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Post by Dpsiic »

Hope you don’t get RSI RopeBunny with all this writing, but keep it coming please :D
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Post by ichundso »

This is absolutely magnificent. Some of the hottest, funnest, most creative stuff I've ever read on here. You're outdoing yourself!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

October Dawn.

After tying Lily and Donna up, before vanishing for good, Silent Death drops down behind the girls. Placing a sign beside the path, facing the direction LARPers will most likely approach from, he smiles, and then climbs back up into the canopy.

Neither girl knows about the sign. Though they could move around the tree, because only their wrists are tied, they don't, instead Lily and Donna simply stand and talk the time away, awaiting the rescue both are certain is coming.

The sign reads. 'Caught. And left here for the enjoyment of all. Please add rope. Please do touch the girls.' At the bottom is a simple winking face line drawing.

Beside the sign is a handy pile of rope, and other fun things.

The first group to pass by see the sign, and smile as they spy the two black clad girls ahead. A male and female, all that's left of a bigger team from the King and Steve's battle, each grab some rope and wander over to the wrist tied girls.

"Oh." Lily turns her head, catching sight of the two newcomers. "I don't suppose you...." At which point the female kneels down infront of Donna, dropping her rope. "Right then. Of course we're getting tied up more." Lily shakes her head. "Well." Donna adds, before flinching as the female yanks a knot tight. "Ouch, damn it. I guess we should've expected this."
"Sure." The guy, busy working on Lily, looks up from his position down by her feet. "What with the sign and all. You girls are going to be very popular."
"Sign?" Lily asks. But the guy just winks, before standing up. Finished. "I'd gag you too." He shrugs, as his teammate also stands, brushing down the knees of her faded jeans. "But we wouldn't want to spoil the next groups fun."
"Next group?" Asks Donna. "What did that fucking ninja jerk do? What sign?"
"Shhh." The girl tells Donna, putting a finger to her lips. "Sod what he just said. One more word and I'll gag you myself."
"So this is Silent Deaths doing huh?" The guy muses, looking from the girls towards the half hidden sign and back. He shakes his head. "Guys quite a joker. Anyway." He waves, setting off after the girl, who'd already begun to wander away. "See you girls if we come back around."

Now, in addition to bound wrists, Lily and Donna's ankles and knees have been tied too. Tied together, and then bound to the tree trunk behind them, this means that both girls are now held in place, unable to move around the trunk to see the sign, should either of wanted to. "At least we're still facing each other." Donna smiles. "True." Lily nods, smiling back, both girls seeing the craziness of the situation, preferring to find it funny rather then upsetting. "And no gags either." Lily points out. "Which is a plus."
"No gags yet."
"Hmm. True." Lily shrugs, not much they can do about that. "So." She grins at Donna. "What were we talking about?"
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

The abandoned mine, part 04. Charlie.

"Okay." Matt looks up, smiling, replacing his pen. "That's everything. You're good to go."
"Thanks." Charlie grins.

The final member of the now all dead Storm Chasers, the rest having perished fighting for Steve in the huge battle, Charlie had spent all night helping her parents deal with a family emergency. She'd been unsure, as she finally got into bed at five in the morning, whether she'd even be able to attend, and had texted her groups leader telling him not to expect her. However, waking around eleven her parents had urged her to attend, the emergency was no longer such, and they knew how much their daughter loved her LARPS. So, luckily living locally, the Storm Chasers being the closest based team, Charlie had got changed and tooled up, then hopped on a bus. Charlie is twenty four. A curvy girl, with D cups and a toned butt, not carrying too much extra fat, but not a gym bunny either. Charlie wears skintight black leggings with white lighting patterns down each leg, tucked into dirty dark brown knee high army boots. Her breasts are covered by a loose fitting short sleeved off white tee. The tee is cut very short, it barely covers her breasts, hanging off them, leaving her whole belly exposed, along with a great view of the bottom of her white push up bra. Charlie is armed with twin axes, each of normal log chopping size, worn tucked into special loops on her belt. Her long hair is dyed blue, and tied back in a loose tail.

"So. Um." Charlie looks down at the map, then up at Matt. "Yes?" He asks, with a kind smile, the rest of the Storm Chasers had told Matt about Charlie's absense, making sure he made a note should she arrive after all, so he knew she was allowed entry, having already paid. "What can I do for you young lady?"
"Well." She points to where the battle has now already occurred. "I know the fight was here. I've already missed it. So." She shrugs. "I don't really know where I should go. I've no clue if my team is still alive."
"You'd just like to go out there and have some fun huh?"
"Basically yes." Charlie nods, smiling. "I guess I won't last long alone." She shakes her head. "I'm kinda expecting to be some kinky guys tied up bitch before the hour is out. But." She stares again at the map. "I'd like to at least try and do something interesting."
"Hmm." Matt smiles, reaching forwards to tap at a particular part of the map. "The mine?" Charlie looks at the spot, then at Matt. "I should go there?"
"I wouldn't know." Matt shrugs, but winks too. "Good luck not becoming a tied up bitch." He smiles, and Charlie smiles back, nodding, then she heads into the woodland.

Charlie reaches the mine without incident, only passing a very pissed off Wizard, minus staff, coming the other way. She draws her axes, widening her stance, but needn't of bothered. "I'm already dead." Tim informs her, shaking his head as he walks past. "Oh. Right." Charlie replaces her weapons, watching him stomp off back the way she'd just come.

The mine complex is deserted. Well apart from Alice and Sonya, but Charlie neither sees nor hears the mummified pair. Nor does she explore much. Drawn to the mines entrance, and the cart sat there, Charlie ignores all the buildings. Drawing her axes she approaches the cart cautiously, circling round in a wide approach ark, being overly cautious, sensing a trap. But nothing happens, she reaches the cart without incident, breathing a sigh of relief. Weapons and clothes, with a scattering of armour, are strewn everywhere, both in and around the wooden cart. The hint of white catches Charlie's eye, a folded sheet of paper half hidden at the bottom. She grins, knowing what a scroll looks like, and starts digging.

Charlie takes all three scrolls, stuffing them into a small pouch on her belt, not even bothering to read them, trusting in the common knowledge that any one scroll will always be more powerful then whatever spells the LARPs Wizards are carrying. She ignores everything else, considering her current kit to be sufficient. She turns around, preparing to leave, and finds Koneko stood a couple of metres away, watching her.

The slim Japanese girl is still bound at the wrists, and ballgagged. She's also still naked. Since escaping the stoners she's been mostly staying out of sight. However, spying Charlie, who also appeared to be alone, Koneko decided to take a chance. She followed at a distance for awhile, making sure Charlie wasn't headed to a rendezvous, but then, seeing that the mine appeared to be her destination, Koneko decided now was as good a time as any to step out from hiding. At worst she thinks, as she waits for Charlie to turn around, she'll still just be bound and naked.

"Oh." Charlie jumps slightly, having not heard Koneko approach. "Um. Hi." She waves, then shakes her head, laughing slightly. "Right. Sorry. Can't talk huh. Hmm." She regards Koneko properly. "Or wave back. Hmm." Charlie comes to a decision. At worst, she decides, this will just end with her getting jumped by this pretty Asian girl, with her then becoming the naked tied one. Charlie shrugs internally, could be worse. "Hold on." She holds up a hand. "Let me untie you, then you can get dressed and armed. Then. If you like. We can talk. Okay?" Koneko nods, turning around to provide better access to her ropes and gag buckle. "Won't take a moment." Charlie tells her, stepping close, getting to work.

