Questions M/SF

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Questions M/SF

Post by LordNelson »

Part One – A Visitor from Another World

From the moment that Supergirl revealed her presence here on Earth people have had questions. Where was she from? What are her powers? What are her intentions? Does she prefer Pepsi-Cola or Coca-Cola?

She dealt with many of these questions in interviews with newspapers, talk shows and on the radio. There were more questions during public appearances and of course there was Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. I also had questions but I knew that she would not answer them through any of the normal means. I was going to have to capture her.
Part Two – My Plan

Capture Supergirl? That’s crazy you say. She will kick your ass! Not so I say to you.

We all know that she has a weakness to Kryptonite. I just had to get some. How are you going to do that you say? I’m going to tell you.

Kryptonite is not native to Earth. It arrives here in meteorites, fragments of the planet Krypton that have travelled here through the cold void of outer space. Ever since finding out that it can render her (and her cousin) helpless the green mineral has been vigorously sought after.
Satellites have scanned for it, detectors have been built to find it, meteorite impact sites are investigated immediately. Friendly governments collect it to keep it from hurting our Super friends. Hostile governments collect it to protect themselves from any action that our Super friends may take against them. Evil villains collect it to use in their evil schemes against our Super friends.

Where could I, a simple citizen, possibly find some? This was my hypothesis. When meteorites hit the Earth, they shatter. The larger pieces are collected by various agencies but there are many microscopic fragments that are not deemed to be large enough to do any harm. What if a large number of these tiny chips could be gathered together. A monumental task you say. Not necessarily so.

Once the ground has been pulverized by an impact the remaining material has a name…gravel. This gravel, composed of native rock, is contaminated by the Kryptonite dust. Meteorite craters become excellent gravel pits and there is no shortage of aggregate suppliers eager to exploit them. All I had to do was find a suitable pit and then track down the products made from the material that was removed. Theoretically a large enough object containing the alien green mineral could potentially render her helpless.

Part Three – The Search

Impact sites are thoroughly catalogued and if the presence of kryptonite is detected that is mentioned. What was not noted in the reports is the current status of the sites. I made a list of the larger craters and planned to visit them.

I purchased a pair of old Russian army surplus night vision goggles online. I attached a photographic filter to them that enhanced green light. If Kryptonite was present, even in low levels, I should see it. I took three weeks’ vacation from work and set out on the road. I would live in my van and tour the most promising sites.

Part Four – Where the hell am I?

One and a half weeks passed and while I found several sources of Kryptonite none were suitable. Most had not been used for gravel and in the others the green glow I was seeking was barely perceptible. Becoming discouraged I remembered an old saying that is often true…you’ll find it in the last place you look.

I skipped a few spots at the top of my list and went to the bottom. The last stop on my tour was at the bottom of my list because of the distance getting to it. I filled the gas tank and drove. It took me two days of almost continuous travel to arrive at my destination, a small village called Haliburton hidden in the forests of Ontario, Canada. I arrived at sunset and made my way directly to the site. A large sign greeted me…Whitestone Aggregates Inc. The road into it wasn’t gated, apparently this village is so remote that crime has yet to find its way here.

I drove in and at the edge of a huge pit I put on my goggles. The green aura was so intense I was blinded. I removed the filter and even without it the green glow was visible. There were clear signs that material had been removed from the central zone, the heart of the crater. Now all I had to do was find out what was done with it. My answer was soon to come.

I returned to the village to find a suitable parking lot to set up for the night and get some sleep. On a whim I put on the goggles. Wow! The sidewalks glowed, the curbs glowed, the concrete bases of the street lights glowed. The cement seams between the bricks glowed, chimneys glowed. It was faint but it was everywhere. Now all I had to do is find a private place where the level was high and a capture could be perpetrated without detection.

Too excited to sleep I drove around town with my goggles on. I started on the outskirts away from places with numerous people. In a village such as this the homes are well spaced out and usually back and out of sight from the road, people like their privacy. I slipped into a few long driveways where the homes were suitably isolated but didn’t find the desired glow. Then I found what I was looking for.

