Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 13: "Buttercup Has No Changeup " (F/F, MM/F) [Part 1 of 2]

The events of Tuesday had left me a little shaken up to say the least. I no longer fully understood my place and objective within the game. My entire paradigm was shifting. I was still very clear on the one hand…I LOVED tying up girls. There was no obfuscation there. However, I’d come into this game knowing that in order to do that, getting captured and tormented myself was going to be an unfortunate side effect of attaining my greater goals. That was until Courtney tied me up and I found that I low key really enjoyed it. I had been tied up and gagged for over two hours, tickled, tormented, aggressively pushed around, mocked, and belittled in front of an audience. And somehow...I had enjoyed myself while it was happening. This was a strange occurrence and I was somewhat unsettled by it after the fact. I’d been tied up dozens of times before. I’d been tied up at least eight times already since I joined this game. I don’t think I had ever really enjoyed it until Tuesday. I’d kind of enjoyed some of my high school tie ups. But I was really more enjoying the fact that the girl I was with was enjoying them. I loved the intoxicating thrill of power that it gave me to have another person at my mercy and I wanted them to enjoy that also. But I wasn’t really enjoying it for myself. And I’m not sure that any of the girls who had tied me up in high school had ever really had me at their mercy. These weren’t ropesmiths…it was incumbent upon me to sell the idea that I was at that mercy.

Elisa had absolutely had me at her mercy when she had tied me up a couple months ago when I first got jumped into this group. But that had NOT been enjoyable. That had been terrifying and infuriating. The subsequent two times that she had captured me since had also not quite done it for me. She was certainly attractive, but she focused more on general dominance and being ruthless during her captures. She lacked the nuance that Courtney had displayed on Tuesday. Erica likewise was a little too "all business" with her captures. I enjoyed the fact that she was enjoying her time. Erica certainly loved having somebody at her mercy, but I don’t know that it mattered that it was ME at her mercy. It felt impersonal and a little too formulaic. She got to business doing what she wanted to do and playing with her prey. But I felt that she’d treat Dale, Sam, or Abbie the same way. And then Abbie and Jackie just weren’t very good at tying people up. Abbie had come by to capture me since her initial betrayal, but unlike the high school girlfriends who I’d played helpless for, she demanded that I not patronize her with false helplessness if she was ever going to improve. So I was usually free of her ties in 30-40 minutes. She was somewhat capable, but didn’t have anywhere near the prowess of Elisa or Courtney.

Courtney had been different. The experience had been tailored to me. She was putting on a show, but I felt like special attention was being paid to me the same way I tried to customize my captures to my captive. It was flattering. The other aspect that I thought I hated about being a captive was the humiliation and lack of dignity that came with having your captor play with you at your expense. I thought that it would have been compounded by having Jackie and Abbie watching her toy with me and ridicule me. There was humiliation. I had definitely felt humiliated. I was helpless and I was watching their view of me as a dominant player in the game wash away as Courtney had shown who was the boss. But I thought it would last longer. There was no lingering to the humiliation. It sort of faded as soon as the capture was over. I thought that she’d disgrace me and Abbie and Jackie would get a picture of me as a weak and helpless little milksop. But that was not the case. I honestly felt like they respected me significantly more after Tuesday. They now viewed me as somebody who was not just a predator who was wandering the halls of their dorms looking to tie and gag girls, but as a good sport who was playing a game we all enjoyed. They saw me as somebody who could take a punishment when he was bested. I think my pathetic nature that day had ingratiated myself. Especially to a girl who LOVED being helpless and didn’t think the desire to be submissive and vulnerable made her any lesser. And her roommate who regularly had to endure the shame of being strictly trussed and silenced for three hours, whereas her revenges regularly flamed out in under an hour. I couldn’t really tell how Courtney viewed me. But I liked to think that she liked having a rival that she could push and riff off of. Somebody who could take as good as he could give. That’s what I hoped at least. The only person who I thought viewed me in a negative light after Tuesday’s capture session was Erica. But even she and I would eventually come around to an understanding.

But now I find myself in an identity crisis. Apparently I’m somebody who likes being tied up and gagged (under the right circumstances). It’s a Thursday and there is nothing stopping me from going and capturing Elisa or Abbie (Erica and Jackie have an off day), but I find myself day dreaming about capturing Courtney again. The only problem is that I made a binding promise that she will be getting a three week respite from my abductions. And I’m realizing that it’s going to be a LONG three weeks. So instead I’m taking the day to go about doing things that I did before all of this got started. It’s not my off day and I don’t have a particular desire to be captured today. Especially since Courtney can’t do it again until Sunday. So I decide to hang out with some friends after class and go play some pick up basketball before hitting an early dinner. If I don’t go back to my room, Elisa can’t strike. It’s been a really fine day catching up with my buddies Joe, Matt, and Hideki. We had a splendid dinner talking about a variety of regular topics that had nothing to do with tying people up. Matt was explaining to us how beekeeping works because apparently that’s something he and his brother would do back in Upstate New York. I have my weird hobbies. He has his. When we were done I decided that I was going to go get a to go box for a slice of the cafeteria’s raspberry cheesecake to bring to Jackie. She couldn’t get enough of it. It was REALLY fucking great. Not like great for cafeteria cheesecake, great for cheesecake in general. It didn’t make a lot of sense. This was a college cafeteria. The rest of the food wasn't this good. No sooner had I boxed up the cheesecake then I got a text. It was from Courtney. It was the Present emoji. She’d left me a present. I’d had a nice day away from the game…but now I was being dragged back into it. Another text came over immediately succeeding it. “I’d hurry if I was you.”

I ran through my head all of the possibilities for who the present could be. She couldn’t leave me Abbie because she wasn’t allowed to capture her yet. She’d already used her weekly capture of Erica. Jackie was a definite No. Elisa seemed too shrewd to fall into Courtney’s hands at this point. And I didn’t think she was allowed to give me Sam as a present since we weren’t engaged in the game together yet. I figured my roommate Dale was probably waiting for me bound and gagged back in our dorm room and I was going to feel like a real asshole if I didn’t go free him. I went back to our table and told my friends that I’d enjoyed dinner, but had to go to a study group. We exchanged fist bumps and bro handshakes as I departed. I broke into a brisk walk as I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, but wanted to hurry to Dale’s aid. My dorm hall is pretty near the dining hall so I got there quickly and took the stairs two at a time to the fifth floor. I exited the stairwell and walked down the hallway towards my room when I saw Dale emerge from the stairwell at the opposite end of the hall and start walking towards me. We both looked at each other and laughed. We got to our room at approximately the same time.

Me: So I guess you’re not my present.

Dale: No. Of course not. And I guess you aren’t my present.

He showed me his phone. He’d gotten the same text from Courtney. We looked around to ensure the hallway was empty before continuing the conversation.

Dale: Why would you think it was me? Today is my off day.

Me: I kind of remembered that on the walk over but I figured since she’s brand new to the game…she might not have a firm grasp of the rules.

Dale: I’d make her grasp that rule.

Me: Why did you think it was me? She captured me on Tuesday.

Dale: I also thought she might not be in firm command of the rules. The only difference is that I thought you might let her double dip.

Me: Fair enough.

Dale turned his key in lock and stepped in first, a gentlemanly thing to do since it was his off day and I could still conceivably get ambushed.

Dale: What the fuck?

I walked in behind him and swiftly shut the door behind me. In front of us, right in the middle of our own room, sat an exceedingly pulse increasing sight. Elisa was tightly bound and gagged sitting in my desk chair. She was wearing very short denim shorts and a low cut green top. She usually only wore such flirty outfits on her off days as she was perhaps the most cautious and paranoid about being captured. So I don’t think I’d ever seen her tied up with so much skin showing. Apparently, she had been wearing a jacket initially because it was folded on my desk along with a pair of white sneakers. I walked around her in a circle to get the whole picture. The tie was devious. She was in a lotus tie much like she had done to Abbie several weeks earlier. Except this one was a lot more humane. Abbie’s had pulled her down at way too harsh of an angle. This one was tight but sustainable. Her bare feet were crossed under her knees and were lashed to each of her legs as well as a central lashing at the shins which held her legs tightly in that fold. Her arms were bound tightly behind her back in a way that made her chest stick out suggestively, highlighting her exposed cleavage. I could see her fingertips touching her elbow at the side so her wrists were not bound together. It appeared that she had been put into a very tight box tie. There wasn’t a full chest harness but there were coils of rope wrapped above and below her protruding breasts. Another rope criss crossed it’s way around her body, over her shoulders, behind her neck, underneath the top chest rope (but not cutting under the bottom), and then connected itself to a series of lashings in the middle of her shins pulling her head down towards her legs. The arm rests of my chair had clearly been raised to accommodate her to sit in this cross legged pose. But then had been notched down and locked into place just over her knees stopping her from moving or wiggling them at will. And keeping her confined into place so that she couldn’t roll out of the chair and squirm on the floor. This was further reinforced by light tether ropes which secured her body to the chair back and her knees to the armrests.

