Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
I hope I am not in a state of sin for commenting as I read.
Absolutely not. I always love and appreciate comments. I try and respond to as many as I can between completed chapters. But I wanted to let you know that comments are always welcome. I'm right there with you. I also read a lot of long form stories on this site and don't feel like I should comment until I'm caught up with the narrative. What if I rave about how much I like a character and then they become a homicidal maniac three chapters later? Though I should tell myself that it's probably safe to do so. But it's always nice to know that people are reading. Thank you very much.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 11: "This is Not My First Rodeo " (M/F) [Part 3 of 4]

Courtney: OK. So the second time happened closer to end of the school year. It was late March or early April. We were back at Mandy’s house again and this time there were only six or seven girls from the team there. We were talking about sex and boys and a bunch of taboo things and one girl mentioned that her boyfriend had tied her up. Another girl didn’t get why he’d want to do that. We laughed at her as kind of naïve but we explained it. And then the incident of Spin the Courtney came up and it was mentioned that I had been tied up as a party game at a party earlier in the year. Elisa and Mandy were the only two who had been at that game so the other girls had some questions and one of them asked if I could get out. I said that I had to be released, but only because Elisa had used duct tape. I said that it’s significantly more difficult to tie somebody up with rope to the point where they can’t escape and that I was sure nobody present had that skill set.

I cringed a little. I knew where this was going. And I knew exactly who had that skill set.

Courtney: Elisa said that she could ABSOLUTELY tie me up so that I wouldn’t be able to escape. I said that I had experience being tied up before. I was pretty good at escaping and most people were shit at tying. I was confident that there was no way that this girl could tie me up so I couldn’t escape in a reasonable amount of time. She asked it I was willing to prove it. She was going to tie me up and gag me. They’d put me in a closet and we’d see how long it took for me to get out. I said that was fine. But she wasn’t allowed to use any duct tape. She asked if I meant even for a gag, and I said no duct tape whatsoever. Ropes and scarves and bandanas and belts only. She asked Mandy if she had any rope. Mandy said that they almost certainly did not and if they did she had no clue where to find it. Elisa said she knew where to find some and that she’d be back in 30 minutes. She left and came back with a duffel bag absolutely full of stuff.

Yeah. I could see this not going well for Courtney if Elisa was allowed to pack her regular capture bag. If this was April of last year then Elisa would already be in Capture Club and surely had ample supplies ready to go.

Courtney: Now that I know how into this sort of thing she is, I know that she already had it. At the time I was wondering how she managed to procure this amount of rope on such short notice. The bag really should have been my first hint that I had underestimated this girl. So she proceeds to tie me up. And I mean these ties are no joke. My older sister used to be able to get me pretty good, but this was on a new level. I mean I was sitting on the sofa, totally trussed up and squirming around. I definitely knew by that point that this bet was not looking my way. Elisa went into Mandy’s kitchen and came back with a dish towel which she shoved into my mouth. It was substantial and it couldn’t all fit in my mouth so the ends of it were sticking out through my lips. She then grabbed a sheet from her bag and tied a knot in the middle of it. She rammed the knot into my mouth, spilling some more of the dish towel out around the sides, and tied it around my head to keep the dish towel from coming out. She and another girl then hopped and waddled me over to a closet at the back of the room. They then laid me down against the wall inside the closet. She teased me and asked if I still felt that I was going to be able to escape. I was starting to think that I might not be able to but I didn’t want to admit defeat so I just kind of shrugged nonchalantly at her.

I couldn't tell whether I thought this was the appropriate response or not. Projecting calm on the part of a captive would probably only steel Elisa's nerve. But Abbie and I had both proven that frantic pleading doesn't work either.

Courtney: She said that we’d see and that they would be sure to let me go once the party was over. She then shut the door on me and I started to panic because I didn’t know that there was going to BE a party. It was like 8:00 and I’d thought it would be just the girl’s team hanging out. Well, sure enough, an hour later I can hear music blaring and people laughing outside the door. I’m still writhing away trying to get free. At some point a girl opens the closet and sees me lying there and starts laughing. But she shuts the door and walks away. But eventually she tells somebody else and they come to check and the door probably gets opened 4-5 times over the next half hour. So people that I barely know or in one case absolutely don’t know come to gawk at me. I’m starting to get really embarrassed at this time and I just want out. The door stops opening because Elisa and another girl are now sort of policing the door at this point. I’d been told they’d been watching it throughout the night so that nobody was going to seriously mess with me. But now I can hear every 10 minutes or so them tell somebody that the closet it off limits and they can’t open it. However, a little after 10:00 they must have stepped away from the closet door. Because this upperclassman from the men’s team opens the door and starts laughing at me squirming around on the floor. This fucking asshole pulls out his phone and decides that he wants to take a picture of me like this.

This was bad. Courtney was basically living a nightmare of mine at this point. I was trying to figure out how this story might turn itself back around into the realm of acceptability.

Courtney: Luckily, before he can do it he gets body checked into the door frame by Elisa who tells him that he is a fucking pervert and that he needs to get the fuck out of the party. That he’s no longer welcome here. He calls her a little freshman bitch who can’t tell him what to do. Elisa hails Mandy over. She tells this guy that he doesn’t need to leave, but that he should go outside and that what he was about to do was “seriously not cool”. I’m glad that she stopped him from taking my picture, but at that point the fight became a thing that people were talking about at the party. And everybody started to realize that there was a bound and gagged girl in the closet. I could hear comments being made from outside the closet. I started to have a full blown panic attack. I was feeling sick and mortified and I wanted out more than anything. I slid my body towards the door and started to kick at it lightly so as not to make a full scene, but needing to get somebody’s attention. Elisa wasn’t watching the door at this point, but another friend of mine who had been there when I initially got tied up came in to check on me. She immediately saw that I was starting to cry and asked if I needed to be untied. I nodded my head and she knelt down and let me go.

I'm glad that somebody had some sense. Crying is a no go for me. That's as good as a safe word whether you want out or not. I just can't mentally operate with a crying captive.

Courtney: Elisa is really good at tying people up, so if you don’t know how here knots work it can take a substantial amount of time to untie them. Even if your hands are totally free. My friend had me untied in about 10-15 minutes. But I was almost scared to come out of the closet because I was worried that it was going to be a fucking spectacle. I told her that I really wanted to just go back to my dorm room and asked if she could get me out without making a scene. I didn’t want people to see that I had cried and that I was more than a little bit of a mess. I was sweating. I was flushed. I looked awful. She stepped outside for a second, returned with some guy’s hoodie and gave it to me so that I could put it on and pull the hood up to obscure myself. She had moved a couple groups of people outside away from the door. Then helped me walk out and quickly hustled me towards a side door away from most of the partygoers. I really appreciated it, but I was still mortified by the whole experience. I’d probably only been “seen” by about 10-12 people at the party that hadn’t been in the initial group that witnessed the bet. But the rumor that there was a bound and gagged girl in the closet spread like wildfire after Elisa’s fight.

I think just about every member of Capture Club was a believer that public humiliation was not for them. It was good to hear that Courtney fit in that regard.

Courtney: Some people knew it was me. Others didn’t. I’ll still occasionally have somebody associated with club volleyball mention it to me as a legend, not realizing that the legend is the very person that they’re talking to. However, the reason that I was bound and gagged in the closet was eventually chalked up to being an immature hazing ritual. It never became a thing that there were “kinky” girls on the volleyball team. So I was never branded in that way. It was labeled as a couple mean girls hazing the new freshman girl. I was fine to let people think of it in that way. Because it was the least of a few embarrassing ways that they could think about it. But that got back to our coach, Rhonda. She gave us a big lecture on how we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on hazing. She made Elisa and a couple of the other girls involved run suicides after practice for a couple weeks. She told them if she heard of anything like this happening in the future, that they’d be kicked off the team and reported to the disciplinary board. It’s probably one of the inciting events that led to Elisa quitting the team. Although there were a fucking litany of those. She just hated the way Rhonda ran the team. She didn’t blame me. She knew that I hadn’t said anything. But a couple of the other girls thought that I’d snitched and complained. They were really snitty towards me for the last several weeks of the school year. Elisa and I are still friends, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little salty about that night. I think she’s a decent person who is willing to watch out for her friends. But I think that she is atrocious at judging the feelings and temperament of people. Especially when they can’t verbally communicate with her. That girl reads body language at a third grade level.

By this time I had totally finished tying her legs and was just listening intently to the story.

Me: That sounds like “rough” is an understatement. I’m very sorry that happened. It’s a little surprising to me that after an event like that that you’d be interested in joining this club at all.

Courtney: I still enjoy tie up games. It didn’t sap my love of that. It just solidified for me that I want them to exist for me in a private, controlled setting. I don’t mind being tied up. Under certain unique circumstances I even enjoy it. No offense, but this is unlikely to be one of those circumstances. However, on the flip side of the coin…I LOVE to tie other people up. You’ll find that out very soon. But I accept that I might have to spend some time at the mercy of people like you, Dale, and Elisa. If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t be allowed to dish it. However, I’m going to take the privacy rules of this game VERY seriously. And know that I’ll do you the same courtesy. I don’t want to get weird looks when I go to class or volleyball practice or when I’m out at parties.

Me: We’re in complete agreement.

Courtney: Good. Are you finished?

Me: I’m just going to finish with a hogtie and then a gag.

Courtney: Well then, get to it. I don’t need you milking any free time.

I proceeded to take the cord that was already attached to her ankles and pull it firmly through several harness points in the framework that I had tied around her upper body. Questions that I had about her flexibility were soon answered, as I was able to make it so that her feet and hands were in fact touching. I actually pull a little bit of slack back in the rope because her fingers could almost reach the knots on her ankle with how far she had stretched. Also, I don’t want to break the poor girl. When I eventually tied it off it was taut and substantively restrictive. And I was pretty sure that she wasn’t going anywhere until I let her out.

Me: Do you have a particular gag preference? I can start with something that you’re comfortable with.

Courtney: I’m going to be honest with you, Trent. I don’t hate the whole chivalry thing, but it’s counterproductive to the way that I’m going to go about being a captor. When I come for you. And I will come for you. Next week. Guaranteed. Make sure you submit your conflicts carefully tonight. When I come for you, I’m going to gag you however the fuck I please in that moment. I’m not going to ask you any recommendations or give you any menu options. Your mouth is going to get served what the cook is dishing out, provided that I don’t violate any rules. So, I’d feel disingenuous if I asked you to go easy on me and give me a soft little cleave gag. Do whatever you want because I promise you that I will.

Me: Duly noted. Then please open wide for me and try to remember in an hour from now that I did ask you what you wanted.

She opened up her mouth and I stuffed a large wad of cloth through her parted lips. I continued to carefully push it in until it filled her mouth. I was worried that it wouldn’t fit. But it ended up being just about perfect. The cloth completely filled her mouth and came right up to the brim.

Me: Wow. That was just right. I’m going to have to remember to set this cloth aside for you because it is just the right size for your mouth. Any chance that you can close those lips for me?

