Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

Post by Fandango »

I'm somewhat new to the site but hope to contribute fictional stories regularly. Here is my first one about a group of college friends who like to play kidnapping games recreationally. A few disclaimers I wanted to mention before I start:

**Apologies in advance, but my stories are long and my chapters themselves are long. On the advice of the moderators I'm going to break them into smaller pieces. Pieces will still usually be between 2500 and 4000 words.
**I don't do quick and dirty. I might occasionally spend long stretches of stories dealing with things that are not rope and gag related. I'm trying to flush out characters and set up future conflicts and plots so I'll have a good deal of dialogue and normal conversations. I promise they'll get to the tying up sooner or later. I'll try to make it sooner.
**I am not my main character. Sometimes he'll say what I'm thinking. And sometimes I'll think that he's being asinine. This goes for all of my characters. I'm not trying to offend anybody. These are college kids. They might refer to a 40 year old as "old". I'm in my 30s now. I don't think you're old if your 40 or 50 or 60. They might kink shame another character. I don't think your foot fetish or bondage kinks are creepy. These are a bunch of fictional idiots written by an idiot. Take what they say and do with a grain of salt.
**These stories will be mostly M/F, F/M, and F/F. There will be some M/M but it's WAY down the line. I will gender tag every chapter individually. Chapters will all be named after a snippet of dialogue from that chapter. Once I get into the story, I'll probably try and edit a Table of Contents into this post.
**Lastly, I've put this in the Fictional Stories for Adults Section. It's not going to get very "adult" for a long time. But I don't want to have to move it later. During junior year I'm going to work consensual sexual encounters into the story. That's still a ways off though. I apologize that it will stay pretty tame and mild for a while.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 - "She's Definitely Got a Villain Inside of Her" (F/M) Elisa jumps Trent into a new club AND Dale explains the rules
Chapter 2 - "Auf Wiedersehen, Chumps" (MF/F) Elisa offers an apology gift AND Trent and Abbie form an alliance
Chapter 3 - "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) Trent gets revenge on Elisa AND suffers an inevitable betrayal
Chapter 4 - "I Walked Right Into That One" (F/M) Erica captures Trent AND Trent proves that he's a worthy adversary
Chapter 5 - "I'm the Most Unhinged of Them All" (M/F) Trent meets another club member AND learns why he got to join the club

On to the story:

Sophomore Year - Chapter 1: "She's Definitely Got a Villain Inside of Her" (F/M) [Part 1 of 3]

My name is Trent. I've been interested in tying girls up since as far back as I can remember. In high school I managed to take part in several tie-up games and adventures with girlfriends and plutonic friends that were mildly satisfying but overall unremarkable compared to what I participated in starting during my final three years of college. I got in with a group of friends who were every bit as into capturing other people and restraining them as I was. I was a little later to join the group than several of the others. It took me some time to get involved. I wasn't just going to go around broadcasting that I wanted to tie girls up because that didn't seem like the prudent thing to do. I had no such experiences all throughout my freshman year, but I made a lot of friends and joined a lot of on campus activities. I got along really well with a friend named Dale and we decided to live together sophomore year. We got a fairly good housing lottery number and we were able to score a room in the best modern dorm on campus. After living our freshman years on a wing with tiny rooms and a communal bathroom shared by 40+ guys, it was nice to have a room with a little bit of breathing space, a closet (though quite small), and an en suite bathroom (also quite small).

Dale and I didn't immediately begin discussing our shared interests in trussing people up. It took over a month before we kind of figured it out. We'd play video games, play basketball and soccer at the rec center, and watch movies in our dorm room. I think what really triggered the conversation was the fact that we'd gotten a little drunk and had noticed that the current movie that we were watching was the eighth or ninth consecutive film we'd seen together that contained a scene with a bound female. A lot of them featured scenes prominently with more intense bindings and were films that were by no means blockbusters and probably never even hit the theaters (How to Rob a Bank, Friended to Death, Lone Star State of Mind, etc.). However, we certainly noticed that each one of us was only picking every other movie. Clearly we were gravitating towards films with scenes in them as a way of reaching out and at some point in October we actually talked it out. He shared his interests with me and I told him that I was definitely very into the concept of tying girls up. He asked me if I had any interest in being tied up by a woman. I told him that I didn't think that it held much appeal for me...but I wasn't entirely opposed to the idea if it's something that a girl wanted to do. Especially if she was willing to let me tie her up also. I had no idea that this conversation would be the start of dozens of tie up games to come in the next three years.

My conversation with Dale occurred while we were watching How to Rob a Bank on a Sunday evening. On Tuesday evening of that same week, shortly after I got back from dinner, our friend Elisa dropped by our room. She was a fairly good friend of both of ours. She'd been to our dorm room multiple times before but she was probably closer with Dale than she was with me. She was an excellent volleyball player who had played on our college's club team her freshman year. She had since dropped off due to not liking the woman who ran the team. Dale had recruited her onto our co-ed intramural basketball team and she was a pretty good athlete all around. She stood 5'10" tall and had a very athletic, toned body. She had blonde shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes over a killer smile. She was definitely a looker. An absolute scorcher actually. Tonight she was wearing a very casual outfit of jeans and an unzipped black jacket over a white T-shirt that was long enough to touch the jeans when she was standing still but taunted you with potentially exposing her midriff when she reached for something or moved her arms. She was easily the best looking girl that I spoke to on a semi-regular basis. She was also the only girl that I regularly associated with whom I would describe as a "bad girl". It did not surprise me in the slightest that she had butted heads with the leadership of the club volleyball team and left. She was rebellious and reckless and probably a bad influence on most of her friends. And that made her entirely beguiling to me. Prior to the moment that she stepped into our room on that Tuesday I never seriously harbored any sort of romantic interest for her for two reasons. Firstly, she was WAY out of my league, aside from probably being incompatible from a dating perspective. For one reason or another I felt I'd forever be uncomfortable in a relationship with her. Secondly, she was fairly open about being bi-sexual. That didn't mean that she might be totally uninterested in a guy like me...but I also was left to wonder whether she leaned a little closer to a Kinsey 4 than a Kinsey 2. Dale was not in the room when she came over and I really don't recall what we talked about for the first 5-7 minutes she was there. She didn't get right to what I'd eventually learn was her primary objective, but I certainly remember what she said when she got to the point.

Elisa: Trent, I have a weird favor to ask. Can I tie you to that bed?

Me: Excuse me?

That was a blunt question if I'd ever heard one.

Elisa: I said it was a weird favor. I've got a wager with a friend. She wants to try being more adventurous with her boyfriend. She says that guys have severe trust issues and are uncomfortable with being vulnerable to an attractive female. I told her that it's all a matter of persuasion. I bet her that I could ask ten guys to let me tie them to their bed and I'd get Yeses from at least seven of them.

Me: Dale might be willing to help you meet your quota. He'll be back at some juncture tonight. I can have him give you a text.

Elisa: That's very helpful. But I've already asked you and if you say No then I have to count that AGAINST my total.

Me: How is your friend going to know? I won't tell her that you asked me.

Elisa: It's the honor system, Trent. I'm not going to lie to her. And if you say No then I'll already be 2 for 4 and in dire straights. I do NOT want to lose this wager.

Me: And your friend believes in the honor system also? She's just going to believe that you tied down seven gentlemen because you told her you did. I wouldn't want you to have to burnish any proof of such an act. That could be potentially humiliating.

Elisa: Of course. She's a strong believer in the honor system also.

Me: Sadly. I think that I share her opinions on trust issues.

Elisa: That's disappointing. When was the last time that you had an offer like this?

Me: Not recently.

Elisa: Ever?

Me: This specific offer. No? Not ever.

Elisa: You know me. What's the worst that could happen?

Me: You could harvest my kidneys.

Elisa: You know I almost failed biology. I'd never get a viable working organ out of here. And Dale will be back before too long.

Me: That's another thing that worries me. I don't want him getting the wrong idea.

Elisa: I think him seeing you looking like you're getting lucky is the right idea.

Me: Am I getting lucky?

Elisa: Only one way to find out.

I knew her well enough to know that she didn't really mean that. But the social math was starting to add up. I should let her tie me up. She was flirting. It would help us get to know each other better. Maybe it would be fun.

Me: Fuck. Your friend might have a point about the trust issues. But you certainly make a good case for the power of persuasion. I'll acquiesce.

Elisa: Excellent. I have a few ropes in my bag. I'll be done in a jiff.

Now, if you're wondering why I wasn't suspicious that I had had my first real talk with a college friend about my proclivities less than 48 hours earlier and now this seemingly related event was occurring shortly on that conversation’s heels...of course that was going through my head. But curiosity is a hell of a thing.

Elisa had me lay down on the lower bunk, which was mine, and she proceeded to tightly tie a rope to the headboard. She then used some rather elaborate rope work to secure my wrist and within a minute my left arm was secured to the beam of my bunk. The tie was quite snug. My wrist tied in it's own right, but a lashing secured it to the bed post with the final knot tied securely behind the post where I was going to be unable to reach it.

Me: That's a heck of a restraint. You're no amateur at this.

Elisa: It wouldn't be a proper trust exercise if you could easily get out.

Our bunk bed was against the wall that our doorway was on, so somebody entering our dorm room would have to turn to their left to see the beds. The fact that it butted up against the wall meant that she couldn't walk around to the other side to tie my other wrist. Instead she slid over my prone body and used another piece of rope to start tying my right wrist to the other post. Her long athletic legs draped themselves over my stomach while she worked but in another two minutes or so, my right arm was secured to the post. She gave a couple yanks to check the knot and then satisfied with her work she pushed herself up and slid over me out of the bottom bunk.

Elisa: How does that feel?

Me: It certainly feels like trust. I'm not sure that I'm going much of anywhere until you let me out.

Elisa: Good. Now for your legs.

Me: You're not going to tie me full spread eagle are you?

Elisa: No. Nothing that tawdry. Please put your feet together for me.

I was still wearing sneakers but I put my feet together for her so she could finish with whatever she had planned. She rolled up the cuffs on my khakis slightly. she then looped a rope at center mark that looked to be substantially longer than necessary for simply tying my ankles together. She proceeded to loop it around my ankles in a hitch and then wrap circularly several times around my ankles. After about the fifth or sixth loop she pulled it through the center and lashed it several times between the loops closing them together. I'd seen this style of tie many times in various internet videos that I enjoyed and was starting to get a little uneasy. It was also the method that I used when I'd tied people up in the past. When she'd finished knotting it off she still had two lengthy threads hanging off the end. She pulled these taut and lashed them to one of the skinny rungs at the base of my bed using what I recognized from my time sailing as a double overhand stopper knot and then used a second knot that I was less familiar with for good measure.

Elisa: There. That ought to hold you.

Me: I imagine it will. Now in a question I probably should have asked before I got myself into this long is this supposed to hold me for?

Elisa: Long enough. Three hours is usually the goal that I'm shooting for.

Me: Three hours?!?! I've got shit to do tonight. Hopefully you intend to let me out well before that.

Elisa then reached into her backpack and pulled out a handkerchief and a roll of duct tape. At this point I had a serious adrenaline spike and a fear started to creep through my body.

Me: I know what that is for and I am OUT. I'm serious, Elisa. I think you should untie me.

Elisa: This is all part of it, darling.

Me: Not anymore. Please let me go.

Elisa: Hey. If you want to gag a girl, you need to be able to handle a gag yourself.

Me: Who the fuck says I wanted to gag a girl?!?!

I started remembering my conversation with Dale and while I didn't think that he'd ever blatantly betray me I was wondering if he might have let something slip to Elisa while he was drunk or in some sort of mood. She hung over me menacingly and bunched the handkerchief into a ball. Was this her trying to teach me some sort of lesson for having seemingly misogynistic feelings towards restraining women.

Elisa: Open up, sweetie.

I did not open up. I kept my lips pressed tightly shut. She waited for about ten seconds and then her mouth turned into a frown.

Elisa: Listen. We can do this the easy way...or the hard way. You won't like the hard way.

I thought back to those previously mentioned videos that I'd watched and noted that the captor would oftentimes pinch a girl's nose to get her to open her mouth. I figured that if Elisa thought that that would do the trick, she'd be sorely mistaken. I figured that I'd have to open my lips but I could easily breath through my teeth. I didn't think I was ticklish enough for her to make that work. I figured she might slam something into my stomach to knock the wind out of me. I didn't think that she would be that savage but she'd already surprised me half a dozen times with things that I hadn't previously thought about her in the last fifteen that was not outside the realm of possibility. I did some very quick situational analysis and decided to open my mouth and take the handkerchief. She pushed it in past my teeth and when it was fully in my mouth she prodded my mouth to close by pushing on my chin with her index finger.

Elisa: That's a good boy.

She said those words so condescendingly that I glowered at her with a pretty hateful look. I was having trouble coming up with a time when I'd ever been as mad at somebody as I was right now. She proceeded to rip a piece of tape off of the roll of duct tape and press it down firmly over my lips, smoothing it aggressively with both hands. She repeated this process several more times until I had seven strips of tape over my mouth at varying positions and angles that ensured that I was not going to simply use my tongue to push the cloth out of my mouth. When she was done she bent over me and slapped each of my pants pockets. Clearly she was looking for something that she thought should be there but was not. Was she looking for my wallet? Was she trying to rob me? She glanced around the room and then walked over to my desk.

Elisa: Oh, there you are.

She picked up my phone and showed me that she had opened Clock app. For a heart-stopping second I was worried that she was going to open Instagram so seeing that it was only the Clock app came as quite a relief. She shifted the setting to Timer and set it for three hours.

Elisa: See. Three hours. We're going to see if I'm as good as I think I am.

Me: Hmmmmpphh!! Mmmpphh!!

Elisa: Oh please. The time will literally fly by with all the fun that you'll be having. Sadly most of that fun will be without me here. I'm going to leave you as a present for your roommate, Dale. He'll take things from there. But I've got about 15 minutes to spare for you, so I figure I should probably test drive a few things.

She set the phone down next to me, face up so that I could see the timer. Then she went over to my feet and pulled off my left sneaker. She calmly tossed it over her shoulder and then removed the other one. She peeled off my socks one at a time and then dropped them, along with my right sneaker onto the floor.

Elisa: Are you ticklish, Trent?

Me: Nnmmmpphh.

Elisa: Well let's see. Coochy coochy coo.

Now I'm not a particularly ticklish person and my feet are not my most ticklish zone so I wasn't expecting it to be that bad. However, just as she was well practiced in tying people up...I could see that she had perfected the complimentary skill of tickling people. She let my bare feet have it with the deft strokes of her nails. She dug in when she needed to and lightly brushed at other times to throw in some off-speed action. I tried to give her as little satisfaction as possible but some bucking and muffled yelps definitely came out involuntarily.

Elisa: Only mildly ticklish. Disappointing. Let's see if maybe I'm just focusing on the wrong spots.

She rolled up my green T-Shirt and dug her fingers into my ribs, applying heavy pressure and scratching out a pulsating rhythm wherein which she would drag her nimble fingers between two or three ribs at a time on each side. This was much more effective. I began making a series of muffled grunts and thrashed from side to side. After about five minutes, I was panting. She seemed satisfied that I was sufficiently flustered and stood up from my bed.

Elisa: That was more what I was looking for. OK. I've got to go. Like I said, I'm leaving you as a present for Dale. I'm texting him presently.

She pulled out her phone and in less than the amount of time that I thought a reasonable human could type a proper text message I heard the Whoosh letting me know that a text had been sent. She slid her phone into her jeans pocket and picked up her backpack. She unzipped a side pocket and pulled out a small Nikon digital camera. My heart stopped.

Elisa: One more thing. I need a little memento to remember you by, my little dumpling.

Me: Nnmmmpphh!! Nnmmmppphhh!!

This was certainly not something that I was OK with and I shook my head vigorously from side to side. I had been thoroughly humiliated with just two of us here. I had no desire for anybody else to get to bear potential witness to my misfortune. Nevertheless, she clicked the button and the flash went off. She checked the picture and seeming satisfied, put the camera back into her backpack, zipped it up, and slung it over her shoulder. She opened the door my dorm room, glanced both ways down the hallway, and then turned back to me and blew me a kiss.

Elisa: Bye bye for now, Trent. I hope that this introduction has shown you that I'm nobody that you want to fuck with. I'll be seeing you around.

