It's Just Business [F/M]

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It's Just Business [F/M]

Post by Lady Knotty »

"Don't worry. It's just business."

I lightly swiped the screen of my phone before stuffing it into my brand new designer handbag; a gift from a previous client.

Parting my lips, I applied a thick layer of my favorite lipstick, blotted it with a tissue, and adjusted the neck of my dress. I eyed my reflection in the mirror and smiled approvingly. Not just any woman could've pulled off such a look. But then again, I wasn't just any woman. A last dab of powder before I gathered up my things and left the restroom, heels clacking against the polished tiles.

Keys. Handcuffs. Duct tape. Taser. I had everything I needed to trick a gullible boy into the trunk of my car.

I pulled up the file with my target to confirm the details one last time.

"Third year. Promising athlete," I mumbled dryly to myself. "Swimming team."

"Who knows, with some luck I might even catch him in his speedos." I flipped the page, searching for any relevant information that could be of interest to me.

Ah, there it was. A wide grin began to spread across my face.

"And an absolutely fucking loaded daddy."
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Post by RopingRingers »

Well that was short and sweet lol
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Post by noyoyo »

“One more lap.”

I had told myself that a dozen times so far. But sometimes you find yourself really enjoying a good workout. We had just opened up the pool a couple of days ago, and the water was so refreshing that I decided to tack a few laps on to my cool down. The morning sun was still pleasantly warm for a summer day, and I was looking forward to a leisurely day by the pool.

I was home from college, and my summer job didn’t start for another week. I was interning at my father’s law firm, and he was a man who liked getting to work early. I wanted to make the most of these relaxing, late-morning pool days while I still could.

Flip turn. “One more lap.”

As I was turning to breath, my eye caught some movement by the gate leading to our backyard. I didn’t stop swimming, but I changed up my breathing rhythm so that I could turn to look again. A woman in a dress had let herself in, and seemed to be cautiously making her way toward the pool. I had no idea who it was. My mother and father still had a few days left on their vacation on the yacht, and our housekeeper had Saturdays off. A few strokes after that, I turned to see her waving. I decided to power through to the end of the lap.

When I reached the wall, I took off my goggles. By then the woman had just about made her way to the side of the pool. Up close, and without the goggles, she came in to clearer focus.

She was wearing a tight blue dress, which showed off her features. I could tell she was extremely fit, with curves in all the right places. She had dark brown hair, which she had pulled back. She was wearing a large pair of sunglasses, which obscured much of her face, but even so I could tell she was very pretty.

As I climbed out of the pool, the water made my swim trunks cling to my body. For a split second I cautioned myself not to get too excited. There’s no way to hide that in a pair of wet swim trunks.

I grabbed my towel off the chair and draped it over my shoulders. I waved to the woman, who waved back as she beamed a stunning smile of pearl white teeth, framed by her inviting lips. She had the perfect shade of lipstick to complement her clothes and her perfectly tanned body. Consciously, I pulled the towel off my shoulders and wrapped it around my waist instead.

“Hello,” I said, with as much invitation as I could muster up for a stranger wandering into my backyard.

“Hey there,” the woman said. I waited for a moment for her to add something, like what she was doing in my home. Instead she kept making her way toward me.

“Can I help you?” I finally said.

“Oh I hope so,” she responded. “Do you know anything about cars?”

“A little, sure. Do you need help?”

“I do. I’m sorry to bother you.” So she at least acknowledged that she was trespassing. “I tried two of your neighbors, but no one was home.”

We lived on a cul-de-sac with four large homes. That she couldn’t find help didn’t surprise me. Though how she had wondered in to an upscale cul-de-sac neighborhood without knowing anyone to ask for help, that should have probably raised more of an alarm than it did at the time.

“Sure, I can take a look,” I said, with a touch of gallantry. I do find the whole damsel in distress thing kind of hot. “Where are you parked?”

“My car is in your driveway,” she said, and then smiled when I cocked my head. “It was making a strange noise, but now I can’t even get it to start.”

“OK, let me take a look.”

I started making my way toward the gate, trying not to gape at the woman as I passed her. The closer I got, the more stunning she became. As I passed her I also became conscious of how tall she was. She was wearing high heeled shoes, which brought her up to my height. Maybe a bit taller. The heels clacked behind me as she followed me out to the driveway.

A baby blue BMW convertible was backed up right next to one of the garage doors. The hood was already up, and I made my way to the engine. Now, I don’t really know much about cars, but when a beautiful woman comes out of nowhere and asks you for help, you don’t just wave her off.

“Would you try starting the car?” I asked her. She nodded and got into the drivers seat. Nothing happened.

“Anything?” She called.

“I don’t think so.” How should I know? But now there was a beautiful woman, and a car, in my driveway. So I wasn’t about to just give up. “You know what, I have friend that lives ten minutes from here. He’s much more knowledgeable than I am. I can give him a call, see if he can come by and take a look.”

The woman seemed more relieved than grateful. “Thank you.”

“Sure,” I said. “My phone is inside.”

“Mind if I come in?” she asked, flashing another smile.

“Sure,” I said again, suddenly realizing I was starting to sound like a parrot. “Would you like something to drink?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

I made my way around the car and into the garage. The woman had almost backed her car in to the garage, and it was awkward trying to squeeze myself around it. The woman’s clacking heels followed me closely into the house.

The air conditioning was especially cool against my still wet skin. The woman was following me closely, and her flowery perfume was mingling with the tinge of chlorinated water still on me. Half naked, wet, with a strange woman standing so close to me, I was starting to tingle all over. Just the air conditioning, I told myself.

But just as we entered the kitchen, the tingling went away.

I felt a stinging pain in the small of my back, which radiated through my body. I think I shouted before I hit the kitchen tile.

The next few seconds were kind of a blur.

After the burning pain in my back, the next thing I realized was the clicking sounds. It took another moment before I actually felt the cold steel on my wrists as I tried to pull my arms in front of me.

But the fact that I was in serious trouble did not set in until I felt a warm hand firmly roll me over on to my back.

The woman had taken her sunglasses off, and I could see something new in her expression. Her inviting smile was gone, replaced with something much more predatory. She sat down on my stomach, forcing my cuffed hands rather sharply into the burned spot on my back. She ignored my growl of pain, focusing instead on taking some things out of her handbag.

Everything was still a little fuzzy, everything was changing so fast. I had a moment to focus on a rag the woman seemed to be carefully folding in hands. I tried to roll over to take the pressure off my wrists, but the woman was straddling me, her legs clamped down on my sides, preventing me from moving at all.

I looked directly up at her. “What the… hell… you… are… doing…” I think I managed to say. But she didn’t respond.

