Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
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Post by bondagefreak »



At first, I was too focused on trying to free myself of these restraints to think about Jeremy and what his escape meant for us. But as the silence endured and as the sheer hopelessness of my situation started to sink in, so too did the reality of my friend's absence.

I cried.
Cried because I knew I'd made a mistake. Cried because I knew I'd failed Nick and Zack.
But most of all, I cried knowing that the poor nineteen-year-old lad was going back that abusive cycle we'd rescued him from just three days ago.
He was going back to Brad.

I spent a good while trying to understand the implications of his absence and how that would affect Nick, Zack and myself.

I'd lost a friend, that much was clear.
But the thought of losing Zack...of not seeing him again, it sadenned me even more than losing Jeremy.

I barely knew the guy, yet I'd developed a sort of unhealthy infatuation for him.

I tried silencing the voice inside me.
Tried keeping it caged and locked up.
A deep, dark, twisted part of me was actually glad to see Jeremy vanish from the picture.

I know. It's sick and it's selfish.
But even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't do anything about it.
The feeling wouldn't go away.

I was tired of sharing Nick's attention, and I was jealous of Jeremy's budding romance with Zack.

In short, I was a terrible...terrible friend.

My eyes narrowed on the enormous wadding protruding past my bulging lips.
It tasted horrible, and smelled even worse!
Chewing and gagging on Nick's giant boxers was a fitting punishment for my unfaithfulness.

It didn't matter that my fantasies included him.
The fact that Zack was in them as well, meant that I'd betrayed Nick. At least, in my thoughts I had.

I cried and coughed into my colossal gag, desperately trying to slip my wrists and ankles out of the steel cuffs that kept me stretched out over the huge bed.

Eventually though, my cries turned to sobs and my sobs gave way to softer breathing.
My head became fuzzy, my eyes closed and I ended up dozing on and off for the next hour or two.

Poor Jeremy.
Poor Nick.
Poor Zack.
I had let them all down. Yet the voice inside of me that had no regrets was getting stronger and stronger.

Maybe this was supposed to end like this. Maybe this was meant to be.
After all, who was I to stand in the way of destiny?
Last edited by bondagefreak 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by GoBucks »

Wow what a totally relatable prologue! I've been thinking on pretty much the same wavelength as Steven. I feel bad for Jeremy and don't want to see him get hurt again, but also want all of the alphas' attention on Steven. If Jeremy is gone, that means more Nick AND theoretically Zack for Steven if he doesn't leave Steven and Nick after his mistake. 4 thick thighs, 4 smelly feet, 2 sweaty crotches all for Steven. Yum.

Can't wait for part V!
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Post by TiedNW »

Nice to see the story continuing.

[mention]GoBucks[/mention] I see another possibility for Zack with Jeremy gone. Why can’t Shawn become Zacks slave?
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Post by Volobond »

Wonderful work, as always. I'm always in awe of the way you blend some awesome descriptions of bondage with the emotional introspection. Steven's guilt really comes through, and I love the way you tied it into his gag. I really liked seeing Steven take charge of Jeremy, and I really hope Jeremy isn't in for too much more mistreatment...

I love your work, and I await this next awesome part of your epic with bated breath.

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I agree with what [mention]GoBucks[/mention] wrote.

And now we'll just have to wait until Nick returns. Hopefully not too angry with Steven. And hopefully he'll find a way to calm down Steven's emotions and make him focus on Nick. Because even though I really like Zack, I don't want Steven to let Nick down.
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Post by bondagefreak »

A huge thanks to [mention]chadmc90[/mention] and the team for transferring us over to our new webhost!
Glad to be back on board! Looking forward to resuming Steven's adventure this week.

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Post by GoBucks »

So relieved the board is back up. I thought we were going to lose everything again. Can't wait to see this continued!
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

It was scary, I thought everything had gone again and seeing how much work everyone puts into this site, I'm glad it's back online and I hope it will stay online!
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Post by hb54 »

I've been waiting for this Jeremy part of the storry. I'm realy happy to finaly be abel to reread this chapters of the storry.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Tuesday, April 25 (3:00 PM)

"MMmmmmmpppfff!" I screamed, unable to cope with the thought of being found like this.
I was cuffed and stretched out real tight, with no hope of reaching the keys that had been left on the opposite side of the bedroom.

I rattled my restraints, but I knew it was futile. No amount of rattling or tugging would break these police-grade handcuffs. I was gonna be spending the next few hours stretched out and gagging on these giant, shitty boxers. And there was NOTHING I could do about it.

I craned my head up to look at the time. The bedside clock read 3:03 PM.
Nick was gonna be home in a couple hours and I really didn't want him finding me like this!
I had to escape from these cuffs. I had to break free!

I spent the next twenty minutes trying to twist my wrists and ankles out of the maddening restraints, and desperately trying to break the locking mechanisms.

These weren't bondage toys however. They were made out of steel, and my feeble attempts to break free were doing me little good.

I screamed and yelled, but my garbled protests were heavily muffled up.
All I ended up doing was choking on the smelly wad that threatened to clog up my throat.

