Never Trust a Thief (FM/M)

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Never Trust a Thief (FM/M)

Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 1

The teenager smirked at his reflection in the dingy motel mirror as he smoothed back his dirty blonde hair. Standing there in his suit, the boy frowned as he began to struggle with tightening the black tie around his neck. Soon the mirror held a new face as an older and taller man appeared behind the boy with a scowl on his face.

“You turned eighteen three days ago and still can’t tie one of these damned things yet.”

Eighteen year old, Michael Easton rolled his eyes at his mentor, Daniel Frost. The seasoned ex-soldier continued to grumble around a cigarette poking out of his lips as the teenager leaned his head back to allow his mentor easier access to fit the tie around the boy’s collar. The elder man rolled the collar back down into place before smoothing down a crease on Michael’s tuxedo.

Michael had been bouncing in and out of foster care for years before he’d finally taken matters in his own hands and took to the streets to make his own way. It didn’t last long before he’d made the mistake of selecting Daniel as his target for a pickpocketing scheme. Needless to say, he had been caught easily. Feeling sorry for the then fourteen year old, Daniel had taken the boy under his wing into a life of crime that paid way more money than lifting wallets of passersby.

“Why learn when I have you, Danny?” Michel shrugged before leaving his reflection behind.

Daniel caught the boy’s arm and asked, “Okay then, hotshot. What’s the plan again?”

“We sneak into the gala at the Bursen’s Estate. You cause a distraction. I sneak into the library and lift the diamonds from the vault. Piece of cake.”

“If anything goes wrong-”

“I get out and wait for you in the south corner of the property by the stables. If something happens and you don’t meet me within an hour, we separate and meet back at the motel,” Michael finished before jerking his arm out of his mentor’s grasp. “Come on, Danny. We’ve done this a hundred times already and nothing has gone wrong.”

Daniel nodded before straightening his own tie in the mirror. Michael stared at the bits of gray hairs slowly fighting for dominance over the man’s own brown locks. They’d both changed a lot in the past four years. Michael had grown from a scrawny, freckled face kid to a slim young adult standing at 5’8”. Yeah, he didn’t have the height or muscle mass that Danny had but he’d take what he could get.

“You ever thought about dying all that gray hair, Danny? You’re really getting up there in years especially with all that smoking. Forty-six is coming up faster than you know it and-”

“Mike, shut up.”


The two had waltzed right into the gala without any issues. Michael was just about to make his way to the library before Daniel caught his elbow and pulled him back against the wall. Looking at his mentor with a questioning gaze, the older man merely shook his head before muttering, “Mike, we’re bailing. Now. I’ll explain later. Get out and head back to the motel.”

Before Michael could even question what was going on, his mentor was backing away towards the crowded buffet table. Michael moved to a take a step near the entrance where they come in but froze. The diamonds in the safe were worth millions. It’d taken weeks to plan and they’d never get another shot. Whatever was going on with Danny could wait. He’d be pissed but he’d feel a lot better when he had a handful of diamonds in his grasp.

The teenager headed for the library despite his gut telling him to head the other direction. Getting past security was no problem for the young thief. The only thing that made him stutter was the woman in the red dress he nearly walked into as he slid into the library.

She gasped as Michael held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, guess I got lost on the way to the bathroom.”

Her startled expression was quickly changed into a warm smile as she eyed the boy up and down. Michael took in her raven hair, caramel colored skin, and warm brown eyes. His eyes couldn’t help but slide down as appraised the red sequined dress that hugged every single curve. She was probably an inch or two taller than him in her heels but he didn’t seem to mind.

“And just how old are you? Aren’t you a little young for this gala?”

“I’m twenty-one,” Michael lied. “What are you doing in here all alone?”

She shrugged, drinking in the blonde’s appearance with her chocolate eyes. “Just looking for something to do but I don’t think I need to look any further now that you’re here.”

Something tightened in Michael’s throat as she reached up to wrap a hand around his tie. He silently wished he was taller as she pressed their bodies together. His cheeks flushed bright red as she continued, “What would you like to do?”

The red in his cheeks turned a deep scarlet as she giggled. “First time, Michael?”

“N-no!” he stuttered, lying through his teeth.

Her eyebrows raised as he continued to stumble over his words. “I mean, yeah, er, no. Lots of times. Yeah. I-”

His rambling came to an end as he suddenly realized she’d said his name. How’d she know his name? Who was she?

“I have to go… My, um, my dad is waiting on me.”

Her eyes sparkled as she tightened her grip around the boy’s tie keeping him anchored to the spot. “I knew I saw Frost here. You know, Michael, your darling surrogate father owes me a lot of money. How much are you worth to him? What do you think he'd do to ensure his baby boy's safety?”

Michael’s eyes widened. He jerked his tie out of her grasp before taking a step back only to crash into what felt like a solid brick wall. A hand clamped down over his mouth so tightly as he felt fingers digging into his cheeks as another arm pinned his arms to his sides.


The woman grinned as she began unlacing the teenager’s tie. The boy continued his fruitless struggle against the mountain of a man holding him still. Her manicured nails patted Michael’s cheek gently before she tied a rather large knot in the middle of the silken tie.

“Now, now. I can’t have you screaming your little mouth off, pretty boy. So, if you’ll just kindly keep quiet for a moment, things will go easier for you.”

Michael’s eyes widened as he continued to thrash and scream beneath his captor’s hold. The hand over his mouth was removed temporarily long enough for her to thrust the knot between his teeth.

“Helmmphh! Mmphh!”

His cries were quickly silenced as the tie was knotted tightly behind his head. The hand returned to its position over his mouth. The woman merely rolled her eyes as she unbuckled the teenager’s belt.


“Oh hush. Don’t be so dramatic,” she chided before yanking the leather belt free.

Soon the belt was wound tightly over his wrists keeping them tightly bound together. She retrieved a small vial hidden between her breasts.

Uncapping it, she held the vial under her captive’s nose. A few seconds later, the boy’s struggles came to a stop as he slumped forward in his captor’s arms unconscious.

Capping the bottle, the woman stowed it back in its hiding place. “There, that’ll keep the brat quiet for now, Antonio. Now, let’s go those diamonds and Frost’s precious protégé out of here.”

“And what makes you think Frost will pay for the kid’s safe return, Sophia?”