I looked at her face and whereas normally I would notice the gag first…the first thing that lurched at me was her angry, fuming eyes. She was mad and her face was flushed from struggling. However, my eyes did drop to the gag and it was a TIGHT tape gag that wrapped itself around her head multiple times. Mummifying the bottom half of her face from just under her nose all the way down under her chin. If this was Courtney’s work then she’d clearly ditched the “signature gag” that she had used on Erica and I on Tuesday. However, this was also not a standard Elisa wraparound tape gag. Because where Elisa has a general lack of concern for her victim’s hair, an exceeding amount of care had been taken with hers. I lifted her shoulder length blonde hair briefly as she grunted angrily at me and noticed that the tape had to go around her head at least six to seven times but almost no hair was caught in the wraps. It had been delicately lifted and tightly wrapped each time. I was hoping she’d learn a lesson from this. Her mouth and cheeks didn’t appear to be bulging too heavily, but there was clearly something stuffed into her mouth. Her protestations were completely unintelligible. As we took our sweet time examining her she thrashed and made angry noises into her gag which we barely noticed as we examined the rope mastery with awestruck wonder. Eventually we decided to talk it out.

Elisa: Hhmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmppphhhhhh nnnnmmmmmpppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!!!!

Dale: Dude. This is fucking boss. Courtney is no joke.

Me: You’re telling me. It appears as though Miss ‘Liss is in quite the predicament.

Dale: I’m kind of impressed by the artistry of it. It’s elaborate. It’s alluring. But it doesn’t look as uncomfortable and Courtney is probably going to be when Elisa gets her hands on her.

Elisa: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpphhrrrrrmpppphmmmphhjjjmppphhhhhrrrmmppppphhhhmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Me: What do you think she gagged her with?

Dale: I’m not sure. A hankie.

Me: I think it’s her own socks.

Dale: It better not be unless that girl has a death wish.

Me: Well her jacket and shoes are here. She’s barefoot. Where are her socks? Would Courtney have taken them? I think that leaves an obvious answer.

I poked her gag twice at her cheek. Elisa seethed like she was going to murder me. She'd have to wait on that one.

Elisa: Mmmpphhhmmmppphhhrrrmpphhmmmmmmmm!!!! Mmmpphhhmmmphhmmmrrrmmppph!!!!!!

Dale: If I was you I would not poke the bear like that. She is going to be angry as fuck when she gets out. This is great, but I am not looking forward to having to let her out .Whenever that might be.

I looked around and found her phone on the other side of my desk from her jacket and shoes. With it was a white envelope that simply read: “DALE AND/OR TRENT”.

Me: Looks like our present came with a card. Also, her timer only has 51 minutes left on it. It appears as though she’s actually been here for a while. It looks like our present has had quite the early evening so far. She’s not allowed to move a bound captive through the hallways. She has to have been here the whole time. Were you not in the room?

Dale: No. You?

Me: Nope. How did she get in? Did you leave the door unlocked?

Dale: I’m guessing Jackie let her in.

Me: What!? And why does Jackie have a key?

Dale: I’ve talked with her. If she ever uses it for evil, she won’t have one anymore. I would say that THIS does not constitute evil.

He waved his arm at the tightly trussed Elisa. I would agree with his assessment. I opened the card and began to read it until I read the first line and followed the instructions.

Me [READING COURTNEY'S NOTE]: “Please read this letter aloud for our dear captive’s benefit. Loyal subjects, this is your new ruler speaking. I believe I told you both that I was going to shake this game up. And I am giving you this celebratory boon to announce my reign. The old queen is trussed up before you like a little chicken roasting in the oven. And much like that analogy her reign is “cooked”. There is a new queen in town. So practice your bowing if you don’t want to end up looking like this display you see in front of you. Please note that my reign is capable of being a benevolent one. I did not simply toss the old monarch to a couple of shiftless miscreants (yourselves) without extending her an offer first. I told her that she only needed to serve a two hour penance for past transgressions. She’d be allowed out with an hour to spare if she agreed to swear fealty to the new queen of the game and kiss the ring. She chose to be a petulant and stubborn donkey. Or else you wouldn’t be reading this letter. Trent knows all about how I like to use the first two hours for business and the last hour for negotiations. Only 19 more days, you incorrigible horndog. She is your prisoner and you are welcome to do with her as you please within the rules of the game. However, your new queen humbly asks one favor of her loyal subjects. Do not let her go. She had the gall to tell me when she captured me last week that there was no way I was going to be able to keep her restrained for three hours. I think she’s starting to re-think her brashness at this point. Once again, if she wasn’t…you wouldn’t be reading this. I don’t need to stick around to hear her empty threats and insipid obscenities about what she’s going to do to me when Sunday resets the week. But I hope you like the new tie. I’ve also provided you each with a second gift. Because I know that my Little Swiss Guinea Pig loves to study and record people’s weaknesses for his torments…”

Dale: Little Swiss Guinea Pig?

Me: It’s a long story.

Dale just grinned at me.

ME: “AND because I’m pretty sure that Dale enjoys women’s feet, for which he should thank his lucky stars every day that he has finally gotten together with the pervy little yin to his pervy little yang,…

Now it was my turn to stare at Dale.

Dale: Sorry. Not sorry.

Me: Who am I to judge?

I continued reading.

Me: “…I’ve left you two with a little scouting guide to what makes Elisa tick. I mean what makes Elisa tickle. I’ve marked the soles of her feet with a guide which should let you know what her most sensitive spots are. Use that knowledge as you will during the next hour and in the future. I also hope that she’s chewing on a little bit of humble pie right now. Her own socks are in her mouth. That combined with the lotus tie you’re looking at our revenge for what she did to my new dear friend Abbie. What goes around, comes around, my little pretzel girl. I’m all too familiar with her callous mistreatment of captives and I’d like her to know that the girl in the closet sends her regards.

Her Royal Highness, Queen Courtney I”

Dale: Girl in the Closet?

Me: Another long story. I’ll let Elisa tell it. I’d love to hear her side.

Elisa: Mmmmpphhh!! Mmmpphhmmmpphhrrrmppphhhmmmmpphhmmppphhh!!

Me: Not right now, Elisa. We want to hear your side...later. We’ve still got 49 minutes. Also, there’s a post script scribbled in a different pen. I think she made an edit today.

I continued reading Courtney's post-script.

Me [COURTNEY'S P.S.]: “P.S. Elisa has assured me that she was already THOROUGHLY punished for her treatment of Abbie by Trent and Abbie. But I studied so hard on the Lotus Tie and didn’t bring anything else to stuff her mouth with. I wasn’t going to rummage through your drawers, that’s not very befitting of a Queen. So what’s done is done. Also, Elisa really wants somebody to know: Mmmmpphhhrrmpphhmmpphhhh.”

Elisa groaned into the gag and scowled indignantly. That had been a ruthlessly degrading letter that had attacked her on multiple levels.

Elisa: Hhmmmpphhhmmmmppprrrrhhmmmmmmm.

Dale: Have we just stepped into a god damn war zone? She looks PISSED.

I was standing behind Elisa now. So she couldn’t see my face, but a mischievous grin was creeping across it. I didn’t care what Courtney’s guide said…Elisa wasn’t THAT ticklish. There was one super satisfying way to torment her and Dale and I were about to go full bore into it. We were going to attack her pride in front of her. A captor can mock and taunt a victim when they have them at their mercy. But the real fun happens when there is a second captor to discuss them with in their presence. While they can’t even rebut in the slightest. I LOVE being emotionally manipulative as a captor. I admit it’s often not nice, but this was going to feel GREAT. Some captives, like Abbie, will give you fear and subjugation to feast on in order to evoke your mercy. It often works with us. We treat her well as a captive, and that’s one of the reasons that I had thought Elisa resented her a little bit. Elisa did NOT play meek or submissive as a captor. You were never getting whimpers, moans, whines, bleats, or yelps out of her. It was all grunts, snarls, squawks, grumbles, and muffled ranting. She played raging, defiant, and angry. Probably because she wasn’t playing. She was all three of these things. And I was going to poke her until she exploded.

Me: She should be pissed. Her reign is over. Courtney has come in with her superior tactics and ropework dominance and put Elisa firmly in her place. Homegirl made like Antonio Banderas and Took the Lead.

Dale: Was that a movie reference?

Me: Yes.

Dale: I didn't get it. Do you think Courtney is ruthless enough to be queen? I get that she’s been pretty harsh to Elisa here, but I don’t know that she can rule with the iron fury that Elisa has.

Elisa: Mmmpphh Hmmppphh.

Me: She doesn’t need to. Her strategy is better in every way. She’s definitely the new queen of the game.

Elisa: Mmmpphhh!! Mmpphhrrmmppphhhhhmmmmm!!

Elisa was clearly having none of this notion and she was letting me know it with her angry, indignant protests.

