Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 6 of 6]

I grabbed her feet with both of my hands and proceeded to work her soles over aggressively with my fingers. She squirmed and bucked and let out muffled squeals into her gag. She certainly wasn’t the most ticklish girl I’d ever tickled. But nor was she the least ticklish. But she was trying her hardest to convince me that she wasn’t. Her little grunts and bleats were intentionally stifled in an effort to not let me know that I was getting to her. But I knew that I was. Her effort to hold it all in was leaving her out of breath and within minutes she was panting and heaving. Eventually she just let the laughter flow through the gag. She still was making an effort to be defiant and stubborn with me, but I was presently in total control. And I realized that I loved this. This is what I wanted. I didn’t want her to be submissive. Sure, there was certainly an allure to that. Abbie could probably fulfill that role better. Elisa had spunk and I liked that. I yearned for the challenge she presented. I knew that she could tie me up like a pro. I knew that she was going to aggressively go after me and the other players. She was a rival. And I needed to show her that I, also, was not somebody that was going to roll over and die.

I switched my fingers to her ribs and totally changed my tempos. I found the soft spaces between her ribs and dug my fingers in, dragging them up and down her sides at a rapid pace. She squealed and moaned into her gag, and I soon had transformed her into a sweaty, panting mess. Finally, when the promised ten minutes were up I abruptly stopped my assault and allowed her to relax. She kept her body tensed and coiled, afraid to let her guard down, less her reprieve prove all too temporary. But I didn’t want to push my new friend / rival / frenemy too far. So I decided that we’d end the session here for today. I leaned over and unbuckled the gag. Once the strap had slid back out through the buckle, she shifted her jaw as slightly as she could and the ball popped out of her mouth with an audible “pop”. I pulled it back towards me as she lay her head down on the comforter and panted in exhaustion from the tickle session that she’d just been given. I went to my backpack and pulled out a bottle of water. I figured that she was probably pretty thirsty. I laid the bottle down on the bed and turned my captive toward me. I wasn’t going to make her drink while still bound. She’d suffer that indignity eventually, but not today. I simply began to untie the knot at her ankles that was holding her hogtie in place. I was giving her a second to catch her breath. However, I was interested to hear her thoughts on our session.

Me: So…what did you think?

Elisa: God. You can be SUCH an asshole sometimes.

My blood froze in my veins. She was serious. I’d pissed her off. I’d pushed too far. I’d overstepped. I didn’t think that I had been out of line, but clearly something had rankled her. I was going to address this maturely and assertively. But I was somewhat terrified that my invitation might be rescinded.

Me: What didn’t you appreciate? I’ll make sure not to do it again.

Elisa: Telling somebody that a book does OR does not have a twist ending is in fact a spoiler, you dipshit, even if you don’t tell them what it is!

I was somewhat glad that Elisa couldn’t see my face from the angle that I was facing. I went a little bit white. The girl was absolutely right. I had been toying with her. I’d lied. There was no big twist ending in A Visit from the Goon Squad. At least not in the traditional sense. The author does some cool things with changing narrative structure, but that occurs though the whole novel. But telling her that I was only joking and that there was NO twist ending would also be a spoiler. It was definitely an asshole move and something that I also wouldn’t appreciate. But I could fix this. I just had to pretend NOT to have actually read my favorite book.

Me: Relax. I was just joking with you. I’ve never actually read it. Though it is at the top of my To Read pile.

Elisa: Oh Thank God. I was really enjoying it. That had me pissed off for the rest of your capture.

Me: I’m sorry. No literature spoilers. I get it. Unacceptable. But I think I’ll start it soon and I’d love to discuss it with you when you’ve finished it and you’re my captive in the future. I’ll make sure to prepare several Yes or No questions about the book to ask you.

I looked over at her. She gave me a reluctant grin and just shook her head.

Elisa: You wish, kid. Yuck it up now. You’ll pay for this later.

I had finished releasing her from the hogtie and laid her feet back down horizontally onto the bed as I proceeded to untie her legs.

Me: I can’t wait. I hope that aside from my ill-advised joke about your leisure reading I didn’t overstep any boundaries.

Elisa: None that I can think of. If I hadn’t agreed to your silly little Q&A, you weren’t going to actually leave me here until Erica got back, were you?

Me: Absolutely not. That would have been cruel and irresponsible.

Elisa: Then we’re good. Speaking of irresponsible. I do apologize about your hand. I realize that I played a dirty trick on Tuesday. It doesn’t appear as though it’s hurting you too much though. You still seem pretty dexterous.

She was correct. My finger was feeling better. I’d put it through more today than my attending caregiver would have been comfortable with. But it didn’t hurt too bad.

Me: I’ll be fine.

Elisa: I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just figured you’d trust me enough to know that I wasn’t going to put you through any highly public humiliation.

I’d just finished untying her knees and was not moving up to her thighs.

Me: I don’t think we know each other as well as you think. I should have known that, but I was more than a little discombobulated. I’d just openly discussed my enthusiasm for this sort of thing with Dale for the first time two nights earlier. I thought he’d betrayed me. I thought it was some sort of cruel prank. You’ll find that I might be more than a little paranoid. He never should have divulged anything to you without talking to me first.

Elisa: He didn’t tell me anything. He knew that I wanted to try and add his room as an active capture zone. So he told me that he thought he could nominate you and that you could keep a secret even if you didn’t want to be in the club. He never let me know you were into it. I went to check on things for myself. The third vote, Abbie, didn’t even approve you until after you were already tied up that night.

Me: I see. Since this room is an active capture zone, can I assume that your roommate is also a member.

I already knew that she almost certainly was. I’d seen the picture on Elisa’s digital camera.

Elisa: Assume nothing. We might just have a deal where she’s cool with it and confidential about it. The other members will reveal themselves to you when THEY are ready.

Me: Fair enough.

I’d now finished untying her legs and had begun unwinding the robust labyrinth of ropes that I’d used to thoroughly restrain her upper body.

Elisa: The real question is, do you have any leads on new members? What percentage of campus have you tied up already?

Me: I’m afraid not. You’re my first.

Elisa: Bullshit!

Me: No. It’s true.

Elisa: There is NO WAY that this is the first time that you’ve ever tied somebody up.

Me: Sorry. I should have clarified. The first person on campus. I’ve clearly tied up more than a dozen people in high school. You’re my first collegiate victim.

Elisa: Really? Why?

Me: This isn’t exactly an easy subject to broach with people. By my senior year of high school I trusted people and could ease into it with them. I didn’t want to come down here and be the odd, creepy guy who wants to tie girls up. I have experience. But not here on campus.

Elisa: I get it. It is something that’s pretty taboo. That’s why we take our secrecy very seriously.

Me: I appreciate that. This is a hell of a thing that you’ve created here. I’m very lucky to be involved.

Elisa: I’m not going to lie, when Dale said that you might be interested…I did not expect that he was bringing in another ringer. How’d you get this good?

Me: Practice, practice, practice. I was an Eagle Scout. And I’ve worked the last five summers as a junior sailing instructor, so I know how to tie knots. Then it’s just a matter of being into tying up people enough to put your rope skills to work on the human body. Now that we’re even, I hope you realize that maybe I’m not somebody to be messed with either.

Elisa: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Back up. We are not even. I left you as a gift for your roommate as a little welcome to the club hijinks. I haven’t even really gotten to play with you yet. And you may have escaped. But that was because you got a lenient little starter tie. I have not yet begun to make your life miserable yet. You might be good, but I’m going to show you who The Queen is.

She gave me a little wry smile.

Elisa: But because I caused you to hurt your hand and violated the rules that I’ve set out…I’m going to give you one week free to recuperate before I come for you. However, if you come for me in that time, all promises are off. I will defend myself.

Me: So, that’s it. We’re rivals now.

Elisa: Certainly. It’s like schoolyard sports. The two best players have to go on opposite teams. It’s you versus me, Trent. It’ll be a rivalry, but I plan on making it a fairly one-sided rivalry.

Me: I’m looking forward to it.

Elisa: You say that now. You won’t be. I’m making it my mission to see to it that you BEG me to let you go. One of these days, I’m going to make you grovel.

Me: Good luck with that.

Elisa: It won’t be immediately. I’m going to have to condition that arrogance out of you a little bit first.

Me: Does this mean we can’t ever team up?

Elisa: You witnessed a backstab firsthand today. I don’t trust as easily as you do.

Me: We’ll both be sharing Wednesday as an off-day. I’ll have my conflict sheet e-mailed to you tonight. I want Wednesdays and Fridays. What’s there to fear from each other on Wednesdays if neither of us is ALLOWED to betray the other.

Elisa: OK. Wednesdays maybe. Did you want to help me ambush your roommate?

Me: I was kind of thinking more…Abbie?

I gave her a cheeky little smile. I didn’t need to see Dale bound and gagged. I’m sure I would, but that wasn’t my prerogative. We had an alliance, not that Elisa needed to know that.

Elisa: I’ll bet you’d like that. I don’t need YOU to spring a trap on Abbie. If she ever saw both of us teaming up, she’d pass out like the little opossum that she is. She’s our club’s resident sitting duck.

I’d finally finished untying Elisa completely. I unwrapped her wrists last and she immediately started stretching out her sore arms. She stood up from her bed and waved them around and hugged herself. She worked the feeling back into them in a manner reminiscent of Michael Phelps’ warmup routine. Then she took the water bottle that I’d laid out, unscrewed the cap, and drank thirstily from it. I felt kind of guilty. She’d been tightly tied for a long time and had to be sore.

Me: Do you need me to do anything for you? Help massage out any kinks?

Elisa pulled the water bottle from her lips and answered smugly.

Elisa: I don’t require any after care. I’m not your fucking girlfriend.

Me: I know that. I just usually like to make sure that when somebody’s been tied up in a strenuous position for so long that-

Elisa: Let me stop you there. I’ve had worse. You are sure as shit going to get worse. And I’m not going to give you the same offer. That’s not how I roll. So you can save it. I’ll let you know if I’m ever not doing OK. Don’t bank on hearing that from me. If Abbie or the others want your pity, you can give it to them.

Me: So that’s it?

Elisa: That’s it. E-mail me your conflict sheets by midnight on Saturdays. No initiating captures between midnight and noon on Monday-Friday. If you get a new conflict after the week has started, notify me immediately and I’ll disperse the information. Don’t lock your dorm room door if you’re inside unless you’re sleeping, have non-club guests in there, or are involved in an active tie-up situation. Nobody likes a coward. Except Abbie. We do love her.

Me: Got it. And the week restarts tomorrow.

Elisa: Yep. You’re welcome to capture Abbie, Dale, or myself starting again tomorrow. I’d caution you against trying me again though. But you’ll learn that lesson sooner or later. The other club members have to initiate with you first.

Me: I’m looking forward to it. Again, thank you so much.

Elisa: No problem. Good to have you on board. Now get the fuck out of here. I need to shower. I’ll send a text to all the group members letting them know that I am now free and that they may not capture me again today. You’ll see the format and you’ll be expected to do the same in the future.

Me: I think I’ve seen it. It involves a number and the Money with Wings emoji.

Elisa: That’s it. But I’ll send yours for now because you don’t get access to everybody’s phone number yet.

Me: Got it. Have a nice shower. I think Vaseline will help with those rope marks.

Elisa: Fuck off.

She said it with a cheeky smile and waved me off as I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door. I had been seriously pissed at this girl only four nights ago, and now I was in utter awe of what she had created. This was the opportunity of a lifetime...and I was just getting started.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Only just found this gem of a story. Wonderful descriptions, well written, underlying tension - think it will become a site classic! :D
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Great work
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Post by Fandango »

A very sincere thanks to everybody who is taking the time to read this story. I do appreciate your interest and consideration.

Further thanks to everybody who comments, whether those comments be positive or negative. I'm always interested in talking about both tie ups and storytelling. Chapter 3 was a longer one. Chapter 4 will be on the shorter side (2 parts) and will introduce a new club member.

