Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 18: "A Nice, Quick, Sharp “Hey, Wake Up” Stinger" (FF/M) [Part 2 of 5]

I was intrigued by what this potential quid pro quo might entail.

Me: And I get to ask for whatever my heart desires or you two had something in mind?

Elisa: We did. You’d get a session with the two of us bound and gagged together.

While that image was certainly seemed like a little bit of a lowball offer unless there was more to it.

Me: I mean...that sounds great. But that’s something that I can legally go out and get myself. I don’t need to agree to all these rule violations and protocols to see the two of you tied up together. I just have to plan a proper capture.

Elisa: I don’t think you’d be able to get it done. We’re pretty crafty.

Me: Is that a challenge?

Elisa: Sure. If you want it to be. But I don’t think you’re up to it. So, I’d take the deal if I was you.

Me: And what rules do I get to break during your captivity?

Elisa: I don’t know. Possibly a couple with me. Probably none with Courtney.

Courtney: That sounds about right.

Me: No time extension? I don’t get like five hours?

Courtney: Absolutely not! Why would you get five hours?

Me: Because I could potentially be tied up for up to seven TOTAL hours if you two are as good as you think you are.

Courtney: And we’re TWO people. I’ll agree to 3.5. That gives you an equitable seven hours for seven hours. Even Stevens.

Me: Except that I’m being tormented for seven hours and I’m only enjoying myself for 3.5 hours. If I have to divide my attention, then it’s significantly less rough for you two. Especially with no spanking, no spreading jam and hummus or whatever on your faces, and no throwing you into a freezing shower. Two girls is great. But I’d rather have you each separately.

Elisa: Fine. We can do separate. That works for me.

Me: But that’s something that I can and have DEFINITELY accomplished myself. I’m agreeing to an ordeal here. Let's dream a little bigger.

Elisa: Fine. I’ll throw in a kicker. You told Jackie that you’d like to be in control of THREE girls at one time. So despite your negotiating, there definitely is SOME allure for you to having us together to play off each other. Let me assure you, as somebody that was able to torture you and Sam simultaneously very effectively, that there is a lot more that you can do with multiple girls.

Me: But I’m not going to do to Courtney what you did to me and Sam.

Courtney: I saw those pictures. I’d never allow you to do that shit.

Me: Per Elisa here, nothing like that is against the rules.

Courtney: I hope you realize that it’s against OUR rules.

Me: I do. Hence why I said less than 20 seconds ago that I’m NOT going to do it to you.

Courtney: Thank you.

Me: But Elisa is clearly using that idea as bait.

Elisa: I’m simply saying that having multiple girls is something you know that you can work with. And that it is difficult to attain in this game. Jackie is my best friend. And I’m sure that she’ll try her damnedest to get you three girls for helping her out. It’s NEVER going to fucking happen. She can’t make that happen. I CAN make that happen. That’s my new offer. Take it or leave it.

Me: Elisa, can I show you something?

Elisa: Sure.

I reached into my bookbag and rummaged until I found the discreet inner pocket where I kept my small digital camera. I pulled it out and simply scrolled back to the most recent picture. It showed a tightly chair tied Jackie and Abbie wearing blue and red ball gags flanking a tightly hogtied Erica who was “wearing” Big Betty lying on Abbie’s bed. They were all looking at the camera, Erica angrily, Abbie defeatedly, and Jackie with a hint of a smile. It’s the one that I had taken during my three girl session that Jackie had delivered for me only nine days prior. I handed the camera to Elisa.

Me: What were you saying?

Elisa: What the fuck?!?! When did this happen?!?!?

Courtney leaned over and looked at the camera with Elisa. She immediately snorted in surprise and cupped her hand over her mouth amusedly.

Me: You need to stop thinking of yourself as the only person that can make these things happen. And if she’s really your best friend, then I think that you owe Jackie Garrett a little apology.

Elisa: OK. OK. My bad. But NOBODY told me about this. How does this happen and I don’t know about it?

Me: Well. I don’t participate in the rumor mill with you. When I capture somebody, I can keep it to myself. I can just enjoy a captive’s torment on my own. I don’t need to brag about how great I am to all the other players. And I can’t imagine that Erica or Abbie would be interested in telling you the stories of that day. So that basically just leaves…Jackie hadn’t brought it up yet.

Elisa: Admittedly I underestimated her. But you have to admit that this is the weakest three girl lineup that you could have captured. You captured the B Team.

Me: Look at you. Slagging off your best friend. Maybe even your two best friends, yet again.

Elisa: Jackie would agree that she’s on the B team. But I’ll agree that I’d appreciate if you didn’t tell Erica that I said that.

Me: Like I said. I don’t feed the rumor mill. Your comments are safe with me. Courtney on the other hand…

Courtney: I agree with her comments.

Elisa: So what did you do with three girls?

Me: We played a little game. And then I freed a couple of them for performing admirably enough. Courtney is familiar with my little games.

Elisa: OK. And why haven’t you ever played them with ME?

Me: You don’t seem like the type.

Elisa: I’m the most competitive person you know.

Me: But you’re not accommodating. You like letting your captor know that they can fuck off.

Elisa: Good. Then let’s make this deal. I’ll get you THREE girls. Me. Courtney. And the third of your choosing. And I’ll willingly play at least one of your little games so long as it doesn’t violate any of the rules. I’ll be an enthusiastic sport in it. That’s surely something that would be difficult to get a guarantee from me on normally.

I thought about if for a second. I definitely couldn’t see Elisa agreeing to most of my solo games. She tended to take a “Fuck You” demeanor towards her captors and was incredibly uncooperative. Her competitive nature probably meant that I could get her to compete against another captive. But this was a solid offer. I had several games that I was looking to test run.

Me: Fine. I’ll do it on the condition that both of you agree that if you free yourself early…you’re not allowed to free the other captives. Elisa, if you slip a knot and escape. You leave Courtney and the third girl to their captivity. The same goes for you, Courtney.

Courtney: Deal.

Elisa: I’m fine with that.

Me: But also. Maybe apologize to Jackie for doubting her. They might not be you and Courtney, but I had a lot of fun last week. And other people are capable of pulling off schemes just like you. I’m thinking I need to get three girls all by myself now. Without your help or Jackie’s help. Just to show you that you’re not the best.

I saw Elisa perk up as I dismissed her abilities.

Elisa: Are you baiting me?

Me: Not baiting. I just want you to be a little more humble about your own powers in this game. And a little more impressed with what other people can do.

Elisa: Because I think it’s working.

Me: What is working?

Elisa: Your baiting of me.

Me: I wasn’t baiting you.

Elisa: I’m realizing that now. You were just being earnest. And because I know that I’m not being baited. I’m going to let it work. I’m prepared to offer you an even better deal. A Godfather offer.

Me: You’re negotiating against yourself at this point. I’ve already agreed to your current offer. You’re a great saleswoman, Elisa. But I’m pretty sure that Sales Tactics 101 teaches you not to negotiate against yourself.

Elisa: I know. But I want to show you just how powerful my reach is in this game. If Jackie can get you three girls…I can do better. I love her dearly. But I also know that I need to show that I can outperform her at the social manipulation aspect of the game to stay on top.

Me: You sound like a sociopath.

Elisa: Good. Can we agree that it would be LOGISTICALLY impossible for one of the guys to capture all five girls at once?

Me: Yes. Logistically impossible sounds like the right phrasing. Even if you could time it out and do it in the same day…you’d have to let the first one go before you captured the fifth one. It would have to be done on a weekend because each weekday is used as at least one girl’s off day. And weekend schedules have been unwieldy for the last semester. I can’t remember a Saturday or Sunday that had a three hour block that was amenable to all five girls schedules.

Elisa: I can get it done.

Me: It would take a miracle.

Elisa: I’m a miracle worker.

Me: There’s also the issue of trust.

Elisa: You don’t trust me?

Me: Of course not. Should I?

Elisa: Absolutely not. But what don’t you trust about this offer?

Me: Your ego. I don’t think that you’d ever let me have all five girls. I think that even if you could lure them all in on a Saturday or Sunday…you’d spring a sneak attack and end up with four girls plus Trent as your captives. You need everybody to know that you’re the Queen of this game.

Elisa: I am the Queen of this game. And even when I deliver you all five girls…everybody is going to know that it was my scheme, and not yours, that brought it to fruition. I am an egomaniac and I WILL need everybody, including you, to know that I’m the best. But if you’re in control of five cute bound and gagged girls…how the fuck are you going to care who gets the credit?

Me: I wouldn’t. But I’d still be paranoid about a double cross.

Elisa: I have assurances for that.

Me: OK. Explain.

Elisa: You are correct that weekend schedules are too unruly. I know what people have coming up and I can’t see it working on a weekend. Also, because everybody is unprotected on weekends…you’d still be a paranoid little fraidy cat that Big Bad Elisa is going to add you to her harem of captives.

Me: Yep. Not ashamed to admit that. I respect your craftiness and fear your ruthlessness.

Elisa: And because you’re willing to cop to that, is why I’m willing to offer you this deal. We do it on YOUR off day. We’ll pull the caper on a Friday.

Me: But Friday is Courtney’s off day also?

Elisa: Courtney, would you be willing to switch your off day from Friday to Thursday for whatever week we plan this debacle?

Courtney: Absolutely.

Me: Why? Why would you want to help facilitate this?

Courtney: Easy. You’re going to have five captives. As you alluded to earlier, that’s a lot of divided attention. I’m probably going to get captured by you at some point that week. This way I get about one hour of attention and torment from you as opposed to three. Because this WILL count as your official capture of me for the week. I also have the added benefit of knowing when it’s coming so I can relax around you for the first five days of the week.

Me: OK. I’m still worried that the deal I’m being offered went from not good enough to WAY TOO GOOD in the space of less than ten minutes.

Elisa: Don’t overanalyze this gift horse. It’s your off day. I can’t betray you. The worst I can do is not deliver and you’ve spent five days unable to capture anybody, waiting for The Great Pumpkin. I’m somebody who prides themselves on their ability to deliver. I’ll make it happen.

Me: OK. I’m 1000% in. I’m just not used to you doing me favors like this.

Elisa: I’m considering this an investment. I don’t compliment you enough. But I think you know that I think that you’re one of the elite players in this game.

Me: Thank you.

Elisa: The elite binders and escapers are actually sitting here right now. And you’re somebody that doesn’t trust me in the slightest. I HAVE to be able to work with you. And I’m using this as an olive branch. I’m going to have a few schemes coming down the pipeline that might require your cooperation. I want you to feel inclined to say Yes. I’m shifty. You might never be able to totally trust me. But at least you’ll be thinking: I remember that time when Elisa got me five captives. And as you’re lying at my feet, tightly hogtied thanks to my inevitable betrayal…you can enjoy those memories and know that you’d sign a deal with this devil all over again.

Me: That’s about as honest of an answer as I could hope for. What’s your plan?

