Julie, Kenny, and Tara MFF various combinations

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Julie, Kenny, and Tara MFF various combinations

Post by herdfaninrva »

This is a continuation of the stories below. This chapter takes a far more sexual turn, so I have put it in the adult section. Subsequent chapters will continue in this direction.



Julie and Kenny explore with a Friend

The next morning, Kenny arrived at Julie’s just after breakfast. As they swam the day before, she had been adamant about having her roommate catch her in bondage. Kenny had gone back to his normal trunks while Julie had stuck to her red string bikini. “Chicken to wear the Speedo?” Julie teased.

“No, it’s fine for being tied up in but darn hard to swim in!”

“So I don’t get to tie you up today?”

“That’s up to you. You gave me the OK to tie you anytime I want to, so I’m giving you the same freedom.”

“That’s fair! Before we swim, would you mind looking at some things on the computer with me?”

“OK. What do you want to look at?”

“Yesterday after you left, every time I sat down my butt hurt like crazy…”

“Julie, I’m sorry. I was afraid I was hurting you.”

“Like I told you yesterday, you gave me exactly what I wanted and deserved. I would have been disappointed if it hadn’t hurt. But there’s more. Every time I sat down, I got the same thrill from the pain that I get from being tied up. What started out as a bad pain became a good one. Don’t ask me to explain that because I can’t. Anyway, I started exploring online and looking at what other women used to give them good pain. I was amazed at how many options there are! Some were way too severe for me, but I found a few that I liked. Most I can use on myself, but I’d rather you use them on me when you’re in town. Who knows? There might even be a few that you want me to use on you also. I want you to look at them with me.”

“I’ll be glad to look, but I won’t hurt you.”

“I know that, and that’s why I want you to be the one doing these things to me, I don’t want you to hurt me in the sense of doing harm. I do want you to hurt me in the sense of causing me pain and other sensations in a way that gives me pleasure. Big difference! Are you with me?”

“I’m trying,” he said sincerely. “All of this has come up rather suddenly, and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it.”

“How about if I make it easy?”

“Go for it.”

“You want to make me happy, right?”

“You’re my friend. Of course I do.”

“Feeling the stimulation that a spanking and some of the things we’re going to look at make me happy and excited.”

“NOW I understand what you mean, but I have no idea how or why that can happen.”

“Neither do I, and it doesn’t matter to me. Can we just go with the fact that it does?”

Kenny said not a word. He simply hugged her and gave her a big kiss. Both of them understood exactly what his answer was. As they broke their embrace, she whispered, “Please tie me up. I’ll tell you the websites to go to.”

“Wait here,” he told her. A few minutes later, he returned with a bag that she had not seen before. “I did a little shopping last night. Hands behind your back.” Gently, he snapped a pair of hinged handcuffs on her wrists then guided her to the computer chair. Using his Scout rope skills, he quickly secured her ankles to the legs and upper body to the back. “OK. Where do we go?”

The next ½ hour was spent looking at various bondage and other gear online both for him and her. Together they compiled a list of things that they both would like to try. Many could be made easily from items available at any hardware store, and they would start with those.

“What time do you expect Tara?” Kenny asked.

“Around two,” Julie replied.

“Great. I’ll get you untied and we can get some sun and swimming in before she gets here.”

“OK, but leave the handcuffs on me, hobble my ankles, and blindfold me until we’ve been outside for a few minutes.”

“What if someone’s out there?”

“I’ll just tell them that we’re playing a trust game, which is true. It’s just that I’m proving that I trust you not working on building my trust.”

“Is that what you’re going to tell Tara?”

“No, I’m going to tell her the truth - that I like being tied up by you and have given me the OK to tie me anytime you want to. If you want to tell her that you’ve given me the same OK, you can, but that’s your choice.”

“You’re setting me up to look bad,” Kenny laughed. “If you spill your ½ of the beans and I don’t I’ll look like a big chicken!”

“That wasn’t what I meant, but if you think it was, you can punish me later. Don’t forget, you still owe me one punishment from yesterday.”

“I know you didn’t mean it that way I was only joking with you. But it sounds like you like being punished.”

“I don’t like it, but there’s something erotic about it that I’ve never felt before, and I do like that. Besides, I’ve discovered in the last two days that pleasing you is the thing that makes me the happiest. If I do something displeasing, I want something to think about so that I don’t do it again.”

