The Spy Task Force (M+/F) Chapter 8 January 25, 2023 Completed

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The Spy Task Force (M+/F) Chapter 8 January 25, 2023 Completed

Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], and [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

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This short story is a work of fiction set around events still ongoing in Ukraine, with which the reader should be familiar. Please be advised that this material is adult, hardcore, and graphic. It certainly will not be to everyone's liking.

As noted above, this is fiction. I have seen no indication that the United States has any involvement in Ukraine, as depicted in this story. The story was suggested by a short role-play with [mention]Gaggingsasha[/mention].

Chapter 1
Spy Task Force

A covert military unit, the Spy Task Force, has been created, trained extensively, and moved to Ukraine. It is known that the totalitarian government to the east will use its army of thugs, referred to as the FSB, to disrupt the Ukrainian government. A primary objective is the assassination of the Ukrainian president. They are doing this as their military is finding surprising difficulty in defeating Ukraine militarily. The USA is walking a thin and possibly fictitious line to appear uninvolved.

A team of eight soldiers from the USA premier fighting forces was selected and trained for an additional three months at a remote CIA camp in Virginia. Except for the Commanding Officer, Colonel Rod McKay, only first names will be used for security purposes. A war correspondent, Kaye Bennington, is assigned to the unit, not for immediate reporting but to augment the historical record.

Sasha is talking to their war correspondent. "Hi, Kaye. My name is Sasha. You don't need to know my last name. Our bosses have accepted you as a correspondent for our unit, and I've been told to tell you a little about myself. You can tell by looking at me that I am the youngest person here. I've just turned twenty. But in my short life, I have accomplished a lot. I joined the Army when I turned seventeen. I think my family was glad to get rid of me. I caused them a lot of trouble. I was only 18 when I graduated from Ranger school.

“Yes, I passed on merit, not because I am a girl. I passed because I am physically tough. I have worked out every day since I joined the Army on my seventeenth birthday, determined to succeed. And I am also tough because I can take physical abuse. Believe me, going through basic, my first assignment, competition for Ranger School, and in Ranger School, there were a lot of men who wanted to stop me, and they gave me a hard time, sometimes physically. I've been knocked around, made to show I could take abuse, even torture, for no other reason than a bunch of guys just thought it would be fun to tie me up in cruel ways. But they never broke me. They just made me tougher.

“I never gave in to them. I never reported them. And finally, I won their respect, and my mates started helping rather than trying to stop me. Then, just as I thought things were going to be okay from now on, I was ordered to report to my CO. He said I had been selected for a special mission if I would accept it. But he couldn't tell me anything about it unless I did. Or course I did!

“He then told me that some remote general had been following my career and determined that I was needed in this Spy Task Force. My stuff was packed and put in storage by the Rangers. I would get all new gear at my next destination. For that, I was flown immediately to an unnamed base in Virginia and put thru another four months of training that put Ranger School to shame.

“We trained sixteen hours a day, seven days a week for the entire four months. There were thirty of us initially, but by the end, we were down to the eight that are now in this unit. At the end of the training, we were flown, essentially under the radar, to Kyiv. Here, we met our new commander for the first time, Col McKay. What do I know about him? Nothing about his past. But he showed us our first morning here in physical training and hand-to-hand combat practice that he is as tough as we are.

“Tonight, as you know, we will go on our first operational mission. No, I don't know anything about it. We will be briefed when we gear up and meet at 2100 tonight."

For me, almost three years of intensive training will be tested against an enemy for the first time tonight. I am not so foolish as to claim that I am not nervous. No one knows if they have the right stuff until they come face to face with the enemy. That will happen to me tonight.

Wayne is another one of the eight. He comes from the Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance unit. Wayne is good with weapons and especially good with a pistol. In addition, he is the Task Force's communications expert. Wayne is talking to Kaye now that she has finished with me. Wayne was saying, "You want to know how we were selected. Damn if I know. In part, the magic of computer access to every detail about our military and personal lives. Medically, we must have the physical makeup to take the training we went thru and thrive on it.

“I am 6' 1" tall and weigh in at 210 lbs. I am not the fastest runner in the world, but I can head out at a good clip and keep it up for hours. I am a good shot with a rifle, but it is the pistol with which I excel. I use a Glock 22 Gen 4 40 S&W with a 22 round magazine. I can hold my own with anyone on this team in hand-to-hand combat, except possibly the Colonel. And that is saying a lot.

“We had a lot of geopolitical classes specializing in this part of the world. We know the ins and outs of the Kyiv government and also the government of the big bear to the east. Kyiv has stuck its finger in the eye of the big bear, stopping its invasion of this country. A lot of armament has been given to Ukraine. Enough for them to stop the bear but not enough to beat him back. New missile systems are being readied by the west for delivery here. These systems will give this country control of the Black Sea, extended range capability, and in-depth air defense against missiles, aircraft, and drones. The air defense should even handle the Iranian drones. This will change the balance of power. What we don't know is how long it will take for these systems to arrive.

“In the meantime, the bear is focusing its covert resources on assassinating this country's senior leaders, especially the president.

“As the unit's communications officer, I only learned this today. I was authorized to pass this part on to you."

I did not pass on to our correspondent that one aspect of this mission had created an obsession with me. No woman has ever fascinated me the way that Sasha does. She has been helpful to me just as she has been to everyone else in the unit. Sasha is a real team player. To my misfortune, I have not seen any indication that she would welcome any advance from me. Yet I cannot stop my daydreams of her. She has brought my kink to the front of my mind. In my dream, I have her naked and willingly tied up by me until she is completely helpless. She has given me the go-ahead to use her body as I wish in my dreams.

I will have to force those thought to the back of my mind before the mission briefing at 2100.


Sasha reached a decision. It had been evident to her for the time they had been in Kyiv that Wayne was hot for her. She had learned to be careful not to let anyone know anything about who or what she was interested in. Right now, the who was Wayne. Anyone on this Task Force would be a good sex partner. They were all prime physical specimens. The sad truth was that Sasha was inexperienced sexually. Not a virgin, but damn close to being one. Since joining the Army on her seventeenth birthday, Sasha had focused her life totally on training. While she was still sixteen and in high school, she had a one-weekend fling.

Tonight, she knew she would likely see combat for the first time. Wayne was hot for her. She felt, maybe not hot, but definitely interested in him. Okay, the briefing was six hours away. She would go and see if Wayne was really interested or if he was just a flirt.

Sasha walked downstairs and went to the comm center, where she expected to find Wayne. Sure enough, he was there with his communications devices and computers. Wayne looked up with a smile as she entered and closed the door behind her. "Good afternoon, Sasha. What can I do for you?"

“I’m not one to beat around the bush, Wayne,” Sasha answered. “I understand that we might see combat tonight. You have acted like you are interested in me. I want to see if there is anything to that interest before the mission.”

“You are straightforward," said Wayne. "I appreciate that. In a few minutes, it will be 1500, and a Comm Sgt. will relieve me. You know where my room is upstairs. The room is empty. If you want, you can go there a wait for me."

“I will do that,” Sasha said as she rose up on her tiptoes and kissed Wayne on the cheek. Then she did an about face and left the Comm Center. She went to Wayne’s room as he suggested and took a seat to wait.

And, indeed, it was only a few minutes before the Comm Sgt. arrived to relieve him. Wayne also went directly to his room. When he entered, Sasha stood as he closed and locked the door. Before any awkwardness could develop, Sasha hugged Wayne and told him, "To be honest, Wayne, I am not a virgin, but I am not very experienced. If you want to suggest how I should behave, It will not just be okay, but I will appreciate it."
“You continue to be straight and blunt with me, Sasha. I appreciate that too. So I will do the same. I have dreamed of us getting together. But differently from what you would see in a romance movie. I have a kink, Sasha, and would like to tie you up. Nothing that would harm you or impair your performance on the mission tonight. Would you permit me to do that?"

“Well, that was out of left field. My first thought is that you are making a strange request. My second thought is that I don't think you are a bad person, so I would like to think about this carefully before giving you an answer."

Wayne was both overjoyed and astounded that she hadn't rejected him out of hand.

Sasha continued, "My third thought is, because of the mission tonight, there is no time to go off and think about this. So I will do what I always seem to do, follow my instincts. Do you want to hurt me, Wayne?"

Wayne replied, "No, Sasha, I don't. That was a fair question. Many in the BDSM world do go for pain, some for giving and some for receiving. I like the control of tying a woman up and the trust that must be placed in me for a woman to permit it. I like touching my partner once she is tied up, and I even enjoy untying her."

Sasha asked, "Would you let me go if I asked? When I asked?"

“Yes,” I believe that everything must be consensual. If consent is withdrawn, the play must stop.”

“There must be a thousand more questions that I should ask," Sasha said. "If I give you permission to tie me up, will we have sex while I am bound?"

“Bondage should enhance the beauty of the woman submitting,” replied Wayne. “Sexual responses should also be enhanced. I want to have sex with you tied up, Sasha. But, again, you must agree to it.”

“I think that I am crazy, Wayne. But who on Earth could I trust if I can't trust a member of this Task Force? I will trust you." Sasha unbuckled her pants, removed them, and pulled off her olive-drab tee shirt. She unhooked and removed her bra, displaying her substantial and firm D-sized breasts to Wayne. She neatly folded her clothes and placed them on a footlocker by the bunk. "I will let you decide what to do with my panties. Now what?"

“Now I will kiss you, Sasha. You are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.” Wayne resisted the temptation to play with her tits without delay. He cupped her neck and stroked her face before bending down and gently placing his lips on hers. Then he put one hand on the small of Sasha’s back and the other just under her shoulder blades and pulled her tighter as he deepened his kiss.

Sasha was still having mixed thoughts. "What am I getting myself into? He is kissing me like a gentleman. This I like. Is he going to make love to me before he ties me up? I have read stories about things like this. It could be good, but it could be very, very bad." Her arms went around his waist, pulling him tight against her. Her tits pressed against his chest.

Wayne straightened up, saying, "If I continue that, I will not get to tie you up today. Are you ready to give it a try?"

“Sure, what do you want me to do?” she asked.

There was another footlocker under the bunk. Wayne pulled it out and opened it revealing s number of neat, thin, white rope coils. "Would you turn around and put your hands behind your back? This time, put your palms together." He reached into the locker and retrieved a coil of rope. "I will use this line to do a two-column tie. That will be easy on you to start out."

Sasha asked, “Why is it easy. Does that mean that I can free myself?”

“No, not if I do it right. It is easy because your arms are side by side and not crossed. If you are lying on your back, it won't cause discomfort with one wrist pushing against the other. That would happen with a cross wrists tie."

Wayne quickly passed the line around Sasha's forearms just above her wrists four or five times and cinched the loops taking out all of the slack. He tied the rope off at the top will out of reach of Sasha's fingers.

“Would you like to test this before I go further?”

“Why, yes, I would. Thank you?" Sasha moved her hands as far around her side as she could and looked to see what her bonds looked like. Then she spotted a mirror on the wall and moved to it to get an even better look. Sasha tried pulling one arm up and the other down but found that the cinch stopped her hand from sliding through the loops. After a few minutes, she walked back to Wayne and said, "Well done, Wayne. This is not tight and does not hurt in any way. But I don't think I could get loose unless I found a knife or scissors. What is next?"

Wayne took her shoulders, turned her halfway around, and inspected his work. He saw that she had made no progress. He reached around and caressed her tits as he had longed to do. "I am checking to see if this gives you any incentive to struggle better." For a few minutes. He fondled Sasha's globes, rubbing her nipples and cupping her tits. Sasha found that she was happy just to stand there. She was not uncomfortable. The sensations she was receiving were very nice. If fact, they were more than nice; they were delicious. She was getting a tingle in her cunt even though he hadn't touched her there. As the good sensations increased, Wayne stopped and picked up another coil from the footlocker.

Wayne tested Sasha's flexibility by pushing her elbows together, and I was surprised that they touched with little resistance. "You are amazingly flexible, Sasha. You really haven't been tied up before?"

