Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
Sex (oral/anal/handjobs)
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Post by Arizian »

New to the board, so please excuse my exceptionally late comments..

Just read through chapter 6.. wow. your writing style coupled with the descriptions you put in.. So very wonderful, and I can't wait to continue reading this excellent story and see where it goes.

It really makes you feel like you are right there!

Thank you so much for writing this!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Arizian wrote: 4 years ago New to the board, so please excuse my exceptionally late comments..
Not at all, boi!
We've had many new members start reading and commenting on this story these past two weeks.
Always happy to see a new face. Welcome on board ;)

Glad you're enjoying this as much as you are.
Looking forward to hearing more from you as you progress into the story.

Sniffmyfeet wrote: 4 years ago You’ve managed to gather a bunch of hot guys together. Steven is trying to rank them on a list in his head just like we’re all doing.
Well then, I'd be VERY interested in seeing your (and everyone else's) rank listing ;)
Might be interesting to see how you'd all rate these guys (previously introduced characters as well) on a hotness scale.

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Sir, that's a fantastic Idea. So my scale of all characters, regarding hotness:

1) Zack
He's got it all. He's a muscle god, a giant, his feet are smelly, his gear is too...and he got that face and character which could easily be outta a Sub's dream. Definitely my number One.
Hotness score: 97/100.

2) Nick
Steven's number one is my number two - and as you see, it's a big difference between Zack and Nick. Why is that? Only one thing: pure personal taste. Both Nick and Zack's physique are damn hot, I just like the look of Zack more. But apart from that, Nick is a living GOD too.
Hotness score: 92/100.

3) Joshua
Closely following after Nick is Joshua - who actually gave Nick quite a run for his money. If Joshua would have been built as Nick is, he'd definitely be on the silver rank. I love the way he dresses - leather and trackies are a BIG plus for me...and he's really handsome and something about him just makes me feel all tingly and weird...just like Steven does.
Hotness score: 90/100.

4) Chris
A real jock god. I want to be at his feet....mhmm. He looks like the hottest jock at high school who is bullying like crazy - and gets away with it.
Hotness score: 86/100.

5) Brad
I'll probably get a few "thumbs down" cause of putting Brad this high in here...even though he is cold hearted and has no sign of empathy...some things about how he treats subs, really turns me on. Don't understand me wrong - I absolutely hate what he has done to Jeremy. Beating up a sub is definitely NOT OK. Still I sometimes find myself wishing a bit more of Brad's "evilness" especially how rude, humiliating and harsh he speaks to Subs - in our other main Doms.
Hotness score: 84/100

6) Joey
WOW his eyes! I don't know really much about him already, but his looks definitely speak for him. And in personal taste, I do find he looks better with a snapback-cap on ;-)
Hotness score: 83/100

7) Shawn
I know that what he did to Steven with this blackmailing shit shouldn't be considered in a hotness-scale...but even apart from that, Shawn isn't near the other big guys for me. What not means that I wouldn't want to spend a night caught up in his nasty room with all those stinky socks and rank undies :lol:
Hotness score: 81/100

8) Mike
I want to sniff his socks. Badly.
Hotness score: 77/100

I don't rank the subs in here as they - for me - do not compete with these hot Alpha guys.
Btw, just so you know what I'm talking about - in my scale, Average hotness (what would mean I'd definitely look at this guy closer when seeing him in the park or on the street) I'd set at around 70-75.

So ALL of those Doms here, I'd immediately submit to - without even thinking about it.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Wednesday, May 20 (5:00 PM)

As soon as I arrived in the living room, I moved to sit on the free couch space next to Josh.
But before I could do so, Shawn intercepted me by snapping his fingers and signaling for me to sit down next to him.

I was still very much upset about what he'd put me through last night and earlier this morning, but didn't have the guts to stand up to him and disobey a direct order. By that point I had pretty much agreed to become his bitch, and would even submit to him sexually if it meant the deletion of those incriminating photos.

As unhappy and as spiteful as I was about my current predicament, I took some comfort in knowing that I'd have my revenge.
Once Nick found out about this, all hell would break loose and Shawn would pay for his crime.

Begrudgingly sitting down next to the brute, I found myself completely taken aback by him slinging his arm around my shoulders.
Shawn pulled me close, and I could tell from the smug look on his face that he knew how upset I was at being this close to him.
The big, hunky beefcake just didn't care.
Instead of giving me a bit of space, he simply wrapped his arm even tighter around me and pulled me right up against his sweaty torso.

