The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Bandit666 »

And so the Grand Master ranks up the suspense even further, delights with his tale of historical intrigue and mayhem. Bravo my friend, bravo
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Post by Caesar73 »

@Bandit666 my heartfelt thanks for your praise!

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

Chapter 79

“Death and Ruin”

Luxor, 24 hours later

Chris looked out of the window of their private jet. Yesterday´s incident in Cairo had shaken her – more than she would admit to anybody - except to Anna or Sophie.

It had been a close call, too close for comfort: Thankfully their new Egyptian Friends had been quick on the uptake or she wouldn´t sit here and looking down on Luxor, as their Jet approached the small private airport they were headed to.

She had been in Luxor years ago - an open air concert at the Temple Amenhotep III had built. The pianist had sat before the first pylon of the temple at the beginning of the Avenue of Sphinxes, which connected the Temple with the Temple of Karnak – it had been a magical night playing under the stars in an environment where every stone oozed history.

The Deutsche Grammophon had come up with a “really” creative name for the recording: “Under the stars” – Chris had not been pleased with it. It was too simple and obvious for her taste.

She felt someone´s gaze resting on her and looked up. Nabiah bint Husseini mustered her keenly – as if she was looking for something. Chris was not entirely sure, but something had changed since her rescue by her friends: the Egyptian Police Woman did not exactly smile but her expression was a tad softer than before, she read something new there: Respect?

Gazing out of the Window Chris looked at the temple complex of Karnak, Luxor Temple and on the west side of the Nile the Valley of the Kings. What awaited them in the heart of Ancient Egypt she did not know – but there was something in the air:

In Alexandria they had lost the race for the fragment of the stela. Though lost did not really cover it. They had rescued Birte. Cairo had been a near disaster too. If Shana and Nabiah had not been able to locate her and disabled the death trap she would not sitting here.

Something was off - and if she was honest to herself, totally honest? “I would be happy to have the rest of the team on board. Including a certain Canadian Thief” Maybe she should call Sarah in the next days – depending on what happened here in Luxor? But only as last resort. Chris had not forgiven Sarah: Far from it.

Resolutely Chris shoved that thought away as the plane touched ground. What Sarah had done in Vienna she could not just simply forgive, it had reminded her off one the most humiliating moments of her life: Being on open display for Boris Oblomov and his sick pals. They had paid the price though – most of them.

With some effort Chris concentrated on the present.

Later that day:

The Team assembled in the living room of the small Villa on the Eastern Bank of the Nile. Shana Al Amari had joined them. Anna looked at the Egyptian Police Officer with German Roots. She could not place it, but something felt off. Al Amari´s records had been impeccable Sybil had checked them thoroughly – again.

All what the Egyptian had told them about her past seemed true. But the Russian´s gut made her uneasy. And the violinist trusted her guts – always. She had not told Chris that, but Anna had called James and had bidden him to check the databanks of MI 5 and MI 6. 007 had tried to console her but promised to do a back ground check. Anna missed the Agent – she had never felt that way before. There had been Vasyli – but that had been ages ago. Meeting James in London this year had been Karma.

“Anna you are still with us?” Shana interrupted her reverie. Somehow Anna had lost track “I have just received the information that there is a warehouse on the outskirts of East Luxor, where the next fragment of the Stela might be hidden” Shana Al Amari just explained.

“And this information is reliable?” Anna shot and looked the Egyptian Police Officer straight in the Eye – and not very friendly. Shana Al Amari seemed not to have a problem with Anna´s aggressive reaction “Yes it is” she replied smiling “We know that for a fact Anna” the Egyptian added – and Anna was miffed. The slightly condescending tone … “No” Anna thought “I doubt we will be best friends.

“I met the informant myself – he is trustworthy” the Colonel added “Right” Birte muttered “Then it must be true” She was sure nobody had heard her – but as she looked up – Chris smiled at her – “Damnit, she has understood me” the German Police Woman blushed.

“We will have to take the risk” Chris stated “Anna and I will check this out” Here tone made it clear that this was not open to discussion “You think this a good Idea Chris`” Birte Ricciarelli interjected.

“No” the Pianist calmly “But the best solution under the circumstances, Anna and me suffice as scouting party: “You”, she nodded at Birte, Sophie, Evie and Shana Al Amari will cover us. If anything goes amiss you will back us up”

“But …..” this time it was Sophie who spoke “Listen, all off you!” the blonde cut across her – and Sophie noticed the underlying tension in Chris´ voice - “This is a simple scouting mission. Anna and I are aware of the risks and willing to accept them” Chris looked at her best friend “Chris is right” the Russian seconded “We are big girls and we know what we are doing”

Sophie returned nothing but muttered something under her breath, which sounded pretty much like “I hope you are right”

“Anna come” Chris smiled at the Russian” Sophie looked long after her two friends, then turned to Birte, Shana and Evie “Is that just me, or don´t you too think Chris and Anna are acting somehow reckless?”

“You know them better than me” Birte shrugged “But yes the thought occurred to me too”

The Detective looked up “By the way? Has anybody seen Nabiah lately?”

Shana Al Amari shrugged “She told me she had to meet an informant on short notice”

Luxor, East Bank, later:

It was an old abandoned Warehouse at Luxor´s outskirts. So far the Intel had been correct, Chris thought as Anna and she approached the dilapidated building. They had done their best not to raise too much attention: Sneakers, Blazers, Jeans and head scarfs. “We stand out, just because of our height” the blonde thought “But that cannot be helped” And thought of the Conversation she had with Birte before they met Shana Al Amari.

Carefully the two friends approached the Warehouse. Shana had told them they should meet the informant inside.

Chris and Anna had kept the building and its surroundings under surveillance for several hours. As far as they could tell, the coast was clear “Anything suspicious?” the blonde spoke into her Earpiece “No” Birte responded “The place seems deserted”

“Right” the blonde confirmed “We are going in – if we give the signal or we are not back in 15 Minutes you will back us up” “Roger that” Birte confirmed. Chris and Anna pulled their Glock´s.

