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Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
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Post by GoBucks »

I really like how you threw in a throwback to show when Steven first started developing feelings for Nick in high school and how there were little hints of their sub/dom nature back then even if they didn't realize it. Nick is a man of his word and if he said Steven was going to be his bitch, it was *bound* to happen. Kinda wish I'd have a similar experience with one of the jocks from when I was in school ;)
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Post by TiedNW »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago Image
I’d love to spend the night in that bag!
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Chapter 124 – Mind, Body and Soul

Sunday, April 23 (10:20 PM)

I got a full measure of just how strong and muscular my boyfriend really was when he suddenly scooped me off my feet and lifted me off the floor with no more difficulty than you would moving a chair or a pillow.

A large hand suddenly cupped the back of my head and lifted my face up towards his.
Our lips met and the hunk locked his mouth over mine, plunging his tongue deep into my oral cavity.
He was a little aggressive, but I liked that.

By the time he broke the kiss, I was being delicately laid face up on the bed.
Another kiss followed, but this one was planted over my forehead.

These demonstrations of affection were especially rare coming from Nick.
But that only served to make them all the more precious and enjoyable.

I laid speechless on the bed, but had to crane my head up when the super hunky blond stud pulled away to dim the bedroom lights down.

My heart was beating like crazy and my limbs were shaking.
As much as I loved the man and as much as he turned me on, I wasn't actually looking forward to being ripped open by his huge, monster sized-cock.

With the bedroom lighting now dimmed down, Nick slowly made his way back to the bed, allowing me to lay eyes on him and absorb the greatness of his presence.

His muscles were pumped up and his shirtless body looked poised for a fight.
His pecs and shoulders were huge, and I couldn't get over how thick and muscular his biceps had gotten since last summer. He was already super muscular back then, but now he was just MASSIVE!

The giant, super beefy 6'4'' muscle-god was horny as HELL tonight.

A big wet stop had formed in front of his silky wind pants, which, not-so-surprisingly, coincided almost perfectly with the tip of the HUGE tent his angry boner was making.
The fact that he was still wearing his dreadfully worn-out basketball shoes didn't fail to catch my attention.
I'm not sure why, but for some reason I found that really hot.

The horny sex-beast licked his lips and eyed me like a hungry predator eyeing his next meal.

He walked up to the foot of the bed.
I smiled nervously as he approached.

He licked his lips a second time, then grabbed my satin shorts and yanked them off, exposing my near-naked jockstrap-clad form.

"Hrrrrmmmm...." he growled, throwing my shorts to the floor and climbing onto the bed.

His large muscles glistened under the soft bedroom light, and his silky wind pants swooshed noisily as he crawled over my immobile form.

I was paralyzed. Terrified. Mesmerized.

My horny muscle-King's engorged boner dangled left and right as he straddled my puny form.
He was crazy turned on. I could tell by the way the throbbing monster between his legs was smearing precum all over the front of his nylon pants.

The jock looked up above my head, towards the bed's adorned headrest.
I moaned and whimpered to get his attention, but he ignored me.
Instead, he grabbed all the pillows from the top of the bed and placed them underneath and around my head.

Again, I was taken off guard when he suddenly clamped a huge hand around my neck and bent down to kiss me.

Our lips met and our tongues tangled.
Even though I was pinned down to the pillows beneath me, I managed to fight back and managed to slip my tongue inside his mouth.

My triumph was short-lived though, and before I knew it, I was back to being on the defensive.
My relatively small oral cavity was invaded by my Master's aggressive tongue, causing me to gag and leaving almost no room for my own.

Our saliva mixed and our heartbeats grew faster.
Nick broke the kiss again, but this time, used his tongue and lips to taste my skin, all the way from my left ear and right down to my collarbone.

I moaned under his ministrations, but the dominant stallion simply responded by absentmindedly clamping his right hand over my face, effectively shutting me up.

" smell good babe." he whispered, causing me to smile and giggle underneath his fleshy palm.
The rough stubble on his chin tickled my skin and his constant growling sent shivers and light tingles across my spine.

My mouth and face were quickly released when the hunk curled his hand up into a ball and planted it above my head to help support his heavy, broad-shouldered torso.

I opened my eyes to look at the handsome man who was kissing my lower neck and collarbone, and slowly raised my hands up to caress his hard abdomen and chest.

Closing my eyes once more, I allowed my head to sink back against the well-stuffed pillows and gripped the bed sheets between my fingers before letting out a soft whimper.
"Mmhhh...Daddy." I ended up moaning underneath my breath.