Courtney tried to shut her mouth but couldn’t quite do it. Her lips remained slightly parted as the stuffing made her cheeks swell.

Me: That’s actually good enough. I don’t want you to pull a muscle. I’m good with a little overflow.

I then took a roll of duct tape and proceeded to tightly wrap circles around her mouth. I didn’t torque the tape with any cruelty but the wraps were tight enough that they pressed in on her cheeks and pushing the swell of her mouth back into equilibrium. After seeing her two days prior, I had been worried about how I was going to handle her hair if I went this route. But the way that she had tied her ponytail before coming over made it easy to avoid, so that the tape caught very little of her hair as it wound around her head. She probably anticipated this. It paid to be a seasoned veteran of tie up games. When I was done her lower face was compressed by a thorough band of grey tape that pushed down into her cheeks. With only a small bump around where her lips were, proclaiming to any viewer that there was something stashed in her mouth. Satisfied with my work I picked up her phone and showed her that I was starting the timer before setting it down next to her. I decided that it was time for me to switch into villain mode. I wanted to really give this girl a good show. But I decided to be a little more over the top and showy about it, so that there was no way for her to think that it wasn’t roleplay. I lowered myself down onto my stomach facing her so that my eyes were level with hers. I then reached out and prodded her chin up with my index finger so that she had no choice but to look directly at me. Her eyes widened in anticipation.

Me: Court? Can I call you “Court”?

“Court”: Mmmpphh Hmmpphh.

Me: Good. I’m sure you have some uncertainties right now and you’ve got some questions about what kind of lunatic your friends Jackie and Elisa set you up with. I’d be happy to try and answer them. You’re probably asking yourself: Is he going to be staring at my butt because of this ridiculous outfit that I chose to wear? Did they set me up with some pervy degenerate who is going to focus on my feet the whole time? Is he going to invasively tickle me for the full three hours to get his twisted kicks?

She stared at me and slightly nodded to admit that she had probably been thinking some of those things.

Me: The answers to those questions are “Yes”, “No”, and “Certainly Not”. First, I probably can’t help myself. You’ve got a very cute butt. I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do. Second, Jackie might have told you that she gets foot massages from me while she’s hogtied. That’s her decision, not mine. Those are by request only. And while I’m not NOT into feet, I’m definitely less into them than a couple of the other players in the game. It has nothing to do with yours…yours are actually quite fetching. And I can almost promise that I will get down to tickling them eventually. I just happen to have an abundance of patience. Which brings me to the third question that you hypothetically asked without actually being able to ask it. I personally don’t think it’s very sporting to tie somebody up and just start tickling them.

Courtney: Mmmmpppphhhhhh hhhmmmmpppphhhrrrmmmmmmmm.

Me: Erica and Elisa will tie up their captive, set the timer, and then just dig right in like it’s a ravenous feeding frenzy by a pack of mongrel dogs. You don’t DESERVE that. You should demand better treatment. If I can’t keep you tied up for an hour, I don’t know that I think I’ve got any right to tickle you…unless I’m satiating a lust for revenge from some previous slight. But that doesn’t apply here. So you have my sincere promise to you that I won’t be tickling you for the first hour of your captivity. I’m going to go over to my desk and get some stuff done while you treat these restraints as your own fun little playground. Then, and ONLY then, if you haven’t escaped in one hour will I come over here and tickle you until you’re wheezing louder than a backfiring lawnmower. You’re going to be a panting, huffing puddle of a human being. Does that sound like a fair deal?

Courtney: Hmmmppphhhh Mmmmppphhhh Frummphhmmpphh Uurrrmmpppphhh!!!

Me: I legitimately have no clue what that was an attempt to tell me. A simple motion of the head Yes or No will suffice.

Courtney glared at me but then nodded her head reluctantly. I went over to my desk and “pretended”, probably pretty poorly, that I had things to do on my laptop. I actually did send a quick e-mail or two and checked out some sports scores and some movie news on Reddit. But I’d be shocked if my eyes were on my computer screen for more than seven of the next sixty minutes. I was enthralled by the jiggles, squirms, gyrations, and contortions of the stunner in the volleyball uniform that was firmly hogtied on my floor. She actually made a very solid effort of things. Abbie or Erica would have given up long before she did. But for at least the first 40-45 minutes she put up an energetic struggle. She managed to roll onto her side at one point. She flexed back and forth to try and get slack in the ropes. Her flexes outward sent her spandex covered bottom higher into the air very alluringly. She gave sharp grunts as she tried to jerk her wrist restraints upward in what I can only imagine was an attempt to jolt the hogtie rope. As though she didn’t know that I’d never connect a hogtie rope directly to the wrist restraints on a tie like this. Rather I tied it into her upper body harness. The first twenty minutes of her struggles were filled with very energetic grunts and yelps. As she got sweatier and started to pant more heavily, those turned to sustained whines and moans in the twenty minutes after that. By the fifty minute mark she seemed to have accepted that Tickle Hell was coming for her and that she might need to save some degree of energy for the onslaught. Her struggles demurred to a low-effort attempt to pick at the knots that her fingers sadly could not reach. When the time came I walked back over to her and knelt down beside my still tightly bound captive. She tensed her body rigidly preparing for me to do my worst. She curled her toes inward and started to breathe heavier through her nose. But I had a different idea.

Me: You don’t look very relaxed, Court. Little did you know that I’m a man who is known for giving out second chances. I’m not going to tickle you just yet. I figured we could play a little game for you to earn a second chance at clemency. But I really did think you’d have made more progress by now. You said you were such an old pro at this. You’re shaming your family here. How would Big Sis feel knowing that she’s no longer top dog at keeping you under foot?

Courtney: Mmrrrddphnnn! Yyrrphhhmmphh pphhhbrmmmmphhh ppphhhhmmmmm!!

Me: And what would your parents say about speaking with your mouth full? That was a rhetorical question…like the previous one…I’m not expecting an answer.

Courtney: Yrrmmmppphhhthphmm mmmpphh Brmmmppphhhphhmmmm!

Me: Oh! You want to know what game we're going to play? Why we’re going to play one of your old favorites. It’s a little game called Spin the Courtney.

Courtney: Mmmmmphhh Hmmpphhh Mmmmpphhhh?!?!

Me: Yeah. Obviously this carpet isn’t going to allow for the game to played as you remember it. But we’re creative people. We’ll play a little inverted version. Firstly, I need you to spin around and look over here.

I grabbed Courtney by her feet and gently spun her 90 degrees so that she was facing towards the wall where Dale and I had our desks.

Me: OK. So here is how this game goes. I’m going to use my phone as a second timer. You’re going to have exactly five minutes to spin your body 180 degrees in this hogtie so that you’re facing the opposite direction. In five minutes, if you’re not facing the dresser over there…I’m going to have no choice but to give you a very harsh punishment. However, if you do manage to get yourself over there, I suppose I’d owe it to you to treat you to a nice little reward. I’m going to show you that I’m starting the timer, but I’ll be holding it. This will be a nice test of your internal clock. That’s a very valuable skill to have in these tie up games. And I’m such a nice guy that I’m going to help you develop yours. OK. I’m going to start the timer. On your marks. Get set. Go!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Fantastic update. Love the challenge that 'Court' is being set, and the teasing/interplay between Trent and her. I'm sure the lack of control and teasing is much more to her liking that the Elisa humiliation!
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Post by GreyLord »

This is a great episode, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. I like your characters very much but Courtney is definitely a favorite. I hope that you will have a very long run with this story.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great update, though I felt bad for Courtney when she explained what happened to her - it's almost impressive how Elisa is managing to give almost everyone a reason to want some payback. The action in the present is great as well, I especially enjoyed how Courtney's tape gag was described. It will be interesting to see whether she succeeds in Trent's game or not!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 11: "This is Not My First Rodeo " (M/F) [Part 4 of 4]

I pushed the button on the timer and Courtney began to buck from side to side to tilt herself into turning around. She gyrated her torso back and forth and flexed her thighs to move her body. But after one minute had elapsed she had probably only managed to rotate 15 degrees to the right. She wasn’t making enough progress and I think she knew it, even without seeing the timer. She stopped for a moment and then pressed her face towards the carpet and flexed her upper thighs forward putting all her weight forward, then she relaxed her muscles and bucked backwards to give her body some momentum. As she rocked she lurched her shoulder to the side and her body twisted to the right before hitting the carpet again and moving another 20 or so degrees in the right. She gave a muffled grunt as she did so. She repeated the process several times, flopping like a fish and grunting heavily into her tight tape gag. But she was slowly and surely getting around the room. She hit the 90 degree mark at about three minutes. Given her slow start I thought she could still get backon pace. After about her seventh jolt she was so close that she was getting giddy with excitement. However, I saw the timer hit five minutes. Thinking she still had time, she gathered her strength, rocked her body and jerked it once more so that she was now facing almost exactly 180 degrees around from where she had started.

Courtney: Mmmmmppphhhh Mmmppppphhh Hmmppphhh Mmmrrmmrrmmpphhh!

Me: Yep. You did it. 5 Minutes and 12 seconds.

I showed her the timer and her face went pale.

Courtney: Nnnnnmmmpphhh!!!! Mmrrmmppphhh Pphhhmmmmnnnnnmmmmpphh Llrrrmmmpphhhh Mmmmgggmmmpphphhhmmmmmm!!!!

Me: Oh. I agree with you 100%. That is so close that it is basically a rounding error. And I’m going to be honest with you. It would be a little sadistic of me to not reward that effort. I was GENUINELY impressed. And I feel that if I said…I’m going to torture you over 12 measly seconds on what was a fun little adventure, I wouldn’t get the same effort out of you next time. So you’re being granted a temporary stay of execution and you’re being given a reward. I can’t give you the reward I was going to give you. That was going to be your release.

Courtney: Mmmmpphhwwmmppphhh Mmmmrrmmppphhh!!!!!!

Me: Just kidding. That was never on the table. Here’s your reward. It’s two parts. First, I know from experience that you can’t be particularly comfortable right now. I’d like to offer you a pillow.

I walked over to my bed and picked up my pillow.

Me:I’m going to put this under your body on your upper half. It will give you some extra leverage, it will make it significantly more comfortable when you lower your head, and it will take some strain off your neck and back. Would you like it?

Courtney: Mmmppphhh Hmmpphh!!

She nodded her head vigorously as I knelt down, grabbed the rope tied across her back near her shoulder blades and lifted her a few inches off the carpet. I then slid the pillow under her chest and rotated it so that it propped her up from the top of her midriff and allowed for a little area to lay her head if she so desired.

Me: Now for the second part of your reward. I’m pretty sure that you’re going to be stuck like this until I let you go. And I think that you’re figuring that out also. And you now happen to be facing the side of the room where our TV is. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t give it a good go, but the next hour could be tedious so I figured you could use some light entertainment.

I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. I then hit the Netflix app and the main user interface popped up.

Me: I’m going to let you pick whatever you want from the current Trending Top 10 to watch. It’s your choice.

I scrolled through the options so that she could see them and she actually watched more intently than I had anticipated.