"Remember what we talked about earlier?" he whispered, expertly dressing his threat in the guise of a friendly question.

There was no doubt in my mind though. All he wanted to do was remind me of the fact that he had me by the balls and that I had no choice but to comply with his wishes if I wanted my relationship with Nick to come out unscathed.

The man shared many of the same traits and qualities as his older cousin.
But directness apparently wasn't among them.

I huffed and tried to pull away, but the brute just held me in place.
I was really no match for his size and muscle.

Aside from Mike, Shawn was still the biggest, heaviest guy in the room. And he was also the buffest.
Chris certainly packed a lot of muscle as well, but his thighs and legs weren't quite as beefy or as impressive as Shawn's.

That being said, my devious captor had absolutely NO trouble keeping my struggling body pinned to his.

"You like Chris' feet?" he asked, holding me tight and whispering in my ear so that the four gamers wouldn't hear.

"No." I grumbled, doing my best to put on a disapproving frown in an effort to reinforce my lie.

Shawn didn't buy it for a second.
"Sure you do. Look at them. Look at those big feet, and look at all those dirty sneakers." he continued, increasing the tightness of his grip and pulling my body even closer to his.

Eyes continually peeled on the racing game, Josh suddenly let out a victorious cry as his car took the lead.
The jocks then broke down into a collective laughter as Joey's vehicle skidded off the road and crashed rather dramatically into a tree.
The four of there were completely oblivious to the conversation Shawn and I were having.

"You're gonna have fun cleaning those up for us, won't you?" the blond bully teased, discreetly pointing towards the shoes his roommates were wearing, and whispering in my head so that only I would hear him.

"" I answered, shaking my head no and keeping a deep frown glued to my face.

"Well too bad. 'Cause that's exactly what you'll be doing for us tonight." he told me, snickering under his breath before ordering me to the kitchen so that I could fix him up a sandwich.

I was more than happy to be done with him, and quickly stood up from the couch and stormed off into the kitchen.
Fuckin' stupid oaf!

Having only eaten a light breakfast at the start of the day, I should've been anxious to eat a heavier meal at this hour.
But being in a house full of hunky jocks had my stomach in a knot, and even as I slaved in the kitchen to make my ballsy captor a sandwich, the thought of taking in sustenance didn't exactly appeal to me.

I didn't help that the kitchen wasn't very clean.
Bread crumbs and dirty dishes lined the counter, and from the looks of it, nobody had bothered cleaning the microwave oven in quite some time!

This place was a MESS, and it certainly didn't help improve my appetite.

Shawn got up and came to snatch his sandwich right off the counter before I even had a chance to serve it to him.
I didn't even have the time to put the pickles, mayonnaise and other condiments in the fridge that he had already gobbled most of the thing down.

"I'm gonna make sure you have some fun later on, but first I'd like you to get this place cleaned up. There's some dish soap and cleaning products under the sink. Now get to work." he told me, licking his fingers and turning around to put his plate on the cluttered counter.

For a moment there, I was actually thinking about telling him to buzz off.
But the instant he turned around and faced me with his huge, hulking frame, buff shoulders and massive arms, my resolve immediately melted.

I sighed in resignation, awkwardly lifted a hand to scratch my opposing upper arm and lowered my eyes down to avoid his smug gaze.

He was the hunk, I was the beta.
It didn't matter that he was two years younger than me or that I didn't particularly like him, he was still my superior.

As upset as I was about him wanting me to clean his crummy kitchen, I silently reminded myself of the fact that Nick might've ordered me to do the same had he been here with us. After all, my boyfriend had lost no time in putting little Jeremy to work during his brief stay at our place last month. The boy had been our guest, but as far as my Master was concerned, he was still a servant.

Shawn was not my Master, but he was definitely an Alpha, and so were his roommates.

Satisfied with my level of compliance but probably feeling a little bad about the shitty treatment he'd given me so far, the blue eyed hunk tried to show some compassion by expressing concern for my wellbeing.

"Are you hungry? You want something to eat?" he asked, quickly tearing the fridge door open while I let a bit of hot water run and got to work getting all the dirty dishes into neat piles.

Wanting him to feel guilty, I merely shook my head no and worked my facial features into a downtrodden expression.

