Parisienne Walkways ( F/M )

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Parisienne Walkways ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

This story is based within Paris, the capital city of France. And, please bear in mind, it is written based upon a time of roughly 30 years ago, when mobile phones and laptops were NOT in general everyday use. Therefore when one left home, one was essentially 'incommunicado.' As for the title i've used, 'Parisienne Walkways,' THAT is also the title of a quite magnificent piece of music, penned by two Irish musical genie, both sadly no longer with us on this earth. Gary Moore and Phil Lynott. Even if you DON'T like my story, please check out this absolute 'Masterpiece' of a tune by these two. If you love great music, you will NOT be dis-appointed!


Madame Yvette Blanchard had not felt so happy for a very long time, if ever beforehand. And just why was that; a not unreasonable question it must be said? Because she was burying her late husband. Yes, Jean Paul Blanchard, the well-known highly successful businessman, was being laid to rest, after an entirely avoidable helicopter accident, that had claimed the lives of everybody on board. Meaning a large, yes VERY large indeed, payout from the responsible parties’ insurers was coming the way of the widow. Combined with the sale of what would now be HER shares in the business, for whom she already had two potential suitors offering far more than the ‘traditional’ market value in order to purchase, would result in Yvette becoming a VERY wealthy woman, one who would NEVER have to worry about money matters again, for her entire life.

You see, Madame Blanchard had not always been in such an advantageous position in life. Born in ‘the gutter’ as it were, to drug addict parents who were financially ‘challenged’ in the most extreme terms, she’d used her stunning good looks to drag herself up the social ladder. And therefore, Yvette had become the ‘trophy wife’ of Monsieur Blanchard.

And there were a lot worse positions in life that Yvette could have found herself in, believe me. Jean Paul Blanchard was neither cruel or indisposed towards his spouse, and was VERY passionate in bed, with a high skill level when it came to the ‘pleasures of the flesh,’ to match.

Jean Paul’s generosity towards his wife had been at a magnitude to match his considerable sexual prowess, now Yvette found herself adorned in the luxurious products of the VERY top designers and fashion houses, with naturally the most expensive and delightful raw materials being used. Of silk, satin, leather and other EXPENSIVE constituents, Yvette’s clothes now were ALL from the TOP drawer.

And his gifts towards her didn’t just extent to her clothes, Yvette had always fancied driving around Paris in an open-top Ferrari sports-car, now she did so. Oh yes, her life together with Jean Paul Blanchard had MANY advantages.

But also, some degree of cost. For Yvette was never FREE, free to be ‘her.’ Sure, as stated earlier, Monsieur Blanchard was a decent, honest man who treated Yvette with kindness and love. But EVERYTHING was done HIS way, this was a man who was utterly used to getting his own way in life. To such an extent that it had become completely ‘normal,’ as said it was never intentional or deliberate that Yvette’s own wishes were simply, ‘cast aside.’ But, nevertheless, they WERE! Yvette had pure and simply become the, VERY well dressed of course, ‘fashion accessory’ on her spouse’s arm.

Or tied in inescapable bondage to his bed, ready for HIM to ravish HER just how HE chose, and for AS LONG as HE wanted! Again, he was never cruel or uncaring, and his general high skills at sex ensured that she DID very much enjoy these sessions that he subjected her to, and the resulting climaxes that often occurred, but they were ALWAYS conducted to HIS tune!

Because he refused, point blank, to even entertain the idea of him being his wife’s carnal captive for once, despite her growing desires to try things in that orientation, if just the one time. Which, of course, only had the natural result of said desires rising to such a level as to become a REAL problem for Yvette.

However, her life changed beyond recognition THAT day, when as normal Jean Paul had kissed her goodbye, left their luxury apartment, only to NEVER return. After the VERY high-ranking Police Officers had called, to inform her of her husband’s demise, Yvette KNEW things would never be the same again. Now she was free, with all the prestige of the ‘Blanchard’ name and reputation, not to mention the wealth, fully available to her, but without the actual presence of Jean Paul dictating matters, HER life could REALLY begin!

One thing in particular here, needs to be considered. Despite her lowly start in life, Yvette was NO fool, despite of, or even possibly because of, that poor social status that she’d been forced to ‘carry’ on her early life. For Yvette was FULLY ‘streetwise,’ a trait completely ‘honed’ by that poor start in life. Hence, following Jean Paul’s death she did NOTHING rash, every move was fully considered and thought through. Meaning that when ALL of the dust had finally settled, Yvette was fully ensconced within a VERY comfortable position indeed.