Me: Why don’t you grunt the number of times for the selection you’d like.

Courtney: Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh. Mmmmppphhh.

Me: OK. That’s seven. Russian Doll it is. Good choice. I’m not sure what episode you’re on. Grunt again for the episode number you’d like to watch.

Courtney: Mmmmppphhh.

Me: Starting from the beginning. Respect.

I hit the necessary buttons and the program started playing.

Me: Now remember. This is so you don’t get bored, but you still have a job to do. If you’re not free by two hours and ten minutes…I’m going to have to tickle you. I’ve delayed it long enough. I know that I told you that I’m not a big tickling guy. At least not like some of these other monsters, but I’m worried that your feet will think that I find them repulsive if I find one more excuse not to give them the proper ransacking that they deserve at that point. Good luck and god speed.

She started struggling with a renewed vigor and a second wind but the results just still weren’t there. She paused to rest several times and did seem to be paying a decent amount of attention to the show. I’d already seen it at this point and had my eyes firmly on my gorgeous captive. From my desk I could stare at her cute butt wiggle without her being able to prove it. Though she could probably assume that's where I was looking. I also found plenty of reasons to walk around to the sides because I also liked the view of her gagged face and cute way that she scrunched her nose when she was struggling. She had bursts where she really gave the ropes a good rattling, but she kept tuckering herself out and having to stop. I think that eventually she just accepted her fate.

Me: Sorry, Court. It’s that time. There is no clemency being granted this time. You’ve had two hours and ten minutes to make some discernable progress and now it is time to pay the piper.

I knelt down next to her and she tensed up like before. I sat directly behind her and slid my leg under the hogtie rope and braced my leg against her knees so that she couldn’t pull herself forward away from me. I grabbed her feet by the ankles and pulled them back towards me as far they would come, elevating her chest off the pillow slightly as she came with them.

Me: It was nice knowing you.

I then dug my fingers into her bare soles at an absolutely merciless tear. She cackled into her gag and thrashed as best her strict hogtie would allow. She tried to bury her head into the pillow. However, my pulling her feet back made her hover slightly above it and the only muffling effect on her laughter was being provided by the tight gag she was sporting.

Courtney: Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!! Hhmmmppphhhmmmmppphrrrrrrphhhhhhhmmmmmmrrrrrrrmppppphhhhhh!!!!!

This girl was ticklish. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It was a very satisfying session. I did stop twice briefly out of concern for how hard she was breathing and let her catch up a little bit. But as soon as she thought she was back off tilt I’d start up again and she’d be thrust back into absolute fits. After ten minutes I stopped and unhooked my leg from behind her knees and released her feet. She slid forward onto the pillow in an absolutely panting, huffing, sweaty mess of humanity. I walked around front and could see that her brow was wet and small strands of hair had come down and were matted to her forehead. She exhaled in and out briefly through her nose and moaned pitifully at me.

Me: Alright. That was Round 1. We’ve still got two more rounds but I need you to take a five to seven minute breather or you’re not going to make it. Pace yourself, girl. I will say that I’d give your feet an A- for ticklishness. They’re quite sensitive. I was tempted to give them a higher score but there is one player that’s more ticklish than you. So I think that I have to grade on a curve.

She was unable to respond to this with any sort of energy. She just let out a soft, prolonged moan and rested her head on the pillow. I went back to my desk as she slowly caught her breath and her body tried to return to some semblance of normalcy. I waited about eight minutes and then approached her.

Me: Alright, Court. It’s time to begin Round 2.

I knelt down beside her and she tensed her body again to brace for my next move. She frantically tried to turn her body away from me and wiggled her feet as best she could. As though she was going to be able to avoid my probing fingers.

Me: Relax. Relax. There’s no need for that. I’m not going to tickle your feet anymore. Your feet were Sooo ten minutes ago. The ribs are where it’s at now.

With that I placed my fingers along each side of her jersey, causing my body to arch over hers to get both her right and left sides. I placed each finger on what I thought was a different rib and then started rapidly stroking them back and forth while digging them deep into her flesh. Once again, the effect was absolutely as intended. She absolutely lost control. She jerked around and bucked from side to side and this was actually a more effective version of evasion than she had been able to produce with her feet. I didn’t feel like straddling her would be very gentlemanly. So I was attacking her off balance from one side and this was like trying to stay on a bucking bronco. If she’d managed to buck like this during our game of Spin the Courtney earlier…I think she’d have been able to rotate herself in under 90 seconds. At one point she flailed wildly enough to kick me in the shoulder with her foot. I lost balance and fell on top of her for a second before pushing myself back up. Once again, I stopped after ten minutes but by that point she was an absolute wreck.

Me: Alright, Court. You’ve earned your second break. That Round was actually a workout for me too. But I can’t wait for Round 3. You are a very ticklish little captive and if I was you…I’d take your escape attempts more seriously from now on.

Courtney: Mmmpph…Hmmpph…Mrrmmphh…Bmurphh.

She was panting something at me but I’ll be damned if I could tell what it was. Once again she laid back down and resumed trying to regain her strength on the fly. The thing about knowing when your captor has to release you is that you’re able to pace yourself in certain regards. And she actually seemed a little buoyed right now knowing that she was hitting the home stretch. Even though she was thoroughly flushed and worse for the wear. I let her catch her breath, but I cut the break time a little shorter this time to throw her off. This time I came around to the front and knelt down again. She looked up at me with her pleading eyes and gave a low whine into her gag.

Courtney: Nnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhmmmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Me: Yep. Round 3. This is it. I can’t imagine that this round will be more fruitful that the previous two…but I need the full scouting report so I know where to focus my efforts the next time I have you in my clutches.

I then began to roll up the short little sleeves that her jersey had so that her armpits were exposed. I hadn’t even started tickling her yet and began bucking. Protests started pouring from her gag so frantically that while I wasn’t sure what she was saying...I thought she might be offering me her first born child if I agreed to not go through with Round 3.

Courtney: Mmmmmppphhhh! Mmmpphhh!! Mmmmpphhhhhrrrrrmppphhhhhmmmmpppphhhh!!! Mmmpppphhhhrrmmmpphhhmmmmmmmnnnmmmph. Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhh!!!

Me: OK. I’m guessing this is going to be good.

I dug my fingers into her armpits and unleashed hell. I dug in hard. I twirled them clockwise, counter-clockwise, did figure eights. Drummed them on one while zig zagging up the other. I switched tempos. I’d do drastically different rhythms on each and then I’d suddenly synchronize them. But the entire time I kept a solid forceful pressure on them. I didn’t want her to get used to anything and get comfortable. And she lost it. Her soul left her body. She was convulsing with laughter and she had to stop thrashing because her body started to quiver uncontrollably in unison with the laughter. I looked down and saw that tears were starting to stream down her face. I was sure that they were tears of laughter. But just seeing them and thinking of Abbie crying three weekends prior told me I needed to stop, lest I push things too far. Round 3 was done in three minutes, but if I hadn’t pushed this girl into quitting. I knew exactly what buttons I needed to push next time.

Me: That’ll wrap up Round 3. I’m worried you might legitimately have a brain aneurism if I keep going.

She gave a thankful moan into her gag and collapsed back onto the pillow. There were still about 15 minutes left on the timer and I decided to give her half of that to recover into something resembling a functional person before I’d ask her if she was willing to accept her final punishment. I walked over to my desk and pulled the small camera out of my drawer and waited for her labored panting to subside. With seven minutes left on the timer, I approached her from the front with the camera in hand.

Me: Alright, Court. I’m going to wrap up our session here today, but I normally have ONE more punishment that I like to administer to people who spend the FULL three hours as my captive.

Courtney: Mmmpph Mmmpphhh?

Me: However, you told me a somewhat disturbing story earlier. So I’m going to let you opt out of it if you want, despite it not violating any club rules. It’s somewhat traditional for the captor to take a souvenir photo of a captive after or before a particularly memorable capture. But since you’ve had a bad experience with somebody trying to photograph you before…I 100% will allow you to decline. Just say No and that will be the end of it. And please know that if you do say Yes…this photo is for my scrapbook only. It will stay on this SD card and will be air gapped from the internet. It will never make it’s way to another soul until I die and my grandchildren dig it out of the attic after my funeral. By that time, I’ll be dead and you’ll probably be in hospice, so it should be no big deal. They’ll just laugh about what a wild, kinky old lunatic creep their old grandpappy was and wonder how he ever managed to tie up such a striking captive without committing a federal crime. The choice is yours. Yes or No?

Courtney took about 20-30 seconds to seriously ponder the question and think it over.

Courtney: Mmmmpphh Hhhmmmppphhh.

Me: Is that a Yes, I may take a photo.

Courtney nodded her head in the affirmative.

Me: I appreciate it. Say Mmmmpphh. Mmmmpphh.

Courtney: Mmmmpphh. Mmmmpphh.

I snapped the picture from a side aerial angle that captured the full magnificence of her current outfit and featured her turning her head to the side and upwards to look at me with her big bright eyes and her tightly gagged mouth. It was a perfect picture. No need for a re-take. I then got down next to her and began to untie her. I released the hogtie rope first and her feet dropped back to the floor. She let out a long, pleasurable moan as her body noticeably relaxed. I untied her hands next and continued with the elbows and other upper body ropes. After that she waved me off as though she could do the rest herself. She probably didn’t want me ripping any hair out taking off the gag or spending any more time touching her thighs and legs. She peeled the gag around, being careful not to yank any of the hair at the base of her neck out. When she finally had the gag unraveled she pinched the end of the stuffing and extracted the wadding from her mouth. She proceeded to toss it at me.

Courtney: There’s your stupid cloth that apparently fits my mouth perfectly. If you want to note it for future encounters.

Me: I will. This bad boy is your glass slipper, my little Cinderella.

Courtney: That was absolutely fucking brutal.

Me: I strive to be the best.

Courtney: Well, I’ll tell you that it’s you and Elisa in the top league and then all of these other fucking jamokes in the minors.

Me: Thanks. I’ll quote you on that.

Courtney: Just be prepared. You’ve moved to the fucking TOP of my hit list. I still haven’t gotten Sam or Elisa or Erica back yet, but I’m going to back burner those sorry sacks and I’ll be hitting you back EARLY next week. It will not be comfortable for you. You will regret several things that you did today. Capiche?

Me: Capiche. I don’t mean to be patronizing…but I honestly can’t wait.

Courtney: You will not be excited when it happens. Secondly, I need something else from you. I am sore as fuck and I don’t even want to walk back to my room yet. You have my assurances that I am not a kleptomaniac. You are going to take your laptop out to the common room and fuck off for the next 30ish minutes and I am going to pass out on your bed and take a nap. I’ll let you know when you’re welcome to come back into your own room.

Me: Your wish is my command. There are Aquafina bottles in the closet over there. You HAVE to be thirsty.

