Race for the prize (M/F+)

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Race for the prize (M/F+)

Post by RopeBunny »

- I'm going to say this at the beginning, just to clarify. I love modified cars, myself and people I care about are into the scene, and because of this I feel like I know a fair amount. But I'm no expert. No doubt at some point in the story here I'll write something that's technically wrong. But this is a TUGs board, not a car one, so please, if/when I do mess up cut me some slack. Simply enjoy the story. Thank you. -


Friday night, not quite Saturday morning, and anyway, it isn't Saturday until you've been to bed and woken back up again. Right?

Up behind the local Leisure centre, in the long narrow overspill car park that separates the Ice Rink and adjacent Railway main line, a group of street racers have gathered. In the far corner, nestled underneath a half dozen Sycamore, almost fifteen cars are sat side by side and in rough half circles. This is their usual spot, a place they all drive to whenever they happen to be out, to see whether anyone else in their crew is out too. No need to phone around. Other groups have other meetups: Toys R Us, the name is old habit, the shop's been closed almost a year now. The top of town. Even the underground, which refers to a specific abandoned office blocks car park. But here, the Leisure centre, is theirs. It isn't territorial to the point of gang wars, more of a respect thing. Sometimes everybody, for a variety of reasons, ends up in the same car park, a sea of noisy and low slung shining metal. Quite a sight to behold. But not tonight. Tonight is just the Leisure centre, just this group.

"Hey." Jake nudges Andy, currently bent over the engine of his 99 plate Integra Type-R. "Hey mate, look."
"What?" Andy replies, distracted. "I'm trying to retighten this air hose, fucker came loose again racing Smiths RS here. This new clip should sort it though."
"You'll never beat him you know." Andy, without looking up, wags a screwdriver at Jake. "Never say never mate."
"Sure mate, fine." Waving it away, conceding the point. "Anyway, look over there."
"Hold on."
"Okay okay." Andy grunts, and stands up, closing his bonnet and stretching. "Done. Now what is it?"
"Look." Jake points, towards the entrance, where a pair of headlights, now quite close, are slowly approaching. "We're all here aren't we?" Andy asks, scratching his chin and leaving an oily mark. Jake nods, having turned around to do a brief check first. "Everyone except Bob."
"Bob's here?" Sonya, Andys girl, has climbed out of the car, having finished her burger and coke, several others in the group have noticed the approaching lights too, and have wandered over, since Andys Type-R is on the outside of the parked formation. "Working. I drove by on the way here, saw the 32 outside in the yard." Says Dave, his arm around a pretty redhead, his girl Charlotte. "Just the one car." Jake muses, and several of the others nod, as there are no other twin beams following this one. "Can't see beyond his lights." Says Andy. "But he's almost here."
"He." Teases Sonya, eyebrows raised and smiling, an old joke. "Okay." Andy kisses her on the cheek. "They're almost here."

They, turns out to be a dull black 85 plate Mercedes 190. Its noisy engine, a lumpy grumble even just above idle, hints at plenty of power under a hood that has a strange bulge running down the middle. The car has a flared arch bodykit, under which are tucked some large rear tyres. The car swings half around, putting it side on to the waiting group, before the engine cuts out. A young guy climbs out of the drivers side, squeezing past an apparent roll cage, though the tinted glass makes seeing whether there is indeed a cage, or any passengers, impossible. He's tall, and skinny, wearing faded blue jeans and a red zipped up hoodie, the hood pulled up over messy brown hair. He regards the group, over the roof of his car, and they regard him back.

"Nice car." Andy, leaning on his Type-Rs hood, smiling to break the tension. The newcomer smiles back, patting his roof. "Thanks. You too mate."
"I'm Andy."
"Okay then, Scott, so what's up? You up here looking for anyone, or just out for a drive?"
"Looking for a race actually." Spreading his arms, taking in all of the assembled metal before him. "Hoping at least one of you will oblige me?"
"A race huh?" Andy reaches out and pats Dave on the shoulder, stopping him in the act of walking up to Scott. Dave, the youngest of the group, and always up for a race regardless, doesn't always stop to think first. "You know we won't race you for cash, or any shit like that right?"
"Wasn't gonna ask." Scott holds up his hands. "Save that cash and pink slips crap for Hollywood right?" He grins, and most of the group grins back, with a couple of head shakes thrown in, those crazy movies. "But." He adds. "I thought you might like to make things interesting all the same?"
"Interesting huh?" Andy still seems to be the unofficial spokesman for the group, since nobody else, besides Dave, has attempted to join in yet. "Interesting how?"
"By betting something other then cash."
"What else is there, if not cash or the car itself?"
"Well." Scott grins, before taking the plunge. "How about betting your girls?"

"Our girls?" Replies Dave, getting the jump on Andy. He looks back towards Charlotte, who gives him a shrug, looking more puzzled and interested then worried. "How do we bet our girls?"
"We race." Scott taps his cars roof for emphasis. "And the winner gets the losers girl."
"Gets her how?"
"I get to take her back to mine, and keep her chained up for the weekend." Scott says, looking serious enough that the couple of laughs this answer causes are quickly choked off. "Okay. First off." Says Andy. "Who says you'll win? And second, what the fuck kind of bet is that?"
"I'll do it." Says Charlotte, easing her way past Andy, to stand beside Dave. He looks at her shocked, but she gives him a quick hug, and a peck on the cheek in reply, smiling. "You've got this babe. And anyway, got to do something tonight. Right?"
"Sure." Says Dave, still looking sceptical. "If you're sure Char?"
"I am." She nods. Then, looking at Scott. "So. What? You and Dave race. And what then?"
"Then, when I win." Scott smiles as Charlotte shakes her head at his cockiness. "When I win. Then you have to come back home with me."
"To be chained up all weekend?"
"I've got work on Monday you know."
"That's fine."
"Can I ask why?"
"Why you want me, or any girl, chained up in your house all weekend. You can't fuck me you know."
"I know."
"Then why?"
"Because I'm into all that. A tied up girl. Something pretty to look at."
"But what if my man wins? What then?"
"Then he, both of you I guess, can have my girl for the weekend."
"Your girl?" Charlotte looks around, making a show of not being able to spot anyone with Scott. He smiles, and pops his door, leaning in briefly. The passenger door opens, and out climbs a slim young blonde.