Me: Allow me to explain.
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Post by Caesar73 »

How very delightful! I would love such a present as Elisa!
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Post by charliesmith »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago How very delightful! I would love such a present as Elisa!
Very true! I agree with you.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by GreyLord »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago How very delightful! I would love such a present as Elisa!
Very true! I agree with you.
[mention]charliesmith[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention] are 100% on track. [mention]Fandango[/mention], I think that you have propelled Courtney into the position of Queen. Have you been leaving breadcrumbs that Courtney and Trent might make a pair? But time will answer that. Excellent writing, beyond interesting to fascinating.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Sniper108 »

good chapter.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 13: "Buttercup Has No Changeup " (F/F, MM/F) [Part 2 of 2]

Dale was looking at me and Elisa was trying to crane herself to look at me. Both of them were awaiting my explanation.

Me: Why are you afraid of Elisa?

Dale: Because her ties are ruthless and she’s going to take out this frustration on US and Courtney the next chance she gets.

Elisa: Mmmpphh Hmmmpph.

Elisa nodded that this was EXACTLY what was going to happen.

Me: So that’s stopping you from enjoying her as your captive now. You fear the repercussions?

Dale: Yeah. Don’t you?

Me: No! Not even slightly.

With that I gave my desk chair a quick spin. It was a pretty well oiled chair and gave a couple spins around as Elisa yelped. I then walked around to the front of her where Dale was and patted my hand down on top of her head bringing her back to a stop right as she was looking directly at us. Her eyes fumed at me and she let out a muffled burst of rage.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhh!!!!!! Hmmmmpppphhhhhmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmpphh!!!!

Me: How many times has Elisa captured you to date?

Dale: I think eight. I’m going to be concerned when I lose count.

Me: Cool. I think I’m at four (I was definitely at four!). I’m definitely losing count though because they all start to blend together.

Dale: I don’t follow. They stand out to me. She’s pretty ruthless. Usually it’s the full three hours.

Me: Oh. I do know that she’s ruthless. But that’s my question. Has she ever been NOT ruthless?

Dale: Of course not. She goes hard. She makes you miserable. That’s why we fear her most of all.

Me: So if she’s going to go as hard as the rules allow her to go on you all the time whether you behave like a good subject or act up and she’s seeking revenge…why are you incentivized to behave? Why not have fun with her?

Dale: I’m starting to see your point.

Me: That’s her problem. Buttercup has no change-up. She only throws fastballs. There’s no point in trying to appease somebody who can’t be appeased.

Elisa: Mmmpphhh Nnnnmmmpphhhhmmmmmmm!!! Mmmrrrrmmppphhhmnnnnnnmmmmmrrr!!

Dale: Buttercup?

Me: I’m workshopping some things. I’ll give her a nickname that sticks eventually. Not only is Courtney’s measured fury and benevolence a plus. She’s also better at tying people up than Elisa.

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmppphhhh!!!! Mmmmppphhhrrrmmpphhh!!

Elisa was furious at this insult. She absolutely prided herself on her impeccable ropework. It was REALLY good. I still thought I was better and I was starting to think Courtney was up there.

Dale: I’ve not been tied by Courtney yet, and after this I’m scared that my time is fast approaching. But Elisa regularly makes her captures last the full three hours.

Me: Sure. But so does Courtney. Three hours is three hours. Look at this ropework. It’s fucking gorgeous. Her arms are in a box tie back there. I can’t do that confidently. Elisa is ruthless, but her ties can be impractical. Look at this Lotus Tie. I’ve seen a live lotus tie once before. Elisa tied Abbie in one and I think she gave the poor girl scoliosis. Her head was jerked down and pointed straight at her own crotch. This one does what the tie is supposed to do. It flexes the captive into submission and makes it so that their eyes aren’t staring down, but rather points there vision exactly where we want it…at us.

We both stared at our captive’s eyes. They had not changed from their current setting of “furious”.

Me: OK. And then there is the real thing that makes Courtney the new queen and Elisa the ousted former monarch and pretender to the throne…

Elisa: Nnnmmmpphh Mmmmpphhh!!

Me: Dale, let’s say that you wanted to pull a scheme and go capture a captive using a somewhat elaborate trap. Both Elisa and Courtney are devious enough to help you pull off such a scheme. Who would you approach to help you?

Dale: Courtney. Obviously. No questions asked.

Elisa: Hmmppphhh?? Wwwmmppphhh??

Me: Any particular reason that you can give to enlighten Little Daffodil here?

Dale: Buttercup was better. How many reasons would you like?

Me: Three would be great.

Dale: Sure. I can do three. Here are my top three reasons. Number one. If I plan the scheme with Courtney I think I’m WAY less likely to end up bound and gagged alongside my intended victim than I am if I pull the scheme with Elisa. I don’t know Courtney’s modus operandi, but I don’t think I need to. That’s just the feeling I get.

Me: Totally fair. Elisa has not always proven herself to be trustworthy. She’s pretty “tricksy” to use a kind word. “Dishonest” to use a less flattering one.

Elisa just kind of shrugged. I think she knew this was fair, but she just thought we were jealous of her shrewdness.

Dale: Two. I think that even if I wasn’t betrayed I’d get to have more fun with our victim. Courtney seems collaborative. Elisa NEEDS to be the boss. It’s her game plan, her way, and she’s the leader. I’m not her partner, I’m her lacky.

Elisa: Nnmmpphh Mmmppphhh.

I had said that Elisa never moans or whimpers when she’s gagged but this last protest did come out kind of sad, as though she wasn’t particularly angry, but rather sad that Dale thought of her this way.

Dale: And #3. Courtney certainly sounds like her captures will be a better time. Elisa’s captures will have her trademark viciousness and barbarism associated with them. And the captive will probably leave them dejected. Courtney’s sound like a blast. Now I have never seen one of her captures until now. Elisa doesn’t seem like she’s have a blast. Are you, buttercup?

Elisa: Nnnnmmpphhhh Mmpphhhhmpphhrrmpphhhmmppphhh!!

Me: Elisa. I thought we sorted this. It’s one grunt for Yes. Two grunts for No. Are you having a blast?

Elisa: Mmmpphhh Mmmppphh!

Me: Were you while Courtney was here?

Elisa: Mmmpphh Mmmpphhh.

Me: OK. So maybe that’s not always the case. But I had a good time on Tuesday.

Dale: And I don’t know specifics of Tuesday but Jackie will not shut up about how great it was. How great Courtney is at tying people. How charismatic she is as a captor. How badly she wants Courtney to tie her up. It’s nauseating how amazing she thinks Courtney is at this game. I was beginning to think she thought Courtney was sexier than me.

Me: That’s impossible, Dale. Nobody is sexier than you.

Dale: Thanks, bro.

Me: So that’s a pretty good case for how everybody wants to work with Courtney and our alleged former queen over here is seeing the tides turn against her. Because she’s refusing to adapt to the changing fluctuations of the game.

Elisa: Nnmmpphhhhhh Hhmmppphhhhhrrrmmpphhhh.

I took a knee right in front of Elisa and slowly pushed down on one of the ropes tethering her head to her feet with the index and middle fingers of my left hand. This pulled her head down further until her eyes were mere inches from my own. Our noses were a centimeter from touching and she had no choice but to stare directly into my eyes. She didn’t make a sound at this point outside of a small annoyed huff and just stared at me indignantly. Then I lifted my right hand and pressed the index and middle fingers of my right hand to the side of her throat. This unexpected touch which she couldn’t fully see coming from her vantage point caused her eyes to flare wide and her to buck back towards the chair with a sudden pang of fear. But I simply kept my fingers looped into the rope holding her close. She gave a quick, scared yelp but then appeared to quickly realize that I wasn’t going to strangle her and calmed down after five seconds or so.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhh!!!!!! Hhhhmmmppphhhhhh??

Me: Wow, Dale. Her pulse is through the fucking roof. Courtney must really have her scared. Elisa is straight terrified. I’ve never felt anybody’s heartbeat going this fast before. We’ve got ourselves a little fraidy cat on our hands.

She finally realized what I had been doing and protested indignantly.

Elisa: Nnnnmmmmppphhhhh!!!! Mmmmpphhhrrmmpphhhhh!!!!! NNnnmmmppphhhmmmmmmm!!!!

Me: Yeah. I’d be scared also if I knew that my reign was done. That my time in the Sun had drawn to a close.

Dale: I don’t know. Trent. Call me a loyalist. A monarchist. Whatever. But I think I’m still on Team Elisa.

Me: Why is that?

Dale: Her reign has been pretty good to me. I really appreciate the help that she gave Jackie with her successful attempt to seduce me.

Elisa: Mmmppphhhhrrrrhhhmmppphhhh???

Me: You know about that?

Dale: Of course I know about that. And I really can’t thank both of you enough.

Me: No problem. How’d the cat get out of the bag?

Dale: She told me within a week of us getting together. She didn’t want our relationship to have a foundation that was a lie. So she let me know that she’d orchestrated that whole dual kidnapping and that you two assisted.

Me: And you’re fine with the deception?

Dale: Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve got the girl of any guy’s dreams. You might think that I’m in a position to do well with girls. But I’m a guy with several kinks. And as Courtney so eloquently put it…she’s the yin to my yang. I like to tie girls up. She likes to be tied up. I enjoy women’s feet. She loves having her feet rubbed and touched. And then there is the fact that she is the kindest, smartest, funniest, most adorably awkward, prettiest, most charismatic girl on campus. I’ll stomach a little deception. And she bakes a phenomenal brownie. I’ll stomach those two.