She rolled her eyes as she turned her attention away from her hostage to the safe. “Frost treats the brat like he’s his own son. He’d jump through hoops to get the kid back. And he will for double-crossing us. Hell, he might even pay us double if he sees the kid’s been roughed up a little.”

The 6’5” broad man tossed the boy over his shoulders like he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes as he followed his partner out the back door. They were careful to step over the bodies of the guards they’d taken out earlier. Making their way to their getaway car, Antonio asked, “And what if he doesn’t pay to get the brat back?”

“What pervert wouldn’t pay to own a young, blonde, green-eyed, slim, twink?”
Last edited by Pleasurechip95 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by charliesmith »

Great start! Eager to read the next chapters :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

charliesmith wrote: 10 months ago Great start! Eager to read the next chapters :D
Thanks so much! I will update soon ❤️
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 2

Daniel wasn’t going to lie. He cared about the smartass kid like he was his own. So yes, he was worried about Mike’s safety. He’d check his watch every five seconds before pacing back and forth on the filthy carpet of the motel. Kid was the reason why he was going gray. The stress of parenting a delinquent was killing him.

If Sophia had him or if she harmed one hair on his head Daniel was going to fucking lose it. Yes, he’d been guilty of dicking the woman over in the past but it was about money. This was about his kid’s life.

He stopped pacing as the caller id flashed on the screen. The man answered on the first ring. “Where the fucking hell are-”

“Danny! Danny! Helmmphh! Mmphh! Nnghh!”


Michael slowly blinked as he teetered on the verge of consciousness. He wasn’t sure what was happening or why. All he knew was his head hurt and his mouth was dry. And now his cheek hurt from the sharp slap to it.


“Oh hush. I didn’t hit you that hard.”

The teenager’s eyes sluggishly lifted as the woman swam into his view. He tried to ask her what was going on but only muffled gibberish fell from his lips. He blinked her into focus as his eyes widened.

Oh shit! She was the woman from the gala. She and her partner had kidnapped him. They wanted something from Danny. Michael could only silently pray that Danny was in a good mood and would just give them whatever they wanted.

“You with me now?” she asked.

Michael realized he’d been bound to a chair in someone’s office. Duct tape kept his wrists and ankles bound to the arms and legs of the chair. His tie was still tied tightly between his teeth. Gazing around his environment, the boy tested his restraints by straining against them before she slapped him again.

“Mmphh!” he yelped through the fabric before nodding vigorously.

“You act like that was a difficult question,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

The woman sat on the desk before him with her legs crossed. She held the boy’s phone in her hand. Turning the device around, she smirked. “Twelve missed calls and five texts. I’d say your fake daddy misses you… I think it’s kind of cute. He must be so worried. Five years ago he picked you off the streets and taught you to steal all sorts of treasures. But, the real treasure is realizing how much he cares about his precious boy.”

Her hand leaned over to grip his chin as she cooed, “That’d make a great hallmark movie wouldn’t it?”

“Fmphh oom,” Michael growled, jerking his chin out of her grasp.

“Language. That’s no way to talk to a woman. How about we go ahead and call Daniel to let him know his boy is safe and sound with me. Are you going to be a good boy and stay quiet?”

Michael nodded rapidly. She took her time undoing the knot at his nape before twirling the tie around her fingers into a ball. He coughed before licking his lips as she dialed hit call on the phone.

The man answered on the first ring. “Where the fucking hell are-”

“Danny! Danny! Helmmphh! Mmphh! Nnghh!”

Michael screamed as the balled up fabric was crammed into his mouth. Her slender fingers dug into tender flesh with a vicelike grip that made the boy instantly wince. She winked at her hostage before deriving her attention to the man on the phone. Still keeping one hand over the boy’s mouth, she chose to plop down into the bound boy’s lap.

“It was so rude of you to disappear from the Gala without saying hi to me.”

“Sophia, let me talk to the kid.”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands, Daniel. Besides, you’ve spoken to him. He’s fine... for now at least.”

The voice on the phone grew quiet momentarily. Michael was horrified to think he’d hung up when Daniel growled, “If you’ve harmed my kid-”

“Your kid! That’s absolutely adorable!” she exclaimed, looking at her hostage. “Is Daniel a good daddy to you?”

Michael could only glare. Daniel continued, “What the fuck do you want?”

“You double-crossed me six years ago. I want what’s rightfully mine.”

“I don’t even have that painting! You know damned good and well I fenced it!”

She sighed before transferring the phone to speaker and rested the device on her knee. Reaching out, she latched onto Michael’s left nipple and twisted sharply. The boy screamed into her hand as Daniel yelled, “Stop! Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker! I’ll get you whatever the fuck you want just leave the kid alone.”

Letting go of the boy, she replied, “See that you do. I want my painting and I want whatever you were paid for it… I’m not completely heartless, you know. I’ll give you a week to get it. Baby boy stays with me until then. If you aren’t ready to deal by then… Well, I know a lot of people willing to pay for a pretty boy like yours.”

“Dmny,” Michael pleaded beneath her hand as Daniel swore every curse in the book.

She ended the call before he could finish his rant. Turning the phone off, she dropped it back on the desk before looking at her hostage. “Looks like Daniel Frost does care about someone other than himself after all… Now, what to do with you?”

She eyed him up and down with a smile on her face before adding, “How about we get you more comfortable? I’m going to take my hand off your mouth now. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t spit that tie out.”

Michael gave her a defiant glare before pushing the fabric out with his tongue. The tie was crammed back into his mouth with her fingers prodding every little surface she could pack the material into. A few strips of tape were then smoothed over the boy’s lips.

