Susans Crazy Arrest (FF/F) (vote story)

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Post by johopp »

i need a few more votes before i continue.. please!

Post by Quintus09 »

A please
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Post by johopp »

A wins

Chapter 5

The women argued when they dragged the still handcuffed and gagged Susan out of the house. They knew they had to operate without their boss now, a completely unprepared situation. Susan knew this situation could be very dangerous for her - or be her big chance to escape! At the moment, she was kept in check by a gun - but maybe she could use a chance to escape? She knew this forest like her vest pocket. She had to reach the police station, which was located left from the forest, as she knew. From there she could also call Jana and warn her. Then they both would be safe.

But how? Running away would be impossible, as long as her hands were connected behind her back by this stupid handcuffs! Calling for help was also impossible with that large gag in her mouth. And she knew there would be hardly any people she could give a sign.

Susan groaned when she suddenly saw… a fox, just disappearing in his foxhole! Within seconds, Susan purposely tripped over a tree root, and when the women came closer to look after her, tripped them and quickly hide in the foxhole - saved for now! Or not?

What happens under the earth?

A The foxes are angry at the intruder and bite her out of the foxhole. Susan gets noticed and caught by the kidnappers.
B The foxes are curious and lick her face and soles. Susan gets noticed and caught by the kidnappers.
C The foxes are curious and lick her face and soles. Susan doesn't get noticed by the kidnappers.
D The foxes save Susan and attack the kidnappers. (Story continues at other location)

Post by Quintus09 »

B please.

Post by Quintus09 »

B please.
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Post by johopp »

B wins, here is

Chapter 6

Susan took a deep breath - she had succeeded to escape the kidnappers - for now! Her heart was pounding like crazy, and she closed her eyes to come to breath. All the excitement of the last hours only slowly gave way to relief about being safe. Slowly, she fell asleep - doesn t matter it was uncomfortable because her hands were still cuffed behind her back.

After a few minutes, she felt a strange tickle on her bare soles. Dozingly, she thought it was a fly or a spider, and tried to get the rid off. But the tickling continued, and her soles and toes felt somehow… wet? At once, she was awake, and the first thing she noticed was a large wet tongue wiping across her face. Susan's first startled scream was followed by loud laughter, As she noticed now, it were young foxes licking all her body, but mainly her soles, toes and face. Susan tried to scare away the foxes, but it was impossible - handcuffed and gagged as she still was.

Suddenly, she heard steps and a few seconds later, her two kidnappers stood next to her. The man shot once in the ceiling, and the foxes retreated howling. Then he pointed the gun at Susan and said: “The next bullet will hit you! Thanks for your loud laughs, so it was easy to find you! And now - let's go home, sweety!” They walked back to the hideout, where Susan suddenly hmmmphed in her gag. The kidnappers ungagged her and she said: “I'm very sorry! I won't try it again - I swear! But I urgently need to go to the toilet, please!”

This seems to be her last chance to escape. Will she take the chance?

A Yes, she can climb out of the toilet window, and run away - still handcuffed.
B Yes, she overwhelms the kidnappers when ready and runs away
C No, she will be handcuffed to the toilet flush.
D No, she has to leave the door open so the kidnappers can control her all time.
E No, she isn't allowed to use the toilet and has to shit in her pants.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I go for A too!
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Post by johopp »

I think it will stand out a clear victory for A so I will post

Chapter 7

The kidnappers watched each other and said: “Never mind - there will be no chance to escape for you anyway!” They walked Susan to the wooden toilet outhouse and told her to walk in. But Susan said: “Wait a minute! How am I supposed to use it with my hands cuffed behind my back? I cannot even pull down my pajama pants cuffed like this!” “The handcuffs need to stay on, so you cannot run away, sweety!” “Oh, come on - at least cuff me in front! So I also cannot run fast, but can undo my pajama pants - please!”, Susan pleaded.

Suddenly, the woman pulled down Susans pajama pants and told her to step out. “Problem solved! Your pajama top is long enough to hide everything! And now shut up and do your business, or you will have to make your mess on the floor next to your `bed` - your decision!”

Sobbingly, Susan walked inside the wooden outhouse and heard the door being locked from the outside. She quickly did what she came for and wanted to knock against the door - when she suddenly saw a window high above the toilet. Without thinking long, she climbed on top of the toilet bank and through the window. She sneaked silently through the wood, then ran for her life - still handcuffed, of course!

Where does Susan arrive?

A At the police station. where she gets arrested.
B At her friends house
C She gets lost in the forest - when she suddenly hears a loud call for help!
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Post by Caesar73 »

C sound promising!
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Post by johopp »

I will declare C as the winner

Chapter 8

Susan didn t know how long she was running, nor where she got her stamina from. She didn't even notice that the handcuffs werde digging hard into her flesh, leaving deep red welts behind. She just ran for her life - she could imagine what would happen to her if she was caught again! Her only advantage was she knew the wood like the back of her hand - and yet she stumbled more than once, or scratched her legs on thorns! And eventually she got a stitch in her side.

She was about to give up when she suddenly heard someone calling for help - it was a girl's voice! She mobilized the very last reserves of strength and followed the voice.