Me: Yeah. She couldn’t figure out why you couldn’t see that she liked you with all of the baked goods that she’d give you.

Dale: To be fair. She gives baked goods to EVERYBODY. Jeremy got a batch of chocolate chip muffins from her and I don’t even think she knows his last name. He just told her he had one of hers and they were great, so she baked him a half dozen the next day. We jokingly refer to the oven in the first floor kitchen as “her office”. I thought after the first batch of cookies that she might be crushing on me. But then saw the whole dorm getting cookies. I have no clue how she funds that little habit.

Me: Fair. So you’re willing to side with Elisa over Courtney for past services rendered.

Dale: I’m just saying that I owe Elisa a favor or four. She invited me into this club to help out her friend. You were invited into this club to give her friend more access to me. We’re making out like bandits because Elisa knows how to watch out for those that fall under her protection. So despite, what I said earlier, I’m certainly willing to work with Elisa on a scheme. And if it ends up with me being betrayed and getting left bound and gagged at her feet…I can deal with that.

Me: OK. I’m open to that point of view.

Dale: At least until Courtney buys me off. Brownies would be a good start. And Elisa hasn’t endeared herself enough to be released. We still owe her a good tickling and time…it’s a-wasting. Should we get her into position?

Me: Sure. Let’s give Courtney’s instructions a gander.

Elisa’s eyes darted back and forth between us as we strolled up on either side of her. We each grabbed underneath one of her knees with one hand and used our other hand to brace her back. We then lifted her out of the chair as she squirmed and muffled muted protests.

Elisa: Hhmmmppphhhh?!?!? NNNmmmmppphhh!!!!

Me: Don’t worry, buttercup. Just a short trip to my bed.

We shimmied over towards our beds with our squirmy, bound prisoner and unceremoniously deposited her on the bottom bunk. We laid her down knees first and then pushed her forward so that her forehead hit the mattress, with her butt facing into the air and her feet poking out to either side. Dale and I bent down and examined the sole of her right foot, which was facing us. A color coded grid had been drawn on it with numerical notations. It looked like the heat map that sports websites show for a baseball batter's hitting zones. There were areas on her foot that were colored blue with low numbers like 2, 3, and 4. And then there were areas on her foot that were colored red with numbers like numbers like 7, 8, and 9. The uncolored areas were marked 5 and 6. The system wasn’t that hard to decipher. The higher numbers were the more ticklish areas. The lower numbers were the less ticklish areas.

Dale: Interesting.

Me: Want to spin her around and give it a go? See if Courtney’s research is accurate. I mean I trust the girl’s research, but true results have to be attained multiple times under different conditions.

Dale: I couldn’t agree more.

We rotated Elisa around on my bed so that her head was facing the wall and both of her feet were accessible to us.

Me: One sec, let me get her highness a pillow.

I grabbed the pillow from the head of my bed. I gingerly took a fistful of Elisa’s hair in my hand and slowly pulled her head off the comforter. She protested angrily.

Elisa: Mmmmpphhhhhh!!!! Hhhmmpppphhhrrrmmpphhhh!!!

I slid the pillow underneath her head and that dropped her back down onto it. She let out a low groan into the pillow.

Me: I’ll take the left. You take the right.

Dale: You want to switch?

Me: No. Why?

Dale: It’s a lotus tie. This is her left foot. That is her right foot. They’re criss-crossed.

Me: You’re right. I’m such a dummy sometimes. On three?

Dale: Sure.

Me: One…Two…Three!!

On three we dug our fingers into Elisa’s soles and she began to guffaw loudly into her gag and buck wildly. Her fervent struggling and gyrations wiggled her butt around alluring in the air as we unleashed our barrage. I did note that she got louder when I was tickling the red areas of her foot and died down maybe ever so slightly on the blue areas. It was hard to tell because Dale and I weren’t really communicating on when we were on red and when we were on blue. So he could have been doing something completely independent on his side. But overall I thought that Courtney’s chart was probably pretty accurate. Of course we also moved up to her ribs and took turns working those over while the other person kept going at her feet. Finally after a fairly lengthy session we stopped and pushed her over onto her right side as she panted and heaved exhaustedly. We looked at her timer and saw that we only had about six minutes left.

Dale: We’re almost done. Picture time?

Me: I think so. Let me just make a quick little sign first. It’ll also give Cherry Blossom here a chance to catch her breath?

Dale: Cherry Blossom? Just stick with Buttercup and be done with it.

I grinned at him sheepishly as he just shook his head at my failed nickname workshopping.

Me: I’ll take your advice under advisement.

I went over to my desk and grabbed a sheet of printer paper. I then grabbed a blue sharpie and neatly wrote “Thank You, Queen Courtney” on the paper. I brought it back over to our captive and showed it to Dale. He had lifted Elisa back up into a sitting position on the bed.

Me: What do you think?

Dale: Perfect.

I then showed it to Elisa who gave an annoyed grunt into the tape.

Dale pulled out his camera and lifted up each of Elisa’s soles and snapped a picture. She mumbled angrily at him.

Elisa: MMmpphhh Hhhmmpphhh mmmppphhhh.

Dale: I know you always think that I’m zooming in on your feet in these pictures, but this time I have a good reason. We can’t afford to lose this data.

I also took pictures of the tickle charts on her feet. We then each took three photos posing with her. Elisa rarely cooperated with photo ops. So we took turns mugging with her while smiling wildly and usually had to hold her face so that she looked directly into the camera and glowered. We obviously each held up the sign in at least one of the photos. Finally her timer hit three hours and it was time to let her go. I figured that the rope pulling her head down towards her feet was the most uncomfortable. So I started with that. Dale began to untie her wrists. He was of the same school as me that a captive should be untied quickly at the end of three hours. They’d already been humiliated enough. They hadn’t managed to escape. If you hadn’t savored their captivity in the last three hours…that was on you. Wrists and gag should be undone first. I can’t say that this was Elisa’s philosophy, but I treated her the same as everybody else. After I released her from the uncomfortable tie forcing her to bend over I slowly started to unravel her gag. I had less trouble with her hair because Courtney had courteously avoided trapping it in the tape. But it still took me a few minutes. As soon as I was done I went to pull the socks out of her mouth. But her arms had just been totally free and she pushed me out of the way. She reached into her mouth and extracted them herself. She tried to be as independent as possible even though if we hadn’t been releasing her, she could have easily been here for twice as long. This was one tie I’m pretty sure she would have had a lot of trouble getting out of.

Elisa: Uhggghhh. That sucked.

Me: She got you pretty good, did she?

Elisa: Nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you three.

I had pulled a bottle of water out of my backpack and handed it to her. She took it, unscrewed the cap hurriedly, and then proceeded to down more than half of the bottle in a handful of seconds. She gave a sigh of release and wiped her lips.

Elisa: Thank you. Maybe I’ll remember that when I take my revenge. And maybe I won’t. You think Buttercup has no changeup, but you don’t realize that you haven’t even seen buttercup’s fastball yet.

Me: Ooohhh. How long have you been thinking about that one? The last forty minutes.

Elisa: Fuck you. And I am NOT scared of Courtney, or you, or anybody. If my pulse was momentarily elevated it’s only because you put your hand to my throat unexpectedly like a lunatic. I don’t even think I was that startled. I didn’t make a sound.

Me: Elisa, I was joking. I’m not a pre-med student. Your pulse could have been 40, it could have been 140. I don’t know how to gauge it. I’m lucky if I even found the right artery.

Elisa: Good. So long as we’re clear on that.

Dale: There you go, all free.

He had just finished untying the last of her bonds as she stretched herself back onto my bed and twisted her sore muscles. Just then my phone dinged to denote that I had received a text. Dale’s dinged three seconds later. I pulled it out. It was from Courtney.

Courtney [TEXT]: Is #1 [Money w/ Wings emoji]? Or do I need to go back up there?

Me: It’s Courtney. I’ll let her know that Elisa has been released.

Elisa shot up and gave me a wry little smile.

Elisa: Give me your phone. I’ll tell her.

I reluctantly handed my phone to Elisa and she opened my camera. She then turned it to selfie mode and gave the camera the finger. She smiled maniacally although she still looked plenty disheveled. The discoloration around her mouth said something, I don’t know if the average person would assume that she’d been gagged three minutes earlier. She looked a bit of a mess. A hot mess though. She snapped a photo of her giving the camera the finger and then typed into my phone and sent it as I heard the phone’s familiar “Whoosh” sound effect. She handed me back my phone and I looked at the text. She’d attached the picture with a caption underneath it.

Elisa (technically me) [TEXT]: Watch your back, chica. I don’t take kindly to usurpers. You’ll pay. DEARLY.

Me: Well, I’m scared for her.