"Thanks." Koneko nods her appreciation several minutes later. Her ropes and ballgag have been tossed into the cart. She finishes pulling on her new knee high dark brown slip on boots. Clothes wise, because she's a Horde girl, Koneko has chosen a simple off white bikini, with tie side thong bottoms and a triangle top. She's armed herself with a broadsword in a waist scabbard, and a long spear. She stretches. "Thought I was going to be tied up all day." She shakes her head, looking at Charlie. "You playing solo?"
"Yeah." Charlie grimaces. "I'm a Storm Chaser. Running late though. Family stuff." She waves the question forming on Konekos lips away. "No clue where my team are now. So." She shrugs. "I'm solo. You?"
"I guess." Koneko looks back the way she'd just walked. "I'm Blue Sky Horde. My team, we were captured by a couple of fucking stoners. They ran into some other girl team though." She shrugs. "I managed to escape. No clue about the other three."
"You want to go find them?"
"Nope." Koneko shakes her head. "Woodland this size. They could be anywhere."
"Oh." Charlie nods. "Okay. Um. You want to team up?"
"Sure." Koneko nods. "Why not. I mean." Grinning. "You did untie me."
"True." Charlie nods. She pulls out her map. "So then, where shall we go?"
"Hmm." Koneko points. "How about there."
"That pond?"
"Why not? My team, we had it marked as a spot worth exploring."
"Okay." Charlie nods. "Got to go somewhere."

The two girls set off, walking side by side. "Oh." Charlie turns to Koneko as they leave the mine complex behind. "I'm Charlie."
"Koneko." The two girls share a grin, heading for the ponds.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Hmm. Will Koneko and Charlie get captured? I certainly hope so :twisted:
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

October Dawn.

Lily and Donna are busy planning an all girls holiday when the next group shows up.

"So you think Jennifer will be up for Barcelona?" Donna asks. "Sure." Lily nods. "We talked about it a couple of months ago. That week you were on the sick."
"Right." Donna stretches her memory, remembering the week, she'd spent four days in bed with what must've been the worst stomach bug anyone could catch, unable to do more then eat two bites of dried toast several times a day, and drink plenty of water to replace the fluids she kept throwing up. "Yeah." She grimaces. "I remember. You think Mike will let her go?" Jennifer is the only one with a current partner. "Hmm." Lily shrugs, then giggles. "Not our problem really. I'm sure Spain will be just as fun with two as three."
"Sure it will." Donna giggles too, before something off to the left catches her eye, and her laughter dies. "What?" Asks Lily, straining to see. "More people." Donna shakes her head. "And they've got ballgags. I think?"
"Well." Lily smiles. "It was fun talking with you."
"Yeah." Donna smiles back. "You too."

The new arrivals, two guys, do indeed have ballgags on them, and waste no time strapping them in place. Lily and Donna huff, but don't protest. The guys would've left it there, content to add to the girls overall discomfort, happy to be doing as the sign suggested before moving on, but, as she's being gagged, Lily wriggles slightly against her bonds, which causes her catsuit clad D cups to shake, which captivates the attention of the guy dealing with her gag to the point where he just has to see more.

"Hey." His companion had already begun to walk off, having finished gagging Donna, now he stops and turns, realising he's alone. "Hey, Darren. What'cha doing man?"
"Just a moment mate." Darren is grinning as he takes hold of Lilys zip, ignoring her muffled protests as he pulls it down level with her belly button. "Now then." Darren grins. "Let's see what those tits look like shall we."
"Honestly mate." His friend shakes his head, but is smiling too, having come a couple of paces closer, wanting to see the view for himself. "You're such a perve."
"What." Darren shrugs, still smiling. "I'm only following the sign." Lily huffs, that fucking sign, and Darren pulls her catsuit open. Lilys D cups pop free, no longer held in by the tight restrictive latex they bounce slightly, seeming to grow larger as they fill out to a more natural shape. "Nice." Darren nods, as Lily grunts behind the gag, struggling, which of course causes her freed breasts to jiggle about, giving Darren and his friend a free show. "Sweet." The friend calls out. "Do it again." Lily huffs, purposefully staying still. "Ahh man." Darren turns to his friend. "Now we've gone and broken it." Both guys giggle.

"There's always her mate."
"Nah." Darren shakes his head, even as Donna stiffens, readying herself for the inevitable exposure. "We've done this one." He points at Lily. "Why spoil the next groups fun. They are quite a pair though." He muses, wandering closer, reaching out to give Donna's D cups a grope. In response Donna moans, wriggling in a hopeless attempt to escape Darrens exploring touch as he seeks out her nipples, and begins to stroke them through the material of her one piece. Donna moans again, her traitor body responding regardless of how annoyed she is right now. "Come on mate." The other guy saves her from any more of Darren's attentions. "Time to go."
"Yeah." Darren steps back, shaking his head. "That thing's so tight on her, and we don't even have a knife." He shrugs. "I guess we'll leave her for the next group."
"Yeah." The other guy waves, already walking off. "Bye girls."
"Bye girls." Darren waves too, giving Lilys breasts a slap as he walks past, causing her to yelp. Darren giggles, as does his mate.

Lily and Donna are abandoned yet again, awaiting the next group of LARPers to wander down this particular path.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Another superb chapter X
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Post by Risperdaltied »

This is the best story on the site at the moment. Fantastic - hooked!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

Quest, part three. Charlie and Koneko.

The two girls reach the large pond without incident, by this point in the LARP the amount of players has been considerably thinned, both by death and tie up, so the chances of random encounters is much smaller.

"Well." Koneko reads the sign for the second time. "What do you think?"
"I think the helm is still there." Charlie points towards the busty post tied girl, who still wears the helm of Kith Indernel. "So maybe it's worth a try."
"Hmm." Koneko takes hold of Charlie's finger, angling it slightly down and across. "Sure." She nods. "The helm is still there, but so are at least two failed challengers."
"Hmm." Charlie drops her hand, peering at the water. "Something in there maybe, do you think?"
"What, you mean like a monster?"
"Or monsters." Charlie peers closer, a brief snort of amusement escaping her mouth as Koneko stabs the waters edge with her spear. "I doubt whatever's hiding in there is that easy to kill." She squints across at the island again. "I mean, look at that black guy. He's huge, but he still got caught."
"So then. How do we get across?"

It takes a couple of minutes thought before Charlie remembers her unchecked scrolls, during which time Koneko has waded out to knee depth, stabbed and splashed the water several times with her spear, and then returned shrugging. "What'cha got there?" The slim Asian asks, peering over Charlies shoulder. She raises an eyebrow. "Scrolls huh?"
"Yeah." Charlie unfolds all three. "Maybe... No.... Ah ha." She passes the third scroll to Koneko, replacing the other two. "What do you think?"
"Yeah." Koneko nods. "Maybe." She hands it back. "You say it then. Whoever says it activates it. This is your scroll, so it's your play."
"Okay. Thanks." Charlie stands at the waters edge, feeling more then slightly silly. "Walk on water."