Between chapters I'd like to respond to those who took the time to comment:
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago I've caught up on the last few chapters, excellent stuff. I really like what you're doing with these characters, it's keeping things unpredictable and engaging to read. The dialogue is spot on as well, makes the characters feel more lifelike

I'm really looking forward to the next part!
Thank you very much for the continued support. I do like to try and throw some curveballs. I'm also glad that you like the dialogue. I try to have them talk the way I did when I was in college. The problem is that I'm a little over a decade older than them. Hopefully, it's not too noticeable that Gen Z characters are using Millennial slang. I'm trying to read more stories on this site because I think it'll give me a better feel for what works and what doesn't. It also will allow me to lean into what my readership's interests are. Naturally I read "A Grey Area" and "Causality". I found "A Grey Area" to be a very enjoyable read which captures that sense of guilt that I don't often see enough in stories on this site, but which is always with me in real life games. And as for "Causality", I'm fascinated by the ambition of it. Obviously as a non-linear story that has pieces missing, I don't think that I have all the context necessary. But if you do plan on continuing it at some point (no rush, you do you, life is busy)'ve got me excited for what might develop.
Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Really, really enjoying your story. And there is so much potential for future developments, with the pictures found on the camera. Great work!
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the narrative. The camera in this story is just being used to introduce other characters that we'll meet. The use of club cameras will have more substantial plotlines in the future. I'm also working on another story (not Capture Club) which deals with the effects and fallout of taking and distributing pictures of a captive without their permission. In a lot of stories on this site it's used as a terrifying threat and punishment. It's meant to either induce complicity from the captive or bring ruin to them. But when I try and imagine that tact being applied in real life...I don't think it'll shake out nearly the way the tormentor thinks it will. That's something I've wanted to explore.
h56jh1 wrote: 1 year ago some parts of your story are very enjoyable. looking forward to the completion, not a fan of F/M but I do enjoy the M/F parts.
I'm glad you've read the story, even though certain parts are not to your taste. I will say that this story is going to switch a lot between M/F, F/M, and F/F...with some M/M even coming into play as we turn towards Junior year. Most stories that I put on this site (I've begun writing others) are going to swap between M/F and F/M. Turnabout and revenge stories are my favorite. I always want to see somebody explore both sides of the coin. I understand your preferences, as I find that I like tying girls up significantly more than I like being tied up...but I find that a combination of both accentuates what I consider to be a well-rounded relationship. I do not want that to be construed as a knock on dommes and subs. All relationships can be well-rounded. Whatever works for both parties is great. I just don't have any interest in being tied up by somebody who wouldn't trust me to tie them up. And I don't have much interest in tying somebody up who I wouldn't trust to tie me up. I might eventually do a solely M/F story, but I don't have one in the works as of present. I will continue to gender-tag every chapter though. If you don't like F/M, then you WON'T like Chapter 4. If you like M/F, then you SHOULD like Chapter 5.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Only just found this gem of a story. Wonderful descriptions, well written, underlying tension - think it will become a site classic! :D
Thanks for the encouragement. That's a lofty goal but I'll try my best.
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Great work
Thank you very much.

Thanks all. I'm grateful your readership. Chapter 4 will begin in a couple of days.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fandango wrote: 1 year ago
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago I've caught up on the last few chapters, excellent stuff. I really like what you're doing with these characters, it's keeping things unpredictable and engaging to read. The dialogue is spot on as well, makes the characters feel more lifelike

I'm really looking forward to the next part!
Thank you very much for the continued support. I do like to try and throw some curveballs. I'm also glad that you like the dialogue. I try to have them talk the way I did when I was in college. The problem is that I'm a little over a decade older than them. Hopefully, it's not too noticeable that Gen Z characters are using Millennial slang. I'm trying to read more stories on this site because I think it'll give me a better feel for what works and what doesn't. It also will allow me to lean into what my readership's interests are. Naturally I read "A Grey Area" and "Causality". I found "A Grey Area" to be a very enjoyable read which captures that sense of guilt that I don't often see enough in stories on this site, but which is always with me in real life games. And as for "Causality", I'm fascinated by the ambition of it. Obviously as a non-linear story that has pieces missing, I don't think that I have all the context necessary. But if you do plan on continuing it at some point (no rush, you do you, life is busy)'ve got me excited for what might develop.
You're welcome, and thank you for sharing such a great story with us - I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates the amount of effort and care that you've put into this, so keep it up! As for the dialogue, I can't really say that I've noticed anything that might feel outdated or anything like that, the only things that really jump out to me are any Americanisms, or features of American English, but I'm pretty used to seeing that on here by now, and of course, that isn't an issue!

Thanks for checking out my stories too, I'm glad you enjoyed them! With "A Grey Area", I really wanted to focus on the moral dilemma of the situation, so I'm glad that came across well for you. And I really ought to return to "Causality" and finish it - I actually have the next part written but I'd like to get a few more chapters under my belt before I start posting them again. I have a bit more time these days so hopefully in the new year I'll pick it up again. Part of the challenge I've had in returning to it is refreshing myself with the complicated timeline I've created for it. You are absolutely right that you don't have all the context necessary - that's one of the main ideas I wanted to explore with it, how certain scenes that originally lack context can become significant later on with context. In any case, when I do update it, I'll be sure to tag you!

In the meantime though, I'm really looking forward to Chapter 4!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

My stories
Causality (F/M) -
A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 4: "I Walked Right Into That One" (F/M) [Part 1 of 2]

It had been five days since I had tied up Elisa on Saturday and not much had happened in terms of how the game was progressing. I wasn’t being overly eager with any further attempts to tie Elisa or take my revenge on Abbie. Rather I was biding my time. I now knew where both of them lived, but needed to make sure I had a better handle on when their roommates would be out so that I could strike accordingly. However, I knew that Elisa’s room was a verified room where captives could be tied up, and I’d seen her roommate bound and gagged when scrolling through her Nikon camera. So I figured her roommate was in the group or could be trusted to be around captives and be discreet about it. But the other members of the group had not made themselves known to me yet. I was basically left to go about my days as a regular college student while also planning for some future captures of Elisa and Abbie only. Dale was noticeably in our room less now that it was a hot zone. I wouldn’t say that he was going “full coward”, but he definitely ventured out more on his vulnerable days when he didn’t feel like being captured. I, on the other hand, regularly hung out in my room with the door unlocked. I was almost inviting potential hunters to come tie me up just so I could endear myself to the game and invite further action. I couldn’t wait to find out who the other mystery players were…specifically the two other girls. I could sort of care less who the blond boy was. Sorry, fella.

However, the Thursday evening after my revenge against Elisa, I was studying at my desk when the door to my room opened confidently. I turned around half expecting to see Dale coming back. But was instead hit with a coil of black rope in the shoulder that had been lobbed at me by none other than the girl who I knew to be Elisa’s roommate. Her name was Erica. At present she was standing in my room, having just closed the door, with a sizeable backpack slung over one shoulder and a devious smirk on her face. Erica is blonde, like her roommate. She’s maybe an inch or two taller than Abbie standing at approximately 5’6”, but still a full 4 inches shorter than her roommate. If I would refer to Elisa’s volleyball friendly frame as tall and athletic and Abbie’s build as short and petite…I would refer to Erica as voluptuous. She was WAY more filled out than Abbie and in all the places that a red-blooded guy would want a girl to be filled out. I still didn’t think that she had quite the overall allure of Elisa, but she was undoubtedly a good looking girl. Today she was wearing a cream colored tank top that was advertising a pizza place from out of state and a pair of tight pink shorts. She wore a pair of white and pink trainers that looked to be either brand new or rarely used. Her hair fell into a blunt collarbone cut that accented a cute face with soft brown eyes.

Erica: Hi. I don’t think we’ve officially met yet. I’m Erica.

Me: Elisa’s roommate, correct?

Erica: The one and only. I’m assuming you know why I’m here.

Me: I’m guessing this is my introduction. You’re here to capture me.

Erica: That is correct.

Me: Great. It’s very nice to finally meet you. Did you want to capture me here or head back to your room or wherever the third location is?

Erica: Well, seeing as this room is brand new to the game…I figured we’d stay here. Elisa is using our room and I’m sure Dale is probably off hiding from me…so he won’t be bothering us.

Me: Actually, tonight is one of Dale’s off nights, but I’m sure you knew that. I’d expect him back from the gym in about an hour and a half. But I’m guessing it’s your off night too. So I won’t mind his interruption if you won’t.

Erica: What makes you think tonight is my off night? Did Abbie tell you that I only go hunting on my days off? That’s not a fair characterization.

Me: No. I just figured that you wouldn’t be wearing short sleeves and shorts if you were concerned about being captured. You know…rope marks and all.

Erica: You’re a pretty quick study, Trent. I think you’ll do pretty well in this game. Elisa did say that she thinks that you’re better than me at both tying and escaping. I figured I’d come see for myself on the second matter.

Me: Certainly. Give it a week and I’ll see if I can prove to you that she was right on the first matter also.

Erica: Ooh. You’re pretty cocky for somebody that is about to be at my mercy.

Me: I know. Pride cometh before the fall. I’ll keep my comments to myself until I see what you’ve got.

Erica: That’s not the only reason that you’ll be keeping your comments to yourself. Now why don’t you go fetch that chair for me. She pointed to a chair next to Dale’s desk that I was fairly confident I’d never seen before.

Me: When the hell did that get there?

Erica: I had Dale put it in here for me yesterday. This is verified room now so I want to be able to do my thing without having to lug one of those back and forth from the second floor to the fifth. People would ask questions.

Me: So I’m going to be tied to this chair.

Erica: It’s sort of my specialty. Have you even been tied up yet in this game if you haven’t received a vintage Erica chair tie?

Me: I can’t wait.

I pulled the chair to the center of the room. Erica took it, spun it so that the back was facing my bed, and beckoned for me to sit. The chair was a sturdy wooden chair. Picture the Stefan from IKEA but significantly sturdier and probably a little taller. It also had cross frames running between all four legs rather than just the two along the sides. It had vertical slats in the back and the the two outer slats could easily accommodate a normal adult’s arms fitting through them. If you were going to tie somebody to a wooden chair…this was a good one. I hoped this was a happy coincidence and that I wasn’t dealing with somebody who was so practiced that she went shopping for the ideal furniture to tie somebody up in. I sat down and awaited further instruction.

Erica: Alright, put your hands through the slats for me and cross them behind your back as best you can.

I did so without issue.

Erica: Excellent. You’re pretty dexterous. Dale would pretend like he’d have trouble getting into that position.

She proceeded to tie my wrists fairly securely. Definitely tighter than Abbie had done the other day, but not so tight that I felt that there wasn’t any hope of picking my way out. The knot was secured outside the current reach of my fingers, but I still held out hope that I could get to it if her supporting ties allowed for it. She then proceeded to wrap rope over my shoulders and under my armpits securing me to the back of the chair and ensuring that I couldn’t slouch. A few more wraps around my body and through the slats ensured that I’d be forced to sit up and wouldn’t be able to get leverage or a low center of gravity to help move the chair. She roped my lap down to the seat of the chair to further pin me to the chair’s frame. But she made sure that she spread my legs apart so that they lined up with the chairs front legs. She was clearly not going to be tying my ankles together she intended to tie them to the chair legs. The tie was good, but I felt like this was all going to be superfluous if I could get my fingers to the knot that was holding my wrists tight. Then she drastically reduced that as a concern.

She grabbed my wrists and tied a second rope around it right above her initial tie. She cinched this tightly and then took the other end of the rope and yanked down so that my arms stretched taut down towards the floor. She took the rope and tightly lashed it to the cross frame connecting the back to legs of the chair. She wrapped it around a couple times making sure that it was taut. I craned my head to the side and looked down and I could see that she then made a perfect clove hitch before proceeding to knot and double knot the rope. I had almost no slack in my hands now and my fingers were splayed in a downward direction away from the knot that they needed to try and reach. Yeah, this girl was way better than Abbie and I was considering that I might be in quite a spot of trouble. She proceeded to tie each of my legs to the legs of the chair at the shin just below the knee and at the ankle. She had done all of this without uttering another word to me. Apparently she wasn't much of a conversationalist. There was no buttering me up or putting me at ease while she tied me. She was all business as she tied me with a stern look on her face. Finally, when she appeared to be done, she spoke.

Erica: How are you feeling there, champ?

Me: I’m certainly impressed.

Erica: Great. I aim to please. Elisa was teasing me by saying that you were now her biggest competition in this game. I’m hoping you can give her an enthusiastic review that I am still her main nemesis.

Me: I don’t see myself saying that.

Erica: You don’t need to say that. I’m going to call her in here with you sitting there in two and a half hours and all you need say is “Mmpphh mmpphh mmpphh”. That’s the review that I’m looking for. Speaking of which, let’s get you a nice gag.

Erica rifled through her backpack and pulled out some handkerchiefs and some socks and a roll of tape. She took a pre-balled pair of socks and approached me with them.

Me: I appreciate that those look clean.

Erica: Of course they’re clean. I’m not a god damn animal. I want to get this out of the way right now…if you EVER gag me with dirty socks whether they’re mine or yours…I will end you. Your family will never see your face again. Capiche?

Me: Yes, ma’am. I will respect your boundaries and add that to my list as a personal rule.

Erica: Good boy. Now open up.

I opened my mouth to accept the socks and she stuffed them deep in back behind my teeth. She stared at me for a minute as though to assess whether she thought there was room to add a third but decided not to get greedy and grabbed the roll of tape. She ripped off a decently sized strip and pressed it firmly over my lips sealing the socks into my mouth. She then repeated this process several more times until I had a half dozen strips of tape over my mouth and she was confident that I was not going to be working this gag off. She walked over to my desk, picked up my phone and opened the Clock app. She showed me that she was starting the stopwatch and then proceeded to toss the phone on the bed behind me.

Erica: How's the gag?

Me: Mmmmpppphhhhrrrrrmmmpppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh hhhhmmmmpppphhhhmmmmmmmmm.