Elisa: I say we do this Boom. Boom. Boom. I think this week will work. How is your tomorrow and Thursday?

Me: They’re workable.

Elisa: We come by tomorrow and one of us ties you up. We’ll figure out a fair way to figure out who goes first. You try to escape. We time it. You do or you don’t. We torture you accordingly.

Me: OK. Got it.

Elisa: Thursday the next person takes their turn. Rinse and repeat. A winner is declared. Courtney or I bask in our supremacy. You pay homage to the true queen of this game and our little quandary is resolved.

Me: I will most certainly pay my respects to the champion. I’ll probably also taunt the loser though.

Elisa: That’s fair. If I lose to Miss Court over here, I’ll deserve a dose of shaming.

Me: But the real question in there was how Friday will work.

Elisa: Simple. We’ll have to loop Jackie in. But you haven’t captured Courtney and I this week so even if you’ve captured one of the other three it shouldn’t be a problem.

Me: I haven’t.

Elisa: OK. I talk to Jackie. I make sure she’s in. She loves me. She loves Courtney. She loves you. She loves being tied up. So, as long as I promise not to go too hard on Abbie she’ll be in without question. I then capture Erica and bring her to The Penthouse where Courtney will have captured Abbie.

Me: Can I stop you there?

Elisa: Sure. What’s up?

Me: Courtney isn’t allowed to capture Abbie. They haven’t officially been introduced in the game.

Elisa: What?!? Really!?!?

Me: Listen. Sam and I waived that rule for you, but I’m not sure that Abbie will. She really doesn’t like being a captive.

Elisa: What a coward!

Me: She’s working on it. She did some pretty impressive tying on Jackie and I last week. I think she’s a week or two away from showing Courtney what she’s got.

Elisa: OK. OK. I’ll capture that little coward and give Courtney the necessary resources to capture Erica and bring her to The Penthouse. They’re fully restrained. Then you come up and Jackie, Courtney, and I will simply lay down for you. We’ll submit to your captivity and then you can do as you please. Within the Rules, of course.

Me: Sounds great.

Elisa: And since Erica and Abbie were captured by us. You are still eligible to capture them this week.

Me: I don’t think I’ll be doing that.

Elisa: I’m just saying that you could. Why not?

Me: Well it seems that I’m going to be pretty busy on Tuesday and Thursday already for some reason.

Elisa: Yep. That is true.

Me: And then I’m going to have to use Wednesday to get all of my game supplies together.

Elisa: Game supplies?

Me: Oh. My captives will be playing some games. I have several multi-girl games that I’ve been DYING to test out. And this seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Courtney: This sounds terrifying.

Elisa: Honestly this sounds kind of fun. And I don’t ever consider being captured to be fun. Are his games that bad?

Courtney: No. They’re fine. But last time I was given a game where everybody in the game knew that I was going to get smoked. I had NO CHANCE against Jackie.

Me: To be fair. That game was DESIGNED for Jackie. I didn’t know that you were going to be there.

Elisa: I have to ask. What happened?

Courtney: I had to paint a dolphin with my bare bound feet. It didn’t go well.

Elisa: Wait! Those children’s finger paintings that you sent me to vote on were from Jackie and Courtney?

Me: Yep.

Elisa: And that THING that was a weird collection of smudged blue lines and dots was SUPPOSED to be a dolphin?

Elisa started laughing hysterically at this point.

Courtney: Yes! It’s not as easy as it looks. You try it!

Elisa: Maybe I just might on Friday.

Me: Doubtful. All new games coming your way.

Elisa: I can’t wait. But even more so, I can’t wait for tomorrow. How does 4:00 sound?

Me: Works for me.

Elisa: Excellent. Come to my room. I don’t know what Erica’s schedule is. But she might get to watch. I’ll get Jackie on board tonight and then I’ll text everybody that Courtney’s new off day for this week is Thursday and not Friday.

Me: A pleasure doing business with you. I think. Maybe. Check back with me after tomorrow.

Elisa: Will do. And if I’m going first tomorrow I’ll make sure that we have some extra towels so you don’t drip all the way down the hallway after I toss you in the shower.

Me: Dear God.

I should have known that if something sounds too good to be true, it often is. But sometimes I have to learn my lessons the hard way.
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

I don't know what I'm more excited for now. The escape challenge or the potential for five captives in one go!
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by DommeKirsten »

I love a competitive streak getting in the way ha x
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Post by GreyLord »

Your hero has a full plate, that's for sure. Tying up a gaggle of girls is getting to be a thing these days with this story and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]'s The games that we play. You do understand that I am not complaining.
ImageA List of my stories:
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Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by Rtj65 »

I like the set up that you're putting into this part, the negotiations between Elisa, Trent and Courtney are fascinating, especially because they all seem to have egos. It was good to see Trent actually drive a tougher bargain at various points, I think he would have negotiated differently at the beginning of the story. He was still fair throughout though, which is a trait that probably applies to him more than anyone else we've met so far.

On the other hand, I don't think Courtney was particularly fair - as far as bending rules goes, she wants to dish it out but can't take it herself, unlike Elisa. In this situation, it's of course her choice, but that's just my take. She's still a great character though, and I like that she isn't perfect. And it seems like Trent's come away with a good deal regardless - though the last sentence was ominous. Is Trent just sensing beforehand that he is walking into a trap? Or is this him reflecting on things in the aftermath? Either way, looking forward to finding out.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 18: "A Nice, Quick, Sharp “Hey, Wake Up” Stinger" (FF/M) [Part 3 of 5]

The next day arrived and I prepared myself for the worst. But I was certainly more eager to get into this experiment now because the ultimate carrot had been dangled in front of me. I had already decided what three games my captives would be playing and started figuring out how to get the materials that I needed. I was mistrustful that Elisa would be able to get it done. But I knew that she would eventually, even if some snag went wrong on Friday. Because if she double crossed me on this…the Rules weren’t going to save her from my revenge. I arrived at Elisa’s room at the agreed upon time of 4:00. I’d also dressed as we had agreed upon. The girls had said that they wanted to be able to get the most out this deal, so I wasn’t allowed to wear jeans. It was expected that I wear a reasonably thin athletic short, so that if I wasn’t free in an hour...they could do a proper spanking. So I showed up dressed in black basketball shorts and a red T-Shirt. I knocked on Elisa’s door and was ushered in immediately. As I entered the room I could see that the five ropes that they planned to use on me had been laid out on Elisa’s bed. It seemed like a substantial amount of rope to allow them to do a proper tie, but not enough for them to go absolutely crazy. They’d have to be conservative to a certain degree. This challenge should be fun.

Elisa: Do you have any questions before we get started?

Me: I guess that my only question is which one of you is going first?

Elisa smiled deviously at me.

Elisa: That’d be me. Courtney won the toss and wanted to go second. But I’m actually excited to go first. I know she’s not quite as good as me, so I’d like to go first and show her what she has to aspire to.

Courtney: Oh. We’ll see.

Elisa: If you’re ready to begin, please have a seat on the floor for me. Take your shoes and socks off and have your ankles out and together.

I did as she instructed, placing my sneakers and socks next to her bed. I sat down with my legs out in front of me and she first grabbed the shortest of the five ropes and knelt down next to me to begin tying my ankles. Elisa, like myself, almost always started with the wrists. But clearly she had a plan for how she wanted to have me restrained. This was not strictly pleasure for her. This was business. I’m positive that she wanted to torment and humiliate me, but she didn’t want to do so at the expense of losing to Courtney. The few times that I had escaped Elisa’s ties, it was because she’d gotten cocky. Aside from the first time, when I was very new to everything and just panicked and broke my bed. But even when she had tied Sam and I up…I don’t know that I’m escaping if she hadn’t tied me to Sam in a humiliating fashion that gave us the positioning that we needed to get each other untied. Elisa’s desire to have fun can be her undoing sometimes. However, what she had done here was a very no-frills, but snug and effective ankle tie.

Elisa: OK. Now because you’re being compensated and are obliged to fully cooperate...I’m going to ask you to cross your hands behind your back and hold them there. I’m not going to tie your hands yet but I need to make sure that they can be in that position when I’m ready for them. If I finish this upper body tie and then find that your hands are out of position that would be devastating. So keep them crossed and let me know if they’re slipping as I work, OK?

Me: You’re the boss.

Elisa: You’re God damn right I am.

I obediently crossed my wrists behind my back and Elisa took one of the two very long ropes and began to tie my elbows together. She probably did two fewer rotations with it before starting her cinch than she normally would. Because she clearly had a plan for this rope and was looking to conserve its length. Sure enough, as soon as she’d pulled the cinch rope through a couple times and knotted it off she took the rest of the line and started to wind it around my upper body twice pulling my arms tightly into my torso. She then threaded it under my right armpit from behind, over my right shoulder, back around the base of my neck, down over my left shoulder and back under my left armpit. She then circled around my upper chest twice more, pulled it down and through the loops on my lower torso before pulling to back up around my upper arms and knotting it near the bindings around my upper chest at the small of my back.

Elisa: Are your wrists still crossed?

Me: Yes, ma’am.

Elisa: Good.

Me: Can I ask a question?

Elisa: Sure. Why not? I’m feeling generous.

Me: How much extra rope do you have on the ends? It seems like that was very well portioned.

Elisa: I’m not going to tell you exactly how much out of gamesmanship, but I did portion it extremely well. I knew exactly how much I had.

Me: But you’ve never done this tie on me before. Doing it on Dale or Erica or Courtney wouldn’t give you the same result.

Elisa: Trent, darling. By now I’m very familiar with your measurements. If you want me to be your personal shopper...I’d be happy to do so for a nominal fee. You might study my body out of lust. I study yours for research.

Me: Terrifying. Just terrifying.

Elisa: Just the way I like you. Now for those wrists.

I could feel her loop the rope around my wrists and pull it taut. Several more wraps followed before she started her cinch. Each time they were pulled tight to remove and slack. Elisa may have been experimenting with some new tricks for this tie, but she wasn’t going to risk the challenge by getting sloppy on the wrist tie. When she finished her final cinch with the rope I felt her pull the ends up away from my prying fingers and knot it at the top of the binding. However, when I looked over at her stash of ropes I noticed that she hadn’t used either of the two intermediate length rope. She’d used the other long one. That wrist tie wasn’t nearly gaudy enough to have used even half of the rope. My answer came a second later when she pulled the rope downward with my wrists still connected to it. She gave me a firm push forward so I rolled up on my legs and then firmly but carefully lowered me down so that my head was resting on the ground and my ass was up in the air facing her. If she wanted to get her spanking in…this was the position. Instead she pulled the rope down and under me so that it slotted into my butt crack.

Me: Hey!! Woah!!

Elisa: You like that?

Me: Yikes, lady!!