With that she walked out of my room and closed the door behind her.
Last edited by Fandango 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 1: "She's Definitely Got a Villain Inside of Her" (F/M) [Part 2 of 3]

I was livid. I'd been bound. I'd been gagged. I'd been tickled. I'd had a humiliating picture taken of me. I'd been demeaned and mocked by a gorgeous girl that I had thought was a friend of mine. I'd been left to be found by my roommate, which would only further compound my humiliation. I had to establish that most of those things had already happened. However, Dale finding me tied up had not happened yet. So I resolved right there that he wouldn't. I was going to escape from this fate if it was the last thing that I did. The timer that she set was for three hours but it had only been 20ish minutes and Dale would be back from the gym by 9:00, which was in an hour and a half. Did she think that he wouldn't untie me? Had he been part of this betrayal?

I tested all of the knots. There was no way that I was reaching any of the knots that could free my hands. I'd have to literally flip my wrist around 180 degrees to have a shot at them. They were lashed to the bed posts above my head and I could slide them further up the bed post towards Dale's top bunk but the lateral board that ran near my head stopped me from sliding them down any lower to try and get leverage. My feet were tied tightly to the footboard of the bed so that my body was stretched out pretty tautly. However, I found that if I scooted my butt back and forth and slid my hands down as far as possible, that I could create a couple inches of slack in the rope tethering me to the footboard. I also noticed that in order to properly secure my feet with the knots she had wanted and secure them in the best position to be tickled...she had had to tie them to a more narrow support rung and not the actual bulkier slats at the other end of the bed. I thought that if I gave myself as much slack as possible and torqued my legs to the side I could probably snap that little beam. I wasn't really thinking about my security deposit at this point. I figured that if it broke where I thought it might, it would even be difficult to notice at the end of the year inspection.

So I slid my butt as far as I could down my bed and immediately began thrusting my legs from left to right towards the wall as hard as I could. I tried about ten times in a row and nothing happened but the reverberations in the wood made it seem like it was possible. So I kept at it. Eventually I had to stop every four to five thrusts in order to regather my energy. Finally after what felt like about 50 yanks (I wasn't actually counting), the wood splintered. I immediately grew excited and after six more vicious thrusts, now away from the wall so as not to kick my wall aggressively, I managed to break the little beam off of the bedframe. My ankles were still tied together but were no longer attached to the bedframe. This was a huge step and key to my plan because I knew that I would need my legs for the idiotic second part of my escape trick. I looked over at the timer that Elisa had set and saw that over 45 minutes had elapsed since she'd set it and all I had managed to do was break my bed to release the foot tether. I told myself that I needed a full 20 minutes to rest because Phase 2 was going to require a stupid amount of upper body strength and I was not ready to attempt it yet in my winded state. Twenty minutes would give me until 8:15, and then I'd have 45 minutes to pull this off before Dale got back.

Finally after 25 minutes (I gave myself a little extra time), I decided to make my initial attempt. I knew that I couldn't reach the knots binding my wrists to the bedposts. But since I could slide them up the bed post I figured that if I could get them up to the point where Dale's bed can debunk from mine...I could just slide one off if I could get one post out of the socket for a second. The main problems with this plan were threefold. First, you can't just slide one post off. That would be a dangerous flaw in a bunk bed. It has to be intentional and you have to slide all four off at a pretty even rate. Therefore, if I couldn't properly stabilize the top bunk to slide back down once my wrist is released...I'd risk the whole top bunk falling on me and that seemed like it would be painful. That was the least of my concerns, as my second concern was that the bed would be too heavy for me to lift up in the first place. I didn't have the proper angle to put my full upper body weight into it with my wrists lashed so closely to the headboard so I'd need a lot of strength to push up the posts while my feet had to do the heavy lifting on the other end. The third problem was that my feet weren't going to be able to push up at the other end because I'm not God damned Gumby and my body was already stretched out enough as it was. I was going to have to push from the middle of the bed and get it to lift as high as it could and hope that I could get one of the posts to dislodge for a split second and slide the wrist rope over before it dropped back down.

Now that I had identified a plan of attack I raised my bare feet to one of the slats directly above my solar plexus and pushed. Then with all of the stretch that I had in me I slid my wrists up the poles as far as they would go. My fingers managed to be at just above the level that marked the bottom of Dale's half of the bunk that was no longer technically "my bed" as far as the manufacturer was concerned. Surprisingly, it started to inch up and the plan appeared to be working. Unfortunately, it hit a snag due to my feet not being far enough away for the angle of lift to be even. Eventually I had no choice but to give up this attempt and collapse back exhausted. I breathed laboriously into my gag contemplating how to adjust for my failure. My plan could conceivably work but I needed to do it at a more strenuous angle for better leverage. I looked over at my phone. That attempt had taken ten minutes. I had now been tied up for an hour and fifteen minutes and had only had half an hour until Dale arrived back. Probably. There was always a chance that he'd be flirting with some girl or stop and talk about a class with a friend and be waylaid. But if his normal schedule held, I only had thirty minutes.

I took a ten minute rest to recover my sapped strength and then gave it another go. I slid my feet about nine inches further away from the headboard than I had on my previous attempt. I kicked them upward as firmly as I could and felt the top bunk start to lift, this time the supports near my feet outpacing the ones near my head by a couple of inches. I slid my wrist bindings up the posts and with a very awkward grip gave the base of Dale's bed a pinch between my thumb and index finger on each side. I slid the poles up as far as they could go. My legs began to shake from the pressure but I soldiered on and eventually I felt the frame that my left hand was holding slide off the post. I dragged my wrist binding off but it snagged on my binding. I moved my hand back to dislodge the snag and I was successful but in that moment I dropped the bed and the weight of that post cracked down on my left hand hard on it's way back into it's mooring.

Me: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmppphhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

A searing pain shot through my hand as the post had hit at full force on the side of my hand near the bottom knuckle of my little finger. I was not entirely sure that I hadn't broken the finger. However, now my hand was free. I shook it vigorously for a minute until the pain subsided from a searing pain into more of a throbbing pain. I then reached up and started to peel the tape off of my mouth. I was slow and deliberate with the tape so as not to cause myself any more distress, but part of me figured that I should probably just rip it off to distract from the pain in my hand. I didn't. I methodically pulled it off and then angrily crumpled the tape in my free left hand and tossed it at the wastebasket a couple of feet from my bed. I missed the basket entirely in my anger. I then pulled the now damp handkerchief out of my mouth and dropped it onto the floor next to my bed. Even with a free hand it was going to be difficult to untie my right wrist as I still couldn't see the knot that I was trying to untie. I looked at the one that was still attached to my left wrist and studied it for reference. This girl certainly was skilled in the art of ropework. But my time as both an Eagle Scout and a sailing instructor had given me a lot of practice with knots and ropework so I gave it the old blind one-handed go of it. Eventually I picked through the double knot that Elisa had tied and my right wrist came free of the headboard. I reached down and untied my ankles without too much difficulty. I untied the knot on my left wrist and removed the extraneous rope. I was now totally free and absolutely fucking FURIOUS. I noticed that the stupid timer that Elisa had set was still going and that I had "officially" been tied up for an hour and forty minutes. It had been 100 minutes of hell. But she'd fallen short of her three hour goal. At least I had that to hold over that cocky bitch, if I ever decided to speak to her again.

I knew that before I did anything rash the first course of action that needed to happen was for me to talk to Dale when he returned. Clearly the fact that I had been tied up and abused was a direct result of the conversation that we had had the previous weekend. I needed to know what he had said to Elisa and what the ramifications were for me before I pursued any sort of plan. She had a compromising picture of me that I knew I didn't want going anywhere. I wanted to make her life as hellish as she had just made mine...but I wasn't holding all of the cards yet. So I decided to just sit at my desk and wait for my roommate to return.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I really enjoyed the first chapters of your story. Great work!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great start! I like that it's a bit of a slow burn, I think that the story so far is very intriguing, will be interesting to see how these characters develop
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) -
A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 1: "She's Definitely Got a Villain Inside of Her" (F/M) [Part 3 of 3]

It was almost thirty minutes between the time I'd freed myself and when Dale returned to our room. Clearly, he had been waylaid as he walked through the door at around 9:20. In the interim I splinted and bandaged my hand as best I could.

Dale: Hey man, how's it going?

Me: Not well. Not well at all.

Dale: Yeah. You look like shit. Are you feeling OK?

Me: Close the door please.

Dale shut the door and stared at me with a concerned look on his face.

Me: Do you care to tell me why Elisa Thompson just tied me to my bed and left me as a "present" for you?

I used air quotes to highlight the word "present" and even though the pinky finger isn't used in air quotes, the tensing of my hands in that manner still gave a sharp sting. I was going to have to get my hand checked out.

Dale: You're fucking with me!

Me: I am not fucking with you. She said she sent you a text. May I see it.

Dale: I thought that was sent to me in error. I totally figured she meant to send it to another group member.

Me: Can I see your phone?

Dale: OK. Yeah. Sure.

He handed me his phone and I checked his recent text log with Elisa. The only text that she had sent him in the last three hours was the emoji of a wrapped gift...a "present" if you will. That explains how she had typed it so fast. I checked their recent text log. Dale had sent her two of that same emoji in the last three weeks but she hadn't ever sent it before. There were also several texts that said things like "2 is [Money w/ Wings emoji]" or "6 is [Money w/ Wings emoji]" but the most common texts were her saying "1 is [Money w/ Wings emoji]" and him saying "5 is [Money w/ Wings emoji]".

Me: OK. I have no idea what the fuck any of this means. What did you fucking tell her about our conversation that made her think that she could tie me up? I talked to you in confidence about something that is deeply personal to me and in less than four days you blabbed it to a raging psychopath who I'm guessing figured that some kinky, obviously misogynistic, controlling asshole such as myself deserved to be taught a lesson in girl power.

Dale: That is NOT what happened. I did not tell her a single thing that you said to me. All I told her was that you might be willing to join our club.

Me: Your club?!?!

Dale: That girl certainly has a fucking screw loose. She had absolutely no right to jump you in with an initiation like this. It was beyond reckless. I think she thinks that I'm some sort of loose lipped leaky faucet and had discussed it with you previously. Clearly, I have not.

Me: So this is the initiation for some sort of club that I'm supposed to be in now?

Dale: Yes. I'm sure she took special care to demean and humiliate you, but in a way this was actually her way of inviting you to tie her up.

Me: Oh. Sure. I'll go do that. And then she can complete her revenge by having me arrested and expelled for kidnapping and sexual assault while I'm at it.

Dale: No. Seriously. Listen to me. We've got a club that is enthusiastic about capturing people and tying them up. Secrecy is paramount. I've been in it the entire time that we’ve been roommates and I'm very confident that you've been none the wiser. I've tied up one girl or another over half a dozen times and I remain convincingly not arrested.

Me: Did you ever think that maybe that's because you're a god damn dreamboat? I don't think girls like Elisa will permit such behavior from those of us that aren't male models.

I consider myself a fairly average looking guy. I'm 6'0". I'm 185 pounds. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm not bad looking but I don't know that there is anything that is particularly alluring about me. I don't stand out. I play background characters in people's dreams. Dale on the other hand, is gorgeous. He actually does do modeling during the summers. I'd say that he looks like a young Ashton Kutcher, but I think that the ladies on campus would think that that's being too generous to 90s Ashton Kutcher.

Dale: Oh. She'll permit it. She doesn't have to enjoy it, but as long as you follow the rules of engagement...she'll accept the consequences of her actions. She's the most aggressive player and likes to intimidate the other players into leaving her out of their schemes, but she is fair game and will abide by the rules as strictly as anybody. Aside from whatever the fuck she pulled tonight. But I'm pretty sure that's a misunderstanding that I'm probably partially to blame for.

Me: So you're telling me that I can walk right on down to her room on the second floor and tie her up tonight.

Dale: No. Tonight is her off night.

Me: OK. Tomorrow then?

Dale: No. Wednesday is her other off night.

Me: Jesus Christ! So when can I exact my revenge that you're promising me?

Dale: Literally any other night. Everybody gets two designated off days to relax and make sure that the games don't fuck with their schedules. Well...I guess one girl gets three but everybody likes her, so nobody begrudges her the extra day. Elisa's days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mine are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Notice how calmly I walk back to the apartment knowing that nobody will jump me. I don't want to risk missing Tuesday night basketball so I chose today as one of my freebies.

Me: I've never seen you get jumped on any day.

Dale: That's because they weren't allowed to do it while you were around. We have a very strict code of secrecy. Some of them refer to you as my "shield". I promise I never really used you, but whenever we were playing video games or watching movies...I was effectively off limits because there was an uninitiated person around. When you would go to dinner without me or go study in the library...that's when they'd go on the hunt for me.

Me: How many people are in this group?

Dale: Your inclusion makes 7. Four girls, three guys.

Me: And you just go around tying each other up willy-nilly at your leisure?

Dale: Well, there are extensive rules and protocols...but I think "Yes" might be the somewhat appropriate answer to that question.

Me: Rules?

Dale: Yes. There are probably at least a dozen rules that I'll have to go over with you before you start. Maybe more. You can let me know if you have questions and I'll clarify anything that doesn't make sense.

Me: OK. Do you have time now?

Dale: Sure. Rule #1. The Fight Club Rule. You absolutely do not talk about anything that goes on in the club with non-initiated people. You can discuss whatever you want with other members of the club. However, all club activities, membership, escapades, et cetera are strictly secret. Nobody gets to know about them.

Me: Elisa snapped a picture of me before she left. You're telling me that she can't share that with anybody that's not one of the other five of you?

Dale: Ahem. Other "six of us". I'm positive that tonight means that you're in. I have no clue how she managed to get you flash approved so quickly...but I have some ideas as to what motivated her. But you're correct. Nobody outside of the group is ever allowed to see that picture. She didn't take it with her phone did she?

Me: No. She used a small digital camera.

Dale: Good. Any recording of activity on one's phone is strictly forbidden. Phones are commonly looked at by outsiders. I just gave you mine a minute ago. They can be hacked. And you'll usually have them on you when you're drunk and careless. You are allowed to take souvenir photos but they have to be on a camera that doesn't require a professional to develop the film.

Me: OK. Continue.

Dale: Alright. We'll call Rule #2 the No Phone Camera Rule and proceed to Rule #3. Rule #3, you may only capture a person in their dorm room or the dorm room of another club member. And you may only do so when no non-initiated persons are around. Hence, one of the reasons why I think you were approved so quickly. They wanted to remove my shield. You can't capture Elisa in the the dining hall. You're going to have to lure her here or get her in her room.

Me: I'll manage. That seems reasonable.

Dale: Rule #4. You may only capture any other group member once per week and you may not capture them on one of their off days. You know my off days. You know Elisa's off days. Tell one of us your two off days and they'll be sent to all of the other members. You'll learn the other member's off days when you meet them.

Me: When will I meet the other members?

Dale: Rule #5. New members will only meet existing members when they capture you for the first time. It's part of the initiation process as well as protecting existing members who don't want their identities revealed to people that they might not trust. Only three of the existing members had to approve you and those are the only three that you'll get to know when you start. Clearly Elisa is fair game. I'm guessing that I'm another one as I put your name in for nomination, even though I hadn't asked you yet and never officially voted. It was more of an inquiry with Elisa but apparently she went and fucking ran with it. I don't know who the third vote was but you'll get that person's name and room # and you can start capturing them immediately. All of the other members need to come to you first.

Me: OK.

Dale: Rule #6. There are expectations as to how you'll treat a captive once you have them tied up. We'll say this rule has multiple parts. 6a: No removing any clothing. What a captive is wearing is what you tie them up in. If you walk in on a captive that isn't fully let them get dressed to their comfort level before you begin tying them up. The exception to this rule is that you are definitely allowed to remove shoes and socks. Tickling your captive is fair game. 6b: Nothing overtly sexual. No groping, licking, undue touching. Tying somebody up is tawdry enough. We keep it professional. Once again, tickling, poking, light patting, and things of that nature are permitted. 6c: No forceful striking. Nothing violent. Nothing that will hurt or leave a mark. Slapping, kicking, punching, and spanking a captive are absolute no-nos. 6d: No “mess”. You can’t dump paint or water or honey on your captive. We sometimes call this the “foreign substances rule”.

Me: Got it.

Dale: The general rule of engagement is that you capture somebody by throwing a coil of rope at them and hitting them. Once this happens, they are your captive. You have earned the right to tie them up without a struggle. Once they are tied up to your satisfaction, you are to take their phone and start running the timer. You are allowed to keep them tied up for three hours. The timer lets everybody know how long they've been tied up for. After three hours, a captive has to be released.