Erica: That ought to do it. Sounds about right. Now for the fun part. You’ll note that I opted to just thoroughly tape your mouth rather than wrapping the tape around like Elisa likes to do with Abbie and others. I find that this allows you to be a little louder and produce more satisfying laughter while still maintaining a level of unintelligibility that doesn’t subject me to your thoughts and feelings while I’m doing my thing.

Erica then proceeded to kneel down next to me and slip off one of my black sneakers. I could tell that I was about to get a proper tickle torture session and immediately started fumbling with my fingers to see if I could get at either knot, the one tying my wrists together or the one connecting my wrists to the base of the cross frame of the chair. Both were just out of reach. She had spaced things perfectly. The tautness of the rope prevented me from getting my fingers up to the level of the knot. I could just barely brush the knot but there wasn’t really anything I could do with it. I couldn’t slouch in the chair thanks to the harness holding my shoulders up to the frame and I couldn’t lift up in the chair thanks to the lap restraint holding me down to the seat. She really had worked this out. I could see why it was her specialty. I pressed my back as hard as I could into the frame of the chair to try and create slack. It helped a little…but not nearly enough. That knot simply wasn’t going to come down anymore and I couldn’t see myself getting any more slack. After about three minutes where she was clearly trying to tease me with anticipation, and I had been paying her not nearly enough attention as I worked to my escape…she had unlaced and removed both of my sneakers and had peeled off both of my socks. Knowing that a tickle onslaught was coming I pressed my bare toes down into the carpet pushed my heels into the chair leg to try and keep them away from her wiggling fingers.

Erica: That’s not very sporting of you, Trent. But don’t worry. I have ways of fixing that.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another great part! It's good to see another character introduced properly, even though Erica has been mentioned a few times before now, I think she'll be an interesting addition to the dynamic. I can understand why Trent has been mostly fixated on Elisa so far, but I do wonder if this latest development will be something of a wake up call to remind him that she's not the only one he needs to worry about. I suppose time will tell, but either way I look forward to the next part!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) -
A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 4: "I Walked Right Into That One" (F/M) [Part 2 of 2]

She stepped around behind me and grabbed the top frame of the chair. She put all of her weight into pulling it back and tipped me backwards. She rested it against my bed so that I was inclined at a 60 degree angle with my feet now clearly up in the air and defenseless. I’m heavy enough that I was surprised at how easily she was able to do it, but leverage is a hell of a thing. She dug into my bare soles and despite trying my best to withstand the onslaught. I couldn’t help myself. I burst out laughing. She had the most prominent nails of the three girls that I met thus far and they were really good for tickling. I instinctively tugged my hands to try and see if I could free myself and found that I had significantly more movement than I remembered a second ago.

The chair that I was in was sturdy. However, having 190 pounds of dead weight pressing into it on a slant created substantially more give. Much more than I could get just by pressing back into it with all of my force earlier. The once taut rope that pulled my hands down towards the cross frame might have just enough slack to allow me to get to one of the knots that I needed to get to. Getting to it would still be difficult. But I found that if I pulled my index and middle finger on my hand up and used them to pin the lashing at the center of the binding, I could twist and the knot would come closer to my other fingers. It was a very taxing contortion, but it did put the knot into play.
Unfortunately, I had to do this with a woman aggressively tickling my feet and impairing my oxygen intake. I was huffing and squealing into my gag while trying to focus on the positions of the knot that I was trying to reach.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Mmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Erica: Oh. We’re only just getting started, hon.

I steadied myself as best I could within my desperate squirming and began to pick at the knot. However, I noticed that as I started to tune her out and focus on the knot…she was losing her focus and seemed like she might switch to a different torture tactic. If she leaned me back upright and worked my ribs instead, the rope would probably pull taut again and I would lose my window. I needed to pretend like the tickling that she was currently doing was working perfectly and that there was no reason to stop. Her tickling was starting to fade. I waited for her to hit the spot just above the heel of my foot at the base of the arch and then I started absolutely cackling into my gag. She was a good tickler. The laughter was probably 50% real, but I started playing it up to the nth degree. Her face immediately brightened and she gave it a full go.

I starting rocking and quivering with laughter to give her a full performance. She really laid into me for the next couple minutes. Trying to keep up the appearances that the tickling was driving me into sustained insanity slowed my progress on the knot, but I finally got it. My fingers ached from pressing the restraint at such an awkward angle. But eventually I picked the knot enough that it was just going to be a matter of stretching out the binding and slipping my hands free once I had enough give. At this point I relaxed my laughter and I think that she may have thought that I was having trouble breathing, because she let up and backed off for a second.

Erica: Elisa said that you were only mildly ticklish. I beg to differ. I think I’ve found the sweet spot. Now if you agree to be a good boy for me and agree to some extra ground rules for our games, maybe, just maybe, I won’t share the scouting report.

I didn’t really know what that meant, but I liked the idea of inter-game negotiations. I was not particularly practiced in gag talk and what was coming out of my mouth was absolutely unintelligible gibberish…as she had promised. But I think that I was able to put an inflection on it that implied what I was saying was a question and raised my eyebrows in a way that implied curiosity.

Me: Mmmpphh Hmmpphhmpph?

Erica: You could promise me a third off day during the week. You could offer to feed me intel on when your roommate plans to capture me in advance. There are all sorts of deals that we can make to keep your ticklish little secrets out of Elisa’s hands. We can work the details out when I untie you later.

I pretended to think this over, but after about 30 seconds of thinking I had finally slipped one of my wrists from the binding. I decided to shake my head in disapproval of the deal. This appeared not to sit well with her. However, my refusal soon provoked a devious smile.

Erica: Suit yourself. You’ll regret spurning this offer. When Elisa knows a secret, she will exploit it.

I was fine with her passing along shoddy intel and resumed working on my wrists. I was now free of the initial wrist binding, but was still holding it in my hand. I didn’t want to drop it and let her know that I was getting loose until I was a little further along. With the initial wrist binding off my wrist, there was no more room for the tether to slide down onto my wrist and I had even more slack now. She could turn me back upright and I’d still have room to work. But in order to keep hold of the other binding without dropping it…I’d have to do it with one hand. That hand would have to be my right hand, because there was no way that I was going to pick this knot with my pinkie and ring finger still a splint as they were. I moved the rope to my left hand and let my fingers fumble at the knot for the tether. While I was working on it, Erica decided to push the chair back upright and work a different part of my body. The knot slid a little further away, but not enough that I couldn’t continue what I was doing.

Erica: Elisa did say that your ribs are even more ticklish than your feet. Let’s see what I can do there.

I stared defiantly at her as she went in and wreaked havoc on my ribs. I legitimately do have ticklish ribs and the way that she dug her nails in between two ribs and undulated them back and forth at a feverish rate legitimately did make me howl with laughter. There was no faking anything this time. I was guffawing and sputtering into my gag and my eyes started to water with tears of laughter.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmppppphhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!! HHhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Erica: She was right. You are more sensitive up here.

Her noticing that probably wasn’t going to be good for future escape efforts as I’d need her to tip me backwards for this particular escape to work. But I was closing in on being out of the woods on this one. I managed to pick the tether knot moments before a violent dig into my ribs caused me to lose control and drop the wrist rope. Both the rope and the tether end that had been attached to my wrists hit the floor behind me. Erica was going so hard on my ribs that she didn’t seem to notice. I was going to act quick and take her by surprise with my escape. My wrists now free I contorted them upwards and found the lowest of the knots that was harnessing my chest to the chair. My wrists had pulled down so tightly that she hadn’t even bothered to hide this one. That’s a little lazy if you ask me. However, the knot kept jumping away from me as I bucked my body back and forth were her firm but nimble fingers making having their way with my stretched and exposed ribs.

Me: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!! Hhhmmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrmmmmmmmm!!!!! Mmmmpphhhmmmmmmm!!!!!!

That knot was done a couple minutes later and caused the whole of the ropes pinning my body to the chair to sag with a little jiggle of my torso. It’s at this point that Erica took notice.

Erica: What. The. Fuck? How do you…!

Me: Mmmppph. Mmph.

I now pulled my free hands around front and just started yanking at the ropes that were under my armpit and tried to slide my shoulder out from where it was looped to the chair frame. It hurt and I felt like I was getting a little bit of rope burn at the tight squeeze but I managed to slide my right shoulder out and then the left one fell away without any issue. Erica stepped back in horror. She was dumbfounded.

Erica: There is absolutely no way this is happening.

I reached up and began peeled up the corner of the tape over my mouth and gave it a hesitant but firm yank. It hurt a decent amount, but I then cautiously peeled off about three strips of the tape. I searched for an edge of the one I thought was flush against my skin and pulled. I gingerly worked it off and the rest of the duct tape came with it. I inserted my thumb and my index finger into my mouth, pinched the sock, and extracted it from my mouth. I flipped it towards her with a flourish and twinkled my fingers in the air in a jazz hands pantomime.

Me: Ta-Da! What do you think?

Erica: I’m devastated. I am literally fucking shook right now. Nobody has ever gotten out that quickly. Not even Elisa. I can usually keep her tied up for around an hour. This is heart breaking.

Me: Oh. Don’t be hard on yourself. It genuinely, GENUINELY was a good tie. With a couple of fixes it could be a great tie. I realize that my feet are still tied, but could you give me my time. I want to see how fast that was.

Erica: (sarcastically) Fuck you.

Me: Oh come on, don’t be like that. Fine. I’ll get it myself in a second.

I then proceeded to quickly untie my knee restraints while she went over and picked up my phone.

Erica: 24 minutes. Are you happy?

Me: I am actually pretty happy. That was challenging. And I’m serious. When you first walked in I thought I’d be out in under 15 minutes. But you’re really good at this.

Erica: Don’t patronize me.

Me: Fine. But to be fair. I’m going to be your patron. Study under me and you can be great, my young padawan.

Erica: I don’t know what that means. Padawhat?

Me: Never mind. I really did think that it could be great with just a couple quick fixes, but I hope you didn’t call Elisa already. Because I’m not sure that I can give her the review you wanted. What was it, “Mmpphh mmpphh mmpphh”?

Erica: You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?

Me: Of course.

Erica: So what are my “fatal flaws”?

Me: I suppose I could tell you. But I’d probably rather show you later this week. When YOU'RE bound and gagged. I can walk you through them.

Erica: I don’t think that’s going to happen. Why don’t you just tell me?

Me: Sure. I’ll share that intel with you if you agree to…oh I don’t know…say promise me a third off day during the week. You could offer to feed me intel on when your roommate plans to capture me in advance. There are all sorts of deals that we can make.

She glared at me and smirked wryly as I pitched her offer back to her almost word for word.

Erica: Oh, you are going to be absolutely unbearable. This is infuriating. I’m going to need to keep a gag on you to be in the same room as you from here on out.

Me: Oh come on. You had a good time. And I’m not looking to ruin your rep. Only you and I need to know about the whole 24 minutes thing. I’m not going to tell anybody. Tell Elisa that you had me tied up and howling at your mercy for a full three hours. I’d prefer that she underestimate me and let her guard down. I’m worried that my capture on Saturday left her too wary of me. I could use some relaxed defenses. I’m fine with everybody thinking that you’re still second best person in this game…Who’s name starts with E…And lives in Room 204.

Erica: This is the sort of abuse that I normally have to take when I’m the one that’s tied up. I can’t believe I’m taking it as the captor. You’re just poking the bear at this point. I’m coming back for you with a vengeance. You’ll eat these words eventually.

Me: I hope I do. I hope you get to make me your little shame trophy one of these days. Whether you tie as well as Elisa or Abbie remains to be debated, but you certainly are a great trash talker. I just want to show you that I can hold serve in the witty remarks game.

I had tried to compliment her trash talk, but clearly I had offended her. Her face recoiled in horror and she turned a little bit red.

Erica: How dare you imply that Abbie and I are on the same level at tying?! That’s a bridge too far. Take it back. Now!

Me: Alright. Alright. You’re significantly better than Abbie at tying people up. I’m just razzing you. I legitimately would like to be friends. Dale should be back in less than an hour. We’re going to watch the new episode of Hot Ones on Youtube TV. You’re more than welcome to join us. You even have your own chair here now.

I did want to establish a friendly relationship with her to make future games less awkward.

Me: I’ll even take this one since I’m used to it now and you can have my comfy desk chair, what do you say?

Erica: I’ll take a rain check. I have things to do.

Me: But I thought I just freed up two and a half hours for you.

She realized she was caught. She didn't really have anything to do.

Erica: (laughing) God damn it! I walked right into that one, didn’t I?

I was glad that I’d gotten at least one laugh out of her. Though she didn’t really seem to be warming to me. By this time I was totally done untying my legs from the chair so she turned and started to pack her ropes and socks into her bag.

Me: Excuse me. I was told that if I untie myself I get to take custody of the tying materials.

Erica: That’s a general courtesy. Not a rule. You can say that I’m a poor sport or that I’m sulking. But I’m taking my shit back. Rope isn’t cheap and I’m not leaving my socks with you.