“Well, yes. But never for fun like this," Sasha said. "But I work hard on my flexibility as I work out with weights."

Wayne doubled the rope and looped it around her arms right above her elbows, leaving them touching. Adding a cinch completed the elbow tie. Sasha thought, "I don't know that I am more helpless now, but it seems I am more under his control. I would have expected that I would not like to be under anyone's control like this. But this is not bad. Especially if he keeps stroking me."

Wayne took her arm, guided her to the bunk, and sat her down. This is all I am going to tie you today. Undone are the leg tie, the chest harness, the gag, possibly tying you to something, or even a hogtie. I am hoping that you are getting some enjoyment out of this and will want to continue experimenting on later occasions. This bunk is not a full-sized bed, but we can still stretch out on it."

Sasha reclined on the bunk, turned on her side, and wiggled to position herself at the far edge of the mattress. As Wayne took his position, she said, "I am getting unexpected pleasure from this, Wayne. I do think that I want to experiment more in the future. But we are not finished this afternoon, are we?"

Sasha was on her left side, and Wayne was on his right. They were facing each other. Wayne manipulated her tits as he said, "No, we are not finished unless you decide we are." He reached down, pulled her top leg over his thigh, and dropped his hand to her panties, cupping her mons and stroking her clitoris with his thumb.

Sasha moaned and said, "I have been deprived too long. I never would have guessed that I would find satisfaction like this while I was tied up. It doesn't make sense, you know? You did tell me that this would enhance my sensations. Wayne, would you help me take off my panties and then get about the business of finishing my satisfaction?"


Col. Rod McKay is talking to their correspondent. “Wayne has already briefed you. I will add one additional bit of information to what you already know. Killing this country’s president is a top priority for our adversary to the east. We know that they have a team of four making an attempt tonight. No, you know I won’t tell you how we know that.

“Our mission is to capture the bear's team if possible and to kill them if it is not. When we return, I will report to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and, after that, to the Ukrainian president's office. Then I will meet with you again. We will discuss the mission and what you can report of it. If you haven't already put this together, here is our roster."

The Spy Task Force:
Col. Rod McKay, Commanding
Kit, Executive Officer
Massey, Intelligence
Ron, Operations
Terry, Logistics
Wayne, Communications and Computers
Frank, Trooper
Sasha, Trooper
John, Trooper
Last edited by GreyLord 1 year ago, edited 7 times in total.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago This short story is a work of fiction set around events still ongoing in Ukraine, with which the reader should be familiar. Please be advised that this material is adult, hardcore, and graphic. It certainly will not be to everyone's liking.
Come on, since when is bondage and sex not for everyone?
Geez, people are so easily offended nowadays.
Nothing that a few hours tied up can't fix. :lol:

Definitely different from your other stories, but a good read nevertheless.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Nainur »

Well, in my opinion a bold choice of background given the incidents being constantly reported in that area, and we might have an opion but cannot know what is really going on. In war truth was and still is the first victim.

So, we should special care not to forget this is a work of fiction. I wonder where this story will lead to and right now I am not sure if I want to walk the whole way. Let's see.

Saying this: the character building and the bondage scene are of the finest once again!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Interesting and bold choice of place and time :) I did not expect that. The entry sets the stage nicely for things to come . And as [mention]Nainur[/mention] writes the bondage scene is exquisite as usual!
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] said,
Definitely different from your other stories, but a good read nevertheless.
Thank you. By intention, I am breaking out of my initial mold. But I will return to it shortly.

[mention]Nainur[/mention] said,
Well, in my opinion a bold choice of background given the incidents being constantly reported in that area, and we might have an opinion but cannot know what is really going on. In war truth was and still is the first victim.

So, we should special care not to forget this is a work of fiction. I wonder where this story will lead to and right now I am not sure if I want to walk the whole way. Let's see.

Saying this: the character building and the bondage scene are of the finest once again!
Indeed, this story is just a small fictional slice of the reality. The story will get hard core immediately. But it will be a short story. Thank you for your most generous comments.

And [mention]Caesar73[/mention] said,
Interesting and bold choice of place and time :) I did not expect that. The entry sets the stage nicely for things to come . And as @Nainur writes the bondage scene is exquisite as usual!
Thank you as well, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. As always, your comments are important to me.


[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], and [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, please let me know by PM or by posting.

Now, on with Sasha's adventure.


Chapter 2
First Contact

Task Force Briefing 2100 08/01/2022 Spy Task Force Headquarters, Kyiv, Ukraine

Speaking to the team of eight Spy Task Force members, Col. McKay said, "We will not speak the name of our adversary just to our east. We will refer to that country as the Bear. The Bear's espionage capabilities are vested in an organization we call the FSB. Since 2014, the FSB has focused much of its attention on the Bear's takeover of Ukraine. A primary function of the FSB is 'Targeted Killings,' and their main target at the present time is the President of Ukraine. We have creditable intelligence that an attempt on the President's life will be made at midnight tonight."

The Colonel pushed a key on his tablet, and a map was displayed on a screen at the front of the room. The map showed government headquarters and surrounding streets. A red X revealed a point on one street leading to the headquarters. "We believe that their force of four fighters will come by this point tonight between 2300 and 2320. Here is how we will deploy at 2200. They are relying on secrecy and stealth." He went on to specify exactly how he wanted the Task Force placed. They would know exactly where each was located to avoid friendly fire accidents.

Sasha and Terry would have the forward position on the right-hand side of the street. They would shelter in a storefront and fire from a window and the doorway. Across the street, similarly, in a storefront, Frank and Wayne would be stationed. Col. Rod McKay would be in the storefront with Frank and Wayne.

Forward, of course, means the direction from which the enemy would be coming. The two stores next in line would hold the rest of the team. On the right-hand side, next to Sasha and Terry, John and Kit would take positions. Across the street from them and just behind the Colonel, Wayne, and Frank would be the location of Massey and Ron.

The briefing ended, and the team was transported to a position several blocks from the planned ambush. They ran silently to their designated spots and were quickly out of sight. By 2200, the street looked exactly as it did before they arrived.

They had state-of-the-art frequency hopping, spread spectrum communications equipment. Col. McKay spoke quietly, but his voice appeared in the ear of each team member as if they were standing next to him. "Okay, this is the hard part. We wait. Stay alert. They could come ahead of the schedule G2 (intelligence) advised."

The Task Force waited and stayed alert. And at 2251, nine minutes before the enemy movement was predicted, activity was detected coming their way. Massey was observing satellite images. He spoke on the net, "This is S2 (lower unit intelligence). Presumed hostiles are a block away. We have a problem. This is not a four-man team. I count twelve."

Col. McKay replied, "Stay calm. Our first volley will cut them down to our size. Fire on my order. It is important that we all fire at the same time."

The team had trained long and hard. They were ready for this. The Bear's team was well trained as well, however. They approached silently and almost invisibly, moving from doorway to doorway. Our team's night vision goggles were the world's best. Sadly, only two or three hostiles were visible at any given moment.

Col. McKay ordered "fire" when three hostiles were visible, with the result that there were now three fewer hostiles. But the Bear's team immediately returned fire. Terry was struck and was bleeding profusely. Sasha did not hesitate and applied pressure to stop the bleeding, thereby saving Terry's life.

But this gave the hostiles an opportunity, and four of them burst through the door. The last one was brought down by Wayne's pistol from across the street. The remaining three FSB thugs simultaneously pilled on Sasha. Sasha was an outstanding fighter but was overwhelmed by three powerful and fit men, any one of which outweighed her by at least 100 pounds. In moments her hands were tied behind her back, her legs and ankles were bound, and she was gagged.

The leader, Ivan, barked. "Kostya, you pick her up and carry her. Take turns if you need to. Follow me."

Sasha was stood up, punched in the stomach to suggest that she should cooperate, and thrown over the shoulder of Kostya, who followed behind Ivan. The third man, Boris, told Sasha, "The punch was to remind you to be nice. Give us any problems, and things will get really bad for you real quick."

Sasha fought down the urge to throw up. Gagged, that would not be a good thing. She thought fast, "I know the team will try to come for me. I also know that these bastards will make life extremely unpleasant for me until that happens. I have been tied up and given some abuse by a bunch of guys before. What will happen to me now is going to make that seem like a picnic. It was a lot more fun to be tied up by Wayne this afternoon. When these bastards start to hurt me, I will focus on Wayne."

The FSB team, with Sasha, made their way to the back of the building, entered an alleyway, and emerged on a street parallel to the one where they were ambushed. The rest of the Bear's team made similar moves, effectively melting from view and disappearing into the night.

The XO (executive officer), Kit, went to Terry's and Sasha's storefront and immediately assessed the situation. With no need for secrecy now, he called for an ambulance for Terry and transport for the rest of the team.


Being carried away into the night on the shoulder of an FSB member, Sasha couldn't hear much to suggest what her teammates were doing. She stayed quiet as she was lugged off, knowing full well that making a scene at this point would be futile due to the ropes on her arms and legs, plus a gag. Also, she knew that any attempt by her teammates to rescue her right then would result in disaster.

Her worries for her teammates grew as she heard no sound from them on the way through the alleys, but just as she was swept around a corner, she heard the slamming of a door and Wayne's voice calling for a medic.

At least a little relief washed over her as she hoped the team would find a way to get her out of this mess before things got too out of hand.

Ivan led his small team across many blocks until they reached the building the FSB was using in Kyiv. When they entered the building, he ordered Boris and Kostya to take the prisoner to the basement and tie her to the pole. Ivan went to make his report.

As Ivan had anticipated, he was given the task of interrogating the prisoner to learn everything he could about this new group, the so-called Spy Task Force. Entering the basement, Ivan saw that Boris and Kostya had followed his instructions and more. First, she had been stripped down. Then she had been backed up to one of the poles in the basement, and her hands were bound behind it. Her legs were tied to the pole at her ankles, above her knees, and at her upper thighs. They were starting on her upper body when he arrived.

A dark spot on her jaw indicated that she had resisted and gotten punched. A bruise was also starting to the right of her navel, where she had been stuck earlier. Her eyes looked defiant and angry.

Sasha could see Ivan's feet stepping down the basement staircase. She was staring angrily in the direction of the stairs until he emerged with a stern look. He was covering up a grin that was trying to show how much he would enjoy the job he had been given.

As Ivan approached Sasha, she struggled and yanked on her bindings. Her eyes locked angrily on his. Despite all the bitching she had given Boris and Kostya, they hadn't gagged Sasha before Ivan's arrival. The bruise on her face showed that she hadn't gotten off Scot-free. The amount of piss and vinegar she was still showing indicated that the blow to her face failed to be a deterrent. She was determined that they wouldn't get a word out of her. Sasha wasn't a fool. She knew that everybody would talk eventually. It was a question of how long she could hold out.

"Come to add any more fucking ropes to this pole? Or maybe you've come down here to cut me loose and give me my clothes back? Then I could kick your ass properly", Sasha remarked defiantly as Ivan approached.

Ivan replied by backhanding Sasha across the face. Sasha snapped her face back to glare at her tormentor, only to have Ivan bury his fist in her stomach. Boris had already tightened the rope above her tits, holding her tight to the pole. Sasha desperately wanted to double over to help relieve the pain in her midsection. All she could do was expel her breath with a moaning, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Sasha had been stripped but left her dog tags hanging from her neck, dangling between her breasts. Ivan picked up the tags and read her name. Ivan said, "Hello Sasha, I am Ivan. These gentlemen are Boris and Kostya. You will know us better soon. You know it always ends with the prisoner talking. Or did your masters hide that from you?" He walked around her several times, checking on how she was tied. A rope was attached to a small pulley at the top of the pole. It had a hook at the end, and Ivan attached it to the cinch binding her wrists together. As he pulled on the other end of the rope, it raised her hands. Ivan lifted her hands up until her arms were stretched straight out behind her, and she was straining against the ropes binding her to the pole. It was hurting her shoulders, but it was not enough to cause permanent damage, at least yet, she thought.