By now she owned outright several properties utterly, no mortgages to have to worry about, including the complete central Paris apartment block where she spent most of her days, her own flat within being the top floor ‘penthouse suite’ of course. Yes, she also possessed several other homes within France, many being outside of the Capital City, including a full ‘Chateau,’ but Yvette loved the cosmopolitan life and the ‘buzz’ of Paris.

And the fact that she could NOW indulge in ‘bondage sex’ but with HER in charge now. Many a time Yvette would ‘dress herself to the nines,’ venture out to a local bar or café, and there seduce a young man, or occasionally a young lady, Yvette could work BOTH ways, into the awesome power of her considerable sexuality. For she was still fairly young, being only in her mid-thirties, her natural stunningly sexy looks totally backed up by the Blanchard name, prestige and wealth.

Back in her own ‘lair’ Yvette would then fully capture her prey, tying or chaining them inescapably to her bed, where she indulged herself at their expense, taking just what SHE wanted from them, before untying them and releasing them back into the city’s hinterland. But, if it WAS true that Yvette USED her captives for her OWN pleasure, just that like her late husband she was NOT cruel or vicious at all. And, let’s face it, many of them ENJOYED just what Yvette subjected them to. Sex without any emotional ‘strings’ at all then? JUST PERFECT!
Last edited by LunaDog 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

I breathed out as the train slowed to begin its entry into the Gare du Nord. Soon it came to a complete halt, and I was able to descend the steps onto the awaiting platform. It was late Friday afternoon, or early evening if you wished to see it that way, and my long ‘weekend Paris City break’ had begun. I left the main railway station itself and took the famous ‘Metro’ towards the district of Montmartre. I hadn’t yet secured a roof under which I would lay my head, but I had several ‘recommendations’ within the district in order to try, plenty enough to be utterly confident of finding at least one such outlet free and available to me.

So sure of that fact I felt, that as I passed one very enticing and inviting bar, I felt both the need and desire for a large refreshing beer. The night was still ‘young’ as they say, and in I went. Up to the bar, and catching the eye of a barman, in my best French I announced, “une grande bière s’il vous plait.” (A large beer please.)

Said beer had just been placed in front of me, when a VERY sexy female voice whispered in my ear, “Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir boire cette bière?” (Are you sure you want to drink that beer?)

I turned to look at my new ‘companion,’ somebody whose soft leather clad hands were now ‘investigating’ my arms and legs, and not TOO unpleasant they felt when all was said and done. “Je suis désolé Madame, mais je ne parle pas très bien Français.” (I’m sorry Ma’am but I don’t speak French very well.)
“Êtes-vous Anglais?” (Are you English?)

I decided to try my native tongue, after all my lady friend had identified my nationality correctly. “Yes Ma’am, I am English. Sorry, what did you ask of me earlier?”
“Good. I speak English, and therefore we can continue in your language. Now, I asked whether you wish to drink that beer that you’ve just purchased?”

This caused me to somewhat pause again, and properly take in my new ‘friend,’ this time. And now I saw that she was utterly delicious, a REALLY stylish, beautiful and sexy woman, possibly about ten years my senior, in her mid-thirties, I guessed. And dressed immaculately, this was clearly a woman of REAL style and class. At this time by the way, there was still some resistance to her charms within my form though. Take her question, for example.

“Well Ma’am,” I started, “it would have been a bit of a waste of time and money purchasing it, IF I had NO intention of drinking it, now wouldn’t it?” I turned to find myself gazing into the most delicious and mesmerising pair of pure hazel eyes that I had EVER clocked before. NOW, I became utterly lost within them!

“Ah, but Chéri, (Darling) you did not know of the alternative available to you when you ordered it, now did you?” As those eyes ‘tightened’ the ‘mental hold’ that they held me in.
“Which is?”
“Instead of that beer, you could drink in my sexual juices.” Cards on the table time, it seemed. And I was ‘hocked.’ She smiled, a predatory smile. “Stay here for at least thirty seconds before following me outside. And then you’ll meet me outside of here, when I’ll take you to heaven. Or anyway, my version of it! But, IF you DO wish to be with me, Chéri, then I warn you now, EVERYTHING will be done MY way. You will dance to MY tune! Do you agree, Chéri? Or would rather simply stay here and drink that beer?”

Well, there was never any chance of me refusing her, was there? She’d hooked me, and now she was reeling me in. After the thirty second period she’d specified, during which time I did NOT even attempt to drink any beer, I followed my target outside, using the exact same door that she had. And there she was, waiting for me, KNOWING I’d come after her. Fully confident I WAS HERS! Whenever and however, SHE wanted me.