“Those are powerful words, Julie, but I have three even more powerful to say to you. I love you. I have for a long time but didn’t want to say it because I didn’t want to ruin a great friendship.”

“Nothing will ever ruin our friendship, but I think we’ve crossed a line that we should have crossed long ago.”

“I agree. We’ll talk more about it after we surprise Tara, OK?”

“Yes. When you get me loose from the chair, give me a couple of good, hard swats on my butt then let’s go swimming.”

“Sure!” Kenny replied.

When they got to the pool, there were several others from the apartments, mostly college students taking summer classes, swimming and sunbathing. All noticed the blindfolded, handcuffed beauty but none asked a question or commented. Carefully, Kenny led her to an unoccupied lounge chair and removed her blindfold and restraints. From then until lunchtime, they swam and chatted amiably with those around. Some asked Julie about her roommates and when they would return while Kenny talked baseball with players from the local college’s team. When the time came for them to go in for lunch, Julie wordlessly blindfolded herself then placed her hands behind her back. Kenny cuffed them, and they headed for lunch.

Kenny guided her to a straight-back chair and tied her torso to it and her ankles as well. “I’m going to have a hard time eating tied like this,” Julie commented.

“Not to worry, dear! I have a plan.” Without further explanation, Kenny left her to her thoughts while cooking lunch as quietly as possible.”Open up,” he instructed. Expecting a gag, Julie did as told. To her surprise, he filled her mouth with spaghetti.

“This is good! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Just let me know when you need a drink.” For the next few minutes, he alternated between feeding her and eating. When they were done, he asked, “How was that?”

“Great, and having you feed me was fun!”

“Next time, we reverse roles,” he told her. “Now let’s get you untied so we can get Tara’s surprise ready.”

Julie was set free, got a quick shower, then came back into the living room. When she did, it was obvious she was only wearing an almost-too-short bathrobe. “How do you want to tie me?” she asked.

“Depends on what kind of scene you want to create for her - bedroom, willing victim, robbery in progress…”

“Let’s do willing victim since that’s really what I am.”

“OK. Go put on a miniskirt, tube top, and pantyhose. I’ll hogtie you on the floor. When she puts her key in the door, I’ll go in the bedroom and be very quiet. You can tell me when you’re ready for me to come out.”

“Sounds good! Are you going to blindfold and gag me?”

“If you want. It’s only 1:00, so you’ll be how ever I tie you for at least an hour.”

“That’s not a problem. Might be a challenge for me to be gagged that long, but it’s a challenge I want to take on.”

“OK, then go get dressed like I said.”

She returned a few minutes later, and the first thing Kenny noticed was that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples stood out like mountains through the tight material of the top. Before he could say anything, she asked, “Do you like it, or would you rather I go back and put a bra on?”

“I like it, but that’s your call, not mine. If you’re comfortable like you are, then we’ll go with that.”

“VERY comfortable! Now let’s get going in case she’s early.”

Kenny handed her the ankle and wrist cuffs and told her to put them on, which she happily did. He surprised her a bit by having her blindfold and gag herself while she was still standing. Guiding her to an open space in the middle of the room, he whispered to her, “Do you trust me to lay you down?” She nodded that she did. “Just go limp. Let me do the work.” She followed his instructions, and he gently laid her on the floor. “Bring your feet up to your hands.” When she complied he took a single lock and ran it through the D-rings on all four cuffs and snapped it shut. With her now completely helpless, he could not resist the temptation to give her feet a few tickles then do the same to her ribs. She did her best to giggle through the gag, but not much sound came out. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I’m going to be right here with you until I hear her key in the door. If you have any problems, let me know. OK?” Again she nodded.

For a short time, Julie just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of being helpless. All her cares became meaningless as there was nothing she could do until Kenny released her. What would happen after her roommate arrived was totally beyond her control. All she knew was that she would trust Tara or Kenny with her life. She was as safe and happy as she could be. As time passed, even though she knew there was no escaping from her bonds, she decided to try anyway. “You OK?” Kenny asked, she nodded that she was. As she struggled, her wardrobe began to malfunction as her skirt rode up and her right breast began to escape from her top. Wanting to help her keep her modesty, Kenny carefully tried to get the top back over it, but Julie shook her head “no.” Before he could follow up on her decision, the sound of Tara’s key was heard, and he hastily made his way to the bedroom and out of sight.