"Here is how this is going to work, Bitch. You are in phase 1. Here you will get hurt a lot. I will ask you a question. If I don't believe your answer, I will hurt you. If you don't answer, I will hurt you. Sometimes, I may just hurt you for the fun of it. You must give me all the answers I want in phase 1 if you are to avoid phase 2. In phase 1, you will be hurt. You may even bleed a little. But you won't be disfigured. You won't get any marks that won't heal. Any body parts that are damaged will heal with time. That is important to you western women, isn't it?"

Sasha answered immediately, "Fuck you, asshat!"

Ivan responded by tightening the pulley, raising her hands higher. Sasha gasped. Ivan said, "If I lift your arms any higher, it dislocates your shoulders, and you could be crippled for the rest of your life. But that is phase 2. Right now, your shoulders hurt, but I can add to that. He took a belt hanging on the wall and slashed Sasha across her chest, swinging the strap forward and again coming back.

“Kostya, I think it is time to gag our guest," Ivan said. After you have enjoyed phase 1 thoroughly, Sasha, we will remove the gag to see if you are ready to tell us what we wish to know. If not, we will proceed to phase 2. Some people would enjoy phase 1. I don't know if you are that type or not. But no one wants phase 2."

Kostya picked a gag from several on a shelf. This was a penis panel gag. The protruding plug had a large diameter, forcing Sasha's mouth to stretch wide open. It had to be worked to fit deep in her mouth, pressing on her tongue. It might even trigger her gag reflex. Kostya knew that would please his boss, Ivan.


At the hospital, a doctor worked on Terry. Terry's wound had nicked an artery causing all of the bleeding. Otherwise, it was a clean wound, and it did not take the Doctor long to patch him up. The Doctor told Col. McKay that they would keep him for a few days, giving him fluids intravenously and keeping him in bed to let the wound, especially the nicked artery, start healing.

Terry said, "No, Col. McKay, you have to get me back to our quarters, Sir. I can use satellite data with the equipment there to track where they took Sasha. She saved my life. Now I've got to save hers."

Col. McKay asked the Doctor, "Couldn't a nurse take care of him at our place? Couldn't he sit in a wheelchair as well as in a hospital bed?"

The Doctor answered, "Well, yes. But I don't have a nurse that I can do without."

The surgical nurse who had been with Terry since he arrived spoke up, "Doctor, my shift has ended, and I am off duty for the next three days. I can go with them." The nurse, Janice, was a cute and sexy redhead, and she thought Terry was very handsome. And she thought he was heroic for wanting to save his teammate.

The team headed back to the Spy Team's headquarters to track the satellite transmitter attached to Sasha's dog tags. It had turned out that the FSB was smart but not intelligent enough to know that a tracker was embedded in the dog tags. They found and destroyed a tracker sewn into the lapel of her uniform.

The red-headed nurse wheeled Terry into his room and prepared to put him to bed with his fluids and antibiotic IV. Terry interrupted her, "Janice, you have to help me. The normal tracking failed. I knew it would. Push my wheelchair up to my desk. This desktop computer will connect me to the systems that I need."

Janice said, "I will, but you must move very slowly. If you need to reach for anything, tell me. I will reach for you. You can't risk tearing your sutures."

The computer and the large monitor came to life under Terry's fingers. Integrating across multiple satellite images, he saw shadowy figures appear and disappear along the street, making their way thru Kyiv. When they went into the building and didn't come back out, Terry knew he had been successful. He picked up his cell phone and speed-dialed #1, the Colonel.

The Spy Team had Sasha's location. Hopefully, they could get to her in time to save her from any phase 2 injuries.


Meanwhile, back in the FSB headquarters, Sasha strained as the hook connected to her wrist bonds held her arms up above the level of her shoulders, keeping her body tense and strained, gasping as she kept an even gaze with Ivan's, not saying a word. Despite the belt lashing her bare skin, she had gained control of her screams and now stayed quiet, only letting out short gasps for air through the nose and otherwise clenching her teeth on the intrusive penis of the panel gag.

Ivan could see that he needed to change tactics and hung the belt back on the wall. "Alright, my dear, you are being courageous. Let's see how well you fare against a single tail whip?" He selected the whip and judged his distance from Sasha. This well could be his favorite instrument of torture. He was an expert in wielding it and could pop the tale exactly where he wanted it to go, every stroke. He could also adjust the force expertly. At the high end, he could break the skin, welling blood. But that was for phase 2. For phase 1, he could either leave a red stripe on his victim's skin or a single red mark at a chosen spot.

He decided to start with a dozen red marks to put on top of the general pinkish glow that he had created with the belt. The first two went on Sasha's legs, one just above the ropes above her knees. The next was mid-thigh. His third blow left a red strip across her abdomen an inch above her vagina. By then, Sasha had given up all pretense of being strong and silent. She was howling into her gag. Sasha could not stop the screams that burst from her mouth, pushing past the gag, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

“You see, Sasha. It doesn't matter how determined you are. The pain will reach beyond any level of determination that you might have. First, the belt has put a throb of dull pain all over your body. This single tail puts exquisite lines and points of pain, showing you that the belt really wasn't so bad. Don't exhaust yourself too quickly. That was only three lashes. You have nine more coming." Ivan was a master at letting his words strike terror as well as his whips. He continued, working up Sasha's torso, leaving a red line below her navel, the next above it, and the next across her sternum.

“Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she cried as tears poured from her eyes. She knew that she would say anything to stop this when they allowed her to talk. Ivan was going to whip her six more times with this single tail. She couldn't take it, but she was helpless and had to take it. Sasha was not religious, but now she prayed for strength and for

The following two stripes crossed her tits, the first on the underside and the second above her nipples." Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Ivan was pleased with the way her tits danced for his single tail. He continued with the remaining four strikes, enjoying how they made her breasts move. He changed from lines to points. One on each breast on the outer side. The last two struck Sasha's nipples. Now, Sasha's screams faded to moans, "Hmmmph, hmmmph, hmmmph, mmmph."

“You are nearing the end of phase 1, my dear Sasha," Ivan told her. "The last step of phase 1 is a simple beating. You will be punched in the gut, the stomach, on the tits, and in the face. In the end, you won't look very pretty anymore. Your eyes will be black and swollen shut. You may lose a tooth or so. You will have deep bruises and likely some broken ribs. But all of that will heal or is fixable. It will let you know what is coming in phase 2. Boris! Kostya! Remove her gag and give her some water. Then oil her body to get it ready for the beating.”

Kostya removed the gag, and Boris held a cup of water with a straw to her lips. Sasha drank the entire cup and was grateful even though she hated the FSB thugs. As they started working the oil into her skin, it burned at the marks of the single tail. Kostya said, "This will help you heal even though it adds to your pain at the moment, Sasha. Shortly, it will feel better." Their hand lingered, rubbing the oil around her tits and even more at her pussy. Fingers slipped into her vagina and rubbed her clitoris. Her pain was easing, and Sasha felt a tingling as they fingered her clit. At that moment, Sasha hated herself. What was wrong with her, she was being tortured, and they could arouse her. What kind of freak was she?
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Post by slackywacky »

I am torn. Torn between complimenting you on this chapter, as it is good, and saying that this story feels like a [mention]wolfman[/mention] story. Cause saying it is a wolfman story could make you think it would diminish your writing skills. That's why I am torn. I like the story, it is dark and the level of violence is higher than your previous stories, but as we never seen a story like this from you, it is also refreshing. But it does not feel like you (yet).

Hope my mumblings make sense.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago I am torn. Torn between complimenting you on this chapter, as it is good, and saying that this story feels like a @wolfman story. Cause saying it is a wolfman story could make you think it would diminish your writing skills. That's why I am torn. I like the story, it is dark and the level of violence is higher than your previous stories, but as we never seen a story like this from you, it is also refreshing. But it does not feel like you (yet).

Hope my mumblings make sense.
[mention]slackywacky[/mention], comparing me to [mention]wolfman[/mention] is a high honor, indeed. Thank you.

Yes, this is darker than my previous stories. I think that it will be for a limited readership even though it relates to current, well known events. It will come to a conclusion rather quickly.

Then I will return to the Bandit Scout on Newhome. But I intend for it have a different flavor as well, lighter with more humor. Well, we'll see how all of this works out.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Definetly a much darker realm as usual - and the comparison [mention]slackywacky[/mention] makes it is not wrong. On the other hand: The scenario you describe, the circumstances are entirely realistic. The cliffhanger is excellent - your style very descriptive as we can expect from you. Part of me hopes, that Sasha will be rescued, before she is beaten to pulp. But we will see, what you have in mind.

And regarding the darker realms: The Hunt for the lost scrolls is in parts equally dark - so it maybe that we reflect in our tales at times the world around us, as you take us to the UKraine for instance.
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Post by Nainur »

it is dark undoubtedly, maybe darker as I would like, but the tension-build up and storytelling is top notch!
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago it is dark undoubtedly, maybe darker as I would like, but the tension-build up and storytelling is top notch!
d I understand, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. I would expect that many in Ukraine have dark feeling on this cold Winter day. While this story will end shortly, their hardships will continue.


[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], and [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, please let me know by PM or by posting.


Chapter 3
The Healing Begins

Ivan was sadistic beyond question. But perhaps he wasn't all bad. Before administering a harsh beating to Sasha, he tried again to get her to talk. "You know, whipping your tits was a lot of fun. Now, I know the name of your unit. You are in the Spy Task Force. Tell me, how many of you are in the unit?"

Sasha gritted her teeth, knowing her answer would bring her pain. "Fuck you, asshat!"

Ivan slapped her face hard, right over the place she had been punched earlier. In her hard strappado, Sasha could move her head a little, but not enough to avoid or even lessen the blow. "You have a beautiful body. I really do hope that you give up and tell us all before we get to phase 2 or even to the beating part of phase 1. I would hate to destroy that beauty, even temporarily."

Ivan stepped beside his prisoner. He reached one arm around behind her to grasp one breast. His other hand held her other breast. He squeezed her tits with much strength. Sasha could not stop a scream from erupting from her mouth.

A voice called from the stairs, "Ivan, come now!"


Col. McKay ordered, "This truck will pull up to the front door. We will be the point charging in as fast as we can. A company of Ukrainian infantry is in the trucks behind us and will follow us when we enter the building. You are free to shoot any hostile who does not go spread eagle on the ground."

The truck screeched to a halt, and the Spy Task Force charged into the building.

We will take the ground floor and the basement. The Ukrainians will take the upper floors.

A loud yell from the top of the stairs ordered Ivan and his team to go upstairs immediately. She felt Ivan's hands lift off her breasts. He went for his holster to draw his gun. Only moments after the FSB thugs left, Sasha heard the bang from the doors bursting open. Sasha jolted into full alertness, somehow knowing her team had arrived for her.

"HEYY, IM DOWN HERE-MMPHH OUUU" PUNCH!. Sasha's calls were quickly silenced by a punch in the stomach from Ivan as he shoved the gag back into her mouth.

“I guess we'll find out a little early how many are on your team," Ivan told Sasha as he strapped the gag to Sasha's head. "It's a shame I won't get to meet them properly since they'll all be dead by the time we're finished with them." Ivan unholstered his gun and grabbed Sasha by the upper neck, facing her. "And when we're done with them, we can get back to getting you ready for stage 2, my darling, but for now, stay quiet and wait for me.".

Ivan left the room, gun in hand, going up the stairs that Sasha faced. Sasha thought the strappado hurt when they first lifted her arms. Now she was happy to be left in the strappado with no one hitting her, whipping her, or mashing her breasts.

Things did not work out the way Ivan had expected. His CG (Commanding General), Gen. Vladilen Popov, had watchers outside the FSB Headquarters. They informed the General that Ukrainian forces were supporting the attack by the Spy Task Force to free their girl. The FSB would be overwhelmed, and Gen. Popov ordered their retreat by the secret tunnel. They could exit just as the front door burst open, and the Americans stormed inside.