"Uuuuggghhmm...." I coughed, trying to cope with the size and smell of my boyfriend's dirty boxers.
With half of them stuffed inside my mouth and the other half bursting out of my bulging lips, my nostrils were forced to flare open and sniff up the potent musk coming out of his Calvins.
To make a long story short, Nick's boxers stank of butt and balls and the smell of them was genuinely making me sick to my stomach.

I wanted out. I wanted out, now!

How STUPID I had been to let Jeremy browse on my computer like that. What was I thinking?!
I should've NEVER let the treacherous little twerp tie me up and I should've NEVER allowed him to roam freely around the house!
Nick had entrusted me with his safety and had warned me to keep an eye on him.
But instead of doing that, I'd gone ahead and ruined everything!

Damn it!
I should've kept the little sod cuffed to the bed and should've kept my fat ankles socks buried inside his mouth where they belonged!

I must've dozed off at some point, 'cause all I remember was opening my eyes up wide in surprise and hearing the phone ring from across the other end of the house.
I'd definitely dozed off. It was past 4:30 and Nick was usually home at this hour.

I rattled my cuffs and protested in my gag, frustrated at being stuck to the bed like this and unable to answer what might be an important call.

Finally, the loud ringing stopped and I heard a familiar voice leave a message on the voicemail.
It sounded like Nick, but from all the way inside the bedroom, I couldn't be certain.

After another half hour of thrashing, cursing and gagging on the foul-smelling boxers that filled my mouth, I finally gave up my attempts to escape and resigned to waiting for Nick to arrive home.'s not as though I was able to do anything else.

And so, instead of exerting myself further, I decided to focus the rest of my energy on coming up with an explanation for my predicament.
But the more I tried to conjure up half-truths about Jeremy's departure, the more my mind went blank.

This was not gonna turn out well.

It was well past five o'clock when I heard the front door open and heard the familiar sound of heavy footsteps inside the house.

I heard a set of keys landing on what sounded like the kitchen counter, heard some more walking...and then finally, Nick entered into the bedroom.

The look of shock was quite palpable on his handsome face, and I could do nothing but appeal to his mercy by sobbing into my gag and looking up at him through my glossy, tear-filled eyes.

"Mmggghh....mmmmggghmmm." I cried out, quickly averting my gaze down and allowing a fresh batch of tears to spill down my cheeks.

Nick dropped his big lunch box to the floor and rushed over to me before hushing me down and grabbing my face with his large hands.

Jeremy's absence must've been on his mind by now, but the sight of his boi cuffed to the bed and reduced to tears apparently took precedence over everything else.
"Shhhh. Calm down." he purred, quickly using his gloved fingers to try and pry my gag off.

I cried out in slight pain as he attempted to break the sturdy electrical tape gag.
The adhesive was pulling my neck hairs and there were simply too many layers wrapped around my head for Nick to simply break the tape gag off.

"Fuck." he mumbled, no doubt frustrated at being unable to slip his fingers between my skin and the sticky black tape.

I watched my hunky Master get up and watched him take his big leather gloves and super fat down parka off before tossing them both to the bed, right next to where I was lying.

I looked up at his impressive frame and could tell he'd just gotten back from working out at the gym.
The tight wife beater shirt he was wearing did a poor job at concealing his incredibly buff frame and broad pecs and shoulders.

After a few seconds of fumbling, the massive blue eyed hunk finally settled for finding the end of the tape and unwrapping my face the slow way.

The black electrical tape was slowly peeled off of my face, until finally the final strip came off.
I coughed and gagged as the huge Calvin Klein boxers were aggressively pulled out of my mouth, but was given little time to recover before being pressed with questions.

"What happened? Where's Jeremy?" Nick asked, grabbing my face in his hands and forcing me to look up into his eyes.

I looked up at my handsome lover and found myself unable to elaborate one of the many half-truths I'd concocted a bit early.

"I...I don't know. I think he went to see Brad." I whimpered, fresh tears welling up in my eyes as Nick's piercing blue orbs scanned my face.

He didn't say anything for a while.
He just looked down at me, his expression as blank and as stern as ever.
I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I knew without a doubt that he was gonna hold me partially accountable for my friend's escape.

I'd failed him. And badly at that.

"Fuck!" he barked, suddenly letting my face go before sitting himself down on the edge of the bed.
"When did he leave?!" he pressed, turning to face me again, this time with an angry frown clouding his handsome features.

"A few hours ago." I whimpered, giving the angry Alpha the most pitiful look I could muster.

I could tell he was upset, but watching me break down like this must've affected him more than I thought.
His facial features eventually softened up a bit.

"Alright, shhhh. Calm down." he prodded, lifting my head up and using his thumb to wipe the tears away from my eyes. "What did he tell you? Did he just leave like that or did you guys get into a fight?"

"No. It wasn't like that." I sobbed. "We were just playing...but when he found out we'd hidden his stuff, he became really angry with me." I explained.

"You weren't supposed to tell him about that." Nick scolded, frowning down at me while still cupping my face in his large hands.

"I...I didn't." I answered "I think Brad told him that you went to get his stuff and..."

"How?" Nick immediately cut off.