As soon as the door opened, Tara screamed, “Julie! Are you all right? Who did this to you?” Only after a few garbled sounds did she realize that Julie was gagged. When she did, she ran over to her and removed the gag. “What happened?”

“Kenny tied me up,” Julie replied.

“I’m shocked! I thought he was a friend. Why would he do that?”

“Because I like it, and I asked him to.”

“You like being tied up?” Tara asked incredulously.

“Yes, and the more we do this, the more I like it.”

“Oh, my goodness, I just noticed your top. Did he do that, too?”

“No, I did it. I was struggling a little just to see if by some chance something was loose enough that I could escape. I accidentally on purpose managed to get it like that. I’m pretty sure he’s seen a girl’s tit before, and I think he’ll be seeing mine regularly some day. Hey, Kenny, come on out. Our surprise worked just fine.”

“Julie, do you mean that you let me catch you like this on purpose?”

“Yes. He and I are going to be playing like this a lot this summer, and I knew that eventually you’d come in while we are. Might as well have some fun with you in the process. You were great!”

“It’s fun now, but you scared me half to death!”

“Then I should face the consequences. If you want to spank me or tickle torture me, there’s nothing I can do to stop you. Just put my gag back in and go to it.”

“Kenny, has she lost her mind?”

“Not at all. She’s just found a side of herself that she never knew existed. I’ve never seen her happier than she’s been the last three days while we’ve been playing. Honestly, I’ve never been happier either.”

“I get the feeling you two are now more than just good friends.”

“We’ve got some talking to do before we make that official, but by this time tomorrow, you’ll probably be right.”

Turning to Julie, Tara asked, “You really want me to spank or tickle you?”

“I want you and Kenny to do what you think is right. There’s nothing I can do to stop you, and that’s the way I like it.”

Kenny motioned for Tara to go into the kitchen with him. “Let’s give her a real test. We’ll get her face down and spreadeagle on the bed. You tickle, I’ll spank.”

“Do you think she can handle both at the same time?”

“That’s the point. For our relationship to go the direction she thinks she wants it to go, we have to know what she can handle and what she can’t. With two pairs of eyes on her, this will be a safe test of that.”

When they returned to the living room, Kenny unlocked Julie’s bonds but only long enough to temporarily free her feet. He locked her wrists back together then without fixing her top carefully lifted her. With Tara spotting, he carried her into the bedroom and was glad to find the spreadeagle ropes still in place. Before releasing her hands, he pulled her ankles wide apart and locked them into place. He then took her wrists and secured them. “Julie, this is going to be for a while. Are you 100% sure that you can breathe OK?...If you have any trouble as we go, shake your head.”

For the next five minutes, the pair attacked Julie. Tara tickled as hard as she could while Kenny spanked as hard as he felt safe doing so. The sounds coming through Julie’s gag were a mixture of yelps and laughs. When he signaled Tara to stop, he quickly removed the gag and began to untie her. “Please don’t untie me just yet,” Julie asked. “I’m fine and I want to enjoy this feeling for a bit longer.” Without a word, Kenny obliged her. He and Tara stepped back to where they could see her well. She did indeed seem fine and in fact was smiling brightly. Finally, Julie told them, “OK, you can untie me if you want to. I’m in no hurry, though.” As soon as she was free, she gave Kenny the best bear hug she could muster then did the same to Tara. “If this is what’s going to happen when I’m naughty I need to be naughty more often.”

“You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Tara asked.

“More than I can begin to tell you!”

“But Kenny’s spanking had to hurt!”

“It did, but I’m discovering that it’s a hurt that I enjoy. Kind of like the muscle soreness we get after a good, hard practice. Beyond that, I’m as turned on as I’ve ever been in my life. That part I can’t explain. All I can say is that if Kenny and I were married, I’d be begging him to take me as hard as he could.”

“Are you two thinking about getting married?”

“Not yet,” Kenny answered, “but I can foresee a time when that might well happen. Julie, you remember at camp when they talked about the difference between the Greek words “agape” “philos” and “eros”?


“Well, I feel my love for you changing from just philos to a very powerful mixture of all three.”

“That’s good,” she replied as she gave him another big hug, “because I feel the same thing happening.”

Tara commented, “Thanks for trusting me to have that conversation in front of me! Of course, I’m not sure that you were even aware of me when you were having it!”

Kenny and Julie bumped into each other trying to hug her as Julie responded, “I don’t think we were, but it wouldn’t have mattered. That’s something we WANT you to know, right, Kenny?”