Immediately as I entered her presence again, her lips found mine, the first actual sexual contact between us began. And wow, what a kiss? Her passion showed itself and quite simply ‘blew me away!’ Meanwhile, one of her hands grabbed one of my arms, and plunged it under her tight, leather skirt. When her lips finally left mine, she asked, “like what you can feel, Chéri?”

DID I? I could feel just where her sheer nylon stockings ended, suspended by her beautiful belt. And there I could touch her flesh! Electrified beyond any level of sexual excitement I’d EVER experienced before, all I could reply with was a timid, “yes Madame.”

She released my hand, once it had emerged from within her skirt, she took hold of it again and commanded. “Come with me, then!” And started to pull my form towards a large, expensive motor car, clearly her own conveyance.

Once both of us had entered the rear compartment, Madame’s voice rang out in command to her driver, “HOME!” Said driver now started the engine, and loud and satisfying ‘clunks’ signified my apparent descent into this woman’s captivity, as the rear doors ‘locked.’ Trapping my body inside with her.

Something she was VERY aware of. “Lift your arms please, Chéri!” Almost as soon as I’d obeyed, my top clothing became removed, leaving the top half of me totally naked. “In the bag, there!” She produced some sort of holdall, and, completely under her spell now, I did as it was quite obvious that she wanted, I placed my discarded clothing inside. “Good. Now your lower half, starting with your shoes and socks!” They soon joined my upper clothes inside Madame’s bag. Then my jeans, leaving me just wearing my underpants, and NOTHING else.

“Why don’t you finish the job, Chéri? You DID promise to obey my EVERY command, did you not?” Yes, I did, and so I do obey her, if you understand. Resulting in myself being totally naked now, feeling very vulnerable and completely within her grip. Especially when she zipped her bag shut, and having produced a small padlock, ensured that it would stay that way. With my clothing inside, and now unreachable to me.

“That’s better, you belong to me now! After all, here you are in my car, completely naked and under MY control! With NO idea just where you are heading and who I am at all. All that you do know is that I am your complete Mistress, and you will do EXACTLY what I want you to! Is that not the case here, Chéri?”

There was no denying that she spoke the truth. “Yes Madame. Just about sums things up.”
She smiled again. “However, I do very much intend for you to enjoy your time in my hands. Please believe me on that.” Funnily enough, I DID. There was a certain something about her, that frightened and excited me all at the same time. Anyway, it appeared that the ‘drive’ was over. The driver pulled up outside of a garage door, belonging to an apartment block, and once it had opened, he drove through into the basement garage area. Wherein the door closed itself again, swallowing us up, it seemed.

Having guided the car into the reserved space, Madame addressed her driver. “That will be all for tonight, Henri, you may spend the rest of the day in the company of your lady wife.” Like all of her employees, ‘Henri’ lived within this building, and after a brief “thank you Madame,” off he went. Leaving me alone with my captor.

Having left the vehicle, she grabbed my cock, which by now was in the form of a VERY erect boner, and pulled my form, in NO uncertain terms towards the smaller of the two elevators, the one that could ascend to the top floor ONLY, her PRIVATE domain.

We entered, and I, or my feet, immediately noticed and appreciated the soft and warm carpet within, a total contrast to the concrete floor of the garage itself. However, the door shut itself very quickly, reinforcing the feeling of myself being captured by Madame Yvette Blanchard. Especially as she produced a set of solid leather cuffs, linked by a secure chain. Oh, they just happened to be lying on a hook in the lift’s wall, as if this whole episode had been planned!

“Your wrists please, Chéri!” Holding my arms in front of me, I stood and silently watched as Madame attached first one, and then the other leather bracelet around each of my wrists, rendering my body into the first stage of her captivity. Having strapped shut the respective buckles, Yvette now ensured that they stayed that way, by use of some small padlocks.

By now the lift had completed its elevation, it stopped, and the doors opened. Revealing that we were now in a beautiful landing, facing the main door to Madame’s own apartment. As if symbolic, once Madame had opened that, beckoning me inside and we had passed over the threshold, it shut automatically with a loud, electronic sounding ‘clunk.’ Now I was trapped, inside of this intriguing woman’s private domain, absolutely naked and with my arms chained together in secure bondage. Not knowing just where I was, and how long she intended to keep me there for.
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Post by LunaDog »

Yvette now removed her gorgeous leather jacket, hanging it on a coat stall, revealing the blue satin blouse that she worn underneath. And produced to rub against my bare skin, as her lips once again ‘assaulted’ mine! By now she’d also removed her gloves, so when her hands now turned their attentions towards my balls and cock, they were uncovered and the feel of her skin against my ‘tools’ just emphasised the excitement generated there!