Scowling, Sophia hissed, “Bad boy… Antonio, be a dear and take our little guest downstairs and make sure he's comfortable.”
Last edited by Pleasurechip95 10 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Boundcurious »

Well done 😊 looking forward to more of this!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Nice story so far, well-paced and an intriguing premise - looking forward to seeing what happens next
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Loving the story so far! I'm thrilled to see what exactly comes from being 'more comfortable' and Sofia makes quite a devious domme. Great work.
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Boundcurious wrote: 10 months ago Well done 😊 looking forward to more of this!
Thanks! More updates are on the way ❤️
Rtj65 wrote: 10 months ago Nice story so far, well-paced and an intriguing premise - looking forward to seeing what happens next
Thank you! I shall try to update soon ❤️
DallasNotAustin wrote: 10 months ago Loving the story so far! I'm thrilled to see what exactly comes from being 'more comfortable' and Sofia makes quite a devious domme. Great work.
Thank you! I'm quite fond of the domme myself. Don't worry. You'll find out just how comfortable Michael is in the next chapter ❤️
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Post by liam_678 »

Really enjoying this so far! Hope you don’t leave us waiting too long for more!!
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

liam_678 wrote: 10 months ago Really enjoying this so far! Hope you don’t leave us waiting too long for more!!
Thanks! I'll try to update soon ❤️
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Post by harveygasson »

Really good story so far! Definitely looking forward to more
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

harveygasson wrote: 10 months ago Really good story so far! Definitely looking forward to more
Thanks so much! I will try to update soon ❤️
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Post by Richman65 »

I liked It. Please continue. This beginning is the starting point of many paths that this great story can develop.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Richman65 wrote: 10 months ago I liked It. Please continue. This beginning is the starting point of many paths that this great story can develop.
Thanks! I'll definitely try to update soon ❤️
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Post by Ak610 »

Pleasurechip95 wrote: 10 months ago Part 1

The teenager smirked at his reflection in the dingy motel mirror as he smoothed back his dirty blonde hair. Standing there in his suit, the boy frowned as he began to struggle with tightening the black tie around his neck. Soon the mirror held a new face as an older and taller man appeared behind the boy with a scowl on his face.

“You turned eighteen three days ago and still can’t tie one of these damned things yet.”

Eighteen year old, Michael Easton rolled his eyes at his mentor, Daniel Frost. The seasoned ex-soldier continued to grumble around a cigarette poking out of his lips as the teenager leaned his head back to allow his mentor easier access to fit the tie around the boy’s collar. The elder man rolled the collar back down into place before smoothing down a crease on Michael’s tuxedo.

Michael had been bouncing in and out of foster care for years before he’d finally taken matters in his own hands and took to the streets to make his own way. It didn’t last long before he’d made the mistake of selecting Daniel as his target for a pickpocketing scheme. Needless to say, he had been caught easily. Feeling sorry for the then fourteen year old, Daniel had taken the boy under his wing into a life of crime that paid way more money than lifting wallets of passersby.

“Why learn when I have you, Danny?” Michel shrugged before leaving his reflection behind.

Daniel caught the boy’s arm and asked, “Okay then, hotshot. What’s the plan again?”

“We sneak into the gala at the Bursen’s Estate. You cause a distraction. I sneak into the library and lift the diamonds from the vault. Piece of cake.”

“If anything goes wrong-”

“I get out and wait for you in the south corner of the property by the stables. If something happens and you don’t meet me within an hour, we separate and meet back at the motel,” Michael finished before jerking his arm out of his mentor’s grasp. “Come on, Danny. We’ve done this a hundred times already and nothing has gone wrong.”

Daniel nodded before straightening his own tie in the mirror. Michael stared at the bits of gray hairs slowly fighting for dominance over the man’s own brown locks. They’d both changed a lot in the past four years. Michael had grown from a scrawny, freckled face kid to a slim young adult standing at 5’8”. Yeah, he didn’t have the height or muscle mass that Danny had but he’d take what he could get.

“You ever thought about dying all that gray hair, Danny? You’re really getting up there in years especially with all that smoking. Forty-six is coming up faster than you know it and-”

“Mike, shut up.”


The two had waltzed right into the gala without any issues. Michael was just about to make his way to the library before Daniel caught his elbow and pulled him back against the wall. Looking at his mentor with a questioning gaze, the older man merely shook his head before muttering, “Mike, we’re bailing. Now. I’ll explain later. Get out and head back to the motel.”

Before Michael could even question what was going on, his mentor was backing away towards the crowded buffet table. Michael moved to a take a step near the entrance where they come in but froze. The diamonds in the safe were worth millions. It’d taken weeks to plan and they’d never get another shot. Whatever was going on with Danny could wait. He’d be pissed but he’d feel a lot better when he had a handful of diamonds in his grasp.

The teenager headed for the library despite his gut telling him to head the other direction. Getting past security was no problem for the young thief. The only thing that made him stutter was the woman in the red dress he nearly walked into as he slid into the library.

She gasped as Michael held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, guess I got lost on the way to the bathroom.”

Her startled expression was quickly changed into a warm smile as she eyed the boy up and down. Michael took in her raven hair, caramel colored skin, and warm brown eyes. His eyes couldn’t help but slide down as appraised the red sequined dress that hugged every single curve. She was probably an inch or two taller than him in her heels but he didn’t seem to mind.

“And just how old are you? Aren’t you a little young for this gala?”

“I’m twenty-one,” Michael lied. “What are you doing in here all alone?”

She shrugged, drinking in the blonde’s appearance with her chocolate eyes. “Just looking for something to do but I don’t think I need to look any further now that you’re here.”

Something tightened in Michael’s throat as she reached up to wrap a hand around his tie. He silently wished he was taller as she pressed their bodies together. His cheeks flushed bright red as she continued, “What would you like to do?”

The red in his cheeks turned a deep scarlet as she giggled. “First time, Michael?”

“N-no!” he stuttered, lying through his teeth.

Her eyebrows raised as he continued to stumble over his words. “I mean, yeah, er, no. Lots of times. Yeah. I-”

His rambling came to an end as he suddenly realized she’d said his name. How’d she know his name? Who was she?

“I have to go… My, um, my dad is waiting on me.”

Her eyes sparkled as she tightened her grip around the boy’s tie keeping him anchored to the spot. “I knew I saw Frost here. You know, Michael, your darling surrogate father owes me a lot of money. How much are you worth to him? What do you think he'd do to ensure his baby boy's safety?”

Michael’s eyes widened. He jerked his tie out of her grasp before taking a step back only to crash into what felt like a solid brick wall. A hand clamped down over his mouth so tightly as he felt fingers digging into his cheeks as another arm pinned his arms to his sides.


The woman grinned as she began unlacing the teenager’s tie. The boy continued his fruitless struggle against the mountain of a man holding him still. Her manicured nails patted Michael’s cheek gently before she tied a rather large knot in the middle of the silken tie.

“Now, now. I can’t have you screaming your little mouth off, pretty boy. So, if you’ll just kindly keep quiet for a moment, things will go easier for you.”

