Jon and Sarah (Part 3) F/m

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Mr Underheel
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Sarah and Jon F/m (re-post of original story)

Post by Mr Underheel »

I agree that it is sad that the old site is gone. It is the only place that most of my stories resided. Here's one that I saved:

There was always a hint of “Sarah” in the air as long as Jon could remember. They had grown up in the same small town of about 20,000 people, but that is a large enough community so that it is unlikely that you will “know” everybody. She, however, had an unforgettable presence that people would not forget once they had experienced her. It was that “presence” that he felt on his very first day on campus at his new college which was only a few hours away from his home town.

He had attended a small private high school, graduating with all of 86 classmates. At the same time, she was a student at the large public school across town. Her school was at the other end of the “school size” spectrum: her commencement ceremony was attended by over 500 students. Although he graduated in the top 10% of his class, it was hard to compare his scholastic accomplishments to hers. She was Number 25 in GPA, a big fish in a big pond.

Jon was into sports, starring on the football team for 3 years. He also played basketball and ran track. All that was apparently not enough to garner the direct, personal attention of the beautiful blonde from across town. She did, though, recognize his name if one of her friends mentioned him to her even if she might not be able in her mind to put that name to his face.

He was sure he had seen her at the beach or downtown more than once and had asked his friends, “Who is THAT?” They seemed to know her and so he knew her name as well, though he never let on how much her shoes—those shoes!—caught and captured his attention.

In spite of all of his successes and all that he had accomplished, he was a shy young man. A girl like Sarah, he thought, would never have any interest in somebody like him. If he had ever voiced his infatuation with her to his friends it is probable that they would have encouraged him to talk to her, but he kept this to himself as one of his little secrets, as illogical as it seems. It was not his ONLY little secret, however.

The first time he had seen her she was lying on a beach blanket in a red bikini. Now, red bikinis were not at all unusual in that town, but not everyone also wore five-inch tall matching red, cork-soled sandals. He vividly remembered that she was lying there, semi-reclined, leaning on both elbows, with her right knee pointed toward the sky and her left leg stretched toward the water. Her head was tilted backward and her eyes were closed beneath the amber-tinted sunglasses that she wore, and her long neck and her delectable, ample bosom was well-exposed to the mid-summer sun. This precise, detailed vision of her was etched indelibly in his mind.

There was one other time that he saw her that he would never forget another memory that now and again would pop into his head seemingly out of nowhere. He had been in the audience during a performance of “Thoroughly Modern Millie” at Sarah’s high school, a story that piqued his interest beyond the love that he had of watching Broadway musicals. Reference, if you will, the scenes near the end of the play where Millie discovers and rescues young women who are most definitely “Damsels In Distress”. His interest in a particular aspect of the “distress” that the young maidens were experiencing as Millie attempted to rescue them aptly depicted another of his closely-held secrets, at least in the way that the predicament that they were in was portrayed in the Julie Andrews movie version of this production, circa 1967. The combination of the musical production itself and the stimulating subject matter of those late scenes were more than enough reason for him to have been there that night. As it turned out, there was yet one more treat awaiting him.

At intermission, Jon and his friends visited the lobby and there, enjoying some light refreshments was Sarah, dazzling in a rather short black sleeveless dress and the highest black platform pumps with the thinnest stiletto heels that he had ever seen. He had never personally seen a woman, either teen-aged or adult, who had ever worn anything quite like them. It was likely that his jaw was hanging open to a noticeable degree as he stood there paralyzed by this vision. She was turned slightly away from him and so she didn’t notice the young man standing there intoxicated by her. One of her friends seemed to notice, though, and leaned over toward her as he walked by. He was tongue-tied, though, despite the fact that there were words of intense admiration that wanted to burst from his throat. “Dammit! Dammit!” he thought as he and his friends sat down at another table some distance away.

And that was the last time that he saw her for a long while. Those memories, those images, those experiences, visited him often, sometimes when his mind had drifted off during a quiet time of the day, and often as a part of his dreams. She flitted in and out of his consciousness in an absurd, random way that highly frustrated him.
Mr Underheel
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Post by Mr Underheel »

After a long, hot summer he was finally off to college. Freedom! From the instant he moved into his dorm room he began making new friends. His own roommates were more than a little dorky but other guys on his floor were pretty cool and lifelong relationships bloomed immediately. They ate together, studied together, laughed together, drank together, played cards together. They loved their college football, always making sure that they were among the first into the stadium on Gameday Saturdays. Leave a game early???? Perish the thought! Win or lose, they saw every single play of every single game.

