The Subjection - A TUGs Escape Room Challenge (M/M)

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Deleted User 122

The Subjection - A TUGs Escape Room Challenge (M/M)

Post by Deleted User 122 »

NOTE: The following story is fiction but inspired by the “escape rooms” we see sprouting up across America. While there is no nudity or direct sexual contact (at least in this chapter!), it is homoerotic and features gay male bondage themes. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was an escape room experience like this? If anyone with the money and the resources wants to run with this idea, I’ll be the first person to buy a ticket!

The Subjection – Chapter One (M/M )
A TUGS Escape Room Challenge

A pickup truck parks in a mostly empty lot next to a large warehouse. The air is warm and humid on this summer evening. Five young men pile out of the vehicle. They enter an office like glass door of the warehouse.

Inside they’re greeted by a lifelike mannequin behind a kiosk in the middle of a sparse, concrete floored lobby. Above the kiosk a sign reads:

“Welcome to The Subjection”

Another sign with an arrow directed them to a form that read as follows:

Welcome to your TUGS Escape Room Challenge
The Subjection

Congratulations! Your online application was approved, your admissions have been paid, and you’ve had the courage to show up! Remember, you can back out now or at any time using the instructed safe word or signal to quit. But quitters don’t win the prize money at the end, do they? Are you sure you’re brave enough, strong enough, and clever enough to survive?

If you wish to continue, we will ask you once more to answer the following questions on camera after stating your name and description on camera:

1) “I have read the list of medical issues online and I am physically and mentally fit for this experience.”
2) “While I will not be physically harmed, I understand that pain, discomfort, and being restrained will be involved.”
3) “I understand that extreme humiliation and degradation will be involved.”

After reading the forms, the boys cracked nervous jokes about what they got themselves in to but overall they were eager.

A tall figure appears, dressed in overalls and a hockey mask – like a cliché knockoff of Jason from Friday the 13th – using pantomime and cards to communicate. He holds up a large card with instructions and directs each boy to follow him one at a time.

One of the slenderer boys, with dark brown hair is picked first. He is the one who initially encouraged the rest of his friends to jump in to this eccentric challenge. He follows the tall, quiet figure down a long hallway. He’s ushered in to a small changing room with the door locked behind him. A mounted TV screen turns on reflecting his own image thanks to a video camera above it. Instructions on the screen also appear, telling him to state his name, age, something about himself, and that he agrees to the experience. Nervously, the boy begins as he looks in to the camera:

“Hi, I’m Derek. I’m 21. I don’t know what else to say but I’m chill, not always good following rules but I’m ready and willing. At least I think!”

Then another message on the screen tells him to remove his street clothes, keep his underwear on and put on the orange jumpsuit hanging on the wall.

Derek hesitates at first but shrugs and decides to comply. He strips out of his t-shirt, shorts and sneakers. Standing in his baby blue boxer briefs, he looks over his slim but fit 5’11” self on the screen. Then, as he reaches for the orange jumpsuit he expects to wear, the lights suddenly turn off. He’s grabbed by a mysterious person and a wet rag is placed over his face. Derek puts up a fight but the deep breathes he takes from the excitement only speed up the effects of a sharp, burning chemical smell gas that makes him dizzy. He passes out! The unknown figure pulls Derek’s limp body through a secret trap door at the bottom of one of the walls of the small room.

The next young man to go, thinner and smaller standing only at 5’8” but with similar tanned skin and brown hair to Derek, follows the stranger down the hallway and steps into the room. He complies with the instructions:

“I’m Mike. I’m 19. Derek’s’ brother. Hmmm, no super gay shit is all. I know muay thai and martial arts! Just sayin. Oh yea, I’m ready for this.”

After being tricked in to stripping down to his tighty whiteys, the skinny Mike is knocked out.

Next in line is the most physically impressive of the five boys, clearly an athlete, standing at 6’2” with jet black hair and intense blue eyes. Once in the small changing room, he gets right to it:

“Tyler. I play football. 21. I like a challenge. And I like to win, and always do. Let’s do this!”

Tyler isn’t shy and strips down to his plaid boxers. Then he’s grabbed from behind after the lights go out. Despite an impressive fight, he’s no match for the toxic liquid gas emanating from the wet rag.

Only two boys left waiting, the next one to go is another athletic looking young man though of a smaller frame than Tyler:

“I’m Adam. 20, so old enough for whatever this is ha hah. Not scared. And I like football. I play offense.”

When Adam strips down, the intense odor of his smelly socks and sneakers fills the small room. He takes note of this and smiles back at himself with pride. His friends can’t stand the stench of his rank feet. But very quickly Adam is brought unconscious by a more ominous smell after being attacked by the stranger.

