Fun with Danny Saga (mm/mm) New on April 26th

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Post by blackbound »

This story doesn't get enough love, so have some right here :)

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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Post by Bondwriter »

I get the love, Blackbound. The numbers tell me a few people follow Danny's adventures regularly. here is the final chapter of this third adventure. Not to worry, there's another one coming up next week...

Fun with Danny, Scott and Graham

Chapter 25 – Indoctrination & Commitment

William towered over Danny a little longer, looking at the squirming ‘baby’ in throes of very adult passions. Walter’s voice got him to turn to the other pupil.

“And of course, he leaked boy juice,” he said, bringing his fingers to his nose, “And it is quite wet in there.”

“I’ll give you a hand, Walt, I want to challenge this friend of yours with the same forfeit. I would love both of them to join us and share their qualities with the other boys at school.”

Danny would have thought about they were saying, and pieced together all the information the newcomers had let out. The intense stimulation from the devices didn’t leave him this piece of mind. Yet it drained him from his energy to fight his tendencies and keep his boner under control.

He perceived only faintly the details of what was happening to Graham, and he fought the combined vibrations the elaborate set-up triggered. All his pleasures sensors in his mid-section were under assault to make him add to the moisture of the cellulose. Tensing up and cringing, the abducted babysitter couldn’t lose to a young teen like William.

The two minders had finished preparing Graham, harnessing him with the vibrating gear.

“Same deal for you, Lav, you need to hold for half an hour. Be a good boy,” Walter said.

“We’ll be waiting. It’s only twenty-four minutes left for you, Blue. Hold tight. Say, Walt, do you think we could use the time to practice some knots?”

This could have been a weird suggestion in most contexts, but under this roof it was a benign suggestion. William went on about the use of the clove-hitch to bind wrists and soon, Walter’s interest was piqued.

He got the ropes out and bound William’s hands crossed behind his back. William was dressed for the night, which meant he only wore a pair of hugging, gleaming navy-blue Speedos.

The two friends were hallway between the tortured nappied boys’ cages, well in sight of both. Walter spun him around, moved him and checked his work, offering the audience sexy angle after sexy angle.

He didn’t stop to the wrists; William’s elbows ended up pinned to his sides, and his knees and ankles looped in ropes. This most arousing show wasn’t over. William started complaining.

“You made your point, Walt, but we’ve got to get back to our friends and see if… mmmmmmmm!”

“Oh no,” Walter stated cheekily, a hand clamped over the shorter boy’s mouth, “I think I’m going to have some fun with you before the others are up. You aren’t going to tell on me, boys?” he asked Graham and Danny.

They mumbled something, but they hadn’t been exactly mute for the last twenty minutes. It didn’t really matter to Walter, who proceeded to gag his little friend.

Greg and Walter were gag wizards; muzzling materials always came out of thin air when they pounced on a victim.

Danny was mesmerized by Walter taking a huge ball of white linen and let go of William’s mouth.

His scream was short-lived, as his ruby lips parted under the fabric ball’s pressure. This was too much for Danny, who jerked around in his bonds. This time, he’d lost against the poor little boy Walter went on gagging.

The second silk scarf, tied over his nose was the trigger for Graham, who also cooed and yelled in disappointment as the enticing scene got the best of him. He discharged six times, which he counted, recoiling in horror at the prospect.

Walter let go of William. “From our experience with them, I’d say they’ve both lost. I’ll go check on them, Will.”

He slid his hand down the nappies and took it out with a fresh coat of cum in bother cases.

He bounced back to William, whom he released in seconds. The cute little angel grinned wildly after spitting out the large ball of hankies crammed inside his mouth.

“I knew how to win, and you didn’t have a chance, lads. Ha! Ha! This was fun; your knots were good, by the way, Walt, and so was the gag.”

He folded the ropes carefully, watching the writhing bodies.

“This made the trick, apparently. Babies can’t talk, especially with dummies in their mouths, but this is your way to tell me you agree, I guess.”

The ‘mmh mmh’ in denial didn’t bring any reaction.

“It’s another two hours before the others wake up, so we’ll rest at your sides,” he said, waving the remote control and switching the contraptions off.

“I’ll keep company to Lavender,” Walt said, “I’ll see if I can do better than electronics.”

“Have fun,” Will replied, accepting Danny as his spoil and sliding inside the cage bed.

He picked the blanket up and pulled it over them. He lay on his side, his head two inches from Danny, who could smell his fresh breath.

“I hear you complain but you’ve proved over and over you were one of us, Blue. Uh, Danny, I’ll call you by your name. I’m going to tell you a bit more about the school we’d like you to join. It’s an all-boys school to start with. It is located in the countryside, so there’s lots of space for games and sports…”

The boy’s description went on, insisting on all the locations that would favour promiscuity, such as the dorms or the locker-rooms .

“I’m sure you’re into smelling singlets and swimwear whenever you can, Danny. We haven’t bothered you much with such feats, but I’m sure that you’ll enjoy having to worship the feet of another boy your age after he’s spent a whole week under our rule. We have one that forbids him to remove them at any time except for showering.”

William had fiendish ways to assault Danny’s resistance. His tender lips whispering their tempting words got reinforcement of the manual kind.

William reached for the nappy’s sticky tabs, picking each one delicately off. He pulled off the front flap, unveiling the recovering boner.

“Don’t fight me, Blue. You lost, and you’d better make the most of it. I’ll even be nice, and I won’t tell of our time together, whatever happens.”

William used a masterful technique; he blended little caresses, more like light brushes with further tales of the wonders his victim could expect from joining their boarding school. Danny felt a lustful turmoil at the idea of the cricket team keeping him their prisoner inside the clubhouse; they’d use sticks and ropes to restrain him in unlikely positions, William said, and they’d make him sniff their young males’ body odours as part of his initiation.

The hand acted in tune with the voice. It started with timid touches and got bolder, until Danny was getting fully wanked by a palm wrapped around his fully hard member, an unrelenting tentacle that sucked another load out from the bottom of his loins.

Danny moaned in his gag, with William’s light-hearted chuckle ringing to his ears like a string of heavenly bells. The hands directed the pulsating streams of spunk inside the nappy, which he closed back, adjusting it to Danny’s loins.

“You’ve got all the abilities to thrive among your peers.”

William commented seriously, while lying over his back again and reaching for the very hard boner that had longed for attention over the last half-hour: his. He fell quiet and the swishing sound told that the young captor enjoyed his privilege not to be under rule number six. It didn’t take long for William to get full satisfaction.

They dozed off, and Danny got a few other tales, though his nappy stayed firmly on. He’d be in the claws of devious boys, or maybe he could graduate to being part of the binding staff… William’s descriptions went all over the place, and Danny listened, spellbound.

The rest of the household eventually got up, and the five kidnappers held a short council in front of their captives. They took five minutes to think of the schedule to lead to the signing of the agreements. It was basic: breakfast, bathroom and dressing up, and they would head back to the classroom in the basement of the house for the ceremony.

They realized they’d have to sequence it differently for their guests. They’d have to dress up the boys so they could wait on them. They had outstanding clothing now; it would be a shame not to have them look their best in tight, shiny patent leather. It could be Halloween everyday with the pupils wearing kinky shorts, a single glove and some leather face mask.

They got the ‘babies’ out of the cots; the binding was minimal, but several rules, like ‘silence’ and ‘perfect obedience’ had been decreed, so the pupils just followed the flow.

They had to wear the outfits they’d inaugurated over Easter break, minus the single glove for Graham and Danny who would have to wait on the table.

The breakfast was a momentous occasion. Two video cameras recorded the leather-clad waiters; Scott was not of much use, since he’d been fitted with the single glove that went along with their outfits, the leather shorts and the boots.

They had to display a perfect gait, walk smoothly and without making noise with their chains; there were grades on the artistic value of their work.

The staff cleaned up while Walter, Graham and their friends went to shower and get dressed. Scott did his best not to hamper his colleagues’ moves, but he stayed looking at them a bit forlorn. He’d have loved to join them.

The young dominators joined their slaves; they’d all dressed up in clean –and well-ironed– football shorts, which made for an interesting environment, Danny thought.

“Danny and Graham don’t need their arms during the walk back to the house,” Théo observed, wondering whether they should have them all wear their uniforms.

“This goes without saying,” Walter said, “We’ll even add the collars so we may keep them on a leash.”

The captives had to go out in a file. They exited the small pavilion, with five boys escorting them, three of them keeping a tight grip on the leashes. The transfer back to the house took less than fifteen minutes and was quite uneventful.

They got inside the underground classroom.

“Lavender and Blue will be sitting at their desk. We’ll bind Scott to a column so he may witness their fellow-pupils following his path.”

Danny thought he saw Scott’s chest swell up. He didn’t have time to gaze at his friend, Lester pushed him toward his desk. He held his arms so they would go over the back.

Walter fetched papers from the big desk on the platform.

“Get the signing pens, Greg,” he asked his cousin.

Lester and William crouched around the desks, using straps to secure the pledges to the furniture. Weren’t they supposed to sign something? Then he saw the two straps Greg held. And his grin. They were pens mounted on a strap. Greg handed them to William and Lester, who seemed to enjoy an expert reputation. Danny didn’t mind; he was having a crush on William.

“We’re reaching the finish line, Blue; soon you’ll be one of us,” the black-haired and round faced boy told him. Walter helped removing the previous gag; Danny kept his mouth open when rid of the bulb.

The gag attached to the strap wasn’t too terrible; it was more of a tongue than a plug. Still, once the strap was tightened and padlocked over his neck, with the pen appearing to stick out of his mouth, Danny found out he could no longer produce articulated and intelligible speech.

They fitted both signatories with pens, adjusting the tension so they could use the tools properly. Greg and Walter each presented one of the pupils with the contracts. They set them down on the desks, but they didn’t give them time to have a closer look.

“You’ve decided to join us and comply with all our rules,” Greg said in an interrogative tone, which prompted the gagged yes reply.

“You will do your best to be faithful to our rules,” Walter continued.

“You will be a good companion, or else,” William said in its most playful tone.

This went on, eliciting more yeses from the pupils.

“You may sign the contract, then,” Greg said, pointing at the desk.

The mantra had done its work. The two bound and gagged fetish aficionados leaned forward slowly, landing the ball of their pens over the paper softly, and doing their best, with crossed eyes, to write down their names at the bottom of the page, under text they hadn’t even read.

They got their heads back up and looked at the bunch smiling at them. There were greetings, cheers and various profanities uttered to welcome the two boys inside the gang. Danny wasn’t very gregarious; this made the pang of pride of belonging to this group even sweeter.

He relished the two minutes of collective joy, longing for what the rest of the day would bring.

End of this episode
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Post by Bondwriter »

More Danny fun coming up. A new story starting this week:

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 1 – A Job for the Weekend

The warm afternoon was turning into a beautiful evening. Danny enjoyed his fifteen-minute walk back home. It was almost six, since on Wednesdays he went to a computer programming class after school.

He relished the lukewarm wind; another couple of weeks of school and he would be free for two solid months; or would he? He thought about his younger neighbours and their plans for the Summer. He reached his home; his mom had set the table outside. He joined the family dinner.

“Hey Danny, we’ve been waiting for you,” his mom said, picking a bowl and helping herself to some salad, “and before I forget, there was a call for you. Mrs G. wanted to know if you could babysit the neighbours this weekend.”

Danny’s hair tingled. His mother didn’t know, but this was a purely rhetorical question from his point of view. Only one answer was possible: yes. Mrs. G. was Greg’s mom. The soon-to-be fourteen-year old boy didn’t really need a babysitter; he had his cousin Walter with him.

The lads needed a bondage doll, a maid and a sex slave, three roles Danny had learned to fulfil over the course of their week in the countryside a few weeks earlier. They’d reminded him that he’d vowed to be their faithful disciple many times since. There were emails on a regular basis to make sure he followed their guidelines. There had been meetings and time spent under their supervision: ten days before. Greg and Walter had convinced their parents to skip a family reunion, and to avoid any objection, they had asked if Danny could come and monitor them.

They claimed they had homework to do, with the end of year exams coming up. Greg’s parents called Danny and asked him to watch Greg and his cousin on the Saturday evening and night. Danny tried to be as neutral as possible when he agreed with the lady on the phone. He was afraid his voice would betray anguish or enthusiasm, the mixed feelings he had at the prospect of an evening with the boys.

The sleepover hadn’t been too strenuous. Danny spent a few hours tied to the bunk bed post in Greg’s bedroom while the cousins watched a movie. Danny’s situation brought him the added pleasure of seeing the Adonis’ clothing lying around, with some sexy undies and shorts. He also experienced the musky, stale smell of a seldom-vented teenage boy’s room. They then had him spend the night spread-eagled, with them teasing him and repeatedly getting him to cream his shorts, which was a major interest of his young captors.

He’d been turned into their hobbled butler in the morning. After breakfast, some showering and cleaning up were on the agenda. They’d then fucked him and bound him to a chair so he could watch them playing video games. Danny wasn’t surprised by their treatment; he was getting used to their routine, and the sex involved had been a great relief.

Greg and Walter looked like little angels, but they’d proved to be wicked little devils with Danny. They had plans for him this weekend; the older teen answered his mom.

“Yes, I’m done with exams, and they aren’t. I’ll go and give them a hand.”

The dinner went smoothly, with conversation shifting to Danny’s parents’ plans for the holidays. When he’d cleared the table and helped his mom with cleaning the kitchen, Danny called Mrs. G. back.

“You may watch them, then, Danny? Thank you so much. If you could be there by tea-time on Friday. Yes, at four? Wait… What? Oh, Greg has something to tell you…”

Danny waited for a few seconds; his little master chirped in the mouthpiece.

“Good evening, Danny! I just wanted to tell you, bring some sportswear, we’re thinking of exercising and playing games outdoors when we’re not studying. You might want to have some change, it’s going to be warm this weekend.”

Danny had heard the weather forecast.

“I’ll bring some, Greg,” he replied. His caller dropped his voice and whispered at the other end of the line.

“And don’t forget the rules…”

“Yes, Greg.”

“Well, this is it, see you Friday at five, Blue.”

The boy hung up, leaving Danny to wonder what the wicked pair had on their minds. Greg had used his nickname, he wanted all his gear… What was it about?

They lived close enough that he could come pick up extra clothing without any worry. Of course, if they treated him like they’d done before, he would have no taste in being seen by his parents in the bonds, gags and sexy clothing the lads could force upon him.

Greg’s voice was enough to trigger some warm, intimate feelings in his babysitter’s loins. Sadly for Danny, Greg and Walter had asserted control by keeping him in chastity. A little plastic shell contained his cock and balls in just enough space to hold them while Danny was at rest.

His cock has been prisoner since this week at Greg and Walter’s grandparents, when they’d lured two other boys to have as captives. They’d released him for a whole weekend a couple weeks after their stay; they called on him on Friday and Sunday evenings to remove and then put the cage back on. There had been this Saturday evening ‘babysitting’ them, of course, when they’d removed his chastity device and had milked them several times, tallying the points it cost Danny every time he spurt some cream.

Danny had seen the key come out of the pocket with a great relief; he’d broken his number of orgasms over forty-eight hours that weekend spent on his own, and when he’d been Greg and Walter’s guest, they’d made him cream his shorts or Speedos many times, apparently thinking a turgid dick is the best toy to play with.

Danny grew feverish over the next two days. His nights were short and restless. He had wet dreams that woke him up, only to realize with horror each time that he could not act upon his fantasies and get rid of the temptation by yielding to it.

His Friday went at a crawling pace. Exams were over and most classes he took no longer had any stake; he didn’t even have hard work to get his mind to focus on something other than his neighbours and what they could put him through. And the frustrating feeling in his groin these thoughts brought.

Eventually, the ordeal was over with the final class of the week ending. Danny walked back home at a very brisk pace, almost running; he was eager to get home and grab his bag. Punctuality was one thing Greg and Walter didn’t kid with.

Danny got home, greeted his mom and climbed upstairs. He dropped his books bag, and headed to the bathroom for the mandatory cleaning up. He changed into his football kit, which was more or less implicitly the required uniform to visit his neighbours. It was clean; Danny looked at himself in the mirror; he was still growing, at almost sixteen, and the jersey felt tighter than last time he’d worn it. The shorts, likewise, hugged his butt rather closely.

He put on long football socks and his black Nike trainers. Danny liked them because of the shiny black vinyl outside. They had a small drawback; being quite tight and waterproof, the feet didn’t get much air, and the black-haired boy tended to develop rather strong feet smell when he wore them.

He checked the contents of the sports bag: three jerseys, a nylon jacket, five pairs of shorts of various makes and colours, an extra pair of sneakers, four Speedos, all the ropes he owned and three rolls of tape.

They’d been clear about the gear he should provide and had sent him a list; he looked at the print-out one more time, crossing the items with a ball pen. It was complete so he zipped the bag shut, threw it over his shoulder and headed downstairs.

“I’ll be off, Mom, see you on Sunday.”

His mom came out of the living room.

“Are you in such a rush? A little peck on my cheek, to your old mother?”

She smiled; he kissed her cheek.

“Now you’ve grown up so fast! It seems it was only yesterday when you were the one needing a babysitter. And here you are, you spend weekends earning money being in charge of younger kids.”

“Come on, mom…”

She sighed.

“And soon, you’ll be fully independent,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.

Danny wasn’t too fond of his parents smooching on him, and the whole ‘he’s growing up so fast’ annoyed him. He felt time wasn’t going fast enough. He headed to the door, with his mom going on and giving him advice for the weekend.

“… because at their age, they need even more sleep than you do…”

“OK, bye!”

He shut the door behind him. He checked the time. It was four to five; he headed to the Gs, whose house was two hundred metres away. It was two to five when he rang the bell. Mrs. G. came to open.

She was a beautiful blonde lady, with striking blue eyes; Greg looked a bit like her. She smiled at him.

“Danny! Come in, Greg and Walter are at some football practice, they should be here any minute. Anyway, I’ll give you the keys and show you what’s in the fridge for you boys, and I’ll be on my way. I have to pick Patrick up before we head to the resort.”

This was Greg’s father.

“Everything there to make sandwiches… Frozen pizzas or other stuff you can warm up in the microwave… Bread is here…”

Danny played his part to perfection; he was the competent, mindful babysitter who would follow guidelines and watch over the kids closely so they would have a fun time, when they wouldn’t be doing silly stuff.

“That’s it, I think. For the rest, Greg and Walter may tell you. I’m glad they’re so serious; they asked that you’d come, you know. I wouldn’t really mind leaving them on their own, but I feel better knowing a serious young man like you is in charge. And Greg and Walter won’t stop talking about how great you are, and how much fun they had at Easter…”

Danny blushed politely.

“They’ve actually gotten good grades, and they claim your tutoring at Easter helped a lot. They’re very grateful for the help you provided.”

Danny couldn’t think of a moment when they had studied, but the tykes were deceptive, keen and resourceful. No doubt they could easily pull off the required learning to reach good grades in little time. He smiled modestly.

“They earned their grades through their own work, Mrs. G. I’m glad we get along and that I helped them in their education.” Danny heard his own words, picking up on their double meaning. “I’m glad I can be of use this weekend and see to it that your son and his cousin spend their time fruitfully.”

This was enough reassurance for Mrs. G., who was sold anyway, and who had a husband to pick up.

“I’m sure that the three of you will have some good time. Have a fun weekend!”

The door slammed behind her. Danny fetched his bag, which was next to the door. He brought it to the wall opposite the entrance door. He had been reminded of general instructions the day before, through an email and a new draft of the rules Greg and Walter had used before. When waiting for his masters, he had to turn his back, face the wall and stand with legs spread one foot apart, hands crossed over the back of his head.

His bag was to be close by, so they could undertake an inspection.

There were other instructions, documenting the protocol to follow if they were all three in the presence of an adult; the most important being that he would only talk when spoken to. He’d memorized both, knowing his minders would assess his compliance and use any flaw to begin the evening with some punishment.

His wait wasn’t too long. It was even almost too short. Could it be Mrs. G. who was coming back to get something she’d forgotten? He’d better find a way to look natural if it was her. Was it heels clicking on the stones outside?

The key rattled in the latch; Danny couldn’t help it; he twisted his neck and looked above his shoulder, spinning his hips just a little so he could see the door and break out of his position if it turned out to be Mrs. G.

He wasn’t fast enough; he caught a blue gaze and a grin and faced back to the wall, but half a second too late.

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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Greg and Walter have tons planned for their guests...

