The Files of Art. Inc.: Anna Romanova and the Cross of Romanov Chapter 21 (13.09.2023) (M+F/FF)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Chapter 12

“Breaking Point”

Swiss: Somewhere along the Lake Geneva:

Ekaterina stole a glance at Ragna. Her gaze lingered one moment on the Décolleté of the Islandress and she felt a strong urge to touch it. True to her word the blonde had picked her up at precisely 0300 PM at her apartment.

Now they drove along the Lake Geneva. Their destination was Nyon: “I have booked us a suite at the Hotel Le Rive” Ragna had explained “And tomorrow I have a surprise for you” smiling enigmatically.

Seldom had the Russian felt drawn to another woman like this, she laid her hand on Ragna´s muscular thigh “Don´t touch me, while I am driving” the herculean blonde chuckled “I might lose control!”

Russia: Unknown location, around 0100 PM, the Dungeons:

Chris groaned. She had lost any track of time by now. The stings of the dropping wax she did not feel anymore. The pain in her lower back was excruciating though. The leather straps bit deep into her skin too – and her lower face was compressed by the muzzle gag in a vice, its pressure was immense.

She hovered between phases of clarity and oblivion. Time passed. Sometimes Chris dozed off. Suddenly she felt another sensation: Someone was fumbling at her wrist bonds. Feeling in her hands and fingers Chris had lost long ago.

The pressure loosened significantly, as the straps around her thumbs and her wrists were cut. As the blood rushed back she screamed into her gag “God, this hurts so much!” One strap after another was severed. Her breathing got easier as the straps above and below her breasts were severed. Finally the one that held her big toes came free. Chris was free of bonds now, but she felt unable to move, after the endless hours on the arc of hell. The left ear bud was removed, then she second.

“Chris” she heard Natasha´s voice “I will help you to sit up. Next I will remove your blindfold. The gag stays in place for now – you might scream when I move you” Chris did scream, as Natasha sat her gently up: The pains in her in her tormented back were excruciating. The Russian let her just sit for a spell, to give the blonde time to compose herself.

She was breathing heavily. “I will lift you now” Natasha told the pianist, giving her some time to steady herself. Chris felt that she was lifted up from the rack – once more she was surprised by Natasha´s strength and sat down in the wheelchair – surprisingly gentle again by the Russian.

She screamed again. What would have been a piercing scream was reduced to a low mumble by her heavy gag. She grabbed the armrests of the wheelchair tightly. Slowly the pain subsided.

To her surprise she was not restrained further “Why should they” she mused “I cannot walk one step on my own accord” She felt that her body was covered with some sort of blanket then she was wheeled along.

In her dazed state, she barely registered she was rolled along a floor – the cool air felt refreshing on her hot and sweaty skin. Chris only regained her senses fully when someone fumbled at her sleep mask. The blonde blinked. The many hours of darkness and silence had disoriented her. Only slowly she processed, where she was: In her quarters. Natasha loosened the strap which held the muzzle gag in place.

Chris sighed as the pressure around her lower face receded. As the Russian removed the large gag packing, a filled nylon stocking, filled with two used panties, the blonde felt the urge to scream. As Natasha pressed a water bottle against her paper dry lips, she drank greedily in small sips.

She looked up at her handler “What now?” she whispered hoarsely – but her eyes were clear “Another session in the afternoon?” To her shame Natasha´s cheeks reddened slightly “No” she said simply “I convinced the boss to let you rest” but avoided eye contact. Chris chuckled mirthlessly “So I should thank you then” The sarcasm was not lost on the Russian

The Russian shrugged “You could spend the afternoon at my quarters” The blonde shook her head “Thanks for the offer Natasha, but no, I decline” a weary smile crossed her lips “Please leave me alone, just let me rest. You could do me a favour though: Be so kind and send Yelena and Ivanka over for a massage. I would greatly appreciate that” There had been no jest or scorn in her voice. Just mere exhaustion, the blonde had to muster all strength though not to snap at the Russian – Natasha sensed that.

“I will do that” the Russian agreed calmly “You need anything else?” She looked intently at the blonde. Chris shook her head “No, thank you, I am fine – you could help me to the bathroom though” And Natasha had an idea how hard it must be for the blonde to admit that she needed help. For the proud warrior princess she was, that must have been hard.

To stand up, to limp the few steps to the bathroom, aided by Natasha, costed Chris the last ounces of energy she could muster “Leave me alone please Natasha!” she bade her Janitor softly but firm, mustering all the little strength she had left to keep herself together. Natasha was moved by that display of discipline, of sheer raw will power.

As Chris heard the door closing, the blonde dragged herself under the shower, set the temperature on high, turned the water on – and sank totally exhausted to the floor. The hot water drummed down on her back. Chris did not heed it.

She just sat there in the shower on the tiles. Her arms slung around her knees, her head bowed down. Her forehead touched her knees. She felt numb and totally exhausted “Sensei” she whispered “Help me” She shivered uncontrollably despite the heat.

The hot steam filled the cabin, filled the room. Chris had no idea how long she sat there, how long the hot water was drumming on her back. Only a gentle knock at the bath room door raised her from her stupor “Are you alright?” she heard a concerned voice: Yelena. So Natasha had been true to her word.

Chris pulled herself upright with a groan, switched the shower off, took the large fluffy towel and dried her body – this simple task was incredibly hard, especially bowing down and rubbing her legs dry. “I am coming Yelena!” she called and looked in the mirror: her body was covered in angry red stripes from her toes to her shoulders above her breasts, the way had left marks on her skin too. Chris put a turban on her head, covered herself in the towel and stepped out of the bathroom, no, she did not step out, she limbed. She looked up – from weary eyes:

Yelena and Ivanka waited for her. The red haired maid looked at her, her eyes full of compassion, “Let me help you Chris, We will give you a good massage, you rest then and later you get dinner” The pianist just nodded and allowed Ivanka to lead her to the bed and to help her to lay down on her front. Yelena kicked off her heels and knelt at Chris feet. Gently she touched the red marks of the leather straps at her insteps and her ankles. Ivanka kicked off her heels too and knelt beside Chris´ back.

Chris sighed as she felt the soft fingers of Yelena massaging the balls of her left foot – and she groaned softly as Ivanka kneaded gently the sore muscles of her upper back. Slowly she relaxed and let the two maids work her magic.

She must have fallen asleep because Yelena touched her gently at her left shoulder “We will let you sleep now – and return with dinner in a few hours “Yes, you do that” Chris sighed drowsily “Just wake me up then” Chris was already asleep when the two maids left her. Yelena covered the sleeping blonde with the blankets, after they had put her green PJ´s gently on – along with two pairs of woollen socks on her feet. Chris had not stirred once.

Natasha had followed the administrations of the maids from the control room. And she had felt pity – as she saw the angry red marks on Chris body. She admired the self-control, her indomitable will. But today the blonde had reached the breaking point – almost. What the blonde had said to her in the dungeons though still lingered with the Russian.

It was painful to accept the pianist had been right. Natasha had used her allegiance to her boss as a shield. And Oblomov had been right too: Natasha felt something for the blonde. But in in the end she was honour bound by oath and custom to be loyal to her boss. Oblomov knew that she would never break that oath. And Chris knew that too.

Russia: Saint Petersburg, Anna´s Apartment: late afternoon

Anna had retreated to her room “I have to make some calls and preparations” she had said curtly after lunch, her dark mood engulfed her like a storm cloud. Anastasia felt, the violinist´s mood had changed dramatically from one moment to the next, after they had watched the live feed from the dungeons.

Anna radiated fury in waves: A white hot, blazing fury, hot like dragonfire. Anastasia had decided to analyse the map and the floor plan further. “You do that” Anna had agreed “We have to be prepared for anything tomorrow” – turned sharply on her heels and closed resolutely the door behind her

The young historian immersed herself into the map and the floor plan. When she looked up again, Anastasia felt as if the plans and sketches were etched into her brains. In disbelief she starred at her clock: hours had passed.