Me: Got it. Thanks for the lessons. This has been an informative session and I look forward to our future adventures together on both sides of the captor – captive relationship.

She simply waved goodbye to me without another word as she exited out the door. I was feeling pretty high after this escape and I had added one more potential victim to my list of future captures.

[NOTE From the Author]: I imagine there are some people that might be a little frustrated that Trent (the narrator) has been tied up three times in the first four chapters and has escaped without too much rigmarole or humiliation each time. Know that this will stop shortly. I'm trying to establish a friendly tone for these games and get him a somewhat established reputation as one of the better riggers and escapers in the group. As the story progresses, things will get a little more intense. You have my word that the next time Trent finds himself in ropes...he won't get out until the girl is ready to let him out. I'm also going to be phasing in other things that this site seems to enjoy like crotch ropes (Chapter 7), dirty sock gags (Chapters 8 & 9), and romantic restraint (Chapter 10) as I introduce the other characters and explore different dynamics. As always, thank you very much for reading.
Last edited by Fandango 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Great stuff ;)

But you have 2 part 1s in last chapter and no part 2s. I'm disappointed:)

Keep up the good work tho I love a creative mind x
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Great story! Been loving every single chapter so far (especially the F/M ones). Really looking forward to meeting the remaining characters and overall seeing the story progress. Keep up the great work!
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Post by cleavegagged99 »

I’ve really enjoyed the story and I look forward to what comes next!
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Post by Fandango »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Another great part! It's good to see another character introduced properly, even though Erica has been mentioned a few times before now, I think she'll be an interesting addition to the dynamic.
Thanks, Rtj65. I always plan on giving every club member their full due. I love stories that feature multiple captors and captives, but I always feel a little cheated when a character is tied up by their wife/roommate/rival and her friends and the friends are just names and hair colors who fall in lock step with whatever the main antagonist has planned. As this story progresses I want people to think about characters like Dale and Abbie and Erica and Elisa very differently. You'll meet another new character next chapter, and perhaps this one will have joined the club not to capture people, but because they actually like being tied up themselves.
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Great stuff ;)

But you have 2 part 1s in last chapter and no part 2s. I'm disappointed:)

Keep up the good work tho I love a creative mind x
Thank you for the kind words, DommeKirsten. And thank you just as much for catching my mistake. Your powers of observation are second to none. Carelessness on my part. I've fixed it now, but it's always appreciated to have an error corrected. Any story errors or retcons that people can inform me of are always welcome.
tillytimber123 wrote: 1 year ago Great story! Been loving every single chapter so far (especially the F/M ones). Really looking forward to meeting the remaining characters and overall seeing the story progress. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for sharing, tillytimber123. I appreciate your support. I'm glad that you like every chapter. And I also appreciate you sharing your preference. I know that there are readers who much prefer F/M and there are readers who much prefer M/F. And I know that people might like some of this story, but could do without other parts. For me, tie up games are most fun when they're a see saw. I want to see punishment and fun be earned through the choices people make and the consequences of their actions. People sharing their preferences with me will instinctively make me lean into what my readership wants a little more...even though it won't make major changes to the story that I already have written. But I'm constantly editing and do take comments into consideration. It also does allow me to let people know what chapters they might be looking forward to. The story is going to relegate Trent to a supporting character for chapters 8-10 so F/M will take a slight break. But it will feature (and eventually be back in full force) in Chapters 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, and 19. The more specific people are with what they like, the better I can direct them. If you like women using restrained men as entertainment for female bonding (Chapter 12). If you like women dominating multiple guys with physical discomfort and ample humiliation (Chapter 14). If you like women tricking guys and experimenting with manipulation and deceit (Chapter 17). I hope you'll enjoy the next few chapters where a male won't be bound...but always feel free to let me know what you do and don't like about the story.
cleavegagged99 wrote: 1 year ago I’ve really enjoyed the story and I look forward to what comes next!
Thanks, cleavegagged99. It's a divine honor to be your first comment. I'm glad you're liking the narrative.

I should have Part 1 of Chapter 5 up later this evening (or next morning to my GMT and Eastern hemisphere readers). Trying to be less Ameri-centric.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 5: "I'm the Most Unhinged of Them All" (M/F) [Part 1 of 3]

Now that another player had been revealed to me, I had three potential girls that I could tie up every week. I started to scheme various plots and plans for how I might capture them and things I might do to toy with them. I was coming up with different schemes to customize my captures for the different girls. Elisa worked best for some ideas. Erica for others. I also considered whether I was bold or greedy enough to try and capture them both at once since they lived in the same room. That was a major fantasy of mine and an eventual bucket list item. These thoughts constantly crept into my head. On this particular Tuesday I was doing some reading for my psychology class at my desk…but I also might have wandered off in my head a few times imagining how angry Erica would get if I frog-tied her. I honestly can’t remember if I was thinking about that or the implications of Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiment when a knock came at my door. There were no captives in our room. It was just me. Which meant that the door was unlocked…as was customary for the club when one was not sleeping or engaged with a captive.

Me: Come in.

The door opened and in walked my friend Jackie Garrett. She looked at me knowingly and closed the door behind herself.

Jackie: Howdy, Trent. How’s life?

Me: Life’s grand. Better now that you’re here.

Jackie was Abbie’s roommate, which I’d found out through research once I found out Abbie was a club member. Because of this, and the fact that I knew that she was very good friends with Elisa, I would have put money on her being the final female member of the club. But nobody ever explicitly told me, so I just had to live with that assumption until she was able to confirm it. It was sort of weird that I hadn’t met Abbie before…but I guess I’d just never been in Jackie’s room before. Regardless, I did consider Jackie to be a friend. She probably wasn’t my best female friend on campus at the time (though she’d definitely rank up there now). But I knew her WAY better than Abbie and Erica and I was significantly closer to her than Elisa. Jackie and I had gotten to know each other in the second semester of our freshman year when we had a Freshman Core Composition class together and regularly talked at off campus parties. We’d gotten to know each other even better now that we lived in the same dorm.

I was a little surprised I’d never seen her room, but she was probably rarely in it. She was a woman about campus. She might have been the most popular girl in the dorm. I want to clarify that statement. There are TWO types of popular girls. A lot of school’s have the prototypical “popular” girl. She’s attractive. She’s “cool”. She’s worldly. She’s up on trends. People want to be around her because she has that “It” factor that draws people in like a vortex. That is NOT Jackie. Jackie is not particularly up on trends. She doesn’t have a “je ne sais quoi” (people know WHY they like her). She’s a bit of a nerd, while also being an elite athlete. And she’ll be the first to tell you that she is the least attractive female in our club. (Seriously, she’ll tell me that fifteen minutes from now.) I’ll disagree. And I’ll mean it. But I might have bias because I’m her friend. If you polled the heterosexual males on campus who didn’t actually KNOW any of the girls, and were going just off looks…she probably does place fourth. But they’d still be happy to go out with her. If she’s a 6 (and she’s EASILY a 7 when she tries)…she’s a 9 once you spend a day with her. She’s an actual POPULAR girl. People like her. Because she’s funny. She’s witty. She’s kind and empathetic and energetic and makes you feel like she cares about you and what you’re doing. She’s outgoing. And she’s just an all-around blast. If she was indeed the unknown female in the club…I was excited. Because the club just got more FUN.

Today she was sporting tight white capri pants and a navy blue V-neck T-Shirt. She was wearing sandals. And she was notably holding NOTHING…which meant she probably WASN’T here on club business. Her hair was light brown and was done up in a French braid, as was standard for her. She was the libero for the club volleyball team that Elisa used to belong to. This was just a practical hairstyle to keep her hair from getting in her face. She had brown eyes and her skin was a touch darker than any of the other girls. She was Caucasian, but heavily from the Mediterranean with a lot of Greek on her father’s side and Italian on her mother’s side (and some Spanish from God knows where according to a 23 and Me that she’ll take Junior year). So she always looked like she had a healthy tan. Her body was a mix of all of the other three girls. She was not as petite as Abbie but not as voluptuous as Erica, or even Elisa. She did not have the same athletic build as Elisa, but she was more toned and muscular than either Abbie or Erica. She was good looking but just didn’t seem to have a “striking feature” like each of the other girls did. Abbie had striking green eyes and enviable strawberry hair. Erica had curves that guys eyes couldn’t help but follow. And, well, God kind of gave Elisa everything.

Me: To what do I owe the pleasure?

Jackie: Are you really telling me that you have NO clue why I’m here?

Me: Not really. I might have had a clue. But if I did you wouldn’t be here empty-handed.

Jackie: Just because I’m empty-handed doesn’t mean that you’re wrong?

Me: The fact that you’re empty-handed DOES mean that I’m wrong.

Jackie: Well, what was your guess going to be if I was holding something?

Me: If you were holding something, you’d know that it would be YOUR responsibility to tell ME why you were here and not the other way around.

Jackie: Alright. A staunch follower of Rule #1. I LOVE to see it. I’m here on business from the club. I believe you know the club I’m talking about. My colleagues include Elisa Thompson, Abbie Wolfe, and your roommate Dale Anderson. I’m not sure if you’ve met the other two.

Me: I’ve met Erica.

Jackie: Oh. Swell. Well, I’m Player #4.

Me: Yes! I was really hoping it was you. It’ll be nice to have a non-lunatic in the club.

Jackie: Oh. You poor, sweet child of summer. I’m the most unhinged of them all.

Me: More so than Elisa?

Jackie: OK. My apologies. You’re absolutely right. I’m the SECOND most unhinged of them all.

Me: Forgetful too, I see. Don’t you need a little something to make me your captive. You’ve come entirely unprepared. But if you’re here on business…I have a stash of my own that you can use as long as you promise to be gentle.

Jackie: There’s a reason I didn’t bring anything. But I’m glad that you have a stash. I’m NOT here to tie you up. I’m here for YOU to tie ME up.

Me: I see. What a twist. What’s the catch?

Jackie: Trent, can I assume that you joined this club because you want to tie people up?

Me: Guilty as charged.

Jackie: Then you’re just like six of the seven members of this club. Are you capable of fathoming that a girl might have joined this club because she liked to be tied up herself?

Me: I’d heard of such girls. But I’d written them off as being like the Chupacabra or the Loch Ness Monster. I didn’t think I’d ever see one in the wild.

Jackie: Well. We do exist. And I’ve been told that I HAVE to come see you. That you’re good. Elisa says that you’re the second best roper in the club.

Me: I see. For a second I thought I was getting a compliment.

Jackie: You are. That’s the highest compliment her ego will allow her to give. She’ll never admit that you’re better. If you’re half as good as her…you’re exactly what I want.

Me: Why is that?

Jackie: I like being tied up tight. I like to explore feelings of helplessness and that’s apparently a tall task for this group.

Me: I’ve seen some of the ropework in this group. It’s pretty good.

Jackie: It CAN be. But not for me. Elisa is GREAT. She doesn’t like to tie me up. I’ve known her since fourth grade. We’re good friends. And she doesn’t like being mean to me. Also, she knows that I like it. That ruins it for her a little. I love the girl, but she’s got a bit of a nasty streak and likes her captives to be a little miserable. She has a heart of gold when you get to know her outside of this game…but she wants genuine distress in her captives and she won’t get that from me. I think that’s why she picks on Abbie. Abbie is much more delicate, takes things too personally, and gives her very unfeigned, authentic, negative reactions to being tied up.

Me: Erica isn’t bad. I slipped her tie pretty quickly, but between you and me…I got lucky.

Jackie: Erica is fine. But she’s a one trick pony. Being tied to a chair works for me…until like the fourth time. A girl wants a little variety. Player #3 isn’t bad either…but he’s not from this dorm and he’s much more interested in capturing those two when he comes around. I’m lucky if he ties me up once a month. And then Abbie and Dale are trash at tying people up…and I don’t say that that derisively. That would be hypocritical. I’m the most trash, if you ever get to find that out. Dale has me tie him up if he needs to meet his quota because he knows he’ll be free in 15 minutes or less.

Me: I think Dale is significantly better than you think. I think he just goes easy on you.

Jackie: That’s what Elisa says. She says he’s not that bad. Not in a league with her or you…but that he’s better than I’m getting. If that’s the case….PLEASE tell him that he’s not doing me any favors and I’d cherish him going full hog on me.
Me: I’ll slip him that advice.

Jackie: Thank you. So, as you can see. You are my chance at salvation. I want you to tie me up. I like to be comfortable. But I like to be secure. I’m going to test the bonds. I’m going to struggle. I will try to get out. But I don’t really want to. If you have to let me out in three hours…I’m probably a happy lady.

Me: Well, then. I’ll have to do my best to oblige.

I went to our closet and pulled out a backpack full of the supplies that I had accrued thus far. There was a ton of white and black rope and a roll of duct tape. I obviously had other things that I needed to get. Specifically rags and cloths for gagging, but I just hadn’t gotten around to putting everything together yet. I had not planned on tying anybody up today.

Me: OK. What do you want?