"I....I don't know. I think he was using my laptop. I was using it earlier, but then I forgot to log out." I lied.

Nick peered into my tear-filled eyes and kept his gaze fixed on me as I spewed out a bunch of excuses and half-truths.

"We...we were just fooling around with your cuffs...and then...and then he left me like this and went on my laptop." I explained, skipping over the part where I'd voluntarily surrendered my laptop password.

Nick's body language reassured me, but the deep frown on his face didn't soften much.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I pleaded, sniffling back a few tears and switching to a more formal and submissive tone. "I'm sorry."

The hunk glared at me for a bit, before hushing me down and slowly turning his gaze away.
He remained quiet, probably lost in his own thoughts...just like I had been when I realized that Jeremy had left.

The story I'd told him was strewn with half-truths and didn't hold up all that well. But my genuinely shaken state shielded me from having to go into too many details about what had actually happened.
Nick was letting me off the hook, at least for the time being.

The hunk proceeded to uncuff me and gently massaged my wrists and ankles before pulling me up into a standing position in front of the bed. He took my hands in his own and sat on the edge of the mattress.
I felt his eyes on me but found myself being unable to meet them and instinctively cast my own hazel orbs down to the floor. I wasn't worthy of matching his gaze or looking into his eyes.

"What am I gonna do with you, Steven?" the blond stud huffed, causing me to crane my head down even more and sniffle back some new tears.

He just sat there, holding my hands and looking at me.

"I'm not too happy about you fooling around with my cuffs when I'm not at home." he admitted, breaking the eerie silence that had settled between us.
"We've been over this before, but it looks like we'll have to repeat this lesson again." he told me, sounding pretty disappointed at my lack of obedience.

This wasn't fair.
I knew he didn't want me tying myself up when I was alone. But I hadn't been alone today!
Jeremy was....*sigh* Jeremy was unstable and confused, and I should've known better than to allow myself to be taken captive by him like that. I'd made a serious error in judgement and now everyone was gonna be paying for it.

"Yes, Master." I whimpered, keeping my head bowed in submission and accepting my Alpha's judgement.

I honestly thought he was gonna beat the shit out of me when he found out I'd inadvertently let Jeremy escape.
He was upset and disappointed, that much was obvious.
But the hunk was apparently taking the news much better than I expected.

"Come here." he ordered, suddenly getting up and pulling me in towards his torso.

I took a step forward and immediately got my face buried inside my giant lover's huge pecs, as his big beefy arms wrapped around me real tight.

He said nothing. He just wrapped his enormous arms around me and cupped a hand behind my head before lowering his face down and planting a kiss on top of my scalp.
A tingling sensation washed over me and I instantly felt all warm and light headed.
I wanted to stay here forever, locked away inside his arms like this.

"Alright. Now get dressed and go make the supper." Nick commanded, finally letting go and allowing me to take a step back.

"Yes, Master." I answered, casting my gaze down and speaking in a submissive tone.
I quickly put my t-shirt and shorts back on before obediently walking out of the room and heading for the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen and started working on the evening meal, I found myself standing there, leaning over the sink and feeling positively miserable about today's events.
I knew blaming myself wasn't entirely fair, especially given how Jeremy had left through his own volition.
Still, I couldn't help but feel responsible.
I'd let Nick down. I'd handed Jeremy back to Brad, and I'd pretty much destroyed his chances at getting together with Zack. Nick had selflessly sacrificed his friendship with Brad to try and save my friend...and all of it was for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Given how much fun Jeremy and I had been having just a few hours ago, it was hard to accept the speed and suddenness at which everything had suddenly spiralled down.

I just wanted to crawl into a dark corner somewhere and sleep this whole incident off.

Oh how I longed for those days when things used to be so much simpler.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

Great chapter
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Post by dahanband »

I think , Steven is having a tough days!

Looking forward to the next part ... Thanks my friend!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Tuesday, April 25 (6:30 PM)

I took all the ingredients I needed out of the fridge and got the wooden cutting board out so that I could begin preparing our supper. But before I even had the chance to get started, I heard the TV being turned on and heard Nick calling me into the living room.

As I made my way over to where he was sitting on the couch, I couldn't help but look down at the floor and roll my eyes. Nick's giant work boots had tracked mud all over the place and had even left a trail of dirt on the living room carpet.

"Yes, Sir?" I asked, curious as to why he'd interrupted my chores so soon after ordering me to begin making supper.

The big blond muscle-hunk looked up from his phone and frowned at me.
He was still wearing his wife beater, jeans and work boots, and I could tell from his expression that he wasn't in the best of moods right now.

"You're gonna make me a coffee." he instructed. "Then you're gonna get my lunch box from the bedroom and you're gonna clean it out."

"Yes, Sir." I answered, doing my best to swallow my pride and hide my mounting frustration.
I ALWAYS took care of his lunch box. I didn't need him telling me to do that!

"The floor's a fuckin' mess." he continued, suddenly noticing all the dried dirt he'd tracked inside the house.
"I want it cleaned up. Now." he ordered.

Apparently, that was MY fault as well.