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 2 – Proper Greetings

“Caught, Danny,” Greg’s voice chimed through the hall, “We made it clear that you should be facing the wall no matter what.”

Danny knew better than explaining he wanted to avoid an issue with his mom: he was under the silence rule, which was the one they loved to see their charges break, along with the chastity rule, the notorious rule number six. They had ways to trick them into such non-compliance; the smallest gasp could also be interpreted as a breach of the silence rule.

Greg and Walter approached and stood behind him, examining his stance. Danny felt their gazes weighing over the small of his back; he hoped the distance between his feet and the angles they made was adequate. For such details, he had to admit they usually played fair.

They came closer; Danny could feel their heat; he could distinctly smell their presence too. He was familiar with the healthy aromas his keepers developed when hot and sweaty. Greg was on his left and Walter on his right.

“So far, this is a perfect number three attention position, Blue. Legs together.”

Danny heard the nickname. They meant business. He brought his right ankle to his left so they touched; he stood still. Greg pulled his shorts down, followed by Walter who took care of the Speedos until they were at his ankles.

“Step out of them.”

Danny lifted his left foot so Walter could pull his shorts and underwear off; he waited for an order to lift the right foot. It came soon, leaving him with a bare groin and legs, which enhanced his booted feet.

“Nice lad, now grab your ankles.”

He bent down and did what they asked. Danny was flexible enough; he’d stretched very regularly, often for hours during a day, upon the orders of Greg and Walter. They could only rejoice the exercise they assigned brought such a pleasant result.

They looked at his ass; it was devoid of hair, and quite smooth. Danny had to take good care of it, as it belonged to Greg and Walter, or at least that’s how they justified their control. Walter’s hands pulled Danny’s butt cheeks apart to inspect his hygiene.

“You pass,” Walter said, giving a slight smack over his buttocks, which he’d let go. “Get back up and turn around.”

Danny complied with the request, facing them, his hands still crossed together over his head.

“Let’s see how clean you kept your cage.”

Greg and Walter kneeled down to have a better look; they prodded the plastic device.

“There’s a snake who wants to escape!”

“Yeah, and aren’t his balls turning blue?”

“I’ve heard if you leave them in cage long enough, they wither and you get an eunuch!”

“It doesn’t smell too bad,” Greg said, sniffing from up close and almost touching Danny’s caged penis, “You also get a pass for the cock cage hygiene rule. There is some hair, but we’ll handle this later and you can’t be held accountable. That’s really sad you were so curious and you failed to take the position we’d asked you to wait in. We’re not cruel, though. As your welcome gift, you’re going to be allowed to kiss our feet. This is a privilege we grant only our most prestigious guest so rejoice.”

“Turn around,” Walter ordered, a piece of rope in hand. Danny offered his wrists, which were soon held in a solid pair of rope manacles.

“On your knees,” Greg piped. “And before I grant you the right to kiss my feet, I’ll have you suck my dick. That’s how you earn the privilege.”

Walter held Danny’s shoulder and pressed him down so he’d kneel. Danny caught the message and lowered himself slowly. Walter laid his hands on his shoulders, while Greg undid the knot of the string allowing to tighten the football shorts’ waistband.

“I’ll let you do the rest,” Greg said, moving forward and putting his crotch within reach of Danny’s mouth.

Danny opened wide and grabbed the waistband with his teeth. He closed them delicately over the polyamide fabric, knowing that biting Greg would result in penalty points or an actual nasty punishment on the spot.

He’d seen Greg wore no underwear; this bordered on the obscene, now that his boner stretched the red nylon; Danny wondered whether this is what he’d worn for practice. Didn’t their coach mind having balls dangling through the very short shorts’ legs?

This made his job easier; he’d seized the waistband with his teeth; he had a good hold and didn’t let go, even when he had to yank the shorts to let Greg’s boner sprout out of the confines of the shiny fabric, twisting and pulling with his head. The great air revived the member apparently; it stood, very stiff and throbbing. Danny waited until it’d reached his ‘normal’ size and he wrapped his lips around its head. The taste was OK, especially compared with the smell of Greg’s crotch. It did reek of cum, sex and repeated depravity and very little cleaning-up.

The taste was what he expected of a dick he sucked. He had no great experience in a wide range of dicks with various levels of hygiene, but this could do.

Danny moved forward, and so did Greg, so the young cocksucker soon had his nose over Greg’s pubis. The practiced head fucking got its result rather fast; there were small shrieks from Greg until he cooed and made various noises that barely sounded human.

“I like your mouth better than my right hand,” Greg complimented Danny, “You’ve earned the right to get a bit lower down and kiss my feet…”

“Wait a minute, Greg, I say he sucks my cock, then he takes care of your feet. And mine.”

Greg didn’t mind, and the intense orgasm made him rather mellow.

“Sure, you’re up,” he said, stepping away from Danny.

This time, there was underwear to remove; Danny did well, or got lucky, he didn’t know, but this went rather smoothly. It took some time.

“Get to it Blue, we don’t have all day. A hard, big and manly cock is waiting for his treat!”

The goading worked; Danny’s mouth was hungry for cock and Walter wanted relief. The two met rather soon, once Danny had been slapped over the forehead with the cock when he eventually pulled the waistband over it.

Danny’s lips made a pumping sound, and he snorted through his nose, trying to breathe as he performed his blowjob. He took the knob deep in his throat; Danny was very good at this, and the still reasonable size of the freshly nubile erections allowed him to give the full measure of his skills. Walter’s groans came from deep within, and Danny felt pride getting him so to climax fast. The hip motions accelerated and Walter’s raspy voice confirmed he was coming. He withdrew slightly, leaving his knob inside so Danny could pump it dry.

“Go ahead, get all the juice out. Is it me, or has he improved since we last had him blow us?” Walter asked his cousin.

“He’s got a great mouth,” Greg confirmed, “Great lips, a supple tongue… We’ve taught him well and he respects our requirement that it belongs to us. Did you like it, Walt, and did Blue earn the right to kiss your feet?”

“He did. I think that as a reward, I’ll grant him even further privileges.”

He took a step back.

“Bend over, Blue, and kiss my footies.”

Danny bent at the waist; Walter moved a bit forward so Danny’s lips could reach the top of his blue Nikes. Danny put his lips on the right foot, then the left, making little kissing sounds.

“Good, you’re granted the permission to do it again. A few times if you want.”

“Like twenty?”

“Yeah, that’s very generous.”

Danny obliged. He looked at the gleaming vinyl, his nostrils picking hints of the smells that the slick material contained. His head bobbed up and down, and he kept on making kissing or sucking sounds. Greg kept the count, encouraging Danny to keep the pace up.

“Seventeen, eighteen… No dawdling, please. Nineteen… And twenty! I hope you’re grateful for the honour.”

Danny nodded.

“Good. What other gifts did you plan to lavish on our boy Blue, Walt?”

“I’ll allow him to lick my socks and feet...”

Danny got a rush of adrenalin; he was alarmed while eager to try.

“… if he manages to take them off with his teeth…”

Danny tackled the task without waiting. He grabbed one lace with his lips and pulled it loose; with his teeth, he went from grommet to grommet to loosen it all. He repeated these moves with the second shoe. The slight openings he made let some fumes exhale, giving him a more precise idea of the cheesy smells he was about to let out of the box.

“Yes, he’s good with his mouth,” Walter laughed, “Don’t pull the shoes off, you’ve done a good job, I can just pull my feet out. See?”

He lifted his right foot, which came out easily; the whiff was unmistakable and barely bearable. Walter had worked hard on getting such a result! Danny was well acquainted with his body odours, and he would have identified Walter even if blindfolded; but the degree of the stench set it as one of the worst feet smells he’d experienced from the black-haired boy.

Walter put his feet down and ‘allowed’ further kissing. Danny obliged, repeating his little pecks on the top of Walter’s foot. His nostrils got the full range of aromas he could expect.

“Good boy, Blue. Now, the sole.”

Walter lifted his foot, leaving his heel on the tiles. Danny approached his lips, lifting his head as he could. He touched the squirming toes inside the sock. It likely was the worst location, smell-wise.

This wasn’t very comfortable for the two boys, but Walter had an idea.

“Could you go and get a stool from the kitchen, Greg? I’ll sit down and Danny will lie over his back. I want him to be comfy to enjoy my gift.”

Greg went to the kitchen, which was the next room. He came back with a large wooden seat. Walter had gotten Danny on his back, over his bound hands. He picked up the piece of furniture and framed Danny under it, with two legs at his shoulders and two at his waist.

Walter sat over the stool.

“Much better, we can see Blue’s cute little mug.”

“You may also watch him and make sure he really does what he’s told better.”

“True. My foot to kiss, Blue.”

Walter brought his socked foot down over Danny’s face slowly, making contact delicately. Danny had to give more kisses. The toes resting over his nose told the ultimate tale of what happened when water and soap were shunned by teenage boys.

“Nice start. Now, you may have noticed my footies have been worn a bit. I want you to prewash them. Let’s see this nice mouth of yours at work again.”

This was gross. Danny parted his lips nonetheless, and got his tongue out. If he refused, they would have him do it the hard way, so he decided to get done with it as soon as possible.

The sock tasted salty, with some strong and bitter aftertaste. Walter seemed to like the tongue bath, and he moved his foot lightly so the tongue could reach the good spots. Danny kept going, and Walter soon was satisfied with the first foot; he offered the second.

Greg had gone pick up another stool and he sat facing his cousin, looking at the show between them.

“Blue’s got a strong tongue. Is he doing a good job?”

“I think so. Let’s see if he can remove my socks with his teeth.”

Walter rolled his long socks down to his ankles; he offered the left one to Danny, whose impressive dentition seized the trim. Walter pulled his foot out slowly, and he removed his foot with Danny holding to his sock.

“What an expert! One to go, and you may be the proud foot sucker you’ve dreamed to be for so long.”

Danny wasn’t so sure about this; the boys’ company and games had caused him to develop ambivalent feelings about some aspects of their games. Did he dream of sucking feet?

He got down to the task. The contact with the boy’s skin and the taste and smells the experience caused were hard to endure, but he wouldn’t be called a wimp.

He licked the sole, and Walter then offered his toes one by one. Danny sucked on each of them, which had Walter make analogies.

“He’s pumping on my toes like he does on our dicks!”

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 3 – Back to the Old Tricks

Eventually, after litres of saliva had been produced and used, Danny had licked and sucked the whole skin of Walter’s feet. Greg was impatient to take his turn.

The blond cherub twisted around to offer his shoelaces, now that Danny lay on his back. Danny knew right away that he was in for something serious. He’d been given a sample of Greg’s feet on the first day they’d abducted him over Easter break. It was uncanny how such a cute and angelic cherub could develop such mephitic fumes.

“It’s going to be tough pulling them off lying on your back like this. I’ll show some leniency and make sure you don’t waste time.”

Greg pulled his shoes out himself. He set the opening of one of them over Danny’s face, holding it this way. Danny tried to hold his breath, but Greg patiently waited until he heard the groan that accompanied the first breath Danny took through the shoe.

“Do we have to remind you you’re under the silence rule? Not a word, and not a sound!”

Greg had traded places with Walter. He removed his shoe himself, eventually; he then laid his socked foot over Danny’s face. The distinct fragrance brought back memories of times past.

“Go ahead, Blue, clean it up; start at the pinkies, yes, like this, take them all in your mouth.”

Danny had passed the point of disgust; his mouth was invaded by toes, smelly ones at that. He no longer minded, relishing the comfort of being under others’ control.

“It feels like Blue enjoys sucking our toes very much. That gives me an idea. Let’s have a little experiment,” Greg said, grabbing a necklace out from under his jersey. Danny identified the trinket right away: his chastity cage’s key!”

“Have a look, Walt, I want to know whether this makes him hard. And don’t get distracted, Blue, there’s one more foot to go, and then you’ll do my bare feet!”

Walter grabbed the key. Danny felt him fiddling around his crotch; the ‘click’ he heard was followed by the plastic device gliding along his wrinkled penis. It was outside its plastic prison for the first time in weeks.

“He really wanted out badly,” Walter said. The boner was inflating already, benefitting from the freedom it was just given, “he’s getting hard as a rock.”

“Wait until I have him lick my arse…”

“Don’t be impatient, he’s doing your feet now, and it… Man, he’s leaking already. Let me grab my sock.”

Danny no longer felt the discomfort of lying over his bound arms, or of licking the world champions of stinky socks; his penis had been freed, and it got some attention. This made him forget the rest.

“I’ll cover it, Blue, so you don’t leak and stain the tile floor.”

Walter slid his hand in the slimy sock and rolled it from his forearm. He could roll it down along the throbbing hard-on just like a condom. He did the same with the second sock.

Walter’s touch triggered intense emotions deep down in Danny. He longed for the use of his own hands to wank himself just now; he knew they would hold it against him, but he had to come, there would be time to regret later on. Could he free his hands? His helplessness made his desire impossible to satisfy. If only…

Walter’s fist closed down over the socked shaft, kneading him lightly, then squeezing it, then shaking it. Danny hoped this wasn’t some teasing.

It was a strange feeling being wanked under the silence rule, with Greg’s feet to honour while being led to a grade-A orgasm by Walter’s expert palm. His grip, just under the knob, with light caresses from his thumb was the most effective technique they’d tested to have Danny shoot his load quickly.

The feeling was too strong. All the pent-up lust rushed back and took its toll. Walter knew exactly how to squeeze, pull and pump with his fist. Danny clenched his butt cheeks, tried to contain himself, but eventually he failed: he let out a low, guttural moan as the streams of semen gushed out and added to the slime of the socks wrapped around his member.

Greg removed his foot and leaned forward, his face right above Danny’s.

“Uh oh, do we have someone who has trouble following the silence rule? We’ll have to do something about this. But for now…”

He prepared his socks as his cousin had before; he offered them to Danny’s mouth. The older teen peeled them away with his teeth. Danny was ordered to drop one on his left and one on his right. He wasn’t freed from the smell. Greg’s feet were deceptively good-looking, concealing the nefarious qualities they had, notably the odour ones.

They were smooth, and his nails were well cut. It tasted strong, but having toes in his mouth made it less likely to break the silence rule. Danny decided to bask in his hazy post-orgasmic state.

“This makes him all mellow. You’re right, it’s like he thought my toe is a dick!”

“Speaking of which…”

Walter stood behind the stool, where Danny’s midsection was. He’d just let go of the dick after he’d pumped most of the cum out. There were tremors under the dark, slimy socks. Walter watched, fascinated. The whole process was slow, and there was no sudden springing as had happened just earlier. After five minutes, he could launch a new masturbatory assault, adding in the end to the dampness of the soiled footwear.

This second series of outbursts coincided with Danny finishing the task Greg had given him.

“And Blue gets another four thousand points! He stayed quiet, at least.”

“Right, Walt, he almost redeemed himself. I think we’ve gotten him used to being gagged. This saved him from getting in trouble many times.. Usually, when he’s gagged, he’s no longer under the silence rule, and so he never had to learn about having quiet orgasms.”

“I hadn’t thought about this,” Walter winked at his cousin, “This is cruel putting him in such nasty ordeals. What could we do to be kind?”

Danny saw their faces and he knew what Greg was about to answer. The large grin that preceded his words confirmed Danny’s premonition.

“We should gag him and drop the silence rule. I’m sure you have emptied his balls. I don’t think he’s likely to come soon.”

“You never know.”

Greg stood. He picked up the stool, freeing Danny. Walter helped him to his feet. He picked up Greg’s socks from the floor.

“We’ve got some choice for wadding.”

He snatched the soggy ones dangling from Danny’s deflating dick.

“Which pair should I use, Greg?”

“I don’t know. Just pick one of each if it’s tough to decide. Wait, I’ll blindfold him, we’re going to test if he can tell which is which just with his nose.”

The decision-making followed patterns when Danny was in these two devious lads’ hands; there were always twists.

Greg used a large black scarf to deprive Danny of sight. The test wasn’t difficult.

“Whose sock is it? You may answer a first name.”

“Walter’s,” Danny whispered.

“This one?”


“You won; this was too easy, Greg, our feet have very different smells, and my pair got the added aromas of Blue’s boy juice.”

“You’re right. Open big, Blue.”

Danny, still blind, stretched his jaws open as wide as he could. He tried not to retch when they crammed the cold and slimy, notwithstanding smelly mass inside his gob. They stuffed a sock on each side, prodding and pushing to prevent any space.

“There’s still room,” Greg said as he fitted the second sock, “Get your other one, I like the cummy sock better.”


“Did you release Blue of the silence rule, Walt?”

“No, and I’ll take it you didn’t. We really need to help Blue out. Here you go Blue, the other sock you’ve tainted with your helpless squirting.”

Walter helped out, holding the standing captive’s head and keeping his jaws open while his cousin pushed the coated footwear between the two others, making some sort of wedge, which made the mass feel much more formidable.

This was big; Danny made gurgling sounds.

“You’re released of the silence rule, Blue,” Greg said, handgagging Danny, “Now you can squeak all you want, you shouldn’t bother us too much.”

“Rubber swim cap, Greg?”

“Sure, this won’t hurt. We’ve also got our hands on some new brand of strapping tape, Blue. It’s cheaper than the surgical one, and it holds really, really fast.”


The plea for leniency was earnest, and not only a reaction to the change in rule. This didn’t affect the two captors; they pulled his blindfold off and proceeded with the cap and tape. They locked the wadding inside his mouth, sealing his lips and preventing him from opening his jaws. They went easy on the adhesive, in the number of turns as well as with the tension. It would take twenty minutes to become unpleasant; usually, they tightened it so it didn’t take five.

“It seems it’s a gag worthy of your silly rule breaking. It’s soon time for dinner, and before we move on to some other game, I would like you to prepare dinner and wait on us at the table.”

“You read my mind, Greg, I’m starving. But let’s get Blue properly outfitted. He’s a classy butler, he doesn’t wait on his prestigious clientele naked.”

Walter actually enjoyed seeing his preys in kinky outfits more than seeing them bare; properly attired, Danny had proved to be an impressive model many times. He picked up the underwear and shorts they’d set aside; kneeling to Danny’s sides, he undertook making him decent. He checked the tip of his penis before he pulled them over it.

“He’s moist. I wonder if he’s leaking.”

“We’ll see. It’s no big deal if he creams his shorts.”

“Yes, no big deal for us, but four thousand points for Blue! OK, he’s decent, let’s get him into the kitchen, the rest of his costume is there.

The trio crossed the threshold to the kitchen, Danny following Greg and watched by Walter behind. Walter headed to a large pantry, from which he brought a small case back.

“In case mom finds it,” he said, winking at Danny as he set the code over the case’s opening, “We don’t want her to worry.”

He set it on the table and he opened it; Danny was on the other side, and he couldn’t see the content with the lid open. Walter pulled some white garment out. Then he picked up some assembly of leather straps; a harness of some sort, it seemed designed for his torso. The size and the shape left little doubt once Walter held it in the proper position.

“We’ll tie your hands in front.”

This explanation was an order; they released his wrists, and brought them forward.

They fitted him with a satin blouse; it was white and its cut was very neutral; it didn’t feature any frills or fancy ribbons. It was just much like a tee shirt, with laces to close it behind his back. It was cut just for him, though, which made a difference.

The sheer, satiny silk wrapped him from his collar to the fall of his back, underlining his chest and belly muscles. They had him hold his arms straight out, to get a perfect fit. He docilely let them wrap wide leather cuffs around each.

“No doubt you’d do a wonderful scarecrow, Danny!”

Walter pulled the laces from the top, reaching eventually just above his shorts’ waistband. Greg was in ambush, and as soon as Danny’s top was enclosed in its satiny sheath, he pounced with the harness. The patent leather had been freshly polished, and it shone mightily.

Danny ended with three horizontal rings wrapped around his torso, just below his armpits, under his ribs and around his waist. The two-inch leather belts closed behind his back with roller buckles. Shoulder straps ran down his front and back, sewn to the rest.

The unavoidable groin straps allowed an anchoring between his legs. The straps framing his shorted genitals were thin, as was the one running up his crack. They were tightened tautly, which didn’t make them any less formidable.

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 575
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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 4 – Dressed to Serve

Walter gave a hand, but for the sake of efficiency, he tackled the next stage. He grabbed a one-foot long piece of chain and padlocks. He linked his right cuff to a D-ring in the belt around his waist, just below his navel. He did the same with the left wrist.

“This doesn’t leave too much space to fool around; you may still toil and serve us. Isn’t there a pair of shoes that come with the outfit, Walter? His sneakers don’t fit the chic of the costume we’ve gotten him!”