“I think it’s time for your body to meet my bed, Chéri, don’t you?” As if I was in ANY position to argue! Once more she took hold of my erect cock, and pulled me towards, what I guessed was, her bedroom. Inside was a full king size luxurious bed, with solid metal, lattice style bedframes at each end. Surrounding it was a full ‘four-poster’ arrangement, complete with black satin ‘curtains,’ meaning that the occupants could ‘shut out’ the world outside, cocooning themselves within.

“Do you like it, Chéri?”
“Yes Madame. It suits your personality very well.” A truthful answer, I felt it was PERFECT for her! KNOWING I would soon be in secure bondage to its frames.
“Well, you’d better ‘climb aboard’ then. Hadn’t you?”

As if a second invitation was required! I hauled my form onto the utterly delicious black satin surface, and with a little difficulty admittedly, remember my arms were chained together, managed to place myself centrally, my head resting upon the single, also black satin coated, pillow. “Let’s get you just how I want you, Chéri!” Yvette had also mounted the bed, swiftly she grabbed my bound wrists, and lifted them over my head, behind me, and towards the secure, head bedframe. Now she produced another small padlock, feeding it through two of the links of the cuff’s chain, she soon snapped it around one of the frame’s vertical stays, wherein she snapped it shut. Binding said chain to said frame. As if I didn’t beforehand, I BELONGED TO HER NOW! Totally, utterly and completely!

A fact that Yvette was all too aware of. Once more her gorgeous hazel eyes stared into mine, holding my full attention, as she gently asked, “just who belongs to who now, Chéri?”
“I am yours, Madame. YOURS to command, to do with just what you wish.”
“Aren’t you just, Chéri, aren’t you just?” Her lips once again found mine!

But, although Yvette had now taken me as hers, she still needed to attend to some more tasks before any ‘action’ could commence. She was still nearly fully clothed of course. She removed herself from the bed, standing closely beside it, she began to remove her lower body from the leather items that covered it, namely her beautiful boots and skirt. And she was in NO hurry, making a ‘show’ of their removal that any professional ‘stripper’ would have been fully proud of! Next came off that lovely satin blouse, until all she wore now was a black satin bra and panty set, complete with that lacy suspender belt and those sheer nylon stockings. I can most assuredly tell you Ladies and Gentlemen, what a sight for sore eyes this view of her utterly delicious and sexy body made! GOD, HOW I WANTED TO BE HERS?

As if following a very carefully written script, Yvette fully noted the look of dis-appointment that appeared within my own eyes, as she removed a suspender from the stocking of her left leg. “Ah, I see that you wish for these to remain upon my legs then, Chéri? Well, I have bad news for you in that case. They WILL be coming off; however, I’ll just have to fetch a new, fresh and clean set to replace them with, won’t I? And these? If they are no longer to adorn MY legs, well they’ll just HAVE to be fitted to yours!”

It took a few seconds for what she had just said to ‘sink in’ as it were. Suddenly it hit me, she was going to put them onto ME! “You can’t be serious Madame?” An outburst that sealed my fate! Silently Yvette continued with their removal from her own ‘pins,’ legs that were shapely, beautifully proportioned and LONG, after which she approached the bed again, in particular the lower part, with my own legs as her target.

Was there any point of trying to resist her? I could have done to some degree; at this time my legs WERE still free to move. But could I have actually stopped her? No, I didn’t believe so, and therefore I offered NO resistance as Yvette put both of my feet into sheer nylon, moving the stockings up until they were just above my ankles.

Once more she climbed off the bed, to fetch two more leather cuff sets. As I sure you can all imagine, a cuff from each of these soon found itself ‘wrapped’ around my ankles, the other end becoming fastened around a stay of the lower bedframe. Now her capture of my body was complete, I could hardly move at all, with escape from her intentions utterly impossible.

I noted that the suspender belt around my captor’s midriff was of the variety that could ‘come apart’ and be refastened, this being precisely what Yvette did with it, removing from her own body, in order to fit it to mine. After which she completed the task of fitting ‘my’ stockings, moving them up my body until stocking could and did meet suspender! “You look absolutely DIVINE Chéri, just ready for me to RAVISH! But now I am no longer ready! Stay there!”

Once more Yvette removed herself from ‘our bed of joy,’ removing her bra and panties to render herself completely naked, before fetching a fresh set of stocking and suspenders. And then in the most teasing and provocative manner possible, she dressed herself in those items, taking several minutes over the whole process, stoking up my excitement levels to an almost unbearable degree!