Last of the bunch was skinniest kid in the group of average height but an exceptionally handsome young man. He happily strutted down the hallway, cracking jokes at the quiet, tall figure who led him to his unknown fate. Once inside the changing room, he immediately indented the smell in the air, Adam’s foot odor. “Gross!” Nick laughed to himself before continuing with the assignment and looking in to the camera / monitor:

“Nick. Pisces, I like long walks and puppies, an owning my friends in Call of Duty,” he laughed. “Oh yea, I’m 21. I’m ready.”

Nick stripped down to his underwear, a pair of blue stripped nylon boxer briefs. He admired himself in the camera a bit until he noticed something. He saw Adam’s pair of nasty, moist ankle socks on the floor. The normally would be white gym socks were a discolored grey and yellow. Typical of Adam. He picked them up with the tips of his fingers and attempted to throw them in the wastebasket in protest. That’s when the lights went out on him and he met the same fate as the others. Knocked out cold!

One by one, all of the five boys had been rendered unconscious by chloroform.

Sometime later…

The boys slowly regain consciousness.

They’ve each been tied down to chairs, side by side. They’ve been stripped down to their underwear! All five boys have black, heavy duty neoprene harnesses over the heads. The three boys in the middle – Mike, Tyler, and Adam –have gag plugs and blindfolds affixed to their harness. Nick, on one end, has a gag but no blindfold. Derek, on the opposite end, has a blindfold with no gag.

The captured five are being held in an in a mostly empty room with a flat panel TV on a wall relaying instructions. Since only Nick can see of the group, he reads the monitor:

“Use the box cutter in the corner to free yourselves. You have one hour.”

Nick immediately sees the box cutter and tries to direct himself over to it. But he can’t! His chair, unlike the other boys, has been bolted to the concrete floor. How cruel! But what is crueler, he starts to take note of the gag in his mouth. It stinks. The taste of the material shoved inside and plugged up with a leather bit is very familiar. He realizes someone has stuffed Adam’s rank, disgusting socks in his mouth! He starts to groan and grunt through his gag.

The boys in the middle struggle and gasp in their bondage as Derek, merely blindfolded starts to ask what’s going on. He can hear his friends’ muzzled voices and quickly determines they’ve been gagged, unlike him.

Nick is trying to give signals to Derek, meanwhile, but several minutes of confusion and frustration go by as all the boys but Derek are grunting and gasping.

The poor boys struggle in their ropes, chair tied, for a good thirty minutes before Derek and Nick finally figure out the game, working as a unit. Nick will grunt once for “yes” and two for “no” when Derek asks a direct question.

“Am I supposed to do something?” Derek asks.

“Mph!” Nick grunts once.

After a series of mundane questions, Derek realizes he needs to be on the move. He knocks over his chair, and while still tied up to it, is slowly able to crawl. Using “Am I getting hotter, or colder,” etc. guidance, Derek is slowly making his way to what Nick can see. That box cutter.

With not even six minutes to spare, Derek makes it to the corner. He eventually feels the box cutter at the tips of his sweaty fingers tied behind the backing of the chair. He grabs them and begins to cut the ropes. While he wastes no time, he still doesn’t do it with fast speed, unaware for now that a timer display is above them on the TV screen showing only minutes left.

As Nick watches helplessly tied up in his bolted chair, Derek finally breaks free of the ropes around his wrists. He immediately removes the sweat soaked neoprene harness around his head and can now see for the first time.

Derek doesn’t see the time on the screen yet, distracted by the shocking visual of his four friends bound and gagged in chairs while stripped down to their underwear. An annoyed Nick with wide eyes faced at Derek, grunts and gasps, motioning over to the monitor behind Derek. After a painful extra minute of this exercise, Derek finally looks back to see the timer! The screen reads:

“2 minutes. 48 seconds…”

“Shit!” Derek yells and gets the rest of himself untied from the chair, racing over to Adam first. He unties his wrists which allows Adam to start freeing himself. “Hurry!” Derek shouts. “We have a time limit!”

Derek moves on to Mike and Tyler with similar strategy, untying their hands.

One minute to go! Adam is now completely free of his bonds. He and Derek help Mike and Tyler get free. To Nick’s maddening frustration, they seem to be ignoring him so he “mpphhhs” their way.

“Oh, sorry,” Adam says racing over to Nick, starting with his hands. “Oh, damn hah,” Adam can’t help but chuckle when he recognizes the special gag that Nick has been enduring all this time. “My socks!”

At 30 seconds, all the boys have broken free of their bondage except poor Nick. The other four are frantically assisting him but it probably makes matters worse in the confusion.

Suddenly, an alarm goes off after the timer counted down to zero. Nick was almost free but one of his ankles were still bound with rope to a leg of the chair. And he’s still gagged, mind you, with the rancid, putrid socks worn by Adam.