Instead, she looked down at me, grinned, and bounced her bottom on my stomach. The cuffs dug in to my back again and I started to scream in pain, but as soon as I opened my mouth it was stuffed with the rag the woman had been folding. She began picking at a roll of duct tape. I coughed a bit while she was trying to find the end of the tape. I managed to turn my head and spit the rag out. I think I was still a little fuzzy. I was really just trying to breath.

Before I knew it, the rag was crammed viciously back in to my mouth, followed by the screeching sound of tape. The woman pressed the tape down hard over my stuffed mouth, pinning my head to the floor. She then used a hand to lift my head up, and with the other she began to wrap the tape around my head. Very tightly.

It was during this rhythmic wrapping of my mouth that I felt myself becoming focused again. She had mumbled a few words to me, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. By the time she had finished, she dropped my head against the tile floor. Now I was awake.

I began squirming harder to get away. I used my legs to try and buck the woman off me. She giggled a little as she stood up. She used both her hands to flip me over back on to my stomach. With the duct tape in one hand, she grabbed at my flailing legs. Eventually she managed to wrap the tape around one of my ankles. I tried to kick at her, but I couldn’t see her. I felt her sit down on the back of my legs, pinning them against the floor. Soon enough, she got control of my other foot long enough to start taping both of my ankles together.

As I felt my freedom slipping away the more she wrapped, I started shouting. I knew it was unlikely anyone would hear me, but I was getting increasingly frustrated. I started bucking and twisting as hard as I could.

I felt her weight leave my legs, and for a moment I thought my resistance was working.

She said something to me I couldn’t quite make out, between my shouting and heavy breathing. I think I heard something about “… having fun”.

Suddenly her hands grabbed both of my shoulders and hauled me backward. I tried to fall forward and way from her grasp, but she wrapped one arm around my chest. She used her free hand to grab a handful of my hair.

I felt her breathe against my ear as she purred, “You might want to settle down now.”

She began wrapping the tape around my arms, pinning them to my side. I struggled against her as hard as I could. Mostly she laughed at my attempts as we wrestled on the floor. I was slowing her down, sure, but even I recognized that she was slowly managing to wrap layer after layer of tape around me. I tried shifting away with my legs. A couple of times we found ourselves rolling to a completely different side of the kitchen. I kept trying to work my way over to the glass doors leading to the back patio, on the off chance that someone would see us. Every time I got close, however, the woman would find some way of wrestling me back out of sight.

Finally, after who knows how many wraps, the woman bit off the end of the tape. She pulled me back again so that I was sitting on my bound ankles, with her crouched behind me. She draped one arm around my neck. The moment I even stirred to pull away she tightened her arm into a choke hold. She pulled me back, pinning my body against hers. I looked down at myself. My upper body was wrapped into a solid silver mass from chest to the waist line of my swim suit. We sat there for a few seconds, or maybe longer, each of us catching our breath.

She tussled my hair for a moment, to which I tried to yell at her to stop. I couldn’t see her face, but the way her breath felt on my neck I could tell she was smiling again.

“Well then, fella,” she condescended, “now that we’ve had our little workout, how about a nice relaxing car ride?”
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Post by tpton »

Ooh, that took an interesting turn. Liking this so far, excited to see what comes next!
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Very nice story, for a moment I should she would be an spy or something, but I guess she was just an kidnapper looking for ransom and money, hehe! But I have to say that I do like confident and strong looking women as this one and I love to read stories of those women dominating and tying up men! Such a nice contrast!

I loved the part that she approached her victim, she knows she is sexy and used it to her advantage. I also loved all the tying scene with her using duct tape to make sure he is well bound and gagged. I wonder what will happen now that she have him inside of her car. Very amazing story so far!
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Post by Lady Knotty »

He had been a lot less willing than most of my previous victims, and had cost me almost an hour of rolling around on the floor as he tried to avoid the inevitable. In fact, his little tantrum was starting to become a minor inconvenience for me.

See, normally I wouldn't mind if he decided to act a bit tough, or rather, I'd very much prefer it. But having him struggle with such fervor while I tried balancing him on my shoulder would simply not do. My stilettos would surely make such a feat near impossible. Therefore, I had to improvise.

I kindly asked my wrapped up little prize to cease his fight with his bondage for a moment. Not surprisingly, his eyes flared up, and he responded with some unintelligible gurgling that sounded more like something along the lines of "go fuck yourself", rather than the simple "fine" I was looking for. In the end, it turned out I would have to remind him of who was really in charge here. I pressed my hand down hard over his groin. The reaction was immediate, and I chuckled to myself as he tried to jerk himself away. The younger ones were always the most sensitive to a woman's touch after all.

"Listen, darling. It's nothing personal, just business. Your family owns a fortune, and I want a piece of it. I want to get this over with just as much as you do. So this is how we're going to do this," I started as I adjusted the hem of my dress to cover my undergarments that had started to show. "You and me both know that we're the only ones around this neighborhood today. Still, I would very much prefer if you'd be quiet as we take this little party back to my car."

He was listening, but he had not stopped trying to break free from the layers of tape that rendered him helpless. Part of me liked it, part of me wanted to slap him for not paying enough attention.

"The way I see it, you have two options," I continued. "Option one. You promise to be a good boy and do as I say. No more stunts or pathetic calls for help, and we'll both have a much more pleasant time together. Option two. Be a bad boy, and you and I will go play dress up in your mom's closet. If anyone pulls us over, I'll just tell them you're just another perverted rich kid who's hired one of those kidnapping services, looking for a quick thrill. Besides, how are you going to convince anyone that a woman like me could capture a young stud such as yourself. You'd be lucky if they turned away without laughing their asses off first."

I kept my gaze locked against his, making sure he knew there was no way out of his predicament. I could tell it had worked. I could tell my words were starting to mess with his mind, the tension in his muscles subsiding. Smiling, I knew he was ready.

"Good boy."

I reached for his waist. The mixture of resentment and pure confusion in his eyes as I tossed him over my shoulder was an especially nice treat. This was definitely a first for him, being manhandled in such a manner, and by a woman no less. The very same eyes would later follow my every movement as I made him comfortable in the back of my trunk. Well, as comfortable as you could be in his sorry state.

I moved in closer until I could feel the air from his nostrils tickling my neck before planting a long drawn out kiss on top of the duct tape I had wrapped so carefully around his lips.

"Oh and one more thing, darling," I whispered as I began to sway my hips back and forth, letting my underwear slide down my smooth, toned legs. I kneeled down and picked it up from the ground. Standing up again, I remained still for a moment as I observed my captive. His brows were still furrowed. He was starting to tug lightly at his bonds once again, trying to pull away further into the trunk as my hands neared him.