Only then she realized what had raised her attention: the soft, melancholic tones of a violin. It took her a moment to realize, that this was no recording. Someone was playing the violin here, in Anna´s apartment.

Anastasia´s curiosity had been peaked, so she followed the sounds. On her stockinged feet she tapped into the large living room: Anna was standing in the middle of the dimly lit room, with her back to the fireplace, a dark shadow before the bright flames her eyes closed, her body moving in the rhythm with the music:

The historian knew that melody. It was the theme of Schindler´s List. The melody conveyed sadness. Anna´s tone was warm, but bitter sweet. Anastasia felt the tones of the violin reflected the violinist´s state of mind.

As Anna had finished she opened her eyes and saw Anastasia standing on the threshold “I had to do something to get those horrible pictures out of my system. Playing the violin usually does the trick, but this time it is different I fear – Oblomov will rue the day he laid hands on Chris – and anybody who had part in this!”

“What will we do?” Anastasia inquired “We will prepare a nice surprise for him – and no, I will not tell you now. It is better that way. And that is final” Anna´s tone and demeanour dissuaded the historian from posing another question. She knew the violinist well enough by now, to know, that Anna would not answer. When she had called Vasyli she had left dining room and retreated to her room.

Since that call from Sybil Anastasia sensed Anna´s grim determination. Obviously Anna had felt that she had been too hard on the historian “Why don´t you get yourself something to drink and join me, I will play some more” The violinist took the bow of her violin and continued to play.

As silently as she could Anastasia helped herself to a goblet of red wine, sat on the couch across Anna, her legs folded under her and listened. There were only the sounds of wood cackling in the fire place and Anna´s violin now … and the soft tones of the Lord-Dunn-Raven ensnared her – the historian felt like being in a dream.

The immensely difficult Sonata for Violin solo in d-minor by Eugene Ysaye fitted Anna´s mood perfectly ….it demanded utmost concentration and focus:

Swiss: Nyon, Hotel La Rive: Late Afternoon:

Ekaterina clapped into her hands as she stepped on the Balcony of their Double Chamber Deluxe. It was a cold, clear sunny day and they had an unobstructed view across the Lake Geneva. In the distance, Ragna had explained, Ekaterina could see the Montblanc. The Icelandress had to smile as the saw the child like enthusiasm of her younger companion.

“What do you think about this Kata?” “I go for a long nice jog, you treat yourself at the Spa – and in the evening we have a candle light dinner? The Restaurant is famous for its cuisine. A lot of the fish comes direct from local fishermen”

“Sounds good” the blonde smiled “But don´t let you wait me too long!” Ekaterina admonished her lover “Of course not!” Ragna whispered hoarsely pulled the Russian into a bear like hug and kissed her fully on the mouth - hard. Ekaterina returned it with gusto.

Thirty minutes later Ragna jogged along the Rue de Lausanne. Her Mobile signalled an incoming call. It was Anna. For a few minutes the Icelandress listened only, jogging on the spot, without interrupting the Russian “I see” she finally said “Things are going pretty much according to plan, tomorrow we will proceed as planned.

Ragna continued jogging her pace accelerating.

“Tell Sybil she should send me the material” the Icelandress said “it will come in handy, I am sure. Anna listen! We will get Chris out of that hellhole in one piece” In an afterthought she added “Why don´t you let Sybil compile a list of those Dickheads who participated in that little party – it might prove useful”

The Icelandress listened minutes longer – and ended the call. Ekaterina wouldn´t have recognized the stern expression of her face. It was the face of a Valkyrie: A Valkyrie ready for war, ready for death and ruin, ready for the worlds ending.

Russia: Unknown location, Chris´ Quarters: early evening:

Chris awoke from a long and dreamless slumber. She felt a bit rested, mentally – the pains in her body had receded to a dull throbbing. It took some forceful persuasion though to convince her body to move, her back especially voiced strong objections. She was moving in slow motion – a thought crossed her mind “Now I know how I feel in fifty years” and groaned.

After a trip to the loo - to get there had been quite the challenge, – as she sat down, her back complained loudly - she drank greedily from the water bottle on the table – the painkillers she ignored.

Only now she registered how hungry she really was, hopefully Yelena and Ivanka would soon show up with dinner. Very carefully she sat on the bed – and winced – and waited for the pains to recede. She was too tired to block them out, as she normally would have done.

“I have to keep my mind occupied” she mused “If want to get sane through this, I have to stay focused” With some effort she managed to manoeuver her aching limbs into the lotus seat. She closed her eyes concentrated and began to play the piano: Bach´s Goldberg-Variations. Chris found that playing Bach helped clearing her mind.

She considered her latest vinyl recording as one of her finest performances. It had been a live recording at the Elbphilharmonie, last summer. Chris had not done any additional takes at the studio – but insisted that the Deutsche Grammophon published exactly the Variations the way the blonde had played the Goldberg Variations this evening on stage.

And soon she had delved into Bach´s complex universe, there was nothing else. Fascinated Natasha watched as Chris sat in the Lotus Seat on her bed, eyes closed – and a look of deep concentration on her face.

Her beautiful features were calm now and relaxed. She moved her body in the rhythm of something only she could hear. The resilience of the pianist was impressive “If I could only hear what she is playing” Natasha sighed: hopefully the Grand Duchesse found that cursed treasure. The sooner the pianist left the better. The Russian did not know how long she could resist the temptation.

She did hope that her Boss would keep his promise to let Chris go, when Anna had kept her part of the bargain. But she was not sure: Natasha knew that Oblomov felt attracted to beautiful and strong women like Christine. He wanted to possess them. As security chief she was well aware of the series of unsolved murders in Saint Petersburg district.

The victims all had something in common: They were powerful, beautiful influential women. Natasha had connected the dots after the latest murder. The last days, she had thought about a contingency plan, to get Chris away from here, if her Boss would not keep his side of his trade.

Chris played the last note of the Gold Variations. She opened her eyes and returned to the present. She felt mentally relaxed, focused. The same moment the door opened and Jelena and Ivanka rolled a Trolley in. It smelled delicious. Obviously Jelena had made a foray into the Indian Cuisine.

“Did you sleep well Chris?” The young woman inquired politely “Thank you” the pianist smiled back “I feel relaxed”

With some difficulty she got up from the bed and took in the delicious scents of Indian Cuisine. Her face brightened up “This smells heavenly! Chicken Vindaloo?” the blonde exclaimed “You like that?” Yelena smiled back “I love it!” Chris grinned “The hotter, the better!” “Then enjoy!” Yelena bowed.

The Russian smiled and left with Ivanka. As the two maids had left the pianist inspected the goodies: Several Indian starters and indeed Chicken Vindaloo as main course – and a bottle of a German Chardonnay. A fine one as a look on the bottle told her.

Carefully Chris sat down and began to eat – this simple task did distract her. To concentrate on the many nuances of the dishes helped her. She made it a mental exercise to find out which spices Yelena had used and enjoyed the meal. And it was really hot.

Any distraction was welcome.

Swiss: Nyon, Hotel La Rive: Restaurant

Ekaterina could not take her eyes of Ragna, as the Icelandress cut her “Filets de perches du Lac Leman” methodically in pieces. Her eyes rested on the large diamond which rested on the blonde´s breastbone – and on the tops of her breasts: The blonde wore a shimmering silvery evening gown,-

Lots of heads had turned as the two tall blonde women had entered the restaurant: Ekaterina had chosen a deep red gown. Her Aquazura Platform Sandals matched the colour of the dress, as well as the nail polish. The long slit on the right graced the observer with a look at her long muscular leg from ankle to midthigh.

Ragna´s silvery gown enhanced her athletic figure. The blonde was very tall in her stockinged feet – in her Gianvito Rossi Platform Sandals she was a giantess. Not for the first time the Russian felt herself reminded of the descriptions of Valkyries in the Sagas she had read as a child, when she looked at the Icelandress.