"Yes, Master." I instantly responded, moving towards the kitchen so that I could get a bucket of soapy water and a roll of paper towels.

Nick was being a bit unfair, but the last thing I wanted was to get into an argument with him right now.
He was upset with me, and rightly so.

"Hey!" he barked, causing me to freeze in my tracks before I even made it out of the living room.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked, frowning up at me in renewed frustration.

I turned around and gave the hunky god a puzzled expression before glancing towards his boots.
"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." I quickly apologized, kneeling down in front of the couch and taking hold of his right boot before working my fingers to get the muddy laces undone.

It took some effort, but after undoing the tight double-knot and loosening up the laces, I pulled his heavy, steel-capped boot off and placed it down on the floor, at the foot of the couch.

Wanting to get to work on the sizeable list of chores he'd given me, I quickly moved to deal with the left boot, only to find myself crinkling my nose up and choking on the revolting stench that was now spilling out into the living room.

Normally I would've been prepared and would've been holding my breath while doing this.
But I was so distracted right now that I was barely focused on what I was doing.

The god-awful smell that suddenly spilled out of Nick's boot caught me COMPLETELY off guard and overwhelmed my senses, causing me to cough and gag on the spot.

The rotten, festering odour oozing out of his sock wasn't any better.
The stench was so strong and so revolting that it burned my eyes and caused them to water over.

Big, hunky muscle-god Nick didn't care.
He just sat there with his giant soles resting on the coffee table and continued frowning down at me as I gagged on his incredibly strong foot odour.

"C'mon! Hurry up. Get that boot off." he ordered, apparently unphased by my reaction.

I complied, but carefully kept my nose crinkled up in apprehension before getting to work on unlacing his heavy left boot. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

The socks on Nick's feet were the same ones he'd been wearing all weekend and all of last week.
He'd been wearing the SAME socks since my moving in with him a week and a half ago, and they were already bad and smelly back then. So you can just imagine how foul and toxic they were by now.

It wasn't funny anymore. This wasn't just a case of smelly feet.
This was some serious foot odour, and it was absolutely revolting in every sense of the word.

As I'd later come to find out though, this wasn't out of the ordinary for Nick.
Left to his own devices, the giant muscle-hunk would just wear the same socks over and over for weeks on end.
Then they'd just sit there and stew at the bottom of his laundry hamper for god knows how long. Either that, or they'd end up at the bottom of his gym bag or under his bed.

The fact that he wasn't living alone anymore and that his abnormally strong foot odour made others around him wanna be sick, didn't even ONCE enter into the equation for him.
This was an "as is", take-it-or-leave-it type of deal.
As usual, it was always Nick's way or the highway.

I pulled the remaining boot off of his enormous sock-clad foot and quickly carried them over to the main entranceway before banishing them to the closet.

I got the coffee going, emptied out Nick's big lunch cooler and got to work cleaning the floor up.

I was on my hands and knees, scrubbing the hallway floor when the blond stallion suddenly got up off the couch and decided to make his way over to the bedroom.
My nostrils got another whiff of the hunky god's rotten foot stench when his giant size 13 soles walked right by me.

His huge Under Armor tube socks were so warm and slimy that they left wet footprints across the floor where he'd just stepped.

Grossed out and disgusted, I silently let out a frustrated huff and resumed cleaning up the floor like the good little house boi I was striving to be.

Nick came out of the bedroom about a minute later, this time wearing nothing but his socks and underwear.
The rest of his clothes were probably on the bed or pilled up on the floor for me to pick up.

The familiar stench of his socked feet once again hit my nostrils as he walked past my kneeling form and made his way over to the kitchen.

By the time I was done cleaning up the floor and emptying the dirty bucket of soapy water into the bathroom toilet, Nick had already served himself to the coffee I'd brewed and was standing in the kitchen, sipping from his Superman cup and busily texting on his phone.


Even though I wasn't in a particular horny mood right now, the sight of my dominant boyfriend's underwear-clad body made me swoon with desire.

I could smell his pungent socks and feet all the way from the other side of the kitchen, but for some reason, that didn't matter anymore.

His shoulders, pecs and biceps were all pumped up from his workout at the gym, and the massive bulge protruding from between his giant thighs only served to remind me who was in charge around here.

The sheer size of his package commanded authority and respect. And anyone who laid eyes upon it instantly knew that this guy was BOSS.

He wasn't even hard or anything, but even so, his giant cock and balls filled up his underwear's extra roomy front pouch and left very little to the imagination.

Tearing my eyes away from the blond Goliath, I washed my hands in the sink and quickly got to work at preparing the evening meal.

After browning the chopped onions and garlic in the buttered pan, I filled up a large casserole with cold water and turned the second heating element on to get the water boiling.

Nick remained in the kitchen with me, but he wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.
He was probably too busy chatting with Zack or maybe even Brad, no doubt trying to fix the mess I'd created.

"Hurry up. I'm starving." he ordered, before putting his empty Superman cup down on the counter and heading towards the fridge.

The water eventually came to a boil and I quickly emptied the entire box of linguine inside the casserole before reducing the heating element's power just a bit.