Wayne charged ahead of Col. McKay and was the first one of the Task Force in the building. He knew they would be torturing Sasha in the basement. That was the way of the FSB. He found the door to the basement and charged down. Sasha was strung up in a painful-looking tie that lifted her arms behind her back almost to the point of dislocating her shoulders. Her body was strapped to a post, so she could not relieve any pressure on her shoulders by leaning forward. Were her shoulders already dislocated?

The first thing Wayne did was release the strappado, then remove her gag. By then, others were behind him, including the nurse, Janice. Wayne quickly but gently hugged Sasha. It was easy to see that she had been hurt badly. He started cutting her ropes. Janice grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Sasha. Of course, Wayne had noticed that she had been stripped naked. That wasn't important. Getting her to a safe place so the medics could tend to her was.

Col. McKay ordered, "Let's get her back to our quarters. The Ukrainians will sweep this building for anything of intelligence value. Move out!"

The group swept out of the building. Sasha had been picked up by Wayne, still wrapped naked in a blanket, and now able to truly show how weak she had felt now that she was no longer in the presence of Ivan.

The exit was clear. The FSB had fled the scene after seeing Sasha's team arrive. The Task Force's truck was waiting at the front door, and everyone bailed into it, Sasha being propped up in the corner with Wayne beside her as they began the drive back to camp.

Wayne thought, "Holding Sasha in my arms while carrying her to our truck was wonderful. But I would give anything for her not to have been hurt this way." Nurse Janice matched Wayne's pace stride for stride, taking Sasha's blood pressure, oxygen, and pulse. At the truck, he lifted Sasha onto the truck's bed. After Wayne climbed on and gave Janice a hand up, they moved Sasha to a pallet that Janice had ready. Janice immediately started probing for injuries, beginning with Sasha's shoulders.

“Sasha, please tell me when I push something, and it hurts. I apologize in advance, but we need to triage you to see if we can take you to Headquarters or if you must have a hospital." Janice told Sasha.

The truck started moving, heading for their quarters unless Janice issued different instructions. After probing Sasha's shoulders for a couple of minutes, Janice said, "Your shoulders are going to be very sore for a few days. But, my initial exam does not show an injury that requires a hospital. But now I need to check the rest of your body. I'm going to lift your blanket off. Do you want me to send Wayne away?"

“No," Sasha said, "I want Wayne next to me." Janice had already surmised that they had something going and thought having him by her would help keep Sasha calm. Pulling up to Headquarters, a support team was waiting with a stretcher. With Sasha wrapped in the blanket again, they gently moved her onto the stretcher and headed to her room. Wayne redirected them, "Take her to my room. Nurse Janice, you still have duties with Terry. I will be your assistant nurse with Sasha."

Seeing that Wayne was dedicated to Sacha, Nurse Janice gave her approval.

A few days later, it was time for Janice to return to the hospital. But that did not happen. Having successfully stopped the FSB attack, Col. McKay had considerable pull with the President of Ukraine. He was able to have Janice assigned to his unit, at least for the time being.

Terry was going very well under the care of Janice. He was already returned to his post in a 'light duty' status. He would stay on light duty for three weeks. Janice watched Terry use his computer network to hack around the internet and around government systems. He was looking for signs of the FSB. Janice had known computer specialists before and could see that Terry was of a different order.

Twice each day, she gave Terry a long rubdown and massage. Today, she did what she had been thinking about since she started working on Terry. After massaging his back and shoulders, his arms and neck, the back of his thighs, his calves, and his feet, she helped him turn over. She had been very professional as she turned him and then worked on his pectorals, abdominals, and right thigh. Then she would end the session by working carefully on his left thigh. Terry's wound was there, close to his groin. Janice was meticulous in being gentle, encouraging circulation but not putting any stress on the sutures, visible or under the skin.

She was careful also to keep Terry's manhood covered and not to cause him any embarrassment. Today, she threw some of her cautions to the wind. At the end of her regimen, she reached under the towel covering Terry's midsection and firmly grasped his dick. She began a slow pumping motion on him as she said, "Terry, I saw that you awoke with an erection this morning. That is one more sign that you are healing. But your groin is close to your wound. I believe that if you tried masturbating, there would be too much risk that you would disturb your sutures. Unless you tell me to stop, I will safely bring you to a climax."

“Janice, I wouldn’t stop you now for all of the tea in China,” Terry assured her. “Is this what Ukrainian nurses do for their patients?”

“No," she informed Terry, "this is special from me to you. I think that you are incredibly courageous and talented as well. You are the person that made it possible to get Sasha back."

When she finished, Terry was breathing deeply as she wiped him clean and pulled his sheet and blanket up to his neck. She stroked his forehead and said, "Take your nap now. You need a lot of sleep this first week." Terry's eyes closed, and he fell asleep like she had thrown a switch. Janice sat where she could watch him as she wondered if she had just thrown her career away.

That afternoon, Terry brought the subject up for discussion. "I understand that you did something exceptionally special for me. I want you to know that what happened is strictly between us unless you tell someone."

“Thank you, Terry," Janice said. "I was worried about that. It could get me in trouble. I am still worried I put too much stress on your wound. But I thought I would be less stressful than you would be left to your own devices."

Terry said, "I understand, it shouldn't, but people are funny about what they decide is proper. You did it because you saw a need, and you have a big heart. Thank you, Janice. You will have to tell me what I can do in return."

“There is something. You know I have been through your things, not to pry, but to know where things were should you ask for something. I saw that you have several magazines that feature tied-up women, and I saw coils of rope. Would you tell me about that?"

“Sure, it's not a big deal, Janice. When I was a kid, watching movies or TV showing a woman tied up was always exciting, even before I was old enough to enjoy sexual excitement. There were kid games that we played that allowed some limited experimentation. When I was a little older, I found that the internet was a treasure trove of material. I don't like the heavy BDSM stuff. And I don't like most stories written about bondage. They seem to slip into the BDSM category frequently. They all have the same litany of things they talk about. Most of those things are uninteresting to me if not actually repellent. I only want to tie up a willing and consensual partner."

Janice smiled and said, "You have given me a lot to think about. I would like to talk to you more after I process this. Would that be okay with you?"

“Of course,” replied Terry, “let me know when you are ready.”


Sasha was mending very fast, also. Janice looked in on her four or five times each day. But there was little for medicine to do. She had a lot of bruises. Wayne followed Janice's instructions, treating the discolorations with alternating heat and cold. When Sasha was okay with it, Wayne would rub her very gently to encourage her circulation. And four times each day, he carefully stretched her arms and shoulders so they would not stiffen.

On the third day, Sasha insisted she starts doing light calisthenics. "People see me, and they still see a mess. But that is just the surface. Underneath, I am much better and need exercise. I will start slowly. You can supervise." And she had a forty minutes session with mostly stretching and only some things like sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. In the end, she said, "Now I feel better. You were a good boy for letting me do that. It is time for you to get a reward." Sasha had a light sheen of sweat from her exercise and pulled off her sweatshirt. A bra was still uncomfortable, so she had not been wearing one. She was now topless.

Sasha opened one of Wayne's drawers, got one of the shorter coils of rope, and handed it to Wayne. "I get the screaming meemies when I think about what that bastard Ivan did to me. Before that, getting tied up was a fun thing. I want to get that fun back again. Would you tie my hands and show me that bondage can still be fun for me."

Wayne said, "You don't have any marks on your wrists. But you sure do almost everywhere else. I think it is still too soon. Tying you up is great fun, Sasha. I don't want to risk the future by rushing this."

“Wayne, I know you are the dom. But this time, please follow my lead and tie my hands behind my back as a special favor for me."

When Wayne had attached her wrists in a two-column tie, cinched. Sasha said, "Good boy. Now take your pants off and sit in your easy chair." Wayne did as he was told, and Sasha came and knelt between his knees. "Your job now is not to touch me and let me practice fellatio without using my hands. Can you do that, Wayne?"

“Sure, I understand you. You will give me a blow job but don't want me to touch you while you do it. I understand. Your tits are still bruised, and you don't need me pawing at them," Wayne said.

Sasha said, "You got it!" She bent her head to his crotch and began kissing, licking, and nuzzling Wayne's member, already on the way to arousal. When it was erect and fully extended, she took it in her mouth, sealing her lips around it. She sucked, making the most powerful vacuum possible while moving her lips up and down his shaft.

Wayne might have erupted in an orgasm sooner, but he was so amazed at what was happening that he held back just to admire Sasha. Then, the unthinkable happened. The door opened, and Janice walked in, "Hi everyb…What are? Oh my. Excuse me. I'll try you later," as Janice took in the situation she had disturbed. She started backing out.

Sasha lifted her head and called, "Janice, please stop. This is my fault. I should have locked the door." Janice stopped, stepped back inside, and closed the door. She fumbled for a moment and locked the door behind her.

Sasha said, "You have caught us. This was all my doing. Wayne didn't want to, but I pushed him into it. What is disturbing you? Is it that we have some sexual activity, or does it bother you that my hands are tied behind my back?"

“I am surprised by both, Sasha. What you are doing is clearly consensual, so it is okay. You are not in trouble with me. I was surprised because I wasn't expecting this and doubly surprised because I plan on doing exactly the same thing with Terry. I found out that he likes tied-up women, too. There, does that put you at ease?"

“Holy cow,” cried Wayne. “confession is great, but I am left dangling here.”

“Life is hard,” said Sasha.

“Sasha, can I join you?” asked Janice. “I can see that Wayne wants to be touching you but isn’t because of your bruises. This one time, can he touch me?”

Sasha said, "Come on over here. We have more work to do. Like the man said, he is dangling." She pivoted back to Wayne and restarted working on his dick. Janice locked the door behind her and rushed over while she pealed out of her shirt, revealing that her tits were slightly larger than average and very firm on her petite, athletic frame. She bent over Wayne pushing one tit to his mouth, and pressed his hand on the other. She draped her red hair over his chest.

Wayne tried to match Sasha's sucking, pulling as much of Janice's breast in his mouth as he could. His hand on her other tit closed and relaxed in tune with the sucking he was doing. That, in turn, matched the rhythm set by Sasha. His hips joined the rhythm and ended with an explosive climax deep in Sasha's throat.

Sasha thought, "This is a much better gag than Boris put on me. Much more effective at keeping me silent and ever so much more fun."

Wayne let go of Janice's breasts with his hand and mouth, saying, "Thank you, Sasha. Thank you, Janice."

Janice pulled her tee shirt back on as she said, "And thank the two of you. You have firmed up my decision about how to handle Terry tomorrow. Sasha, do you need me to free you before I leave?"

“No, I am fine. Wayne will untie me when I ask," Sasha replied.

“Then I am out of here. Wayne, come lock this door behind me,” Janice said as she made her exit.
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Post by Nainur »

some very interesting healing processes and cures described here...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago some very interesting healing processes and cures described here...
Straight and to the point :) Quite the action to free Sasha! I liked that chapter very much - it is interesting to read a story which is so close to reality. Well done [mention]GreyLord[/mention] !
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago some very interesting healing processes and cures described here...
Isn't it wonderful what we can conceive of if released from reality. Thank you, [mention]Nainur[/mention], for commenting. Glad to see you are still with the story. Five or six chapters to go.
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
Nainur wrote: 1 year ago some very interesting healing processes and cures described here...
Straight and to the point :) Quite the action to free Sasha! I liked that chapter very much - it is interesting to read a story which is so close to reality. Well done @GreyLord !
Thank you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. While this story is close to a major current event still very much underway, it probably isn't close to reality. For example, to the best of my knowledge, there are no USA troops in Ukraine. And, medically, this is very much fiction.

I do hope that, in my small way, I am keeping some attention focused on the ongoing atrocities happening in Ukraine.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago I do hope that, in my small way, I am keeping some attention focused on the ongoing atrocities happening in Ukraine.
You do that splendidly [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago I do hope that, in my small way, I am keeping some attention focused on the ongoing atrocities happening in Ukraine.
You do that splendidly @GreyLord :)
I agree.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] and [mention]slackywacky[/mention] said,
You do that splendidly @GreyLord :)
Thank both of you very much.


