Kaleidoscope: No Proscenium (M/F, FFFF+/M, MM/MF, F/M. F/F, etc.)

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Post by Rtj65 »

Really good part that provided plenty of insight into both Brendan and Julie. I really liked that Brendan stood up for himself there, it's clear that he was understandably slow to trust Julie. Seeing where they end up only makes it more intriguing to find out how that happens, given how they got off on the wrong foot. I also really liked that in their 'debrief', Julie wasn't entirely apologetic - I felt that the moment where she made the snarky comment about Brendan not being better at the game was a really human reaction, almost like a fight or flight response.

As for the ending of this part, it seems like Julie is still affected by her guilt and wants Brendan to get back at her. Whatever happens next, I'm looking forward to it.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 4 of 15]

April 22, 2022

Her attempt to find out how Brandon had felt about his frat initiation had been a disaster. His words and the realization of the effects of her actions weighed on her heavily. She couldn’t bring herself to talk to any of her sorority sisters about the incident. She felt like absolute human garbage. She wasn’t sure what she had expected. But there wasn’t any way to properly contextualize what had happened in a way where she wasn’t the villain. And while she relished being the baddie in her fantasies…it was a lot less fun once the fantasy had stopped and she was just a real life villain. But here she was. The villain. She’d wrecked a guy. She’d violated him. She had to live with that. But she vowed to make amends as best she could.

She’d watched the Go Pro video. All of the girls had. They’d had a little watch session to relive the night the following afternoon. They’d seen his panicked professor running away from the near naked boy who was running around campus at night while restrained. She went to go talk to Professor Kinkaide. She assured him that Brandon was blameless in what had happened and begged him not to hold it against the poor kid. If the professor had any reservations about what had happened, she was more than happy to bare the brunt of them. Instead he’d been understanding. He took a very “idiot kids will be idiot kids” sort of approach to the whole sordid event and promised that Brendan was not being punished for it. Brendan was still well on his way to an A in Organic Chemistry. Whew. So at least that was out of the way. She was trying to think about what else she needed to do to make things right with Brendan while also honoring his wishes to “never see her fucking face again”. But that same Friday when she went to visit his professor…her world went haywire. Everything turned upside down and her entire worldview went through a paradigm shift that made her reexamine a lot of what she thought she knew.

It was late that evening and she was sitting with Mia, Piper, and Trish in the common room when her sorority sister Camila came and told her that the police were there to see her.

Julie's stomach knotted with an exceedingly uneasy feeling. The police wanting to see you was never good.

Julie: What? Did they say what about?

Camila: I just overheard them talking to Sofia. Something about somebody bound and gagged in the trunk of a car.

Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Brendan had filed a police report. They were boned. They were as good as expelled. If not worse. Could kidnapping charges be on the table? She could see the other three girls, who had all been involved, collectively shitting themselves also. She got up and walked out to the sorority house’s foyer. The other girls instinctively followed her. They hadn’t been called. But they clearly wanted to hear what she was going to say. What had Brendan said? Were they all implicated? Would she turn on them to get a lesser sentence? Were the police going to want to speak to them also? Should they coordinate their stories? The four girls entered the foyer and saw two uniformed San Diego County police officers standing at the door. One was a tall Hispanic man with a shaved head. The other was a shorter blonde woman with a pixie cut. They both gave her a friendly non-accusatory look. She wasn’t sure what was going on.

Male officer: Are you Julie Huff?

Julie: I am.

The other girls settled in behind her. She could almost feel them about eight to ten feet back. The officers did not ask them to leave.

Male officer: Did you meet with Professor Lawrence Kinkaide during his office hours this afternoon? It would have been at about 3:30.

Oh. So that’s what had happened. Brendan hadn’t filed a police report. Professor Kinkaide had ratted her out. That’s why none of the other girls had been called. She’d confessed to Kinkaide that she was involved. She took responsibility and he was showing her what responsibility really looked like. Here were the consequences of her actions. So much for his “idiot kids will be idiot kids” attitude. She’d tried to be a Good Samaritan for once in her life. And it was about to fail spectacularly. Kinkaide didn’t have specifics though. At least not the most damning ones. Maybe she could still wiggle out of this one. Kinkaide didn’t know anything about vibrators and nipple clamps and their basement session. But Camila had mentioned the trunk of a car. She hadn’t said anything about that to Kinkaide. Clearly they knew more than what she’d told Kinkaide. Oh God. How screwed was she?

Julie: Ummmm…..yes officer. I met with him this afternoon.

Male officer: At approximately 3:30?

Julie: Yes.

Male officer: And when did you leave his office?

Julie: Ummmm….I’m not sure. 3:40 maybe. 3:45?

Male officer: And was he acting strange? Did everything appear to be OK with him when you left?

Julie: Yes. Everything seemed fine. Can I ask what this is in regards to, officers? Am I in any trouble?

Male officer: No ma’am. We’re just interviewing you as a potential witness.

Julie: A witness? A witness to what?

Male officer: You appear to be the last known person to have seen Lawrence Kinkaide before he was abducted.

This was shocking to Julie.

Julie: Abducted?!?! What?!?!? By who!?!?

Female officer: That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Shortly after meeting with you he was abducted by two gunmen. He was then found a little over an hour ago in the trunk of his car in a car park off I-8 heading towards La Mesa…

Julie: Oh God! Jesus…I can’t…

Female Officer: Sorry to cut you off, Miss. I wanted to finish. Alive. He was found Alive. He was bound and gagged with duct tape and left in the trunk of his car.

Julie: Oh. Thank Heavens.

Male Officer: The gunmen apparently extracted information from him to shut down the video feeds to the cameras around his lab building. They also got the combination to a safe inside the building and stole some valuables.

Julie: That’s awful.

Male Officer: It could have been a lot worse. There were no fatalities. There were two more hostages taken in the armed robbery. But they are both fine. A male student is being treated at the local hospital with manageable injuries. But he was able to free himself and get to a phone. We found the professor. And the professor was able to get us a description of the two men. Hispanic. Both quite short. One had a moustache. Gang tattoos on their neck. Spider tattoo on one man’s wrist. Did you see anybody matching this description lurking around his office when you left?

Julie relaxed a little bit. Maybe everything was going to be OK.

Julie: No. Not at all. Not even slightly. Though obviously I wasn’t looking very carefully. I was sort of in my own world. I didn’t know I was going to be a witness. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.

Male officers: No worries, ma’am. We weren’t expecting much. We were just trying to nail down the timeline. You were the last student he saw before leaving his office. He was likely abducted at around 4:30pm. But we just wanted to cover all of the bases. Thank you very much for your time.

Julie: No problem. Anything I can do to help catch these guys…I will.

The officers departed and Julie turned around to see her friends looking like a noose had been removed from each of their necks.

Mia: What. The. Fuck?

Julie: I know. Crazy, right? What a coincidence?

Piper: I thought we were in shit creek. The police?!?! I never imagined Brendan might call the police.

Mia: He won’t. SAE will keep him in line. We’ve got nothing to worry about from our little captive struggle bunny.

A pang of guilt hit Julie hard at Mia’s dismissive comment. That wasn't a fair or flattering way to refer to Brendan. She couldn’t help but think that she’d dodged a proverbial bullet. She wouldn’t find out until the next morning that that proverbial bullet had hit her best friend.

Julie had a lot of great friends through Delta Gamma. She felt that joining the sorority had blessed her with a fun, energetic social circle. But she wasn’t about to call any of her sorority sisters her best friend. That title belonged to Kylie Cooper. Kylie had been Julie’s best friend almost since the day that they met. That had been in kindergarten. Kylie was the yin to her yang. The Robin to her Batman. The gravy to her biscuits. She complimented Julie in all the ways that she needed to bring out the best in her. She was thoughtful and loyal and provocative. Outside of Julie’s immediate family, she was the most important relationship in Julie’s life.

So Julie was devastated the next morning to find out that Kylie had been the other hostage that the police officers had referred to in the on campus robbery. She’d been working in one of the chemistry labs with another student named Darren when two masked gunmen had broken in. She’d been tightly bound and gagged while the assailants had broken into a safe in the lab that was holding some natural diamonds that the school had been loaned to analyze the structure of natural diamonds versus synthetic ones. Kylie was physically unharmed. But she’d spent a terrifying few hours duct taped on the floor of the lab wondering if she was going to die. She had a full blown panic attack. Julie was so thankful that her beloved friend was alright. But the event had taken a toll on her. It had been traumatic. And it had changed Kylie. The fun-loving, reckless girl that Julie admired was now much more reserved and uncomfortable. Her vivacious, outgoing spirit had been muted. She was still funny and caring and intelligent at times, but now she was also jaded and paranoid and withdrawn. Certain personality traits had shifted overnight. Kylie had been a supreme extrovert. Julie would soon consider her to be an introvert. Kylie had been so trusting and curious. No more. She was now cautious and guarded.

Kylie didn’t understand why what had happened to her had happened to her. And she lived in fear that something similar could happen again. She also felt a deep, deep sense of shame for the way that she had responded. She’d been helpless. She’d been useless. She’d been subjugated. She’d been dominated. Those men had come in and shown her that she was a worthless little peasant who lived or died at their whim. She had been paralyzed by fear. She’d put up no fight. She’d submitted and allowed herself to be rendered feeble. And once she was restrained, she was unable to do anything to improve her situation. Darren had stood up to the men. Darren had struggled free once they were tied up. Darren had released her and made sure that she was OK. Darren had called the police and coordinated things. Darren had given the authorities the information and helped them find their advisor Professor Kinkaide. Kylie had done nothing. She had been near catatonic the entire episode. She had been the definition of the helpless damsel in distress. The only thing she had managed to do successfully was not pass out by hyperventilating into her tight, mouth-filling gag. And she had only barely managed that. And that was what hurt Kylie the most. She was ashamed at her own sense of uselessness in a crisis. This situation had shown her that she was not the powerful, daring woman that she imagined herself to be. And it can be a dangerous thing when your self-image plummets so dramatically in a direction that you find unpalatable.

Julie was devastated. She was furious. The end of the semester had been near and Kylie and her family decided that it would be best if she took the rest of the semester off. Her professors were more than understanding. Kylie was a standout student and she was allowed to take all of her finals from home. She didn’t lose out on any credits because of the incident but she didn’t return to campus for the last three weeks of the school year. Julie visited her as often as she could. Julie was one of the only people that Kylie was willing to see. And Julie noticed the changes in Kylie. Kylie was still her best friend. She’d always be her best friend. She’d love Kylie no matter what personality changes this brought about. But she couldn’t shake the longing to have the old Kylie back. She wanted the confident, vivacious Kylie that she had always known. This event also fueled some dark revenge fantasies within Julie. Obviously Julie had a sadistic streak inside of her that she’d feed sparingly. The things that she imagined doing to those two gunmen were not healthy thoughts for a young woman. They weren’t healthy thoughts for anybody. She would make them pay if she ever got the chance.

The event also created another problem for Julie. Julie was a psychology major. And you don’t make it out of Psychology 101 without understanding the concept of “cognitive dissonance”. Simply put, cognitive dissonance is the unease that one feels when their beliefs don’t line up with their actions. When they have contradictory values, attitudes, and perspectives about the same thing. Julie loved bondage. She loved dominating people. She enjoyed being in control and making people feel worthless and humiliated. And now the shoe was on the other foot. Her best friend Kylie had been bound and gagged. She had been dominated. She had been made to feel worthless and humiliated. And it had negatively affected her. Julie was having trouble rectifying these two facts. She especially had trouble rectifying these two things because she knew that she had traumatically affected somebody with her dominant actions. She had done terrible and cruel things to Brendan Drummond. And in the narrative of Brendan’s life…she was an armed gunman. There wasn’t terribly too much difference between one of the gunmen who had assaulted Kylie and herself. And that made her sick to her stomach. She couldn’t run from it anymore. She had to make things right with Brendan.

Julie had managed to convince herself that while she felt guilty about Brendan, she could live with whatever Brendan might think of her. But the situation with Kylie changed that. Because she could no longer live with the way that she felt about herself. She saw the changes in her best friend and couldn’t live with the fact that she might be anything akin to those robbers. So she had to try and reach out. To make a difference. To try and right her wrong. She knew where she needed to start. There were many things that Brendan could be miffed about. Some were WAY harder to fix than others. There was the matter of broken trust. She knew how hard that was to repair. That wasn’t going to be fixed anytime soon. There was the matter of numerous sexual intimacy violations that had occurred. Those couldn’t be undone. But she had a feeling that his bruised ego and potentially dinged reputation was something that didn’t sit well with him. And in her experience, bruised egos were SUPER easy to fix. Especially when the bruised ego belonged to a heterosexual, young man and she was, well, Julie Huff.

May 4, 2022

Julie looked herself over in the mirror. She had to admit that she looked phenomenal today. She’d just finished applying her eyeliner. She was wearing a short, very inappropriate black pleated skirt that’s hem stopped dangerously high on her upper thigh. She had on a tight white halter top that hugged her figure and stretched tautly over her perky, sizeable breasts. She’d augmented the halter top a little bit to ensure that she was showing an ample amount of cleavage. Her legs were smooth, shaven, and bare as she slid her feet into a pair of wedges that lifted her butt in a very alluring way. She’d styled her brilliant blonde hair into a messy updo that had taken a substantial amount of adjustment to pull off just the right provocative look that she was going for. She’d used some blue eye shadow to accentuate her bright blue eyes. She’d added eye liner for definition. And she’d put on a shade of lip stick that fell short of suggesting that she was a fellatio enthusiast, but that certainly drew the eye to her mouth. She was ready to go. She grabbed a gift bag on her dresser and began the trek to Brendan’s dorm. She ran into her sorority sister Becca in the hall.

Becca: Owww oooww!!! Girl, you’re looking great. Hot date?

Julie: I’ve got to go see about a boy.

Becca: Well, you’re certainly going to knock him dead.

Julie certainly hoped so. She’d planned this encounter with Brendan a lot more carefully than the last one. The last one had been a fly by the seat of her pants quest for knowledge. This was a calculated mission for forgiveness. She knew where Brendan was going to be in an hour. His RA was throwing an end of the year hall program where all the guys on his floor would watch some basketball game. Wings and pizza would be provided on the RSA budget. Half of his wing had RSVP’d. She wanted a decent number of people present when she talked to him. She was never a self-conscious girl, but she LOVED the looks that she was getting from guys as she walked across campus. They were staring. And that was a good thing. She felt that it meant that her plan had a decent chance of success. The gift bag that she was holding contained a bottle of Buffalo Trace bourbon. She needed an apology gift. Her modest college student budget didn’t really permit anything top shelf or fancy. But Buffalo Trace was mid tier. It said that she wasn’t just supplying alcohol for the sake of alcohol. And she’d found out that he liked it. So it showed a little bit of effort. She was still 20 years old. Too young to buy it on her own. But her older sister, Lexi, had helped her out and made the purchase for her. Hopefully, it would convey her remorse.

Finally she reached Brendan’s dormitory and ascended the steps to his dorm. There was a decent amount of activity on the second floor. The dorm was co-ed, but was gendered by floor. The second floor was all guys and many of them were walking about and talking to each other in doorways. No doubt they were getting ready for their RA’s event in 45 minutes. She definitely felt eyes on her as she walked by and occasionally tried to make out some hushed, whispered comments. When she reached his room, his door was open. Good. She walked into the doorway and looked inside. Brendan was standing with his back to her. He was talking with two other guys. One she knew from her inquiries to be his roommate, Rob. The other she would find out later was his friend Matt. Rob and Matt both looked at her with wonder in their eyes. The room grew quiet for a second and Brendan turned around.

Julie: Can I speak to Brendan please?

Brendan did not seem happy to see her. At all. There was a scowl on his face, but she could see that he was not interested in making a scene. She had an opening. But she needed to be decisive and on point. Matt and Rob were clearly watching. In her periphery she could also see that there were at least three guys near them in the hallway that would be in decent proximity to whatever happened. She supposed five witnesses would do. She’d lived in a dorm freshman year. She knew how word could spread. She just needed to put her plan into play. She’d humiliated Brendan at his hazing. She’d done so to his detriment and her gain. Humiliation comes with a sort of power transfer. She’d fed off of his humiliation. But he was right. If he honestly no longer cared what her sorority sisters thought of him then he had not been humiliated in front of anybody of importance. She assumed that he DID care what his hallmates thought. And she didn’t. These chumps could think whatever they wanted about her. So now it was time for her to give back. It was time for her to transfer some power back to Brendan at her own expense as a show of good faith. He stepped up to her warily.

Brendan: What do you want?

Julie: Just two things. First, I want to give you this.

She handed him the gift bag with the bottle of Buffalo Trace bourbon inside.

Julie: Second, I wanted to do this.

Showtime. She got down on her knees. Bare knees, on the carpet, in his hallway, right in front of his doorway. To hell with it if her skirt was riding up and a guy could potentially get a peak at her underwear. She straightened herself up as best she could and clasped her hands together like a beggar in a Charles Dickens novel. And then she started groveling.

Julie: Please. Please please please please. I just want to talk. I know you’re angry. I know what I did wasn’t slick. I know it might be hard to forgive. But I just want a chance to talk to you. To make my thoughts and feelings known. To explain myself. It won’t make things right, but it’s something that I need. I know that’s selfish. But please. Just give me one hour of your time. You choose the time. You choose the place. I just want to talk. One hour to say my piece and then if you never want to see me again…I entirely understand.