She pulled the rope around to the front and threaded it into the bindings that were tying my ankles together in their current position. She just threaded it around that tie as an anchor point. She then pushed my legs so that my knees bent and my legs were pushed in towards my chest and then brought it up to my knees where she wrapped the rope above my knees a couple times, cinched the rope through three times, brought it down to below my knees, wrapped it around tightly a few more times, cinched those wraps thrice more and then knotted it tightly off. The rope was now wedged uncomfortably because my basketball shorts were so thin. I should have been able to shake it free, but the chest harness was so tight that my wrists had very little lateral movement. I’d get it out eventually, but this was not going to be fun and games.

Elisa: Alright. I think it’s that time. You know what time I mean?

Me: The part of the program where you check with your captive to make sure that everything is comfortable? Cool. Sweet.

Elisa: Nice try. It’s gag time. You sound a little whinier than normal today. Let’s get that big mouth of yours stopped up.

Elisa reached into her bag and pulled out two ball gags. Her red one and her blue one.

Elisa: Hmmmm….Decisions. Decisions. Which one do you think I should use, Court?

Courtney: Don’t put this on me. I’ll make my choices tomorrow. No crowd sourcing your decision.

Me: I’ll vote, if that’s what you want. I’ll go with the red one.

Elisa gave me a cruel smile and shook her head.

Elisa: No. I think the red one is for somebody who isn’t getting a King’s Ransom for these sessions.

Me: It’s a King’s Ransom that YOU offered.

Elisa: Still. Open up.

Me: Ugh. Fine. I guess it’s soup for me tonight.

The blue ball gag may not have been as big as Betty, but it still made my jaw sore if it was in for too long. I opened my mouth though and allowed Elisa to pull the ball into my mouth. She then pulled the straps back and buckled it tightly behind my head as the ball filled my mouth, slotted behind my teeth, and forced my lips to contour around it.

Elisa: There we go. That’s the way I like you. Quiet, humble, and utterly helpless.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhrrrrmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhh.

I just rolled my eyes at her as she picked up one of the intermediate ropes and began her work. She threaded it through my leg bindings and then through my chest harness forming a lattice work on both sides that strictly pulled my legs upwards and wouldn’t allow me to stretch them back out. It was obvious to see what she was doing at this point. She was going for some form of inverted ball tie. As the threading and weaving of the rope used up the length and pulled my body more strictly together, I felt her knot it off on my side just above my hip. She then picked up the final rope and began to tie it into my upper chest harness near my shoulder blades. I felt it also go underneath my armpits before separating and wrapping around over my shoulders behind my neck. She then pulled two separate ends down and ran them underneath my knees, pulling the ropes around the cinches both above and below my knees to anchor them. She tugged the rope until it slowly pulled my head forward so that it inched down toward my chest and completed her ball tie. I was now a tightly bundled and constricted package and I had A LOT of work cut out for me if I was going to escape this tie before Elisa threw me into a freezing cold shower.

Elisa: Alright. All done. There we go. What do you think, Court?

Courtney: I won’t lie to you. I’m a little impressed.

Elisa: And what do you think, my little roly poly?

Me: Mmmpphhhh mmmmmppphhhhh hhhhrrrrmmmppphhhh mmmmppphhhmmmmmm.

Elisa picked up her phone and started a timer on it.

Elisa: Your time starts now, dork. I’m sure you’re confident that you can escape. But remember: Pride cometh before the Fall. And here’s the Fall.

Elisa then giggled as she pushed me firmly and I rolled over onto my side then back on to my shoulders. The way that my body was constricted and contorted…I was very much ball-like and rolled more than I’d like. It was certainly a little more degrading than usual. Oh brother, I had better get to work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think, Trent does play the long game here: He will play ball, because he knows he will keep the upper hand in the end! Nicely done [mention]Fandango[/mention] !!
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Post by GreyLord »

Trent may win the long game, but maybe not. Fascinating.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by charliesmith »

That’s a pretty tight situation Trent finds himself in ;)
I highly doubt he would be able to escape!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Elisa really doesn't seem to be messing around (not that she ever does, from what we've seen so far). From the looks of things, Courtney is going to have her work cut out for her when her turn rolls around. And if I remember correctly, there wasn't any discussion on who would win if Trent can't escape from either of the ties in the allotted time; they just limited the materials available and assumed that he would be able to escape at least one. It's going to be interesting to see if that becomes a factor later on.
Fandango wrote: 10 months ago You might study my body out of lust. I study yours for research.
Also, this line from Elisa really caught my eye; she is a little unhinged, and I love it.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: This shouldn't necessitate a warning, but I'll give one anyway. The torment that Elisa is proposing at the end of this chapter is significantly more unpleasant (and potentially dangerous) than it might appear. Please do not try this at home.

Sophomore Year - Chapter 18: "A Nice, Quick, Sharp “Hey, Wake Up” Stinger" (FF/M) [Part 4 of 5]

With that parting shot, Elisa went to take a seat next to Courtney on her bed. I writhed and bucked around, grunting into my gag trying to figure out how I was going to manage an escape from this new and complex tie. I was entirely aware that I had responsibilities this time. Normally how I acted as a captive was entirely dependent upon how I felt and how my captor was choosing to motivate and toy with me. But I’d made promises. I was allegedly going to be handsomely rewarded for my restraint today and Thursday. And I owed it to these girls to try and help them settle their query. And that meant that my normal “dignity protection” style of escaping was going to have to go out the window. I squirmed around with reckless abandon and noisily let my exertions and exasperation be heard through my gag.

Me: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhrrmmmmmm mmmmppphhhhhhhhh!!!!

I did, however, feel that the bet that they were trying to settle was a foolish one. Or at least a myopic one. They were both very skilled at restraining people. There was a substantial level of difference between those that were talented (Elisa, Courtney, me) and those that were less talented. But within the tier of those who had advanced skills, I felt that it was disingenuous to try to prove who was better when different players had such contrasting styles and goals with their restraint. Both Elisa and Courtney could keep me restrained. But their methods and concerns were very different. When Courtney tied me up, she was able to ensure that it was comfortable. I had no doubt that Elisa COULD make her tight restraint comfortable. I felt that she intentionally didn’t. The opposite actually. That was part of her modus operandi. There was something to be said for the degree of difficulty involved in making something both sustainably comfortable AND inescapable. I didn’t know if Courtney was going to try and walk that line tomorrow or if the heat of the competition would drive her to Elisa’s way of restraint.

The girls were surely competitive and they appeared not to see that this bet they had made was irrelevant given the contrasting goals of their work. We were playing a game. And both of these girls wanted to win. And I’m not sure if they realized that it was a game involving eight people…where they were the only two that seemed to be keeping score. I had no doubt that Elisa probably had some ridiculous ledger where she was tabulating statistics on number of captures and average restraint time and the such. I couldn’t have given less of a shit. And I’m pretty sure that Dale didn’t either. This was fun for me. There was no score. There was no real competition. It was about getting the better of an opponent on a given day. But it was more about the enjoyment of toying with them and what that brought you. Not worrying about that you stayed ahead in some sort of weird scoreboard. I enjoyed having girls bound and gagged at my mercy. But ever since Courtney had first tied me up and had her way with me…I couldn’t help but think that I might like being the captive more than I thought. Courtney was certainly my preferred captor. I certainly didn’t extend any sort of desire to be a captive in Elisa’s direction. But in retrospect, Abbie’s little subjugation of me at our last training session had also been a touch of fun.

As I wriggled and flexed and tested my bonds to no avail, my mind continued to race as to how I could turn my current state of helplessness into freedom. That equation didn’t seem like it was terribly close to getting solved. And I was acutely aware that agreed upon punishments would arrive at the hour marks of this challenge. But I did allow my focus to shift a little bit to what Elisa and Courtney were doing. They were certainly watching me intently. Their eyes were affixed on me and my struggles. And the occasional taunt was regularly flung my way, when it was clear that I was attempting a tactic that would bear very little fruit. But they weren’t just sitting there and giving my futile contortions their undivided attention. They were chatting with each other. I wasn’t paying that much attention to the conversation. A lot of it involved common friends of theirs that I had little to no familiarity with. But I was intrigued by the way that they bounced off of each other. The way that they were able to get each other excited and make each other laugh within the conversation. I think I was a little confused about the nature of their relationship. Both of these girls were still a mystery to me. I’d still only “hung out” with Courtney five times previous to her and Elisa approaching me in the library earlier in the week. And for three of those “hang outs” one of us had been bound and gagged. But I’d clearly misrepresented her relationship with Elisa. She’d told me about how she was still a little miffed about Elisa tying her up before a volleyball party and leaving her in the closet. And her dominant “coup” in which she had left Elisa for Dale and I and declared herself the new queen of the game had seemed really charged. On both sides it had seemed like there was some frustration. I had sort of put Elisa and Courtney into a frenemies or rivals dynamic. But it was clear that this was erroneous. They were friends. Not frenemies. Real, true friends. That much seemed obvious. And right now these two friends were enjoying my pathetic, energetic, and noisy plight.

Elisa: Hey, keep down over there, you. The adults are trying to have a conversation. And you’re grunting like a squealing little piglet.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhrrmmmmpppphhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

Courtney: Don’t listen to her, Trent. You pick those knots. No trying to shame my boy into easing up. I appreciate the effort. Grunt all you want. I think it’s hot. Gets me going.

Elisa: Ha! That’ll motivate him.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhmmmmppphhhrrrrrrrr.

Courtney: I just don’t want you using your undue influence, E. Who cares about a little background noise?

Elisa: I just don’t want him to use up all his grunting and moaning now. In 15 minutes I’m going to make him squeal plenty.

Elisa picked up a ping pong paddle and hit it against the palm of her hand. Letting me know that the first round of punishments for my failure to escape was nigh approaching. It did work. I kicked into a higher gear of thrashing and straining. But it wasn’t helping. I was thoroughly stuck. I certainly wanted to escape. And the girls were right, I was probably the best escapist in our games. But Elisa was still a pro. The encounter with Courtney as my captor had me wondering if maybe I didn’t like being bound a little more than I’d like to admit. But I wasn’t Courtney’s captive right now. I was Elisa’s. And even if I was Courtney’s captive. I’m a very competitive being. And this was a competition.

After 15 more minutes of energetic writhing and bucking and grunting which drew the occasional laughs from the two girls at my pathetic ordeal I heard a timer go off.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhhhhrrrmmmmppphhhhmmmmmm mmmpphhhhhhh.

I let a low, annoyed grunt into the gag. I’d been at this for a full hour and I didn’t see that I’d made that much progress. And now it was time for my punishment.

Elisa: Uh oh. My squirmy little worm. You know what that sound means.

I saw Elisa pick up the paddle with an almost giddy enthusiasm splashed across her face. I’d come willingly into her world. It was clear that she set certain rules to induce more timid members into the club, but she was always looking to shed the ones that wouldn’t allow her to properly humiliate her captives. She walked around behind me outside of my field of vision.

Courtney: Oh no! He’s so young and innocent. Please spare him from this ignominious fate.