Down a rather lengthy and twisted driveway was a dilapidated house, isolated and abandoned. It was in rough shape but it had what I needed. Putting on the goggles I could see that not only the cement that held the blocks of the basement together glowed but also the blocks themselves cast a green aura. It was the highest level of Kryptonite I had encountered.

Best of all a faded sign hung crookedly from the railing of the porch by one nail. For Sale or Rent. I wrote down the number to call in the morning. I couldn’t find a more private spot than this to set up so I crawled into my cot in the back of the van. I faded off to sleep dreaming of the possibility of finally having Supergirl as my prize.

Part Five – Acquisition and Confirmation

In the morning it was no problem securing a short-term lease on the home. After being vacant for so long the realty company was eager to have some income to offset the property taxes. Now came the tricky part, confirming that the level was high enough to render Supergirl helpless.

I called the D.E.O., the Department of Extra-Normal Operations. This is the government agency that monitors all aliens on Earth, including Supergirl. She works with them on many of their operations.

‘Hello, I have found a site with high levels of Kryptonite’ I told them ‘could you send someone out to check it?’ I told them where it was.

‘We have already investigated there’ they replied after checking their records ‘and have classified it as a Low Potential Risk.’

‘It has been turned into a gravel pit’ I explained ‘and I think the digging has gotten down to a more active depth.’

‘We will send a team to check it immediately’ they told me ‘thanks for your concern.’

There is only one small airport here and I contacted the manager and asked him when the flight carrying my friends from National City was arriving. He told me it was scheduled to land tomorrow morning and to depart in the evening. I was there to greet them bright and early.

Part Six – Deception

It is amazing how a simple disguise can be so effective. Wearing a white hard hat, an orange vest and blue pants with silver reflective safety striping I introduced myself as the site manager for Whitestone Aggregates and told the two D.E.O technicians that I was there to escort them to the site.

They only had one large case for luggage and a rental car was waiting for them. They followed me to the pit. Once there I went into the main office and lied again telling them that I was with a team of government inspectors doing a safety audit. In any industrial setting the mention of safety gets full cooperation and the owner gave us free run of the site.

It was a rather short assessment. They set up a scanner on a tripod at the edge of the pit and in ten minutes had a complete profile.

‘Levels have elevated since the last assessment but are still well within the safety margins’ said the taller skinny one. ‘Readings like this pose no threat’ said the shorter chubby one.

Getting them to the pit was not my main objective, simply a deception to get them here so that I could obtain some information from them as well as the use of their equipment.

‘Now that you are done and your flight home is not for a few hours yet’ I suggested ‘why don’t you come to my place to kill some time with a few cold beers and a couple of barbequed steaks?’

Having been sent to the middle of nowhere was probably not their idea of a career advancing assignment. The idea of making it a little more enjoyable appealed to them. Soon we were on my patio with frosty mugs in hand and some sizzling meat on the grill. Now began my real task.

I excused myself to go get more beer and raced through the house to their vehicle. Taking the meter, I went to the basement and took a reading. The digital display on the meter was green until it reached a 30% reading when it turned yellow, the caution zone. Even the cement floor was contaminated.

I returned the meter and went back to the patio with some frosty bottles. I quizzed them about the levels we found at the pit and about what sort of levels could be harmful to Supergirl.

‘So, I was watching this morning and saw that the meter read only 1 or 2%. I assume that is low?’ I asked ‘Supergirl would be safe?’

‘Very low’ replied skinny ‘she wouldn’t even feel a tickle.’

‘What would be a bad reading?’ I asked.

‘Well 80 to 100% is lethal’ said chubby ‘anything lower is survivable but not recommended.’

‘So, let’s take 30% for an example’ I suggested ‘what would happen there?’

‘At 30% she would possibly be feeling the effects strongly’ explained skinny ‘she would most likely remain conscious but would probably have trouble standing.’

‘And her powers wouldn’t work’ added chubby ‘we have seen that before.’