"This is," Scott pauses a moment, and smiles. "Vanessa." The girl, wearing faded blue jeans tucked into tight knee high boots, with a figure hugging tiny black tee over impressively large and pert breasts, grimaces briefly at the mention of her name, before smiling, and waving briefly at the assembled group. A good half of the guys, those without current girlfriends, wave back, having given her curves the once over the moment she unfolded herself from the Recaro race seat. "So." Scott turns his attention towards Dave. "You and me?"
"Sure." Dave nods. "Mine's the Gti over there." He says, gesturing to a bright shiny orange, Firedance he tells people, loving the colours official name, 02 plate Peugeot 206 parked on the edge of the group but near the back. Scott nods, giving the car a once over from where he stands. "Okay. So, where do you guys normally race?"
"It's a circuit. North from here, then right at the roundabout which takes you down around the back of town. Take the slip road on your left which, a couple more straight across roundabouts aside, brings you on a straight line drag back to here."
"Okay, got it. When are we doing this?"
"Let me pull my car out, give it a moment to warm up."
"Right, sure."
"Hold on." Interjects Warren, one of the single guys. "When our boy wins," giving Dave a pat on the shoulder. "What's to stop your girl there from just walking away?"
"Or yours if I win right?" Scott smiles at Charlotte, who gives him the finger, but smiles as she does so, making it more of a joke. "You'll have to tie us both up." Says Vanessa, causing both Dave and Charlotte to look at her. She continues, nodding as she does, feeling out the idea even as she voices it. "If we're both tied up, gagged too maybe, then whichever of our guys win we'll just have to wait like good girls to be collected." She giggles, at the joke of it, or at the imagery. To her credit Charlotte giggles too. Then, shaking her head, but smiling, she huffs, resigned. "Okay, sure. Tie us both up why not. One of us." pointing at Vanessa, who gives her the finger, Charlotte blows her a kiss in response. "One of us, will be spending the weekend tied up anyway. I can start now if she can?" She throws the challenge out to Vanessa, who nods. "Sure. Where then?"
"How about the trees?" Charlotte points to the Sycamore, each one with a good sized trunk, ranged along the grass next to where the group are parked. She looks from Scott to the group, winking and giggling. "I guess you boys had better tie us prizes up then."

Scott, perhaps predictably considering the end forfeit was his idea, has a bag full of rope in his boot, which he tosses over to a group of the guys. Jake roots around in the boot of his 07 plate red Astra VXR, and comes up with an elastic band tied bunch of mixed length cable ties. Together they head over to the trees, where Charlotte and Vanessa are already waiting. Charlotte has shrugged off her black hoodie, leaving her wearing a black knee length strap top dress, which has a multicoloured flower pattern on it. She's wearing black converse on her feet. Charlottes wrists are rope bound together in front of her, with a second longer length then being fed through between her wrists, and tied off, before the long slack is thrown up and over one of the thicker horizontal branches, before being tossed over a second time for good measure. The branch is about ten feet high, with a natural kink in it that the thrown rope settles into. Stood directly under it Charlottes wrists are hoisted up into the air, the guys pulling tight to deny her any slack, forcing her to stand straight. Her ankles are also tied together, though not to anything. The rest of her skinny flat chested body is left alone. Finally the tree slung rope is tied off behind her, to a faded signpost. Vanessa backs herself up against a tree, and Jake sets to work with his cable ties. Her wrists are each separately secured to the tops of her legs, the cable tie on each side pressing into the sides of her crotch, with two larger plastic ties going above and below her breasts, making sure her whole arms are held tightly against her. Vanessa grunts quietly each time one of the ties is cinched, as Jake tugs on each one to make sure there is zero slack, causing them to dig into her largely exposed skin, but she offers up no real protest, no plea for less severe treatment. Her ankles and knees, both above and below, are likewise tied together. Finally Jake uses five of his largest cable ties to bind her to the tree. Both above and below her breasts, at her waist, her knees, and her ankles, he wraps and tugs each tie tightly in place both around her and the tree. Stepping back, finished, Jake realises an unexpected effect of all his attention to tightness is that Vanessas top his been pulled tight against her breasts, themselves squashed and squeezed together. Clearly Vanessa isn't wearing any kind of bra, for not only can plenty of cleavage now be seen down the plunging neckline of her top, but both nipples are clearly visible pressed up against the thin fabric. "Oops, sorry." Says Jake, looking around to see that some of the other guys have noticed what's now on display too. Vanessa grimaces slightly, before shrugging. "It's okay."

Both girls are gagged, with a roll of thick silver tape one of the guys finds in his boot. Cloth is stuffed into each mouth first, before the tape is wrapped a half dozen times around each girls head, pinning both Charlotte's curly red and Vanessas long straight hair to their heads. The tape is wrapped tight, first wedged into the open mouth, up against the cloth, then over the top higher and lower, covering both lips and ensuring the mouth is completely sealed.

Whilst all this goes on, some of the others are clustered around Daves 206, helping him to give it the once over before the race. Dave pops the hood, then starts it up and revs the two litre engine gently a couple of times, nodding as he hears the smooth pickup and slightly lumpy idle his newly fitted camshafts make. "Sounds good mate." Comments Smith, nobody actually uses his first name, not even his girlfriend Ivy. "Thanks."
"You sure you've got this mate?" Says Andy quietly, looking puzzled. "Something about that Mercedes, the motor, cant quite figure it but he's hiding something I'm sure."
"I'm sure." Dave is smiling. "Got my new cams bedded in, that girl is as good as mine." He laughs, all bravado, believing himself invincible. The others laugh too, and they all do complicated handshakes before Dave climbs into his car and backs it out from the pack, swinging it around to face the car park exit.