Elisa: Good. But you should be scared for yourself also. The Queen isn’t going anywhere.
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Post by GreyLord »

Chapter 13 part 2 about Buttercup is just fantastic, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. You have Elisa as a slow learner, don't you? Trent is excellent at his word games. And you have Dale taking on more form. Good work, I really enjoyed this chapter.

BTW, did you change your avatar? I liked the old one but this looks great too.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by charliesmith »

Nice update! I can’t wait to see how Elisa plans her future captures!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really enjoyed that chapter, it was great to see Elisa brought down a peg, and to get a greater insight into Dale's character. It sounds like Elisa is going to come back hard though. As Courtney is still relatively new and has made such a big impression on the group, she's the current flavour of the month (not that it's a bad thing!), so Elisa is obviously going to see her as a threat. I'm sure her retribution will be swift, but the question is will she go about things differently now that she's essentially been called out for being predictable?
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Clayface025 »

I have been absolutely loving this story. You’re such a great writer and always look forward to a new part coming out. Right now I’m so curious on if Elisa’s attitude will change in the future or not. The character development has been great and I can’t wait to see where you take the characters and their relationships. Also, love the detail. Keep up the amazing work!
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Post by Fandango »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Chapter 13 part 2 about Buttercup is just fantastic, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. You have Elisa as a slow learner, don't you? Trent is excellent at his word games. And you have Dale taking on more form. Good work, I really enjoyed this chapter.

BTW, did you change your avatar? I liked the old one but this looks great too.
Thanks for the insights. And yes, I did change my avatar. I think I plan to do so every four months or so. And I think going forward I'm going to try and sync it with the vibe of chapters that I have coming up. This picture is an older one of Carli Banks and Angie Savage but I sought it out. The look Angie is giving her is obviously an angry one. But Carli appears to be thinking: "Hey, I know you're angry. It'll be OK. We're still friends. But I'm going to have some fun at YOUR expense. "
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago Nice update! I can’t wait to see how Elisa plans her future captures!
I'm not going to make you wait too long on that front. I imagine we'll see the first steps of her plan tomorrow.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Really enjoyed that chapter, it was great to see Elisa brought down a peg, and to get a greater insight into Dale's character. It sounds like Elisa is going to come back hard though. As Courtney is still relatively new and has made such a big impression on the group, she's the current flavour of the month (not that it's a bad thing!), so Elisa is obviously going to see her as a threat. I'm sure her retribution will be swift, but the question is will she go about things differently now that she's essentially been called out for being predictable?
I don't think Elisa is that concerned about her predictability in this case. She's somebody who will adapt and learn as time goes by. But she's smart. Trent is being manipulative and she knows he's being manipulative. She might change things if she sees her modus operandi really starting to effect her relationships but she's not going to do it just because this cocky chump is playing mind games with her.
Clayface025 wrote: 1 year ago I have been absolutely loving this story. You’re such a great writer and always look forward to a new part coming out. Right now I’m so curious on if Elisa’s attitude will change in the future or not. The character development has been great and I can’t wait to see where you take the characters and their relationships. Also, love the detail. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you very much. I really appreciate the comments and encouragement. I'll try hard to make sure that the story rises to the expectations that you have for it. Thanks for reaching out and letting me know that you're enjoying it.

Chapter 14 will start tomorrow (Sunday, April 2nd). I just wanted to give a little pre-warning that Capture Club might take a two to three week hiatus after Chapter 15 for maintenance. A couple changes that I've made recently have switched a couple story points in Chapters 18-21 and I'll want to smooth them out before I start locking in things for the next arc. Taking slightly longer breaks every five chapters or so will probably become the norm but I do will continue to post with regularity and let you know a rough posting schedule.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really liked that chapter, and I can say I really enjoyed Elisa getting a healthy dose of medicine, administered by Dale and Trent. Courtney as character is an excellent addition to the Club, and I am looking forward to her next appearance!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 14: "A Miami 4, But a Tallahassee 6" (F/MM) [Part 1 of 2]

It had been one week since Elisa had been left for Dale and I in our room. And that week had been relatively tie up free as far as I was concerned. I’d not captured anybody in the week that followed. Nor had I been captured. The only action I’d seen in the game was that I had been in our room the previous Saturday while Dale had tormented a bound, gagged, and squirming Erica. But she’d managed to escape his clutches after 75 minutes. He had also tied up Jackie that weekend. But I’d taken a few hours out on campus during that one. So that they could have some privacy for what was sure to be a more intimate capture. I’d been busy with schoolwork in that span of time. But as my classes relaxed a little bit, I was ready to get back into the swing of things. Even though I had promised not to capture Courtney for another almost two weeks…which is what I really wanted to do. I didn’t really have any major plans in mind for the other girls. But on Thursday at around dinner time I got a text from Jackie saying that she had an idea for a scheme that she wanted to go over with me. She invited me to come up to The Penthouse to talk it over. I was excited. Jackie’s last scheme had resulted in her landing the boyfriend that she had been pining after for months. And while she was the least predatory player in the game, she was definitely one of the most fun participants. I decided to go check out what she had in mind. I climbed the three flights of stairs and went to open her door, but it was locked. I gave it a quick knock.

Jackie: Who is it?

Me: It’s Trent.

Jackie: I’ll be right there.

Jackie opened the door and I stepped into her room. Immediately I was struck by the sight of a blond boy that I recognized from pictures to be Sam. He was tied at the wrists and ankles and sitting on the floor. I now realized why her normally unlocked door was locked. It was a requisite of captures in order to stop non-club members from randomly walking in on a tie-up session in progress. However, no sooner had I laid my eyes on Sam than I was hit in the back with a coil of rope.

Me: What the?!?!

Elisa: Gotcha!

Me: God Damn It!

Elisa (laughing): Ha. Ha. Got you good. You really just strolled on up here like nothing bad could happen to you?

Me: Yep. Excuse me, Elisa. Some of us are capable of building a modicum of trust in this game. I’ll assure you that it’s not as much of a detriment as you think it is. Though this probably doesn’t help my case. E tu, Jackie?!

Jackie looked at me with with the most uncomfortable and ashamed look that I'd ever seen from her.

Jackie: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I owed her from our last little scheme. So I’m just delivering on that promise. I do feel really bad. But please know that I’m ABSOLUTELY working on your little wish too. My wheels are turning.

Elisa: Awww. Good luck with that. I hope it’s worth it for him after what I have in store for today.

Me: Jackie. I brought you cheesecake last week.

Jackie: I know. And I had just planned this whole thing when you brought it by too. But it HAD to be you and Sam. I couldn’t bring myself to do this to Dale. If it makes you feel any better, the guilt didn’t make the cheesecake taste as sweet.

Me: I wish I believed that.

Jackie: You’re right. That cheesecake was fucking delicious. But I honestly do feel guilty. And I’m expecting I’ll get my comeuppance from both of you for this deceit.

Me: Am I even allowed to be tied up with Player #3? We haven’t been formally introduced in the game.

Elisa: Oh, come on!!! Are you going to try and weasel out of this on that little technicality?!?!

Me: Of course not. It’s fine by me. I would never deny you anything, Elisa. But the rules are designed to protect him. If he’s uncomfortable with my presence in the game. I think he gets a say.

Elisa: Sam?

Sam: You know I’m fine with it. I told you I’d meet them eventually. I’m not some coward who is afraid to be tied up by another guy like you constantly accuse me of being. I just haven’t done anything yet because if I’m going to haul my ass over here from the fucking sticks…I’m doing it to tie up one of you girls. It’s a 30 minute round trip for me.

Elisa: Hey. It’s not my fault you chose to live in the Commons. Live with the consequences of your decisions.

Sam: Fuck you. I didn’t choose to live in the Commons. Nobody chooses to live in the Commons! You think I like being a fucking 15 minute walk from absolutely everything. It’s a 25 minute walk to Grayson Hall for my first class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. We just couldn’t all score sweet ass housing lottery numbers for these digs like you guys. You know I wanted to live here.

Elisa: You could have ditched your roommate and paired up with somebody with a better number.

Sam: That’s heartless. But on brand for you. I have higher priorities than tying you up more conveniently.

Elisa: That’s fine. But like I said. It was a choice.

I decided to step in and interrupt their little argument.

Me: Well, Hello Sam. Nice to meet you. I’m Trent.

Sam: I know who you are. “E” here keeps mocking me that I’m no longer her biggest threat.

Elisa: You probably never were. I just liked stroking your ego. So I could bruise it.

Me: Is that a Minnesota accent I’m detecting?

Sam: It is. I’m from Mankato.

Me: Mankato! Nice. In Le Seuer County?

Sam: Yeah!! Nice! Are you from nearby?

Me: No. I’m from Cincinnati. But my aunt and uncle live in New Prague.

Sam: Oh. Excellent. I have a coupmmmpppphhhh ffrrmmmphhhhmmphhhmmpphhhmmm!!

Elisa: Alright. You two can get to know each other on your own time.

Elisa had shoved the red ballgag into Sam’s mouth and cut our little chat short. He grumbled at her indignantly as she pulled the strap tightly through the buckle and proceeded to cinch it behind his head.