She made sure to make no mention of bondage. Brendan could contextualize this interaction however he pleased to his friends. Brendan squirmed uncomfortably. Rob and Matt both had their eyes locked on her. The other guys in the hallway had gone totally silent and even though she wasn’t going to turn her head….she could quite literally feel their eyes burning a hole in her. Brendan took hold of her upper arm and tried to pull her to her feet.

Brendan: Get up. Get off the ground.

She obediently pulled herself up as he requested. He didn’t look amused by her antics.

Brendan: Not here. Not now.

Julie: But you will talk to me? You’re willing to hear me out?

Brendan: Sure. Fine.

Julie: When?

Brendan: Tomorrow. Eureka! The burger place on the south side of campus. I have class until 2:30. I’ll see you there at 3:00.

Julie: Excellent. I’m very sorry. And I’m sorry to disturb you like this.

Brendan: It’s fine. We can talk. I’ve been thinking. It’s probably better if I got some more information anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Julie: Thank you. Seriously. You’re the best.

She wondered if a hug was appropriate. But his body language told her that that would be a no go. She nodded politely to him and then retreated quickly down the hall. She had her meeting. Now she just needed to figure out what the fuck she was going to say to try and fix things.
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

That's certainly one way to make a scene :lol:

It's probably a brash way to approach fixing things but at least she understands the severity of her actions and the actions of others. Can't wait for what comes next.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by GreyLord »

You are proceeding in a most excellent manner. Julie shows true regrets and the desire to make amends. That is positive. We know she still like power trips, her edging of Brendan yet to come. The jury is still out
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
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Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 5 of 15]

May 5, 2022

When she eventually met with Brendan at Eureka! It went WAY better than she was expecting it to go. He’d softened considerably to her charms. She wasn’t sure whether it was the bourbon or the public display of desperate humility. Maybe it was a combination. Maybe he was just lightening to the reality of what had happened. Maybe he was healing. Whatever it was, he was surprisingly not hostile to her in the slightest. She’d begged him for an hour. They had ended up chatting for more than an hour and twenty minutes. The first part of it had been her profuse apology. She hadn’t tried to justify it. She knew it was wrong. And all of her justifications seemed absolutely stupid and immature at this point. “I thought it was OK because your frat brothers permitted it.” “I thought you might like it.” How had she believed these things? She’d talked to him about her desires, her issues, why she’d wanted to do it and why she’d enjoyed it. They shared personal information about themselves. She learned a lot about him. About his family in Cuyahoga County back in Ohio. About why he’d come to San Diego for college. About what he wanted in life. And she’d shared personal information about herself. But the most telling part was when she shared about her relationship with Kylie. Brendan had obviously heard about the robbery at the Chem Lab. The whole school had heard about it. He didn’t know Darren or Kylie but he’d certainly heard about their plight. And he seemed generally torn up about what had happened. And not in a fake or patronizing way. Julie teared up talking about it. Brendan teared up to. He was very comforting. She felt bad that she’d thought so little of him when they first met. She wasn’t sure when things shifted in the conversation. But she thought it started near the end when she earnestly asked if he had forgiven her.

Julie: Straight talk. Are you going to be able to forgive me?

Brendan: Listen. I’m still angry. But I’m angry at SO many people. At least three of my own frat brothers and ten Delta Gamma girls share blame for what happened. You’re the only one that I’ve heard from who is even willing to pretend that they care how I feel or who wants to make sure that I’m OK. I think I’ve got no choice but to unconditionally forgive you.

Julie: Thank you. That means a lot.

Brendan: It’s not totally unconditional. It’s contingent upon the condition that I have your respect.

Julie: Of course.

Brendan: Good. Because my reputation took a big hit that night. And I have to walk around knowing that there are a ton of people who think I’m weak or perverted or unworthy of decency.

Julie: I know you ran into a couple people during our little game but for the most part it’s just us Deltas. I thought you said that you didn’t care what we thought because we didn’t care if you lived or died.

Brendan: I said that. I’m not sure I meant it.

Julie: I thought it was a great philosophy.

Brendan: You don’t believe in it.

Julie: What makes you say that? I think I do.

Brendan: Alright. I’m going to ask you a question. And please keep in mind that I already know the answer. You were at a party at my future fraternity last weekend. You punched one of my brothers in the face. You gave him a black eye. Why?

Julie remembered it well. She was filled with rage just thinking about it.

Julie: Because he was an absolute, irredeemable asshole!!

Brendan: Frank? Yeah. He is an asshole. A Hall of Fame Asshole. But I’m sure you deal with assholes every day. Why did you physically assault this one?

Julie: I’m guessing you already know.

Brendan: I do.

Julie: I was talking with somebody and brought up Kylie in a story. Frank exclaimed, loud enough for the whole circle to hear, “Oh! You’re friends with ‘Hostage Girl’!”

Brendan: So you punched him?

Julie: Yes! Of course! And I don’t regret it at all!! What a shitty thing to say!! I wish I’d broken his nose.

Brendan: So you objected to him calling your best friend “Hostage Girl”?

Julie: Of course. She’s traumatized. She’s so much more than this event. She’s humiliated by it. And now it serves as the entirety of her reputation for a good portion of our sizeable university.

Brendan: But Frank is an asshole. And anybody who would reduce the great Kylie Cooper to “Hostage Girl” is an asshole. And you don’t care what assholes think, right?

Julie: Hey! Stop it. That’s a false equivalency. I don’t care what Frank thinks. But Frank is a part of our college’s social scene and I’m not going to let him spread his views and permeate a poor reputation for my friend into the social ecosystem.

Brendan: I see. So the attitudes of a group of people, even if you don’t care what they think, can have wider spread effects than you think?

Julie: I see what you’re saying, but your situation is different.

Brendan: Is it?

Julie: Yes. Very much so. It’s contained. Nobody knows about it.

Brendan: You’ve got video and pictures. I may have been blindfolded for most of it. But I knew you were recording. You let me know.

Julie: And nobody outside of that basement will ever see those pictures or that video.

Brendan: Is that a promise?

Julie: Yes!!

Brendan: And you don’t think that your sorority sister’s attitudes towards me will shape the attitudes of others?

Julie: I don’t think they have negative attitudes towards you.

Brendan: You don’t think that they have a skewed perspective of me based on one very highly charged meeting?

Julie: No.

Brendan: I don’t honestly think that you’re naïve enough to believe that.

He might have had Julie there. She didn’t know that she could promise what her sisters thought about Brendan.

Julie: I think part of the reason that we all put on blinders that night was because you SAE guys are a bunch of assholes. Frank is the rule. You’re the exception. You joined a fraternity of assholes. We thought you were just another asshole.

Brendan: I’ll be the first to admit that we have some prominent and outspoken assholes at SAE. But you’re painting with too broad of a brush. Playing the percentages is one thing. But even after my hellacious experience I’m not sure that I’m ready to paint all Delta Gamma girls as sadistic, depraved, sociopaths. Just nine of them. I have class with a couple who are actually really cool.

Julie: Only nine of them? Not ten?

Brendan: Just nine. There’s another one I know who’s a little more complicated. I don’t want to put her in a box just yet.

Julie: That’s very open-minded of you.

Brendan: Can I ask another question?

Julie: Sure.

Brendan: What in God’s name made you think that I might possibly enjoy what you girls did to me?

Julie felt a little sheepish. It was hard to imagine now knowing what she knew but she kind of had believed it at the time.

Julie: It’s dumb. But we thought it might be a fantasy of yours. And we did try and throw in a little pleasure with the pain to make you feel good.

Brendan: Really? When?

Julie: You know…there were parts that felt good.

Brendan: Such as?

Julie: Do I have to say it?

Julie was not a shy girl, but she suddenly felt uncomfortable with the licentious nature of the conversation. They had been talking about sensitive sexual subjects for well over an hour. But suddenly she felt self-conscious as though every ear in the restaurant was tuned to her.

Brendan: You’re a big girl. Elaborate.

Julie: The…um…vibrators. The…forced orgasms.

She said it. But it was practically a mumble.

Brendan: I’m sorry. I’m not sure I heard you.

Julie: I think you did.

Brendan: You said the orgasms.

Julie: Yes.

She was well aware that she was blushing now. She couldn’t see her own face but she imagined it was somewhere between Razzmatazz and Scarlet in the Crayola Crayon 128 pack. Somehow he was talking about an extremely embarrassing event for HIM and SHE was the one who was on a shame bender.

Brendan: You’re acting very Puritanical right now. We both know you’re not. Those orgasms. Those were for ME? I was supposed to enjoy them?

Julie: Yes.

Brendan: Weird. I recall being pretty brutally punished for the first one.

Julie cringed HARD. She remembered what had happened. He’d ejaculated while he was still in Robin’s trunk. When Robin heard about it, she’d used a decent portion of her 45 minutes to paddle his bare ass mercilessly. She had been absolutely ruthless.

Julie: That was Robin. Not me. She was a little mad that you got spunk in her trunk.

Brendan laughed and flashed her the first friendly smile that she’d seen in a couple minutes.

Brendan: Spunk in Her Trunk. Truly the worst Dr. Seuss book.

She giggled at the ridiculous joke. She did think it was funny, but her laughter was nervous laughter. She was trying to lighten the mood again while he was steering her into a pretty dark turn.

Brendan: I couldn’t sit right for a week after that. I normally would say that I find orgasms enjoyable. But I assure you that that one was NOT worth it. She went INSANE.

Julie: I know. I know. Several of us were close to telling her to stop or to lighten up a little bit.

Brendan: Interesting. Because none of you did. And even in my desperate plight I never even came close to fantasizing that any of you MIGHT tell her to show mercy.

Julie reflexively sunk into the booth. She wanted to die. She wanted lightning to come through the roof and strike her dead right now. She loved being a sadist in the moment. She wasn’t able to stomach the fallout of it afterwards. She was sure that she’d passed Scarlet. Was there a brighter red in the Crayola box? Did one just start blushing purple after the red scale was done? Was she at Purple Mountains Majesty now?

Julie: I cannot apologize enough. She was going to paddle you anyway. She just upped it because she felt justified. We were never supposed to get semen on her upholstery.

Brendan: Ah. So it’s WE now? You take some ownership for making me cum.

Julie: Of course. I strapped the vibrator on. I just set it too high. I was just supposed to get you hard…not blow your load before we got back to DG.

Brendan: If it really is WE…if WE screwed up…did Robin paddle your ass to oblivion?

Julie: No. Of course not.

Brendan: Hmmm….interesting.

Julie: Would you like her to?

Brendan: Kinda. I wish you’d taken some responsibility. You punished me also.

Julie: I did?

Brendan: When you put those nipple clamps on you said “This is for bad little boys who aren’t housebroken.” I’m assuming that was for the spunk in the trunk also.

Julie: Oh God.

She’d forgotten about that.

Brendan: Did you think I’d forgotten about that?

Julie: I hoped you had. We did mean the orgasms to be a little bit of a reward. A couple of the girls said that they’d done the whole tease and denial and forced orgasm thing with partners before and that they were some of the best orgasms.

Brendan: Those girls are morons. I mean…they’re right. But they didn’t factor a very important variable. They KNEW those guys. Presumably. You were all strangers to me. You weren’t trying to please me. You didn’t care about pleasing me. You wanted to show me that you were in TOTAL control. You wanted to show me that you could take a physiological bodily response that I usually control for myself…and you wanted to show me that you now control it. Totally and completely. Except that you don’t know me. We didn’t have that intimacy. You didn’t know how sensitive I was. So you fucked it up. But it was never about my pleasure. It was about your control. I just want you to admit that.

Julie was dying. Where was her fucking lightning strike? Come on, God. Help a girl out. Just take her already. She had to admit that he was right. She knew that secretly that was what it was all about. She’d tried to hide that truth from even herself. But it was true.

Julie: I admit it. I readily admit that that’s the case. I was a fucked up, naïve girl. I AM a fucked up, jaded girl. You’re right. And when you’re right…you’re right.

Brendan: Thank you. I can get over what happened with you. I just don’t want you hiding behind excuses or lying to yourself about your motivations. I think I like getting to know the REAL Julie Huff. And I’m still trying to sort out just how full of shit you were that night.

Julie: How full of shit I was?

Brendan: How much you were lying to me.

Julie: Such as.

Brendan: Well. Clearly you pretended that you were taking a fiduciary interest in helping me find a girl dressed as an angel. That was a lie. Damn near everything that you said during the chase was a lie.

Julie: Guilty as charged.

Brendan: Is Piranesi even your favorite book?

Julie: Ummm…yes.

Brendan: That was a long pause.

Julie: It’s not NOT my favorite book. I mean, I guess that doesn’t make much sense. I don’t know that I have ONE favorite book. I love lots of books. That’s the last book that I had read at the time that I had absolutely loved. And I thought it was a good answer. It wasn’t a lie. It was the most correct answer at the time.

Brendan: Fair enough. Any other lies you want to confess to?

Julie: I don’t consider myself a liar.

Brendan: So for the most part you meant what you said?

Julie: Like what?

Brendan: You girls said a lot of mean things to me.

Julie: Oh! That. No. No. Hell no. We didn’t mean any of that.

Brendan: Don’t speak for your sisters. THEY definitely meant some of it.

Julie: I don’t think we did. We were just trying to taunt you. To humiliate you.

Brendan: So you don’t think that I’m "a pathetic little weaking who couldn’t take Stephen Hawking in a bar fight"?

Julie: I didn’t say that. Robin did.

Brendan: Do you buy into it? That I’m weak because I got ambushed by girls?

Julie: No. Of course not. Look at you. You’ve got more muscle definition than some of the linebackers on our football team. I’m sure you relented and played along with them. And even if you didn’t…it was four on one, and Robin’s the captain of the club rugby team.

Brendan: And do you think that I’m "so inconsequential that if Taylor Swift broke up with me she wouldn’t even bother writing a song about it"?

Julie: Come on! That wasn’t me either. That was Emily. And that was funny.

Brendan: You think it’s funny?

Julie: Do you find that one that hurtful?

Brendan: At the time? No. It was a minor one. But I do think that you all think of me as inconsequential.

Julie: I think you’re very consequential. Your breakup song would be a chart topper.

Brendan: Thank you. But the problem is that I was blindfolded and couldn’t really tell who was saying what. I didn’t know your voices that well. What did you say? And did you mean it? I’m sure you said some sick shit.

Julie thought to what she had said. It certainly wasn’t good. Most of it dripped with misandry. Some of it certainly had homophobic connotations to it. She didn’t consider herself a homophobe, but thought that as a frat boy…such things might humiliate him more. She really didn’t want to repeat some of the more base things that SHE had said.

Julie: Please. I’d really rather not.

Brendan: OK. Fine. But there’s one thing that I’m positive that YOU said to me. I don’t think it was the other girl…I’m sure it was you.

Julie: The other girl?

Brendan: The one that helped you put me in the trunk.

Julie: Piper?

Brendan: Sure. Piper. It wasn’t Piper who said it. It was you.

Julie: I said what?

Brendan: What was the last thing that you said to me before you closed the trunk?

Julie knew what she had said. Oh. Fuck. She hadn’t meant it. She certainly was full of shit. How should she play this? She decided to see how “I can’t recall” played with him.

Julie: I can’t recall.

Brendan: Sad. But I don’t believe you. I think you remember exactly what you said. I remember it. Word for word. So…why don’t you cut the cowardice and tell me if you meant it.

Julie: OK. I said “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to you that I wouldn’t want you to do to me later.”

Brendan: Yep. Those were the words. Did you mean them?

Julie paused. The answer was No. It was the honest answer. But it wasn't an answer that she liked. It didn’t paint a very good picture of her. Not that Brendan’s picture of her could be anything other than that of a disaster. But she hated being a hypocrite and she was most certainly a hypocrite here. No doubt about it. She knew the answer. The answer was easy. But as hard as she tried…she couldn’t make herself vocalize the answer. She just sat there silently. She didn’t know for how long. Ten seconds? Fifteen? Three minutes?

Brendan: OK then. That answers that.

Julie: Listen. I know what I said, but…

Brendan: Why did you say it?

Julie: What?

Brendan: Why did you say it?

Julie: I don’t know.

Brendan: Weird. Because I think I do.

Julie: Enlighten me. If you think that you know me better than I know myself.

Brendan: I don’t know you better than you know yourself. You know too. You just don’t like admitting hard truths to yourself. You knew what you were doing was wrong. You knew that you were victimizing me. You knew that you were taking advantage of me. You knew that I was being walked into Hell. And you wanted to convince me that if we were in each other’s shoes….that you could handle it. That I shouldn’t be angry. That I should deal with it because you could. You wanted to convince yourself that what you were doing wasn’t that bad.

Julie: I think that I could have somebody do to me what I did to you. I just don’t want YOU to do it.

Brendan: Why not? Wasn’t that the offer?

Julie: It wasn’t an offer!!

Brendan: I know. It was nonsense.

Julie: I don’t want you to do it to me because I don’t know you. I don’t know if I can trust you. You’re angry. You’re hurt. That’s not a safe combination for me.

Brendan: That’s smart. Those are very prescient thoughts. But that means that YOU couldn’t handle what I handled. Because I didn’t know you. I didn’t trust you. And I got dominated anyway. If you only want that sort of treatment from somebody that you feel safe with….then you’re not on my level. I thought about those words A LOT. I was REALLY hoping that you meant them.

Julie: Because you were hoping that you could tie me up?

