Undeserving (MMM/M) - PART 2

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Undeserving (MMM/M) - PART 2

Post by Phoenix »

(I always feel the need to put a disclaimer and explain that if you find any bad grammatical errors or something that doesn't make sense, blame it on my dyslexia. :P )



Wallace Pak didn’t deserve what happened to him over those 5 days, but it’s important to remember that masculine sadists simply don’t care.


Let me just clarify some things right out of the gate. I know you came here for the juicy parts, but it’s important to give you some context.

Wallace was fit, attractive, and likable. He wasn’t overly muscular, but he had a nice physique. He had one of those voices you’d hear on the radio and you’d think to yourself, “Wow, that’s a milky voice.” He was charming, funny, charismatic. Clear skin, piercing eyes. You get the picture. He’s the kind of guy where if you didn’t like him you really wouldn’t like him because he seems to be the whole package.

He was a third year student, and also the star player of the soccer team. If he wasn’t the best player, he was in the top 5. Unfortunately for Wallace, his teammates only paid attention to the fact that Wallace’s step-dad was the coach. David, a fourth year student and perhaps Wallace’s biggest critic, resented every single game he was left on the sidelines while Wallace “got his way.”

And, well, it’s important to remember that most of the team actually really liked Wallace. But it was easy for their testosterone-ridden minds to be overrun with jealousy and resentment, and thus a plan was set into motion.

You see, it was Spring Break. On the Sunday before school began, there was a practice specifically for the final stretch of the season. It determined who would play in the games, who would be in the reserves, and who would sit out for the rest of the season. And if Wallace missed that practice...


The First Day, or: The Capture

You might be thinking, well, they don’t really need to essentially kidnap Wallace for 5 days, do they? Just get him out of the way that one day? And you’re right. But I cannot stress this enough: These guys simply wanted to assert their dominance over another guy. Well, a few vocal members, anyways. But you know how mob mentality works...

The plan was simple. Actually, it was more of a fact that, as these stories tend to go, everything worked itself out in the most convenient way possible.

First, there needed to be a plausible excuse as to why Wallace would disappear for the next 5 days. As luck would have it, Wallace’s mom and stepdad were actually taking a trip over those days to celebrate their anniversary.

From there, Wallace needed to be baited into giving his parents an excuse as to where he’d be. It proved especially easy for David to bully Wallace’s “best friend” (some people might call them “special friends,” but that’s a secret) Sid into falsely inviting Wallace over for the week. Sid didn’t want to betray Wallace’s trust like that, but David was pretty clear that he would “break [his] fucking face” if Sid didn’t comply.

And finally, the capture. Wallace often took advantage of the fact that his stepdad worked at the school but using the keys to get into the gym, in order to work out in peace. Not that Wallace was a big juicehead or anything, he just simply found working out relaxing, especially when nobody else was around. Some of you might raise an eyebrow as to why some random student would just be allowed into the school without supervision, especially over Spring Break. But being the stepson of someone on the staff, as well as a star athlete and straight A student, people tended to turn a blind eye and trust him.

All that was left was the capture...


Intel from Sid revealed that Wallace would be at the school at 6 in the morning, bright and early, in order to get his work out in. After that, Wallace had planned to head to Sid’s.

It was only a small team that assembled to grab Wallace. David, of course, was one of them. Two other boys accompanies him -- Diego (third-year student) and Axel (second-year student). They were remarkably patient for young men, watching from the shadows outside while Wallace went through his routine for 40 minutes. David knew it would be wise to let Wallace tire himself out before they go in. There was no doubt the three of them could take Wallace, but it’d still make it easier if Wallace was exhausted.


Wallace headed into the locker rooms. He was a sweaty mess and, though usually modest and shy about getting undressed, was going to take advantage of the empty locker room and take a shower. He had just taken off his shirt when he heard the door open.

His heart sank.


“What are you guys doing here?” Wallace asked. “You’re not supposed to be-”

“And you are?” David snapped. “You think you get special treatment just because you’re the coach’s kid?”

Wallace had no response.