The TV screen now reads:

“Derek, Adam, Mike, and Tyler. Congratulations. But Nick, you’ve lost. And if one loses, you all lose.”

The groups of sweaty boys clad only in their underwear were disappointed, exhausted. Their torment isn’t over.

Suddenly the room goes dark and a strange gas is emitted. Once again, they get dizzy and lose consciousness. They’ve passed out. The torture is apparently just beginning.

What next is in store for this intense escape room challenge?


The Subjection – Chapter Two

Recap: When last we left our five hapless, young heroes, they were trapped inside an escape room trying to get free. Their efforts failed and they found themselves gassed out, once again rendered into unconsciousness.

They are in the same concrete floored, wood paneled room which remains dimly lit. It’s warm and humid with a faint hint of body odor. It smells like teenage boys in peril!

Three of the young men, still clad only in their underwear, are piled asleep on top of each other. They slowly wake up. We see Derek, Mike, and Adam. Their heads are pounding from the chloroform gas that knocked them out earlier.

“This is some freaky shit, Derek” Adam laughs, rubbing his eyes, then casually reaches in to his underwear to scratch his ball sack. “At least no one’s gone after our nuts!”

“You love it, I said it was intense,” Derek lauds back.

Though they aren’t restrained, the three boys notice they have leather restraint cuffs attached to their wrists and ankles.

“This is so gay,” Mike yaps looking the leather cuffs which have been secured shut with locks so they can’t be removed.

“Where’s Tyler and Nick?” Derek asks.

“Mmpphhh!” a mad plea for assistance calls out. It’s Nick. He has been bolted spread eagle against a wall opposite them. His mouth is still gagged, just as before. Being forced, spread out like a big letter X isn’t the worst of sights for Derek to observe. He’s always had a secret crush on Nick. He admires the beads of perspiration running from Nick’s puffs of armpit hair, down his sides and soaking in to his blue nylon boxer briefs as he squirms.

“Guess our hosts know Nick talks too much,” Adam laughs as the three boys head over to Nick’s aid, who gasps and grunts.

They can’t get his gag off which is very effectively attached to his face with a two-digit combination lock on the front. They can’t help but notice a hint of dirty, white ankle socks peeking out the sides of the muzzle gag. Adam relishes in the familiar smell of his stinky, well used socks in Nick’s mouth.

They also fiddle with Nick’s wrist and ankle restraints. They’re pad locked, however, and impossible to remove from the sizeable bolts in the wall. Adam also takes delight in Nick’s feeble state and has a little homoerotic bro to bro fun. He pulls open the waistband of Nick’s tight briefs from his crotch and mocks his buddies dick size. “Phhfffuucker!” Nick grunts. Derek can’t help but lean in and take a peak himself. There’s definitely nothing to mock in his opinion.

“Hey, where’s Tyler??” Mike asks.

Suddenly, the TV screen on the wall turns on and more instructions are written on the display:

“Welcome to Round 2. Remember! If you stay in the game and survive, you get cold hard cash…”

“Take a peek…”

The monitor now shows an image of another room. They see their friend Tyler in that room. He’s tied town with straps to a padded table in the middle of it. The tall, well-built football jock looks pretty embarrassed realizing a camera is on him. He’s been silenced with a red ball gag to add to the humiliation. Some type of wires with white rubber pads on the end are attached to all parts of his half-nude sweaty body.

The written instructions continue:

“Your teammate needs you. In 30 minutes, our electrode machine turns on and ZAP! Powerless Tyler probably won’t last. They all tap out!”

“Fuck!” Adam exclaims. “The struggle is real, ha ha.”

“Is all this gay BDSM bullshit legal?” Mike wonders.

“We can always use the safe word or signal,” Derek reassures.

“Hell no! We’re winning!” Adam brags. “ISN’T THAT RIGHT TYLER!” he shouts at the top of his lungs.

They notice Tyler on the monitor nodding his head! “He’s close by!” Mike beams. “YOU’RE TOUGH BRO!!!”

Poor Nick, gasps and nods his head too, wanting his own acknowledgement, which makes the other boys laugh. Adam ruffles Nick’s shaggy, dusty blonde hair. “Hey, at least you got my funky gym socks to suck on, pretty boy.”

The instructions continue while continuing to show their helpless friend on camera:

“You could hold the key to Tyler’s survival. Free him and you all advance to another round.”

The boys immediately start to look around and list off ideas and thoughts.

The instructions, though, are not quite done and provide a puzzling rhyme:

“Here are your hints for keys to success:
• “Believe in lady luck? Letter help you but thrice is the price.”
• “Butt a buck or two can spread better luck.”