They communicated by hand signs only now. The blonde pointed at herself and at the large, slightly rusty Entry Door, which stood slightly ajar. The Russian nodded.

Anna covered her friend, all senses at high alert, systematically scanning her surroundings. The Door creaked ominously as the pianist slowly and carefully pulled it open. The blonde stopped for a moment, waited and listened. Nothing happened so she opened the door further.

Finally the space was large enough, so they could enter. Followed by Anna Chris stepped over the threshold, minding her step, careful not to step on anything. Their eyes needed a moment to adjust: The abandoned Warehouse was only dimly lit.

In the gloom Chris could make out old machines – and piles of junk. Systematically the Russian and the German searched the place, and found? Nothing. At the far end was a secluded room which had to be an office once, judging by the interior – they could make out through the dust and dirt covered windows.

Anna opened the door scanned the room, and signalled Chris to follow her. A Woman looked at them. The Russian assumed it was a woman: She could only see the dark eyes. The rest of her body was covered by the traditional Egyptian Garb in black. Her face was hidden by a black veil – which left only the eyes uncovered. Black eyes. Eyes wide with fear? Eyes she had seen before …

Anna and Chris exchanged a look and stepped carefully nearer, guns at the ready. The Woman sat on a chair and looked at them from wide eyes. She did not move – just stared at them.

“Amra al Mudi?” Chris asked the woman. Shana Al Amari had told them the informant´s name. No reaction. “Miss?” Anna tried her luck. The eyes of the veiled woman widened – but she did not speak. Anna did not know why she did it but with two quick steps the Russian closed the distance and ripped the veil away which covered the woman from head to toe. Her head was covered with a black Hijab …

Anna and Chris froze: The woman was tied to the sturdy chair. Her arms tied to the arm rests. Her ankles were tied to the chair legs with sturdy leather straps. But that was not it. It was the belt which was strapped around the woman´s body: A bomb belt: Several packages of Semtex? A digital clock was counting down: 30 Seconds …. 29, 28, 27 …. Chris pulled the veil away which hid the woman´s face:

They stared at Nabiah bint Husseini´s pale face: From chin to nose it was covered by a black leather panel. Her eyes were wide with fear. She mumbled something in her gag. Pleaded desperately with her eyes. 20 Seconds ….Anna and Chris looked at each other and back at Shana Al Amari´s second-in-command. It was as if a spell transfixed them on the spot.

Time froze. 15 Seconds. The red digits blinked ominously.

Finally Chris broke the spell which paralyzed her “Run Anna, run!” She whirled around and broke into a run – Anna on her heels. At least the blonde thought so. The Adrenalin pounded through her veins. She could make out the door. Only 10 Metres!

5 Seconds. There was only the door and the ticking clock.

There! There was the door! Only metres away! Five metres! four metres! three metres! Chris stumbled over the Threshold as a powerful blast shook the ground. A red hot tremendous shockwave hit Chris in the back with the power of giant´s iron fist, hurled her in the air like a ragdoll. With brutal force she was slammed on the ground.

A blinding flash of Pain exploded in her head – and then blackness engulfed her. Her last thought “Anna?” “Anna” she whispered – before she fell into a dark abyss – deep, deep, bottomless and black.

From their observation point Birte, Sophie, Evie and Shana heard the detonation, felt the ground shaking first: A large oily black smoke column rose to the sky announcing doom and destruction…..”Anna, Chris? Do you copy?” Birte spoke hastily in the mike. No response. “Anna, Chris? Do you copy?” The German Detective tried it a second time. No response again.

They looked at each other. Seconds dripped like dough from cooking spoon. It was Birte who gathered her wits first “Hurry! We have to see what has happened!”

The Detective pulled herself together and hurried out of the door, the others hot on her heels. A sense of dark foreboding had gripped Sophie´s heart with an iron fist as she followed Birte down the stairs out on the street ….
Last edited by Caesar73 9 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Nainur »

:shock: :shock: :shock:

(having no words right now - bring on the next chapter!)
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Post by algebrauk »

:shock: Now THAT is a cliffhanger!

Amazing work as always Caesar73!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Awww....come on!!

You can't leave it like that!!!!!!!
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Post by GreyLord »

Anna, Anna, Anna. Always pay attention to your gut. Outstanding, but frightening, @Caesar73.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

algebrauk wrote: 10 months ago :shock: Now THAT is a cliffhanger!

Amazing work as always Caesar73!
Thank you @algebrauk ! We will see what has happened soon. The power of the detonation, the dark column of smoke .... something terrible has happened, that is for sure.
Last edited by Caesar73 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A short addition: The next update is due end of the week ..... buckle up folks! :D
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Post by LunaDog »

Short? Yes, but still utterly superb!
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 9 months ago Short? Yes, but still utterly superb!
Thank you my friend! We will learn more on Thursday or Friday!
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

Chapter 79

“Who wants to live forever?”

Hours later: Nile Polyclinic Luxor:

Her eyes seemed to be covered by a soft thick black comforting veil. The blonde enjoyed that feeling. It comforted her. Chris return to the waking world was like the slow climb from the bottom of a dried well to daylight.

She had to use every crack and every crevice in the rough granite walls for her fingers. A few times she almost lost her grip. But slowly, inch by inch she crawled upwards – to the light? So far there was none.

Everything was still dark around her. Chris decided she needed a rest.


Chris´ eyelids felt incredibly heavy still, so heavy the pianist could not muster the energy to open them “What has happened?” she mused “Where am I?” She tried to remember, tried real hard but could not. It was as if she ran against a brick wall every time she tried. Her brain did not work like the fine-tuned machine it normally was.

There were several sensations: Her whole body ached, especially her head hurt like after a heavy hangover; a very heavy hangover. But something distracted her: There was a sound. A sharp ringing high frequency sound filled her ears, like a tinnitus.