Michael’s eyes widened as he continued to thrash and scream beneath his captor’s hold. The hand over his mouth was removed temporarily long enough for her to thrust the knot between his teeth.

“Helmmphh! Mmphh!”

His cries were quickly silenced as the tie was knotted tightly behind his head. The hand returned to its position over his mouth. The woman merely rolled her eyes as she unbuckled the teenager’s belt.


“Oh hush. Don’t be so dramatic,” she chided before yanking the leather belt free.

Soon the belt was wound tightly over his wrists keeping them tightly bound together. She retrieved a small vial hidden between her breasts.

Uncapping it, she held the vial under her captive’s nose. A few seconds later, the boy’s struggles came to a stop as he slumped forward in his captor’s arms unconscious.

Capping the bottle, the woman stowed it back in its hiding place. “There, that’ll keep the brat quiet for now, Antonio. Now, let’s go those diamonds and Frost’s precious protégé out of here.”

“And what makes you think Frost will pay for the kid’s safe return, Sophia?”

She rolled her eyes as she turned her attention away from her hostage to the safe. “Frost treats the brat like he’s his own son. He’d jump through hoops to get the kid back. And he will for double-crossing us. Hell, he might even pay us double if he sees the kid’s been roughed up a little.”

The 6’5” broad man tossed the boy over his shoulders like he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes as he followed his partner out the back door. They were careful to step over the bodies of the guards they’d taken out earlier. Making their way to their getaway car, Antonio asked, “And what if he doesn’t pay to get the brat back?”

“What pervert wouldn’t pay to own a young, blonde, green-eyed, slim, twink?”
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Post by Ak610 »

Pleasurechip95 wrote: 10 months ago Part 2

Daniel wasn’t going to lie. He cared about the smartass kid like he was his own. So yes, he was worried about Mike’s safety. He’d check his watch every five seconds before pacing back and forth on the filthy carpet of the motel. Kid was the reason why he was going gray. The stress of parenting a delinquent was killing him.

If Sophia had him or if she harmed one hair on his head Daniel was going to fucking lose it. Yes, he’d been guilty of dicking the woman over in the past but it was about money. This was about his kid’s life.

He stopped pacing as the caller id flashed on the screen. The man answered on the first ring. “Where the fucking hell are-”

“Danny! Danny! Helmmphh! Mmphh! Nnghh!”


Michael slowly blinked as he teetered on the verge of consciousness. He wasn’t sure what was happening or why. All he knew was his head hurt and his mouth was dry. And now his cheek hurt from the sharp slap to it.


“Oh hush. I didn’t hit you that hard.”

The teenager’s eyes sluggishly lifted as the woman swam into his view. He tried to ask her what was going on but only muffled gibberish fell from his lips. He blinked her into focus as his eyes widened.

Oh shit! She was the woman from the gala. She and her partner had kidnapped him. They wanted something from Danny. Michael could only silently pray that Danny was in a good mood and would just give them whatever they wanted.

“You with me now?” she asked.

Michael realized he’d been bound to a chair in someone’s office. Duct tape kept his wrists and ankles bound to the arms and legs of the chair. His tie was still tied tightly between his teeth. Gazing around his environment, the boy tested his restraints by straining against them before she slapped him again.

“Mmphh!” he yelped through the fabric before nodding vigorously.

“You act like that was a difficult question,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

The woman sat on the desk before him with her legs crossed. She held the boy’s phone in her hand. Turning the device around, she smirked. “Twelve missed calls and five texts. I’d say your fake daddy misses you… I think it’s kind of cute. He must be so worried. Five years ago he picked you off the streets and taught you to steal all sorts of treasures. But, the real treasure is realizing how much he cares about his precious boy.”

Her hand leaned over to grip his chin as she cooed, “That’d make a great hallmark movie wouldn’t it?”

“Fmphh oom,” Michael growled, jerking his chin out of her grasp.

“Language. That’s no way to talk to a woman. How about we go ahead and call Daniel to let him know his boy is safe and sound with me. Are you going to be a good boy and stay quiet?”

Michael nodded rapidly. She took her time undoing the knot at his nape before twirling the tie around her fingers into a ball. He coughed before licking his lips as she dialed hit call on the phone.

The man answered on the first ring. “Where the fucking hell are-”

“Danny! Danny! Helmmphh! Mmphh! Nnghh!”

Michael screamed as the balled up fabric was crammed into his mouth. Her slender fingers dug into tender flesh with a vicelike grip that made the boy instantly wince. She winked at her hostage before deriving her attention to the man on the phone. Still keeping one hand over the boy’s mouth, she chose to plop down into the bound boy’s lap.

“It was so rude of you to disappear from the Gala without saying hi to me.”

“Sophia, let me talk to the kid.”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands, Daniel. Besides, you’ve spoken to him. He’s fine... for now at least.”

The voice on the phone grew quiet momentarily. Michael was horrified to think he’d hung up when Daniel growled, “If you’ve harmed my kid-”

“Your kid! That’s absolutely adorable!” she exclaimed, looking at her hostage. “Is Daniel a good daddy to you?”

Michael could only glare. Daniel continued, “What the fuck do you want?”

“You double-crossed me six years ago. I want what’s rightfully mine.”

“I don’t even have that painting! You know damned good and well I fenced it!”

She sighed before transferring the phone to speaker and rested the device on her knee. Reaching out, she latched onto Michael’s left nipple and twisted sharply. The boy screamed into her hand as Daniel yelled, “Stop! Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker! I’ll get you whatever the fuck you want just leave the kid alone.”

Letting go of the boy, she replied, “See that you do. I want my painting and I want whatever you were paid for it… I’m not completely heartless, you know. I’ll give you a week to get it. Baby boy stays with me until then. If you aren’t ready to deal by then… Well, I know a lot of people willing to pay for a pretty boy like yours.”

“Dmny,” Michael pleaded beneath her hand as Daniel swore every curse in the book.

She ended the call before he could finish his rant. Turning the phone off, she dropped it back on the desk before looking at her hostage. “Looks like Daniel Frost does care about someone other than himself after all… Now, what to do with you?”

She eyed him up and down with a smile on her face before adding, “How about we get you more comfortable? I’m going to take my hand off your mouth now. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t spit that tie out.”

