Susans Crazy Arrest (FF/F) (vote story)

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Post by johopp »

A B C wins

Chapter 112

While the mothers disappeared back into the kitchen to bring the roast to the table, Susan took a long look at her Claire gift. The gift ribbon was tied accurately - not twisted or overlapped anywhere - but at the same time tight enough that Claire couldn't pull her hands and feet out. And the bow on Claire's mouth was also a real work of art. No - Susan didn't want to unwrap her present yet!

When Claire realized this, she protested - but Susan immediately covered her mouth with her hand. "Psst - you are my gift - that means that today no sound will escape your lips until I give you permission - understand?" Claire nodded with a grin.

The mother called the girls into the kitchen. But instead of untying Claire, Susan jumped up and ran into the kitchen. All three set the table and barely noticed Claire. Claire soon got bored, but since she wanted to be completely at Susan's disposal today, she wasn't allowed to talk back - an exciting game!

When the table was finally set, Claire was already drooling. The others laughed, sat down at the table and began to eat. Claire's renewed protest was muffled by the tape covering her mouth. The other three ignored Claire and ate the roast. They chatted as if Claire wasn't even there!

Only when Claire's hungry stomach made a loud grumbling noise did the two of them burst out laughing, while Claire turned red! How embarrassing!

When the two had finished eating, they brought their plates and the remaining roast into the kitchen. Claire sighed wistfully - apparently she had to go to bed without dinner today! She laughed - her mother had once used this as punishment for being naughty when she was younger! But had she been naughty today?

Before she could think about it any further - which was made difficult by her loudly grumbling stomach - Susan came back in with the roast plate! "Fooled!" she laughed.

Susan removed the tape from Claire's mouth and held a slice of roast in front of her mouth with her fingers. Claire took a bite - the best roast of her life! She bit off more pieces and had spoonfuls of potatoes, vegetables and sauce shoved into her mouth! She felt like a baby being fed like that - but somehow it was nice too.

After dinner it was time to sing Christmas carols. Everyone now knew the texts by heart. But Carol said: "We'd better untie my daughter - lying on her stomach like that will make it harder for her to breathe when she sings!" Both daughters protested loudly. Susan's mother acknowledged Carol's objection, but then suggested that Claire be tied to a chair instead.

When Claire was tied to the chair, Carol said: "You see, you can stay tied up! And you get to choose the songs too!" She removed Claire's gag and gave the start signal. "One, two, three and..."

Can Claire sing along to the lyrics clearly?

A) No, Susan covers her mouth with her hand while she sings.
B) No, Susan tickles her feet while singing
C) No, Susan intentionally sings poorly to throw Claire out of sync.
D) Yes, Susan pinches Claire's nose, which changes Claire's tone of voice.
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Post by JulieG »

I think this has to be B
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Post by Jennyjay »

I like A
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Post by Bondageboi »

B please
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Post by johopp »

B wins

Chapter 113

Claire was happy to be free of the gag and began to sing: "Siilent ni... hahaha" Susan's nimble fingers scurried over the soles of her feet and tickled. Carol laughed: "I didn't understand anything - all over again!" But again Claire could only sing a few notes before the tickling of her soles triggered another fit of laughter.

Susan's mother laughed too. "Santa Claus will take all your presents back if you can't serenade him properly. Let's try another song - maybe you'll be more confident with the lyrics!"

But it wasn't due to a lack of lyrical confidence, but rather due to Susan's tickling fingers, that Claire couldn't perform the other Christmas songs without errors. All four had fun - and of course Claire still got her presents.

After the singing, the girls wanted to have a snowball fight since it was a white Christmas for once. After Claire was untied, they put on warm clothes, shoes and socks and went to the front door. But when Claire already had her hand on the door handle, Susan stopped her and looked deep into her friend's eyes: "Are you sure you want to be my slave today?" Claire blushed at the word, but nodded.

"Fine - then kneel down and lower your head - slave!" Claire blushed again, but sat down obediently and didn't resist when her hands were tied behind her back. Susan took off her shoes and socks before she also tied Claire's feet.

Once Claire was tied up, she willingly allowed herself to be pushed towards the front door. But when she saw all the snow, she hesitated - after all, she was still barefoot!

A) Susan leaves Claire in the warm hallway but soaps her up with snowballs.
B) Susan ties Claire to a tree in the garden and throws snowballs at her.
C) Susan lets the tied Claire run around the snow-covered garden before she is allowed back into the warmth.
D) Susan pushes the tied Claire into the snow and quickly closes the front door from the inside.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

C please. Does she run, or hop,on bound bare feet?
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Post by Bondageboi »

C please
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Post by CapturedCarol »

B please, torment her a bit.
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Post by johopp »

B and C wins

Chapter 114

Susan laughed as she saw Claire standing in the doorway - hesitant and wondering whether she should take the plunge. "Come on, slave, move!" Claire stuck her tied big toes into the snow - and immediately pulled them back! The cold took her breath away! Susan's voice took on an angry tone. "Come on, jump! I don't have all day!"