Amazingly. Nothing happens. No bells toll, no fireworks or explosions light up the sky, nobody appears clapping to shake Charlie's hand. "Well?" Charlie looks at Koneko, who shrugs. "Fuck knows." The Japanese girl shrugs, before gesturing at the water. "Maybe they raised an underwater bridge?" She laughs at how far fetched that sounds. Charlie laughs too. "Well." She says, looking down at the water. "Guess I should...."
"Hold on. Hold on."

Both the girls turn, Charlie still with one leg raised. A young man has just emerged from a nearby clump of bushes. "Sorry. Um." He looks up. "Girls. I was on Facebook." He stuffs a slim black phone back into his jeans pocket. "Right. Hi. He walks over to Charlie. "I'm Chris. It was you who used the 'Walk on water' scroll?"
"It was." Charlie nods, showing Chris the torn paper. "Good." Chris smiles. "Excellant. Won't be a moment." He holds up a finger. "Just wait right there please." Charlie nods, and Chris disappears back into the bushes, returning moments later dragging an inflatable rubber dinghy, which he pushes out onto the water. Chris wades out after it, standing in knee deep water, holding the small boat steady. "Ready when you are." He says. "Ah. Good." Speaks a new voice, whilst at the same time a dagger is pressed to Charlies throat, and an arm grabs her around the waist. "You've fetched my boat for me." The new voice continues. "My thanks."

Koneko turns, spear in hand, whilst Charlie attempts to twist her body for a better look. The newcomer releases her, allowing her to turn around, but keeps his dagger pointed at her neck. The newcomer is a young man, probably early twenties, slim and toned, with a shaved head and no beard. He's wearing a loose V necked pale grey tunic over loose black trousers tucked into simple brown slip on boots. In addition to his dagger a broadsword hangs in a scabbard at his waist. "You." He points at Koneko, tossing a pile of rope towards her. "Don't even think of trying anything." Koneko doesn't move, but nods. "Good. The man says. "Now, drop your weapons. Toss them away. Then come here and tie your teammate up."
"And then what?" Koneko asks, as she tosses her spear into the water, and begins unbuckling her belt. "What's your plan here mystery man?"
"It's Sy." The man almost shouts, his temper spiking suddenly for some unknown reason. "Now hurry up and get over here. Tie her up already so I can take her boat."
"If I may?" Chris calls over, still stood by the boat. "Stay out of this LARP boy." Sy shouts back. "I'll be there in five minutes."
"But." Chris calls back. "You can't walk on water." He points at Charlie. "She used the scroll. Only she can use the boat."
"Are you shitting me?"
"Nope." Chris is grinning, clearly quite happy to be messing up Sy's plan. "Anyone else gets in, the water people will get them."
"Really!" Sy huffs, whilst the two girls try not to giggle. But then he smiles. "Right then." He turns to Charlie. "New plan. You tie your pretty friend up, and she stays here with me. You go across and bring me back my helmet. I get the helmet, you get your friend."

Charlie and Koneko exchange a glance, they've not really known each other long enough to be called friends. But Charlie knows Sy, if he's enough of a wanker, could threaten and even actually do all sorts of things to Koneko, just to get her to comply. At this point his plan, which only involves tying Koneko up, seems the least worst option. "Okay." Charlie says, "I'll do it. But." She holds up a warning finger. "Promise."
"Promise what?" Sy asks. "Just go and get my helmet already." He grins, knowing what's worrying Charlie. "Do what I ask, and I won't touch your pretty friend." Sy holds up his left hand, the middle three fingers together. "Scouts honour."

Sy was never a Scout.

"Sorry." Charlie grimaces, picking up the rope as she approaches Koneko. "He's got the upper hand right now, and I don't want him being a wanker to either of us."
"S'okay." Koneko grimaces back, looking past Charlie to where Sy is stood. She drops her voice to a whisper. "Just. If you can get away with the helmet. Do it. Don't let that arsehole have something he hasn't earned."
"But if I run." Charlie is whispering too. "Then he gets you."
"I can live with that." Koneko grins. "So long as it means he's lost I can put up with some groping."
"Right well...."
"Come on already ladies." Sy calls out. "I can see you whispering. Tie her up already, and let's go."
"Doing it now." Charlie calls back. "Sorry." She says again. Koneko shrugs, laying down so Charlie can get to work.

Charlie ties Koneko tightly, aware that Sy has moved closer to observe, but she keeps it simple, not being an expert. First she ties Konekos wrists together behind her, crossed rather then together. Next are the ankles, these are tied side by side. Finally, after helping Koneko roll over and sit up, Charlie uses the excess rope trailing from Konekos wrists to tie them to her waist. "Happy?" She asks over her shoulder. "Yes." Sy nods. "Off you go then." He makes a shooing gesture. Charlie sticks her tongue out, but doesn't want to antagonize Sy too much, so she stands up and walks over to the boat.

"Shame how that all turned out." Chris comments as he rows her over. "I don't suppose there's anything you can do to help?" Charlie asks, but the LARP forever employee shakes his head. "Sorry." He gestures to the water. "Too many witnesses. Company policy is not to interfere. If you wind up getting screwed." He shrugs. "Don't worry." Charlie pats his arm. "Thought I'd ask."

Reaching the island Chris jumps out, pulling the small boat up onto the shore, holding out a hand to help Charlie jump out. She lands in an inch of water, making a splash. Charlie giggles, then looks at Chris's leg. "Oops." She puts a hand to her mouth, shutting up. "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it." Chris smiles, before gesturing at the post tied girl. "Go on up. I'll be waiting here."
"Thanks." Charlie walks up off the small peddle filled beach and onto the muddy island proper. She stops then to look around. Ahead, at the highest point, stands the post tied girl. Off to one side lays Vicky, naked and staked out still, with a grin on her face. It's easy to see why the big girl is happy. A naked hogtied Patrick has managed to wriggle his way close to Vicky, covering himself in mud along the way, but a very particular part of Patrick is now nestled in one of Vickys stake tied and stretched out hands. Charlie smiles, shaking her head, it appears at least someone is enjoying their lack of freedom. There's nothing else to see on the island, just patches of long grass scattered randomly all over.

"Hi." Charlie waves at the post tied girl, who is indeed quite busty, and doesn't seem to be wearing anything underneath her thin white dress as her erect nipples can clearly be seen trying to force their way through the thin fabric. "So. Um." Charlie reaches tentatively out. "Do I ungag you?" The girl shakes her head. "Oh. Um." It's kind of hard to concentrate, Charlie is finding, with those nipples. Not in any way a lesbian Charlie can't seem to tear her eyes away, or focus properly on the task at hand. "You know." She can't help herself. "Your breasts are amazing." The girl grunts, giving a small wiggle, shaking her bust from side to side. Charlie giggles. "Well. Right. Thanks for the show. I guess I just take the helmet then?" The girl nods. "Okay." Charlie reaches out, leaning in close enough to smell the girls scent, which seems very intoxicating. She tugs at the helmet, which comes easily off the girls head. "Okay. Thanks." The girl nods. "Do you get untied now?" Charlie wonders aloud, looking around at the island, still deserted save herself and the two bound losers. Oh, and Chris. "Right." Charlie grins. "Chris probably comes back for you huh?" The girl just shrugs. "Well. Okay. Bye, and thanks." Charlie waves a final time, then returns to the boat.