Cute, I thought, as I slowly pulled the fabric over his head. "Enjoy the ride."
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Post by noyoyo »

The woman had made her point. I had no desire to be tied up in a dress.

I had thought she was gorgeous when we had met an hour ago, but right now I didn’t want this crazy bitch to even touch me, let alone try to undress me and stick me in my mothers clothes. Besides, at least now I knew what this was about: ransom. I hadn’t had much time to think about it, but a few horror movies had flashed through my mind while we had been wrestling on the floor.

She was standing over me now, hands on her hips, waiting for me to process my options. I was too embarrassed to look at her. I heard her give a soft chuckle before she said, “Good boy.”

I was about to curse at her again when she knelt beside me and lifted me to my feet. Before I could find my balance, she grinned again, lowered her shoulder in to my stomach and heaved me over her shoulder. I yelled as best I could into the rag in my mouth. Just when I thought things couldn’t get anymore humiliating. I didn’t struggle though. I couldn’t. From way up on her shoulder, the hard tile floor seemed a long way down.

As she began making her way back to the garage, I was treated to a view of her tight, beautifully formed ass. But any satisfaction in the view was quickly erased by the sensation of duct tape pulling on my naked skin.

Outside, she set me down on my feet next to her car. And then she popped the trunk.

When she had been talking, I hadn’t realized that her plan was for me to ride in the trunk. But before I could try to voice my objections, she grabbed me by the arms and dragged me right in front of the trunk. I had just enough time to shake my head once before she shoved me backward. I fell ass first into the trunk.

She moved quickly to lift my bound feet and shove them in to the trunk as well. I suddenly understood why she had parked so close to the garage. There was no way anyone could see us.

I tried grunting that the space was too tight, but she ignored me. Instead she reached in to the trunk and pulled me around so that I fit more snuggly in to the tiny space. When she reached in to grab my shoulders, I got a long look down the front of her dress. At this point no view was enough to distract me from my situation, no matter how spectacular…

She stood straight up and looked around, probably making sure the coast was clear. Hands on her hips, she gazed down and saw me staring at her. She gave me a huge grin, which got me grumbling again. But I stopped as she reached down with both hands and pressed the tape over my mouth even harder down against my face. She then lowered her face right next to mine. I braced myself for another threat about keeping quiet, but instead she closed her eyes and planted a long, hard kiss on the rag taped inside my mouth. She pulled back and stared at me for a moment with her dark eyes, and her predatory grin.

“Oh, and one more thing, darling,” she whispered before she stood straight up again.

She began to shimmy her hips, and I thought she was doing some kind of mock victory dance or something. The whole situation had been humiliating enough, plus it was dawning on me that I had made a conscious decision not to resist as this woman prepared to kidnap me.

I began struggling again, but froze when the woman bent down and stood back up, holding a pair of underwear. She glanced at them for a moment, before turning that crocodile grin back on me.

I didn’t like where this was going. I shook my head, shouting “NO FUCKING WAY!” Of course she couldn’t understand me. And no one else could hear me. I tried to dodge her as she brought the lingerie over my head, but there was no where to hide. I groaned bitterly as she made sure to bring the underwear firmly over my head. I added a vicious curse as she took a moment to position the crotch perfectly over my nose.

She waved her finders at me. “Enjoy the ride,” she murmured. Then she slammed the trunk down on my screaming, bound, captive body. I couldn’t believe she was actually planning to drive me around like this, and I kicked the trunk as best I could. She responded with a confident couple of pats on the hood of the trunk. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. An hour ago I had been sitting by the pool. I gave in to my frustration and yelled as loud as I could into the rag in my mouth, but it was completely drowned out as the engine of the car, now miraculously fixed, started up and the car made its way down the driveway…

… I don’t know how long I was back there, but it felt like forever. It had to have been hours. Most of the time must have been on a highway, because the longest stretch of time was spent in one lane going very fast. I could tell that much. You definitely know what a car is doing when you’re riding in the trunk.

After forever, there was more slowing down, stopping, speeding up again. At every stop I would kick the sides of the trunk and yell as loud as I could. I got no response from my kidnapper, except the first time. She responded by blasting music from the radio. The smell of her underwear over my nose also seemed to get worse the longer I was confined to the trunk. I tried to shake it off my face. I tried rubbing it off against the floor of the trunk, but the way I was positioned I couldn’t get any traction.

Finally, I felt the car turn and roll very slowly forward. I could tell we had reached whatever out destination was. Any doubt was removed when the ignition was shut off. The sound of a garage door closing probably seems soft to most people, but at that moment it was as loud as thunder to me. As did the slow, steady beat of her high heel shoes on the garage floor.

But to my surprise, I next heard a door open, and then shut. While I was in no hurry to face my abductress again, I had been cramping for what felt like hours. After some time passed I started kicking and screaming again, trying to get anyone’s attention. I had no idea where I was, but it was better than sweating in the trunk of a car. Plus, after hours of panty-sniffing, I was becoming somewhat desperate to get the woman’s underwear off my head.

Finally, I heard the door open. However, instead of the steady clicking of heels, this time I could barely hear anything.

My senses received a massive overload when the trunk popped suddenly and was lifted fully by the woman, which flooded my vision with a blinding light. I hadn’t considered how bright a garage would look after a few hours in complete darkness. Between the blinding rays of light, I could vaguely make out the woman’s frame. She had taken the time to change her clothes in to something more comfortable. She now wore a tight red top with black yoga pants. Whatever was coming next, she didn’t want to ruin her dress.

“Hey there bright eyes,” she said in an obviously false welcome. “Welcome to the Hostage Hotel.” I couldn’t see her clearly yet, but I heard her snort. “I’m still working on the name.”

Before I could focus, I felt her strong hands pull my legs out from the trunk. Next, she reached deeper in to the trunk and hooked an arm around my head, hauling me into a sitting position on the trunk. I hoped to take advantage of this new freedom, or what felt like freedom. I tried to jump up and charge the woman. My plan backfired, however, when the cramps in my legs turned to numbness and I collapsed to the floor.

The woman stood over me for a few moments. I still couldn’t tell, but I think she shook her head. She knelt down once again to straddle me. Before I could put up much of a struggle, she grabbed a fistful of my hair with one hand and my lower face with the other, pulling me up so that I was staring once again into those dark eyes.

“Listen darling, I don’t have time for this,” she lectured me, the playfulness suddenly gone from her voice. “You’ve already been kidnapped, tied up, and transported. It’s way too late to resist. Now I have to get you inside and settled in, so keep quiet and come with me.”

She tried to get me to my feet again, but I knew what was next. My last hope was to avoid going in to the house, or wherever we were. I collapsed to the floor instead, trying to swing my legs around to kick her.