Me: What happens if your coil misses?

Dale: You can pick it up and try again. They can pick it up and hit you. They can pull out their own coil and hit you. All sorts of things. You can definitely get captured while trying to capture somebody else. That's why some people go "hunting" on their off days. It's a way of ensuring that you don't go from hunter to prey.

Me: You can capture people on your off days?

Dale: Sure. It's an off day from being captured. It's a day for you to relax. You're still allowed to partake in the capturing aspect of the game if you so choose.

Me: Interesting. That's a strategical consideration.

Dale: Rule #7. Once somebody starts to untie themselves, you may not retie them. If I slip part of my tie, you can't re-secure it. However, if I ask you to retie or fix something because it's uncomfortable, you are allowed to retie it then. If you take my gag off to ask me something or give me some water, you're allowed to re-gag me. If I work my gag off on my's off for good. You can't redo it.

Me: Got it.

Dale: There's a line between the obligatory understanding that your captive gets to attempt to escape unimpeded and that you do get to try to torture and humiliate them. You can tickle your captive for the full three hours if you want. Whether their lungs can handle that...I guess that depends on them. However, you can't physically hold them or prevent their escape beyond what your ropework or tapework is doing.

Me: Tapework? So duct tape is allowed.

Dale: Yes. Kind of. Duct tape is certainly allowed but it's also kind of frowned upon. We're still in the process of deciding how we feel about it. It's sort of cheating but we don't want to outlaw if for special occasions. If you overuse it, you're liable to be banned from using it. One girl uses duct tape because she is absolutely shit at tying people up, but she's probably the most laid back captor and doesn't overuse the privilege so we don't begrudge her that right. You will be expected to tie people up though. Duct tape can be used every once in a while for emergencies but ropework is understood to be the requisite means of capture. You can absolutely use duct tape to gag people with. It's a staple. I'm guessing Elisa used it this evening.

Me: She did.

Dale: I'm sure there are rules that I'm forgetting that will come up later. You are expected to be tied up at least once a month. People always try to avoid being captured, because for most of us...that's not the fun part. However, you can't just hide away locked in your room only hunting on your off days. If you aren't captured at least once a month, your membership will be reviewed and you might be issued a punishment. So understand that getting captured is all part of it. I'll normally let the girl who is terrible at tying people up capture me at least once a month to hit my quota. We have an understanding that we'll tie each other up at least monthly to abide by that rule.

Me: Can I assume that tonight qualifies me towards October's quota?

Dale looked at my bandaged hand.

Dale: If you broke your hand, it had fucking better. I'm going to talk to Elisa. Tonight was out of line. Your membership was never put to a vote. I'm guessing she just assumed that I had voted Yes and that you were in and that I'd told you any of this shit prior to tonight.

Me: She said that she was leaving me as a "present" for you. What does that mean?

Dale: You saw the “gift” emoji that she texted me?

Me: Yes.

Dale: Sometimes you leave a captive in the custody of another player in the club. It’s called “leaving them a present”. I knew that a present wasn’t being left for me…because my room is off limits. Why would she leave me a present when I couldn’t receive one because YOU could walk into the room at any minute? So you understand why I thought that her text was a false alarm. Somebody has to have custody of a captive at all times. If you accept a present you send a confirmation back and then you are responsible for releasing the captive at the three hour mark. Otherwise, the original captor has to come back and release them.

Me: What if you have something you need to do on one of your non-off days? Do you just tell somebody who is trying to capture you to go pound sand?

Dale: Great question. Rule #8. Conflict sheets. It’s important to know your schedule. If you have a conflict and can’t be captured at certain times during the week then you simply send them to Elisa on Saturday of the previous week. She’ll send out everybody’s conflict sheets so you know when you can and can’t capture people. It also gives you a nice idea of when somebody is busy so you can relax yourself. You can NOT capture somebody while you have a conflict. You can’t even have custody of somebody while you have a conflict. So if you capture somebody at 4:00 and you have a study group at 5:00…you have to either successfully transfer custody of your captive or release them before 5:00. If something comes up mid-week…just text Elisa and she’ll update the Google doc. Try to be reasonable about it. Obligations are conflicts. A show that you enjoy watching is not a conflict. There are no captures allowed between 2:00am and 12:00pm on weekdays because most people’s classes fall into those times and people need to sleep. I have a weekly lab at 3:00 on Mondays but that gets put on the conflict sheet every week. But be careful, if you have a conflict that you didn’t mark and have to reject a legitimate capture…she’s going to make sure that there are consequences.

Me: So she’s the boss?

Dale: She’s the commissioner. Yes. She organizes and enforces.

Me: Why?

Dale: I guess she kind of founded the club. She’s Player #1?

Me: So that’s the numbering system?

Dale: Yes. Each player gets a number. I’m #5. Elisa is #1. You’ll be #7. It let’s you know when you joined.

Me: Do I know any other players?

Dale: Yes.

Me: Intriguing. Can I assume that Elisa’s roommate is a member if her room is an in bounds capture zone?

Dale: Don’t get ahead of yourself, Sherlock. I can’t tell you that and the other players will reveal themselves to you in time.

Me: OK. I’m looking forward to it. Can you at least tell me which #s I know?

Dale: I don’t see why not. I know that you know Player #4. I think you know of Player #2. I have no clue if you know Player #6. And I’ve never met Player #3 so I couldn’t tell you who he is even if I wanted to?

Me: You’ve never met him?

Dale: No. He joined before me. Hence the lower number. And the other guy in the group has never come to tie me up yet. I know. Shocking. The girls tease me all the time, I tell them that the ball is in his court. The girls tie each other up regularly and they’re disappointed that the guys don’t. I’d suggest that we make our own little armistice that we DON’T capture each other. It’ll make our room a more easy going, less paranoid place. I have no desire to tie you up and I don’t think that you have any desire to tie me up.

Me: Agreed. I’ll shake on that. But if they’re getting frustrated with us…we can tell them that we do.

Dale: Yeah. That’s not a half bad idea.

Me: This is fucking wild.

Dale: I know. I’d say it’s only going to get weirder, but I don’t think that anybody has ever been captured without knowing that they were in the club before. I’m texting Elisa right now to tell her that you’re free. And I’m going to tell her that she’s a fucking moron and that we need to talk about what happened. I can promise you that next time you see her…she’ll be significantly kinder to you. She’s going to know that she fucked up.

Me: I hope she doesn’t. I’m interested in TEACHING her that she fucked up. She did tell me as she was leaving that I should be scared of her. I’m going to show her that I’m not intimidated.

Dale: You should be intimidated. She’s got to be the best member of the club at both tying and escaping and she has a little bit of a psychotic streak. You know her. She’s fun as hell. But she becomes a little bit of a different person when she goes into captor mode. She’s definitely got a villain inside of her.

My anger had substantially subsided by now with this shocking turn of events, even as my hand still throbbed with pain from where I’d smashed it. But I was excited to show Elisa that there was a villain inside of me also. It had taken a lot of time in high school to finally find people that I trusted with the secret that I liked to tie girls up. And it took even longer to find a couple girls who were willing to let me do that just that. I’d spent so much of my freshman year trying to fit in at a new school in a new state, and make friends, and seem normal that I had made almost no inroads into feeding that part of me my psyche that enjoyed being in control of a bound and gagged captive. And now it appeared that it had fallen directly into my lap without my even having to ask for it. If a couple hours bound and gagged on my bed and a fractured pinkie were the toll for entry into this new world, then that was a price I was happy to pay.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 2: "Auf Wiedersehen, Chumps" (FM/F) [Part 1 of 2]

As luck would have it, my hand was alright. I went to the campus health center after my classes the next afternoon and was diagnosed with a Grade 2 sprain. They gave me a brace that kept my pinkie and ring fingers together. Even though it was my left hand and I still had pretty good dexterity with it. I was probably going to miss basketball at the gym for two weeks, but things like eating, reading, and now tying people up were likely to be unaffected. I decided that I was going to drop by the hardware store tomorrow in order to pick up the needed supplies for my revenge on Elisa. I didn't know anybody else in the group yet, aside from Dale, so there wasn't really any scheming that I could do and my retribution on Elisa wasn't something that I wanted to rush.

On Thursday, before I went to the hardware store, I went in for a follow up check-in at the health center. I returned a little later than usual to my room and Dale wasn't there. However, my jaw dropped when I noticed that I was not alone in the room at all. There was a girl tightly hogtied on my desk. I quickly shut and locked the door behind me even though she wasn't visible from the hallway. She was precariously positioned on my desk with her head facing towards the wall that had our bunk beds on it and away from the wall with the door to our bathroom. This girl was notably NOT Elisa. I'd seen her before entering the dorm and was pretty sure that she lived in this building. However, I didn't know her name. She was a cute girl but very slight. She wasn't overtly short for a girl. She was probably 5'4" or 5'5". But whereas Elisa is a volleyball player with an athletic build...this girl's frame was strictly petite. She had red hair and green eyes that were now staring directly at me over a menacingly tight tape gag. Duct tape had been wrapped neatly but firmly around her head multiple times and I could tell by the way that her cheeks were bulging that those bands of duct tape were holding something inside of her mouth. She moaned softly and pathetically at me as I stared in disbelief.

The tie that she was in was high quality and expertly done. I figured that I'd be quite proficient at this game. I had lots of experience with knots as a junior sailing instructor in high school. I was also an Eagle Scout. And I'd participated in friendly tie up games throughout my childhood. I had not expected Dale to be this much of a pro...if this was indeed his work. The girl in question was wearing short denim shorts and a sleeveless black tank top. I had a feeling that she probably regretted both of those decisions right now because she was DEFINITELY going to have rope marks. Her hands were tightly tied behind her back and her elbows were also roped tightly. Her arms were pinned firmly to her body in a chest harness. She was not a particularly developed girl for a college sophomore or junior (she had to be at least a sophomore to live in our building) but the chest harness did accentuate the breasts that she did have. Her bare legs were tightly cinched in four places: at her upper thighs, just above her knees, just below her knees, and at her ankles. Her ankles were also crossed and pulled into a tight hogtie that wove into her chest harness where it was knotted off somewhere in the labyrinth of ropework. Her body was tightly contorted together and the tips of her fingers were able to brush her heels when she moved them. Her two big toes were also neatly laced together with a bright blue string that was tied in a neat little bow. I saw that she had clearly had shoes on at one point, as a pair of Keds and white socks were neatly sitting on the end of the desk next to her. All in all this was quite a picture to behold. I'd probably been standing speechless for about five seconds trying to take in the situation as she mumbled absolutely incoherently at me when I finally caught myself and stammered...

Me: Did Dale do this to you?

Unknown Girl: Nnmmmpphh!! Hmmphmpmmmphhmpph!!

Elisa: Please! You think Dale is that proficient? That’s a bona fide master tie right there.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as Elisa emerged from my own bathroom behind me. I took a defensive stance towards her as she strutted into the room. She smiled amusedly at my visible shock and discomfort.

Elisa: Gotcha!

Me: Jesus, Elisa. You scared the crap out of me. How the fuck did you get in here?

Elisa: Dale let me in. He told me about the other night and I realized that there was a HUGE misunderstanding and that an apology and proper orientation was going to be necessary.

Me: That was unfortunate.

Elisa: I didn’t realize that Dale was so tight lipped. I know those are the rules but I’m honestly proud of the kid. I didn’t realize that you knew absolutely NOTHING when I was tying you up. That had to be unpleasant. It was definitely against the rules and I really am sorry.

Me: OK. I’ll accept your apology. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be a little salty when I come for retribution.

Elisa: Fair. Fair. But you can relax now. You appear to be in full fight or flight mode. I’m assuming Dale explained the rules to you.

Me: I think he did. Most of them.

Elisa: Then you know that I’m not allowed to tie you up for the rest of the week. You’ve got nothing to worry about from me.

Me: I understand that.

I did noticeably release the tension in my body when I remembered that she wasn’t going to be able to capture me again until Sunday. I knew it but had initially forgotten it in the shock of things. This was all still very new to me.

Elisa: So while you’re welcome to capture me if you think you can…I wanted to smooth over any hard feelings so I brought you a present. Did Dale explain presents to you?

Me: He did.

Elisa: Well this is Abbie. She was the third vote that voted you in, so she is fair game for you to capture immediately. Her off days are Monday and Wednesday. As far as what her likes and dislikes are…I’m sure you guys can figure those out today while she is your prisoner. Normally I’d just leave her here and text you that you had a present. But since this is your first real day I wanted to make sure that you were properly oriented and knew what was happening. That’s why I was waiting for you in your bathroom. We weren’t expecting you to take so long at the health center. I’m REALLY sorry about that, by the way. So poor Abbie here has been like this for about an hour. But on the bright side…you still have two hours left with her.

Me: She looks quite uncomfortable.

Elisa: I’m sure she is. But after some of her recent escapades she knows that she deserves this.

Abbie: Nnmmpphhhh!!! Hmmphhmmpph!!

Elisa: I’m sorry. Use complete sentences, dear.

Abbie: Mmrrrrrggphhh! Uuuurghghmpph!! Mmrrrrmppphhhnppph!!!

Elisa: OK. Well then I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. I certainly think you deserve it. I’m going to leave you with Trent here as a little welcome to the game gift. Trent, just so you know. You don’t need to feel that bad for her. I know that you’re a sympathetic guy but I lured her here under the auspices that I was going to introduce her to the new player and that we were going to tie YOU up. Have some fun at her expense because she was definitely ready to have some fun at YOURS. Bye, guys.

As Elisa turned to leave Abbie started vigorously bucking and grunting in her hogtie. She made some pathetic, soft mewing sounds and was clearly begging Elisa not to leave her like this.

Elisa: Don’t worry, darling. You’ll be fine. I trust Trent completely. Trent, Dale has been over the rules with you, correct. You know that you’re not allowed to do anything untoward. Tickling, poking, making fun of her for being a ginger. These are all on the table. Anything naughty is a strict no-no though, right?

Me: This has been thoroughly conveyed to me.

Elisa: Good. I don’t want to hear about any inappropriate actions. You certainly can’t do THIS.

She then gave Abbie a sharp smack on the butt that elicited a high pitched, muffled yelp.

Abbie: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Elisa: I’m allowed one of those every once in a while due to past transgressions and pre-arranged agreements. You certainly aren’t allowed to do that. I know I can count on you to be a gentleman. Also, her timer is sitting on the desk next to her shoes.

Elisa picked up Abbie’s phone and showed it to me. It was her phone’s stopwatch feature showing that 1 hour and 7 minutes had elapsed.

Elisa: You are required to free her in exactly 1 hour and 53 minutes…or earlier if you’re feeling merciful. There are no exceptions to this rule. I’m going to check back with you and her at 6:30 to make sure that you’ve complied. But you’ll be required to keep track of your own time on all future conquests. Do I make myself clear?

Me: You absolutely do.

Elisa: Good. I’m sure you two will get along just great. However, there is one last thing I need to do before I leave.

Elisa pulled out the little Nikon camera that she had used to snap a picture of me the night previous.

Elisa: This is your first present, so if you could go ahead and get in the frame and pose with your new friend…that would be great.

Me: No offense. But I think I’m going to pass. The less photographic evidence that I’m involved in a recreational kidnapping ring, the better.

Elisa: Suit yourself. I’m never going to let anybody see these that isn’t in the group.

Me: All the same. I’ll pass.

Elisa: Abbie, say “cheese”.

Abbie said nothing but gave Elisa a vicious glare as her face flushed from what was probably a combination of anger, contempt, and abject humiliation. Elisa snapped two pictures and then put the phone back into her pocket.

Elisa: Auf Wiedersehen, chumps.

With that she gave Abbie a condescending little stroke of the chin and exited out into the hallway. Abbie was still grunting protests into her tight gag as Elisa left.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just read the first part of your second story! Good job! And I am looking forward to the second part!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great story so far! Promising idea, I'm exited how things will continue! :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Loved the latest parts! The story is shaping up nicely, will be interesting to see just how Abbie fits into things
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 2: "Auf Wiedersehen, Chumps" (FM/F) [Part 2 of 2]

Once the door closed and Elisa had departed the mood in the room shifted dramatically. Abbie stared up directly at me with big, terrified eyes. I’ll say that while a situation like this is something that I had previously fantasized about…it’s way different when you’re actually presented with it. I liked the concept of tying up a girl. But having a girl who was ostensibly a stranger presented to me like this was a little unnerving. I didn’t know her. She didn’t know me. I was in a position of substantial power over her and it was clear that she was scared. As sexy as she looked tightly hogtied and gagged on my desk, the vibe was not one that I was relishing. Maybe she did deserve this. Maybe she had come here to tie me up. I don’t know any of that. And there was no mutual trust between us yet to lighten this situation. It was a little disconcerting. I decided to deescalate things.