The guy apparently felt so bad for me that he took it upon himself to get some ice out of the freezer and pour me a tall glass of cola.
Something he would've never done under ordinary circumstances.

"Here. I don't have coffee or tea to offer you, but there's some instant hot chocolate in the cupboard if you feel like it." he offered, setting the glass of cold soda pop on the counter next to me.

I nodded my head and thanked him for the soft drink, before reaching down for the dish soap getting to started on those dishes.

Shawn stayed in the kitchen for a few more seconds before finally joining his friends over in the living room.

I spent the next hour washing dishes, soaping up dirty kitchen appliances and giving the filthy counterpace a good scrubbing.
About half way through the ordeal, I stopped to take a bathroom break. But just as I was making my way there, something caught my eye in what I could only assume was Chris' bedroom.

Through his partially opened bedroom door, I could see the sweaty basketball clothes he'd changed out of; which included his shorts, his big leather sneakers and the pair of absolutely rank-looking socks he'd been wearing on his feet earlier.


I was SO turned on by the sight of the big, beefy, V-shaped hunk's sweaty gear, that I was virtually unable to piss without sitting down on the bowl and letting my hard-on soften a bit.

Part of me found this fetish really weird, but for some reason, I just wanted to just crawl over in his room and stick my face inside his giant Air Jordans. My desire to do so was even stronger now that I'd seen both of his discarded socks stuffed inside his trainer.

There was no doubt in my mind that Chris would be wearing those socks again, much like he had for the past week or two.

Imagine how nervous and uneasy I felt when, out of all the guys, HE was the one who walked into the kitchen a few minutes later and started going through the contents of his fridge.

"Wow! Shawn's really puttin' you to work, isn't he?" Chris laughed, chugging down a mouthful of milk right from the carton.

I just kept my head low and kept on scrubbing.
But even as the beefy stud stood there, looking inside the fridge, I couldn't help but steal a glance at his feet.
They were HUGE. And even though his toes were plump and full, I could still see a fair amount of gunk and sock lint stuck in between them.

His soles were apparently pretty sweaty too, 'cause they left moist print marks across the kitchen's cold ceramic floor.
The grossness factor of him having moist soles only increased from the dustiness of the floor he was walking on.
There were bread crumbs, leg hairs and random bits and bobs all over the place.

Big Mike's cotton socks were like dust bunnies!
But I could only IMAGINE how much crap was stuck under Chris' feet, now that his sweaty soles were trudging about the place and picking up everything he stepped on.

Shawn came back to check on me soon after Chris had regained his seat on the living room couch.
The kitchen was now infinitely cleaner than it had been a mere hour ago, but no praise came my way.

Instead of thanking me for a job well done, Nick's beefy, blue-eyed cousin ordered me to the privacy of his bedroom and warned me to stay in there until he arrived.

I did as I was told and patiently sat myself on the bed to wait for him.

The beefy King-jock didn't lose any time in joining me.
From the cocky look on his face and the way he casually strode over and picked up his bondage gear filled-gym bag, I knew this wasn't gonna turn out well.

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Post by Volobond »

Well, since you asked... ;)

1. Zack - 95/100
The handsome "Prince Charming" jock is my favorite. Sexy, muscular, and with a smile that belies the darkest kind of tickle sadist... yum.

2. Joey - 92/100
Not much is known so far about this hunk, but those pretty eyes and dark hair are endlessly sexy. I'm still hoping at least one of these new characters turns out to be a new sub, and Joey would look amazing in the sleepsack we're all so fond of...

3. Nick - 89/100
Handsome and hot in that All-American way, Nick is muscular and sexy, though still not as great as Zack and Joey.

4. Jeremy - 85/100
Cute and vulnerable, I wanna cuddle him, kiss him, and tickle him into oblivion.

5. Joshua - 80/100
Boyish but sexy, I'm looking forward to learning more about this cutie.

6. Steven - 76/100
Totally gets hotter while gagged and bound. Better keep him like that to keep him out of trouble.

7. Brad - 68/100

8. Mike - 50/100
He looks... average. Not my type, but maybe his personality will shine through to make him hotter?

9. Chris - 45/100
Kinda ew. I don't like his face much, but he's not SO bad.

10. Shawn - 40/100
Just... bland. Not even average, his face to me is just... kinda dopey and weird? Even before the whole blackmail thing, he was my least favorite.

50 is average looks, by the way.