That’s what I needed to know. A few more beers, a few medium rare steaks, a couple of baked potatoes and some grilled asparagus kept them from being suspicious. Then they were on their way. I escorted them back to the airport and waved as the plane taxied down the runway.

Part Seven – The Bait

‘Is this the D.E.O.?’ I asked. ‘I have found what I believe to be an artifact from Krypton and was wondering if Supergirl could come and confirm it?’

‘Yes, I know that she is very busy but she can fly here in no time at all and just take a quick look. All four of my kids are big fans and they would be thrilled to meet her.’ More lies.

Mentioning kids to the woman who took my call was all I needed to do to get her cooperation. She promised to call me back when arrangements had been made.

‘I’ll see what I can do’ she said ‘where are you?’

I gave her my address and she sounded rather concerned when she told me ‘Our satellite images show only forest there!’

‘I assure you that there is a house’ I told her ‘zoom in a bit more.’

‘Oh, there you are’ she laughed ‘it looks like you have moss on the roof, you are almost invisible.’

I laughed along with her and told her that I would be awaiting her call. An hour later the phone rang.

Part Eight – And Now the Moment You’ve Been Waiting For

I’m sitting on my patio, sipping a lemonade, waiting for my guest. Right on time there is a blue and red streak that approaches across the sky which slows to a blur which comes to a stop in front of me. There she stands with that “hands on her hips” pose that she does so well. It’s amazing that after such a flight not a hair is out of place. Damn she is sexy.
‘I hear that you have something that I may want to see’ she says with her famous smile and a sparkle in her eye.

‘Right this way’ I reply deceitfully ‘I keep it in my safe in the basement. Follow me.’

I stand up and lead her into the house and then down the stairs. She follows me halfway across the room and then stops.

‘There is Kryptonite in this room’ she says in a panicky voice ‘is the thing you want to show me made of Kryptonite?’

‘I actually it’s the room itself’ I reply with a sneer trying to sound like a dastardly villain ‘the walls and the cement floor are both saturated with Kryptonite dust.’ I’m not sure why I did the nasty voice but it sounded pretty lame.

‘I have to get out of here’ her voice trembled as she turned back towards the stairs.

I quickly dart around her and stand between her and the exit. She lifts her hands to push me out of the way. I close my eyes and brace myself. If I’m wrong about this it’s going to hurt like hell when she bounces me off of the wall.

She puts her hands on my chest and shoves. An involuntary snort of surprise escapes my lips. I quickly forget how stupid it sounded. She only has the strength of a little girl. I push back and she staggers. Then she comes at me again, head down and drives right into me. Even in her weakened state that hurts a bit. I was prepared for this.
I’m not going to get my answers with her struggling so I wrestle her to the floor and reach for a bag of ropes that I had placed nearby in anticipation of this happening. I roll her face down and with a grunt and a groan I manage to get her arms behind her, cross her wrists and tie them securely. Then I add an extra rope to her elbows just to be safe. Next I roll her onto her back and tie her ankles and knees. As I finish the last knot, I feel a little warm spot developing on my forehead. She is sitting up a bit and using her heat vision to try and burn a big hole through my skull. Well maybe not quite so drastic but she did mean to do me harm.

With her so thoroughly tied I now stand up. She can’t use her heat vision on me now, in her weakened state she can’t focus enough to follow a moving target.

‘Why are you doing this to me?’ she manages to gasp as her head slumps back to the floor.

‘So many questions’ I declare quite dramatically ‘and so little time to answer them.’ I think about what I just said and realize that I’m really overdoing this villain crap and it’s time to get down to business.

‘There will be silence while I’m working’ I tell her in my best Lex Luthor voice as I place a strip of duct tape over her mouth. She tries to blow it off with her super-breath and only makes a little fart noise as one corner lifts a bit. Resisting the temptation to giggle I firmly press it back down and her next attempt totally fails.

‘You may be wondering why I’ve invited you here’ I state in a grand manner ‘and now it’s time to tell you. I, like many other members of your adoring public, have questions that need to be answered.’