Finally, she was ready, onto to climb back onto her bed, and my bound body held by it. After the almost obligatory kiss, she pressed a button of some sort of remote control that she held. Immediately the sound of electrical motors commenced, and the satin curtains began to close in around the bed! Reducing the light available as they continued their journey. Until said light dis-appeared completely, as the two motors overlapped the curtains by about two feet, sorry around six hundred millimetres. We were present in the very nation from where the metric system had emerged, after all.

Could I have been any more ‘turned on?’ For, be in NO doubt Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS was THE most exciting moment of my ENTIRE life! Here I was, the COMPLETE carnal captive of the most deliciously sexy woman I had EVER encountered. Inescapably held in HER bondage, subject fully to HER desires, unable to prevent her in ANY way having her ‘way’ with me, doing precisely what SHE wanted, how SHE wanted, and for as long as SHE wanted to me. And now, if that prospect wasn’t exciting enough, what SHE would do to me would occur in total darkness, I wouldn’t be able to see my Mistress Yvette at all!

For those satin curtains had been designed to prevent ANY light to enter our ‘cocoon,’ overhanging ‘edges’ surrounding the top surface, keeping things dark there! As she felt her own way around my bound form, Yvette started proceedings by placing the nipple of one of her breasts into my awaiting mouth. As I started to chew upon it, gently caressing and massaging her tit, her hands found its own target, my balls which suddenly became subjected to a, not so gentle, squeeze!

“You are now my complete pet, Chéri, my utter sexual plaything! I intend to use that status to the utmost, I will be keeping you here, under MY control until you can take NO more and beg, yes BEG me Chéri, to stop!” All the time her hands continued their ‘playing’ with my balls, her hands now beginning to fondle my cock too!

Obviously, Yvette decided within herself that the ‘foreplay’ had gone on long enough, she now placed herself, she was as unsighted as me remember, so her lips now met mine, and, at last, her soaking wet pussy slid its way onto my rampant cock. Do you remember how she’d promised to take me to heaven? Well, NOW she’d delivered!

And HOW? Yvette began slowly, moving her pussy and their vaginal muscles slowly upon my ‘member’ but it didn’t take long before she accelerated the action, and before long she was REALLY pumping herself upon my cock. With the desired effect of course. Before long, my ENTIRE form became consumed by THE most intense, outstanding and thoroughly enjoyable orgasm that I had EVER ‘sexperienced!’ As I cried out in TOTAL ecstasy, so my companion reached her own climax, her own cries basically drowning out mine, as her body froze, her back arched in joy!

That, of course, was far from the end of the matter as far as Yvette was concerned, not that I wanted her to stop there naturally. “WOW. Madame Yvette, THAT was sensational!”

“Oui, Chéri, it was damn good as a starter. For THAT is all it was, a beginning. As I warned you before, I intend to ‘keep you at it’ ALL night! But, as an opening, it WAS good, yes?” Whilst she waited patiently for my cock to become hard again, Yvette continued her ‘blind’ exploration of my bound body, stoking me up was she rubbed her hands all over, in a totally random manner. Occasionally, although not on this first occasion, releasing my limbs, one by one, moving them around to offset the prospect of cramp rearing its ugly head, before returning them into her secure bondage.

Thus, Yvette kept the sex going for over two hours, a time of my life that I will NEVER forget! However, excitement did begin to become replaced by exhaustion, she had reached the end of our stamina, and events no longer were so enjoyable. In fact, Yvette herself ceased, playing with my ‘tools’ by hand to keep me going. And then I hit me, hadn’t she promised NOT to stop until I begged her to? It was time to swallow my male pride.

“Madame Yvette, you win!” I gasped, almost desperate for her to cease. “Please Madame Yvette, please stop, I can take NO more!”

She actually possessed enough grace to emit a loud sigh of relief. “Wow, Chéri, I began to wonder just how long you could sustain my efforts? Would I EVER break you? Now that I have, I’ll let you rest for quite some time, before I’ll take you just one more time. And then, we’ll call it a night. But what a night, Chéri, you have very much impressed me! Tomorrow, I shall chain you to this bed again, and we can do it ALL over once more!”
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Post by LunaDog »

After a quite considerable rest period, during which Yvette performed another ‘cramp release’ routine, she subjected me to that final shag of the day. Whether it was because of said break, or the knowledge it would be THE last occasion, the energy levels returned to the previous highs of earlier in the night, and we made it ‘one to remember!’ Then she kept her word, I was released from her bondage, after opening the satin curtains, both Yvette and I went to the bathroom. When we descended onto the bed again, where we both fell into an exhausted sleep. But she did close those curtains again, I still felt trapped to a degree then.