I’m not even sure I made contact.

“Fine,” the woman said, clearly agitated. “Some people need to learn the hard way.”

She moved behind me. I tried to roll away but she snaked her arm around my neck in a tight choke hold. With her other arm she hooked my arms handcuffed behind my back. With shocking ease, she hoisted me up and began dragging me toward the door. I still tried to squirm a bit, but she held me tight. I would have throttled myself if I resisted much harder.

“That’s ok, darling,” the woman chided as she tugged and pulled me closer to the door. “You’ll learn. You’re going to be staying here for a while. I’m going to take care of you, trust me.”

Just as we reached the door she let go of my throat to open it. I took one deep breath and let out the loudest “HELP!” I could manage before she reached back around and clamped her hand firmly over my gagged mouth, muffling even that.

She dragged me into the dark space before dropping me to the floor. I had just enough time to roll over and watch her slam the garage door.
Last edited by noyoyo 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Yeah, I'd probably be the dumbass that keeps fighting well beyond there being a point too lol. Very interesting so far, this young man might be in a SMIDGE of trouble
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Post by Lady Knotty »

"Take a seat," I commanded.

He hesitated for a second but ultimately sat down on the chair I had prepared for him in the basement. I could see him shudder as his bare skin touched cold wood. His swimming trunks had been long discarded and he was now butt naked.

"This is where you will sleep tonight. Right here, bound to this chair," I whispered in his ear, my breath caressing his the nape of his neck. "Gagged."

I could already see the anger and frustration spread across his face. I grinned. "And whether it will be comfortable or not is entirely up to you."

He cursed through his gag, grunted and groaned like a wild beast caught in a hunter's net. I put my finger over his taped lips. "Hush, darling. This is exactly why I've had gag you so tightly."

"Now keep still and listen," I started, reaching for the scissors I had picked up from the kitchen. "This is what's going to happen. I'm going to cut off the tape. Now, this is not an invitation for you to start thrashing about and making things hard for me. I'll choke you out if I have to."

He gave a haughty snort.

"Don't believe me? Fine, but let me fill you in on the consequences first," I said and nodded at the many bundles of white rope that were laid out on the floor in front of us.

"That's the rope I'm going to bind you with. And like you've probably already guessed, you're far from the first man I've had to restrain like this, and trust me, you won't be the last. I guess you could say I'm a bit of an expert when it comes to turning tough boys like yourself into whimpering little damsels in distress."

His eyes glaring daggers at me, I moved in front of him and uncoiled one of the ropes to demonstrate its full length.

"And guess what? Whether I'll use just one, or all of them, is completely up to you. You're the one who needs to help me this time. Can I trust you not to start any unnecessary problems for me? Or do I have to tie you up so tightly that you won't be able to get any sleep tonight? It's your call."

I slowly began cutting through the tape that kept his arms in place, waiting for a response. For a moment, I admired his nicely shaped swimmer body. Gosh was I happy to have found such a delicious young man to sink my claws into. I was starting to grow tired of all the fat, rich businessmen who couldn't even fit inside the trunk of my car to begin with.

After getting through the first couple of layers, I felt a slight tug. He was testing it. He probably thought I wouldn't notice, I thought. I shot him a quick glance but he averted his gaze just as fast. I smiled and lowered myself down to free his ankles.

Just as I had anticipated, the moment I cut through the last of the tape, he lunged forward in an attempt to knock the air out of me. I threw myself back and moved with him as we fell onto the floor.

Thinking he was in the clear, he rolled off me and struggled to get onto his feet. Just as he was about the dash for the stairs, I grabbed onto his ankle and toppled him over again. This time I was faster.

I lurched to my feet and grabbed his flailing legs, pulling him back further into the basement before straddling him.

"Bad choice, darling," I said, panting lightly. "But you leave me no choice."

I wrapped my arm around his neck, pushing his head down with my weight. He fought, tiredlessly, but it was too late. With his wrists cuffed behind him, there was little he could do to resist.

I leaned in closer and whispered, "You're really not going to appreciate what I've done to you after you wake up."
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Post by RopingRingers »

This boy doesn't learn, I fear 😂 very interested to see what predicament he is in upon waking lol
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Post by noyoyo »

I coughed. I tried to cough anyway. I gagged, on my gag. The rag stuffed in my mouth stifled the full cough, and it took me a moment or two fighting for air before I could breath normally.

As I began to calm myself down, I saw my kidnapper. She was uncoiling some rope, but had stopped to watch me. I could only hope, with the intention of helping me if my coughing fit continued. But since I had apparently calmed myself down, she resumed her work.

“Welcome back,” she smirked as she approached me with the fresh coil.

The first thing I noticed was that I could see much more clearly now, the woman had apparently removed her underwear from my head. I was back to sitting in the wooden chair she had set for me in the middle of the basement. My arms were behind the back of the chair, still cuffed at the wrist.

Then my eye was drawn quickly to the red underwear I found myself wearing. Red women’s underwear, with white lace. I tried to ask, “What the fuck is this?” But, as I tried to say the words, I was struck by the disgusting, salty, pungent taste that filled my mouth.

The woman laughed, I assume at the expression my face twisted in to. She hopped on to my lap and patted my cheek, then slapped it hard.

“Silly boy. I tried to warn you to behave.” Still on my lap, she began wrapping the rope around my waist and the chair, just above my new undergarment. “Aren’t you curious what happened to the panties that you were wearing on your face earlier?”

My eyes bulged. No, no she wouldn’t.

She smiled as she stood up, moving behind me. “Well darling, I took them, and then grabbed a couple of others from the hamper…” she pulled the rope tight behind the chair as I started to try and buck. The rope cut in to my bare stomach, and I ceased that particular struggle. “… I balled them all together…” she continued, “… and I used them to make you a fresh gag. Well, maybe not fresh…” She gave a hearty chuckle as I tried to curse at her and struggled against my bonds. This was too much.

After she finished the knot, she stood up behind the chair and pressed her palm against my new gag. With that evil grin, she held me in place for a moment. “I told you to behave, but you wanted to do things the hard way.”

At this point I could only glare at the woman, and think evil thoughts. The more I yelled, the more disgusting my mouth felt. The more I struggled, the more the rope cut in to my skin. After a few moments she tussled my hair. “Hopefully you’re a fast learner,” she said as she made her way over to the pile of rope.

The woman approached me again as she shook out the new cord of rope. She knelt beside the chair and reached for my leg. I kicked out, away from her. I couldn’t reach her where she knelt beside me. She gazed up at me and cocked an eyebrow.