Jackie: You’re the captor. It’s your choice.

Me: No. When I come to capture you…it’ll be my choice. This is your introduction event. Whatever the lady wants…the lady gets.

Jackie: How kind of you. Elisa was impressed with your hogtie. I’d like to try the specialty.

Me: A hogtie it is. I’ll try and replicate the one that I gave her which is a bit of an odd one. We can do it on my bed.

Jackie: Is that cool with you?

Me: Of course. You said you like to be comfortable. I’m not sure that I’d consider the hogtie comfortable, but it’ll be significantly more so if you’re not on the hard floor.

Jackie: Thanks.

Me: Alright. Why don’t you wheel around for me and put your hands behind your back?

She obediently did so and crossed her wrists without me even asking her to. What a pro. I put a bight in the rope and threaded the ends through it. I tightened it around her wrists and proceeded to wrap it around several times before going over the top, pulling through, and cinching in the other direction. I made sure to pull all slack out of the rope at every loop before I started to cinch. I was going to give her my best effort.

Me: So why don’t you tell me about this group that I’m in? I know very little.

Jackie: Whoa. You do know all the rules, right?

Me: Oh. Of course. I know the rules. I meant the history, the lore, the relationships. How did it start? How does everybody know each other? How did you figure out that you loved to be tied up?

Jackie: OK. Story time. I like it.

Jackie relaxed herself and settled into a spiel as I continued to tie her.

Jackie: I’ve known that I loved to be tied up since I was quite young. Let’s say 10…though I think I might have imagined I knew earlier. My parents hired a babysitter to watch my brothers and I. Her name was Shannon. And she was a looker. My brother must have blackmailed my mother into that hire because she’d never let me wear a mini skirt like the ones Shannon wore. But she just let Shannon wear them over like it was no big deal. Imagine Erica with dark hair and a little taller. My brothers were smitten. I think they were 12 and 9 at the time. I’m the middle child. Shannon was in college. My older brother, Keith, is definitely into seeing girls tied up and tried with very little subtlety or pretext to get Shannon tied up.

Me: Reminds me like a bolder version of my young self. I wanted that badly but never had the courage to push past vague suggestion.

Jackie: He suggested everything. Cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, an escape challenge. She was having none of it. She wasn’t a rube. And she was not going to potentially cede her authority to some horny pre-teen who was in the throes of puberty and was almost too old for a babysitter. Every time he suggested an element to a game in which somebody would be tied up, she said that we could play it. But SHE would be the one doing the tying and HE would have to be the one tied up. That held no interest for him and he'd give up defeated.

I had to give Keith credit for trying. He knew what he wanted.

Jackie: Finally, after he’d bargained and sweet talked her for the umpteenth time after she’d been babysitting us for six months…I finally volunteered that we should play. And I would be the one that would be tied up since he really wanted to do the tying. Shannon said that was fine. My brother couldn’t say No without having to admit that the sole reason he wanted to play the game was to tie up Shannon. Which everybody already knew but I think he somehow thought WASN’T obvious. So we played a kidnapping role playing game and I was bound hand and foot with my hands behind my back and a lot of rope wrapped around my body to pin my arms down and my legs together. My brother did a pretty good job for somebody that young. Shannon didn’t have anything to worry about though. She could have been out in 10 minutes. I probably could have been out in 15. But I found that I really liked it.

She stared off dreamily as she reminisced about her youth. I was now tying her elbows together and she sighed noticeably as I slid the rope tighter and pressed them closer together.

Jackie: I couldn’t just slip out of the ropes. I could have probably gotten out before too long, but it was going to be a struggle. I asked if they were going to tie a cloth in my mouth and Shannon said Absolutely Not. I asked if they please could because I wanted to “practice my acting”.

Me: Practice your acting?

Jackie: That’s the excuse I used. Shannon finally compromised and said that I could have ONE piece of duct tape pressed over my lips. It wasn’t super effective, but I LOVED it. I felt helpless. I wasn’t terribly helpless, but I slipped into my own fantasy world and loved every minute of it. I stayed tied up for an hour and just struggled around and moaned until everybody else had long lost interest and Shannon demanded that I be set free. Keith and I talked about this last year. We had the “awkward sibling talk that this sort of thing is something we both enjoy, please don’t tell mom and dad, I won’t if you won’t”.

Me: Haven’t had that talk with either of my brothers yet. Maybe it’s still coming.

Jackie: He admitted that he had tied me looser than he could have because he didn’t want to scare off Shannon and didn’t want her to think that it would be that bad. My spending an hour in ropes that he thought I could have escaped in 10 minutes backfired spectacularly on him. He wasn’t into tying up his kid sister but eventually found that he was VERY into tying up his high school girlfriend. For me I don’t think that there was an arousal component to games for a long time, but I eventually found that the way it made me feel did have a certain effect on me in that way. I never really trusted any boys I liked to do it because high school boys talk about these things. And I didn’t want that to be my rep. I had a good amount going on in high school.

Me: Totally understandable. I’ll bet you did.

But a couple of times I’d be fooling around with friends with a roll of duct tape somewhere nearby and jokes would get made about tying somebody up. And 2 or 3 times it just so happened that somebody did get taped up. And it was always me through what I hoped was some subtle, non-obvious maneuvering on my part. Whew. Sorry. That was a long story. You did a great job on the arms. You’re everything Elisa promised me so far.

Me: I’m glad. Why don’t you go ahead and lay down on the bed for me. We’ll put that pillow under your chest for maximum comfort.

Jackie: Oooohhh. Maximum comfort. What a gentleman!

Me: I aim to please. Only the best experiences. I want you coming back.

She laid down on the bed with some aid from me and I slid a pillow underneath her chest since her wrists and elbows were tightly cinched behind her back and she couldn’t do it herself. I pulled out my two longest coils of rope and prepped them to tie the offset chest harness the way I had for Elisa the previous week.

Jackie: So you wanted to know how this whole game got started. Well, players are numbered by their entry into The Game. You’re #7 because you’re the newest. I’m #4. So obviously Elisa and Erica started the game. They lived together last year also. Elisa tied Erica up at some point. Erica got her back. They started a friendly rivalry and began tormenting and teasing each other. Erica knew that Elisa was also into girls, but it seemed like a friendly game. Then Erica told Elisa that if they were going to keep playing…she’d like to add a guy into the mix. Elisa brought in Player #3, whose name you don’t get to know yet. He was a friend of hers who she’d had class with and who she kind of knew was definitely into this sort of thing. They’d hooked up early in the first semester, but she had decided that he would make a better friend than a boyfriend. I think he might still be a little hung up. And getting to tie her up every other week definitely seems to be something that he enjoys.

Me: So, that’s 1, 2, and 3. How did you enter the frey?

Jackie: So, Elisa and I go WAY back. We’ve been classmates since her family moved to Golden (Elisa and Jackie are from Colorado) in the fourth grade. We obviously both played volleyball together and were good friends all throughout high school. We came here and decided not to live together so we could make other friends, but we still played club volleyball together. And I’d eat with her about every other day. She is still probably my closest friend here. Even more so than my roommate.

Me: Abbie?

Jackie: Don’t tell Abbie I said that. I LOVE Abbie. But Elisa and I have so much history. Anyway. We were eating at the dining hall one day and the sleeves of her cardigan would ride up and I could clearly see that there were some pretty fresh rope marks on her wrists. I teased her about it and she got real defensive and said that if I was a good friend, I wouldn’t tell a soul about it. That’s not the rep she wanted. I told her that her secret was safe with me, but she shouldn’t be ashamed about being kinky. She said that she was fine if people thought she was a dominant girl. She just didn’t want a reputation as some damsel that gets tied up. I told her I thought that she was extremely lucky. I’d love to be tied up. I figured that we went way back and if she was going to share with me, I should share with her. She asked me if I meant it. And I said that I did. She said she’d talk to some people and the rest is history.

Me: This was all last year?

Jackie: Yep. We had five players last year. Abbie was the first entrant into the game this year. She’s #6. I don’t know how into tying people up she is. She says that she really likes it but she isn’t that good. You’ve seen her skill set. She hates to be tied up though and I’m worried that she’s going to get burnt out and quit. I pressured her into this game because I didn’t want to have to hide things from her. Also it would just be a lot easier if we can use our room. It’s the biggest and has the best set up for games. But I’m not sure how much she likes it. You’ve seen that Elisa can be pretty awful with her.

Me: I’ve seen it. But she pulled a snazzy betrayal on me. She’s got a flare for the game.

Jackie: Actually, between you and me…she’s terrified of your revenge. Can you do ME a huge favor?

Me: Sure. What?

Jackie: Can you try and take it easy on her? Make any revenge you have light. And if you need to inflict a little punishment, you can do it on me as her own personal whipping boy.

Me: I promise that when I come for Abbie, she will be treated humanely.

Jackie: Thank you.

I had just pulled the final rope up over her left shoulder, around the back of her lower neck, down the front of her right shoulder, underneath her armpit and was securely cinching it off to a cross rope running just underneath her shoulder blades. It was not as degrading or restricting as the one that I had given Elisa, but I figured that this was a “friendly capture” and that Elisa’s had been a “revenge capture”. It felt important to differentiate the two. I picked up another rope to begin tying her thighs.

Me: But you skipped the part that I’m most interested in. How did Player #5 (Dale) get roped into the game? Pun intended.

Jackie: Yeah. That’d be me.

Me: Really? I always thought it was his connection with Elisa. They’ve been friends for a while. I didn’t know you and him were that close.

Jackie: Oh. He’ll tell you that Elisa convinced him to join the game. He’s definitely better friends with her. But she did so because I asked her to.

Me: Really? Why?

Jackie: Well….

She bit her lip pensively. She clearly had something that she wanted to tell me. I was pretty sure I already knew what it was. Out with it, Jackie.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So we get to know the final club member :) Nice detailed descriptions and dialogues! I like your style!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Jackie is the most unhinged? That's a fairly high bar in this club!

Enjoying the dialogue, ties and retrospectives - keep up the good work!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really enjoyed this part, Jackie is already a really interesting character and I like how you've given everyone we've met so far distinct personalities. Hearing about the history of the club, and how the different members know each other was fun to read about too, I think you've set up lots of interesting dynamics between them all so good job!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by DommeKirsten »

Enjoying getting to know these guys, Jackie and Abbie are intresting :)
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 5: "I'm the Most Unhinged of Them All" (M/F) [Part 2 of 3]

Jackie: Well...the worst kept secret on this campus is that I have a HUGE, FLAILING CRUSH on your roommate. He is an absolute dream boat. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s thoughtful. And he looks like God finally perfected the human form.

Me: I know what you mean. I get it.

I did. Dale was all that.

Jackie: Obviously that can stay between us, but I don’t know that I care anymore. He’s probably the only person for whom it isn’t totally obvious.

Me: So why don’t you shoot your shot?

Jackie: That’s WAY easier said than done. I suppose I don’t do it for the same reasons as anybody else. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection.

Me: If you’re that into him, I promise you it’s worth the shot.

Jackie: I’m not somebody who is normally scared of these things, and if I just have to ask him out…I will. But I want to paint myself in the best possible light before I do. I don’t feel my chances of success are great right now. He’s a step out of my league and if I’m going to bare my soul I’d prefer to have conditions be ideal.

Me: I can understand that. But are you not worried that inertia might become a habit and you’ll never see conditions as ideal?

Jackie: Listen, if I haven’t asked him out by the time we get back from Christmas break, I give you permission to tie me to his bed and not release me until I ask him on a date. I’m not a girl who is afraid to ask a guy out, but I’d like to know that I’m not trying to sell him the whole time. I’d like to see a little interest on his part and I haven’t seen it yet. He’s surrounded by girls that are hotter than me. I have to find a way to stand out.

Me: I think you might have some self-esteem issues, girl. You are a catch.

Jackie: I promise I’m not fishing for compliments, I’m just being realistic. I don’t have body image issues, but I’m the fourth best looking girl in our club that contains four girls. I need to work with the reality.

I tightly cinched the rope that was binding her thighs together and she gave a little yelp.

Jackie: Meeep!

Me: Too tight.

Jackie: Nope. Just right.

I picked up another rope and proceeded to start tying up her knees.

Me: Nonsense. You’re more desirable than any of them. Sure Elisa might be the best looking girl on campus, but Dale is about more than just looks. You’ve got the full package. And you’re every bit as good looking as Abbie and Erica.

Jackie: Erica is built like a 60s pin-up girl. And Abbie is the adorable girl next door archetype.

Me: Abbie looks like she could be 16. I’d be worried that Chris Hansen is going to jump out from around the corner and ask me to have a seat.

Jackie: Hey! You don’t need to insult my roommate. She totally looks like a college girl. Her fake ID works plenty well at The Villager Tavern. She’s just fresh faced.

Me: My younger brother came to visit last year. He was a high school freshman and we got him into The Villager.

Jackie: OK. Maybe not my best argument, but Abbie is a fine looking young ADULT and you’d be lucky to have her.