If calling my lover "Daddy" bothered him at all, then he did a more-than-adequate job at hiding it, cause he just kept on kissing my neck and growling like an animal.

Our mouths locked together for a third time until Nick finally decided it was time to move forward...

He crawled down to where my thighs were resting and ordered me to flip over so that I'd be lying on my stomach.

I obeyed and was immediately rewarded with a hard smack on the ass.
I yelped, but the hunk ignored me.

"Mhhhhrrr...fuck!" he growled, sounding as though he genuinely enjoyed what he was seeing.

A big pair of warm hands suddenly grabbed both my ass cheeks and spread them apart, 'causing my whole body to tense up.

"You shouldn't be wearing tight little jockstraps when I'm around, babe." he warned. "Now you're in serious trouble."

My very muscular, well-endowed boyfriend lowered his mouth over my ass and allowed a stream of saliva to seep down from his pursed lips. I felt a sticky wetness against my back entrance and then felt a pair of large fingers toying with my sensitive orifice.

As much as I loved the man to bits, I was NOT looking forward to this.
Fortunately, or rather, unfortunately...depending on how you saw it, Nick had something else in mind for me tonight.

"Don't move." he growled, right before giving me a hard smack on the ass and climbing up off the bed.

I watched the dominant Alpha-hunk walk over to the bedroom closet and heard him rummaging through stuff.
At first I was a little curious.
But my curiosity died out and my apprehension skyrocketed when I saw him emerge from the closet and come at me with a huge roll of extra wide duct tape in his hands. The same industrial-grade, heavy-duty stuff he used for work...

My face immediately contorted into a frightful expression, but the hunk didn't care.
"Come here. On your feet!" he ordered, frowning slightly and adopting a much more serious expression while motioning for me to approach.

I obeyed, got off the bed and stood my full five-feet seven-inches in front of the testosterone-packed stud.
With the top of my head only reaching his chin and my shoulder width barely as broad as his chest, I was truly dwarfed by the superior male in front of me.

Nick said nothing as I positioned myself in front of him.
He just unwound the super wide roll of heavy-duty tape and slapped it over my bare chest before slowly pulling it around my upper arms and torso.

The screeching noise wasn't quite as loud or as high pitched as what you might've expected if you were more accustomed to mid-grade store brand duct tape. This was the good stuff, and the screeching noise it made was much, MUCH lower pitched and resembled a deep growl more than anything else.

The super sticky silver stuff was wrapped five times around my arms and upper chest before being severed.
I gave Nick my best set of puppy eyes, but he ignored them and simply repeated the process, this time slapping the wide tape over my stomach and wrapping it around my forearms and abdomen.

He wasn't being too gentle about it either.
In fact, he was putting all his muscle into it and making sure the tape was pulled extra tight around my helpless, scrawny little frame.

The process was repeated over and over until he reached my calves.
In a matter of minutes, my body was tightly taped up and restrained like a mummy; arms to my sides and legs trapped together.

Whatever he had planned, there'd be no escaping for me.

The powerful jock lifted me up and tossed my newly-sausaged form down onto his mattress.
I tried to wiggle away, but a huge hand wrapped itself around my ankles and the super-wide silver tape quickly took care of trapping them together.

My boyfriend's huge arm muscles bulged as he wrapped the strong adhesive layers around my lower limbs.
He spent a whole minute securing my ankles together and must've wrapped the tape around them at least twenty times, if not more...

"You're not going anywhere, kiddo." he growled, inexplicable anger and frustration dripping from his voice as he brought the heavy-duty industrial-grade duct tape around for another five passes around my ankles.

As if being trapped under a huge muscle-man that weighed over a hundred pounds more than I did wasn't enough, I was now bundled up and duct taped like a fuckin' sausage.

I craned my head up and looked down to admire my domineering captor's work.
I wiggled left and right, muscles straining to break free.

The tape wouldn't give though. Not for a second.

The stud smirked cockily as he observed his now-tightly bundled up prisoner's attempts to flee.

He licked his lips and stood up next to bed, towering over my useless and very much defenseless form.

His forehead, pecs and abs glistened with sweat from the exertion of taping my up so tight, and from the way his rigid tent was bobbing left and right, the giant monster in his pants now appeared to be angrier than ever!

The sweaty beast climbed back on the bed and crouched over me, slowly eyeing my scrawny form up and down with a gaze only matched by the fiercest of predators.

I was fucked.

The construction worker's huge hands reached down, and curious fingers quickly began trailing circles around my exposed nipples. My struggles to break free became frantic when I realised what the blond god was about to do to me.