Wallace did, however, have a few words for getting wrestled to the ground of the cold locker room floor, such as, “No,” “Fuck,” and “Stop!”

David was rough as he straddled Wallace’s back, yanking his hair up by the root, and handgagging Wallace by squeezing his face.

“Give me something to shut him up,” David demanded.

“Like what?” Diego asked.

“Probably something good,” Axel snickered. “Patrick put his dirty jock and cup in among our supplies.”

“Ew, that’s gross! But it’ll be perfect,” David laughed.

You might be able to tell from context clues by the way Wallace screamed into his handgag, but Patrick had a reputation among the team for just being ridiculously sweaty. Everybody sweats obviously, it’s just that Patrick did moreso. Couple that with the fact that several members have seen Patrick’s “hairy tree” in the shower, you can only imagine how musky his--

“Man, this smells insanely musky! I don’t wanna pick this up.” Diego complained.

“Don’t be a pussy,” David said.

“Patrick told me he didn’t wash that jock for three weeks specifically for this moment,” Axel said.

“Ugh, gross.” Diego held the jock up by the tip of his fingers, as if he was holding toxic waste. “This definitely looks like it hasn’t been washed. It’s like, browning, dude.”

“Just give it to me dude,” David barked. Diego tossed it in David’s direction, causing David to tense up as he let the jockstrap land on the ground. “I didn’t mean throw it to me, dude. Jeez.”

Wallace was still struggling and screaming into David’s hand. However, David was a much taller and, as a result, much larger individual than Wallace. Coupled with Wallace’s fatigue, his struggles were futile.

“Don’t even try, man.” David took a deep breath, and then grabbed the jockstrap. David didn’t bother to tease Wallace, or force Wallace into a position where he’d open his mouth on his own. The jock felt slimy, so David didn’t want to waste any time. Instead, David pushed the jockstrap painfully against Wallace’s lips, effectively prying Wallace’s jaw open, and pushed the dirty cloth deep inside.

“Duct tape!” Axel tossed David the roll, and David applied a generous amount of duct tape around Wallace’s head - 5 whole rotations - effectively locking the nutbucket inside Wallace’s mouth.

Wallace cringed at the taste that intruded on his palette -- sweaty ballsack, drops of urine, and, well, from the rough crust he could feel, Wallace chose not to think about what this last flavor could be. This dude seriously wore this for 3 weeks? That’s fucking disgusting.

“That felt so gross,” David complained. He playfully, yet painfully, patted Wallace on his taped cheek, still straddling his back. “I can only imagine how it tastes. Can’t be good, right, buddy?”


Reminder: Wallace doesn’t like getting undressed in front of the other guys.

But right now, Wallace is naked on the floor, sucking on a putrid jockstrap. His hands were tied behind his back; his feet were tied also. David teased Wallace about his smaller package, which elicited a groan of shame. David was actually impressed by what Wallace had, but the emasculation route was more fun to express.

Diego had just finished taping Patrick’s athletic cup around Wallace’s head, forcing the poor young man to take in the taste and the smell of the same nasty athlete.

Wallace’s struggles have transitioned into sadness as he looked pleadingly into his captor’s eyes. Why were they doing this to him?

David loomed over the young man. “I suppose we owe you some explanation. I’ll just cut to the chase: We’re tired of your entitlement. We’re tired of the fact that you get special treatment just because Coach Powers is your stepdad. And when I say ‘we,’ I’m not just talking about me, Diego, and Axel. The whole team is in on this. And we’re tired of just letting this all happen. I’ve personally sat out the last 3 games because of you. So us, as a team, collectively, decided that we’re going to make the next 5 days absolutely miserable for you, to pay you back for how you’ve made the last 3 years miserable for us. And when you miss practice 5 days from now, your stepdad will have no choice but to finally bench you for the rest of the season.”

Though riddled with lies and exaggeration, Wallace couldn’t help but feel guilt mixed in with his anger from David’s speech.

Axel had left and came back in with the team’s large laundry bag during David’s monologue. It was sparse, but there were some old shirts and shorts at the bottom of the bag. It was perfect for fitting in somebody of Wallace’s size.