[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], and [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

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Chapter 4
Back in the Saddle Again

In the morning, Janice had thought of little other than how she would get Terry to ejaculate. Bursting in on Sasha and Wayne the day before made her confident that she was on the right track. Was everyone here into kink? The mission objective was to give Terry sexual relief so he would not be tempted to masturbate. His sutures were close to his groin and should not be jarred or vibrated at this point. Janice knew that she could be smoother than Terry would be. She also knew that her lips and tongue would be smoother than her hand.

Janice did not have a prudish bone in her body. If giving head to Terry would be smoother than a hand job, that is what she would do. She was nagged by one last concern. If she got excited in the process, and knowing herself that was possible, she might inadvertently grab his thigh near the wound. That wouldn't do. Terry's hobby, tying up girls, answered that problem and might increase Terry's pleasure. With her hands tied behind her back, she wouldn't make a mistake. Because of Terry's interest in bondage, it would be even more exciting for him with her tied up. It might get him off faster, not that she would be in any hurry for that.

Janice had wondered if everyone here was into kink. She didn't have any experience with it. She had been tied up a couple of times as a kid playing Cossacks, but not since she was old enough to have sexual experiences. The thought of sucking Terry's cock with her hands tied behind her back kept coming into her mind and stirring her sexually.


Sasha was in the headquarters' gym. It would be a few more days before she was back to her regular workout routine, but each day, she was closer. While she was exercising, the Colonel came in dressed for his workout.

Seeing Sasha, he came by and said, "It is good to see you doing so well, Sasha. Of course, I have been briefed on your progress several times each day. How are you feeling now?"

“Sir, there is no question but that I am still very sore from the beating," Sasha answered, "as you can see. The discomfort from the bruises is not stopping me from exercising. My shoulders were pulled beyond the point they should go. The doctor who X-rayed and examined me said I would need about a week to be fully functional again, although I can expect to feel some effects for a month." She had been trained to be completely honest in giving personal assessments like this.

“That is what he told me, too," the Colonel told her. "I wanted to give you some time, but we need to complete a formal debriefing on your capture. Are you up to come by my office tomorrow at 1000?"

“Yes, Sir.”

That night, she told Wayne that she was going to be debriefed. Wayne asked, “That will bring up everything that happened to you. Are you ready for that much stress?”

“I don't think Col. McKay was giving me an option. When an officer asks us to do something, we are supposed to treat it like an order. Let's find out how ready I am? If you don't put much pressure on a bruise or stretch my arms away from my body behind me. My body should be okay. If you tie me up and feel me up, I will either enjoy it or go ape shit on you. Are you up to that risk?"

“Sasha, I can’t imagine not being ready to tie you up,” Wayne responded.

Sasha was already stripping out of her clothes. She said, "It will be better for me if you don't pull my elbows together yet. Give me a few more days for that. Could I recommend a frogtie for my legs? That way, it would be convenient for you to screw my eyes out if I don't go ape shit on you."

“Okay," answered Wayne, "we have a plan." A few minutes later, Sasha was kneeling on the bed with her hands tied behind her back and each ankle tied to its thigh. Wayne gave her a soft kiss and gently cupped a breast. Putting one hand between her shoulder blades, he eased her down on the bed and continued exploring her body. Where she was bruised, Wayne brushed lightly with his fingers, tickling. In other places, he stroked more forcefully. After a while, he got to her cunt.

“I was wondering if you had forgotten that part of me," commented Sasha. She was hunching her bush against his hand.

“You seem to be okay with being tied up and having me fondle you,” Wayne said. “Are you really alright? Are you enjoying what I am doing?”

“Yes, Wayne, I am alright and enjoying your touch. But enough playing around. I want you inside of me. Now, if you please!"


Terry was proud that he had stayed in the Comm Room for his entire watch. The XO had stressed that he could call for relief anytime he needed it, and no one would think the worst of him. But, for the most part, his work consisted of listening to rotating audio channels, watching radar screens, watching satellite imagery, and checking the readings on a few dials. All of this was done while sitting in a comfortable chair. His relief was on the way, and he had called Janice, as he had promised, so she could walk him back to his room.

Nurse Janice was occupying all of his attention that was not required for his work. Terry had enjoyed his fair share of intimate contact with the fair sex in his young life. It had been his experience that he must talk a lady into an act of sex or, more rarely, into letting him tie her up. Janice, bless her heart, just saw that Terry had a need and knew the pain from his wound and the fear of doing more damage stopped him from relieving himself. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also the most incredible woman he had ever met. The door to the Comm Room opened, and Janice walked in with a massive smile for Terry. On her heels, his relief entered.

“Okay, Terry, are you ready to return to your room?" Janice asked him.

“Just a moment while I give Frank the comm status," Terry replied. After two minutes of technical talk, Terry stood up and said, "I'm ready. Let's go."

As Terry started striding briskly down the hall, Janice admonished, "Terry, slow down. I don't want to be a nag, but you must take it easy while your wound heals. Besides, I'm not in the condition to keep up with you."

“I'm sorry, Nurse Janice. Of course, I should follow your instructions carefully," Terry slowed his pace. "Is this better?"

“Terry, I saw you put yourself at risk to get the information necessary to save Sasha. I would never fuss at you for something like that. You were a hero. You became my hero, and I did everything possible to stay with you and get you well again. Ukraine needs you. I am sure that the USA needs you too." Janice took his hand and continued walking him back to his quarters.

She closed the door behind her and locked it. "Strip down and put your bathrobe on. I need to examine your wound." As Terry undressed, she hung his uniform and put it away in the closet. Janice got Terry settled in his easy chair and pulled up a stool for herself right in front of Terry.

Janice opened his robe to bare the wound on Terry's leg. She inspected the sutures visually and checked the skin temperature around them. Satisfied, she recovered his leg with his robe and said, "It looks excellent, Terry. Would this be a good time for me to ask you a few questions?"

“Anytime you want to ask me something will be good for me, Janice," Terry replied. "I am feeling much better. I know that is because you are such a fantastic nurse."

“The superb physical condition you guys are in has much to do with it too. As well as your individual will to get well. Don't discount those factors.

“What I want to ask you about is your bondage magazines. I know nothing about this subject, but it's coming to my attention now, not just because of your magazines. Would it bother you to tell me why you like to tie women up or see women tied up?" Janice asked.

“This can be hard to talk about," Terry answered. "To many people, bondage has a negative stigma associated with it. But you are easy to talk to, Janice, and I would like to try to give you honest answers. First, I should tell you that bondage magazines are anachronisms. There is so much available on the web. Now, why do I like to tie women up?

“If I see a beautiful woman, it does cross my mind that it would be fun to tie her up. But I would never tie a woman up without her consent. For most women, the opportunity to discuss the subject just doesn't occur. When a woman does consent, it shows a tremendous amount of trust. Having someone give me that level of trust is a major turn-on.

“When a lady lets me tie her up, she is saying, 'For now, I am giving up control and letting you make the decisions. I will submit to what you want.' So those are two exciting things, trust and submission. The person getting tied up is often called a sub, short for submissive.

“Then, the act of doing the tying is fun. It is a science and an art. It has to be secure. If it is done right, the sub should not be able to free herself. Often, there is some discomfort involved. Being held in a position from which you can't move becomes uncomfortable in time. But I wouldn't want it to cross the line into pain.

“There are different reasons for bondage. I will tell you a few. The sub may simply want to have the experience of being tied up. Maybe it's totally new for her. Or perhaps she is experienced but wants to try a new technique. Maybe the sub wants to try to escape. For me, the primary use for bondage is to enhance sex. With a willing and enthusiastic partner, it is almost unbelievable as a sexual stimulant. My partners say that it is for them as well, for the most part. I haven't had a lot of partners, but only one failed to get a sexual charge out of it. She played with me multiple times, and I asked her why she would do that if she wasn't stimulated by it. She told me it wasn't a negative experience, and she enjoyed seeing the joy it gave me.

“I have seen any data on that and wouldn't know how to find it. But I suspect many women subs may be in that category. But to continue, cuddling with a tied-up woman is a lot of fun, as is the sex act itself. Then, I find the act of untying to be enjoyable too. I should mention that many players are into role play, for example, kidnapping scenarios. They have to have special safe words that mean to stop since the sub is likely to be shouting, 'Turn me loose. Untie me right now!'

“Have I answered your question sufficiently, Janice?”

She answered, "You have explained a lot to me, Terry. I think that I understand better than I thought I would. There is a reason that I asked. Yesterday and today, you woke up with morning wood. I was as careful as possible in giving you a handjob yesterday. But I don't think it is completely safe. The nick on your artery is too close to your groin. What you really need is a blow job. But I know myself. I know it would be too easy to get excited, forgetting myself for a moment and grabbing your leg. If my hands were tied behind my back, I couldn't do that, could I? I don't know if you would be interested in pursuing this further, Terry, but I guess I am volunteering in case you are."

Terry looked at Janice with surprise plastered over his face. "Janice, you are a gorgeous woman, and I have been thinking over and over how much I would like to tie you up. To tie you up and then have you give me head? Well, that may have been beyond my comprehension."

Janice stood up, "Okay, the rules are that you can't do anything to put any strain on your wound. Do you agree?"

“Yes, I agree." Terry would have agreed to do a headstand on the Moon at that point.

Janice retrieved the coils of rope from Terry's drawer and placed them on the table beside his chair. Then she took off her shirt, skirt, and bra. "You have a lot of coils of rope Terry. I think I might need my legs. Is it okay if you don't tie them tonight?"

“It has to be consensual, remember? You look incredible just wearing those brief panties," Terry said.

Janice gently spread Terry's legs and moved the stool she had used between his legs until it touched the front of the chair. Then she sat on the stool facing away from Terry and put her hands behind her back. "I expect you would take it easy on me as a first-timer. Don't. My hands must stay behind my back, okay."

“I understand," Terry said. The back of his chair was adjustable, and he moved it upright so he could reach Janice without any strain. "Then we will tie your hands and upper arms first. Then I will make a chest harness to lock your upper arms to your back. That will restrict your hand movement. Finally, we will make a loop around your belly to lock your wrists to your body as well. Does that sound right to you?"

“Well, yes. You are the bondage master, Terry."

Terry took the shortest coil of rope and shook it out. "Cross your wrists for me and hold them a little away from your back if you can."

“Sure, how is this?" Janice followed his instructions.

Terry adjusted her wrists, crossing an inch higher on her forearms. He said, "Perfect. Now hold that position, please." He made several vertical, then horizontal, loops with the rope around her wrists. He didn't tie her tight but just a little firm. Then he took a few turns between her wrists, taking away any remaining slack before tying off the rope at the top of her wrists where her fingers couldn't reach the knots.

“I don't want you to try a major escape now, but test it a little and tell me how it feels."

Janice gently pulled this way and that. She moved her hands to the left as far as she could and turned her head to look. "I don't know because I haven't done this as a grown-up, but I think you have me."

“Good,” replied Terry. Now let’s fix your elbows.”

“I thought you said upper arms?” asked Janice.

“You are correct. I am going to tie your upper arms. But I will do it just above your elbows. Does that make sense?”

She answered, “Of course. I’m just asking things because this is so new to me.”

Terry took another coil that was longer than the first one. He doubled it and made a noose around her arms above her elbows, pulling it to put mild pressure on her arms. Then looped the rope around her arms several times. "With an experienced sub, I might pull your arms tighter until your elbows touch. I wouldn't do that to you now. I will cinch the ropes between your elbows to ensure that your upper arm ropes don't slip down." Terry did this repeatedly until it looked like one big rope running from one arm to the other. "If you want to, you could go and back up to the bathroom mirror to see what this looks like."

Janice was curious and got up to do just that. She returned and sat on the stool, "Terry, that is so neat looking. And I am surprised at the way it feels. Nothing hurts, but I feel completely helpless. When this is over, it will require a lot of thought from me. Okay, the chest harness is next?"

