The Fop Kidnapped (M/M) **Chapter VIII Added 3/31/24**

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

The Fop Kidnapped, Chapter VI, A Night to Remember
Part Two

Thursday Afternoon: Don’s Loft Downtown
Donald Stone arrived home early Thursday afternoon from police headquarters. Jerry Kennedy, who had been staying with Don since their encounters with Raffles, had arrived shortly after Don. Ever the dandy, Don wanted extra time to get himself and Jerry ready for the reception that evening. Don had taken a shower, and Jerry was now in there – mutually agreeing to get cleaned up separately, so they would not get up to any extracurricular activities and risk running late! So, now was a good time for Don to touch base with his right-hand-man, Sergeant Stanislaus Szymanski. For the past few days, Don had kept his contact with his sergeant to a minimum after briefing him about what had happened to him and Jerry with the blackmailers and assigning Sergeant Szymanski to the museum. He was very concerned about any fallout he or Jerry might experience from the blackmailers – both Raffles and the man who found Don bound, gagged, and exposed, courtesy of Raffles! Don and Sergeant Szymanski had conducted discreet inquiries into the backgrounds of both men. They had discovered a few details about Raffles, but nothing of real substance. He was believed to be Irish in origin. Interpol suspected him of being the mastermind of more than a few jewel heists throughout the world in the past few years. And true to his word to Don – Raffles always left men bound and gagged as the trademark of his jobs.

As for the second blackmailer – Don had not heard from him, but he had discovered much about the man. He was a German businessman by the name of Gerhard Ubel. His business dealings were shady – to say the least. There were a series of shell companies linked to Ubel at the heart of which was an import/export business. Don suspected the business was a front for a sophisticated burglary and smuggling ring, specializing in stolen artwork, jewelry, and other luxury goods. He did not know what Ubel’s next move would be, but Don saw his name on the guest list for the evening’s festivities at the museum. So, he had a pretty good idea of what he might expect from him. Don had already relayed that intel to Sergeant Szymanski. Now, he wanted to check with his deputy to guarantee all went well with security that evening.

As he stood at the island in his kitchen with only a bath towel around his waist, Don picked up his iPhone from the quartz countertop. He keyed the preset and put the phone on speaker mode.

As always, Szymanski answered before the second ring…

“Yo, Chief!” The sergeant saluted Don with his usual brio.

Don took a deep breath before responding.

“Sergeant – How is everything proceeding at the museum?” He asked officiously.

“Everything is secure, Chief! Officers Fujita, Johnson, and I have made sure nothing will disrupt this evening’s festivities. The museum staff already had their own protocols in place with the latest technology. The pieces of the exhibit are well protected. We’ve beefed up the museum’s safeguards. We will always monitor the Canaletto paintings from our center of operations here in the museum and in person. And we’ll keep a sharp eye on the Grabowski gems. Until the unveiling tonight at the reception, no one will be allowed to enter the main room with the tiara and main pieces except for me, my officers, and Professor Jan Tomalski.”

“Professor Jan Tomalski?” Don asked.

“An academic consultant, Chief.” Ski answered.

“Have you vetted him, Sergeant?”

“He checks out, Chief.”

“I trust your judgment, Sergeant.” Don told his deputy. And it was true – he trusted his deputy completely.

“Did you know that Canaletto’s real name was Bernardo Bellotto? He was the nephew of the renowned Canaletto who is most famous for his cityscapes of Venice and London in the mid-eighteenth century.” Ski said to Don. His voice had the eagerness of a man who had just discovered sliced bread.
“Yes, I did.” Don said, trying to stay serious.

“Did you also know that he used the camera obscura technique? And that most of the Old Town of Warsaw was destroyed after the Warsaw Uprising in World War II? When it was rebuilt after the war, Canaletto’s paintings served as the models for the reconstruction.”

“Thank you, Sergeant, for that history lesson.” Don declared. His voice betrayed a slight tone of irritation.

“Right, Chief. Sorry – it’s just that Professor Tomalski explained the significance of the paintings to me in the Exhibit. You know my grandparents came from Poland – and well, Chief, this exhibit makes me proud to be Polish. When I was a kid, some older kids teased me about being a “Dumb Polack,” and – you know it motivated me to excel in everything – in school, sports, in the gym. Jan has made me proud all over again –”

“Jan?” Don asked with surprise

“I mean Professor Tomalski. He’s such an expert in Polish history and culture. And he told me to call him by his first name, Chief.”

“I see. Well – Sergeant, I’m glad this assignment has filled you with pride about your heritage. But – please always maintain a professional demeanor.”

“Of course, Chief! Officers Fujita, Johnson, and I are on top of things. We – I – will not let you down.” Ski promised.

“No – I’m sure you and your team will not me down, Sergeant. I have complete trust in you.” Don assured his deputy before asking, “Now –will I see you and your men atthe reception?”

“Not until the Canaletto paintings and Grabowski gems are unveiled to the guests. We will be in the Main Exhibit Hall watching the jewels and artwork until then. We’re going there shortly to meet Professor Tomalski – before changing into more appropriate evening clothes to remain inconspicuous as possible.”

“Good. I will see you at the unveiling. Until then, Sergeant Szymanski.”

“Right-o, Chief”

Don suppressed another groan and ended the call. He walked back to his bedroom.

Jerry, who had just finished showering. He was walking out of the bathroom naked, toweling his crimson hair dry. Don gave him an appreciative smile. Jerry blushed, and it wasn’t just the cheeks of his face that reddened. Ever since Sunday night – apart from work – Don and Jerry were never away from each other. They worked out together at the gym, shopped for groceries together, and when Jerry needed some things from his own apartment, Don went with him. But they spent most of the time at Don’s loft apartment – getting to know each other in ways they never had before. And they were learning the ropes of a newfound relationship with Don in control. And Jerry liked that.

Each night, Don locked Jerry in his arms and legs like he had their first night together – but not before cinching Jerry up. Don was a caring lover and mentor. He wanted to ease Jerry into this unfamiliar territory – so, he took care to remain mindful of Jerry’s experience with Raffles. Don continued to bind Jerry with his silk ties or soft cloth sashes only. And when Don gagged Jerry, he used only his hand- or neck- kerchiefs. But between Sunday and Wednesday night, Don pushed Jerry’s limits just so – knotting those ties and kerchiefs ever so slightly tighter and holding him more securely each time they fell asleep. As Morpheus came to offer sweet dreams to both men, Don told Jerry how much he was falling for him and would never let harm come to him.

Now, as the handsome and well-muscled police commissioner and the equally good-looking and fully fit district attorney gazed at one another, the condensation from the bathroom was not the only thing steaming up the bedroom. Don let his own bath towel fall to his feet, and he took the Jerry’s and dropped it alongside his. He pulled the ginger-haired muscle bear into him. Don took in the aroma of Jerry’s skin – Molton Brown’s Russian Leather gel infused his pores. Don shifted his head to the side, and Jerry bent his head in the opposite direction, as their faces drew closer. Their kisses were tentative and soft on their lips at first, but Don soon squeezed Jerry closer to him, and they began to kiss with greater abandon. The strokes of their lips on each other were filled with passion – yet showed vulnerability all the same.

When their lips parted, the men still clung to each other.

“I’ve fallen completely in love with you, Jerry Kennedy.” Don whispered his confession softly.

Jerry felt the hotness of Don’s breath on him.

“And I with you, Donnie. Never let me go.” Jerry confessed back.