Which had become a full reality when I finally awoke in the following morning. For Yvette had woken before me, and the sight of my slumbering form renewed her desires to hold me within her hands and power. As I awoke, I became aware of my status as her sexual prisoner again, but this time my arms had been spread out, and I awoke with both of my wrists firmly chained to the outer bedposts with more leather cuff sets. Buckles padlocked shut, naturally.

“Ah, bon matin Chéri! As you can see, I haven’t finished with you yet! Normally this is the stage with my normal captives, when I let them go with my best wishes. But, and no I can’t explain it, there is something about you that makes me want to keep you as mine!” Not that I was complaining, I WANTED to continue to be her prisoner, no I couldn’t explain it either!

With that Yvette, still clad in just stockings and suspenders, closed the curtains, plunging us both into total darkness, before she shagged me utterly senseless three times, after which she stopped and released me from the bed. “Time for some ‘sightseeing,’ don’t you think Chéri, isn’t THAT what you came to Paris for? I shall accompany you and be your guide.”

Well, that was a turn up for the books, although Yvette was correct in her deduction, I HAD come here for some ‘viewing.’ However, Yvette being Yvette, she had a surprise in store for me. Naturally I assumed that my own clothes would be restored to me to use, but no, my Mistress had something completely different in mind. I would accompany her as a woman.

I must admit that I am effeminate in nature and appearance, and the thought of finding myself in some of Yvette’s stylish outfits DID appeal. So, I did not resist at all as she sat me down in a chair, opposite and mirror, and began to feminise my face! Soon all of my male facial hair had gone, being shaven to a degree it had never been before. Not that Yvette was satisfied with just that, she also applied some hair-removal cream, just for good measure.

Once she’d ‘made up’ my face and fitted the beautiful blonde wig she had in mind for me, I accepted that I made a passable woman. And now she started to dress me as such. On went a lovely black satin bra, which Yvette ‘padded’ to make it seem like I had some… well, you know! Once she fitted the matching panties, Yvette finished my top half by fetching another of her satin blouses, in bright dark red this time. Which felt as good as it looked!

But by the time Yvette had put me into one of her leather skirts it was ALL too much. I could take NO more, I was SO turned-on. “Madame Yvette, PLEASE tie me up!” I screamed at her, not that she needed telling, SHE KNEW! Grabbing a length of silk tie, she spun me around and tied my wrists securely and inescapably together. “I NEED to be yours!” I begged her.

“Come with me!” Yvette motioned and I followed her, into a different bedroom. There she sat me down near the corner of the bed and tied my bound wrists to the corner bedpost. Now she moved away a little, playing with herself until she came in her panties, a mild climax admittedly. Nevertheless, it was more than good enough for her intended destination for them. My mouth! IN they went, to be securely tied in place there.

Now she tied my legs, still suspender clad, together at the knees and the ankles, before blindfolding me with one of those that she just happened to have lying about. Guess the ‘sightseeing’ was just going to have to wait for another day, then?

“You are in heaven, aren’t you, Chéri? Now I KNOW, you’re THE one I’m looking for! You WANT to be mine, utterly under my spell and subject to my EVERY desire?” Obviously gagged, I couldn’t answer her directly, so I nodded my ascent frantically. “You WANT to belong to me for the rest of your life, don’t you Chéri?” Another frantic nodding session. “Well, worry NO more Chéri, from this point onwards, YOU SHALL BE MINE!”

Her hands now started to rub all over my satin, nylon and leather covered form, producing emotions that I’d NEVER felt before. As one hand discovered the joy of rubbing the satin of her blouse against me directly, the other found my raging boner underneath the leather of her skirt. And her actions began to have an effect, as I squirmed against my bonds, becoming more and more excited and turned-on! Yvette continued until I could hold back no longer and ‘came’ within her satin panties!

Once I’d ‘calmed down’ Yvette removed both the blindfold and her panty gag, looking me straight into my eyes. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you Chéri?”
“Yes Madame Yvette. More than anything in life, you ARE my complete Mistress now!”
“Aren’t I just? You do realise that you have a lifetime of being in my power ahead of you? You are now my sissy slave, I’m going to keep you in satin, nylon and leather for the rest of your days now, you will NEVER wear male clothing again. I shall dress you from now Chéri! Do you agree to be mine?”
“Yes Mistress! Keep me just how you want me! I AM YOURS!”
“Well then.” She untied me. “Strip to your lingerie, go to our main bedroom, and lie yourself down on our ‘bed of pleasure.’ You’re going to be TIED to it, yes l know you love being chained to it, but somehow you prefer being tied, this much I’ve learnt today. Am I right, Chéri?”