Her size, her athletic physique drew the attention of the male audience on her. But today Ekaterina noticed the commanding presence of her lover for the very first time. Ekaterina could imagine the Icelandress in full armour, wielding her sword and charging in the battle at Odin´s side.

Ragna felt Ekaterina´s grey eyes resting on her. She looked up – and two pairs of eyes met: One piercing blue, one grey. The air was cackling with electricity. Both women felt that. Ragna´s warm dry right hand found her way on Ekaterina´s left.

Another sensation sent showers of elation through her body – more exactly its lush southern fields: Ragna´s left nyloned foot touched her toes, the foot wandered slowly upward and rested finally between Ekaterina´s thighs. The tips of Ragna´s toes touched her crotch, teasing her.

Not that the Islandress had stopped eating her Fish. Now she took a sip of her wine looked up again – smiled coyly at the younger woman and continued to tease the Russian “You like that, do you” she purred

Ekaterina grinned “What, the fish?”

“I think we skip dessert” the Icelandress announced resolutely, after they had finished the main course and signalled the waiter imperiously for the bill. She left a generous tip “Come” she said simply. Giggling like two besotted teenagers they left the restaurant.

It happened on the corridor to the elevators: two young men in their early twenties blocked their way. Ragna knew the type: Rich, spoiled members of the local Jeunesse Dorée. They weren´t obviously entirely sober, the bolder of the duo, a tall blonde fellow, wearing an expensive grey suit leered openly at Ragna´s décolleté “Why don´t you try it with a real man blondie” The Icelandress gave him the once over and chuckled “A real man? I don´t play with children – and now be so kind and get out of our way” She smiled condescendingly.

“Jean” his brown haired companion smiled disdainfully “She just called you a child” “Please let us pass” Ekaterina pleaded “We will” the brown haired man smiled arrogantly “If you dykes are nice to us” Ragna sighed “Children get out of our way, why don´t you go back to the kinder garden you came from” Jean grinned ominously “And if not?” challenging the Icelandress.

The blonde sighed exasperatedly and turned to Ekaterina “Children” In the aftermath the Russian could not tell what had happened, so fast the blonde had moved: Jean and his companion were writhing and moaning on the floor:

Ragna had gripped the blonde by the throat with her left hand, banged him against the wall with tremendous force, slowly he glided to the floor, dazed. His companion she hit with her right fist on the nose - hard: It broke with a sickening crunch. The Icelandress kneed him between the legs. Like a jack knife he crumbled to the floor too.

“Come” Ragna bade Ekaterina and stepped over the moaning two young men, stepping purposefully on Jean´s right hand with her left heel.

After hesitating a second, the Russian followed her companion.

As soon as the door of their room closed behind them Ekaterina slipped of her sandals. Ragna chuckled “The eternal curse of stylish footwear!” and slipped off her sandals too – and pulled the Russian with her “I can´t wait to ravish you” Ragna whispered huskily. She withstood the impulse to rip open Ekaterina´s dress. Instead she gently unzipped Ekaterina. The red garment swirled to the floor. The Russian smiled and whispered “Your turn!”

A short while later Ekaterina looked up at Ragna towering over her. The Russian tugged at her silken bonds and grated her hips. The Icelandress had spread eagled her with silk scarves on the bed, blindfolded her with another – and had gagged her with two pairs of panties. A beautiful paisley shawl held the substantial packing in her mouth. Ragna straddled her prey and cupped Ekaterina´s full breasts with her hands, massaged them, kneaded them.

Ekaterina groaned as the Icelandress hot moist lips closed around her left nipple. Playfully the blonde sucked at her nipple and bit her. Ekaterina felt the blonde´s tongue caressing the areola. The Russian groaned in her gag and moaned ….

Much later in the night Ragna quietly slipped out of bed – opened the large double door and went on the balcony. The stone felt cold under her bare feet but she did not heed the cold: It was a clear and cold night. The cold light of the full moon shone on the calm Lake Geneva. Ragna looked across the Lake, deep in thought. Arms folded under her chest. Her expression was hard. Hard and stern.

What Anna had told her had strengthened her steely resolve to follow through with the plan. Tomorrow was the day. She went back into the room, closed the doors, slipped under the covers – and cuddled against Ekaterina´s warm body. The Russian shuddered in her sleep as Ragna´s cold feet touched her legs – but continued to snore softly. For a long moment she looked down at Ekaterina, whispered a word in her mother language and kissed her softly on her brow - Minutes later she was asleep.

Russia: Unknown location, Chris´ Quarters:

Chris body was tired. She could not count all the places where her muscles hurt, or the marks of the drops of wax. Chris mind though was racing. The calm she had felt after playing Bach had dissolved into mist.

Almost one week had passed since her abduction. Since one week she had seen no daylight, nor breathed fresh air. Each morning it felt a bit more difficult to rise to the challenge to get up.

She tried not to think too much, about the torture that would await her tomorrow. That Natasha had convinced Oblomov to give her more rest had been a blessing – and as much as she hated the Woman, the Oligarch she hated more.

On the plus side? If – and it was a big if –Oblomov kept his word she would have to endure just one more day of torture. Sleep did not come easily soon though, but finally she drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago It was painful to accept the pianist had been right. Natasha had used her allegiance to her boss as a shield. And Oblomov had been right too: Natasha felt something for the blonde. But in in the end she was honour bound by oath and custom to be loyal to her boss. Oblomov knew that she would never break that oath. And Chris knew that too.

Natasha had connected the dots after the latest murder. The last days, she had thought about a contingency plan, to get Chris away from here, if her Boss would not keep his side of his trade.

Duty or decency? It rather looks as if the gorgeous Natasha is leaning towards the latter, especially as she's beginning to realise the evil monster that her boss really is. Perhaps Oblomov is in for a shock, as hopefully Natasha WILL do the 'right thing.'
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Excellent chapter. I feel that the pieces are starting to fall into place and that this tale is building to a crescendo!

What is Ragna's role? What does Anna have planned? Will Natasha obey her boss or follow her feelings for what is right?

I can't wait to find out!
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice addition to the story. So Chris will most likely again need one of her worst enemies to get her out of problems with a rich powerful, middle-aged guy, who is evil beyond believe. I still see a lot of parallels with the previous stories ;) Of course the ladies are the heroes, after all. Still, it would be odd if Natasha would turn on her boss, knowing the consequences for her own life and having done some bad stuff herself.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Nice addition to the story. So Chris will most likely again need one of her worst enemies to get her out of problems with a rich powerful, middle-aged guy, who is evil beyond believe.
Thank you! I am not so sure that Chris will get that help this time - she might have to rely on her friends, and if Anna and Ragna will succeed? I would not bet on it :) There might be complications along the way ... I agree with you, that the basic conception on the story has indeed some parallels with previous adventures, but there are differences as well - you will see :) Thank you for commenting!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn it, am I the only want that doesn’t want a certain sexy lady to be rescued anytime soon, I’m simply finding all these tortures and torments far too enjoyable, can’t such a gifted author, such as yourself, throw those searching a red herring ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago Damn it, am I the only want that doesn’t want a certain sexy lady to be rescued anytime soon, I’m simply finding all these tortures and torments far too enjoyable, can’t such a gifted author, such as yourself, throw those searching a red herring ;)

Thank you my friend - be assured that the worst is yet to come for Chris - but there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. If Anna and Anastasia find the treasure another question will arise, will Oblomov keep his side of the bargain, or will he try to doublecross Anna and keep Chris for himself? Ragna will definitely play a key part, what is her game?

There is Natasha: Will she give in to her feelings for Chris, or will she follow orders? And there is her liege lord: It is probable that he has realized that his Security Chief has feelings for a certain blonde ....will he put her loyalty to the test by ordering a most cruel punishment? Challenging Natasha? We will learn soon.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have so many wonderful characters in this story. I have to come down on the side hoping for Chris to get a break. But I won't hold my breath.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73, you have so many wonderful characters in this story. I have to come down on the side hoping for Chris to get a break. But I won't hold my breath.
Chris will have to stay strong - but there is a silver lining at the horizon. Chapter 13 will tell you more:

“At the Crossroads”

Day 7:

Early morning – on the motorway A 121 to Vladimirovka, Leningrad Oblast

It was a grey and cold and windy day. But at least it did not rain. Only a fine drizzle now and then.