"Ready then?" Asks Scott, standing by the door to his own car. Dave gives him a thumbs up in response. "Okay then." He nods, climbing in and starting his Mercedes up. Andy wanders over, leaning into the open window and gesturing at a black 99 plate Saxo VTS reversing out from the group. "Derek there will wait just off the exit roundabout, to signal the start, and to check on the winner if it looks close. Fair?"
"Fair." Scott nods. "Okay then, see you back here, win or lose right?"
"Sure. I'll be back." Scott grins, and Andy steps back.

The cars leave the car park in convoy. First the Saxo, then Daves 206, with the Mercedes bringing up the rear. The two girls watch them leave. Vanessa seems calm, despite her not exposed but still basically visible breasts, and the digging in cable ties, she stands still, content to wait it seems. Charlotte on the other hand seems to be having second thoughts. Every few minutes she's been tugging on her bound wrists, searching out non existent slack. And she moans through her gag whenever one of the group comes close, appearing as though she's trying to talk to them, which explains why most are giving her a wide berth, since to untie her now would be in breach of the agreed rules. She's the winners prize now. Both girls are.

Leaving the car park, Scott hangs back, allowing the other two cars to pull ahead. Then, with a deafening roar, the Mercedes suddenly surges forwards, closing the gap again in seconds, before reverting back to a more gentle following pace. "Shit." Comments Andy, looking first at the car, then at Charlotte, shaking his head. "What mate. Trouble?" Asks Smith, who happens to be standing next to him. "That 190. The bulge in the bonnet, I've just figured it out. Fuckers got some kind of tuned V8 under there. I think Dave's screwed." Both of them watch silently as Scott's tail lights disappear from view, unsure of just what will happen when the cars return.
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Post by Macher »

I've tended to enjoy reading your work and this is shaping up to another good one. I particularly like the uniqueness of this idea.

On the one hand, I want Scott to lose to bring him down a peg. But on the other hand, I like the dynamic you have with Charlotte realizing what she signed up for and having second thoughts and want to see it continue.

Of course, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. :)
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Post by RopeBunny »


Nobody has to wait long to discover the result. The run usually takes around fifteen minutes, five of which are spent both leaving and returning through the leisure centre at sensible speed, but after eight minutes Andys phone buzzes with an incoming message. "It's Dave." He informs the others, frowning. "His motor gave out on the downhill curve behind town. He's out."
"I'll go." Says Steve, whose Dad owns both a Ford pickup and a car trailer, which he's used to waking up to find his son has borrowed at odd hours. "Okay." Nods Andy, looking across at the two tied girls, frowning again. "I guess we'll handle things here." A couple of the group move their cars so Steve, usually one of the first to arrive, can manoeuvre his silver 07 plate Subaru WRX out, then with his girlfriend Mary he leaves.

"So." Says Andy, with the remaining group members all stood in a loose huddle. "What do we do guys?"
"We cant just let Scott take her." Says Sonya, staring at all the others, before looking sheepishly over her shoulder at the girls, at Charlotte, who still doesn't know her fate is already sealed. "She did sign up to this willingly." Says Henry. "So she knew it could end up this way."
"Yes but...."
"Hold on." Henry holds his hands up towards Sonya, silencing her. "Let me finish. Please."
"Okay. Sorry."
"Its alright. I was going to say. She agreed, and none of us said any different. So she's kind of his now. But." He holds up a finger, making a point. "But. Maybe there's room for negotiation."
"You mean like another bet?" Muses Smith, looking back towards his RS, one of the groups fastest, proven time and time again out on the roads. "I'd had the same thought." A couple of the group nod, double or nothing being something most people have heard of, before turning almost guiltily to look at the remaining ladies present. Smith sees this, and looks with a sad smile at Ivy. "Exactly. Another bet means another of our girls tied up, and another loss means she goes with Scott too." He reaches out, taking her hand, she blows him a kiss back. "It's a big ask."
"I know." Says Ivy, moving to stand next to Smith, cuddling into him. "But I'll do it for Charlotte."
"And if I lose?" He has to say it, even though he flinches as he does, imagining the consequences. Ivy kisses him, before gesturing at Sonya and the other girls present. "If you lose then I guess one of you girls will be joining me over by the trees next. Right?" This last said whilst staring at each of them in turn, making herself clear. If I'm doing this, then all of you must be willing to step up after me, if needed. The others all nod agreement, some looking at the trees as they do. One in all in.

Headlights approaching, just like before, Scott clearly taking his time, savouring the idea of the reaction he must feel seeing his car return first is causing. He brings his Mercedes to a stop side on, like before, and kills the engine before climbing out, smiling as he does, it being hard not to notice Smiths white 87 plate Sierra RS Cosworth moved and parked very obviously now facing the car park exit. He looks at the group, spreading his hands against the semi hostile looks he receives back. "Well." He says, gesturing over at Charlotte. "She did agree."
"We know." Replies Smith. "We all agreed, silently or otherwise. We're not here to fight you on the result. Dave messaged Andy already."
"Yeah? How is his Gti?"
"Fixable, thanks." Smith nods, acknowledging Scotts courtesy in at least asking, not being a wanker by crowing over the victory. "Well then." Scott gestures towards the RS. "Is that yours?"
"It is."
"Moved it for any particular reason?"
"Yes. You know we can't simply let you take our mates girl away for the weekend. Rules or no rules. Right?"
"Yeah, I figured it would never be just the one race if I won." Scott looks at Smith, at Ivy, stood beside him. "You know what a race means, the stakes?" Ivy looks back at him, and nods. "I do."
"Okay then." Scott smiles. "I'm in."

Andy helps Smith give the RS a once over, the old friendly rivalry forgotten. Together they lift the black carbon fibre bonnet and check the engine over with torches, looking for loose wires or pipes. Smith checks his tyre pressures, there isn't much more they can do. Finally they shake hands. "Kick his aRSe mate." Smiles Andy, using the old joke. "I will." Smith smiles back.