The sweaty, half naked boys stand around Nick trying to get his gag off. Soon they realize it is of no use without the combination.

A final message on the television reads:

“Last, dear boys. Don’t pity Tyler’s lonely displacement. He’ll be watching your futile attempts from a monitor above for his amusement.”

The live feed of Tyler remains on the screen but now the ominous large font with the countdown begins:


“Creative bitches,” Adam snickers. “Ok, let’s search!”

“Yea and remember. These games love numbers and keys! We a clue to get this off him,” Derek provides tapping on large dual combo dial locking Nick’s gag.

They fan out around the sparse room and quickly determine there’s nothing to be found.

To Nick’s annoyance, the boys start searching his actual body. Their sweaty hands and fingers are poking and prodding around his defenseless figure. From top to bottom, they inspect his sweaty thick hair, his earlobes, his smelly armpits. The look at his feet and spread his toes. Adam even yanks down poor Nick’s underwear, exposing his handsome jewels. Derek can’t resist but search a little more thoroughly here, helping Adam inspect around and inside Nick’s pubic hair. They do not find a clue but Derek finds a nice warm, sweaty nutsack to grope. Nick whimpers with his disapproval.

Meanwhile, Tyler helplessly watches the guys on the monitor looking like keystone cops. No strategy. Wasting time. Not thinking. And Tyler, taking in what he sees on the monitor is certain he’s figured it out. The first clue. He’s powerless to help his buddies help him, though.

Before they knew it, they had less than nine minutes on the countdown timer:


“I think the clue says we have three guesses, let’s just make one guess,” Derek suggests.

The others shrug and put in a combination on the locker. They pick ‘21’ randomly. Of course, it doesn’t work. “

Like his comrade in bondage in the other room, Nick has also figured out the first clue by observing the monitor from his end. And like Tyler, his knowledge is completely useless and he can only sit back in his restraints and watch the ticking clock.

Derek once again explores other parts of the room. He finally turns back to ask a question when he observes what Nick and Tyler have been observing the whole time.

“Guys? Maybe THEY are the clue. What do they look like?” Derek suggests.

“Couple of fags?” Adam cracks.

“Good one!” Mike chuckles.

“Seriously!” Derek lights up. “A ‘buck or two can spread better luck.’ Bucks are male. Dudes spread out like them!” pointing to Nick and Tyler’s spread eagle predicament. “And ‘letter’ was in the clue. They look like…”

“Genius dude! Letter X! But wait it’s a number combo so we have to connect that.” Mike thinks out loud.

“Dudes! And X is hmm,” Adam ‘thinks’ out loud. “There’s 24 letters. Its, ahhh X, Y, Z… 22nd in the alphabet! It’s 22!!”

The boys don’t hesitate and key in 22 on the combination lock over Nick’s gag.

Nick shakes his head angrily though. “Mmmnnnn nnnn!”

“You ding bat,” Derek says to Adam, immediately realizing the error. “There’s 26 letters in the alphabet. So it’s this one!”

Nick nervously leers his eyes down watching Derek’s sweaty finger tips move the dials of the pad lock. Is he going to do the math right?

The clock countdown is now:


“Presto!” Derek says with pride. There’s a pregnant pause. Nothing happens. The lock doesn’t free the gag. Nick sighs in silence. What?

“Not cool. Not cool,” Mike says looking up at monitor and shouting “Stay together bud! We’re still coming!”

Tyler can be seen on the monitor flush with sweat, looking nervous, stiffened up as in ready to embrace the pain should it come to that. He doesn’t want to quit so he’ll do all he can to not tap out.

“No no, that’s it!” Derek insists. “24!” He re-adjusts the two digit dials just slightly and CLICK! it comes apart. The thick, leather muzzle gag falls away from Nick’s face! It worked!

Nick spits out the saliva socked socks that belonged to Adam. “Ahhhh!!!” he gasps with pleasure. “Your rank ass feet are going stay in my mouth for a year!” he yaps at Adam.

The timer countdown on the monitor now reads:


“Guys hurry, what’s next?” Nick says without wasting any time, but gasping for breath.

“A key?” Derek reminds him.

“Wait! Something was in that sock that was hard. Look in the sock!” Nick shouts.

Adam kneels to the concrete floor and delicately picks up the balled up salvia coated ankle socks and shakes them. “I’ll never wear these gross things again,” Adam laughs.

“Yea but your feet still stink!” Mike jokes.

Adam shakes the socks some more from the tips of his fingers and, sure enough, a key, falls out.

The countdown now reads:


“Where does it go? Did you find a lock or door?” Nick asks. The boys say no.

“Wait!” Derek thinks in a flash. “Another out of place spelling was ‘butt’ b u t t. So something to do with his ass?”