“You bet, I’ll go get them.”

Walter ran out, leaving Greg some time to busy himself with important matters. He reached for the front of the shorts, stroking ever so lightly to detect moisture or tension, breaking into a mischievous grin.

“We should change your nickname to Stud, because your horniness isn’t human,” the blond boy flattered his captive, “Do you want to break rule number six, Danny?”

The blue eyes locked into Danny’s; he felt the fingers use their wide array in pressure, pace and motions to have him in a state of panic again. Greg was ecstatic, laughing out loud while wanking the moaning butler, who didn’t dare try to intervene and kept his hands stuck to his hips, letting the blond boy the space he required to fondle his victim.

Danny was saved by the bell. Walter returned, interrupting his cousin’s torture.

“The maid’s boots and stockings,” he announced, brandishing them, a pair in each hand.

“You’re going to look so cute, Blue!”

They had Danny sit on a chair.

“We’re going to kneel in front of you, this doesn’t mean you should disrespect us. Silence rule while we boot you.”

Was this a verb? They made an apt demonstration of the concept, removing his footwear first.

“His feet don’t smell too bad,” Greg said, grabbing a foot and sniffing it.”

“He put clean socks on,” Walter confirmed.

“Good, we don’t want to have to deal with stinkpots!”

The stockings were very smooth and hugging. They gave his calves a distinct sheen.

“Stand up; I want to check we pulled them up right.”

Danny complied. They had him spin slowly; Danny caught a view in the large mirror placating the wall behind him. They looked hot.

“Good, get back on your butt, time to get done.”

The boots stopped just below the knees. They were much like riding boots, except for the laced panel in front. The thin strings pulling it together were completely loose, so it was child’s play fitting his feet inside. There was some smooth lining inside. Both cousins tackled the lacing of a boot.

The leather closed off around Danny’s lower limbs. There were stays or reinforcements on the sides, and the tightening of the lace turned the footwear into a tight and holding cocoon.

There was no competition between the cousins to see who would be first to get done; they checked on each other to make their job perfect. It didn’t take very long, though. They soon had him stand and take a few steps to see how it all looked. The thin, gleaming leather enhanced Danny’s calves.

“A perfect fit, and I must say I polished them well. Now, Blue, you’re all set for showing us you didn’t forget the basics of waiting on your masters. Get going, I’m sure mom told you where everything is. Fix us our tea, and I’ll have butter and blackcurrant jam on my scone.”

Danny got busy.

“While you work, Blue, we may enjoy a little videogame break ourselves. We’ll be in the living room, you know where it is?”

Danny nodded.

“You’ve got fifteen minutes, Blue.”

This almost felt like a break for Danny. He hurried, taking things out of closets, which required some contortions with the short lengths of chain. His legs were free, though his ankle was held steady by the boots. It didn’t prevent him from walking, and he sure didn’t fear twisting it.

Danny was well organized, and he headed to the living room with his tray. He met a first obstacle: he couldn’t carry such a heavy tray and open doors. He went back to set it over the counter. He did another trip to get the two doors open. He heard the bleeps and electronic explosions sometimes followed by cheers or curses behind the living room’s door. Greg and Walter were vocal. They barely noticed Danny, though Greg looked over his shoulder when he first opened the door.

Danny enjoyed the show he got when he entered; he could see the cousins from the back, cross-legged on the carpet in front of the large TV, and in their tight shiny shorts, this was a display that pleased the young butler. He approached and stood still, hoping they would notice him and give instructions. They let him stew for one minute.”

“What are you waiting for? Two cups of tea, please.”

A small table stood five feet away. Danny put the tray down. They made no comment, which meant he could go on. He served a first cup, which he brought to Greg. He was to serve people in alphabetical order unless specified otherwise.

Walter then got his beverage. Nothing had been spilled. No etiquette breach had been made. The boys kept on playing their shooting game, sipping on their tea. Danny then brought small plates with scones. Greg grabbed his, giving Danny concern; the heartthrob didn’t seem to be too careful, and the butler knew he’d be blamed if the cute boy dropped it. It was his lucky day, no catastrophe happened, and Greg even used the napkin his butler had provided to remove the sugary jam he’d gotten over his fingers. There wouldn’t be stains or sticky smears.

“More tea, please?”

The domestic ballet started over so the cousins could have another cup of the lukewarm beverage. They had time to finish it and the tournament they’d undertaken. Danny stood behind them, wondering whether he should remove the empty cups, at the risk of hiding the view to the TV set, which would get the players furious.

He didn’t get any blame. The final match ended with Walter winning. He jumped to his feet, dancing around in triumph.

“I’ll say you owe me a rematch,” his cousin interrupted him.

“Sure, but I could do with yet another cup of tea. Let’s sit on the couch, then Blue may rest a bit also.”

Danny didn’t mind the prospect of sharing the sofa with his masters. He just hoped they wouldn’t challenge him to a videogame; he had his hands in front after all. His fear was unfounded; Greg picked up the remote controllers and headed to the couch, leaving the butler to pick up after him. Danny brought back the cups and plates and refilled the cups. He handed them to the now sitting cousins.

They hadn’t resumed their playing.

“Before we get to another tournament, we’ll have you lie in front of us, Blue. So far, you’ve done well; you’ve revised the rules and conditions, and you have behaved much like we expected, besides of course this flaw at the very beginning. You will remain on your back, and this is going to be your first lesson in being a footrest.”

“There’s still plenty to teach you,” Walter added, “and we intend to be good instructors. On your back, then!”

Danny complied. The boys jumped down and kneeled at his side. His wrists were freed from chain and padlocks. Walter fetched mittens to trap his fingers; he then linked his cuffs to his collar. He could reach his gagged cheeks with his slender fingers.

The boys then took care of his legs. They used four large belts, which pulled the limbs together, just under his shorts, at mid-thigh, above his knees and around his ankles.

“All ready for your little nap, aren’t we the nicest?”

The boys stood up and turned to sit. Danny benefited visually from the two pairs of shorted buttocks under their gleaming layer for a handful of seconds. They took a leap, and the lovely bums disappeared, landing over the sofa above him. Danny watched the feet rising and lowering themselves; the cousins leaned forward, showing their grinning mugs and choosing which spots to strike.

Greg sat on the right and Walter on the left; Danny’s head was on Greg’s side, and the first foot landed over his gagged mouth.

“Eyes to the ceiling blue, I don’t want you to turn your head. Now, let me see, yes… Your chest is perfect for my other foot.”

They’d removed their socks for over an hour now, yet the feet still felt moist. Greg had set his toes just under the nostrils. It wasn’t as violent as initially, but it was a good reminder that Greg’s ability at bacterial development made him a top player.

The other foot gently teased Danny’s nipples and the rubbed his chest.

Walter had his right foot resting lightly over Danny’s belly, the left one exploring the shorts and their content. Danny cooed behind his gag.

“Blue will get some sleep while the big boys play some serious game.”

Greg pressed the start button. The sounds and music didn’t last; the boys moved on to the menus where they chose their avatar and the game was on.

Danny stayed still; the boys quickly had their attention to the game, and they no longer kneaded him. He felt the tension from the two players. Walter’s food felt good. Squirming ever so slightly, he felt a tingle from the contact. He repeated it, going totally unnoticed. He breathed in deeply, which had him live through the ordeal of Greg’s inter-toes.

The first match was over. The feet regained interest in the body they rested on while the scoreboards went on display. Walter’s left toes, in particular, had managed to set over the length of the piece of meat rigidly stretching the shorts.

Danny gasped and moaned, begging Walter to go the whole way. But this lasted a few tens of seconds before the match was on again.

Between his own furtive motions and the thirty-second breaks between games and Walter’s foot assault, the eighth match proved to be too much. Maybe Greg adding some pressure triggered the whole thing; Danny’s body wasn’t tethered to furniture, and he could grind his hips. He did, and he wasn’t met with a rebuke from Walter. The black-haired cousin actually lost the turn, because he’d gotten some interest in helping Danny out.

He caught the sound signals coming from behind the gag and he prepared for the climax that was coming. He could feel the slimy semen seeping through the fabric, and he loved the feeling of spreading it and kneading the deflating cock.

“Darn, Blue, you got me distracted. He did it again, Greg,” he informed seriously, “He’s soiled his shorts.”

“My, my, what a hopeless wanker. This time, I’ll do something about it.”

In a flash, Greg kneeled at Danny’s side, holding ostentatiously the plastic object he had in hand.

“There’s one sure way to make sure you don’t have an accident. It’s tiring writing down all these penalty points you earn.”

Greg didn’t mind the sticky wetness that he found under the polyamide; he used its slickness to his advantage, sliding easily the curved plastic tube and its attached shell over Danny’s genitals. The ominous sound of the chastity cage’s padlock had the captive bellow his desperation.


“You’re welcome. Now, we may finish our tournament.”

The game resumed, with Danny still reeling from the intense orgasm and feeling utterly down from having his poor little penis confined again.

The game went on, and the feet moved in rhythm with the game. Greg won the final match, which made him the number one for the tournament; he stood, thankfully lifting his foot off Danny’s face before.

“And this is a tie!”

He looked down at Danny.

“So, rested?”

Danny nodded, grunting once.

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 575
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 5 – In the Closet

“Nice, we might stay up long this evening. You didn’t tell him anything about the surprise, Walter?”

“Nope, not a word.”

“It’s going to be time for it soon, so we’d better get our bound and gagged doll ready. I’m sure you will love our next tie-up, Blue.”

Walter joined his cousin and they helped Danny get on his feet.

“The belts remain on, you’ll have to hop. Let’s get back to the hall.”

Greg opened the way; Walter laid a hand over the captive’s shoulder, prodding him forward. Danny took small hops. He could flex his ankles enough. Greg waited for them, with the door to the large closet open, showing it was empty. A thick hanging bar ran across, Danny knew they would exploit this fixture.

“We’d better tell you now, Blue,” Walter said in a solemn tone, “At our Academy, wanking against the instructors’ foot is doubly punished.”

“Eight thousand points.”

“Yes, and some immediate detention. Now, we could just lock you inside the closet the way you are now, but what would be the fun in that?”

“What would be the challenge?” Greg echoed.

“What about playing the Christmas bauble? This is a fine cosplay for you, Blue. You’re flexible and can be made into a nice, tight ball, can’t you?”

Danny stayed mute.

“I’ll say, let’s just try, Walt. We’re not afraid of anything, after all. Plus Blue likes challenges and adventures too. Let’s get going.”

The young relatives loved joining forces to achieve great results. They threaded pieces of rope around the belts and straps that imprisoned Danny. Lark’s heads and clove hitches held the cordage to the leather. They didn’t tighten anything; Danny could feel and see the care they put in this effort. Rings in the leatherwear allowed this weaving of a net, which Danny knew would tighten in a near future.

“There are a few loose ends to tie up,” Walter joked, pointing at the ropes dangling from Danny, “We’ll have you lay down for this.”

They held his shoulders and made him lie on the floor. They set him on his side. Danny’s existing bondage curbed his ability to resist them; they nonetheless took great care in straddling and controlling him while they put him in his next predicament.

They tugged slowly and steadily over the ropes, pulling his knees towards his chest. They took the slack out of many of the coils; Danny felt the net ensnaring him distinctly. They removed his mittened hands from the ring at his collar and brought them cuffed together below his knees, in front of him. They used padlocks to keep his wrists fixed at the bottom of his thighs.

They folded his legs; knot after knot, the five coils they’d used clamped shut, locking his folded legs together. They had more straps, wider and longer; they used them to hold his knees tight against his chest.

“It’s really fun having such a flexible boy as you, Blue, because it helps to get the most out of these original positions. You look the cutest curdled into a ball at our feet. But we told you about playing a bauble…”

They pushed the balled-up prisoner inside the closet. They threaded two ropes thrown over the bar in the D-rings at the shoulder straps and they lifted. Danny slowly left the ground, held as a block by the network of restraints they’d caged him in.

“Just another pull and he’ll be at proper height. Right. A little bit more, Greg, yes just like this, a tad to the left… Just like this, don’t move. Now Blue is straight.”

“Is he?”

Laughter ensued, and even Danny enjoyed the joke. His eyes were at theirs’ level. They fastened the ropes to the bar, checking twice the knots held.

“You’re all set, Blue. I hope you’re comfy, you could be in here for a while.”

“Hang on, Blue!”

They closed the door, which they locked. Danny was left alone in the dark, the sound of their laughter muffled by the thick door.

The cousins didn’t remain idle; they started putting socks and shoes on, and split to get the tasks they’d planned. They had to gather all the gear they needed for the next part of their plan and dropped bags here and there to make the surprise entertaining, for them at least.

Twenty minutes later, they gathered in front of the house. The garden was large, and they monitored the entrance gate a hundred feet away.

“All done, I’m ready for our guest.”

“He should be here any minute,” Walter said.

“Talking of the wolf,” Greg whispered, pointing to the gate.

It opened up, letting a slender figure in. They waved and pointed to the other side of the garden. The blond boy who’d entered waved back and headed to the pointed location, disappearing behind a coppice.

Greg and Walter walked to the gate at a brisk pace, locked it and followed the trail of the intruder. A shed stood at the other end of the garden.

They entered the small hut. The newcomer faced the wall in front of them, wearing his socks and sneakers only. The body was smooth and hairless, and the boy had his fingers crossed over his neck. His clothes were carefully folded on the chair they’d set for him.

“Spot on time and following guidelines so far, Lavender. Turn around and look at us.”

Graham spun on his heel, presenting his bare front. He had a cross of wide tape over his lips, with two extra turns going around his head, which his hands had hidden. The bulging cheeks spoke of wadding. His penis was trapped in a cage of translucent plastic.

“You didn’t forget the gag. Good lad, let us see from up close.”

The younger boys approached to start their inspection. They sniffed, touched and felt, and Graham passed this first inspection. They had other plans for their next step than getting blowjobs as they had from their closeted guest.

“Let’s get you ready for a little game,” Walter said, binding his wrists behind his back, tightly locked palm to palm. They did a thorough job with his elbows, which were somewhat apart but held close to his torso.

“We can’t let you walk around the estate in the nude.”

Greg picked a garment from Graham’s bag.

“I like these,” he said. “This was a nice present we gave you. Tailor-made to fit you best. Let’s hope you haven’t gotten outgrown them since then.”

He slid the pair of shiny deep purple shorts up the smooth legs.

Walter added a crotch rope. He started wrapping a belt around his waist and used both long ends to add a crotch rope, with the rope going down his crack, pulling the purple garment tight to reveal the curvy ass underneath, and frame his genitals. The shape it outlined displayed the chastity requirement the boy was under.

His wrists were pulled at the small of his back, his fingers brushing along his butt crack and the rope wedgie. Walter hobbled his legs while his cousin adjusted the thin, shiny fabric under the rope net.

It wrapped his mid-section closely. The black-haired boy looked up to Graham.

“You know us, Lavender, we like keeping you on your toes. So we’ll start with a little challenge. Your friend Blue is our hostage and we keep him somewhere on this estate. Can you find him and free him?”

Graham wondered if this was it.

“Come on, get searching!”

The bound boy staggered in his bonds, heading outside. He paused on the threshold, looking around for a place to start his search.

He stepped to his left, grinding his hips and his bottom in the process, moving within the constraints of the tight bondage. The cousins kept him within sight, but they didn’t follow him too closely, so they could comment and speak freely on Graham’s performance –– in hushed, conspiratorial voices.

“He’s walking like a duck...”

“Little Graham has the most perfect arse, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, he’d better move it faster, I can’t wait to spank it and shag it!”

Their guffaws remained unheard from their bound playmate, thanks to the wind. He was busy moving around, uncovering the varied landscape of the well-designed garden. His slow progression forced him to take all the details in very closely; he caught sight of his captors once in a wild, but they talked together and didn’t seem to really mind him.

Greg and Walter weren’t too bothered that their additional captive would be seen; the garden was surrounded by an eight-foot brick wall, and the gate was solid too. They let him methodically explore the landscape.

After twenty minutes of seeing their guest clumsily explore every coppice and look behind every tree, they wondered if he would ever get inside the house. There was still the orchard, which extended at the back. That’s where he was heading.

“We’d said he’d find Danny in less than half an hour? Do you think he will?”

“I don’t know. Keep an eye on him, I’ll go check on Danny; it’s been over an hour since we locked him in the closet.”

Walter headed to the house; he opened the closet door and turned the light on. Danny blinked from the sudden light.

“Hey Blue! How are you doing?”

Walter felt his limbs, everything seemed normal.

“I’m not here to free you. I just came to let you know it’ll be a while longer. Oh, by the way, it smells of feet in there, doesn’t it?”

Danny didn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing his pleas as he shut the door. He didn’t feel too uncomfortable, though he didn’t relish this false hope he’d just been given. At least his tormentor let the light on.

Walter found Greg at the entrance of the orchard; it featured woodpiles and numerous trees; looking at it now, Walter spotted many places where they could play hide and seek.

Eventually, Graham had inspected the orchard and he had to pass them to get back to the garden.

“You’re not too keen on rescuing your friend, Lavender. What a shame! At least you’re enjoying the fresh outdoors air.”

“Which Blue isn’t,” Walter laughed.

Their pupil wasn’t dense and he got the clue. He headed to the house, with his captors on his heels.

The cousins had the hardest time not laughing when Graham walked past the closet in the hall. Walter thought that he would look there first; he’d even left the light on. The two fiendish relatives had used a trick to cover any noise the bound and gagged guest in the closet could make. They talked louder following the contestant inside; it worked, and they could get some faint hint that behind the thick door Danny was making muffled calls for help.

“So, Greg, do you think Lavender will be able to track his little boyfriend?”

“Not sure, this is a big house, and Lavender acts a bit impaired, I’m not sure he may climb upstairs.”

The blond Adonis fooled Graham, who climbed to the first floor.

“We’ll let you on your quest, Sir Lavender, and we’ll be waiting for your return. You find Prince Blue and we’ll come to the rescue.”

“Just call us,” Walter joked.

“I’m afraid he can’t because of his silence oath, but he’ll rush to let us know!”

They let Graham reach the landing. The stereo started blaring some loud pop music. Graham thought this was meant to cover the little noise that Danny ––most likely strictly gagged–– could make. He had to be close.

Greg and Walter opened the well-oiled closet door and slipped inside, framing the indignant Danny.

“How is it brewing?” Greg asked, smiling.

“Mmmmhph…” Danny answered pitifully.

Greg released his arms from the leather pouch, only to stretch them upwards and cuff them to the bar he was hanging from.

“We’ll have you look good for the surprise.”

Danny felt his fingers loosening some knots around his legs.

“Give me a hand, Walt, hold him while I untie these,” he said pointing to Danny’s legs.

Danny felt some anger at having been left in such a tight spot for what seemed so long, with this tight set of restraints and this gag he couldn’t forget. He nevertheless was grateful for the relief he felt as his legs unfolded and his feet made contact with the floor.

The cousins had ropes they used to bind his legs. They stood back up and Walter brandished a suspicious garment; he brought it under Danny’s nostrils.

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Post by mig137 »

Hello Bondwriter, Thanks for your tireless postings. Your stories are fantastic, Simaon, Danny, Sweaty Tieup Saga and now Alex's Pet are the most impressiv stories I ever read. Dreams coms true. Thank you Bondwriter!
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks a lot for voicing out your appreciation, Mig137. It's always quite appreciated.

Update to all stories tomorrow morning!
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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

More ordeals for the three friends...

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 6 – In Good Company

“Get a whiff, this is another hint at the surprise.”

The sock, and one had been worn a few days. Despite having his senses overwhelmed by the wadding, Danny identified a familiar scent; he couldn’t pin down exactly whose it was, because of the interference of the cousins’ socks in his mouth. Pictures of the captivity with Scott and Graham arose.

Greg picked a long silk bandage; slipping behind Danny, he used the fabric as an extra over the nose layer, keeping Graham’s sock over Danny’s nostrils. The helpless pupil couldn’t escape the weirdly arousing stench.

“Quite a good-looking package, and we’ve got his nose busy for a while. I’ll get a few shots.”

Walter brought a tripod with his video camera.

“We should go have a look at the surprise, he still hasn’t come back downstairs and it’s been a while,” Greg told his cousin.

The black-haired boy felt like moving to the next stage; he felt much like having some sex. Their prisoner really took much longer than they’d planned; this made Walter’s wait last much too long. The cousins left Danny, closing the door behind them and went on a search for their other charge.