She was right of course, but no, I can’t explain it. I never actually answered her question, well not in speech anyway, as I instantly obeyed her instructions. Within minutes of said compliance, Yvette had tied me spread-eagled, VERY securely and inescapably of course, to her main bed. She stripped down to just her stockings and suspenders, activated the satin curtains shut, and shagged me to within an inch of my life, again and again!

By now most of this day had passed, but Yvette was most definitely a ‘creature of the night,’ so once she’d released me from our bed, made me take a shower, then she took me back into her ‘dressing room,’ and restored me into the state and clothing that she’d planned for me earlier. Meaning I was back in her red satin blouse, leather skirt and fresh nylon coated legs. Having re-done my ‘make-up’ and hair, Yvette finished my dressing up by placing the matching leather jacket to my skirt over my top body. I was ready to ‘hit the town’ as my gorgeous lady’s ‘female companion.’

Yvette had dressed herself in an almost identical manner, making a point of allowing me to see her slip a pair of solid steel handcuffs into her jacket pocket. “Just in case you mis-behave, Chéri! But I sure that you won’t!” That was ME told then!

Down in her private lift we descended to the only level available besides the top floor and the basement garage, the ground floor. To emerge through the front door of the apartment block, hand in hand, two leather clad ‘females,’ looking just like a ‘loving lesbian couple!’

The touch of Yvette’s hand in mine felt absolutely divine and SO natural and real. Being with her overcame all of my inhibitions about being ‘outside’ dressed in purely female clothing, and I began to relish being in ‘public’ with her at my side. Yvette led me to a nearby restaurant that she regularly used, one when the staff KNEW that she was Madame Blanchard, and therefore treated her with ALL of the respect that name carried, conveniently ignoring the fact that she had chosen to turn up with her hand in mine.

Said staff directed us to a very discreet corner table, Yvette ordered a bottle of white wine that I found utterly delicious, crisp and dry, just how I and clearly, she, liked it. Naturally the menu was all printed in French, which meant a struggle for me. “Vous devrez apprendre à parler Français correctement, Chéri!” (You’ll have to learn to speak French properly Darling!)
“Yes, Madame Yvette.” However, with her help I managed to order something to my liking.

Food that was utterly delicious, as I’m sure will come as NO surprise. And we took our time to consume it, followed by desert and coffee. During which time we chatted, about our future, both for tonight and for the foreseeable future. And Madame revealed a desire of her own, one that I agreed fully to enact out, to be totally honest her wish FULLY turned me on too!

Once finished, Yvette took my hand again, and decided to take the ‘long way back’ to our home, involving quite an evening stroll. But with NO complaint from me, I was ‘in heaven,’ gently walking along, almost oblivious to the masses of people within our vicinity. I had NEVER felt so alive before in my entire life, here I was with the lady who owned me, the lady I longed to please, the lady who had FULL possession of my body, heart AND cock!

Once within our private elevator, out came those handcuffs, my arms being pinioned firmly behind my back. Not because I’d ‘mis-behaved’ in ANY way, no Yvette employed them just because she could! Purely symbolic in other words. As the lift reached our top floor, Yvette ushered me over the threshold, after which her front door shut and locked itself, as per normal. Just me and her, alone again. Meaning that once more I awoke in the morning, just suspender clad and TOTALLY worn out, tied securely, to ‘our’ bed, having been shagged utterly mercilessly!

Our ‘sightseeing’ did commence in earnest on that next day, with me adorned as Yvette’s ‘lesbian lover.’ Just as she had told me, my body found itself covered in a mixture of nylon, satin and leather, Yvette led me around many of the known ‘tourist traps’ that Paris had to offer. With her treating me to lunch in one of the finest restaurants that the Capital City had to offer, again with her being well-known to the establishment’s management.

Once again, I found myself handcuffed in the lift journey back to her, or should that be our, apartment. Not for long though, once ‘locked inside’ I was released in order to shower and then report back, naked, to our main bedroom. To be placed in VERY sheer nylon stockings, of course, suspended by another beautiful and lacy belt. So far, so normal. As was the fact that I found myself tied, in the usual spread-eagled form, to the bed there. Although my hands were left free, not being tied to the bedposts as Yvette normally did.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Quite a fantasy, @LunaDog . Do you intend to remain Yvette's amoureuse for ever?