“I never will.” Don promised. He drew his arms down Jerry’s back and grabbed hold of his butt cheeks. He tenderly kneaded that ample arse. Then with his index finger, Don gently pressed into and caressed the crevice of Jerry’s beefy man-buns. Jerry’s skin was still damp there from the shower. Don delved deeper, until he probed around Jerry’s rosebud.

Jerry shuddered and let out a small moan. Don pulled him tighter into him, so Jerry could understand Don was never letting him go. The cocks of the two men hardened between their firm abdominal muscles pressed against each other.

“If we keep this up, Donnie, I won’t be able to hold on longer – we’ll need to take another shower…” Jerry gasped.

“That could be a good thing.” Don murmured with a slight laugh into Jerry’s ear, as he brushed his finger into Jerry’s bud.

“I want you, Donnie, but…” Jerry pleaded with an urgent edge to his voice.

“I want all of you too, Jer…” He paused a moment. “But you’re right. This must wait until later when we get back from the reception.”

Don and Jerry kissed once more, and Don released Jerry from his embrace. He looked down at their hard-ons.

“However – I want to test your limits tonight, Jer, and I want you to remember what awaits you when we return.”

Don walked over to his bureau, opened the top drawer, and took out two, fine silk, red bowties. He walked back over to Jerry dangling the ties in his hands.

“I love you, Jer – and I’m not ever letting you get away from me.” Don affirmed. Then, motioning to the burly DA’s diamond cutter and blue baubles, he continued…

“I want you to know that I’ll keep you safe and secure, Jer. I want you to always feel that safety and security with me – especially tonight where we might face Raffles again.”

Don took one of the ties and began to secure it around Jerry’s scrotum and between each of his testicles. Jerry grew harder, as Don stitched up his sack with the silk fabric of the cravat.

With Don handling his junk, Jerry grew harder and hornier.

“Jeez, Donnie – I might cum…”

“No. You won’t.” Don said sternly.

He took Jerry by the chin. Their eyes locked onto each other.

“You won’t come until I tell you…Understand?” Don instructed him with a firmness that exuded confidence in Jerry’s control over himself.

“Yes,” Jerry answered, before adding a full beat later, “Sir.”

“Good Man.” Don praised him. He then took the second tie and began to loop it tightly around Jerry’s wood and knotted it at the base of his cock amidst his pubic hair. When Don was finished, it looked as if Jerry sported a thick Maypole around which someone had spun brightly red streamers and staked it within a Burning Bush by which lay two brightly wrapped cherry-stones. And atop that Maypole lay a very purple helmet!

“Now, let’s get dressed.”

As each began to dress, Jerry picked up a pair of red, Step One boxer briefs. As he lifted one leg to step into the underwear, Don held up his hand to stop him.

“No…Not tonight – You’re going commando, Jer.”

“But Donnie, I’m hard. How can I keep people from noticing…?”

Don put his index finger to Jerry’s lips.

“You’ll figure it out.” Don scolded him in a very mild manner.

“Yes, Sir.” Jerry assented.

They finished dressing.

As the reception called for evening attire, each man dressed in finely cut, well-tailored black tie. Jerry wore a notched lapel jacket, while Donnie – forever the fop – favored a trendier, narrow shawl collar for his dinner jacket. Don also donned a black golden paisley jacquard cummerbund and finished by tying a matching bowtie around his neck. The studs and cufflinks of his shirt were understated but elegant black onyx set in gold. And – of course – he wore – what else? – opera pumps with a quilted satin lining and grosgrain bowtie buckle.

Jerry had some difficulty clipping his more traditional cummerbund, as he stood before the full-length standing mirror in one corner of Don’s bedroom.

“Let me…” Don offered.

Jerry handed him the simple black cummerbund.

“I never know whether it goes up or down.” Jerry admitted, referring to the pleats of the gentleman’s sash.

“The pleats always go up, so a gentleman can easily store his theatre tickets.” Don explained, as he placed the cummerbund at Jerry’s natural waist and adjusted it tightly. Don noticed the mirror reflection of Jerry’s right trouser leg twitching, as he tied the cummerbund tighter.

“So – I see you dress to the right, Jer.” Don teased.

Jerry blushed, then held his bowtie up.

“I may get excited, but I am completely helpless.” Jerry fessed up.

“All the better for me to keep a tight rein on you.” Don ribbed him once more, before he took the tie from Jerry.

As he pressed close to Jerry from behind to tie his bowtie, Jerry felt Don’s own erection push against his muscular hindquarters.

Don detected his lover’s surprised look in the mirror’s reflection.

“I wouldn’t ever let you go commando solo, buddy.” Donnie explained, as he knotted the bowtie strongly around Jerry’s neck.

Jerry never felt more secure and in love than in that moment. And neither did Don.

Just before putting their dinner jackets on, Don gave Jerry a last inspection. Jerry’s fitted shirt accented his best features – his broad shoulders and brawny chest tapered down to a sturdy but firm waist. The cummerbund accentuated the V-shape of the DA’s torso. The fitted and well-tailored trousers stressed his well-formed legs – especially his meaty buttocks and beefy thighs. And due to his wrapped willy underneath those trousers, one’s attention drifted to his very bountiful – and now artfully bound – basket.

Finally, Don helped Jerry into his dinner jacket, and Jerry returned the favor. After each checked for his wallet, iPhone, and keys, the sharply dressed men left the loft apartment and descended to find their Uber ride awaiting them on the street below, where it would take them to a night to remember.

The Arts and History Museum, Thursday Afternoon
Raffles had never experienced this array of emotions before any of his heists or abductions that coursed through him that day at the Arts and History Museum. Those feelings surprised him a great deal, and he was at a loss to explain it. He spent the afternoon going around the exhibit with Sergeant Stanislaus Szymanski – Ski, as he wanted Raffles to call him – and as Ski it was that Raffles came to like calling the dashing detective. Raffles knew the pieces of the display well – he had done his homework – and as he imagined how the real Professor Jan Tomalski would act and what he would say, he went over the exhibition discussing the provenance and the significance of the artwork with Ski, especially the Grabowski Emerald Tiara. The police sergeant showed great interest in everything Raffles told him. Ski was curious to know about the artist, his paintings, and their significance to Polish history. He showed the same keen intent, as he listened to Raffles relate the relate the history of the tiara and its import on Polish history. In return, Raffles found Ski to be clever, cultured, and – oh – so – charming.

Ski seemed to hang on to every word Raffles said about the exhibit. His questions demonstrated a genuine curiosity about history, artwork, and culture. When Raffles asked Ski about himself (feigning unfamiliarity with Ski’s courageous deeds as a USMC officer or as a police hostage negotiator), Ski never mentioned his exploits. Instead, he talked about the men with whom he served – how proud he was to serve alongside and under men who unfortunately never made it back from war or who had worked with him heretofore. Ski also played up the professionalism of the men with whom he now served. Ski was not one to take sole credit for any good deed, but he took full and sole responsibility for when situations turned sour. He sang the praises of Officers Fujita and Johnson – never once deviating from calling them a team. Raffles clearly came to understand what drew Donald Stone to promote Ski. Ski was a chip off Police Commissioner Stone’s block – minus the head cop’s foppish ways – although Raffles loved the cut of Ski’s jib! And as for Ski’s appraisal of Donnie Stone – it was clear Ski hero-worshipped him, considered him a father-figure, and wanted to make him proud.