Me: Would you like me to remove that gag?

She stared at me incredulously and then began to nod vigorously giving short little grunts of affirmation in her bewilderment.

Abbie: Mmmmppppphhhhhh???? Hhhmmmppphhhhh!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrrmmmmm!!!!!!

I carefully put my hands on her knees and slid the lower half of her body to a sideways angle so that I could get to some of the items on the back of my desk that she was blocking. My scissors weren’t where I thought they should be. I’m not sure if I had placed them somewhere else or if Elisa had moved them lest she thought they might be used as an instrument of escape. I walked over to Dale’s desk and found a pair of his in a mug with some pens and other flotsam. I walked back over to Abbie and turned her to face me. She looked up at me with her bright green eyes, but despite my offer to ungag her…the terror did not appear to have subsided. I put my index finger to the top edge of the tape underneath her right eye and started to pick at it so that it peeled back a little bit from it’s current position of being tightly pressed against her upper cheek. She grunted angrily and shook away from me. Her toes wiggled adorably as she flexed her body and scooted herself back away from me as best she could despite the stringent tie she found herself in. This was like dealing with a trapped, feral animal. I decided I needed to calm her down. So I dropped down to her eye level and stared directly into her eyes.

Me: Listen, Abbie. I’m trying to help you. Elisa has really done quite a number here and I know that I would prefer not to pull your hair out when I take this gag off. Therefore, I’m going to cut it down the front and peel it away and I’m going to let you extract it from your hair later at your leisure. I’m going to use these scissors. I promise you that I will be gentle. I promise you that I will not nick you in the slightest. But I need you to relax. Do you think you can do that for me?

Abbie: Mmmph. Hmmph.

She nodded demurely at me and settled down. I picked at the tape a little more until it started to come away from her cheek just a touch. I then carefully slid the edge of the scissors down and made small cuts into the tape being very careful not to let the blade side of the metal contact her skin. I had to make sure that I got far enough down to ensure that I was at least partially through every band of tape that Elisa had wound around her head. It appears as though the tape was tightly wound around her head 6 or 7 times but it was done so in a fairly even manner at about the same level on her face. There was nothing sloppy about it but it was also tight. The roll hadn’t been let out and haphazardly wrapped. It had been slowly, meticulously wound and torqued around her head to create a VERY effective gag. Once I got about halfway down the gag I removed the scissors, put my fingers on either end of the incision that I had just made, and pulled apart. The duct tape zippered down with a satisfying ripping sound and broke at the bottom. I then slowly peeled the tape away from her lips from left to right so that she could open her mouth. When she did I could see that her mouth was absolutely packed with cloth. I helpfully held out my palm under her mouth expectantly so that she could push out the cloth that had been stuffed inside. However, it appeared as though she was struggling to do so. Her tongue wasn’t getting the leverage it needed to spit out the wad. So I delicately plucked the corner of the white bandana that was in her mouth and slowly removed it. It was damp from her saliva and I placed it gingerly on the desk next to her phone and shoes. I could see that behind that was a second purple handkerchief. This one she was able to push forward with her tongue and drop into my hand so that I didn’t have to stick my fingers more invasively into her mouth. It was now two tones of purple. A lighter purple where the folds had kept it dry and a darker purple where her saliva had soaked into it. She gave a quick gasp and began to breath greedily.

Me: Are you OK?

Abbie: I’m fine. Thank you. I really appreciate it. I am going to absolutely kill that bitch when I get the chance.

Me: You might want to get in line. Should we schedule these revenges then? Because I was going to attack on Saturday and I think only one of us can tie her up.

Abbie: I already used mine this week. I’m not eligible to strike again until Sunday but I would LOVE to come along and team up on Saturday if you need any help. I owe that girl a serious beatdown.

Me: Well. It’s nice to have an ally then. I could use somebody to show me the protocols in the field. I know the “rules” as you call them. But this is all brand new to me. How does this normally work? How are you envisioning the rest of our time here going?

Abbie looked at me with bewilderment but with a spark of hope in her eyes.

Abbie: I’m your captive. Elisa captured me but she has left me as a present and given custody to you. You have to release me at the agreed upon time.

Me: I get that. But what would normally happen until then.

Abbie: It depends on the person. If it’s Jack-

Me: Sorry to cut you off, but I don’t think you’re allowed to use names. Per Dale, I’m only allowed to know about you, him, and Elisa for now.

Abbie: Right. Right. Sorry. Basically some people are meaner than others. I could be released out of mercy or I could be tickled and mocked mercilessly. It all depends on my captor.

Me: I see. And how do you see the rest of THIS encounter playing out?

Abbie: I’m going to be shamefully straightforward with you. I got ambushed. I was not prepared to spend three hours hogtied on a hard desk and I did not use the facilities beforehand. Some captors have the decency to check with a captive beforehand. Elisa is not one of those people. You can keep me tied up and tickle me to your heart’s content. But if you tickle me for more than 15 minutes…I might wet your desk and that’s an embarrassment that I might never live down. I’ll almost have to leave the group. I know that I’m in no good position to negotiate or dictate terms right now, but I’d love it if you just released me.

Me: You’re wrong. You’re in every position to negotiate and dictate terms. I don’t know you. You don’t know me. If you’re asking for release…I’m just going to release you. I can’t say that this will be the case as we get to know each other better. But I think I’d have to be pretty sick to keep a total stranger at my mercy against her will.

Abbie: Really? You’re going to let me go!

Me: Certainly.

Abbie: Thank you SO much.

I began to untie Abbie from the maze of ropes that was keeping her as a nicely constrained package. I wouldn’t say that I took my time…but I was definitely examining all of Elisa’s ties before I untied them. It wasn’t about prolonging Abbie’s captivity. It was about gaining knowledge for when I would inevitably be tied up in the future. Her ties were phenomenal, but I noted the few weak points that I spotted. I ran through my head how I thought I could escape from them in the future. Elisa was certainly going to be formidable but her ties were not perfect. However, I was mildly terrified if there was anybody in this group that was better than her, aside from possibly myself. She implied that Dale was not nearly as good as her and Dale already told me that one of the girls (possibly Abbie, possibly an as yet still unknown girl) was terrible at tying people up and often resorted to duct tape. There was also a guy named Jack that Abbie had blabbed about before I had cut her off. After about 15 minutes I had Abbie fully untied. I’m sure I could have done it in ten or less if I hadn’t made it into a study session. However, she was so happy to be free that she didn’t seem to mind. She rubbed her sore wrists as soon as they were untied and actually untied the rope binding her upper thighs herself since I had saved that one not really having a feel for what constituted “inappropriate touching” yet.

Me: You can use our restroom. Please note that this is a men’s dorm room and thus the seat is almost certainly up.

She scurried into the restroom and I set to work organizing all of the ropes that I had just gotten. I assumed that these were mine now. I was still going to supplement them prior to my revenge with a trip to the hardware store. But these would make for a nice start. I put the bandanas in with my laundry and noted that I should wash them before Saturday as having an inventory of fresh gagging materials was probably going to be a good idea. About ten minutes later Abbie exited the restroom. She had extracted all of the tape from her hair and was looking like a calmer version of the exceedingly harried girl that I had been introduced to less than an hour earlier. However, as I expected there were noticeable rope marks on her arms and legs.

Me: Alright. Can I assume that I’m allowed to keep the binding materials that Elisa left here?

Abbie: Yeah. I’m sure she’ll reclaim them at some point. Most everybody has a substantial stash and it gets passed around as people are captured and escape. The general rule is that if you’re released, the releaser takes custody of the ropes. If you free yourself, they are yours for the time being. You released me so that can be your starter set. Are you any good at tying? Elisa is almost as good at escaping as she is at tying? I can never manage to keep her tied up for more than 30-40 minutes…which is why I would LOVE to piggy back on your capture this weekend.

Me: It’s been a year or so since I’ve done it, but yes…I can confidently say that I am pretty good. How are you at escaping? It appears as though she can keep you tied up for quite some time.

Abbie: It depends. I’m not terrible at escapes, but Elisa is quite skilled. She also put me on your desk so that I wouldn’t have a full range of struggle. If I used my normal escape tactics I’d have fallen off and hurt myself. She is devious in that way.

Me: Good to know. What time do you want to hit her on Saturday?

Abbie: I’ll find out her schedule and we can scheme. I’ll let you know this evening.

Me: So what happens now for you? You can’t be captured by her again this week, correct?

Abbie: Correct. I’m going to text out to the group that I’ve been captured today and the other four members will know that I’m now off limits. I’ll text Elisa that I’m free but I want to wait about 45 minutes at least. I want her to think that this was rougher for me than you made it so that she fears the full breadth of my anger when I come for her.

Me: Are you going to be OK getting back to your dorm room? You’re going to be walking around with substantial rope marks on your limbs.

Abbie: I’m in the building, so It’s not too far of a trek but I keep a sweater in Dale’s closet for just this reason.

She went over to our closet and pulled out a black hoodie that she put on over her tank top that hid the rope marks on her arms. She showed me another smaller woman’s hoodie hanging next to it in the back of Dale’s closet.

Abbie: This one isn’t mine. I’m guessing somebody else has the same arrangement.

Me: What about your legs?

Abbie: Yeah. I wasn’t prepared to be tied up today. Normally I’d have jeans on. Could I borrow a sweatshirt of yours to tie around my waist and obscure my knees. I’ll give it back for you tomorrow. My socks will hide the ankle marks.

I obliged and gave her my least worn hoodie and she tied it around her waist so that it draped down to just below her knees. She pulled her socks onto her bare feet and laced up her shoes.

Abbie: I appreciate your mercy and hospitality today and I am greatly indebted to you. I’m looking forward to our first adventure this weekend.

Me: I’m looking forward to it also.

With that she walked out the door and headed down the hallway leaving me to close it behind her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward how this Story unfolds further! Well done!
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Post by TightsBound »

LOVING this story so far! It’s really really well written. And who hasn’t dreamed of being in a kidnap club? Why, I’m thinking about it right now 😁 Looking forward to more!
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Post by crow3467 »

I'm loving the story so far :D
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Post by Fandango »

[mention]Rtj65[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]crow3467[/mention]

Thank you for all of the positive feedback, but even moreso, thank you for taking the time to read the story.

I really appreciate the comments. Chapter 3 will begin late Thursday (US Pacific Time), possibly early Friday since I'm travelling and might be delayed.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another great part, I'm interested to see how the revenge against Elisa will go. Take your time with the next part, you've already provided us with a lot in a short space of time, so if it's a longer wait for the next part I don't mind. Whenever it's ready I look forward to reading it though!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

** Spoiler Alert ** This chapter (though not this part) will contain MILD spoilers for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize winning novel A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. I have no clue who might care, but whenever characters discuss movies, books, or television shows I'll try and post a Spoiler Warning.

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 1 of 6]

Abbie and I worked out a plan for how to get Elisa back. Abbie knew her schedule and her roommate’s schedule pretty well and devised that mid-Saturday afternoon would be the ideal time to strike. I went out after classes on Friday and got a damn grip load of rope. I purchased a combination of cotton and nylon varieties. I cut them down to the necessary lengths for the tie that I was planning, but packed about 50% more than I needed…just in case I wanted to improvise. Abbie also said that she’d bring her own stash, in case I needed anything else. I inquired if I should make a separate purchase of duct tape. I didn’t want to buy it together with the rope because it felt like announcing to the cashier that I was a prospective kidnapper. Abbie said she’d bring a roll, but that she had other plans for Elisa as far as a gag was concerned.

We met on Saturday at 1:00pm in Abbie’s dorm room. I had never been inside before. But once I found out she was a member of the group, I’d scouted out where she lived. We live in an eight floor dorm hall. Elisa’s room is on the second floor. Dale and I live on the fifth floor. And Abbie lives on the eighth floor. I knew that Dale jokingly referred to Abbie’s room as The Penthouse. I thought it was just because she was all the way on the top floor. Apparently there is more to the joke than that. College dorm rooms are not particularly big. We live in the nicest upperclassman dormitory, where each dorm has it’s own bathroom rather than a communal one. We have a closet that you can actually step into. It’s a pretty nice luxury when I think back to the room that I lived in as a freshman. Still, Dale and I bunk our beds so that we have a workable amount of floor space, as do Elisa and her roommate.

The setups on the eighth floor are a little different. The eighth floor has several different storage and utility rooms that support the building in various ways. I think the main water heaters might be up there. There is definitely a large janitorial closet for supplies. Because of this, the layout is different and to accommodate these differences, the rooms are substantially different. There are only about half as many rooms on the eighth floor as there are on the almost identical second through seventh floors. The first floor also has less rooms because of the lobby and study rooms that take up much of the space. Abbie’s room is a god damn dream. Her bed is not bunked and she and her roommate still have about 50% more floor space than Dale and I have. The closet is bigger. The bathroom is bigger. The view is better. This is a ridiculously nice college dorm room. The Penthouse INDEED. Room selection is settled through a lottery system and I later found out that out that of all the numbers assigned to all 8500 students (minus commuter students and Ras), Abbie got lottery number 4!

Abbie and I checked our materials and went over the plan. Elisa’s roommate, Erica, had a standing event that she normally left for at 1:30 on Saturdays. I asked Abbie if she was sure that Erica would be gone and she said Yes. She wouldn’t tell me how she was sure, but I assumed it was because Erica was also a member of the club and it was on her conflict schedule sheet. I just wasn’t allowed to know about her involvement yet. Elisa was one of the more paranoid members of the group and was known to keep a coil of rope around to counterattack predators. She HATED being tied up. Abbie didn’t understand why she disliked it so much when almost nobody could keep her tied up for more than an hour. Her defense tactics were useless though because she’d already captured both of us this week and couldn’t do so again. I would have to throw the rope at Elisa though because Abbie had already used her capture of Elisa for this week. She also said that if she did it and was the official captor, Elisa would be out in 20ish minutes. Abbie trusted my confidence in my tying skills.

Shortly after 1:30 we each descended the stairs with a backpack full of supplies and made our way quietly down the second floor hallway. When we finally got to Elisa’s room Abbie swung the door open and we both quickly scooted inside before closing the door behind us. Sure enough Elisa wheeled around from her desk and was holding a coil of rope in her hand already. She looked back and forth at the two of us in mild bewilderment and seemed unsure of whom she should throw her coil at.

Abbie: I think you know that that thing is useless against us, Elisa. This is the problem with blowing all your captures early in the week. You shouldn’t be so greedy.

Elisa gave her a sly little smirk but clearly realized that she was not allowed to neutralize either of the threats that had just burst through the door. She quietly set the coil of rope back down on her desk and raised her hands in the air in mock surrender. I tapped her with my coil of rope to make the capture official.

Elisa: No worries. The Queen always has 30 minutes for her subjects. You’ve earned this. Hopefully Trent is a little more skillful than Abbie. But I’m not anticipating this taking up too much of my Saturday.

Me: We’ll see.

Elisa: You think you’ve got skills?

Me: I’m not going to brag prematurely. I’m a little out of practice. But I imagine that I’m better than you think. Maybe you slip out in 20 minutes and you can taunt me for my failure. Or maybe I ungag you myself over three hours from now and you can give me your review then. This is my first official capture. We’ll have to see.

I set my backpack on her desk and started to sort through the contents dropping the lengths of rope that I knew I wanted to use on the ground. She eyed them furtively, but I could see her disposition shift ever so slightly towards unease.

Elisa: Well, at least you certainly LOOK like you know what you’re doing. The first time your roomie ever captured me he brought one 200 foot long paracord, uncut, and thought that that would be the ideal way to tie a lady up.

Me: I want to manage expectations, but I also want to provide full disclosure. You’re my first official capture in this game. You’re not the first girl that I’ve ever tied up.

Elisa: Good to know.

Elisa was dressed very modestly at the moment. When Abbie had been left for me as a present, she was wearing fairly skimpy shorts and a tight tank top. Elisa was not in anywhere near as enticing of attire. She was wearing acid wash jeans and a hunter green crew neck T-Shirt with the logo for a bar and grill in Virginia Beach, Virginia (her family vacationed there regularly to visit her aunt). She was also wearing black, low cut, lace up, side zip boots. Her medium length blonde hair was looking a little wavier today than usual. Despite the lack of provocative attire, she was looking every bit her usual gorgeous self. I found the medium length rope that I wanted to use on her wrists and picked it up.