“Oh hell no!” Nick protests. Adam playfully places his hand over Nick’s mouth to shut him up as the boys’ grab Nick by his torso and butt cheeks, pushing his behind away from the wall. A lucky Derek had the honor of reaching first between Nick’s legs, underneath his warm sweaty crotch, so he could fumble for anything behind his ass.

The timer however on the monitor finally counted down to zero and the monitor read:



They could hear on the live feed the noise of something electrical. They could witness Tyler getting subjected to that cruel web of wires taped to his body. ZZZAAAPP!!! BUZZZZZ!!!!

“Mmhmmmmm!!!! Mmhhmmm! Mmmmmmm!” Tyler could be heard wailing as he jerked and vibrated on the padded table, holding the stiffest disposition as if trying to fight off the effects.

“Man, does that shit really hurt him?” Mike asks.

“He’ll grunt three times. That’s the deal,” Derek assured referring to the safety signal. However, that meant Tyler being removed from the game.

Derek is continuing to file around awkwardly behind Nick’s ass, knelt below Nick’s underwear, searching for something behind him. To Nick’s relief, Derek found a hole back there in the wall – not his actual hole! -- and inserted the key inside. He turns it counter-clockwise. Another pregnant pause.

The boys here a sound in their darkened room. Something opened up. What?

On the opposite wall from where they stood with Nick, a large panel became ajar! The menacing buzzing sound from the monitor was now being naturally emitted through the opened doorway. Louder! Tyler was next door!

“Hurry!” they said rushing. Even Nick, whose restraints were somehow released magnetically from the wall, joined them to race to their friend’s rescue.

“Rip ‘em off!” Adam called out to the rest. They followed his lead, quickly peeling off the wired, rubber adhesive pads from around Tyler’s helpless bound body.

When the last wired pad was removed from Tyler, his whole body went limp and relaxed. The beautiful, tough jock quite the sight, dripping in sweat that soaked his plaid boxers. With his intense blue eyes, he looked at his friends and gave a gesture of thanks.

Adam, Derek, and Mike high fived and patted Tyler on the chest. Just to be cute, the always wisecracking Nick pinched Tyler’s nipples and said “Good job, pee wee.”

A few moments later, more information is presented. This time it isn’t writing on a monitor. It is an ominous voice, heavily distorted with digital effects, over a loudspeaker:

“I see you boys have brains and bravery. But do you have humility? We’ll see. Up next is your final test, Round three!”

“Weird he’s already telling us the last round is next. Good, right?” Derek wonders.

“Yea well that means its whatever it is…” Mike began.

“It’s gonna fucking suck!” Nick finishes the thought.

“Maybe it means we meet ‘Mr. Grey’ himself, ha ha,” Adam cracks.



(If you read this story, I want to hear your suggestions for the last installment!)

Let’s recap our five characters who voluntarily submitted to the Escape Room Challenge called ‘The Subjection.’ They are college friends ranging in ages 19 to 21:

Derek, 21, is the organizer of the evening’s event who secretly enjoys male bondage games. He’s average height, slim with nerdish cute looks. He’s stripped down to his baby blue boxer briefs.

Tyler, 21, is a football jock. Tall and very handsome, he’s got black hair with killer intense blue eyes. Currently he’s tied down spread eagle to the table, ball gagged, with only his plaid boxers to cover his impressive, hairy body.

Nick, 21, is a blonde, thin skater looking young man with a lot of jest to his personality but in many ways the Casanova of the bunch with dimples and a big smile. He’s clad in only his blue stripped nylon boxer briefs.

Adam, 20, is a football jock and teammates with Tyler. He’s fit, handsome, and confident. He has the reputation for smelly feet which contributes to the foul air in the small room where the boys are imprisoned.

Mike, 19, is Derek’s younger brother. Though small and the only teenager of the bunch, he’s a Muay Thai trained fighter who well fit and confident. He’s proudly displayed in only his tighty-whitey underwear.

The Subjection – Chapter Three, Final Round

The five young men who find themselves ensnarled in an intense Escape Room Challenge are still “alive.” They’ve made it to Round Three despite the punishing, peculiar tasks they’ve endured.

The handsome, athletic Tyler is still tied down to the table in the room. While Derek sympathizes with his good friend’s uncomfortable situation, he quietly enjoys it as well. Tyler is the most physically masculine of the bunch. He’s adorned with beautiful black chest hair, thick legs covered with more thick black hair. Seeing him strapped down unable to do anything while silenced with a red ball gag turns Derek on.

Nonetheless Derek joins Mike, Adam, and Nick as they surround their helpless friend Tyler in an effort to free him. The restraints are too elaborate however and impossible to remove.