The helpless seeker was wandering through the bedrooms; they found him in Greg’s.

“Blue isn’t in my bedroom, lad,” the blond boy said.

Graham dragged himself out of the room.

“Getting warmer,” Walter sniggered, seeing his pupil head to the landing.

Greg felt impatient too. The hostage started climbing to the attic again after having explored the second floor a second time.

“You’re getting cold,” his blond captor told Graham. It still took two more minutes for the bound teen to get downstairs. He eventually spotted the ray of light under the closet door the third time he walked in front of it. He twisted around to turn the key in the lock and turn the doorknob. The cousins watched him, twisting and flexing to thwart the tight grip the ropes had him in. They now all could hear noise inside the closet. Eventually, Graham pulled the door open and looked inside.



“They’re greeting each other! Hear the little love birds chirp!”

This calmed the captives down.

“You really did way worse than we’d imagined, Lavender. Poor Blue has been in his closet for almost two hours, balled-up for a while and severely restricted all the time! So tightly gagged he couldn’t warn you of his presence when you walked past at first! To be honest, he didn’t know you were to be his knight in shining armour.”

“Do you like this surprise, Danny?”

The standing captive approved with a nod and the grunt. He’d expected that he would be joined by one of his fellow victims.

“Glad you like it. It seems Lavender is looking at your outfit and he wants the same. Don’t you?” Greg asked, turning to the newcomer.

Graham nodded; he knew how the apparently cheerful pair could turn in spiteful discipline yielders, and he didn’t want to confront them. They had the key to the torture device that had made his nights long and his sleep difficult. He spotted his friend’s stained shorts, and the stale smell from the enclosed space had hints of cum in it, though socks were definitely the most prominent aroma.

“What are you looking at? Blue’s crotch? OK, get a closer view.”

Walter laid a hand over Graham’s shoulder and pushed him forward, helping him to his knees.

“Get a good niff, I’m sure you like it.”

Graham smelled the pungent semen aroma, brushing his nose and cheekbones over the smooth fabric. He felt the cock cage his friend was fitted with.

“Blue’s in chastity too indeed,” Greg explained, “At least we’ve gotten him back to more modest ways before you arrived. You’ve seen, and now smelled that he got some release earlier on.”

“And he earned many points that have grown his penalty tally!”

“He’s gotten a bit ahead of you. Say, Walt, do you think it’s fair to keep Lavender’s cock in its cage?”

“I don’t know, but that’s our plan.”

Danny and Graham witnessed another of Greg’s acting numbers. He was now the helpful boy who was concerned about his friends, and thought about justice.

“We’re not brutes, Walter, and I’m thinking that we might make a small change in our plans. I just had this idea, seeing these two mates meeting again; they seem keen on each other. Aren’t you moved by such a cute couple?”

“It’s true they seem happy to be together. Too bad they both have their cocks under lock and key, we can’t monitor their enjoyment in the usual way.”

“This was what I was thinking about. Lavender could undergo a little trial. We managed to get Blue to squirt quite a bit of juice earlier on, we could see if his boy-friend does better than us.”

“A trial? What do you have in mind?”

“We release Blue’s cage, and if Lavender manages to get him to spurt more liquid in his shorts using his face, he gets to fuck Blue.”

“You’re going to have him suck Blue?”

“No, no! We’ll leave him gagged, and he may use his face just as he’s doing now.”

Graham had remained in his supine position; he didn’t dare move and his nose was still breathing in Danny’s dick smells.

“I’ll even add a scarf to make his job easier. Here’s the key, take care of Blue.”

They didn’t need repeating the instructions; the captives had paid close attention to their words. Greg had Graham crawl back to leave room for his cousin; he tied an over the nose silk scarf around his lower face. It was very smooth, and Greg made sure it was set in the proper way to glide over the shorts.

Walter lowered the soiled piece of clothing and released Danny’s caged penis. He tucked it carefully back under the garment, which he adjusted so it encased the male genitalia. The three-piece set was clearly visible; it wasn’t as turgid as it had been. Walter knew it could change quickly.

He gave the go. There was no talk of timing, yet Graham got to the task feverishly. He felt a pang of pride feeling the boner growing rapidly as he pressed his face over the shorted prick, kneading, stroking and pumping as his limited means allowed.

There were small gasps from his bound and gagged friend, confirming he followed the proper path.

“He looks quite into it. Look how he moves his head.”

“Blue doesn’t have a chance, he’s going to get his bum screwed this evening!”

The two enslaved friends heard their tormentors’ taunts from very far away. Danny’s climax was slowly building up and Graham was lost in frustration. He couldn’t help it though; he felt he would orgasm by proxy if Danny did.

His resolute intent led him to achieve his goal in what the cousins deemed a record time. Danny’s guttural moans and Graham’s cooing told of the endeavour’s success. The kneeling captive went on smearing the ejaculate over the shorts with his silk-covered lower face, basking in the satisfaction of having gotten his friend to pleasure, elated at the prospect of emptying his balls himself .

“My, my, lover boy, get back down on planet Earth!”

“Let him enjoy a few seconds of bliss, Walt, we’ll show him that he’s here to do our bidding soon enough,” Greg said, playing the good cop while getting ready for another round of subjugation.

Graham eventually got unstuck from Danny’s crotch. He just sat on his heels and waited. The pungent smell kept him aroused.

“You see, Walter, no need getting impatient with our pupils, Lavender is an obedient one. We’ll get him in his maid uniform. He liked Blue’s, apparently; I’m sure he’ll be pleased to wear the same.”

Danny was left to witness Graham’s makeover, left bound inside the closet with his arms forming a Y.

The blouse, the harness, the boots… He could relive his own experience; it was much more pleasant watching Graham as the boys’ object of attention. He couldn’t help it, he felt some tremors from deep within, and he felt them manifesting in his loins, with blood slowly filling his penis and stretching its flesh in the damp pouch.

The boys’ moves were quite impressive; he could see the full picture this time, and they knew what they were doing, never getting in each other’s way. They pinned his arms along his sides, using the nifty D-rings that served this purpose. This was a hot show. They removed his shoes and sneakers, which they set aside carefully.

“You know, Walt, he’ll look much better if we free his dick.”

“True. We just have to hope he’s got enough self-control not to soil his fine outfit.”

“We can’t know if we don’t try.”

Greg pulled the waistband down and fiddled with the small lock. He removed the plastic cage, taking a step aside.

Danny couldn’t help but notice the front of Graham’s shorts. Walter did too, as he laced his second butler’s boots. He lifted his nose, and gave the mauve-clad boner a flick with his index finger.

“Pouch is filling up nicely over here. I hope this is good quality and that his hard-on won’t tear them apart,” the black-haired boy stated pensively, touching the textile in what didn’t look like a stress test of material resistance.

“This would be a lot of penalty points,” Greg commented dreamily.

“Yes. You’d better hold on for a while longer, Lavender. I’m getting hungry with all this action and it’s time we see you and Blue work as a pair. I wouldn’t mind eating some pasta, and I’m sure you lads will toil to cook something nice.”

The plans were clear. Greg and Walter released Danny from the hanging bar. They went over his harness, making sure all the buckles held fast. Both butlers were soon ready to work, hands cuffed in front and strictly restrained. There had been no change in gags: Danny was still sucking on the mass of socks; Graham had his lower face swathed in semen-smudged silk, the telltale darker patches testifying of the smeared ejaculate.

“You know where everything is in the kitchen, Blue, so we’ll hold you accountable. We have a tournament to play, and you’d better have the meal ready and be in your waiting position when we’re done,” Walter stated, giving Danny a smack on his butt, “Get down to it, then.”

The two cousins headed to the living room; Danny went the opposite way, nodding to his friend to follow him. Danny made a quick tour, pointing to the cupboards and closets where stuff they needed was in.

The collaborative task they were supposed to perform was made more difficult by the gags. Yet Danny and Graham knew each other and got along well; they communicated using fingers, pointing to things or to themselves to identify and share the tasks at hand. Being thus focused on chores prevented Graham from thinking about his newly freed member inflating his satiny shorts.

Twenty-five minutes later, the table was set, the pasta was in a colander and a pan was on the stove with some sauce simmering in it. Danny wasn’t able to smell anything, with the assaults his nose had undergone and the socks, which reminded themselves of their presence even from breathing with his uncovered nose.

They stood facing the wall, hands crossed on their chests. They looked at each other; Danny could see that action hadn’t brought Graham’s lusty leanings down. They exchanged looks. His eyes were watery, and he slowly moved closer to the wall, humping it. He stopped, took a step back and tried to reach his dick with his hands.

The chains holding his wrist cuffs to the harness were not long enough that he could reach his dick, at least theoretically. The size of his boner made it possible to reach the very tip of his knob, which he started stroking frantically. Danny thought this was risky; having been trapped in and freed from the torture device, he understood his friend’s urge. He had to do something.

Danny got closer, kneeled down and brought his hands to Graham’s groin. He caressed the shorts softly. It occurred to him he shouldn’t have him wet them; he saw some darker patch, meaning Graham was already leaking pre-cum. Danny hurried to pick some paper towel from the counter’s dispenser. He came back and kneeled in front of his friend, who seemed about to burst, quivering and still desperately trying to touch himself.

Danny lowered Graham’s shorts. He wrapped the four pieces of paper towel around the hard shaft and undertook caressing it as tenderly as possible. Graham started grinding his hips straight away. Danny had a tight grip over the animated member; he didn’t let go when he felt the spasms going through Graham. He felt the dampness with his fingers at the third outburst; there were three more. Graham didn’t collapse, thankfully; he was giving thanks through his gag, possibly.

Danny pulled off the paper towels, wiping the cock dry, or at least trying to before he pulled his shorts up. He stood to throw the incriminating evidence away. He was almost at the bin when, ten feet away, the doorknob moved. The guilty schoolboy felt his head getting warm and tingles down his spine. He stopped dead in his tracks.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 7 – Male Bonding

The door opened and Walter entered. The thirteen-years-old frowned. Something was up. He rushed to Danny and grabbed the mass of now soaked paper towels.

“Look at this, Greg, Blue just wanked!”

Greg was at his sides, with a concerned look too. He reached for Danny’s shorts.

“He feels dry. Plus he can’t wank with his chained hands.”

His eyes turned to Graham.

“This being said, he might have given a hand to Lavender….

“Or two hands,” Walter joked.

“Let me check.”

Greg went to Graham, who stood facing the wall and listened intently, wondering whether Danny would be in trouble for his act of mercy. The blond cherub felt his own dick, sliding a hand behind his waistand; pulling it out, he brought his fingers to his nose.

“Definitely not pee. We’ve got two naughty and very disobedient boys, and one of them will not get to fuck his little boyfriend. It’s like they’ve never heard of the rule number six or something.”

Greg inspected the rest quickly.

“The pasta seems OK. This is a good lesson for us. There’s no point in being lenient. We turned our backs for two minutes, only to find out the twerps can’t abide with our rules. I don’t think they deserve the privilege to wait on you. But I wouldn’t mind having them at our table…”

The grin preceded another bout of action. Ropes came out and the two ‘butlers’ had to come to the table’s ends, opposite each other. Greg and Walter meant to have their guests at their table indeed. With feet bound to its legs, leaning face down over it with their arms stretched towards the opposite corners.

“They look great spread open like this. Nice little butts they’re showing us,” Walter said, letting his hand glide over Danny’s shorted butt crack.

This left just enough space to lay plates in between. Greg and Walter helped themselves with sizable portions. They had them spin in the microwave for a minute or so. They came back to sit at the table. They started eating, looking at the prisoners or each other, and eating in silence.

Greg had something to say when he got to half his plate.

“This is very good, Danny. So sad you indulged in Graham’s vice. Now you lads are our little Blue and Lavender again, naughty little pupils that will take much effort to get under control.”

Walter shifted the conversation towards the results of their videogame competition, which he had won. He felt like talking strategies, and explained how smart he’d played against his cousin.

“You did well, Walt. Is it just me, or does Blue really smell?”

Walter frowned, sniffing deeply.

“Yup, it’s not too difficult to guess what he has in his gob. We taped his mouth tight, though.”

“We have sensitive nostrils, we’re refined individuals,” Greg said, puffing his chest with an aristocratic demeanour.

“The cummy, stinky socks don’t help. Darn, there is this weird feeling I have thinking about all this. I feel like fucking.”

“So do I. I’ll bugger Lavender first, if you don’t mind; take care of Blue.”

Having thus split the spoils, they left their pasta getting cold, lured by other hungers. They jumped to their feet and rushed to stand behind their respective charges.

They did what was needed to gain access to their captives’ fundaments. They cut off their shorts and got them naked, which caused grunts of disapproval of the vandalizing act.

“You’ve got plenty of others, Blue, don’t whine,” Walter said, “We gave you these anyway, so what do you have to complain about?”

“How many times do we have to tell you to behave?” Greg asked, mimicking his relative, “You’ll get new ones, don’t worry. Let me have a look at your arse,” Greg said, putting a latex glove on. His use of prophylactics didn’t stop there; he put a condom on before he smeared a dollop of lubricant over the offered boy’s butt crack. He slid his fingers inside, getting the boy ready for his dick.

“Let’s have you loosen up a bit for Uncle Greg…”

He leaned forward, getting his prick inside Graham. Across the table, his cousin was just done putting the gloves and condom on. He was starting to loosen his mount, sliding his middle finger in and out, and adding digits to make sure there would be minimal resistance.

“You wanted him badly, Greg. Ready to get taken by a manly man, Blue?”

He moved forward and pressed his five inches of throbbing meat against the puckered hole, which was quite willing to welcome him; his initial hip grinding was minimal.

Of course, four minutes later he was performing more ample moves, climbing faster and faster to climax as his pace increased. He reached his goal ten seconds earlier than his cousin; Danny caught them exchanging telling looks. Could they be synchronizing their pace? What weird, incestuous relationship did they have?

This was very hot. Graham lifted his head, and the captives traded looks too. They were watched, though.

“No funny stuff, slaves, just stay still and be thankful we honoured you with our cocks.”

“Our big cocks,” Walter added.

They parted from their partners and went to the sink; they removed the condoms, which they put in the dustbin. They removed the gloves, washed their hands and went back to sit at the table. Walter picked up their plates for another warming up in the microwave.

“The little blighters tempted us into screwing them and now it’s cold,” he complained.

“We know the best way to get rid of…”

“… Temptation is to yield to it,” Walter finished the quote, which the captives had heard a few times in similar circumstances, “And this nice little fuck gave me appetite for pasta.”

He came back with the warm fettuccini; they finished their plates leisurely, looking at their captives and exchanging meaningless pleasantries.

“Thank you for the meal, Blue,” Greg said, pushing his plate a few inches forward and showing he was done, “You’ll have to trust me about it tasting great; neither of you will get any dinner, the double breach of our rule number six must have consequences.”

“What about the spanking?” his cousin asked, “Should I get started?” he said, brandishing a silicone spatula that he’d picked as an implement for their punishment.

“Go ahead! They earned their thirty whacks; let’s get it out of the way quickly.”

Walter took care of Danny first. The tool he used wasn’t very heavy, but the boy’s supple wrists yielded some stinging blows, which tested the gags’ effectiveness. The two spankees locked eyes and encouraged each other. This made it easier to get through the ordeal, or at least Danny felt so. His time alone in the closet had reminded him that enduring the utter distress of full immobilization and massive silencing was more difficult when alone.

Greg let his cousin have fun, though he administered the ten final whacks to Graham’s bare bum.

“These two little derrieres have gotten lots of attention. Time to make them decent again. There’s more uniform stuff for you, boys.”

“Classy and sexy!”

Walter rushed to a cabinet above the sink from which he pulled a plastic bag out. He set it on the table and joined Greg who was releasing Graham from bending over the table; they did Danny next, leaving the butlers’ hands cuffed in front.

“Before we fasten everything, we’ll dress you up a little.”

Walter picked the bottom of the bag and let its content slide over the wooden piece of furniture. Leather shorts, two pairs. Silky, flimsy undies, two pairs too. They matched their nicknames too, with blue and purple patent leather and satiny satin.

They freed their charges’ legs completely and had them stand . Crouching at their feet, they slid the booted feet in the underwear’s leg holes and slid them up. The matching shorts followed, encasing their mid-sections and enhancing their lean, muscular thighs. The round of their bums was on full display. The lining material inside felt smooth and hugging.

“I’ll got get their cages,” Walter said, having adjusted Danny’s shorts to perfection.

“I don’t know, Walt. They look better like this. This is tailor-made clothing, and it’s cut to their size, but we measured them with their cocks unrestrained.”

“What about rule number six?”

“It is a matter of control, and it’s their responsibility to follow number six. I want to see what lurks inside their shorts, I think it looks much nicer, so they may make a little effort to look good.”

“You heard Greg, lads. I hope you’ll be grateful.”

The captives nodded meekly, not sure this was a blessing.

“Before they do penance for their sins, we should give them a quick drink.”

“We’ll change their gags, then, Greg. I’m sure Blue won’t mind.”

The young relatives put their rubber gloves on; they surrounded Danny and removed the various layers making his formidable gag. They had a clean plate to collect the wadding. They needed to tug hard over the soggy mass. They frowned their noses as they did.

“Pew! Talk about bad breath.”

Danny flexed his jaws, and the air coming in his mouth brought a strange taste. Walter had a small bottle in his right hand; he unscrewed the cap with the left one.

“This is some mouth wash before we give you water to drink. You’ve followed the silence rule so far, don’t disappoint us with any unwanted noise.”

Danny relished his empty mouth too much to earn another reprieve; he remained quiet and took in the green liquid. He flushed his mouth with the strong fluid. The alcohol burned his cheeks, but the sweet taste got the sock taste out.

“Just spit in this,” Walter said, offering a large white porcelain bowl.

They redid it twice; Walter came closer to Danny, sniffing how improved the captive’s breath was.

“It’s much better. You may drink now, without swallowing the nasty bugs there are in our socks.”

Danny gulped down eagerly the bottle of water Walter brought to his lips. The liquid revived him. He didn’t get any respite; he was barely done swallowing down the litre when Greg offered a rubber bladder to his lips.

“We’ll get back to tried and true methods, Blue. You rubber muzzles make our lives much easier, as they’re quite easy to put on or remove.”

“We like having your mouths available whenever we feel like it. Blue showed us another way to use his mouth, we had him lick our feet,” Walter bragged.

“I’m sure Lavender will prove good at it too. It’s not time for him to please us, though. It’s time for being punished; let’s get him muzzled.”

They left Danny standing, with the rubber muzzle on; they hadn’t inflated it, and it felt comfortable.

They released their other charge from his gag. Graham’s wadding was soggy, but it wasn’t as bad as what Danny had to keep in his gob.

“This is the scarf we left for you in the hut, and even after having soaked in your saliva, it still smells of Blue’s cum.”

“Wasn’t he supposed to launder it, Walt?”

Walter raised the unfolded hankie, holding its corners. He looked closely at the stains.

“I’ll give it a pass. Did you like it, Lavender? You enjoy Blue’s cummy hankie?”

Graham nodded, casting a sorry look at his friend. The mouth washing ritual started. Graham wasn’t as thirsty as Danny, but he still downed the full bottle Greg then set to his lips.

They fitted his muzzle on. Danny admired the reflections it cast, these items encasing their jaws and lower face completely.

“The finishing touch,” Greg announced, brandishing the inflating pear that would grow the bladders inside their mouths. Graham was the first recipient of his ministrations; Greg pressed on the bulb five times, which got a quiet gasp from the wearer. Graham gritted his teeth, which was one of the few things he could do. His devious captors didn’t make a comment, so at least the unwanted noise had gone under the radar.

Greg took care of Danny next. He fiddled a bit with the pressure, going for a rather high one. The rubber pouch stretched and pushed, while the outer rubber layer kept his jaws shut. Danny was familiar with this fiendish silencer, and the best way to handle it was to relax as much as possible.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 8 – The Closeted Couple

“Here they are, all ready to be put in their meditation closet.”

They pushed their charges in front of them, back to the large walk-in closet where Danny had waited for his fellow-captive. Graham was stuck in it first, taking the place and position Danny had. They adjusted and tightened his harness; they used ropes to bind him. They trussed his legs up closely together with ropes. There were loops created here and there, or ends left dangling.

They brought Danny forward; they pushed him close to the boy standing with his arms in a Y over his head, with his wrists thoroughly bound to the solid iron bar above him.