Me: Would you like to use the restroom before we get started?

Abbie: Oh. Interesting. Asking somebody if they’d like to use the restroom before you tie them up! What a fucking concept!

Elisa: No. I think I’m fine, thank you. I’m still only imagining this taking no more than an hour. If I can’t get out in less time than that then maybe I deserve the extra punishment.

Me: Suit yourself. Go ahead and put your hands behind your back for me.

Elisa turned around and put her hands together for me with her wrists and thumbs touching.

Me: Would you mind crossing them please? You clearly do think that I’m an amateur.

She stared at me wearily but gave me a little smirk and then crossed her wrists.

Elisa: I didn’t mean it as a slight. I was just doing it the way some members of the club like it. Isn’t that right, Abbie?

Abbie: I think I’m going to have had just about enough of your yapping. Where is Betty?

Elisa: I’m under no obligation to tell you that.

Abbie: Fine. I’m sure I can find her myself.

I was now confused. I had no clue who Betty was. But I’m sure that Abbie would fill me in at some point. I simply made a bight in the middle of the rope I was holding, started threading the rest of the rope through it, and then enclosed it horizontally around Elisa’s crossed wrists. I then got to work. I began to wrap the rope around her wrists several times, pausing after every loop to make sure that I pulled out absolutely any slack. Once I had a good base I changed directions and made vertical loops up through the rope. Again I made sure that everything was pulled very tight. After four loops in the cross direction I knotted the rope at the top of her wrists, as far away from her fingers as possible. I still had a decent amount of rope hanging off the strands and proceeded to do a diagonal lashing across the whole restraint to make sure that no matter how much she torqued or strained on the bond everything would hold in place. Again I ended the tie up near the top of her wrists and tied it off as far away from her prying fingers as I could. The lashings from the second part actually pinned and obscured the first knot entirely so that it wasn’t accessible until the first one had been picked. And that was going to be a chore…if it was even possible for her at all.

Elisa: Oh…um…Wow.

Me: You weren’t expecting that?

Elisa: I was not. I’m still confident in my escape skills, but I might have to block off a little more time in my day. You could really teach Abbie here a thing or two.

Abbie: That’s it. I’m not just going to stand here and take this. Trent, do you mind if I shut this trollop up?

I very much enjoyed gagging my own captives and I liked to save it for the end so that I could have a good banter with them. However, Abbie was my partner in crime and I was new to the club. So I decided that if she wanted Elisa gagged now and she wanted to do it, then I’d permit that. Also, her gag at Elisa’s hands had been WAY more stringent than mine. I was worried that I had gotten the newcomers special and that things were only going to get worse when I was captured in the future.

Me: Sure. Go right ahead.

Abbie smiled mischievously as she started rummaging through her backpack. She pulled out a rag and her roll of duct tape and approached Elisa. I was standing behind Elisa tying her elbows but I watched as Abbie easily slotted the rag into Elisa’s mouth and then began pressing strip after strip of tape over Elisa’s mouth. She smoothed each piece out with a delighted fervor that illustrated some level of contempt for the girl that she was gagging. All in all she probably planted at least five strips of duct tape firmly over Elisa’s mouth to hold the rag in. I finished binding Elisa’s elbows together and gave the back of her knee a little nudge to let her know that I wanted her to drop to her knees.

Me: Come on. Down you go, my little cupcake.

I couldn’t see her face, but apparently she didn’t like this one bit because Abbie let out a little cackle.

Abbie: Oh boy. You should have seen the look on her face. If she’d been staring at you, you would have been dead. I don’t think she likes your little term of endearment.

Me: I don’t much care what she likes. I believe she referred to me as “sweetie”, “good boy”, and “my little dumpling”. So she can quit with the false indignation and understand that we will be workshopping a cutesy little nickname for her. Now, I was serious. Could you please get on your knees for me, darling?

Elisa turned her head over her left shoulder to glare at me. However, she did eventually allow me to lower her onto her knees. Once she was down I slowly lowered her onto her stomach and began unlacing and unzipping her boots. I pulled each of them off to reveal a pair of cute little no-show ankle socks. These I decided to leave on until the appropriate time and began tying her ankles together. Sometimes I like to cross my victim’s ankles and sometimes I like to tie them side by side. On this particular occasion I was choosing NOT to cross them. I sensed that Elisa had a lot of tickle torture coming in her future. The one drawback of a cross-ankle hogtie is that a feisty victim can use the outside foot to shield the other foot from tickling sometimes. I had pulled her feet together and was busy looping the rope around her ankles tightly when I decided that I may as well chat with Abbie. Normally I talk to my captive but she’d removed Elisa from the conversation prematurely.

Me: All things considered, that was a pretty lenient gag that you gave her after the one that she gave you the other day. She wound that tape around your head like you were a tether ball pole and all she gets is a half dozen strips of tape?

Abbie: Oh. Don’t worry. This is just her starter gag. The gag before the gag, if you will. I just need to find out where Betty is?

Me: OK. I’ll bite. Who the hell is Betty?

Abbie: Not so much a who, as a what. See, Elisa here is the only one in the club who owns professional gags. She’s got a few of these gags that have this silicone ball that goes in a person’s mouth and then they have a leather strap that goes around behind the person’s head. And you can buckle them to keep the ball in the person’s mouth.

Me: It’s mildly adorable that you’d think I’d join this club, and be this good at tying people up, and I might not know what a ball gag is.

Abbie: OK. Well she owns three ball gags. And Betty is the biggest one. Big Betty. It’s a huge one with a white ball. I just don’t know where she keeps it. I’m going to rummage through some stuff while you continue tying her up.

Elisa: Nnnnnnmmmppppphhhhhhh!!! Mmmmppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhrrrrrrmmmmmppphhhh!!

Abbie: Oh, I’m going to find Betty. And then you’ll be in for it.

I finished tying Elisa’s ankles and decided to switch back to her upper body so I could properly line her up for the hogtie that I had decided I was going to put her in. The only problem was that there was no way that I was going to be able to tie a chest harness on her the way I wanted to without making substantial contact with her breasts. I knew that that was against the rules but didn’t know how to go about this. The chest harness that she had tied on Abbie a few days ago would have been impossible without some contact. Normally I would just ask how much liberty I had in such a situation. But Abbie had already removed our captive’s ability to effectively answer me.

Me: Elisa, can you pull your chest up off the ground for me. I need to get under you and don’t want to do anything untoward.

Abbie: Here, let me help with that.

Abbie strolled over to us from her rummaging through Elisa’s desk and stood over our bound captive. She hooked her index, middle, and ring fingers from her left hand inside the back collar of T-Shirt and abruptly lifted her chest off the ground eliciting a startled muffled exclamation from Elisa.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhhh?!?!?

I took my cue and laid out the two longest coils of rope that I had just underneath where her breasts would be when Abbie set her back down. Both had been folded in half and the bights were running in opposite directions. I was going to try something a little experimental. I nodded to Abbie that she could set Elisa back down and she did…less than ceremoniously. Elisa’s upper body thudded back onto the floor after the three inch drop.

Elisa: Mmmppphhhh!!

Abbie: And just so you know, there’s probably more leeway in the rules than you think. You’re not allowed to fondle your captive, but you’re never going to be able to get this one tied up properly if you’re worried about every graze and bump of her tits being a violation. It’s called incidental contact. It’s allowed. Did you see how she tied me up?

Me: I did.

Abbie: Do you think that she was able to do that without any contact with my breasts?

Me: I figured that that might be different because your both females. You have the same anatomy so it’s more understandable.

Abbie: OK. But this is Elisa. She might have breasts but she would be enjoying feeling mine in the same way that you would. Maybe more.

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmmppphhhh. Mmmmmppphhhhhrrrmmpppphhhhhh.

Abbie: I catch you staring, girl. You’re not that slick.

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmpppphhh mmpphhh mmmpppphhhhhh.

Abbie: What was it you said to me on Tuesday? Agree to disagree?

Elisa: Mmmpprrrrmmppphhhh.

Elisa let out a disgruntled growl into her gag as Abbie smiled broadly and gave her a condescending little pat on the cheek and a stroke of her chin. I simply tried not to appear as utterly enamored a I was. I hoped that my general arousal wasn’t absolutely palpable.

Abbie: So basically, no groping, no fondling, no honking, no rubbing. You get the idea. I don’t need to spell it all out for you. But any brushing, grazing, bumping, and tapping that happens in the process is going to be overlooked. Now I’m going to find Betty. Don’t worry about contact with her tits.

I proceeded to work up an elaborate chest harness that I’d never tried before. It was purely experimental, but I thought that it should work. I took the first rope and wrapped it around her lower torso a few times so that her arms were pinned into her back. I then looped it around her upper left arm and brought it around again left to right pulling her arms towards the right side of her body. I repeated this process a few times before tucking the rope underneath her armpit. I definitely grazed boob when I did that. I then brought it back over her shoulder, behind her back, down over the other shoulder and through the other armpit. I then wrapped it a few more times just above her breasts before knotting it off on her right side. Each time I lifted her slightly and dropped her a little bit back to the carpet. She let out a sharp annoyed grunt into the gag each time. It was very unceremonious, but I figured she probably had it coming. I then began repeating the process with the other rope but in the opposite direction. This clearly confused her.

Elisa: Hhhmmmmmpppphhhhh?!?!? MMmmmmppphhhh mmmrrrrrrrrppphhhhmmmrrrrr mmmppphhhhrrrmmpppphhhh mmmpppphhhhmmmpppphhhh??

Me: Don’t worry. I’m just trying something a little different. I’m sure I’ll fuck it up and it won’t take more than that hour you promised yourself to get out.

I could feel Elisa tense up a little bit. I did fewer rotations on each harness because there were two of them that were operating independently of each other. But this serves a couple purposes. First, if she managed to reach one of the knots and pick it…that didn’t do her nearly as much good. Her arms were still pinned. Second, one rope was pulling her arms toward the right side of her body. The counter rope was pulling her arms to the left. No matter which way she rocked or shifted, the ropes would shift and her upper body was being pulled towards her center of gravity. Normally a captive would be able to roll around or at least tip onto their side in a hogtie. If I did this correctly, it should stabilize her to the point where the best she could do was rock slightly and moan. When I finished knotting the second part of the harness on her left side she seemed flabbergasted.

Me: There we go. That ought to hold you. What do you think?

Elisa: Mmmppphhhhrrrrmmppphhhhhh.

Me: Well, that’s a thought alright.

Elisa just sort of stared at me and growled. I picked up another rope and moved back to her knees. I started my process of binding them when I heard an exclamation from Abbie over my shoulder.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great chapter. This whole story is so much fun to read. Well done!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Fandango[/mention] I love your style! Excellent descriptions and good dialogues!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 2 of 6]

Abbie: Aha!! Got her!

I concentrated on my binding of Elisa but saw Abbie carrying a varnished and decorated wooden box that she had apparently just pulled from the top shelf of Elisa’s closet and walked it over to Elisa’s desk. She set it down, opened it up, and examined the contents.

Abbie: Elisa. You filthy, naughty young lady. What is half of this guff?

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhhh!!!!! Nnnmmppphhhhhrrrrmmpppphhhhh!!!!

I had just moved up to bind Elisa’s thighs and didn’t have a dead on view of her face. But even from an obstructed side view, I could see her face growing red. Abbie merrily skipped over to us and sat down cross-legged in front of the securely bound Elisa and smiled maniacally at her. In her hand was a ridiculously sized white ball gag with a black leather strap. I felt confident that there was no way that she was going to fit that thing in Elisa’s mouth. I’d never used a ball gag before. I’d never worn one and never placed one on a captive of mine. But I was pretty sure that they weren’t a one size fits all sort of thing. And that one was DEFINITELY not Elisa’s size.

Me: Is that thing going to fit in her mouth or are you looking to give her a Glasgow Smile?

Abbie: It’s not really going to fit IN her mouth. It won’t lock in behind her teeth or anything, but it’ll press up into her mouth and make it so I can’t understand what she says. And it makes her look ridiculous. So that’s the added bonus.

Me: Yeah. And how is her jaw going to handle it.

Abbie: As long as it’s not in for more than thirty minutes she’ll be fine. I’ll take it out before the time limit. Nobody gets Betty for more than thirty minutes. That’s sort of an unofficial rule. But Elisa always hides Betty, so nobody else really has the chance.

Me: I see. Well, as long as you know what the limit is.

I tightly knotted the final leg tie at the back of Elisa’s thighs and picked up my final rope.

Me: OK, Miss Liss…I’d ask if you’re familiar with a hogtie, but I saw the one that you gave Abbie. So I know that I’m not overstepping any bounds here.

I tied another ankle binding adjacent to her original one, but I left myself a few feet of rope coming off the end. I then took this and tightly and methodically pulled it into the mechanism of ropes that were holding her upper body in place and ran it though a few anchor points before knotting it off near her lower back. She gave an undignified grunt as I yanked the rope a few times, lifting her slightly off the floor to show her just how helpless she was.

Abbie: My goodness, Elisa. What a pretty, pretty picture you are. I can’t wait to get to the tormenting part. You look absolutely powerless right now in a way that I’ve never seen you before. It’s so rare that I get a real chance to get you back for all of the dumb shit that you pull with me. But here you are. At my mercy. And I’ve got you all to myself. Sorry about this, Trent.

Before I could react Abbie had taken a spare coil of rope that she was hiding and whipped it at me. It caught me square in the chest. I was dumbfounded. I didn’t say a word. I didn’t make an exclamation. I was just awestruck. I was furious with myself. How had I not prepared for this? Why didn’t I consider that this might be coming? I barely knew this girl. And I trusted her. This was going to put a huge damper on my first ever capture. I’d been put through the ringer. I’d been terrorized on Tuesday before being placated down with the promise of revenge. Then I’d had a peace offering given to me on Thursday. I’d shown Abbie a magnanimous level of mercy only to have it thrown back in my face now. But I guess this was the game. And lessons were going to need to be learned quickly. I finally let out a deep sigh and vented my frustration.

Me: Son of a… God damn it.

Abbie: I really am sorry about this but I’m so rarely going to get a chance to pull one over on somebody who is so new to the game. You’re the first new recruit to the club since me. And I don’t know whether I’m going to see another player so green.

She flashed me a malicious little smile to let me know that she really wasn't THAT sorry about it.

Me: Well, you certainly got me. So I’m your captive now?

Abbie: That’s correct. Elisa would have tried to warn you. That’s why I threw the muzzle on her so quickly. She can’t say she told you so if she didn’t get a chance to say she told you so.

Me: I don’t see why she would warn me. Now you’ve got two captives. Better her having one captor with two captives to split your time between than two captors both focusing on her as their sole captive.

Abbie: That’s not quite the way this is going to work. Though I am going to start her timer now.

Abbie picked up Elisa’s phone and hit the Start button on the Stopwatch app.

Abbie: No, Elisa will still be getting my full attention. This girl makes my captures hellacious and I’ve never been able to properly pay her back. So I’m going to take that opportunity now. I just want you out of the way while I do it.

Me: So, I’m not even good enough for you to want to torment?

Abbie: Don’t take it personally. I just have a problem with sharing. Now put your hands behind your back.

I did as she said. She grabbed some coils of rope from her backpack and sat down behind me. She put my wrists together and had my hands facing palm to palm. She looped the rope around and began tying.

Abbie: You didn’t expect this betrayal at all, did you?

Me: I didn’t. I think it was the part where you said “I’m greatly indebted to you”. I think I took that as genuine.

Abbie: That was genuine. Don’t think that I don’t feel bad. It’s just I have to take these opportunities when they come.

Me: When did you know that you were going to betray me? The second I started untying you?

Abbie: I first considered it while I was using your restroom. I decided on it once I saw how tightly you had tied Elisa. I hadn’t really made up my mind. Too many variables. But once I knew that she wasn’t going anywhere…well that was a variable that had been removed. You seem pretty ticked off?

Me: I’m more ticked off at myself. I should have seen this coming. I don’t know you. Why the hell did I trust you?

Abbie: Because I’ve got a cute smile.

Me: That might be it. But that’s not going to get you another team-up. I’ll remember this.

Abbie: I figured as much.

Abbie knotted my wrist restraint and grabbed another coil of rope which she began using to tie my elbows.

Me: I understand that you owe her some payback, but I do too. And now you’re putting that payback on hold.