She didn’t even finish untying her ankles. She slid her body over to the closet and slid open the door. A giddy gasp of excitement escaped her mouth when she saw my water stash. With that, I picked up my laptop and a book and headed out of the common room leaving her alone in my room. I was still tingling with the afterglow of the day when she came out to get me about 35 minutes later and let me know that my room was mine again. She had in fact grabbed one of my hoodies and not Dale’s. I’m sure I’d make an excuse to get it back before too long. Her striped socks had been pulled up over her knees. But to anybody looking closely, you could still see a cord indentation on her upper thigh below where the spandex ended and the sock began. But anybody looking that closely wasn’t going to be comfortable asking any questions. I walked back to my room as she departed and collapsed on my bed. I was fucking besotted with this girl.
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Post by charliesmith »

That was truly an amazing ending to a fantastic chapter. Can’t wait for the next!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by GreyLord »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago That was truly an amazing ending to a fantastic chapter. Can’t wait for the next!

[mention]charliesmith[/mention] says it all, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. It was amazing as well as fantastic. I am eager for your next post.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed the last Chapters very much [mention]Fandango[/mention] ! I love your detailed descriptions - and I guess Courtney is a promising member of the Capture Club!
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Post by Rtj65 »

A great conclusion to the chapter, you have a way of making the reader feel like they are really in the room with the characters, which is impressive. I'm sure that Courtney's payback will be just as enjoyable to read about!
Fandango wrote: 1 year ago I was fucking besotted with this girl.
Can't say I blame him for that!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by DommeKirsten »

Courtney v Elisa sounds fun 1 day :)
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Post by GreyLord »

DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Courtney v Elisa sounds fun 1 day :)
Indeed, that would be a great match.
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Post by Fandango »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Courtney is a very interesting addition - you have a way of writing your characters that makes me want to learn more about them from the get go. And in this case, finding out what Courtney's 'additional expectations' are is a great hook. Looking forward to the next part!
Thanks. This chapter for Courtney was about sizing Trent up and seeing how he operates when he's in control. We'll get a better idea of what her expectations and ethos are when we see her as the captor. And that won't be long.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic update. Love the challenge that 'Court' is being set, and the teasing/interplay between Trent and her. I'm sure the lack of control and teasing is much more to her liking that the Elisa humiliation!
I appreciate the comment. Despite this being a rigorous debacle for Courtney, it was certainly more palatable for her than the Elisa humiliation. The way I've structured the club so far, seven of the eight current members (NOT Jackie) lean more towards the dominant (or want to be dominant) end of the spectrum. So several of them don't thoroughly enjoy being tied up for the sake of it. But I'm interested in watching some of them come around on the idea that while they don't always love being tied up...there are circumstances under which they find it quite enjoyable. This will be a theme in the next several chapters.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago This is a great episode, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. I like your characters very much but Courtney is definitely a favorite. I hope that you will have a very long run with this story.
This story definitely has a planned ending. But that ending is a long way off. This story will run for a while, with me publishing other shorter (but still lengthy) stories simultaneously. And if you ask me, Courtney is probably my favorite character also.
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago That was truly an amazing ending to a fantastic chapter. Can’t wait for the next!
Thank you very much. I really appreciate the support.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I enjoyed the last Chapters very much [mention]Fandango[/mention] ! I love your detailed descriptions - and I guess Courtney is a promising member of the Capture Club!
Thanks for the kind words. She does bring a lot to the table. She might be the newest member, but she's coming in ready to play.

DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Courtney v Elisa sounds fun 1 day :)
This is certainly a rivalry that I'll explore. And I'll explore it soon. But Courtney promised Trent that he was her #1 priority. And Courtney is a woman of her word.

Thank you so much for reading. I will be traveling for the next several days starting tomorrow, but I will resume with Chapter 12 next Tuesday after a short break. You're the best.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 12: "News of My Shame Travels Fast " (F/M, F/MF, F/M) [Part 1 of 5]

Courtney had promised that there would be swift retribution for our little game the past Saturday. And she certainly did deliver on that promise. On Tuesday afternoon I returned from class and started doing some assigned reading when I got to my room at 1:30. At 2:15 I heard my door slowly open, knew that Dale was still in class, and quickly grabbed the coil of rope that I now permanently keep on my desk. I wheeled around and saw that Courtney had been trying to sneak up on me. But when she saw the coil of rope in my hand she quickly ducked behind our bunk beds by the door and muttered a quick “Fuck”. She had a protected position. She could make a throw at me from around the corner since I was more out in the open. However, she probably had about a 50/50 chance of hitting me and I didn’t know if she had more than one coil on her.

Courtney: So that’s how this is going to be, eh?

Me: In all honesty. I keep this thing around for Elisa attacks. I wasn’t expecting you. However, It’s Elisa’s off day today so I would have been a sitting duck anyway.

Courtney: Well, you’d better learn to start expecting me. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

It didn’t take me long to think about it. I like to plan my attacks. I didn’t particularly have anything planned for this one. So I didn’t want to burn my capture of Courtney for the week when I could execute a more polished and satisfying capture later in the week. I also didn’t want her to think that I was scared or a player who could dish it but not take it. I wasn’t somebody who regularly evaded capture. Dale used to have a rep as somebody who duplicitously avoided being captured. And Erica definitely still owned that reputation. I thought back to Saturday and the ordeal that I had put her through and decided that I’d probably earned her retribution. I tossed the coil of rope harmlessly onto the floor into the center of the room where she could see it.

Me: Tell you what…let’s do this the easy way.

Courtney slowly peaked out from behind her façade and eyed me wearily. She approached gingerly as though I was somehow going to spring a trap on her despite my hands being raised in the air in mock surrender. She took her coil and carefully chucked it at me from point blank range. Officially initiating the capture. She then went and checked in my bathroom probably trying to ensure that Dale wasn’t hiding in there, waiting to pounce.

Me: You seem a little paranoid. There’s nobody here except for you and me.

Courtney: I wasn’t expecting you to give up that easily. And a girl sometimes hears things from other players. Your surrender will be considered favorably going forward. But I can ensure you that it will buy you NO favors or leniency TODAY.

Me: Noted. I’m all yours. Just tell me how you want to do this.

Courtney: You are all mine. First things first, do you need to use the facilities?

Me: Probably a good idea. It’d be the height of arrogance to assume that I didn’t need to.

I went into the bathroom, took a quick leak, washed my hands, and returned to my room to find Courtney sitting in my desk chair waiting patiently for me.

Me: I can’t help but notice that you don’t seem to have any supplies on you. If you’re looking to borrow mine, I’m fine with lending you some. I’m guessing you haven’t been able to go out and procure any yet.

Courtney: You assume wrong. I’ve got a whole slew of goodies waiting for you, my friend. You assume that you’re going to be tied up here. THAT is the incorrect assumption.

Me: That was dumb of me. I guess I knew that you couldn’t use your room and figured that here would be easiest.

Courtney: I don’t believe in letting a captive have homefield advantage if I can help it. Also, “Court” is looking to put on a show. My humiliation stayed with just the two of us. I want yours to have a little audience.

Me: Interesting. I told Dale and Jackie that they could stay for yours. They’re the ones who decided to go on a walk. I wasn’t trying to keep you all to myself.

Courtney: Oh. I know. I get the feeling that you’re quite the fellow show off. Now be a good little captive and pack whatever you’re going to need.

I took my backpack, and without emptying any of the other contents, simply threw a hoodie for hiding rope marks. I was wearing jeans, so my legs would be fine. I also tossed two bottles of water into the backpack.

Courtney: You probably won’t need the hoodie. I lied to you. I told you that you might never get your old one back. It’s laundered and waiting for you. It’s the least I could do given the miserable next three hours that your sorry ass is going to have.

Me: Thanks. I guess.

Courtney: Three more things I’d like to go over before we take this show up to The Penthouse.

Me: Ooohh. The Penthouse.

Courtney: Yep. I’ve quit club volleyball. So I joined this club partially to keep up with my girl Jackie. And I’d like to show her my skills. Elisa doesn’t need to see how well honed they are yet. But like I said, three things I need to go over with you. First…

Courtney walked up to me and gave me two firm slaps on the cheek. They looked hard enough that I flinched on the first one. But she sort of retracted before impact. She still made enough contact with my face to produce a “slap” sound. However, from a pain perspective they maybe charted at a 2.5 out of 10. Light discomfort.

Courtney: Would you consider that “unacceptable physical or violent contact”?

Me: No.

Courtney: Would you be OK if that happened in the next three and a half hours while you were tied up?

Me: I’ll be fine.

Courtney: Sweet. Next question…

Courtney reached up behind my head, grabbed a handful of hair near the nape of my neck, and yanked my head back. I gave out a quick yelp in surprise. She looked concerned.

Me: Aaaahhh.

Courtney: Sorry. Was that too much?

Me: No. I just wasn’t expecting that. That a was a surprise yelp. Not really a pain yelp.

Courtney: Did it hurt?

Me: Not in a way that I can’t handle.

Courtney: So, you’re fine with that also.

Me: I didn’t know that this was going to be a full domme experience, but yes…I’ll permit hair pulling also.

Courtney: Excellent. Last question, do you have my little glass slipper?

Me: The rag? I do.

Courtney: May I have it, please?

Me: I don’t think I’m required to give that to you. You can always torture its location out of me up there. And then come down and look for it. Leaving me free to make a daring escape.

Courtney: Come on. You were doing so well from a compliance perspective. I’d hate for you to stumble at the finish line here.

Me: It just worked so well. I’d hate to part with it.

Courtney: I’ll promise to give it back to you unharmed at the conclusion of this capture. Captor’s honor.

Me: OK then.

I went over to a drawer and pulled out the cloth in question and handed it to her.

Me: Take good care of her. She misses you. And she’s counting the days until she can gag you again.

Courtney: Well, I think that she’ll be counting for a while then. I noticed that you washed her already.

Me: Laundry day. Every Sunday.

Courtney: I think you’ll find that that is another great decision on your part. If you’re ready we can make our way up to the eighth floor.

She let me lead the way out into the hallway and up the stairs to the top floor. We walked over to Jackie and Abbie’s room and she walked right in without knocking. Jackie appeared to have been expecting her, Abbie was not. She saw me enter and looked startled and ducked out of the way. It was Jackie’s off day, but not Abbie’s.

Courtney: Relax. Relax. He’s my captive. He can’t get you. And I don’t believe that we’ve met yet…so I pose you no threat either. I’m Courtney. I’m sure you’ve received a text about me already. I can refer to you as Player #6 if you want, but I know who you are. Because Jackie speaks so highly of you.

Abbie: Thanks. I’m Abbie. Nice to finally meet you.

Abbie gave Courtney a friendly little wave. She still appeared startled by the striking, imposing girl who had captured me.

Courtney: You’re going to get to see my first capture. I caught myself a little guinea pig downstairs and figured that I’d workshop a little demonstration for you both. That way you could help spread the word that Courtney Branch is NOT to be fucked with.

Jackie gave her an excited little flurry of clapping at the news.

Jackie: Ooohhh. Your first capture. You never forget your first. This is so exciting!