As he went over the exhibit that afternoon and mulled over the job of stealing the tiara, Raffles thought back on the men he had left bound and gagged in the past few years at the scenes of his crimes. Some were just as comely and charming as Ski! He had had his fun with them – always by mutual consent – and then he left them as his calling cards without a second thought! There was Sergei from the time he lifted the long-thought-lost Picasso from that Russian oligarch’s villa on the Tegernsee in Bavaria. The oligarch had obtained the Picasso from a shady dealer. Raffles restored it to the possession of a family who had been forced to part with it for a price far below its market value, so that they could escape Europe before the war. Sergei – the oligarch’s bodyguard – was – like Ski – a military hero. but – unlike Ski –an insufferable braggart -- especially when it came to his medals and manhood. The Picasso hung over the oligarch’s bed. Raffles simply left Sergei – clad only in his jockstrap – hogtied on the bed in its place. Well, he also left a rather large dildo up Sergei’s tight sphincter muscle and with his precious prizes pinned to his pouched, precious prick!

And there was Bolin Xiao. He was so handsome! As handsome as Ski – but while Ski demonstrated modesty, Bolin Xiao exuded pomposity. Xiao never passed a mirror without checking his reflection in it – so arrogant was he! A corrupt Chinese businessman who traded in stolen gemstones – his associates were surprised to find him pig-tied before an empty safe. And since Xiao believed his load was like sweet nectar from the gods, Raffles left him tasting it from the cum rag he stuffed in his mouth before cleave-gagging Xiao! To boot, Raffles also left a mirrored bowl in the cradle behind Xiao’s bound feet and under his chin, so that Xiao could see his reflection – as the bowl collected his slooge-mixed drool

Raffles could continue to reminisce at great lengths on other men, like Sergei and Xiao, whom he had met and manhandled through his mannapping muggings, but in truth, they were all passing fancies. None had managed to get a handle on him! Working his way through his mixed emotions though – Raffles began to admit to himself there was something different about Ski. Of course, lust played a part. From the moment he laid eyes on Ski that day, Raffles wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes from Ski’s brawny body and bewitch him. Yet, there was more – Raffles was on the hook for the handsome, heroic – yet – still humble – hunk.

Ski was wholly different from the other men Raffles had encountered on his tying-up trysts and gagging gambols. Ski was warm, considerate, playful, and trusting. In the few, short hours they had spent together, Raffles discovered a yearning to never part from Ski. Could it be? The lone wolf he had always thought himself to be, was an illusion? Could Raffles be falling for Ski? Falling in love with him may be the easy part, he thought. Admitting it to himself – that took guts. It scared him because it would mean that he was vulnerable – having to expose himself to someone else. It could bring Raffles great joy, but that love could also bring great pain. Would Ski understand why he did what he did? Somehow -- weighing all those possible joys and sorrows, Raffles had never felt more at peace with another man. He desired to share everything with him – give himself over to this man – entirely. To fulfill that desire of being with Ski, Raffles had to solve the problem at hand. He needed to go through with the theft of the tiara – and, of course, leave his usual cartes de visite – but he resolved to take not only the tiara with him. He’d take Ski along, too!

Raffle’s plan called for him to assemble an hour before the reception with Ski, Ken Fujita, and Noble Johnson in the Main Exhibit Hall wherein the Grabowski Emerald Tiara was the centerpiece of the exhibit. The exhibit would not be unveiled until the Grand Opening of the Exhibit just under an hour into the reception. Of course, Ski, his men, and he – who the others thought was Professor Jan Tomalski – would be inside that Hall too until then. But Raffles had other designs in mind. As the pièce de résistance, the tiara lay at the far end of the hall. Close by and artfully camouflaged by the décor of the exhibit was the utility closet where Raffles had stowed the ropes, duct-tape, and other material he would need to carry off the tiara and to place his calling cards.

To accomplish all this – Raffles needed to take down three, strapping, tough, able-bodied, manly men. He had thought a great deal that afternoon on how to pull that chore off. Raffles decided that his tried-and-true method always worked best for that task. Just as he rolled Police Commissioner Donald Stone the previous Saturday night, Raffles would serve the policemen Mickey Finns. Of course, since they were on duty, he could not serve them potent potables. But Raffles could serve them a non-potent Polish potable – a traditional Compote – a sweet, fruit drink often served on holiday occasions. A good measure of chloral hydrate in the bottle would do the trick –rendering Ski, Ken, and Noble unconscious long enough not only for Raffles to tie them up and gag them, but also time to stage the two officers in place of the tiara and to bundle Ski away.

Close to 4:00 p.m. Thursday Afternoon, The Arts and History Museum
Charlie Gates drove to the Arts and Museum in his Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid with the fellas who were taking the places of his regular waiters Eric, Trey, and Chad for this evening’s reception. The rest of his staff had arrived earlier at the museum to prepare the food that would be on offer that night. Charlie had been with them, but he went back to the business to pick up the three new servers, as well as the last batches of his signature Mini Brats, a specialty that proved quite popular in this western city. Landing the museum’s account and catering the reception for the opening of the exhibit was a big deal for Charlie and his business. Charlie was 57, but he had only taken up the catering business two years ago, after retiring as a Sergeant Major in the USMC. He served more than thirty years in the Corps – and being a US Marine was the highest honor of his lifetime. But his passion was food. Charlie had overseen food services for the Corps in many parts of the world, and he gained a great reputation for improving the quality of the food served to the men and women under his charge. So, after his retirement, Charlie decided to put his passion for food, his organizational skills, and his Marine gung-ho attitude to good use and started a catering business.

He opened Charlie’s Chow in the western city he had come to love when stationed there twenty years before. It turned out – to little surprise – that Charlie was a greet chef and businessman. Through word of mouth, Charlie’s Chow’s catering jobs multiplied. The museum was Charlie’s biggest client yet. He’d like to retain the museum as a regular client, but Charlie had no great desire to expand Charlie’s Chow further. He had been a Marine for the greater part of his adult life, and most of his career in the Corps was spent under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. His sexual experiences with men had been for the most part furtive, and he had never had a boyfriend for any length of time. Charlie did not want the opportunity for a long-term relationship to pass him by. Even in his mid-to-late fifties, Charlie was still quite a catch. He stood 6’ 3” tall and weighed approximately 195 lbs. – all of it pure muscle by keeping in tip-top, Marine Corps shape. With his close-cropped, greying brown hair, blue eyes, and handsome features, people told Charlie that he reminded them of the actor, Ray Stevenson. In sum, Charlie was what they called a PHD – a Pretty Hot Daddy!

Charlie had only just started seeing another man. He was Rex Burke, the football coach at the local university. They met when Charlie called him to praise the work ethic of his players whom Charlie had hired as waiters – Eric, Trey, and Chad. One thing led to another, and Charlie took a chance and asked the Coach for dinner. They had been seeing each other quietly for a few weeks –Coach Burke was still in the closet. This western city – unfortunately – still had certain expectations of its Championship-Winning football coach. Charlie understood, and he was helping Rex get ready to take his step out of the closet. A gay, championship-winning college football coach would be big news in this metropolis – Hell – in all of America for that matter! But for the moment, Charlie was focused on making tonight a championship-winning event. He trusted his staff would play their parts – as if the Championship was on the line. If all went well, Charlie would tell Rex what good waiters the fellow football players, whom Eric, Trey, and Chad had sent to replace themselves, were.

As he approached the museum, Charlie turned to one of those fellows – Stu, Charlie remembered he said that was his name – who was in the front passenger seat next to him. “I’m glad you and your friends could fill in for Eric, Trey, and Chad. It’s just a damn-sight pity that they came down with food poisoning.”

“Yeah – We left them tied up in knots.” Stu responded.

Through the rearview mirror, Charlie noticed the two in the backseat steal glances at each other.

