge. The only thing I couldn't teach you, was how to stop doubting yourself. It appears that Steve has cured you of that." Rob says warmly, "Your parents would have been so proud, if only they could see you now."

"He is sweet. Trying to sidetrack me, but sweet nonetheless." Louise muses. 

"What else did you want to talk about?", she asks, settling back in her chair. 

The older man's smile, fades as he begins, "I worked with your parents for a great many years and watched you girl grow up. It felt my my heart was ripped out when you went missing, then when I found out Helen and your mother had been killed, I was broken. I have come here to find out what happened, to try to make sense of it all." he says with a tear in his eye.

Louise takes a seat next to Rob and begins to tell him everything starting with the night of her kidnapping by Steve.
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Kate lights a cigarette as she hangs up the phone. "That was harder than I thought." she reflects, "I can't believe Snow put me on speaker with all of the team. The little sod." she chuckles, "It was kind of sweet to be fair."

She checks the details that Snow provided and nods, before heading back into the suite. "Took a little while but we have a winner. Couldn't get much but, this is a start."

She pauses as she steps through the doorway, seeing Louise place a comforting arm around her uncle Rob.

"I wish I was as good with people as her." she thinks as she considers heading back to the balcony, "She must have had all that money could buy growing up, best schools, tutors, holidays, everything. Despite that, she is so grounded and down to earth."

Her musing is interrupted by Louise "Hey Kate, how did you get on?", she asks, her eyes wide with hope.

"Took a little digging wasn't easy to find anything on an officer forty years ago but, have found the officer or at least a name. Badge belonged to a PC Bellamy."

"Really?" Louise jumps up and hugs Kate tightly, "That is amazing. Thank you so much."

Kate steps back laughing and coughs, as she clutches her side, "You are most welcome. I am just glad it wasn't bad news."

"Eh?" Louise asks confused, until she realises that her embrace, crushed the area Kate was shot, "I am so sorry, are you alright."

"It's ok." Kate says with a smile, as she eases herself into a seat, "One step closer to your sister, babe. I hope you don't mind, but I asked Snow to check the system for abandoned children around forty years ago with the surname Bellamy and text me any details"

"Really?" Louise asks, nearly going for another hug, "Thank you Kate."

Kate puts her arms around Louise gently, "You're welcome Lou. If I can help in any way, I will."

Steve returns from freshening up and sees Kate give Lou a hug. He smiles warmly at the scene "Looks like Kate's found something."

Steve limps over and puts an arm around Lou, kissing her on the cheek, "You have a name for the officer then?"

"Bellamy." Louise says, snuggling into Steve's side. 

"That is not the most common surname." Steve says nodding, "That could make things easier. Do you have a first name?"

"No, I could only get a surname." Kate says apologetically, subtly wincing against the pain in her side.

"See you again soon, Uncle Rob." Louise says, showing him to the door, "I will let you know when we hear something."

She embraces him warmly, "Good to see you again. It won't be as long next time, I promise."

"As do I my dear." he says, in admiration, "You are a remarkable woman. I can tell by the way you smile, when he looks at you, that he is good for you. I hope you invite me to the wedding."

"You can count on it. Would you give me away, uncle Rob?" Louise asks, beaming. 

"I would be delighted, my dear.", he answers tearfully. "Sorry I am a little overwhelmed." he says wiping his eyes. 

"Me too." she says, embracing him again.

Everyone jumps as Kate's phone chimes. Kate snatches it up opening the message. Her eyes betray it's contents, as their sparkle on opening the message, dulls in the face of the words she reads. 

"Kate?" Louise asks hopefully.

Kate wipes the sweat from her brow, "I am sorry Lou. No abandoned children with the name Bellamy in the time frame, anywhere in the country. Snow will check birth registrations for that period and let me know."

Louise takes the phone with numb fingers and stares wordlessly at the screen, "Maybe, the child changed their name?" Louise says, distantly, her voice small and weak, as she hands the phone back to Kate. She shivers slightly, thinking "Maybe something happened to her and she will just be someone else taken from me."

Steve wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek, "It is possible. But why would the investigator say that the badge number equals the surname?"

"No idea, he must have had something, otherwise why bother writing it down?" Kate says, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head, trying to shake of a sudden feeling of dizziness. "I feel a bit funny." she thinks as she stubs out her cigarette.