I looked up Courtney sarcastically pleading on my behalf and saw that her smile showed that she was just as eager to see me get this punishment as Elisa was.

Elisa: Courtney, dear, may I request your assistance for this?

Courtney: Sure. You don’t know how to use a paddle? I’d be happy to give Trent his whacks for you.

Elisa: In your dreams. I’ll be doing my own paddling. But the way that I’ve tied his arms have his hands protecting his butt. I was hoping that you could hold them out of the way while I do my work.

Courtney: Yeah. I can oblige.

Elisa: And no loosening the knots while you’re doing it. No tricks.

Courtney: I am insulted by the implication. I have every intention of beating you fair and square.

Elisa: Be insulted all you want. I survive in this game because I trust no one.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhrhrrmmmppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh hhhhmmmpppphhhhhh.

I rolled my eyes. Not that Elisa could tell from where she stood somewhere behind me.

Elisa: You getting mouthy with me, dipshit?

Me: Nnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhhh.

Elisa: Good. Now assume the position.

I felt Elisa’s hand on the back of my head, pushing it towards the ground, tipping my body forward and my butt up in the air. Courtney came up alongside me and grabbed my wrists and yanked them to the left. They moved away from my butt, pulling the tether rope with them and allowing Elisa unfettered access to my bottom.

Elisa: Thanks, doll.

Courtney: No problem. I have to say in his defense though. He’s quite sweaty. You were worried that you were giving him too good of a deal. He’s certainly putting in a solid workout.

Courtney took two of her fingers and ran them across my brow which was almost touching the carpet and was dotted with perspiration.

Elisa: Good. Glad to see that we’re getting our money’s worth. It’s nice to see my ropework passing a proper field test.

Without warning, before she had even finished her sentence I felt the paddle land on my butt with a firm thump.

Me: Mmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!

I had been planning on trying to stone wall my way through the spanking. Make as little noise as possible and try to maintain as much dignity as possible for a young man that was thoroughly bound and gagged by two women who were spanking him with a ping pong paddle. But likely having foreseen this, Elisa caught me off guard with the first one and a surprised and annoyed grunt escaped my gag. It didn’t actually hurt that much. The drag resistance on the wide paddle didn’t allow for her to hit me too hard. She also hit me squarely in the cheeks. I don’t have a particularly big butt…but there’s enough padding. She repeated the process on the second whack. This time I did stone wall her. No noise escaped my mouth. I just braced and accepted the spanking.

Elisa: Oh. So that’s how it’s going to be? You’re no fun.

I couldn’t see Elisa but I clenched myself and braced for the next smack. Only it didn’t come against my butt cheeks. She came down with the paddle hard right on top of my coccyx bone, grazing the paddle off the top of my butt. This one actually did sting a little bit and I let out an almost involuntary yelp at the smarting strike.

Me: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!

I turned my head in an attempt to glare at her, but still couldn’t really see her. I fumed a little bit though.

Me: Mmmmppphhhrrmmmppphhhh hhhmmmppppphhhhhhhh.

Elisa: That is still technically your butt, dweeb. Now we can keep this a nice friendly spanking, but I’m going to need you to count off these strikes for me. Do I make myself clear?

Me: Mmmmpppphrhhhmmppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhh mmpphhhhhh mmpphhhhh hhmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Elisa: I guess I don’t. Yes or No, Trent. Are we clear? I’m in control now. You’ll count these off or you’ll wish that you did. Understood?

I decided just to go with it. If Elisa wanted to be the Big Bad Wolf then I guessed that it was probably best just to let her have this one. There would be plenty of time to pay her back later.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhhhmmpppphhhhh.

Elisa: Splendid.

Whack!! Another one right in the center of my upward angled butt.

Me: MMmmpphhhhrrrrrr.

Elisa: Good. Louder on the rest!!

Whack!! She was really winding up now. That one kind of stung just in and of itself.

Me: Mmmmvvvvppphhhhhh!!!

Whack!! She started finding her rhythm.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!


Me: Mmmmppphhhhhhvvvvmmmmmmm!!


Me: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!


Me: Nnnnmmmpppphhhhhhnnnnnnn!!!!

Elisa: Great. And one final one. Once more. With feeling.

I waited for the final strike to come. I clenched myself and braced for it. I readied myself for the strike. I think that she knew that I was waiting and was trying to wait out my readiness. Good luck, Elisa. I wasn’t going to let my guard down. But it was taking her a long time to get her final lick in. Had it been ten seconds? I felt like it was going on almost twenty seconds. And then all of the sudden…

Whack!! The final one came lower on my butt than the others. It hit the tops of my legs also. It was significantly more forceful and I saw Elisa stumble over me into my field of vision. The girl had taken a running start and really thrown herself into it. And it definitely stung. Ouch!!

Me: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Elisa: There we go. That one felt right!!

Courtney was giggling as I grumbled indignantly.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhh hmmmmpphhhhh mmmpphhhrrmmmmmm mmmppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Elisa: There we go. That was invigorating. You may resume your struggles now, pet.

I glowered at her as she returned to her bed and sat down. Courtney rose to her feet and went to join her as I flushed with a mix of embarrassment and indignation and resumed my struggles. The girls also resumed their conversation. Not that they were ignoring me. I definitely felt their delighted, judgmental gazes on me as I strained and writhed on the floor in my helpless and unfortunate predicament. But I could feel it becoming slightly less helpless. I’d managed to shift a knot somewhat within my sphere of influence. Elisa had tied a key knot near my front left abdomen. With the way that my arms were pinned behind my back it was nearly impossible to reach that knot without dislocating a shoulder. But through persistence I’d managed to tug at that ropes enough that the knot had shifted. It now sat at my hip. And if I strained my arms enough to the side, I could sort of pick at it. If I kept up what I was doing I thought that I might be able to get at it. Freeing myself from that knot would slacken my chest harness and give my arms more range of motion and allow me to get at the tether knot that was pulling my wrists underneath me.

I just continued to go about my escape attempt with workmanlike persistence. I tried to ignore the sassy barbs that the two girls were throwing my way. But I did catch some of the better ones.

Eventually I’d picked the knot clean and the ropes that were holding me in the tight ball tie started to slacken. More writhing around would shake them off entirely. Clearly Elisa took notice.

Elisa: Damn! Well…that’s disappointing.

Courtney was considerably less disappointed.

Courtney: You go, Trent! We believe in you. Both of us! You can do it.

Elisa: Hey now!

Courtney: Yeah, sorry, Elisa dear, but he’s going to be out before three hours.

Elisa: It’s not important that he I keep him tied for three hours. It’s only important that I keep him tied up longer than you. And I think I still stand a good chance of that.

Courtney: But I know how much you wanted to throw him in a cold shower. I’ll let you do it for me on Thursday...if you ask really nicely.

Elisa: First, shut your mouth. Second, no you wouldn’t.

Courtney grinned mischievously at both of us.

Courtney: You’re right. I wouldn’t. That pleasure will be ALL mine.

Elisa: If you do beat me, it’ll only be because lover boy here enjoys being your subservient, little submissive.

She was clearly trying to get my goat with this comment. I wasn’t going to give her a full reaction. But I gave her an understated grumble of disapproval to let her know that she could fuck off.

Me: Mmmppphhhrrrmmppphhhh hhhhmmmppphhhmmmmm.

Courtney: Hey. Winning is winning. Didn’t anybody ever tell you that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

Elisa: Well, we’re not trying to catch flies here.

Courtney gave her a wry little smile.

Courtney: Sure we are. At least I am. Trent is the fly. I’m the spider. And this game is my parlor.

Elisa: Your parlor? I don’t follow.

I could see Courtney now frown a little bit. I knew what she was talking about, but it was clear that Elisa did not.

Courtney: Like the poem. “Will you walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly?”

Elisa: Never heard of it.

Courtney: Really?!? It’s a really famous poem?

Elisa: Still never heard of it. Not big on poetry.

Courtney: Alright. Whatever.

Elisa: Whatever indeed. I might not get to throw him in the shower. But there’s still some meat on that bone and he’s not getting out in the next twenty-five minutes. So I think it would be best to prep his next punishment.

Elisa went over to her dresser and grabbed a plastic grocery bag full of supplies. She returned and sat back down criss cross next to Courtney and I and started to unload the contents. First she laid out a paper plate. I eyed her preparations as I continued to pick away at the knots that restrained my wrists. I was incentivized to hurry. But she was probably right. This probably was not going to happen in the next twenty-five minutes. The angle that I had to hold my hand at to get to the knots wasn’t sustainable for long enough. My hand kept cramping.

Elisa then pulled out a spray can of thick, foam shaving cream. She started spraying it onto the plate. She put a lot on. Coating the plate and piling it a couple of inches high. Next I saw her pull out a little plastic bear shaped bottle that was unmistakably honey.

Courtney: Ooohhhh. Honey. Looks like Trent is going to get a little sweet treat.

Elisa: Sweet maybe. But if they’ve invented anything that is as uncomfortably sticky as honey...let me know. It’s more about the texture with this one. And you have to put it between the shaving cream and the face so that it gets proper skin contact.

Courtney: I see.

Elisa now stopped. She clearly didn’t want me to know what else she had planned. I continued to struggle and was now really starting to extricate myself from the ball tie. The issue with tying so many ropes together and anchoring them the way that she did is that once one goes…you can use it to help them all go. The chest harness was gone. I’d ducked out of the rope that was pulling my head forward. I was picking at the ropes that bound my upper legs. It was really only my wrists and ankles that were the main problem. But those two were still tied with Elisa’s masterful knots and this still wasn’t going to be an easy feat. But the minutes were starting to burn away.

After some time I saw Elisa pull out another plastic bottle. This one had a bright red hue to it. With a green cap. And a rooster on it. I’d recognize it anywhere. It was sriracha sauce. There had been a part of me that knew that she might try something like this. But I was still unenthused about it.

Me: Hmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh?!?!? Nnnnnmmmppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhhhh!!!

Elisa: Looks like somebody is waking up.

Courtney looked at the bottle and shook her head.

Courtney: You are such a jerk sometimes.

Elisa: Oh. It’ll get worse.

Me: Hhhhhmmmpppphhhhhhh?!?!

Courtney: Oooohhhhh. Are you going to put some nice glitter on there to really make him sparkle.

Elisa: No. Of course not.

Courtney: I think he’d look really pretty with some glitter on his face. I’m going to put glitter on mine.

Elisa: Like hell you are.

Courtney frowned a little bit.

Courtney: Why not??

Elisa: It might be his face. But it’s still my carpet.

Courtney: You can vacuum it up. It’ll clean out.

Elisa: Will it?!?! Have you ever tried getting glitter out of something. It’s virtually impossible. It stays forever. That’s why glitter bombs are such a ruthless prank.

Courtney: It’s only your carpet for like three more months, Elisa.

Elisa: No. You’re not using glitter. Final answer.

