The Lady and the Bellhop (F/m)

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The Lady and the Bellhop (F/m)

Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

It's amazing what things you realize while sitting with your bare ass over a bound boy's face. For me it was just how lonely I was.
Malcolm and I were married right out of high school. We struggled the first few years until his tech start up took off. Took off is putting it lightly. We were one of the richest couples on the planet. It's now been five years since I lost him. Five years living in our gorgeous mansion on our private island with everything I could ever need delivered right to me. I traveled the world seeing all and doing all I could. I kept myself busy. Now I knew why.
This is what brought me to the Guarnaschelli Hotel in Manhattan. It was one of the fanciest, wealthiest, best hotels in the city. I had the whole top most floor to myself. This was my domain. No one was allowed up here after I arrived in my room. I would check in and have the bellhop take my bags up. I would go to dinner. When I came back the floor was mine. So imagine my surprise when I got back and the bellhop was still there.

Being a pervert has it's disadvantages. Hiding under a woman's bed is one of them, Leopold found. He was new to the city, having just arrived from a sleepy little Midwest state last month. He was on his way to Broadway! He had auditions! He had dreams! He had moxy! He had bills to pay! So here he was working as a bellhop at the very upscale Guarnaschelli Hotel. It had been very boring so far. He did get to check out some very hot women though. Then she arrived.
He had never seen such a beautiful older woman in his entire life. He had a hard time guessing ages so he put her in her mid-forties at the oldest. Whatever her real age was she took excellent care of herself. Her rich caramel skin shone with the glow of youth well paid for. Her face was angular in that classical beauty kind of way. Her eyes were an intense soul searching amber. Her hips were wide and womanly with a firm but still giant ass he just wanted to kiss. Her breasts were huge, far bigger than any he'd ever seen in person back home.
The Fates must have really loved him. He had been assigned to take her bags to her room! That wasn't even the best part. He had one hour to bring up all her packages and leave before she came back from dinner. He would be alone with her clothes for up to an hour. He would never get another chance like this. He brought all her stuff up then began opening her suitcases. It took a few tries but he finally found them: her panties. He held up the frilly little black pair, breathing heavily.
"Oh sweet! Just think, these have touched her ... lady parts."
He placed them on his nose and breathed deep. He soon became lost in her womanly scent. A little too lost. The door began to open. Panicking he closed the suitcase back and slid under her bed.

Dinner had been delicious but ultimately unfulfilling. Solemnly I returned to my room ready for another so-so trip. As soon as I reached my door I heard something. How could I hear something? I was the only person on this floor. I was supposed to be at least. There it was though: the tell tale sound of scurrying feet. Taking a deep breath I opened the door ready to scold whatever unfortunate worker had the misfortune of being there. No one was there. Maybe I had been hearing things. I closed and locked the door. As I made my way to the bed I noticed one of my suitcases was slightly open. The bellhop had been going through my clothes. He was dead.

Oh god! Oh god! What was he going to do?! He had to get out of here! He did not need to be found creeping under a woman's bed. He could lose his job or worse she could say he was going to rape her and call the cops. Oh god! His panic almost exploded out of him when her white heels hit the floor near his face. Then came her dress.

I stretched as I let the cumbersome dress fall. Truth be told I preferred to spend my time in my underwear. Not elegant, I know, but God it felt good. I looked over at the vanity absent mindedly. That's when I saw them. Fingers were poking out from under my bed.