As Chris rows her back Charlie studies the helm of Kith Indernel. The white horns are indeed huge, oversized to almost comic proportions, with the lighter grey swirls clearly meant to imply it's magical properties. Tacked inside is a small card. Which explains again that the helm grants its wearer knowledge of all magic, and also makes them impervious to any spells or scrolls used. Charlie guesses the card is for the benefit of any Wizards she'll come across. "Oh." Chris pauses rowing briefly, reaching down and pulling a thick black book from a bag on the floor. "Here." He passes the spell book over. "No pen for you." He grins. "Usually a Wizard has a finite number of spells, but you can use any spell in that book, any number of times." He points at the helm in her hands. "As long as you're wearing that."
"Right." Charlie takes the book. "Got it." Chris nods, and continues to row.

Whilst Charlie's been gone, Sy has been busy. Walking over to Koneko he pushes her shoulder with his foot, tipping her over. "Hey." Koneko exclaims, wriggling about, trying to sit back up. "That's quite enough from you." Sy produces a ballgag, straddling Koneko to keep her still whilst he straps it in place. Then, spinning about so he's now facing her feet Sy ties a length of rope to Konekos ankle bonds. Climbing off her he grabs up the trailing end of this rope, using it to pull the bound and gagged Asian away from the water. Reaching a nearby tree Sy wraps and ties the rope off around the base of the trunk, leaving enough slack for Koneko to struggle around the trees base, and possibly sit or even stand, but not enough for her to go far. "There." He grins. "Just one more thing though." Kneeling, Sy unties and removes Konekos bikini, tossing it away. "Better." He tells her, still kneeling, giving her butt a pat, making Koneko grunt, which turns into a yelp as Sy gives her breasts a fondle, just because. "Nice." He comments, flicking at a nipple, enjoying seeing it harden. "Anyway. Must rush." Sy comments, looking up, seeing Charlie returning. "I'll bring you a friend don't worry."

Charlie steps off the boat, magical helm in hand, finding only Sy waiting for her on the shore. "Where is she?" Charlie demands, looking around. "She's back there." Sy gestures behind him. Charlie takes a step, looking past him, spotting the struggling naked Japanese girl he'd cleverly concealed from her by standing in just the right spot. "Why is she naked?" Charlie demands, she points at Sy. "We had a deal."
"I changed my mind." Sy shrugs, taking a step towards her, closing the distance. He continues walking as he talks. "You hand over the helm now, willingly, and you can join her over there. Resist me though and I'll take it by force, then use it's power to make you my naked collared bitch." Charlie gasps at the imagery Sy has just conjured in her mind. She opens her mouth to reply, and then realises her mistake. Sy has made it all the way to her, making his approach with his evil words. He grabs the helm, snatching it before Charlie can react. "Mine." Sy gloats, jamming the helm on his bald head. "Now." He points his dagger at Charlie, who had just placed a hand on one of her axe handles. "Are you going to be a good little girl and let me tie you up like your Asian friend, or am I going to look through the book and find something truly evil to do to you?" He snatches the book from Charlie's belt as he speaks. Charlie sighs, knowing she's been beaten. "Fine." She shakes her head. "Tie me up next to Koneko."
"Good choice." Sy grins. He points at her top. "Now strip."

"There. Better." Sy steps back, grinning. He reaches forwards, tweaking one of Charlie's now exposed nipples, causing her to yelp and moan behind the ballgag now strapped to her face. Charlie wriggles, trying to escape his attentions, but Sy has her tied up too well. Charlie is naked, her clothes and weapons having been tossed onto a rough pile with Konekos, and she's been tied up in an exact mirror of the slim Japanese girl. Now both are laid down side by side, with their bound ankles tethering them to the same trunk.

"Well. Girls." Sy adjusts the helm on his head, grinning. "It's time to say goodbye. Maybe once I've tied every other LARPer in these woods up I'll come back and have some fun with you." He winks, blowing them a kiss. "Laters."

The struggling girls can hear Sy laughing as he walks away.
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Post by Dpsiic »

Another amazing chapter :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

October Dawn.

A lone female shows up next, an older lady in her mid fourties, part of a small group that was set upon by the Northern Raiders, now the only survivor of either group. The lady, called Deborah, is heading back to the car park, having decided she doesn't want to LARP alone. She'd been walking down a path when Silent Death had dropped down out of the trees, blocking her way. Knowing who he was, knowing she was fucked, Deborah unsheathed and threw down her sword. "Nope." She'd told the ninja, putting her hands up. "I'm out." Silent Death had pulled a length of coiled rope from a small bag, having replaced his own small curved blade. The ninja had walked towards her, fashioning a looped knot as he did. "Fuck." Deborah cursed, and then she'd grinned as a sudden thought struck her. Before the ninja could stop her Deborah pulled out her dagger and slit her throat. "There." She gave Silent Death the finger. "I said I was out. Go tie up some other girls." The ninja had shrugged, turned, and walked away without a word.

Now. Walking along the path Deborah sees the sign, spotting Lily and Donna just beyond. She grins. "Well." She muses aloud, scooping up a pile of stuff. "It isn't like anyone saw me die."

Lily and Donna see Deborah approaching. Both girls groan from behind their ballgags, knowing that the fact their next visitor isn't male won't save them from further attention, proof of which being the pile of stuff Deborah dumps on the path between them. "Well, hi there." Deborah grins, unbuckling her empty sword belt, letting it fall to the floor even as she pulls her long sleeveless pale green dress over her head. She tosses this behind her, then reaches round and unclips her black bra, throwing it after her dress, letting her C cups hang free. Deborah's slim tall frame is now only covered by a pair of white boyshorts, her long brown hair hanging in a loose plait. "Psst." She stage whispers, approaching Lily, leaning against the trunk beside her and reaching across to play with the helpless girls exposed breasts. "Don't tell anyone." Deborah continues, still whispering loudly enough for both girls to hear. "But I'm already dead." She giggles, flicking each of Lilys nipples in turn, enjoying watching her breasts bounce as she completely fails to move clear. "Hmm." Deborah reaches down, fingering the zip to Lilys catsuit, which currently sits level with her belly button. "Well well." Deborah steps off the trunk, hunkering down to take a closer look. "Would you look at that." She tells Lily, grinning, adopting a shocked 'I didn't know did you' tone. "It looks like your zip goes all the way under." Down on her knees now Deborah looks up, seeing Lilys ballgagged face peering back down at her over the swell of her D cups. "What do you think?" Deborah teases. "Shall I?" She pulls the zip down an inch. Lily grunts, shaking her body to try and knock Deborah's grip on her zip. "No?" Still teasing. "Up?" Deborah slowly pulls the zip back up, causing Lilys breasts to squash back together as the tight fabric pushes against them, sealing them back in. "Better. Yes?" Still with a teasing tone, but Lily is nodding her thanks. "Oh wait." Deborah slaps her forehead. "Silly me, I forgot." She winks at Lily. "You don't get a say." She yanks on the zip, pulling it all the way down and around underneath, not stopping until she reaches the tracks end up behind Lily at the base of her spine. Lilys breasts bounce free, and her tiny little white string thong, virtually invisible it's so tucked up into her pussy and butt crack, is exposed. Lily grunts loudly, struggling, but Deborah only giggles, standing back up. "There there." She makes a sad face. "Don't worry though, I'm going to see your friend now, but I'll leave you with a gift to remember me by." Before Lily can react a pair of nipple clamps have been attached to her exposed breasts. Each clamp is shiny silver, with black rubber tips, and the clamps are connected by a short silver chain. "There." Deborah grins, flicking the chain, making Lily yelp. "I'll be back. Try not to have too much fun without me." She leans forwards, kissing Lily on the cheek, then leaves the whimpering girl alone, walking over to Donna.