That sound … that high frequency … it was pain: Pure, clear pain. But there were other sensations that were not that clear:

She felt a wound dressing above her left eyebrow. Chris still felt groggy. If she had to look for a comparison how her body felt right now? Two years ago the Oligarch Boris Oblomov had her abducted.

On the first day of her captivity his Chief of Security, Natasha Bolkonskaya, had Chris thoroughly beaten her with the tonfa. Her body felt exactly like that, not one part of her body which did not hurt: Dull pains at many places burning sensations between her shoulder-blades and other places of her back, down to the backside of her thighs, like Needles. But something was strange: The pains did not feel sharp and clear – something dampened them, shielding her.

Chris was no stranger to pain. Since her early youth Sensei Nakamura had trained her the way of Bushido. To accept pain, to embrace it was part of it.

Damnit! That ringing noise in her ears drove Chris mad. And her body did not heed the commands of her brains!

With some difficulty she tried to move her left arm and felt a sharp pain: an injection needle – and that clear sharp pain finally ripped the clouds and veils from her eyes:

Chris opened them – it took a moment till her eyesight had adjusted – two people were looking down her - concerned. Sophie and Evie; Chris looked around and groaned. Moving her head made her dizzy.

That her foggy mind processed: She was in a hospital room, lying in a bed – and now she realized she wore a hospital gown only. Clear liquid dripped from an IV-bag in her vein. The pianist looked at the injection needle and back at the Lawyer and the Egyptologist.

“Where am I? And why I am here? Where is Nabiah?” Her own voice sounded hoarsely in her ears “You were hit by a bomb blast and suffered a concussion, bruises and haematomata – the wound above your left eye will heal fully the Doctor said” Sophie explained gently.

“You suffered several burns at your back” Evie added “The doctors removed some small shrapnels from your back too” The dark haired woman, who looked so much like Sophia Loren explained.

The lawyer fell silent and looked at Chris, searching for a reaction “No, she is not looking at me, she is avoiding eye contact” the pianist concluded – and realized her right ears tinnitus had receded – but her left ear …. it seemed worse than before.

Chris grew impatient – “Where am I Sophie?” Sophie fidgeted on her feet “You are in the Nile Polyclinic at Luxor” Getting more lucid every moment the blonde pressed on – and noticed Sophie´s nervousness and Evie´s discomfort “Wait!” Chris paused “Has Sophie cried?” She scrutinized the dark haired woman:

With almost clinical distance Chris now noticed the lawyers red rimmed eyes, Chris looked from one to the other, her bright green eyes drilling like a laser beam through Sophie. “What. Are. You. Not. Telling. Me” Chris spoke low, but very clear. Every word cracked like a whip.

Sophie and Evie exchanged a look. The blonde noticed an almost imperceptible nod by the Egyptologist. The Egyptologist squeezed Sophie´s left hand gently.

Sophie visibly pulled herself together and looked Chris directly in the eye. Her catlike green eyes full of empathy “Anna was killed by the blast Chris, Nabiah too. I am so sorry” she said softly but clear, her alto voice full of emotion – but she did not break eye contact – and only long after the events Chris realized fully how difficult it had been for Sophie to tell her the truth – but she had not shrunken back. That was one of her character traits: The lawyer was honest to a fault and courageous.

It took: A moment? A minute? An eternity? Before the meaning of Sophie´s words hit fully home. From one moment to the next time froze like ice “Anna. Is. Dead?”

It was only a whisper, almost as if she spoke to herself. Chris said in a low voice “Anna cannot be dead. Anna must not be dead. Anna is not dead. I would feel it. I would know it”

“They found the remains of a second body at the scene next to Nabiah´s” Sophie explained hesitatingly “It was badly burned. There were only pieces left – and this!” Sophie pulled a bag out of her handbag and gave it to Chris who took it hesitantly.

The Pianist frowned “This is Anna´s watch – her Uncle Fyodor gave it to her – it meant much to her, she never would give it away!” Chris looked up “I still don´t believe Anna is dead!” and Sophie sensed a cold fury under the surface.

Absentmindedly Chris fingers touched the watches´ glass. Surprisingly enough it had survived the blast almost intact. A small scratch in the glass was the only trace of the bomb blast. The delicate golden Watch had been an heirloom of the House of Romanov and belonged to Uncle Fyodor´s Grandmother: Grand Duchesse Olga Alexandrovna Romanova.

Anna had worn it the first time they met in Vienna at the Conservatory, over 15 years ago. The two young women had bonded instantly back then: The Maverick of the House of Romanov and the wayward Offspring of the venerable Prussian aristocratic Family von der Marwitz:

Vienna: Campus Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Neue Studiobühne, 15 years ago:

Christine von der Marwitz, 18 years old, strode through the Corridor which connected the old and venerable Conservatory Building with the octagonal Neue Schlossbühne. Christine had been able to book the Hall for practise.

After passing her A-Levels at Heidelberg she had begun her studies at the Conservatory in Vienna in June. The young German loved Vienna: Every Stone breathed History! As she had discovered she stood out a bit among her fellow students. It was not only her impressive height, the shimmering blonde hair … no, it was that air of mystery that engulfed her.

But so it was: She had always stood out among her peers – thanks to her upbringing as daughter of a Diplomat. Many years of her childhood and youth she had spent in Japan. She missed her Sensei at times, their lessons after she had played the piano.

A smile curled her lips: Her fellow students would be surprised if they knew that Chris possessed the daisho of a Samurai – and spent many hours in a Dojo.

As she came nearer the Entrance Door she heard the familiar tones of the Kreutzer-Sonata and stopped dead in her tracks, the final presto she noticed. The Violin´s tone was immaculate and warm – if she had to guess? Whoever played the violin used a Stradivari and played with great skill – and passion.