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Post by Pup »

Slightly unexpected hint of kindness from Shawn, had to go back and re-read it to check it didn't switch to someone else and I missed it.
Certainly agree with Steven's prediction of the next chapter. :P
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I liked the nice part of shawn when he felt bad and offered him a drink .
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Post by Johnsnow »

I might come back and edit this with more details as to the why later on when I’m not on my phone but for now:

1) Zach

2) Joshua

3) Nick

4) Joey

5) Chris

6) Brad

7) Shawn

8) Mike
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Amazing new chapter, Sir.

And I really love how Steven gets so turned on by Chris' feet and his big sneakers and socks.
Even more when he glances at his feet and thinks about how crummy they must be in this unclean place.

Somehow I know that Steven's secretly enjoying what he is being put through, even with all the cleaning and stuff (not the blackmailing thing),
and I can't wait to see him at Chris' big feet, cleaning them up with his little tongue... 8-) :oops:
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Post by NeedControl »

Shawn seems so mercurial... 🧐
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years agoWell then, I'd be VERY interested in seeing your (and everyone else's) rank listing ;)
Might be interesting to see how you'd all rate these guys (previously introduced characters as well) on a hotness scale.
1. Joshua. I like his face (very kissable) and hair and he wears very hot clothes. I like his style. 95/100

2./3. Zack. He is very handsome and he has awesome gear. I like how he is able to cover his evil plans with a layer of gentleness. 90/100

2./3. Joey. I agree with what @sniffingyoursocks said about him. 90/100

4. Steven. He has become such a handsome guy. He looks less childish now. I’d love to cuddle with him and then make him suck my toes or something like that. 80/100

5. Nick. Nick has really grown on me as at first he looked like there was too much sexual energy in him and I would be afraid of him. But now he looks more mature and he has become much hotter. This new haircut and his beard are hot. 70/100

6. Jeremy. Let those wounds and scars heal and I think he will look great. 65/100

7. Brad. I still think he’s a bully but as far as looks go, he’s on this place in my list. 60/100

8. Chris. He should probably shave his beard. 50/100

9. Mike. He seems like a cool guy but I don’t like the way he’s cut his hair. 40/100

10. Shawn. His face isn’t very hot and the hairstyle from the 80’s or 90’s doesn’t help. 20/100
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Post by GoBucks »

Can't wait for Steven to get to some foot/shoe cleaning! Mmm

As for your hotness rankings I'll go

1. Zack- Gorgeous face, incredible body, dreamy smile, luscious brown hair. He's perfect.

2. Joey- THOSE EYES. My God those eyes are incredible. Great body. I agree with the others that he looks great with the backwards cap.

3. Shawn- So buff. Boyish face, but that is also kind of a turn on. I like seeing so much alpha in someone who is and looks younger.

4. Nick- I really wasn't that big of a fan of shaved head Nick from the beginning, but the new picture is so much better! Love the new haircut and beard.

5. Brad- I would have ranked Brad higher than Nick and Shawn based on his old picture. Not really a fan of the updated one.

6. Joshua- Handsome face, love the blonde hair. He's this low just because he doesn't look as built as the others. Looks boyish without Shawn's buffness. Still really hot though.

7. Big Mike- Hot dude, incredibly turned on by his size. Just don't think his face is as hot to me as the others and face is typically what I weigh the most when determining hotness.

8. Chris- As Volobond said- it's the face. It's just.... off to me. I don't know if it's just a bad picture but his eyes look really weird to me. Kinda looks like a guy possessed by a demon on Supernatural. Great body, but I can't get passed the face.
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Post by Arizian »

Just got through chapter 16. The level of detail is exquisite and quite enthralling. The duality of the friendship/bullying by Nick is an interesting one.

I find myself going back and rereading sections just to enjoy your narrative descriptors.

This is such a wonderful story and I can't wait to see what continues to happen!
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Post by sws91 »

Although Stephen is super lucky to be around all these super spunky dudes, Shawn is still a pathetic little tool and I really hope he gets his commupance.

I find it funny that all these dudes go to malicious lengths to get a piece of Stephen, and he still has such low self esteem.
Get some confidence man!
Hopefully this ordeal might finally give him a bit of strength to start standing up for himself.