Brendan: Yes.

Julie: Sorry, bro. But I vastly prefer to do the tying. I don’t like being the submissive.

Brendan: I guess that makes two of us.

Julie: Are you asking to tie me up?

Brendan: Sure. I’ll make it official. Can I ask you to honor your non-offer?

Julie: No.

Brendan: Fair enough.

Julie: You don’t really think that.

Brendan: That it’s “fair enough”? You’re right. It’s just a turn of phrase. But I didn’t want to come off like a cocky asshole by saying “That’s what I thought.”

Julie: Listen. You’re not going to shame me into letting you take revenge on me.

Brendan: I’m not looking to shame you into it. I have my answer. No means No. I get that. Delta Gamma might not. But I do. I just wanted to see how far the depths of your guilt went.

Julie: Not that far, my dude.

Brendan: OK. You’re still forgiven.

Julie: Thanks.

Brendan: No problem.

Julie: Just out of curiosity…Were you expecting me to say ‘Yes’?

Brendan: I wasn’t, but it was worth a shot.

Julie: Do you think that I owe it to you?

Brendan: I try not to have a sense of entitlement. I don’t know what I’m owed. And if I did think that I’d certainly never vocalize it. I was just wondering if you felt that you owed me something more.

Julie: I’ll tell you what I owe you? I owe you picking up this check.

Brendan: Fair enough. I’ll take what I can get. If that’s a free lunch, that’ll work. We’re even.

Julie certainly didn’t feel “even”. She felt like shit. She felt like she’d never be even. But she’d made her apologies and now she had to move on. She picked up the bill and looked it over. This was going to cut into her tight struggling college girl budget…but she definitely owed him this. Then she heard her phone ding. She fished it out of her pocket and looked at the incoming text. It was Kylie.

Kylie [TEXT]: Can you come over tonight? I’m sorry to bother you. But I’m freaking out a little bit. I feel like you’re the only person that I can talk to about how I’m really feeling?

Julie [TEXT]: Of course. I’ll be right over. Twenty five minutes.

Julie: Sorry. I have to go. A little bit of an emergency.

Brendan: No problem. I can get the check.

Julie: No. No. It’s on me.

Brendan softened again. He seemed concerned about her.

Brendan: You seem concerned. Anything worrisome?

Julie: It’s just Kylie. She wants to talk. She’s been having panic attacks.

Brendan: That sucks. I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she gets past this.

Julie: Me too. She’s rattled. Rattled bad. I’d do anything to help her feel like her old self again. But that Kylie seems like she’s pulling further and further away.

Brendan: She’s very lucky to have a friend like you to help her through this.

Julie stared at Brendan. She’d felt like he’d been playing chess with her for the last fifteen minutes. He’d been working her guilt like a skilled boxer. A shot to the ribs here, a jab to the jaw there. Julie was not somebody that could be tricked or manipulated into doing something that she didn’t want to do. When she found out that HE wanted to tie HER up…she saw that it had been a little bit of a game on his end. And she was not going to be the sucker that fell for it. But now there was no game. There was no agenda. He was just being nice. She believed fully in her heart that he was empathizing with Kylie. He was empathizing with Kylie because they’d been through something marginally similar. He’d never say it. He’d never make that comparison. But they shared those feelings of helplessness. Of humiliation. Of inadequacy. And Julie was reminded once again, that she had done that to him. That she was the villain. She’d tried to make things right to assuage her guilt…but he’d made it clear that his hurt was still very much intact. A bottle of bourbon and a Southwest Chicken sandwich wasn’t going to cut it. There was something that he was excited about. And that was HER. Bound and gagged. At his mercy. She dreaded the idea. She didn’t know if she could trust him. She’d almost certainly regret it. But she’d do ANYTHING to fix Kylie. She’d spend a week chained up in some lunatic’s basement if it would help Kylie. But she couldn’t help Kylie. Well…she could. She could be there for her. She could give Kylie whatever support she asked for and hope that that would be enough. But Brendan had asked her for something. A little bit of retribution. And she’d denied it. Because she was scared. Because she was a hypocrite. Because she knew that the things that had happened to Brendan and Kylie were not what she wanted for herself. She didn’t know if she could handle them. She could dish. Maybe she couldn’t take. She was prepared to walk out of here and try and console Kylie who had been abused and victimized by two men who couldn’t fathom the damage that they were doing to her. But how could she do that when she’d done something tangentially similar only a week prior. She couldn’t. She needed to step up.

Julie: Branden. Put your card in. We’re going Dutch.

Brendan: Sure. Fine. That was always an option.

He pulled out a debit card and put it down on the table next to hers.

Julie: You’re paying for your sandwich because I’m not interested in making up for what I did to you with half measures.

Brendan: Ummm….what are you saying?

Julie: I’m prepared to honor my non-offer.

Brendan: You don’t need to –

Julie: Yes. I fucking do. Don’t talk me out of it. I’m halfway to talking myself out of it. Just let me do this. What day works for you? We’ve got a week until summer break and you’re back in Cleveland. Let’s make this happen.

Brendan: Friday.

Julie: Tomorrow works. I’ve got class until 1:00. 1:30? Your place?

Brendan: Fine. That works.

Julie: Tell your roommate to get lost. I’m honoring my non-offer with ONE exception.

Brendan: What’s that?

Julie: You don’t get nine friends. You. Me. That’s all. It’s a private affair.

Brendan: Perfect. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I really love what you're doing with these two characters, and how their story is being linked back to Kylie's. It's fascinating to see Julie struggle with hypocrisy and guilt, but I wasn't expecting to see her eagerness to support Kylie be what pushes her to accept Brendan's offer. For Brendan's part, he's taken things astoundingly well, all things considered - he'd be well within his right to not give Julie the time of day. I think she deserves credit for showing some genuine remorse, though she is still a bit defensive at times. I have a feeling that the next part is going to be a cracker!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by GreyLord »

Skillfully executed. My conflicted feeling about Julie remain. But you are making a case for her. Now we will see how hard Brendan will play on his play date.
ImageA List of my stories:
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Seeing the guilt eat away at her does make her more relatable, still not sure if I could have forgiven so easily.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Fandango »

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: It probably shouldn't go without saying that Julie will be endorsing some pretty ludicrous phycological mumbo jumbo in this part. Just because it might (or might not) be working for the characters in question, does not mean that the author condones it. Please remember that her parents openly refer to Lexi as "The Smart One". I'm also aware that I'm going a few parts with no live bondage as we jump back to the present for a bit. You have my assurances that a character will be bound by the beginning of Part 8/15 and will remain in pretty continuous restraint through Part 14/15.]

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 6 of 15]

December 10, 2022

Julie settled into the passenger seat of Brendan’s 2017 Toyota Carolla as he started the engine. They were on their way to Tribute Pizza in North Park. They had a busy night ahead of them and she hoped that they’d be seated by 7:00. She’d made the plans to go to Tribute Pizza because she knew that she was going to be pretty rough and pretty mean to Brendan during this particular session and Tribute was his favorite. It was a comfortable spot for him that he really enjoyed. She was very appreciative of Brendan and she hoped that he knew that. She loved their little games and she honestly hoped that he got as much out of them as she did. He’d told her all those months ago that he enjoyed tying girls up more than he enjoyed being tied up. And she had believed him. She still believed him. Something extra came alive in his eyes whenever she was his captive. But she sensed that he really did enjoy being her helpless little plaything. Most days at least. Today couldn’t have been that enjoyable. So she wanted to make sure that he was treated with special care tonight.

Brendan had very few rules regarding her treatment of him. As far as she knew, there were only five. And she made a point to always adhere to them because of how accommodating he was to her wants, lusts, and desires. Julie had never met somebody whose libido ran quite as high as hers did. She was a VERY sexual being. And a lot of guys would probably love that. But they might not if they found out WHAT she wanted to do to them. Some might. But not everybody could handle being Julie’s submissive. It was not for the faint of heart. But Brendan let her be herself. The kind of fucked up part of herself that she didn’t want to fully embrace but that needed to have it’s time in the Sun every once in a while. He was very good to her and indulged many of her most ludicrous whims. But he DID have rules. And an aftercare regiment that worked things back to normal was one of them. They had their cuddles. They showered together. She encouraged him with kind words and soft kisses. But the thing that really brought him back was going OUT to eat. If they had a play session during the day, they would do dinner together. If they did a play session at night…they’d sleep after it. But then they’d be sure to hit breakfast together in the morning.

This helped Brendan return to his normal self. Being her confined and helpless captive really made him feel disconnected with society and the world. And being out and eating in a public setting helped to bring him back. They weren’t made of money. Sometimes that meal was just the campus cafeteria. And it was never anything fancy. But today it was his favorite pizza place. And the rule that she needed to make sure that she adhered to was that by the time the food hit the table…they were equals. She was no longer dominant. He was no longer submissive. She was no longer powerful. He was no longer pitiful. They needed to have each other’s full respect. Neither of them were ever allowed to leverage things outside of their games as warranting punishment inside their games. Brendan didn’t want to worry about walking on egg shells in his everyday life. He was fine with her treatment of him in the bedroom. But it stayed there. It was a box that they put away and took out as needed. And she was fine with that. That was healthy. Why would that not be their way?

She thought about all of the ways that Brendan accommodated her needs as they drove down I-8 towards his favorite pizza parlor. There had definitely been one aspect of her personality that she’d been scared to share with him, but that he’d taken surprisingly well. Julie had known since high school that she wasn’t entirely heterosexual. She didn’t know exactly what to make of it. The simple answer was that she was bisexual. But as a psychology major she’d studied the Kinsey Scale and didn’t know exactly where she fell. She thought that she probably preferred men. Brendan was definitely the person that she felt the most animal attraction for. His rippling muscles. His broad shoulders. His smooth feathered hair. His firm butt. His magnificent, sturdy cock. She loved him and she was wildly attracted to him. But there was a yearning inside her for females also. She was enamored by gorgeous women. She had been since her last couple years of high school.

She’d been open about it with her family. She’d taken a girl to the prom. But she hadn’t been open about it since she started her college experience. Kylie knew. Kylie had been her friend for well over a decade. But she had never told her sorority sisters. It was 2022. It wasn’t like it was the 1950s. They’d accept her. She was sure of it. But coming out to them still wasn’t EASY. She lived in a house with them. She shared restrooms with them. They hung out in their underwear regularly. She didn’t want them to think differently about this dynamic. She didn’t want them to have to be cautious of her. She didn’t want them to be guarded and wonder if she was scoping them out as they walked into her room in various states of undress. She wasn’t. She wouldn’t. She didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable. And it just seemed easier to not tell them. She felt that they didn’t need to know. Why would it matter? She was dating a guy. And she wasn’t interested in sleeping with anybody who didn’t want to sleep with her.

But Brendan had actually given her the perfect smoke screen to cover for her thirstful need to explore this side of herself. She’d dreaded telling him. She didn’t want him to feel like she needed anything more than him. He was enough for her. But she wanted to be honest with him. She didn’t want him getting hurt by finding out too far down the road that she was also into women. But he’d understood. And he’d been more than too accommodating. He told her that since they were young he understood that she’d want to probe into all of her desires. And as long as she was honest with him…he’d be open to exploration in that direction. So she’d initiated with some girls that she thought might be open to joining them in the bedroom.

She had zero interest in talking girls into their fun that weren’t looking for it themselves. But she knew she was a good looking girl and Brendan was a good looking guy. And willing partners weren’t difficult to find. There had been a barista at the local coffee shop who flirted with her. There had been a girl from her yoga class. And there had been two of her sorority sisters, Carla and Cassie. Four experiences in total. They’d been a mixed bag. At least one she’d do again in a heartbeat, and a couple had probably been a mistake. But she was glad that she’d tried them all. She learned things about herself. She learned things about her relationship with Brendan. The way she felt when other girls were interacting with him.

All of the encounters had involved Brendan getting tied up in some way. Sometimes he was tormented. Sometimes he was strictly pleasured. But having a guy like Brendan bound for their enjoyment had been a major selling point for all of the girls. And Julie wasn’t entirely sure that any of them knew that the trysts had been predominantly her idea. Everybody thought the threesomes were the ultimate male fantasy. Cassie in particular had said that Brendan was one lucky SOB to have such an open-minded girlfriend. Little did Cassie know. It was Brendan that was the accommodating one. Julie couldn’t get a real feel for how he felt about these other girls intrusions into the intimacy of their relationship. But Julie was pretty sure that he could take it or leave it.

Then there was Kylie. That was a different situation all together. Brendan was also helping Julie out with her. And that also involved him being strictly bound. Julie knew that it was dangerous and stupid to test half-baked psychological principles on your friends. She was a student. She wasn’t a master. But she couldn’t help but think that she had to try and help Kylie out. The armed robbery at Kylie’s lab had left her as a shell of the outgoing, adventurous, and gregarious girl that Julie had always known. What Kylie was actually suffering from were only known to Kylie and her therapist. A therapist that Kylie was seeing twice a week at this point. But from what Julie could see Kylie was suffering from PTSD, trust issues, generalized anxiety disorders, and mild agoraphobia. The break in hadn’t just scared her. It had changed the way that she’d felt about herself. It had made her feel useless and weak. She’d felt guilty and embarrassed that Darren had done everything to free them and get them help while she had been cowering and paralyzed for the entire endeavor. Those feelings of helplessness and victimization were eating her alive. And Julie thought it might be a good idea to let her experience the other side of the coin. Let her feel what it was like to be dominant and powerful and totally in control. So she facilitated Kylie dominating Brendan. There wasn’t anything explicitly sexual. Everybody kept their clothes on. Sexual and intimate behavior, be it reward, punishment, or teasing was NOT a part of these affairs. Julie simply tied Brendan up and let Kylie have control of him. He was gagged or blindfolded at her whim. She could punish him with corporal punishment, discomfort, insult, humiliation, or other methods. But Kylie got to be in control. She got to experience what it felt like to dominate somebody else. To feel powerful. And Julie knew that it was somewhat absurd. Any of her professors would tell her that you shouldn’t diagnose and practice on your friends and families. But it appeared to be working. The sessions invigorated Kylie. They brought back out the spunky girl that Julie had always known. Slowly but surely Kylie appeared to be gaining her confidence and lust for life back and while Julie didn’t want to give herself too much credit…it did appear that the sessions with Brendan had something to do with it. She was very thankful that he was so permissive.

When they arrived at the restaurant they were seated almost immediately as she’d made a reservation. It was a popular spot and they had a function to attend at Delta Gamma later that night. She was hoping to be at DG by 8:30. But she didn’t want to rush Brendan. He needed time to decompress. He would want time for them to get back into the normal flow of who they were. He didn’t really seem to enjoy Greek life the way that she did. He was now a full fledged member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, but had no interest in actually living in their house. Julie loved life in the DG house. Surrounded by her sisters. She loved the happenings and goings on. Brendan was content to live peacefully off campus with his roommate Rob. He dutifully attended sorority functions with her, but they appeared to drain him a little bit. He clearly didn’t relish them as much as she did. They ordered calzones and a salad to share.

Dinner started very casually. Brendan wanted to talk about normal things. They chatted about classes, an upcoming road trip he was going on, and a book that she was reading. Julie knew how important it was for them to leave the bedroom activities in the bedroom. But she was monitoring Brendan. She wanted to make sure that he was alright. She’d pushed him hard because she wanted to give him a little bit of an edge. She was usually tough on Brendan. But he never really felt comfortable going full bore on her when he was a dom. She knew he wanted to. He’d begrudging confessed as much. But he couldn’t. There was guilt at play. It wasn’t something that he was comfortable with. And for a long while she was glad that he wasn’t comfortable with it. She didn’t really want to be punished by him the way that he was punished by her. But she also didn’t want an imbalance to grow. And she was starting to crave his revenge. Six months ago, she’d HATED being tied up. The only reason that she would allow it was because that was the price of having him as her captive. But now that there relationship had grown and evolved…she low key loved it. She didn’t love being tied up for the sake of being tied up. She wasn’t going to start practicing self-bondage to get her fix. She didn’t love the helplessness. She loved what being dominant brought out in Brendan. She loved seeing him react to her. This is what she loved. And this is what she wanted to bring forth in him.

She had to give Tribute Pizza credit. They made an amazing fucking calzone. And as dinner was winding down, she did want to discuss a bondage related item with him. There was no rule against discussing bondage at the dinner table. It just wasn’t supposed to be the main point of focus. She was hoping to get another session for Kylie on the schedule and wanted to know what might work for Brendan. He had a fairly busy week ahead of him. She finished her second beer and addressed the issue breezily without segueing into it at all.

Julie: Hey, babe, are you free at all this week? I was hoping that we could schedule a domination session with Kylie.

Brendan had been in a great mood during dinner. He’d been relaxed. He’d been talkative. Everything was going well. But she was hyper attuned to his physical and verbal cues and she saw something as soon as she asked the question. There was a slight recoil in his posture and a look of panic and dread in his eyes. He recovered quickly but she was positive that she’d seen what she’d seen. The question had been met with a negative autonomic response.

Brendan: Ummm….yeah. Sure, babe. Whenever. Monday and Tuesday are no good, but I could probably swing Wednesday or Thursday.

He seemed aware of the fact that she was eyeing him. He was playing it off like he was fine. But she’d seen the repulsion within him when she’d asked the question. And she was wondering if he knew that she’d seen it.

Julie: You don’t want to. Something is wrong.