It's only when I felt a big, bulging lump rub itself against the lower part of my back that I realised Nick was standing there, right behind me.

"What are you making?" he asked, gently reaching under my t-shirt and placing his large hands around my thin waist.

"Just some pasta..." I answered meekly, knowing this particular chicken-basil linguine recipe was one of his favourites.

The jock just stood there, quietly watching as I chopped the fresh basil leaves and added cream and tomato paste into the frying pan where the chicken, garlic and onions were simmering.

I felt his enormous package pressing harder against my back and felt his huge thighs brushing against my much smaller ones. A low growl escaped his lips and I felt the 6'4 blue eyed beast lower his face down and flare his nostrils against the back of my left ear.

Without a word, he gave me a hard slap on the ass before slowly walking away and focusing his attention back to his phone. I yelped in surprise and looked at him as he walked out of the kitchen.
I couldn't help but lick my lips at the sight of his incredibly buff underwear-clad form proudly strutting around the place.

This was his kingdom. His domain.
Everything in it belonged to him. That including me.

We ate our supper, but hardly spoke at all.
Even though I'd given Nick lots of chicken in his pasta, he finished his plate in less than five minutes and immediately helped himself to a second serving, which I was hoping he'd bring to work tomorrow.

He didn't thank me or say anything. But I knew he loved this recipe.

His table manners were awful and he ate like an elephant, but then again that only made sense considering how much food he needed to maintain those giant muscles of his.

I was still only finishing my first serving when Nick finished his second one and got up to grab a protein shake from the fridge. He looked absolutely stunning just standing there in his super tight boxer-briefs.
The fact that they were so tightly stretched around his giant butt and thighs, sorta made his protruding package stand out even more.

Without a word, the muscle-bound stallion left the kitchen, headed for the living room and turned the TV back on before plopping himself down on the big leather couch.

I was already getting up and clearing the table when he ordered me to get the dishes done and clean the kitchen up.

Being ordered to do what I always did what frustrating, but I decided to stay quiet and carry out his orders without a fuss. After all, he was the boss.

I quietly got to work getting the kitchen cleaned up, unloading the dishwasher and putting the dirty dishes in.
I could hear what sounded like a hockey game playing on the TV.
Normally, Nick would've been into that...commenting on each and every move, protesting loudly whenever one of the referees made a bad call. But tonight, things were different.

He was too busy texting on his phone to pay attention to the game.
The fact that he was so absorbed by the conversation could only mean one thing.
Whatever he and the recipient of his messages were chatting about, it was serious.

After the first intermission ended, the stud got up and headed for the washroom.

I heard the shower go on and knew that he was stepping into the bathtub and getting cleaned up.

I quickly wiped the dining room table clean and worked on making my Alpha's lunch for the following day, hoping to earn his favour back by adding extra pickles to both of his lightly peppered tomato-chicken sandwiches.

Nick ate a LOT, so I added a plastic container containing a three-bean salad I'd just made. I also added a bottle of orange juice, two protein shakes, three granola bars, an apple and a nectarine to his lunch box before zipping it up and putting it into the fridge for tomorrow morning.

It was already past 8 PM by the time I turned the kitchen lights off.

Not knowing what else do to, I quietly sat on the living room couch and grabbed my laptop so that I could play one of the old video games that was installed on there.

Nick's call suddenly echoed across the house, and this time, I was summoned into the bathroom where the freshly showered jock had just finished trimming his beard and was about to start brushing his teeth.

I quickly scampered across the living room and slowly pushed the bathroom door open before stepping through the entrance.

"Yes, Sir?" I asked, slightly taken aback by the rather potent cloud of cheesy musk that hit my nostrils when I opened the door.


"Get a clean towel and a facecloth out. Zack's gonna be stopping by in a bit and he's gonna wanna use the shower." Nick instructed, causing me gulp down in apprehension at the thought of Zack showing up.

Don't get me wrong, part of me was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of him coming over tonight.
I was just...a bit nervous and jittery at the idea of having to explain what had happened in more detail.
Zack would probably want a more elaborate answer as to why Jeremy had left, and I didn't really feel like incriminating myself any more than I already had.

"Yes, Sir." I obediently answered, walking next to blond giant and bending down on my knees to reach the clean towel and facecloth drawer.

As soon as I bent down to do what I was told, my nostrils came under attack, and this time the cheesy odour was MUCH stronger than it had been when I first entered the bathroom.

Ugh, god!
I turned my head around to locate the source of the unbearable stench and immediately narrowed my eyes on the horribly putrid socks Nick had peeled off his feet before stepping into the shower.
The giant, moldy tubes socks were strewn over bath mat and were quite literally stinking up the place and making me sick.


Crinkling my nose up and holding my breath to avoid being assaulted by the rancid fumes, I pulled out a fresh towel and a matching facecloth out of the drawer and placed them both on the counter next to the sink.
How Nick wasn't bothered by the smell of his own socks was totally beyond me, but I wasn't about to waste more time dwelling on that right now.

So instead of waiting for him to spew out a fresh batch of orders, I scampered out of there as fast as my feet would allow and swiftly escaped the stinky abode.