Michael gave her a defiant glare before pushing the fabric out with his tongue. The tie was crammed back into his mouth with her fingers prodding every little surface she could pack the material into. A few strips of tape were then smoothed over the boy’s lips.

Scowling, Sophia hissed, “Bad boy… Antonio, be a dear and take our little guest downstairs and make sure he's comfortable.”
Woahhhhh! Very Good story. Please continue soon.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Ak610 wrote: 10 months ago
Woahhhhh! Very Good story. Please continue soon.
Thank you ❤️
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 3

“Nghh! Lmmph gmmph!”

Michael screamed into his gag as he was freed from the chair only to have his wrists wrenched behind his back and bound with a ziptie. Antonio kept a tight grip on the thief’s arm as he manhandled the boy down to the basement.

Still flailing in the larger man’s grip, Michael paused as they approached the stairs. Antonio flipped on the light switch illuminating the dark basement. The room was bare save for a single mattress, a chest, and a chair. It didn’t take much for Michael to twist his body before aiming a kick at the larger man. Michael’s shoe caught the back of Antonio’s left knee and sent the larger man tumbling down the stairs.

Smirking into the tape, Michael turned around only to be met with the barrel of a pistol. Sophia sighed as she shook her head. “Really? Must I do everything around here? Can’t even handle one snotnosed brat?”

Antonio was too busy cursing in both Spanish and English as he picked himself up. Snatching the kid by his shirt collar, Antonio dragged Michael down the rest of the way. The threat of a loaded gun wasn’t enough to keep their captive submissive.

Soon, the zipties were snapped free as the teenager was shoved back towards Sophia. He immediately reached for the tape over his mouth only to freeze when Sophia hissed, “Gag stays on. Strip. Now.”

Michael glared at her before flipping her the bird. He reached for the tape only to hit the ground writhing in pain as white, hot blinging pain sizzled in his arm. Tears dotted his vision as he looked at the smoking gun in Sophia’s hand. He then noticed the scarlet droplets bubbling down his arm.

“Don’t be dramatic. It’s a flesh wound. I barely clipped you. You’re fine… Antonio, our guest seems to be in shock. Help him out of that tuxedo so I can look at the baby’s booboo.”

Michael’s muffled screams mixed with the sound of fabric ripping filled the room. Only a few moments had passed before Michael was trembling on the floor in only his underwear. Flashes of light had Michael squinting as he released she was taking photos with his cellphone.

“Antonio, get the first aid kit. I’ll get the brat taken care of since you couldn’t seem to handle him the first time.”

A hand was soon tangled in his hair as she practically dragged him over the mattress. He tried pulling away from her once only to be met with a sharp slap to his cheek. The next second, Michael found himself facedown with her straddling him. His arms were pulled behind him as rope crisscrossed around his wrists. His elbows screamed in pain as they were forced together. Soon his ankles were restrained before she moved on to his knees. Tight binds were tied above and below his knees. The cruelest tie was the short strand of rope that brought his ankles and wrists together.

Michael lay there squirming against his restraints as he tried to blink away his tears. He failed as Antonio returned and immediately poured alcohol over the wound. The searing pain merely made his eyes water more.


Sophia merely rolled her eyes before adding, “It’s going to burn, you little shit. That’s what you get for trying to escape. You’re lucky it’s only a flesh wound.”

Michael calmed down enough as Sophia gingerly cleaned and bandaged the wound that was nothing more than a graze. Wrapping gauze around the boy’s arm, Sophia cooed, “All better. Now, you aren’t going to try to escape again, are you?”

Holding the tears at bay, Michael glared up at her and nodded. “Fmphh oom.”

Winking down at her hostage, Sophia smirked, “What an excellent idea.”


Daniel fumed as he crossed his arms. “Like I said five minutes ago, ten grand.”

“But, this is a cash offer so I should-”

With a snarl, Daniel held the entitled man by the scruff of his collar against the wall. Cigarette smoke wafting into the buyer’s face made his eyes grow even wider as he coughed. Daniel growled out the price once more.

“T-ten sounds fabulous. I’ll take the vase.”

Bills of cash were soon slapped into Daniel’s palm as the man scurried away with a priceless vase and his life. The conman gazed around at the half empty apartment before him. his life’s work was practically being stripped away.

Pushing his pity away, Daniel sighed as his phone buzzed. He immediately unlocked it and stared at the image of his kid. It was only a headshot but it was still effective to say in the least.

She had a hand tangled in the kid’s hair yanking it up. Michael was wincing. The kid’s eyes looked red and puffy as if he’d cried recently. Still, he wore the moody and defiant expression well even if it was hidden beneath a mound of duct tape stretched over his lips.

Daniel called the number even though he knew she wouldn’t answer. She didn’t.
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Post by Ak610 »

Pleasurechip95 wrote: 10 months ago Part 3

“Nghh! Lmmph gmmph!”

Michael screamed into his gag as he was freed from the chair only to have his wrists wrenched behind his back and bound with a ziptie. Antonio kept a tight grip on the thief’s arm as he manhandled the boy down to the basement.

Still flailing in the larger man’s grip, Michael paused as they approached the stairs. Antonio flipped on the light switch illuminating the dark basement. The room was bare save for a single mattress, a chest, and a chair. It didn’t take much for Michael to twist his body before aiming a kick at the larger man. Michael’s shoe caught the back of Antonio’s left knee and sent the larger man tumbling down the stairs.

Smirking into the tape, Michael turned around only to be met with the barrel of a pistol. Sophia sighed as she shook her head. “Really? Must I do everything around here? Can’t even handle one snotnosed brat?”

Antonio was too busy cursing in both Spanish and English as he picked himself up. Snatching the kid by his shirt collar, Antonio dragged Michael down the rest of the way. The threat of a loaded gun wasn’t enough to keep their captive submissive.

Soon, the zipties were snapped free as the teenager was shoved back towards Sophia. He immediately reached for the tape over his mouth only to freeze when Sophia hissed, “Gag stays on. Strip. Now.”

Michael glared at her before flipping her the bird. He reached for the tape only to hit the ground writhing in pain as white, hot blinging pain sizzled in his arm. Tears dotted his vision as he looked at the smoking gun in Sophia’s hand. He then noticed the scarlet droplets bubbling down his arm.

“Don’t be dramatic. It’s a flesh wound. I barely clipped you. You’re fine… Antonio, our guest seems to be in shock. Help him out of that tuxedo so I can look at the baby’s booboo.”