Brendan: What? No? Everything’s fine. I’m just really busy on Monday or Tuesday.

Julie: No. Something’s off. I can tell that you seem uncomfortable with this. Please let me know what’s wrong.

Brendan: It’s nothing, Jules. Really. I think I’m just breaking my own rule. I haven’t fully bounced back from today’s session yet. I’m still feeling a little out of it. I’m fine.

Julie: Shit. I’m sorry. I know today probably wasn’t particularly fun for you. I was trying some things. Obviously I want to talk about it later.

Brendan: If it was fun for you…it was fun for me.

Julie: Bullshit. That’s not the way it works and you know it.

Brendan chuckled a little bit.

Brendan (laughing): OK. You got me. I do know that.

Julie: Please. If there’s something wrong with our sessions with Kylie…I want to know. I want everything to be copacetic.

Brendan: It’s fine. I’ll be fine. I just get a little worried about how my relationship is evolving with her.

Julie: What do you mean?

Brendan: I worry about how she feels about me.

Julie: Brendan. Darling. Kylie thinks the world of you. That girl would run through a brick wall for you. She tells me every time I see her how fucking lucky I am to have such an understanding and supportive boyfriend.

Brendan: I don’t question whether she likes me. I question whether she respects me.

Julie: I see. She respects you. I wouldn’t let her disrespect you. I mean…I do. Inside the context of our sessions. But outside the sessions I’m making sure that she treats you with the respect that you are due.

Brendan: That’s just it though. Kylie and I don’t have a relationship outside of the sessions. You and I do. I love how you treat me because there are layers to our relationship. Kylie and I don’t have that.

Julie: Sure you do. You’ve come to that lecture on catalytic reactions and her sister's gallery show.

Brendan: Yeah. I went to the lecture because it was one of her first time's out and I wanted to be supportive. But I didn’t really talk to her there. And her sister's show had so many people. That’s not a one on one, get to know you sort of event. I’m always down to hang out with her. But I don’t feel like she really has any interest in getting to know me on a more personal level. I’ve invited her to all sorts of things and she just doesn’t seem into it.

Julie: I know. I know. I’ll talk to her. She’s just not really into going out for adventures yet. She’s getting there. I promise. And the sessions with you are helping. But any time that she’s in a social setting right now she wants it to be something that she’s comfortable with. Basketball games and escape rooms and Taco Tuesdays at Trujillo’s just aren’t in the cards for her right now. I get that that’s rough. But you probably are going to have to focus on sticking to situations that she is comfortable with. And that might not be the interpersonal one on one bonding that you want.

Brendan: I get that. And I know that she’s your bestie. I think I just feel like a new parent with a baby. Henry and Steph have had their baby for eight weeks now. And Steph is just about going fucking crazy waiting for little Emma to smile at her. All she wants is a god damn smile. And the fact that she can’t get one has made her into an insane person. They say babies start to smile at ten weeks. But you just want some sort of acknowledgement that you’re bonding. That everything is going to plan.

Henry was Brendan’s brother. Stephanie was his sister-in-law. And Julie could see how this was an apt comparison. Brendan didn’t feel close to Kylie. There was clearly a very intimate dynamic to their relationship. But Julie now saw the danger in letting it develop as it was. Kylie wasn’t ready to bond with new people and Brendan was getting a little jaded by this.

Julie: I’m sorry. I’m being an idiot. Forget what I said anything about the session. Maybe we can pick them back up once Kylie’s a little more herself. This is totally unfair to you. I’m using you. In the most basic and fucked up sense of the word.

Brendan bristled at this a little bit.

Brendan: Hey. I know what I signed up for. I’m sorry if I flinched at the suggestion. I’m fine with it. Schedule something with Kylie. I’ll be fine.

Julie: I don’t want you resenting her or resenting me. She can’t be the friend that you want right now. And I don’t want you to hold that against her when she finally can be.

Brendan: You said that you thought that are sessions were helping, right?

Julie: Yes.

Brendan: Then let’s do it. I’m fine.

Julie: Helping Kylie is my responsibility. It’s not fair for me to foist that responsibility upon you.

Brendan: She’s your best friend, right?

Julie: Right.

Brendan: And you’re my best friend. Which means that helping her IS my responsibility.

Julie: I mean…you’re my best friend too if we’re talking about it like that.

Brendan: I know you love me, Julie. And I know Kylie cares about me. I just get worried because when Kylie gets her groove back I want her to have a more deeply interpersonal relationship with me. I want us to be able to share all sorts of common passions and experiences. I want her to think of me as your boyfriend. I don’t want her to think of me as your submissive.

Julie: She does not think of you as my submissive!

Julie had been a little loud. Brendan looked around nervously.

Brendan: Relax. Voice lower, please. I didn’t say that she did. But your sorority sisters do and I want to have a better relationship with Kylie than I do with them.

Julie grew a little uncomfortable. She thought that Brendan was being a little reductive of his relationship with her sorority sisters. And she thought that she should let him know.

Julie: That’s overly simplistic. My sorority sisters do NOT think of you as my submissive.

Brendan: I’m sorry to overrule you here, babe. But they absolutely do.

Julie thought about it. She understood why he might feel that way…but he was wrong. She was confident that he was more than that to her sorority sisters. Sure, some of them had obviously been involved in the hazing that he had felt so violated by and which had jump started their relationship. But that was in the past. If it wasn’t in the past for Brendan, she supposed that was his right. He was allowed to feel slighted. But it needed to be in the past for her DG sisters. It was one night. They were done with it. She’d heard the comments that they’d made to him in the past. There had been a Halloween party that had been a debacle where they’d teased him. But she’d had a talk with them and thought that she had put a stop to it.

Julie: Babe, I’ve talked to them about it. If I need to do so again. I will.

Brendan: Your talk didn’t do much. Now they just do it when you’re not around. And don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. These are your friends, I’m fine making nice with them like always. I’ll do my best not to let them get to me too much.

Julie: Brendan, that’s not your job. I want you to feel comfortable in my home. And it’s clear that you don’t. These are my friends. And if they’re real friends then they’ll respect my boyfriend.

Brendan: There initial interactions with me were probably a little too charged for them to think of me in any other way. I know that I seem friendly with Mia and Piper and the rest of them. But I know that they’re really just thinking of me as their little pathetic naked, restrained plaything the whole time. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the bottle.

Julie: That’s not OK. If there’s somebody who CAN put the toothpaste back in the bottle, it’s me. I always sense that you hate being at the DG house.

Brendan: To be fair, I told you a long time ago that I was never setting foot in that house again. Look at me now. I’m there on a weekly basis.

Julie: But I want you to feel COMFORTABLE there.

Brendan: I’m sorry, Jules. That’s probably not going to happen.

Julie: Robin and Angie already graduated. Mia, Rachel, Monica, and Jenny graduate this spring. By next year barely anybody will know about that whole awful night. Just me, Piper, Emily, and Trish.

Brendan smiled at her bemusedly. She looked blankly back at him. Then she saw his smile turn towards a frown.

Brendan: Oh. Wait. You honestly believe that, don’t you?

Julie was worried now. Of course she believed that. By the time that they got to campus next year there would only be a small handful of girls who were there for Brendan’s torture. The sorority was much bigger than that. Brendan interacted with dozens of girls whenever he came over. But something was clearly amiss. And she felt a little out of the loop.

Julie: You’ve got something to tell me. Say it.

Brendan: Babe. Your whole sorority knows about that night.
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Post by GreyLord »

First rate dialog. I am enjoying watching this develop.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

The hits keep coming, another wonderful piece of writing. I think I can guess where this is going. Keep up the good work.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by charliesmith »

I am enjoying reading how the relationship of Julie and Brandon has developed. Looks like it’s going to become more fun, in the upcoming parts of this chapter!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I'm really enjoying the complexity of these characters and the interactions with one another. The sessions with Kylie clearly add another complication to Brendan and Julie's relationship, but I can understand why it might help Kylie. Obviously she and Brendan have been through ordeals with some similarities, so if anything it would make sense for them to have more of a personal relationship to process things. It does make me think that Julie might be being a little overprotective of Kylie. Sure it sounds like she's improving, but wouldn't it help her to have a few more social engagements? Especially with someone that she must surely be able to trust, or at least relate to, like Brendan. All that said, we don't have Brendan's complete thoughts on all of this. I could imagine that he feels like Kylie's ordeal was much more severe than his own, and could have put things into perspective for him, making him more keen to help her outside of the sessions.

I find Julie super interesting, because she's such a mixed bag. She's clearly a very loyal and supportive friend to Kylie, but on the other hand keeps a lot to herself (not saying that's wrong, just an observation), like not correcting Cassie about who initiated the threesomes. She carefully controls how others perceive her, but not how others are perceived - Brendan, in the sense that she has no idea how all her sorority "friends" see him, and Kylie, in the sense that she's speaking for her about not having a more personal relationship with Brendan and others in general. I might be jumping the gun on the last point though.

Anyway, awesome stuff as always, this has been one of your best chapters yet and it's not even halfway done - keep up the fantastic work!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 7 of 15]

December 10, 2022

Julie: My whole sorority? Not possible. That was a covert operation.

Brendan: At the time. Maybe. It’s legend has spread. Maybe not your WHOLE sorority. But at least 50 girls.

Julie: 50 Girls?!?!

Brendan: That’s a conservative guess. That was a night that made Mia and Piper and you legends. Why would they not want to share it?

Julie: Because sharing it was FORBIDDEN!!! Loose lips sink ships. What we did was cruel. Please know that I see that now. I don’t want that to be part of MY legend. And it’s insulting to you. You got put through Hell for a night. That shouldn’t have to follow you for the rest of your college career. That’s not fair. That’s horrific. This doesn’t bother you?!?!

Brendan: Of course it bothers me.

Julie: Then why wouldn’t you talk to me about this?!?!

Brendan: It feels terrible to say. But I thought that there was NO way that you couldn’t have known.

Julie knew that Brendan did hate saying that. But it didn’t make it hurt any less. Of course she hadn’t known. But not knowing meant that she was an idiot. She lived in the Delta Gamma house. How could this legend have spread so far behind her back? Was she being willfully ignorant? Were her sorority sisters keeping things from her?

Julie: Brendan. Absolutely not. And it PAINS me that you’ve just been putting up with this for me. I’m going to fix this. I’ll let everybody who needs to know that whatever stories they’ve heard are wild exaggerations. I’ll shut this shit down as best as I can.

Brendan: I don’t think that’s going to help much.

Julie: I’ll certainly try. Only a handful of girls were there. We embellish things all the time. Half the girls already know that Mia is regularly full of shit. It won’t be hard to convince them that she’s pumped up this event to more than it was.

Brendan: No. I mean I don’t think that it will help because I think most of them have already seen pictures and some of the video.

Julie’s vision went dark for a second. What Brendan was telling her now was hitting her like a ton of bricks. This couldn’t be happening. They’d deleted all of the video. The video of the chase. The video of the torture. She’d watched them delete it. It was absolutely unacceptable that they’d share it. They’d made it as a fun little thing that they’d watch and laugh about so that all of the girls involved could witness the full endeavor. But they were done with it. It should be gone. She’d always wondered if any of the girls had kept any pictures, but those were all supposed to be gone also. And they were never supposed to be shared. Finally, with spots still in her field of vision, she responded.

Julie: Impossible. That literally can’t be the case. We deleted the videos. I watched the videos being deleted. None of that was EVER allowed to be shared for public consumption.

Brendan: I believe that you believe that Julie. But that’s just not the case.

Julie: How do you know that video exists?

Brendan: Lots of ways. Some of your sisters know things that they could only know by watching video of the event. They’ve got nicknames for me that allude to things in the video.

Julie: Such as?

Brendan: Well, the kindest one is BDB. That stands for Big Dick Brendan. But they know what my dick looks like with surprising detail.

Julie: Could Carla or Cassie have told them?

Brendan: No. They reference the events and the video. They also call me “Squeaks” or “Squeals”. Both are used interchangeably by some of them. That’s for the sounds that I made while Robin was paddling my ass.

Julie was livid. She couldn’t remember the last time that she was this mad. There had to be some sort of misunderstanding. There is no way that her sisters would do this.

Julie: Is there any chance that they were just given really descriptive descriptions?

Brendan: I really don’t think so. And it’s not like I don’t know that the media is out there. I mean, my frat brothers have shown me pictures.

Julie started feeling sick to her stomach. She had been enjoying her calzone but any semblance of hunger or appetite had now left her. Surely he wasn’t serious. Surely her sorority sisters weren’t that depraved and mindlessly malicious. Surely Brendan would have pitched a righteous fucking fit about this earlier if this were actually the case.

Julie: You’re joking. Please tell me you’re joking.

Brendan: Sorry, Jules. Not joking. I’ve seen them.

Julie: We sent them ONE picture. One! It was of you with the tape over your mouth and LOSER written on your forehead in lipstick. It was from the shoulders up. That was it. That was all they got.

Brendan: No. I’ve seen them. Fully nude. Several hogtied. There’s one of Emily using a Hitachi wand on me. There’s one of Mia standing with her boot on my hip, flexing for the camera. There’s one of you yanking on my nipple clamps.

Julie: Oh Christ. Oh sweet fucking Christ.

Brendan: Jules. Relax. It’s OK. Everything is going to be OK.

Julie felt herself tearing up. She didn’t often cry. She wasn’t a very emotional person. But sometimes she got a little overwhelmed and this was definitely one of those times.

Brendan: Babe. Please don’t cry. I’m fine. I’m stronger than all of this. You don’t need to constantly worry about me. I can hack it.

Julie: No! No, Brendan. You shouldn’t have to hack it. You shouldn’t have to put up with this bullshit. Because you can push it down all you want. But it does affect you. You’re not comfortable in my home. You’re not comfortable around my friends. You probably feel mocked in your OWN frat house. That’s not fair to you. And this isn’t fair to me. My sisters have been double dealing behind my back. This is apparently rampant and there’s a reason that I DON’T know about it. It’s not a fucking coincidence. Why wouldn’t you talk to me about this? And don’t you DARE say it’s because you thought that I knew.

Brendan’s face got very serious. He’d been smiling previously but Julie could tell that it wasn’t a happy smile. It was a gallows smile to keep himself from seeming upset. She knew that all of this did in fact upset him.

Brendan: Fine. I won’t say that. I don’t talk to you about it. Because I figure that talking to you about it won’t fix anything. It only possesses the ability to make matters worse. These are your friends. I don’t want to be someone who comes between you and the people that you care about. I can grin and bare it and not make things uncomfortable. I’m fine with doing that for you.

Julie: I don’t want you to do that for me. My friends shouldn’t be doing this. This is duplicitous bullshit.

Brendan: You’re promising that you didn’t know that the pictures and videos were being shared, correct?

Julie: Of course not.

Brendan: Then I don’t see what you could have done to stop it. They were going to do it whether it upset you or not. There’s nothing you could do to fix it.

Julie: That’s a very naïve statement, babe. Especially coming from you. You know how much of a ruthless bitch I can be. I can rain down absolute Hell.

Brendan: You’re not a ruthless bitch.

Julie: Really? What do you call this afternoon?

Brendan: That’s different. You love me.

Julie: I was fucking TERRIBLE to you all day today.

Brendan: OK. Maybe. But no matter how mean you get during or games…you can’t hide the fact that you care about me. I know you care about me. Even when you’re being cruel. Even when you’re punishing me or denying me or tormenting me. I can feel that you care. Our games are all AT WILL at this point. I wouldn’t trust you to tie me up if I didn’t think that you cared. I know that you care about me. I can tell right now. You didn’t even come close to tearing up when we watched Coco and you’re about to cry because you found out that your friends have been teasing me.

Julie: So you’re saying that you felt “cared for” today?

Brendan: In a way, Yes.

Julie: Today was about strict neglect and denial of pleasure.

Brendan: Yeah. I got that.

Julie: And yet you seem entirely unphased by it. You shouldn’t have enjoyed it at all.

Brendan: OK.

Julie: OK?!?! What kind of response is that? Did you enjoy it?

Brendan: I think I did. You were testing some things out. I don’t know what they were. But you wanted to try some things. You’re testing me psychologically. You’re trying to get in my head. And you enjoy that. And when I know that you’re enjoying yourself…I enjoy myself. That’s the way things work. I love you, Julie. I fucking love you. Capital L-O-V-E. And I want you to be happy. When you’re happy, I’m happy.

Julie: That’s not the way happiness works, Brendan.

Brendan: You’re right. I’m oversimplifying things. But the sentiment remains. Did YOU enjoy today?

Julie: I don’t know. Not really.

Brendan: Interesting. Then why did you do it? What would you have liked to have done differently?

Julie: Nothing. It’s that I wanted you to react differently.

She saw that now Brendan was smiling.

Brendan: Very interesting. Let me put on my psychologist hat now. Let’s dive deeper into this.

Julie glared at him with a non-plussed look.

Julie: OK. I’m beginning to see how my pseudo-psycho bullshit can be annoying.

Brendan: How did you want me to react?

Julie paused for a moment. Was this a trap? She knew that she probably shouldn’t answer with honesty. But she and Brendan had an agreement that they’d always be honest with each other when it came to these BDSM related discussions. She took a deep breath and just told him the truth.

Julie: I guess I wanted you to be more upset.

She was expecting him to be a little hurt by this. But he wasn’t. He seemed invigorated by it.

Brendan: Ooohhh. Why? Why did you want me upset?