"Hmm." Deborah does a slow circle of Donnas tree, before stopping at the front. "What a pity I don't have an actual blade on me." She tuts, looking back at her discarded fake dagger. "What a pity I can't remove this tight fitting thing huh?" Deborah steps forwards as she speaks, wriggling a hand into Donna's tight fitting latex one piece from each side, burrowing towards each of the tied girls breasts. "Ah." Deborah grins, giving each D cup a forceful squeeze, making Donna moan. "No worries, I found them anyway." She begins to knead at Donna's chest as though it were a ball of dough, gripping each breast hard, pushing them around, teasing at Donna's now erect nipples as she does. Donna's moans of discomfort don't stop, nor does her struggling as she attempts and fails to escape Deborah's touch. Across the path Lily moans too, half in sympathy for her friend, half due to her own clamp induced discomfort. Finally though Deborah withdraws her hands, allowing the one piece to snap back to it's usual skintight fit. "Well." Deborah shrugs, bending to pick up a coil of rope. "I guess I'll just have to have a different kind of fun with you."

Eventually Deborah steps back, grinning, admiring her handiwork. Donna is now covered in rope. Her arms are bound behind the trunk at the elbow too, forcing Donna even tighter against the trunk, pushing her chest out even more. Extra rope has been added on Donna's legs, securing her to the tree in a couple more places down below. A tight crotch rope has been tied in place, cinched at the waist to make it appear that Donna is wearing a corset, and with a well placed knot that is currently riding right up inside Donna's pussy due to how much the rope was yanked before being tied off. As a final touch, though it took forever, Deborah has managed to wrap rope in a figure of eight around Donna's breasts, inside her one piece. The bound girls D cups are now being squeezed very tightly, with all of the rope causing her to moan with discomfort just as loudly as Lily.

"Well." Deborah rubs her hands together, like a busy little dwarf at the end of a hard day. "I think my work here is done." She tips the girls a salute. "So long girls." Deborah bends over to retrieve her dress, so she can slip it back on, at which point Silent Death drops on her from above.

In no time Deborah has been tightly trussed up. A ball gag is thrust in her mouth, it's strap yanked tight and buckled closed over her cries of protest. Silent Death binds Deborah's wrists and elbows behind her, then quickly ties her ankles together too. Climbing off her he appears, to Deborah at least, to simply vanish. Lily and Donna see the truth though. Walking to a tree only a couple of paces from where Lily is tied, a big old Oak, the ninja throws a long length of rope up into the canopy, managing to hook it over a branch. Tying one end to Deborah's ankle ropes he pulls, using his considerable strength to hoist the almost naked girl up into the air. He ties the rope off to a low branch of a nearby tree, meaning Deborah is now hanging suspended upside down next to the path.

A stream of curses erupts from behind Deborah's gag as Silent Death approaches her. He nods, as though truly listening to whatever grievances she might have, and then reaching out he gives her body a gentle push, sending her slowly spinning and swinging across the path, then back again. The curses become moans, and unintelligible pleas for release, but the ninja has already vanished.
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Post by Dpsiic »

More great writing thanks RopeBunny X
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Post by ichundso »

This is basically the Game of Thrones of bondage stories at this point. Just sensationally good, and it keeps getting better with each new character meetup and story turn. I haven't checked this regularly for new chapters for any story on here ever, and I can't wait to see where this goes next.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.

The King.

"Well." An unfamiliar male voice, not Sy, speaks next to where Charlie is laying, waking her from a sun induced doze. It's still a hot day. She feels herself gently prodded with the toe of a boot, before the same voice speaks again. "What do you make of this?" It asks. Which implies more then one person has shown up. Charlie groans, rolling herself over onto her back with an effort, opening her eyes and blinking against the sun. What she doesn't expect is to see a tied up and ballgagged skinny girl staring down at her.

Danni dances back away from Charlie, giggling from behind her gag. Charlie blinks, looking around. Koneko is already on her back, the tied Japanese girls exposed C cups pointing up at the sky as she too regards the newcomers. There are three of them Charlie sees, two girls, the skinny flat chested one she's already seen and a busty Wizard, both of whom are tied at wrists and elbows, both are ballgagged. Interestingly, both girls are still fully clothed, which gives Charlie at least some hope that the third group member, an untied guy wearing a crazy pair of trousers, isn't a jerk or a pervert.

"What do you think girls?" The man asks his tied companions. Charlie looks from one tied girl to the other, seeing each nod in turn, confusion growing. Why would the guy, who she assumed had captured both girls, who was likely moments away from adding Koneko and her to his stable, consult anyone. Let alone his captives. The man nods too. "Yes." He agrees, as though a full conversation was just had. "I thought so too. Worth the risk right?" Again he appears to seek confirmation from the tied girls, who again nod. The man hunkers down between Charlie and Koneko, rolling both girls back over, his hands only straying briefly to each girls breasts as he does. "Hold on girls." Charlie can hear his smile at having had a cheeky feel. "I'm going to untie you both, then you can tell us all about it." Charlie feels him get to work, tugging at her ropes, loosening each in turn.

Whilst she and Koneko get dressed, sorting through the pile of clothes and weapons, sharing a smile, the man is busy untying the skinny non Wizard. He ungags her too, telling her. "My signal only, let's not start a fight here."
"Got it Mr the King." The girl grins, tipping him a salute. Charlie gives the man a second look, she should've recognized him, since she would've been fighting against him had things worked out differently. The girl too looks vaguely familiar. Charlie mentally scratches her head. Did she have a twin? Weren't they supposed to be on the same side today? Next she sees the King approach the Wizard. He doesn't untie her, only the gag is removed, which she seems fine with. "Okay Jill?" He asks, taking a Wizards staff and placing it in her still bound hands. "Sure Mr the King." She grins at the teasing nickname both captives appear to of given him. Or are they even captives now that one is untied, and armed, and the other could call down pretend lighting anytime she desires. Charlie shakes her head, buckling on her axe belt. It's all just too weird. She listens as the King answers her, shaking his head. "The plan should be this gag again." Which makes the Wizard grin, opening her mouth in mock offering, but the King only drops the gag into his bag, which makes her pout. "Maybe after." He laughs. "Right now I may need you." He looks across at Charlie and Koneko, seeing both are dressed and armed, though all weapons remain sheathed. He raises his voice so everyone can hear him. "We won't start anything." He addresses Charlie. "But Jill here will quite happily spell cast you both into something worse if you so much as draw a weapon. Understood."
"Got it." Charlie nods. "Sure." Koneko shrugs. "Trust me, Mr King was it?" The King nods. "Right." Koneko smiles. "Neither of us wants to be tied up again."
"Excellent." The King gestures at a dry patch of grass. "Shall we talk then ladies?"