Courtney: Fine. Spoil sport.

Elisa started to douse the shaving cream and honey palette with sriracha sauce. My nostrils were surely going to be burning. But I was much more concerned about my eyes. I was going to have to shut them as tightly as possible. High scoville scale peppers and the human eye are not a good mix. I’d found this out the hard way before. This was not going to be pleasant if the sriracha sauce contacted my eyes. And it seemed like it would be hard for it not to. But then I saw that the sriracha was only the beginning. What Elisa pulled out next made my blood run cold. It was a much smaller bottle. She turned and presented it to me. I read the words: “The Last Dab. Apollo.” Fuck.

Me: Nnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhhhh nnnnmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Elisa knew that I knew exactly what this was. And I figured that she had to be bluffing. Elisa and I were both fans of a web series called Hot Ones. The host, Sean Evans, interviewed celebrities by asking them ten questions while they ate spicy hot wings. The questions would get more in depth as they went along and each question would be accompanied by a hot wing of increasing spiciness. They’d advertise the sauces on the program and by the time Sean got to the really tough questions the guest was normally thrown off their game and was sweating and blubbering though a haze of capsaicin induced agony. The previous hottest sauce from Season 12, “Puckerbutt”, had been dropped to the 9 spot. And a new sauce reigned supreme. The Last Dab. It had a purported 2,000,000+ Scoville rating. This was some serious shit. It was not to be fucked with. And Elisa clearly was presenting it like she was going to fuck with it. Sriracha would be bad enough. If she put this on the canvas…it was going to wreck me. Elisa gave me a cruel smile as she waved the bottle in front of my face.

Elisa: I can tell by your reaction that you know what this is. I think this knocked The Undertaker back a little bit. And he’s The Undertaker. The man got lit on fire and then completed a match with second degree burns. You’re you. I don’t see this going well.

Me: Nnnnmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmpppppppphhhhhh mmmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Elisa: If you want to avoid this fate, there is a way out. Simply beg me for mercy. Beg me to spare you.

Me: Hhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhh???

Elisa: I’ve told you multiple times. I’m a woman on a mission. Sooner or later, I’m going to make you beg me for mercy. I’m going to make you grovel. Just do it. Beg me really nicely and I’ll leave our friend The Last Dab out of the equation.

I turned to Courtney to try and find some sense of mental stability in the room. Because Elisa clearly seemed to be devoid of it at present. What I found instead was a little disheartening. She simply shrugged at me.

Courtney: What do you want me to do?

Clearly I’d like her to smack some sense into Elisa.

Me: Mmmmppppphhhhhhh hhhhhrrrrmmpppphhhhmmmm mmppphhhhmmmmmmm.

Elisa: Don’t turn to her. You’re in my world now, Trent. What’s it going to be? Are you going to dispense with the begging.

I thought it over for a second, but figured that this was a slippery slope that I didn’t want to go down. Begging Elisa might stop the punishment this time, but letting her think that she could bully me into begging and setting an expectation of what it would take didn’t seem prescient. I decided to decline. I shook my head and just had to hope that she wouldn’t go through with it. That this had to be a bluff on her part.

Me: Nnnnmmmmpppppphhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhh.

Elisa: Fine. Suit yourself. This is on you now.

Elisa removed the cap of the hot sauce and decided to shake it vigorously over the plate. Not just a little. A lot. Like… A LOT a lot. She just kept it coming. There was no section of the pie that didn’t have at least some of the sauce on it. This was going to hurt like a mother if she went through with it. And I was concerned that it could do real damage to my eyes. Finally she put the cap back on and addressed me.

Elisa: Ready, darling.

Me: Nnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!

Elisa: Too bad.
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Post by GreyLord »

It would seem that could cause real physical damage.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another great part, and Elisa continues to live up to her reputation. I really do think she could do with taking a leaf out of Courtney's book on this occasion, though - people aren't going to continue cooperating with her requests when she dishes out this kind of treatment (though it remains to be seen if she'll actually go through with her latest threat). Either she doesn't care, or she's just eager for someone to dish it back to her to the same extent, or a bit of both. It's going to be really interesting to see how it plays out from here, that's for sure.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by charliesmith »

That was a spicy, hot chapter :D
The descriptions and dialogues are amazing as ever!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Curious to see if she goes through with it? Elisa strikes me as someone who knows where that line is.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wow, Trent living up to his Houdini reputation of escaping the knots, but now Elisa is really cranking up the cruelty.

Thanks for the safety warning at the start - look after your eyes people!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 18: "A Nice, Quick, Sharp “Hey, Wake Up” Stinger" (FF/M) [Part 5 of 5]

Elisa picked up the plate of mess and shoved it directly into my face. Hard. I felt the palm of her hand contact the bridge of my nose uncomfortably as the plate and its contents collided with my face. I closed my eyes just in time to avoid direct contact with the hot sauce on my exposed eyeball. The first sensation that I felt was the cool but thick, viscous foam of the shaving cream coat my face. It also filled my nostrils. This was dangerous and we knew that it might be. I’d discussed with both girls the protocols for this so that they would be able to monitor that I could breathe. We had a signal. Right now my nostrils were all full up with shaving cream. I felt the plate disengage from my face and immediately snorted violently to clear my airways. It worked. My eyes were still tightly shut, but I imagined a spray of shaving cream shooting out of my nose. I made two more emphatic snorts to ensure that the airway was thoroughly unblocked. I could hear both girls laughing at my plight. It was shortly after the third snort that I felt the burning begin. It was in my nostrils. It was creeping to the back of my throat somehow, probably via my sinuses. And most terrifying, I could feel the corners of my eyes start to burn also. This was bad. This was really bad.

It took less than thirty seconds for my eyes in particular to feel like they were on fire. There was an uncomfortable acidic feeling in the palette of my throat and in my nose, but I barely noticed them with the way that my eyes were burning. I’d closed them tightly. But the sauce had permeated. It felt like an inferno. I let out a guttural moan and rubbed my orbital sockets into the carpet as best I could to try and wipe them clean or put some sort of pressure that would alleviate a part of my body that I couldn’t physically touch with my hands.

Me: Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Hhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

I was marginally aware that the laughter had stopped. They were clearly witnessing somebody that was in pain. But no effort was made to get me untied. We were still going through with this apparently. A pair of sadists, the both of them. The one thing that I will say is that pain within the human body is certainly compartmentalized and you can only focus on so much at once. So your nerves focus on the pain that is the most excruciating. That would be my eyes at this point. I had mentioned that I had been unable to pick my wrist ropes because the angle that I had to position my hands in to do so was very uncomfortable and my hands kept cramping. Well, that cramping was the least of my concerns now. I flexed my fingers in directions that I didn’t know that they were supposed to be able to go in an attempt to get at the knots. I needed to be free and attend to my eyes. And it kind of worked. It still wasn’t easy. But I was bending my hands at a position that I legitimately do not think I’d be able to attain had I not had my eyes screaming at me for release.

I continued to moan and buck and rub my face into the floor as I worked. And I don’t know how long it took. But eventually I felt the main knot give way and come undone. As I felt the ropes begin to slacken, I yanked my wrists back and forth wildly to loosen the cinch. After another minute or so of flailing and yanking, I had enough give to slip my right wrist out. I didn’t reach for my ankles or my gag. I reached directly up and pressed my hand over my eyes, trying to claw whatever goop might be assaulting them away. It was too late, really. The damage had been done. But I wiped the offending creamy, syrupy mess away as best I could. I then reached both hands up and unbuckled the gag in my mouth. As the ball shifted on my lips I noted that my lips were also DEFINITELY burning. I just hadn’t noticed them as much because my eyes hurt the most. But the unpleasant sensation of fire on my lips started to come towards the forefront a little more. I sputtered as the gag was removed. Gasping and trying to provide some semblance of a balm for my torched face. Unfortunately, I did this by licking my lips. Mistake. Big mistake. Now my taste buds were being assaulted.

Courtney: Alright. What’s his official time?

Elisa: Excuse me. His ankles are still tied.

I heard this and went hot. She was still timing me?!?! On a fucking technicality. I blindly tore at the knots at my ankle, before finding the knot and picking at it with vigor. Fuck this. I eventually got the knot undone and unwrapped the ropes. Tossing them in the direction of the girls with contempt.

Elisa: Done. Two hours. Twelve minutes. Thirty seven seconds. Not too shabby.

Given where her voice was coming from, my rope toss had actually not been in her direction but about 30 degrees to her left, my right. Now that I was done, my body’s primary task was simply pain management. My eyes, even though they remained tightly closed, stung harshly and felt as though somebody was holding a lit flame precariously close to them. My nostrils stung and there was a fiery, spicy pang in the back of my throat. Despite the fact that I was having trouble believing that the hot sauce could have permeated my mouth. I continued to writh on the floor and pressed my orbital bones into the carpet trying to see if I could wipe off the offending sauce. I was hoping that I wasn’t just grinding it further in. I probably was.

Me: What the fuck is wrong with you!?!?

Elisa: If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Me: You’re a fucking lunatic. You could have blinded me.

Elisa: It’s not going to blind you. Jessica Alba was on this last season. They’re not going to give Jessica Alba something that could blind her if it gets in her eyes. The celebrities touch their faces all the time.

Me: They’re not rubbing it on their fucking faces.

Elisa: I told you to close your eyes.

Me: I have closed my eyes. You pepper sprayed me.

Elisa: Stop overreacting. I did not pepper spray you.

Me: This is 2,000,000+ scoville units. That’s what pepper spray is.

Elisa: That doesn’t sound right.

Me: Courtney, please google the scoville units of pepper spray.

Courtney: Alright.

Elisa: Do you need some water to wash it out?

Me: Water isn’t going to do shit. I probably need milk. Milk will help neutralize the capsaicin.

Elisa: I don’t have milk.

Me: Then call Jackie. She probably has some.

Elisa: Jackie’s at practice.

Me: Well then figure it out.

Courtney: US Grade pepper spray is between 2 million and 5 million scoville units.

Elisa: So it’s on the bottom end of pepper spray.

Me: You’re un-fucking-beleiveable!! Fine. You “low end pepper sprayed” me.

Elisa: Alright. Alright. I’m sorry. I’ll find some milk.