"We can't give up at the first hurdle." Louise says looking pained, "I need to find her. I need to know"

"And we will, my love. It may take time, but we will." Steve says, kissing the top of her head, "This is a bump in the road, not a dead end."

"I should probably check my emails and get the report started for this case." Kate says, slowly lifting her head, feeling suddenly tired.  

"Kate?" Louise says, staring at her friends stomach, "You're bleeding."

Kate looks down at the growing patch of red and places a hand over the injury. "I should get that looked at.", she says, swaying a little. 

Steve catches her as she falls, scooping her up in his arms. "Lou. Clinic. Now."

The nurse shakes her head as she picks up the suture and goes to work, "Mr Marks, you really should take it easy in your condition."

"You are probably right there. How is she doing?" Steve asks, squeezing Louise's hand as he jerks a thumb towards the dividing curtain.

"I don't know sir, once I am finished, I will find out for you." The nurse says, softening her expression. "To be fair, no alarms are going off so she is probably ok."

Louise sits quietly watching the nurse work. "This is my fault, I squeezed Kate too tightly and burst her stitches." Louise wonders "I hope she can forgive me."

Steve squeezes her hand and whispers, "She will be ok, Lou. It wasn't your fault."

From the other side of the curtain, Kate adds, "Behave yourself. I have been up and about too much. When the doctor was cleaning me up, he said I have worked the stitches loose by being too active and need complete bed rest for at least a few days."

"I am so sorry Kate." Lou apologises.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. If you feel really bad, you can wait on me hand and foot while I recover." she giggles. "Not that I will be able to stay still for long."

‎"If it means a full recovery, we will make sure you stay in bed, even if we have to strap you to it." Louise says, chuckling.

The doctor emerges from behind the curtain of Kate's cubicle, revealing her laying back with a blood IV drip going into her arm. She looks at Steve with alarm, "Is your leg ok, Steve?"

"Yeah, popped a few stitches running here with you." Steve says with a grin. 

Kate raises her eyebrows, thinking, "Damn. The size of this place, that would be a feat for someone uninjured. That must have been agony." All she can say is, "Really?"

He nods, softly, "You were out cold bleeding heavily and very pale, I didn't want to wait for the medics." Steve says, warmly, "We were worried about you. I am glad you are ok."

"I just want to catch the doctor for a moment if that is ok?" Louise asks, jumping up.

"No problem." he says, kissing her cheek before she leaves. 

As she strides off, Kate turns back to Steve, "Thank you Steve. Another one, I owe you.", she says, with a gentle smile.

"No you don't Kate." Steve winks, "For the number of times you've saved Louise's life and helped her come back to me, I am still in your debt.", he says sincerely.

Louise places a gentle hand on the doctors shoulder, "Can I have a moment of you time?"

He turns, impatiently at first until he realises who she is, "Miss Carter.", he says warmly, "congratulations on your new appointment. How may we help you?"

"I need you to do something quietly for me, off the record." she says quietly, "I require your complete discretion in this matter."

"Just like her mother." he thinks, before responding, "The full services of this clinic are at your disposal and I will take care of you request personally."

She nods, appraising the man, "Late forties, early fifties. Takes care of his appearance, but not to the point of vanity. Self assured and professional. Probably top of his game and coasting along."

"I need two things, first I need a nurse to come to our room at midday and nine pm for the next few days for dressing changes and monitoring of my fiancé and friend.", she speaks in a self assured tone, knowing this is very possible.

"No problem at all Miss Carter, I will assign my best.", he says nodding as he makes a mental note of who to send, "And the second request?"

She nods thoughtfully and speaks in a hushed tone.
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As Steve holds open the door to the suite, Louise pushes Kate's wheelchair over the threshold. 

"I could have walked up." Kate protests, from the chair in pyjamas and slippers from the clinic.

"That is what got you back into the clinic Kate. You are going to rest and let yourself be looked after." Louise says gently, but firmly. 

"Fine." Kate gently smile, "Thank you for this.", she says as Louise helps her from the wheel chair onto one of the recliners. "I hate this. I feel weak as a kitten."

Steve places a hand on her shoulder, "It'll pass, first couple of days are always the worst, then the kitten will become a lioness again."

"Thanks hop-a-long, maybe you should take it easy too." Kate says with a chuckle. 