Anastasia stole a glance at Anna. She knew by now, the violinist was anything but a morning person, this morning though Anna was even more monosyllabic than usual, even more than Anastasia herself – and that said something.

Breakfast had been a real quiet affair. Both women had nursed their coffee – and Anna had spared no effort to make the brew strong. Anastasia had watched as the violinist helped herself to a second large helping of scrambled eggs and bacon

She was entirely focused and Anastasia sensed her power. Anna was not angry any more but entirely resolved to do the task at hand.

The historian looked at the dark haired woman´s profile she saw the grim determination on Anna´s face. They had left Saint Petersburg in the very early morning. Before they left the Parking Garage Anastasia had helped to load several heavy boxes into the trunk of the silver grey Mercedes GLC 400e.

Curiously the historian had watched as the violinist had carefully and methodically checked the car for any trackers.

The drive up north to Vladimirovka on the shores of Lake Ladoga would take at least another hour. At Vladimirovka they were to meet Vasyli and his men. From there they would cross over to Konevets Islands. Their ultimate destination was the Konevsky Monastery, once famous, but now in disrepair. There they would hopefully find the treasure of the Romanovs and the Cross of Romanov.

Obviously Anna had set a plan in motion to rescue Chris out of Boris Oblomov´s clutches, but she had refused to talk about any details. The only thing she knew was Ragna played a central role. The violinist drove cool and concentrated “Did you ever think about what you will do, when we have recovered the treasure and rescued Chris?” she said out of the blue, still looking concentrated on the street.

“No, not exactly” the brown haired historian shrugged “I guess I will go back to University, what should I do else?” Anna´s next words felt like a cold shower “That might be not possible anymore Anastasia. Oblomov, his cronies and his adversaries know probably by now, that you helped us. Practically you have a target painted on your back”

Only slowly the meaning of those words sunk in “And what should I do?” Anastasia questioned “You come with me and Chris to Germany” Anna replied evenly “Chris is very well connected – and I am pretty sure, she will be more than willing to help you. It is your decision Anastasia, just think about it” The rest of the drive passed in silence.

Both women were deep in thought. As much as the historian hated to admit that: Anna had a point. Mysterious violent deaths were common in Russia these days. The Arm of the FBS was long, as were those of the many powerful people who had made their fortunes under the reign of the current Tsar.

A few days ago she had said to Anna she was aware of the repercussions of helping Anna. But this had been mere theory she realized now: She had been attacked in her own apartment, that Samsonova Woman had threatened to kill her and yesterday she had had another near brush with death. She touched the shallow cut, where the knife of her attacker had cut her. As Anna pulled the trigger she had been frozen.

“Do I regret my decision?” Anastasia asked herself: The young historian was sure of one thing: No, she did not. What they would do today was something every historian would dream off.

Swiss: Hotel Le Rive, Nyon Restaurant, around 1000

With barely hidden amusement Ragna watched as Ekaterina loaded her plate for the second time “What?” Ekaterina shot at her “Nothing” the Icelandress smiled coyly “I just admired your ravenous appetite and had to think of a friend of mine, she is like you, she never leaves out an opportunity to stuff herself and gains not an ounce of weight”

The Russian smiled “I really would like to meet her!” To herself Ragna thought “No my dear you really wouldn´t want to meet her in her current state of mind” Loud she said “We will see. You would like her. She loves music as much as you do”

The Icelandress changed the subject, she already had said too much “What do you think about this: After breakfast we check out and drive on – and have lunch on the way. I know a fantastic little restaurant along the way!”

“And you still will not tell me where we are headed?” Ekaterina pouted “That is why they call that a surprise my love! You will love it! I guarantee that!” The blonde smiled. Ekaterina´s enthusiasm was contagious – and Ragna forced herself to focus on the task at hand.

Russia: Unknown Location: The dungeons:

Chris sat on a stone table on a coarse mattress. Natasha had tied her into a shrimp tie – a very very full crunch ensured that the blonde´s upper body was almost parallel to the floor. Her big toes were connected to the nipple clamps. The worst part was the chicken wing tie of her arms. The blonde drooled on the mattress. She had to drool, because she was gagged with a harness ball gag again.

It´s large red ball made her jaws hurt like hell. Of course there was substantial stuffing: Two pairs of panties. Chris was blindfolded and deaf. A stocking cap obscured her beautiful features.

The stench of the panty hood was horrible. “This is getting really old” the blonde mused darkly. She had been crotch roped of course – and Chris felt very sensitive down south – but she had been plugged both ways. At least Natasha had been kind enough to lube the intruders well.

Chris could not detect a system behind it: Sometimes she was granted an orgasm and sometimes she was frustrated. Judging by the vibrations the blonde would be frustrated this time. A film of sweat covered her skin. Another cramp was forming in her left sole. What had Natasha told her?

“This is only the first part of today´s entertainment” – and Chris did her best to avoid spending any thought, about what would be next in store for her. To divine, with what Natasha would come up with next was a waste of time.

It was time for another visit to Himeji Castle … to find the energy, to focus on the path to go there felt more and more difficult. This time it took her more time, before she could enter the so familiar inner yard. As she had greeted her Sensei, Nakamura looked long at her, concerned “Stay strong for a little while longer my child” he said “Let us have a seat under the cherry tree”

“He has never done that before! Chris thought “He never bade me to sit down and have a rest” She bowed “Of course Sensei”

They sat down and Sensei Nakamura did scrutinize her long. Never she had felt uncomfortable under that look – today she did “Am I weak Sensei?” she asked tentatively, she felt like a small child and looked studiously at the floor Her Sensei smiled warmly “No Christine Sama you are not weak. You are a Samurai” And he spoke in Japanese at length. When he had ended Chris nodded sincerely and looked him straight in the eye: “Hai!”

Russia: Vladimirovka, Lake Ladoga, midmorning:

Anna stopped the Car at the small Harbour. Vasyli had told her to meet him there. Anastasia watched the tall Russian approaching them, Anastasia could not help herself thinking “The man is ruggedly handsome!” He was not alone: At the mole the historian counted 10 more men. All dressed in what? Combat gear? She suspected Ex-Military.

Anastasia did not know where Anna knew this Vasyli from but suspected the violinist had some connections to the Armed Forces. She had watched how Anna had handled herself, how she had put Samsonova in her place, how she had dealt with their attackers yesterday. Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova was a woman with many faces.

“Come” Anna broke Anastasia out of her reverie and left the Car. Despite her thick linden green down-filled coat, her fur cap, her gloves the historian shuddered. A sharp breeze from North-West blew across the mole and bit into her skin. Anna on the other hand seemed perfectly untroubled by the cold. Anastasia watched as the violinist hugged the tall man tightly.

“You do look even better today Your Grace!” Vasyli jested The irony was not lost on Anna “I know” Anna sighed “The last days have been tiresome” then she added dryly “I am for ever in your debt it seems” The Russian chuckled “I could imagine worse things, than Anna Romanova owing me big time!” Anna smiled “I am sure you do” and stepped fully on his right foot “Ouch” Vasyli exclaimed “What was this for?” “Just a reminder” Anna smiled innocently.

She changed the subject “Is everything ready?” Vasyli nodded “Yes, the vessel is loaded and we have all the things you asked for” He paused “And you really think we will find the treasure of the Romanovs?” Anna grew serious “We must find it – we have no other choice”

30 Minutes later their vessel had rounded the cape – and was heading at the Island. Anastasia watched Anna: The violinist was standing at the railing – and staring in the direction where Konevets Island was still hidden in the fog – her hands grabbed the railing tightly, so tight her knuckles turned white.