The Pianist who accompanied the Violinist was good, but Chris perfect hearing noticed the flaws, clearly he could not keep up with his companion “I could do better” Chris mused. Suddenly the playing stopped and at once a melodious alto voice berated the unlucky pianist in Russian. The blonde did not understand a word, but the tone made their meaning clear.

Chris stepped over the threshold and took in the sight: On the podium stood a tall dark haired young woman, her black hair in a ponytail, wearing a light red summer dress which fell wide around her toned calves. On her feet she wore stylish high heeled sandals. Chris looked down on her jeans and sneakers. Her sharp eyes noticed a golden watch at the Violinist´s left wrist.

Her accompanist looked sheepishly at the dark haired woman who towered over him, eyes blazing. Chris smiled and walked to the Podium. The Pianist and the Violinist did not register her till she stood before the Podium and cleared her throat.

The Violinist interrupted her diatribe “What?” Christine smiled “You could use a new Pianist why don´t you try it with me?” The Russian eyed her up and down “Right” she huffed finally and turned to her unlucky companion “You? Go!” She dismissed him imperiously. Chris could not hide a smile: The Pianist could not get away fast enough.

“Are you any good?” The Violinist eyed her up and down “I am” Chris smiled, walked up on the Podium, sat down and adjusted her seat “From the beginning or bar 58?” The Russian pondered the question and nodded “From the beginning”

“Right” Chris looked at the tall dark haired violinist “Shall we begin then?” “No warm up?” the Russian questioned “No warm up” the blonde confirmed. The two young musicians exchanged a look – and Christine played the opening crashing A-major chord.

10 Minutes later: The Russian set down her bow after the last tones resonated in the room and looked at the German “That was glorious” “It was not bad” Chris demurred with a lopsided grin. “So you can do better?” the Russian raised her brows “I reckon I can” the blonde smiled.

A smile crossed the Russian´s stern face “Anna” she introduced herself “Christine” the blonde returned.

“Ready?” Her hands hovered over the keyboard “Ready” Anna Romanova smiled.

And so it began.

The Present:

Chris looked up as if returning from a deep dream. Her eyes were dry.

Sophie examined the Pianists´ face:

Chris looked calm, composed, her beautiful classical features frozen to ice. Sophie was very good at reading people – but with Chris it was different. It was as if she had erected a wall around her.

The Lawyer watched as the blonde breathed in deeply. With one decisive motion she sat up, ripped the transfusion needle out of her left arm, pulled the covers aside, swung her legs out of the bed, her bare soles hit the floor and pulled herself upright.

The blonde swayed slightly on her bare feet and Sophie hurried to steady her but Chris pushed her roughly away “Don´t touch me!” she hissed aggressively. The dammed tinnitus! She cursed inwardly, it irritated her.

“Where are my clothes?” she demanded curtly - her eyes blazing, her voice dangerously low “We brought you some” Evie supplied hesitantly and exchanged a concerned look with her lover, “we brought your handbag too” the Egyptologist added, trying to sound calm and ease the tension.

To everybody´s surprise Chris hand bag had survived the blast almost undamaged

Resolutely Chris grabbed the bag, pulled the nightie over her head, not minding that she stood stark naked in the room and began to dress. In disbelief Sophie looked at all the Haematoma, bruises and burn wounds– but the blonde did not heed them. It seemed that way, Sophie had to admit.

The pianist clenched her teeth as she dressed: as she put on her blue blazer – a flash of pain crossed her face. Finally she had tied the shoelaces of her white sneakers, the metallic-trimmed leather Veja Esplar.

Chris had pushed forcefully Evie away when she bowed down to help her. With concern Sophie watched as the pianist swayed slightly. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Chris shook her head and steadied herself.

“My bag Sophie, give it to me” Chris spoke calmly but the Lawyer sensed how much energy that costed the pianist.

The blonde inspected her bag and walked to the door, all purpose. To Sophie felt it as if a dark whirling cloud enshrouded the Pianist like a hurricane with Chris as the storm´s dark eye.

The moment Chris grabbed the door handle it opened and she faced a male Egyptian – obviously a Physician. “Doctor Al Hamadi” - Chris read on his name tag. Al Hamadi blocked the doorway. The Tinnitus irritated Chris. Angrily she stared at the Doctor.

“What are you doing Miss von der Marwitz?” the Physician looked incredulously at the tall blonde “What do you think I am doing?” the Pianist countered calmly “I am leaving – and now get out of my way” Chris sounded polite but Sophie sensed the cold underlying fury right beneath the surface.

“You cannot leave Miss von der Marwitz you were hit by a bomb blast hours ago” the Physician replied calmly - Chris eyes drilled into his “I can leave and I will leave. I will sign any paper you want me to sign. But I will leave! You get that!” Chris was taller than the Physician, at least a head, and used her height to full advantage “I will leave! Now!”

But Al Hamadi stood his ground.

“I strongly advise you not to leave” he replied unemotionally and Sophie was impressed by his courage. Few people dared to challenge Chris when she was in that mood “Duly noted” the blonde quipped “I won´t sue you Doctor Al Hamadi, when something goes awry – now get out of my way! You will not hinder me! You can open the door or you can be the door! Have it your way!”

The air crackled with tension and Evie thought Chris would remove the Doctor physically any moment. Sophie stepped in. Gently she laid her right hand on Chris left upper arm “Let me handle this” the dark haired lawyer said calmly.

She felt that the pianist relaxed slightly “Doctor Al Hamadi” Sophie said in her most professional voice “We appreciate very much what you did for Miss von der Marwitz – but please correct me when I am wrong “Miss von der Marwitz is within her legal rights, when she wanted to be released on her own volition?”