Glad to be out of there, I took back my position on the couch and took hold of my laptop so that I could resume playing my video game while waiting for the TV commercials to end.

The swooshing sound of Nick's noisy nylon wind pants alerted me off his approach and I managed to tare my eye off the computer screen just in time to see his freshly-showered, shirtless form walk up to the couch and plop down next to me.

The commercials that separated the first and second intermissions ended, and the hockey game quickly resumed.
Nick lifted his huge feet up and placed both of his soles down on the living room coffee table.
And much to my dismay, he was back to wearing the SAME sickeningly pungent socks again!

He'd only just arrived in the living room a few seconds ago, and already the smell of his putrid stinkers was beginning to fill the air up and tickle my senses.

I tried to weather the smell for a bit, but when the stench became too strong to bare, I decided it was time to get up and excuse myself from the living room for a bit.

Before I even managed to get up though, the familiar chime of the doorbell hit our ears and caused Nick to get up in my stead.

Yes! Saved by the bell.

Zack's arrival couldn't have come at a better time, I thought to myself, quickly using Nick's departure to air out the living room by grabbing one of the cushions from off the couch and waving it around to dissipate the stench.

The blond King usually wore his big old Reeboks in the house, but for some reason, he wasn't wearing them tonight. Which inevitably meant that everyone around him had to endure the stench of his feet...
That "everyone" being me.

Good lord, they smelled bad!

I could only hope Zack was more tolerant of strong, unpleasant smells than I was. 'Cause if not, he wasn't gonna enjoy his visit at our place tonight.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

Yes great chapter love the pictures can't wait till Steven explains to zach why jeremy left
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Post by erômenos »

just finished reading the new chapters and i want more! please more chapters!

it's good to be back here again, props to those people who put TUG (this site) back online.
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Post by GoBucks »

Oh boy. Zack is NOT going to be happy with our boy Steven. I don't think Steven should be so relieved to see him. Considering Nick said that Zack was going to be using their shower, I'm guessing he's also pretty ripe himself right now. Really looking forward to what comes next!
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Post by socjuc »

Great continuations! I am kind of hoping Nick decides to let Zack discipline Steven for his bad decisions lol. Looking forward to how this will play out.
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Post by Johnsnow »

The level of emotion in your writing continues to amaze me. Can't wait to see what Zach thinks of this whole mess
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'm thrilled to see the readership poll pass the symbolic 200 vote mark!
A huge thanks to my regular reviewers for the comments and support. Couldn't do this without you!

Always looking forward to seeing new/silent readers pop up to add their voices to the choir.

Chapter 147 will be up within the next 24 hours.
Keep the comments coming, folks!
Many new pics and illustrations to come.

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Post by dahanband »

Any new comments we make about the stories, Comes up and is displayed as the latest update...

It was the same story before the site went down...but not now, why?
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Post by ShadowHusky »

So happy to have the site back and even happier to see the continuation of this story. I can see what Nick is doing with this and I understand the high-stress situation, but Jeremy really isn't their responsibility. He barely knows them, and while he did get along with Zack, the main fact still stands that while we may or may not agree with his choices, it's Jeremy's life. But that's just my opinion.

I adore seeing more scent and foot stuff, you know my feelings on that ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

dahanband wrote: 4 years ago Any new comments we make about the stories, Comes up and is displayed as the latest update...
It was the same story before the site went down...but not now, why?
I'm afraid I don't understand your question, mate.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Tuesday, April 25 (8:15 PM)

Master Zack arrived at our place looking as dashing and as handsome as ever, if not a little tired and sweaty.
The brown haired muscle-King had taken part in a grueling hockey match and had apparently rushed over to our place right after practice.

I wasn't looking forward to being debriefed by him, but from the way he and Nick greeted each other at the front door, I could tell he was already aware of the situation.
I actually took a bit of comfort knowing that.
At least I wasn't gonna be the one to break the news to him.

I watched as the two hulking studs made their way into the hall and watched as Nick stepped into the kitchen to fetch his buddy a cold drink from the fridge.

Zack noticed me. Our eyes met and he approached.
I didn't know what to expect.
This guy was gallant, a real gentleman if ever there was one. But I didn't know him all that well and I had no idea whether or not he'd end up blaming me for allowing Jeremy to escape.

Given the fact that this guy had nestled a place for himself in my deepest, most secret fantasies, I'd be lying if I said that the thought of him resenting me didn't pull my heartstrings just a little.

The big, blue eyed hunk walked up to my seated position on the couch.
His thick leather jacket creaked loudly as he sat himself down next to me, and before I knew it, a huge, leather-clad arm wrapped itself around my lithe upper body and pressed me against his must broader torso.

"I'm sorry about your friend running away like that, Steven." came the modern-day knight's solemn words of comfort. "I'm sure he'll eventually realise how lucky he is to have a friend like you."

I was a bit shocked, but that didn't stop me from melting against the buff dude's powerful body and blushing like crazy as my face was pressed against his chest.
I felt a pair of lips plant themselves at the top of my head and nearly curled up into a ball as the hot muscle-god puckered his lips and kissed my scalp.