The room starts to light up, slowly now. As it becomes more illuminated, the boys can see more clearly what their environment entails.

On one wall is a large mirror oddly covered in a foamy, white gel. Shaving cream? On the wall to the right is a standard metal doorway with a coded panel next to it. On the wall to the left is another metal type of door but smaller and recessed midway along the wall. It looks like a shut dumb waiter. But there’s something else that strikes their curiosity the most. Two thick wire cables with carabiners attached at the ends fall from the ceiling and rest on the concrete floor. They can see that the cables extend from a large open chute in the ceiling disappearing in to darkness.

The four young men, still only clad in their underwear, wonder what to do first. Their efforts to free macho Tyler are futile.

“The mirror?” Mike shrugs. Nick is already ahead of him on that.

Nick inspects the foam gel covered mirror and then does something unusual. He strips out of his nylon briefs. The slender, blonde pretty boy isn’t shy. He stands butt naked before his friends, using his balled up underwear to wipe away the foamy, white gel on the mirrored wall.

Removing the gel reveals a series of clues written in red crayon on the mirror:

“Two steps to victory. Here’s the first:

Everyone pulling their weight? Don’t wait too long, or you miss the next step.”

At that moment, a machine sound is heard whirling above and the cables can be seen slowly retracting. They are being lifted away!

“Look!” Mike exclaims, setting his eyes on the wire cable seen getting wound up with the carabiner attachment starting to lift away from the ground.

The boys debate what that means and what to do. They look at their wrist and ankle restraints and quickly determine their purpose.

“Help me with this!” Adam says, laying down on his back underneath the retracting cables, as he extends his wrists and ankles overhead. “Lock them in!”

Derek, Mike, and Nick kneel around Adam and put their hands on his restraints. They snap the metal buckles of the leather restraints in to the carabiners. His wrists are connected to one hook while his ankles are connected to the other. Adam nods approval and, after a few seconds, begins to feel himself being hoisted off the ground. Soon gravity forces his body weight away from the hook and he finds himself dangling from the floor helplessly.

“Goodbye I guess,” Nick laughs playfully kissing Adam’s stinky bare feet, as he he continues to be lifted away from the ground like a slaughtered, trophy deer on a native’s pole.

“Shouldn’t this do something?” Derek asked.

Adam struggles in his bonds, wondering if he did the right thing after all as he’s being hoisted away towards the chute. At this point, he’s screwed though.

The other boys debated further what to do. Their best guess was the two cables weren’t meant for one person’s load, but for two. They may have only gotten it half right.

Mike volunteers to be the next one restrained from the rising hooks. But two problems were now presented. One, Adam was already bound to them. Two, the hooks were well off the ground away from an easy attachment. And quickly rising further away.

“Hurry!” Mike says lying underneath Adam and the cables.

Nick and Derek put themselves underneath Mike’s body, awkwardly elevating him as much as they could so Mike could reach the carabiners that already shackled Adam. It was a comical site as the boys mashed against each other, trying to lift Mike as much as possible.

“Hey bro,” Mike smiled looking at Adam as he finally and successfully connects himself next to Adam. Similar to Adam, Mike was now being hoisted up, sandwiched next to his friend.

As Mike and Adam are lifted, another sound is heard to the left. The metal panel of the dumb waiter looking compartment is opening. “It’s working!” Nick lit up.

Mike and Adam struggled side by side in their bondage as they were being lifted away from their friends towards the large darkened shoot in the ceiling.

Nick and Derek took notice of the recessed shelf revealed after the dumb waiter door was fully opened. Inside was a can of shaving cream, two razors, a pair of scissors, and a note.

“Read the note,” Nick said.

Derek grabbed the paper card from the compartment and read the following instructions:

“Congratulations. Step two.

Does he have the humility to help you solve this next puzzle? Bare what’s under. Where? What rhymes with ‘jest’ but it’s really a ‘douche.’”

Express the code, open sesame, and freedom comes.”

As Derek and Nick thought about the next clue, Mike and Adam are being carried away. They seem to courageously accept their fate as they’re transported up into the darkened chute of the ceiling. The clanking, leather pressing against flesh sounds of their struggles grow fainter as they disappear in to the dark ceiling cavity, followed by a door compartment shutting the chute above.

Then, a TV screen from one of the walls lit up with a timer countdown:


“Mm come monng!” Tyler grovels through his ball gag as if to say hurry up.

Nick and Derek realize they had to get on with it. They accept the fact Mike and Adam had been lifted away. It was up to them.

“’Humility’ and ‘bare’? Rhymes with ‘jest’,” Derek asked aloud looking at Nick.

Nick and Derek glanced at the shaving cream and razors, then at their helpless, stud Tyler.