“Julie, you still haven’t fixed your top,” Tara laughed.

“I know. Apparently, Kenny doesn’t mind, or he would have said something.”

“I don’t but wasn’t going to say anything anyway since I didn’t think it was bothering you.”

“Looks like we were both on the same page!” Kenny told her.

By now they had made their way into the living room. Kenny and Julie were side-by-side on the couch, and Tara was in a recliner across from them. “Tara, we’ve talked about how I felt while I was tied up. What about you? What did you think?” Julie asked.

“It was strange, really. I couldn’t decide whether I was enjoying my role more or wishing I were you. You’re a DEAR friend, and I felt bad about enjoying seeing you helpless and being hurt but that’s how I felt. At the same time, I REALLY wanted to experience the feelings you were having. There were even a couple of flashes where I thought about me having Kenny where you were. Makes no sense. I hope you don’t think I’m weird or crazy!”

“Not at all!” Kenny assured her. “I’m just happy you don’t think we are!”

“I’ll admit I did for a few minutes, but once I saw how happy you two were, I changed my mind.”

“Honest answer time. Promise me that you’ll tell me the truth, not what you think I want to hear,” Julie said.


“Do you really want to know what it’s like to top Kenny or to be tied up like I was?”

“Both, but I wouldn’t want to do anything that hurts you or threatens the relationship you two have going.”

“As long as there’s no sex involved you won’t do either,” Julie said calmly. “Kenny?”


“Tell you what,” Julie told Tara, “let’s get your car unloaded and let you get some rest. We’ll talk at dinner about how to make that happen.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” a very surprised Tara replied. “You would really let me join in?”

“Yes. I believe the day will come when Kenny and I play in a more sexual way than we are now. Then it will be just us, but until then, you’re welcome to join occasionally. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it as well as I do and decide to get Chuck to play with you.”

“That’s possible for sure. By the way, when’s Sherri due back?”

“Sometime this coming weekend.”

“I know you chose to get in trouble for doing this, but maybe we should be tied up when she gets here,” suggested Tara.

“Agreed, and I have something fun in mind for that. We’ll talk about that in a day or so.”

With Kenny’s help, it didn’t take long to unload Tara’s car and move everything into her room. As they did, they chatted about their summers to this point and life in general. When they finished, Tara surprised her friends by changing into her flowered bikini. “Don’t you need to rest a while?” Julie asked.

“Yes. Right beside the pool!” Tara replied.

Kenny and Julie needed no encouragement to join her.

Later as they sat down to dinner, Julie asked Tara, “What do you want to do first? Top Kenny, top me, or have one or both of us top you?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. This is SO new to me.”

“I have an idea. Let’s see how brave we are. We all put on four articles of clothing and play strip poker. We play the hand we’re dealt. Low hand has to take off a piece of clothing. First two to their limit on taking things off are the two bottoms. First one to stop gets tied up until we have a second person. The last one gets to tie them however he or she wants for an hour. Spanking and tickling are encouraged. What do you think?”

“NOW I think you’re crazy!” Tara answered. “You’re saying two of us end up naked?”

“Not at all. We can stop at whatever level of being undressed we choose. No one has to take off anything if they don’t want to,” Julie clarified.

“I still think you’re crazy, but I guess I am, too. I’m in,” Tara agreed.

“Same for me - except the crazy part. I think you’re a genius!” Kenny added.

When they were seated at the table, Kenny was wearing a tshirt, shorts, underwear, and a baseball cap. Julie had on a tube top (no bra underneath), short shorts, pantyhose, and a bikini bottom. Tara wore a bikini, pantyhose, and a see-through cover up. Kenny lost the first two hands so was quickly down to his shorts and underwear. Luck changed on the next two as Julie lost her shorts and Tara lost her cover up. Kenny lost again on the next one to leave him with only his underwear. “Do you want to stop and be tied up in that?” Julie asked.

“I’ll let you two vote,” he answered.

“I say you keep playing,” his girlfriend told him.

“Since obviously you’re willing to risk me seeing him naked, I’ll vote yes as well,” Tara added.

Julie lost the next hand, and off came her hose. “In or out?” Tara asked.

“Kenny, turn about’s fair play. Your call.”


“I’m in all the way. No need to ask if I lose again,” Julie said.

Kenny lost the next one, and without complaint was now naked. “Tara, since you’re in the lead now, you get to time me up. What’s your choice?”