"You're not angry?" I whimpered, begrudgingly pulling my face away from his warm torso as he loosened his grip from around me.

"Angry? No, kiddo. I'm disappointed, but not angry." he calmly replied while using his gloved hand to rub my back in an affectionate manner.

I put on a sad expression and lowered my eyes down in shame before apologising for what had happened.
"I really wanted this to work out. I...I'm sorry, Sir. I wasn't able to stop him from leaving..."

"Heyyyy. Hey, shhhh...come here." Zack spoke, cutting me off and wrapping his leather-clad arm real tight around me again before pulling me up against him. My face was pressed back against his chest and I immediately found myself inhaling and taking in his comforting scent through my nostrils.
Oh my god! He smelled so good.
His scent was warm and earthy, much like Nick's. The faint traces of a masculine cologne and the strong smell of leather filtered into my flaring nostrils, adding to the already pleasant scent of his skin and sending waves of satisfaction throughout my body.

"You've got nothing to apologise for. This has nothing to do with you, kiddo. This was between him and me." Zack continued, speaking in a soft tone and causing me to slowly nod my head up and down.

"D'you really think I wanna be with someone who doesn't wanna be with me and who runs away as soon he's free to do so?" he asked.

I kept my saddened gaze down and shook my head no.

"Exactly. He's not over the other guy yet." Zack explained, no doubt referring to Brad.
"Nick took your friend away to give him an escape route. But as soon as he turned his back, your friend ran straight back to the other guy." he continued.

"I find him cute and I would've probably had a lot of fun with him, but if he wants to go back to his boyfriend, then I'm not gonna stop him. This has nothing to do with you, kiddo. So come on...cheer up a bit." he prodded, giving me a warm smile and rubbing my upper back with his large, leather-clad hand.

I was sad about Jeremy's departure, and for some reason, I was expecting Zack to be angry or upset about it.
But as usual, I wasn't thinking straight and kept forgetting that this wasn't about me.
It wasn't my job to stop Jeremy from escaping and it wasn't Nick's either.

Besides, why on earth would a hot guy like Zack wanna be with a dude who still had feeling for someone else?
And more importantly, it's not as though the two had gotten to know each other very well in the first place.

Of course, both were physically attracted to each other, but apart from that, the two would-be lovebirds had only just met a few days ago.

I'd apparently overestimated Zack's attachment to the nineteen-year-old boi...something that caused a deeply hidden part of me to silently rejoice and smile.

"Here you go, bud." Nick told his friend, arriving in the living room and handing Zack a cold beer before plopping himself down right next to me.

The two hunks sipped their respective beers and I couldn't help but feel guilty at the sudden wave of ecstasy that washed over me.

The feeling intensified when Nick draped his enormous left arm around my shoulders, and it continued to grow as Zack made himself comfortable by removing his thick gloves and tight fitting leather jacket.

I sat there, absentmindedly looking at the hockey game while the two studs spoke to each other with their deep, masculine voices.

Their huge, incredibly buff bodies sandwiched me left and right, allowing my nostrils to pick up their distinctive earthy scents and causing my skin to buzz with satisfaction at the soothing warmth that surrounded me.
Nick's colossal arm around my shoulders made me feel absolutely puny, and the sight of Zack's bright red, compression-shirt clad torso made my cheeks tingle and nearly made me melt on the stop.

He was still really hot and warm from hockey practice, and the extremely tight Under Armour shirt stretched across his massive torso like a second skin.

You should've seen the size of his arms and pecs.
They were HUGE!

He and Nick both had incredibly similar builds.
The two goliaths both wore the same shoe size, measured the same height and probably weighed about the same.
Their personalities were very different, but their bodies were evenly matched.

Nick kept his arm draped around me and Zack placed a comforting hand on my left knee, causing me to close my eyes, sink down into the big leather couch and purr like a kitten.

It continued like that for the whole second periods.

The two Alphas spoke to each other as though I wasn't there, while slowly sipping theirs beers and keeping their eyes fixed on the TV screen.

The second period ended and Nick ordered me to the kitchen and told me to fix something up for Zack.
Given how bad the grumpy blond King's socks were starting to stink up the living room, I was only too happy to oblige.

I didn't take me long, and by the time the third period had started, I'd made Zack two turkey and tomato sandwiches and poured him a glass of cold orange juice to help wash everything down.

I wasn't used to this, but the stud actually thanked me when I arrived in the living room and served him the evening snack I'd prepared.

"Holy fuck, this is good..." he mumbled, shortly after his second bite.
"Dude, this kid's a keeper!" he suddenly added, causing me to blush and lower my eyes down as I regained my seated position between the two Alphas.

Nick didn't laugh, but as soon as I was sitting down, he threw his left arm around me and squashed me against his naked torso before acknowledging his friend's comment.

"Yeah, he has his uses." he purred, looking down at me with an ever-so-sly smirk on his cocky face.

Zack smiled and turned to face me.
He finished off his bite and broke out into laughter.
"Kiddo, if ever you get tired of having to endure this bozo's smelly socks, you let me know. I could definitely use a house-boi like you at my place." he offered, throwing me a wink and playfully jabbing me with his elbow.