Elisa: I can’t have either of you thinking that this is going to be a pleasant experience for you two. I know that you and Dale tried to convince me last week to have different gears to shift into. But I can assure you that today you’re still going to see top speed. I feel like the fear of God has slipped out of you and I need to put it back in there.

Me: I see. Well…thanks for this, Jackie.

Jackie: Yikes. I’m really sorry. I’m leaving you here with a vindictive whacko. I’m not going to stick around for this because I’m a coward and it’ll make me feel even shittier than I already do. So please note that any embarrassing stuff she does will stay in this room. I understand that our next capture session will probably have to be unpleasant for me. But I look forward to gaining your trust back, slowly over time. And Sam?

Sam: Mmmpphh Hmmpphhh.

Jackie: That thing that you asked if you could do last time. The one that was marginally against the rules. And I said that I’d prefer that you didn’t…I’ll go ahead and greenlight it next time you stop by. I probably deserve it.

I was left to wonder what the hell that meant. Jackie gave an embarrassed and remorseful face to us as she scurried out the door and shut it behind her. We were now alone with Elisa who had just finished tying Sam’s elbows. She then turned her attention to me.

Elisa: Turn around and put your hands behind your back.

Me: You’re not going to finish him first?

Elisa: No. I want to start your timers at the same time.

I did as I was commanded and she began to tightly tie my wrists together.

Elisa: How are you feeling right now, Trent? I’ll bet you feel pretty betrayed. You thought the Queen was slipping. But it appears as though her subjects haven’t really turned on her after all.

Me: I’m not going to lie. This was pretty surprising. I didn’t know that Jackie had it in her. Did you see this coming, Sam?

Sam: Nnmmppphhh.

He shook his head that he was just as hornswoggled as me by the whole turn of events.

Elisa: No speaking with him. I’m still asking the questions here.

Me: Sorry. I just figured we should work on our communication since we’re probably going to need it over the next hour or so.

Elisa: An hour? I don’t know that I can tolerate that sort of disrespect. You’ll have a gag in your mouth very briefly. I know better than to give you an escape partner. But this "Two Guys controlled by One Gal event" is something I’ve wanted for a while. So I have some nasty plans for the both of you.

Elisa: I’ll be done back here in a second. Get in your last mouthy insults while you still can.

Me: That last one wasn’t really an insult. It was genuine. I just probably made it sound like one. It’s actually flattering that a scorch cake such as yourself spends her nights thinking about plans for tying up and tormenting a guy like me. I mean, I’m not used to having people fantasize about me. I’m as average looking as they come. The nicest thing a girl has said to me at a party this year is that I might be a Miami 4…but I’m a Tallahassee 6. I think that means my attractiveness is relative. And if I find a sketchy enough corner of the party, I’d be in luck.

Elisa: Don’t flatter yourself.

Me: I’m not. I said you’re flattering me with all of the effort that I’m sure you put into today’s plan. Jackie implied that this was a week in the works. I mean, Sam...I get. I’m looking at a solid 8.5 down there. You’re a catch, bro.

Sam: Mmmmpphh Hmmpphh.

Elisa: If he’s an 8.5, what is Dale?

Me: An 11. Don’t look too deeply into his eyes if you can’t swim. Because you might fall in.

Elisa finished tying my elbows with a sharp tug and double knotted her knot. It was a prime example of her usual crack ropework. I saw her reach for the blue ball gag.

Elisa: Any last words to the wise?

Me: No.

Elisa quickly shoved the ball gag into my mouth, clearly trying to cut off my speech the way she had done to Sam, but was unable to stifle my one syllable answer. As I had anticipated. I’d often times give a lot of helpless and frustrated captive energy to the other girls because they liked it and they deserved it. Elisa didn’t give her captors the satisfaction, so I didn’t want to give her anything in return either. She would get general defiance from me today.

Elisa proceeded to switch back and forth between continuing to tie Sam and tying myself. She gave us each a fairly elaborate upper body harness to pin our arms in place. She tied our legs at the thighs, knees, and ankles. She removed our shoes and socks when she got to the ankles. She finished the ties off with a tight hog tie. When she had cinched the last knot she casually took my phone and started the stopwatch function and I could see the timer slowly count up from zero towards an eventual release that would come well after the dining hall had closed for dinner.

Elisa: Alright, it’s about time that a strong female presence finally put you cocky little boys in your place. So, for the next THREE hours, and believe me, it will be THREE hours. We’re going to have a little fun. Got it, my whimpering little weaklings?

Sam and I just continued to pick at our knots.

Elisa: Oh, that’s how it’s going to be? You two normally have so much to say. I realize that your mouths are a little stuffed right now, but I’m fine with a little submissive silence. I’ll have you both squealing in 30 minutes or so.

Sam: Hmmmpphhh Mmmpphhhmmmmm Mmmppphhhmmmmm.

Elisa: For my first trick, I’ve got a couple of presents for you in Jackie’s freezer.

She walked over to the freezer and pulled out two ice packs. She’d used this on me once before and it wasn’t pleasant. The club has a foreign substances rules that says that you can’t douse a captive with liquid or foams or gels. You can’t toss a captive in the shower even though certain people have clearly stated they want to. You can’t paint a captive’s face. You can’t spray shaving cream all over them. But ice has always been a weird grey area that was theoretically allowed, but was debated. Elisa simply solved this by going with the ice pack. All of the cold, none of the watery mess.

Elisa: Now, my naughty little brats, you’re going to get your first punishment. I’m going to secure these to you and please know that they’re going to switch locations to be less and less comfortable every 30 minutes. And don’t worry. They might start to lose their freeze a little bit but I’ve got plenty of spares in the freezer for every time I swap them.

With that I felt the back of my T-Shirt get pulled up and a cold ice pack pressed to my lower back.

Me: Hhhmmmpppphhh!!

There was no way to ignore it. I had to give out a little yelp as the cold sensation sent a shiver up my spine. She grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped it down into place with several pieces so that I couldn’t shake it off when I bucked around, even though I already had pretty limited mobility. She then proceeded to do the same to Sam and I could hear him give a sharp little shriek also when the ice pack contacted his skin. All in all, the lower back wasn’t that bad. My body adjusted to it quickly and even though it was a nuisance I was able to occasionally go a couple minutes at a time without thinking about it. I tried to move myself towards Sam to see if we could help each other out. But Elisa had started us out pretty far across the room from each other. And she’d picked up a couple things about limiting mobility within a hogtie from my methods. I was making some progress in getting closer to him, but it was limited. After 30 minutes she stood up again and walked back over to the freezer. I saw her pull out two brand new ice packs.

Elisa: OK. You smarmy little weasels. It’s time for some fresh ice. And just so you know…the real torture will start at the one hour mark. I know that dear little Jackie promised you that your humiliation would stay between the three of us…but I can assure you that was a lie. If you’re not free in 30 minutes, I might not be able to share your shame with the whole campus…but the other club members are going to see a couple of red-faced little tomatoes. I can promise you that.

She walked over to me and flipped me on my side so that I could no longer see Sam.

Elisa: Sorry, Trent. I don’t want you getting a sneak peak of the next move.

She walked back over to Sam and I heard him go wild.

Sam: NNnnmmmppphhh!! Nnnmmmpphhhh!!!! Nnnmmpphhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmmppphhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Nnnhhmmpphhh Nnnngggggmmpphhh!!!!!

I could still hear him panting and snorting heavily as she walked back over to me. She ripped the old ice pack off my back and flung it to the side. She then took a new one and reached around to the front of my body. She unbuckled the belt of my jeans and then slid the flat ice pack down the front of my pants into my crotch region, inside my underwear. I was caught completely off guard. I’m not sure what rule this was explicitly violating but it HAD to be a violation. This would not stand. If I had done something so bold, I’m positive they’d have kicked me out of the club. Nevertheless, I went insane.

Me: MMMMmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!! Hmmmmmpphhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! NNnnnnmmmppppphhhhhhmmmmm?!?!?!

Elisa: That’s what I thought, boys. This next 30 minutes is going to suck!
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Post by GreyLord »

Ouch! Yes! That has to be against some kind of rule.
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Post by charliesmith »

Oh Elisa, oh Elisa…. Things are heating up!
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Post by S-BabyO »

WOW, I have a bad feeling that for Trent and Sam, this is only the beginning of Elisa's planned cruelty to come as she still has 2 hours :shock:.
I must say yes I think the current ending of this part (without spoilers) would be a rule break (as u mentioned it will become more acceptable when agreed upon and more adult which is A-okay with me because it adds some more spice to the story ;) ) but it is certainly great to read and I imagine there will be repercussions for Elisa by Trent and Sam sometime in the future, don't spoil if it comes up in another chapter / the remaining parts, did Jackie know some of Elisa's 'planned activities' as she refused to trick her bf, Dale, you certainly know how to get the readers engaged and our brains ticking :) going to wait until all four parts are out before I read again as the only ' bad 'part of this experience is having to wait :D. (which I completely understand dw the greatest stories take the most time.)
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 14: "A Miami 4, But a Tallahassee 6" (F/MM) [Part 2 of 2]

There was now a freezing cold ice pack pressing into my manhood. This turn of events had completely changed my trajectory. I spent 15 of the next 30 minutes not trying to get closer to Sam, but rather trying to shift the ice pack into some semblance of survival mode. I managed to shift myself so that it wasn’t directly touching my manhood, but rather had slipped further down my leg and was pressing into my upper thigh and hip. It was still cold as hell. But once you’ve had an ice pack nestled directly on your junk for five minutes. This was a welcome relief. I proceeded to see if I could shift myself closer to Sam in my oddly balanced state without the ice pack shifting back and it appeared as though my progress was substantially hampered. Elisa meanwhile was laughing maniacally to herself and had circled us several times and taken at least half a dozen photos with her little Nikon camera while we moaned and squirmed at her feet.