Whilst they do this, with Scott staying by his car, looking on, Jake ties up Ivy. Smiths girlfriend is pale, almost to the point of being white. Much curvier then Charlotte, she's wide in the hips and butt, curving in at the stomach, then back out around a good sized bust, though nowhere near Vanessas size. Her shoulder length black hair is dyed blue from about half way down. She has several tattoos on her left arm, from flames around her wrist to a silhouette spooky castle on her bicep. Her nose and eyebrow are pierced on the left side, and she has a ring through each nipple, something the whole group is aware of, since she almost never wears a bra, enjoying the shock value of her rings being visible through whatever tight band tee, usually a size too small on purpose, she has on. What most of the girls know too, because Ivy loves to share, is that she enjoys being led around Smiths flat by those nipple rings, usually whilst her hands are tied behind her. Tonight it's a Black Sabbath classic black tee, with a ripped V in the front, cut off to expose her mostly flat belly. Combined with this is a tiny frayed pair of blue denim shorts, worn over black fishnets with large holes. Jake finds her laid ontop the wooden picnic bench that randomly sits in amongst the trees. "I'm supposed to tie you to a tree." He comments, walking up to her with a handful of rope and stuff. She looks sideways at him, shaking her head. "Nope. Fuck that Jake." Ivy stretches her limbs out, making an X. "tie me up here. Okay?"
"Sure." He shrugs. "You're the boss." Using four lengths of rope Jake ties each of Ivys wrists and ankles to a separate corner of the bench, feeding the rope over and down, making the knots on the benches legs, well out of reach. He ties her wrists first, before taking an ankle in each hand and tugging, pulling Ivy down the bench top, stretching her out tight. Tying her ankles the same way she's now secure, almost like a tabletop decoration. Stood at her feet Jake can't help but notice something. "You know." He comments casually. "From here I can see right up your top."
"I know." Jake can hear the smile in her voice. He shakes his head, crazy girl. "Okay, time to gag you."
"Sure." Ivy opens wide, allowing him to stuff some cloth into her mouth, which he seals in with tape, the same way as with Vanessa and Charlotte. Finished, he stands back, checking his handiwork. Then, before returning to the group he checks on the other two girls. Vanessa is fine, still standing patiently, not struggling, not moaning. "Okay?" He asks, she nods back. "Scott won." He tells her, feeling as though someone should fill her in. "But he's racing again, so I can't untie you yet." She shrugs. He looks at her, she just seems so calm, totally the opposite of Charlotte. "You do care that he's won though?" She pauses, looking at him, before shrugging again. "Okay." He shakes his head, something there. Maybe she just gets a kick out of being tied up with her breasts on display, maybe that's how she spends all her weekends. He moves on to Charlotte, who looks at him with semi pleading eyes, moaning and giving her bound wrists a shake. "I can't Char. I'm sorry." She moans again, hopping a couple of times on the spot. "I'm sorry. I am. Dave lost, you've figured that out I guess. But Smith is racing to win you back." She calms slightly, appearing to just now realise that Ivy is tied up off to her left. Charlotte looks back at Jake, who nods. "That's right, Ivys in the bet too now. If Smith loses she goes with you, and most of the other girls are ready to bet themselves too. He can't beat us all right?" Jake is trying for confidence, but it obviously doesn't inspire Charlotte, who gives her ropes another tug, and moans again, clearly wishing her fate wasn't resting in the hands of others.

With Scott in front, the two cars drive slowly out of the car park, back towards Derek at the start line.
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Post by ichundso »

Loving this so far.
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Post by Neta »

Definitely one of my all time fav's so far
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Post by RopeBunny »


Fifteen minutes later, and both cars return, gliding across the car park at just above idle. Scott stops in his usual spot, whilst Smith brings his RS up to the edge of the group, near the back, parking it next to Warrens bright yellow 03 plate Audi S3. As the two of them climb out, the group turns to Smith. "Mate?" Asks Andy. Smith can only shake his head as he walks over, grimacing. "What happened?" Looking over at Scott, who waves back, grinning like a guy who now has two girls to take home and leer over all weekend. "That 190 is fucking fast on the straight. It can't corner for shit, even that long shallow curve out back, too much power. But everytime the road straightens out, any lead I had he just ate back up."
"So what do we do now?" Asks Henry, pausing, since he's one of the single guys present, before saying it anyway, because one of them has to. "We go again? Do we?"
"Of course we do." Says Sonya. "The only question is," she looks across at Scott. "will he want to go again?"
"She's right." Pipes up Becky, Jakes girl. "We're all of us girls happy to put ourselves forward, to try, but at some point Scott might simply say enough. If he does...."
"If he does." Jake finishes for her. "Then we're screwed."
"So what do we do?"
"We offer another race." Says Andy. "Which realistically I've probably got the best chance of winning. Sorry babe." He shrugs at Sonya, who smiles. "It's okay babe, I know your Type-R is about the quickest of what's left."
"So I race him then, whatever it takes right?"
"Right." Agrees Jake, with the others nodding along. "In the meantime though." Continues Andy. "Warren. You go find Bob. That R32 is the quickest car we know, maybe even the quickest car in town. Get Bob here now."
"Right." Agrees Warren, looking like he wants to say more. Andy nods, knowing what's on his mind, saying it for him. "Its okay mate. I know your M3 can take my Type-R most days. But you're single right now, so it's no good. Go get Bob. Please."
"Okay. Sorry." Warren says, to the girls mostly, a couple of them nod back in understanding. He climbs into his dark green 96 plate M3, and drives away, as Andy and the rest of the group head over to Scott.