I could hear Elisa hastily exit the room and make her way into the hallway. I still had some semblance of my bearings and started crawling my way towards the en suite bathroom on my hands and knees. I had little idea if Courtney was still in the room or had left with Elisa to get milk. She certainly wasn’t making any noise. I got to the entrance of the bathroom and found that the door was open. I dragged my body along to Elisa’s shower and turned it on. I had said that water wasn’t going to do anything, but it would probably help to wash the offending matter off of my face. I fumbled my hands up the tiled wall until I found the shower control. I pulled the lever out and felt the water begin to flow down as it crashed down to the left of me, the residual splatter leaping back up and hitting me in the face. I dunked my head underneath the stream and let the cold water flow freely over my face. It was cold. Probably not quite as cold as the one that they would have thrown me in had I not gotten out in three hours. But the cold felt good. It was a culture shock and helped to take my mind off the inferno that was my face as of present. I kind of just sagged down and sputtered a little bit as I let the water continue to cascade over my head. I considered the idiocy of what had just happened. As I lay there, I felt a tender hand begin to rub my back. No doubt it was Courtney. She clearly hadn’t left the room. But she hadn’t been any real help in assisting me with my shower conundrum. I wasn’t sure whether to read this impromptu back rub as reassuring or patronizing. I’m not good with reading body language when my vision is 20/20. And right now I couldn’t see much of anything. Eventually I shut the water off and wiped down my face and started to press the moisture out of my hair.

Courtney: How are you doing?

Me: I’ve been better.

Courtney: I promise you that she didn’t know that it was going to be that bad. You should have seen the look on her face when she realized that she did, in fact, pepper spray you.

Me: For obvious reasons. I didn’t see that look on her face.

Courtney: She feels guilty. This was not fully a case of Elisa trying to be cruel. I think she just didn’t understand the situation properly.

Me: Even for Elisa, I think I gathered that. It’s her, so it gave me a little pause. But I still assumed that it was a case of Hanlon’s Razor.

Courtney: Hanlon’s Razor?

Me: Yep. You know Hanlon’s Razor?

I knew that Courtney had no clue what Hanlon’s Razor was.

Courtney: Nobody knows what Hanlon’s Razor is. Just go ahead and explain Hanlon’s Razor already. I know it’s important to you that I know how smart you are.

She was correct. I can certainly be insufferable with my trivia. I know it annoys people, but I'm a show off by nature. I did figure that she’d be a little less mocking after she allowed Elisa to violate the Geneva Convention on me.

Me: Hanlon’s Razor states “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”

Courtney: Yep. I have to admit. That pretty much sums it up. I know that Elisa is a Dean’s List student. But she’s also a dum dum in many respects.

Me: Don’t I know it.

Courtney: She won’t apologize, but I can promise you that she DOES feel bad. She’ll be ready and willing to play all of your silly little games on Friday during your stupid little harem fantasy.

Me: And what about you? Do I get an apology from you?

Courtney: I didn’t do anything.

Me: Exactly.

Courtney: Then I have nothing I need to apologize for.

I knew that Courtney knew what I meant. But I was unable to read her as I still wasn't remotely able to open my eyes.

Me: Oh Boy. You got me feeling like a regular Kitty Genovese over here.

Courtney: I’m not biting on that one.

Me: Are you telling me that you don’t know who Kitty Genovese is either?

I flashed her a mocking grin. Again...I couldn't see her. I have no clue how she took it.

Courtney: Quit flexing, Einstein.

Me: I’m sure you’ll look up when you back to your dorm.

Courtney: I’ll bet you that I won’t.

Me: OK. Are you at least going to play all of my silly little games on Friday?

Courtney: Sure.

Me: Even Naked Twister.

Courtney: All of the games for your captives.

Me: That is a game for captives.

Courtney: Alright. I take it back. I’ll play games within reason.

Me: Fair enough.

Courtney: That’s if you survive Thursday.

Me: Oh really? You got big plans for Thursday.

Courtney: I just got some high end pepper spray off Amazon. No more of this 2,000,000 scoville nonsense. Only 4,000,000 plus for my little rioter.

Me: I’ll bring my own milk with me on Thursday, I guess.

Just then we heard Elisa burst back into the room. Well, I heard Elisa. Courtney probably was able to SEE Elisa.

Elisa: I got milk. Candace had some. A whole gallon.

Courtney: Why did she have a gallon of milk?

Elisa: The RA on the third floor was doing the gallon challenge as a floor program. All were invited. She signed up, took her milk, and went home with it without doing the stupid challenge. And put it in her mini fridge. Free milk. Now how does this work?

Me: I don’t know. I guess get a wash cloth and soak it. We’ll see how that goes before I start pouring it directly into my eye sockets.

Courtney: As much as I’d love to stay and watch this field triage session, I’m going to bounce. Good luck, you two. I’ll see you Thursday.

Me: See you Thursday.

Courtney: Hopefully it goes better for me and for you.

Elisa handed me a washcloth and the jug of milk. I removed my shirt and blindly fumbled for the cap on the milk jug. I held the washcloth in my hand and poured the milk over it into Elisa’s shower until I felt the cloth soften and soak with the milk. I then climbed into her shower and laid down with my head against the wall and pressed the damp washcloth firmly over my eyes.

Elisa: OK. So how does this work?

Me: This works with you getting the fuck out of here and me pouring milk over my eyes for the next 45 minutes to an hour.

Elisa: This is my bathroom.

Me: Wrong. It’s my bathroom now. And will be for the next hour. If you or Erica need to use the facilities, you can use the communal one on the first floor. Do I make myself clear?

Elisa: Sure thing, your highness.

Me: And don’t you dare turn that shower on. You don’t want to fuck with me right now.

I probably looked pretty pathetic at the moment. But I summoned all of my latent domineering nature. I was going full tilt on Elisa. She had fucked up. Royally, in my mind. I was in charge now.

Elisa: I wouldn’t do that. I didn’t earn it. I’m not interested in what I didn’t earn.

Me: I have no clue what you’d do at this point. I’m not exactly sure what you were thinking today. Now leave.

She didn’t respond. And I definitely couldn’t open my eyes yet. But it sounded like she just got up and left. I was still fuming, but the milk compress was making my eyes sting a little bit less. Today had been a textbook showing of poor judgement. And I sure as hell hoped that the prize at the end of the tunnel would be worth it.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

That was an interesting turn of events. I hope Elisa learns a very valuable lesson from this. Can't wait to see what happens next.
In her natural habitat is:
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really interesting to see how that played out, it obviously wasn't going to end well. I actually don't think that either Elisa or Courtney come out of this particularly well. With Elisa, it's kind of expected, though I think she was just being her usual brand of reckless and stupid rather than outright malicious, as Courtney suggested. She doesn't really have to answer to anyone because no one gives it back to her to the same extent (apart from that one occasion with Abbie), so she no incentive to ease off at all.

Courtney, on the other hand, could have done more here - although she checked that Trent was okay, I thought that she might be more sympathetic, especially as she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of Elisa's antics. Cynically, it also would have been a good opportunity to further establish herself as the top dog if she had been a little warmer this time - it would set her apart from Elisa as someone more deserving of respect. All that aside, I still like both characters, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out from here.
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Post by S-BabyO »

Another fantastic chapter Fandango, I loved the surprises throughout the parts of the chapter, as they were released, although I was a tad stressed about the spice (literally), it was surprisingly handled well.

I wait with bated breath on the next chapters (if it's continuing which I hope it is, as you are a talented writer ) which will be amazing coming into a chapter of assumingly Courtney to tie up her self-declared 'Guinea Pig', and to see Trent's well-deserved revenge on Elisa, after the cream pie debacle that happened this chapter

Thanks for such a good story Fandango.
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Post by Fandango »

First things first...sorry for the lengthy delay in posting. Sometimes they are planned. This one was not. There has been a massive amount of tumult at my place of employment and I've been working early mornings to late nights for the last two weeks. And that might continue for a couple more weeks. However, I'm going to try to get back on track. Though posting will come at a slower pace than it was during the winter and spring. I'll start Chapter 19 of this story next weekend. Weekends are when I'm going to have to do the bulk of my editing for the next couple weeks.
GreyLord wrote: 10 months ago Very nice episode. Are things getting out of hand?
You've got a sixth sense, GreyLord. You sensed that things were getting out of hand well before they actually got out of hand.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 10 months ago I don't know what I'm more excited for now. The escape challenge or the potential for five captives in one go!
I love a good escape challenge. Some people enjoy entirely inescapable bondage. I prefer difficult but possible to escape bondage. I like to see a struggle and a little sweat get worked up. As for five captives...that's something that I always knew was going to come into play and something that I wanted to explore early. It's a fantasy that I want to dig into but that I don't know will hold the allure of a more intimate one or two captive TUG. I think the idea of collecting captives is more alluring in theory than in practice. A captor only has so much attention. Bondage games are bondage games. I'd take whatever I could get, but if you told me that there were five women waiting in a room who wanted to play bondage games with me...I think my ideal situation would be three of them getting tied up and two of them helping me with the tormenting and teasing.
DommeKirsten wrote: 10 months ago I love a competitive streak getting in the way ha x
Thanks. This is a game after all. I don't know who is keeping score. But this negotiation was always going to have a lot of ego involved.
Rtj65 wrote: 10 months ago On the other hand, I don't think Courtney was particularly fair - as far as bending rules goes, she wants to dish it out but can't take it herself, unlike Elisa. In this situation, it's of course her choice, but that's just my take. She's still a great character though, and I like that she isn't perfect.
I like Courtney overall. But every character has character flaws and two of Courtney's are that she is a little hypocritical at times and that she can be peer pressured into doing things that she knows she shouldn't. However, in this particular situation there might be more at play. The rule breaking is something that Elisa is pushing for, not Courtney. She'll take advantage of it...but it's not her idea. She's just aboard the Elisa Thompson train. I think that she is trying to keep things casual with Trent. And she thinks that rules will help to keep things plutonic. She likes to flirt and tease and she's worried that guys like Trent and Sam might see that as something more. Trent is catching feels for her and she's just not there. I think that people want the two of them to get together...but that's not where Courtney is right now. I understand that Trent is my narrator and readers might think that I'd reward him with his dream girl. But life isn't that simple. We might have not even met Trent's dream girl yet. There are plenty more female characters to meet: Danielle, Andrea, Alison, Kara, Natalie.
Caesar73 wrote: 10 months ago I think, Trent does play the long game here: He will play ball, because he knows he will keep the upper hand in the end! Nicely done @Fandango !!
Trent is an agreeable guy. Whether he feels like he has the upper hand in the end at the end of this chapter is certainly debatable.
charliesmith wrote: 10 months ago That was a spicy, hot chapter :D
The descriptions and dialogues are amazing as ever!
Spicy and hot indeed.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 10 months ago Curious to see if she goes through with it? Elisa strikes me as someone who knows where that line is.
Elisa has many redeeming qualities. She's smart. She's ambitious. She's organized. She's charismatic. And eventually we'll see that she can also be caring and compassionate. But if I've given her one fatal flaw that will stick around for a while, it's a general lack of impulse control. Knowing where the line is and making yourself not step on it are too different things.
tickletied84 wrote: 10 months ago Wow, Trent living up to his Houdini reputation of escaping the knots, but now Elisa is really cranking up the cruelty.