Me: I was just fucking around. Abbie seems like a very nice girl. Very cute. And you’re absolutely right. I’d be the lucky one if we ever got together…trust issues aside. But Dale would be lucky to have you. And I say that as somebody who thinks insanely highly of my roommate. You are stronger in the looks department than you are willing to give yourself credit for. And Dale wants to date a girl with an abundance of personality.

Jackie: Is that why he was pining after Laurie Cameron? Because she’s got “personality”?

Me: Aw. Come on now. Laurie is a sweetheart. We don’t need to be slagging her off.

Jackie: “Slagging her off”? Are you British?

Me: I’ve been watching a lot of British TV recently. Broachurch. I highly recommend it.

Jackie: Laurie is a sweetheart. But she’s among the most boring people I’ve ever met. I like her. I like everybody. But she has about as much personality as a toaster oven.

Me: OK. I disagree…somewhat. But I agree with you enough that she’s definitely not Dale’s type. Laurie has no shot with Dale anyway. He hooked up with her once at a party. They were also both VERY drunk. Drunk Dale can hook up based on looks alone. But he wants to DATE personality. I’m assuming you want a relationship, not just a hook up.

Jackie: For a full week after he hooked up with Laurie he was pining for her. He started dressing differently, all artsy like. He wasn’t interested in hanging out and was avoiding members of the group.

I remembered back to his ill-fated hook-up with Laurie and understood what she was talking about. Then I couldn’t help but start chuckling to myself with how much this girl had misread the situation.

Me (laughing): That is not what happened AT ALL.

Jackie: Well, he kept your door locked and avoided us all for a week and when we did seem him out and about he wanted to get away as quickly as possible. His style also totally changed.

Me: You mean he started wearing turtlenecks?

Jackie: Yeah. That’s not Dale. That’s Laurie’s kind of guy.

Me: That might be Laurie’s kind of guy, but for a different reason than you might think. If I tell you a story...will you relax on poor Laurie and promise me that you don’t gossip it all over town.

Jackie: Sure.

I’d just finished putting the finishing touches on her upper leg restraints. She was tightly bound above and below the knees. The bindings above the knees were pressing tightly into her lovely white capri pants while the bindings below her knees were pressing against her impossibly smooth skin. She might have had a crush on Dale, but she chose to let me tie her up today. And I had to imagine that she had shaved them freshly this morning for such an occasion. That idea was quite flattering. Now it was time to tie her ankles.

Me: First, do you want a cross-ankle hogtie or regular hogtie?

Jackie: What did Elisa get?

Me: Regular, but that’s only because Abbie wanted to tickle her for revenge and I find that it’s easier to tickle a captive in a regular hogtie. A cross-ankle might make you feel more helpless.

Jackie: You know…let’s go regular. Even though I’m not a big fan of tickling. Let’s try the standard and then if I want to go cross-ankle next time, maybe you can show me that.

Me: Your wish is my command. And if you don’t like being tickled then there will be no tickling.

Jackie: You don’t need to promise me that. You can have some fun.

Me: When I come to capture you, I’ll make sure that WE’RE happy. Today, I’m going to make sure that YOU’RE happy.

Jackie: How very thoughtful. Now didn’t you tell me that you had some hot gossip that I was not to share with anybody?

Me: Dale wasn’t wearing turtlenecks to impress Laurie. They did hook up that night and she aggressively left hickeys all over his neck. He was HIDING them. Seriously it looked like a CSI team had dusted for fingerprints on the poor guy’s neck. Jeremy from down the hall was in here and saw him. He asked who had choked him out.

Jackie started laughing uncontrollably.

Me: Quit worrying about Laurie and play your own game.

Jackie: OK. But I wouldn’t mind you putting in a good word for me.

Me: That’s not a good idea.

Jackie: OK. I get it.

She frowned meekly, seemingly saddened that I wasn’t going to vouch for her to my roommate.

Me: No. I’m saying that if I say “Hey Dale, that Jackie Garrett girl sure is something.” he’ll think that I like you and he’ll erase you as a potential prospect. His options are wide open and he is constantly looking out for me. I’ll help if I can but an open endorsement that tries to be casual will only backfire.

Jackie: I appreciate it.

I finished tying her ankles and began to thread the hogtie rope around the ankle bindings.

Me: Now what sort of gag would you like?

Jackie: A tight one.

Me: Not messing around?

Jackie: Let’s keep me quiet.

Me: I love it. So you don’t want any tickling. Are there any tortures and torments that you’ve found you do like?

Jackie: Not really. I love the helplessness, but I’ve never really been big on having a captor torment me. I’m into friendlier ties. I’d kind of just like to explore the tie. At least for the first hour or so. Then we can figure things out from there. Can you just put on some TV and I’ll struggle and just enjoy the captivity?

Me: Sure. What would you like to watch?

Jackie: Can we watch Below Deck?

Me: What’s that on? I think we only have Netflix, Hulu, and Prime.

Jackie: It’s on Peacock. You have it. Dale and I watch it whenever one of us is tied up.

Me: If we do I hadn’t even noticed.

I pulled the hogtie taut and her feet slid down towards her butt. She gasped.

Me: OK. Let me know when.

I continued to slowly pull the rope that I threaded into three key points of her chest harness as her feet were pulled closer into her body and her shoulders started to arch up off the bed. I had pulled it significantly tighter I was expecting when she finally told me it was good. Her heels were basically touching her butt. There might have been a centimeter between them. But if she jerked or bounced they were hitting her butt. Her shoulders had come up enough that I decided to slide the pillow underneath her further into her body to give her more support. I felt this was tight enough that her back might start hurting. I decided I was going to need to closely monitor her. Not that I planned to be focusing on much else in my room at the time.

Me: That’s pretty tight. I was starting to wonder if you'd forgotten to say when.

Jackie: No. That’s really good. I want to push myself a little bit.

I hit the remote and found that we DID indeed have Peacock. And it let me know right where Jackie and Dale had last left off.

Me: So, I look super unprepared but I don’t know what to gag you with. You’re my second ever capture and I don’t really have a proper stash yet. Abbie knew that she wanted to gag Elisa with her own ball gag and she packed the backup hankies just in case. Really all I have our socks. Is that OK?

Jackie: I’m fine with whatever. Make whatever you have work.

I went over to my dresser, but then spotted something on Dale’s desk. It was a foam stress ball. Normally it would seem like way too ambitious for somebody’s first time, but Jackie was pushing me to go harder…not the other way around. I picked it up and returned to her.

Me: How about this?

Jackie: Woah! Will that even fit in my mouth?

I compressed it in my hand so she saw that it would be able to make the trip into her mouth but then released it to show that it would expand and be quite filling.

Jackie: OK. Let’s give it a go.

I picked up the roll of duct tape and set it down on the bed next to her head.

Me: Are you cool with tape wrapped all the way around the head? I promise to lift your braid up so that I catch as little hair as possible.

Jackie: That’s fine.

I compressed the stress ball down between my fingers and she opened her mouth willingly to accept it. I ushered it into the recesses of her mouth, past her teeth and then released it slowly. The foam expanded to fill her mouth and it did so magnificently. She was not able to close her mouth around it and part of the curvature actually protruded out. I was worried if it was blocking up her mouth too well though.

Me: Can you breathe OK?

Jackie: Mmmpphhh Hmmpphhh.

She nodded her head.

Me: It’s not blocking up your windpipe?

Jackie: Nnnmmppph.

She shook her head that it was not.

Me: Are you anticipating problems that it might?

Jackie: Nnnmppphhh.

Once again she shook her head.

Me: OK.

I proceeded to take the duct tape and set to work sealing the ball into her mouth. I placed the edge of the tape on the side of her head and then wound it around her head tightly seven times. Each time I lifted her French braid up so that it wouldn’t get caught and so that the tape was flush against her head. Eventually I tore the roll off and tucked the end of the tape around the side of her head. I picked up her phone, showed it to her, and started her timer.

Me: If you don’t mind terribly, I’d like to take a souvenir.

I pulled out my little digital camera and she nodded her ascent. I stood up snapped a picture of her as she stared up at the camera and gave me the widest, most pleading innocent eyes that I’d ever seen. As soon as I snapped the picture, she reverted back to her normal contented self. I looked back at the photo and saw a terrified girl begging for release. It’s a photo that would drive me wild, but was not indicative of the moment.

Me: You look terrified in this picture. I LOVE the acting, but this is a memento of our first capture. If you’re having fun you can look like you’re having fun.

Jackie: Mmmpphhhhh Hhhmmpphhhrrrmrmpphhhh.

I went to take another photo and this time she threw up an awkward peace sign with one of her hands as best as her wrist restraints would allow and gave a coy, flirty little wink as I snapped the picture. This one looked more indicative of the feel of the moment.

Me: Great. I’ll start your show. You enjoy your struggle and I’ll check in with you before too long.

Jackie: Mmmmppppphhhhhhh.

She murmured contently as she sunk into her captivity.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 5: "I'm the Most Unhinged of Them All" (M/F) [Part 3 of 3]

Jackie started to wiggle around in her bonds as I turned on this show that she regularly shared with my roommate. I didn’t really see the allure. It had the manufactured drama and sauciness of other reality fare like Million Dollar Listing and Vanderpump Rules. It wasn’t for me. But I was barely watching it. I was watching Jackie. And she didn’t seem to be watching it either. Her eyes were closed half the time. She was rocking back and forth and flexing her limbs to test the bonds. She’d wiggle a certain restraint and grunt repeatedly to the point where I’d think that something might be wrong. But then she’d get an approving air about her and move on to testing another aspect of the tie. At one point she tipped over away from me and I could no longer see her cute little gagged face. But I had a very close view of the her helpless little bare soles wiggling frantically and the slender fingers straining to find any knot within their reach. Despite the fact that I had taken great effort to make sure that that search would be in vain. I had an almost irresistible urge to give her feet a little tickle, but I’d promised no tickling and I decided to stand by it. After 45 minutes of her bucking and shifting and grunting and mewling I decided to check in with her to make sure that everything was copacetic. I took her shoulder in my hand and pushed her down to flip her body back upright. She landed lightly on the pillow and her body swayed a little bit.

Me: How are you doing, Jackie?

Jackie: Hhhmmpphhhhh!!! Mmmpphhhhh Mmmpphhhhh!!!

She smiled at me and nodded approvingly.

Me: OK. Good. I’m going to give you a gag break and check in with you at the halfway mark.

Jackie: Nnnnnmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmpphhhh Mmmmrrrrmpphhhhmmmmmmm. Hhhmmpphhhhhhmmrrrrrmmpphhhhhh.

She seemed to shake her head that this was not necessary, but I decided to take control.

Me: No. Listen here, little missy. You’re not in control anymore. I am! You are getting a gag break and a check in at the 90 minute mark. Do I make myself clear?

I smiled menacingly at her and she immediately shot into a more submissive character that she had stashed away. She whimpered softly into her gag and batted her eyes at me pleadingly.

Me: I said, do I make myself clear? One grunt means Yes. Two grunts means No.

Jackie: Mmmpphhh.

Me: Good girl. Now, back to niceties. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Jackie: Mmppphhhh.

She nodded her head. I looked at her to expound upon this answer and she wiggled her feet and pointed to them as best she could with her bound hands.

Me: Ah. So you do want to be tickled?

Jackie: Nnnmmpphhhh Mmmppphhhh!

She shook her head emphatically that she did not.

Me: But you are pointing to your feet, correct?

Jackie: Mmmpphhh Hhhmmpphhh.

An uncomfortable thought dawned on me as I knew what sort of behavior often went hand in hand on the internet with tying a girl up.

Me: Oh. Yikes! Are you asking me to do what I think you’re asking me to do?

Jackie read the probable mix of concern and embarrassment on my face and shook her head No.

Me: So what am I doing?

Jackie thought for a second and then started stroking her cheek back and forth against the pillow nuzzling it.

Jackie: Mmmppphhhhrrrmmmppphhhhh. Mmmmmmmmm?

Me: You want me to rub your feet? You want a foot rub?

Jackie: Mmmppphhhh!!!!! Mmppphhh!!!!

She started nodding emphatically and tried to clap her hands but with her fingers splayed out awkwardly in different directions it was really just her knocking some knuckles together.

Me: That I can do.

I slid down and started to give her a foot rub. She closed her eyes and got into it. Every once in a while I’d hit a good motion and she’d start to purr contentedly. I’d stay with that course for a while until her body settled down and then I’d move on. This continued on for about 10 minutes with her purring contentedly while occasionally wiggling her hips and giving a token escape effort. Eventually I stopped and went to go prepare a few things for her check in. She sighed and gave me what I thought was a little Thank You through her gag.

Jackie: Phhmmmpphhhh Mmmphh.

I went over to my refrigerator and pulled out a nice cold bottle of water. Aquafina, to be exact. Then I went over to my desk and got a pair of scissors. I waited and watched Jackie struggle around and moan into her gag for the next 10-12 minutes or so before the timer hit 90 minutes.