"Past his bedtime is it?" Scott says, smiling, nodding after Warrens disappearing tail lights. "Something like that." Replies Andy. "So then Scott, two for two huh."
"Yep." Scott pats the roof of his Mercedes affectionately. "Think I might go check out my prizes, maybe even call it a night."
"Already? Got room in the back for three don't you?" Scott looks from Andy to Sonya, then at Andys Type-R. "Offering to be the next loser?"
"Nope." Trying to lure Scott in with some cocky bravado. "Those other two, just warm up acts. That there," pointing at his car, where it sits under a street light in all its white low slung high spoiler glory "that there is the fastest car in this group."
"Is that right?"
"Yep. Come on out on the road. I'll show you."
"Yeah?" Said with a half shrug half yawn, pretending. "And what if I dont want to?"
"Okay then." Andy drops his playful smile. "Let's cut the crap. I. Which is to say we." Gesturing at the group around him. "We feel like we deserve at least two or three more runs against that German tank of yours."
"You do huh?"
"We do. The tying up was your idea. And we agreed. You kept that V8 pretty well hidden." He sees Scott smiling. "Yeah, very clever of you. So now maybe it's time to be a good man. What do you say?"
"Two more races huh?"
"Or three."
"Two I think." Scott smiles, knowing he holds the cards here in this negotiation. Andy, knowing it too, holds up his hands. "Okay. Two more. You win both we'll all step aside, and off you go with your prizes."
"And if you win, or whoever comes after you?"
"Then we win our girls back, plus the winner gets yours too right?"
"Right." Scott nods, with a smile building as he holds up a finger. "But. As the winner, and since I'm doing you all a favour agreeing to two more races, I think I need a little something extra for them."
"Yeah?" Andy looks at Sonya, who he's putting directly in the firing line. "What do you think you need?"
"Well." Smiling wider now. "I think I want your girl there tied up naked whilst we race. And if I win, then she stays naked for the weekend."

Predictably, Andy lunges for Scott, and has to be held back by several of the others, settling for throwing a number of choice words at him instead. Inbetween them steps Sonya. "I'll do it." She tells Scott. "You're a prick, I think, but I'll do it."
"Okay." He shrugs, not bothered by her opinion of him. Sonya turns to Andy, and takes his hand, leading him slightly away from the group, who let him go. "You can't." He says to her, facing her with both her hands held in his. "Babe. I can't let you go to his house naked. There has to be another way."
"But there isn't." She kisses him. "It's the only path left." Nodding towards Scott, stood by his car still. "His call, his play. We agree or Charlotte and Ivy are already lost."
"I'll just have to win then." Half smiling. "It would certainly be helpful if you could." Smiling back. "And if I don't...."
"If you don't...."
"Let's hope Bob shows up huh." They kiss, and hug for luck, before parting ways. Andy goes to his car, where several of the group are waiting to help him prep, whilst Sonya wanders towards the trees.

Becky is there waiting for her, no Jake this time considering what Sonya needs to do. She picks a tree in the middle, slightly closer to Vanessa on the one side then she is to Charlotte on the other. The picnic bench, with its Ivy decoration, is between her and Charlotte, but behind, so neither girl will easily be able to see the other. Luckily it's a typical warm summers night. Sonya strips off her grey gym leggings, her white Mugan tee, and her matching white underwear. She hands all this to Becky, who puts it into a bag for safe keeping, alongside Sonyas phone and keys. Sonya is of average build, with a toned body that comes from her job as a fitness coach at a local private gym. Her dyed white hair is cut short, to avoid having to keep tying it back at work. She has visible tan lines from sessions spent on the sunbeds at work. Two small white triangles sit over each toned above average sized pert breast, with a smaller triangle on the shaved area between her legs. The rest of her body is deeply taned. She backs up to the tree, and Becky gets to work. First Sonyas wrists are rope tied off behind the trunk, then to the trunk, securing her in place with just the first rope. Next comes the gag. Becky stuffs Sonyas own pants into her mouth, without the other girl even realising it isn't just another piece of cloth like with the other three girls, before tape is again used to seal it in place. Becky is a big girl, nowhere near as toned, carrying a fair amount of extra weight. As such she's always been somewhat jealous of Sonya, and so takes the chance now for some revenge, as she sees it, or at least to vent her frustration that Sonya is so much prettier. With a second length of rope Becky ties Sonyas elbows, yanking to force them together, pulling Sonya back tightly against the trunk. Sonya grunts, and behind her Becky smiles. Next are her legs. Rope around the ankles, and the knees, all connected to the trunk, all tied and yanked tightly to hold her naked friend in place. Finally, although nothing more is needed, Becky wraps rope around Sonyas chest, above and below her breasts, getting quite a thrill out of having to repeatedly touch Sonyas breasts in order to move them, lest the rope pinch or catch them badly. Sonya moans through most of this, not understanding Beckys attention to detail, not understanding why she's being bound so securely. But Becky ignores her, and keeps working. Then, finished, she steps back. "Okay?" Sonya moans, clearly not comfortable. "Good." Becky nods, as though everything was fine, and wanders off. On her way back to the group she looks over at the other girls. Vanessa is still standing calmly, still secured. One of the single guys, Paul, has wandered over and seems to be talking to her, or taking the chance to get a close up look at her breasts, or both. Charlotte seems to of calmed down, or simply worn herself out, as she is also silent, staring off towards the car park. Ivy is still tightly X tied on the bench, it looks like she's staring straight up, at the occasional passing cloud, and at the stars beyond. Becky decides to go and sit with her. She could do with a smoke, and luckily has some weed on her. She knows Ivy likes to smoke too, so maybe if she loosens or removes the gag they can share one. Smiling she changes course, heading over.

Just like last time, the two cars fire up their engines, and drive towards the exit, and Derek waiting at the start.
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Post by RopeBunny »


A single set of headlights appears at the car park entrance, just as Smiths phone rings. As the car begins it's slow approach, Smith answers. "Derek. Yes. Say again. Shit. Okay. Yeah, I got it. Yeah come on back." He turns to the group, looking glum. "That was Derek. He was watching the final roundabout, before the straight dual carriageway run to the finish line. Scott appeared first, cutting the middle line, but then Andy appeared out of nowhere, VTEC all but screaming he said. Andy tried to come past on the corner, and he did, but Derek said he couldn't make the final left turn off the roundabout at the speed he was going. His Type-R hit the curb, ripped his front bumper clean off, might've broken his drivers side front suspension too. He just saw him, Andy's going to limp it home."
"So then." Says Jake, nodding at the headlights, now almost arrived. "Scott won again."
"Yeah." Smith shakes his head, looking around at the remaining cars. "Ash mate. How's the new motor?"
"In an ideal world." Replies Ash, stood next to his classic stripped out mark one 84 plate black Astra GTE, a long term project, almost finished when a week ago he'd finally saved enough to drop in a two litre race tuned turbo motor, with added piping to hold a fair sized shot of nitrous. "In an ideal world I'd spend another week or two bedding it in. But." He hugs his girlfriend Jessie closer to him. "If we need to take this guy then my setup is probably our best chance. So we'll just turn it up and pray it holds together for one run." He smiles, as does Jessie. "My turn then?"
"Sorry babe." She shrugs. And Scott finally arrives.