She wasn't moving. Had she fallen asleep? How late was it? Was it safe to sneak away? A gun was pointed at his face.
"Get out of there, very slowly."
Nope, not safe.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"
I almost laughed. A nervous and honestly very cute little bellhop crawled halfway out from out under the bed. So much for the dangerous criminal I'd feared. I guess I could put the gun up. Then I saw the panties in his hand. That little pervert! My anger flared worse than anything I had ever felt before.
"You little shit!"
"I'm sorry! Don't call the manager, please, I need this job!"
"Job? You're in so much more trouble then that! You messed with my property with my personal and I mean personal clothing. You've violated my space in a way that will not be tolerated. You don't have to worry about your boss. I'll punish you myself."
I looked around for something to do just that. What could I use? I hadn't exactly planned for this. My eyes fell upon my medicine bag. Eureka! I grabbed the chloroform like sleep aid I used when traveling before yanking the panties from his grubby little hands.
"Flip onto your back."
As he did, still remaining half under the bed, I poured some of the sweet smelling liquid onto the panties. I tossed them back to him.
"Put these on over your face."
"Ms. Carrey I couldn't possibly do that."
"From this moment on I'm Lady Carmilla and ..." I pointed the gun at his face again, "... I insist."

Oh god she was going to kill him! Crying now he placed the panties over his face.
"Like this? Wait? What's that smell? God, it's so strong. I'm feeling a little dizzy."
She sat on the bed.
"Don't worry about that."
Her foot attacked his face, toes pinching his nose, forcing him to breath it in. She picked up the phone.
"Manager. Now. Yes, I have one of your bellhops here in my room. Name tag reads Leopold. No, no one else comes up here. If you ever want my business again then you'll see to it no one comes looking for him until my stay is done. I've got him ... well underfoot."
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Great story so far. I can’t wait to read more.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is an intriguing beginning written in an interesting style. I like the POV changes and look forward to finding out what she has in store for Leopold.
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

“I must have used too much sedative,” I mused upon my return.
My little trip to the store had taken around thirty minutes and he was still there. He was still out. He was still wearing my panties over his head. The sight of the little bellhop gently sleeping like that was oddly … cute. It wasn’t cute enough to save the little pervert from me but still, cute.
I dragged him out and got to work. I had never done anything like this before, so I wasn’t sure what to do really. So, while out I surfed the web a little on my phone. I was sure I found a good position. I pulled the rope out of my bag and got to work. I wrapped five bands three layers thick around his body. One was just under his shoulders. Three went down his chest and waste. The last went just above his hips. I pulled his arms behind his back and bound them the same way, five layers that perfectly lined up with those on his body. Then I anchored them to each other. From there I bound his legs together around the knees and above his feet. He wasn’t going anywhere.

Leopold slowly came to. What the fuck was that dream? What the fuck was on his head? It was black and had an odd mixture of smells. One he knew all too well as the wonderful aroma of used panties. The other was much sweeter. Holy shit! It hadn’t been a dream!
He tried to jump up and run for it. Instead he found his body now bound in rope. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Panic now raging through him he tried to fight his way free. Part of him knew it would do no good but he had to try. It was then he saw her. The lady, whose room he was still in, was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room talking on her phone.
“Let me go you bitch!”
“Oh that,” she said into the phone, “it’s just that pervert I told you about. Yeah, the one the hotel’s letting me train.”
“Wait, what?”
“No, I won’t let him go, not till I check out. He’s got a lot to learn. Besides his face fits so perfectly under my ass.”
He gasped as he watched her stroll over to the bed and sit on his face as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

I sat on him most the day. Sure I gave him chances to breath, eat or go to the bathroom but otherwise he was under my ass. Soon dinner arrived and left for my appointment at the hotel restaurant. As I sat at my table looking over my menu the feeling returned. I felt … alone. I always felt that way these days but today it was worse, why?
“Leopold,” I muttered.
Even though I had spent the day sitting on him and otherwise ignoring his existence I had not in fact been alone.