“Yes, sir,” one of them -- Andy, Charlie thought – echoed Stu, “they’re really knotted up.”

“We left the guys all bound up at home.” The third – Ryan – chimed in.

Charlie, tsked and shook his head in sympathy. He concurred with the three men in the van.

“Yes – food poisoning can really leave your stomach bound up in knots,” he said, not once suspecting they meant anything else.

When they arrived at the museum, Charlie became so busy with final preparations, that he never noticed Stu, Andy, and Ryan take the knapsacks they came with and place them under a catering trolley cart, concealed by a tablecloth. They then pushed the cart aside by one of the bars. Afterwards, the three fell in with the other staff and got to work on the final arrangements any waitstaff makes to assure a successful evening will be had by all.
Last edited by KidnappedCowboy 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gag1195 »

I can't wait to see where all of this is going! It's all coming to a head during this heist!
I love Don and Jerry so much, and I really want them to succeed! I also can't wait to see what Don has planned for Jerry later...
I also love that Raffles is falling for Ski. And now I'm conflicted. Because while it would be very hot to see Raffles abscond with his policeman prize, I don't think it would end well for either of them. I'm not sure even Raffles' honeyed words could convince Ski to join his side willingly. Plus, will Ski like the real Raffles once he drops the "professor persona"?

I think I'm still holding a small candle that Ski will find the real Prof. Jan and begin their own courtship...

Whatever ends up happening, it will certainly be memorable!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Lots of things are happening at the same time and I cannot wait. I wonder if Raffles will be disappointed once Ski's demeanour with him changes, because Raffles kidnapped him etc. Also Don and Jerry going commando, with Jerry having extra embellishments, don't think that's quite a smart move for them against Raffles, but I wouldn't mind them being exposed one way or another :twisted:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Don is such a caring partner for Jerry, I love how he takes things at a pace suitable for both of them. Maybe he picked the wrong day to have Jerry go commando, though. ;)

I'm also interested in how Raffles' crush will fare with Ski but in the meantime, it was pretty fun to learn a bit more about his previous heists. It seems his sense of humor is nothing new.

With Charlie and Rex in the fray, there are so many guys to take down, so little time. It's a good thing Raffles is getting some help.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] Sometimes our plans don't always turn out the way we want them to! And sometimes we need to postpone them. Stay tuned to see how Don's plans fan out! It's going to be a pretty bump, downhill ride for Ski in the next few chapters. And poor Jan all tied up...well, he's just in the middle of watching the marathon of "Men in Peril" movies!

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention]Love sometimes disappoints. We don't always like what the ones we love do!

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] Donald Stone does not have a heart of stone. You're right...he really cares for Jerry.
And you're right about Raffles' sense of humor. Stay tuned for more...

Thanks, guys, for your are my Muses!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Yummy, thank you for a view into the mind of kinky mannapper and roper....!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

An Hour or So Before the Reception: A Toast, A Tiara, and Some Trussings
Raffles looked at the time. It was 4:45 now. He stood in the courtyard of the museum where the reception would be held that night. He – or rather Professor Tomalski – was expected to be in black tie for the event. Ski and his team were also expected to don evening attire to blend in with the guests and be as unobtrusive in appearance as possible. No matter what Ski wore, I don’t think he can ever pull off unobtrusive! Raffles mused. But, if all went according to plan, neither he nor Ski and his men would be wearing Black Tie that evening.

The courtyard had been transformed for the occasion. The inspiration were the gardens of Wilanów Palace, the summer residence of Polish kings in the eighteenth century. The museum’s curators and organizers of the exhibit wished to give guests the impression that they strolled through a Baroque Italian Garden that night. Decorators had carefully arranged flowers in geometric patterns around the courtyard. They had strategically placed tables at various meeting points near statues and fountains. Small pavilions were set at the sides of the courtyard under which were bars, where guest could obtain the cocktail or aperitif of their choice. Raffles now made his way toward one of the pavilions.

The catering staff had arrived and were setting tables – laying out hors d’oeuvres, crudité, and other appetizing nibbles. The servers were all college-aged men and women dressed in fitted, white evening shirts, well-tailored, black tuxedo trousers, and black bowties. Raffles noticed a tall, very attractive, middle-aged man -- who was obviously the caterer himself – amidst them and overseeing their duties. On his way to the bar, Raffles took a closer look at the comely caterer. He wore a neat, black-colored, short-sleeved snap closure chef coat, which must have been of a poly/spandex blend because the coat made the man’s brawny frame pop. He had wide shoulders, a broad chest, and very well-developed arms. There were tribal swirl tattoos inching down each arm to his wrists. Raffles detected a small USMC insignis tattooed amidst the swirls on one arm. Like his staff, the man wore tuxedo trousers that clung to the muscles of his legs and hindquarters. Raffles smiled as he passed him, and the caterer smiled in return. When Raffles looked over his shoulder to admire the man once more, he discovered the caterer too had turned – to check Raffles out!

Are there no straight guys in this city? Raffles tittered to himself.

At the bar, a stocky fellow was busy arranging various bottles of liquor, wine, and soft drinks. He looked up, as Raffles approached.

“Do you have the traditional Compote?” Raffles asked him.

“Yes – of course.” The thickset, young man replied.

“Good. One bottle and four shot glasses.” Raffles required.

Raffles took a bottle of Looza Nectar apricot compote and four shot glasses from the bartender. He turned and walked towards the Exhibit Hall. The bartender watched as Raffles turned and walked away. He then nodded to two other similarly sized men, who were busy with their tasks. The men finished what they were doing and came over to the bartender, where he had wheeled a small, trolley cart to the side of the bar. On top of its tablecloth lay a tray of mini pastrami sliders on skewers and cocktail napkins. Unobtrusively, the bartender began to push the trolley in the direction Raffles went. The two other men followed at a discreet distance. No one took notice of three men. The rest of the catering staff remained busy with their own chores. The caterer himself had gone to check on food preparation in the museum’s kitchen below the courtyard. And the museum’s staff paid no attention to the comings and goings of waiters, so distracted were they themselves making ready for the big event.

The Exhibit Hall of the Arts and History Museum: Thursday, 4:55 p.m.
Raffles entered the artfully lighted hall and set the bottle of apricot compote and shot glasses down on a low table near the entrance next to where a Docent would stand once the exhibition opened to the general public. Raffles did not have much time to prepare, since it would only be a few minutes before Ski and his men joined him in the Hall before they needed to change into their evening attire and come back to the Hall to be in place for the unveiling – Little did they know that Raffles would alter their plans that night! He took the small bottle of the chloral hydrate out from the pocket of his jacket and unscrewed the cap. He then opened the bottle of compote and poured an amount of its contents into one shot glass and set that glass aside. That would be the compote shot he took. Raffles then poured just the right amount of the sedative into the bottle of compote – enough to knock out three strongly built men for quite some time. He recapped the bottle of chloral hydrate and returned it to his jacket pocket, before recapping the bottle of compote and giving it a good shake. Now, all Raffles had to do was wait.

He did not have to wait for long. Shortly after 5:00 p.m. Ski entered the Hall accompanied by Ken Fujita and Noble Johnson. Ski broke out into a wide smile once he saw Raffles. He and the others walked up to Raffles, who was standing in the middle of the Hall.

“You wanted to see us, Jan?” Ski asked.

“Yes, Ski – I wanted you, Officer Fujita, and Officer Johnson to take part in a Polish tradition. There are many traditions in Poland such as welcoming visitors with bread and salt. Another tradition calls for toasting success and good health on various occasions, such as holidays like Christmas or one’s birthday. I want the three of you to join me in a toast to the success of the Exhibit.”