The loops and rope ends they’d left all had a purpose. They freed Danny’s arms and linked his cuffed wrists to the bar. They picked the loops and ends and used them to link both boys’ harnesses, pulling the two bodies tightly together.

They started under their armpits, pinning their chests against each other’s. The waist strap brought their genitals in close contact; they left some slack, though. Both boys could feel his sausage rubbing against his friend’s, the soft layers of the shorts and undies amplifying the soft caress from the warm meat kept in its enticing pouch.

They bound their former babysitter’s ankles to Graham’s, putting his feet on the outside of his friend’s and linking them with six turns of rope, which spread the pressure and linked their limbs closely. His knees were left free.

“That’s it for now,” Greg stated, “We’ll let you think of better control, and of the further consequences you’ll have to endure for this little sex act of yours, when you should have obediently waited for us.”

“Their dicks trump their brains,” Walter commented sententiously, “We keep the tally, though, and I can only agree with bringing it down a bit with some whipping or some sexy time later on. Let’s go and have a little tournament, Greg, our guests are taken care of for the night.”


Graham couldn’t help reacting to the announcement. This meant at least six or seven hours. With young teenage boys on their own and a video-game console, this meant it could be much longer. What if they pulled an all-nighter and then fell asleep and didn’t wake up before noon?

“You don’t seem to get it, Lavender. But yes, let’s lift the silence rule. Groan and whine all you want, we’ll be safe from hearing you. We’ll let you rest, but this didn’t really help your case.”

Walter switched the light off. They stepped outside the closet and closed the door. The key turned into the lock, sealing the captives’ fate. The steps receded quickly, and a remote burst of laughter a few tens of seconds later proved the cousins were having a good time.

Inside the pantry, soft and almost imperceptible moans arose; even though the rule had been loosened, the boys were hesitant at making noise.

The two companions had talked about their experience at the hands of Greg and Walter. They’d resolved to learn Morse code, and they did. They’d quizzed each other at school and they’d tested a different way to communicate. They’d even made up special codes to refer to their captors or to make escape plans. They had the occasion to try their technique in a real-life environment.

Their laborious exchange had them confirm they were fine, and then they disparaged the cousins. ‘Silly twits’, ‘ wankers’, little jerks’ weren’t part of their special vocabulary, but they got in high spirits spelling these out.

The tie-up didn’t bode well for a likely release, but Danny soon felt the advantage of having his knees unbound. He had some leeway to grind his hips and make the rubbing of their desperately turgid packages arousing.

Graham responded enthusiastically, though mainly through gag noises; the motion in his loins, however faint it was, left no ambiguity as to the reciprocal feelings. Their disparaging the cousins through Morse-coded insults left way to a series of deep and raspy gagged moans. The two bodies writhed and shared the same goal, which Danny reached first.

His much louder cry came along with warmth and moisture spreading in his underwear. Graham picked the signal and acted on it; he shook like a leaf, and he let out a relieved grunt.

Danny could hear his friend’s breath slow down, with his nose a couple inches from his ear, as they stood cheek to cheek. He was recovering himself, realizing that the wetness stayed around his crotch. Yet, the shorts kept it all in. He’d been mistaken thinking it seeped out.

The two captives both got back to a quieter stance. They started calling Greg and Walter names again. Danny spelled ‘cock muppet’, which got a chuckle from his brother-in-bondage. They had a pleasant moment, making the most of the predicament they were in. After what felt like hours, Danny felt his lust coming back. His cock swam in his own slimy juice, and the warmth of the lithe and taut body triggered his libido again.

They started grinding, much slower than the first time, with both partners stretching the moment, writhing to make their full boners slide in its waterproof sheath. In the darkness of the closet, with his nose able to pick the fragrances Graham exuded, Danny was on his way to the top again.

He was interrupted by noise coming from behind; the door opened suddenly, with no announcing noise from the latch. The light flooding in their storage closet brought the pair back to reality quickly, Danny feeling a surge of adrenalin, thinking of what would happen if they found out that they’d managed to climax again.

“Let’s blow the whistle on this one, Greg.”

“Yup. The party’s over. It’s high time we show our naughty pupils we’re serious.”

Danny turned his head; Greg and Walter stood at the threshold, one holding a flyswatter and the other a riding crop.

“Don’t look at us, Blue, look at the ceiling. See the little screw on the left of the light? Yes? It actually is a microphone.”

“And an emitter,” Walter added.

“Which means we’ve heard everything that went on in here. You’d better learn to do Morse without making noise next time.”

“We don’t take too kindly to being called wankers.”

“Or cock muppets.”

Greg stepped inside and aimed for Danny’s backside.


The shorts received a sharp cut of the crop. The blond tormentor took a step further and Graham’s bum received a sharp, stinging cut of the thin implement.

Walter followed his cousin, and they made rounds around the pair, delivering their blows as they made circles around the bound pair. They writhed, and they jerked around from the stinging feelings this caused to their buttocks.

“Yes, lads, the silence rule is off, you’re allowed to scream in pain,” Greg sniggered.

This went on. And on. And on.

“Fifty,” Greg said eventually, “I’ve warmed up your derriere,” he said patting Danny’s butt, “But don’t worry, we can make it much hotter,” he whispered in a menacing tone.

“Let’s release Blue. They came and I’m curious to find out who squirted the most juice.”

The two tormentors released Danny’s arms first, only to cuff them behind his back before they loosened the ropes keeping him pinned to Graham.

“Don’t fight, Blue,” Walter said, holding strongly to his locked arm and applying a hint of further pressure. Greg linked the wrist cuffs to a D ring between his shoulder blades. “We’ve got you restrained just so you don’t start acting funny. The little freedom you’re given, you abuse it, so we’ve got to act.”

“We’ll have some fun with our young charges if they display obedience. If they can’t behave when left on their own, we’ll keep a close eye on them and punish them so they learn their lesson. There are still experiments to run to check Lavender’s skills at being a nice little pupil, we still have to find out how willing he is to pleasure us with his mouth.”

The banter went on as the elated relatives put the boys into a stringent position, their arms folded behind their backs, leaving ample access to their bums. Greg actually smacked Graham’s derriere to let the charges know they could get going.

The cousins had hobbled their legs; they made more threats of retaliation for any misdeed they would witness. Sadly enough, considering the situation, this included the words their captives had exchanged despite the muffling silencing devices they were fitted with.

“I see two little bottoms that need some tanning so their owners start taking the rules seriously. Off to the living room. We still have a tournament to play, but Blue knows we can take care of you at the same time.”

They marched their prisoners and had them lie down in front of the couch; they held them to get down on their knees, and made sure they didn’t bump heads as they lay down flat on their stomachs.

The two penitents were supposed to stay there; the cousins jumped over the couch and launched a game. It lasted a few minutes, with the cousins totally engrossed in shooting each other on screen. The final music announced the game was over.

“Man you got lucky, Greg. I’ll go for the forfeit.”

“Yes, pupils, we apply strict discipline to ourselves. Let this be a lesson for you.”

Walter stood and he performed fifty jumping jacks; he then dived to the floor to do thirty push-ups.

“I see you from up close, boys,” he said, flexing his arms and speaking out of breath, “Just stay put, we’ll be busy with you soon.”

They went for another game, which Walter won, though barely. Still, Greg had to perform the same exercise as his cousin did.

“Don’t look at me, lads, look at the carpet. I don’t want little pervs like you watching my butt and my super-hot bod…”

They played a full tournament, which was ten games. Walter performed the exercise drill six times, Greg did it four. This got the two cousins to become quite sweaty.

“Being the overall winner,” Greg stated, “I get to pick which of our two slaves will pleasure me with his mouth first. I’m all for novelty, so I’m rather impatient to try Lavender out. Stay as you are lads.”

Graham and Danny waited; from the corner of their eyes, they could see the cousins shucking off their shoes and delicately peeling their socks off. This struck Danny with horror: he recognized the socks they’d used to gag him, and they’d put them back on. They’d just sweated out profusely in them for over an hour. The boys stepped around them, and Greg’s left foot landed an inch away from Danny’s head, giving his nostrils ample confirmation that the original smell had been upgraded to new heights of stench.

The blond boy leaned forward and reached for the strap buckle over Graham’s neck. He undid it promptly.

“I hope it’s deflated enough. You’re under the silence rule, of course. I’ll pull it off, see… Open bigger, Lavender, I know you can do it.”

The rubber bulb went out with a ‘plop’.

Danny lifted his head slightly to watch Graham. Greg moved his feet towards the newly free mouth.

“Get started with my big toe. Show him some interest and some love.”

“Yeah, Blue did an amazing job proving his love with his tongue, there’s some serious competition for you, Lav.”

Graham opened his mouth and reached for the digit with the tip of his tongue. He made small kisses with his puckered lips.

“You’re being quite delicate, Lav. Now, take it all in.”

Greg had him suck all his toes one by one.

“It feels clean. Say, Walt, it’s the same issue than earlier on with Blue, it would be more convenient if we had them over their backs.”

“Let’s flip them around, then.”

The two boys jumped down and kneeled at their charges’ sides. They removed the cuffs from their severe position and linked them to D-rings at their hips, merely pinning them alongside their torsos. They could then turn them around.

“We’re really nice, Walt; they’re supposed to be punished, and we get them all comfy and stuff.”

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Post by blackbound »

This, among other things, is why you tape your captives' hands into fists, of course.

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Post by Bondwriter »

@Blackbound : It's also important to leave your captives some leeway so they break the rules and get some punishment (which could be having fists taped up...)
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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 9 – Oral Ministrations

“Blue is just restless, Greg, he must be jealous of his little pal, but I’m going to be extra kind and remove his muzzle. I think he may practice on his toe sucking too.”

The boy’s nimble fingers pressed the inflating bulb to shrink the bladder down; then he unbuckled the strap.

“I hope you redeem yourself with a pleasant tongue bath for my little piggies. This might be a bit of a trial, considering how the socks stank, but I don’t want to hear a protest of any kind.”

Any kind meant any motion or sound they could discern, however faint or invented. Danny focused on acting as unruffled as possible.

It was hard, though. The lads had jumped back over the couch. Walter had his moist, sweaty foot over Danny’s chest and the other one over his mouth. Danny parted his lips slightly and reached for the sole with his tongue.

Walter lifted his foot, chuckling.

“Hey! It tickles, Blue, try to pay attention. I’ll get it back, so suck it, but don’t tickle.”

This seemed an impossible task. It was made more difficult by the stench. The extra stinky sock wearing had made them a cesspool of saliva, semen and musky feet odours, and Walter’s feet had soaked in all of these scents.

The taste wasn’t too bad, weirdly enough. Danny licked with gusto. Soon, Walter shifted position and offered his other foot. Danny felt strangely calm; the noise of Graham slurping and making little sucking sounds with his lips and his little moist tongue clicks soothed him too.

The strength of the odours overpowering him was almost gone; it almost enhanced his masochistic experience. Danny gave the foot a proper tongue bath; it was soon over Walter kept him ‘footgagged’, as his sole remained planted over his pupil’s mouth afterwards, sealing his lips shut.

Graham finished his task, prompting a satisfied comment from his blond abductor.

“Lavender is done cleaning up my feet. He’s as talented as his little friend is. He’s got a supple tongue; it’s strong and relentless. That’s rather nice. While their mouths are free, don’t you think we should benefit a bit more from the favour?”

The cheerful tone left no doubt to the charges on what the devious duo was up to.

“Sure, I’m quite sure my shorts and Speedos could do with our boys’ cleaning skills.”

The young relatives jumped off the couch.

“Sit against the sofa, lads.”

They crouched at the captives’ sides to have them lean back against the piece of furniture. The strapped up bodies could bend to an extent, hampered slightly by their arms pinned to their sides with the straps and the strict harness. Their bending at the waist tightened the whole set-up and locked them in their sitting position.

Danny turned his head, trying to trade a look with his friend.

“Uh oh, Blue. Eyes forward. You’re still under the silence rule, and I won’t have my naughty, unruly pupils bat their eyelids to exchange in Morse code.”

“We’ll leave you alone for a very short time only, so no funny stuff,” Walter said.

The sitting hostages looked in front of them, their peripheral vision recording each other’s presence ever so faintly. It felt weird for the two prisoners to sit next to each other, alone, their mouths totally free for once, and not being able to communicate. Both had the same idea: this could very well be another trap from the devious pair. They feared a likely video camera or a recording bug that would betray any breach of the instructions they’d received.

This awkward social moment didn’t last; Walter had told the truth, the two cousins were back with a tray featuring two glasses and a pitcher of water. Walter filled two glasses, handing his cousin one and offering his to his charge. Walter quenched Danny’s thirst, and Greg brought some moisture back inside Graham’s mouth.

They set the glasses and pitchers aside. Danny had Walter stand in front of him, thighs spread open, his feet on a line with Danny’s buttocks, the nylony green of his shorts brushing just under Danny’s nostrils.

“Get a good niff first, and I’d love that you go for the little kisses with your pursed lips. Like this, yes. This is the cutest!”

“Good idea, Walt. Give my big cock some love, Lavender, kissy-kissy, yes. Try to feel the snake writhing under the red surface.”

He did tent the front his shorts rather strongly; Graham could smell a week of a busy, horny teenage boy through the gliding layers of fabric. One who had wanked plenty, leaked much pre-cum and not changed underwear much. The enticing clothing had actually been worn day in and out since the previous Saturday, which made for almost a full week.

“Let’s make this into a contest, Walt, the first one of our pupils who can get one of us to cum wins. He won’t be gagged too meanly overnight. The loser will suffer some consequences.

“Only fair, Greg. I can feel Blue’s quite eager to win.”

“Lucky you. Little Lav seems willing too, so far. Should we give them the go?”

And off they went. The two mouths opened, and their lips fell on the gleaming bulges like suction cups. The tongues acted as tentacles, probing and tasting the fabric of their shorts.

Greg slid a hand inside his Speedos to adjust his cock and balls. Walter had his hands over Danny’s hair, keeping his face to his groin, aroused by the breath and, of course, the oral treatment Danny’s ungagged mouth could provide.

Graham and Danny went on bringing pleasure to their masters, working really hard to get the recipient of their oral care first. They used their tongues fully and grabbed the members, combining the pressure with their lips’ avid grip. The crotches were so wet the fabric clung to the skin now.

Danny was taking in all the aromas, stimulated by what his taste buds and his olfactory receptors brought to his brain.

He didn’t even realize he was losing when he heard Greg’s familiar little squeals. He‘d learned from experience this meant the blond cherub would squirt his juice within a very short time. He could feel a similar desire get up Walter’s loins; Danny went in overdrive to get him to orgasm; he felt the member twitch in anticipation.

Greg cursed and thanked Graham at the same time, for the masterful way the boy had brought him to orgasm. His cousin followed within ten seconds.

“Oh, Blue, you almost make me regret gagging you so often!”

“I must say Lavender is another fine little cocksucker. And a fine little shorts sucker, too,” Greg chuckled, “Now, Lav, clean up my spunk, please, we have to tell Blue of the wager he’s gotten for losing against you.”

Danny knew better than paying attention to Greg’s attempt at dividing his class. He paid attention to Walter, licking the semen seeping through the polyamide.

“Good job, Lavender, thanks for lending your mouth…”


“We’ve got to take care of Blue, we can’t be sure to handgag you in time should you start trying to shout to people outside the house. Let me strap it, here and the buckle we’re all set.”

He fetched the inflating bulb.

“Or almost. I’ll pump only five times…This is one taken care of, now let’s get busy with our losing player. Our surprise wasn’t this much of a surprise, but this trial should bring you something new .”

Greg approached with one of their leather masks. They were cut like airplane sleep masks; the inside was lined in satin, and they worked well at preserving their eyes from the light. He sat next to Danny, his cousin still straddling their losing contestant. He slid the mask over Danny’s eyes, tightening the strap at the back of his head so the opaque layers clung to his skin, keeping his eyelids shut.

“You’ve proved much too rebellious, Blue. We need to make sure we have you under our full control.”

“He’s been doing good with the silence rule since we removed his gag,” Walter interceded.

“How generous of you to defend him, Walt. Get down from your horse and help me to get his bottom over the couch.”

Walter stood up, brushing his moist and inflated package against Danny’s thighs. The pair picked up the sitting pupil and sat him on the couch, joining him on each side. They leaned towards his face; their sweaty bodies told him as much. He could also feel their gaze over his lips. Greg’s voice came from his right.

“Your fooling around and rule-breaking force me to test your willingness to submit to us further. Open your mouth.”

So he had to be gagged to start the ordeal? He opened his mouth wide, bracing for the coming wadding.

“Not so big.”

Danny relaxed his jaws, leaving his lips parted. Were they going to stick some disgusting stuff inside?

“Tilt your head to the back and keep your mouth open just like it is.”

Danny complied. He felt Greg move at his side, getting on his knees that made contact with Danny’s hip. The blond boy stood over his prisoner, who could feel his boner brushing against his strapped arms.

The gobble of spit fell right in the hole and Danny didn’t have time to realize what gross ordeal they submitted him to and close his lips. He reacted fast to the intrusion, though, shaking his head in disapproval. He couldn’t master his reflex, and he let out a disgusted “Yuck”.

Walter clamped his hand over the lips.

“What was this? I’m your friend and I come to your rescue again, Blue, but Greg told you to accept anything.”

“I’ll take it you’re for giving him a second chance?” Greg whined.

“Yes, I’ll remove my hand and I’m sure he’ll obey perfectly to your commands.”

“Is that true, Blue?”


“Good. Swallow my spit before Walter removes his hand and you get a second serving.”

Danny had never thought about it, but this was not a strange fantasy he’d had. He disliked the idea, yet he was in the cousins’ thrall. He swallowed the saliva, which didn’t taste very special. When Walter removed his hand, he opened his mouth obediently. Greg delivered a new gob that fell at the right spot, just like the first one.

“Close your mouth and twirl your tongue inside. Get to know the taste of mine.”

Danny did what the boys framing him on the couch wanted, and they repeated the operation four times. The fifth one, though, he felt Greg leaning into him closer; he felt his breath over his nose before the blond boy’s lips touched his and his tongue invaded his mouth.

Walter was happy to be his cousin’s surrogate.

“You’d better French-kiss Greg good, Blue! Go with your tongue, and make it passionate.”

This was an actual surprise; disturbingly, this felt more intimate to Danny than the rest of the sex stuff he’d had to perform with Greg and Walter. He was taken aback but soon got into the action. The tongues swirled and fought to go from one mouth to the other. Having Greg laced to him like this got Danny to feel a thrill run up and down his spine.

Walter’s hand landed softly over his gleaming crotch.

“He likes it, Greg,” he stated after feeling the hardness, letting his hand caress the smooth thighs.

This lasted for what felt an eternity; eventually, someone grew impatient.

“You’re not alone in here, Greg. Your mom always told you to share his toys…”

Greg lifted his hand, in a silent indication he wanted to get done. The slurping and smooching sounds eventually gave way to a satisfied gasp.

“He’s all yours, Walt.”

Danny didn’t have much time to catch his breath; a new moist and warm set of lips surrounded his, effectively gagging him. Walter’s tongue was less invasive at first; but after a few minutes, he led the dance.

Greg had recovered, and he focused on the part of their slave’s anatomy that had attracted his cousin’s attention earlier. The feather-like touch of the boy’s nimble digits, combined with the oral satisfaction and attention he received took their toll on Danny. His dong was still swimming in its slimy environment, and the brushing of the clothing enhanced the boy’s touch. Though his mind was set on other things, Danny’s arousal couldn’t be prevented.

He tried to fight the ruthless wanking that was soon on his way; he focused on the kissing, but this didn’t help much to regain control over his mind. Walter let go of his lips when Danny started shaking from the coming orgasm. He handgagged him, with his two hands holding to his head tightly, which was the final nail in the coffin; Danny felt a wet warmth spreading around his genitals. He used Walter’s hand as some welcome help, since the very hot feelings that the pair had brought to life required some vocal manifestation.


“One more breach of rule number six. Blue’s going to have us run out of paper to keep track of all his misgivings!”

“He’s quite a slut, that’s for sure. He kisses OK.”

“Yeah, with a little practice, he could end up being better at it than Scott .”

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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!

Chapter 10 – Sleeping Arrangements

Danny was subdued; his two handlers sat back at his sides. Walter kept a tight grip over his head, leaving a moist and smelly paw clamped over the lips that had kissed his so willingly.

The hostage pictured Scott as the recipient of the cousins’ kisses; Danny couldn’t help but imagine him in tight bondage. Scott had been the first bound and gagged person ever whom he’d met while being in no better shape restraints-wise.