The two remaining boys move over to the table where Tyler is tied down spread eagle. Nick didn’t hesitate to inspect Tyler’s furry body. He ran his fingers along his chest, looking for evidence. “Mmpphhh,” Tyler moaned.

“Here!” Nick says, stopping his fingertips at a point just below Tyler’s right nipple. “This!”

Nick and Derek could see some kind of writing underneath the nest of hair. They couldn’t, however, make it out clearly. Too much of Tyler’s black chest hair was in the way.

“No way!” Nick laughed as he looked at the situation. “We get to shave Tyler’s chest… it rhymes with ‘jest’ ha hah! This is no challenge!”

“Mmpphhh! Mmmnnoooo!” Tyler protested. He doesn’t seem to agree at all with this plan.

Nick grabs the can of shaving cream and a razor as Derek watches. “You sure?” Derek asks.

Nick didn’t hesitate, however, and seems to delight in the opportunity to shave his helpless, muscular friend. “I’ve always wanted to own this lil’ bitch ha hah,” Nick laughs.

Nick examines Tyler’s chest more closely. Perspiration has moistened the hair around Tyler’s chest and Nick determines not much shaving cream is need. He applies a light amount and spreads it around the area below his right nipple. He glides the razor along Tyler’s flesh, removing the long wiry black strands of hair.

“Mmpphhh!” Tyler continues to grunt in to his ball gag. He is pissed.

The counter now shows:


“Wanna help?” Nick looks back at Derek, as begins to shave Tyler’s chest hair away.

Derek looks uncomfortable and shakes his head. Nick, unphased, continues with delight in ridding their friend of his manhood. Derek watches with secret joy himself, seeing Tyler get humiliated with each stroke of the razor.

Finally, when Nick has exposed an area of helpless Tyler’s chest, now bare, he notices a code written with red magic marker.

The code just below Tyler’s right nipple reads:


Nick continues and finds other areas of Tyler’s chest with code inscribed on his flesh. After many more degrading minutes of shaving, Tyler’s chest is clean shaven. Hairless! Bare! The smooth milky, chest skin exposes the following numbers in red marker:

“5 5 5”

“That was fun!” Nick elates. Without hesitating, Nick moves to the doorway with the code panel requiring three letters for input. Tyler however doesn’t seem to like the idea and groans his disapproval through the ball gag.

“No!” Derek yells, noting Tyler’s own warning, as Nick is inputting the numbers. He too thinks something is not right.

Nick doesn’t stop, yet, and enters “5 5 5” on the panel. Then, he stands there looking victorious. “And with time to spare!”

The countdown reads:


Suddenly, a strange high pitched sound is heard and the doorway where Nick stands shudders. Then the floor beneath seems to move and turn. Its’s revolving door. Quickly, it spins arounds and Nick is turned away and from the room. “Shit!!” he is heard saying as he disappears from site!

After a moment to collect himself, Derek realizes he is the only one left of the group, with Tyler bound and gagged on the table.

“Too easy, too easy, right?” Derek ponders aloud. Tyler nods in agreement.

They both want to win.

“’We bare to think what’s under. Where?’” he repeats the clue. “…under. Where? Underwear?”

“Mmpphhh! Mmmm mmthe mmggag mmmout!” Tyler slobbers.

Derek looks down at Tyler’s boxers. It dawns on him. The code wasn’t on his chest. It was somewhere else!

The timer on the wall now says:


As Derek nervously placed his fingers inside the waistband of Tyler’s boxers, Tyler whines. He slowly slides them down and exposes his friend. “Sorry!” he apologizes though he secretly has no regrets with bringing him nude.

Tyler’s crotch is revealed. Derek does all he can to not stare at it any more than necessary but can’t help notice how beautifully his dick rests atop a healthy, thick bush of black pubic hair.

“Man, I can’t bro,” Derek finally concedes. Too many urges guide him to places he doesn’t want to put on a friend, even though it feels so inviting.

The timer doesn’t stop and continues:


Tyler again protests, shaking his head dramatically more than ever, begging to be heard. He grovels so loudly now that Derek moves towards the buckles of his ball gag.

As Derek fusses with the metal clamp behind the ball gag, Tyler lifts his head to make it easier for his friend. After a few moments, Derek is able to remove the saliva soaked ball gag from Tyler’s mouth.

“Fuck man! Finally!” Tyler gasps. “I’ve been waiting for that to come off.”

“This is too weird,” Derek started to say. He is conflicted by too many things.

“Shh! No! I think I know the rhyme. ‘It’s really a “douche”’. I think it’s gouche,” Tyler says staying focused.

Derek looks at Tyler puzzled.

“Gouche! My gouche. The part between my dick and ass. That’s a gouche.”