“On the floor, hands behind your back, feet together.” He did as instructed, and she roped him into a somewhat uncomfortable hogtie then blindfolded and gagged him.

Tara lost the next hand to put her and Julie at their tops and bottoms. “Tara?”

“No way am I letting you show me up,” she laughed. “All in!”

The girls split the next two hands so both were topless. The final hand would decide the game. Julie thought she was in good shape when her hand was a full house, but it was not to be. Tara had four aces. “May I take Kenny’s blindfold off for a minute?” Julie asked.


After giving his eyes time to readjust to the light, she moved to where he could see her and slid her bottom off. “Like what you see?” she asked. Kenny enthusiastically nodded his head yes.

“How do you want me?” Julie asked.

“Same as Kenny.”

Julie quickly complied, and Tara hogtied her as well but did not gag her. She also took out Kenny’s gag. “I admit it. I need your help. I want to make the next hour fun for all of us but really don’t know where to start.”

“First off, it doesn’t have to be for just an hour. You can keep me tied up and do anything you want to me for as long as you want,” Julie told her. “As for what to do, just think about what you would want one of us to do to you and go at it.”

“I couldn’t have said it better,” Kenny added.

“OK, but if I do something you don’t like, you have to promise to punish me HARD for it.”

“Deal, but only after we explain what you did that we didn’t like,” replied Julie. “My toy bag is beside my bed. You can use anything you want in it on me. No body parts are off limits. Gag me before you start, but if you have questions about how to use something, just take it out, ask, then put it back in.”

“What she said goes for me as well,” added Kenny.

When Tara returned with the bag, she took Julie’s gag out and asked her what the clothespins in it were for. When Julie explained, Tara asked, “How many can you take?”

“I don’t know. They’re on my ‘I haven’t tried’ list. Just start putting them on me wherever you want to. I’ll shake my head when I’ve had enough.”

As soon as she said that, Kenny started trying to talk into his gag. After several attempts Tara figured out that he was trying to tell her that he wanted to watch. “OK,” Tara said.

“It’ll cost you!” Julie added. “Will you agree to 10 swats with the big paddle if we let you?”

Kenny enthusiastically nodded that he would.

Tara took Julie by her hogtie rope and scooted her to where Kenny could see. As she did, Julie moaned as the carpet rubbed against her nipples and pussy. Tara took one of the pins and tried to put it on Julie’s right arm, but it wouldn’t stay. Next, she tried her stomach with the same results. “Julie, honey, you’re in such good shape that I’m afraid the only place I’m going to get these to stay is on your tits and pussy lips. Are you sure you want me to do that?”

Julie nodded then tried to speak through her gag. After a couple of attempts, Tara finally thought she knew what she was trying to say. “You want me to try on your toes?” Julie again nodded.

Tara rolled her friend onto her side then gave her soles a few good tickles. Gently closed a pin on her right foot. Julie yelped a bit, but it stayed. After adding to each foot, she turned her attention to Julie’s right tit. The yelps got louder with each one that she put along the sides, top and bottom but turned to a full fledged scream when she put the one on her nipple. “Are sure you want me to do the other one?” Julie emphatically nodded that she did. As attention was turned to her left, all were thankful that Julie was tightly gagged as her scream would have likely drawn a response from concerned neighbors. When she looked over at Kenny, she could not help noticing that his erection was in full bloom. Tara moved to Julie’s crotch and commented, “You’re enjoying this aren’t you? You’re soaking wet! I’m not even sure I can get these to stay on!” Julie screamed as the first pin bit into her most tender flesh and again as each successive one did the same. When she was finished, Tara stepped back to watch as Julie rolled around on the floor and moaned into her gag. “Do you want me to take them off?” she asked. Julie shook her head no. Suddenly, Tara realized that her hand was now inside her bottom and fingering herself. Knowing what would happen if she kept it in there, she pulled it out and turned her attention to Kenny. “Ready for your spanking, big boy?” she teased.