“I won’t let go, Blue,” Walter asserted, “You’ve somewhat passed the test…”

“But not with flying colours,” his cousin added, “Which means we’re going to call it a night. For you, of course. We’d thought of some pleasant time with you in our beds, or possibly the two of you sharing one, but you haven’t managed a flawless performance. You do great, and all of a sudden you gasp, or you balk, and then we have to punish you. I’m afraid you earned more of our socks to keep you properly gagged overnight, Blue!”

Danny dared making a small plea behind the palm of Walter’s hand; yet Greg’s resolve was absolute. Greg gathered all he needed: the stained, wet socks, tape, Coban wrap and a few scarves.

“The rubber muzzle would be too easy on you. And I know you love this, Blue, so enjoy. I wish I could say Lavender redeemed your fault, but he didn’t.”

The two boys performed the gagging expediently. Two socks went in, prodded by agile fingers, and a few strips of tape locked them inside. Then the Coban wrap turned around his skull, locking his jaws and making sure he would keep the wadded socks in. Danny’s gob ended up crammed with the tasty mass, his jaws clamped and his lips sealed by layers of the various materials. He turned to Graham, leaning so he could look him in the eyes.

“You might have been slightly better at making me cum, but it could be because of my own talent rather than of your skills. This was good, but not good enough to get you off the hook. Speaking of which, this is where you’ll spend the night. Suspended in the entrance hall closet. Silence rule is definitely off from now on, and you might whine and moan in your gags all you want; it’s actually music for us. Just don’t get in our way getting you ready for the night.”

Graham took in the advice; he started mumbling pleas for leniency, which the two boys pretended not to hear. They stood their charges up and released their legs partly.

From there, they processed the pupils through the bathroom, granting some basic bathroom rights, cleaning them up in depth through an enema and cleaning them up with a washcloth; they left their boots on, so there was no shower.

Both hostages had grown to accept the collective bathroom activities, even though it neither’s favourite activity when in Greg and Walter’s claws. They both felt refreshed.

“Before we put your undies and shorts back on, we’re going to plug you up for the night.”

This was enough of a warning to have the submissive boys ready for what was coming, and also having them protest the ordeal in their thick gags. Greg showed them the plugs beforehand, flashing a grin.

“Don’t tell me this gets you upset! Here’s for Blue,” he said handing one to Walter, “I know you feel bad about enacting the discipline these lads deserve, so I didn’t pick a big one.”

Danny knew it was the truth, and he let his rubber-gloved handler lubricate his hole and push softly the plug inside. It stretched his anal ring slowly, until it closed down on the thinner end.

Graham took his from Greg cooing, relishing the fact he was allowed to moan in his muzzle. The implement slid up his arse easily, lodging itself in his rectum.

“This should prevent any leaking. Let’s get you decent, we can’t leave you naked like this.”

“Indeed, Greg, what if someone found them?”

The cousins chuckled at the unlikely prospect. They got their pupils back in their soiled underwear and still damp shorts.

“And just one more thing…”

They had some more straps gizmos, which Danny caught only from the corner of his eye. He experienced it soon, girding his loins, with a wide belt encasing his waist, straps framing his genitals, and one coming up his butt crack and pushing lightly on the plug. He could feel some thickness in front; this was no ordinary leather.

“You’ll go bare-chested, no need to dirty pyjamas…”

“They’ll be able to feel each other better.”

With hands cuffed behind their backs and hobbled ankles, the boys marched to the entrance hall, framed by their guards. Walter had his video camera, recording the weird procession, with Greg as the shepherd dog walking the lambs back to the stable.

“If you will, gentlemen,” Greg curtsied as he opened the door, “your quarters for the evening. If could step in and stand back to back? Get in first, facing the wall, Blue.”

The boys entered and stood back to back. They waited, totally immobile while Greg and Walter headed back to the kitchen; they brought back coils of white rope.

“This is a punishment for you, but you know us, we like it when there are some stakes. We’re going to go ropes only, and if you two lads manage to escape the ropes, we’ll discount ten thousand points from your tally.”

The ability to wiggle wasn’t granted during the weaving of the ropes that ensued. The two expert riggers got their two boarders standing as they had earlier on inside this same place, but back to back with chest harnesses and their limbs closely united, strands of rope running over their skin every inch or so, keeping them in their relentless grip.

The fingers went over the ropes three times, removing any slack out, but also spreading the tension. They had learned from experience about the single loop that ruins it all, actually stopping circulation and making the captive’s time very unpleasant.

Graham and Danny had mixed feelings when it came to their hosts; their mastery at handling these situations was one of the factors that tipped the scale in their favour.

They made sure there would be no mishap; they did a thorough job suspending them, their heels barely touching the floor once the ropes lifting them were anchored to the iron bar running across the closet. This relieved their wrists, which had been the object of particular care. A high number of loops and some sailing knot made sure it would be cohesive, and they they would keep their hands up in a V. The wrists were their only body parts that weren’t bound to each other, but Danny remembered earlier tie-ups when they’d effectively anchored his limbs to a pole or a pipe, leaving him no hope to slip his hand away.

Walter did the mandatory victory lap, buzzing around them with his video camera.

“Let’s get a few close-ups, I think it’s worth it.”

“Yes, our Siamese pupils are completely stuck to each other. I think they won’t bother us for now.”

They stayed for a few minutes longer, until Walter was satisfied he had recorded everything needed for posterity.

“We couldn’t let you without some mission. You’ll have to follow rule number six, and now you’re all settled and comfy, we may wish you a good night.”

Greg flashed a small object, which Danny identified right away as a remote control. Of course, just as William had done that time in the nursery, they were fully fitted with vibrating devices around their groins and inside their arses.

They’d made good use of the authorization to make noise through their gags throughout the binding process, but the devilish items got them to shake when they booted, and the grunts were cast at a much higher pitch.



“Ha! Ha! You thought there would be no temptation? Think again! You know it is our duty to keep you on your toes. Don’t worry, we know the way out, and we’ll lock behind us. We wouldn’t want successful escape artists to leave us before we could congratulate them for their success.”

They slammed the door shut and locked the door. At least the lights were on. This didn’t last; the switch was outside and they fell in the dark without warning from their captors, who pulled the curtain on their prisoners completely.

Danny took in his predicament. The feel of Graham’s taut and strong body against him was comforting. The stimulation the carefully set contraptions got him more worried; he knew he was weak and he’d seldom met this particular challenge.

The cramped closet retained the scent of the cousins; he realized that not only their hands but their whole bodies had hypnotized him as they trussed him up. They smelled of sweat that was no longer fresh, yet they exuded some specific fragrance, which got Danny’s cock to twitch in his shorts and feel his libido being set on fire by the alternating and apparently random vibrations that shook his backside and his front.

He benefitted from the vibrations Graham’s body transmitted on top of his own stimuli; in the dark, in a stuffy closet, gagged with a vile wadding locked inside his mouth, Danny gradually rose to different levels of consciousness, which translated by a very full front pouch and a shaking boy.

Graham waved in sympathy, the two youthful bodies testing out the rope work’s resistance. The squirming and the high-pitched squeals soon ended, the boys collapsing in their rope prison after the intense experience. They had just added to the mess inside their silky underwear. They slowly came to their senses, realizing they’d failed the test.

Grunting in Morse was allowed, but who knew whether they were recorded? Danny felt the back of Graham’s head pressing against his. Their heads were left unbound, so they could use them to exchange undetected.

The conversation started; sometimes it stopped, one of them dozed off if the vibrators stopped temporarily. It would start over ten or fifteen minutes later at the most.

This wasn’t a peaceful night at all for both partners. They were trapped in a stuffy locker, with strong smells of horny boys being renewed as the electronic stimulators got their toll. Considering their backgrounds, it was no surprise they broke the rule regarding their chastity seven times among the two of them.

The light came back eventually, with the pair spent and starting to feel some discomfort. Staying with one’s arms in the air was no picnic, and both captives thanked the light, and hoped this was the swallow that would make the summer. Being released, brought to the bathroom, fed, possibly…

“Good morning, pupils,” Greg cheerfully trumpeted entering the walk-in closet, “I hope you’ve had some quality rest together.”

Walter came in on his cousin’s heels. He lifted his head and frowned his nose, sniffing.

“They’ve sweated like pigs, but it doesn’t hide the fact that these two broke rule number six.”

“Let me see,” Greg said, grabbing his phone from his pocket, “I’ll check on the app that records their vitals and also logs any specific activity.”

Walter stood in front of Graham and tugged his shorts’ waistband away, leaning into the prisoner to get a closer look at the inside of his dainty underwear.

“No need of an app to see that Lavender flooded his shorts with cum.”

He moved around the bound pair, standing between Danny and the back wall.

“Blue doesn’t fare better; he’s all wet in front too.”

“Actually, he fares better. The app tells me he came four times, and Lav did only three.”

“Sixteen thousand points beats twelve thousand indeed,” Walter philosophically summed up.

There were more taunts and warnings that the morning routine would have to be followed docilely.

They got released from the ropes; Greg and Walter were in no hurry; Walter even filmed some of it to show how it had held despite the two muscular twinks tugging on their ropes.

Once out of the cords, they could be turned into shackled and hobbled butlers. They left the gags on, and Graham even got a little pumping up of the bladder filling his mouth, Greg thinking his gagged calls were too loud.

“No need letting you earn more demerits, Lav, so be grateful and act as a good, obedient little butler.”

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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny: Weekend!


The restrained boys played their part perfectly, making tea, scrambled eggs and toast, and rushing to make sure Greg and Walter, lazily sitting at the large kitchen table got all they wanted and in time.

They had to stand at attention on the other side of the table, scrutinized by the pair, still sleepy but whose hunting spirits were getting keener from watching their servants strut around in their weird and enticing shorts and boots only.

“Who’s got the nicest six-pack, Walt?”

“Good question,” Walter replied, taking alternative looks at the flat bellies of the young men standing across the table . “They both look nice. We could have them exercise a bit and see who’s the best at sit-ups.”

“Yeah we can spare some time having them work out outdoors. It’s sunny today, so we can take our pupils get some fresh air.”

“It’ll change them from their smelly closet,” Walter chuckled.

The butlers had to wait longer for their young masters to be done with breakfast. Eventually, Greg and Walter took care of the captives to their greatest relief. They’d noticed the twitching and they took them to the bathroom to satisfy the most urgent physiological need, and then prepared to head back to the kitchen for some food.

They removed Danny’s massive gag, laughing in disgust when they had to remove the wadding. They washed his mouth and brushed his teeth. To Danny’s dismay, they didn’t clean them up anywhere else or change their clothing. The rubber muzzle ended the mouth treatments, even though it didn’t stay on for long. Lukewarm porridge had never tasted so good; the boys had skipped dinner and it felt.

Greg and Walter put the muzzles back on, and added large collars around their necks. They hooked leashes to the D-rings at the front.

“Now you’re relieved and fed, you may exercise a bit. If you do well, you’ll get a shower and you’ll wear your regular uniform.”

Greg didn’t explain the forfeit if they did poorly, but the prisoners knew there was one; they would try not to find out which. Their wrists were cuffed behind their backs, which was mild, and they could be on their way.

The cousins held to the leashes for their first activity, which consisted in jogging around the garden; Walter tugged Danny and Greg had his blond charge follow him. They didn’t run too fast, and the restraints were moderate, their legs being totally free.

The fiendish trainers had some stamina; this went on for a while. They didn’t run really fast, which was fortunate. The gagged runners could still breathe adequately just through their nose. The running accelerated slightly, but the captives in tow kept up with their masters. The show the cousins offered, seen from behind, was motivational. It kept the lads running, keeping their balance expertly while having their hands restrained behind their back.

Greg and Walter eventually stopped turning to their charges. They picked up some rope to bind their legs before they released their hands.

“Start with twenty push-ups.”

The trainees got face down on the ground and performed the required drill; they got at it together, synchronizing their moves to prevent their captors from declaring a loser and a winner . This didn’t save the hovering pair to hassle their trainees.

“Don’t raise your butt like this, Lav, you should not be bending at the waist!”

Walter had the riding crop ready, and a cracking sound resounded, with the muffled protest echoing it. The exercise resumed with renewed intensity. The boys seemed to use their arms with more strength for the final rounds of push-ups.

The sit-ups that followed allowed the cousins to check the front of their prisoners, with a focus on the groins. Being observed didn’t cause the boys’ poles to shrink, much to the contrary. Walter used the tip of his crop to feel the hardness.

“Don’t stop, Blue, I’m just checking your boner, I didn’t tell you to dawdle. He’s still hard, Greg; do you think we should have their cock cages back on?”

“I don’t think it matters much for now; they’ll have them on for months now, considering the tally of rule number six breaches. I’m amazed by their stamina; I wouldn’t mind seeing how long they keep it up.”

“If you say so,” Walter said, running the tip of his implement over Graham’s body, highlighting his working abs.

The exercise finished with another ten laps running; the young exercise coaches cuffed their hands behind them but this time the runners were unleashed. Greg and Walter motivated them with scolds as they watched them doing laps from the middle of the lawn.

“Stop,” Greg announced, raising his hand in the air, “I think we’re done working out. Let’s head back to the house, there are still chores to do.”

They gathered the bound pair to get their leashes back on.

“They’ve sweated,” Walter said.

“Yup, this has been a good work-out,” Greg answered, getting a whiff of Graham, whose chest was glistening in the sun, “Our boys are awake and ready to tidy up; I’m sure my parents will be very happy with Blue when they see our chores are done.”

“They don’t need to know he’s the one doing them, do they?” Walter chuckled.

The troop got back inside. There was a stop at the bathroom. The promise of a shower wasn’t honoured, but washcloths made the tricks and the boys were rid of the oily, salty layer covering their skins.

The cousins liked some formal behaviour; they dressed up the butlers for their coming duties. They changed their blouses for clean ones, and they shucked off their undies and shorts.

“We’ve really enjoyed the outfit you got to wear when Lester and William came to give us a hand.”

The patent leather garments appeared from a cupboard; they had a codpiece and featured a built-in plug that made them quite special . They had worn them before, and they weren’t a bad memory for the wearers; they did make things a bit different, with the genitals sticking through a hole and covered with a leather flap, and the wiggling plug that accompanied their walking.

A quick cleaning up with baby wipes prepared their staff for wearing their exotic clothing. Danny felt a pang of lust hitting him as the shorts slid up his legs.

“The cool thing with Blue is that even when he is gagged, he lets us know he’s happy,” Walter said, playfully slapping the jutting piece of flesh. He grabbed it and got it through the hole; he then laid the cod piece over the set of genitals. This was cut to enhance any erection the wearer would get, which meant his captors would still be aware of his lustful bouts.

“Take a few steps, boys, so we see if we fitted your outfit properly.”

The check was done quickly; the blond tormentor got the harnesses, chains and padlocks out.

“We’ll harness you and get your hands cuffed in front, there are chores for you to perform,” he explained.

“Greg needs his room cleaned up, his mom told him he’d be grounded if it wasn’t neat and tidy when she comes back.”

“So you’d better do a good job if you know what’s good for you.”

Once the lads had their hobbles on, the cousins accompanied them upstairs. They picked up a vacuum and mops from a closet in the hall; Greg then told them what their duties were.

“You’ll pick up all the dirty clothes, then you tidy my desk, and then you will hoover and dust.”

The bedroom was a mess, with underwear, socks and other pieces of clothing strewn across the room. The bed wasn’t made, and there were papers, books and toys spread around the room.

“Start with the clothes, boys, then you’ll do the desk.”

Graham and Danny started their mission.

“Have a good look and a niff,” Greg joked when he saw the slightly disgusted look in Danny’s eye looking at some stained Speedos. Danny complied; his nose informed him these had been worn and used for a few days. Once they’d gathered the pile of clothes to launder, they had to sort out the mess of small objects, toys or school stuff littering the place . Greg kept a precise tally of all the mistakes they made in the sorting and putting away.

He had them come back to the laundry pile. It featured two tee-shirts, bearing some sweat stains, two pairs of Speedos, the white one displaying some coloration in front, a jock-strap, and three pairs of sports socks of various lengths.

“This is once again too much leniency,” Greg declared, “but I’ll let you choose what you get to smell while you hand wash the rest of our clothes.”

Danny and Graham looked at each other. Graham broke the spell and leaned forward cautiously. He pointed to the white Speedos with his nose. Danny picked the jock strap. If it was Greg’s indeed, it wouldn’t be too bad.

“Very good choice, my good staff. I’ll add a sock on top to make sure your laundry skills are increased tenfold. Most apt…”

As sheep walking to the slaughter, the boys expected the ordeal; Greg had headbands ready. These were nasty; this was some elastic fabric, and it was somewhat gummy, so it clung well, especially over sweaty skin.

Graham got his sniffing pad first; he let the sock outside, but it was small comfort. Danny made a superhuman effort to avoid balking.

“You’re doing just fine, Blue,” Greg whispered as he adjusted the fiendish elastic to keep the sock’s toes and the spot the leaky knob had rested most against just below his nostrils.

After this humiliation, they toed the line. The tee-shirts, socks and underwear remaining were properly rubbed, squeezed, rinsed and hung to dry.

Greg and Walter were appreciative of their maids. Walter removed the smelly garments, which allowed him to start over. The laundry boys didn’t recriminate; they coordinated better the second time, which gave them some satisfaction.

“If you hadn’t so many breaches of rule number six on your slate,” Greg said to his apparently satisfied servants, “This would be an occasion to hand over the reins for a couple hours, give you some slack. But we’ve thought of a loftier goal,” Greg said, inspired, turning to Walter so he could complete his sentence.

“Yes, we’re going to have you write ten thousand penalty points off this morning. We’re going to have you in the leather shorts, single gloves and Gwen hoods. A little modelling shouldn’t displease you.”

The disciples nodded in agreement; this was no sooner said than done. Greg and Walter had a knack to get their guests from one costume to the next in a seamless way. Soon, Graham and Danny minced, pranced and showed their best at each step of the elaborate dressing-up. It started with the single gloves, promptly and tightly encasing their forearms together. They got ear-plugged before being hooded; the cousins went for the full gamut of fetish wear. Their gags were replaced with little plastic moulds of their inner mouths.

The leather eye masks were a bit more unexpected. These really cut any light out, and they made modelling more difficult, increasing the risk of falling. This possible issue was handled with wide kid leather collars, with a chrome ring in front. Then a leash, a tug, and the captives were towed away. Subjugated into total bondage, the two young masochists trailed their masters, the leash letting them know where to go.

They were outside, in the garden. They walked on the grass. Four hands had Danny stand against what had to be a tree. Ropes ensnared his single-gloved wrists, binding them to a thin trunk. His elbows were next, and he wasn’t surprised when his knees and ankles were similarly linked to the tree.

The assault had been sudden. The sensory deprivation did the trick, and there was total confusion for the two boys. Graham had undergone a similar fate, not ten feet away, but they had no awareness of each other.

Greg and Walter high-fived and sat on the grass, cross-legged, taking in the wonderful show of the two writing figures trussed up to the trees. They joked and plotted, knowing they couldn’t be heard by their bound guests.

They heard steps over the gravel. They eagerly turned to see who’d come from behind the coppice. Their concerned looks turned to a wide grin when they saw who was coming.

“Scott! My friend, you’ve come to pay us a visit? Would you like to come and say hello to your friends?”


Scott wore the same uniform as the tethered servants. Lester and William were behind him, holding the leash that had him walk straight.

End of the episode

But the saga continues! Danny, Greg, Walter and Scott will be back in a new adventure, Fun with Danny: Ongoing Training.
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Post by blackbound »

Wonderful as usual. Can't wait for the further adventures of the permanent captives.

AVAILABLE NOW: Summer Games (M+/M+ adult) | Benefits (M/M everyone)
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks for your appreciative comment, Blackbound. Here is the new 8-chapter story. It isn't the immediate sequel of events in Week-End, and picks up a few weeks after.

Fun with Danny – Ongoing Training

Chapter 1 – Surprise Inspection

Danny flew for the last third of his 45-minute jog. The balmy evening air smelled of lime-flower, soothing him as much as the intensive exercise he’d submitted his body to. He needed to get toxins out; he also needed to exhaust himself so he wouldn’t fall prey to insomnia.

It had been four days since Greg had last locked the plastic chastity cage over his cock and balls. On Sunday evening, just before they released him from his weekend restraints.