On the first day, at the first dinner in the dorm cafeteria, Jon felt the aura, the “hint”. He looked around for a moment but saw nothing but a sea of unfamiliar faces. He went back to his dinner and his conversations with his friends.

But, then, there she was. The blonde hair, flowing and wavy, leaped out of the crowd at him. Could it be her? Her back was to him so he scanned her carefully for the tell-tale sign: Yes! The platform heels were a dead give-away. Sarah! Nobody could imitate her style. His fork paused just in front of his lips as he froze, transfixed. She disappeared into the crowd as his friends noticed that he had been distracted.

“What are you looking at”, asked Jim.

“Nothing. Nothing”, he said. And he went back to his food.

After that, it seemed like he caught a glimpse of her at every turn. On his way to class, when he studied at the library. One day on the way home from class, he saw a group of people playing touch football. And there, playing quarterback, was Sarah. And she could throw! He was half expecting that she would be wearing wedges on the field but, no. This was the first time that he had ever seen her in tennis shoes or anything remotely flat. Not surprisingly, though, the shoes fit her style. Nobody really seemed to care, though, as she dissected the defense with her accurate passes. He walked on by and didn’t linger for more than a few moments.

When he got to his room he looked out the window and saw that the game was still going on. More than anything, he wanted to get into that game! He quickly changed into his jersey, shorts, and shoes and then hurried back down stairs. Once he got outside, he became nonchalant in his demeanor and watched the game from a distance, stretching a little and enjoying the late summer sun.

When one of the players dropped out, insisting that it was time for him to study, someone yelled to him. “Hey! Do you want in? You’re with us!” He looked surprised for a moment and then jogged over. He was playing defense against Sarah’s team.

“You want to rush, or cover?” He said with little hesitation, “I’ll rush.” She still hadn’t really noticed him.

“Set. HUT!” Sarah slapped the ball and her receivers took off on their routes. “One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi.” And he took off in pursuit of her. She rolled right and, just as he got there, she flung the ball to the guy who was running a skinny post. She hit him right in the chest for a nice 10 yard gain. Jon tagged her in the waist a moment after her release, giving her just a little jolt. She gave him a look and a smile.

“Hey! I know you! Don’t I?” She smiled a glittering toothy grin in his direction.

“Yeah! Hi! It’s great to see a familiar face!”

“Do you live here?” she asked.

“Yup. I thought I saw you the other day in the cafeteria. How do you like it so far?”

“It’s great!” she replied. Her team was lined up for the next snap.

“HUT!” The receivers took off before Jon’s team was ready to go. Jon was flustered and forgot to count the required number of Mississippis before he rushed.

He leaped as her arm cocked and he knocked the ball backward before he came down almost on top of her. “PENALTY!” she screamed. “Premature pursuit! You don’t have much discipline, do you?” she said with a wry smile.

“I’m sorry!” he cried. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She smiled at him. “No, I’m fine. But you…mmmhhumm…might not be. Careful, little boy!” she chuckled as she waggled her finger back and forth near his nose.

And so their battle on the field intensified. He teased her by letting her seem to get the best of him, although her completion percentage against him was just so-so, either when he pass rushed or when he was dropping into coverage and she chose to throw in his direction.

At the end of the game, he didn’t hang around long, taking only a moment to thank everybody for a great game and for asking him to play before running inside to shower.

He saw nothing of her for a week, even at dinner. There was no reason for her to avoid him, he thought, so she must just be off doing…whatever. Once again, he tried to put her out of his mind. Predictably, it was a dreadfully unsuccessful effort.

Almost two weeks later, he was walking through campus on a gorgeous Saturday morning, one of his favorite times to walk since the entire area was nearly deserted and he could enjoy some peace and quiet. He strolled through a large park-like area near the library. A few forms dotted the open lawn: joggers, readers, strollers, and a few yoga aficionados stretching on their mats. At that moment, he once again felt that familiar “presence”.

His eyes scanned the area quickly, hoping to find her but to no avail, at least, not immediately. This was a large park with several obscure areas that were sheltered by a variety of trees and hedges. One of the most peaceful spots was a place called The Cedar Cathedral, a glen that was surrounded by a large number of the aromatic tree.

And that is where he found her in a half hurdler’s stretch atop a Pilates mat. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail and she was wearing all black: a sleeveless crop top and Capri-length tight pants. She moved to the Lotus position, sitting straight and tall with her eyes closed. He silently approached her.

She must have felt him there because, before he could say anything and without opening her eyes, she said, “Hello, Jon. You’re up early today. How are you?”