He nodded that he was. She put his blindfold back on then released his hogtie rope and ankles and guided him to a kitchen chair. “I’m going to untie your wrists. No funny business. Just reach over the seat and put them back together.” He did as instructed and she secured them out of the way of the paddle and tied his ankles to the outside of the front legs.. After rubbing his ass with it a bit, she stepped away and returned to Julie. “Since Kenny got to watch me torture you, it’s only fair that you get to watch me do him.” Tara carefully began taking the clothespins off of Julie, who screamed into her gag as with each one coming off blood rushed back into the area. Noticing that Julie was soaked not only in her pussy but from head to toe, she asked, “Do you need a drink?” Julie shook her head, but Tara wasn’t buying it. “I think you’re trying to be brave instead of smart. I’m going to untie you and give you one whether you want me to or not...Here’s a towel Take a minute, cool off, and get a drink...Feel better?”

“Yes, thanks! You were right when you said I was enjoying it. Makes no sense, but I was more turned than as I’ve ever been in my life! Can’t wait to do it again! OK. Let’s take care of Kenny. Tie me up where he can see me.”

“Will do,” Tara replied as she handed Julie her bikini.

“Nope. The deal was that the two losers stay naked for an hour, and I’m going to hold up my end. Put the pins back on just my nipples, too.”

“OK. Hands behind your back!”

Julie obeyed, and Tara put the handcuffs on her. Next, she tied her ankles shoulder-width apart then started walking her across the room. “You forgot three things,” Julie reminded her. “Clothespins, blindfold, and gag.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right,” Tara replied as she fixed the oversight. Carefully, she guided Julie to a chair directly across from Kenny and helped her sit down. “Legs tied together, right?” Julie shook her head no, so Tara took each ankle and tied it to the outside of a front leg then tied her knees apart as well. Finally, she tied the cuffs and tied them to a rung in the chair back, pinning them behind her.

Now, she was able to turn her attention back to Kenny. “Sorry I had to leave you so long. Your girlfriend had worked herself into quite a state then decided to take a little risk with her health. You OK?...Good. She wants you to be able to watch her while I spank you, so I’m going to take your blindfold off. Remember it’s bright in here, so open your eyes slowly...Here we go.”



Kenny and Julie were both trying to talk through their gags, but Tara could not understand them. Finally, she took Kenny’s out. “You’re being WAY too easy,” he told her. “Start over and about twice or three times that hard.”

“OK,” Tara said meekly. “Gag back in, right?”





Both nodded and she continued with the same force. When she reached 10, Kenny was making good use of his gag to muffle his cries, and his ass was bright red. On the other hand, his cock was once again at full attention. Julie was doing her best to smile through the gag.

Tara removed both their gags but kept them tied. “That was quite a workout for me but probably a lot harder for both of you! We still have a half hour to go, but I think you’ve earned early release. I deserve to be punished for playing with myself, forgetting Julie’s pins, blindfold, and gag, and not hitting Kenny hard enough. Do you want to switch and do that now?”

“No,” replied Julie. “I signed up for an hour and I want to get my full consequences. No mercy.”

“Same here,” Kenny agreed. “You don’t have to be punished, though. Those were honest mistakes.”

“Thanks, Kenny, but I want to be and deserve to be, and like Julie said, no mercy.”

“OK. We’ll do that later after we finish and take a break. What’s next, Mistress?”

“Honestly, I don’t know what you like, don’t like, or can handle. I really don’t know what to do.”

“Tara, I think you’re hiding something,” Julie told her. “You’re terrible at lying. Am I right?”

“Yes, and I should have been honest with you about this from the beginning. I’ve been doing things like this since I was 14 with my boyfriends and a few female friends. I’m a switch. Most of the time - but not by much - I like being the one tied and tormented, but I like doing the same to others, too. Most nights when I tell you I’m going to a club, it’s a bondage club. It’s never been anything sexual and never will be with girls. I’ve got a bag of toys in my room. I think it has something in it that you’ll like. I deserve to be punished severely for holding out on you, so I’ll meet a friend there who will do that. You’re welcome to come along if you’d like. Be right back. I just hope that you won’t think I’m crazy and that we can still be friends.”

Neither Kenny nor Julie spoke as she left the room. When she returned with what looked like a magic wand from the Harry Potter stories, Julie asked her, “Do you know what you just did with what you said?”

“Probably lost two of my best friends and my spot on the cheer squad,” Tara replied.

“Just the opposite,” Julie said with a smile. “You gave me a word for what I’m realizing I am and let me know that I’m not alone. You’ve also given me two people to explore with instead of one. I have no idea what I like and don’t like. Two days ago, I started a journey, and now I have someone who’s on the same road ahead of me. Someone I know and trust. Someone whose secret will become our secret as we explore together.”