Claire gathered all her courage and jumped into the snow. Her bare feet disappeared into the white, cold mass up to her bound ankles. She managed to keep her balance with difficulty, but the cold pain shot through her body again. Susan encouraged her bound friend. "The faster you hop, the faster you'll be back in the warm!" This encouraged Claire. Her jumps became larger and the pauses in between became shorter.

As she hopped up to the tree in the garden, Susan ordered Claire to stop. Claire, who wanted to continue toward the warm apartment, protested, but Susan pushed her back against the trunk. Then she pulled Claire's arms behind the trunk and tied them together. Her bare feet were also tied to the trunk. Susan looked at Claire and said, "Your bad luck, you were too slow!"

Helplessly tied to the trunk, Claire saw her friend forming a snowball and coming towards her. That first snowball landed directly in Claire's face, more in her hair, and on her bound hands and feet. The cold snow quickly melted on the warm skin and soon Claire was wet all over. She was shivering from the cold, but secretly she didn't want to miss this experience under any circumstances.

When she was finally untied, she hugged Susan - not only to warm herself up, but also to thank her for the great experience in the snow!

After Claire was untied, she immediately took a hot shower. Susan and the mothers used the time to prepare some Christmas treats in the kitchen.

When Claire came out of the bathroom and changed, the tempting smell of cookies, oranges, gingerbread and cinnamon stars led her straight to the kitchen. She reached for a cookie - and got hit on the fingers with the spatula. Ouch - that hurt! "Not yet - first the table is set, slave!"

Claire licked her sore fingers, then grinned and picked up a plate. But Susan scolded: "Just keep it up if you want another hit with the spatula! Hands forward, slave - with your palms together!" Claire obeyed and had her hands wrapped in tape from the wrists to the fingertips. "But how am I supposed to set the table like that? Ouch!" The next blow with the spatula hit the backs of her bare feet. She understood: Shut up and think of an option for yourself! Susan wouldn't untie her until the last crumb was on the table!

A) She balances the plates on her head.
B) She does a handstand and balances the plates on the soles of her feet.
C) She holds the plates between her teeth.
D) She leaves the plates standing on the floor and grabs each individual food item with her teeth or feet
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Post by JulieG »

I was never that flexible even when I did gymnastics, but seriously, I’ve got to see B.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by johopp »

B and D win

Chapter 115

Claire tried to relieve the pain by massaging the sore soles of her feet with the other foot. That worked surprisingly well, but Susan became impatient: "Come on, set the table, I'm starving!" Claire held out her tied hands again - and was then just in time to avoid another blow with the spatula! "It's okay, it's okay! I'll do it!"

Claire's last sentence was meant to sound grumpy, but she couldn't help but giggle. Both girls seemed to have a lot of fun with the scenario, as Susan also had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud!

Claire thought for a moment: Since even her fingers were tied, the use of her hands was out of the question from the start. But maybe another variant would work. Trying was more than studying!

It would be easy for athletic Claire to do a handstand if her fingers weren't glued together. Since Susan also wanted to see if Claire's suggestion would work, she eventually agreed to remove the tape around Claire's wrists and fingers and handcuff her in front of her body instead.

Claire got into a handstand and ordered Susan to quickly place the plate on her bare soles. The weight of the plate made Claire's arms almost buckle like matchsticks, but she braced herself against it and moved her hands forward millimeter by millimeter.

Susan whistled, impressed - at that moment Claire's arms buckled like matchsticks. She placed her feet on the ground in time to avoid hurting herself, but the plates and food fell to the ground. The clatter of broken glass that Claire had feared did not materialize. Apparently Susan had had the foresight to use metal plates after all.

The next spatula strokes landed on Claire's bottom. Since she was wearing jeans, it didn't hurt much - but Claire still blushed with embarrassment. She felt like the naughty student her grandmother always talked about. She often had her bare bottom spanked in front of the entire class - and she somehow wished she had been that student back then! She blushed again.

"Come on, clean up the mess, slave - or I'll get really angry!" After saying that sentence, Susan had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud again. Then she was surprised to see how Claire carefully took each individual cookie between her toes and placed it back on the plate without arguing. Hardly any cookies were broken!

Susan couldn't help but applaud. "Mature performance! But you haven't publicly contaminated the cookies with your cheese feet!" Claire stuck her tongue out at Susan. One mistake - her feet were tickled until she begged for mercy. But Susan continued to tickle: "I didn't hear any 'I'm sorry, Master!'!" Then she started tickling Claire's feet again until after a few minutes she screamed out the desired sentence!

They then ate the delicious treats, with the still bound Claire being finger fed by Susan. Then she was untied and beamingly hugged Susan. Another unforgettable bondage experience came to an end.

Both Susan and Claire had to spend New Year's Eve with their relatives. On the one hand, both were happy to see their relatives again - on the other hand, apart from their mothers of course, they had no idea about the girls' "little games". And the mothers thought it was better that it stayed that way.

Don't get me wrong: It was still a nice evening, but whenever no one was looking, Susan and Claire crossed their hands behind their backs and sighed quietly.