“Sarah! It’s great to see you again!” Jon sat down next to her and they chatted with each other for the first time ever. They were both amazed with how well and how quickly they connected. It was two full hours later that they looked up and saw the sun nearly straight overhead.

“I feel like I’ve known you forever”, they said simultaneously. They laughed loud and hard at this.

He stood and said, “Let’s walk for a while. I would like to stretch my legs a little.”

She reached into the gym bag that lay in the grass nearby and retrieved her shoes, a pair of Michael Kors wedges, all in black. She strapped them on and stood up.

Jon kneeled and rolled up the mat for her and then tucked it into the bag. He looked up at her and saw that she was watching him carefully. “I like you just like that”, she said quietly.

He felt a warmth growing in his groin. Did she really say that, he wondered? Could she possibly know anything about his submissive dreams? No, it wasn’t possible. Or was it?

They walked and talked and got lost in their conversation wandering randomly around the beautiful campus. They laughed often and freely. She seemed to like to give him a playful shove when he said anything that was particularly funny.

Something happened that was, to him, completely unexpected. She slipped a hand around his bicep and squeezed it, only for a moment, but that moment once again brought a surge of warmth to him from head to toe. He smiled broadly.

But then, a sudden shadow covered them, followed by a loud “BOOOM!” They looked up and, for the first time, saw that a thunderstorm was rolling in. Their upturned faces noticed immediately the falling rain the might soon soak them.

Taking stock of their situation, they saw that they were just outside of the large Administration building. Fortunately, the door that was near them was unlocked and they quickly ducked inside.

The “Ad” building was nearly almost empty on a Saturday morning. Few of the deans and professors whose offices were located there spent much time at work on weekends. Sarah and Jon wandered the hallways, reading the bulletin boards and peeking in the windows of some of the offices.

A secretary was holding fort in the main office, but nobody else was around on the first floor. They climbed the stairs to the second floor and thought that the status there was the same. Whispering as they went, they continued their nosy wandering through the building. As they reached the far end of the building, though, there was a thin shaft of light peeking through a door that was cracked open only slightly. “Let’s take a look”, Jon whispered to her.
As they grew closer, they also heard some odd sound. A muffled “smack” “smack” “smack” emanated from somewhere inside the room. They crept to the opening and peeked inside, Jon arriving first.

Sarah came up behind him and pressed her body against him, pushing down on his shoulders in an unmistakable instruction for him to kneel so that she could see over the top of her head. He obeyed her and glanced up at her. She returned the look along with a slight smile, mouthing the words, “Good boy!” to him. That warmth shot through him once again!

They looked back through the crack. Nothing could be seen in the front part of the office, but near the back, beyond a second door that lay wide open, they could see bodies.

Jon was sure that he was seeing the lower half of a naked woman who was bent over a desk. He was seeing her from an angle that was behind her and to her right. Her hands appeared to be bound in front of her and she was resting on her elbows. She wore black peep-toe stiletto platform pumps and her feet were spread wide. This accommodated the man who stood behind her in a similarly half naked condition. His hands were tied behind him.
His motion made it obvious that he was screwing her from behind. It was also obvious that something was making his ass abnormally red. Then the two snoops noticed why: Each time he thrust into the bound woman, a third person who was obscured by the three-quarters open door, would whip his cheeks with a large black leather flogger. They could only see the right foot of the woman who was controlling this scene as well as the intermittent flash of her hand and the flogger.

That one foot, however, was wearing the most gorgeous candy apple red platform heel that Sarah had ever seen. “I HAVE to get a pair of those!” she exclaimed, making quite a bit more noise than she had intended. The fucking couple paused and turned to look over their shoulders but their Dominant would have nothing of it and she let the whip fall again.

“Nobody told you to stop, did they?” She whipped them again.

Frightened looks crossed Sarah and Jon’s faces, but only for a moment. They broke into broad smiles as they ran away, not desiring to be discovered by the kinky trio.

A doorway ahead was marked “Theater” and Sarah whispered to Jon, “Let’s hide in here. See if the door is unlocked.” It was! They ducked into the back of the one thousand seat auditorium and found that they had entered a door at the far back.

A rehearsal was happening onstage. “I want to see this”, she said. They scrunched down in seats in the very last row in a very obscure corner. From what they could make out, this was an audition session for an upcoming performance. And what a play it must be!

In the middle of the stage under a somewhat dimmed stage light was a four-poster bed. A girl was tied to it, both her arms and legs spread wide. A piece of white medical tape was across her lips. She wore a simple house dress and was barefooted. A man was leaning on the bed delivering his lines.