Awesome work BF!
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Post by cherryboy »

i wasn't going to post anything until i got caught up (didn't want any spoilers) but i'm at chapter 106 and i probably won't be catching up as soon as i thought haha.
so i just thought i'd say i'm enjoying this story even though the part i'm at is pretty intense. i keep staying up way later than i mean going through the chapters.
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Post by bondagefreak »

If I look at the HOTNESS RATINGS presented so far, and compare them to Steven's own rating; the thing you guys seem to agree the least on right now is Chris. I am totally not surprised to see Zack come on top though.

As far as Shawn goes, wait 'till you see him with some fuzz on his chin.
Facial hair (or lack thereof) goes a long way in changing one's appearance ;)

I'll refrain from posting Steven's list until he meets the other two characters.

Arizian wrote: 4 years ago Just got through chapter 16. The level of detail is exquisite and quite enthralling.
I'm glad you're enjoying this, boi.
Definitely some fun times ahead in the next chapters ;)
sws91 wrote: 4 years ago I find it funny that all these dudes go to malicious lengths to get a piece of Stephen, and he still has such low self esteem.
Hopefully this ordeal might finally give him a bit of strength to start standing up for himself.
Definitely agree with you on that.
First, Brad, then Nick and now Shawn!
Zack may not have tried to get a piece of him in the same sense, but he was more than ready to share a bed with Nick and bone little Steven.
Steven also received a nice ego-boost from straight-jock Chris during the car ride to Shawn's place.

I don't know if you've read the other comments, but it might be fun for you to try and rate all the guys like Steven's been trying to do.

cherryboy wrote: 4 years ago i wasn't going to post anything until i got caught up (didn't want any spoilers) but i'm at chapter 106 and i probably won't be catching up as soon as i thought haha.
so i just thought i'd say i'm enjoying this story even though the part i'm at is pretty intense. i keep staying up way later than i mean going through the chapters.
Welcome onboard, Cheeryboy!
I'm really happy you decided not to wait. As you can see from the comments, I have readers reviewing different parts of the story.
Arizian just made it to chapter 16 a few hours ago.

I always encourage my readers to review and speak their mind as they're reading along.
I hope you continue enjoying this and hope to see more comments from you as you read along ;)

Really glad to see so many new faces pop up.

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Post by Trainedsub »

I have to admit, a combo of Zach and Nick is probably my dream boy. Sweet and protective but kinky and rough, marry me right now. The new characters all seem pretty interesting, but I think Nick will be pretty jealous if any of them use his boy. Shawn definitely took a nose dive for me. It’s one thing to be a horny jerk, it’s a whole different issue to use blackmail to force someone to submit to you.
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by cherryboy »

oh boy just got to meeting zack and he seems great. "kiddo" is such a weakness of mine haha. can't wait to see how the story unfolds with him in the picture now.
also your level of detail on nick's underwear was fantastic
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Post by bondagefreak »

Wednesday, May 20 (6:00 PM)

I watched as my big, beefy captor picked up his gym bag from off the floor and tossed it onto the bed, right next to where I was sitting.
The bag was unzipped and several coils of my boyfriend's thick white rope were pulled out.

The minute I saw the sly smile on Master Shawn's boyish face, I knew I was in trouble.

Without offering me so much as an explanation, the huge, hulking 21-year-old pushed me face down on his bed, and immediately climbed up on my back so that I couldn't move.

I tried to fight him and tried to wrestle him off. But the kid was just SO fuckin' big and heavy!
Being a full head taller and about a hundred pounds heavier than I was, he was way, WAY out of my league.

"Shawn! No! What are you doing?!" I managed to cry out, right before getting my face shoved inside his thick pillow.

The big hunky college jock tackled me down to his bed and straddled my diminutive form under his massive thighs and huge, meaty rump.

I felt his large hands grab hold of my wrists, felt my arms being pulled behind me, and felt the rough embrace of thick cotton rope being spun around my limbs. Before I knew it, my wrists were tied together real snug behind my back.

The big, brutish oaf then repeated the same process for my legs; forcing me to cross both my ankles together and then roping them up real nice and tight.

Unlike Nick and Zack, Shawn didn't seem to know any special knots.
Unfortunately for me, the tightness and excessiveness of his ropework more than compensated for his lack of experience.
I wasn't going anywhere.

More rope was pulled out of the bag, and only a few minutes later, the super-beefy college jock had me securely hogtied on his bed.