Julie: I suppose that I’m trying to push you.

Brendan: Push my limits? You do that all the time. I’m constantly on the edge of what I can handle. That’s not anything new. Are you trying to snap me?

Julie: No. I don’t want the upset to be long term. I just want…

She paused. She didn’t want to give away her whole plan. The pause went on a little too long.

Brendan: You just want…

Julie: I just want you to carry a little more edge into your revenge sessions.

Brendan: My “revenge sessions”?

Julie: I mean when you tie me up. When I’m your captive. When I’m your pathetic, helpless, wet little slut.

Brendan: First…I wouldn’t categorize those as “revenge sessions”. Secondly, I wouldn’t agree with you using almost any of the words that you used…maybe “helpless” and hopefully “wet”. But you’re never “pathetic”. And God strike me down if I ever refer to you or any woman as a “slut”. My mother would wash my mouth out with soap. As well she should.

Julie: Maybe I want you to treat me that way. Maybe I want you to call me a “slut” and a “whore”. I think I WANT to be degraded a little more.

Brendan: Interesting. Let’s dig deeper into THIS.

Julie: Just in the bedroom. Don’t you DARE call me a slut out in public.

Brendan: Of course. I’m not a savage.

Julie: But when I’m your captive. I want to feel like I’m being subjugated.

Brendan: OK. I can do that. We’ve discussed things before. I’m not comfortable with the whole choking thing yet. I’ll work on it. But it skeeves me out a little bit.

Julie: Then we can put that way on the back burner. Your sessions are about you. I get they’re also about me. Clearly I treated today’s as being about me.

Brendan: You just admitted that it was about me.

Julie: I meant that only I enjoyed it. We should both enjoy it.

Brendan: You just said that you DIDN’T enjoy it. So neither of us enjoyed it. We wasted five hours.

Julie: I wouldn’t say that we wasted five hours. I came several times. I may have enjoyed it significantly more than I implied.

Brendan: Then I also enjoyed. Success!!

Julie: When I said that I didn’t enjoy it…I meant that it didn’t achieve the desired effect. You don’t seem any closer to getting that edge. And I swear that this isn’t bullshit. But I think that you want that edge. I think that you want to unleash on me. You just don’t feel comfortable.

Brendan: Maybe I do. And I will when the time is right. I’ll try and push your limits at some point. I’m just working my way up into figuring out what I want.

Julie: We’ve discussed some of the more depraved things that you want. Let’s at least pretend that we’re working towards some of those.

Brendan: Such as?

Julie smiled. She remembered a couple of very frisky drunken kink talks that they’d had where they talked about dream scenarios.

Julie: I believe you told me that you wanted to suspend me upside down like your own little punching bag.

Brendan: Excuse me. I believe I said “spanking bag”. I have NOOOO desire to ever use you as a punching bag.

Julie: OK. Noted. You wanted to swing me around though. And you said that you’d like to have your own little reenactment of the Spider-Man upside down in the rain scene…except with a blowjob.

Brendan blushed deeply when she said this. She remembered the conversation well. She’s positive that he’d never had said it without a decent layer of liquid courage.

Brendan: I thought that you called that “the wild fever dream of a truly deranged mind”.

Julie: I did. I meant that as a compliment.

Brendan: Oh.

Julie: Let’s try it. I have an engineering buddy named JJ who I can talk to about setting up the necessary suspension apparatus.

Brendan: Julie. We are SOOO far away from something like that. We couldn’t do it in my place or yours. I’m sure JJ is great. But there are a lot of considerations that he’s not going to know if you don’t tell him that it’s to suspend A PERSON. If you tell him that you want to hang 110 pounds then…

Julie: Awwww. You’re so sweet. 110? Really?

Brendan: I know better than to guess any higher. Anyway, the load bearing needs of a human accounting for struggling are going to be different. So you’re going to have to tell him it’s for bondage. Then we’re going to have to find a private place that we can install it. Let’s set aside the fact that I have no clue how to do it safely. I don’t know how to tie somebody upside down. How do I hang you by your ankles without pinching nerves or restricting bloodflow? How will it affect your breathing? How long is it safe to keep somebody in an inverted position like that? I don’t know any of those things!!

Julie: OK. Well you’re never going to learn them until we start looking into them. You help to fulfill all of my wildest fantasies. I want to start fulfilling some of yours.

Brendan: You already do, babe.

Julie: Well…then I want to start ticking off the more depraved ones. And consider that maybe there’s some overlap.

Brendan: Are you saying you want to suspend ME upside down?

Julie: No. I mean…maybe. I’m not sure. Yet. I’m saying maybe I WANT to be suspended upside down.

Brendan: Works for me.

Brendan gave a broad smile. Julie knew that he was just instinctively too conditioned not to mistreat people. He wasn’t comfortable exploring what he wanted if he felt that it was an imposition on somebody else. Julie didn’t know how she felt about suspension bondage. Maybe she would enjoy it. Maybe she wouldn’t. But she was very confident that Brendan would enjoy it. But the only way that was going to happen was if he was convinced that she would be into it. That’s just the kind of guy that he was. She appreciated his selflessness. But today she saw the ugly side of it. He’d been allowing himself to be victimized continually for HER benefit. And that didn’t make her feel good. She knew that he was strong and could tough his way through the humiliation and the jeering. But he shouldn’t have to. She wanted more for him than that. She thought that perhaps they should probably just skip the event at Delta Gamma tonight. She’d learned a lot of unsavory things and even before she’d learned them she knew that Brendan wasn’t going to be excited about attending. Now she wasn’t sure that SHE was excited about attending.

Julie: What do you say we just go home and do some good old fashioned fooling around without any ropes? I promise to let you orgasm whenever you want this time.

She gave him a cheeky grin as an inducement, but Brendan waved her off.

Brendan: Babe, you’ve been excited about tonight’s soiree for the last two weeks. I don’t want that to change just because you learned about a little unsavory behavior tonight.

Julie: OK. But are YOU going to feel comfortable?

Brendan: I’ll be top notch. I’d hate for us not to go just because these girls and their perverse teasing got to us. I’m excited to show up and stand my ground as always. They say the best revenge is living well.

Julie: Awww, sweetie. I know that you believe that. But I sure you that the best revenge is ACTUAL revenge. And I’m prepared to show you that. We will go to the party tonight. And we will have a great time. But I want you to keep track of every girl that teases you about Red Letter Night. And I want you to note every girl who has details about it that she shouldn’t. I’m going to teach you what the best revenge is. And it’s not LIVING WELL.

Brendan looked somewhat reticent, but also eagerly excited about what she was proposing.

Brendan: This sounds devious. But you can’t punish people for watching a video. That doesn’t seem fair.

Julie: No. I just want the names so I can track the leak to the proper source. I like to think that I learn from mistakes, Brendan. I’m not interested in punishing somebody who doesn’t deserve it. If I’m going to torch somebody’s ass. I want to know that they have it coming. It helps with that whole pesky guilt thing.

Brendan: I know what your idea of revenge is and I’m worried that it’s a little more scorched Earth than you think it is. You can hang a lampshade over this situation all you want. These girls are your friends. They’re important to you. And that’s OK. I think the revenge should be a little bit measured.

Julie respected Brendan’s restraint, but she was thinking about things a little differently. He was absolutely right in certain respects. These girls were still her sisters. She still loved and valued them. But at least one of them needed to be taught a serious lesson. And if that girl couldn’t accept that then that was a risk that Julie had to be willing to take. She didn’t want to end any friendships. But she was hoping that that wasn’t where this was leading.

Julie: Babe, do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

Brendan: Yes. They teach that in 101. It’s like one of the most important and basic lessons in human psychology.

Julie: I need to know that any friends of mine that I value have some. I agree with you. These girls still are my sisters. And I understand that it should take A LOT of convincing to get you to believe that they’re actually good people. But I GENUINELY believe that they are. But some of them have done some abhorrant things. And I need to know that they recognize that. If this revenge ends my friendship with them…then it was doomed from the start. And I was wrong. But I don’t think I’m wrong. I think they’re going to HATE our revenge. And I think they’re going to BEG for clemency. But I think that they’ll understand it.

Brendan: OK. If you’re accepting of the risks...then I’m 100% on board. I’d be willing to bet that you’re a master of revenge. And I’m excited to learn what your devious mind is capable of. I’ll get the check. Let’s go enjoy tonight’s soiree. And I promise you…I AM prepared to actually enjoy it tonight.
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Post by GreyLord »

Absolutely fascinating dialog. Exceedingly well done. I'm coming around to liking Julie a little better.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great update, it seems like we're building towards a crucial moment in Julie and Brendan's relationship - the fact that the night of Brendan's initiation is still hanging over them is a definite obstacle, but hopefully they'll be able to put it to bed after Julie's had her revenge, which I'm very much looking forward to seeing.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Alright, I've sufficiently set up what I need for a future chapter...I think it's time we got back to some ACTUAL bondage.

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 8 of 15]

December 10, 2022

Julie was glad to hear it. She wanted Brendan to have some solace over the way that her sisters had treated him both on and since Red Letter Night. But she was also interested in getting a little bit of revenge for herself. She’d been getting lied to for months. She honestly believed that she was mostly doing this for Brendan. But she wasn’t going to delude herself into thinking that it was totally selfless. She wanted revenge to. She’d been a trickster on Red Letter Night. She was allegedly supposed to have acted as a fiduciary for Brendan and she had used deceit and manipulation to steer him to ruin. But now she prepared to take on the role that some of the other girls had gotten to enjoy. She was a predator. She was a hunter. This is where she thought she’d really shine. She wasn’t well versed in revenge. But she thought that she was pretty well versed in tormenting people. Clearly Brendan wasn’t. She knew that she was going to have to do most of the heavy lifting in regards to this plan. Brendan was a sweetheart by nature. He wasn’t malicious. He wasn’t vindictive. He might not have the stomach for proper revenge. She thought back to the first time that he had ever tied her up. After she’d promised him that he could during that lunch at Eureka! so long ago. She’d dreaded what he would do to her. What he would put her through. How he would humiliate her. And it had been a jarring experience for her. But in none of the ways that she had imagined. She reminisced back on it now, as she saw Brendan hand his debit card to the waitress.

May 6, 2022

She’d reported to his room at 1:30 the day after their first lunch together. Her heart was pounding. She was so nervous. She didn’t know if she could trust this guy. Clearly that would make them equal since he clearly shouldn’t have trusted her. But she felt that it might be worse in a certain sense knowing that she shouldn’t trust him. He was angry. And rightfully so. She was walking herself into certain doom. Nevertheless, a promise is a promise. If he hogtied her in the nude and dumped her in the middle of the quad, she’d have to deal with the fallout. She was about to give herself over to him and hope that he honored the limited number of requisite rules that they’d agreed upon. She hoped that he was indeed a man of his word. She knocked on his door and he almost immediately answered. He looked happy to see her. And why shouldn’t he be? As opposed to the last time that she had been to his dorm room when she was trying to make as big a splash as possible, this time she was going for low key and unnoticeable. She had worn jeans and a white hoodie with the school logo on it. She hadn’t styled her hair. She hadn’t put on makeup. She was not trying to look appealing. She was trying to look forgettable.

Brendan: I’m so glad you came.

Julie: Well. A promise is a promise.

Brendan: Glad to hear it. Have a seat on the bed. I’m just sorting through a few things.

Julie looked around the room and saw that there were ropes, scarves, and rolls of tape on top of his dresser. There were also a couple of bags with God knows what in them lying on the other side of the floor. The ropes appeared to be measured, cut, and coiled. And there was A LOT of rope. HE was nothing if not prepared. This gave her a little bit of consternation.

Brendan: I don’t want to keep you waiting. If you want to go ahead strip for me, I’ll be ready to get started in a second.

Julie: Strip?

Julie felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. This was really happening. She knew she’d have to strip. Brendan had been totally nude. He wasn’t going to let her be tied up jeans and a hoodie. That wasn’t equitable. But a girl could hope. She peeled off her hoodie first as she saw Brendan separating a couple of coils of rope and dropping them onto his desk chair. She then slid off her Sketchers sneakers and unbuttoned her jeans. She cold already feel embarrassment setting in as she slid the jeans down her long, slender legs revealing black thong underwear. She wasn’t even naked yet and she felt about two feet tall. It was just the two of them in the room. He’d been out in the middle of campus and she already wanted to hide her face. This wasn’t going to go well. But she was going to have to take her medicine. She took a deep breath and then took the light blue T-Shirt that she was wearing by its hem and pulled it up along her torso. She shimmied it up over her head and then casually tossed it to the ground in a gesture trying to project a false confidence which she did not have. She was a little taken aback by how embarrassing this already was. Brendan had finished sorting the ropes and was watching her strip now. She braced herself to cross over into full nudity. She knew that she should just unclasp her bra and get it over with. But she was having trouble making herself do it. Brendan just stood there, watching her patiently with an amused gaze. Fuck it. She might as well ask…

Julie: Brendan, I was wondering, if maybe…you know…if perhaps…

She paused. She thought that the nudity might be less embarrassing than the act of asking for favorable treatment, which he would certainly reject anyway.

Brendan: If perhaps…

Julie: Never mind.

Brendan: No. Go ahead. Ask.

Julie: I was wondering if perhaps I could keep my underwear on.

Brendan: I seem to recall that I was not wearing underwear for the vast majority of my ordeal.

Julie: Fuck. Yeah. I know. Fine.

She reached back to unclasp her bra.

Brendan: But. Yes. You may keep your underwear on.

Julie paused. Wait. What? She immediately regretted that her response was almost too incredulous and too eager.

Julie: Really? Seriously?

Brendan: Sure. I don’t see why not. It’s probably best to leave something to the imagination. Maybe leave something to look forward to next time.

Julie: I appreciate your hospitality, Brendan. But there isn’t going to be a “next time”. This is a one time deal. If I wasn’t clear on that…let me be. After this, I’m done. We’re even in my eyes.

She wanted to be firm with him. She hoped that wouldn’t repeal his decision to let her keep her bra and thong on.

Brendan: OK. Put a pin in that thought. We’ll revisit it later.

She didn’t like the sound of that. He sounded confident. There were only two reasons he’d be that confident. The first was that he was an idiot and thought that she was going to really enjoy this. That meant that he didn’t know her. This was not her bag. She didn’t like being a submissive. She loved dominating people. This was antithetical to who she was and what she was about. The second was that he thought he could leverage her. Blackmail perhaps. He’d have all the opportunity that he needed for blackmail today. She was a little worried that she might be about to be unjustly exploited.

Brendan: I would like you to remove your socks though please.

Julie: Of course.

Julie lifted her legs, one foot at a time, and peeled off her socks before tossing them onto the pile with her other clothes.

Brendan: Great. Go ahead and put your hands behind your back for me.

Julie did as she was told. She was now putting herself totally at his mercy. At least she might be. She didn’t know how well he could tie. Maybe he was an amateur. Maybe if things got to be a little too much for her she could squirm out and call the whole thing off. She’d had a lot of practice tying people up. She had almost no experience trying to escape from ropes. But she imagined she probably could without too much difficulty. How good could he be? Her question was soon answered as she felt him tie her wrists. He definitely had the fundamentals down. She felt her wrists being pulled tightly together and roped with a precision and technique that she recognized. Julie knew her knots. She could tie them. She could teach them. She’d spent a good amount of time teaching Trish how to tie the very intricate box tie that Brendan had found himself in on Red Letter Night. And she knew that Brendan had a solid command of the mechanics of bondage. The wrist tie was firm and secure. She thought that it might take a great deal of effort to slip it. The elbow tie that came next surprised her though. She had not been particularly kind to Brendan when he had been her captive. She was expecting a matching reprisal and a measured sense of cruelty. But his elbow tie was not all that stringent. It was firm. It was anchored. But it didn’t jam her elbows together. It was snug but not biting. She’d expected him to be a little more savage, but his tie seemed to be substantially more considerate of her comfort than she had anticipated. As Brendan took a very long rope and began to tie a chest harness around her upper body, she noted that the consideration of her comfort apparently did not extend to her modesty. She could feel the rope that he had slid underneath her breasts pull taut. He yanked the ropes back and any and all slack in the tie disappeared. The ropes pressed into her exposed skin and pushed her body in all the directions that Brendan intended. Julie knew that she was well endowed. And some of her sorority sisters who were less gifted referred to her breasts as “gravity defying tits”. But Brendan’s chest harness brought them to another level. They were now prominently shelved for the perusal of anybody who happened to be present. He spun her around now and gave her a mischievous little smile.

Brendan: Will you need some help getting down to the floor?

Julie looked over her situation.

Julie: I don’t know. Maybe. I think --- eeeekkkk!!

She was a little embarrassed by the little yelp that she gave, but Brendan had unexpectedly scooped her up into his big strong arms. His right arm cradled her shoulder blades while his left arm was hooked underneath her knees. He’d done it in one fell swoop. It had been effortless for him. She could feel his bulging, toned muscles against her bare skin and started to flush. She felt herself getting aroused. And she didn’t like it. This was NOT something that she enjoyed. And yet as she thought this to herself, she could feel her body telling her a slightly different story. There was a pleasurable tingle that was running a path across her nervous system. Brendan set her down with the same gentle grace with which he had swept her off her feet. He then gingerly rolled her onto her stomach so that she was staring straight down into his dark grey carpet.

Brendan: There we go. Now for the legs.