“Right." Terry took a much longer rope, doubled it, and made a noose, this time around her arms and chest. He reached around her and checked that the rope strands were just above her tits. While there, he took a couple of moments to rub her breasts. "Janice, I did not ask you if I could do this. But you can certainly stop me if you wish. I assumed that you getting half naked and letting me tie you up this much implied that I could touch you. No contract can cover every detail of what can happen. But you have control and can stop things. If you said to turn you loose, I would untie you immediately, if regretfully. By the way, your breasts are gorgeous."

As Terry was talking, he stroked her nipples. At first, Janice wanted to put her hand over his to press his hand tighter on her tit. That did not happen, of course. "You have a green light, Terry."

He pulled the noose tight and looped the rope around her twice. He carefully placed the rope smoothly so it didn't overlap. Then he made three more passes, this time below her breasts. There was unused rope from that coil, and Terry used that to cinch all chest bands between her arms and back.

“WOW, I said I felt helpless before. Now I feel more so. But nothing hurts. You really are a master, Terry. I may not have bondage experience, but I can recognize skill." Janice was filled with wonder at the way she was feeling about all of this. She had expected not to like it or even feel some fear. But she felt safe and oddly at peace.

“Okay, Janice, for the last step, we keep your hands from wandering. Not that they can go far as they are right now. I can do this the simplest way: just a band of rope around your hips and tied to your wrists. Or we can make it much more interesting for you by making it into a crotch rope tie. What would you like to do?"

“Terry, I know what a crotch is, but I don't know what a crotch rope tie would be. You talked about trust. I trust you, which is a good thing so far. What do you recommend for me at this point?"

“You might find a crotch rope a little scary at first. But I think you will come to like it. It gives you some options." Terry explained.

Janice decided, “Then let’s do it your way.”

“I will need you to stand up for this. Can you move the stool out of the way with your feet?”

Janice had been planning to do that anyway, so she stood, used her feet and legs, and moved the stool. Then she stood where it had been. "What direction do you want me to face?" she asked.

“Face me," Terry said. Janice did with her forelegs touching Terry's chair. Terry picked up another coil and shook out the rope. He doubled it and made a noose around her waist. At her back, the noose went over her forearms above her wrist binding. Terry made another pass around her with the doubled rope and tied it off at the bight. The loops had just a little slack which Terry removed by pulling the knot at the bight down till it was between Janice's navel and her crouch. The unused portion of the doubled rope dangled down to the floor.

“Now, spread your feet about a foot apart." Janice did. Terry took the doubled rope and pushed it carefully between Janice's legs with one hand. With the other, he reached behind her and took the doubled rope. Terry asked Janice to turn around. Janice did, and he led the rope between her back and wrists, pulling it over the top of her bound wrists and threading it under the loops around her hips. "Turn back and face me now, please."

Janice did, and Terry could see the worry on her face. "Remember, you have control. You can stop this if you want. Right now, the crotch rope is just touching the outside of your vagina. If you don't stop me, I will tighten the rope over your wrists until the rope strands push your panties into your vagina. Then I would pull the loose ends behind you through your legs so those strands join their sisters pressing on your pussy. I would tie the ends off on your belly band. Then anytime you move your hands, it will tighten the rope in your vagina. It will be putting some pressure on your clitoris, giving you a way to give yourself pleasure. Do you want me to undo the crotch rope now? Or do you want me to finish the tie?"

Janice said, "I am completely helpless, but you are truly letting me have control, aren't you?"

“Yes, that is the way this should work. Don't ever let anyone else tie you up unless you are sure you can trust them completely," he answered.

“I’ll not stop now. Finish your tie.”

Terry reached between her legs to take hold of the dangling rope. He pulled down on it and used his other hand to ease the rope strands into Janice's pussy. Terry smoothed the lines from her crotch to her hands, removing any slack but not tightening it. Finally, he led the rope back between her legs and tied it off at the bight.

“Janice, I know this feels very strange to you. Take a few minutes. Go look in the mirror again. When you come back, we can change any part of this you don’t like.”
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

I support that Mission Goal: "The mission objective was to give Terry sexual relief" and it seems, Janice is accomplishing it as professional Agent she is :) The scene Terry ties her up - is absolutely hot!

Good to see, that Sasha is on her way to full recovery after her ordeal she suffered!
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I support that Mission Goal: "The mission objective was to give Terry sexual relief" and it seems, Janice is accomplishing it as professional Agent she is :) The scene Terry ties her up - is absolutely hot! ...
Thank you very much, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It is nice to hear that my story is stimulating.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 2332
Joined: 3 years ago
Location: Southern USA

Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention], and [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, please let me know by PM or by posting.


Chapter 5
Sasha Is Asked to Return

Janice walked back into the bathroom. One thing was sure, she would not like to walk a long way with crotch rope in her twat. Janice could see the rope chaffing her most sensitive tissues. Another problem: although she admitted to herself that she had a crush on Terry, they weren't lovers even though she had given him a hand job and was fixing to give him a blow job. She had found it highly embarrassing for Terry to work the rope into her snatch.

Janice tried moving her hands to test what Terry had said. It did tighten the ropes through her pussy as her hands tugged against the ropes trying to hold her hands in place. This wasn't giving her any sexual stimulation, but she could see that it might if she was in the right frame of mind. Okay, she decided she would not ask for any changes to the way she was restrained. No matter how excited she might get, her hands would not grab anything by accident. They were going to stay in place. With that thought, she felt a tingle in her core. Back to business, she walked out of the bathroom and returned to Terry.

“As I said, this is very new to me, but you have certainly done a fine job keeping my hand safely out of the way. Shall we go ahead?"

“I was getting erect until I saw that I was making you uncomfortable. Are you sure that you want to continue?” Terry asked Janice.

“Quite sure," Janice said as she lowered herself to her knees in front of Terry's chair. "Place your hands on my tits. That might get your motor started again. Would you open your bathrobe for me? I don't seem to be able to reach it by myself."

Janice's breasts were firm and soft at the same time. Terry wished that he didn't have to move so damn carefully. He really wanted to suck on those tits and nibble on her nipples. Then Terry told himself he was a damn fool. He should be eternally grateful to Janice for what she was giving him. His johnson was becoming eager.

Janice said, "You can use my hair or my head to guide me." She lowered her mouth to take in the head of his peter. She was thinking, "In all the times that I have done this, I have never done it without using my hands. This calls for different skills. Good, he is getting a grip on my hair with both of his hands. Like dancing, I will have to respond to the least pressure." She was doing her best to make a good seal with her lips without touching him with her teeth. She was keeping her tongue busy stroking his willy. Janice bobbed her head up and down, taking Terry ever deeper into her mouth.

Changing her rhythm, Janice lowered on his shaft, taking him as deep as she could, and held. She couldn't breathe at that point but held until the need for air caused her to back off. At her highest point, her lips pressed on the head of his shaft, and then Janice would slowly sink until his head was pushing on her throat. Then she would hold again. Repeat.

Terry started to respond by hunching, but Janice shook her head from side to side, saying, "Nnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnnnnn." He got the point, closed his eyes, and focused on the sensations between his legs. It took longer than usual for Terry to climax without his active participation. But Janice's mouth could sense the throbbing in his tool and knew he was getting closer to a successful finish. Her crotch rope was doing its job too. She now thought that her crotch rope was a good thing.

It may not have been the most powerful climax of Terry's life. But it may have been the longest one. Its total effect was to rock Terry's boat. He let go of Janice's hair and squeezed the arms of his chair. Janice dutifully swallowed and licked and cleaned Terry's tallywhacker. When satisfied that she had provided an outstanding service, Janice straightened up, asking, "How was that, Terry?"

“Oh, God! Janice, thank you, doesn't begin to cover this. How can I repay you? What can I possibly do for you?" Terry implored Janice.

Janice’s crotch rope had stimulated her, but not enough to get her off. She wanted a climax. “Terry, you have a rabbit wand in your toy drawer. Would you insert it in my snatch and turn it on? Please?”

“Sure, I’ll get you untied and fixed right up,” Terry said as he leaned forward to get out of his chair.

Janice rose to her feet as Terry moved to the edge of his chair. “You will not take the time to untie me, except maybe for this crotch rope. Take it off, get the rabbit, and put it in my box!”

It only took a few moments to release the crotch rope. The loops around Janice's waist remained. Terry got to his feet and went to the drawer and got the wand and a tube of lubricant. Janice followed him closely. Terry skillfully drizzled some jell on his hand and spread it over the lips of her cunt, although it probably wasn't needed. He smoothly inserted the rabbit, hooking the ears so her clit would get the maximum stimulation. Janice almost jumped when he turned the rabbit on high.

“Come and sit on the bed, Janice," he said. He had an idea about intensifying her sensations. It was only a few steps, and they were seated on the bed side by side. Terry took the doubled rope hanging from her waist loops and tightly tied her thighs together. This put additional pressure on the rabbit from the walls of her cooch. There was rope left over. Terry said for Janice to lay back and turn on her side. Janice did, and Terry bent her legs back and tied her ankles with the remaining length of rope, making a loose frog tie.

“Ohhhhh, this feels good," Janice said. Terry stretched out before her, taking a boob in each hand. Terry pushed, pulled, and twisted. He fingered her nipples and finally filled his mouth with a melon. He sucked vigorously, then took the nipple in his teeth and shook his head.

Janice had endured unsatisfied stimulation for over twenty-four hours now. Now, her beaver was being thoroughly stimulated, as were her mammaries. Being tied up and now completely helpless added a new dimension to the sexual experience. She could not move, so there was no reason to focus on anything except her pleasure. The wave of sensation rose from her lady parts and spread until it consumed her. Panting deeply, she stared hard at Terry's eyes. "Terry, that was a climax beyond anything I could imagine. You have sold me. I will be your bondage bunny as long as you will have me. Except for my mouth, I have no freedom. But I am still getting little waves from this flood tide. That's a thought. Terry, are you up to gagging me? Then I can just lay here with zero freedom while you do whatever you want to do to me."

Terry was up to applying a very effective gag to Janice's mouth. He lay down in front of Janice and adjusted the pillows to make their heads comfortable. Kneading her hooters, he realized that he was fatigued and drifted off into a deep sleep.


“Sasha, reporting as ordered,” Sasha said to the Colonel as she braced at attention in front of his desk.

“At ease, Sasha, and have a seat," Col. McKay ordered. "Normally, I would question you and have you go through the hours before your capture and the details of your capture in excruciating detail. I have something in mind that may let us work with less formality. I am up to speed on the events leading up to your capture. Would you walk me through what happened after the Bear's people entered the room you and Terry occupied? I should tell you that I am recording your response."

Sasha had given a lot of thought about the way to tell her story. Fortunately, she was not a shy person. Even though her treatment at the hands of the FSB was embarrassing and painful, she gave Col. McKay a complete report on everything that had happened to her.

“That was an excellent report, Sasha. Since returning here to our quarters, you have been staying in Wayne's room?" the Colonel asked.

“Yes, sir. We became close before the operation, and Wayne wanted to ensure that I was watched continually until the extent of my injuries was known." Sasha was a little more nervous answering this question than she was telling what had happened to her.

“Be easy, Sasha. Neither you nor Wayne are in any trouble over this. I am not trying to pry just to dig into your or Wayne's life. You know that we know a great deal about each of you. But you have surprised me at how rapidly you returned to normal after your ordeal. I am talking about your psychological recovery. You haven't been tested by a psychologist, and I don't intend to have you tested, but I have seen men, and a few women, who have undergone horrific trauma and recovered. But none with a degree of trauma comparable to yours recovered as fast. Can you explain that?"

Sasha replied, “No, sir. I thought that I was disappointing everyone for being so slow.”

“Okay, you may find this sensitive to talk about. We know, of course, about Wayne's hobby, BDSM. Sasha, have you participated in any of those activities with Wayne?"