“Oh, let me do one more thing before we take him.” David began to tie rope around each of Wallace’s big toes. It wasn’t too long, which made it the perfect length--

“Dude, you’re sadist,” Diego exclaimed.

David smiled to himself as he tied the other end of the rope around Wallace’s balls. There wasn’t much room at all for Wallace to stretch his legs, lest he stretched his more delicate parts.

David stood proudly, arms crossed, over the fallen Wallace, who was left in perhaps one of the most humiliating positions possible.

“Load up the cargo!”
Last edited by Phoenix 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by benni »

Great start. Keep on going, please.
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Nicely written. There was an effortless comedic tone to it, and I really dug it.
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Post by RopedBud »

I always love a good story about getting the star player out of the picture. Very hot stuff and I'm looking forward to what happens next!
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Post by privateandrews »

Love how this is going great start...More please.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Holy crap, it looks like Wallace's smooth voice and general charisma hasn't won him too many friends on the soccer team! Not that I'm looking to side with his assailants, but Wal does sound like an over-privileged kid.
Maybe these five days of hell his teammates planned out for him will be a good thing.
Should bring him down a peg or two.

Either way, hope he enjoys sucking on Patrick's jockstrap.
That's harsh. Really makes me wanna jump in and help the boys torment their helpless prisoner.

Fantastic stuff, mate!
Can't wait for the next part.

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Post by Veracity »

I’m really enjoying this. It rings all my bells!
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Post by Phoenix »


“Fuck,” David cursed at himself. He was proud of his little toes-to-testicles tie, but unfortunately, his ropework had been slightly subpar, as it had become undone at some point during the ride between the school and the destination.


Where was the destination?

David has an older brother, Peter. He works a lot, parties a lot, has his own home, and is close with David. That made it the ideal place to dump Wallace for now.

Not only was Peter never home, he also never used his basement. There were definite plans for it. Peter was going to have a bar down there, maybe a big ass TV. But it just hasn’t happened yet. Now it’s just a barren, cold place with fluorescent lighting and the faint smell of weed.

“So we’re just gonna leave him here for 5 days?” Axel asked.

“Of course not,” David said. “This is only temporary.”

“Then where’s he going after?” Diego asked.

David stood in silence, pondering the question before he transitioned into annoyance. “Shut up, I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.”


Wallace was sat on the ground, his hands tied behind a singular pole/pipe that reached up to the ceiling, ass down on the ground, completely naked and exposed. He had given up on trying to use his thighs to hide his more valuable bits, and instead sat comfortably with his legs unbound and stretched out, slightly spread apart.

Axel and Diego both stared at him at Wallace curiously. For Axel, there was something about standing over another dude, completely exposed, and finding himself in the position of power, to be super intriguing and exhilarating. Diego felt the opposite, finding the situation to be uncomfortable at best.

“I’m ready! Let’s go, you two!” David yelled from up the stairs.

Axel patted Wallace on the cheek. “Seeya, buddy.”

Diego left without saying anything.

The lights were shut off as the boys ascended the stairs. Still sucking on his teammate’s putrid jockstrap, Wallace was left alone in the basement, bound and gagged, cold, and in complete darkness.




“Just one second! I forgot something!” The light flickered back on. David cautiously shut the door behind him, and then came running down the stairs.

Wallace groaned into his gag, eliciting a laugh from David as he walked to the corner of his room, grabbing his gym back.

“It’s probably just gonna be me and you tonight, dude.”

David squatted down in front of Wallace, somewhat uncomfortably close for the latter. An intense feeling suddenly filled the room. Their eyes were locked onto each other. Wallace was breathing heavily.

David moved forward a little. His hand moved even further. Gliding down, until they touched Wallace’s--

“MMMMMMPH!” Wallace yelled angrily into his gag, shaking violently. David chuckled, playing with Wallace’s sack with his fingers.

“Don’t pretend like you don’t like it. Your little boyfriend already told me all about how you’re into dudes.”