Julie felt the same tender but firm ropework begin to her work it’s way up her long, shapely legs. He had crossed her ankles before securely binding them. He then worked his way up and decisively restrained her legs further just below and above her knees. Then he began to loop rope again around her upper thighs. Julie felt the tingle she had felt earlier return as his deft, skillful hands repeatedly grazed her thighs as he bound them. But there was an unease in the feeling this time. She wasn’t straining to look back at him. But he HAD to be looking at her bare bottom. She just knew it. She was regretting wearing a thong now. She’d had a practical purpose for it. When she’d had control of him, she’d shoved her underwear in his mouth. What if he returned serve? She had wanted to have a smaller gag, with as little material as possible, if he’d decided to do this to her. So she’d opted not to wear full-bottomed underwear and gone with a thong. But he’d let her keep her underwear on. And now her butt was on full display. She’d figured it would be anyway, because she had been sure that he’d demand her nudity match his. But he hadn’t. And now she wished that her shapely butt was covered. It might still be drawing his gaze even with a little fabric covering it. But this was substantially more embarrassing. And now she wondered how she would be gagged. He ostensibly wasn’t going to use her underwear. That’s when she was hit by a disgusting thought. Maybe he was going to use HIS underwear. That would be a true return of serve. She recoiled in disgust. She felt the shiver and convulsion associated with this realization pulse through her. Surely Brendan felt the shiver also. He was knotting off her upper thighs now and had been in constant flesh to flesh contact with her own bound body.

Brendan: OK. Let’s get you on your knees. It’s time to have a little bit of fun.

Brendan grabbed her by the back of her chest harness and pulled her up onto her knees. Julie figured she’d try and see what Brendan had in mind. She was confident that his definition of “fun” and her definition were going to be wildly divergent at this point.

Julie: What kind of “fun” are we talking about?

Brendan: You’ll have to see. Or…I guess…you won’t really “see”. I’m going to have you wear this.

Brendan pulled a black sleep mask out of one of the bags. It was not dissimilar from the one that she had put on him. Julie squirmed uncomfortably in her bonds. She tested her wrist bindings, but found that Brendan was more than up to the task of restraining her. She was thoroughly at his mercy right now and she didn’t appreciate it one bit. She grimaced as he slowly slid the sleep mask down over her eyes. Sending her into total darkness.

Julie: Wow. OK. What now?

Brendan: I think that’s enough questions from you, Little Missy. Now I want you to open that big, inquisitive mouth of yours because I’ve got something big and juicy that’ll take care of all of those questions.

Julie could feel her heart start to race. Her pulse went into hyper drive. She couldn’t see anything. What did he mean by “big and juicy”. What would somebody refer to as “big and juicy”? Was his underwear going to go in her mouth? That would be fucking gross. She did not think that boys were particularly hygienic. But that’s what she had done to him. So it was fair game she supposed. Hopefully it could be something else. Maybe he had a ball gag. A ball gag could be described as “big and juicy” in certain contexts, couldn’t it? Hopefully that was the case. She couldn’t believe that she was PRAYING for a ball gag. God help her.

Then there was the obvious answer. Obviously Brendan could refer to his penis as big and juicy. But that was WAY beyond the pale. There was no way that he would think that it was acceptable to put his cock in her mouth, right? They’d agreed that he was only allowed to go as far as the girls had gone. And Julie had certainly not forced oral sex upon him. None of the girls had. So his cock was definitely out of line. He had to know that. But how well did Julie really know Brendan? How was his judgement? Should she say something. Maybe he’d stick a dildo in her mouth. Or a penis panel gag. Were those OK? Possibly. But there was no way that he was allowed to face fuck her with his dick. He had to know that. She hoped he knew that. He wasn’t a psychopath, was he?

Then she thought back to Red Letter Night. Had they gone that far? Angie had pressed his face into her crotch and Julie wasn’t sure if she’d been wearing panties. His mouth had been taped shut, but his nose might have entered her nethers. Did he think that that would make a blowjob OK? That hadn’t been Julie. And it hadn’t been the same thing. She almost had to say something now. The suspense was killing her. She wasn’t willing to live with the possibility of him whipping out his cock and face fucking her. She was marginally confident that he would know that no means no. Saying it out loud would reveal a lack of trust and be insulting. But it was worth it not to let there be any sort of miscommunication on expectations. Then she heard it. She heard a zipper unzip. It was right at about waist level for Brendan. Holy Fuck. He’d unzipped his pants. He was going to shove his cock in her mouth. She was dealing with a maniac.

Julie: Brendan, I need you to –mmmm ewwww!!!!!!

Just as she was starting to tell him that he was absolutely not to violate her mouth with his member she felt something cold and wet hit her tongue. She recoiled in disgust. Ugh!! God!! It was soft and definitely organic. But it was cold and sort of sweet!! What had it been?

Julie: What the fuck is that?!?!

Brendan: Stay still, open your mouth, and find out.

Julie was convinced that it had in fact NOT been his dick.

Julie: I just wanted to let you know that there is something I won’t allow you to shove in my mouth.

She heard Brendan chuckle.

Brendan: And what would that be?

Julie: I think you know what that would be!!

Brendan: How little you must think of me? Did that feel like what I’m NOT allowed to shove in your mouth?

Julie thought about it.

Julie: No.

Brendan: OK. Then let’s continue. Open your mouth.

Julie did as she was instructed and braced for whatever it was he was going to put in her mouth. She felt something slimy and cold hit her lips and tongue again.

Brendan: Bite down.

She did as she was instructed. Her teeth hit something solid but as they pressed into it the surface cracked and they sunk into a fleshy membrane. A sweet, saccharine taste flooded her taste buds. Her brain reeled at the sensation. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it wasn’t this. However, it only took her a fraction of a second to place what it was. It was a strawberry. A chocolate dipped strawberry. Brendan had just fed her a little treat.

Julie: Mmmmmmmmm. Wow.

She chewed the sweet treat thoroughly, letting the flavor tumble around in her mouth before swallowing the delicious morsel.

Brendan: How does my dick taste?

Julie: Shut up.

Brendan: I can’t believe you thought I was going to put my cock in your mouth.

Julie: I heard a fucking zipper, Brendan. What was that? Did you take it out of a fanny pack?

Brendan: No. That was the fly of my jeans. I just wanted to scare you.

Julie: OK. So I’m not off base. You admit that you wanted to scare me? That I shouldn’t trust you?

Brendan: Yes. Of course I wanted you on edge a little bit.

Julie: So don’t blame me for assuming the worst. I don’t know what you’re capable of.

Brendan: I agree 100%. You’re fully restrained by somebody that you don’t have a solid level of trust with. You don’t know what they’re capable of. You don’t know how far they’ll go. How cruel of me to take advantage of that. I couldn’t possibly imagine how that feels.

Julie knew where he was going with this as soon as he started. She’d walked right into his lesson. She could feel herself blushing with embarrassment.

Julie: I understand what you’re saying. The lesson has been learned. It was well learned before today.

Brendan: I just want to see you squirm in some of the ways that I was forced to squirm. You told me I was going to be tied up for 48 hours. I believed that. I kept thinking that you were going to keep me in that basement until midnight on Sunday.

Julie: I agree. I was bluffing to scare you. But did you honestly believe that we’d keep you for the whole weekend.

Brendan: Yes. Absolutely. Without reservation.

Julie: So you think that we’re sick in the head?

Brendan: For some of your sisters…I absolutely still do.

Julie: I promise they’re not as bad as you think.

Brendan: I look forward to seeing evidence of that.

Julie: It was never going to be 48 hours. That was never a consideration.

Brendan: And I was never going to put my cock in your mouth. That was never a consideration. But we were both willing to believe it because we don’t have the baseline level of trust that I consider requisite for this sort of thing.

Julie: OK. I agree. I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. But it wasn’t something that I was willing to risk. So I stated my expectations.

Brendan: And I’m glad you did. I should know where you stand. I wish I’d had the chance to state my expectations. Personally I felt that ten hours was FAR too long. How do you feel about me keeping you tied up for ten hours?

Julie mulled the practicality of this in her head. They hadn’t discussed a timeline. She was his captive until he decided to release her. Technically, there was nothing stopping him from keeping her all weekend, except that his roommate would probably want back into the room at some point.
Last edited by Fandango 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Fandango[/mention], your detailed descriptions of actions, dialogs, and thoughts has created a most compelling scene. I still don't know if I will ever like Julie, but I am respecting her more. You have undertaken a complex task and have obviously engaged in meticulous planning for your writing. Kudo.
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Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 9 of 15]

May 6, 2022

Julie nervously considered how long she might have to stay as Brendan's captive.

Julie: I was really hoping that this wouldn’t be quite that long. I realize that that’s unfair. But I think you’re a reasonable person. A reasonable person with things to do.

Brendan: If you knew me, you’d know that I have literally nothing better to do on a Friday night than to toy with a bound girl. But I think that we can shorten this session up and have you home in time for supper. I’ll give you the opportunity to be released by 5:00. But I’m going to make you earn it.

Julie: Earn it how?

Brendan: You’ll see. Or…again…not “see”. But you’ll find out. I’m not going to force you to do anything that you don’t consent to ahead of time to earn your early release. That’s not the way I operate.

Julie: OK. Fine.

Brendan: But I want to continue our little tasting menu. So open back up.

Julie did as she was instructed and Brendan continued to feed her sweet confections and fruits. She finished the first chocolate covered strawberry. This was followed by a sweet melon coated with honey. A muffin top for a chocolate chip muffin. Another chocolate covered strawberry but this time dipped in Cool Whip. Gummy bears. A cake pop of some kind. After six or seven delicious bites he stopped and she could hear him get up and heard the rustling of some bags.

Julie: Was this why you asked if I had any allergies?

Brendan: Yep. I didn’t want to feed a girl a chocolate strawberry and have her go into anaphylactic shock. That would have been a real buzz kill. OK…how did you like the amuse bouche?

Julie: Delicious. Much more appetizing than your dick.

Brendan: Hey. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

Julie: Thanks. But I’ll pass.

Brendan: How do you feel about raspberries?

Julie: The fruit?

Brendan: Yes the fruit. What else?

Julie: I don’t know, I thought you might try and blow your mouth into my midriff or something as a joke.

Brendan: No. The fruit.

Julie: They’re great. The finest of all the flavors.

Brendan: Great. I’m going to prepare a little smorgasbord for you. If you find all of the raspberries…you’ll have earned an early release for good behavior.

Julie knew that there was a catch.

Julie: This smorgasbord wouldn’t happen to be around your crotch, would it?

Brendan: No. But I will be the board. My jeans will stay on. Does that work for you?

Julie thought about it. It was certainly sexually suggestive. But they were way past being prudish about things. He was almost certainly allowed to make her do much worse as part of their agreement. And she’d be lying if she tried to tell herself that she didn’t think he had a hot body that she’d like to explore.

Julie: I’ll accept the challenge. How does this work?

Brendan: I’m going to hide five raspberries. You need to find them. With your tongue only. No hands. I’ll leave some hints as markers. Whipped cream means that you’re cold. A ring of caramel means that you’re getting warmer. Chocolate means that you’re right there.

Julie had to be impressed with his preparation.

Julie: Alright, you simple little perv.

Brendan: Please. I’m an extraordinary perv. Would you like me to put a ring of Sriracha around my groin so you don’t come too close?

Julie laughed.

Julie (chuckling): Thanks. I think I’ll be fine. Just keep those jeans on.

Julie waited patiently for several minutes as Brendan readied his canvas. Her senses were heightened. She could obviously hear the spray of the whipped cream can. But she was also confident that she could hear the delicate puff and sputter of the chocolate and caramel syrup. She was confident that she could already smell elements of the feast before her.

Julie: I’m going to get a serious sugar rush.

Brendan: I certainly hope so. Alright. I think we’re ready. Here are the parameters. As or right now…I’m going to keep you bound until 10:00pm tonight. For each raspberry you find and consume…I’m going to shave one hour off of your sentence. Does that work for you?

Julie was excited about the prospect of not burning her whole Friday with this kink session. Being released by 5:00 very much appealed to her.

Julie: That works for me.

Brendan: You’re only going to have five minutes though. So I’d get cracking. On your marks. Get set. Go!

Julie sprang into action. She lowered herself down to minimize her drop to the floor and then collapsed onto her stomach. Her knees were bound too tightly for her to be able to shuffle over to him on her knees. He knew this. She was going to have to slither on her belly. She gyrated her hips back and forth and tried to thrust herself forward towards where she had heard his voice. She was determined to get there, but was getting frustrated by how long it was taking. A minute had to have elapsed and she hadn’t reached him yet. She felt like she was moving forwards steadily enough. And then she felt her breast graze his arm. There he was. She was upon him. She shimmed her hips more and squirmed her way up on to him. She could feel her breasts against what she thought was his hip. She turned towards her right and plunged her tongue downwards towards where she thought his stomach should be. She felt her tongue hit muscle. It was so firm. God. He was impossibly chiseled. If she was not mistaken her tongue was on his six pack right now. She swept it to the left until she felt a sweet taste on her tongue. Whipped cream. She knew this meant that she wasn’t close but she loved the sensation of the sweet taste on her lips and tongue. She raked her tongue upwards along his body lapping up the whipped cream. She thrust her hips forward and as she made her way onto his body she found that she could actually use her feet to push herself up. She rode the trail of whipped cream up his torso until she hit a patch of caramel near his sternum. She got excited. She turned inward and sure enough a ring of chocolate was right next to it. She swept her tongue in that direction until it hit a pulpy mound. A raspberry. She enclosed her lips around the delicate little berry and took it into her mouth. She gave it a couple vigorous chews and then swallowed it. One down four to go. She continued her quest across his body. She backtracked down south and found one closer to her body nearer his hip. She’d actually felt it with her thigh as she’d started to climb on top of him but she pretended like she was using her tongue. She lapped up plenty of whipped cream along the way. The third berry she found inside of ring of chocolate and caramel sitting right atop his left nipple. She scanned the rest of his upper chest with her tongue. Nothing but whipped cream and caramel with a little chocolate border. She worked up towards his neck but only found more whipped cream near his clavicle.

Julie: Time check.

Brendan: One…minute…forty…seconds…left.

Brendan spoke slowly and with pauses like he was speaking through gritted teeth. The cheeky bastard had one on his mouth. That was one way to get a kiss she supposed. Fine. A little kiss was worth an hour less of being bound on his bedroom floor in a bra and thong for him to ogle. She pulled herself fully onto his half naked body and squirmed her way up his torso. She plunged her mouth down onto his face. Hoping to hit his mouth but being delicate in case she hit his nose or something else. Her tongue probed and hit hair. But not his delicately feathered hair. This hair was short. An eyebrow. But his eyebrow tasted of caramel. She licked her way south. Chocolate! Then her mouth hit it. A raspberry. It was over his right eye. She delicately scooped it up and quickly chewed it before heading down to his mouth. As she reached the bridge of his lip she felt another ring of caramel. Her tongue then crossed a delicious line of chocolate syrup as she grazed his lip. She could feel the raspberry. She felt her tongue touch it. And then, all of the sudden, it disappeared!! She felt it drop out. He’d opened his mouth. That fucking cheater. He’d never intended to let her have all five. Bastard.

Julie: Hey. No fair!! You ate it, you bastard!!

Brendan: Nuh-uh. Coom unn geth ith.

He was speaking slowly with a lisp. Clearly the raspberry was in his mouth. And it was open for the taking. Clearly this kiss he was getting was going to be a little more in depth than she had planned. Whatever. She was game. She took a deep breath and let her tongue dip into Brendan’s mouth. She slid it around in a probing circle. He brought his tongue up to meet it. The two brethren engaged each other. He slid his deftly off of hers and she felt a spasm of nerves pulse throughout her body. God. Why was this hot? There was no question…she was aroused. She was being used and humiliated and demeaned. If anybody could watch this, she was a fucking laughing stock! And yet she could feel herself getting moist. The thong was thin. She was hoping he couldn’t feel it also. She indulged his tongue in it’s wrestling match. She wasn’t getting to the raspberry without that tongue getting out of the way. They parried back and forth with his tongue finding it’s way into her mouth. His tongue probed her teeth and even grazed the roof of her mouth before sliding out, brushing itself firmly across her lips and returning to it’s home. It then relaxed and she could feel it retract to the left side of his mouth. When his tongue returned it presented her with a gift. She could taste the sweetness as his tongue gently deposited a pulpy little morsel on hers. The raspberry. She didn’t wait. She scooped it with her tongue as best she could and shoveled it into her own mouth. She chewed it and swallowed it with haste. She then lifted her head, abruptly breaking the tawdry smooch.

Julie: I think that’s it! I think that’s five.

Brendan: Indeed it is. Great job. And with hardly a second to spare.

She felt the sleep mask being pulled up onto her head. She blinked as her eyes readjusted to the bright fluorescent lights of his room. The sight before her was a ridiculous one. Brendan lay before her. Lay UNDER her. His handsome visage smeared with caramel, chocolate syrup, and stray wisps of whipped cream. She could see that he was shirtless, but the rest of his body was underneath her. It was also clearly covered in sugary confectionary material. She could feel the slimy, creamy viscous material transferring from his torso to hers. She felt sticky. She felt ridiculous. But she’d be free by 5:00. So she didn’t care. She felt triumphant.

Brendan: What did you think?

Julie: I think that you’re a maniac. That was the most ridiculous thing that you’ve ever done.