“Jan – we’re on duty. We cannot drink alcohol.” Ski explained.

“No – No – No! I understand. I would never ask you to drink alcohol while you were in duty,” Raffles said in earnestness. “No…tonight I want to propose a toast with a traditional Polish fruit drink – compote…In this case, it’s apricot compote.”

“Well, in that case, why not? What do you say, men?” Ski looked to Ken and Noble.

“Yes, why not, Sarge?” Noble agreed.

“It would be a nice gesture, Sarge. We should join the Professor in a toast to the success of the show. I’ve never tasted an apricot fruit drink.” Ken confessed.

“Oh…it will lull you into such warmth all over, Officer. CHLUŚNIEM, BO UŚNIEM (we drink, if not we gonna sleep)” Raffles assured him and gave him a knowing smile. He walked back towards the entrance of the Hall to the table on which the bottle and glasses stood. He picked up the bottle to open it.

Ski, who knew a smattering of Polish from his grandmother, laughed nervously. “I hope we won’t fall asleep.” He prayed.

Raffles laughed. He returned the bottle to the table for a moment, and he turned to face the others. His back was to the closed doors of the Hall. “Of course, you won’t. Perhaps we’ll just drink to our health with the traditional NA ZDROWIE (Cheers), or…how about ZA TYCH, CO NA MORZU ( For Sailors), although we can drink for policemen rather than for sailors. And we’re not drinking vodka!”

They all laughed heartily, and they were so caught up in the moment that they were completely caught unawares, when the doors opened, three catering servers rushed in, and shut the doors quickly behind them. They were armed, and one of the men grabbed Raffles from behind in a stranglehold. Raffles felt the cold steel of what he knew was a Glock pressed against his right temple. The two other men leveled their own weapons on Ski, Ken, and Noble, who had already pulled their department-issued Glock 22s from their holsters and pointed them at the invaders.

”What the…?”

“Drop them. Or – as we say – he gets it!” The man throttling Raffles snapped in a firm, quiet but sardonic tone.

“Easy…no one wishes to get hurt.” Ski answered back calmly. He didn’t take his eyes off any of the men, especially not the one holding Raffles.

Ski quickly assessed the situation. The invaders were Caucasian, had thick, muscular builds, each stood approximately 6’ to 6’2” tall, weighing between 190 and 215lbs. They appeared to be professional. The raiders were holding a hostage. They handled their weapons like experts. One had a thumb-over-thumb, another had a straight thumbs technique -- both with two-handed grips on their Glocks – while the perp holding the professor had a one-handed grip but was as cool as a cucumber. Both sides were equally armed and numbered. He could not risk the life of the hostage – Professor Tomalski – Jan. There was no other option. He lowered his Glock.

“Lower your weapons, Officers.” Ski ordered Ken and Noble. They did so without question and with complete faith in their sergeant.

“Good. All right – place them gently on the ground. Keep your hands where we can see them.” The man never loosened his stranglehold on Raffles, and he continued to press the muzzle of the gun to his temple.

Ski and his men crouched down and put their Glocks on the floor, before standing up again with their arms raised out by their sides.

“Now – with the sides of your feet – slide them towards us.”

The lawmen did so.

With their own Glocks still trained on Ski, Ken, and Noble, the two malefactors went forward and retrieved the policemen’s handguns.

“Raise your hands to the top of your heads. Weave your fingers together. And inch away from each other.”

Ski, Ken, and Noble did, as ordered.

“Check them for anything they might be concealing.” He indicated to one of his accomplices. The man put his weapon behind him in the waistband of his trousers. He moved to frisk first Noble, then Ken, and finally Ski.

“Don’t take your Glock off them.” He directed the other accomplice. “Remember, gentlemen – any wrong move, and handsome here gets it!”

Having no other choice to them, the law enforcement officers complied. The went from one to the other patting down each man. All three knew instinctively that he had done this before.

“They’re clean.”

“Good. Now – gentleman – please walk over and stand by the exhibit with the emerald tiara.”

With Glocks trained on them and with their hands on their heads Ski and his men were now prisoners of these men, and they duly marched over to stand near the Grabowski Emerald Tiara, glimmering in its bullet-proof case. Without breaking his hold on him, the man hauled Raffles forward.

Ski, Ken, and Noble turned to face their captors.

“What do you want?” Ski asked.

“I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.” The man did a pale impersonation of a Spice Girl.

Ski looked back impassively.

“I want to see what you look like naked –” The man, grasping Raffles, nodded to Ski.

Ski remained poker-faced

“Didn’t I make myself clear? I want you out of your clothes – Show us what you’ve got!”

Ski stood still but a second, and then he slowly commenced to doff his duds – never once taking his eyes off the man with the Glock in his hand who was calling the shots. He got out of his jacket and dropped it to the floor. He next unhooked his shoulder holster, slipped free from it, and tossed it by his jacket on the floor. Then first pulling the shirttails from his well-fitted trousers, Ski unbuttoned the sleeves and the second and third top buttons of his athletic-fit shirt before pulling it up over his shoulders and head. He stood there bare-chested for a moment with the shirt in his right hand before letting it fall next to his discarded jacket and holster.

Raffles was breathless – of course, from the chokehold on him – but also from the magnificence of whom he beheld. It was as if Superman was disrobing – so magnificent was Ski’s upper body. His corded muscles descended under his downy and milky skin from his wide, sturdy shoulders and broad chest to his rock-hewn abs that seemed to flow into a tapered waist. Over the expanse of that stunning torso was a smattering of golden-brown hair –with his quarter-sized nipples piercing the patch from above and his cute navel peeking through the patch from below. The enormity of the situation dissipated briefly for Raffles, as he gazed upon Ski – and he had only taken his shirt off!!

Lifting one leg at a time, Ski shed his Ropers and dark-colored, knee-high boot socks. As he did so, Raffles admired the man’s athleticism – how such a large, beefy man executed that balancing act so gracefully. Standing there barefooted, Ski slid the loop of his belt free, undid the buckle, and freed the top button of his trousers. It became obvious to all as he drew the flaps of his trousers back that Ski walked commando. He slid the zipper further down, gradually exposing the golden-brown hair of his pubic region. It was clear to all Ski was thick-bushed below. And burrowed in that fine, flaxen fluff lay a generous Johnson. Ski revealed its major-league dimensions, as he lightly and effortlessly pulled his trousers further down. While Ski slid his slacks down, he turned slightly. Raffles caught a glimpse of the man’s imposing, muscular hindquarters. So memorable were those power glutes to Raffles from viewing the live broadcast of Ski’s parleys with those bank robbers. But the debut of his abundant, bare behind was truly beautiful to behold! Once he peeled the almost skin-tight pants down his sharply sculpted legs, Ski again deftly lifted one leg at a time to slip them entirely off and place them upon the pile of his other discarded apparel. Standing upright once again, Ski absentmindedly and unabashedly tugged his pedro free from his huevos, which made Raffles glad to see that Ski was mortal after all. Like all men on occasion – his junk bunched!

Ski stood before Raffles, his men, and the hall-invaders in all his glory. He slowly raised his hands, placed them on top of his head, and interlaced his fingers. Ski then locked eyes with the man who restrained Raffles. He seemed ready to pounce on him to wrestle Raffles free – but dare not let the hostage become prey to such a crafty predator. To Raffles, this was a Master Class in what Ski did best – assessing a situation where men’s lives were at stake! Ski weighed his options – always putting the safety of the captive above all else, but ready to take any opportunity of advantage over the captor. Unfortunately, the latter did not present itself. The armed, phony caterer who held Raffles in a headlock was the obvious ringleader of this trio of stealing servers He directed his associates to keep their guns trained upon Ken Fujita and Noble Johnson, who eyed them back warily. Raffles could see his officers itched to have a go at their captors. They looked to Ski to give them the okay, but it would not come from him – yet. The police sergeant wanted him and his men – at least, for the moment – to go along with the demands of the interlopers.