Elisa: Oh, this is too good. How manly are you two feeling right now? If you think that you’ve been taken down a peg now…just wait for what I have planned next. I've got plenty more in store for you two pathetic little mewling milksops.

I didn’t make it to Sam by the time the first hour was up. But when I heard a soft beep come from Elisa’s phone I knew that more trouble was coming my way. She went over to Sam and knelt down.

Elisa: Now, Samuel. I may not have thought this last torture through all the way. I’m pretty sure that I was legally allowed to throw that ice pack down your pants. But I’m definitely going to need your permission to retrieve it. Can I go in there and get it?

Sam: Mmmpphh Hmmmppphh.

Sam nodded in permission and I saw Elisa delicately work her way down the leg of his pants to avoid making full contact with his member and carefully extract the ice pack pinched in the corner between two fingers. Sam let out a sigh of relief. She then came over to me and knelt down as I glared at her angrily.

Elisa: And how about you, Trenton (not my full name). Do I have your permission to get that nasty little ice pack out of there?

Me: Mmmpppphhhh Hmmmppphhhmmmm Mmmmrrrmmppphhhmmmpphh.

I intentionally muttered nonsense but in a cadence where she’d think that I had something genuine I had to tell her in an effort to remove the gag. I wanted the gag out of my mouth because it was starting to get sore and I wanted to excoriate her for this last dirty trick and see if I could shame her into not being such a bitch. This seemed like a little too much.

Elisa: Sorry. What was that? I don’t speak squealing pig. You’ll have to be more clear.

Me: Mmmpppphhhh Hmmmppphhhmmmm Mmmmrrrmmppphhhmmmpphh.

Elisa: Trent, you worked about a pretty clear system for me. I’m afraid I’m going to need one grunt for Yes and two grunts for No. That gag is not coming out of your insipid, little mouthy trap.

Me: Mmmppphhh Mmmpppphhh.

She’d already started reaching for my fly when she heard the second grunt and seemed taken aback by it.

Elisa: Fine. That’s your call. Are you afraid that I’m going to think your shrunken manhood is a permanent feature?

Me: Mmmmmpphhh Mmmpppphhh Mmmmppphhh.

I didn’t think she’d be able to feel anything. I was pretty sure that I had retreated inside myself for protection. That ice pack was cold as fuck. She rubbed her way along my thigh until she found the bottom of the ice pack and then slid her hand along the side of my jeans pushing it up. Eventually she pushed it back over my junk causing me to let out a high pitched yelp. But she guided it with her hand back along my leg until the corner peaked out above the waist of my jeans. She then grabbed it by the corner and pulled it out.

Elisa: There you go. That could have been so much easier if you weren’t such a little colicky baby.

I glowered at her. But she paid my anger almost no mind as she dragged me by my feet over to Sam.

Elisa: OK, my feeble little namby pambys. Now comes the real fun. Let’s give you a little relief from these tight hogties…since you clearly couldn’t give yourself any in the last sixty minutes.

She untied the rope that connected my feet to my upper body harness and my legs mercifully dropped down to the carpet. She did the same to Sam. She then picked up a fresh ice pack and lifted up the front of my shirt. She pressed it against my naval and though I gave a quick yelp and a snort I couldn’t help but think that this was WAY better than having it down the front of my pants. Weren’t things supposed to be getting progressively worse? She taped the pack in place with duct tape and dropped my shirt down. She then went over to Sam and I could see her placing the pack across his upper chest. This appeared to be the first time that she had treated us differently and I wasn’t envious of him. His appeared to be in a more sensitive area than mine. As soon as she dropped his shirt though she took him by his ankles and dragged him over to me so that we were parallel and looking directly into each other’s faces. She then pushed us together so that are bodies were pressed against each other. There were two shirts between us but I definitely felt the ice pack under his shirt as it pressed against my nipples. We both let out an annoyed grunt and a little yelp. She then took three VERY long coils of rope and in the next ten minutes proceeded to intricately bind Sam and I together very tightly. She threaded the ropes through our existing restraints and pulled us together at the feet, knees, hips, chest and a final cinch right at the base of our necks that made it substantially difficult to keep our heads apart. I was staring directly into Sam’s eyes and we had to lean our heads back to stop our ball gags from clinking together. I was now grateful that my manhood was still in hiding because we were obviously also crotch to crotch. She had also ingeniously tied our hands and threaded them through our hip restraints to the other person’s knee restraints so that movement of our hands straightened our own legs and pulled our ankles away from us. Not that this was necessary. Our legs were tied together. It’s not like one of us was going to be able to bend our legs 90 degrees in the wrong direction.

Elisa: Awww. It almost looks like you two are kissing. Why don’t you give each other a little smooch just for me?

We both turned and glared angrily at her and uttered some indignant garbled protests.

Elisa: And what a couple of drooly little boys you are? That can’t be pleasant.

We were in fact drooling heavily and it was going to be a fucking chore to keep that drool off of each other.

Elisa: Now I’m going to give you guys a little tickle torment for about five minutes and then I’ll give you poor, unfortunate souls a full uninterrupted hour to escape. Scouts honor. OK, Trent? However, if you’re not out by 2:15 on the timer then I’m afraid we’re going to see your final shades of red. Got it, sweeties?

Sam: Mmmpphhh Hmmppphh Mmmppphhh!!!!

Me: Mmmpphhh Hmmmpphh.

Elisa: But first, let’s get a couple pictures for the rest of the group. I’m sure the other girls want to see how you two are getting along during your first real play date. Don’t worry. Now that you’ve met…I’m sure there will be plenty more to come. At least if I have anything to say about it.

Sam: Mmmppphhhrrrrmpphhhh Mmmppphhhhmmmmm!!

She then proceeded to snap multiple photos of us in our embarrassing predicament. She took a couple regular ones from different angles. Then she pushed one of our heads forward but framed it so her hand wasn’t in the frame so that it looked like our gags were touching voluntarily. She then took some with her striking power poses next to us.

Elisa: Say “Girl Power!”

She snapped at least 15 photos as we grumbled and moaned at her mercy. She then went over and began her tickle torture. She started at our feet and worked her way upwards. Sam was significantly more ticklish than me. But she was giving us both a good go and we were sputtering into our gags which sent spittle on at least two occasions each into our co-captives face. It was pretty fucking humiliating. Even though I’d been told multiple times by Dale and Jackie that I had no shot with her…I think I was most concerned about Courtney witnessing this humiliation. I didn't want it to make her view me in a different light than the one which I would like to present myself in. When she was finally done Elisa stood up and sat in Jackie’s desk chair.

Elisa: Sixty minutes, you squirmy little worms. I’d make the most of it if I was you. The last part might be the most fun of all.

I was determined to get out before this last part. I needed to see what resources we had at our disposal. I looked around. But most of my view was of Sam’s face I didn’t have a real field of vision laying on my side like this and was trying to survey the room. I made a grunt towards Sam and yanked my head to imply that we should roll to give me the ability to look around. He was nonplussed by this idea. As this would leave either my weight on top of him or his weight on top of me and gravity would probably force the substantial drool emanating from our gags to drip onto the bottom person.

I knew the risks. I jerked my head the other way and implied that I was fine with being on the bottom. He was still very hesitant but I used my best eye and facial language possible to let him know that I PROBABLY had a plan. And that this was our only option. We did not want to see what happened at 2:15 mark on the clock. We both shifted our weight at the same time and threw ourselves in a roll so that he flipped on top of me. His weight was pressing the ice packs closer together under our shirts. But I was able to scan the room in both directions and saw what I was looking for. A potential salvation for us was by the door.

I motioned to him that we needed to roll in the direction of the door and after about 25 seconds of grunts and eye flits and head motions it appeared as though he got the plan. We mustered up our strength and proceeded to roll toward the door, stopping every time we crashed back down to our sides, but trying to maintain a fluid motion to keep momentum. We got fairly close but eventually our legs hit the edge of Abbie’s bed and we had to stop.

Elisa: Oh man. This is too adorable. I’m so fucking heartbroken that I can’t get this on video. Would you two be willing to waive the No Cell Phone rule?

We both emphatically shook our heads No and I gave her the middle finger behind my back to let her know just what I thought of such an idea.

Elisa: Rude.