Courtney: It is. I call him my little guinea pig because this is going to be largely experimental today. I haven’t really had time to develop my personal brand yet. Do you have my gear, Jackie?

Jackie: I do. It’s right over here.

Jackie grabbed Courtney a backpack from over by her desk and she handed it to her. Courtney pulled out several coils of rope and a roll of duct tape and tossed them onto the floor. I waited in anticipation as she surveyed her resources. This girl definitely did “look” the part of a total pro. The rope that she had put down was neatly coiled and appeared to have been pre-sorted into proper lengths. Today she was dressed in a tight black T-Shirt and dark grey yoga pants with some sort of staticky cross-hatch pattern printed on them. She had on black ankle socks and black trainers. Her shoulder length black hair fell naturally as it had when I first met her. As opposed to the ponytail that she wisely wore it in when she knew that she was going to be the CAPTIVE and not the captor.

She picked up a medium sized coil of rope and walked around behind me. She yanked my hands behind me with an exaggerated flourish and crossed them behind my back. Crossing my hands was either a pro move or a cocky move. I found that it was the ideal way to tie somebody’s hands. But it was substantially trickier to do successfully for beginners. You had to do it right. She then proceeded to “do it right”. She made a bight in the rope, looped the ends through and proceeded to wrap and coil my wrists with measured strictness and precision pulling out all the slack on every turn. She reinforced the tie with tight diagonal lashes to pin the existing framework in place. And then she tied everything off in a series of knots that she positioned outside the reasonable reach of my probing fingers.

Courtney: How is that, my little guinea pig?

Me: Honestly. Really good. I think I recognize it from Saturday.

Courtney: I thought you might. It’s very similar to the way that you tie. Obviously, I couldn’t really figure yours out, so there might be a slight difference or two. But you’re going to have the next three hours to work that out, my little guinea pig.

Abbie seemed amused by how competent the new girl was at restraining me.

Abbie: Do you think you can escape, Trent?

Me: We’ll see. I think she’s barely gotten started. It would be way too early to answer that question now.

Courtney: Correct you are. I’m just warming up. I think you’re going to stay put until I let you go, but I also don’t want to get too cocky. I might be a little rusty. You’re my first revenge. But you won’t be my last.

Courtney then eyed the other girls who were sitting on their beds watching us intently.

Courtney: Speaking of which…when are you two going to swing by and introduce yourselves in a “Welcome to the Club” way?

Courtney then made a bight with another rope and began to work on my elbows.

Abbie: Well…if you’re as good as Trent. Then I honestly don’t think I’m ever going to come capture you. I think I can go without.

Courtney was behind me. I was looking at Abbie and not at her. But I could feel her deflate a little when Abbie said this.

Courtney: Abbie, I would be absolutely heartbroken if I thought you actually meant that.

I could see a flash of fear in Abbie’s eyes and I was pretty sure that she legitimately had meant it.

Jackie: I’m sorry, Courtney. I’ve been a little busy. But I promise that I’ll stop by this week. I voted you in. So you can always just come capture me without any introduction capture. I really haven’t learned how ropes work yet. So if you’d like our little capture catch up session to last more than ten minutes…you might have to be cool with me using the sticky stuff.

Courtney: For a chance to catch up with you, Jackie Garrett, I’ll gladly accept the sticky stuff. It’s great as training wheels. If you’re not going crazy with it, it’ll provide a nice little challenge for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if I could even escape. Christina used to use it. It was the only way that she could keep us restrained.

With that Courtney finished my elbows and gave the rope a tight tug. I had been moderately gentle with her elbows since we were still figuring each other out. She stepped it up a notch. But they weren’t tied painfully tight. They were pulled together, but they weren’t quite touching. She continued her way up my body and draped the end of a very long rope over my right shoulder.

Abbie: Christina?

Courtney: My YOUNGER sister. I used to play tie up games all the time with my two sisters, Jenny and Christina, growing up. Christina was the youngest and couldn’t really tie people up at all. She was also the smallest and couldn’t overpower either of us. So she’d either need to rely on assistance or our willingness to get us restrained. And the only way she could keep us restrained for long was by using duct tape.

Jackie: I remember Christina from when your family came and watched us when we played Middle Tennesseee State. Did she ever get you really good?

Courtney: I’d say she got me really good about three or four times.

Jackie: Story time?

Courtney: Of Christina tying me up?

Jackie: Yeah. Let’s hear a story.

Courtney: OK. Trent…I mean guinea pig, here is getting a lot of stories from me lately. But here goes…

I could feel Courtney expertly weaving an elaborate harness around my upper body as she began to regale us with a story from her youth.

Courtney: Once when I was a junior in high school she had me really taped up. I’d felt bad for tying her up really tightly the previous weekend. So I agreed to let her tape me up in revenge. I knew that our mom would be home at 5:30 and that Christina would have to let me go before then. So I was banking on only being taped up for about an hour maximum. We never thought we were doing anything wrong or illicit. But we’d all agreed that our parents did NOT get to know about these games. Sometimes there was crying. Sometimes there were hurt feelings. But you talked it out and you NEVER went to mom and dad. You went to your other sister and said “I need your help” and that is how we handled it.

Jackie: Smart.

Courtney: So anyway, I knew that I’d been a meanie the previous week and left her in an uncomfortable position of a little too long. I decided to let her tape me up to appease her. She went hog wild with the tape. She taped me up with the vigor that naturally comes from a younger sibling finally being able to put their big sibling in her place. I could squirm and roll around, but I was pretty immobile. We had also just starting using stuffing in our gags. So she had put a hacky sack in my mouth and taped it in. We never wrapped tape around the head. But she had to have sealed it in my mouth with a solid 10 pieces of duct tape or so. She’d just finished taping me up when we heard our mom come home. Apparently a transformer blew and her office had a power outage in the afternoon. So they sent everybody home early.

Abbie: Oh God.

Courtney: My mom was calling us to do some chores and there was no way that Christina was going to be able to untape me in time. So she simply stashed me under her bed and told our mom that I had gone to a friend’s house. I had to struggle there and keep as quiet as possible for just short of three hours while she vacuumed and helped sort things in the garage. At one point my mom was even within ten feet of me. I thought she was going to find me and just about had a heart attack. Christina finally did sneak away and cut me loose just after 7:00 so I’d make it to dinner. I got in trouble with my mom for skipping out on chores night. I had to do them by myself for the next two weeks. Let’s just say that Christina didn’t complain when I tied her up pretty stringently the time after that.

Jackie: I’ll bet.

Courtney: Things are a little different when you know that you deserve it. Isn’t that right, guinea pig?

Hearing my name. Or I guess that “guinea pig” was my name now, snapped me back to attention. I had been enthralled by Courtney’s story and wasn’t fully paying attention to the elaborate upper body harness that she had strung around me. She was now tying it off up and away from my hands, which were now pinned more firmly to my torso.

Me: Yep. I’d say that after Saturday, it’s fair if you’re not feeling guilty right now.

Courtney: Not even slightly.

She gave the back of my knee a little kick. Not hard enough to buckle it. But hard enough to send the message that it was time for me to get down on the floor. I complied obediently. And she pulled over some coils to begin work on my ankles.

Courtney: But yes, Jackie. Duct tape will be fine. But if you want to learn how to use ropes, watch closely. I’m about to give you all a little tutorial.
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Post by charliesmith »

Courtney is rivalling Elisa and Jackie for being my favourite female character in your story. She is quite the domme! I am loving it so far. Hoping the read the rest of the parts very soon, can’t wait :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by GreyLord »

Well done! The story moves forward so smoothly. Courtney's stories fit in nicely. Guinea pig doesn't seem to be worried yet. I wonder if that will change as Courtney proceeds. She does seem to know her business.
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Post by S-BabyO »

WOW Fandango, I seriously give you props for making such a good story and I can't wait to see Courtney and all the characters develop their abilities and their games,(especially the unique flair u have made for them all) I cannot wait to see more of how Courtney will use her 'Love taps' (the small sharp slaps) and how she uses them to embarrass the newly named guinea pig for the audience's entertainment and looking forward to more captures as you continue with this amazing story and concept.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great start to this chapter - Courtney definitely seems like someone not to be messed with! I love the added aspect of there being an audience this time; it's going to be fascinating to see not only how this affects Trent - who so far seems like someone who cares how he is seen by others - but also how Jackie and Abbie react to everything.

I think what really makes this story work is the variety of personalities in the club, and the way you explore how they each bounce off each other. It makes for some good variety in the interactions we see, and makes the characters feel more like a group of real people. The fact that they all bring something slightly different to the table bondage-wise is also a plus!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 12: "News of My Shame Travels Fast " (F/M, F/MF, F/M) [Part 2 of 5]

Courtney settled into tying my legs at the ankles, knees, and thighs while I explored the ropes. I flexed back and forth testing them out a little bit without actually starting my escape attempt yet. Jackie and Courtney were discussing a little club volleyball drama while she was doing her thing, but I wasn’t really following it because I didn’t know the people involved. Finally she finished tying my legs and removed my sneakers and socks so that I was barefoot. She took hold of my feet, which had a sizeable length of extra rope hanging off of them. She roughly yanked them forward threading the rope through multiple cinch points on my chest harness before knotting it off parallel to a rope that ran across my shoulder blades.

Me: Aaahhh!

Courtney: Is that too tight, my little guinea pig?

Me: You’re fine.

Courtney: I know I’m fine, guinea pig. That’s not what I asked. Pay attention.

Me: It’s an appropriate level of tight. It was just the sudden jerk that caught me off guard.

Courtney: I was going to say. I remember Saturday and I don’t think that this level of stretch is unacceptable. You can be honest with us all now. Are you surprised and impressed?

Me: Impressed? Definitely. Surprised? Not really. You said that you were seasoned and I expected great things from you. I mean, I expect great things from Jordan Larson but I’m never surprised when I see them.

Courtney: Effusive flattery AND name dropping a women’s volleyball player. Are you attempting to rack up some brownie points, guinea pig? It’s unfortunate for you that you won’t be able to cash in any of them today. Now where is my little glass slipper?

She rifled through her bag and pulled out the rag that had filled her mouth so precisely on Saturday. She then shoved me onto my side so that I was lying on my right hip and facing her, Jackie, and Abbie.

Courtney: There she is! Open wide.

Courtney took the rag and unceremoniously stuffed it past my lips and into my mouth. She pushed it down with her fingers until it spread into my cheeks and started to fill my mouth. She then straddled her leg over me and continued to pull some cloth strips out of her backpack.

Courtney: Just as I suspected. Next time your insipid little villain character wants to make a wise crack that I have “big mouth” or some such thing…I wanted you to know that yours is slightly bigger. There’s still a little room in there. Abbie darling, could you fetch me an ankle sock?

Abbie: What?!? You mean like one that I’m wearing?

Abbie looked uncomfortable.

Courtney: No. No, no. A fresh one will do. I know you’re a staunch proponent of not using used socks.

Abbie: You heard about that, did you? News of my shame travels fast.

I could see Abbie blushing. She was probably hoping that new members wouldn't be aware of some of her embarrassing misfortunes of captures past.