“Really kid?” I turned away from her. She reached up and grabbed my chin. When I pulled away again, she startled me by jumping up and straddling my lap again, this time while grabbing two fistfuls of my hair and yanking viciously backward. Her smile was gone, and those dark eyes of hers had suddenly become very menacing.

“Look, I’m going to lay this out for you one more time sweetheart,” she told me, with no affection at all in the word ‘sweetheart’. “You’re a hostage. You don’t get to resist. You don’t get to question. You don’t have any say at all. In anything. And the more you fight me, the harder I’m going to make this on you.” She gave my hair another short, sharp tug when I broke eye contact. “You want to eat anything over the next few days? Water? Maybe a trip to the bathroom? How about just not having my used underwear crammed in to your mouth?”

I was taken aback by the change in her. Sure, she had tasered me and kidnapped me from my house, but she had maintained this playful veneer most of the time. Actually, it was more like taunting, and it had pissed me off more than it had scared me. Looking up at the woman now, sitting in her basement, and not having a clue where I was, I began taking this whole thing a lot more seriously.

But no sooner had I come to this realization than the woman’s wicked grin return. She was back in control.

“Now just sit there and let me finish tying you up. You can start by putting your feet together.” Without really thinking, I put my feet together. She must have felt my legs move beneath her, because her grin turned into a smile. She released my hair and gave my cheek a few condescending pats. “Good boy.”

She resumed tying me up. I no longer resisted as she bound my ankles together with rope. Then she used two more cords of rope to secure my upper body to the back of the chair and then my chest. She had left my nipples exposed, which she pointed out by giving one a little twist as she walked around me on her way back to the pile of rope. She added a coil above my calves, and then another above my knees.

I had been sitting reasonably still this whole time, but I involuntarily moaned when she when back to her rope pile. She turned and shook her finger at me. “Don’t blame me. You did this to yourself.”

She pulled the rope around the binds already around my ankles, and ran the rope under my chair. I gave another grunt when she pulled my ankles back from behind the chair. I felt her pull again so that she could tie the end of the rope to the chain connecting my handcuffs. Now I couldn’t move my legs at all without pulling on my wrists.

She stood up, hands on her hips and looked me over. She purposely ignored the glare I tried to give her. Instead she went back to the inexhaustible pile of rope and brought over another coil. This one she used to tie my thighs down to the seat of the chair. When she finished tying the knot, she flicked the bulge in my red panties. She grinned from ear to ear as I howled from behind my mouthful of similar undergarments.

Once again she stood, dusted off her hands, and placed them on her hips. She seemed satisfied. I was miserable.

“Well darling, thank you for making that easy for me. Unfortunately its been a long day, so I think I’ll grab some dinner. Just leave you down here for the night.”

I shook my head and tried to plead with her. At the very least she had to take her underwear out of my mouth?

“Aw, sweetie,” she said as she leant down to place a hand on my shoulder. “That isn’t going to help you.” She turned to go, but stopped and turned. “Whoops, I do have one more surprise for you.”

I groaned. Loudly. But I didn’t struggle. The last thing I wanted was for her to grab anymore rope.

Instead she walked behind me, deeper into the basement. I was positioned facing the door, so I couldn’t see much behind me. The woman reemerged with a single stiletto, a roll of duct tape, and her signature smirk.

“This is one of the shoes I wore today,” she said, examining it. “You know, while I was kidnapping you. I don’t want you to forget why you’re down here, so…”

And with that she placed the open shoe over my nose. It wasn’t as rancid as the panties in my mouth, but this was just getting disgusting. I tried to pull away, but in an instant she used her arm to pin the shoe and my head against her body. With her free hand she took the tape and began wrapping it around the shoe and my head, fixing the stiletto in place over my nose. She used the tape very liberally. Once she was satisfied, she lowered her lips right next to my ear.

“You chose this darling. Welcome to ‘the hard way’,” she whispered.

With that she picked up her handbag and the remaining, unused stiletto and walked out the door, flicking off the lights as she left. I was about to try and shout after her, but the door slammed shut. All I heard was the sound of the door locking, the woman’s soft footsteps as she climbed the stairs, and my own labored breathing.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Awesome story so far. Love the panty gag and the stilett tied over the nose. Hope to read more soon! Keep up the great work
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Post by RopingRingers »

Daaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, wouldn't you be worried lol.
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Post by tpton »

wow that did not go the route I was expecting. I wonder if he'll learn anytime soon
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Post by andy »

Love the concept and the story!
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Post by RopingRingers »

tpton wrote: 4 years ago wow that did not go the route I was expecting. I wonder if he'll learn anytime soon
Where's the fun in that 😉😂
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Post by Lady Knotty »

Morning came sooner than I would have liked. It turned out this kidnapping business was more draining than I thought, so I let myself soak in the shower for a good while as the memories of the previous day slowly returned to me.

I could still picture his expression so clearly. The sheepish eye he turned upon me for a short moment when he realized his bulge had been decorated with high end lingerie. His short, yet heavy, breaths and groans of slight pain and discomfort every time I tightened a knot.

The look of contempt and disgust in his eyes when I approached him with my worn stiletto. The deep, frustrated grunts he made as I fixated it over his nostrils with layers of duct tape, making sure the scent of my feet was all he would smell for the rest of that night.

I squeezed my thighs together, letting my fingers slowly trace down from my chest until they reached the upper entrance of my warm sex.
The utter defeat and humiliation he must have felt.

After finishing my shower and skincare, I gave myself another hour to get all dolled up again. I was in no particular rush to check in on my captive, but sooner or later I would have to feed him and let him use the restroom. This time, however, I planned to make it perfectly clear for him exactly what consequences lay in store for him, should he decide to act up again.

No matter how amusing I found his struggling and moaning, he would have to learn the severity of his situation. And what better way to teach him than with a quick and short demonstration of advanced ropework?
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Post by tpton »

excited to see what "advanced ropework" will entail :lol:
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Post by noyoyo »

I had lost all concept of time. I could make out just the slightest trace of light coming from under the door, so I assumed it was morning. But I couldn’t even be sure that the light was sunlight or electric light.

I was sure that I was sore though. As soon as the woman had padded out of earshot I had started to test my restraints. There had been no give to any of them. I had almost twisted my arm off trying to find some give on my right wrist, but all that had earned me was a sore shoulder. The burn mark on my back from where I had been tasered was starting to itch as well as hurt.

I couldn’t see, and I couldn’t move. But I could certainly taste and smell. The stiletto taped to my face was warm, either from the woman’s foot or my constant breathing in to it. The scent was a bit earthy, mixed with the slightly damp leather of the shoe’s interior. There was a slight whiff of coconut as well, presumably the woman’s soap, but it was rare and quickly drowned out.

Fortunately your sense of smell dulls over time.