Abbie: Elisa will be the first to tell you that I’m not nearly as good as her at tying people up. I sincerely doubt that this will hold you for the full three hours. I’m hoping it will hold you for one hour. There will still be plenty of time left on her timer once you’re out. All I ask is an hour of Abbie-

Elisa time and then once you get free you can join in on the fun.

Me: How kind of you?

Abbie: Don’t be like that. I understand that it hurts your pride getting tricked like this, but I’m just an opportunist. She’s the sadist. Remember who you’re really mad at.

She knotted my elbow restraint and grabbed the longest rope that she had at her disposal. She looped it around my torso and began to tightly wrap it around my body pinning my arms to my sides. She did this several times until the rope encircled my body about fourteen times. She then pushed me forward to get leverage, pulled the rope taut and knotted it off near my back. Interesting. She’d just tied it right around. There were no anchor points. It didn’t loop under my arms or over my shoulders. It wasn’t connected to any other bindings. This was just like putting rubber bands on a poster to keep it rolled up. It'd hold it if nobody touched it but simply rubbing it back and forth should be able to dislodge it eventually. I really hope that she left it like this. She stood up and walked over to the lacquered box that was on Elisa’s desk and reached into it. I saw her pull out an object from my periphery vision. I couldn’t exactly see what it was, but she returned behind me and knelt back down.

Abbie: Have you ever been ballgagged before, Trent?

Me: I have not. I’ve never worn one and I’ve never used one on anybody else.

Abbie: Good. Then this will all be new for you.

Me: You’ve got another Betty for me now?

Abbie: Goodness no. I still like you. Betty is for Furious E over there. You get the quaint little red one.

She reached around and held up a manageable red ball gag in front of my lips. I did not make any move to open my mouth.

Abbie: Trent, I know that you’re new to the club, but it’s customary for a captive to simply accept their gag. I’ll do so when you come calling for your revenge.

Me: Fine. I’ll-mmmmpppppphhhhhh.

She pressed the ball gag into my mouth, apparently entirely uninterested in hearing how I planned to finish that sentence. She pulled the ball firmly into my mouth and threaded the strap through the buckle before tightly buckling it behind my head.

Abbie: Perfect. The blue one will definitely fit you but this one is a very manageable size for you. There should be no significant discomfort. Though you will drool a lot. You can either choose to swallow it or let it run. The choice is yours.

Me: Mmmpppphhhh mmmpphhhrrrmppphhh.

Abbie: Now let’s get you flipped over, my little pancake.

She twisted me around and guided me down onto my belly facing Elisa’s desk. This was not ideal because Elisa was behind me. I’d waited a good long time to bind and gag a beautiful girl and now I didn’t even get to enjoy the visage of my efforts. If she was going to torment Elisa while I tried to escape…that was at least something I wanted to see. She was busy tying my ankles, but I figured I’d try and ask if I could get rotated around.

Me: Mmmpppphhhhhhrrmmpppphhhh mmmpppphhhhhh mmppphhhhh mmmmmmmrrrrmmmmmmm??

Abbie: I’m sorry. I’m not going to be able to understand you. Those are the breaks, sweetheart.

OK. This girl was going to get it when I got out of here. I know that I wasn’t allowed to start escaping until she was done, but I figured I’d just analyze her knots. Elisa and Dale had implied that Abbie was an amateur. But she wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. I guess that I was kind of expecting a really crappy escape challenge sort of tie where she just knotted ropes around me a bunch of times and tied square knots and I’d easily be able to flex and squirm out of them. That was not the case. This girl had some of the mechanics down. She just didn’t have all of the prowess. She had looped my wrists and cinched between them and I could feel that she’d done the same with my ankles. She’d clearly watched some videos and seen what the technique was supposed to be. She just wasn’t nearly good enough and pulling slack out. And she didn’t pin or anchor anything. Her knot was at the top of my wrists but it wasn’t buried and if I fidgeted I felt that I could move the knot some. I couldn’t reach it at present, but if I slid things enough…I felt that I could bring it down to my fingers. I was going to let her finish before I got cocky. But I should be able to get out of this in under 30 minutes. After she finished my ankles she proceeded to tie my knees and thighs also.

She then picked up a final rope and began looping it around my wrists. Interesting. I had thought she might try and hogtie me also since that appeared to be the tie de jour in this club. However, I was interested to see where she was going with this. Once she’d cinched off the new binding I felt her pull my ankles up into my body she began using the other ends of the rope to secure my wrists to my ankles. She was hogtying me. But in a manner that I found very ineffective. I’m not going to say that wrist to ankle hogties are entirely ineffective. There are probably riggers out there that can make them work. I’m not one of those people. And starting by tying it at the hands and then connecting it to the ankles seemed like a very amateur move. The tension she was trying to create was not going to be there and I could use the hogtie to my advantage to put pressure on the other bindings in a way that could be fortuitous to my escape. Nevertheless, she pulled the rope as taut as she could and knotted it off. I was now hogtied and ballgagged. For how long remained to be seen.

Abbie: There we go. All done. Now I’ll start your timer.

She scooched over to where I had left my cell phone and pulled up the Stopwatch app. She held it out in front of me and pressed the green button as I watched the numbers roll up from zero. She set it down in front of me so I could watch the time. I suppose that was thoughtful at least. Give me an opportunity to see my score.

Abbie: It was a pleasure doing business with you, Trent. Now Elisa and I have some long overdue fun that we’re about to share.

She patted me condescendingly on the head and started to crawl on her hands and knees over to her other captive who was positioned behind me. I really wanted to watch what was happening over there, but for the sake of my escape it was probably better that I focus. I still had a fairly painful pinky sprain on my right hand that would make picking knots a little bit harder than I was used to.

Abbie: Alright, Elisa. Enough of this weak sauce gag. Time for the main event.

I began to flex my hands around and test my bonds as I listened to Abbie and Elisa. Elisa moaned ever so lightly as Abbie was clearly in the process of peeling off her tape gag. I was formulating my plan of attack. There were several critical weak points in this tie. It was just a matter of how to best exploit them in a timely manner so that I could get back to my revenge. Clearly Abbie had gotten the tape off and extracted the rag from Elisa’s mouth because I heard Elisa pipe up a second later.

Elisa: Way to treat your partner, Abbie. You finally get a boy to trust you and then you-mmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmppphhhhrrrmrmmmmppphhhhh!!!

Abbie: I realize that this might not have been a prescient move, E. But if there is one person who I am not going to let lecture me on trust…it’s you. Now, let’s get these socks off you, girl.

Elisa: Mmmppphhhrrrmmppphhhh.

I’d now formulated my plan of attack. Under normal circumstances I thought that I could pin some of the coils on my wrist in place and pull a loose cinch rope down to bring the knot closer to my fingers. However, the fingers that I needed to pin the coils in place in this case would be the ring finger and pinky of my left hand. I knew that this damn sprain was going to come back and bite me in the ass. So instead I’d have to leverage my hogtie. I’d manipulate the hogtie to put extra strain on the wrist ropes and try and pull the knot down that way. However, in order to do that I’d need to be able to lift my wrists up a little bit higher to flex the rope. They were currently pinned to my back. But that seemed like a fixable problem. I simply had to writhe back and forth and try and push these chest ropes either up towards my shoulder or down towards my waist…whichever way they felt like going until they loosened enough. Up was probably preferable.

I began to gyrate my shoulders and upper body back and forth to try and shift the chest ropes and as I began to do so I heard fits of muffled laughter coming from behind me as Abbie taunted her victim. I’d have loved to have watched it, but trying to turn myself around 180 degrees would probably take precious time. And I had a rendezvous with revenge. Slowly but surely the ropes began to slide up my torso and congregate just above my nipples. After a few minutes I had pushed them high enough that I could easily raise my bound wrists at least 18 inches off my back. I then tested the hogtie.

The ends of the hogtie were secured above my wrist bindings on my arm and above my ankle bindings on my leg. So pulling the hogtie tight pushed into those two bindings. The hogtie being secured to both sets of limbs and not having an anchor point meant that pulling it tight put strain on the knots. And if I had enough momentum when kicking my legs I could likely jounce myself free of the hogtie altogether. But that was NOT what I wanted to do. The key to a quick escape required that I get free of Abbie’s wrist tie. And simply straining the hogtie to push into my wrist binding at the right ankle could help bring the knot down to my prying fingers. So I flexed my legs and pulled them in various directions to see how the hogtie responded. Pulling me legs to the left pulled the knot away from my good hand and at an awkward angle. That wasn’t the right play. Pulling my legs to the right seemed like what I should do but I couldn’t see the knot and when I felt around for it…it didn’t feel any closer.

There wasn’t enough pressure on the binding. I probably still needed to pin the rope in place and give myself leverage. Shifting onto my side would allow me the leverage I needed and with the chest ropes no longer doing much of anything I definitely had the ability to roll now. I rocked my upper body back and forth and rolled myself onto my right side. I was now facing Elisa’s bed, but I still didn’t have a proper view of the action. Though if I looked straight down I could see Abbie’s back and Elisa’s bare feet occasionally flashed into my field of vision as she bucked and grunted in between fits of laughter as Abbie’s nimble fingers played with her helpless soles. I paused for a moment to enjoy the dominant girl’s squealing, but then focused myself and leaned down hard onto my wrist bindings. Having pinned the ropework into the carpet I now simply needed to shift the knot towards my fingers.

I flexed the hogtie rope to the right and tried to see what that did to the knot. I still didn’t have the necessary leverage. I then slanted my feet up and to the right and finally felt the knot pull down into my finger tips. Bingo! God I wish that I had two fully healthy hands. This was going to take some dexterity. The knot was now in play. But it was still tightly double knotted, and I didn’t have a lot of room to work with it. I slid my field of vision up towards my phone and couldn’t really see it. Before I had executed the roll I had been at 11 minutes elapsed. By now I was probably 15 or 16 minutes in. Elisa was apparently being given a slight break because I could hear her huffing miserably, but the laughter had stopped.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 3 of 6]

Abbie: How you doing over there, champ?

Me: Mmmmmmppphhhrrrrmmppphhhhhh Mmmmppphhhhhmmmmm.

Abbie: I see. It looks like you’re making some progress. Do you think I still have an hour in me?

Me: Nnnnmmppphhhh mmmppphhhh!!

I shook my head with confidence to let her know that I thought I had her beat. I couldn’t see her reaction, but heard her retort.

Abbie: Well, then we’d better get going again, my little pet.

And then I heard Elisa’s squeals of laughter return as I’m assuming Abbie resumed her torment of the poor girl’s soles. Though it could have been her ribs, armpits, naval, or any number of body parts for all I knew. I was simply focused on picking this fucking knot. A few strained and sweaty minutes later I felt the rope slide a little bit as I pushed the first knot up and out. Abbie had double knotted it but the release of the first knot gave me a little more give, and my fingers had full hold of the knot now. The second one would go quickly. I still couldn’t see the timer but I think I picked the second one clean in less than 90 seconds. I now just had to unravel the cinch ropes and then I could squirm my way out of the binding. I bucked my hands back and forth rhythmically as I felt where the cinch rope swung. I felt it go over between the tops of my wrists and then used my fingers to pull it back through. I flicked it back up deftly and repeated this process three times. I then felt the ropes part with some slack and began wiggling my wrists back and forth in earnest.

It didn’t take long. With enough flexing and writhing the ropes eventually gave a little more and I pulled my right hand up into the rope until the palm and thumb caught. I deftly jerked the rope to the side and finished pulling my hand through. I shook the wrist restraint off. Now the only thing restraining my wrists was the second rope that was connecting them to my ankles for the hogtie. This one was sloppy. The positioning of the knot had not been a consideration at all and my fingers found it immediately. I scrambled around the knot and dug my index fingers into the ropework. After a little prying the knot came free and the ropes started to unwind themselves like a ribbon coming off a Christmas present. I pulled my hands through as they fell to the floor and the hogtie was broken. I then flipped myself on to my back and used my now free hands to push myself up into a seated position. I now had a full view of Abbie and Elisa and the commotion made Abbie spin around and look at me.

Abbie: Oh Fuck. Looks like the 1 on 1 portion of the evening will be coming to an end soon. How much time has it been?

I turned my head to look at my phone. It read 24:15.

Me: Mmmmpphphhhrrmmmpppphhh Mmppphhhhmmmppphhhhmmmm.

My words came out incredibly muffled and slurred. I felt a large glob of drool fall down and hit my stomach with a plop.

Abbie: I have no clue what you said. And you look a mess, buddy. Clearly the swallow your spit technique was not for you.

I had not been swallowing my spit at all. The ball gag had made me drool like crazy and I’m sure there was a sizeable wet patch where I had just let it seep into the carpet. But now that I was upright the drool would be dropping onto me. That’s OK. As soon as I shook loose of the elbow restraints I’d be able to unbuckle the gag. I gave it 45 seconds tops. That ended up being about right. I reached my hands up and simply pulled down on the messy elbow tie. It had not been particularly snug and started to slide down my arm. I couldn’t get it all the way down but eventually the knot was within easy reach of my right hand and I untied it like it was my shoelace. I then slid my right elbow out and shook the restraint off. I then pulled my arms around to the front of my body and simply hoisted the chest ropes up and over my shoulders. I was home free. I reached behind my head and found the buckle for this stupid, insipid gag. I wanted it out of my mouth. And pronto. But I was still fumbling with it when another glob of drool fell off of it and hit me square in the thigh. I wasn’t used to the apparatus, but it was fairly intuitive. I found the strap, pulled it back, flexed the prong up, slid it out of the hole, and then slid the strap back out of the buckle. In my enthusiasm to be rid of the wretched gag I flung a thin spray of saliva into the air as I pulled it out. I turned to look at my timer.

Me: 27:04, Abbie.

Abbie: Not bad. Not bad at all. Elisa here is usually free in 25:00 or less, but this is your first time. Get your legs untied and you’ll have earned your right to help me with Miss Thompson over here.

Me: What do you mean, help you?

Abbie: She’s got a lot more tickle torture coming her way. One of us can do the feet and the other can do the ribs. It’ll be a war on two fronts.

Me: Fuck that. You have until I get out of these leg restraints to get the fuck out of here or you’re going to be my prisoner also.

Abbie looked at me smugly.

Abbie: Not so fast, Trent. You’ve already captured me this week. You don’t get a second one.

Me: Abbie, darling. I didn’t capture you. Elisa did. That was HER capture.

Abbie: But she gave me to you as a present. I was your captive.

Me: Doesn’t matter. It’s one capture per week. Not one captivity. You’ve been in the club longer than me.

Abbie: Are you sure?

Me: That’s what Dale told me. You’ve got the commissioner right there. Why don’t you ask?

I was already picking my thigh tie with haste.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhrrrmmpppphhhhhh Mmmmppphhhhh Hhhmmppphhhhhhh.

Whatever she had said was completely unintelligible, but there was no question that the little head flick she gave towards me followed by the nod meant that I was right.

Me: Guess what that meant.

Abbie: Doesn’t matter. You can’t immediately capture your captor after your release.

Me: Abbie, now you’re just taking advantage of the fact that you don’t think I know the rules. You didn’t release me. I absolutely can if I RELEASE MYSELF. You have to set me free for that rule to apply. I know this. You know this. You know I know this.

Any hint of a smile had disappeared from Abbie’s face. She had planned on me still being green, but I had STUDIED the rules. I knew them inside and outside. I’d asked Dale for clarifications. I’d even sent Elisa an e-mail for a few things I hadn’t quite nailed down. If Abbie was still sitting there when my ankles were out…She. Was. Mine.

Abbie: Come on now, Trent. I know what I did wasn’t clever, but I just REALLY, REALLY wanted to have a solo go at Elisa. We can share this. I know that you’re going to get revenge on me. But you can do it at a later time. You can do it tomorrow for all I care.

Me: I can ALREADY do it tomorrow if I want. The week will re-set. But if you are still there when I get my ankles undone. You’re my prisoner. So I would skedaddle if I was you.

Abbie: You can have her to yourself. I just want to watch now.

Me: The only way you’ll be watching is as a hogtied prisoner right next to her, my dear.

Her demeanor was growing more frantic. I could see a sense of desperation coursing through her.

Abbie: I can’t just leave you alone here with her. I think I should get to stay as an unbound supervisor. For safety. Like you said. We don’t know each other.

Me: Nice try. She left you with me when we were almost completely unknowns to each other. I’ve known Elisa a lot longer than I’ve known you. That statement holds no water.