The King and Charlie and Koneko all sit in a loose triangle. Jill sits slightly behind the King, her staff held loosely, tip rested on the ground pointed at Koneko. Danni stands, prowling the outside, long axe in hand, watching for intruders. "Well." Says the King, spreading his hands. "Why don't we exchange stories. The short version is fine. Shall I start?"
"Sure." Charlie nods, gesturing. "Go ahead Mr King."
"Right." He smiles. "Well. If you know my name you know I led one army in this mornings big fight?" Charlie nods, Koneko shakes her head. "Doesn't matter really." The King continues. "Anyway. I won, but my team abandoned me. So I was solo, until I captured Jill here."
"So you are a prisoner?" Charlie asks the busty Wizard. "We both are." Danni answers instead, grinning, giving the King a playful tap with her axe handle. "When he can catch me I am anyway." The King laughs, whilst Charlie and Koneko look puzzled. "So you caught both these girls?" Charlie asks. The King nods. "I did." He smiles. "Tied them up real good."
"But she's not tied up now." Charlie points at Danni, who shrugs. "True." The skinny girl agrees. "But I'm sure Mr the King will change that when he's ready."
"You'll let him tie you back up?" Koneko asks, shocked. "Sure." Danni giggles. "Anytime he wants." The King turns and blows her a kiss. She sticks her tongue out in response. Charlie shakes her head. "I don't get it." She points at Jill. "And you're still tied."
"She won't let me untie her." The King answers, shaking his head, smiling. "You don't want to be untied?" Charlie asks Jill. "I don't." Jill blushes. "Um. It's kind of fun you see." She bites her lip. "I kind of like it."
"Right." Charlie is very confused, as is Koneko, but both girls decide to leave the subject. So long as the King doesn't try to tie them what does it matter. "Right." Charlie shrugs. "Well. Koneko and me are both the last of our teams. We met at the mine."
"Been to the mine." The King nods. "It's where I found Danni." Danni waves. "Okay." Charlie continues. "Good. Well. We came here after. And I used a scroll to get the helm from the island...."
"You've got the helm!" The King exclaims, looking around him, trying to spot it. "I had it." Charlie shakes her head. "Until some wanker stole it and tied the two of us up."
"Fuck that's a shame." The King shakes his head. Then he stands, smiling. "Well." Making a show of checking his weapons. "I guess there's only one thing for us to do."
"Which is....?" Koneko asks, slightly nervously. Both girls have just realised that with the King and Danni now standing they're at a disadvantage, neither girl would be able to draw a weapon before they were set upon and either killed or tied back up again. Plus Charlie can see Jill's staff, now pointed at her, so her chances of escape are practically zero. But the King only offers out a hand to Charlie, helping her up. "Why, to help you retrieve the helm of course." He helps Koneko up too. "If you'll accept our help?"
"Um." Charlie is caught off guard, having not expected this offer. She shakes herself, refocusing. "Sure." Nodding. "I'd love my helm back. So yes. Mr King, I'd love to team up. Please."
"Please." Koneko adds. "It sucks that Charlie had the scroll, made the effort, and then that bald wanker came and stole it." She grimaces. "Being tied and stripped deserves some payback too."
"Yes." Charlie nods. "I could happily kill him just for tying me up." She looks at a still tied Jill, and shuts her mouth. "Umm." Blushing slightly. "I mean." Charlie gestures at the tied Wizard. "It's just not for everyone."
"It's fine." Jill grins. "If the King is offering you our help then I'm in. Whatever I can do."
"Me too." Danni nods. "Let's go kill this guy."
"Bald you said?" The King asks. Charlie nods. "Hmm." He looks thoughtful. "Yes. I think I know this guy." He shakes his head. "Not what you'd call a good man. I'm sorry you girls ran into him." He pulls out his map, and all five form a tight circle, Danni having helped Jill to her feet. "Well." The King asks. "Do you know where he went?"
"Sorry." Koneko shakes her head. "I think." Charlie gestures across the map, away from the pond. "I think he left in that direction. But no." She shakes her head, but smiles, it not being such a bad memory now she's untied. "I was kind of tied up when he left. Other things on my mind huh."
"I get it." The King nods. "Got to start somewhere." He puts his arm around Jill, but looks at Danni. "The three of you go on ahead. I'll be following behind, I just need a private word with my Wizard first."
"Sure." Danni grins. "Come on girls." She links arms with Charlie and Koneko, and the three girls walk off.

The King and Jill follow at a distance, him again holding both her staff and his spear. The Kings free arm is around Jill, holding her against him, his hand is inside of her robes, fondling her breast and nipple as they walk. "So." The King starts, as Jill leans into him, sighing contentedly. "I'm going to have to untie you. You know that right?"
"But I don't want you to." Jill protests, she pouts. "I'm still having fun."
"I know." The King grins, stopping and turning her towards him. He drops the long weapons he was carrying, the thud making Charlie and Danni turn around. Danni grins, seeing the King slip his other hand into Jill's robe, pulling it open to expose her breasts, stepping closer to kiss her. She whispers something to Charlie, who stops frowning, instead nodding. Both girls turn back around, continuing their slow walk. "Mmmm." Jill smiles as the kiss finishes. The King smiles back. "Look." He tells her, still playing with her breasts, his face still close. "When we meet this guy I'm going to need my Wizard at full capacity. He might have others with him. I read the sign, I know your magic won't help against him, but you can still tie up anyone else there."
"Sure." Jill nods. "If you need me King, you know I'm yours."
"I know." He kisses her again. "So I need you untied for this. Okay."
"Fine." Jill shakes her head. "I just didn't expect it to be so much fun. And now...."
"Now you don't want to not be my tied up Wizard?"
"It's silly huh?"
"I don't think so." He shakes his own head. "I didn't expect capturing you to turn out like this either. I expected you to curse me out forever until I simply had to leave you tied naked to a tree."
"You'd of done that?" The King pinches a nipple between thumb and finger, making Jill yelp. "Yes." He nods. "If you hadn't been the good little Wizard you are."
"Is it bad that I think I might've actually enjoyed that?" Jill blushes. The King leans in for another kiss. "Maybe." He tells her, as he walks behind her and begins untying the elbow rope. "If you want then when the LARPs over we can give it a try." He pats her on the butt. "See whether you do."
"Okay." Jill nods as her wrists are freed too. She flexes her arms, bending to pick up the long weapons, handing the King his spear. "It's a date." She grins. The King grins too, and they both set off at a fast walk, catching the three girls ahead back up.
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Post by Dpsiic »

An interesting chapter, the King is another lucky bloke :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Meanwhile. Elsewhere in the woodland.