Michael’s muffled screams mixed with the sound of fabric ripping filled the room. Only a few moments had passed before Michael was trembling on the floor in only his underwear. Flashes of light had Michael squinting as he released she was taking photos with his cellphone.

“Antonio, get the first aid kit. I’ll get the brat taken care of since you couldn’t seem to handle him the first time.”

A hand was soon tangled in his hair as she practically dragged him over the mattress. He tried pulling away from her once only to be met with a sharp slap to his cheek. The next second, Michael found himself facedown with her straddling him. His arms were pulled behind him as rope crisscrossed around his wrists. His elbows screamed in pain as they were forced together. Soon his ankles were restrained before she moved on to his knees. Tight binds were tied above and below his knees. The cruelest tie was the short strand of rope that brought his ankles and wrists together.

Michael lay there squirming against his restraints as he tried to blink away his tears. He failed as Antonio returned and immediately poured alcohol over the wound. The searing pain merely made his eyes water more.


Sophia merely rolled her eyes before adding, “It’s going to burn, you little shit. That’s what you get for trying to escape. You’re lucky it’s only a flesh wound.”

Michael calmed down enough as Sophia gingerly cleaned and bandaged the wound that was nothing more than a graze. Wrapping gauze around the boy’s arm, Sophia cooed, “All better. Now, you aren’t going to try to escape again, are you?”

Holding the tears at bay, Michael glared up at her and nodded. “Fmphh oom.”

Winking down at her hostage, Sophia smirked, “What an excellent idea.”


Daniel fumed as he crossed his arms. “Like I said five minutes ago, ten grand.”

“But, this is a cash offer so I should-”

With a snarl, Daniel held the entitled man by the scruff of his collar against the wall. Cigarette smoke wafting into the buyer’s face made his eyes grow even wider as he coughed. Daniel growled out the price once more.

“T-ten sounds fabulous. I’ll take the vase.”

Bills of cash were soon slapped into Daniel’s palm as the man scurried away with a priceless vase and his life. The conman gazed around at the half empty apartment before him. his life’s work was practically being stripped away.

Pushing his pity away, Daniel sighed as his phone buzzed. He immediately unlocked it and stared at the image of his kid. It was only a headshot but it was still effective to say in the least.

She had a hand tangled in the kid’s hair yanking it up. Michael was wincing. The kid’s eyes looked red and puffy as if he’d cried recently. Still, he wore the moody and defiant expression well even if it was hidden beneath a mound of duct tape stretched over his lips.

Daniel called the number even though he knew she wouldn’t answer. She didn’t.
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Ak610 wrote: 10 months ago
Pleasurechip95 wrote: 10 months ago Part 3

“Nghh! Lmmph gmmph!”

Michael screamed into his gag as he was freed from the chair only to have his wrists wrenched behind his back and bound with a ziptie. Antonio kept a tight grip on the thief’s arm as he manhandled the boy down to the basement.

Still flailing in the larger man’s grip, Michael paused as they approached the stairs. Antonio flipped on the light switch illuminating the dark basement. The room was bare save for a single mattress, a chest, and a chair. It didn’t take much for Michael to twist his body before aiming a kick at the larger man. Michael’s shoe caught the back of Antonio’s left knee and sent the larger man tumbling down the stairs.

Smirking into the tape, Michael turned around only to be met with the barrel of a pistol. Sophia sighed as she shook her head. “Really? Must I do everything around here? Can’t even handle one snotnosed brat?”

Antonio was too busy cursing in both Spanish and English as he picked himself up. Snatching the kid by his shirt collar, Antonio dragged Michael down the rest of the way. The threat of a loaded gun wasn’t enough to keep their captive submissive.

Soon, the zipties were snapped free as the teenager was shoved back towards Sophia. He immediately reached for the tape over his mouth only to freeze when Sophia hissed, “Gag stays on. Strip. Now.”

Michael glared at her before flipping her the bird. He reached for the tape only to hit the ground writhing in pain as white, hot blinging pain sizzled in his arm. Tears dotted his vision as he looked at the smoking gun in Sophia’s hand. He then noticed the scarlet droplets bubbling down his arm.

“Don’t be dramatic. It’s a flesh wound. I barely clipped you. You’re fine… Antonio, our guest seems to be in shock. Help him out of that tuxedo so I can look at the baby’s booboo.”

Michael’s muffled screams mixed with the sound of fabric ripping filled the room. Only a few moments had passed before Michael was trembling on the floor in only his underwear. Flashes of light had Michael squinting as he released she was taking photos with his cellphone.

“Antonio, get the first aid kit. I’ll get the brat taken care of since you couldn’t seem to handle him the first time.”

A hand was soon tangled in his hair as she practically dragged him over the mattress. He tried pulling away from her once only to be met with a sharp slap to his cheek. The next second, Michael found himself facedown with her straddling him. His arms were pulled behind him as rope crisscrossed around his wrists. His elbows screamed in pain as they were forced together. Soon his ankles were restrained before she moved on to his knees. Tight binds were tied above and below his knees. The cruelest tie was the short strand of rope that brought his ankles and wrists together.

Michael lay there squirming against his restraints as he tried to blink away his tears. He failed as Antonio returned and immediately poured alcohol over the wound. The searing pain merely made his eyes water more.


Sophia merely rolled her eyes before adding, “It’s going to burn, you little shit. That’s what you get for trying to escape. You’re lucky it’s only a flesh wound.”

Michael calmed down enough as Sophia gingerly cleaned and bandaged the wound that was nothing more than a graze. Wrapping gauze around the boy’s arm, Sophia cooed, “All better. Now, you aren’t going to try to escape again, are you?”

Holding the tears at bay, Michael glared up at her and nodded. “Fmphh oom.”

Winking down at her hostage, Sophia smirked, “What an excellent idea.”


Daniel fumed as he crossed his arms. “Like I said five minutes ago, ten grand.”

“But, this is a cash offer so I should-”

With a snarl, Daniel held the entitled man by the scruff of his collar against the wall. Cigarette smoke wafting into the buyer’s face made his eyes grow even wider as he coughed. Daniel growled out the price once more.

“T-ten sounds fabulous. I’ll take the vase.”