Leopold’s stomach growled. Hopefully this woman would remember to feed him tonight. Suddenly there she was standing over him, taking the panties off his head.
“You’re coming with me.”
“Are you letting me go?”
“No, we’re going on a date.”
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

What the fuck was I doing? I watched the restaurant empty out around me with a strange mix of feelings I could not place. Soon I was alone in the spacious dinning room. Secure in this knowledge I strolled over to the swinging kitchen doors and yanked Leopold into the room with me. I had left the panties and gag back on my bed. I did return his cute little bellhop hat to the top of his unkempt head. The ropes around his body remained mostly intact. His legs were unbound just enough to let him walk.
I lead him to the central table and pushed him into the seat. I pulled the rope from my purse and tied his legs to those of the chair. I then freed his arms. I pushed him up to the table before retaking my seat.
He nodded meekly. It might just have been the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen. I snapped and our orders were brought out to us. I say that like Leopold had any say in what he ate. His whole world revolved around me until I said otherwise. I thought about this as I watched him eat the food I ordered him to eat. It took me a moment to realize just what I was feeling. It was a feeling I hadn’t had since Malcolm. I was aroused.

What the actual fuck was wrong with this woman? Was she really taking him on a date? Just when he thought he had her figured out she went and pulled this shit. What the hell was the fancy crap on this plate? Why had she ordered it for him? Why was she looking at him like that? Leopold had interest in playing any kind of sick mind games with her. He'd rather be back on the bed with her panties over his face, that glorious ass covering it as well. Oh he would like to be free too, but we wasn't about to pass up the chance to see more of that ass.
Under the table he heard the plop of her shoes hitting the floor. Then came the pressure of something landing on his lap. It took him a moment or two to realize it was her bare feet. His face burned a deep blushing red. The foot began to slide up and down his bound leg. He nearly chocked on his food. When her toes squeezed his dick through his pants he nearly came then and there.

I almost dragged him back to the room. Once there I yanked off my pants and underwear. I almost tore off the panties before slapping them over his head and shoving him onto the bed.
"There you go, fresh pair."
I ran into the bathroom and started fingering myself like a madwoman. It took three separate orgasms before I calmed down. Feeling better I went back into my room and sat on Leopold's face. I could feel him kissing the panties beneath me. Maybe he deserved a little reward too. I undid his pants and grabbed his dick. I heard him gasp under me.
"Make a mess and you will be punished."
I began stroking. I took my time running my hands up and down, milking my little pervert. It soon became too much for him and he came. I wiped my hands on a tissue and picked up the phone.
"I warned you."
I dialed the front desk.
"I've decided Leopold and I are staying another week."
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

I pulled one pair of panties off his head and slipped the pair I'd worn yesterday on in their place. We'd gotten the routine down pat by now. As well we should, we'd been doing it long enough now. That extra week had soon ballooned into a full month. Not that he seemed to mind. He never asked to leave. He never asked to talk to anyone at home. They never called him. He just seemed happy to be here. That bothered me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why haven't you tried to escape? Demanded to be let go?"
"You already said you would."
"You told the manager you'd let me go when your stay was over."
"Oh yeah."
"You strike me as a woman of your word."
"I am."
"Then I trust you."
I shook my head.
"Then you're probably a fool."

The next day I decided I need to go for a swim. No, we needed to go for a swim. So as per my request the rooftop pool was closed for a private event the rest of the day. I changed into my one piece bathing suit. I untied Leopold and had him take off his uniform which I sent out to be cleaned. He looked awfully cute in his tighty whities. Knowing he wouldn't run I allowed him to walk with me freely. Well as freely as he could anyway. We took it easy at first. I swam while he floated at the edge. Eventually I had to swim up to him.
"What's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why aren't you swimming."
"I can't."
"You can't swim?"
He shook his head. So fucking cute. I grabbed him and pulled him to me like a mother holding a child. Well save for my erect nipples and his obvious boner.

"Have you ever even had sex?" she asked him when they got back to her room.
To say the question caught him off guard was an understatement.
"Something about your general pervy demeanor tells me you're still a virgin."
He blushed harder than he had at any other point in his life.
"Awe, you are!"
He looked down at his feet in shame. She shoved him onto his back on the bed. Trying to sit up he saw her taking off her swimsuit.