When Matt, manning the entrance, told every LARPer, both solo players and groups, that LARP forever had watchers scattered throughout the woodland, he wasn't exaggerating. There are maybe three dozen, including Wendy in the cave and the water people at the pond quest, all linked via two way radio. The company is taking the safety of it's players seriously, especially considering the additional tie up and kidnap rules. At around 1600, approaching but not quite at the events officially listed finish time of 'dinner', the command tent makes a series of calls. Every operative is asked to check their patch, and report in. As the large table mounted map in the centre of the tent is slowly updated it becomes clear that the only players left alive, but not in any way helpless, are Sy and the Kings warband. A quick meeting is held, and a decision on the best way to speed things towards a conclusion is reached.

Nobody out in the woodland is able to confirm the whereabouts of Silent Death who as it happens has already left, and is currently in the nearest pub garden enjoying a burger and a beer, having decided he's caused enough mayhem for one event.

Walking down a path, heading in the direction Charlie thought she saw Sy going when he abandoned her and Koneko tied naked to a tree, the King and his party of four girls round a corner and stop. The bend had been blind, and really someone should've been scouting ahead, but everybody was too busy laughing and enjoying the sun to consider the consequences of not playing it safe. So instead they all see the old man at once, which is such an unexpected sight, considering he's dressed in faded blue jeans and a white tee, and is sat on a folding camping chair, reading the latest issue of The Spectator and drinking from an actual mug, that they stop. The King laughs, as does Danni. "Oops." Comments Charlie, as the man looks up. "There goes our surprise attack." But the man only smiles. "You must be the Kings warband?" He shouts across. "Yes." The King shouts back, looking around at the four girls, who either shrug or nod in response. "I guess we are."
"Jolly good." The old man picks up a thermos. "Fancy some tea? We need to talk."
"Um. Sure." The King nods uncertainly at the bizarre new twist, and together all five wander over to the old man.

"Names Gerald." The man tells them, producing a mug for each of them and pouring steaming tea into each in turn. "Your good health Sir." He tips his own refilled mug towards them. "And ladies." He adds with a wink, making Jill giggle and Danni blush. The group are all either sat or leaning near Geralds chair in a rough circle, close enough to make talking easy. Up close Gerald appears to be in his late fifties, with crazy mad scientist white hair and an untrimmed beard. His white tee has the LARP forever logo on the front. "So." Gerald points at the logo. "I work for the company. They've sent me in here to help you folks."
"To help?" The King asks. "What is it we need help with?"
"Well." Gerald strokes his beard, something he seems to do often. He points at Charlie. "Mostly, getting her helmet back. Oh, and winning the game."
"We can win?" Asks Danni, a smile forming on her face. Gerald nods. "Only you and that Sy left now...."
"That was his name." The King points, stabbing at the answer he'd been trying to recall. "Oh." Realising he's just interrupted Geralds flow. "Sorry."
"No bother." Gerald waves it off. "Anyway. You lot and him is all that's left, apart from those tied up anyway." He grins. "So. The bosses figured to point you at him, so we can have ourselves one more fight, and then it can be teatime." He looks at the King, who is mostly in charge. "Sound good?"
"It does." The King nods. "So where is he.?"
"There's more." Gerald reaches behind him, into the bag all his mugs came from, and tosses a folded piece of paper onto the floor beside the King. "Mr." Gerald points, doing his best to act the innocent, but smiling too. "I do believe you dropped something."
"I did huh?" The King is smiling back. He bends forwards, picking the paper up. "Here." He hands the paper to Jill. "I think this is your area."
"Oh." Jill takes the paper and unfolds it. "It's a scroll." She tells the others. "But I thought magic wouldn't work on whoever wore the h...." She grins, looking over the paper at Gerald. "Very clever." He nods at her, grinning back. "What?" The King asks. Everybody is looking at Jill, waiting. "It's a scroll." She explains. "It's called 'Fuckthehelmiwanttopausethemagic' and basically it does just that."
"Just what?" Koneko asks, scratching her head, whilst the King takes the scroll, his mouth moving as he rereads the nonsense slowly. Then he laughs, handing the paper back to Jill. "Sy won't like this." He tells Gerald, who shrugs. "Ain't nothing to do with me, Mr the King. All you're doing is using one of them scrolls you found at the mine." He pours the rest of his tea away, standing up. "Not your fault if it happens to be the one thing that beats something supposed to be unbeatable."
"No." The King hands over his mug, as do the girls. "Well." Gerald folds up his chair. "I'd best be getting off. Here." He holds out a map, which has a large red X drawn on it. "Your man is approaching that spot."
"It's just a path." Charlie comments, looking at the map. "Where's he going after he's done walking it?"
"Trust me." Gerald winks. "Once he gets to that X, he won't be moving on for awhile." And with that he leaves, wandering slowly away.

"So." Danni asks for all of them, except Jill and the King, who seem to of figured it out. "What makes that scroll so special then?"
"Well." Jill explains, with the King gesturing for her to carry on. "Normally, when a spell is cast we'd have to stop so its effects could be sorted out. This helmet contains every spell. Right?" She looks at Charlie for confirmation, who nods. "So." Jill continues. "We'd never be able to sneak up on Sy, and as soon as he saw us he only needs to say 'hogtie' or 'naked tree tie' or whatever and we'd all have to stop whilst it happened. In no time we'd all be tied up, and he'd be the winner."
"So how does the scroll change that then?"
"This scroll nullifies the helm." Jill smiles, as do the others. "All we have to do is get within earshot of him and we've won, provided we can beat him in a straight up sword fight anyway."
"There's five of us." The King points out. I'm sure at least one of us can take him." He gestures at the path. "Come on. We can strategise as we walk."

Directly underneath that big red X, stood tied in various states to two trees, flanking the path, are Lily and Donna. If the King, or any of the girls, had access to a drone then they'd know that, but they don't. Sy knows though, becuase he's just now spotting the sign, and the girls beyond it.

Sy doesn't see Deborah at first, having spotted Donna and Lily whilst reading the sign he mostly ignored the surrounding forest as he approached them, and then, rounding a particularly bushy tree there she is, hanging down right beside him, groaning and struggling like some kind of large ripe fruit. "Well." Sy grins, reaching out to give one of Deborah's nipples a pinch. "Three of you. Hmm." He frowns, looking at each girl in turn. "A shame someone already tied you up." He wanders over to Lily, giving her unzipped catsuit the once over, tugging at it, taking the opportunity to fondle each of her breasts. "Someone's already been having fun with you then." He muses, looking over at Donna. "But not so much you. Hmm?" Sy looks again at each girl in turn, then pulls out his thick spell book. "Don't worry girls." He tells the groaning threesome. "I'm sure there's something in this book I can use to have fun with you."