Bills of cash were soon slapped into Daniel’s palm as the man scurried away with a priceless vase and his life. The conman gazed around at the half empty apartment before him. his life’s work was practically being stripped away.

Pushing his pity away, Daniel sighed as his phone buzzed. He immediately unlocked it and stared at the image of his kid. It was only a headshot but it was still effective to say in the least.

She had a hand tangled in the kid’s hair yanking it up. Michael was wincing. The kid’s eyes looked red and puffy as if he’d cried recently. Still, he wore the moody and defiant expression well even if it was hidden beneath a mound of duct tape stretched over his lips.

Daniel called the number even though he knew she wouldn’t answer. She didn’t.
Thanks ❤️
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Post by mountainslam »

Nice work! Top quality kidnap thriller. Excited to see where this goes
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

mountainslam wrote: 10 months ago Nice work! Top quality kidnap thriller. Excited to see where this goes
Thanks so much! I'll try to update soon ❤️
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Post by Pleasurechip95 »

Part 4

Michael wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep for. Sophia had taken a few more pictures before she and Antonio had left him lying there on the mattress in the darkness. His arm didn’t hurt much anymore but still just the idea that she’d be willing to cut her losses and shoot him dead was terrifying in the least.

Unless, she was bluffing. She wanted Danny’s money and some painting. But, still, she could kill him. And Danny could just write him off as a lost cause. Michael swallowed the dry lump in his throat as the idea crept into his head. What if Danny didn’t want him back?

He couldn’t help but flinch as the door to the basement was roughly thrown open. He could hear the sound of high heels clacking against the stone flooring as Sophia approached him. Michael glared as he tried not to focus on her black thigh high boots, the tight jeans, the red corset over her white top. His main focus was on the knife in her hands.

“If you even think about trying to fight me, I’ll stab you in the dick.”

Eyes widening slightly, Daniel nodded quickly. He believed her. Sophia then took her time freeing her captive from his restraints. Michael couldn’t help but moan at the relief he felt from being freed from his tight bonds.

The rope around his wrists was the only remaining restraint as he was pulled to his feet and shoved over to the stairs. A silken scarf was then tied over his eyes. Sophia marched her prize through the mansion. She stopped him after a few minutes to remove the blindfold. Michael was left staring at a clawfoot tub filled with steaming hot water.

She didn’t even bother to threaten him before untying his wrists only to bind them in front of him. She settled herself against the bathroom counter as she watched her captive take care of business before awkwardly climbing into the tub.

Sophia merely smirked as Michael tried to hide himself from her as best he could. She took the opportunity to perch herself on the edge of the bathtub. A click of the camera caught the teenager of guard as he blinked at her. Peeling the tape from his lips, she allowed him to spit the soaking wet tie onto the bathroom floor. The two stared at each other before she asked, “You want me to help you?”


“Fine. I’ll just watch.”

Michael scoffed at her. “You don’t have anything less pervy to do?”

Ignoring the question, Sophia replied, “Are you going to be a good boy today?”

“Are you going to continue being a bitch?”

Michael didn’t even have time to react as Sophia lunged at him, keeping his head under the water. He struggled but in his weakened state and being bound did nothing to help fight her off. She only kept him under for a few minutes before letting go of him completely. Michael clawed his way to the surface gasping and sputtering for breath.

“I’m surprised Daniel kept you around with that mouth of yours for that long… Then again, it looks like the man has finally come to his senses. He doesn’t want you back. You get to stay here with me forever.”

“L-liar,” Michael coughed.

Sophia merely shrugged before fetching the soaking wet tie off the marbled floor. Michael merely pressed his lips together. Sophia sighed before offering, “Either this goes in, or I get something worse. Five, four, three, two, on-”

Michael reluctantly opened his mouth and tried not to shudder as his mouth was filled with the disgusting packing. He was made to close his lips around the soggy gag before the thin scarf that had previously been used as a blindfold was folded into a band. The band was then tied tightly over the boy’s mouth.


Sophia nodded her approval before holding up the tiniest pair of briefs Michael had ever seen. She untied his wrists and allowed him to put on a tight tank top before binding them back together behind his back.

Their time in the bathroom was over as she led him back to her office and into the chair he’d been acquainted with the previous night. His bound wrists were quickly smooshed between his back and the back of the chair as rope encircled his chest to keep him pinned. She then bound each ankle to the respective chair legs.

Sophia maneuvered behind the chair, leaning over Michael’s shoulder. It was then he noticed his cellphone on photo mode with a timer counting down to capture the image of him bound and gagged with her draped over him. She pressed her lips against his cheek at the last moment before the camera went off.

After the flash blinded him, she asked, “What do you think I should do, Michael? Should I help Antonio with tracking down this broach I want? Should I see if I could find buyers for my artifacts? Should I find something else to occupy my time?”

Her breath was hot against the thief’s cheek as her claws glided away from his shoulder to his pecs. Her manicured thumb began swirling around his left nipple.

The muffled whine that slipped out had him blushing. The heat in his cheeks was mostly hidden by the scarf but she could still see it.

“Should I fuck you?”

Michael froze. Part of him wanted to scream yes but the other part of him wanted her off immediately.

“Should I fuck you like Daniel fucked me?”

Lips nipped at his cheek and shoulder as Michael found himself nodding. Sophia didn’t hesitate as her hand dipped into his briefs.

“He was so rough on the outside but he’s just a teddy bear on the inside. We used to start nice and slow,” she drawled, curling her hand around his firming length.

Michael whimpered as his adam’s apple bobbed with every squeeze. Sophia swiped her thumb over the head, nail scratching over the slit as it moved. Michael’s body jerked as he responded to the stimulation. His head fell back against the chair as he moaned.

“We were in love. He’d make me feel good and I’d do the same to him.”

Droplets of precum slicked his head as she kept playing with him. Michael’s body jerked forward as her lips left smooth kisses down his neck. He was so close just as her hand pulled away.


“He left me with a broken heart and no painting and no cut of the money. And now he’s left me with his brat that he no longer wants. You know, he hasn’t responded to a single text?”

Michael’s eyes snapped open as he stared at her with wide eyes. The letter opener that had previously been on her desk was now at his throat. She was glaring as she wiped her hand clean on his shirt before reaching for the cellphone.

“Let’s be honest. You’re a little too young for my taste… But, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t find you enticing. Daniel has five days left to decide if he does care about you.”