I was expecting to be picked up and carried off into the living room by that point, but my expectations were once again proven wrong when my captor tossed his gym bag back to the floor and walked back towards the bedroom door before locking it so no one could come in.

It was just me and him.

I squirmed uneasily against my restraints, not knowing what the unpredictable lout had in mind for me.
A sudden heat flash washed over me when the stud pulled off his sleeveless basketball shirt and tossed it to the floor, not far from where he was standing.

I watched as he grabbed his swiveling computer chair and dragged it across the cluttered room, moving it right next to side of the bed.
It didn't take long for me to put A and B together.
Genuinely fearing what he was about to do next, I immediately tried squirming away to the far side of the mattress.

The hulking bully lost no time in grabbing my hogtied form and pulling me back towards him, positioning me so that my head was hanging off the edge of the mattress, right in front of his swiveling computer chair.

My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when the young muscle-jock stood in front of my face and dropped his satin basketball shorts down.
Aside from the shoes and socks he was wearing, the giant, beefy blue eyed Alpha stood there, clad only in his tight-fitting black Diesel boxers.

I was afraid, not only because I didn't wanna blow him, but also because of his size and eagerness to use me.

I hadn't seen him member yet, but the judging from the size of his pouch, the thing must've been REALLY big.
Not only that! His hairy thighs were as thick as tree trunks, and the fact that he hadn't showered since yesterday didn't bode well for me at all!

"No! Shawn...I'm not gonna blow you!" I protested, squirming against my tight restraints and turning my head away so as to avoid his fat, underwear-clad bulge.

Shawn showed no pity though.
Instead of trying to flirt with me and ease me into it like he had last night, he simply pulled his tight-fitting boxers off, yanked my head up and shoved the giant cotton briefs right in my face.

"Shut the fuck up." he growled, smothering my face with the massive Diesel-brand underwear he'd just stripped out of.

I cried out and struggled to break free, but as soon as my nostrils flared open inside the suffocating bundle, I instantly lost it and went stark crazy.

"Ugggmmphh!" I screamed, muscles tensing up and eyes going wide in panic at the potency of the smell I was picking up.

Shawn must've unknowingly buried my nose inside the rear end of his briefs, 'cause the stench that hit me was unmistakable.
I had just taken a whiff of his big, hairy bums; the smell of which was strong enough to make my eyes bulge and my toes curl up.

"You're gonna suck my cock and do what I tell you, or I'm gonna stuff these in your mouth and send Nick those photos." the blond stud threatened, finally pulling the giant briefs away from my face and tossing them down to the bed.

Still recovering from the shock of having sniffed the huge, 21-year-old jock's smelly butthole, I was left virtually unprepared for the sight that greeted me when those jumbo briefs were pulled away from my face.

Master Shawn stood there, holding my face up on par with his huge, hairy, tree trunk-sized thighs.
A set of low-hanging, heavy danglers hung in front of them, leading up to his very thick, very angry-looking 20 cm-long tool.

The brutish beefcake's hairy thighs also led up to a generous amount of blond pubic hair around his crotch.
But unlike his older cousin's equally oversized manhood, Shawn's boner didn't stand up and point towards the sky.
Aside from a slight downward curve at the tip of it's head, the younger bully's meaty shaft stood straight out in front of him, forming a near-perfect horizontal line.

With his huge hand keeping a tight grip on my hair and pulling my face up, I was quite literally left facing off against the tip of my giant captor's jumbo meat.

I was terrified!

Yes, I did feel a physical attraction to Shawn.
But no, I didn't feel right about blowing his cock.

Had Nick ordered me to provide relief for his cousin, I would've probably complied with his wishes.
But Shawn's use of blackmail tactics and trickery only reinforced my idea that Nick would NOT be okay with renting me out or sharing me with his matter how close the two of them were.

Then again, I was tied up and locked inside the young hunk's personal bedroom.
If I refused his advances, he could very well turn my life into a living nightmare and use that fabricated photo proof to drive a wedge between myself and his cousin.

Given the guilt he'd demonstrated earlier, I had some doubts about whether or not he actually had the guts to carry out such a threat.
If ordering me to do something as menial as cleaning his kitchen actually weighed on his conscience like it seemed to earlier, then I had good reason to doubt whether or not he was mean enough to actually ruin what his cousin and I shared.

He could've been bluffing.
He probably WAS bluffing.

After all, it's not as if there was any bad blood between us.
As far as I knew, I'd never done anything to upset him or piss him off.