He pulls up, as always, shutting off his car and climbing out, grinning. "Well then." Looking over the group, rubbing his hands together. "Which one of you is my last race?"

As if on cue, headlights appear at the entrance.

Moving slowly closer. Then, suddenly, a second set appears behind, darting to the side to overtake, and with an angry howl Bobs blood red 90 plate R32 twin turbo Skyline comes storming up the car park, a hissing crash sounding briefly as the dump valve engages on the gear change. Low slung, with fat rear tyres and a huge black custom rear spoiler, red neon lights shine out from underneath on all four sides. As it approaches the engine barks down through the gears, emitting pops from the exhaust as it does. The R32 comes to a stop parked side on to Scotts Mercedes, blocking his path. With the engine resting at a slightly lumpy low growl idle, the drivers door pops, and out climbs Bob.

Still wearing the black steel toed boots and dark blue boiler suit from work, although the suits top half is unzipped and pushed down, tied around the waist to expose a white vest top. Bob works as a mechanic at her Dads local road haulage depot, and so is still covered in smears of oil and grease. Bob. Five foot four, skinny, blonde hair tied back in a loose tail, her big breasts showing clearly around and between the dirty white top, almost spilling out of her pale blue bra, also quite visible. She walks around the front of her car, staring at Scott the whole time. She stops about six feet away, and spits a wad of gum in the general direction of his car. "You're the one fucking about with my friends huh?" She asks, scowling at him. "And you are?" Asks Scott, looking from Bob to her car to the gum laying on the floor next to one of his front tyres. "I'm Bob."
"My Dad wanted a boy, it's a nickname. Hi guys." She says, turning to smile and wave at the group, who wave back. "So." Returning her attention to Scott, gesturing out towards the trees. "Going to give me a chance to win my friends back then?"
"You're my last race?" Scott can't seem to catch himself up with everything that's just happened. "But this group...."
"I'm part of this group." Bob cuts him off. "I was told one more race." She looks to the group, her friends. "Right?" They all nod. She turns back to Scott. "Right?"
"Right." He nods too, his brain more engaged. "So it's you and me to decide this then?"
"Yes. Same course, same rules."
"Same rules?" A crafty smile spreads across Scotts face. "Same forfeits, everything as agreed?"
"Sure." Bob nods, not seeing what Scott has seen. "When I win, I'll be happy to take your girl over there home with me."
"But there's a problem."
"Care to fill me in?"
"Of course." Now he's grinning, almost laughing. "You've got no girlfriend to put up, nobody to tie over there as per the rules."

Bob looks again at the trees, then at Scott, then the group, frowning. She raced over here after only the briefest talk with Warren, so she didn't have all the facts. To their credit a couple of the girls, including Jessie, have taken a couple of steps forwards already, but Bob waves them back, before turning to Scott again. "You're right, Scott. No girlfriend. But I'm a girl. Right? So, if I lose, you'll simply get me." She smiles sweetly at him. "You'll even get to tie me up yourself this way."
"Well." Thinking. "That does sound appealing, and fair. I guess. But." Holding up a finger, making a point, winking at her. "The last girl to get tied up, we all agreed that the final two would be naked." And he grins at her, sure he's found an obstacle. Several of the group gasps as they realise what Scott's implying. But Bob simply shrugs. "Fine." And she undresses. Kneeling, she unties each boot in turn, kicking them off, along with her socks. Then she stands, and unties her boiler suit, shrugging it off, letting it puddle at her feet, exposing toned legs and a small black thong. The vest top is pulled up over her head, and discarded next to her. Lastly comes the underwear, her bra she drops ontop of her top, freeing her large pert breasts, almost a match for Vanessas, topped with dark pink nipples that harden in the fresh air. Finally Bob steps out of her thong, which she throws at Scott. "Happy now?" She does a small twirl. "This fit into your rules does it?"
"Almost." Scott is doing his best not to stare, as are most of the group. "Almost?" Bob raises an eyebrow at him. "What else is there?"
"Well." He pauses, before taking the plunge. "You're naked, but that's only half of it right."
"Yes. But I can't be tied up to a tree and race you at the same time, can I."
"Not tied up. But." Scott retreats to his boot, opening it, retrieving something, then returning. He dangles a ball gag towards her. "I want you to wear this." It's a red ball gag, the rubber ball being above average size, with a black leather strap and a silver buckle. A small open padlock hangs off the buckle. "Lock yourself in, then we'll race." He tells her, smiling. "If you win then I'll hand over the key, and you get my girl too. But if I win then you're already partly tied up, and that gag will stop you from protesting when I tie you up and bundle you into my boot."
"Fine." Says Bob, huffing. "Just hand it over. You've got some fucked up ideas you know." Scott grins, handing over the gag, which Bob, with some effort, manages to squeeze into her mouth. "Tight now." Scott says, as she fiddles with the buckle behind her. Bob gives him the finger, to which he laughs, but she yanks harder on the buckle, tightening the gag by an extra couple of holes, causing the leather to dig into the sides of her pink lips, before securing the strap. Lastly she clicks the padlock into place, surrendering that part of her freedom until at least after the race, if not the whole weekend.

Gagged, and naked, Bob glares at Scott, gesturing to their cars. "Sure." He replies, smiling. "Let's go." By this point Derek, who had been arriving until Bob screamed past him, has gotten back into his car, and driven back to the starting line. The two of them climb in. Whilst Bob turns her Skyline around Scott begins heading for the exit, with her soon heading off behind him. Watching them go the rest of the group can only look at each other, shaking their heads at how everything has just gone down.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Final chapter.