Why the fuck did I just do that? I clutched a sleeping Leopold tightly against me. He was redressed and rebound, panties and all. I didn't bother to dress. I just laid there in my sin. This was the first time I'd made love since Marcus died. I had loved every second of it. Making love was the wrong word for it. That was what Marcus and I had done. I was control here. I had my way with him. I used him. I dominated him. I raped him. I loved that power over his young body. It terrified me. Not the act itself. No, it was the knowledge I would be doing it again.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]ZTVFemdomtales[/mention] F/M is not something I usually enjoy, but that's a tribute to your good writing and immersive storytelling skills.

Sounds like young Leopold is growing fond of his horny sugar-mistress!

I initially only intended to give this thread a quick peek, but then found myself having read the entire first chapter and the ones that followed it. Well done!

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Post by Buster »

This is a great story!
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Leopold squirmed across the floor like a worm. He was filthy and slightly bruised. He wore nothing but the ropes around his body and freshly used pair of panties over his head. He inched his way to the hotel room door. He had to get away! This crazy woman was going to kill him! Man was not meant to have this much sex! She was veracious. No matter how many orgasms she had she never seemed to tire out. How the fuck did she do it? This wasn't simple love making any more. She was a predator and he her prey. She wasn't gentle. She took him like the piece of meat he was right now and part of him loved it. He had to get away before this went to far. Her hands locked around her feet.
"Get back in here, I'm not done with you yet."
She dragged him back into her bed and rabid lustful body.

"Are you sure about this?" Leopold asked as I adjusted his dress shirt.
"After all the sex I've forced upon you I think a proper date is the least I can do."
"Being your prisoner is very confusing."
"I know, it is for me too. You started this as a pervert to be punished. Now ... now you're a boy toy to be enjoyed."
The cute blush that came to his cheeks made her heart swell.
"Why did you make me wear your used panties?"
"Because we're perverts and should embrace it in everything we do."
"If you say so."

As they arrived at the restaurant Leopold shook his head. This was insane, right? There was no way the two of them could just go on a date. Yet here they were. They sat across from each other at the small table laughing and talking. She really was an amazing woman. He might have been falling in love with her. All the better to get the fuck out of here the first chance he got.
That chance came the next morning. She had fucked him long into the night. Now she was packing as he sat unbound on her bed, back in uniform.
"It's been ... an experience," he told her.
"Definitely one of a kind," she agreed, examining the new trunk she had delivered.
"Where will you go next?"
"What's it like?"
She smiled.
"It's my own private island."
"Yes, tropical of course. The most beautiful beaches you've ever seen. A massive mansion. I'm waited on hand and foot. Whatever I say is law. I'm basically the queen."
"Sounds like heaven."
"It's only missing one thing."
"What's that?"
"A bellhop."
Before he could react she shoved a pair of panties over his head and pressed them over his nose and mouth. He screamed as he sucked in the sweet smell of chloroform. He felt weaker and weaker. Soon he fell into the open trunk and blacked out.

I smiled as I climbed into my limo to go home. The two bellhops loading my trunk into the trunk were not as happy.
"Where the fuck is Leopold?" one bitched.
"He never has to do the hard stuff like this," the other agreed.


The manager of the Broadway Grand manned the desk himself that night. The wealthy Lady Carmella was staying with them. He would greet this big spender himself. She sauntered in as elegant as ever. She wore a gorgeous golden dress and was immaculate. The Bellhop following her was not. He was a mess. His uniform was wrinkled and stained. He seemed to be wearing a pair of woman's panties on his face like a mask.
"What the fuck?"
He stormed over to yell at the boy and got a better look. That wasn't the right uniform. Now that he was closer he saw he wore a leather collar and was being led by a leash.
"You're not one of our bellhops."
"No," Lady Carmella said, "he's mine. Come along Leopold."
"Yes my queen."

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