"She makes a good point, why don't you take a seat and I will get a brew on?" Louise asks brightly. 

"Now that sounds like a plan." Steve says flopping onto the sofa.

Kate lights a cigarette and with Louise's help, reclines on the chair. "Feels so strange having someone who cares to look after me. I have never had that before.", she thinks, smiling gently. "Thanks Lou."

She draws deeply and allows herself to relax, and enjoy the light cool breeze between her toes. She smiles as Steve and Louise whisper to each other furtively. "For a pair of trained killers they are so sweet together." Kate observes as they are lost in each others eyes. 

A small flash from the corner of her eye wrenches her from the scene and she turns noting that she has a message on her phone. She reaches for it as quickly, as her body will allow.

She reads it twice to be certain, looking up and catching Louise's eye. "Snow found Constable Bellamy."

Louise nods to Kate, who dials the number she has been given and puts the phone on loudspeaker. Steve wraps his arms around Louise as he feels her tense, when the phone starts to ring. 

All listen intently as the line rings, Louise gasps when the monotonous ring is replaced by the dry papery voice of an older man, "Hello?" 

"Mr Bellamy." Shaw responds, "My name is Chief Inspector Shaw, Thames Valley Police Service, is this a good time to talk."

"Er yes, young lady. How may I help you?", he says warmly, as Shaw pictures him sitting up straight at mention of her title. 

"I am calling in connection with a child that was abandoned in 1980, records indicate that you were the officer that found the child." Shaw says, picking her words carefully and trying her utmost to keep her tone light.

"Sorry love, you have the wrong Bellamy." he says. Louise's heart sinks, until he continues, "You will need to speak to my wife."

He moves the phone away from his ear, before shouting, "Darling, telephone for you. A Chief Inspector Shaw."

Louise smiles at Kate as they wait for Mrs Bellamy. Kate lights a cigarette and takes a deep breath, to calm herself down. 

"Hello?", the lady says, "Donna Bellamy speaking."

"Hello Mrs Bellamy, I am Chief inspector Shaw, of Thames Valley Police, I am hoping you can help me. I am investigating the case of an abandoned child in 1980 and have been informed that you are the officer that found her."

"Please call me Donna." the older lady says, with enthusiasm, "How can I help?"

"Call me Kate." Shaw responds warmly, "I wondered if you remember anything from that night."

Donna pauses and takes a breath, "I remember it well, dear. I have been waiting for this call for a long time." Donna says, almost breathing a sigh of relief. "I have been wanting to find out what happened to that little girl since the night I found her."

"What happened that night?" Kate asks. 

"It was a cold April night and I was just returning from a patrol at the end of my shift. It was a warm day, but I remember thinking that there was ice in the wind that night. Anyway, I was approaching the station, when this old red Datsun came tearing past me and the driver jumped out with a basket the size of a bread bin." Donna recalls, "Given the political climate at the time, I thought it could be a bomb, so I ran up to the vehicle and stopped the driver as they put the basket on the kerb."

"That was the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland and things were tense. You were brave to do that." Kate acknowledges.

"Comes with the badge, you do what you must, to protect those without the power to protect themelves." Donna says, philosophically, "I had to handcuff her and caution her. She was beside herself, crying and screaming for me to let her go, saying I didn't understand." she pauses, recling the exchange, "Not in an angry way, but more desperate than anything else. She seemed so small as if something had crushed her." Donna pauses as her breath catches in her throat. "I looked in the basket and saw the most beautiful baby girl looking up at me." I put the basket in the drivers seat of her car next to her sleeping son, released her and told her to get in the back of the car out of the cold."

"So she didn't abandon the girl after all." Louise says softly. 

"I got in the back beside her and we talked. She was married to a soldier who was overseas and in a moment of weakness, had slept with another man. She loved her husband so dearly and couldn't bear to hurt him, she knew if he ever found out, he would be devastated. She was already a pariah in the area, daughter of a Belfast catholic family, married to a British soldier. If it came out she'd had an affair, she feared for her life and the lives of her children." Donna says, sounding weary.

"I can relate to that, the locals made life hard for mum, when dad was on deployment. Poor woman." Steve thinks, without betraying emotion as he listens. 

"I talked to her about the options, but she wanted none of it. I agreed to take the child and say I found it on the steps of the station and contact child services to place her in a good home." Mrs Bellamy starts crying. 