Their mothers noticed their daughters' longing to be tied up - but they thought it would be better if the guests didn't notice. When they told their daughters this with looks, Claire and Susan's moods were at their lowest.

Just before midnight, Carol had an idea. She went to the kitchen to get a new bottle of wine for the adult guests. When she returned with it, she tripped - and half the contents of the bottle spilled all over the yellow dress that Claire had worn especially to celebrate the day.

Carol apologized and immediately went upstairs with her daughter - ostensibly to put a new dress on her.

At the same time, Susan's mother was not idle either. Suddenly she said to her daughter: "Susan, you have a big booger in your nose. Get rid of it for a moment!". She went to Susan and put a tissue in her hand. Susan blew her nose - and sneezed violently several times. The mother immediately ran to Susan and felt her forehead. "My God - you're glowing! Go to bed now, young lady!" Susan's protest was unsuccessful. She said goodbye to the guests and was taken to her room. The mother grinned: the pepper in the tissue had the desired effect.

When they arrived in the girls' rooms, the mothers immediately established a video connection. Susan and Claire beamed as they saw each other on the screens. And they beamed even more when they saw each other's mother holding a roll of duct tape.

A glance at the clock showed that the New Year was only a few minutes away. The mothers tied their daughters' hands behind their backs with the tape. They then took off their shoes and socks and also tied their bare ankles with the tape.

Susan and Claire waited in vain for a gag - well, you can't have everything! The mothers said that now it was time for the New Year's Eve custom from Spain of eating 12 grapes at midnight - this is supposed to bring good luck for the new year.

How should they eat the grapes?

A) They have to pick up the grapes lying on the ground with their mouths.
B) They have to catch the grapes thrown by the mothers in their mouths.
C) They must use their mouths to retrieve the grapes from between their mothers' toes.
D) The grapes lay in front of Susan and Claire on the floor, the same distance. Whoever reaches and eat her grape first wins.
Last edited by johopp 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bondageboi »

C please. Let’s get the Mums barefoot too.
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Post by JulieG »

Were Clare and Susan at the same party? Are they in the same room, or in different rooms in different houses with a live stream video link?
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Post by johopp »

Susan and her mother are on one party, Claire and Carol are on another party. But there are livestreams.

... Now I see the problem: Option D is impossible then. Just corrected it. Now there is the same distance between girls and grapes in two different rooms.
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Post by JulieG »


If they are different rooms / houses ill go with C too.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Must be C
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 116

The daughters had never heard of this New Year's Eve tradition - but they agreed that they definitely wanted to keep it. The mothers grinned when they found out - they wouldn't have expected anything else from their sweet tooth!

The tied up daughters watched excitedly as their mothers first took off their own socks and then carefully placed the grapes between their toes. A few of the grapes didn't survive as the mothers initially squeezed too hard to hold the grapes in place, but they soon got the hang of it - just in time for midnight!

Susan's mouth watered when she saw the grapes. She crawled tied up to her mother's feet. A quick glance at the screen showed her that Claire was also ready to go. The night sky was now outside. Another quick glance at the clock: 15 seconds left until midnight! Time to give the starting signal!

What happens?

A) Susan accidentally bites her mother's foot.
B) Claire's tongue tickles Carol so much that she drops all the grapes.
C) Carol has such cheese feet that Claire pukes on her feet.
D) Susan chokes on a grape
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Post by Bondageboi »

A please. Sounds fun
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Post by JulieG »

C sounds hillarious
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

B please
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Post by CapturedCarol »

B please
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Post by Jennyjay »

A please
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Post by johopp »

A B Mix in

Chapter 117

Carol automatically tensed the muscles in her feet - not only to better hold the grapes, but also to reduce the tickling in the soles of her feet.

But after just a few seconds she realized that the tickling from her daughter's tongue was unbearable. She dropped the grapes on the floor and laughed loudly.

Claire was about to scold her for giving up so easily when she heard Susan's mother scold: "Ouch, are you crazy? That hurts!" A quick sideways glance showed Claire that Susan's grapes were also on the ground.

"I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to bite you! Does it hurt a lot?" But for Susan, the pain of defeat was greater than the pain in her toes. But Carol said Susan won because her daughter was too ticklish to hold onto the grapes for even a few seconds. Claire stuck her tongue out at her - but then all four laughed and agreed to a draw. The mothers were untied and the daughters were tied to the chair, but not tickled. After two hours they were released again and another unforgettable day of bondage ended.

A few days later, Susan visited Claire and Carol again, but Claire had to practice her ballet skills for the big performance with her school class. But Susan really wanted to play another of her "games". so without further ado she tied one of Claire's feet to her thigh. Claire could only balance on one leg.

What does Susan's training session look like in restraints?

A) Claire has to complete the ballet exercise on one leg in a certain time or Susan will tickle the sole of her tied foot.
B) Claire's hands are tied to a hook above her head, Claire has to balance on one leg.
C) Claire can do the exercise on the floor, but her hands are tied in front, too.
D) Susan places a very valuable small glass sculpture of Carol on Claires tied up sole. Claire has to balance so that this sculpture doesn't fall down.
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