Minutes later the blurred outlines of the Island were discernible in the fog. They made land fall 15 minutes later. Minutes later the two Armoured Personnel Carriers SBA-60K2 Bulat rolled from the ferry. The landing was deserted – and had been so probably since decades.

Anna exchanged a look with Vasyli “You are doing really well” she smiled and pointed on the interior of the Vehicle “If I am not mistaken this is one of the most modern APC´s of the Russian Army” “Yes” Vasyli nodded laconically “Business is good” They followed a dilapidated road which led to the abandoned monastery. Anna´s thoughts trailed away they were so near.

“You believe it´s still there?” Vasyli´s voice brought her back to the present. Her old friend had an uncommon serious expression on his face “It has to be” Anna shrugged “If not, we are screwed” she paused “If anything happens to Chris I will raze Oblomov´s Palace to the ground” her voice sounded cold as ice “Well” Vasyli grinned “This would be fun: Storming the gates of hell at your side Anna!”

The driver interrupted them “We are there!” They got out of the Vehicles. With the precision of trained soldiers Vasyli´s men fanned out, there assault rifles AK 12 at the ready. Anna inhaled deeply. The air was cold and fresh. In front of them she could make out the ruined main gate of the Monasteries precinct. Behind the walls loomed the main church of the monastery “Let´s go” Anna said determined “Anastasia you stay with me, whatever happens”

Swiss: On the road to Montricher, Parc naturel regional Jura Vaudois, after lunch:

Ragna and Ekaterina had just left the small village of Montricher “Where are we going?” “That is a…” the Icelandress began “surprise” the Russian pouted “Yes” Ragna smiled, but it is not far anymore. They had left Nyon in the late afternoon their ultimate destination lay not far from the Mont Tendre.

With 1679 metres above sea level it was the highest summit of the Swiss Jura. In Montricher they had grabbed a bite. It was not far now, Ragna knew. They followed the curved road through the woods. One serpentine after another, at a small parking bay Ragna stopped the Car and smiled at Ekaterina.

The Islandress handed Ekaterina a heavily padded sleep mask “We don´t want to spoil the surprise prematurely” she grinned a bit mischievously “Put it on my love” The Russian took the sleep mask but hesitated a bit.

Ragna stroke her gently above her left cheek and looked the blonde deep in her eyes “You trust me little one, right?” her resonating deep alto voice send shivers through her spine. She felt entirely safe with Ragna. Resolutely she took the sleep mask and put it on.

Her excitement was growing. Ekaterina folded her hands in her lap. And concentrated on her other senses: Hearing, feeling. Ragna had started the car again. After a short while, the Russian felt that they turned right. Obviously they followed a trail in the woods, judging by the bumps. They seemed to drive straight ahead for some minutes.

A short while later she felt the warmth of Sunrays on her skin of her face and her hands “We have left the woods” she mused. The car made a left turn, gravel crunched under the tires. They seemed to drive uphill a gentle slope, one serpentine, a second, a third. They halted. “We are there” she heard Ragna, the smile in her voice was audible.

Patiently and excitedly Ekaterina waited. The Icelandress got out of the car, she walked around the car, opened the side door released her safety belt. Ragna took her by the hand “Come” she said gently and helped her out of the car. Ekaterina felt the gravel under the soles of her UGG Boots.

The herculean blonde led her by the hand. Then the ground under her soles changed: Concrete? They walked several stairs up, the Russian counted five. Several beeps signalled that the Icelandress typed in a code. A soft click and a door opened.

Ekaterina felt, that they stepped over a threshold “Lean on my shoulders darling” Ragna purred “I want to take your boots off” – and gently plucked first the left then the right boot of her feet. The younger woman felt smooth wood under her socked feet and Ragna led her on “Now my love!” the Icelandress “See for yourself!”

The sleep mask fell. Amazed Ekaterina looked around: They were in the central room of a typical Swiss Chalet: Polished wood, a large fire place “Wow!” Ekaterina exclaimed “This is fantastic!” Ragna took her left hand and led her to a large Panorama Door, pulled it open and they stepped outside on a balcony. Ekaterina took in the grandiose Panorama:

The Chalet stood in the centre of a large clearing. The Terrain fell gently down. In the distance they could see shimmering Lake Geneva. Ekaterina inhaled the fresh and clear mountain air. She turned, hugged Ragna tightly and kissed her full on the lips “Thank you Ragna! This is really a surprise!”

The Islandress smiled “Come inside before you catch a cold! What do you think about some Champagne?” They stepped inside and Ragna busied herself in the open kitchen area – and returned with two flutes filled to the brim with the sparkling liquid.

The two women clinked glasses and took a sip. The Russian savoured the taste “This is excellent! Pol Roger?” Ragna chuckled “Only the best for you! What do you think, why don´t you take a seat on this fabulous Stressless comfort recliner, enjoy the view, while I get the fireplace going and get the luggage inside?”

Ekaterina stifled a small yawn! “Sounds like a plan” she tapped on her stockinged feet to the recliner and sat “This is so very comfortable!” The Icelandress grinned “That´s why they call them comfort recliner, doofus!”

A few minutes later a large fire was burning in the fireplace. The Russian had trouble keeping her eyes open and yawned, she felt relaxed and just a tad sleepy … as Ragna returned with the two trolleys the other blonde was fast sleep. Her breathing deep and regular, her features relaxed and peaceful.

Gently the Icelandress covered the sleeping beauty with a warm woollen blanket, before she returned outside to get the reminder of the luggage. She had some preparations to make. But before she would do that, the tall blonde took her heavily encrypted smartphone and typed a message and pressed “Send”. The short message read “The eagle has landed
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Post by GreyLord »

You keep the tension high in this fascinating tale, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It will be amazing to see you bring these parts together.
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Post by Beaumains »

Yep, that's the problem for Annastasia, even if she wins this battle, most of her enemies will remain. I doubt she has much life left at public academia there...

But all seems to go according to plan... So far...
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well what can I say, but simply marvellous, the tension, the questions still to answered, the edge of the seat waiting for more, you’ve done it again [mention]Caesar73[/mention]
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago Well what can I say, but simply marvellous, the tension, the questions still to answered, the edge of the seat waiting for more, you’ve done it again @Caesar73
Thank you my friend :) The next chapter will answer some of those questions ..... not all of them :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

[mention]Bandit666[/mention] as promised some answers :)

Chapter 14

“The Fog of War”

(Carl von Clausewitz)

Russia: Unknown Location: The dungeons, afternoon:

Natasha paraded around Chris´ like an officer inspecting his troops. Chris followed the movements of her tormentor with her eyes. Their gazes met. In the blondes´ icy cold bright pools of green light the Russian saw a hate of such intensity she had never seen before.

Chris´ athletic, perfectly sculpted body was covered in deep angry rope marks from the tips of her big toes to her wrists. The marks formed a diamond-shaped web. She had to balance on the balls of her feet.

Natasha could see the well-defined muscles of her legs and calves, the extremely tight standing spread eagle had to be uncomfortable as hell – especially since the pianist had had little time to recover from her “mid-morning-session”

But the blonde had neither begged nor protested, when she had wheeled down to the dungeons again, barely one hour, after her empty dinner plates had been taken away by Ivanka and Yelena.

She had thanked the two maids – and the red haired Yelena had gently touched her left hand and whispered “Stay strong!” Chris had graced her with a tired smile, but with a steely resolve in her voice “I will!”

Boris Oblomov´s chief of security had tried to convince her boss to spare the blonde the afternoon-session. But Oblomov had declared coldly “If our guest leaves us tomorrow, I want her to remember the last day of her stay! It seems the Grand Duchesse is keeping her word. She and the historian left the Saint Petersburg this morning, heading North - Be thorough Natasha but don´t damage the canvas permanently – we might have further use for it!”