Sasha was not expecting this line of questions. But she was trained to be forthcoming to an officer asking questions, even an NCO senior to herself. She replied, "Yes, sir. Wayne has tied me up, and we have had sex while I was tied up. It was completely consensual on my part."

The Col. asked, “And have you had any such activities since your ordeal?”

“Yes, sir.”
“Do you think that it helped your outlook regarding your ordeal for Wayne to tie you up and have sex with you?" the Colonel asked next.

“Yes, sir. I do,” Sasha replied.

“Do you get sexual stimulation out of pain?"

“No, sir. I indeed get sexual stimulation out of being tied up by the right person. I don't have a lot of experience with this." Sasha told Col. McKay.

“There is a reason I have been pursuing these questions, Sasha. I have a mission in mind for you, but I have a lot of uncertainty about giving it to you. Your bravery has convinced me that I should discuss it with you. What we will talk about now is top secret. I am the only one that you can discuss this with. And that includes Wayne. Do you agree to keep this private between us?"

“Yes, sir. If you say it is classified, of course, I will not talk about it," Sasha answered.

“Okay, there is a tavern in the east side of Kyiv where some FSB members have been seen. We think the FSB would kidnap you if you went there repeatedly for drinks. When they start questioning you, you could plant some false information for us that would give us an excellent chance to clean up the FSB in Ukraine. That is a high-stakes gamble with a huge payoff for us if it goes our way.

“I want to be very clear to you. The plan has very negative consequences for you. If you are kidnapped by the FSB, they are sure to torture you again. On the positive side, they never caught onto the tracker in your dog tags. You would have that again. But better, we would embed a communications device under your skin to inform us about your location and physical condition. It is an advanced device, reliable but difficult to detect. Moreover, you could use it to signal us your safe word, I think you call it. We will be ready to rescue you within minutes.

“Don’t think about answering me now. Take a day to think about it. Get Wayne to test you to see what you are up to taking. You are conditioned to accept any mission, even a suicidal one. But I won’t have you going into this without giving it full consideration, agreed?” The Colonel looked at Sasha sternly.

“Yes, sir. I will consider it carefully,” she said.

Col. McKay ordered, “Report back to me tomorrow at the same time. Sasha, I thank you for giving this any consideration at all. Dismissed.”


“Wayne," Sasha said, "It is time for me to up my game. My shoulders and arms have the full range of motion, and my bruise marks are fading fast. The bruises are only mildly tender. I want to test my mind and my body. This may call on you to do something beyond what you would like. But I need to find out how I will take things, mentally and physically, before I am operational again. Will you do this for me?"

“Wayne asked, “Just what is it that you want me to do, Sasha?”

“I have checked out the gym for my private use this afternoon. There are posts in there. I want you to tie me spread eagle between two of them and then whip me with your leather belt. I think that thirty lashes will tell the story. I want it hard enough to turn my skin bright red. Between the lashes, you can slap my cunt and maul my tits. Then without turning me loose, you should fuck me. While you are fucking me, you should slap my tits and my face. If I can handle all of that, I am ready to go operational again."

Wayne said immediately, "I don't want to do that to you. I love tying you up and having sex with you while you are tied up. But I don't want to whip you and slap you. I told you that I am not into the SM side of BDSM."

“I understand, Wayne,” she replied. “I can find someone else to do this. You don’t have to.”

“I wouldn’t trust anyone else, Sasha,” Wayne answered. “You have been hurt more than you should have had to endure. I don’t understand why you want to be hurt again. I don’t believe that it is something that you like. You are not a pain slut. But if you are determined to do this, it is better that I do it rather than someone else.”

“I am determined," Sasha said, "for reasons that I can't explain. I will be grateful if I don't have to look for someone else. There isn't anyone else that I trust like I trust you."

In the afternoon, they went to the gym. Inside, they locked the doors behind them. Wayne was carrying a gym bag filled not with gym equipment but ropes and pulleys, whips and floggers, and different gags. He had made a trip to a Ukrainian BDSM store after talking to Sasha that morning. Wayne knew that he had gone overboard. But his infatuation with Sasha demanded that he be prepared to serve her as she wanted him to do.

Sasha had explained in detail what she wanted. Wayne believed that she was doing this to test herself. He didn't understand why. The only hint that he had was the timing. She asked for this after coming from her debriefing with the Colonel. But Wayne couldn't believe that Col. McKay would suggest this course of action for Sasha. There was something else going on. He thought that Sasha would tell him when she was ready. For now, he had to demonstrate that he supported her fully.

With a step ladder, Wayne attached pulleys to two posts they selected about nine feet up the post. While he accomplished that, Sasha removed her clothes and folded them neatly on a bench by the wall. She rummaged in Wayne's gym bag and selected a gag. She gave it to Wayne, who put it in his pocket, saying, "You are being consistent, Sasha. You picked the panel gag that is clearly the most punishing. The diameter of the plug will force your jaws wide, and the depth that it will protrude into the back of your mouth will challenge your control of your gag reflex.

“Okay, let's start by tying a rope from each pulley to a wrist." Wayne took Sasha's left wrist and made a single-column tie. Standing Sasha between the posts, he tightened the pulley until her left arm was high above her shoulder. But not tight enough to pull her off of her balance. Wayne then did the same to Sasha's right arm. She was now standing with her arms about 60 degrees above the horizontal.

Now Wayne tightened both pulleys slowly, keeping the force on each of Sasha's arms even. He continued until she was perched on just the balls of her toes. Wayne knelt at Sasha's feet and tied a rope to her left ankle. Then he looped the rope around the post to Sasha's left and pulled it until her foot was off the floor, and it was starting to pull her hips to the left. When he did the same to her right ankle, Sasha let out a soft but long "Ohhhhhh," when her right foot was pulled out from under her. She was then suspended by her arms.

Wayne stood in front of Sasha to attach her gag. He was surprised to see that she was grinning. "You continue to surprise me, Sasha. Here is the gag you picked. Open wide." It took some working back and forth to insert the plug into her mouth and the panel flag against her lips. Wayne buckled the straps behind her neck, pulling it tight as he knew she wanted. "Yell for me three times a row," he told Sasha.

“Hmmmph, hmmmph, hmmmph,” replied Sasha.

“That is your safe signal," Wayne said as he took a position to her left, straddling her leg. He gave her butt cheeks ten hard spanks, causing her body to sway slightly. Wayne kept his eyes on Sasha's face, but Wayne couldn't see anything but satisfaction.

Going to his gym bag, he withdrew a heavy flogger with long tails. Sasha's butt was showing a slight pink tinge. Soon, that would deepen and be joined by much of her skin. Sasha's bruises were healing very well, and Wayne would be careful not to add to them. Moreover, the flogger was just a warm-up for the belt to come. After each strike, Wayne let the flogger's tails fall to the floor while he chose his next position. He allowed anywhere from 20 seconds to a minute to elapse before striking again. He understood this was as much a mental exercise as a physical one for Sasha.

Sasha did not try to remain silent as he beat her with the flogger. With each blow, she would cry out, "Hmmmph! Hmmmph!". Perhaps half an hour had passed. Sasha's skin had a pink glow, indeed. Wayne was very put out with himself. He knew Sasha was hurting. Her arms and shoulders were taking the force of her weight, and she was not a small girl. Her skin was taking a pounding from the flogger. But he was aroused. He found the jiggle of her breast when the flogger struck her there particularly fascinating. Standing behind her, Wayne had just struck upward between her legs, hitting her vagina and belly. He quietly placed the flogger on the floor and dropped his pants. He was torturing Sasha, and he was to fuck her as well.

Stepping out of his pants, he took a tube of lubricant he had placed there earlier and slicked himself. With Sasha's legs spread in an inviting lower X, it was easy to insert himself into her cunt and to begin pumping as he manipulated her pink-tinged globes. Sasha's cries changed to "Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh." Sasha was careful that her cries did not resemble her safety code.

It was only moments until Wayne ejaculated his load into Sasha. Withdrawing, he cleaned himself with a towel and cleaned Sasha while at it. Moving to her front, he said, "That was not for your gratification, bitch." He slapped her face several times with the towel, spreading some of their bodily fluids on her face.

Wayne's following action required a lot of judgment from him. He got a leather belt from the gym bag. This was a cowboy-style belt, wide with a detachable buckle. The buckle had already been removed. "You wanted 30 lashes with a belt. I will give them to you a minute apart. My phone will beep every 60 seconds, starting now." Wayne used the first minute to put his pants back on. When the phone beeped, he gave Sasha a full blow across her belly.

Sasha cried, "Hmmmph!" She was thinking, "Oh, God! I must be the most stupid girl in the Army. Wayne is wrong. I am a pain slut. How can I like this and hate it at the same time? I want this mission to end those FSB sons of bitches. I am going to have to think about this for a long time. Oh, there is the beep." Wayne lashed her lower back, and Sasha cried aloud, "Hmmmph!"

Every time the phone beeped, Sasha thought again that she was a damn fool. That after one more lash, she would call it quits. Then the belt would hit her snatch, and she would feel sexual energy with the pain. And somewhere in the process, her mind drifted.

She opened her eyes, startled. The phone didn't beep. Wayne was loosening the rope attached to one ankle and letting her foot come under her. Then the other one, and she was standing on tiptoes. Then Wayne was putting slack in her arm ropes, and her feet were flat on the floor. Sasha's arms kept coming down, but she didn't think she could stand. So she lowered her arms around Wayne's neck to support herself. ting

Wayne wrapped Sasha in a blanket and rapidly gathered their stuff, putting it in the gym bag. Then he picked up Sasha, carried her to his room, and placed her in the bed with a bottle of Gatorade. After making a quick trip to the gym to get the bag and ensure there was no evidence in sight, he gently rubbed Amlactin RapidRelief lotion over Sasha's body. "Rest. I will be here if you need me."

Sasha smiled at Wayne and said, "Thank you, darling. You have answered my questions for me. I am ready to go operational."


Sasha informed the Colonel the following morning that she was accepting the mission. The tracking device was immediately installed in her shoulder.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago ...
Sasha informed the Colonel the following morning that she was accepting the mission. The tracking device was immediately installed in her shoulder.
Brave girl! But sometimes I wonder if the team is really focussed on the matters why they were sent to the place in the first place...
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Post by slackywacky »

Somehow it is still weird to read this story and see your name/banner at the end. It is a good story, well written, graphic at times, but it does not feel like you. Maybe you should use a pen name for these chapters :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the way, how Sasha tests if she is fit for duty again :) Seems like she is ready for another encounter with the enemy!
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Post by GreyLord »

Thank you, [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. I agree that it would have been wiser to use a pen name.

Yes, Sasha is ready, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Thanks for commenting.

And thank you, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. The mission is to deal with spies in Ukraine who are, for this story, the FSB. The FSB's primary mission has been to assassinate President Z.


[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], and [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, please let me know by PM or by posting.


Chapter 6
Arsen works his Magic

Sasha had been back to full-time training for a week. After a grueling day, Sasha cleaned up and donned civilian clothing that displayed her assets to full advantage. Tonight, she would follow Col. McKay's plan. If she did her job, it would be the final nail in the coffin for the FSB contingent in Ukraine. It would measurably improve the security of President Z.

At a nearby tavern, she ordered a beer and paid for it. She smiled big at all who looked her way. This included just about every male in the place. She stood at the bar, drank half her drink, and went to the restroom. Exiting the restroom, she walked out the front door and got in a taxi to another tavern, further from headquarters. Sasha repeated this several times until she was finally at her destination, across town from the Task Force Headquarters.

The Taverna BoomBeer was on the east side of the Dnieper river. CCTV and satellite intelligence had identified members of the FSB who went there on occasion. Sasha's mission was to frequent the Taverna BoomBeer and to make some friends there. Naturally, most customers would not be FSB. Hopefully, Sasha could become an established patron before FSB spotted her. But it was sure that if she visited the place for a few drinks several times a week, she would be spotted and reported to FSB headquarters.