The Physician nodded grudgingly “She is – but I don´t recommend it” Sophie turned on her most alluring smile “Could you make the Paperwork ready? Miss von der Marwitz will sign anything you want – and make a substantial donation to your Cancer Unit for Children” Sophie had used the time while they sat at Chris´ bed for some research “Will you Chris?” The pianist nodded “I will”

Al Hamadi was not totally impervious to Sophie´s charms and he relented “Right” he nodded “If you would follow me?” Evie and Sophie exchanged a look of relief and followed Chris who strode with long strides after Al Hamadi – tall, erect, full of purpose: Neither looking to the left nor to the right.

Sophie was surprised, Chris acted as if nothing had happened – but she was too well versed in the study of human behaviour to believe for one second Chris was as unmoved as she looked. Human beings dealt with Trauma differently and that was the Pianist´s way. The break down would come eventually, as sure as there were carts to horses. She sighed. Sophie feared that moment.

Their drive back to their Villa was a very quiet affair. Chris had put on her sun glasses and stared resolutely straight ahead. To Sophie she seemed like a block of white marble. She showed no reaction, she did not utter a single word, just stared ahead: She radiated icy coldness.

Evie had just parked the car in front of the entrance as the blonde ripped the safety belt off, pushed the passenger door open and stormed out of the car. Chris hurried up the stairs and pushed the door open.

Aghast Birte looked at the blonde who stormed past her, pushed her out of her way and ran up the curved stair well, Sophie and Evie on her heels “What the …?” the detective asked “Later” Sophie whispered as she followed Chris.

The blonde sprinted down the floor, ripped the door to Anna´s Suite open – and froze on the threshold. In later years Chris realized the moment when she saw Anna´s open violin case on the sideboard with her Stradivarius reality hit fully home: The insight that Anna was gone, gone forever.

All tension left her body her shoulders slumped down. Sophie watched with deep empathy. Slowly, with halting steps the blonde walked to the side board. Gently she touched the strings with her left hand, the soft harmonious tones of an G-major chord filled the air – and a stream of pictures overwhelmed her. But she did not cry.

Finally she turned around – very slowly - and Sophie and Evie looked into that marble white face, like cut in stone. All fire was gone from those brilliant emerald green eyes. Chris looked as if she had aged in minutes. And Sophie sensed how much it costed the blonde not to break down in front of them, not to rage, not to scream, not to weep. The only indicator the blonde was upset? Her slightly quivering under lip.

She looked at Evie and Sophie “I will go to my room, leave me alone please” - all colour had vanished from that usually so melodious alto voice which effortlessly could capture any emotion like a perfectly tuned piano.

Sophie and Evie stepped aside and let Chris pass. They watched as the Pianist closed the door behind her “We will have to give her time. Time and space” Evie said gently “Will she recover Sophie? You know her longer than me”

The lawyer sighed “Only time will tell I fear – and time is something we do not have. Chris is one of the strongest persons I know, but this is a devastating blow”

Chris did not leave her room for Dinner and Dinner was a quite affair. Sophie had done the cooking. The Spaghetti Carbonara was delicious – but no one was in a talkative mood. Like a dark cloud the events of the day hang over them.

Around 1000 PM Sophie went upstairs to look after Chris. On stockinged feet she padded to the Pianist´s suite and knocked gently. No response. She knocked a second time. Nothing happened. Slowly and gently she pressed down the door handle and pushed the door open.

Chris´ room was entirely dark. Its curtains were closed. The only source of light was a large beeswax candle, which enlightened the room with its warm light. And there was some incense in the air. Sandalwood?

Sophie took the sight in:

The pianist knelt before the candle on a Tatami: Barefoot, clad in a pristine white Kimono, her blonde mane flowed freely down her back, her hands rested on her knees her breathing was deep and regular in a very slow rhythm. It was barely noticeable Chris breathed at all. “Chris” Sophie said softly. No reaction.

The lawyer knelt down and looked the blonde in the face. Even more than hours ago her classical features resembled more a marble sculpture than a human being. What Sophie really shocked were Chris´ Eyes: Normally bright and radiant? They resembled now marbles. Dull and lifeless: “If our Eyes are the windows to our soul, the doors to Chris´ soul are shut” the Lawyer mused. Patiently she waited.

“Chris” Sophie spoke a second time, even more softly. There was no sign of recognition, no reaction. The lawyer waited for several minutes then she stood with a sigh. Gently she closed the door.

In the living room Evie, Shana and Birte waited “How is she?” Birte quizzed “If I didn´t know better I would say, she is in a catatonic state” Sophie shrugged “We have to give her time”

“Why don´t you consult a psychologist or let her treat in a clinic and we carry on?” Shana said matter of factly “We have excellent experts in Cairo to deal with emotional and physical trauma”

Sophie was taken aback “We won´t do this. Chris needs just time, that is all. She is no case for an asylum or a shrink” Evie lay a hand on Sophie´s right palm.

Sophie had not registered she had risen her voice. The Egyptian paddled back “I did not mean any offense Sophie I just think she should get the best available care. That is all. And she might need that care – if her condition does not improve”

Sophie looked sternly at the detective “Not until we explored any other avenues!” Shana was the first to break eye contact. She rose “I will call it a day! I have some calls to make and reports to write! Good night!”

Softer she added “And I have to inform Nabiah´s Father. He is a close friend. Not only you lost a dear friend today Sophie. You might think about that!” The Egyptian turned on her heels and left the room.

Sophie waited till the Egyptian had left “Bloody cow!” she muttered. Birte had followed the exchange quite intrigued, the lawyer was usually soft spoken and kind “Don´t you think she has a point?” Evie nodded “She has one point: We will have to do something if Chris´ condition does not improve”

Sophie nodded “There are other options” she paused “If tomorrow nothing has changed I will make some calls”

Birte nodded “You do that” The detective hesitated “I will have to inform Berlin and Den Haag” Sophie looked up “You don´t have to inform the powers that be about everything Birte. Don´t tell them about Anna´s Death and Chris´ catatonic state – for now” The two women exchanged a long look - finally Birte nodded “I won´t”

Later in the night:

Sophie starred into the Darkness. Sleep evaded her. Evie sensed her partners unrest “You don´t get any sleep Soph, right?” The Lawyer sighed “No, sleep does not come easy” she paused.