Unfortunately, every time I managed to doze off, the smell of the shoe was renewed when I stirred awake.

All in all, the worst night of my life.

At one point I could hear water running for a while through the pipes in the basement. After a couple minutes I assumed the woman was in the shower. I used the opportunity to try and shout as loudly as I could, testing both the gag and the sound-proof-ness of my prison. If there was any chance of making myself heard, I had to take it. Breaking free clearly wasn’t going to work. But after a couple of minutes of yelling, I realized there was almost no chance I was going to be heard from inside the building, let alone outside of it.

I put my head down and continued to try and sleep. I was pretty much naked, which didn’t help. The basement wasn’t exactly cool, but I kept working up a sweat whenever I would try to get loose. I was definitely dehydrated at this point. I was surprised that I wasn’t all that hungry, but I guess spending the night with used underwear in my mouth had dulled my appetite.

Finally, I could hear the steps of someone coming down the stairs. For a moment I couldn’t decide if I wanted to be confronted by the woman again, or just left alone.

There was a jingling of keys, and then I heard the door unlock and open. I remembered my ordeal coming out of the trunk of the car, so I kept my head down and closed my eyes. Sure enough, the lights were flicked on and were a shock to my vision. I slowly blinked, letting my eyes adjust.

As I adjusted to the light, I heard soft steps come toward me. Slowly, I raised my head. And found the woman, smug as ever, standing before me.

She had let her hair down, and changed in to a pair of tight black jeans and a light green top. Standing there, hands on her hips, she gave me that same stunning smile that had distracted me by the pool yesterday. She looked so good, for a moment I thought she was going tell me this whole thing was a practical joke. A really bad one…

But I wasn’t that lucky.

“Good morning sunshine,” she chirped. “How did you sleep?”

She ignored my groan and started running her hands over all the ropes and knots securing me to the chair. “I slept okay, I suppose,” she continued. “I could have done with another hour or so in bed. But, you know, things to do, people to ransom.”

She finished with a few gentle pats on my groin. I moaned again as she sat sideways across my lap, draping an arm across my shoulders. I turned away from her.

“Aw, are you still mad at me?” she giggled. I growled. “Here, let me help you with that.” She produced a pair of scissors, and I held very still as she carefully cut the tape fixing her stiletto to my head. She wasn’t careful at all ripping the tape off my head, and I cursed her as balled up the tape and threw it in the corner. “Oh I’m sorry, did you like smelling my shoe all night? Well, maybe I’ll treat you again later.”

She discarded the shoe and grabbed my chin, locking her dark eyes on mine. “Now then darling, the Hostage Hotel might not be five stars, but we do have to provide you with some services. This morning that consists of breakfast and a trip to the bathroom. My question to you is, can I trust you to behave this morning?”

I tried to nod as best I could with her grip on my chin. “I think I’d like to hear you say it, darling,” she chided me. “Say ‘I promise to behave’.”

And how did she expect me to do that? So instead I jerked my face away from her and tried to jolt my legs to bump her off me. When that didn’t work, I vented my whole night’s frustrations on her in an expletive laced rant.

She just sat there. And waited for me to finish. When I had, panting from the effort, she said, “That didn’t really sound like cooperation. Let’s try it one more time, before I move on. “Say ‘I promise to behave’.”

I mean… what could I do?

“I promise to behave,” I mumbled. It was completely incoherent, even to me.

“A little louder, darling,” she smirked. When I glared at her she just cocked an eyebrow and put a hand to her ear.”

“I promise to behave!” I yelled.

“Hmm,” the woman teased, pretending to be deep in thought. “Well, I think you might have learned your lesson, darling. Unfortunately, I can’t be sure. So we’ll have to take a few safety precautions.”

She stood up and walked out the door, returning with a pair of tall black stiletto boots. “I’m not sure if these are quite your size, doll. But you’ll make do.”

I moaned loudly and rolled my head. But, I could tell from the gleam in her eyes that there would be no stopping her. She untied the rope connecting my cuffs to my ankles. Then she knelt in front of me and undid the rope around my ankles, calves, and knees. I shifted my legs a bit, just to stretch out a little of the soreness. I could tell the woman was watching my movements very carefully, but she didn’t tell me to stop. She paused before deciding to untie my knees as well. She was very meticulous, and it took quite a while.

When she had finished, she stood up and lifted my left leg. I let out a groan, but for once it was the good kind. It felt wonderful just to extend my leg. She carefully fitted the boot on my foot, very snuggly. But it fit. She zipped the boot all the way up, just above my calve. She then she did the same with the other boot.

She stood back for a moment, crossed her arms, and examined me. Before breaking out in to a huge grin.

I must have looked ridiculous. I certainly felt ridiculous. Naked, except for a pair of red, laced lingerie. Tall, black stiletto boots. Half tied to a chair, with my mouth sealed full of panties.

“I doubt you’ll be running anywhere in those, huh?” she smirked. I just looked away.

She proceeded to untie the rest of my binds to the chair until only my hand cuffs remained. Before I could try to stand up, she plopped back down on my lap with a coil of rope still in her hand.

“Not so fast there, tiger,” she said.

She looped the rope around my neck, tying it off in front of me. I could see she intended to use it as a leash. The humiliation was more than I can express.

When she was done she helped me to my feet. “Just stand there for a second,” she commanded. I didn’t have much choice. Between the numbness in my legs and trying to balance myself on the high heels, I could barely stand still. She took the time to gather up her rope and organize it by the chair.

After a minute she took hold of the rope leash and gave it a gentle pull. “Come on.”

She led me out of the room into a small area with a flight of steps and a door, which led to the garage. There was another door built in to the staircase. She led me to it and opened it, revealing a tiny bathroom.

Looking inside, I didn’t even notice as she moved behind me. Suddenly, she pulled down the red panties I was wearing so that they fell to about my knees. Before I could turn around, the woman slapped my bare ass hard enough to propel me in to the small bathroom. Keeping a hold on my rope leash, the woman glanced at her watch.

“Hurry up stud,” she grinned. “Don’t make me come in there after you.”

It took quite a bit of delicate maneuvering, but I was finally able to use the toilet. After a few minutes the woman gave my leash a sharp tug, and I started to take a shaky step towards the door.

“Oh no no no no no,” she said, pushing me back in to the bathroom. “You have to wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. We want to keep things sanitary.” She gave a throaty chuckle at the expression I gave her. But she stayed blocking the doorway, so I turned my back to the sink and tried to turn on the water. She was ‘kind’ enough to give me some liquid soap.

Once I was done, she bent down to pull the panties back up. Standing with her chest up against me, she reached up to give my face a few gentle pats.