I could see Elisa smiling like the conniving maniac that she was though. She was really enjoying this. We proceeded to squirm and wiggle our way towards the door. Once we got parallel to the apparatus for my plan I let Sam know with a couple head nods and an eye roll that we needed one more roll to get my back facing the storage bin that Abbie kept next to the door. We executed one more roll and I finally had my back and hands up against a steel wire framed storage bin that Abbie kept some of her odds and ends in. Specifically, one that had little hooks coming out of it. I pressed up against it as best I could, pulling Sam with me and felt around with my bound wrists until I felt a hook in their vicinity. I carefully wormed the hook in between two of the loops in my wrists bonds and proceeded to yank back and forth. The storage bin moved with us but I was wildly flailing my hands to try and pull slack into the knots and pull the ropes in different directions.

Elisa: What are you doing over there my naughty little prisoners? It seems like you’re up to no good.

She seemed to be getting worried. But she’d promised us an hour and she couldn’t legally “prevent an active escape attempt” per the rules. If she came over and moved us or the storage bin now it would be a clear breach and I’d be well within my rights to tie her malicious ass up for a whole day if I wanted in retaliation. Or at least that was my interpretation. I kept at it and could feel some slack open up in my wrist restraints. That was all I needed. I pulled and yanked feverishly and eventually felt my left wrist start to slip through. After about ninety more seconds of furious motion, it was out and I was able to shake my right one out shortly after.

Normally, getting your wrists free is 80% of the battle, but Elisa had gone so hog wild with us that my arms were still tightly bound to my sides and I could only get at some cursory knots along our bodies that were holding us together. None that would really help free me up any more to get at what I needed. We needed to shift my upper body harness further up so that I could get my arms to have a little more range of motion. I motioned to Sam with my head that we needed to scoot up closer to Abbie’s dresser. He appeared to understand where I was going and we squirmed and inched our way until my back was against the dresser and I felt for the dresser leg. My hands now had a decent amount of mobility in their confined region so I could easily grab the leg of the dresser to stabilize myself. The dresser was heavy enough that we wouldn’t be moving it. And I could use my hold on it to anchor myself in place. With my hands free I was also no longer tethered to Sam’s knee restraints and I could do as I pleased without straightening our legs. I gripped the leg of the dresser as we writhed up and down, me digging the ropes around my shoulders and chest into the ground so when Sam made extra jerks up and away from me they pulled further up my chest. Elisa’s elaborate harness that wrapped under my armpits and around my shoulders stopped them from sliding off, but I could feel my arms getting more range of motion. Elisa appeared to be enjoying this though, because our writhing looked pretty fucking awkward. And I could see her snap a couple additional pictures.

However, she could enjoy those pictures all she wanted because I was confident that we would now by home free. I could now reach my thigh and knee restraints and my practiced fingers picked those knots in a couple minutes. We probably still had 30 minutes until her final phase and I was making good progress. I started picking at the knots that connected Sam and I at the hip and these took significantly longer to get through. But after fifteen minutes I finally had enough of them undone that we were able to separate by a decent amount. With my upper legs and lower arms free, and my torso no longer connected to his. I was able to rotate myself so that I could work on his knots. He likewise flipped over so that we were back to back and we started really going to work on freeing each other.

Elisa: Fuck!!! God Damn It!!

We went at a slow but steady pace. But before too long most of the major bonds were gone and we were sitting up untying ourselves. I popped my ball gag out as soon as I had Sam free enough to work on his own restraints and stretched my jaw out since it was incredibly sore. That was the longest I had ever worn a ball gag. And the blue one packs a much bigger punch than the red one. I heard Elisa’s phone chime that it was time for her final revenge, but by that time I had just finished untying me knees and was about to move onto my ankles. She could come over and try whatever she wanted but she was going to get a stiff arm from me. She didn’t even bother. She just sat there sulking and watched as Sam and I removed the last of our restraints.

Elisa: Bravo. Maybe you rubes are a little more formidable than I gave you credit for.

Me: Fuck off. A little more formidable? You don’t have an escape like that in you. This was a win for us.

Elisa: These photos of you two pathetic, little cretins drooling on each other would beg to differ. But take the W if it’ll make you feel better.

Sam: That was some pretty wicked stuff you pulled. You now realize that we’re going to feel comfortable tying you tightly to another girl. How are you going to like writhing up against another lady like that?

Elisa: I’ll be just fine with it. I’m a switch hitter, nimrod. Did you ever think maybe that’s exactly what I want?

Me: She also knows that while I’d totally do that to her…I’d never do it to another girl. She’s hedging her bets on us both having standards for how we treat a captive.

Elisa: That’s your issue. Not mine. Mercy is for the weak. And only the strong survive in this game.

Me: I would like to bring up the issue of the ice pack down my pants though. That seems like it’s a rules violation.

Elisa smiled a devious smile.

Elisa: Which rule exactly?

Me: Well you FELT ME UP pretty hard retrieving it. I’d say that definitely qualifies as inappropriate touching or groping. You grazed my penis multiple times.

Elisa: I do agree with you. The toss in was quick and contactless. I didn’t think about the retrieval beforehand. You can contest the rules violation if you want. Sam has done some questionable things with ice before. He’s in no position to complain. But you’d be right to find that a little out of line. If you want. The next time you capture me, if there is a next time, I won’t report it if you give my chest a little…

She proceeded to make a groping motion with her hands in the air.

Me: I think you know I won’t do that either. I’m not escalating this shit. I’ll take solace in the fact that we foiled part of your plot. But there’s no point in teaching you any lessons because you never learn. I’ll focus on Jackie’s betrayal.

Elisa: Well that will only teach me that if I push hard enough, I can get away with anything. Because you’re too chicken shit to fight back.

Me: I’m fine with that. Sam, the dining hall closes in 20 minutes…do you want to grab some food to go?

Sam: Sure.

Me: See you later, “E”? Keep the ropes. You could use the fucking practice.

Elisa: Bye, boys. Until next time.

Sam and I walked out the door and headed to grab some food to go before closing time. I was feeling good that I didn’t encounter whatever she had planned for Stage 3 of her torture. But I was thoroughly humiliated in that she had gotten us good and laid me pretty low. I’d get revenge on her eventually, but that would be a dish that I’d serve cold and well down the line. Jackie was my immediate threat. The guilt eating away at her would make the upcoming revenge much more satisfying. But I was still going to have to teach her that I was not a partner that could be trifled with.
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Post by laz »

I can't believe that Trent said this after what was done to him by Elisa: "Me: I think you know I won’t do that either. I’m not escalating this shit. I’ll take solace in the fact that we foiled part of your plot. But there’s no point in teaching you any lessons because you never learn. I’ll focus on Jackie’s betrayal."
Jackie needs to be taught a lesson for sure but I have to agree with what Elisa said about Trent: "Well that will only teach me that if I push hard enough, I can get away with anything. Because you’re too chicken shit to fight back." She sounds like deep down she may want the extra abuse to come back on her and will continue to push until someone "mans up" and teaches her a real lesson. I don't think that Trent is man enough to do that, heck he isn't even man enough to pay Courtney back for her transgressions.
Last edited by laz 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by charliesmith »

Elisa is such a force in this game. Very gutsy too and I like that. Too bad Trent isn’t going to take up her offer of some boobs groping after the humiliation he was put through. Excellent update as always!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent! I like the way Elisa got her revenge! Looking forward to Trent turning the tables again!
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Post by GreyLord »

Could Trent be waiting to be able to grope more than a boob? I haven't pictured him as a wuss. Look forward with much anticipation to see what you have in mind, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. I do love this story!
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Post by laz »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Could Trent be waiting to be able to grope more than a boob? I haven't pictured him as a wuss. Look forward with much anticipation to see what you have in mind, @Fandango. I do love this story!
I enjoy the story as well, it's detailed and well written. It's a bold move to make the primary character a poser, Elisha and Courtney already have him figured out, thus the level of abuse, they will gladly let Trent tie them up, probably once for every 3 times that he is tied up by them. That's seems to be how the story is going thus far, but I could be wrong. Looking forward to more chapters.
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Post by Sniper108 »

The next time you capture me, if there is a next time, I won’t report it if you give my chest a little…

She proceeded to make a groping motion with her hands in the air.

I like that opening by Elisa, let's see if Trent will take things further or not.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Elisa's payback was great, and it was good to finally meet Sam in this chapter, can't think for a more awkward way for him and Trent to have met but they handled it well enough.

I feel like Elisa is ready to drop the pretense of it being a game with strict rules now. She seems to want someone who will really push and challenge her limits as much as she can herself. It's interesting that she seems more than happy to let others break the rules with her - even though she's been a vocally dominant personality so far, I think she also really wants to enjoy being tied if the right conditions are met.

Great stuff though, and looking forward to seeing how Trent deals with Jackie!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by laz »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago She seems to want someone who will really push and challenge her limits as much as she can herself. It's interesting that she seems more than happy to let others break the rules with her - even though she's been a vocally dominant personality so far, I think she also really wants to enjoy being tied if the right conditions are met.

Great stuff though, and looking forward to seeing how Trent deals with Jackie!
I agree
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