Patiently the Egyptologist waited “Speak your mind” Sophie sighed “It is difficult. I cannot believe Anna is dead - and Chris in that state?” Evie nodded “It is hard to believe – Chris is so strong, so full of life” The Lawyer nodded “I really hope she recovers – I owe Chris and Anna so much” Evie sensed Sophie´s agitation “Come” she said simply.

In her Room Chris still knelt on the Tatami - stared into the Candle with unseeing eyes.

Dear Readers a short annotation: In this chapter I had to choose between realism and emotional drama. I went for the drama. I am perfectly aware that from a medical point of view it is not realistic that Chris´ leaves the Hospital only a few hours after the bomb blast. But for the upcoming chapters this was necessary - so I decided to make use of poetic license.
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Post by GreyLord »

It is as if a new Master, @Caesar73, has emerged. You have polished this chapter to perfection. And, indeed, it is emotional.

Chris said,
“I still don´t believe Anna is dead!”
I can't believe so either, although you make a most convincing case for her death. Well done!
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Post by h6hlh6h »

Excellent capture of emotions.
In later years Chris realized the moment when she saw Anna´s open violin case on the sideboard with her Stradivarius reality hit fully home: The insight that Anna was gone, gone forever.
So Anna really is permanently gone huh.
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 9 months ago Dear Readers a short annotation: In this chapter I had to choose between realism and emotional drama. I went for the drama. I am perfectly aware that from a medical point of view it is not realistic that Chris´ leaves the Hospital only a few hours after the bomb blast. But for the upcoming chapters this was necessary - so I decided to make use of poetic license.
At the end of the day, good Sir, this is FICTION. Sometimes a little 'poetic licence' is needed for a story after all. I sometimes use a little of it myself. I've NO problem or issue with this whatsoever.

Besides, as usual with you, this IS superbly told.
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Post by Nainur »

wow, wow, wow...

now, that was intense... and remains so. Excellently done. very much so. You captured feelings, sentiments and emotion oh! so very well here. And I am totally okay with *drama* instead of *realism*.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum
mrjones2009 wrote: 9 months ago I can't even type right now........
I take this as a compliment my friend.

Thank you @Nainur @h6hlh6h @LunaDog @GreyLord thank you all for your comments. Anna´s loss is a devastating blow especially for Chris as Sophie states, but for the team the whole mission as well. How Chris copes with that loss will be one of the central themes of the story.

The Title of the next Chapter is therefore "Reactions" - it will be online at Thursday at the latest. Wednesday is more likely.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

Chapter 81


Luxor, very early the next morning

Sophie did not knock this time she just gently opened Chris´ door. The air was stale, the candle had almost burned down the pianist still did kneel on the Tatami. Her blonde mane didn´t shimmer any more - it looked dull and lifeless – like her eyes.

The lawyer stooped down and looked the blonde keenly in the eyes, searching for any sign of recognition. Nothing “Chris” Sophie said softly and stroked gently above her head “Chris are you there, Chris talk to me!”

Sophie waited. But nothing happened: Chris emerald eyes were dull as marbles still. Her breathing was barely noticeable. And for a fleeting moment the Lawyer thought Chris was gone – before she noticed the blonde still did breathe.

Sophie composed herself.

“If possible she looks even more like a marble sculpture” Gently Sophie touched the blonde´s pale left cheek and shuddered. So cold Chris´ fair skin felt – almost like stone, like white polished marble “Is Chris still in there?” the lawyer wondered “Is her mind broken?” Sophie did not want to believe that, she had a job to do: Sophie left Chris´ Room took her smartphone out of her pocket, breathed in deeply.

The Lawyer had phoned Ragna and Sybil yesterday. The herculean Icelandress and the IT-Geek had been truly shocked – and offered to take the next flight to Luxor – but after a brief discussion, Sophie, Ragna and Sybil had decided that the two of them should hold the Fort at Hamburg.

But there were three other calls to make:

Resolutely Sophie selected a contact and dialled. And waited, and waited – the call went to a mail box several thousand Kilometres away. The Lawyer waited a few seconds and dialled a second time. Finally the Person on the other side took the call “It´s me” Sophie said.


New York: Penthouse of Richard Castle and Kate Beckett:

It was after 1000 PM in New York. Captain Kate Beckett with the NYPD leaned back contently, clad in comfortable lounge wear her socked feet propped up on the table. The Ossobuco had been perfect. At times Kate was surprised still how well versed her Husband was in the kitchen. Beckett took a sip of her heavy red wine and leaned back.

”This Dinner is the perfect finish of this day Castle” the Detective sighed contentedly and flexed her feet. The mystery writer smiled “I feel honoured” he bowed – his lopsided grin betrayed him though “Shameless Flatterer” his wife teased him and took another sip of wine “Flatterer? You hurt me Beckett!” Castle sounded wounded “Don´t be such a baby!” Kate chided him.

Today the complicated trial in a murder case had ended with a verdict: For life. The Culprit had been an investment banker who had killed his not so faithful wife. Her instincts had told Kate that from the start. To prove it had been another matter. And without the help of Castle she wouldn´t have found out, that the murder weapon had been a poisoned book:

The pages had been laced with an ancient contact poison. The more the victim read the more he or she poisoned himself – and the victim had loved those sordid novels. She had died in agony as Lanie had explained to her.

Kate still shuddered when she remembered the autopsy reports gory details. Even her BBFL, an experienced Coroner had been impressed. Kate let the red ruby wine swirling around in her glass. BBFL? If she thought about it? Best Friend For Life? This place in her heart was hard contested – since their adventures started with the Hunt for the Weinstein Collection she and Anna had forged a very close bond:

The dark-haired Russian had called her yesterday and told her about their adventures in Egypt, about Chris´ close encounter with death in Cairo. Kate Beckett was seriously tempted to take the next flight to Cairo – the Violinist had been uneasy; so much was clear: way more when she had wanted to let on but Anna had not fooled her, Beckett, for one second …. and the Russian was way too professional to talk about such delicate matters on the phone – even on a supposedly secure line.