Derek still looks stunted on what to do.

“Get the scissors, just do it.”

Derek hesitates at first but Tyler continues to reassure him. He grabs scissors and returns to Tyler’s exposed crotch. “Just do what you need to, man.” Tyler encourages.

Derek lifts Tyler’s large, sweaty ball sack so he can see the gouche area. Tyler goes semi-erect now.

As Derek starts to cut away at the frizzy puffs of hair, he can smell Tyler’s crotch and its alluring. The feeling tickles Tyler a little who laughs. Derek now goes full on boner in his underwear, which thankfully Tyler can’t see. Yet.

Derek notices some red coloring underneath as he removes some of the hair with the scissors.

The countdown now reads:


“I can’t see it that well,” Derek admits. “But I see something.”

“Just shave me,” Tyler consents. “Do it!”

Derek sprays the shaving gel underneath Tyler’s nuts and delights in lathering up his private area with his fingertips. Tyler’s penis goes full on erect now.

There’s a brief glance of wonder exchanged between Derek and Tyler.

But the clock is ticking. There’s a goal at hand.

Derek takes the razor and starts to shave away. With each stroke, there’s a slight whence from Tyler who can’t help responding to the sensation. After a couple of minutes of this, the lower half of his nutsack and the area below are as bare as a baby’s bottom. The whole moment is causing Derek to pre-cum a little in his underwear.

The timer on the wall now reads:


Written in what looks like dotted out red magic marker is the following two words:

“open sesame”

“No fucking way!” Derek laughs. “That simple?”

“What’s it say? What is it?” Tyler asks breathless.

The timer on the wall is in its last few moments:

“10… 9… 8…”

“’Open sesame.’” Derek responds.

Then, at once, a metal click is heard. Suddenly Tyler’s restraints that held him down spreadeagle to the table are released!

A sweaty, half shaved, nakedly exposed Tyler wastes no time adjusting himself and pulling his boxer briefs back up. He jumps off the table and stands next to Derek. They both take notice of each other’s erections in their underwear.

The timer reaches the end:

“3… 2… 1…”

“You okay?” Derek smiles at Tyler.

Suddenly the lights go out. It is pitch black.

The nerdish Derek receives an unexpected but welcome gesture from his jock friend. Tyler’s large, masculine hand grabs Derek’s hand and Tyler whispers to him in the dark, “Yea, I’m ok.”

Derek squeezes Tyler’s hand back. The two boys are connected. Derek’s heart races for that brief moment, with excitement.

Then the lights go on.

Tyler and Derek quickly retreat their hands.

As the room illuminates once again, a large panel on a wall opens and reveals a glass window. Mike, Adam, and Nick are seen on the other end, already getting half dressed in their street clothes. The other three boys now take notice of Derek and Tyler.

Tyler and Derek hurriedly cup their hands over their stiff boners in their underwear, with embarrassment. The other boys can be seen laughing on the other end.

“CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’VE SURVIVED!” a message now appears on the wall.

Derek and Tyler have not only won the intensely peculiar Escape Challenge; they discover something about each other in the process.

Where would Derek and Tyler go from here?

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Post by cj2125 »

I always liked that story! Nice to see it back!
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Post by tony2 »

Whew! Well thought out and fun to read.

Poor mike and Adam though ---- would have been better to have more info on what happened to them after they hit the "dust bin in the sky"....
Perhaps they are still playing the game for round 4?
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

tony2 wrote: 6 years ago Whew! Well thought out and fun to read.

Poor mike and Adam though ---- would have been better to have more info on what happened to them after they hit the "dust bin in the sky"....
Perhaps they are still playing the game for round 4?
Thank you for the kudos! Motivating as always!
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Post by fratboydanny »

Really terrific read. Thanks sockgagged! And, if you ever hear of a real room like this, please count me in among your five friends to join you!
Last edited by fratboydanny 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Shifted to "Adult" section.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Still a really good story - enjoyed it on the old forum, and do so on here as well! Thanks for reposting.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Posted a few extensive reviews of this story on the old board, but I gotta say, I enjoyed reading this over again.
Love the dialogue, the sock gagging, the groping/manhandling/butt-searching.

Original theme, captivating plotline, fun and enjoyable as always.

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Post by boundsub »

This was a unique story- I had a similar idea when I first heard about escape rooms. Just wish a kinky bondage escape room existed in real life...
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Post by Windrunner »

Great story, very creative! I would SO much like there to be an “escape room” like this!
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Post by LK3869 »

Hadn't read that one but it came back up around top of the list... Would be a shame to miss all this accidental touching and the erotic shaving 8-)
Imaginative and a lot of good moments all through the three parts.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by szlm1515 »

Niiiiice XD
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