Greg and Walter were his younger neighbours; over the last couple of months, they’d turned into his masters. They abducted him and had used his captivity to lure him into their games; they played school in very peculiar ways, and they gave him a set of strict rules. Their number six one, notably, forbade squirting out seminal juice, which explained the plastic device locked around his genitals to prevent any self-gratification.

It seemed to Danny that whenever the young sadists spent time with him, may it be an evening, a weekend or a full week of holidays, their main aim was to help him break that stupid rule. Every time he did, they lectured him and added penalty points to his tally. He owed them months of service to get the count back to zero.

He’d signed papers in which they had him swear his allegiance to them. For the last week, he’d been involved in transferring to another school in the fall. He’d filled the paperwork and convinced his parents of his sudden interest in going to another school; the formalities had been performed under the supervision of his young neighbours. He applied to their boarding school not for academic reasons but to be under their permanent control for the school year to come.

Danny had found out the two relatives knew people who were interested in the same games and fetishes they were. The boys’ former babysitter had been introduced to other boys their age who had managed to get access to great venues and high-range accessories. They made videos featuring bound and gagged teenage boys; Danny had been overcome by the talent and the sexy tales these boys laid on tape.

He’d met Lester and William, and their mentor Maxim. Danny stretched before getting back inside the house for a deserved shower before an evening of chores and writing. He could picture the faces of the ‘Famous Five’.

He’d found the nickname talking with Graham; he was his best friend and the lads had lured him into playing with them. He’d been kept captive along with Danny His schoolmate had shared his plight for a few days in Greg’s family countryside manor at the end of their Easter week. The wicked pair had managed to have three captives under their roof. Danny had met Scott first, an acquaintance from the cousins’ boarding school. They’d trained him to be their bondage slave.

The young runner tried to get away from lustful fancies by thinking of the evening tasks he was assigned. He had to launder his dirty socks and underwear, and tee-shirts, two weeks’ worth of it. He was to iron some sportswear, because it had to look spiffy according to his handlers’ standards. His shirts were to be pressed also. He had one hour only to do this under the strict conditions Greg had emailed him on Monday, with a weekly schedule of things to do so he would keep his mind set on his condition.

His washing duties would be followed by a quick break: he had a half hour to grab something to eat before he was to go sit at his desk, get himself in the regulatory self-bondage and let his mind flow, to build up scenes and dialogues for the coming Summer movie.

They had met new friends through Greg and Walter, other boys who liked the same games they did, and who shot related videos. Lester and William were the Orson Welles and Steven Spielberg of ephebondage videos. They left no room for chance: stories, acting, costumes, props, and a variety of sets, both indoors and outdoors… They had produced some 52-minute features that had given Danny his most intense cinematographic emotions.

He shared some traits with the characters on screen; he’d watched the first video while being thoroughly bound and gagged; he shared his plight with his two companions that time, Scott and Graham. The abducted characters were in the hands of ruthless kidnappers, just as Greg and Walter were. He had been treated to further Lester and William videos by Greg and Walter since then; Lester and William provided extraordinary thrills; meeting them in person had only added to the videos’ appeal.

Danny did the last of his stretching moves, thinking of his friends and their fine looks, especially when in ropes and gags. He basked in the setting sun’s rays one last time before he turned towards the front door, doomed for an evening of toiling.

It was ajar; could his parents be home? This would be a bummer; he was supposed to do the laundry with chains and cuffs, while being gagged with –thankfully– a clean scarf. Such a display would raise questions from his legal tutors.

He got a hint something was amiss as he stepped inside the hall; he rushed to the living room, where he thought he’d heard something. Burglars weren’t many in this neighbourhood, yet they existed. Danny flung the door open waving his assault weapon, a tennis racket he’d picked in the umbrella stand.

Others would have had their anxiety increase at the sight he first caught, but it brought Danny relief: a boy sat on a wheel chair; he was made totally helpless by straps and what seemed an elaborate harness pinning him against the contraption. He was dressed in a quaint and unlikely costume, evocative of schoolboy uniforms from centuries past, with extremely short flannel shorts that stopped at the very top of his thighs. His blazer was tightly buttoned, and he wore a necktie and shirt underneath.

His eyes were wide open, and he was obviously trying to say something, if the droning sound coming from his nose could be a sign. His mouth disappeared behind a wealth of surgical tape and scarves, which had to seal his lips over a huge packing. Danny had no trouble identifying the kidnap victim he met in the living room. It was Scott, who had to be accompanied by his abductors.

Behind him, the TV was on; Danny recognized Maxim on screen, in a tight and shapes-revealing outfit. He was busy trussing William up to a tree.

Scott’s light brown hair and his blue eyes were indeed familiar to Danny. So were the voices of the boys who appeared, standing from the armchairs where they sat concealed until the legitimate resident entered.

“We thought a surprise check has been long in the making.”

“Just in time, Blue, you were twenty-eight seconds away from being late.”

Scott, Greg and Walter visited him. Danny didn’t expect them at all. They were supposed to have a quick video chat at ten, before Danny went to bed. Online control didn’t allow stepping out of the line much, but it sure helped to dissimulate the little quirks that would have earned him penalty points in the cousins’ presence.

“Red really wanted to come along with us. He’s had this wheel chair for a fortnight or so, so this made our visiting easier.”

“Mr. Billingham gave us a ride with the school’s mini-bus. You don’t seem too happy to see us, Blue, this makes me a bit sad. We’ll relieve you of the silence rule, maybe there’s something you should tell us.”

Danny had thought hard during his long sleepless nights at home. He’d wondered why he was always conversationally-impaired the few times his young masters released him from the silence rule – and that he wasn’t gagged, naturally, which he tended to be most of the time anyway.

He wondered if he was losing his conversational mojo; he’d had snappy retorts in many occasions. Nevertheless, when his two cute neighbours dominated him, he lost all his means and could not think of one clever thing to say.

“Ugh… No, ugh, yes, I’m very glad to see you, and what can I do to be of some help?”

“The perfect butler, isn’t he?” Greg sniggered, “For one, strip!”

This triggered immediate reaction from Danny. He slipped his sleeveless nylon shirt off, revealing his toned torso. Walter reached with his hand, offering to collect the sweat-soaked garment. The inspected pupil slid his shorts and –mandatory– Speedos down his ankles. Greg picked these.

“Keep the shoes on for now. Let me see your little device…”

Greg crouched in front of Danny. He’d gloved his hands in latex, assumedly for hygiene purposes. He grabbed the plastic shell and moved it around, to get a good look at the edges, possibly looking for mould or fungi.

“It appears clean at first glance; I’ll run the tests whenever we remove it. We know that sometimes some breaks of rules and requirements can’t be spotted right away.”

Their serious tone and their smirks while they watched him caused a hot rush to Danny’s head. He’d done small mistakes, been two minutes late, but did they have ways to know what happened in his bedroom? After all, they’d tricked him with a bug when they’d kept him prisoner with Graham a few weeks before.

“Turn around. Grab your ankles, of course.”

Greg checked with his finger that the jog had been performed with the small butt plug in. He fiddled with the item, rubbing it on the prostate and making Danny’s distress greater .

“This fits requirements. So far, so good, maybe we won’t have to punish Blue today.”

“Glad we don’t have to exhaust ourselves spanking him,” Walter confirmed, “I’d even favour rewarding him,” he said, grabbing the front of his shorts in an explicit manner that left no ambiguity as to which part of his anatomy would give the reward.

“Ok, attention position number three,” Greg continued. Danny stood, fingers crossed over his neck, his legs slightly apart. Greg looked at his armpits again, taking a big sniff; he scrutinized his face to be sure he’d shaved as requested. Greg ran his index finger over the older teen’s face, ending with his lips.

“He passes this first inspection,” Greg told his cousin.

“Yeah! We don’t have to gag him yet, and I can think of something useful he could do with his mouth,” Walter said, fondling his package to make his point a second.

“I’m glad we think alike, Walt,” Greg approved, “Kneel, Blue, you know what we want you to do. And grab your butt, so we know where your hands are.”

Walter planted his feet solidly on the ground in front of the kneeling servant. Danny grabbed the tracksuit’s waistband with his teeth; his impatient customer helped him out, lowering the pants and the sleek, smooth Speedos underneath with his thumbs. The older teen was in awe of the black pants and blue shiny Speedos, and the stick tenting them underneath. The familiar, enticing smells whet his appetite.

“I know you’re skilled with your teeth, but it’s your lips and tongue I’m interested in.”

Danny had deemed the cousins’ young cocks bigger every time he’d seen them over the last three months; he had gotten a good, long look at them every time. It felt the same in his mouth, Walter’s knob was a bit more imposing than the last time, which was a few days ago only.

Danny did the job in compliance with the instructions and requirements he’d received. He got the boner at full mast using his lips to fiddle with the throbbing knob. He then pumped the knob, keeping it under his palate until eventually he leaned in and swallowed the whole thing. He deep-throated Walter, who almost lost it when his sex slave got him to orgasm.

The wailing and the outbursts from his black-haired cousin got Greg to laugh.

“He’s really doing you in, Walt! I’m afraid my cousin really likes you, Blue, he hasn’t stopped speaking about your great mouth skills. The whole dorm is looking forward to meeting you, to say the least.”

Danny slowly receded backwards, letting go of the deflating prick while pumping the. Greg was at his cousin’s sides straight away, eager for his turn. Walter made space so his relative could also enjoy their captive’s talent.

Danny pulled the pants and undies down, which proved a bit tricky; Greg didn’t give him any assistance. He hampered his moves, rather. The blond Adonis wore skimpy Speedos that were on the tight side; the growth of the bulge underneath made it tougher to pull the nylon waistband over. The kneeling young man was motivated; the bright red of the Speedos made the lump even more desirable; Danny twisted his neck and managed to get the cock free from its polyamide shelter.

The member stuck out proudly. A predator was waiting for it: Danny’s lips swallowed it within a split second. The jaws, cheeks and tongue got busy; Danny now knew the little tricks and the combos that got the cousins the horniest in the shortest possible time. He got Greg flabbergasted with a suction pumping he’d developed recently.

Greg laid his hands over Danny’s jet-black hair, encouraging him with a little ‘yes’ or other barely articulate encouragements. The warm mouth felt welcoming; it was eager and relentless; five minutes later, Greg felt like his balls had been drained. His flaccid dick hung low, drained of its liquid by Danny’s avid hole. He recovered from the lofty feelings the oral ministrations of their learning pupils caused most often.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny – Ongoing Training

Chapter 2 – Under Scrutiny

Danny breathed in deeply, to recover also from the ordeal. His lungs got some fresh air and he felt great. He just had a flash, thinking for the first time about his bedroom’s tidiness, and the prospect of the cousins finding a mess and yielding other punishments or ordeals got him to feel a rush of the delightful anxiety he had upon being caught by his younger playmates.

The discovery of another non-compliance would have to wait a bit.

“This was a nice way to greet us, Blue. But our trip was long, we’ve had to handle little Red throughout, so now we would like a good meal,” Greg demanded.

Walter lied in wait with the next item. It wasn’t one of the rubber or leather gags Danny was familiar with. It wasn’t that different, though, it was a strap of black leather with an attachment in the middle, getting the contraption into the panel gag category, but one with and attachment.

Danny didn’t have time to see it in detail; Walter offered the little plug to his lips, which Danny took in as he’d done with their cocks. The analogy didn’t stop there; he could now identify the specific shape the plug was moulded upon. It was a male penis.

“It’s a cast of half my dick,” Greg explained, “So my knob keeps on tickling your palate. There’s another one with Walter’s dick cast too, so you may learn to have either of our dicks in your mouth. I’d like food in mine, for that matter,” Greg said, looking impatiently at his now gagged butler.

“Yes, we’ll have him fix us dinner. Just bracelets and chains, and you can get started,” Walter said, kneeling at Danny’s side.

He had chrome steel manacles. They were wide, but not too thick and they did look like bracelets, with a huge D-ring that was shiny metal too. Walter locked them around his wrists. He had small padlocks to link the foot or so of chain to the D-rings. Walter cast an eye to the prisoner on the wheelchair. He had forgotten an important detail when he’d muzzled Danny.

“Scott has one with my dick in his mouth too, but he got the inflatable model, so it’s much bigger than my knob.”

Danny looked at his fellow-captive a few yards away; he was kept perfectly pinned to his wheelchair, and Danny suspected it wasn’t only because of his obedience. He’d been placed in one of the very strict predicaments the cousins liked so much. Walter steered him towards the kitchen. They passed right in front of Scott.

“Doesn’t Red look like a perfect little boy? You seem willing to feel pity for him, Blue, but don’t. Red is serving the end of his detention. We’ve been prefects for this last term, so we’ve had to handle him while he earned forty-eight hours of detention.”

Walter went on telling Scott’s tale of misery, while he drove his charge to the kitchen, loud enough that he would still be heard from the next room. .

“This wasn’t too smart to retort to a prefect when he asked you to behave in the cafeteria line.”

“This was particularly stupid,” Greg added, “At a time when your report had just come in and your PE and music grades were so poor.”

He stood over the threshold, pushing Scott so he could watch Danny toil, naked but for steels bracelets and the leather strap gag.

“A low grade in sports is unbearable,” Walter scorned. “So we were called in for remedial action. The chair is a plus, but we got lots of other ideas from our fellow-prefects. We’ve had Scott in closets, tied to a post with lower form boys able to see him and taunt him; we’ve had a silent night yesterday when the same boys could practice their gagging skills on Scott.”

Danny had taken pans out. Kidney pie and peas were the basic requirement if they didn’t tell him anything else. The two cousins seemed engrossed in their tales and seemed unconcerned with the details of his activities. Danny braced to pay attention to their conversation and get busy at the same time. Greg had handed Walter a riding crop and they both held them in a casual, non-threatening manner so far.

The motivational incentive of a good cut over his derriere was something Danny knew all too well; he couldn’t be caught dawdling. Their relaxed appearances could be misleading.

He had everything to cook at hand soon; he knew the sequence to perform next. He could focus more on the boys’ talk about their school, which would soon be his too, if his application was eventually accepted.

“It has been great being a prefect,” Greg said, “You’ve enjoyed this too, didn’t you, Scotty,” he joked, ruffling the immobilized boy’s brown mop of hair, “This has made for taxing nights and long days, but we’ve convinced the headmaster that you were reformed at last.”

Had Danny not experienced the domination the boys were capable of –and had he not been told about Lester and William’s backers for their endeavours–, he’d have taken all their talk as pure fantasy.

He knew enough, however, to understand Scott’s last couple of days had been no picnic. They detailed the spanking he got; in their prefect role, it sounded Greg and Walter liked to have henchmen to undertake their dirty deeds, and this didn’t make them any less creative.

The pie was in the oven and the peas in the pan. Danny moved to the table, which he set while the others went on about the feats they achieved in their position of power. They had opinions on many a schoolmate.

“Red is naughty, but he’s quite tame compared to Alistair,” Walter said, praising their friend for his docility.

“Yes, the tall, lanky pretty boy. Darn, that’s another one who needed to be brought down a peg or two,” Greg hissed, “Which we did. Having to perform bedroom inspections, we caught Alistair having issues three days in a row.”

“Bed poorly made, sock lying around, having a shower over five minutes, it’s true he piled up offences. I’m sure he likes you, Greg, since he’d never had problems before you were a prefect.”

“That’s what you say, Walt. He got to know me, anyway. The two hours in detention in the attic had him think a bit. Say, Blue, you’ve set the table and the pie is in the oven. Let’s not waste time and get you started with your laundry duties. I’ll go to your room with you to get it.”

“Don’t forget to check it’s clean and tidy. We’re there to help if it isn’t.”

Danny gulped behind the rubber knob in his mouth. He’d dragged out of bed with the second ringing of the alarm clock, and he couldn’t be certain he’d picked up everything. Moreover, he hadn’t sorted his clothes out as the email instructions demanded, this he had no doubt about.

Under Greg’s guidance, Danny headed to the hall, climbed the stairs and entered his bedroom with Greg on his heels. The boy had a keen eye; he spotted the anomalies right away.

“Talk about a bed poorly made! The quilt has a crease, there,” he said, straightening it out, “and this is even better,” he whined, picking up a pair of Speedos from the floor.

“They’re green, so they must be yesterday’s. Why didn’t you put them in the bag with the other?”

Danny just pleaded with his eyes, but this didn’t bring him much leniency. The swimwear schedule had to be followed scrupulously.

“The bags, that’s what we came for. Get them, quick.”

Danny went to his large wardrobe. He bent slightly to pick up an armful of various clothes.

“No bag? You made a single bundle of your clothes? This is something we didn’t require you to take a pic of, and you thought you could get away with? Give me your wrists”

Greg had the key to the padlocks threaded over his chain necklace. He unlocked the cuffs; the removal was only temporary; Danny had to give his wrists, but at the small of his back this time. A single click accompanied the tight locking of the bracelets that were much like regular police handcuffs with one small ring linking them.

“I’ll need to talk with Walt to find out how we should handle such unexpected mistakes.”

Danny felt overwhelmed; he obeyed Greg who ordered him to get back to the kitchen. The walk along the stairs and corridors was a few tens of seconds, but it felt like an endless perp walk. Greg trumpeted the good news to his cousin.

“Our little stinkpot doesn’t follow our rules! He mixes them all together, when we expressly told him to store them in separate plastic bags.”

Danny couldn’t explain that the idea of putting his smelly worn clothes in airtight plastic bags was against his hygiene principles; he was gagged, and he had to bear the boy with the cheesiest feet in Britain calling him a stinkpot, to his great annoyance.

Walter had honed his acting skills over the past few weeks; he looked genuinely sorry.

“This means we have to… punish him, Greg?”

“I’m afraid so, Walt. Glad we came with our gear; the mini-van is perfect for making such control visits. We’ve got just what is needed in the garage to handle you, Danny.”

The use of his first name was no mistake. They mixed names and tones when they felt like messing around with their charges. It sure got Danny to be on the lookout. The cousins gathered around him, ropes in hand, and bound his legs together. They had him sit on the chair, and they summarily linked his ankles to the sturdy seat’s lower rung.

“We’ll go get what we need, don’t go away.”

They headed outside, closing all doors tightly behind them. Scott and Danny were alone.

Danny saw Scott’s profile. ‘Red’ had his head pinned against the headrest; he most likely couldn’t see him back. Danny made some of the comforting grunts that worked well to communicate with Scott or Graham when kept tight in Greg and Walter’s claws.

The helpless prisoners didn’t have to wait long; they heard the younger teens coming back in. There was some noise of furniture being moved or bumped against the walls; Danny could only hope they weren’t vandalizing the house, which would be an issue with his parents. His neighbours knew better than this thankfully, and it felt like they read his mind.

“Not to worry, Blue, it’s just that we need to build your torture pole.”

“Just screwing the mast,” Greg said from the entrance hall, his tone underlining he was in on the double entendre.

The metallic clanging stopped, and he heard the cousins joining forces to get something up. A dull thud resounded in the tiled entrance, and the distinct swish of high-end roller bearings followed.

Greg and Walter pushed a platform on wheels before them. Danny knew immediately what they had in store for him. They’d pole-tied him enthusiastically since day one.

The thick square of wood rested on four large wheels, and Danny could see briefly, from the distance, that there was a big metal piece underneath, which held a seven-foot wooden pole. It was a few inches in diameter; its apparent thinness didn’t fool Danny. If this was some accessory from Lester and William’s, no doubt it was solid and unbreakable.

They’d stacked numerous coils of rope over the wooden platform. Piles of rope, literally, which could only have Danny imagine the various stringent methods they may use to unite him with the piece of vertical wood.

“I’ll release Red from his chair,” Walter said, “Blue hasn’t moved, but keep an eye on him while you prepare the pole with ropes.”

Danny witnessed the actions taking place, incredulous as to what was going on. He couldn’t say whether being caught by his neighbours got him elated or if he was afraid of the long and taxing treatments they could have him endure.

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Post by blackbound »

Nice. Wheelchair bondage is an underused genre that needs some exploration.

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Post by Bondwriter »

blackbound wrote: 4 years ago Nice. Wheelchair bondage is an underused genre that needs some exploration.
I actually have used it in stories I haven't posted on the board. One is in French, but the other is part of a long saga. Not all of it can be posted to comply with rules, but the extensive wheelchair part might hold on its own and be worthy of being shared on this board.
One more thing to go on my to-do list.
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Post by Carnath »

I'm interested too. Including the french story :D
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Post by Bondwriter »

Fun with Danny – Ongoing Training

Chapter 3 – The Verdict Falls

Greg looked good in his footie kit; Danny couldn’t take his eyes off him as the blond boy wound ropes around the pole. Eleven of them, which made for a much bigger number than the usual seven.