Fifteen minutes, a lifetime when you're waiting for the fate of those you care about to be decided. The group waits, and holds its breath.

A few in the group, girls and boys, are all for untying the girls, or at least the three from the group, and running. Just incase they say. But Smith, along with Ash and Jessie, stamp it down. No, Smith says, I want to protect my girl, we all do, but if we run, and Bob loses, how much worse might it be for her if she's the only girl Scott has. So they wait.

Headlights. Just the one pair, and unfortunately familiar looking too. Collectively the groups heart sinks, it's Scott, returning victorious for the final time. Smith, the only loser to actually make it back without a wrecked car, looks over at the tree line. Charlotte Vanessa and Sonya are all watching the headlights, though he can't be sure whether any of them realise who it is, and what that could mean for them. Only Ivy, his girlfriend, isn't looking. Becky is still sat with the bench top bound Goth, sharing her weed now that Ivys gag is removed. Both girls are currently giggling like schoolgirls, as if everything's normal. As though Ivy isn't tightly rope bound to a bench, almost certainly minutes away now from a weekend spent chained up and possibly naked in a strangers house. Smith shakes his head. He can't go over there. What would he even say to her.

Suddenly, in a weird repeat of a half hour ago, a second set of headlights darts out from behind the first, and Bob's Skyline once again howls its way across the car park. Both cars come to a stand almost side by side, nose on to the group.

Bob is out of her car, and halfway to Scott's door, by the time he's shut down his motor and climbed out. Still naked, still ballgagged, she plants herself infront of him, glaring, as she gestures for the keys. Scott, looking quite deflated compared to his previous returns, digs in his pocket, handing over a small dirty silver key. Bob unlocks the gag, virtually spitting it out onto the ground, before flexing her jaw a couple of times. Then she faces the group, spotting Jessie holding a familiar looking bundle. "My clothes Jess." She asks, holding out her hands. Jessie tosses them over. "Thanks girl." Bob ignores her bra, instead putting on her thong, before stepping into her boiler suit and tying it off around her waist, she shrugs on her vest top, then kneels to put her heavy black boots back on. Whilst she does this Smith asks what the whole group needs to know. "Well?" Bob smiles back at him, giving a single nod, and the group goes wild, causing Scott to look even more glum. Dressed, Bob stands up, and approaches him.

She offers her hand, which after a moments hesitation he shakes. "Hey." She says. "Good race. Even if you are a bit of a jerk." He smiles. "Thanks. You too."
"What?" Sticking her tounge out, winning has put her in a good mood. "Me too I'm a jerk?"
"No." He shakes his head, waving it away. "Good race I meant."
"I know." Dropping her smile, becoming serious. "Time for you to go now though, right?"
"Yeah." Scott grimaces, about to deliver bad news. "It isn't that easy though I'm afraid."
"No. Sorry."
"Go on and explain then. How is it more difficult then I won, you lost, so now I get your girl for the weekend?"
"She isn't actually my girl."
"How can she not be your girl?" Bob looks around at the group, who were all here from the beginning. Most are shaking their heads, looking confused. Scott sighs, gesturing over at her. "She's an escort." Bob only shrugs, waiting for him to continue, so he does, spilling the whole truth out. "I had this idea, to find some racers, people I could beat with what I've got." Patting his roof. "I hired Carman...."
"Even that might not be her real name. Anyway. I hired her for the evening. I needed a hook, to get you all to agree to the forfeit. So I told her what to say, when to suggest it, and at the end I'd untie her, she'd go to wherever she goes, and I'd take my prizes home."
"But it didn't quite work out that way huh."
"No." He shakes his head. "So I'm afraid you can't have my girl, because there is no my girl."

Bob shakes her head, but she's smiling. "No Scott. I'm sorry."
"You are?" Confused. "Why?"
"I'm sorry because I'm about to cost you some money." Scott takes a step forward, trying to come between Bob and his Mercedes, believing she means it harm. But she only laughs. "Not your car. Nobody here could ever do that, we all know how much a car means, all that work and effort." Most of the group are nodding. "No Scott. Let me be clear. What I meant was: I won, and Vanessa, whilst she might be an escort, is still your girl. So you're going to hand over some cash now, like a good boy, so that when I let her go on Sunday I can pay her for her time."
"And if I dont?"
"Well then." And Bob gestures around her, at her group, who've always got her back. "Then we'll just have to come and take the money."
"Fine." Scott, looking around, knows when he's lost. He huffs, but digs into his from jeans pocket as he does, coming up with a wad of bills, which he reluctantly hands over. "Good man." Bob smiles. "Off you go then." With a final look up at the trees, and a shake of his head at how close he was to winning himself some chained up girls, Scott climbs into his car and leaves.

"Well then." Smith comments, from beside Bob, as they both watch Scott drive away. "That was quite some night."
"Thanks Bob." He looks over at her. "Thanks for having our backs tonight."
"It's all good." She waves the praise away with a smile, before grimacing. "Could've done without getting naked though."
"Yeah." Smith looks embarrassed, as do most of the group, nobody can quite look Bob in the eye right now, after seeing her naked in such circumstances. Beside him, she flexes her jaw. "I can still feel that damn gag too."
"Well." Searching for the right thing to say. "It was big."
"It was fucking huge."
"Did you know you'd win?"
"Fuck no." She laughs. "I might be the quickest here, and I win far more then I lose when me and Dad trailer the Skyline up to Santa Pod, but there's just so much you can do to a yank V8." She shakes her head. "No telling how much power he had."
"So you could've lost?"
"Yes." She nods, serious. "It was close out there. Scott knows how to drive, I'll say that." Smith nods, remembering. "So if you'd lost...." Bob looks across at him, gesturing. "If I'd lost, what?"
"Exactly. If you'd lost, what then?"
"Then." Bob looks towards the trees, shaking her head. "Then I'd of been his, all weekend, along with Ivy and all the other girls there."
"That's it?"
"Those were the rules. Weren't they?"
"They were. Sure. But. I thought?"
"Thought what? No Smith. No fight, no running. If you lose you lose. Time to pay up." She looks at her Skyline, and smiles. "Or else why fucking race in the first place. Come on." Nudging him. "Let's go get the girls." Smith nods, a smile building in his face, as they walk over to the trees.