Me: Are you OK with me cutting the gag off. I promise I’ll be extra careful.

She looked up at me and nodded her consent. I very carefully slid the scissors up to her gag on her right cheek. I peeled it back as best I could with my fingers first and then started cutting down until I’d perforated all 7-8 layers and then I tore down with a satisfying rip. I peeled the tape back across her lips and slowly looped around her head trying to yank as few strands of hair as possible as I looped it around.

Jackie: Mmmpphhhhh Hhhmmppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmmm.

Me: One second.

I pinched the scruff of the stress ball that was sticking out of her mouth but it was too big to extract by just pulling it out. I had to press it back further into her mouth, get more purchase on it with my fingers while inside her mouth to compress it down, and then pull it back out. I tried not to bump her teeth or lips with my bare fingers. It was sort of like playing the game Operation. I failed. But she didn’t seem to mind too much as I pulled the ball out past her lips.

Jackie: Ugh. Thank you.

Me: Can I get you some water?

I waved the water bottle in front of her face.

Jackie: Absolutely. Aquafina!! Is this the Ritz Carlton?!? You really know how to treat a girl here in Room 507.

Me: We aim to please.

I put the bottle to her lips and tipped it back as she drank thirstily. Eventually she pulled her lips away from the lip of the bottle prompting me to pull it back and screw the top back on.

Jackie: That was excellent.

Me: So. Check-in Time. How are we doing?

Jackie: I really enjoyed myself. You’re a true pro.

Me: Thanks. Can I fix anything? Change anything?

Jackie: Yes. Actually. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but the hogtie is a little tight. I could gut it out for the next 90 minutes, but I was wondering if we could lose it.

Me: Loosen it or lose it?

Jackie: Lose it entirely.

Me: Can do.

I went in to find the knot that served as the terminus of her hogtie and I began to untie it.

Me: Anything else?

Jackie: I’m definitely not ready to be done just yet, but when you re-gag me could you not use the stress ball. It works great and now you definitely know that it’ll be effective in the future but it’s pressing up against the top of my mouth and I think I’d just prefer some socks assuming you have some clean ones.

Me: That can be arranged. How was the light entertainment? Are you looking to keep going with the trials and tribulations of the Honor’s captain and crew?

Jackie: Honestly. I didn’t catch more than five minutes of it. I’m going to have to re-watch it with Dale anyway. But I really just kind of floated away for the last 90 minutes and found my contented place. You really got me in a zone. Why don’t you pick what we watch?

Me: Any genre you’re in the mood for?

Jackie: Can we stick with something in the vain of reality TV or gameshows? I don’t need another scripted TV series to become addicted to. I’m already behind on everything.

Me: Sure.

I finally got her hogtie undone and her feet dropped back and hit the bed as she let out a contented groan. I flipped her over and spun her around. I re-arranged the pillow so that it was behind her head and she could watch the TV lying on her back rather than her stomach. I went over to my dresser to fetch some socks to re-apply her gag when a thought hit me.

Me: You know Jackie, I could gag you with my socks.

Jackie: Yeah…that’s fine.

Me: Or…I could get some of Dale’s socks.

Jackie: Oh. You’re a little devious. You’re going to do it without his consent?

Me: Listen, I can text him but that might usher in a lot of questions about why I need to use HIS socks. He’s got a nice argyle pair that he wears to Student Senate meetings. I’m pretty sure that they’re clean and I’ll do laundry before he even notices that they’re missing.

Jackie: Sold.

I fetched the pair of argyle socks from his dresser and returned to the bound captive on my bed.

Me: I’m not going to wrap the tape around your head this time. A healthy number of strips should be sufficient for keeping these in place.

Jackie: Whatever you think. I’m fine with tape around the head. I’m used to it at this point.

Me: Is it a regular thing?

Jackie: It’s Elisa’s modus operandi. If she hasn’t done it to you yet…she will shortly.

Me: I’ll be on the lookout. I saw her get Abbie with it. Now open up for me.

Again Jackie opened her mouth and I slid the socks one by one past her lips and behind her teeth. This time she was able to close her mouth around them, though just barely. She pressed her lips together and I proceeded to rip several strips off the roll of tape and applied them to her mouth with vigor. Each time laying them at a different latitude of her lower face and smoothing them out with my palms.

Me: How’s that?

Jackie: Mmmpphhhh Hhhhmmppphhhhh!!

Me: Splendid. We’ll watch a little show called Taskmaster. It’s a British comedy panel show. I hope you enjoy it.

I switched to the Youtube app on our smart TV and searched for Taskmaster. The first several seasons are all on Youtube. I was currently on Series 6 but decided to start at the beginning for her. Once again, I was not that entranced by what was happening on my television. I was much more interested in the very fetching captive that was lying tightly trussed and gagged on my bed. But now it was much more noticeable to her when I would peak over at her since she was no longer hogtied on her stomach with her face forced forward. So I tried to be less of a creep and only stole the occasional glance under the guise of making sure that she was alright every couple of minutes. She actually did give me plenty of opportunity to look over at her because she was getting very into the show and for a good portion of the first episode was laughing hysterically into her gag. I actually had to ask her if she wanted it removed twice and she shook me off. This was a totally blissful experience for me. I got to sit back and relax while a fetching, personable, and enthusiastic girl rolled around in tight bonds and moaned into a firm gag. However, all good things must come to an end and eventually the timer on her phone elapsed the three hour mark. Tt was time to let her go. I paused the show and bent over my chipper little captive and slowly started to peel the tape away from her mouth. I pulled the tape off gingerly so as not to hurt or irritate the skin on her face and as soon as it was off she opened her mouth. I plucked the damp socks out of her mouth. I was about to ask her how she was feeling when I got an unexpectedly curt reply.

Jackie: You…Fucking…Asshole.

The sudden bluntness of her response hit me like a ton of bricks. My stomach absolutely did a somersault as she stared angrily at me and shook her head in disgust. Oh God. I’d fucked up somewhere along the line. I’d missed some sort of signal. She was angry. What had I done wrong? My head started spinning. I was about to start apologizing profusely for whatever untoward offense I had committed. She clearly read the utter panic on my face and cracked a devious smile and chuckled before retorting.

Jackie: I clearly said I DIDN’T need another TV series to become addicted to! And now I’m locked in for God knows how many seasons of this show.

She then hit me with sly little wink and started laughing. I let out a huge, relieved sigh and she seemed quite contented that she’d gotten me so good. My heart rate had spiked and now it was starting to subside as I began to untie the rope that was hogtying her.

Me: So overall, you enjoyed yourself? You’re fine with doing this again sometime?

Jackie: Of course. I’m a very satisfied customer. My only regret is that I didn’t get to see your personal style. You let me take lead on everything.

Me: I wanted to make sure that you had a good first experience. Now that we have a better understanding of each other, you’ll see my own little flourishes soon enough.

Jackie: Excellent. Wednesdays always work great for me. Stop by anytime. You’re REALLY good at this. I mean the reviews of your work were great, but you exceeded all my expectations.

Me: That’s delightful to hear. I’m also surprised that Elisa was giving such high praise. I figured she was impressed, but she was downplaying my skills to my face. Was that just a bruised ego?

Jackie: Oh, Elisa would never rave about another player’s tying skills. I can assure you that she was probably impressed. But she’s not the one who told me you were a master. That would be Abbie. She was enthralled by how expertly you restrained Elisa. I told you that she’s terrified of your response to her betrayal. You’re welcome to come get her back at any time because honestly, it’ll probably be better for her than the inner turmoil she appears to be in every day awaiting the payback.

Me: Oh. I might just let her stew for a while. I kind of like that she’s punishing herself internally.

Jackie: You’re devious. How long are you going to let that go for?

Me: Who knows? Maybe indefinitely. How long do you think I can keep her in fear of me?

Jackie: No. Don’t do that. Resolve this sooner rather than later. Because right now she’s scared of you. But if you never come get your revenge that will be even worse. She’ll think that you are mad at her. That you hate her. And that’s even worse because that’s already starting to sink in a little bit. She’s going to HATE being all bound up with her mouth stuffed for three hours, but she’ll hate it even more if she thinks that you hate her. Especially after she told me that you were really nice to her after Elisa betrayed her.

Me: You can let her know that there are NO hard feelings between us.

Jackie: Let her know yourself. Can we go to dinner on Friday? You, me, and her. We’ll have a nice little getting to know each other meal outside of the game.

Me: Sure. That sounds pleasant.

Jackie: And you can invite Dale know? I mean…if that’s cool. He’s welcome to come. No big deal.

She smiled sheepishly at me and blushed.

Me: I’ll check if he’s available, but I’ll see to it that he’s there.

By this point I had released all of the rope around Jackie’s upper body and was untying her wrists so that she could help me with her leg bindings. We made quick work of it and she sat on my bed massaging out her sore limbs.

Me: Does it get exhausting being the one person in the club who actually LIKES to be tied up?

Jackie: Not as exhausting as you think. I get a third day off due to my busy schedule. My free days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Club volleyball is a cruel mistress. But I still probably only get captured once or twice a week. The sociopaths in this group don’t like a willing captive. They like a little more distress.

Me: Crazy.

Jackie: I get it. It’s a matter of preference. The allure for some of them is that they’re tormenting their captive. Everybody has their favorite. Erica likes capturing Dale. Dale likes capturing Elisa. Elisa likes capturing Abbie. It’s all about getting the reaction that you want out of your captive.

Me: Well as of present, you’re MY favorite.

Jackie: Thanks. I guess. But I’m your second capture and I’m sure that you’ll learn to love how frustrated Abbie gets or how ticklish Erica is.

Me: Maybe so. I can’t promise that you’ll always be my #1 but if there’s one thing that I like significantly more than a helpless, distressed captive…it’s a captive who is also enjoying themselves. It’s 90% of the fun with 0% of the guilt.

Jackie: That’s a very healthy attitude to have. And I’m looking forward to next week when you can show me more of what you’ve got. But this Friday I’ll be expecting you to meet Abbie and I at the pub. 7:00. Whether Dale can come or not.

Me: It’s a date.

Jackie: Wonderful. I’ll see you then.

She slid back on her sandals and walked over to our closet. She took the other hoodie that I’d seen when Abbie had been left in our room, and slid it on. You could still make out faint rope marks just below her knees and around her ankles. But she appeared entirely unconcerned about covering them up as the ankle ones could potentially be confused with sock marks at a distance. Then she gave me a quick wave goodbye and walked out into the hallway.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great update. Really enjoyed the teasing of Jackie to Trent about the great show of Taskmaster! Where is this college again...?

And now a double date, lucky guy :)
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Another great chapter! Jackie is a very fun and likable character.

Also, I wanted to say thank you for the ample reply you gave me on a comment I left a couple days ago. You even listed some chapters that I should be particularly interested in based on my F/M preference (from how you described chapter 12 and 14, I'm most definitely looking forward to those ones :lol: ) Of course, I am just as excited for all the other chapters you have cooking up for us. Keep up the fantastic work!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another excellent chapter, your descriptions and dialogue are really top notch and it's making for a very immersive read! I said this before, but Jackie is a great character, and from we've learnt in this latest chapter I'm looking forward to seeing more of her and Dale, and Abbie too for that matter.

I think it will interesting to see some interactions outside of the game as well, so I look forward to the next chapter!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Thank you for all of the replies. I try to never take it for granted that people are reading this story.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago So we get to know the final club member :) Nice detailed descriptions and dialogues! I like your style!
Thanks, Caesar73. I appreciate you taking the time to read, especially as you're certainly busy creating a robust fictional universe of your own. I have been reading "The Files of Art Inc." and fully intend to start commenting once I'm current with the narrative. I'm reading chronologically though and am currently almost halfway through Weinstein Collection. I'm very much enjoying the ride though. And I'm a big tennis fan, so it's always lovely to see Ana Ivanovic's picture around.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Jackie is the most unhinged? That's a fairly high bar in this club!

Enjoying the dialogue, ties and retrospectives - keep up the good work!
I'm glad you're enjoying it, tickletied84. I will assure you that even though I named the chapter after that line...that is purely bluster on Jackie's part. I think that she's the most "normal" character that I write. But "normal" is such a subjective term. Thanks for reading.
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Enjoying getting to know these guys, Jackie and Abbie are intresting :)
I'm glad you like them, DommeKirsten. Those two aren't going anywhere. Jackie is probably the character I'D most want to hang out with, which makes her fun to write. And where I'm currently writing the story I find that Abbie is the most DIFFICULT character to write effectively and I'm enjoying that challenge. Thank you so much for reading.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Where is this college again...?
Please know that I do understand that your question was almost certainly a rhetorical one. But there is an answer. I've set the story on a real life college campus in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm never going to explicitly name it in the story for reasons. But eventually there will be enough context clues for people to extrapolate where these characters go to college.
tillytimber123 wrote: 1 year ago Another great chapter! Jackie is a very fun and likable character.