Wallace growled in anger.

“I bet you’ve always been secretly into me, huh? And I’ve always been a little curious...”

Wallace’s next move was for a variety of reasons. He wanted revenge for the situation he was in; he wanted David to stop touching him; and most importantly, he just wanted David to shut the fuck up and knock him down a level. So Wallace took advantage of not only the fact that his legs were free, but that David was over him in a vulnerable position.

David had no warning. Wallace’s knee suddenly just collided with his manhood.

“You little bitch!” David fell to the floor in pain. With a little after-foresight, Wallace realized that might not have been the smartest move he could’ve made, but damned if he didn’t feel proud of himself in that moment.

David had to force himself to recover from the pain quickly, mostly because he didn’t have a lot of time. “You’ll pay for that later,” he cursed.

David furiously searched through this bag, making sure to stand in a position that he was safe from Wallace’s ball-kicking legs.

“Let’s get you some extra decorations.”

The first item was a dirty sock, one of the really long ones. It was perfect for David to tie around Wallace’s eyes, effectively blinding him. Though it would become redundant once David left and turned off the light, it would allow David to come in and surprise Wallace later. Not to mention, the old sweaty material still felt gross against Wallace’s face.

“And now for the air freshener.” Wallace quickly realized what that meant as a hard object was pushed up against his face, and the overwhelming scent of sweaty balls filled his nostrils. Wallace tried to shake it off, but the swift sound of duct tape being wrapped around Wallace’s head kept it in place. “My cup might not be as stinky as I imagine Patrick’s is, but I’ve definitely worn that a lot. Plus, I can’t lie. I think it’s really hot that you’re taking in my smell.”

Wallace was yelling, though the jock in his mouth obviously muffled his cries.

“Hm, let’s see. What else do I need...”

Wallace was worried, which, as you might have guessed, turned out to be a valid fear. He tensed up when he left the pinch of two wooden clothespins on each of his nipples. He tried his hardest to shake them off, but it was futile.

David laughed as he flicked the clothespin on Wallace’s left nipple.

“Sock; check. Nipples; check. Cup; check.” The last sequence made David laugh as he unintentionally made a pun. “Now we’re just missing one more thing.”

Wallace was afraid at what else David could possibly do to him. But he was caught off guard when he suddenly felt something being fastened around his scrotum. It was a padlock. The gap was small enough to keep the testicles from receding, and the lock was large and heavy enough that it was constantly pulling downwards.

“I think this part is really important.” David got really close to Wallace’s face. Wallace couldn’t see him, or even really smell him, but he felt his hot breath. “It’s a good reminder that, for the next 5 days, you’re gonna be my fucking bitch. Which, after what you just did, you definitely need to be reminded of that.” This was followed by David delivering a couple of taps directly to Wallace’s nuts. They weren’t especially hard, but with the testicles having nowhere to flee due to the padlock that had just been fastened around them, they were left to take the full force, causing Wallace severe discomfort.

“I guess it’s not just me,” David said. “The entire team will get to fuck with you. But every night, you’re gonna be my responsibility. And we’re gonna have a lot of fun, dude.”


Wallace was in pure darkness. He was cold. He was still sucking on a disgusting gag. The only thing he could smell was David’s balls. The dull ache of his testicles from being pulled away from him was starting to take its toll.










The worst thing Wallace came to understand is just how insanely fucking bored he was. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t move. There was nothing to listen to. And of course, it wasn’t made any better by being forced to take in another man’s odor, while sucking on another’s crotch sweat.

Wallace also discovered it was physically impossible to keep track of time in this state. It felt like he had been in this predicament for days, but he knew that wasn’t possible.

Even with the air of the chilled basement on his naked skin, being forced to sit upright, and the dull ache in his nutsack, Wallace soon discovered that boredom had finally taken its toll on his mind. Eventually, he was able to drift to sleep...








A loud door slam woke Wallace up with a jolt. He quickly flung his head back trying to sit up straight, slamming his head back into the pole behind him. Ouch. And now Wallace was starting to notice the ache in his neck and back from sleeping upright.