Brendan: Sorry. But this is my version of bondage. I’m sorry that it’s more ridiculous than yours. But it works for me. It’s a living. We can try your way if you prefer though.

Julie: I’m seeing the value in your way. I still like my way. But I don’t think I need to taste my own medicine while you have control. I’m happy to keep playing your way. I just wanted you to know that you’re an absurd human being.

Brendan: So you’re saying that you don’t want to be flogged, nipple clamped, spanked, and vibed. Among other things.

Julie: Listen. I’m in no position to tell you what to do. I mean I’m physically in no position and I’m morally in no position. I’m just interested in what you have planned next.

Brendan: I’ll tell you what I’M going to do next. I’M going to clean myself up. I’m a little gross right now. You did a piss poor job with your tongue cleaning. I’m covered in sugar and syrup and a lot of saliva.

Julie: That sounds like it’s your own fault.

Brendan: It is. But I’m ready to feel like a new man. So I’M going to take a shower. As far as what YOU’RE going to do. YOU are going to wait for me. So let’s get you ready to wait.

Brendan deftly slid his body out from underneath Julie. He rolled her sideways onto her hip so that the sugary mess that covered her torso had minimal contact with the carpet.

Brendan: Hold on. Let me lay a towel down so that there isn’t too much mess.

Brendan pulled a soft beige towel from one of the bags by his dresser and laid it out on the floor right in front of Julie. He then gently tipped her onto the towel so that her torso rested on the towel and the chocolate and sugary mess that covered her midriff and breasts wasn’t in contact with the carpet.

Brendan: There we go. Now I just need two more augmentations before I can trust that I’m good to go take a shower and you’ll still be here, ready to play, when I get back.

Brendan picked up another bag and brought it over to her. He sat down directly in front of Julie and smiled at her knowingly as she looked at him inquisitively. What was he going to do?

Brendan: First. Do you recognize these?

Brendan held up a large pair of silk, teal, women’s panties. Julie did recognize them. They were the pair that the girls had made Brendan change into before he walked home when they’d tortured him.

Julie: Yeah. Are those the pan-mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhh!!!!!!!!

Julie did not get to finish her sentence. As she was speaking Brendan had deftly balled the panties up and crammed them into her open mouth. She protested angrily into the gag as he stuffed them deeper into her mouth.

Julie: Mmmmmmppphhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!!! Mmmppphhhhh hhhhhmmmppphhh hhhmmmppphhh nnnmmmppphhhhh!!!!!!

Julie bucked and thrashed around grunting and protesting angrily. This was soooo gross. She was almost as embarrassed by the hypocrisy of her protests as she was about having panties worn by Brendan in her mouth. She realized that he was literally doing exactly what she’d done. But she’d had a notion that he might actually enjoy it. She’d had some licentious asshole catcall at her before that he wanted her panties in his mouth. And that was just walking down the campus quad on a Tuesday. Boys were different. They were gross. She knew this wasn’t a fair evaluation. But she really was not enjoying these panties in her mouth. She was sure that she could taste the sweat and God knows what else on them.

Julie: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!! Nnnmmmppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmppphhhrrrrmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

She continued to grunt and growl angrily at him.

Brendan: What’s the matter, darling? Did you honestly think that you were never getting gagged?

He looked at her bemusedly as he continued to use his fingers to cram the panties back into the corners and recesses of her mouth.

Julie: Nnnmmmmpppphhhhh. Mmmmppphhhhhhhh mmmmmm hhhmmmmppphhhhmmmmmmm.

Brendan: What’s wrong? Too big? Sorry. I’m a big guy. They had to get big panties. And your dainty little mouth is smaller than I was expecting. You’ve gone full chipmunk cheeks already. I’m barely going to have any room to lodge this knot in there.

Julie looked over as she saw a pliable cotton cloth in Brendan’s other hand. There was a large bulky knot tied into the center of it. She knew what that was for. He pulled the cloth in front of her face and pushed the knot firmly into her still open mouth with his hand. He pressed down firmly against her face until the knot slipped fully into her mouth wedging itself between her teeth and compressed the silk panties firmly into place. She could feel the panties mashing her tongue down to the floor of her mouth. The silk obstruction brushed against ever corner and crevice of her mouth. And they were disgusting. They tasted awful. She tried to dislodge them. But Brendan was already tying the ends of the cloth behind her head. She felt a knot cinch and the cloth pulled itself tautly to her head constricting her cheeks as it dug in. Then she felt a second knot being tied and finally a third one for good measure. The panties were in her mouth to stay. For as long as Brendan decided they needed to be there. She whined defeatedly into the gag.

Julie: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmm hhhmmmmmppphhhhhhhhh.

Brendan: You look a little down? That bad, huh?

Julie: Nnnnnmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmppppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie scrunched up her nose in disgust to let him know just what she thought of his worn garments. Gross.

Brendan: What? The taste is the problem?

Julie: Mmmmmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhh!!!

She nodded vigorously.

Brendan: Oh come on. Quit being a little baby. First, I only wore them for like 30 minutes. I didn’t keep them on after getting back here like I’m sure you girls all told yourselves I would. Second, I WASHED them. If there’s a bad taste in your mouth then blame Downy’s Lavender scent. Those are clean panties. I’m not you. I wouldn’t use dirty panties. That bad taste in your mouth is entirely psychosomatic.

Julie stopped and re-evaluated. Was he being serious? Against her better judgement she probed at the panties with her tongue and reassessed the situation. They actually weren’t gross. They probably were clean. She’d just last seen them being donned by a sweaty, disheveled, and semen splattered Brendan a couple of weeks prior. She’d imagined the bad taste. As she took in the situation she realized that her worst fears had assigned a pungent taste to what was a marginally flavorless mouthful. Now she was even more embarrassed. As a psych major she knew that one’s mind could play tricks on them. And she was clearly the victim of that. The consideration that she had been shown by having the panties washed also made her cringe.

Brendan was behind her now though. He was done arguing about the taste of her gag. She felt him cinching a new rope to her ankles. She’d done this enough times to know what was coming. She’d done it to him on Red Letter Night. A hogtie was on it’s way. She decided that she needed to show some semblance of self-awareness and not complain. This was something that she definitely deserved. But she’d never been hogtied before. She’d tied one over a dozen times before. But this would be the first time that she’d find herself in one. She was actually somewhat interested to see how it felt. It wouldn’t take her long to find out. Brendan completed the cinch on her ankles and she felt him firmly pull the rope forward and her bound feet came with it. He tucked the rope through her elbow binding and wove it into her chest harness. He pulled it tighter and tighter. Her feet were pulled further into her body. Inward and downward. She felt her heels graze her bare bottom. But he wasn’t quite done yet. Her back began to arch. She felt her knees being lifted off the ground. As was her chest. The top of her breasts lost contact with the carpet. She felt her bare heels pressing firmly into her butt. This was untenable. She wasn’t going to be able to handle this. He was going to go too far. And then just when she thought that she was about to reach her limit, she felt the rope slacken just a little bit. Not enough to reestablish ground to body contact with her knees or breasts. Not enough to separate her heels and her butt. But just a fraction as she felt him beginning to tie the hogtie off. It was still painstakingly tight. She was going to be sore as fuck if she spent too long like this. When he’d cinched the hogtie she knew that she was screwed. It was rigid and unforgiving. She was not escaping from it under her own power. She was his. She belonged to him for the time being. And she was absolutely at his mercy. So she found his broad grin to be a little disconcerting as he scooched back into her view and made direct eye contact with her.

Brendan: How is it?

Julie: Mmmmpppphhhhh hhmmmppphhrrrrmmmmmmm mmmmpppppphhhhhh.

She knew it was a rhetorical question. But she did want to test the gag. It was very effectively doing what gags are supposed to do. There was no way he understood a single syllable.

Brendan: Great. So…I’m going to leave you here for a little bit to explore the tie while I go shower all of this mess off of me. But first…I think I’d like a picture.

Brendan pulled out his phone and started tapping buttons. Terror spiked within Julie. This was the one thing that she’d been most worried about. She did not want any evidence of this encounter to exist. If any of her friends saw a picture like this she would be absolutely mortified. She’d have to change her name and transfer schools. It was her worst nightmare. Yet tons of video and photos had been taken of Brendan. So clearly he thought that this might be fair. But the girls were never going to share the more lurid pictures of Brendan. They’d sent one headshot only photo to his frat brothers as promised. But the rest were just for their own personal amusement. There was no way that this picture he was going to take was allowed to get out. She’d have to make that clear to him as soon as she could. He pulled his chair over and set the phone with the screen facing out towards her. She could see herself in the screen. Her cheeks bulging with oversized silk panties stuffed inside them. A thickly knotted sheet stuffed in her mouth pushing the panties firmly in. A little string of drool was dripping from her lower lip. He’d wiped some of the mess off her face before gagging her but there were still little dashes of whipped cream and caramel near her right eyebrow. Her eyes were wide with anxiety and consternation. Her body was arched and her cleavage was on full display. She had been allowed to keep her bra on and her nipples were still covered. But anybody viewing this picture would be treated to a generous shot of her ample breasts. The fact that she was hogtied was a little obscured since her head was blocking the angle of the ropes. But her exposed, wiggling feet that emerged in the frame above her head would allow anybody looking at it to fill in the dots. Brendan pushed a button on the phone and she saw a countdown from 10 begin. He then shuffled his way over to her and lay down next to her, facing the camera, and draping his arm over her shoulders. When the timer hit 0 it took a burst of photos. She didn’t know how many. But he’d surely gotten some very damning photos in there.

Brendan: Alright. Thanks, chica. I’ll see you after my shower. We’ll still have plenty of time for a little more fun.

Julie: Mmmmmpppppppphhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnmmmppphhhhhhh gggrrrmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!

Brendan: Don’t worry. Of course I’ll let you shower before you leave here. You’re a mess too. I get it. Here. Let me get a little off of you right now.
Brendan tipped her onto her side and took a long, hard lap with his tongue along her exposed midriff. She squealed in embarrassment.

Julie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Brendan: Huh. Pretty good.

Brendan tipped her back down onto the towel and walked into his room’s en suite bathroom. He closed the door behind him and she could hear the shower begin to run. Julie squirmed and bucked around in her restraints. She wiggled back and forth and writhed around in an attempt to see how much range of motion she had. Not much was the answer. She knew that she was good at tying people up. What were the odds that her sorority would kidnap somebody who was also an expert? She felt the shame of her current situation engulfing her. This was so embarrassing. Yet if there was a silver lining to her feelings on the situation…she was pretty sure that her guilt had dissipated. She no longer felt that bad about what she’d done. She was now tightly hogtied in her underwear. A substantial gag had been shoved into her mouth. She was covered in sugar and goop. And there was a damning picture of her in somebody else’s possession. She realized that that might not quite stack up to ten hours of being tied up, gagged, assaulted, sexually degraded and tormented, with some of it being public. But she was confident that she now had a baseline for how he had felt. She was paying her penance.
Last edited by Fandango 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I found finally time to catch up with this marvellous Tale [mention]Fandango[/mention] - your writing is truly excellent, the development of your characters too. So Julie is about to do penance. I like it very much so far: The frequent changes between past and present. The emotions of both, Brendan and Julie are captured very convincingly!
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Post by Rtj65 »

I'm really enjoying seeing the early stages of Brendan and Julie's relationship like this, and even though he's not being as sadistic, it's great to see him exact some payback. It remains to be seen if this will change over the rest of this encounter, but had Brendan been crueler here they might not have ended up together. It was still a really clever predicament to put Julie in - both sensual and demeaning, plus I loved the way the gag was described, great stuff!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

My stories
Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
A Grey Area (M/F) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12604
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, [mention]Fandango[/mention], Brendan is not a total wimp. Perhaps it is not exactly an eye for an eye, but Julie is recognizing the effects of her previous actions. As others said, excellent writing with wonderful description.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by charliesmith »

The interactions and games between Brandon and Julie are brilliant! Great work!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Fandango »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago I really liked that Brendan stood up for himself there... I also really liked that in their 'debrief', Julie wasn't entirely apologetic - I felt that the moment where she made the snarky comment about Brendan not being better at the game was a really human reaction, almost like a fight or flight response.
Thanks. Of all of the non-bondage scenes that I've posted in stories so far, this might be the one that I most wanted to write. I read a lot of stories on here where the dominant characters have fun for themselves at the expense of and possibly to the detriment of their victim. When it's a robber or a kidnapper...thems the shakes. When it's two people that will have to have some type of amicable relationship going forward...I always want to see how that shakes out. Especially when one person didn't enjoy it. When one person feels victimized. And that's something that I so rarely get to read. A lot of stories focus on the build up and the TUG itself. I LOVE the aftermath. Or the "debrief", as you said. It's always interesting to watch somebody make a mess. I like to stick around and watch them clean it up. So this is something that I've always wanted to write. Usually the seesaw of revenge in stories is that the person who was the submissive becomes the dominant party by tying up their former captor. Roles are reversed. That actually is happening in this story now. This is a tie up game board after all. But I've always appreciated that the bondage might not be necessary. You can dominate somebody without ropes or tape. I wanted to see a former captive dominate their captor with righteous indignation.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 1 year ago That's certainly one way to make a scene :lol:

It's probably a brash way to approach fixing things but at least she understands the severity of her actions and the actions of others. Can't wait for what comes next.
It was brash. And it probably wasn't how Brendan would have wanted her to handle it. But she doesn't know Brendan at this point and she's playing her percentages. As a male, I like to think that we're more complicated than easily being appeased by short skirts and delicious bourbon. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't know some people that this work on.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 1 year ago Seeing the guilt eat away at her does make her more relatable, still not sure if I could have forgiven so easily.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago [mention]Fandango[/mention], your detailed descriptions of actions, dialogs, and thoughts has created a most compelling scene. I still don't know if I will ever like Julie, but I am respecting her more. You have undertaken a complex task and have obviously engaged in meticulous planning for your writing. Kudo.
I very much appreciate the feedback in these two comments. It's always nice to know where my readers fall on certain characters. I would like to say, that I don't have a vested interest in whether you like Julie or not. When I write Capture Club I really do want readers to like most of the characters. In my Kaleidoscope stories...the characters will be a little more rough around the edges and a little harder to get behind at times. If you two always hate Julie...that's fair. I haven't removed her tendencies towards cruelty. They still exist within her. I was just trying to show that she is not immune from guilt and that she has more complexity than just that of a simple bully or temptress. She'll probably do more things that you find unsavory by the time the story concludes. But she'll probably do some things that you'll enjoy also.
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago I am enjoying reading how the relationship of Julie and Brandon has developed. Looks like it’s going to become more fun, in the upcoming parts of this chapter!
Thanks. I do hope that readers find it to be "fun". The drawback of the flashback format that I used though is that you can readily guess that it will be "fun". You know that Julie will be in a relationship with Brendan in seven months. So you can probably assume that he won't do anything too over the top or traumatic. This does make it harder to illustrate that Julie doesn't know that. She's maintaining a brave front. But she's a little terrified. This is her first time ever being tied up. December Julie has learned to appreciate the tug of the ropes. May Julie is a nervous wreck.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago I'm really enjoying the complexity of these characters and the interactions with one another. The sessions with Kylie clearly add another complication to Brendan and Julie's relationship, but I can understand why it might help Kylie. Obviously she and Brendan have been through ordeals with some similarities, so if anything it would make sense for them to have more of a personal relationship to process things. It does make me think that Julie might be being a little overprotective of Kylie. Sure it sounds like she's improving, but wouldn't it help her to have a few more social engagements? Especially with someone that she must surely be able to trust, or at least relate to, like Brendan. All that said, we don't have Brendan's complete thoughts on all of this. I could imagine that he feels like Kylie's ordeal was much more severe than his own, and could have put things into perspective for him, making him more keen to help her outside of the sessions.

I find Julie super interesting, because she's such a mixed bag. She's clearly a very loyal and supportive friend to Kylie, but on the other hand keeps a lot to herself (not saying that's wrong, just an observation), like not correcting Cassie about who initiated the threesomes. She carefully controls how others perceive her, but not how others are perceived - Brendan, in the sense that she has no idea how all her sorority "friends" see him, and Kylie, in the sense that she's speaking for her about not having a more personal relationship with Brendan and others in general. I might be jumping the gun on the last point though.