He’s protecting me. It’s his military and police training kicking in – Assess the situation and protect the innocent – Shit! I’ve done the act too well – Ski thinks I am – No – Professor Jan Tomalski is just a Naif!!!

The ringleader turned his attention to Ken and Noble.

“You two…Strip – Down to your skivvies!” He snapped at them.

Ken and Noble looked over at Ski. He slowly nodded that they should do as the man said.

Both lowered their hands and began to shed their clothes. They shimmied out of their suit jackets. Ken unhooked his shoulder holster. Noble did the same. The gun belts soon lay atop their jackets. Next came their shirts, revealing the smooth, hairless beige skin of Ken’s defined pectoral and abdominal muscles and the equally defined musculature and silky, mocha skin of Noble, who unlike his partner had dark, curly hair matting his chest and descending in a tantalizing trail toward his trousers, which hinted at boundless treasure underneath them. Grabbing one foot at a time, they next slipped off their shoes and socks.

The two deputies of the law got on with it. They unfastened their belts, unbuttoned, unzipped, and removed their trousers. Raising their hands to their heads, Ken and Noble revealed that they wore matching BIKE Original #10 jockstraps. Ken’s legs and pert bubble butt were as smooth and hairless as his torso, but his plentiful pouch hinted at a well-trimmed bush. Noble’s legs were moderately hairy, but his toned, high, and very tight tush showed only traces of his dark, curly hair. Whereas Ken’s pared his patch, Noble’s profuse pouch implied there was abundant plunder nestled within a wilder – but still neatly manscaped – thicket.

Their choice of underwear and their masculine beauty did not escape the notice of their captors. Sharing appreciative glances with his companions, their boss commented,

“What a matching pair of supporters!!”

He now released Ski from the headlock and nudged him with the muzzle of the Glock to move next to Ski near the plinth with the Grabowski Emerald Tiara on it under a bullet-proof, glass case. While Raffles had earlier told Ski about the Grabowski family, its role in the struggle for Polish liberty since the nineteenth century, and the family jewels (including the tiara’s matching necklace and earrings) that had financed the struggle, Ski had demonstrated the security surrounding it to Raffles. To disarm the safety measures and open the case required knowledge of the computer-operated codes. Unbeknownst to Ski, Raffles had knowledge of those codes. Now – Raffles surmised – so did another thief!

“Okay – you,” the principal thief pointed at Raffles. “Get like the Big Guy – Take your clothes off!”

Raffles hesitated, looking at the man levelling a gun at him and the others with their guns drawn on Ski and his men. He never had to resort to a firearm in any of his heists. Even armed as they were against him, Raffles could easily take them down. Thanks to his background in the military, he had achieved an expert level of training in jiu jitsu and boxing. But -- if he deployed those skills now, he’d blow his cover. Plus, he had no idea if these men would use those guns on him, Ski, or the two other policemen.

“We need to do what they want us to do. It’ll be okay. I’ll protect you and get you out of this.” Ski suddenly said to him quietly.

Raffles glanced at the naked police sergeant next to him. Ski gave him a slight smile of assurance.

He thinks I’m scared. He wants to keep me from harm.

So, Raffles complied. He took off his brown tweed jacket and dropped it to the floor. Untucking his shirt tails from his jeans, he unbuttoned his white shirt, shed it from his shoulders, and let it slide atop his discarded jacket. Raffles next kicked his chukkas off and slipped off his light brown socks.

He paused.

The leader of the trio gestured with his Glock to the tight blue 501 jeans that remained on Raffles.

“Now the rest…Don’t be shy.” The man grinned.

Raffles unbuckled the brown classic belt, slowly undid the copper buttons at the top and fly, and then pulled off the jeans before adding them to the pile of his discarded clothes.

For a moment, Raffles stood there in all his glory before he cupped his family endowment.

“No – Hands behind your head. Lace your fingers together – like the Big Guy next to you.” The criminal caterer commanded. He turned to Ken and Noble. “And like the two over there.”

Raffles did as the leader of the trio ordered him to.

The chief thief let out a soft wolf whistle. “Nice dick – you’ll pair nicely with “Mr. Big” next to you.” He turned to his accomplices. “Get the cart from where we stashed it and get to work on them.”

The disrobed foursome watched as one of the henchmen left the Hall momentarily and returned with a catering trolley cart.

While their wolf-whistling comrade kept his gun trained on Raffles and Ski, the other two phony food servers began to tie the group up. One pushed Ken and Noble closer to Ski and Raffles, while his partner grabbed knapsacks from under the hors d’oeuvre trolley they had wheeled in. He opened the bags and dumped the contents out – a good quantity of ropes, cords, cables, bandanas, duct-tape, and ball-gags. He and his partner snatched selections from the collection and paired off with Ken and Noble. Working in unison, they first secured the young officers’ hands behind their backs by lassoing their wrists together, leaving lengths dropping from the twisted bonds. The duo took those lengths and wrapped them around the waists and the jock-strapped bro-meat of Ken and Noble, before cinching the rope back to their bound wrists under their grundles and up between the exposed clefts of their bodacious butts. Thus, the perfidious purloiners fashioned a roped thong-yoke that would hold the bluecoats’ bound hands fast to their brawny bodies. The twosome next affixed a knotty net of loops around the torsos of the strapping, plucky coppers.

As this was done to them, Ken and Noble grunted through gritted teeth. Both men were downtrodden that this trio got the drop on them, and their feelings of humiliation wreaked havoc on their dedication to protect and serve. They desired to fight back, but now stripped to their jockstraps, unarmed, and now without use of their own arms, there was little they could do. Moreover, their commanding officer did not want them to resist to guarantee the safety of the civilian – Professor Tomalski – who was taken captive with them. The only consolation left Ken and Noble was their faith in Ski and his ability to get out of hopeless situations like their present circumstances.

When the thieves had woven their complex web over the officers’ torsos and around their nether regions, they grabbed Ken and Noble around their shoulders, pulled them backwards, shoved them none-too-gently down, and booted their knees from behind. Once Ken and Noble were on the ground, the captors bound their ankles together, before they forced the officers to bring their knees up against their chests. Rope was then circled around their knees and tightened. Like they did when they tied the wrists of the lawmen, the roping robbers left lengths of rope dangling from the knotted knees. They now took those lengths and tied them around the officers’ necks, jerking their heads toward their knees, just short of choking.

“Aaarrrggghhh!” Noble coughed out.

“Aaaccckkk!!!” Ken gasped.

“Hey – you’ll choke them!” Ski suddenly snapped, drew his hands down from his head, and moved towards the thieves.

“Hold it! Or he gets it!” The thief in charge roared back, as he shoved the Glock in Raffles face.

Raffles sensed the deadly tension.

Ski froze, looking from the man with his steady hand holding the Glock on Raffles to Raffles, and then to his men. He knew that Glock did not need to be cocked, making it even deadlier. Ski had no desire to risk the Jan’s life nor the lives of his men.