I ignore the fact that she is looking at me the way one might look at the village idiot. I drop to my knees beside her and try to smile intelligently. It doesn’t feel right, maybe I’m not meant to look intelligent. I let my face return to its normal state.

As I reach for the hem of her skirt she digs in her heels and tries to push herself out of my reach. Her boots slip ineffectually on the cement floor, she’s going nowhere and she realizes it. Her look of disgust changes to one of anger as I lift her skirt and peek under it.

My disappointment registers with a frown. I had unrealistically hoped that she would be wearing sexy stockings, maybe with nice lace tops around her wonderful thighs. Instead she was wearing a pair of pantyhose, not just any pantyhose I suppose, but Super-pantyhose. There went my first question.
I took hold of the waist band of the pantyhose and pulled them down. That turned my frown upside down. I smiled from ear to ear to see that her panties were red like her cape and not blue like her costume. In my fantasies I had always pictured them just that way and it was delightful to see that I was right. By this time her ever changing expression had evolved to one of total confusion as she tried to figure out just what the hell I was doing. Wait to see what I do next girly!

I took hold of the waistband of her panties and pulled them down ever so slightly to peek in. I let out a whoop of victory. As I expected she didn’t have a shaved pussy! I knew that there was nothing on this planet sharp enough to mow that super-lawn.

Having answered my three questions, I had to untie her as quickly as possible before the effects of my basement did permanent damage.

I ungagged her, and then as I started to untie her I explained why I did what I did to her and I tried to explain as best I could my three questions. She was in such a state of disbelief at the lengths that I went to that she said nothing. She finally spoke.

Part Nine – An Unexpected Turn of Events

‘I can’t believe I’m going to say this’ she whispered weakly. ‘I’ve always wanted to “mow the lawn” as you so poetically put it but I couldn’t find a way to trim a single hair. Maybe now that I am so feeble it can finally be done.’

I stopped untying her and went and got a razor and some shaving cream. ‘Let me get started’ I declared with a silly grin.
‘No way asshole’ she protested ‘you’ve seen enough of me. Give me the stuff and get the hell out!’ (It was wonderful to hear her swear!)

‘Excuse me but you are in no position to argue’ I said in reference to her bound condition. ‘And besides, in your state, I’m not about to let you put anything sharp near such a precious part of your anatomy.’

I fully expected her to change her mind but she conceded the point. I knelt down beside her and once again it was up with the skirt and down with the pantyhose. This time the panties came down all the way. I was shocked! On my previous glimpse all was still pink and fuzzy, now it was kind of greenish and flat. I knew I had to work fast.

She put her head back and grimaced not wanting to watch, and probably not trusting me to do this safely. I rubbed a little lather onto her and when I raised the razor, she turned her head. A few careful strokes and she was soon as smooth and clean as a baby’s tummy.
Her condition was now advanced by the extra time taken to trim the bush. I restored the undies to where they belonged, untied her and assisted her to her feet.

I helped her upstairs and out into the sunlight which I knew would restore her powers. Once they were back again, I really expected her to kick the shit out of me.

Part Ten – A Fond Farewell…Not Really

She came out to the patio and sat in a rickety lawn chair and sipped at the lemonade I brought her as she soaked up the healing rays of the sun. With every passing minute she was looking better. She wouldn’t look at me. She cast her gaze around the yard looking at the fence that needed paint, the neglected flower beds, the overgrown hedge, the shaggy grass.

She downed the last of her drink with a very unladylike slurp and unexpectedly turned to face me. She caught me checking out her tits. She reached across the table and slapped my face.

‘You’re a pig’ she snarled at me. She stood up, finally back at full strength and ready to leave.

‘I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I will be back to see you again. Don’t you dare tell anyone about this!’ I promised not to. As she flew up and away, I couldn’t help myself. I looked up her skirt.

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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting story.
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Post by LordNelson »

I owe Supergirl a sincere apology, I had no idea that satisfying my curiosity would be so deeply disturbing for her. It seems that shortly after our encounter she had her costume redesigned and she is now wearing pants so that encounters such as ours can no longer happen.
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