Anyway, awesome stuff as always, this has been one of your best chapters yet and it's not even halfway done - keep up the fantastic work!
I love the insight. You're spot on for most of it. While Julie has compared the two events (Red Letter Night and the diamond heist) before...Brendan definitely views Kylie's as more traumatic. He never thought the DG girls were going to kill him. Julie definitely does have issues with her self-perception and her perception by others. And does need to be more attuned to how others are perceived. That's a great point. She also might be overprotective of Kylie. But I didn't want it to come off as her stopping Kylie and Brendan from hanging out outside of the sessions. That's VERY much on Kylie. I haven't shown much of Kylie since Chapter 4 because it's not "fun". She's still suffering from a little bit of agoraphobia. She's living at home with her parents for the fall semester. She's the one who isn't ready to be out in the world. Julie would love for her to come to sporting events and Taco Tuesdays with Brendan. That's Julie's dream. Kylie is the one who is insisting that she's not ready. I was also trying to show in this chapter that while they now generally care for each other...Julie and Brendan are kind of shit at communication. And that's a two way street. Julie should absolutely know that her sorority sisters are still mocking Brendan and (at least one of them) sharing his plight with others behind her back. They're deceiving her, but she's a little myopic not to notice. That being said...Brendan should absolutely be talking about this with her. The fact that he's holding it in and thinking that he has to "be strong" is kind of a crock also. I wanted to show how far they've come, while also showing that they definitely still need to learn to wade into each other a little more. If only there was some sort of activity that they could take part in for a future chapter that might help them work on some of their problems.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I found finally time to catch up with this marvellous Tale [mention]Fandango[/mention] - your writing is truly excellent, the development of your characters too. So Julie is about to do penance. I like it very much so far: The frequent changes between past and present. The emotions of both, Brendan and Julie are captured very convincingly!
Thank you so much for high appraisal. When I started writing I was wondering if there was a way to do things without flashbacks. And I decided that there wasn't. This chapter needed them. There was too much ground to cover to convince people that the Julie and Brendan who mistrusted and betrayed each other in May would be doing whatever it is they'll be doing in January or May or 2023 without showing the steps to how they got there. I think the flashback segments make things a "little" messy. But I'm glad you think that they're working for the most part.
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Post by Fandango »

[NOTE: This section will contain somewhat graphic touching in a manner where whatever "consent" has been granted is highly coerced and not explicitly agreed to. Just a forewarning as this might bother some and the author would not like to normalize or glorify it.]

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 10 of 15]

May 6, 2022

Julie wasn’t sure how long she’d been hogtied for. It had probably only been 15 minutes or so. But it had felt like an hour. The tight rope was really causing a good deal of strain on her body. Mercifully, she heard the shower stop. She was waiting with anticipation for him to emerge and see to her. This made her feel even more wretched and submissive. It was a hit to her pride. She shouldn’t want him back. She didn’t want his perverted eyes drinking in her exposed body and helpless state. But she needed him back. She wasn’t getting out of this hogtie on her own. She was probably going to be like this until he decided to release her. And she was eager for that to happen. Therefore, she was eager for him to come back. But waiting patiently for a man to return while bound and gagged on his bedroom floor just seemed like the absolute height of desperation to her. And that wasn’t sitting well with her.

Eventually the door to the bathroom opened and Brendan walked out. He looked good. He looked REALLY good. All of the mess had been washed off of him. He was wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs, not that different from the ones he had been wearing when she ambushed him on Red Letter Night. Before she cut them off of him. She could see the bulge of his impressive manhood against the fabric. She could see the glistening detail of his well defined abdomen muscles. Wet hair suited him. His damp locks somehow definitely enhanced his sex appeal. She thought that she must look a mess. Not only was she still covered in sugar and syrup, but she could feel that she had begun to sweat profusely in the course of her struggles over the last 15 minutes or so. Her hair was becoming disheveled. She could also feel drool starting to work it’s way down her chin. The panties in her mouth weren’t sopping it up as well as she’d thought with how dry her mouth was starting to feel.

Brendan: Hey there, gorgeous. Miss me?

Julie: Hhhmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmpppppppphhhhhh hhhmmmpppphhhmmmmmmrrrmmmmmmm.

Julie knew that she wasn’t going to be understood. She’d tried to gesticulate to him that she’d like the hogtie loosened. She didn’t know if he’d get her intent or if he’d honor it if he did. She also had tried to make her request sound as calm and dignified as possible. But the contorted nature of her body made it sound like more of a whining moan than she consciously would have liked. But there was a part of her that thought that maybe she’d put a little bit of that whine in their intentionally. Maybe she was trying to seem pathetic. Because that might evoke pity. Which would hopefully lead to mercy. Julie considered her own approach to dominating captives that she’d had in the past. She simply took in their pleas and then did what SHE wanted. Maybe there was something to Brendan’s willingness to negotiate. It was certainly turning her in ways that she hadn’t anticipated.

Brendan: Yeah. I think we should get you out of that nasty hogtie.

He HAD understood! She nodded approvingly. Brendan knelt down next to her and released the hogtie. She let her legs slide back and down slowly and the resulting release of pressure felt glorious.

Brendan: Are your muscles sore? I put a little extra spin on that one to really work a couple areas. Could you feel it?

Julie: Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhh.

She could. Her quads, her calves, her lats, her deltoids, and especially the muscles around her scapula were aching.

Brendan: Well. I’m here to fix that.

Brendan reached for a bag that he had near his dresser and pulled out a couple of white beach towels. He tossed them on the floor before also removing a bottle of some kind from the bag. He laid out the towels next to prone body as she looked on. Then he put his hands to her hip and ribcage and rolled her over nonchalantly until she was lying on the fresh towels. He didn’t do it in an overly aggressive manner, but the unexpected nature of it made her grunt in annoyance.

Julie: Mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!

Brendan: Sorry about that, darling. I was trying to be gentle.

She also didn’t really appreciate the “Darling”. But now she had a proper view of the bottle. It was a combination of Chamomile Oil and Lavender Oil with Arnica Extract. It was massage oil! Oh boy. Things were about to get weird. So this was how this deviant was planning on justifying getting his grubby little hands all over her. Brendan dispensed some of the oil onto his hands and began to rub them together. He then placed his hands on her back and began to knead at the muscles of her scapula aggressively.

Julie: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

She didn’t mean to moan. She didn’t want to moan. It was as involuntary as breathing. She’d expected this to be sort of a humiliating little treat that Brendan was going to give himself because she’d been a bad girl. That was what she was expecting. She had not expected him to be so good at it. The guy was a pro. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew which muscles his hogtie had put the most strain on and he was now working those muscles like a God damn magician. For the first minute or so she tensed at his foreign touch. Her body squirming and recoiling from the intimate intrusion of this almost stranger. But his touch is precise and measured and her body soon began to give the desired reactions to each meticulously applied maneuver of his hands. She began to writhe and undulate into his touch. Her defiance was gone. Well. Not gone. Just suppressed. She didn’t like submission. That wasn’t her thing. Domination was her game. But this just felt….sooooo….good.

Brendan had her completely at his mercy. He could do whatever he wanted. His hands could probe wherever they wanted. And yet they stayed on a marginally respectful path. She and the other DG girls had played with his cock. Tweaked his nipples. Tormented his muscular butt. But his touch was all about pleasure. There was no focus on pain. And there was very little focus on teasing. Sometimes he’d address an area and stay for what she felt was a moment too short. But maybe that was part of his mastery. His prowess. She was craving what he was giving her. Forgetting her usual lust for the dominant role. He was playing her like an instrument. He kept a fairly stationary position on her right side. So he sometimes had to stretch and bend over her in strained ways. Her favorite moments were when he reached along her body to knead all of the tension out of her left quad and calf. He had to press his bare torso into her oiled back. Her body was melting into his. She could feel the warmth from his torso radiating into her. It felt heavenly. And yet this was when she began to worry. Should she be enjoying this as much as she was?

She wasn’t sure how long he’d been at it. It had certainly been over half an hour. It had to have been. He’d worked her entire body over and teased out every kink and frustration that had built up inside of her. Finally his strong, firm grip relaxed on her muscles and she felt his hands start sliding up her legs along the contours of her body. His touch was light and deft. She felt a shudder course through her as his fingers made his way up her back towards her shoulders. She couldn’t help herself. She began to twitch and strain against the unsparing grip of the ropes on her body. His tender graze rounded her shoulders and finally his hands went where she’d long feared that they might. They slid their way inside her bra and settled over her soft, rounded breasts. It wasn’t until his fingers flicked over her nipples that she was devastatingly aware that they were rigidly hard. She felt her breasts being cupped as his hands began to knead them. His index fingers flicked back and forth over her erect nipples and occasionally he’d pinch them between his fingers to really get her attention. She felt her face become immediately flushed and hot. She was certainly blushing something fierce. She also felt herself growing aroused in other areas as she felt her vagina begin to moisten. What? Why? She couldn’t really being enjoying this. It was humiliating. But she couldn’t help herself. A confused whimper escaped her gagged lips.

Julie: Hhmmmpppphhh hmmmmpppphhh mmmmmppppphhhhmmmmmmm.

Brendan: I do hope you enjoyed the massage, Jules. There is an optional happy ending that comes with it. Would you like that?

He extricated his hand from her bra cup and she felt it slide into her thong. He rubbed his smooth hand over her dampened pussy lips. He slid it up, gliding deftly along and grazed her clitoris with just the right amount of pressure to elicit another desperate moan from her. The moan came as a surprise to her. It was almost an autonomic response to his practiced stroke.

Julie: MMmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Brendan: You’re certainly a little irrigated down there. You and the other girls told me at numerous points of my ordeal that my erectness meant I was enjoying myself. So are you enjoying yourself? Or are you beginning to see how misleading of a statement that truly was?

Julie definitely saw what he meant. But there was confusion within her. Even she didn’t know what she wanted right now. Her body was in revolt. Her mind was telling her one thing. Her body was telling her another. She was used to the two of them being on the same page. But they were waging a frantic war with each other right now as Brendan’s hand continued to gently caress her most private area. She’d shaved it only the day before. She told herself that it hadn’t been for him. But she knew in her heart that she knew that she might be naked. And that he’d be allowed to see it and possibly even contact it. She looked into his eyes and was trying desperately to see if he was reading her in ways that she was having trouble reading herself.

Brendan: So what was that? Would you like me to help finish you off? I certainly don’t mind. But if you say No. It’s a No. The client is always right.

There was a part of Julie that was physically aching for him to “finish her off” as he had put it. But that notion was being overridden by her sense of pride. She remembered what he had said at lunch the other day. “You wanted to show me that you could take a physiological bodily response that I usually control for myself…and you wanted to show me that you now control it.” That’s what he’d said. She understood that now. This wasn’t a door that she wanted to walk through. Because she didn’t know if she could walk back out of it. She didn’t want him to manipulate her. She’d do it herself. Later. On her own. She shook her head in a panic, hoping that he’d honor his word and not proceed.

Julie: Nnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Brendan grinned. He pulled his hand out of her thong, snapping the elastic against her waistline with a flourish as he did so. She could see that he’d wanted to make a point more than he’d wanted to make her cum. And he’d done so.

Brendan: Alright. Now. I’d like to take that nasty gag out. And I’d like for us to spend the next hour or so just talking. I want to get to know you better. The real Julie Huff. How does that sound?

That sounded quite nice to Julie. She considered herself to be a charismatic person and somebody for whom her ability to communicate gave her power. And the gag had grown increasingly uncomfortable. She was very much looking forward to having it off. She nodded with a profound eagerness and practically squealed into the gag that she’d like it off.

Julie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!! Mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh Hhhhhmmmppppphhh!!!!!

She almost immediately regretted showing so much eagerness. He could clearly see her desire. And if he was going to get off on denying her…this was a perfect opportunity. But he didn’t. She could feel him beginning to untie the sheet that was holding that huge pair of panties in her mouth. When he’d finally unknotted it and pulled the large knot out from between her lips, she immediately began to wiggle her tongue back to life to push the now sopping pair of panties out. She gasped in a large breath of fresh air as the damp wad of cloth hit the carpet in front of her face. She licked her lips and the first words that came after wetting them were words that she’d said before. But felt that she needed to say again after this ordeal.

Julie: I’m sorry.

Brendan: I know. You seem sorry. I just want you to properly experience things from my perspective. There’s a part of me that’s trying not to make this too unpleasant for you. But there’s a part of me that wants you to understand everything that I went through.

Julie understood what he meant. The humiliation she felt was unpleasant. The degradation and sexualization was weird and toyed with her identity. The gag and the hogtie had been quite uncomfortable. But there were aspects of this that a deep, recessed part of her (that she was currently terrified of) was enjoying. She was wondering if that had been the same for him also. But she wasn’t ready to admit that to herself. There was no way that she was admitting it to him.

Brendan: By the time you’re free…we’ll be entirely even in my mind. I don’t suppose that the other girls have any interest in being even with me. Do they?

Julie: I highly doubt that.

Brendan: Yeah. I wasn’t holding my breath. You’re something a little different. And I respect it. Now that I know you a little bit…I really don’t think that you’re a malicious person. I respect your bravery and your integrity. You fascinate me, Julie Huff. And that’s why I want to take a little bit of time to get to know you better.

He gently slid her up into a sitting position and pulled both of them back towards the base of his bed. He sat with his back inclined against the base of his bed and pulled her bound body up onto his lap. She braced herself to feel his large, hardened member against her bare thong clad ass. But that didn’t happen. Instead of placing her directly onto his lap, he slid her so that her butt rested on his leg, just above his left knee and allowed her to recline back so that her neck was resting against his shoulder and her head could rest against the mattress of his bed. She breathed a sigh of relief.

She and Brendan did talk. They talked for quite some time. He asked her questions. She asked him some. They talked about her family. They talked about his family and North Olmsted, Ohio where he grew up. They talked about their experiences with school and she shared why she thought that he should stick with Greek life. They talked about her best friend Kylie. She asked him how he got so good at massage. Apparently he was a standout soccer player in high school. He played varsity all four years. But his sophomore season was ended early by an ACL injury. He had still wanted to be a part of the team and participate while he rehabbed his knee. So he'd become an assistant trainer. The school’s hired trainer was a certified physical therapist and a licensed massage therapist and had taught Brendan. Brendan certainly had a knack for it. They even talked about Red Letter Night a little bit more. It was an uncomfortable topic for both of them. But they felt that it was important to get a few things off their chests. He had told Julie that he no longer thought she was a malicious person. But she did need him to know that even though she felt incredibly guilty about the whole endeavor…she had enjoyed it.

Julie: Brendan. I just want to be straight with you. I’m sorry about what we did. But I did enjoy doing it. I honestly had hoped that it would have been different on your end. I think I read things online and talk to like-minded people and I get into sort of an echo chamber. I read posts by guys who love to submit and hoped that you’d like being toyed with by a bunch of hot sorority girls. I never meant to hurt anybody in the long term. But I’d be lying to you if I told you that that night wasn’t STILL one of the best three nights of my college career. Even after all the fallout. I’m not trying to be a bad person. But there’s a little bit of a sadist in me. Furthermore, in the moment…I liked that you were miserable.

Brendan: I appreciate your candor.

Julie: You don’t think that’s a little sick.

Brendan: I don’t know if it’s sick. But it’s relatable. I can certainly relate to it.

Julie: Relate to it, how?

Brendan: I have similar feelings. I have similar urges. I had those feelings all throughout this session. I want to dominate you. Probably a little harder than I did. But those feelings are overridden by wanting to make sure that you’re copacetic. I’d liked to have pushed you a little harder. But you’re somebody that I want to have a positive relationship with going forward. I want you to like this. I want to push you. But I don’t know how far I CAN push you. It was important that we learn about each other today. Maybe I can step things up a notch next time.

An uneasy feeling filled Julie’s stomach. There it was. The two words hanging in the air: “next time”. He thought that she’d enjoyed this. He thought that there would be a next time. He didn’t recognize her for the domme that she knew that she was. He thought that she could be his recurring submissive. Maybe she’d caught herself getting a little turned on. But that wasn’t her. And being his little play toy wasn’t something that interested her. She wasn’t offended. She knew the effect that she had on men. He’d be a fool NOT to want this. But she was going to let him down firmly but civilly. It didn’t matter that she was still tied up. She trusted him enough at this point. He’d be fair about it. She didn’t fear that he’d retaliate or punish her for a rejection.

Julie: Sorry, sport. But there isn’t going to be a next time. You said it yourself. We’re even. We’re square. This was a one time deal. I don’t enjoy being the submissive. I’m strictly domme. I like dommeing people. This submissive thing isn’t for me.

She was craning her neck towards Brendan to see the reaction on his face. She had tried to look him in the eyes as she said it, but that wasn’t really possible with their current layout. He appeared to be entirely unaffected by what she had said. He appeared to be neither disappointed nor hopeful nor angry nor bemused.

Brendan: I guess that makes sense. I kind of feel the same way. I was just hoping that maybe we could help each other out.

Julie: You tying me up isn’t helping me out. You may have convinced yourself that I really enjoyed this. But I didn’t. Making me into your little moaning, squirming, helpless plaything on the regular only helps YOU out.

Brendan: Oh. I totally realize that. I’m not oblivious. I didn’t think you enjoyed this any more than I enjoyed my treatment on Red Letter Night.

Julie: Well…I mean. I know this wasn’t as traumatic. But No. It wasn’t enjoyable. And if you know that I’m not enjoying it…why are you pitching that I submit myself to you again?

Brendan: I’m not. I like to think that I’m not entirely selfish. I’m not pitching that you let me tie you up going forward. I’m pitching that WE let each other tie US up going forward. We switch off. Let the other person get their kicks for a bit.

Julie was a little bit stunned. Is that what this was? If she’d been convinced of one thing after talking with Brendan over the last week…it was that she was absolutely never getting the chance to tie him up again. She’d shattered his trust. She’d shown poor judgement. She’d let some of the other girls go way too far without speaking up. She’d probably gone way too far. She’d loved having him as her captive. But she’d blown it. And she knew that she blew it. She was here because she wanted the guilt to go away. But she didn’t want the memories of that night to go away. She just wanted to morph them into something that she could live with. She didn’t want them to haunt her. She wanted to be able to enjoy them. She dreamed about Brendan in a tight hogtie with a packed panty gag writhing at her feet. She craved such a thing. And after she’d let him have the upper hand today and have his way with her…she thought she might enjoy dishing out some torment to him even more. It had never even come close to crossing her mind that she might get the chance again. Was that option on the table? And what was the catch?
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