She leaned back and took another sip of the well matured Brunello de Montalcino. Kate savoured its rich taste and her mind wandered back to the case they had just solved… it was one of the many things she loved about her husband – even if it unnerved her at times – his crazy ideas: His ability to think outside the box.

Her phone rang, Beckett did not stir but took another sip of her wine, letting the call go to voice mail “You do not want to take the call?” Castle questioned with a small smile “No” Kate smiled “I am officially on vacation and tomorrow it is off to the Hamptons!” Castle had to smile too – for different reasons though ….

The Hamptons … He remembered one case they had solved together at the Hamptons – when the local Sheriff had asked them for assistance. The man had been totally out of his depth, solving murder cases. And Cate and Castle had helped him.

That had been before their relationship had been “official” – and there had been the one or the other awkward moment.

Castle frowned: The Caller was persistent: Beckett´s Handy rang again “You might take that Call Darling” Castle smiled – this lopsided grin, she liked so much - “It might be important – it might be even a case” he chuckled.

With a sigh Beckett got up and took her phone.

She frowned though too as she recognized the Caller´s ID.

“It is Sophie!” Now Kate was curious: “Why does Sophie call me at this hour? “It must be five or six in the morning in Egypt” the Detective told Castle.

She took the call “Hello Sophie!” she smiled brightly. The lawyer and the detective had formed a close bond since they had met at the Hunt for the Weinstein Collection. It had been Beckett who had persuaded Sophie to see a therapist after her traumatic experiences with her father in law: The old Reichenbach had blackmailed his daughter in law to be his bondage play toy. Chris had taught her father in law a lesson he would never forget – not that he had had enough time left to profit from it.

Castle was busy clearing the table as a smashing sound let him wheel around. Kate´s glass filled with red wine had crashed to the floor. Her face was pale, her grey eyes wide “What?” she whispered in disbelief “no” Castle corrected himself “she is shocked” The author listened intently “She is dead?” Beckett sounded completely poleaxed “What has happened? Tell me Sophie!”

Castle scrutinized his wife:

Obviously the detective listened some more “How is Chris?” she asked softly. Sophie obviously spoke again at length “Right” Beckett nodded “I will take the first flight I can get”

She ended the call - and stared in the distance without seeing anything.

Castle looked intently at is wife “Who is dead?” he prodded gently. Slowly Kate looked up, tears in her grey eyes “Anna” she whispered “Anna is dead. She was killed by a bomb” And the detective who did not fear much in the world threw herself in her husband´s arms and sobbed “We talked just yesterday” Kate said softly “Just yesterday” From teary eyes she looked up at Castle “Can you believe it?”

Her body was shaken by grief. Gently Castle caressed the back of his Wife – he knew how close Anna and Kate had been. Again and again till her sobs subsided slowly, he stroked her back. From one moment to the next he felt Beckett´s muscles harden under his touches:

Forcefully Kate broke the embrace and looked her husband in the eye. Her grey eyes were clear now, clear and hard as stone “I will kill whoever is behind this!” The detective´s voice was firm. She looked her husband in the eye “I will have to check for the first flight to Luxor!”

The author looked at his wife “You are sure about this?” “I am!” Kate stated firmly “Then why don´t you ask Rachel for her Private Jet?” Castle smiled “Sometimes you have really good ideas Castle” the Detective chuckled, her eyes still teary “I have my moments” he demurred with that lopsided grin she loved so much.

Kate took her phone …..

Los Angeles, Mansion of Maureen de Angelo, Minutes later:

Hayley King was very relaxed. She and Kirsty had solved the mysterious theft of several paintings from Maureen de Angelo´s private collection and recovered them. Now they sat in the large living room of Maureen to celebrate that occasion. They had a lavish dinner – Maureen had sent her fiancé away with a certain Commander Roberts “to do what boys do”

Maureen de Angelo was a Philantrop and the unrivalled Queen of the F.E.E.T. Team. Their motto was: “From the tips of our toes to the hips of our hose” Wearing high heels and hose at all times was mandatory.

A code, Hayley could sympathize with – even if she preferred jeans, socks and ankle boots for work. But for today, to accommodate their host, the alluring blonde had chosen the proverbial little black dress, which left her shoulders bare and reached one foot below her knees.

Her stylish Ferragamo Platform Sandals she had slipped off and folded her heavenly long legs under her. Hayley took a sip of the excellent Chardonnay from New Zealand. The opening bars of ABBA´s “Dancing Queen” interrupted the conversation. Hayley looked on her smartphone – paused and took the call. The blonde listened.

Kirsty noticed the sudden change as her partners face grew serious “What?” Hayley´s voice was full of doubt “Say that again” The caller on the other side spoke for some length. Finally the American nodded “I don´t know how fast we can be there” Hayley said, her voice shaky “But we will take the next flight ... See you soon!” The blonde ended the call, her icy blue eyes wide and teary.

Maureen and Kirsty looked at her – Kirsty watched as her partner composed herself - “Anna is dead” Hayley said slowly, her voice quivering with emotion “Anna is dead” It sounded as if the American had to convince herself that it was true, what she had just learned, she shook her head “Anna is dead ….” Hayley shook her head.

There was a moment of silence. A long one, though it were only seconds. For Hayley it felt like ages, a stream of pictures floated her mind ….

The moment they had first met the Russian in the Austrian Alps, the second hunt – and only a few months ago the festivities when The Black Lady had celebrated the capture of the Copy Cat, when they all had celebrated at McKenzie´s Penthouse. That had been the last time they had seen Anna. They had had lots of fun.