Thanks for the safety warning at the start - look after your eyes people!
I always knew that I had to put a warning on this one. This is partially based on a true story, minus the bondage. I had a friend who sprayed hot sauce into my eye as part of a prank gone wrong. Not fun. I have been in a bathtub before pouring milk into my eye. That part is from experience. Some people just don't know how bad it is. And I wouldn't want anybody to try it thinking it sounds like fun. It didn't do any permanent damage to me...but it certainly could.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 10 months ago That was an interesting turn of events. I hope Elisa learns a very valuable lesson from this. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I think Elisa will learn a lesson from this. And I think it will be the lesson that we'd like her to learn. But perhaps there was something before the whole hot sauce debacle that made her learn it. I plan to have Elisa re-evaluate and soften a little bit in Chapters 21-30. She can certainly be a terror but she's not all bad.
Rtj65 wrote: 10 months ago Really interesting to see how that played out, it obviously wasn't going to end well. I actually don't think that either Elisa or Courtney come out of this particularly well. With Elisa, it's kind of expected, though I think she was just being her usual brand of reckless and stupid rather than outright malicious, as Courtney suggested. She doesn't really have to answer to anyone because no one gives it back to her to the same extent (apart from that one occasion with Abbie), so she no incentive to ease off at all.
Yeah. This chapter had a bit of an ignominious end. I needed to switch things up a little after all of the cuddles and butterflies and sweetness of Chapter 17's ending. Elisa might be setting herself up for a rude awakening. She just happens to be pushing on people that are a little more laid back. But anybody can be pushed too far at some point.
S-BabyO wrote: 9 months ago Another fantastic chapter Fandango, I loved the surprises throughout the parts of the chapter, as they were released, although I was a tad stressed about the spice (literally), it was surprisingly handled well.

I wait with bated breath on the next chapters (if it's continuing which I hope it is, as you are a talented writer ) which will be amazing coming into a chapter of assumingly Courtney to tie up her self-declared 'Guinea Pig', and to see Trent's well-deserved revenge on Elisa, after the cream pie debacle that happened this chapter

Thanks for such a good story Fandango.
Thanks for the compliments and thanks for the patience. Things have obviously gotten hectic in my life. But I'm ready to start getting back on track. This week is going to be very also, but I should start posting Chapter 19 next weekend. Probably Sunday.

I have a question for my readers. I had some art made for this story and was considering making a banner like some other writers use. Would that bother anybody? I don't read the administrative posts on this site very closely but I'm mildly aware that there is some level of debate about banners. In the end, you are the readers and I want to lean into your enjoyment. Maybe you have a picture of characters in your mind and don't want that spoiled with a visual. I'm fine with posting it or not posting it. Thoughts / Feelings? If I do make one I probably won't start using it until Chapter 21.
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Post by charliesmith »

Fandango wrote: 9 months ago I have a question for my readers. I had some art made for this story and was considering making a banner like some other writers use. Would that bother anybody? I don't read the administrative posts on this site very closely but I'm mildly aware that there is some level of debate about banners. In the end, you are the readers and I want to lean into your enjoyment. Maybe you have a picture of characters in your mind and don't want that spoiled with a visual. I'm fine with posting it or not posting it. Thoughts / Feelings? If I do make one I probably won't start using it until Chapter 21.

I would love to see the banner. Makes things more interesting. A visual prompt helps me a lot.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by algebrauk »

Fandango wrote: 9 months ago I'll start Chapter 19 of this story next weekend.
Thanks for the compliments and thanks for the patience. Things have obviously gotten hectic in my life. But I'm ready to start getting back on track. This week is going to be very also, but I should start posting Chapter 19 next weekend. Probably Sunday.
Thanks for the update, hope all OK with you, appreciate that day day life has to come first. Look forward to next updates.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fandango wrote: 9 months ago First things first...sorry for the lengthy delay in posting. Sometimes they are planned. This one was not. There has been a massive amount of tumult at my place of employment and I've been working early mornings to late nights for the last two weeks. And that might continue for a couple more weeks. However, I'm going to try to get back on track. Though posting will come at a slower pace than it was during the winter and spring. I'll start Chapter 19 of this story next weekend. Weekends are when I'm going to have to do the bulk of my editing for the next couple weeks.
No need to apologise, it sounds like a very busy and stressful time for you, so take as long as you need. While I'm looking forward to seeing the story continue, life should always come first. That said, I hope that things ease up for you soon.
Fandango wrote: 9 months ago I like Courtney overall. But every character has character flaws and two of Courtney's are that she is a little hypocritical at times and that she can be peer pressured into doing things that she knows she shouldn't. However, in this particular situation there might be more at play. The rule breaking is something that Elisa is pushing for, not Courtney. She'll take advantage of it...but it's not her idea. She's just aboard the Elisa Thompson train. I think that she is trying to keep things casual with Trent. And she thinks that rules will help to keep things plutonic. She likes to flirt and tease and she's worried that guys like Trent and Sam might see that as something more. Trent is catching feels for her and she's just not there. I think that people want the two of them to get together...but that's not where Courtney is right now. I understand that Trent is my narrator and readers might think that I'd reward him with his dream girl. But life isn't that simple. We might have not even met Trent's dream girl yet. There are plenty more female characters to meet: Danielle, Andrea, Alison, Kara, Natalie.
Of course, I like Courtney as well. She comes across as a very well-rounded character who is still difficult to figure out. Regardless of the direction in which you take her character - and her relationships with others, for that matter - I'm interested in seeing how it plays out. And I'm interested to see the new characters you mentioned be introduced as well.
Fandango wrote: 9 months ago I have a question for my readers. I had some art made for this story and was considering making a banner like some other writers use. Would that bother anybody? I don't read the administrative posts on this site very closely but I'm mildly aware that there is some level of debate about banners. In the end, you are the readers and I want to lean into your enjoyment. Maybe you have a picture of characters in your mind and don't want that spoiled with a visual. I'm fine with posting it or not posting it. Thoughts / Feelings? If I do make one I probably won't start using it until Chapter 21.
For me personally, I don't see any reason why not, as long as the banner is not too obstrusive for other users. I feel like it would be a shame to let that art go to waste as well. I also think a visual aid can help enhance a story, and even though I have a picture of the characters in my mind, I don't think seeing some artwork would spoil that for me; it doesn't normally when I think about others things that I've read in the past.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 19: "I Have Much Bigger Problems Than The Fact That I Screwed Jackie's Boyfriend" (FF/M) [Part 1 of 4]

By the time Thursday finally arrived I was intrigued to see what utter nonsense the girls had in store for me during Round 2. I had not seen Elisa since I kicked her out of her bathroom. She was not in her room when I finally emerged and she had made no attempt to contact me or check in during the ensuing 48 hours. We’d agreed that Courtney would take her turn at 3:00. I changed into the agreed upon attire and arrived at Elisa’s room at 2:40, where she answered the door.

Elisa: Well, well, well. Somebody’s punctual today.

She was wearing THE OUTFIT. That's what I'd come to call it. It was the same outfit that she was wearing when she'd tied me up for the very first time. Tight jeans, short white T-Shirt, and a black leather jacket. It almost felt antagonizing. Reminding me of the last time that I was furious with her. I was still a little miffed that she was so cavalier about the events of Tuesday. As though she hadn’t put me a great deal of pain and I also didn’t like the implication that I’m not ALWAYS punctual. I absolutely am.

Me: What’s that supposed to mean?

Elisa: You’re a little more eager for this trial than you were for mine.

Me: I was on time on Tuesday. What are you talking about?

Elisa: Yes. You were on time. You’re EARLY today. Makes me think that this one has our little lover boy a little more excited.

OK. Now I saw what she was getting at. She was teasing me. And she might not be wrong. But that wasn’t going to stop me from deflecting and sending some back at her.

Me: No. You see. It’s a little different. I didn’t realize until Tuesday that this was a war zone. In The Art of War, Sun Tzu stresses the importance of preparation and knowing the battlefield. So I figured I’d show up early and get the lay of the land. Check in the bags. Make sure that you two aren’t planning any other slaps in the face of the Geneva Convention. I’m trying to make sure that there aren’t any thumb screws or tasers hiding around here.

Elisa: Still a little peeved about the Apollo Sauce? I was hoping you might have forgiven me.

Me: What’s there to forgive?

Elisa: That’s the spirit.

Me: No. I mean what’s the point of forgiving you if you’re not sorry.

Elisa: You know that I’m sorry.

Me: I BARELY know that. You need to SAY that you’re sorry. I’ve heard you use all of the requisite sound fragments before. Just not in the right order. I’m confident that you can physically put them together. I’m Soooorrryy. The stress is on the first syllable. The Y makes a phonetic Hard E sound at the end.

Elisa: OK. OK. I’m sorry. Happy?

Me: If I thought you meant it? Yes.

Elisa: I do mean it.

Me: I don’t think you are properly contextualizing the pain threshold level that I was put into.

Elisa: That bad?

Me: It’s a difficult one to describe. I’d be happy to show you, if you’d like. Though I’m not sure if you have any left.

Elisa: I’ll pass. Thank you very much. I’ll take your word for it. I did read up on all this Scoville stuff and peppers and eyes and I may have been a little out of line.

Me: You think?

Elisa: I should have done my research a little better. But there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Me: You can learn how to read a situation a little better. I’m pretty sure you knew that I was very clearly telling you not to do it. Gag or no gag.

Elisa: People are trying to dissuade me from dishing out punishments all the time. I gave you the chance to beg me before I did it. When you didn’t do it, I figured it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Me: I’m not begging you. What sort of idiotic precedent would that set? It may have been painful, but at least I learned that you’ve got no common sense whatsoever. That knowledge will probably be useful down the road.

Elisa: I’ll get you to beg sooner or later.

She said this straight matter-of-factly.

Elisa: On a scale of 1-10, how much trouble am I in on Friday?

Me: 1.

Elisa: Really? I knew you were soft. But not letting me have it at all seems like it would be sending the wrong message. I remember you being a little more vindictive with some of my past missteps.

She was right. The one definite plus of Elisa’s harsh treatment of her captives was that it alleviated almost any feeling of guilt that I might have when the tables flipped.

Me: Who said anything about me NOT be vindictive?

Elisa: The 1. The 1 said that. I thought it was obvious that 1 was "No Trouble" and 10 was "A Lot of Trouble". Are you using the DEFCON scale or something?

Me: No. I’m just not going to let the trouble hit tomorrow. There are going to be a lot of witnesses tomorrow. At least four if you’re capable of delivering what you promise. And you might like your reputation as the club’s resident sadistic lunatic. But I have to keep up appearances with these other girls. Can’t have them seeing me dial it up to 10 on you. I do have a conscience, E. Their muffled screams as I go to work on you would haunt my sleep for weeks.

Elisa: So I am still in trouble?

Me: Sure. The next time I have you 1 on 1…let’s call it a 7 or an 8. You don’t want to see 10.

Elisa smirked at me, but I could see that she might have a little bit of worried apprehension behind the smirk.

Elisa: I see.

Me: But tomorrow will be about having fun. Your punishments tomorrow will not have anything to do with Tuesday's naughty behavior. I have a lot of games I want to get to. You win, you get rewarded. You lose, you get punished. It’ll be as simple as that. No need to complicate things.