“You’re being very well behaved so far, darling,” she smirked. Then she grabbed the rope leash, pulled it tight, and said, “Now follow me.”
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Post by Lady Knotty »

I lay down on the couch in the middle of my spacey living room, exhausted, but very content with my work. I wiped some sweat from my forehead and reached for one of the many controllers on the glass table next to me.

"I feel like watching a movie or something," I said as I mindlessly switched through the channels. "A long and romantic one."

I lifted my gaze to observe the man helplessly dangling above the table. His entire body was sweating so profusely it had taken on a pink, reddish tone, and glistened in the midday sun. His breathing had become heavy and irregular by the time I was finished with him.

It had not been an easy task to bind him so thoroughly as I had done, but I was more than happy with the result.

He had been rather obedient up until the moment I showed him the hooks that were attached to the ceiling. He even let me bind his wrists so I finally could get rid of the handcuffs that prevented me from properly securing him.

Now he was dangling just a couple of inches above me, his arms hopelessly pulled up and secured behind his back, right between his shoulder blades. And while his legs were encased almost entirely with carefully organized knots, his ankles had been pulled back so far he could touch his elbows.

The duct tape around his mouth and been replaced by more rope that I had looped around the heels of his boots, forcefully jerking his head back.

Of course, he had proudly spat out my underwear the moment he got the chance. And of course, I had responded by fetching him a new batch straight from my gym bag this time. I was sure there were at the very least around five or six different thongs on his tongue at this point.

On top of that, my stiletto was back where it belonged, tightly fixated over his nostrils.

Every time he howled through his gag, I reminded him that this is exactly what happens to disobedient captives. Did he seriously think I would forget about the shit he pulled yesterday?

"You know what? I'm going to give you a fair chance at being released from that torturous position you're in."

He could only give a strained moan in response.

I lifted up my legs and stuck my feet in under his lingerie. The second I found his limp member, it immediately reacted to the playful touch of my toes. It began swelling and quickly freed itself from the fabric, sticking out in full view.

I massaged it gently with my feet, slowly going up and down the shaft while exposing the head to my toes.

I stopped, reached under the couch and pulled up one of my white magic wands that I kept permanently plugged in. I stood up and placed the vibrator under his rock hard shaft, and switched it on to see his reaction.

"Well isn't this a surprise? You act so tough and angry all the time, yet it seems like you're still able to get this hard even while tightly bound and gagged like that. Are you sure this is your first time? Girlfriend never tied you up in bed or anything?

He couldn't even manage to shake his head due to how thoroughly I had trussed him. It was easy for me to tell that no one had ever rendered him so completely helpless before. At least not to the point that he was probably begging inwardly for someone to rescue him.

I grabbed another piece of rope and tied it around his waist to set up a tie that would hold the vibrator in place and tightly pressed against his sex.

"There. How does that feel?" I asked him.

He responded with another loud groan followed by a light shake of his body.

"Good." I picked up the controller to pause the movie I had just started. "Now let me explain the rules for this little game of ours."

He tried to stare down at me, I could tell.

"I'm going to start this on the lowest intensity now," I started, pushing the vibrator up as hard as I could. "Every ten minutes, I'll increase the level by one stage."

I quickly demonstrated the difference.

"If you can last for the entire duration of my movie, you win. I'll untie you and feed you, as long as you agree to let me bind and gag you again once you're done. But if you finish..."

I moved in front of him and grabbed his face. "If you dare to fucking finish on me or my table. No, if even as much as a little pregame touches anything..." I let go of my cold demeanor and gave him a warm smile. "You'll regret it."

I took off one of my tube socks and tied it over his eyes before giving his cheek a light pat.

"Good luck."
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Please continue this story! Especially how she restrains him for the night.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Can’t wait to read what happens next!!
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Post by noyoyo »

Even as “My Heart Will Go On” blasted through the living room, all I could do was silently beg for it to end.

The twisted, evil woman had selected “Titanic” to watch during our little game. And I am sure that her selection had more to do with the three and a half hour running length than anything else.

Which meant that I had been dangling from her ceiling for at least four hours. The corners of my mouth were burning from the rope she had used to gag me. Every time I shifted my legs, even a fraction of an inch, the rope sawed in to my mouth, and pushed her underwear a little deeper against my tongue. The rope around my chest, stomach, and knees that was keeping me suspended in midair chaffed, even though I had given up trying to escape hours ago. Any squirming the woman had chided me for was just me shifting my weight, trying to find a tolerable position to stay in.

There was none.

I was sweating like a pig. The moisture made the chaffing worse. I had tried to fight her off when she had removed one of the cuffs, but at no point during our struggle did I get the upper hand. Even I had to admit it was petulant. Bound as I was, there was no way I was going to escape. But I hadn’t expected her to do THIS.

I had been breathing heavily the entire time. Occasionally I’d gag on the taste of her underwear and start choking, but her only response to this had been to raise the volume on the TV. When I tried moaning loudly, hoping she’d take pity on me, she raised it louder.

But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was the vibrator, still tied to my groin.

In my defense, I think I lasted a long time. Being in as much discomfort as I was, it was easy for me to focus on my pain, rather than the pleasure. The woman, however, would periodically use her foot to press the wand harder against me. She would guide it gently around until she could tell I was fully erect again. And then, she would stop. I think I made it as far as the dinner scene before my body overtook what my mind was telling it to do.

After that, she had removed the wand, without saying a word. And from then until shortly before the ship hit the iceberg, she turned the volume up on the television so high that I couldn’t hear anything else…

She lowered the volume to something more reasonable when the order was given to abandon ship. Then, again without speaking, though breathing a little heavier, she inserted the wand back into the panties I was wearing. It didn’t take long for her to get me erect again, despite my best efforts. She then retied the wand against me, setting the intensity to high.

I didn’t finish again, but by the time the movie was over my shaft was raw from the constant attention. And still erect.

Finally, I felt the wand turn off. Followed by the television. There had been so much going on that I hadn’t realized how labored and loud by breathing had become. It echoed throughout the suddenly quiet living room.

I was waiting for several minutes before the woman removed my blindfold. Her face was bright with smug satisfaction. She bent down, just a little bit, so that we were eye to eye, and slowly shook her head.

“You just don’t like to listen, do you?” she asked.

“Let me down,” is what I tried to moan. When she didn’t move, I repeated, “Please let me down.”

She either didn’t understand me, or she ignored me. Instead she reached down and pulled a green tablecloth off her coffee table. It was clearly filthy with sweat and seed.

“I laid it out before the movie,” she said in to my thoughts. Then she patted the top of my head. “I think we both knew you were never going to win that game.”

I started to yell, but it quickly turned in to a soft moan. It hurt too much to resist. I needed to get down from here.