“We’ve discussed your case, Blue, and we’re now past adding to your penalty points tally.”

“I’m still keeping track,” Walter intervened.

“You do, Walt. It’s just that we have to get it through our young pupil’s head that he should follow the rules at all times. A night at the torture pole should teach him a good lesson.”

“I hope so. What torture are you thinking about?”

Greg put a finger over his lips.

“Sh. I’ll keep it a surprise. Blue enjoys surprises. Are you done with Red?”

Walter was kneeling at Scott’s feet to free his ankles from the chair.

“Not quite. Stand up, Red, it’s time for your chains,” he ordered.

Walter still had to restrain Scott, so his cousin came to give him a hand hobbling him in chains. Wrists and ankles were linked together at first; the knees and elbows were next, diminishing the range of Scott’s possible moves.

“There are some good news for you, Red,” Greg said, “You will substitute for Blue and perform his chores. You’ve been used to do this under a lot of duress; today, you may put care and heart in it. We won’t time you too closely. Watch out, though. Such a mild treatment shouldn’t be abused. Consider this to be an extreme privilege. As you may see, your little friend Blue will soon be unable to walk around and do the things we ask. We count on you to show him how things should be done. If you prove us you followed all the important lessons we taught you at school, we may even decrease your tally significantly, which means tomorrow evening you won’t have to stay in the Punishment Pit as you’re supposed to.”

Danny caught Scott rolling his eyes in desperation at the mere mention of this torture location.

“Follow me; you’re going to watch us trussing Blue up. For once, you’re not the centre of attention,” Walter told Scott.

The blond heartthrob joined his former babysitter, wrapping his arm over his shoulders.

“Let’s have you stand against the pole.”

Danny hopped, Greg keeping close by in case of a fall, and because it made fondling his round bum easier.

“We can’t have you bound to the pole naked. In case your parents come back early, you should look decent,” the black-haired boy explained.

“But no fancy leather or rubber for binding you today. We’ve planned on various responses to possible mistakes you made. Laundry issue was one of the rule breaches we’ve come best prepared for,” Greg said, picking a large canvas bag from the floor, “We’ve gathered some athletes’ clothes; at our school, we have wrestling, swimming and ballet, and we’ve decided that having you sniff worn clothing would help you to get acquainted with your future schoolmates.”

“Wearing some will help too,” Walter stated seriously. He busied himself removing the ropes around his legs.

Greg spilled the contents of his sack over the tiled floor. A few big shopping plastic bags and tens of smaller Ziploc bags spread over the floor; at first glance, they seemed to contain jerseys, socks and underwear. Danny had heard Greg, and he was used to his young neighbours’ fancies; these were dirty garments indeed. He realized they were carefully sorted by colour and nature.

Greg picked one of the larger bags.

“Let’s see what’s in here.” He pulled several garments out of the bag. “Alistair’s gym clothes. He’s in ballet and wrestling.”

The colour and shape of the Spandex or Lycra outfits betrayed the fact they weren’t fresh out of the laundry. When Greg approached, Danny could also smell that what appeared to be shorts, undies or even a singlets had been soiled by male seed, and a copious amount at that.

“Alistair is your size and build, Blue. Look at his shiny green singlet.” He waved the garment under Danny’s nose; the smell told of the wrestling outfit being worn and honoured.

“Call me traditional, Greg, but I think Alistair’s PE shorts will be the best fit for Blue.”

“Sure, Walt,” his cousin politely conceded. The black shorts looked spiffy, except for the dull stain spreading over the front. They did the job covering Danny’s loins. The cousins adjusted them, finding the most revealing way to tuck Danny’s three-piece suit under the smooth fabric.

“We’ll leave his sneakers on for now. I’m really getting hungry, this time, so don’t slow us down binding you to your post, Blue,” Greg said, shaking his index finger as a warning sign. “Stand in front, Red, so you may see how good we are at knots. Usually you’re the one who gets a taste of our skills, this time you may be the audience.”

Greg and Walter seized Danny and had him hop over the platform.

“We also have a football team at school, Blue. And they have a really nice hamper with their jerseys or socks, that the crew picks and launders every two weeks or so.”

“We just borrowed them,” Walter said, picking the second larger bag, “We’ll put them back tomorrow; the launderers come to pick them on Friday.”

He handed a few of the socks to Greg; they were long, in some mixed textile, and the faint smell at first grew to prove they’d been collected in the hamper after being put to very good use.

Greg and Walter started tying rings of socks around his legs. They did one turn and one knot. This wasn’t very solid, but Danny knew better than hope for a beginner’s mistake. There were yards of rope attached to the pole, and there were many ways the two little blighters could reinforce the set-up.

They removed his cuffs; this time, they got him against the pole. Danny looked at Scott, who seemed amused behind his strap gag.

His wrists, forearms and elbows were united by socks too. Walter picked the video camera.

“Stay still, Blue, I need to prove we made you behave.”

The intermission didn’t last long; Walter ended setting the camera on a tripod. Knowing he was being filmed, he put even more heart in the weaving of white ropes that ensued.

Scott’s heart was totally theirs. Watching them dance around their captive and binding him to his stake was a mesmerizing show. The submissive lad had lustful thoughts, which painfully reminded him of the torture device they’d kept him in for the last sixteen days.

They used each coil to wrap Danny’s body and link it to the pole; they used some frapping and cinching techniques to tighten the rings of sock wrapping him. They also did a nice chest harness, and made sure some ropes would run along the sides of his groin and pull his shorts up his butt crack.

This went according to plan; Danny’s limbs were kept closely together by worn and smelly socks, and had the footwear not been used, the network of white cotton rope would have been enough to thwart any escape attempt. It just added to the tension, making the whole binding feel very severe. And Danny couldn’t escape the feet smells.

“We’ve outdone ourselves, Walt. Let’s have Blue enjoy his predicament and think about his misdeeds; it’s Red’s turn to be in the hot seat. He must show us we were right to trust him relaxing the terms of his detention, and letting him out of his chair to perform domestic service.”

Scott nodded approvingly, groaning his agreement.

“Go ahead, we’re coming.”

The two relatives pushed the platform a couple feet away from the table. They locked the wheels, which was as good as screwing it to the floor with iron.

Danny felt hungrier and hungrier as he watched the boys eat. His gag prevented him from begging, and there was little chance the two young fiends would feed him if they hadn’t decided so anyway. He wasn’t sure whether they called the silence rule, but he erred on the safe side.

Greg and Walter mainly commented on Scott’s job, making many requests for water, or another helping of kidney pie. Danny could see their gazes trying to find a fault; Scott was good and he handled being under their pressure well, Danny thought.

The meal ended; Greg turned his head and watched Danny for the first time since he sat.

“Let’s give Blue his treat.”

Danny wondered what this was about. How could he suck them? Walter gave a rationale and details.

“We’re going to give you some special packing to suck on, since you’ll skip dinner. We’ve thought of a great combo to gag you.”

“One you’re not about to forget…”

Greg pushed the platform closer to the table. He picked items from the bag one by one, commenting with Walter the owners, the duration and the circumstances in which they’d been worn.

“Billy’s jockstrap and his footie kit socks, he’s worn it for five practice sessions.”

“That’s what the label says? This jockstrap smells like it was worn longer than this.”

“You’re right,” Walter said . “Billy was ordered to wear it at nights too, which he’s done for a fortnight. Catch a whiff.”

He held the piece of clothing in front of Danny’s face. His nostrils were a foot away at least, yet they underwent the assault from the pungent smell.

Walter and Greg went on, introducing Danny to more of their friends through their worn clothes. He could now perceive differences. When Greg stuck one of his own socks under the older teen’s nostrils, Danny identified the blond cutie as its owner straight away. He was indeed growing more and more aware of his olfactory senses when it came to sharing other boys’ intimacy.

“To pack your mouth, we’ll use a sample of socks from Alistair and myself,” Greg explained, “and we’ll throw in Billy’s briefs to complete the wadding.”

Danny balked and shook his head; the nature of the mouth-filling and its volume combined to make it an unpleasant prospect.

“Tsk, tsk, little Blue,” Walter chided, “You’d better cooperate or Red there will get his buttocks painfully tanned.”

Such a threat worked fine with Danny. He didn’t like to be cause for punishment of his fellow-captives; his abductors knew it and used this trait to its full extent. A pitiful look from Scott helped the pole-tied prisoner to make his decision. He let Walter remove his muzzle and opened wide to let Greg cram the thick fabric ball inside his gob.

“Here we are, then, your tongue is trapped and you can’t shout. Let’s make sure you can’t expel it; you’ve got new flavours to get acquainted with, and it takes a little time to get a proper taste.”

Walter was tying the toes of two long football socks together in a fat knot. He handed the strip he’d gotten to his cousin.

Greg positioned himself behind the post, needing balance and a steady position to do a proper job. Walter held Danny’s lower face in his hands, his thumbs resting over the boy’s lips, fumbling with the well-worn socks to push them further. The knot passed in front of Danny’s face and he had no choice but to see the even smellier combo cover the current packing.

The toes of the socks let their fumes out; they reached Danny’s sensitive nostrils to let him know of the effort that had been performed to get such a foul result. Walter used his thumbs to push it in as much as he could. The knot pushing between his teeth felt like it was seeping out cheesy juice.

Danny was weirdly aroused. The strong grip of Greg’s fingers pulling the knot tight over his neck, and the touch and gaze of Walter over his gagged face mitigated the horror of the situation.

Once the cleave gag was solidly set, Walter fetched yet another layer.

“Now, four of our dorm’s boys have used this scarf to collect their spunk, just as a present to you, my little Blue.”

He brought the navy blue silk to his nostrils. “I hope your nose can still pick up nice scents, because I’m sure you’ll like this one!”

Greg stepped down from the platform, to let Walter replace him and wrap Danny’s lower face in the layer of dark silk. His nostrils flared open, and he got the full experience of the wanking rag that had been shared by his little neighbours and their kinky roommates. There was the smell of cum, but one of dick too. It had stayed inside someone’s undies for a while.

“Little by little, you’ll be familiar with all your new friends before you even get to meet them in person. I’m sure you’ll make us proud when you may identify them.”

“He doesn’t make us proud for the moment,” Walter said, joining his cousin to get a look from the front, “but we’ve made a good job setting him for his penance. This scarf looks great, it’s tight and it really ties the whole gag in.”

Scott had been an interested and quiet audience; he caught a few glances letting him know he would soon be one of the actors of their little drama.

“Blue’s taken care of, now time for Red to show his friend how to wait on us for our meal.”

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Post by Bondwriter »

I hope you people keep on enjoying Danny's adventures. Here is a new chapter.

Fun with Danny – Ongoing Training

Chapter 4 – Substitute Maid

The lads sat at the table, and Scott got his shoulder to the wheel. He picked the pie, cut it and brought slices in plates as his customers requested. The display of care and motivation by his fellow-captive got Danny all mellow; he almost forgot the unpleasant sides of his current bondage, relishing only the positive aspects, such as the socks and cummy scarf they had him experience. Danny no longer felt any shame for deriving pleasure from sniffing worn clothes, much to the contrary.

At the end of their meal, Scott was made to demonstrate his masturbatory skills. Kneeling in front of them, between their legs, his hands were chained so they’d be at the perfect height to fondle his young masters. Walter was first, and he squealed in a high-pitched voice to announce the creaming of his shorts.

“Oh, man, this feels nice. Go on, Red, rub it over my shorts, there shouldn’t be a drop on the floor, and I’m afraid we’re not going to remove your gag and allow you to suck it yet. Your hands should do.”

Danny had no issue identifying and empathizing with Scott . He’d shared this predicament enough times to foresee every single move from the cousins. The show remained fascinating.

The young teachers bossed Scott around over the next stage, which involved tidying and cleaning.

“You’d better do a good job, Red. If Blue gets in trouble with his parents because they find a mess when they’re back, you’ll be held accountable,” Greg decreed.

Scott worked methodically and without an interruption. Danny was impressed by the speed he managed to get things out of the way, while being kept on such a short leash. His hobbles allowed for supple moves but with no amplitude whatsoever. Danny found out Scott seemed to be into some sort of groove; he went at a steady pace, apparently not noticing the cousins’ remarks, but doing things just as they expected.

“You’ve put everything away, cleaned the table and swept the floor, and all in less than twenty minutes. I take good note, Red; you’re really getting good at this.”

Walter praised the substitute butler, who stood feet together, his hands crossed over his chest, showing he was done with his task. “We’ll have to keep a close eye on you, to make sure you don’t regress in the future.”

“There’s only one way to be certain he doesn’t fall back into his idle habits, it’s to have him practice on a regular basis,” Greg said. He joined his cousin to inspect the butler who stood at attention, “All the evenings he spent at the hands of the lower form boys brought some results. Now, Red, you’re going to have to do Blue’s chores. He was supposed to iron this evening, so you may show him how you master pressing and ironing shirts.”

“And shorts!”

“Yes, these require skills. No doubt you’re going to make us proud, Red.”

Walter opened the way, leading the butler –now turned into a maid– for further chores; Greg pushed Danny’s platform, and they ended in the laundry room at the end of the hall. It wasn’t very big, but there was space enough for the ironing table, Danny’s platform and the three boys standing.

There was even room for a video camera. Walter remained eager to document their mistreatments.

Walter lengthened Scott’s cuffs chain in front so he could iron the pile of clothes waiting for him. Scott had taken lessons. He sorted out the clothes, plugged the iron in and kicked off processing his batch of clothes.

Greg and Walter stopped paying attention to him. He’d done everything right so far, they could turn to the penitent at his stake, whose chores were being performed.

“Have a good look, Blue. Your fellow-pupil benefitted from his training, and you could follow his lead.”

“Walt is right, Blue, there are more lessons you need to learn. I’m sure your mom will be happy when you can perform your chores properly. You must have made her sad keeping your bedroom untidy, and we’d love to have her smile.”

Danny had doubts on his neighbours’ actual will to please grown-ups; they managed to keep a very good image among the adults. His mom was impressed by the boys’ good manners, and they would certainly exploit their good image.

“At least we came equipped, Greg; we had what’s needed to truss Blue up in stockings and gag him with your dirty socks and Alistair’s. That’ll teach him the value of clean clothes.”

“Speaking of which, we’d better check that being under our discipline didn’t get Blue to add some naughtiness to Alistair’s shorts.”

The blond lad fumbled with the waistband, lowering the shorts to watch their inside. They stayed at the top of his thighs, and Greg leaned towards Danny’s crotch to get a good look. Danny could feel the boy’s breath over his pubis.

“It looks clear. It’s tough to say, though, the shorts weren’t too clean to start with.”

“Get the cage off, you’ll feel whether he stayed dry.”

“Good idea, Walt.”

The cousins got really interested in releasing the imprisoned penis. When Danny heard the ‘click’ and he felt the plastic implement being pulled away, he felt a shiver run up his spine. This had been the moment he longed for.

Danny looked down, but he saw his minders’ hair; he felt his member grow and rise, though. The watchers confirmed the fact.

“There’s a spring in his dick!”

“Strange way to prove your self-control !” Walter exclaimed, “Since you take it so lightly, there’s no appeal for us to make it easier for you.”

“Sound thinking, Walt. What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s have him try to keep dry without his plastic aid. If he remains still, his pecker won’t rub against his soft shorts and he won’t leak.”

“You heard Walt, Blue,” Greg said grabbing the prisoner’s chin between his thumb and his index finger, locking his eyes inside the older boy’s, “Show us you may keep perfect control. We might reward you if you succeed.”

Danny had a hard time paying attention to the recommendations; he was focused on his rigid rod sticking out, and the feeling of instant freedom it felt. The cousins didn’t leave much time for this total release; Walt grabbed the prick, bending it to slide it under the shorts’ waistband, which Greg kept pulled open.

“If you manage not to get a wet patch in front for the next thirty minutes, we’ll have Red wank you.”

Danny saw Scott twitch; his companion in bondage was quite skilled at this. The abducted babysitter had enjoyed Scott’s ministrations enough times. After being kept in chastity for so long, he had a keen desire to feel his touch again. Danny retreated within himself. He could do it. He just needed to get his mind totally off what was going on around him. He closed his eyes.

“Ugh, ugh, Blue,” Greg scolded, “No cheating. You’ve got to watch your fellow-student.”

“And us,” Walter added, “You know Blue’s got the hots for you!”

“And for your arse too, Walt. Yes, I imagine having to watch us must be quite an ordeal for someone who’s aroused by manly men.” He offered his booty to Danny’s sight. He turned around shaking his round, shorted bottom, which the sportswear definitely enhanced.

They adjusted his shorts, and they didn’t even caress him or do anything to make him lose.

“Just keep tight against your post, Blue, and everything will be all right. Time is starting now,” Walter announced, launching his watch’s timer.

The fiendish relatives were already set on their next target, which was to check what Scott was doing; he’d been on his own for a quarter of an hour, and the pile of clothes had been turned into a nice stack of folded ones.

“You didn’t embarrass us in front of Blue yet, my little house maid,” Greg said, approaching Scott, “I hope you’ve done your job just as we require it.”

“Neat, tidy and professional,” Walter added with an authoritative, professor-like tone.

“The shorts and the track suit have been pressed really well,” Greg said, carefully picking each processed item and making a new tidy pile with the checked garments.

Walter inspected the pile of shirts.

“No creases, but he forgot to button the top on two of them.”

Danny admired the twinks’ acting skills. They did a great job pretending to be surprised and sad. They stood in front of the camera, making sure their faces would be shown under the best angle for their film.

“Is that true, Walt? What a shame! He behaved really well this evening?”

“Until now. We’d warned him that he would be monitored very closely for his household chores after he failed to finish tidying our dorm room in time last week. And doing the top button when ironing shirts isn’t something we’ve kept a secret. You’ve been told this many times, haven’t you, Red?”

Scott sheepishly nodded.

“Unplug the iron and fold the table, then. We’ll tell you of your punishment when you’ve made some space in here.”

Walter exited the room to put the folded clothes away; Scott put the ironing equipment away under Greg’s supervision.

Danny closed his eyes briefly, with no one watching him. The scene that had just unfolded had caused his mind to wander into lustful territory, and he could feel his dick twitch inside his shorts. He opened his eyes, to erase the vivid picture of Scott handling the two cousins and setting them in the sexiest possible positions. He wished the guilt he felt at the inflation and tremors of his boner didn’t show.

Scott stood at attention once he’d put the equipment away. Greg came close to him; it seemed inspecting students was a favourite activity of his.

Danny could see the lust in his eyes as he sniffed and watched the display in front of him. He kneaded his buttocks, his thighs, his chest and nipples. Scott stood still and grunted only when Greg twisted his nipples through his jersey. The gag absorbed the shout caused by pain.

“Silence rule, Red,” Greg whispered impatiently, “I was rooting for you and a lenient treatment after your efforts, but I’ll stick with Walter if you can’t stay quiet. We should be demanding...”

His cousin heard these last words as he stepped inside the room.

“We should certainly be. Let’s show Red that we have fair, if strict ways to teach him our ways. Don’t you think he should join Blue and share his fate for the rest of the evening ?”

Danny saw a wide grin spread over Walter’s face once he’d said these words. The older teen had seen this impish look before; some devious idea had crossed the black-haired boy’s mind.

“There’s plenty of room on the platform. If bound back to back with Blue, he‘ll be safe and sound, and unlikely to do anything that earns penalty points. For as long as needed.”

Scott cast inquisitive glances at his captors, knowing better than breaking the silence rule, which could yield a more immediate and ruthless punishment. He could handle sharing Danny’s fate, bound at the same post, if this meant he was also released from his chastity cage.

Walter walked towards the post to assess the current situation. He looked intently at Danny’s crotch. The black shorts weren’t the easiest ones to spot a stain, so he leaned into them to bring his eyes and his nose closer.

“All good here, Blue’s being heroic, he’s still dry.”

This didn’t conform to Danny’s perception; he felt like he was leaking precum from the subtle twists in the bonds, the relentless feel of the thin and smooth material over his newly freed manhood. Walter didn’t bother feeling with his fingers; he turned to Scott.

“Your friend won a challenge. Now you have to wank him.”

Greg laid a hand on Scott’s shoulder, and he pushed the chained up lad to the torture pole. He held him under his armpits and helped him kneel in front of Danny, directing Scott’s head towards the source of the musky aromas.

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