Courtney: Abbie, nobody is sharing your “shame” with me. They’re sharing your “limits” with me. It’s a good thing.

Jackie had already jumped into action and pulled a pair of ankle socks out of her top dresser drawer. She separated the two of them and tossed one to Courtney.

Courtney: Thanks, love.

She then proceeded to press the ankle sock into my mouth which just about filled it to the brim.

Courtney: Go ahead and give me a little test talk, guinea pig.

Me: Hmmmpphhh Mmmpphhhm Mmmmrrrrmmppphhhh Mmmmpphhrrmmpphh.

Courtney: Good. That’ll do it. Unless you meant to say “Hmmmpphhh Mmmpphhhm Mmmmrrrrmmppphhhh Mmmmpphhrrmmpphh.” That wasn’t your message, was it?

It was not. She then took a torn sheet that appeared to be fairly pliable from the way that she was stretching it out and pulled it into my mouth pushing the packing down in deeper and tightly knotted it twice on the other side of my head.

Courtney: That’s a good start. But you see, girls, I’m still working on my own “signature gag”. And I’ve heard that this one is a shifty little bugger. I’d hate for him to somehow scrape that off and then we end up listening to his inane chatter for the back half of this capture. My understanding is that I’m not allowed to re-gag him. He’s certainly quiet enough for my liking. I like a little bit of sound…so long as I can’t understand it. But I need to make sure he can’t work it off.

She then picked up the roll of tape and tore a healthy strip off of it and pressed it down firmly over my mouth. She repeated this four more times until I had a solid block of tape pressed over the gag. So that I wouldn’t be able to scape or rub it off if I was able to find any leverage.

Courtney: Ah. Perfection.

She then stepped off of me and unceremoniously rolled me back onto my stomach aggressively where my solar plexus hit with a thud that made me grunt into my new gag. She picked up my phone and showed me that she was starting the timer app.

Me: Hhhhmmmmpppphhhh!!

Courtney: Alright, guinea pig. You’ve got an intense three hours ahead of you. But we’re getting an early start. So if you behave like a good little boy. Maybe, just maybe, Jackie and I... and my new friend Abbie...if she wants to join. Will let you sit with us at dinner. But you’re going to want to wash up first because this might get a little sweaty. Now we can properly answer Abbie’s question from earlier. Do you think you can get out of this, my silly little captive? I know that YOU love to survey your captives when they’re gagged. So why don’t you go ahead and give me one grunt for “Yes” and two grunts for “No”.

I shrugged my shoulders to imply that I was not overly confident in my answer. But I’d checked out the tie and thought that escape in the second half of the timer might not be entirely out of the question so I decided to be optimistic.

Me: Mmmpphhh.

Courtney: I love the enthusiasm, guinea pig. I’m also sure that I’m going to LOVE mocking you for your naivete when you come to your senses in about two hours.

She tussled my hair condescendingly and rocked me back and forth playfully.

Courtney: Now, ladies, did you know that the country of Switzerland has laws governing the treatment of guinea pigs?

Jackie: (taking the bait, enthusiastically) Whatever do you mean, Court?

Apparently that was not just my nickname for her…people used Court and Courty regularly.

Courtney: In Switzerland you’re not allowed to buy just one guinea pig. They get lonely and that’s considered animal cruelty so you have to buy them in sets. And I think that that’s the case here.

She took me by the hair and gently pulled my head up so that I had to look at her.

Courtney: I’d hate for this wittle guyw to get wonely. That would just be sooooooo unfaiw.

I blushed deeply as she spoke to me in her arrougant, overtly cutesy affected manner. She was really leaning into trying to embarrass me. And it was working. I was totally helpless. Courtney lightly tutted my nose and then gently let my head fall back down.

Courtney: So I’m going to do something stupid and reckless. Which will doubtless become a trademark of my time in this club. And I’m going to find my little pet here a friend that he can play with. Would you two be so kind as watch my captive for me? I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes. I’d like to re-iterate…that I am NOT leaving you a present. He still belongs to ME. But I’d just like you to babysit. Can I trust you two to watch him while I’m gone? And will you PROMISE not to let him go or help him out?

Jackie: Absolutely. Listen, Abbie and I think Trent is a swell guy. I’ve told you this. But I wouldn’t dream of helping him at present. This is your first capture, girl. And you are KILLING it. I don’t know what your plan is. But Tuesday is Dale’s day off and he’s going to a Student Senate meeting right now.

Courtney: I know. It won’t be Dale. I was going to see if Erica is home. I know she’s probably locked in her room. But I think I have a clever ruse to get to her. If I can’t get her and have to come back empty handed…well I’m not really a stickler for the restraints of the Swiss legal system anyway. We’ll get on with just him and me.

Jackie: That is reckless. What if Elisa captures you? What do you want us to do with him? Just let him struggle until he gets free or the timer runs out? Do you want me to come down and negotiate your release if you’re not back in 30 minutes? It’s my off day. Elisa can’t touch me.

Courtney: Elisa shot her wad again capturing me on Sunday. She can’t touch me either. On the slight chance that Erica gets the jump on me…I’ll deserve what’s coming to me for taking this risk. But I’d still LOVE you forever if you wanted to put those negotiation skills to work. I’d hate to waste my first capture because I got too greedy.

Jackie: My negotiation skills don’t work quite as well with Erica…but I’ll try.

Courtney: You said that Dale is gone and I don’t think Sam is lurking the halls looking for me at present.

Jackie: Ahem…you have to refer to him as Player #3. Trent and him have never met. You just blew his cover.

Courtney: Shit! I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I’m positive that I said his name to Trent on Saturday so it was already blown. I didn’t realize that they were unaffiliated. I promise to torture Trent so hard that he forgets that name entirely and Player #3s anonymity remains intact. Hell, I’m going to torture Trent so hard that he forgets is own stupid name.

Me: Hmmpphhmmmm Mmmmrmmmmpphhh.

Courtney: But first, I have to go get him a little playmate.

Jackie: God speed, girl.

Courtney grabbed two coils of rope for ammunition, threw them in a backpack, and then hurried out the door. As soon as she was hurrying down the hall Jackie turned to me.

Jackie: God, that girl is a fucking natural, right?

Me: Hhmmpphhh Mmmrrrmpphhhh Phhhhmmmmpphhmpp.

Jackie: I know. It IS sexy as hell!

That’s not what I had tried to say. Jackie knew that wasn’t what I was trying to say. But at the same time Jackie and I clearly WERE on the same page. I was quite aroused and it was a surprise to me. Dealing with an erection while you have a gorgeous captive hogtied on your floor and you’re sitting in a desk chair observing is WAY different than having to manage one while you’re hogtied tightly on the floor and being rag dolled around by said former captive. I continued to test my bonds and found that they were pretty firmly holding me. I could not get to any of the knots. But my mobility was better than I expected. I was able to scooch myself along the carpet. I was able to roll over and eventually flop onto my back. And then do so likewise to get back onto my stomach. Abbie and Jackie were keeping an eye on me. But were also engaging in a casual conversation to which I was paying absolutely no attention. I had the means to shift myself around. But the knots were all tightly tied and in spots that would be really tricky to get to before I made at least SOME progress. I was accounting for how long I thought this might hold me and I was pretty sure that IF I was escaping…it was going to be with less than an hour left on the clock. Nevertheless, I committed to giving it the old college try and started struggling around. I pulled at rope to see how other ropes moved in response and flexed joints back and forth to see if there were weak spots, or if anything was going to give. I’d had no real luck when Erica entered the room with Courtney right behind her. Courtney quickly shut the door behind them. Erica was wearing a very flattering low cut white top with jeans and the same pink and white sneakers that I was accustomed to seeing her in. Now more scuffed, making me realize that they really had been new a couple of weeks prior.

Courtney: Thanks, girls. You’re the best. My foolish gambit did not cost me. I have returned with a play date for my pet.

Erica: Oh. I see that you already have a captive. And he does not look like he’s going anywhere. Did Elisa help you with this?

Courtney gasped as though she'd been slapped across the face.

Courtney: Ouch! Are you trying to piss off your captor? That’s all me. But you’re going to find that out soon enough. Why don’t you sit down for me? We need to get started because your fellow captor probably already has a 12 minute head start on you.

Erica sat down on the floor and Courtney fumbled through her bag. I was still fumbling with my knots, but I had turned my head and scooched my body towards as optimal of an angle as I was going to get in my current state. The show was for Jackie and Abbie, not me. But I watched intently. Courtney pulled two handkerchiefs out of her backpack and jammed them into Erica’s mouth as she gave a little muffled yelp. She worked them down with her index finger so that one pushed itself into the right side of her mouth and the other filled the left side of her mouth. She took Erica’s chin and carefully examined the packing making sure that it was to her liking. She then took another one of the pliable sheets that she had tied on me and wedged it tightly between Erica’s lips and pulled back firmly drawing the handkerchiefs deeper into Erica’s mouth. I couldn’t see her tie the knots as I’d worked my way around for a frontal(ish) view of the action. But I imagined that she was gagging us in a similar fashion. My suspicions received some extra confirmative evidence when Courtney grabbed the roll of duct tape and began firmly pressing more strips of duct tape down over Erica’s already gagged lips, firmly silencing her muffled protests.

Erica: Hhmmmmmppppphhhhh nnnnmmmmmpppppphhh mmmmmmmpppphhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!

Courtney: How’s that, sweetheart?

Erica flipped Courtney the bird with her hands that had not been tied yet.

Courtney: It doesn’t seem like a great idea to provoke me right now. But hey, you do you. How is that gag by the way? I’m working on a new “signature gag” and Trent has one just like it. But I feel like multiple reviews will really help me figure out if this is the one or if I should keep workshopping.

Erica: Hmmphhhrrmmmphhh!! Mmmpppphhhrmmpphhphhmmmhhhmmp!!

Courtney: I didn’t really need you to tell me right now. Go ahead and think about it. I’ll get your thoughts and feelings when I ask you for them in about three hours.

She then took Erica’s hands and folded them behind her back with a gentleness that she had not shown me. However, as I watched Erica wince and saw her eyes grow wide as the wrist tie was being applied…I’m guessing that the delicateness that she’d used in bringing Erica’s hands behind her back did not extend to the actual tie itself. I couldn’t see her wrists from my vantage point. But I could see Erica’s face rise and fall and I’m pretty sure that it was tight.

Abbie: Why did you gag Erica before you started tying her up? You gagged Trent right at the end before you started the timer?