Daniel glared at his phone. His kid was butt ass naked in a bathtub with his wrists bound in front of him and tape over his mouth. He looked heavily disoriented as he blinked at the camera and tried to cover himself as best as he could.

The man was practically fuming as he pressed the call button on his phone. If Mike was hurt, there’d be hell to pay. Yet, Sophia didn’t answer. Again.
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Post by Ak610 »

Pleasurechip95 wrote: 10 months ago Part 4

Michael wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep for. Sophia had taken a few more pictures before she and Antonio had left him lying there on the mattress in the darkness. His arm didn’t hurt much anymore but still just the idea that she’d be willing to cut her losses and shoot him dead was terrifying in the least.

Unless, she was bluffing. She wanted Danny’s money and some painting. But, still, she could kill him. And Danny could just write him off as a lost cause. Michael swallowed the dry lump in his throat as the idea crept into his head. What if Danny didn’t want him back?

He couldn’t help but flinch as the door to the basement was roughly thrown open. He could hear the sound of high heels clacking against the stone flooring as Sophia approached him. Michael glared as he tried not to focus on her black thigh high boots, the tight jeans, the red corset over her white top. His main focus was on the knife in her hands.

“If you even think about trying to fight me, I’ll stab you in the dick.”

Eyes widening slightly, Daniel nodded quickly. He believed her. Sophia then took her time freeing her captive from his restraints. Michael couldn’t help but moan at the relief he felt from being freed from his tight bonds.

The rope around his wrists was the only remaining restraint as he was pulled to his feet and shoved over to the stairs. A silken scarf was then tied over his eyes. Sophia marched her prize through the mansion. She stopped him after a few minutes to remove the blindfold. Michael was left staring at a clawfoot tub filled with steaming hot water.

She didn’t even bother to threaten him before untying his wrists only to bind them in front of him. She settled herself against the bathroom counter as she watched her captive take care of business before awkwardly climbing into the tub.

Sophia merely smirked as Michael tried to hide himself from her as best he could. She took the opportunity to perch herself on the edge of the bathtub. A click of the camera caught the teenager of guard as he blinked at her. Peeling the tape from his lips, she allowed him to spit the soaking wet tie onto the bathroom floor. The two stared at each other before she asked, “You want me to help you?”


“Fine. I’ll just watch.”

Michael scoffed at her. “You don’t have anything less pervy to do?”

Ignoring the question, Sophia replied, “Are you going to be a good boy today?”

“Are you going to continue being a bitch?”

Michael didn’t even have time to react as Sophia lunged at him, keeping his head under the water. He struggled but in his weakened state and being bound did nothing to help fight her off. She only kept him under for a few minutes before letting go of him completely. Michael clawed his way to the surface gasping and sputtering for breath.

“I’m surprised Daniel kept you around with that mouth of yours for that long… Then again, it looks like the man has finally come to his senses. He doesn’t want you back. You get to stay here with me forever.”

“L-liar,” Michael coughed.

Sophia merely shrugged before fetching the soaking wet tie off the marbled floor. Michael merely pressed his lips together. Sophia sighed before offering, “Either this goes in, or I get something worse. Five, four, three, two, on-”

Michael reluctantly opened his mouth and tried not to shudder as his mouth was filled with the disgusting packing. He was made to close his lips around the soggy gag before the thin scarf that had previously been used as a blindfold was folded into a band. The band was then tied tightly over the boy’s mouth.


Sophia nodded her approval before holding up the tiniest pair of briefs Michael had ever seen. She untied his wrists and allowed him to put on a tight tank top before binding them back together behind his back.

Their time in the bathroom was over as she led him back to her office and into the chair he’d been acquainted with the previous night. His bound wrists were quickly smooshed between his back and the back of the chair as rope encircled his chest to keep him pinned. She then bound each ankle to the respective chair legs.

Sophia maneuvered behind the chair, leaning over Michael’s shoulder. It was then he noticed his cellphone on photo mode with a timer counting down to capture the image of him bound and gagged with her draped over him. She pressed her lips against his cheek at the last moment before the camera went off.

After the flash blinded him, she asked, “What do you think I should do, Michael? Should I help Antonio with tracking down this broach I want? Should I see if I could find buyers for my artifacts? Should I find something else to occupy my time?”

Her breath was hot against the thief’s cheek as her claws glided away from his shoulder to his pecs. Her manicured thumb began swirling around his left nipple.

The muffled whine that slipped out had him blushing. The heat in his cheeks was mostly hidden by the scarf but she could still see it.

“Should I fuck you?”

Michael froze. Part of him wanted to scream yes but the other part of him wanted her off immediately.

“Should I fuck you like Daniel fucked me?”

Lips nipped at his cheek and shoulder as Michael found himself nodding. Sophia didn’t hesitate as her hand dipped into his briefs.

“He was so rough on the outside but he’s just a teddy bear on the inside. We used to start nice and slow,” she drawled, curling her hand around his firming length.

Michael whimpered as his adam’s apple bobbed with every squeeze. Sophia swiped her thumb over the head, nail scratching over the slit as it moved. Michael’s body jerked as he responded to the stimulation. His head fell back against the chair as he moaned.

“We were in love. He’d make me feel good and I’d do the same to him.”

Droplets of precum slicked his head as she kept playing with him. Michael’s body jerked forward as her lips left smooth kisses down his neck. He was so close just as her hand pulled away.


“He left me with a broken heart and no painting and no cut of the money. And now he’s left me with his brat that he no longer wants. You know, he hasn’t responded to a single text?”

Michael’s eyes snapped open as he stared at her with wide eyes. The letter opener that had previously been on her desk was now at his throat. She was glaring as she wiped her hand clean on his shirt before reaching for the cellphone.

“Let’s be honest. You’re a little too young for my taste… But, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t find you enticing. Daniel has five days left to decide if he does care about you.”


Daniel glared at his phone. His kid was butt ass naked in a bathtub with his wrists bound in front of him and tape over his mouth. He looked heavily disoriented as he blinked at the camera and tried to cover himself as best as he could.

The man was practically fuming as he pressed the call button on his phone. If Mike was hurt, there’d be hell to pay. Yet, Sophia didn’t answer. Again.
Wow! Great work again.
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Post by liam_678 »

This is so awesome and so well written. Definitely keep going with this!
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