“I had to kidnap you so you’d get to know me. I’m sure you’ll come to love me as I love you.”

Jon whispered to Sarah, “That’s from ‘Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!” I’ve seen the movie a couple of times.”

Sarah turned and stared at him. “You’ve seen that? I have, too. Did you like it?”

He only turned his head toward her part of the way and then slowly nodded. She squeezed his knee tightly. They settled back, still hunched in their seats, wanting to continue to be unnoticed.

This pairing of actors finished their scene and she was released from the bed. They walked down the stairs to the director, who shared a few notes with them.

Suddenly, the director stood up and shouted “That’s a wrap for today, people! Time got away from me and I have to be out of here in 2 minutes. Just leave the set and let’s go! GO GO GO!!!”

Everybody hustled out the doors and then the click of locks setting echoed through the theater.

Sarah and Jon looked at each other. Not only had they left the set untouched, the stage light was not turned off. The bed and the ropes were sitting there untouched, unguarded, like a beacon leading them in that direction.

She stood and said to him, “Come with me. I think I know something about you.” He stood and she took his shirt collar in her hand and tugged him gently in the direction of the stage, saying not another word to him. He followed without comment and without protest, the rod in his pants growing longer, thicker, and harder by the second.

They climbed the stairs to the stage and stood next to the bed. She was mere inches from him, looking straight into his eyes. “I want to tie you up. And I think that you WANT me to tie you up. Am I right?”

“Uuhhhh…how did you know that?”

“Oh, I know little boys like you. You like my shoes, don’t you? I know that about you, too. And that little scene back there with the teachers turned you one. I could tell! On top of that, it’s not just anybody who knows dialogue from ‘Tie Me Up!’ Only somebody who likes seeing people tied up would have seen that one often enough to know the lines. Trust me. I know the lines, too.”

“To tell you the truth, Sarah, I was kind of hoping that I could tie YOU up! But that's not going to happen, is it?"

"Nobody ties ME up. I would never allow that. If we're going to play together, I will be in control. You will do as I say. Shall we play, my pet? That's what I thought." He had made no audible response and had made no movement of any kind but his face had turned crimson red and she noticed that he had become so impossibly hard that his jeans were threatening to rip. She pushed him backward onto the bed, an action to which he offered no resistance.

"Let's see how this goes. If I tie this wrist to this corner...." She expertly wrapped the rope around him and tied it in such a way that he would not escape, though at the same time he was in no danger of losing the blood circulation in his hand. "...And then we tie this one to this corner..." His arms were stretched almost straight out to the sides.

"...And connect your ankles as such..." Now his legs were spread just as widely which prevented nearly all movement not only in his limbs but in the rest of his body as well. "...You will be completely helpless and at my mercy! Isn't that nice?"

He couldn't speak with his heart pounding and his lungs heaving the way they were. Sarah just laughed. "I will assume that you're enjoying this."

She unbuckled his belt very deliberately, staring him in the eyes the whole time. "You will be obedient, won't you? Whatever I want you will give to me. Isn't that right?" She unzipped his pants to reveal the underwear that could scarcely contain the shaft within.

"Tighty-Whities?" She shook her head in disapproval. Bending over his waist, she took the elastic band in her teeth and her fingers and created a small tear in it. Then, with strong hands, she ripped the white underwear right down the middle until his manhood was exposed to the cool air of the stage.

"Boxers. Tomorrow you will dispose of your entire supply of these ugly things and replace them with a nice variety of boxers. You'll do that for me, my little pet, won't you?" He nodded.

"Good boy!"

She stroked his cock with her hand gently a few times and then closed her teeth around its head, slowly increasing the pressure on it until he finally reacted.

"PLEASE! Sarah! Please!"

" 'Sarah'? I don't think that you should call me that when I have you in such a compromising and vulnerable position. No, you will address me as 'M'Lady'! Do you understand?"

"Yes...M'Lady! As You Wish!"

"Good boy! A 'Princess Bride' reference! My, my but you ARE a submissive little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes, M'Lady. I can't hide it any longer. Not from You, at least."

"Good boy."
Mr Underheel
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Post by Mr Underheel »

"Since you are so deliciously helpless, little boy, I think I will take the opportunity to learn some things about you." She took off his black canvas Converse low-top tennis shoes. "Like: how ticklish are you? And where are you the most ticklish?"

"Oh, I can tell you that! I'm..." She cut him off.

"You wouldn't want to deny me the pleasure of discovery, would you? Don't say a thing."