Courtney: I’m glad you asked that Abbie! Because Erica had no clue that I waited to gag Trent. And I don’t know Trent nearly well enough to know if he was going to be smart enough to put it together. I like to be a little bit of an artist with my captures and this is something that I call mirroring. I try and be creative and have my own style. But I like to teach a good lesson. My captives are probably going to have been my previous and subsequent captors so sometimes I give them a taste of their own medicine to see if they like it. And help them decide if they want to keep it in their act. These two have VERY different styles. Trent over there is actually a pretty decent conversationalist. He’s a good listener. Sure he taunts you with little barbs. But we had a nice little chat and as he was tying me up. And then at the very end he gagged me and dialed up his smarm to 11 when the conversation got one sided. So now he’s going to get my no-nonsense persona from here on out. But I was willing to allow him the opportunity to chit chat with us girls while I got things started. Erica on the other hand was straight business when she captured me last week. She hit me with a coil of rope and then and then popped a ball gag in like 15 seconds later. It’s the blue one that Elisa has. I think it’s a 2 1/4” or like 57mm. You know the one?

Abbie: We know the one!

Courtney: I heard she has one that’s even bigger. That’s just fucking obscene! Anyway, with the red one I’m probably going to be a lot droolier since it’s not quite big enough to create a real seal but there is at least some chance that somebody will be able to understand a percentage of what I’m saying. I can’t say “gecko” or “cackling” but certain words are still semi-distinguishable. But with this 2.25 inch bad girl it’s just a collection of grunts and mmmppphhhs while Erica jabbers away with her insults at me. No small talk or niceities. No “how was your day?” or “any plans for the weekend?” Just her mocking me while she tied me up. And I think I did pretty respectably with her tricksy little chair tie. I got out in just over 75 minutes. But the gag had been in for almost 100 minutes at that point and my jaw was actually pretty sore. Gagging a captive from go and then not starting the timer until you’re done just seems rude and I’d like her to note that. So she can be excluded from the conversation while I finish up here.

By this point, Courtney already had Erica’s elbows tied together and was halfway into a pretty impressive chest harness. I meanwhile was nowhere near close to getting out of my tie.

Jackie: Erica, you need to step up your game, girl. That signature chair tie of yours may still be able to hold me still for three hours. But it appears that some of the pros are figuring it out.

Erica stared indignantly at Jackie and scowled at her.

Erica: Hmmmpphhhrrmmpphh Mmmpppphhhhhmmmmppprrmmpphhhhmmmmmmm!!

Jackie: I’m just suggesting that it might be time to expand your repertoire. You can’t be a one trick pony. I know that you CAN hogtie and balltie people. Develop those ties.

Courtney: Do tell? I thought the chair tie was actually pretty good. I got a little lucky, but I could have seen it holding me for longer if I hadn’t gotten a very fortuitous finger hold after she shifted me a little bit.

Jackie: Trent got out in 24 minutes.

Courtney: Hoooboy! That’s pretty impressive. I’m impressed, guinea pig. I still think your ambitions for today are too optimistic but I’m taking note.

I beamed in my tight hogtie. I too had gotten lucky. And I might have humbly shared that also. But I wasn’t in much of a position to share anything.

Me: Hmmmmphhh Mmmmppphphhrrmmm.

Courtney: Oh, quit being so modest. 24 minutes is phenomenal.

Courtney finished off the chest harness with a tight cinch and double knot. giving the rope a good tug and forcing an annoyed grunt out of Erica.

Erica: Mmmmmppppphhhh!!!!

Next Courtney grabbed a medium length coil and turned towards Erica’s legs. She flipped the gagged girl onto her stomach and pulled her ankles close to her as she started unlacing Erica’s shoes and removing them.

Courtney: There’s also another major difference between these two people that I’m going to start mirroring in a second. Did you girls notice that I talked a really big game about torturing Trent but we’re now probably 20-25 minutes into his timer and I haven’t done a thing to him yet?

Jackie: This hadn’t totally escaped me but I figured it was because you were attending to your second captive.

Courtney: This is true, but Trent and Erica have very different philosophies on torture also. Erica tied me to that chair and within a minute of her starting the timer she was absolutely attacking my feet. I mean I can respect the excitement but that kind of seems like throwing stones in a glass house when you have a reputation for being the most ticklish player in the game. That doesn’t seem very smart to set a precedent that that is how a helpless captive should be treated.

She grinned at Jackie as she finished tying Erica’s ankles and then just dug in on her soles ever so briefly with her wiggling fingers. Erica immediately bucked her body and snorted and guffawed into her gag even though the tickle had lasted all of three seconds.

Courtney: I think she definitely lives up to that reputation. It’s not a myth.

Erica: Hmmphh Mmmpphhhh.

Courtney then examined that she’d left enough length coming off the ankle tie for an effective hogtie and proceeded to make another bight in a new rope and head up to Erica’s knees.

Courtney: Trent, on the other hand, is a little more philosophical about the nature of capture and captivity. Though possibly even more sadistic when I think about it more and more. He told me that he doesn’t believe in torturing a captive in the first sixty minutes of their capture. As somebody who can escape a fairly impressive tie in 24 minutes...this doesn’t surprise me. Treat others as you’d like to be treated. He won’t torture you because he knows that he’ll still have time. He’s a regular Mozart with the ropes and he hopes that you give him the same grace period because he’ll slip your offering and be gone in under an hour. Or at least I think that that’s what sums up his mindset. I’d have him comment. But I don’t think that there’s much he can say right now.

Me: Hmmphhh Phhmmmpphmmm Mmmpphhrrmpphh.

Courtney: Guinea pig! We’ve been over this. Once for “Yes”. Twice for “No”. Is that why you wait 60 minutes?

Me: Mmmpphh Mmmpphh!

Courtney: Guinea pig! Nobody likes a liar. Anyway, he “SAYS” he thinks the captive should have to earn their torture. While I’m DEFINITELY NOT going to be subscribing to that intriguing, but ultimately wayward, philosophy regularly…I’m going to honor it today. So no torture for Trent until his timer hits one hour. Erica’s will start when I finish this tie. I’d give that about two minutes.

I relaxed a little bit as I saw Erica tense up. I was not envious of her predicament. She began to quiver in anticipation of what was coming. I had a little more time to try and figure things out. Though I had serious doubts that I'd be free within the hour.
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Post by charliesmith »


Woohooo. That was a brilliant chapter. I was waiting for updates, checking in everyday. Man, you have me hooked to this story. You have a way with your words and descriptions, making it very enjoyable for me. I wonder how Trent will get tortured. Will we something outside of tickling?
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by GreyLord »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago @Fandango

Woohooo. That was a brilliant chapter. I was waiting for updates, checking in everyday. Man, you have me hooked to this story. You have a way with your words and descriptions, making it very enjoyable for me. I wonder how Trent will get tortured. Will we something outside of tickling?
[mention]charliesmith[/mention] has it so right. Brilliant is an apt descriptor for this part of this chapter, [mention]Fandango[/mention]. Bringing in Erica as a playmate for Trent is pure genius. And the opportunity to expand Courtney's monologue has increased exponentially.

Eagerly awaiting to see how Erica will take to her 'torture' and if Trent will maintain his status as an escapologist.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I love the way Courtney is going about this; she's supremely confident for someone new to the group but has the game to back it up. It's also nice to see Erica make a return, it sounds like she and Trent are in for some real torment together. I'm looking forward to seeing how Trent handles having an audience and a fellow captive this time, considering that he hasn't had to deal with it before. Great stuff, as always!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago @Fandango

Woohooo. That was a brilliant chapter. I was waiting for updates, checking in everyday. Man, you have me hooked to this story. You have a way with your words and descriptions, making it very enjoyable for me. I wonder how Trent will get tortured. Will we something outside of tickling?
@charliesmith has it so right. Brilliant is an apt descriptor for this part of this chapter, @Fandango. Bringing in Erica as a playmate for Trent is pure genius. And the opportunity to expand Courtney's monologue has increased exponentially.

Eagerly awaiting to see how Erica will take to her 'torture' and if Trent will maintain his status as an escapologist.

Agreed on all accounts!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago @Fandango

Woohooo. That was a brilliant chapter. I was waiting for updates, checking in everyday. Man, you have me hooked to this story. You have a way with your words and descriptions, making it very enjoyable for me. I wonder how Trent will get tortured. Will we something outside of tickling?
@charliesmith has it so right. Brilliant is an apt descriptor for this part of this chapter, @Fandango. Bringing in Erica as a playmate for Trent is pure genius. And the opportunity to expand Courtney's monologue has increased exponentially.

Eagerly awaiting to see how Erica will take to her 'torture' and if Trent will maintain his status as an escapologist.

Agreed on all accounts!
Same here. I really love the fact that your characters have very distinct personalities. It makes the story even more interesting.

Loving this
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Sophomore Year - Chapter 12: "News of My Shame Travels Fast " (F/M, F/MF, F/M) [Part 3 of 5]

Courtney was just finishing a knot on Erica’s thighs and reached over to pull Erica into a hogtie, just like myself. She slowly lowered her legs back…once again substantially more gracefully than she had done with me. But still appeared to be threading the ropes and tying it with the same fervor that she had done for me. If anything, Erica’s hogtie might have been more stringent than mine. I couldn’t see myself. But I was able to roll and tip and scooch myself to a certain degree. Erica’s looked rigid and I wasn’t sure how much mobility she’d have if we needed to cooperate on an escape.

Courtney: Alright. I’m going to do you a solid, Erica. Normally I’d be setting you a timer right now…but I’m going to be the kindest, most gracious, most benevolent, most intelligent, most unbelievably magnificent, most humble captor you’ve ever had. I’m going to let you share Trent’s timer. Can I get a time check, Abbie.

Abbie: It’s at 29 minutes.

Courtney: Ooohh. So you’ve only got two and a half hours to go. But if you’d like to take an insult out of this…I’m already doing 5 minutes better on Trent then you did during your first go around.

Erica: Mmmppphhhhhh!!!! Mmmmpphhhrrmmpphhnmmphhhmmppphnmmmmmmphh!!!

Courtney: You're right. That probably was an unnecessary potshot. Think of this as a display of sisterhood then. Naughty boys like him need to be put in their place. And I’m refusing to untie him with you still at my mercy for 30 minutes because he’d probably want a turn tickling those cute little feet of yours. And quite frankly, I don’t think he’ll have earned it.

Courtney then walked over to me and roughly grabbed my shoulders and rotated me about 60 degrees so I was staring headlong directly at Erica’s bound form.

Courtney: Now guinea pig, I’m not going to start tickling you for another thirty minutes or so…but I wanted you to have a full gaze into the crystal ball that is your future. You’re going to be looking at Erica getting tickled. But I want you to know that you’re really looking at yourself 30 minutes into the future.

She then gave me that playful double slap on my right cheek that she had done earlier. She yo-yo'd the slap back upon impact, but still flourished her fingers across the edges of the tape so the sound slightly resonated. And while it was playful and didn’t really hurt, I could see Abbie wince a little bit. Courtney then knelt down behind Erica and grabbed her legs to assume the tickling position. Erica’s whole body tensed up even tighter than it was already wound by he hogtie and she let out a pitiable moan even before Courtney dug in. And boy did Courtney dig in. Erica thrashed in the hogtie as Courtney hit her from all angles. She hit her soles, which she knew were a big hit. But she played her ribs and torso with her long, slender fingers also. The continuous muffled screaming made me glad for the fairly soundproof walls and the fact that The Penthouse was at the end of the hallway. But I was still wondering if somebody in the hallway could hear. The door had been locked. After less than five minutes Erica’s muffled yelps devolved into short bursts rather than continuous noise and as Jackie stirred with concern Courtney could feel that she needed to let up. She stopped as Erica collapsed back down into a panting, moaning husk. She then stood up and walked over to the two unbound, amused girls in the spectator seats.