“It will be done as ordered Sir!” Natasha delivered a crisp salute and turned on her heels to leave. The Oligarch´s voice held her back “Don´t make me think you´re loyalty is wavering!” The menacing undertone was barely discernible – but the black haired woman knew her Boss well enough: This was a warning.

“It won´t Sir!” she replied evenly – and strode out of Oblomov´s Private Study. She felt his penetrating gaze in her back.

Now she stood before Chris´: The Russian had removed her uniform jacket, her crisp white blouse and her bra. In her hand she held a whip. The blonde´s eyes, her beautiful features betrayed no emotion. Her lower face was covered by a black muzzle gag, which held a substantial gag packing inside: This time a pair of Natasha´s worn socks, one she had worn days ago.

Chris could not communicate with words, but her eyes conveyed the message clear enough, her absolute contempt, her disdain. And Natasha hated herself and she hated the blonde – hated her and felt drawn to her.

Natasha took a position behind Chris´ - on her left side, so that she could swing the whip freely. She swung wide ….

Russia: Saint Petersburg, Anna´s Apartment around 2100 Hours:

Anna and Anastasia had returned from Lake Ladoga just one hour ago. Now they sat, clad in comfortable lounge ware at the table in the dining room and ate in companionable silence. The violinist had prepared boeuf bourguignon yesterday, so that all they had to do was to put the casserole in the oven and warm it up while they had refreshed and changed.

A rich and heavy Spanish red vine, a “Miserere” from 2005 shimmered in their crystal goblets. The Priorat was famous for its red wines. Anna took a sip and savoured the rich taste. This wine was the perfect companion for the stew.

The violinist looked up. She smiled “She wants to ask me something desperately but Anastasia has learned her lesson well” Anna waited a few seconds more “What is on your mind Anastasia?” The young historian´s cheeks turned slightly rosy “Nothing” she demurred “It is nothing – that is there is something on my mind – but we don´t talk about shop at Dinner” and added with a small smile “A certain violinist made that very clear to me”

“Looks like I made an impression”, Anna chuckled “But since I am in a gracious mood today, I will make an exception, so shoot!”

The brown haired historian took her heart in both hands “Do you think this will work, do you really think this will work- Anna?” Her doubts were palpable.

Anna bade her time before she answered calmly and firm “I could cite now Carl von Clausewitz “War is the realm of uncertainty; three quarters of the factors on which action in war is based are wrapped in a fog of greater or lesser uncertainty. A sensitive and discriminating judgment is called for; a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth.” Then a small smile curled her lips “But I guess that is not what you asked for, so let me say it plainly: Yes, I believe our plan will work. It. Will. Work”

And more than anything it was the certainty, the unwavering belief in Anna´s voice that convinced Anastasia. The violinist raised her goblet “To victory!” she toasted “To victory!” Anastasia returned and they drained their goblets to the bottom.

Swiss: A secluded Chalet in the Parc naturel regional Jura Vaudois, a few hours before:

Only slowly Ekaterina´s mind cleared. She did not want to open her eyes, that seemed to difficult.

She remembered Ragna and she had drunk Champagne – she had felt a bit tired so she had decided to rest on the Stressless Comfort recliner. Obviously she still laid on the very comfortable recliner – but the strangest thing? “I cannot move! But why I cannot move?” Her brains processed the different sensations only slowly:

She laid still on the recliner, her arms on the arm rests but she could not move them, and her hands felt strange, as if they were confined. Something held her arms on the arm rests – restraining her wrists, her lower arms and her upper arms. Ekaterina felt no actual pain. She felt more pressure above and below her breasts, around her waist – her legs were held together in several places – but by what.

Opening her eyes felt still difficult …. “I cannot move my legs” and there was pressure below her nose: Her lower face seemed to be covered by something soft. And her mouth was filled by something soft and pliable.

Finally her still befuddled brain had pierced together the different informations: “I am tied up and gagged! Ragna!! Help!!” Ekaterina fought against her soft but unforgivable restraints “Ssshh little one, calm down, there is no reason to panic” a melodious gentle alto voice spoke soothingly.

And Ekaterina calmed down. She knew that voice, she was safe. The voice belonged to Ragna – and if Ragna was there? Everything was fine, except …. Ragna? Her eyes flew open. It took a few seconds before she could see clearly, several seconds more till she realized what she saw:

Across her sat Ragna. It was Ragna and it was not Ragna. The herculean blonde looked very much like Ragna, but something was different. Ekaterina could not place it. Ragna wore a black turtleneck, black trousers and thick black woollen socks on her feet. She wore a shoulder holster with a gun.

This different Ragna scrutinized her, not unfriendly and Ekaterina saw warmth in her eyes. But she also sensed a cool determination. Her blue eyes were unfathomable. “Ekaterina, I know you have a lot of questions right now. You will get the chance to ask them, but there are things you need to know first:

There is no easy way so say this, so I will get straight to the point Ekaterina:

The main reason why you are here is your father. Your father Boris Oblomov one week ago kidnapped one of my best friends and holds her hostage since then, to blackmail another of my best friends to do his bidding. These two friends are Christine von der Marwitz and Anna Romanova” Ekaterina´s eyes went wide.

Ragna continued calmly “Clearly these names mean something to you as a lover of classical music. I know you have seen Chris and Anna on stage. But to me Chris and Anna are not only the famous musicians they are. They are my friends. And nobody touches them with impunity” Ekaterina detected a steely undertone now “I can only fathom what Chris went through in your fathers dungeons – but he will pay”

Ragna paused for a moment and watched the conflicting emotions on Ekaterina´s beautiful face “So this is how this goes: We will let your father know, that we hold you hostage. If he wants to get you back, he has to let go Chris free and unharmed. In exchange for his cooperation he gets you back and what he desires the most – and that is not you”

Ragna waited till Ekaterina had processed her words “I will ungag you know, and you shall have your say. But restrain yourself to the necessary. Confine your questions to the matter at hand. I know you feel hurt and betrayed. About that we can talk later. Are we clear?” the Icelandress demanded.

Ekaterina stubbornly starred back at her “Are we clear I asked you?” the blonde repeated her question. Not loud, not aggressive but clear and calm. And it was the latter which elicited a response from the Russian: Ekaterina nodded.

“Right then” Ragna stated “But remember what I said - always!” she added calmly. Gently she loosened the gag and pulled the foam ball out of the Russians mouth “Water?” she asked gently. The blonde nodded.

After a few sips of cool refreshing water Ekaterina cleared her throat “You are lying. My father is a businessman. Hard and demanding, but he would never let a woman abduct, alone torturing her. Your informations are wrong” Ekaterina had spoken in a low voice, which betrayed how much effort it costed her to restrain herself”

Ragna nodded “I understand you. And in your stead I would think the same. Which daughter wants to believe her father is a sadist and a sexual predator, but let me show you something, we obtained this material from the servers of your father at his residence. Watch carefully:”

Ekaterina watched as the large LECD Screen across her sprang to live:

Chris beaten by Natasha with the tonfa, Chris cruelly hogtied on the table, Chris on the rack, Chris displayed at her father´s wish, molested, groped and fondled, Chris forced to stand as a lamp in her father´s private dining room, Chris accompanying Anouchka. “Mother” Ekaterina whispered, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Chris on the backbreaking rack – eventually it was over. The Tears flowed now freely. Gently Ragna dried her cheeks with a silken handkerchief.

“He did this? Father did this?” Ekaterina whispered “but why?” Ragna stooped down and looked her in the eyes “You find the answer in your heart I think, deep down you know what man your father is” she paused “And he wants the treasure of the Romanovs for himself”

Ragna´s beautiful face showed compassion “I will cook us dinner now – and I guess you have a lot to think about” Surprisingly gentle the Icelandress eased the gag back in Ekaterina´s mouth, put on the blindfold and expensive looking headphones on her ears. The Russian heard the first tones of the Goldberg Variations – a clear and warm tone, immaculate.

Ragna did not tell her that but this was Chris´ recording. She watched as the body of the blonde relaxed slowly “She has a lot to digest, the poor thing” the Icelandress mused – and set to work.