On her first visit, a large and not bad-looking Ukrainian young man knew that he would have to make a play for the devastating young woman the long hair and generous cleavage. After ordering her drink, Sasha stood at the bar sipping on it. She saw the man decide to approach her, and she made it easier for him by smiling as he walked up to her.

He greeted Sasha in Ukrainian, giving his name as Arsen. The Ukrainian language had been a significant part of her training. Still, she was not fluent in it. She returned his greeting, giving her name and asking if he spoke English. It turned out that he did and had even visited the United States on business. They fell into an easy conversation, and it was not long before Arsen invited Sasha to his table.

Sasha gave Arsen their standard cover story. “I am with a small group of US Military sent to Ukraine as observers. Sometimes I just need to get away from those guys.”

“Well, Sasha, you shouldn't doubt how much Ukraine appreciates your being here. We thank you for your service from the bottom of our hearts," Arsen said. Tell me what I could do to make your outing tonight enjoyable?"

“Thanks, Arsen, that's very nice of you." Sasha thought, "Sasha, don't let your panties get hot. Remember that you are pleased with Wayne." She said, "Tonight, I just have time to have a couple of drinks before returning to our Headquarters. My guys let me get hurt recently. But I can't just walk away from them. I should be able to get off again three nights from now. It would be nice to meet you then. Would that be possible?"

“Arsen replied, "You bet, Sasha. About what time do you think you can get here?"

“You understand that I don’t have total control of my time,” Sasha told him. “But I will try to get here by 8 o’clock.”

Sasha figured it would look more natural if she came here to meet someone. She finished her drink and let Arsen buy her another one. As it got near the bottom, she asked, "Would you help me get a cab?"

Arsen called for a cab on his cell phone. When it arrived, he walked Sasha out to it. He was pleased when Sasha raised up on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on his lips. "I'll see you in three nights, Arsen. You take care now." Unknown to Arsen, Master hacker and electronic specialist Terry intercepted Arsen's call for a cab. The cab that picked Sasha up at the Taverna BoomBeer was driven by a Ukrainian agent. He ensured they weren't followed and dropped her off at their quarters.

Col. McKay was waiting, and Sasha went over the entire night in great detail. "You did well, Sasha. Arranging to meet Arsen when you go back was just the right move. It gives you an excellent cover. A reason to be going there. Unless you have questions for me, dismissed."

Sasha made her way to Wayne's room, eager to see him. It worried her that we couldn't tell him the truth about what she was doing. But the Colonel had given her a simple answer that wasn't a lie. It just avoided saying any details. In Wayne's room, Sasha wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "See, I am back. Col. McKay's secret mission for me was a piece of cake. But I am glad to be back here with you. Wayne, I'm worn out and tired. Would it be alright if we just went to bed?"

“Of course, Sasha,” Wayne answered. “A good night’s sleep will fix you right up.”

“It will be okay if you want to play, Wayne. I would enjoy sleeping all tied up as long as it wasn't stressful."

Wayne thought that was odd, but very little about Sasha had not been odd. Sasha undressed and slipped under the covers. Immediately, she rolled on her front, curling her arm so that her arm cradled her cheek. Wayne crawled in beside her and tickled her back. Not one of those tickled to disturb someone but to sooth. After about five minutes, Sasha said, "Oh, that feels so good." Then Sasha moved her arms, crossing her wrists behind her back.

To Wayne, the invitation was clear. With a rope from the bedside table, he gently and carefully tied her crossed wrists to hold them in the position Sasha had placed them. Sasha then rolled on her side with her back to Wayne. Her bound hands were at his groin. She didn't exactly fondle him but wrapped a hand around his dick.

Wayne used a pillow to ensure that Sasha's head was aligned comfortably and slid his arm under her neck and down her front to grasp her lower breast. His other arm went over her waist to hold her upper breast. He gently kneaded her outstanding mammaries for a long time. Her regular breathing finally told him that she was fast asleep. Still holding her breasts, Wayne drifted off to sleep too.

It was morning when Sasha opened her eyes. For a moment, she was disoriented. Her arms were very stiff and were not in their natural position. Then she remembered she had invited Wayne to play with her last night and had offered her hands behind her back. They were still tied there, not tight but firm. And Wayne's hands were still on her tits. And her hand was still wrapped around Wayne's penis, which displayed fine morning wood.

She wondered if getting him off without waking him up would be possible. Very slowly and very gently, she began stroking her hand up and down his shaft. That part of him was awake. His shaft throbbed in her hand. Then Wayne took a deep breath, and she knew he was awake. Now his hands, rather than simply resting on her tits, were squeezing, cupping, and manipulating her.

For the next three days, Sasha's training was primarily physical. She was back in her top physical condition and worked to increase it even further. The Colonel thought she could do this mission, and Sasha was determined to help destroy the FSB in Ukraine.

Sasha was dressed in a short skirt and a blouse that displayed a lot of cleavage. The blouse was a crisscross halter that was tied behind her neck and behind her back. Her navel and a good bit of midriff were exposed, displaying her ripped physical condition. The agent that drove her home previously picked her up to return her to the Taverna BoomBeer. As she exited the cab, Arsen came out of the tavern's front door. "Sasha, I am so pleased that you returned. And you look spectacular." Arsen escorted Sasha into the bar and to his table. He must have arranged things with the barmaid. By the time Sasha settled in her seat, a large stein of ale was placed before her.

Sasha knew she could hold her liquor better than most, so she did not hold back. As they engaged in conversation, they drank two of the big steins and worked on a third. Sasha said, "Arsen, you are being extra nice to me and haven't put any demands on me. Thank you for that."

“You may have thanked me too soon, Sasha," her new friend said. "I am a reasonably normal male. I think you know the thoughts that you cause me to have. Although I am having some that you might not expect."

Sasha smiled at him. "You should tell me what you are thinking. But I won't promise you anything other than not to be upset with what you say."

“That is a pretty good starting point, Sasha. You are showing a lot of your tits. The first thing that I want is to see all of them. Next, I want to tie your hands behind your back so you cannot push me away when I play with your tits."

Sasha wasn't shocked totally. But she was a little. She replied, "Yes, I know how I am dressed should generate some lust. But whatever made you think I would let you tie me up, Arsen?"

He answered, “To be honest, nothing. I didn’t think there would be any chance. But when you said that you wouldn’t be upset, I just said what I was thinking.”

She believed it might be fun to have Arsen paw at her for a while. But she didn't want to have sex with him. She did want to be faithful to Wayne. She said, "How could I give you all that control and be confident that you wouldn't take advantage of my helplessness by making further sexual advances? What you are suggesting is kind of scary, you know."

“Darling Sasha, your couldn’t possibly know me well enough in this short time to know that I am an honorable man. I can only hope that you will be around long enough to find out that it is true.”

“In any event, we don't have a place to play that kind of game. And it is 11 pm now. I have to be back in my quarters before 2 am," Sasha commented. She did not want to dash his hopes.

“Sasha, Kyiv is not my home," Arsen said, adding with some passion, "I am from Kherson Oblast. Bless President Z for freeing Kherson, and damn the Bear for what they did there. Sorry, didn't mean to get on a rant. I just wanted to point out that I am staying in a hotel less than a block from here. A place is not a problem."

Sasha thought quickly. This put a new light on things. Could Arsen be recruited to their side? The Ukrainians could investigate him very quickly. She made up her mind. Her instinct said that he was an honorable man. She would take a chance. "Arsen, I know I am being very foolish, but I trust you. I am not sure why. Let's go to your hotel quickly. You have to get me back here before 1 am. My cab is returning for me then."

Arsen left more than enough money on the table for the bill, and they walked out and down the street. As promised, the hotel was only minutes away. She saw that he had a small suite consisting of a bedroom, bathroom, and sitting room. "You must make a good salary to afford this."

He grinned, saying, "I do pretty good. This is actually on an expense account." Arsen gestured to a sofa for her to sit on. He opened a drawer and pulled out a neatly coiled rope. It was white nylon and looked to Sasha to have a quarter-inch diameter.

Sasha looked him in the eye and said, “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

“Isn’t this what we came here to do? Have you changed your mind?” he asked.

Sasha said, “No, I have to take a chance to find out about your honor.” She sat on the edge of the sofa and turned her back so he could sit behind her.

Arsen took a seat next to Sasha, and she placed her hands behind her back. "How do you want to tie my hands, side by side or cross wrists?"

He was surprised, "You are not new to this, are you? Okay, cross your wrists, please."

Arsen was also not new to tying up women; in the blink of an eye, her wrists were very securely lashed behind her back. Arsen took her shoulders and turned her until she faced forward and kissed her. Sasha thought that he kissed very well and enthusiastically returned the kiss. Before the kiss ended, Arsen placed a hand over Sasha's breast.

“Hmmmm,” moaned Sasha, “you have a good touch.”

Arsen sat back on the sofa, pulling the string bow tie to her halter free behind her neck. Then he pulled Sasha so that she was resting against him. Her halter fell loose in front freeing the globes of her breasts for his hands. "Now, what can you tell me about what we are doing. I know that I am not so good-looking that a woman of your beauty will throw herself at me in a place like the Taverna BoomBeer. It just doesn't happen unless there is a reason."

“You are right. I have not been honest with you. But I have kept my word and let you tie me up and play with my boobs. Are you going to keep your word and not take further advantage of me?” Sasha asked.

Arsen answered, "I am a man of my word. I will not take advantage of you and will untie you when you ask me to."

“There is something personal that I want to tell you now. There is more that I want to tell you, but I will have to get permission to do so," said Sasha. "Can you understand that?"

“I can understand. And I have something to tell you also, Sasha. I hope this doesn't make you mad. It may turn out that I am fortunate that you are tied up and helpless if it does. My name is Arsen Andrusenko, and I work for Ukrainian Intelligence. I have been coming to the Taverna BoomBeer because it has been reported that agents of the Bear go there sometimes. I told my boss about you because I was suspicious."

Sasha looked furiously at Arsen but couldn’t hold it and broke into a grin. “And what did he say?”

He replied, "I was told to find out everything I could about you. You realize that what we are doing right now is 'off of the books,' as they say?"

Sasha noted that Arsen had not curtailed his manipulation of her tits at all during this conversation. Damn, this wasn't fair. She and Wayne had not talked about where their relationship was going. It was possible that it wasn't going anywhere except where it was. But even then, it was good, and she wanted to be faithful to him.

She knew that there was a good chance that she would be raped on this mission. But she wasn't being raped now. She was here willingly. Even though this was right for the mission, was it wrong for her? Arsen's hands were terrific. His play with her tits was just right. Strong enough that she knew that a lustful man had hold of her. Yet gentle enough that it didn't hurt, except for the occasional pinch on her nipples. And that was done with just the proper force to send a tingle to her pussy. The sensation would intensify as he rolled and pulled on her nipples.

“Arsen," Sasha gasped, "I'm doing my best to keep my mind straight. Are you a witch doctor, a shaman? Your hands are magic. I didn't think it was possible to make somebody cum by playing with tits alone. "Oh, I'm ohhhhhhhh!"

For a while, Sasha's mind drifted in a state of euphoria. Arsen continued his skillful pushing, pulling, twisting, pinching, and stroking her tits. That redoubtably prolonged Sasha's state of mind. In fact, she was starting to drift toward another orgasm when reality cleared her mind.

Sasha said, "Arsen, you are a magician with your hands. But I am out of time. Untie me, please."

Arsen sighed, “As you wish, Sasha, but I could do this all night.”

“I let this get out of hand," Sasha said as he was untying his knots. "I have just started a new relationship with someone. We haven't had a conversation about where it might go and faithfulness and things like that. But my significant other has proven his devotion. I don't want to betray him. Well, we didn't have sex, did we? Although you did give me one hell of an orgasm."

Sasha was almost dressed. "I will be back two nights from now. About 9 pm again." She kissed Arsen's cheek, ran from the room, the hotel, and back toward the tavern in time to see her cab pulling up to the door.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

it is a gripping tale, for sure!
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