“WOW!” Kenny added. “I’ve spent the last few minutes trying to figure out what I wanted to say, but now I don’t have to. Julie, you just said it for me! And Tara, you don’t owe us any punishment. Any sane person would have been concerned about telling us what you did. But if taking that punishment makes you happy, we’ll gladly go with you tomorrow, right Julie?”

“Right! Now enough serious talk! Tara, I know you’re not auditioning for the next Harry Potter movie. What the heck do you have?”

“I call it a zapper. It’s like a cattle prod but with less power so there's no chance of it doing any real harm. It can get pretty painful if it’s used on shall we say sensitive parts or turned up to some of its higher settings. I use it on myself at times because I want to work up to a real cattle prod. I have bet with a couple on who can get there first. One’s a guy, and one’s a girl. Do either of you want to try it?”

“Sure!” both agreed.

“Any place that’s off limits?”

“No,” Kenny told her. “I said no mercy.”

“Likewise,” Julie agreed

“OK. I’m going to untie you and let you stretch for a few minutes. Kenny, you get to go first this time. I’ll tie you spreadeagle on my bed, and we’ll see what happens?”

“I get to be tied up while I watch, right?”

“Yes, but you’re doing the tying this time. You can use my cuffs. I’ll help you if you need an extra hand.”

All three took their time getting ready for their next adventure. Soon, Kenny, still naked, was tied spreadeagle and face up on Tara’s bed. “Julie, I know you were planning to stay nude, but I have something you might want to try. You game?”


“OK. Close your eyes. Hands over your head, feet shoulder-width apart.” Julie did so, and Tara slid a bikini bra down her arms but did not fasten it in place. Next, she took a string bikini bottom, tied it on her roommate, then fastened the bra. “Hands down behind your back...On your knees on the seat of that chair.” Tara tied Julie into a position where she was secure and still had a clear view of her boyfriend. “I’m going to tighten your bottom. Let me know if it gets too tight.” As she did, Julie felt something pushing into her skin. Whatever it was was uncomfortable but not terribly painful. “OK?” Tara asked.

“Sure. I can take more if you’d like.”

“Maybe next time. Here goes with your top. Same thing...OK?”

“Yes. It hurts a little but not too bad. What is it?”

“Thumbtacks that I’ve blunted quite a bit. This is called a tack bikini, and this is the beginner version.”

“I like it, but I think I’ll get used to it pretty quickly. You’ll need to tighten it. Remember, I said no mercy.”

“OK. Kenny, you ready?”

“Ready and anxious!”

“I’m going to blindfold but not gag you. That way, you can tell me if I need to go up or down on the intensity.”

ZAP! Her first shock went to his shoulder. The next few went to random less sensitive places around his body. Occasionally, she would tease him by touching a spot but not flipping the switch. Kenny made a few sounds, enough to let her know that he was feeling it but not to indicate any real pain. Unknown to him, she was gradually turning up the power. Sure that he could handle what she was doing, she delivered the next round to his feet. Those got his attention immediately and brought some serious yelps. “Kenny, I know what you said earlier, but I’m going to ask you directly. Is it OK to hit your cock and balls?”

“Yes,” he replied firmly. “Better gag me just in case I get too loud. Don’t want the neighbors wondering what’s going on.”

“You have to tighten this as tight as you can,” Julie interrupted. “I’m not really feeling anything now.”

“Will do.”

ZAP! Her first charge went to his balls followed by one to the shaft of his cock and one to the tip which instantly drew a shot of cum.

Kenny was instantly happy he had asked for the gag.

Removing his gag, she asked, “Had enough?”

“That’s your call. You’re in charge,” he answered calmly.


“I think it’s time to switch places.”

“Not yet,” Kenny told her. “Give me a few more.”

She did as he asked then reversed him and Julie. Julie’s beautiful ass, pussy, and tits were covered in indentations from the tacks, but these would dissipate soon.

“Do you have anything like what you put on Julie for me?” Kenny asked.

“I’m afraid not,” Tara answered, “but I can tie you with coconut rope. As sweaty as you are, it’ll get pretty irritating. I can even put some on your cock and balls if you want.””

“Make it so. Full treatment.”

“Will do, but no blindfold nor gag in case you have an allergy to it that we don’t know about.”

Once he was secured, she blindfolded and tied Julie face up and spreadeagle on the bed. “OK, roomie, you ready for the same treatment your boyfriend got?” Tara asked?