Maybe he really WAS curious about why Nick would choose me over some hot chick.

As innocent or as harmless as his motives might've been though, it did not excuse his use of morally reprehensible tactics.
His actions were bad, no matter which light you looked at them from.

Shawn was probably bluffing.
But my infatuation with his older cousin was so strong that I couldn't bare the thought of taking any chances.

I could always try screaming for help. But after that single sniff of the material that lined his giant bum, the thought of having those enormous boxers shoved inside my mouth was a terrifying prospect to say the least.

My options were very limited and it took only a few seconds of silent contemplation for me to come to a final conclusion.

There was no way out of this.
Shawn had won this round.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's one hell of a hogtie.

Aside from the obvious, Steven isn't only bound physically. He's also Shawn's captive emotionally, feeling trapped and seeing no way out other than accepting the bratty dom's offer. I still can't help but think that things would've been much easier if Steven trusted Nick more but I can also see why he's not fully confident in himself in that regard.

Also, lots of descriptions involving the potential underwear gag. It's a bit too dirty for me to enjoy fantasizing about being in Steven's place but it did its job at making Shawn's threat more effective very well.

I wonder if any of the roommates will learn about this blackmail. Considering how differently they treated Steven, it'd be interesting to see their reactions.
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Post by Volobond »

Fucking Shawn! Blackmailing Steven into sex is just so low - I wish Steven trusted Nick enough to refuse: this just gives Shawn more blackmail material.

Maybe if the roommates knew, they'd help put Shawn in his place. I can't wait for Nick to put Shawn in his place! :evil:

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Post by GoBucks »

I know it's wrong, but it's hot. Go on Shawn! Get yourself that BJ!
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Post by Pup »

Yeah Steven really does seem to understate the fact that this is 100% nonconsensual and blackmailed into.
Definitely predicting Nick beating up his cousin at some point. :P
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Post by NeedControl »


I am not at all happy about this.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup wrote: 4 years ago Yeah Steven really does seem to understate the fact that this is 100% nonconsensual and blackmailed into.
I don't know, Pup.
Maybe he's understating it 'cause it isn't 100% nonconsensual for him.

Keep it mind that this story is Steven's personal journal. In it, he shares his hopes, his feelings, his outlook on life, and the many experiences that continually shape him as a person. If Steven's outlook on something isn't as severe or as clear cut as your own, then that's a good indicator of the way he feels.

You remember back in the early days, when Nick and Brad took Steven away on a week-long camping trip?
That was many months before Brad became twisted and cruel, and yet Steven was extremely dramatic in painting the guy in a bad light.
Every single thing Brad did was pure evil, according to our heavily-biassed main protagonist.
Nick was arguably worse than Brad back then, but Steven's personal bias and emotional attachment overrode a lot of what Nick was doing.
Somehow, Steven always found an excuse to paint Nick under better light.

There's a very real posibility that we're seeing a repeat of that now.

Steven goes out of his way to state that Shawn's decision to force the issue is reprehensible.
But he also goes on to say that he'd probably be okay with helping Shawn out, if Nick had ordered him to.

There are lots of small hints laced around in these chapters.
But if there's one thing we can safely assume, it's that Steven likes Shawn more than he'd openly admit. Physical attraction definitely has something to do with it.

He doesn't feel physically threatened or in danger. Probably because he knows Shawn won't use brute force to get what he wants.
In fact, Shawn's response to Steven's "I won't blow you" is simply to threaten him with an underwear gag and bring those sketchy photos back into play.

Steven also has some serious doubts about whether or not Shawn would actually go through with the second part of his threat.
And he actually notices and takes time to analyse those instances when the young hunk shows a level of guilt, remorse and uneasiness.

As clear cut as it may seem for us, Steven doesn't seem to think that Shawn is beyond redemption.
And I'm fairly certain that his desire for revenge stems solely from the fact that Shawn is threatening to endanger the thing he holds most dear; his relationship with Nick. I don't think that Steven is at all upset about the fact that Shawn wants to "try him out."

If his reaction to Chris' comments are any indication, I think it's safe to assume that Steven probably feels a bit flattered by Shawn's curiosity.
As innocent or as harmless as his motives might've been though, it did not excuse his use of morally reprehensible tactics.

Had Shawn simply asked Nick for permission or had he kept trying his luck and flirting with Steven, things might've turned out very differently.

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