I giggled and blushed, amused at the fact that he'd just called Nick a bozo and thrilled at the fact that he actually enjoyed the quick snack I'd fixed up for him.

"Shut up, dude!" Nick immediately shot, flexing his left arm and crushing me real tight against him. "This lil' bitch ain't goin' nowhere." he chuckled, bringing his right hand up to my face and giving me a few light slaps on the cheek.

"Haha, then you'd better keep an eye on him." Zack teased. "Else I might decide to kidnap him and steal him away from you." he added, playfully ruffling my hair up and placing his hand on my left thigh before giving it a gentle squeeze.

I was giggling and blushing like crazy by that point.
The thought of these giant hunks fighting over me, and the idea of me being tossed from one guy to another would be enough to fuel my wet dreams and innermost fantasies for the next year or two.

I was absolutely obsessed and enthralled by Nick, but that didn't stop me from finding Zack extremely alluring and attractive. If it came down to choosing, I'd chose Nick in a heartbeat. But part of me didn't wanna make that choice. There was no doubt in my mind anymore; I wanted both!

Nick and Zack fooled around with me for a bit, but then resumed talking to each other as though I was a fly on the wall.

I actually liked it better that way.
I felt so warm, so safe and so peaceful.

I have to admit, even though the smell of Nick's socks was starting to offend my nostrils, I was a bit sad when the final period ended and the two studs got up to call it a night.
It was getting late though, and I knew that both of them had to get up early in the morning.

Zack's stay had been short, and even if it seems a bit unfaithful to admit this, I actually really enjoyed his company.

I was a bit sad to see him go, but wished him good night and stood up off the couch so that I could accept his parting hug.

As soon as the stallion released me from his massive arms, Nick turned around to face me and pointed a finger towards his bedroom door.
"Bed." he ordered, snapping his fingers and sternly sending me on my way.

"Yes, Master." I answered, obediently lowering my head down trudging away towards my hunky Alpha's private abode.

I heard both of them talking to each other, heard Jeremy's name and heard my own a few times as well.
Zack was probably being briefed about the state I was in when Nick arrived home from work earlier this evening. From the sound of it, they might've even been planning out and discussing possible disciplinary actions against me or something. Either that, or I was being paranoid.

Zack left and I quickly stripped to my undies and climbed into bed.

Nick fucked me hard that night.
But it wasn't anything like the romantic intercourse we'd had under the stars back on Friday.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he slipped an XL condom over his huge dick, roughly flipped me on my stomach, took position over me, lubed himself up and gave me a brutal fucking.
No warming up. No foreplay. Nothing.

His enormous eight-inch boner tore inside of me and his huge, beefy thighs pinned mine down and kept me from going anywhere.

My eyes bulged wide and I couldn't help but gasp and cry in pain when his monstrous, mushroom-shaped cockhead punched through my tight hole and plowed in and out of me.

I gasped, moaned and cried, but the blond brute just wrapped his left arm around my torso and clamped his right hand over my face, pinning my arms down to my sides and shutting me up so that I couldn't call for help.

It took him what seemed like half an hour before shooting a massive load into his condom, but even when the fucking was over, the giant 240-pound bully didn't apologise or check to see if I was okay.
He merely tossed his used condom in the bedside trash bin, and rolled off to the side before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

I remember curling up into a ball at that point and literally crying myself to sleep.
My sobs were kept at a minimum so as not to wake up the dominant bull, but my eyes were shedding tears to the point where even my pillow was starting to feel wet and soggy.

Eventually, I did fall asleep though.
And when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found myself on Nick's side of the bed, my face snuggly trapped inside his big fat pillow and my lithe body kept safe under his much broader, much heavier one.

My back hole was on fire, but the fact that I'd been pulled back underneath him and that I was completely safe and warm beneath his huge muscles, provided me with at least some level of peace and comfort.
He was upset with me, but I knew he still loved me.

Wednesday came and went like the wind.
Nick was relatively stern and grumpy when he arrived home, but not nearly as much as he'd been on the previous day. He was still pissed off about the fact that he'd found me tied up and gagged even after he'd made it clear that he didn't want me playing bondage games when he wasn't there.
But I knew that he'd soon get over it.
My good behaviour would eventually finish by winning him over.

I wrote an e-mail to Jeremy that evening, but found myself a bit saddened by the absence of a reply.

It's only when Nick and Zack arrived home together on Thursday night that things got a little more fun and spicy.

My suspicions about them having concocted a plan to punish me were confirmed when the two hulking muscle-gods revealed the contents of the large duffle bags they ended up carrying inside the house.

Nick's much-improved mood should've told me all I needed to know.
Whenever his amused smirk popped up, trouble usually followed.

Fortunately for them, I was a relatively slow learner and was caught completely off guard when they decided to put their plans into action.
Not that me being prepared would've changed anything, mind you...
Last edited by bondagefreak 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by socjuc »

Love how the Alphas were extra nice to Steven only to make him fall into a false sense of security. Only to unleash on him on Thursday! lol A complete mind fuck. Can't wait to see perhaps an interesting side of Zack we have not yet seen?
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