“Uh...” began a voice unfamiliar to Wallace. “I’ll just do my laundry another time.” Footsteps traveled back up the stairs.

That must have been David’s brother, Wallace thought to himself. How humiliating to be seen like this by a complete stranger...


What felt like 12 hours later (but Wallace assumed it wasn’t that long at all), the door opened again.

“Hey there, friend!” David obnoxiously shouted as he staggered down the stairs. “I’m back!”


Once David had generously removed the cup that was taped to Wallace’s nose and the sock that was tied around his eyes, Wallace could smell the booze that radiated from David and see his eyes were bloodshot.

But that wasn’t the only thing he could smell...

“I had a really fun night,” David said. “Maybe too much fun. And, like, I was really craving this burger.”

It was just a normal fast food burger, but it looked so incredibly appetizing to Wallace, who suddenly realized he hadn’t eaten all day. He could see the grease shining off the wrapper, which was half removed to reveal the masterpiece inside.

“It looks really good, doesn’t it?” Wallace nodded. “Have you been a good boy today? Do you want a bite?” Wallace nodded with more enthusiasm, begging ‘please!’ into his gag.

David held the burger closer to Wallace’s face, who could do nothing but take in the scent. He couldn’t reach for a bite. He couldn’t even grab it. But it smelled so good. All Wallace had “eaten” was a dirty jockstrap, after all.

David smiled, and after a few moments of cruel teasing, leaned back in his chair and took a large bite out of the burger. He laughed a little as he began talking with his mouthful: “Too bad you haven’t earned any food privileges yet! Maybe tomorrow!”

Wallace screamed furiously into his gag as he watched David eat. He was really fucking hungry! And now he was pissed, too!

David finished his burger and leaned his chair back on two legs, feeling satisfied with himself. “That was so good! It’s too bad you couldn’t have any! Like I said, you’ll have to earn food privileges! And it’s gonna be hard to earn the right to eat something so good! If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll be able to have some oatmeal tomorrow. Unflavored, of course.”


David, at the very least, allowed Wallace to use the bathroom. Not that David actually escorted him, of course. Instead, he took one of those portable urinals (the kind you’d find at a doctor’s office) and allowed Wallace to do his business in that. Wallace, who had always been pee shy, couldn’t help but feel completely embarrassed. But when nature calls, and has been calling for the last 4 hours, sometimes you gotta swallow your pride...


David wasn’t done with his captive for the night. After all, an intoxicated David is a horny David...
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] Damn! I missed the second past when you posted it a few days ago.
Loving this so far! I just love the fact that you keep reminding us of the funky jockstrap stuffed in poor Wallace's mouth 8-) Kept me hard as a rock the whole time.

The cup-over-the-nose torture is also fitting, and I know a few guys on here who'll be thrilled to see this featured in one of your works 8-)

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] You're gonna love this one, man!

P.S- Also enjoying David's taunting. He's winning points with me!
Overall really great stuff, as I've come to expect from you.

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Post by Johnsnow »

Great story! Can't wait for the next part.
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Post by dwild »

WOW! Very much eagerly awaiting the next part.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I so would love to take Wallace parks place chew on a jockstrap have an athletic cup taped to my nose also have my armpits tickled
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Post by LenMeals »

nope MP.......this ordinary sailor is not washing up on Calypsos island prison...this is more a common tale of sirens...those that caused many a pirate and sailor to perish with their siren call....according to legends... but I got to thinking that all sirens couldnt be bad...right? gotta wait and see....
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Post by bondagefreak »

LenMeals wrote: 4 years ago nope MP.......this ordinary sailor is not washing up on Calypsos island prison...this is more a common tale of sirens...those that caused many a pirate and sailor to perish with their siren call....according to legends... but I got to thinking that all sirens couldnt be bad...right? gotta wait and see....
Very bizarre comment.

Still patiently waiting for the continuation of this awesome tale, mate!

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Post by NeedControl »

Wow, I've really enjoyed this so far! I sure hope you'll continue!!

What does David have planned next... 😏
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