It's a good thing those sleeping pills were so effective, 'cause Jeremy would've been wondering what the hell was going on over in the Master bedroom.

Even though Nick was ordering me to be quiet, I couldn't help but yelp and cry out as his large fingers squeezed my nipples and tickled my inner thighs and ribcage.

"Naaahhh! Naahh! Aaaahh...nn..NAAAAAH! Ghhhaahahaha!" I screamed, practically losing it when the buff muscle-man's fingers began an offensive campaign against both sides of my engorged jockstrap pouch.

Apparently my frantic screams and cries for mercy were getting out of hand, 'cause Nick suddenly stopped and reached down to the floor before grabbing the huge pair of smelly white Calvin Klein briefs I'd been caught sniffing during his absence.


"mmNO!" I immediately cried out, twisting my head left and right in an attempt to get away from my dominant boyfriend's giant boxers.

Strong fingers clamped themselves under my jaw and forced me to look straight up towards the approaching wad of foul-smelling Alpha-male loincloth.

Eyes wide in panic, I clamped my mouth shut and crinkled my nose up in disgust.
The boxers were twice as big as my head!
I knew Nick wouldn't be able to fit them in, but that didn't stop him from bunching them up into a huge wad and pressing them down over my helpless face.

"Uugggghmm!" I cried out, unable to cope with the potent musk coming out of his briefs.

"Wanna spend the night chewing on those? Eh?! Want me to stuff my smelly boxers down your yapper?!" Nick threatened, pulling the putrid briefs away from my face so that I could formulate an answer.

"Mmmnooo!" I instantly pleaded, unable to stop myself from crinkling my nose up even further.

"Then zip it!" the blond god finally barked, tightening his grip around my jaw and pointing his index finger straight down at my face.
"Hey! I said zip it! ONE more peep from you, and you're gonna spend the rest of the night chowing down on my briefs!" he growled, frowning down at me and bringing his giant Calvins back into view.

The hunk let go of my face and tossed his boxers down to the mattress.
I averted my eyes down, frowned and huffed in frustration.
This wasn't fair and he knew it.

For some reason I expected things to calm down after that.
But apparently, the fun hadn't even STARTED yet.

The grumpy, 240-pound Alpha bull straddled my heavily restrained form and sat down over my stomach before digging his fingers into my crotch once more.
What's worse...this time, I wasn't even allowed laughing!

Of course, I laughed anyways, and Nick wasn't heartless to the point of carrying out his initial threat.
He did stop to glare at me once or twice, but so long as I kept my cries and moans to a minimum, I'd retain my freedom of speech.

Things got really out of hand when he finally grabbed my bound ankles and dug his fingers into my vulnerable soles. I practically lost it and nearly pissed myself so much I was struggling to contain my laughter.

By the time the ordeal stopped, I was sweaty and exhausted beyond belief.

The hunky muscle-god's huge boner-tent bounced left and right as he crawled over to where my head was resting.
He wrapped his hand around my throat and gently crouched down to kiss my mouth.
Our lips locked, but I was too exhausted to battle his tongue. I just lied there and surrendered my oral cavity to him, no longer willing to fight a battle I had no chance of winning.
He was the boss and he knew it.

I thought I knew this guy so well. But as it turns out, in bed, he was full of surprises.
The constant dancing between strict and soft kept me on my toes and had me alternating between fear and joy...or something like that. Nick was definitely the Master. Both in AND out of bed.

The massive, muscle-bound stallion finally looked down at me and gently ran the back of his fingers against my left cheek. "You ready for the main course, babe?" he asked, his deep, masculine voice sounding oh-so-sweet to my receptive ears.

I swallowed hard and nodded my head 'yes'.
But the look on my face must've betrayed just how frightened and apprehensive I was.

"'s okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." he promised, gently placing a hand on my left shoulder and rubbing my cheek with his other hand at the same time.
"I was gentle with you on Friday, wasn't I?" he asked, referring to our first time together under the stars.

"Um hum."

"I'll be gentle with you tonight as well." he told me, slowly bending down over my face and planting a tender kiss onto my forehead.

Rejuvenated by my lover's newly-professed love for me, I took a deep breath and smiled a bit before nodding my head again, indicating I was truly ready for what he had in store for me.

Nick smirked and gave me a quick wink before standing up on the bed and revealing his plans for the night.