Abbie: Either agree to let me stay, UNBOUND, or I’ll untie her wrists right now and then nobody gets to have any fun.

Me: Abbie, look at her. See how she’s bound. That would be a very poor move on your part. I know exactly what knots to tie to make you a very miserable young lady. Don’t threaten me.

Abbie: Come on. Bargain with me here. I don’t get to be the dominant very often in this game.

Me: Abbie, do you remember when Elisa gave you to me as a present?

Abbie: Obviously.

Me: And do you remember how you asked me to untie you?

Abbie: Yes. I know. I’m an ungrateful bitch. I double crossed you. But-

Me: No. I want you to remember that you told me that you thought you were in no good position to negotiate or dictate terms because you were helpless.

Abbie: I remember. And you told me that I was absolutely in position to negotiate and dictate terms.

Me: Correct. NOW you’re in no position to negotiate or dictate terms.

I had finished untying my knees and was picking my ankle knots.

Abbie: Trent, please. Just let me stay for this one. I want to watch a master at work. I’m no longer a threat to you. You’ve seen that I lack the necessary prowess with my ropework.

Me: I’d say you have about 30 seconds to be out that door, little girl.

Abbie: Trent, you’re scaring me.

Me: Good.

I gave her an evil grin and growled at her. She bolted up and grabbed her backpack. She stuffed the cloth and roll of duct tape in it and inched towards the door.

Abbie: It doesn’t have to be like this.

Me: Fifteen seconds!

Abbie: Fine. You have to take Betty out in two to three minutes. That’s not an official rule, but it’s a rule. Safety wise. Promise me.

Me: Fine. Done. Five seconds! Four! Three!

I finished unwinding the ankle ropes as Abbie gave a horrified little Meep! like she was Beaker from The Muppets and quickly opened the door and slid outside into the hall before closing it behind her.

Me: Two! One. OK. Well. Now I can finally get down to business.

I walked over to the door that Abbie had just scurried out of and locked it behind her. I then turned around and looked down at my bound and hogtied captive, Elisa.

Me: Alright. Now that she’s gone, WE can finally have some fun.

Elisa just sort of stared up at me apprehensively.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 4 of 6]

As Elisa stared up at me apprehensively, I gave her a menacing look as I saw little spit bubbles form and froth around what was a monstrously silly white ball gag that was pressed into her mouth. I wouldn’t say that it was in her mouth. It certainly wasn’t successfully slotted behind her teeth. But it was pressing into her mouth in a way that forced her lips up around to contour it.

Me: Good lord, woman. Why do you have something that big? Does that fit anybody?

Elisa: Mmmmpphhhhrrrrrrrmmpppphhhhhmmmmmmm.

Me: You need that to come out, right?

She nodded her head.

Me: Alright. Well, that little scamp Abbie took my duct tape with her. So let me see what I can find to replace it with.

I still had my ball gag, but it was covered in my drool. And even though I wasn’t under any obligation to be nice to Elisa…that felt mean. I went over to her desk and opened the lacquered wooden box. Elisa had cocked her head sideways and was staring at me. She started making panicked protests into her gag when she saw what I was doing.

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmpppphhhhh!!! Nnnmmmpppphhhh!! Nnnnmmmpppphhhh!!! Nnnmmmpppphhhhh!!!

It didn’t take me long to figure out why. Clearly this was a private box of hers with several things that she had no desire for me to see. There was a clear bottle of something with a fireworks decal on it. There were multiple pairs of handcuffs. There was a bullet vibrator. There was a set of vibrating nipple clamps. And there was a sizeable blue ball gag on a black leather strap. It was larger than the red one but significantly smaller than Betty. I decided to take this with me as I closed the box and approached my protesting captive.

Me: Yeah. I’ll bet that was embarrassing. Don’t worry. I promise to forget what I saw in there.

She groaned into her gag as she had no choice but to just accept that I’d seen a private cache of items that was never supposed to fall under my discerning gaze.

Me: But I think we’re going to use this.

I held out the ball gag in my hand and she grumbled into Betty with a perturbed and forlorn look. It felt so good to have the roles reversed from our previous encounter earlier in the week. I liked this side of the ropes a lot better. I knelt down behind my tightly hogtied captive and began to unbuckle Betty as she twitched uncomfortably. Once I’d threaded the strap out of the buckle, Betty just kind of fell out of her mouth since it had never gotten behind her teeth to begin with. Immediately she started in with an explanation or apology of some sort that I decided I didn’t really need to hear.

Elisa: Trent, I just need you to know that I didn’t – mmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

She never finished the first sentence as I took the blue ball gag and palming it by the polymer ball (rather than holding by the straps as I’d traditionally seen done), I slotted it into her stammering mouth. She didn’t put up any real resistance. As soon as the ball was between her lips she just sort of accepted what was happening. But she wasn’t happy about it. And she let me know it.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhhh Nnnnnmmmpppphhhhhh Hhhhhhrrrrrmmmpppphhhhhmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

I simply held the ball in her mouth with my hand pressed firmly over it, pushing it firmly into her oral cavity. It did slot perfectly behind her teeth…almost making a perfect seal on her mouth. This was clearly a fitted ball gag of some kind. Betty was a weird novelty. The red one was probably one that was better suited for comfort or longer sessions but this one appeared to be the perfect size to fit it’s owner. I’d figured Elisa was somebody who liked to tie and gag other people. A proper domme. I hadn’t imagined that she’d have a ball gag that seemed custom fitted to her own mouth. But here we were. I pressed my hand firmly down over her mouth and whispered menacingly in her ear.

Me: Elisa, I have to tell you that I’ve always admired your confidence. But for the next couple of hours…I’m going to admire your QUIET confidence.

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

She did not appreciate the taunt and turned her head to give me a little side glare. I paid it no mind and continued to buckle the gag tightly behind her head. Finally I stood up to admire my work. It was the most beautiful sight that I’d witnessed in my 20 years on the planet. And my parents had taken me to see The Grand Tetons, Big Sur, and Acadia National Park. Here was the most attractive girl that I knew on our campus of 8000+ students, and she was tightly hogtied and ball gagged on her dorm room floor. I was fully in charge for the next 140 minutes or so. It had been worth the wait. Abbie had delayed it somewhat and robbed me of a little time…but I’d deal with her later. Now it was time to watch Elisa squirm.

Me: Alright. It doesn’t look comfortable down there on that floor. And I don’t know if it’s permissible for me to lift you up. I don’t want to be accused of untoward actions so I’m going to need your permission to put you on your bed.

Elisa: Hhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmmm mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhhh.

Me: I’ll be as delicate as possible and won’t get "gropy". One grunt for Yes you may move me. Two grunts for No I’d rather stay here.

Elisa: HHhhhmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhrrrrrrrrrmmmmmpppppppphhhh mmmmppppphhhhh mmmppphhhhhh.

Me: I’m not taking the gag out. It’s a yes or no question. I gave you the communication system. Use it.

Elisa sighed but then gave one short grunt to consent to being lifted onto her bed.

Elisa: Mmmppphhhh.

Me: OK. Up you go then.

I bent down and carefully slid my arms under Elisa. My left one slid below her breasts trying not to graze them as they wrapped around her midriff. My right arm slid underneath her at her mid-thigh closer to her knees than her nethers. I lifted and with a not inconsiderable amount of strain I hoisted her up to hip level and took a few steps towards her bed before depositing her as gently as possible onto the bottom bunk. I probably had 50 pounds on Elisa, but she was tall and toned and unwieldy. I’d been a little surprised with how strenuous it had been. I was pretty sure that I could have lifted Abbie up with one hand. Elisa gave a small grunt as she settled down into the mattress. Her face now facing towards me and the rest of her room and her knees almost touching the wall that her bed was pressed up against. She just stared at me expectantly. This brash, confident, badass girl clearly had a little bit of apprehension at her current situation. She wasn’t showing outright fear or dread, but I sensed a boiling uncertainty beneath her calm façade. She knew me. But she didn’t KNOW me. We weren’t close enough for her to have a good idea of what I was going to do. And I wasn’t entirely sure what I was allowed to do yet. Abbie had gone right in on tickling. I knew that was legal. But I thought there was an even better torture that I could use to harvest her unease. I’d seen a glimpse of it previously and I decided to let her know exactly what I was going to be doing in the immediate future.

Me: Listen, E. May I call you, E? I could pick up where Abbie left off and tickle that helpless body of yours. But we’ve got more than two hours to go and I don’t think either of us has the stamina for torture that extends that long. So I was thinking of something a little more menacing. I was thinking about what might really drive a captive crazy. I was thinking about what I’d really hate for somebody to do to me while I was helplessly bound and gagged on my bed. So I’m going to start rifling through your shit. I’ve already seen some stuff I wasn’t supposed to see. Let's see what other forbidden treasures you have.

Elisa did not appear to be pleased by this idea. But I also thought that she might be too proud to openly protest and let me know that she was averse to this course of action. She just scowled at me. I thought it seemed like a good idea. Having somebody paw through all of my stuff while I was helplessly restrained would in fact be solid torture. I knew revenge would be coming sooner or later and needed to make sure that I put hid or locked sensitive things. I also might want to clear my browser history more regularly. I simply gave Elisa a slight smile as I sat in her desk chair and pulled her backpack up onto my lap. I unzipped it as her eyes stayed fixed on me. Her gagged mouth offered no audible protest. I pulled out some text books. Some pens. A notebook. I examined them all as I did so with mock interest. A phone charger. A little pouch with tea bags in it. Deodorant. And then a prescription bottle. My goal had been to snoop, but I honestly didn’t want to find out anything that I really shouldn’t know so I made a show of averting my gaze and tossing the bottle over my shoulder without examining it.

Me: That’s maybe a little too personal. No HIPAA violations here.

Elisa just rolled her eyes and groaned. I don’t think she cared if I knew what she was on.

In the smaller pouch I found a book. One of my favorite books. Possibly my actual favorite book. A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. The book was marked with a bookmark from Parnassus Books, a local bookstore just South of I-440. It was marked in the chapter “Safari”. She was still in the first half of the book, but she had just finished my favorite chapter, “Ask Me If I Care”. I decided to have some fun with her…and be a real dick in the process.

Me: A Visit from the Goon Squad, eh? Great book. Love this book! Do you want to know the big twist ending?

Her eyes went wide. I could see true abject terror and anger behind them. She let me know that under no circumstances was I to say another fucking word on the matter.

Elisa: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmppphhhhhrrrrmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

It was mean of me.

Me: Relax. I’m not going to.

Her anger failed to dissipate. She still had a stern glare fixed on me. I just continued going through her things. All of the drawers in her desk. I pulled out odds and ends and commented on them. Pictures of family and friends. I teased her about past hairstyles and crazy outfits. She refused to give me much. She just sort of rolled with the punches over the next twenty or so minutes as I dissected and commented on her life via the contents of her desk. Then in the bottom drawer I found something interesting. I reached down and pulled out the little Nikon digital camera that she’d snapped a picture of me with days before. As I did with everything that I pulled out of her desk, I glanced at her to clock her reaction. The previous dozen items had given me nothing, but this was clearly one that her worried. It didn’t appear to be fear that I was going to snap a picture of her. I was definitely going to do that...with my own camera that I’d brought. No. This was something different. I had something important to her in the palm of my hands and she was watching with rapt curiosity to see how I would approach it.

Me: Well. What have we here?

I knew exactly what we had. And I made a show of clicking the camera on and looking into the viewfinder as I scrolled for the device’s camera roll. Once I did the last picture on it popped into place. It was of a tightly hogtied and thoroughly tape gagged Abbie squirming helplessly on my desk. I’d been there for this one. I had declined to be in that picture because I didn’t need incriminating photos of myself on somebody else’s camera. Then I flicked back to the previous photo. I saw a photo that I had no choice whether to include myself in or not. It was a photo of me from the previous Tuesday. I was tightly bound to my own bed and gagged with duct tape. This was not a flattering or glamorous picture. I always thought that girls looked incredibly hot when they were tied up. I’m sure there was some similar allure to seeing a guy tied up. But I wasn’t seeing it in this photo. And the most humiliating part of it was how absolutely terrified I looked. Abbie had at least known what was going on when Elisa had jumped her the other day. Elisa also knew what she was getting herself into today. I was a lost babe in the woods on Tuesday. And it showed on my face. She’d managed to catch abject shame and horror in the picture. Elisa gave me a disapproving growl as I continued to scroll through pictures.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhhhrrrrmmmppphhhhh! Mmmmmpphhhhh.

I knew that I wasn’t allowed to know who else was in the group but I was having trouble helping myself. I shot back through the three photos previous to mine before stopping. There was a photo of Elisa’s roommate. I recognized her as Erica Callahan, but barely knew her. She was tightly bound to her desk chair. Arms pulled behind her in a manner that I couldn’t see. She was gagged with the red ballgag that I had previously been wearing. There was also a picture of a blond boy that I’m not sure I had ever seen before. He was tightly hogtied and barefoot on the ground. Possibly the same floor that I was standing on right now. Carpets were all the same in the dorm. He was gagged with tape wrapped all the way around his head. Then there was another picture of Abbie. This time she was being held in Elisa’s arms horizontally like she was a massive fish that Elisa had just caught. She was thoroughly trussed from head to toe and once again gagged with tape wrapped fully around her head.

Me: Oh. I’m sorry. Am I not supposed to be looking at these?

Elisa: Nnnmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmppphhhhhh!!!

She shook her head at me disapprovingly.

Me: That’s fine. I won’t snoop too much. There’s just one that I need to delete though. I can’t have anybody seeing this.

I smiled gleefully at Elisa as I saw her eyes go wide and witnessed a strange pall fall over her face. She didn’t protest loudly into the gag or wildly struggle. However, I could see that her demeanor had shifted and she offered what was probably as close to a plea as I was ever going to get out of this stubborn girl into her gag.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhhrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmm.

I don’t think that I’m especially great at being able to get inside other people’s heads. If I knew what others (especially girls) were thinking than I’d be in a very different place than I am right now. And I often joke that I read body language at a third grade level. This isn’t great for somebody who enjoys having gagged captives at his mercy. But I honestly think that I do a decent job of telling when something is really wrong with a captive and it’s clear that Elisa did not want me to delete this photo. And I’m never hasty. I don’t like to rush through doors that I can’t go back through. Once I deleted this picture…it was going to be gone. So I figured I should inquire about what made it important. And as angry as I’d been at Elisa on Tuesday. She was kind of my boss now. She was the leader of this whole outfit. It was sort of hard to remember that I had been furious at her. I was now part of some sort of society where I was allowed to bind and gag attractive girls at my leisure and the only repercussions were that I’d end up tied and humiliated myself at some point. And in some cases I wouldn’t even be that helpless, as Abbie didn’t appear to be up to Elisa’s level of restraint. I had a VERY good thing going and I didn’t need to screw that up by pissing her off too much. What was one embarrassing photo that I’d been promised wouldn’t be shared outside of the club?

Me: Oh. You don’t want me to delete this photo?

Elisa: Nnnmmmppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh.

She shook her head to indicate that she would prefer that I NOT delete it. She didn’t appear ready to beg though. And I didn’t blame her. She was my helpless prisoner but she wasn’t about to give me her dignity.

Me: Are you keeping these for some sort of kinky scrapbooking?

Elisa sort of shrugged at me but nodded.

Me: And I suppose that I should respect your things. But I can’t help but think that you gained this photo under unfair circumstances. Look at the poor guy in this photo.

I showed the picture to her and she just stared at it.

Me: He’s terrified. He doesn’t know that this is all some game. He thinks that you’ve got some sick plan and are going to ruin him.

Elisa: Hhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmmpppphhhhhhrrrrrrmmmmmppppphhhhhh.

Me: Are you implying that I should have known better?

Elisa nodded.

Me: Well I didn’t. And I don’t. We’re friends. But I certainly need to get to know you better. And I don’t think it’s fair that you’ve got this photo showing me consumed by fear to show all of your Capture Club buddie. You can show them what a badass you are and I’ll never really have an equal opportunity to do the same.

Elisa: Hhhmmmppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhmmmm??

Me: I’ll make a deal with you. Mutually assured destruction. You give me a similar looking photo and I’ll let you keep this one. You pose like you’re terrified of me and I’ll trust that you won’t go slagging me off as some sort of whimpering coward. Deal?

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhmmmmpppppphhhhh.

Elisa shook her head that she was agreeing to the aforementioned proposition. I pulled a small digital camera that I owned out of my pocket and pointed it at my alluring, helpless captive.

Me: Alright, showtime.