Raffles recognized the technique these thieves were employing on Ken and Noble. He knew it was enough to immobilize them but not enough to choke them – if they did not wriggle or writhe too much –

But does Ski know that? Can I risk these men’s lives? This trio – young as they are – are professional. But they’re sadistic –

It was as if time stopped. Raffles had to decide – he may have to break character to make sure no one got hurt or worse.

“Don’t move too much, Officers.” Raffles suddenly blurted out.

The thieves and Ski looked at him. Raffles noticed Ski knit his brows together for a moment.

“They won’t choke, if they don’t struggle too much.” Raffles repeated his advice.

“Now – move back.” The lead thief said

Ski interlaced his hands atop his head again and moved back. Raffles avoided looking at him.

Picking up two red ball-gags, the thieves shoved the balls into Noble’s and Ken’s mouths and then strapped them tightly behind their heads. Not satisfied with one muffler, they wrapped duct-tape over the ball-gags and around Noble’s and Ken’s heads. The thieves then stood back to admire their handiwork. They had roped Noble and Ken in cocoons, looking as if they were morsels in silent wait for a giant spider to consume them.

“Guess who’s next…” The headwaiter/thief teased.

The other two returned to the pile of ropes and bondage paraphernalia to choose more implements to bind Ski and Raffles.

“Face each other.” The boss directed Raffles and Ski.

They did so. They were in front of the Grabowski Emerald Tiara with Ken and Noble quite close at their feet. Raffles finally looked directly at Ski. He feared Ski might still have that questioning expression. He needn’t have worried – only concern and encouragement from Ski greeted him.

The two other crooks had made their choices and now stood behind Raffles and Ski.

“Get closer.”

They were pushed together. Both men cast off any last vestige of decorum they might have possessed, as they pressed against each other in the buff.

“Hug each other – Clasp each other around the waist.” The head honcho of these hoodlums snarled.

Raffles and Ski embraced, wrapping their arms around each other’s waists and gripping their hands together. There was no escape for Raffles now. There was little he could do to avoid Ski’s gaze. Raffles noticed how light the blue of Ski’s eyes were. He also noticed the strength and resolve of his demeanor. Ski’s face showed kindness, too. All Ski wanted was to give Raffles comfort. Raffles felt embarrassed – ashamed even! I don’t deserve to love such a man – But I want him so! Raffles let himself go. He gently squeezed his elbows into Ski’s sides. He did not care who knew it! Raffles wanted to steal nothing in the world but Ski’s heart. Ski gave him a small smile, which Raffles returned with his own. And they held fast onto each other.

The two underlings commenced their roping.

Once again beginning at the wrists, the thieves tied their captives up within an inch of their lives. Raffles soon found his hands bound behind Ski’s back. Ski’s own hands were similarly bound behind Raffles. Taking the lengths at the end of the ropes, the thieves wound them around the other’s waist, so that Raffles tied-up wrists were held fast to Ski’s muscular middle and Ski’s trussed wrists bonded to Raffles’ own sturdy frame. From there, Raffles and Ski were enveloped individually and together in a lattice of links all over their brawny torsos. Ropework connected their elbows, compelled their brawny biceps to their sides, and compressed their burly bodies as close as possible. In the process, each man developed a sheen of sweat and a musky aroma – worked up as they were from the malevolent manipulations to manacle them, the peril at present, and their very close quarters! Their stout scent swirled with the citrus and sandalwood fragrance of Ski’s cologne and the lavender, rosemary, verbena and rose of Raffle’s own. The heady aroma didn’t help to quell the swell of various parts of their anatomy now in such proximity to one another. Raffles’ rod and Ski’s pole – made slick from their clammy closeness – soon dueled against each other. Their arousal did not escape the notice of the men manhandling them. As they continued their roping, Raffles’ and Ski’s bait and tackle simply became objects to be pawed and petted.

As the thieves began to lash their legs, it took great effort for Raffles and Ski to keep themselves upright. Their legs were first individually tethered tightly together at their thighs right below their beautifully bodacious butts, before their man-ropers cross-stitched each thigh to its opposite, catty-cornered partner. So, Raffles and Ski were soon braided together from one’s right thigh to the other’s left thigh and one’s right thigh to the other’s left thigh. Those malevolent man-handlers then repeated their patterns above and below their captives’ knees and at their ankles. When they had finished, the waylaying, would-be waiters stepped back to admire their handiwork. Raffles and Ski were an entangled couple, caught in a net of knots, ligatures, loops, spirals, splices, twirls, and twists! With Ken and Noble bound in balls of twine at their feet on either side of them, it was as if the trio of thieves had staged an obscene tableau – the four men appeared to be a fastened form of an erect cock and balls!

They took but a moment to congratulate themselves on their equivalent of marlinespike seamanship. Their ringleader went to their knapsacks retrieved two more red ball-gags, another roll of duct-tape, and four black neoprene, padded blindfolds with elastic head straps. He handed two of the blindfolds to his cohorts and directed them to stand ready to put them on Ken and Noble. He himself went over and stood before Raffles and Ski with the muzzles and remaining blindfolds. He looked lecherously at the trussed-together twosome.

“Any parting words, gentleman?” He asked of them.

Raffles said nothing.

“I’ll find you.” Ski vowed.

“You might not like what you find.” The man retorted and with that inserted the ball-gag in Ski’s mouth.

"Ugh! Ugh!" Ski grunted as the large ball filled his mouth and the pernicious plunderer non-too-gently strapped the contraption tightly behind his head. He then began to plaster duct-tape over the indomitable investigator’s mouth and around his head. The roughness of the ruffian’s ritual caused the captive couple to lose their balance – precarious in their present predicament as it was.

“Careful – you wouldn’t want to fall on your comrades! Remember – their slightest movements will tighten the nooses around their necks!” He warned.

Raffles shot him a deadly stare!

“MMMPPPHHH!! ZZZhhheeevvvhhh zzzhhuummm zzzhhhaaallluunnnttthhh!” Leave them alone! Ski demanded through the malicious muzzle.

He cares more for others – than himself – Oh! How can he accept me?” Raffles pondered.

When he was through, the rapacious ringleader did the same to Raffles. This time, both he and Ski stayed steady lest harm befall their fellow pawns in this deadly maneuvering for check mate!

With a finishing flourish, the trio took the black neoprene, padded blindfolds with elastic head straps in hand to cast the captive constables and their companion into calignosity. The underlings placed the blinders over the eyes of Ken and Noble, while their manager did the same to Ski. Just before the blindfold went over him, Ski looked deeply into Raffles’ eyes. It was as if he wanted to convey that he would move heaven and earth to make things right! Raffles wondered momentarily if he could.

As his companions were blindfolded and just before he, too, shared their fate, Raffles gave Stu a menacing mien. Stu returned it with a grin. Then, he roughly wrapped the blindfold over Raffles enveloping him in darkness.
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Post by Guardianbound »

What a twist! Jewel thief finds himself bound and gagged with his crush. The self control Raffles had to not get a full hard-on upon seeing Ski fully nude amazes me. And now that they're crossing swords, how haven't they creamed on each other? Maybe not yet, fingers-crosses though.

Can't wait for your next well-written installment to this erotic tale. Will Stu and company accidentally congratulate themselves with a drug-laced fruit drink? Do they intend to leave all 4 brawny men there or transport them back with them? How will they escape? If Don and Jerry come and rescue them, Raffles' true identity will be revealed and he will be forced to part with his love :o
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Post by TightsBound »

Great chapter! It had me wishing I was in ski or raffles place and tied tightly face to face. Keep writing!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Now that's unexpected! I was predicting the cops to get tied up in a way but I didn't see the captors coming, despite the foreshadowing. Raffles also being captured was also unexpected. The way he tried to look out for Ski and his friends was very touching, though. Goes to show that he's not a simple crook but he has his morals.