Right as I was laying down my general plan for my reward day, we heard a knock on the door.

Elisa: Who is it?

Courtney: It’s me.

Elisa: Come right in.

Courtney opened the door and walked in holding a large brown paper bag. And God was she looking great. Today was her day and she had dressed the part. Courtney always looked great. But when she really dug in on a look, she knew exactly how to turn my brain to putty. Two days ago she’d just had a casual, sporty look to her. Today she had started teasing me before she even walked in the room. She was wearing a TIGHT black halter top that was probably at least one size smaller than was comfortable to wear. Or at least that’s the impression that her chest was giving me. The halter top gave me a glimpse of her perfect, smooth midriff as it ended right above a very fetching black and purple floral skirt. A skirt that wasn’t short enough to be TOO scandalous but was certainly something that would be frowned upon in any shame-based household. It ended high enough to draw my attention directly to her gorgeously smooth legs. Those legs which were also adorned by a pair of white knee high socks. This was not an outfit that I was ever going to able to tie up Courtney in. This was an outfit that she strictly could only wear on her off days. And since her off day for this week had been switched from Friday to Thursday…she was certainly ROCKING it now. Her hair fell naturally to her shoulder blades and framed her face. Courtney never really wore that much make up but I could tell that she’d used a bit of eye shadow. I was a little flattered.

Courtney: What’s up, party people?

Elisa: Hey, Court.

Courtney: Trent. It’s nice to see you here early.

She gave me a sly little grin. Clearly she was also clocking that I was here well before 3:00 and was reading something into that of which I was not sure that I could even confirm or deny myself.

Courtney: Are you excited for today’s grand adventure?

Me: “Excited” would be a bold choice of word.

Courtney: I’m a bold woman.

Elisa: Trent says that this is a war zone and that he’s here to inspect the battle field.

Courtney: Is that so?

Me: That’s right. I’m going to need to have a look in that bag.

I held out my hand for the bag and Courtney playfully slapped it away.

Courtney: You’ll do no such thing. I can’t have you ruining the surprises I have planned. Besides, I don’t think my past discretions have shown that they necessitate an audit. I’m not Hacksaw Liss over here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you on my watch.

Me: I’m pretty sure we’re only 48 hours removed from something bad happening to me on your watch.

Courtney: That wasn’t my watch.

Me: Weird. The last thing I saw before I lost sight for an hour and change was you “watching” me.

Courtney: I wasn’t in charge.

Me: Of course not. (German accent) You vere juscht followink zee orderz.

Courtney frowned. A real frown.

Courtney: Compare me to a Nazi again and I can make this a much more unpleasant experience if you’d like.

That’s all it took to get me to back down. She was a little angry that I kept pushing at her deflections of responsibility and Heaven help me…it disheartened me when she was angry. So I backed right down like a proper coward.

Me: Alright. No need to get chippy.

Courtney: OK. Are you ready to get this show on the road?

Me: I don’t see why not.

Courtney: Good. Then please remove your shoes and socks and put your arms behind your back.

I saw Elisa toss Courtney the ropes that she would be using. They were the exact same ropes that she had used on me only two days earlier. Courtney first caught the three smaller coils and threw them onto Elisa’s bed. She then caught the two largest coils and started to unwind one of them while I extricated my socks from my feet. No sooner had I slipped the second sock off then Courtney gently placed her hand on my shoulder and started to position my arms. I’d placed my wrists together. I’d even crossed them for her as was her usual request. But that’s not what she wanted this time. She pulled my hands up and across the back of my body so that my forearms ran parallel to each other and my hands were positioned to grab my opposite elbows.

Elisa: Oooohhh. A box tie. Risky move, Court. You’re not getting cocky on me, are you?

Courtney: I assure you that I am a pro at this tie…like I am at all ties. Just because I use it less often, does not mean that I do not specialize in it.

Elisa: Whatever you say.

Elisa gave a slight pause before addressing me.

Elisa: You’ve got this, Trent. Not her bread and butter.

Elisa can say what she wants. She’ll do just about anything to give her a mental edge on her opponent. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But what followed was actually a very impressive box tie from Courtney. I also usually go with a standard wrist tie. Because I find it to be easier and in less extreme cases I find it to be more comfortable and sustainable. However, Courtney went to work and within a matter of minutes the result was something that was both impressively tight and surprisingly not untenable. That was the difference between Elisa and Courtney. And in my mind it’s what always made Courtney the superior rigger in a way that an escape challenge could never evaluate. Courtney could get similar results to Elisa without sacrificing safety or evoking anguish from her captive. Elisa tying you up was a task. A task she was good at, but that she treated as a task nonetheless. For Courtney it was a dance. She teased and prodded as she went. She let the ropes slide and nuzzle at various points and every deft touch of hers brought with it a spark of energy that made my whole frame tingle. I wasn’t sure if I’d escape this quicker or slower than I had escaped Elisa’s…but I knew that it was “better”. And she had only just finished her first rope.

Elisa: Not bad. But I still think that the change up is opening the door for you to fall on your face.

Courtney: I hear you. I hear you and I disagree. Now be a doll and pass me the shortest rope.

Elisa reached down onto her bed, picked up the requested rope, and deftly tossed it to Courtney who caught it one handed and started to unspool it with focused attention. She then used the shorter rope to lash my arms together. In not one, not two, but three places. I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but they all felt different. I think a different hitch or knot was used at each juncture. Any natural movement that the box tie had been going to afford me was quickly disappearing. When she was done, she rotated me around 90 degrees with a flourish so that my arms were prominently displayed for Elisa.

Courtney: Still a doubter?

I couldn’t see Elisa, but Courtney again wheeled me back around 180 degrees so that I could see the back half of Elisa’s reaction. She was nodding her head with her lips pursed in a manner that said that she was casually impressed. She was also giving Courtney a little golf clap.

Elisa: OK…OK.

Courtney then placed her flat palm on the top of my head and pushed down in an affectation that she would like me to get on the floor.

Courtney: Down, boy.

My arms were not in a position to make this easy. I slowly genuflected until I was on one knee and then got on the other before sitting back on my heels and then sliding my legs out from underneath me. No sooner had I completed her request than she picked up one of the medium lengths of rope, folded my left leg back in a kneeling position and began to wrap the rope down vertically around my thigh and shin binding my leg together. I’d watched enough videos to know exactly what she was doing. But it was something that was completely new to me. I was getting frog tied. This was a new experience for me. I’d never been frog tied before. I’d tried tying legs that way a couple of times. I’d even showed it to Abbie on one of our practice sessions with Jackie. But I wasn’t competent at it yet. I preferred using column ties on the legs. Something about the kinesiology of a frog tie was just outside of my wheelhouse. Courtney was making a bold play here. Elisa apparently also agreed.

Elisa: A frog tie?!?! Now you’re just showing off. Moonwalking your way across the finish line is going to cost you, sister.

Courtney gave her a wry smile and seemingly brushed off her concerns.

Courtney: Fortune favors the bold.

Elisa: Whatever you say, Court. I just want to beat you fair and square. I don’t want you losing because you got cocky and tried things that are out of your depth.

Elisa put a little bit of spank on that last quip. Daring Courtney to continue with her current course of action. Because she and I both knew that Courtney was less practiced at this current discipline, even if she was oozing confidence. Courtney did continue, not dissuaded by Elisa’s snark. And the frog tie was actually shaping up to be pretty firm and restrictive. I had to admit. She definitely had a better handle on the tie than I did.

Courtney: You just don’t get it Elisa. This isn’t just about beating you.

Elisa: Please. Of course it is.

Courtney: I mean…it is. And it isn’t. Do you honestly believe that anybody is going to give two shits if you beat me? Or even remember in a month.

Elisa: I’ll make sure they remember. And if they don’t, a lioness doesn’t concern herself with the opinions of sheep.

Courtney: I have never heard a less apt idiom for your general ethos than whatever you just ripped from Game of Thrones. You care desperately what people think of you. You might mock Trent, but I think that you NEED him to think that your cool.

Me: Awwww. Elisa. That’s so sweet. Of course I think you’re cool.

Elisa: Agree to disagree.

Me: That you’re cool?

Elisa: No. Agree to disagree with Courtney. I barely heard whatever you just said. That’s how little I care what you think.

Courtney: However, if I beat you by keeping Trent all bound up in a box tie AND a frog tie. That might just make me a legend. I have no comfort zone. I can do anything. Every other rube in this game will fear the dynamic bad ass that is Courtney Branch. Of course I want to beat you. But I have higher aspirations, Elisa. I’m shooting for legend status. Not all Championships are the same. You only get remembered if you win with style. It’s not just THAT you win, it’s HOW you win. Nobody remembers who won the 2019 World Series.

Me: The Washington Nationals.

Courtney: Pffft. Show-off.

Me: It was two seasons ago. It’s not that hard. At least go back to like 2005 or something.

Courtney: Yeah. But you probably know all of them. Don’t you, nerd?

Me: Almost. I can never remember who won in 2001. It was very forgettable. That one is always a hazy area for me.

I knew exactly who won in 2001. I just wanted to tease Courtney a little bit.

Courtney: You watch your tongue, you sniveler! If you besmirch my Diamondbacks then I’m going to make these last two ropes very unpleasant for you.

Me: I think you’re already pot committed to what you’re doing with those last two ropes.

Courtney finished the frog tie on my left leg and picked up both of the remaining ropes. She shook the other intermediate length rope in front of me.

Courtney: This one. Maybe. The other one. Not so much.

Me: OK. Whatever you say, mistress.

I spat the words at her with a sarcastic ring to them.

Courtney: You know what…why am I even listening to the peanut gallery anyway?

Courtney was positioned behind me. I knew that she was referring to gagging me. But I couldn’t see that she already had a pair of socks in her hand. A pair of socks that she abruptly proceeded to gruffly jam into my mouth.

Me: Hhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpphhhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmppphhhrrmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

I could tell from the texture that socks were in fact…MY socks.

Elisa: Harsh. Using his own socks against him. You could have at least used yours. He might have actually LIKED that.

Courtney: Of course I’m using his own socks. It’s a punishment. Not a delicious treat. I’m sure he’d LOVE having MY socks in his mouth…the pervy little debauchee.

Me: Mmmmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhmmmmmm nnnnnmmmpppphhhhhhh.

I grumbled into my gag, unamused with their talk of how I somehow had a warped sense of respect for Courtney’s socks. But they ignored my protests as Courtney began to wind duct tape around my mouth, leaving me no choice but to wallow in the bitter indignity of my own socks in my mouth. After about seven rotations she tore off the tape, picked back up the other rope and began to frog tie my other leg.

Elisa: Not going to talk to your prey while you bind him, Court?

Courtney: Meh. I wasn’t digging the attitude. Besides, you’re here. You’re all the conversation I need.
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