She walked out of the room with the tablecloth, returning with a roll of duct tape. She set the tape down on a glass end table. Standing tall before me, I kept my eyes on the floor.

“Well, darling, a deal’s a deal. You lost.” She used a single finger to lift my chin up slightly. “Now I get to make you regret it.”

I tried to tell her that I already regretted it. But she used the same finger to playfully hit me on the nose. “Now, now, darling,” she said. “No being a sore loser.” She started chuckling as she walked away from me.

The woman proceeded to lower me to the floor. Or at least close to it, before she dropped me the last foot or so. She cut off the stiletto taped to my face and tossed it aside. She then untied my boots from the rope around my mouth, blissfully relieving both my sore mouth and my cramped legs. But before I could spit any of the thongs out of my mouth this time, she reached down with two fingers and held the big wad in my mouth.

“Never, never learn,” she sneered. With her free hand she grabbed the roll of duct tape. She tore off a long strip and pressed it down hard over my mouth. Then she cupped my face with both of her hands. “If you can keep quiet, I won’t use this whole roll to keep those nasty gym thongs in your mouth. Deal?”

She took my tired glare for a ‘yes’. I didn’t want to yell. I was just happy to be down and breathing somewhat normally again. She let me lay there for a few minutes while she re-coiled her ropes and tossed them in her gym bag.

I was lying there, quietly panting, when suddenly she grabbed me by the balls!

I yelped as she took a long, thinner coil of rope and began wrapping it around the trunk of my groin. I groaned viciously at her, but stopped immediately when she grabbed the roll of duct tape and held it up, glaring at me. I quietly watched her as she finished the knot, leaving a long piece of rope dangling from the top of the red panties.

“Alright, darling. On your feet,” she grabbed me under one of my arms and hauled me upright. I fell down the first time, either because of the weakness in my legs or my imbalance in those stupid boots, I’m not sure. Once I could stand upright, she took hold of the rope tied to my groin and used it like a leash to guide me forward. With her free hand she grabbed her gym bag.

In a couple of days that had been filled with humiliations, this had to have been the worst.

She led me back down the stairs to the basement, taking each step with me since I would have fallen down the steps in the high heeled boots. I counted two latches and one padlock on the door leading to the room where she had kept me the night before.

She walked me to the middle of the room with the chair from last night. But when I started to turn so that I could sit down, she held me fast.

“Where are you going?” she asked. Then she looked at the chair. “Oh fuck no, sweetheart. You’re not sleeping in the chair tonight.” She knelt beside me, giving my leash a firm tug as she did so. I followed her to my knees. She pushed me firmly over on to the floor.

The woman took a coil of rope from her gym bag and began tying one end of it around my already bound ankles. She took the other end a few feet away to a thick metal ring anchored to the floor. Without preamble, she yanked hard, pulling me across the cold stone floor. She then tied off the then of the rope to the ring, anchoring my feet to the floor.

She then walked over to me and flipped me on to my chest. She grabbed my bound wrists and lifted them slightly so that she could sit on the small of my back. She then untied my wrists from each other.

Now in the last 48 hours, this would normally be one of those opportunities for me to stage a fight. But my hands had been secured behind my back for almost my entire captivity. They were numb with pain, and I wasn’t able to offer any resistance at all.

Still, the woman took no chances. She quickly hauled my arms out in front of me, laying flat atop my body to pin me to the floor. She worked quickly to retie my hands together above my head, before grabbing another cord of rope. She tied one end to my wrists before using her foot to roll me flat on my back. Once again she led the end of the rope through a ring in the opposite side of the floor. She yanked it viciously, this time soliciting a few garbled curses. I was now stretched across the stone floor.

The woman brought her bag over to me and sat, with a thump, on my chest. With her crocodile grin, she gazed down at me for a few moments before reaching in to her gym bag.

“Now, darling, I know I told you this morning that there would be a meal and a trip to the bathroom,” she paused as I widened my eyes to look up at her. “But that was before you soiled my tablecloth.”

I started grumbling under my gag. I wasn’t that hungry this morning, but I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since yesterday morning.

“Aw, don’t worry sweetie, I’ve got something here for you,” she reached deep in to her bag, and came out with a handful of socks. And even before she lay them next to my head, I could smell them. I shook my head and yelled “No” over and over, but the woman took little notice. She found the roll of duct tape and placed it next to me as well.

“Let’s get those nasty thongs out of there,” she said, pealing the strip of tape off my mouth. It took her two tries to get them all, but she pulled her underwear out of my mouth. Before I had a chance to utter a syllable, two of the rancid socks were crammed in to my mouth. Immediately I tasted a putrid, earthy combination of salt and vinegar, with a hint of coconut.

“You see, darling, you forfeited your meal for the day by being a disobedient little hostage. But I hear used jogging socks are full of fiber!” She was giggling wildly at her own little joke while I twisted my head from side to side. She grabbed the tape and began wrapping it around and around and around my mouth. After at least a dozen wraps, I started to scream at her. She just smiled and ignored me as she proceeded to use the entire roll of tape to gag me.

Well not the entire roll. As reached the end she said, “And since I’m not a liar, like you…” she bent over to bite the tape off, leaving about a foot left on the roll. She held it up to my face. “See, I told you I wouldn’t use the whole roll if you stayed quiet.”

She pushed off my chest to heave herself to her feet. I watched her pick up the chair and carry it over to me. She set it down on top of me, with the legs on either side of me, and sat down. She reached down and began untying her shoes.

“Now, its about… six, seven o’clock maybe,” she informed me, “So that means you are going to have a long night to lay here and think about your situation.” She peeled off one sneaker and laid it down. Then she planted her socked foot right on my face. I roared my disapproval, shaking my head from side to side, but she just used her foot to slap me upside the head.

“Hopefully, by morning,” she continued, ambivalent to my concerns, “you will have realized that the best thing you can do for yourself is to be cooperative.” She peeled off her other shoe, and used her other foot to pin my face against the floor while she brought this one to my nose. She sat there for a moment before reaching back in to her gym bag for a fresh roll of duct tape.

“But, if you still haven’t learned your lesson, if you still want to keep trying to yell and wiggle and squirm and cry…” She slid off the chair, sitting on my chest. She picked up one of the discarded sneakers and looked at me, before breaking in to that bright, seemingly angelic smile. “… we can try again tomorrow.”

After securing her used sneaker snuggly over my face with the tape, depriving me again of fresh air, she stood up, flicked off the lights, and closed the door firmly behind her.

Plunging me into a rather pungent darkness.
Last edited by noyoyo 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RopingRingers »

That woman is evil as hell lol
Hello there!


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Post by Escapee4520 »

Wow great story! Keep this going please
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