By the way, the bondage scenes were terrific as always! Raffles and Ski being so intimately close to each other without being able to speak or see were not only hot, but it also reflects the truth gap between them nicely.

And wow, Ken and Noble support jocks under full suits? Not that I'm complaining but it almost feels like the young cops were expecting to get so action tonight. Well, the only guys they'll get close to are the other rookie so I'm wondering if there'll something between them. After all, this gem of a quote says that:
Are there no straight guys in this city? Raffles tittered to himself.
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Post by gag1195 »

Amazing! Superb! Unexpected! I fully anticipated Raffles to begin executing his plan of knocking out and stashing his cop prizes! I was also not expecting the caterer thieves to be opposing Raffles, rather than being under his employ! So now my question is, are these three fully independent agents, or are they perhaps related to Don's other blackmailer?

I do love Raffles and his conflicted feelings for Ski. I still don't think it will work out in the end, but I applaud him for his own self-reflection.
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago Are there no straight guys in this city? Raffles tittered to himself.
No, seriously! Raffles has a point! And again, where can I find this magic city full of hunky gay men???
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Post by wataru14 »

A a reversal and a betrayal! The butter on my bread! Could our gaggle of caterer apartment invaders be trying to pull a fast one on the master thief? It looks like! And our cocky gentleman bandit will have to stew in his juices knowing that someone outplayed him and made off with the jewels he wanted. I eagerly await his revenge plan, but for now I'll admire the scenery of three beefy cops and one suave robber all bound up helplessly. A picture fitting for an art gallery!
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

All right. That does it! Sergeant Stanislaus Szymanski is mine. And no, he doesn’t need to vocalize his consent beyond a grunt and a nod of the head. I’m keepin’ him bound and gagged until the brief court ceremony is over. After that, I’ll change his clothes, put his kielbasa in a jockstrap made of rope so he knows who’s boss, and take him off to Bora Bora where I’ll have my way with that prime Polish patootie of his. Ya hear me Raffles? Hands off!

Thanks for the Memorial Day installments! That we last see Ski with his pole in full-on "salute" mode was appropriate for the holiday!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thanks, [mention]TightropesEU[/mention], I think it's more thrilling to get the perspective of all involved...captor and captive!

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] -- Raffles will get quite a few things from Ski before this tale concludes. And it's amazing the things you can haul away without notice, if you put your mind to it.

[mention]Tightsbound[/mention], FaceTime is great, and thank you for the encouragement.

[mention]Gag1195[/mention], Stay tuned, my friend, I reveal nothing, but revel in your praise!. As for the city populated by gay men...that's truly El Dorado!

[mention]wataru14[/mention], To be able to butter your bread is high praise, indeed. Thank you. And remember, revenge is a dish that is best served with an order of ties and gags.

[mention]Muscle-Flex [/mention]. Thank you. I'm happy my Polish-American cop tickles your fancy. Or maybe, you just like kielbasa!!

Thank you, guys! You're the best!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years ago Now that's unexpected! I was predicting the cops to get tied up in a way but I didn't see the captors coming, despite the foreshadowing. Raffles also being captured was also unexpected. The way he tried to look out for Ski and his friends was very touching, though. Goes to show that he's not a simple crook but he has his morals.

By the way, the bondage scenes were terrific as always! Raffles and Ski being so intimately close to each other without being able to speak or see were not only hot, but it also reflects the truth gap between them nicely.

And wow, Ken and Noble support jocks under full suits? Not that I'm complaining but it almost feels like the young cops were expecting to get so action tonight. Well, the only guys they'll get close to are the other rookie so I'm wondering if there'll something between them. After all, this gem of a quote says that:
Are there no straight guys in this city? Raffles tittered to himself.
[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], I beg a thousand pardons from you. I did not mention you in gratitude for your wonderful comments. You are always the first or one of the first to comment on M/M stories.

I am very grateful for the encouragement you give to all who write stories, but to me especially, because I am never sure whether the tales I weave of men bound and gagged are worthy of note. Thank you.

I'm glad you were taken by surprise in this chapter. I have a few more surprises up my sleeve for Raffles, Ski, Jerry, and Don to come.

Stay Tuned!!!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago
DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years ago Now that's unexpected! I was predicting the cops to get tied up in a way but I didn't see the captors coming, despite the foreshadowing. Raffles also being captured was also unexpected. The way he tried to look out for Ski and his friends was very touching, though. Goes to show that he's not a simple crook but he has his morals.

By the way, the bondage scenes were terrific as always! Raffles and Ski being so intimately close to each other without being able to speak or see were not only hot, but it also reflects the truth gap between them nicely.

And wow, Ken and Noble support jocks under full suits? Not that I'm complaining but it almost feels like the young cops were expecting to get so action tonight. Well, the only guys they'll get close to are the other rookie so I'm wondering if there'll something between them. After all, this gem of a quote says that:
Are there no straight guys in this city? Raffles tittered to himself.
@DeeperThanRed, I beg a thousand pardons from you. I did not mention you in gratitude for your wonderful comments. You are always the first or one of the first to comment on M/M stories.

I am very grateful for the encouragement you give to all who write stories, but to me especially, because I am never sure whether the tales I weave of men bound and gagged are worthy of note. Thank you.

I'm glad you were taken by surprise in this chapter. I have a few more surprises up my sleeve for Raffles, Ski, Jerry, and Don to come.

Stay Tuned!!!
Thanks a lot! And don't sweat it, I really appreciate you responding to comments even without doing it every time. It's something I always have trouble with. :)

Your tales are some of the most solid tales on this forum, so no need to question your writing, haha. I'm looking forward to read what you'll come up next, you never fail to impress.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Donbrown »

Just finished reading the two latest chapters of this story and I'm hard as a rock! I didn't see that plot twist coming in the end! Not only does Raffles have a major crush on Ski, but he got to be bound and gagged as well (WITH Hunky Ski!), getting a taste of his own medicine! I hope he enjoys his current predicament, forced to rub his hard rod against Ski's pole, silent, blindfolded and enraged! Can't wait for the birth of a nice gay romance between the thief and the unsuspecting cop!! An excellent story [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]! If it was a bit longer it would rival your masterpiece, Bound in Byzantine Bonds :lol:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, [mention]Donbrown[/mention]...

A lot of entanglements...romantic and otherwise...await the characters in this story.

"Bound in Byzantine Bonds"... "A masterpiece?" I don't know about that, but I'm working on an update of that! Your words are providing much inspiration!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Anxiously waiting for an update on this :shock:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

TightropesEU wrote: 1 year ago Anxiously waiting for an update on this :shock:
Working on it!! :)
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Post by TightropesEU »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago
TightropesEU wrote: 1 year ago Anxiously waiting for an update on this :shock:
Working on it!! :)
Still working on it? :lol:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

TightropesEU wrote: 1 year ago
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago
TightropesEU wrote: 1 year ago Anxiously waiting for an update on this :shock:
Working on it!! :)
Still working on it? :lol:
By the end of the week!
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago By the end of the week!
:D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago
TightropesEU wrote: 1 year ago
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago

Working on it!! :)
Still working on it? :lol:
By the end of the week!
HOOAH! :D 8-)
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Post by roxasfrey »

I have been following some of your stories for quite some time before I finally decided to sign up. They have many things I want, mature men,
captor/captive seduction, thoroughly described scenarios and character personalities.

I´m definitely interested in seeing where this is going.
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