Elisa immediately changed her demeanor and posture. Her eyes went wide. Her eyebrows shot up with them and her lips curled around the ball gag in a true exasperation. Her body tensed and contorted itself. She bucked against the ropes holding her still and whined pleadingly into her gag. I snapped three pictures, with a few seconds between each click. I scrolled though them and saw that I definitely had a money shot in there. It was thrilling. She was quite the actress. If I hadn’t known that I’d asked her to seem terrified just fifteen seconds earlier, I’d have thought that I was scaring the wits out of her.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Hhhhmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhhmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

Me: Excellent. That’s great. Now, one more. A real one with the two of us that we’ll know represents your first capture.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I've caught up on the last few chapters, excellent stuff. I really like what you're doing with these characters, it's keeping things unpredictable and engaging to read. The dialogue is spot on as well, makes the characters feel more lifelike

I'm really looking forward to the next part!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Really, really enjoying your story. And there is so much potential for future developments, with the pictures found on the camera. Great work!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 3: "I Never Really Got an Informational Brochure" (FM/F, F/FM, M/F) [Part 5 of 6]

I crouched down next to the bed and rested my right elbow on her back, throwing up a peace sign with my free hand. I mugged for the camera as I snapped an awkwardly angled photo, as best I could with the camera in my left hand. I pulled the camera back and checked the camera roll. The photo I saw was another classic. I was grinning like an idiot while Elisa just simply glared at the camera with an annoyed, disinterested expression. While my hand was up in the peace sign I could see in the background of the photo that her bound hands were flipping me the double bird. I loved this girl’s feistiness. This was a dynamic that I liked having with a captive. I’d felt a little uncomfortable with Abbie the other day. This was an easier dynamic to work with. I wasn’t looking for a submissive. I was looking for a rival. Somebody to challenge me. Elisa had proven that she was adept at ropework and she also wasn’t a pushover when it came to being tied up either. I chuckled audibly when I saw the gesture.

Me: Alright. Well. I think that one of the reason’s that I was so scared in your photo is that I didn’t know a thing about this group. I didn’t know what you were going to do with that photo. I didn’t know that I could trust you.

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmppphhhhhhh hhhhmmmppphhhhhhh.

Me: Are you implying that I should have known that you weren’t a dangerous sociopath?

Elisa nodded.

Me: Well. I didn’t. I don’t think that we know each other as well as we think you do. I mean. I like you. We’re friends. But gun to your head I’m not sure that you could tell me much beyond the basics of personal information. You might know where I’m from. What my major is. What TV shows I like to watch. But we don’t really have deep personal conversations, now do we?

Elisa thought about it for a moment but shook her head. She was probably closer with Dale than she was with me. And while I didn’t have a problem calling her a friend, there were easily a dozen girls on campus that I felt closer to. And I wouldn’t have the guts to approach ANY of them about tying them up. I needed to get to know Elisa better. She’s somebody who’s friendship I desired…outside and above my general attraction to her.

Me: Great. So I’ll ask you some get to know you questions. About yourself. About the club. About what you're interested in.

Elisa: Mmmmmppppphhhhhhrrrrrrrmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhhh???

Me: No. I won’t be removing the gag. They’ll all be Yes or No questions. We’ve got our system worked out already. One grunt for Yes. Two grunts for No.

Elisa: Pphhhhhhhmmmmpppphhh mmmmmmrrrrmmmmm.

I was pretty sure I caught that one. And she knew that I did. She’d basically said “Fuck You” even though it sounded nothing like that. She knew it. I knew it.

Me: Fuck me? Fine. Suit yourself.

She eyed me confidently but anxiously to see how I would respond. I simply smiled at her and let her know that if she didn’t want to play ball that was fine with me.

Me: I’m not going to force you to answer questions. But I think that you’ll come around.

She flipped me another middle finger with her bound hands.

Me: I see. What’s your reticence to answer a bunch of questions? You don’t want me to know the real you?

She shook her head.

Me: Is it because you think I’m some pervy little bugger who likes to listen to girls talk into their gags and you don’t want to give me that satisfaction?

She nodded at this one. It was probably true. I LOVED gag talk.

Me: Hey. That’s fair. I can’t fault you. But if we’re not going to talk then I have other things I can be doing.

I put my hands to her hip and the side of her ribs and began to push her bound body towards the head of her bed. Her body moved but it pulled the duvet with her unmaking her neatly made bed. I wasn’t too concerned. She could re-make it. Once I had her somewhat close to the head of the bed I tipped her back onto her side so that her face and stomach were facing out towards me. She was none too pleased about being handled in such a manner and squirmed in such a way that her shirt began to rise up exposing her midriff. I could see her navel as she grumbled indignantly.

Me: Well, you don’t want to talk. And if I’m being honest...I’m a little bushed. I mean I had to struggle and escape from a tight tie also. I’m apparently much better at escaping than you because I was only tied up for 25 minutes and you’ve been tied up for….(I checked her phone’s timer)…over an hour and forty minutes now.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhhhh hhhmmmppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmm.

Me: I know. I’m better at tying AND escaping than you. Sad. You’ve had a lot more practice I would think…but I guess I’m just a natural.

Elisa: Hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Me: Well, anyway…I’m tired. So I’m going to take a nap. And you look like a really great pillow. Hope you don’t mind. I hope this isn’t against any rules. I don’t see that it is.

I slid myself onto her bed and laid myself down so that my head was resting right at the side of her exposed midriff, right above the hollow of her hip. If I turned my head sharply to the right I could see her gorgeous gagged face. If I turned my head sharply to the left I could see the tops of her kneecaps poking through holes in her acid wash jeans as her legs then pulled themselves tightly behind her body. She seemed fairly upset about the indignity of the situation, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. She was grumbling. And she was bucking herself a little bit to try and make it an uncomfortable rest.

Me: Speaking of rules. I don’t even know that I’m necessarily bound to the rules.

Elisa: Hhhmmmmmpppphhhhh??

Me: Yeah. I mean, am I even in the club? I don’t know. I never really accepted the invitation, did I?

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhmmmpppphhhhh.

I BADLY wanted to be in the club. I NEEDED to be in the club. But I was going to play with her a little bit.

Me: I mean. Do I really trust myself in a club with people that I barely know? I don’t know Abbie at all. Look how easily she was able to betray me. And you seem to have no interest in letting me know you any better. I’m not so sure about this club. I don’t know if I’ll accept the invitation.

Elisa: Hhhmmmpppphhhh?

Me: And if I’m not a club member, I don’t know that I feel obligated to follow the rules of the club. So let’s dispense with this little formality.
I pulled her phone up into my hand and let her watch as I stopped the timer.

Elisa: Nnnnmmmmppppphhh?!?! Hhhmmppphhhhmmmmmmm!!!!

She was a solid actress. But I think I genuinely was starting to have her a little bit.

Me: Yeah. I feel like I want to capture and be captured by people that I KNOW. By people that I can have more of an understanding with. So I think I’m going to take a nice little nap here to get my strength back. Then I think I’m just going to leave.

Elisa: Hhhmmmpppphhhhh?!?!

Me: You were pretty confident that you could get out? I’m sure that you won’t still be in these ropes when your roommate Erica comes back. Now I don’t know that she’s in the club, but given that we’re allowed to use this room freely I’m going to assume that she might be. Or that she at least knows about the situation.

I’d seen Erica on the camera. I was 99.5% sure that she was a club member.

Me: Abbie and I planned this for when we did because she won’t be back until after 9:00pm this evening. That would be a LONG time to spend in a hogtie such as this, don’t you think?

I turned my head to look at Elisa’s face. She was staring down towards me. She wasn’t saying anything but I thought I could see a trickle of desperation beneath the silent, angry glare that she was giving me. Apparently she didn’t know that I wasn’t a cruel, dangerous sociopath either.

Me: And that assumes that she wants to let you out right away. I could always shoot her a Gift Emoji text at 9:00 from your phone. She might think that you JUST got tied up and have some fun all the way until midnight. I wonder if you’re wishing that you’d used the restroom when I offered it earlier. How’s the bladder?

I turned again and she was just holding her angry glare. I could see it. She was fine now. But her bladder wasn’t going to be good by midnight.

Me: Well, do me a favor…don’t wet yourself in the next 90 minutes. I might be a pervy little bugger who is into tying girls up but that doesn’t go for ALL kinks. So I’d appreciate you holding it for now.

Elisa: Nnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhrrrrrrmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Me: Or I suppose there is another route that we could go. You could answer ten questions to my satisfaction. Then I could tickle you for ten minutes. And then I could release you early at just after the two hour mark for good behavior. How does that sound?

Elisa growled into her gag, but then gave me an affirmative grunt.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhrrrrrmmmmmmm Mmmmppphhhh.

Me: I’m sorry. Was that two grunts for “No”.

Elisa: Mmmmpphhhhhhrrrmmmpppphhhhhhmmmmm!!!!!!

Me: One grunt for “Yes Trent, I’d like to answer some questions”. Two grunts for “Fuck Off, Trent, I’ve always wanted to see what it feels like to be tightly bound and gagged for over eight hours.”

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhh!!

Me: Alright. Let’s get to it. That question didn’t count. First question. Is your current favorite club member to capture a male or a female? One grunt for male. Two grunts for female.

She thought about if for a second. I was intrigued because I knew that I was going to enjoy tying the girls WAY more than the boys…if I ever decided to tie the boys. But Elisa was fairly open about being pretty evenly bisexual. I wanted to see if she had any stronger preferences within the game.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhh.

Me: Really? I’m so flattered. I imagine I am a pretty fun capture.

Elisa: Nnnmmmmppphhhhhmmmmppphhhhhrrrrmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Me: Yeah. I’m sorry. This isn’t a great game for extrapolation. But I’ll just assume it’s me and not somebody more alluring like Dale. Second question. Do you enjoy this? By that I mean being tied up. Do you like to be tied up yourself?

Elisa: Mmmmmppppphhhhh mmmppppphhhhhhh.

Two sharp grunts. That meant No. Sad. It’d be great if she really dug being restrained but I suppose that she was probably in this club for the same reasons that I was. Being tied up was a means to an ends for her. This was business. Not pleasure.

Me: Sad. I’m disappointed that somebody that is going to be spending so much time tied up hasn’t even learned to enjoy it. I’d work on learning to find pleasure in it if I was you.

I turned my head to look at her. She gave me no audible response. She just sort of glared at me and then rolled to eyes at me.

Me: Third question. Are you impressed with my skills? Honestly. No witty taunting or putdowns. Straight talk. Have I impressed you?

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhhh.

One grunt. Clear. Sure. She did think that I had skills. I was pretty sure that I already knew this but it was nice to hear it confirmed.

Me: Thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated.

I decided to switch it up a little bit with my next question. I had a girl who was begrudgingly my prisoner as part of a game. We were probably developing a rivalry, even if it came with a mutual respect. I wanted to see if she was still willing to do me favors outside of the game.

Me: Question four. My co-ed intermural soccer team is on the verge of forfeiting if we don’t find another girl or two for our game Wednesday. Any interest in substituting for us? It’s your off day. It will be my off day.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhh.

An affirmative. Excellent. I LOVED the possibilities that this game presented. But I hated the possible idea that it might negatively impact my future relationships with these people outside of this game. I didn’t even know Abbie, but I wanted to be able to go have dinner with her in the cafeteria without betrayals and mistreatments in the game having too much effect.

Me: You’re not just saying that to appease your captor are you?

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhh.

She grunted in the negative.

Elisa: Mmmmmppphhhrrrrrrmmpppphhhhhhhh hhhhhmmmmppphhhhhmmmmmmm!!

I couldn’t audibly understand what she was trying to say but contextually it was clear that she wanted me to know that that should count as a question. I chuckled. She was not too proud to let me know that she was interested in being untied even though we both knew that I hadn’t intended for that last remark to be a question so much as a taunt.

Me: OK. OK. That was question number five. Fair is fair. Question number six. How many siblings do you have? Let’s say one grunt for each sibling.

Elisa sighed begrudgingly before she started. This was a test question just to see if she was lying to me. I’d seen a family picture when I was going through her desk. She was one of five siblings, if the photo was an accurate depiction of her family. It looked like she had two brothers and two sisters. It was difficult to tell, but she didn’t look to be the oldest or the youngest. A much bigger family than I would have expected. I think she told me a story involving a brother once, but she and I never really discussed our home lives. I wanted a window into more personal get-to-know-you questions.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Four grunts. An honest answer.

Me: Question number seven. Did you ever play tie up games with them to hone your skills?

Elisa: Mmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhh.

A No. Interesting. But not that interesting. I had two younger brothers. We’d never tied each other up. Ropes and gags were something that had always been arousal based for me, even if it went unspoken while it was happening. I’d never had any interest in tying up my family. I knew that there were people that were interested in restraint in an asexual manner, that just wasn’t me. I also didn’t really want them knowing that I was into this sort of thing. My mother knew. She’d found things on my uncleared browser history and been none too pleased (an understatement). I had to assume that my father also knew even though he’d never discussed it with me. Part of me thought that my brothers might not know…but I couldn’t really tell. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn’t. Either way my family was not involved in this interest of mine. I’d cut my teeth tying up a couple girlfriends and playing games with girls on the crew of the stage production that I was in during high school. I also playing escape games with a couple other friends. I knew knots from my time as a boy scout and a junior sailing instructor. And I’d built my skills though my interest in it. And apparently Elisa was the same way. She clearly had a passion for this. But she’d never tied up or been tied up by any of her siblings if she was to be believed.

Me: Interesting. Interesting. We will have to discuss how you managed to get so good at this then. Question number eight. Pancakes or Waffles? One for Pancakes. Two for waffles.

She took a longer amount of time than I anticipated to answer this question and as I looked over at her face it was clear that she was actually giving it thought.

Me: Are you torn because you’re actually a French toast person?

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhh hhhmmmppphhhhh.

Me: Well, so is everybody. That’s not the question.

Elisa: Mmmmmppppphhhhh.

Me: OK. Question Nine. Cats or dogs? One for cats. Two for dogs.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhh.

This wasn’t a surprising revelation. A girl who appeared to be her younger sister had been holding a Havanese puppy in one of the photos I saw. The dog could be seen in a few photos that were on her desk. But now it was time for the final question, the one that I really wanted the answer to.

Me: Question Ten. I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on how this “misunderstanding” actually worked. When you tied me up on Tuesday, there weren’t any elements to our encounter suggesting that you knew that I was in the club or that I would know what your intentions were. You approached it from an entirely different angle. So I’ll ask you, was it a misunderstanding that you captured me before I was initiated? Or did you just want to have some fun with a guy who didn’t know what was going on with the understanding that you could probably charm him into forgiving you?

I paused and looked at her as her face started to blush a little bit in my periphery.

Me: That was a long question so I’ll break it down. One grunt means “Yes. There was a miscommunication. I just decided to go against the normal engagement methods and employ trickery for reasons that elude both myself and others.” And two grunts means, “I wanted you off tilt and I figured that it would be easier to ask forgiveness than permission.”

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhhhhrrrmmmppphhhhhhhmmmmmm hhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhmmmmm mmmmpppphhhhhhrrrrmmmppphhhhh.

Me: You can extrapolate later. Yes or No?

Elisa growled at me exasperatedly, but finally gave me her answer.

Elisa: Mmmmppppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhh.

Me: I appreciate your candor. Now that we’ve had an honest discussion I feel comfortable to graciously accept your invitation to the Capture Club.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhhmmm Mmmmppphhhhhhh?

Me: That’s what I’m calling it. I have no clue what the official name is. I never really got an informational brochure or anything. You call it whatever you want. But now, it’s time for your punishment.

I lifted my head off her midriff and we stared at each other fiendishly as I rolled her back over onto her stomach. She was still near the head of the bed but now her face was turned away from me and I was sitting next to her left side with her feet squirming alluringly right next to me. The hogtie had held well. I’d never tried this particular variety before, but it appeared to be holding up quite nicely.

Me: Any last words?

No response from Elisa. No verbal response I should say. I could actively see her body tense up and constrict in on itself as best she could. She curled her toes down in preparation for my assault. She flexed her shoulders backwards. I hadn’t tied her toes together, as I sometimes liked to do to my high school girlfriend. So Elisa also crossed her right foot over her left foot to try and shield it from the assault that was to come. I wished her good luck. She was going to need it.

Post by h56jh1 »

some parts of your story are very enjoyable. looking forward to the completion, not a fan of F/M but I do enjoy the M/F parts.
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