"Alright, babe. On Friday, I took your back hole..." he started explaining. "Tonight, I'm taking your other hole. You'll finally get to find out why they call this thing The Jawbreaker." he chuckled.
And with that, the nylon wind pants were pulled down and OUT came that MONSTER-boner he'd been struggling with all day.
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Post by LK3869 »

Aaah Back to business! 8-) A hot, hot chapter. Nick masters dirty talk - among other things... Even knowing he won't do something too nasty, just the thought of what he could do works wonders.
If Steven's not too devastated after what's coming, he should end up horny just thinking of how blown away he'll be by a 'brutal' fuck. (finger crossed :lol: )

Awesome description of the ductape "voice" too, I've copied that paragraph: will certainly quote you in a future divaguation.

And Nick's horny dog face... And Steven's lovely anxieties for once raising exitment... Super great part that vents out all the accumulated tension. And it's only just started...
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I love this chapter how you where going to use the underwear as a gag
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Post by GoBucks »

Yay we're finally going to learn why he's called the jawbreaker!

Really hot chapter. Love how Nick is even very dominant when it comes to kissing, like how he grabs Steven by the throat when they kiss. Probably a good move for Nick to get Steven all taped up. Wouldn't want him running away after the sight of his monster. Too bad Steven hasn't gotten those briefs in his mouth. I'd be making a fuss on purpose ;)
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Post by Trainedsub »

Who else is dying to see the jaw breaker 😅
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by Sockbound1234 »

I love the pics of dirty socks and underwear I think u need to more these type of gags and tape trainers to faces while they are mummified or strict hogtied
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Post by squirrel »

The relationship between Nick and Steven is developing all right! I do like it much more when Nick is dominant and masculine; Steven should know his place, even when Nick doesn't act like the alpha stud he is. Great continuation, as always!

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Sir, as you know, I‘m slowly catching up now with the I just finished to read Chapter 112, when Zack caughts Steven sniffing Nick‘s underwear and then tying him up.

Woah - especially the scene wher Steven gets caught was really hot, from my point of view. I wish I‘d have been in his position. Zack seems so gentle, confident, and still VERY Alpha.

Can‘t wait to read some more soon.
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Post by bondagefreak »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Awesome description of the ductape "voice" too, I've copied that paragraph: will certainly quote you in a future divagation.
Damn! Now you're just toying with me, mate.
Can't wait to see what your creative mind conjures up this time 8-)

GoBucks wrote: 5 years ago Too bad Steven hasn't gotten those briefs in his mouth. I'd be making a fuss on purpose ;)
Yeah. You would, wouldn't you?
I shouldn't be surprised. You guys are all kinky as hell.

The four doms here all need their own, personal "sub-transformed washing machines".
In other words, one washing machine sub permanently assigned to Nick, one permanently assigned to Shawn, another for Brad and finally one for Zack.

You guys would probably end up getting into a civil war over who gets assigned to who 8-)

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Post by GoBucks »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago You guys would probably end up getting into a civil war over who gets assigned to who 8-)
I got dibs on Zack! The other subs gotta fight me until the last dirty sock for that honor.
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Post by boundluis »

One hell of a chapter... As the story progresses, your descriptions get better and better! After reading this last one, I nearly slid of my chair...
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Post by Trainedsub »

Dibs on Daddy-I mean Nick!
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by bondagefreak »

My god, you boys are a horny lot, aren't you? ;)

[mention]GoBucks[/mention] Zack's socks should be the last of your concerns.
Socks aside, you and [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] chose the guys with the biggest underwear.
Seriously hope you two have particularly roomy mouths, 'cause you'll need them 8-)

Unless there's an objection, I'm auto-assigning [mention]Scottstud94[/mention] to Brad's care.
Seems like a logical pairing.

That leaves our big, hunky 20 year old.
Who's gonna become Shawn's personal dirty laundry washer?

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Post by boundluis »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago
That leaves our big, hunky 20 year old.
Who's gonna become Shawn's personal dirty laundry washer?
Although I like Zack's style so far, I kind of like Shawn's approach.
As far as I'm concerned, he's still an Alpha in training. He has the right mindset, but sometimes has a 'softer' way of handling thing. He's developping in what will be an excellent dom.

So if I lick him, is he mine?
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I like the new photos of Nicks sleeping bag. Is that your sleeping bag, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]? It looks different from the LMR bag you've shown us before.