Russia: Unknown location, Chris Quarter´s:

Ivanka looked down at Chris body – and she was truly shocked. She looked at Jelena and at Natasha. She did her best to control her emotions. But her superior could read between the lines:

The red heads bright blue eyes screamed “How could you!” Natasha straightened herself hiding her guilt behind a mask of stoicism “Take care of her, I want her in shape tomorrow!” she commanded; and on a certain level she hated herself for what she had done.

The Russian had wanted a reaction from the blonde woman. But where and how hard she hit, she got none. And she hit harder. At least she did not break the skin. At some point Chris´ mind seemed to have left her body. Her normally bright green eyes had been dull like marbles – she had retreated to a place where her tormentor could not touch her.

“Do your best Ivanka or….” Natasha let the sentence hanging in the air, turned on her heels and left. The red head turned her attention to Chris. Gently she touched the marks of the whip:

Angry red marks covered the blonde´s body from her shoulder blades to her ankles. Ivanka turned to Yelena “Get me the disinfection wipes” As gently as she could she wiped the angry welts – sometimes Chris groaned softly, but showed no other reaction “Everything will be alright” the young Russian whispered and stroked Chris damp blonde mane.

Ivanka did not know much about the pianist, but she admired her strength her will – and the blonde had always treated her kindly, had her never given her the feeling to be just a servant

Ivanka put some sort of a healing balm on her palms and massaged Chris backside from her shoulder blades down. The soothing balm seemed to do it´s magic, because Ivanka felt the blonde´s body relaxing under her hands.

Only now and then a low moan, the pianist hovered on the threshold to oblivion. As Ivanka and Yelena were done, the latter covered Chris´ back very gently with a soft blanket. They tiptoed outside leaving a sleeping Chris.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

tense, very tense...
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn you’ve gone and done it again my friend, just when I think it can’t get better it does, and worse still I’m still hanging on the edge of my seat, at this rate I’ll have to get a bigger sofa lol
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Post by LunaDog »

So whilst, for the moment anyway, it does appear that Natasha IS following her boss's orders, it's perfectly clear from your superb writing that's she doing so VERY reluctantly. I guess the VERY real fear of her boss is overcoming her desire for Chris. And, the natural result, Chris's feelings towards her are becoming more and more negative, totally understandably of course.

Lovely twist to make Ekaterina Oblomov's daughter. Gives the 'good guys' ( or should that be girls ) some leverage of their own to use on him. Unfortunately i suspect he'd almost be willing to sacrifice her in order to get just what he wants!
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Post by Beaumains »

One more day... This story is reaching its apex, and it seems like no side has all the jokers.

Oh, well, let's see how the bad guy acts when a loved one gets kidnapped.
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Post by GreyLord »

The previous commenters have summed it up nicely. I should have known who Ekaterina was, but I did not. It seems as if Chris might get more help from Ivanka and Yelena than from the reluctant Natasha. Very well done!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Superb! The tension builds as the parts of the story come together.....

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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Superb! The tension builds as the parts of the story come together.....

Chapter 15 will be online today - things are about to get hot - in every sense of the word :)
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Chapter 15 will be online today - things are about to get HOT - in every sense of the word :)
This sounds EXTREMELY promising. I think i might need to purchase a fire extinguisher, and have it right by my P.C when i read this. Just in case!

REALLY looking forward to reading just what delights you have planned for us!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]
LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago This sounds EXTREMELY promising. I think i might need to purchase a fire extinguisher, and have it right by my P.C when i read this. Just in case!

REALLY looking forward to reading just what delights you have planned for us!
Here it comes :) The first part of the Endgame .... the stage is set!

Chapter 15

“Endgame I”

Day 8 Russia: Unknown location. Control Centre: midmorning

“We have an incoming transmission from an unknown source” the Technician announced “From whom?” Natasha snapped - she had slept not well, the pictures of Chris´tormented back and Ivanka´s reproachful look had taunted her - “We cannot trace the caller” the Technician shrugged.

Natasha huffed “Work on it!” The smiling face of Anna Romanova appeared on the large screen “Good morning Natasha! Tell your Boss I want to talk to him in 15 minutes – don´t be late!” Before Natasha could return anything the screen went black. The Russian cursed, turned on her heels and hurried to Oblomov´s private office … this was not like it should have been: Romanova calling them, not the other way around. No this was absolutely not like it should be and that irritated the Russian. There had been an air enormous smugness about the Grand Duchesse.

15 Minutes later they waited in Oblomov´s private study for the incoming transmission. The air was cackling with electricity. Precisely after 15 minutes the face of Anna Romanova appeared on the screen. To Natasha´s surprise the Grand Duchesse seemed neither stressed nor anxious “Good morning Boris Jossifovitch” she greeted pleasantly “I have good news: I found the treasure”

Oblomov´s smile was that of a predator “I knew Grand Duchesse that with the proper motivation you would be up to the task – but first I want to see some proof” Anna smiled “I thought you would never ask, a video sequence filled the screen: A vault – and a horde of gold: Jewels, diamonds, jewellery … the camera zoomed in on some objects: A large golden cross with red rubies “The cross of Romanov” Oblomov whispered in awe “You really found the treasure”

“Now I have fulfilled my part of the bargain” Anna continued business like “Now you fulfil yours: Release my friend now – and you get the coordinates” The Oligarch chuckled “You disappoint me Grand Duchesse, you seem to labour under the delusion you are in the position to make any demands. You will give me the coordinates, I will retrieve the treasure and then I will let your friend go - maybe”

To Natasha´s surprise the violinist smiled “That is the point where you are wrong” Anna sighed exaggeratedly “just watch the following video sequence” On the screen appeared the face of a young blonde woman. Her eyes were wide with fear, and a large red ball gag filled her mouth to capacity – Natasha suspected a certain amount of stuffing behind the ball. She was stark naked and hung by her wrists from the ceiling of a room, which looked like a prison cell. Her eyes were wide, fearful and teary

The screen changed again “So Boris, this is how things go” Anna spoke coldly “You will deliver Chris unharmed to a specific location. When Chris and I are in safety you will get the coordinates where to find the treasure. If Chris is harmed in any way, or if you try to double cross me, the deal is off – and you will never see Ekaterina again. Are we clear?”

Natasha could see that her boss barely could restrain himself “And how do I know you will hold up your side of the bargain!” Oblomov almost screamed.

Anna smiled maliciously “Actually you don´t. But I am no double crossing bastard like you and your kind. I am a Romanova” The last words the violinist spoke with the utter disdain of the noble aristocrat she was “And one piece of advice Oblomov “If, in the future something happens to Chris or me, or my friends a dossier will go public”

The pictures of eight women appeared on the screen “The press will have a field day, and wherever you go, you will have to watch your back – I heard Europol and Interpol are preparing arrest warrants for you – and your lackey. She looked straight at Natasha.

So I ask you a final time Oblomov “Do we have an agreement?”

Her voice as cold and hard as steel.

The Oligarch fumed, but finally conceded – Natasha could tell how much that costed him - “We are in agreement” he grudgingly conceded - Anna smiled “I knew you would see sense! Wait for my next message!”

The screen went black.

Russia: Saint Petersburg: Anna´s Apartment:

Anna smiled at Anastasia “That went well! His face was priceless!” Her enthusiasm was contagious “And now?” the historian ventured “Now, we will proceed as planned” the dark haired violinist smiled. Grab your gear and buckle up!” Anastasia noticed that Anna was in high spirits – but she sensed a grim determination also.

“Hurry up” the violinist pressed on, we have some way to go!” The brown haired historian hesitated “And what if Oblomov does not play fair?” Anna smiled “Who said I would?” That bastard is a double crossing SOB – so he will play foul” “Not that it will do him any good!” she added “Two can play this game”

Russia: Unknown location, Chris´ quarters:, around 0200 PM:

Chris was irritated. No, she decided she was curious. For the first time since her abduction, she had not been dragged to the dungeons after breakfast. After breakfast she had been left to her own devices to her surprise. Not that she would complain about that change, no, she welcomed the rest especially her aching body did. To her surprise the welts on her back had almost faded. She did not know what Ivanka had used on her back, but the balm had done wonders.