"I am sorry Donna, I appreciate how hard this is, if you can't continue, I understand." Kate says, feeling the woman's sorrow and suddenly dreading the end of this tale. 

"No, Kate, I have waited a long time for this conversation. I will tell you everything.", she says, composing herself, "She wrote the child's name on a piece of paper and slipped it inside her blanket and after a final tearful embrace of her child, I took the baby into the station and she and her other child sped off into the night." Donna takes a deep breath, and softens her tone, "Everyone in the station fell in love with her that night, she was such a beautiful little girl, those eyes melting everyone's heart. We had a doctor on call who confirmed she was a lovely, healthy baby. I knew a few families looking to adopt a little one and I asked the child services officer to hold on for a day or so while I made some calls. In the mean time child services registered her with my surname.", she pauses, composing herself. 

"It is ok, take your time. I know it is not easy." Kate says, gently.

"The next day, a group of armed men stormed the Iranian embassy in London and every force in the country was put on standby, the brass wanted anything possibly connected to the group investigated and chased down. It was a witch hunt. By the time the dust settled it was a month later, the baby had disappeared into the system and I had failed her. From what I can gather she bounced between care homes and foster families, never really settling. " Donna abruptly stops, pausing for breath. 

Louise begins to cry, "My poor sister, what kind of life has she had? What kind of person has that made her?" Steve places an arm around her, and kisses the top of her head softly, watching Kate.

"I found the note that the babies mother had slipped into the basket with her name. It was on the back of a fundraising notice for repairs to St. Michaels church. I went there over the next few weeks and until that little girl's mother and told her everything." Donna speaks softly, sounding exhausted, "The poor woman collapsed in the car park, when I tod her that the baby was in the system and I had failed, she made me swear to her that I would find her daughter and mke it right. Everytime I got close, she moved to a different home. I regret to say that after ten years, without success, I left the service. As a civilian, I had even less luck."

Kate tries to composed herself, "But we checked and there were no births registered for any child with the surname Bellamy around that time."

"No dear.", The older woman says, "Bellamy is my married name, my maiden name is Shaw."

Louise jumps up from her seat hearing this and throws her arms around Kate, as she, is about to be washed away in a river of tears. Donna continues with an air of desperation, "I am so sorry child, I failed you so badly. Even now, it hurts when I think of you. I had always hoped you would call and I would be able to tell you about what happened. Tell you how sorry I am."

Steve sits quietly, putting his head in his hands, as Donna continues, "Her mother was a Belfast catholic married to a soldier, in Luton and went to the same church as my mother. Everything is starting to make sense."

Kate wipes her eyes and lights another cigarette, "No one failed me. My mother did what she thought was right and you did what you could, until circumstances overcame you. I can't blame you for that." Kate hugs Louise, as if drawing strength from her, "Are you still in touch with my mother?", she asks, hopeful.

"I am sorry Kate. She and her husband passed away just over two years ago." Donna says, quietly, struggling to form the words

Kate closes her eyes wrestling with her feelings that she was so close to having a family, but at the same time, so far. She buries her face in Louise's shoulder, her face twisted in a silent scream.

Steve slowly gets to his feet and gently takes the phone from Kate, he breathes slowly as he lifts the phone to his ear and speaks gently, "Hello Mrs Bellamy, I am a friend of Kate's. I just wanted to thank you for everything you have shared and for never giving up on finding her. I haven't know Kate long but I can tell you, that she is pretty amazing and one of the most wonderful individuals I have ever met. She is smart, capable and still has beautiful eyes. You may berate yourself for what you did, but your actions contributed to the person she is now. It is a shame, her mother never met her. May I just ask, did Maggie ever tell her husband about Kate?"

Louise and Kate stare at Steve confused, as they all wait for Donna's answer,‎ "She could never bring herself to tell him. She lived alone with her guilt over the affair and giving away her daughter, her whole life. I was the only person who knew. " She says, sounding spent, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"My name is Steve.", he says placing a gentle hand on Kate's shoulder, as Louise hugs her. "I am Maggie's son."
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I would like to say a very warm thank you to everyone who has stuck with this tale up to this point. I appreciate that the last few chapters have not been as action or bondage heavy as those that have gone before, but I wanted to round off the characters arcs, before bringing this fully to a close.

Thank you for your time and your patience.
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