And Hayley remembered one moment above all: when Anna had stood on the Podium at the Metropolitan in one of her trademark concert gowns in red – the Cross of Romanov around her neck. The Russian had played Paganini´s violin for the very first time in centuries.

To believe the tall dark haired Russian who had been so full of life was gone, gone forever was impossible.

Hayley looked up, her piercing blue eyes clear now “We have to take the next flight to Luxor Kirsty: Chris is in some kind of catatonic state” The first shock had gone, Kirsty noticed – Hayley sounded clear. Clear and determined. But so the American was.

Maureen de Angelo had said nothing so far “You talk of Anna Romanova and Christine von der Marwitz?”

“Yes” Hayley replied “You should meet them Maureen” the blonde added softly - she paused “Anna is dead” she whispered. The American had still trouble to believe it. Kirsty laid her hand on Hayley´s “We own Chris and Anna a lot Maureen, they gave us the chance for a new start”

Kirsty had her own memories of the dark haired Russian …. Since her Army Days Death was a known quantity to her – but this time it was closer than usual. Very close and very personal.

De Angelo nodded sincerely “I understand. Why don´t you take my Private Jet? It is the least I can do”

Kirsty smiled through a veil of tears “That would be perfect”

That the tall dark haired Russian was gone – she could not realize it yet: Kirsty had served in Afghanistan three times been decorated with the Victoria Cross so the Briton knew one or two things about courage: Anna Romanova was one of the most courageous persons she had ever known: A fearless warrior. A true friend. A great soul.

Kirsty´s heart went out to Chris. Anna´s death must have had a devastating impact on the Pianist. She stood “Hayley, let us gather our things – we will have to make a stop in New York before we fly to Luxor.

Maureen de Angelo stood too: My Jet will be ready within the hour. Hayley had slipped her Sandals back on, her piercing blue eyes clear now and a look of grim determination on her face:

“Ready when you are!”


Sophie sighed in relief. The first two calls had gone well. Kate and Hayley had reacted the way she had hoped for. After the initial shock they had composed themselves quickly and promised to come as soon as possible. They would be in Luxor tomorrow at the latest.

But there was a third call though she had to make “I will call Sarah only when there is no alternative” Chris had said only a few days ago “We have arrived at that point Chris” the lawyer whispered softly “Forgive me”

Sophie took a deep breath, selected a contact, which only a handful of people knew, and dialled. She waited, she waited long “Yes” the familiar voice at the other end said. Cool and in control as usual. Obviously the Canadian was outside ….

Sophie pulled herself together “It is me” she said softly. Another pause at the other end “I know” The Black Lady sensed the woman at the other side was anxious “Sophie what is it, I guess this is not a social call”

“It is about Anna and Chris” Sophie stammered “What do you mean?” the Canadian returned, still calm and in control “Did Chris tell you to call me?” she quipped “No Sarah” Something in Sophie´s tone gave the Thief pause – Sophie´s expressive alto voice quivered now – it had not quivered when she had sung for her late Royal Majesty at Buckingham Palace - “Anna was killed by a bomb and Chris is” the lawyer searched again for words “in a catatonic state”

Sophie listened, she heard Sarah´s breathing – seconds passed - “Tell me how she is” the Canadian said finally – almost unnaturally calm “She is kneeling on a Tatami since 18 hours – her eyes are totally blank. It is as if she is not there at all” Sophie explained “We don´t not what to do Sarah, it looks like Chris is gone – really gone!”

Another pause at the other end: Finally the thief spoke calmly “Chris is doing an ancient ritual of the Samurai. I will simplify: She retreated to her inner core, so no pain can hurt her soul and her body can heal” The Thief paused “But there is a catch” “Tell me” Sophie said calmly.

Sarah McKenzie hesitated briefly “The longer she stays that way, the more difficult it might be to get her back – if you don´t do something fast she might be gone forever – she might not find her way back out of the maze of her mind. Even if she wanted to”

“But you can do something?” the Lawyer pressed on “I will try” Sarah McKenzie replied calmly “but I cannot guarantee anything, Sophie, besides Chris might be not very happy to see me again – you know that”

“It cannot get any worse” Sophie said firmly “She might not be happy, but there are more important matters at hand – you will come!” “That was an order not a proposal” Sarah thought – and a smile curled her lips. The lawyer had grown so much “See you then!” Sophie ended the call.

The thief looked around:

To get from central Gobi Desert to Luxor would be a challenge ….. but hey she was The Black Lady after all – and if anybody could get in time from the middle of nowhere to Luxor “It is me” the Canadian smiled and sighed: The lead to the tomb of Genghis Khan had been soo promising – but after over 800 years it could wait a while longer. Chris on the other side had not that much time left.

Sarah McKenzie had always loved the Roman Dictator Sulla´s Epitaph: “No Better Friend, No worse Enemy” – and she considered Chris´ a friend still.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

The team are getting together....

But, will it be a revenge mission or a rescue mission....

Or, will they all end up in peril (have you read a @Caesar73 story)

All I know is that whatever happens it will be some ride along the way. Great work as always!
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Post by GreyLord »

The situation is devistating, @Caesar73, but the entire team is rallying. What will happen next?
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Post by wolfman »

Elegantly done. This is a major blow for them and Anna will be missed by the characters and those of us who have grown to love the character.

Brilliantly done.
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Post by Argentum »

Still hard to read. It makes me so sad.
There always can be a few more ropes.
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Post by LunaDog »

Couldn't agree more with ALL those struggling to believe Anna is dead. What a TRAGIC loss! She achieved SO much during the time she WAS alive!
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Post by Nainur »

I simply refuse to believe it... period. Superb read. Done it thrice.
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Post by h6hlh6h »

Superb writing. From how its going, it seems like Anna really isn't going to be coming back by some deus ex machina situation, even though a lot of readers (and the characters) will be happy if she did. Looking forward to what choice you are going to make regarding this.
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