Courtney: Wow!! That was ridiculous. I myself am very ticklish. Erica knows this. Jackie knows this. Trent knows a little too much for my liking. And I do GENUINELY hope that my new friend Abbie learns this soon. However, I am not THAT ticklish. If I was as sensitive as poor Ms. Erica down there I would NOT have signed up for this club. I hope you’re sufficiently scared, Trent because you’ve got about 25 minutes to escape before I explore how ticklish you are.

With that prompt I sprung into action. I had been steadily flexing my bonds and picking away at knots for the last 35 minutes without any real success. My wrist restraints were absolutely not going anywhere. The knot that secured my upper body harness was almost within reach if I slid my hands up and over as far as I could. But my fingertips lightly grazing it weren’t going to do anything and I was having a tough time getting it to shift with the way she had leveraged the tie under my armpits. I was STUCK. However, her hubris had left me with a way out. I could scooch myself and roll myself. And while she had expertly positioned all of my knots so that I couldn’t get to them…I thought I might be able to get to Erica’s if I could get myself in the proper position. She had given her pet guinea pig a playmate. But in doing so she’d given me a means of escape. I rocked my body back and forth to create momentum and managed to tip myself onto my left side. I couldn’t get the leverage to get all the way over, but I steadily dug my elbow into the carpet and pressed off the floor with my bound hands and managed to pop myself over and land on my shoulders. With my back arched I used my feet to turn my body towards Erica and then slid myself along the floor as best I could.

The hogtie ensured that I couldn’t do this more than a couple inches at a time, but eventually the tops of my feet made contact with Erica's jeans at her thigh. She had been so busy panting and recovering from the tickling that she gave a surprised little grunt when I contacted her but then became seriously excited.

Erica: Hmmmppphhh??? Mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

She rocked her body as best she could and tried to tilt herself so that her back and hands slid in my direction. But she couldn’t quite get enough momentum to tip herself. I bounced my legs up and tried to use my feet to rock her in my direction. Eventually she was leaning away from me and with a couple more nudges with my feet she tilted all the way over and was resting on her side with her hands facing me. I put my legs back down so they contacted the floor and slid myself along a couple inches at a time. Parallel to her body until my hands were in the proximity of some of the knots along her chest harness. I couldn’t even marginally reach the knot that was hogtying her. But I had pretty solid leverage on two knots tied off near her ribs which were holding the chest harness in place. If I could get those undone, we could have her slip the chest harness and she’d be able to move her wrists and elbows into position for me to get at those knots.

It took a solid ten minutes of picking at the knots because the optimal position to work on them didn’t allow me to see them. And I kept losing the structure of them when I traced them with my fingers, But eventually had them undone and started yanking at the ropes around them to create slack, so the rest of the harness structure would loosen and Erica could wiggle out. A couple minutes later the ropes had enough slack in them that Erica was able to pull her arms away from her body to a serviceable distance for me to get at the more important knots. At this point she did meet me half way as the loosened chest harness also allowed her a little more range of motion on the whole. She scooted herself up so that her wrists were parallel with mine. I was correct in assuming that her wrists were tied almost identically to mine. It was a tricky knot, but I knew exactly where it was and how to get to it. So it took me a decent amount of time, but eventually I’d picked it clean. I slapped her hand to let her know that she needed to start flexing her wrists to create space in the binding. She’d be able to slip it shortly. I then scooted myself up along her back and started to pick at her elbow knot. This one went a lot quicker and I’d say that I had it untied in under three minutes. In total I was confident that the timer had more than an hour elapsed on it, but Courtney couldn’t actively start torturing me yet because moving me into position would violate the rule about impeding an active escape attempt. I could feel Erica slip her wrist bindings and pull her arms up a little.

Courtney: Fuck! This is tragic. I am fucking SHOOK right now.

Jackie: You did a really good job. It was incredibly impressive. You’re just watching something else impressive.

Courtney: I’m just pissed. I never should have brought up a second captive. I underestimated an opponent. I flew a little too close to the Sun on this one. I didn’t see this happening and this one is going to STING for a while.

I felt buoyed by this dynamic escape attempt and Erica was aggressively wiggling her body to shed the ropes. I was in the process of unwinding the ropes from her elbow so that she could get full range of motion in her arms and we were basically home free. After about 7-8 more minutes, Erica sat up and I laboriously rolled over back onto my stomach and glanced over at her as she finished shrugging off the last of her upper body restraints. She immediately peeled off the tape on her mouth and then reached behind her head and untied the gag. She pulled away the cleave gag and extracted the handkerchiefs from her mouth and tossed them triumphantly in Courtney’s direction, giving her a mischievous smile.

I’d think that proper decorum in this situation would be for her to turn to the guy hogtied and gagged tightly next to her and to help him out. Seeing as he’d just worked up quite a sweat to get her free, but she instead turned to her upper thigh tie and continued untying herself. I just sat their patiently, a little annoyed but glad that the plan had been successful. Erica finished untying her own legs and then turned to me with a wry smile and gave me soles a little tickle, I was more than slightly annoyed and by now it was starting to dawn on me that there might not be the cooperative co-captive loyalty between us that I had considered would be foregone requisite in this situation.

Me: Wwmmmpphhmmphhh Hmmmppphhhmmmphh Yrrrmpmmpphmphmp Mpppppmphhmpphrmmphmmmmmm!?!?!?

Erica: Oh, I’m sorry Trent, but I’m not going to untie you. I VERY much appreciate you getting me out. But having the most dangerous player in the game totally immobilized for once is something that I’m not going to squander and pass up. This is something that I’ve got to watch.

Me: Hhhmpphphhphphphpphhh Mmmmrrmmmpppphhhh Nmmppphhphpphhhppphhhhh Rrrrmmppphhhmppp!!!!!!!!!

I was fucking FURIOUS. I thrashed around as best I could, but in that whole process she had not loosened my bonds one iota. And I was no closer to being free than when Courtney finished her last knot on me an hour ago.

Jackie: Are you being serious right now, Erica? Or are you just playing a mean little trick on him to get him riled up before you untie him?

Erica: No. I’m not going to untie him. You said it yourself. He escaped from me in 24 minutes. You, Dale, and Sam don’t even bother with tying him up. He’s been getting a free skate around here with only myself and Elisa capturing him and we haven’t been able to keep him contained thus far. This is an occurrence that I’m going to enjoy.

Jackie: That is LOW.

Abbie: Hey. I capture him too.

Erica: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll bet he spends a good 20 minutes tied up then.

Abbie: Fuck you.

Erica: I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. But I’m still not untying him.

Me: Hmmmpphhh Nmmmphh Mmmmrrrmmpphhhnnnnnppphhmmmmmm.

Erica: I’m aware that this is a TOTAL bitch move on my part. I’m POSITIVE that he’s going to make me pay for it later. But I think it’ll be worth it. I want to watch him get properly tortured for once so he knows what true captivity is like. It’ll bring equilibrium to the game.

Courtney: You’re not worried about it eroding trust when you and somebody else are tied up together?

Erica: Not at all. He and Dale had Elisa and I tied up and she managed to work me free and then I untied her RIGHT AWAY. He knows that this is an abnormality and only fueled by the current circumstances. In 95% of cases, I’m good for it.

Courtney: No. I think you misunderstood the question. Are you not worried that WE…Jackie, Abbie, and myself, now have eroded trust in you? I promise you that Trent is never going to trust you again when he’s tied up with you.

She certainly had that right.

Courtney: I can’t speak for all three of us…but I am going to have serious reservations about untying you if we’re tied together.

Erica: I’d never do this to you girls. This is a strict girl power move. I’m pissed that the boys don’t tie each other up, while we do. They walk around like they own this game. I just want to see a cocky guy get his comeuppance. He can mistrust me all he wants…I think he knows that this is a one off betrayal. If he really does lose faith in me, then he can have me pick his knots next time.

Courtney: And he’ll know that you two will never get free at that rate.

Erica: I’ve made my decision. I see that it’s an unpopular one, but I still want to watch him get put in his place.

Courtney: Well, that’s not going to happen.

Erica: What?!?! You’re just going to untie him. Way to kill the fun!

Courtney: No. I’m not going to untie him. I low key LOVE your decision not to untie him. I just absolutely in no way RESPECT your decision not to untie him. There is a sacred code between fellow captives. If you cooperate on an escape, one captive frees the other once they’re lose. That’s the deal. End of code. No qualifiers. No addendums. No flow chart of protocols depending upon circumstance. If both captives expended significant effort and aided in the escape, they both deserve to escape. Maybe, MAYBE you can have a little fun with the other captive. If they’re the one who tied you up…but you still release them when all is said and done. I know that it’s not one of Elisa’s “Rules” but you’ve broken one of MY most sacred rules. And for that…I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

Erica: Oh, come on! Don’t be like that. I’ve promised I won’t make a habit out of this.

Courtney: It’s not my room, but it’s occupants have granted me power over these proceedings. So I think I can confidently say that you need to remove yourself from the premises. Or I’ll have one of the tenants escort you out. Trent is going to be put in his place, but you’re not going to be permitted to watch. Jackie, do you concur?

Jackie: Yep. Erica, hit the road.

Erica: Well fine. If you’re going to take it like that and get your panties all in a twist then I will untie him.

Courtney: No. You won’t. You’ve made your decision. To exile with you.

Erica stared at her angrily.

Jackie: Seriously, Erica. Leave. Now.

Erica turned around angrily and started to pick up the ropes on the floor.

Courtney: What are you doing?

Erica: I escaped. These are mine.

Courtney: Only if you freed yourself. I’d rightfully say that Trent freed you. Those will stay here.

I’d have made a quip about it being a “general courtesy” and not an official rule. But I doubt even Erica would have been able to make heads or tails of what I was trying to say through context, since the pronunciation of such a comment wasn’t going to be even remotely possible in my condition. Erica fumed as she stalked out of the room, leaving me still in my unenviable predicament with my captor and her (non-captive) audience.

Courtney: Sorry about that, guinea pig. That was very unfortunate…FOR YOU. But I think we can all agree that this has been a very experimental afternoon and we definitely LEARNED some things. You learned a valuable lesson about who you can trust. And now I’m going to learn some things about you. It was also unfortunate for me. That girl wasted some valuable torture time. You’re already at 85 minutes elapsed. That has to feel promising. I mean, you’re not doing so well on the whole getting free thing, but you’re almost halfway done…so…silver linings.

She flashed me a devious smile and circled around behind me. She took me by the feet and swung me around 60 degrees or so in order to orient my body so that I was directly facing her audience.

Courtney: I think you know what’s happening now. But I’m going to try a couple spots and see what really works. Let’s start with these feet, shall we?
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