Most of the group have already left, it being late by now. Both Charlotte and Sonya are nowhere to be seen, having been untied, and in Sonyas case given her clothes back, before being given lifts with friends. Becky has already untied Ivy, having not been too stoned to see how it was all playing out. Ivy jumps on Smith, and they kiss, with Becky wandering off towards Jake, waiting by his car. Smith looks at Bob. "We can stay, help with Vanessa"
"You mean Carmen right?" Bob grins, and Smith grins back. "Nah." Shaking her head. "I've got this, you two go home."
"Okay sure. See you around."
Bob raises a hand in farewell, and wanders towards Vanessa, the final tied girl left.

"So." Bob says, having done a slow circuit of the tree bound girl, before stopping face on to her. "As you can see, I won." Vanessa makes a noise through the gag, and shrugs. "Here, hold on." Bob steps forwards, close enough that her large breasts are temporarily squashed against Vanessas. Undoing the other girls gag, Bob tosses it to the floor, before stepping back. "Better?"
"Yes." Vanessa nods. "Thank you. So. Who beat him?"
"What. Your not boyfriend?"
"Yes." She shakes her head. "Was it you?"
"It was." Bob does a little bow, which Vanessa giggles at, before asking. "So you know then?"
"I do."
"About what I am?"
"So. Um." Vanessa looks down at herself, at all the cable ties still digging into her. "Are you going to untie me then?"
"Sure. Sorry." Bob steps forwards, removing a pair of cutters Smith loaned her from a boiler suit pocket. "Hold still." Bob works from the bottom up, but only cuts the ties holding Vanessa to the tree. Her wrists remain attached to the tops of her legs, likewise large ties still dig in above and below her breasts, and her legs are still effectively hobbled. "There." Says Bob, stepping back. "All done."
"Really?" Vanessa looks at her, before looking down at her obviously still bound body. "All done. Are you sure."
"Yep." Bob is smiling, whilst Vanessa seems to be getting slightly worked up. She hops on the spot a couple of times, making her breasts bounce. Bob claps. "That was awesome. Can you do it again?"
"No." Scowling. "I can't." Vanessa stops, trying to calm down. "What's your name?"
"Bob, really?" Bob nods, so Vanessa shrugs as best she can. "Okay. Bob. I'm Carmen."
"Scott did say."
"Okay. Good. Anyway. Look. We both know I'm still tied up." At which point Bob giggles, and Carmen can't help but smile slightly too. "We both also know that you can't keep me. Right?"
"I can't?"
"No. Scott only paid me for the evening."
"So I should untie you then huh?"
"Please. I know about the bet. And I am sorry he conned you. But I wasn't a part of it all. Not really."
"So you're not enjoying being tied up then?"
"I didn't say I wasn't enjoying it."
"And you dont want to come spend the weekend tied up at my flat?"
"I didn't say that either." Carmen looks Bob up and down, a small smile growing on her lips as she does. "I said.... hey.... where are you going?" Bob, halfway through Carmen speaking, simply turned and started walking back towards her car. "Hey." Carmen shouts after her again. But Bob only turns around, walking backwards now. "What?" She says, hands up, pretending to not understand, before turning around again. At her car, Bob leans on the bonnet, waiting. "Fine." Huffs Carmen, knowing when she's lost. Slowly, taking her time so she doesn't trip, she hops her bound way over to Bob, who watches her come, smiling.

"Happy?" Asks a slightly out of breath Carmen, finally reaching the car. Bob nods, grinning. "I am." She opens the passenger door. "Come on then, in you get."
"But what?"
"But." Carmen looks at Bob, who smiles sweetly back. "Fucks sake. Are we really going to go through it all again?"
"Through all what?" Bob looks at her, trying to be deadpan, before laughing. "No. Sorry. I'm only playing with you. Here." She pulls out the wad of cash from her pocket, holding it up for Carmen to see. "Is that for me?"
"Yes. From Scott."
"I see." She looks down at herself, as everything dawns. "And that's why I'm still tied. Right?"
"Yes." Bob takes the cutters back out of her pocket. "But. I dont want you for the weekend just because Scott paid you, because I forced him too. If you don't want to come and play tie ups with me, then say, and I'll free you now, drive you home." Carmen looks Bob up and down, again, taking in her figure. "Tie ups huh?" She smiles. "So how do we play tie ups?"
"I guess we take turns. See who sucks at freeing themselves. See who can tie a better knot."
"Hmm. That sounds fun." Carmen nods. "Sure." She hops over to the door, not asking to be untied first, and manoeuvres herself into the passenger seat. Bob closes the door, and walks round, climbing in herself. As she fires up the engine Carmen asks her. "So how come you want to play taking turns? Have you been tied up before?"
"No." Bob shakes her head. "But I had to gag myself earlier, naked, for the race. And, I don't know, it felt good. I fancy trying again is all."
"Anyway, let's get some sleep first. I dont have any tie up kit, but I'm sure we can find some at the hardware store tomorrow."
"Just one thing." Carmen says, as Bob exits the Leisure centre, speeding up onto the dual carriageway. "Yes?"
"Just when are you going to untie me?"
"Hmm." Bob smiles. "Maybe in the morning."
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Post by Miyuki »

thank you alot for this awesome story :)
i literally have no plan of cars, but you still made this story so exciting to read...
loved the detailed describtions of the dialogues... the characters especially there outfits and last but not least the bondage :)
i wasnt even sure who i should cheer for :D

i'd love to see a future story, with Bob and Carmen as they try out there tie up games :P

Great story <3
- Does this cloth smells like chloroform to you? MMmmmhhfff -
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