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Post by LunaDog »

StringTheorist wrote: 5 months ago Quite a fantasy, @LunaDog . Do you intend to remain Yvette's amoureuse for ever?

Thank you. As for your question, let's find out, shall we? Although it's more of a case of Madam Yvette deciding to KEEP him, rather him wanting to stay, perhaps.
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However, the reason for this ‘omission’ soon became clear, as one of Yvette’s maids, Hélène, dressed in the traditional ‘French Maid’ costume, entered the room at her Mistress’s command. “Hélène, you know why I’ve asked you here, do you?”
“Oui, Madame.”
“Good. Please proceed with your orders then.” Yvette then stood still as her maid put her into VERY sheer nylon stockings and another sexy suspender belt.

Once ready Yvette climbed onto MY body and spread herself out in the same manner as I had done. Hélène fetched two silk bondage ties, within seconds she had efficiently tied the ankles of her Mistress to mine, with Yvette’s legs outside of my own. Swiftly followed by Yvette’s wrists being tied, again absolutely securely to mine. We were now together, neither of us able to escape the presence of our respective ‘partner.’ But Yvette’s orders had not yet been completed by the maid, with Yvette and I having interlaced our fingers, Hélène now tied our hands together in an utterly inescapable manner, finishing by binding our hand ‘bond’ to that linking our wrists. Yvette and I were now as one, bound to each other AND the bed, in a manner that dictated that the choice to leave it would NOT be ours to decide.

Hélène now finished her assigned tasks. Firstly, she removed Yvette’s ‘tie at the side’ panties, meaning that Yvette’s pussy could find its way ‘home’ over my rampant cock. Naturally no second invitation was required, and she did so with relish! But while Yvette did so, those small electric motors, driving the satin curtains started upon said task, gradually the delicious sight of Yvette’s gorgeous face and smile dis-appeared, as the curtains began to close around the bed and our bound, helpless bodies. Soon they reached the point where they ‘overlapped,’ the bed’s helpless prisoners, Yvette and I, being plunged into TOTAL darkness.

It was only now, that I discovered that Yvette had made a slight modification to the satin curtains, this having been done whilst she was guiding me around the City’s ‘sights.’ For while we out, one of Yvette’s people had sewed a zip fastening onto the curtains, one side being on the very edge of the ‘outer’ curtain and the other on the outer ‘side’ of the other, lining up with its companion. We now heard Hélène zipping this fastening up, and naturally once she had done so, she ‘locked’ the zip shut using a small padlock and a small ‘hoop’ again sewed into the surface of the curtain at the appropriate spot.

So, not only were Yvette and I tied securely to this bed, but we had also been effectively ‘locked’ inside of it. Which excited me beyond belief and turned me on like I’d NEVER been so before. That is until I heard Hélène not only lock the door to the room, loudly as she’d been directed to, but then fasten a latch fitted to the outside of the room’s door, and also padlock that shut too! And then, as instructed to, she left the apartment, having been ordered NOT to return for at least two hours.

As my blood coursed around my completely turned-on form, my mind summarised just in what position I found myself. I was inescapably bound to my beautiful Mistress, both of us fastened to this bed, as she started to ‘set about’ me. We were now locked inside its satin ‘walls,’ they being held shut, in a manner that neither of us could alter. And then we were securely locked inside of this bedroom, utterly alone, unable to escape this situation we found ourselves in. With NO other option available to either Yvette or I, other than to SHAG!


Please, Ladies and Gentlemen, if you're lucky enough to be able to indulge in 'tie up games' for real, NEVER do what happened here, and leave a person, or peoples, bound up unattended. I mean THIS is just a story, so no real harm can occur, but it COULD in real life.
Last edited by LunaDog 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Lovely tale @LunaDog !
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago Lovely tale @LunaDog !
Thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you. Btw, i know you LOVE music, have you ever heard that Moore/Lynott track that i've used the title of for this tale?
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 5 months ago
Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago Lovely tale @LunaDog !
Thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you. Btw, i know you LOVE music, have you ever heard that Moore/Lynott track that i've used the title of for this tale?
Merry Christmas to you too! No I do not know the track - but I will check it out as soon as possible!
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Post by LunaDog »

If you like great guitar 'work' then you will NOT regret checking it out!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

I see I have yet another story to catch up on! My favourite writers are quite prolific this time of year. I'll comment more once I'm back from Xmas vacations with my wife! ;)
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tiedinbluetights wrote: 5 months ago I'm back from Xmas vacations with my wife! ;)
A very Merry Christmas to you and your lovely Lady!

I guess it's being off work for some time, it's cold and dark out there, so i am spending more timing writing than normal!
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