Her mind wandered back:

Not unconscious, but not entirely awake either she had registered, that Ivanka had tended to her aching back, treated the marks of the whip with the soothing balm, which smelled strongly of hers. The young maid had been very gentle. Then she had drifted off to sleep. Getting up and eating the fabulous dinner had costed an enormous effort.

In an almost sleepwalking state she had done her evening routine, dragged her tired body to the bed and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. This morning she had felt refreshed – somewhat.

If she had counted correctly, today was the eighth day since her abduction. Chris forbade herself to spend much thought about the question, what would happen if Anna had not found the treasure. The deadline ended today. Her trust in Anna was total – but there was a small devil lurking in a dark corner of her mind whispering in her ear: “Nobody has found the treasure in a 100 years, Anna will not find it either and you will die in this hell hole after Oblomov had his fun with you. Be honest Chris! A part of you wants that Anna does not find the treasure and you can give in to your darkest desires!”

“F*ck you!” Chris said aloud “Anna will find the treasure and you go to the hellhole from hence you came!”

The midmorning the blonde had spent with exercise, meditating and reading Sun Tzu – and to her surprise someone had left a hardcover copy of Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann on the Nightstand. She had not read that novel about a musician who sold his soul to the devil in ages. It had ever fascinated, especially Mann´s description of the devil: A small man who radiated icy cold not blistering heat. Adrian Leverkühn the Protagonist was forbidden to love.

“Oblomov fits the bill of Mann´s devil” Chris mused and Anna struck a bargain with the devil” she mused “To save me” As much as she loved Thomas Mann, his ability to weave complex sentences, today she felt concentrating difficult. She felt a growing fatigue of mind and body. Even if Sensei Nakamura had encouraged her to believe in her strength – her Captors had succeeded in slowly squeezing every drop of energy out of her.

Around 0200 PM there was a knock at the door of her prison – and Natasha entered accompanied by Ivanka and Yelena – and a detachment of guards – and the wheelchair. Chris treated the Russian with a long look of utter disgust – and Natasha broke eye contact quickly “and I really hoped, I could enjoy a bit more of quality time - alone” her voice dripped with Sarcasm “What do you have planned for today Natasha? A few hours on the rack? Another round with the whip? A nice snug ball tie?” Chris was tired, she was irritated – and she made no effort to hide it.

“Actually nothing of the sort” Natasha smiled brightly – and a part of her enjoyed the German´s anger “As it seems you are about to leave us!” she said loftily “Isn´t that great news? Blondie?” Chris starred back, but said nothing, her doubts obvious. The Russian enjoyed her disbelief “I am not joking Chrissy, the Grand Duchesse has found the treasure! Get up, Ivanka and Yelena will help you getting dressed, you have 30 Minutes!”

Russia: Somewhere south east of Tsarskoye Selo around the same time:

Anna adjusted her scope another time and checked the basin in the woods roughly 30 Kilometres south east of Tsarskoye Selo. It was secluded, far from any human habitation – and even better: only one trail, suitable for motorized vehicles led to it.

One reason why she had chosen that location for the exchange, she had taken up her position two hours ago. A snipers first virtue had to be patience. Lying in wait for hours and hours and ready to shoot from one second to the next; again and again she checked the perimeter.

Out of the corner of her eyes she was sure to have detected a movement, a light reflex? A sunray reflecting on a scope? Anna checked again. There was the reflex again. A grim smile crossed her lips … so Oblomov did want to play foul “Be my guest” Anna thought grimly.

The sniper had chosen a position on the left side of the trail which led to the basin – and if one was on the left side, it was a pretty reasonable assumption that another one was on the right side. Anna checked the area. Once, twice; she spotted him at the third attempt. Those guys were good. A grim smile curled Anna´s lips “I am better” So Oblomov wanted to play …

All preparations were complete. Any doubt, that their plan would not work she forced back in the darkest corner of her mind – and threw away the key.

Two hours left.

Russia: On the road to the exchange point, later:

The only senses Chris´ could rely on were those of smell and touch. As so often in the previous seven days she was blind, deaf and gagged. She was strapped to the backseat of a van.

Yelena and Ivanka had helped her dressing – and the blonde had been grateful for their assistance, the clothing itself? Not so much. For once she had been plugged both ways – again - then she had to put on underwear suitable for arctic temperatures, and two pairs of heavy woollen skiing socks.

The red skiing suit was not so different from the down filled suits she had been forced to wear in the last days. The fleece Jacket and the woollen cap had been welcomed. Much less the UGG Boots: Chris had soon detected that their inside had been modified; dozens of small knobs, which pressed into her soles, between the toes, on the high arches. And they vibrated. As she had discovered she could not slip the boots off, because they were locked.

The heavily padded panel gag with its very large foam ball she was used to, also to the heavily padded blindfold and the earbuds, the heavily padded manacles around her wrists and ankles and the mittens were also routine … and the blonde chided herself for that thought: Being bound and gagged should never be a routine. She groaned: Natasha played with her accessories. Sometimes she turned the vibrators in her boots on high – this was now the case. Also the vibrator and the butt plug sprung to life.

When she had been dressed she had been strapped to the wheelchair and driven upwards. How much Chris had enjoyed the cool fresh air on her face! For seven days she had been confined indoors and underground.

Natasha? She had assumed it was Natasha – had unstrapped her from the wheelchair and strapped her in the car. The blonde still couldn´t believe that her captivity was over. One small voice in her head kept telling her that this was all a clever ploy to torment her some more – and drag her back to the dungeons again.

They drove on; on a motorway? She felt Natasha´s hand on her right thigh. The Russian squeezed it - her probing fingers found her crotch and touched Chris. Natasha continued her administrations. Chris groaned, and she fumed – and the next orgasm loomed at the horizon “That bitch!” the blonde fumed, “More” she groaned – she cursed her body for betraying her.

Chris strained against her bonds, and the tickling sensation – it was just too much! For a few seconds she blackened out – and discovered that they obviously had left the motorway. Chris felt the frequent bumps keenly. Natasha fondled and squeezed her breasts. The pianist moaned and writhed and strained against her restraints.

“Is the bitch having fun?” Ivan, the driver chuckled, I would love to play with her myself!” “Just drive on” Natasha scolded him coolly “This one is above your pay grade – and the boss would have your balls if you touch her!”

Her instincts warned her of an impending doom. She had warned Oblomov against double crossing Romanova. The violinist had proven much more capable than they had anticipated. That she would have been able to turn the tables neither she nor Oblomov had expected.

Natasha had checked the terrain of the exchange point the Grand Duchesse had chosen. It was perfect for an ambush. But Oblomov had insisted on sending in the cavalry …. She squeezed Chris´ breasts some more, the Pianist had one of the most beautiful pairs she knew – and the Russian knew many.

The blonde´s muffled protests were music in her ears “Boy, she must hate me!” Natasha mused and grinned. TOA: 30 Minutes. Enough time to help their special guest pass the time: she set the vibrator, the butt plug and the boots on full – and massaged and squeezed Chris´ breasts. Chris had the feeling to go mad: The tickling of her soles, the vibrations of the vibrator logged in her vagina, and the dammed butt plug. Her breathing quickened, she sweated profusely. And Natasha pinched her nipples: once, twice a third time …

Chris screamed into her gag as the waves of orgasm washed over her - and Natasha did not stop .....
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

Well, you PROMISED this would be HOT, and by Christ, did you NOT dis-appoint! Natasha back to her BEST and demonstrating just WHY i like her SO much.
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Post by GreyLord »

And fiery hot it is! Anna will come through in the end. But how many more twists and turns will there be? What will be Natasha's fate? And will the Oligarch meet a suitable end?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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