I think the chapter in which Steven described how his feelings towards Nick have developed is a real treasure. It brings back memories. I remember how I admired some of the more athletically build guys in the changing room for PE at school. And that I was really afraid someone would notice my boner when the strong smell of their feet would spread around the changing room.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] Yup, I have the same bag that's in the photos. And of course, I also still have my LMR bag. I own quite a few sleeping bags, but the LRM bag is not my winter camping bag. It's thick alright, but is much better suited for indoor play and bondage than my other heavy duty bags.

Yeah, those PE courses must've been torture for you 8-)

boundluis wrote: 5 years ago So if I lick him, is he mine?
Not sure if this is a typo, but if you lick him, it'll be the other way around.
He won't be yours. You'll be his ;)

Hope you like him as much as you say you do!
Cause if you remember from the various photos of his stuff, he doesn't have the best hygiene.
You'd definitely have your work cut out for you.


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Post by bondagefreak »

Question for you guys (it doesn't matter where you're at in your reading):
When you read a TUG story, do you often find yourself predisposed to really like a specific character, and then continue to have a special bias for that character throughout the story?

For example, in [mention]socjuc[/mention]'s new tale Punishment For Speeding I find myself immediately liking Officer Josh after he's first introduced, and have a feeling I'll continue to like him even if his actions become irreprehensible in the future.

Another example of this is in [mention]squirrel[/mention]'s The Annual Event and [mention]sockgagged[/mention]'s An Epic Bondage Paintball Weekend

Every time I'll real a BDSM/TUG story involving many characters, it only takes a few lines for me adopt a favourite character. And then no matter what the character does (within reason), I'll find some way to sorta justify his reasoning or behaviour. I've seen this with some of you here, so I know I'm not the only one who can develop a lasting bias based on first impressions.

Am I part of a select few who feel this way, or are a lot of you prone to quickly adopting a favourite character?

[mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]handovermouth[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]jay_write[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Valimure[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]NotRowan[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]boundluis[/mention] [mention]hb54[/mention] [mention]LK3869[/mention] [mention]Scottstud94[/mention] [mention]hotgom[/mention] [mention]Tickler1079[/mention] [mention]atilaus[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]inky[/mention] [mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] [mention]Blakenome1999[/mention] [mention]sock_gagged[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]downlover[/mention] [mention]observer1[/mention] [mention]gaggedup[/mention] [mention]Druidofthewilds[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Hmmm[/mention] [mention]TiedNW[/mention]
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Post by MaxRoper »

Good question, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . I often find characters I like or identify with, however if they turn out to be bad actors I can change my mind (although it's harder to do so if I liked them at first).
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] awww thanks for the shout out. :oops: Now I have to really watch how I write Officer Josh :D

Great question. hmmmm I think we all do relate to some degree. I mean you identify with a character and if you can see yourself doing the same things you likely will have an automatic bias. I think the stronger the parallel the stronger the likelihood you will be in that character's corner.
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by GoBucks »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I definitely have some biases when I read stories. It's pretty much a requirement for me to be able to identify with a character because I like to imagine myself in their place as if I'm the character. Since I see myself as the character, of course I try to justify any of their actions. In your story, of course that character for me is Steven. You make it very easy by writing it in first person from Steven's perspective. That's why I sometimes get jealous of Jeremy when he is getting Zack's attention. I have dibs on him, remember! Since your story is written in first person from Steven's perspective, I find it harder to identify with Jeremy because instead of saying "I was forced to smell Zack's rank hockey gear" it says "Jeremy was forced to smell Zack's hockey gear." It's no longer happening to me, it's happening to Jeremy.

I typically choose one character like that in every story I read. Usually when a story is written in first person, I choose the narrator. When it's not in first person, I usually identify with the main sub in the story. And in stories like [mention]sockgagged[/mention]'s paintball story, I just try to envision myself as every captured prisoner :twisted:
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Post by jay_write »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] For me it usually takes a couple of chapters for me to grow attached to a character, unless they do something that really jumps out at me. That being said, I am predisposed to male characters in states of vulnerability, so to use this story as an example, by the end of the first chapter Steven had higher standing in my mind than Nick. Of course, that isn’t necessarily a good thing for Steven, because I like my favourite male characters best when they’re bound and gagged.
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Post by boundluis »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago

boundluis wrote: 5 years ago So if I lick him, is he mine?
Not sure if this is a typo, but if you lick him, it'll be the other way around.
He won't be yours. You'll be his ;)

Hope you like him as much as you say you do!
Cause if you remember from the various photos of his stuff, he doesn't have the best hygiene.
You'd definitely have your work cut out for you.

yeah, that's what I meant, but the bottom line is: I can lick him.
and I'm up for a challenge. bring on the laundry :D
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