She started with his sock-covered feet and found that he squirmed and laughed at her first touch. And as she intently tickled those feet, he could barely contain himself. "QUITE ticklish, it seems! Yes, but let's move on." She scoured him from ankle to wrist and found few places where he did not react. He was red in the face and out of breath from heaving so hard in laughter. The insides of his thighs, his stomach. His ribs and underarms were particularly sensitive. He was laughing so hard that he was crying.

"You're being a little too loud! You'll attract attention! We can't have that. I'm not finished with you yet."

He scarcely notice that she was climbing onto the bed and that her feet were straddling his head, her sandals nearly resting against his ears. Her shins crossed his upper arms and her knees lay on either side of his chest.

"SSSShhhhhh!!!!" She lowered her ass over his face and his nosed pressed into her yoga pants in just the right spot. NOW he was noticing her position. As his air was suddenly taken from him he panicked almost immediately and tried to wag his head back and forth to escape. He pushed up against her but she continued to press against him and, finally, when he could stand it no longer, he began to scream as loudly as he could. Every sound vibration, though, was absorbed by her pussy and her ass, stimulating her in a very special way. She knew, though, that she would only maintain this position for a few precious seconds.

When she raised up from his face he gasped for air. "What are you DOING??" "SSSHHHHH!!!" she admonished. "Shut it! And don't cum!"

Now she lowered her head to his crotch, kneeling over him. She took his rod in her mouth and sucked him gently, taking in his full length. This gentle mouth-fuck was affecting him quickly. She felt the beginnings of pulsations through her tough and sensed the tightening of his butt muscles and of his abs as, she assumed, he tried to control his orgasm. Slowly, she raised her head from him, but allowed her lips to slide over the very tip of his cock as she ended, tasting the delicious pre-cum that had escaped.

He panted and moaned. "SSSSHHHHHH!!!!" She lowered her ass to his face again and gently smothered him as before.

As he screamed into her ass one more time, she said quietly, "I am going to enjoy this little one."

She released him from the "pillow" of her thighs and then took him in her mouth again.

He quietly moaned, "No. No. No. No. don't cum. don't cum. don't cum." Already his balls were aching and he wasn't sure how much he would be able to take.

With no warning, he found his face back in the dark prison of her ass and, within seconds, he was screaming once again.

Sarah did not tire of this game quickly, but when he sobbed quietly as he tried to control one more orgasm, she decided that he had had enough. At that moment, she dismounted him and stood on the floor next to the bed.

She worked at the knot that imprisoned his right wrist and freed it. Then she picked up her purse, leaned over him, and kissed his forehead.

"That was a very good effort, my pet. Now, free yourself, gather up my things and get yourself back to your room. Wait there for my call. You will receive further instructions."

He watched her walk across away and disappear into the dark wings of Stage Left. A door quietly opened and then clicked shut. He lay there panting, trying to gather his senses and his wits. Closing his eyes, he quietly memorized the morning, ever movement that she made, every sound, the aroma of her hair, of her skin, of the juices that, just now, he realized had soaked the clothing between her legs.

The rope was nearly off of his last ankle and he was nearly free, after struggling a bit with the release of his left wrist. He was unwrapping the coils when he heard a theater door open far in the back right corner of the facility. In stumbled three figures, obviously two women and a man. Even in the dim light he could see that the hands of the man and one of the women were bound and that leashes were strung from from their necks to the hand of the other woman.

He jumped from the bed and ran to the stage door and didn't stop until he was outside.

As he walked back toward their dorm completely dazed by what had just happened, he realized that he had left his shoes on the stage.

"I NEED those shoes! Crap!" He turned around and went back to the stage door which, fortunately, was still open. He silently crept inside and hid in the darkness behind the curtains in the wings. The three Paragons of Education were on the bed where he had previously been bound. Ducking behind the curtain, terrified that he would be discovered, he cowered there, hoping that they would leave soon.

He heard the sounds of orgasms, of toys impacting flesh, of wet skin coming together, the moaning of gagged mouths, the quiet orders of a Dominatrix who knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. His hand went to his crotch as he thought of Sarah. Screw the stupid shoes! He ran off of the stage not caring who heard him if they saw him, or what anybody might think.

He did not stop running until he was back in his room. Now he had a one-track mind, never taking his eyes off of his phone, hoping that it would ring any second.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Well written, great story. There has to be more, right?
Mr Underheel
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Post by Mr Underheel »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago Well written, great story. There has to be more, right?
In the past I wrote a ton of stories about Sarah and Jon. I never wrote anything beyond these 3 parts, though, on this storyline. Maybe I should
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Great story.
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