“Fire away, but gag me first. I trust you.”

Tara took out a gag made from a wiffle golfball so that Julie could breathe through it if necessary. ZAP! The first jolt landed on Julie’s right bicep. Others followed on her arms and shins. As she had done with Kenny, Tara gradually increased the intensity and would occasionally touch her without triggering the device. Without warning, Tara turned her attention to Julie’s sensitive feet with a quick burst on each sole. Julie screamed into her gag but also knew that her tenderest areas were yet to come. She didn’t have to wait long as her tits were next with the last shock on each squarely on the nipple. Tara slowly ran the zapper down Julie’s stomach toward her crotch. “Do you know how wet you are?” Julie nodded that she did. As Tara continued to attack, Julie screamed into her gag but the secretions from her pussy betrayed the fact that she was loving every minute of it.

Nearby, the coconut rope was irritating Kenny as intended, but his erection betrayed his arousal as well.

Without warning, Tara suddenly stopped and gently touched her friend’s chest. “Julie, Honey, you may not know it, but you’re about to hyperventilate. Time to stop this. Focus on slowing down your breathing.” As she did so, Tara quickly untied her. “You OK?”

“I’ve never felt better in my life!” Julie exclaimed. “I’m exhausted but thrilled. I can’t explain it!”

“Good. Your hour is up, so go get a shower and get dressed while I untie Kenny.”

Julie gladly headed for the bathroom and was followed by Kenny once she was done. Soon, the trio was in the living room to relax. Julie was in her red bikini and Kenny his red trunks. Tara was now naked and hogtied on the floor as part of her desired punishment. They spent some time discussing the hour just completed. Tara commented that while she looked forward to being on the bottom soon, she had enjoyed the feeling of power and the responsibility of assuring the safety of her two friends. Both Julie and Kenny said that they had enjoyed being the sub and thought that Tara had done a fantastic job of helping them explore. Each admitted that seeing the other bound and tormented was erotic and exciting. They knew that the day would come when their sexual desires would be fulfilled together.

The next phase of Tara’s punishment took place at dinner. After Kenny had tightened her hogtie to make it much more uncomfortable, he and Julie set up the grill outside for hamburgers. They made sure that it was close enough to the partially opened door that Tara could smell the meal in progress. When they were ready to eat, Kenny helped her to a kitchen chair and tied her securely to it. There she faced two choices. Go hungry or eat broccoli, which she hated. With great reluctance, she chose the latter. Meanwhile, Kenny and Julie took their burgers and joined friends around the pool. When they finished, they turned her chair so that she could see them enjoying themselves but was far enough back from the door that with the lights off she could not be seen.

When Julie and Kenny came back in, Tara told them, “I’ve been thinking, since you’re going with me to the punishment tomorrow, one of you could drive. It’s not hard to find, so you could have me tied up, blindfolded, and gagged as we go. If it’s OK with you, Kenny, I’ll send her your email address, and you can do whatever she says to me when you get here.”

“Will you ask her to give him orders for something to do to me?” Julie asked.

“Sure! I’ll tell her you’re just starting out. She can be pretty cruel. That’s why I’m having her punish me.”

“DON’T YOU DARE!!” Julie retorted.

“OK. How about I tell her that you haven’t done anything to deserve to be punished and are getting tied up because you want to?”

“That’s fair.”

“Kenny, will 7:30 work for you to pick us up?”

“No problem there.”

“Julie, please untie me so I can do the email. After I send it, tie me just like I am but make the hogtie a little more strenuous.”

Kenny and Julie kissed good night and parted wondering what adventures the next day might hold.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

I probably won't get to Tara's actual punishment until late on 6/15 or 6/16. If anyone wants to suggest what happens to her, feel free to do so.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice read. Thank you. I think I can wait for the continuation until you have time again :-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by RopingRingers »

Gettin' frisky ;)
Hello there!


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Post by tickletied84 »

Great story - like the way this has built up and allowing them to explore their feelings for each other - and now including Tara is great fun too! Although they seem to be enjoying their punishments too much!!
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Post by herdfaninrva »

tickletied84 wrote: 4 years ago Great story - like the way this has built up and allowing them to explore their feelings for each other - and now including Tara is great fun too! Although they seem to be enjoying their punishments too much!!
I think their response to your comment would be, "I resemble that remark!" :D :D :D :D :D
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Still looking for suggestions as to Tara's punishments.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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