Also, I wanted to say thank you for the ample reply you gave me on a comment I left a couple days ago. You even listed some chapters that I should be particularly interested in based on my F/M preference (from how you described chapter 12 and 14, I'm most definitely looking forward to those ones :lol: ) Of course, I am just as excited for all the other chapters you have cooking up for us. Keep up the fantastic work!
No problem, tillytimber123. I enjoy writing and I enjoy engaging with people. I like to try and attract a wide array of readers with different interests, passions, and points of view. I always want to make sure that there is something for everybody. Thank you for continuing to read.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Another excellent chapter, your descriptions and dialogue are really top notch and it's making for a very immersive read! I said this before, but Jackie is a great character, and from we've learnt in this latest chapter I'm looking forward to seeing more of her and Dale, and Abbie too for that matter.

I think it will interesting to see some interactions outside of the game as well, so I look forward to the next chapter!
Thanks, Rth65. I always tinker with how and when to drop exposition into the story. This seemed like the appropriate place for Trent to learn how things all got started. Outside conversations and negotiations by players in the dining hall, campus pub, library, and other locales around Nashville will feature at some point. It just won't start next chapter. Thank you for the continued support.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 6: "You're So Pragmatic" (MM/FF) [Part 1 of 4]

I had now met every female player in the club. I still had yet to meet the blonde boy that I’d seen on Elisa’s camera. But I was sure that that would come sooner or later. As of now I was just trying to adjust to the game as well as possible. I was excited by the prospect of going out and capturing the other players, but I didn’t want to overstep. And I didn’t want to be seen as predatory. I was still new to the group. My enthusiasm for the world that I had just been invited into was going to be tempered by a little bit of a "wait and see" attitude until all parties involved were more comfortable. For me tying people up had previously been about trust. This game appeared to be the opposite of that. It promoted mistrust. It was an interesting spin on things. Different players handled it differently. Elisa apparently didn’t worry too much because she was feared within the game. People were almost as scared to go and try to capture her for fear that she might come and capture them. Abbie appeared to live in an almost constant state of paranoia. It quite frankly seemed like a miserable existence. And then there was Jackie who was the one player who appeared to really like being tied up. I imagined she’d probably leave out extra rope in her room and bake brownies for her captors to try and entice people to come on up and restrain her.

As far as my ability to relax and lead a somewhat normal existence...the game changed everything AND it changed nothing. What was I going to do? I kept rope coils around to defend myself. But I was going to get captured sooner or later. I’d turn in my conflict sheets each week to ensure that these captures didn’t clash with pre-existing plans and commitments. However, the only days that I ever really felt safe were Wednesday and Friday, my off days. Dale’s off days were Tuesday and Thursday. So between the two of us, our room was half protected on 80% of the weekdays. We’d try and watch each other’s backs as best we could. The Monday following my first club encounter with Jackie we were playing FIFA on Dale’s Xbox. Dale was kicking my ass, as per usual. That would never change. What had changed was the position of our TV. We used to play in our chairs with our backs to the door. That was probably a thing of the past. We now had the TV atop my dresser on the wall to the right of our doorway. That way we could better see the door. And whoever’s off day it was would always sit closer to the door to offer some layer of protection. But today was a Monday. There was no off day for either of us. And I was sitting next to the door. I wasn’t particularly worried. Part of me definitely wanted to get captured. It wasn’t that I thought I fancied being a prisoner. It would just give me a justifiable motivation for revenge…which I certainly did fancy. On this particular night though Dale had some news for me. He broke it to me after giving me yet another drubbing in the game.

Dale: So. A little birdie gave me some inside intel.

Me: Regarding?

Dale: Regarding Elisa and Erica coming to capture us this evening.

Me: Really?

Dale: Yep. Apparently Elisa really wants to have two boys as her captives at once. And since Player #3 and I so rarely cross paths…she thinks that trying to ambush US is the way to go.

Me: And she’s going to spring the trap tonight?

Dale: It makes sense. Too many conflicts on the weekends. We each have an off day Tuesday through Friday. Tonight works perfectly for her.

Me: What should we do about it?

Dale: I was thinking we should pull a little counter-ambush.

I was intrigued by this. I’d relish the opportunity to tie up both Elisa and Erica at once. Going to their room and trying to do it myself seemed like suicide. But if Dale was on board…I was certainly down to give it a shot.

Me: So you want to head down to the second floor and ambush them first?

Dale: God no. Why go them when they’re already coming to us?

Me: It’s not really an ambush if we’re just ready for them. It’s just going to be a shootout.

Dale: Not if one of us hides and “isn’t here”. Then once their guard is down we can spring the trap.

Me: Hides? Our dorm room isn’t that big. The closet?

Dale: Sure. I was thinking the shower. If you stand flush against the North wall you can’t be seen from the doorway.

Me: Won’t they check the bathroom?

Dale: Why would they? I don’t think they’re THAT paranoid. Occam’s Razor would tell them that we don’t know that they’re coming and that they don’t need to check every nook and cranny. If they sus it out, they sus it out. But it’s worth a shot.

Me: Do you want to be the bait or the ambush?

Dale: Doesn’t matter to me. Why don’t you lie in wait? I’ll distract them out here.

Me: Do we know when they’re coming?

Dale: Just after 8:00.

Me: How good is your intel?

Dale: I trust it.

Me: Care to tell me how you came about it?

Dale: Not really. A man has to have his secrets.

Me: Fair enough.

We went back to playing video games until it was almost time for the attack. Shortly before 8:00 we each grabbed a couple of coils of ropes from our respective stashes and went over the plan. Dale would just be minding his business in the room. When the girls burst in he would fight back and would try and take out at least one of them. If he could get both…great. But we considered that unlikely. Once they started tying him up, he’d let me know when their guard was down. When I heard the word “pragmatic”, I’d know that they were not properly armed or paying attention and I’d strike. I took a book into the shower. Because while Dale was pretty confident in his intel…I wasn’t. I didn’t know how long I’d be waiting. I entered the shower and rested on the small ledge that we had near the wall. Dale left the door to the bathroom open so that the girls would have no reason to check it. As they could clearly see in. He then went to his desk chair and started watching Community on our television. I continued reading Exit West by Mohsin Hamad as I waited. It turns out that Dale’s intel was pretty good after all. I hadn’t even finished a chapter when I heard our door open and I instinctively pressed myself against the appropriate wall of the shower as a commotion broke out in our room. I couldn’t see what was happening but I could hear it very clearly.

Dale: Ah….fuck!

I heard a clunking sound, a slapping sound, and a good deal of giggling from a voice that I knew to be Elisa’s.

Elisa: Got you!

Dale: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I got Erica first.

Elisa: You did. But explain to me what that gets you. You’re still my captive, pretty boy.

Dale: Well at least now I have a fellow captive to while away the hours with.

Erica: Like hell you do?!?!

Dale: That’s the way this works, doesn’t it?

Erica: No!! WE captured you. Our TEAM got you before you got both of us.

Dale: I’m a little fuzzy. I thought this was an order of operations thing. I got Erica and Elisa got me. So I get to tie up Erica and then Elisa gets to tie me up.

Erica: Fuck that noise!

Elisa: I think it’s more the transitive property than it is order of operations. Erica is your captive and YOU are my captive. Therefore, Erica is my captive.

Erica: E!! Are you double crossing me?!?!

Elisa: No. There’s no rule that says that I have to tie my captives up. You’ll ceremonially be my subordinate while we torture Dale and his roommate. Speaking of which, where is young Trent?

Dale: The sports center.

Elisa: Sheesh. The kid spends enough time there that you’d think he’d have some decent abs.

*(OK. Ouch)*

Elisa: When’s he going to be back?

Dale: I don’t know. I’m not his keeper. And if I did know I’m not sure that it would be a prescient move to tell you. I don’t recall that being a rule of captives and captors. Though who knows any more with you just making up rules all willy nilly.

Elisa: Making up rules?!? What are you talking about? I’m the biggest stickler that there is.

Dale: Transitive property?

Elisa: Oh grow up. Do you really want to tie up Erica? I’m just going to untie her as soon as you’re tied up. But if you’re feeling cheated I’ll allow it.

Erica: Come on, Dale. You’re beat.

Dale: No. It’s fine. I understand the scenario. But I’d like it confirmed that I have not spent my capture of Erica this week since I’m not being allowed to fulfill it.

Elisa: Fine. You still have the right to capture Erica later this week. Is that cool with you, Erica?

Erica: Fine. Whatever. Good luck with that, Dale.

Elisa: Enough banter. Hands behind your back.

Dale: You’re the boss.

Elisa: Indeed I am.

Dale: And you’re so pragmatic.

He’d used the code word. It was time for me to emerge. I still figured that I needed to do so discreetly. I’d left the shower door open so I wouldn’t have to open it, but I needed to gently step over the lip of the tub so I could spring on both of them without alerting them.

Elisa: I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. But flattery isn’t going to buy you any special treatment.

I knew what it meant though. And I gingerly emerged from the tub and gazed into the room. Dale had positioned himself on the other side of Elisa so that she was forced to tie his hands while looking AWAY from the bathroom door. Erica was focused on them. I rushed into the room and hit them both with coils of rope from point blank range.

Me: Yee haw!!!

Elisa: What the fuck?!?!

Erica: Jesus!!! Fuck!!!

The looks on their faces was priceless. They had been caught totally off guard. Elisa just sort of looked disappointed in herself and her situation but Erica looked like she’d seen a ghost. I’d scared the hell out of her.

Me: Gotcha.

Erica: You scared me half to death, you creep.

Me: Sorry. What I lack in abdominal definition, I make up for in fleetness of foot.

Erica: At the rec center, my ass.

Dale: Sorry. Did I say that? I must have been mistaken.

Erica: So you were just waiting for us in the restroom?

Elisa: They knew we were coming, Erica. We’ve got a little leaky bucket that needs to be plugged.

Erica: Are you saying they were tipped off?

Elisa stared directly at me and gave me a pissed off little smirk.

Elisa: I’m saying I know that a little birdie has been chirping at them and I’m going to have to clip that little birdie’s wings.

I didn’t know why she was staring at me. But she seemed to think I was the one who knew where the information about their attack had come from. I did not. But I wasn’t going to share that information with her. Dale didn’t look that worried.

Me: Poor birdie. What do you say, Dale? Do you want to do this here or take them down to their room so they don’t have to slink down the halls with rope marks?

Erica: He’s not getting tied up also?

Me: Not tonight.

Erica: Afraid to tie another boy up? Worried it might awaken something in you if you tie Dale or S-

Elisa: Player #3!

Erica: What?

Elisa: You were about to say his name.

Erica: So?

Elisa: So, Trent has never met him.

Erica: Really?

Dale: I’VE never met him.

Elisa: Really?

Dale: Yep.

Elisa: What the hell? I’m going to get that little coward over here to capture you two idiots.

Dale: You do that. But not now. Now you get to pay for your ill-advised breach of our room tonight. Let’s do this in YOUR room. You’ll be more comfortable there.

Elisa: Fine by me. But you’ll pay for this and you’ve got a whole week to go without any protection from us.

Dale: I still have both my captures left. Technically you’re Trent’s captives right now. HE’S unprotected. Not me. Sorry, buddy.

Me: No problem. I’ll deal. These two are amateurs with ropework anyway.

Erica: Fuck off, Trent.

Elisa: I won’t be baited. You know you don’t want to be my captive again. It’ll be WAY different than last time.

She was correct. I thought I could slip from Erica’s ties without too much issue. Erica was good. But there were flaws. I got lucky in conjunction with desperation when it came to my escape from Elisa. I was sure that she could keep me corralled for three hours. But I was intrigued. Part of me hoped that I’d like it a little more than the first time.

Elisa: And can I assume that just as my capture of you voided your capture of Erica, that Trent’s capture of me voids my capture of you? I’m free to capture you later this week.

Dale: Of course. Talia Anderson didn’t raise no hypocrite.

Erica: Talia Anderson?

Dale: My mother, Erica. I’m saying my mother didn’t raise me to be a hypocrite.

Erica: I don’t know your mother’s name.

Dale: Why not?

Erica: Do you know my mother’s name?

Dale: Mother’s name…Rhonda. Father’s name…Stephen. I actually listen when YOU talk.

Erica: Dang. OK.

Me: Mine are Carol and Colin in case that’s relevant. Now should we get a move on? I’m assuming that you two will want to be released before midnight.

Elisa: Lead the way, captor.

Me: OK. Let me just grab my materials.

Elisa: Do you want to just use ours? They’re already packed.

She pointed to two backpacks by the bed. Those were clearly what they’d brought to capture us with.

Me: Is that permissible?

Elisa: Yeah. Why not? These are tried and true. I’d rather get tied with my own ropes than whatever scratchy ass stuff you got from Home Depot in the last week.

Me (jokingly): How dare you?

Elisa: Don’t trust me?

Me: No. Your stuff will do fine. Let’s roll out.

The girls grabbed their backpacks and we headed down the hallway to the stairwell. We descended to the second floor and entered their room.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 4896
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by Caesar73 »

I loved that ambush ;) Nicely done!
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