"This one." Sy holds out the book, pointing to the open page, grinning. "Are you ready?" He asks Donna, who shakes her head, moaning. "Good." Sy nods, as though she'd just agreed, with a smile. "Naked metal slave." Sy shouts, pointing to all three girls. And then he waits. And waits some more, looking around, scratching his head. After almost five minutes there's a rustle in the bushes, and a middle aged man in jeans and a black LARP forever tee emerges, lugging a long black canvas bag behind him. "Sorry." He tells Sy. "The other two are coming." He puts a hand to his ear, listening. "Should be here within five minutes. Right." He looks around. "Which one first?"
"Her." Sy points at Donna, who moans. "I want to see those tits."
"Right." The man grimaces briefly at the language, before he lugs his bag over to Donna. "Sorry." He shrugs, as two more employees appear, each with a similar large black bag. Donna gives a small shake of her head, trying to convey that she knows it isn't his fault. "Don't worry yourself too much." The guy tells her, whispering, tapping his ear. "I shouldn't really say. But." He gives her a small smile. "The King is on his way. In the meantime though I'm afraid I've got to do my job." Walking around behind her, flicking open a small knife to cut the ropes, he gets to work.

Working quickly the three LARP forever employees remove all of the girls ropes, all three work together to lower Deborah to the ground, not wanting to injure her. They leave the ballgags on, which prevents Deborah from telling anyone that she's actually dead, and therefore shouldn't be tied up again, not to mention the first time. "Right girls." One of the employees addresses all three of them. "Gunna need you to strip naked now. You heard the spell." He shrugs. "I'm afraid if you don't comply we'll have to do it ourselves." Sy grins, stepping forwards. "Not you." The employee waves him back. "You cast the spells, but it's our job to see the effects are carried out. Once they're tied, then you can play." He shakes his head, even as all three girls set about stripping naked. By the time they are the metal poles are waiting for them. Each pole has a metal collar at one end that fixes around the girls neck. The pole, shiny steel and about two inches in diameter, then hangs down behind the girl, ending at knee height. Along its length are lockable steel rings, these pin the girls limbs to the pole, attaching at the elbows, wrists, and knees. Each ring, and the collar, locks using special hex bolts, which the employees ensure are tightened properly. Not only can the girls now not prevent anyone, especially Sy, from having a grope of either breasts or pussy, but with their knees locked together none of them are able to move properly, so running away is out of the question.

"Okay." Sy literally shoves the three employees away towards the bushes. "Thanks. I've got it from here." He grins, returning his gaze to the girls, who visibly shrink away from him, beginning to whimper. Except for Donna, who'd been told a secret. Sy walks over to the three, stood quite close together. Lily and Deborah both attempt to back away, their whimpers growing. But still Donna stays silent. "Not afraid?" Sy asks, stepping closer to Donna, ignoring the other two. "Or maybe you want to be my plaything?" He muses. And then he realises that she isn't even looking at him, is in fact distracted by something off to the left, down the path. Sy turns his head to look. Then he stares, and his mouth drops open. The King is walking up the path towards him, flanked by Danni on one side, and Charlie on the other. "You....?" Sy tries to say, his words drying up as Charlie gives him a cheeky wave. "Hi there." The King waves too. "Don't mind us ladies." He calls out. "Just here to kill this thieving shit."

"Hah." Sy laughs, as the King and the girls come to a stop around ten metres away. "You can't kill me, I'm wearing this."
"That helm doesn't make you invulnerable." Charlie shakes her head, smiling. "Shut up." Sy fumes, annoyed at having forgotten. He pulls out the spell book, waving it at them. "I may not be unkillable, but there's no way you can get to me before I magic the whole lot of you into something properly tight."
"Does that include me?"

Sy jerks, his head snapping to the side, where Koneko is stood. "Hi." She waves, before ripping the scroll in two, shouting "fuckthehelmiwanttopausethemagic" as loud as she can.

Sy looks around, everybody is grinning at him, including Jill, who steps out onto the path behind the Kings small party, having hidden herself in reserve just incase he wasn't alone. "What did you just do?" He demands, glaring at Koneko. "I took away all the magic." The Japanese girl shrugs, smiling. "No." Sy shakes his head. "You can't."
"I'm afraid she can." One of the LARP forever employees has re-emerged, stepping close whilst Sy was distracted he now snatches the spell book from him. "Hey." Sy makes a grab for it. "I need that."
"Magic has been cancelled." The employee says, walking over to Jill, who surrenders her own book. "You can have it back in...." He pulls out his phone, checking the time. "Fifteen minutes."
"Well." The King coughs, getting Sys attention. "In the meantime then, hows about a fight?"
"All of you?" Sy stares around him at the loose circle he's been trapped in by the King and his companions. "No." The King shakes his head. "Bad form to not give a man a sporting chance." He points at Sy. "Even a cheating thief like you. And besides." He steps back, giving Charlie room as she unsheaths her sword. "I made a promise."

Unfortunately for Charlie, Sy is a very good swordsman, and her rage just isn't good enough to give her any kind of edge. Sy bests her, taking her out with a slash across the back after a clumsy mistimed lunge on Charlie's part.

Next up is the King. This fight takes longer, the King knows his stuff, having been LARPing longer then most. He even regularly practices at home with some of his closer friends from the Royals. But, ultimately Sy is a younger man, with more stamina, especially since he had no part in that mornings battle. So the King is slain too.

Danni bounces forwards even as the King falls. She fights like a skinny blur, swinging her large axe almost too fast to follow, dancing in and out, turning huge circles around Sy as she does, giving him no respite. Sy is constantly on the back foot. Danni lunges forwards, swinging the axe down executioner style, but a lucky counter blow from Sy manages to knock the heavy weapon clean out of her hands. Sy raises his own sword high, a victory smile on his face, visions of busty Jill pole tied alongside Lily and Donna already filling his head, because Sy has been counting the time off and he knows magic is returning any moment, gifting him victory. This head filling fantasy costs him his concentration though, because as Sy pauses, readying the killing blow, Danni pulls her dagger, and darts forwards in underneath, slicing up and across, gutting him. Killing him. Which ends the LARP.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I wanted to do a feel good ending, like a 'where are they now' catch up. Not for all the LARPers, just the two groups I felt deserved it. So here it is.

One year later.

Dave and Fiona are now a couple. They live together in Dave's mansion, just the two of them, and Fionas ten cats. Dave had a custom suit of plate armour made for her, so they now LARP together, stomping across whatever field the event takes place in, usually being snuck up on and killed quite early on, at which point they go for a pub lunch, which the first to die has to pay for.

The Happy Campers split up. It was amicable, no arguments, no hurt feelings. Patrick now lives with Vicky, neither of whom LARP anymore. They're expecting their first child soon. Jill and the King dated long distance for several months, testing the waters, before she moved to Windsor, both of them giving up their rentals to move into a new flat beside the river together. In the months following the LARP forever event the Windsor Royals grew in size, becoming a small army. Alongside Jill all three of the girls in October Dawn have joined the King after several long email exchanges. Charlie too has joined up, bringing just under half the Storm Chasers with her, including her two closest male friends, since the Chasers leader was disbanding the group having just become a grandad. Danni can also be found beside the King as he leads the charge these days. The skinny girl still bounds fearlessly into the fray, still swinging her way too big axe around. With this new influx the King felt a renaming was in order, and so the Windsor Royals became the Cavaliers, a fitting name for a Kings army.
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Post by ichundso »

Wonderful conclusion! I do find myself wondering what happened to some of the characters who were left behind at some point like Sammie, but I suppose that's up to the reader's imagination, and as you hinted, it would be really difficult to give everyone a proper ending. Great story - definitely one of my favourites ever! Thanks so much for sharing!
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