In a small clearing, she noticed who was screaming - it was a young girl in a cowgirl outfit, which was rope tied to a tree. Her hands were tied crosswise behind the tree trunk, her bare feet tied parallel and her whole body tied to the trunk. The girl noticed Susan and yelled: “I am saved! Quick, untie me before the Indians come back!” “Who are you talking to, Claire?” A woman in an Indian outfit came out of the woods and said: “Hi, I am Carol, Claire`s mother, nice to meet you. We are playing Claires favorite game, Cowgirls and Indians- why are you handcuffed, anyway?”

Susan gave her a summary of events and the mother whispered: “Don t worry! My husband is a cop, I will call him immediately! Claire, it is very important that you don't say a word now, understood?”

Claire, still tied to the tree, nodded and really shut up until the cops were done, including finally freeing Susan from her handcuffs. When the cops swarmed out to search the kidnappers (one cop car left to protect Susan on site), Claire asked her mother: “Mom, can Susan play Cowgirls and Indians with us, please?” “You have to ask Susan, not me!” Susan couldn't resist Claire's pleading eyes.

Who plays who?

A) Indian Claire ties Cowgirl Susan up
B) Indian Susan ties Cowgirl Claire up.
C) Indian Carol ties Cowgirls Claire and Susan up - to the same tree, back to back.
D) Indian Carol ties Cowgirls Claire and Susan up - to different trees, facing each other.

Post by Quintus09 »

D please. Does Susan have anything to cover her dignity though?
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Post by Caesar73 »

D is my choice :) Will there be gags involved?
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Post by johopp »

D wins, so here is Chapter 9

Of course Susan couldn't resist Claire's pleading eyes. So she went to the knots that tied Claire`s hands behind the tree and said: “Don t worry, I will free you! I only hope that the bad Indian will not return before I untied you!” With these words she winked at Carol, who understood immediately: “I wouldn't do that if I wanted to keep my scalp! Put your hands behind your head and slowly kneel down, stupid white girl!”, she said with a sharp voice, raising the tomahawk menacingly.

Pretending to startle, Susan put her hands up and playfully pleaded, "I didn't trespass on your territory on purpose! I'll do whatever you want, but please let me live!" “First I have to tie and gag you so you can't reveal the location of my Indian tribe to the whites! Stand with your back against the tree next to the other paleface and clasp your hands behind it!"

Susan obeyed and Claire watched with interest as Susan was tied to the tree just like herself! Her knee-long pajama shirt was pressed so tightly against the trunk by ropes that the strongest winds wouldn't blow it up and Susan's dignity was covered permanently - just like Claire's. After making sure the two girls couldn't move an inch, the mother gagged both girls with a scarf.

Then she looked at the sky, spread her arms and cried: "Oh great Manitou, have mercy on these two unfortunate souls, who are among those who killed all my tribesmen!!" With these words she went into the house and left the two cowgirls in the scorching sun.

When she came out she had two ice cream cones with her. She let the girls lick it twice and then…

What does the mother do with the ice cream cones?

A) She puts them in front of the girls mouths, so they can lick it completely.
B) She smears the ice cream on the girls' faces - which attracts wasps unintentionally.
C) She smears the ice cream on the girls' bare feet - which attracts ants.
D) She eats all the ice cream herself, in front of the girls.
E) She fastens the ice cream over the girls' heads, which is slowly melting.
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Post by JulieG »

I’d choose B if it wasn’t for the wasps, D is just mean, but E is best if there’s no wasps involved.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I go for C
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Post by Quintus09 »

I love bare feet. It has to be C
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 10

The two captives were happy about the cooling ice cream on that hot day. And when their tongues touched the cool mass, they quickly realized that it was their favorite variety - a real treat! Very slowly they licked a second time, then a third time and... their searching tongues suddenly went nowhere! The girls' angry protest was immediately stopped by a cloth gag.Laughing, the mother explained: “I don't want my two captives to become too fat - I do not think the Great Manitou will accept an oblation from which he gets obesity.”

All begging was in vain - the mother just mocked: "Unfortunately I can't understand you. You have to take the scarves out of your mouth first so that I can find out what you want!" That was of course not possible for the girls - tied up as they were!

After listening to the girls' incomprehensible screams, the mother exclaimed, "We Indians respect every living thing, big and small! Nature feeds us, and we feed nature - or rather, you both feed nature !" With that, she leaned forward and smeared all the leftover ice cream onto the girls' bare feet, from ankles to toes. The girls laughed into their gags at the sudden cold. The mother continued the ice cream trail on the forest floor for a few more meters and then said: "Wait and see!"

After only a few seconds, the first ant crawled over Susan's sticky feet, and a short time later a whole colony of ants nibbled on the feet of both girls. The girls knew their way around the forest, and therefore knew that the native ants were neither biting nor stinging, nor squirted caustic formic acid - but the tiny legs tickled terribly on the sticky skin. And due to the way they were tied, there was no way at all to shake off the annoying insects.

The mother listened to the gag-muffled laughter for a while when her cell phone suddenly rang. She accepted the call and walked away briefly.

When she got back to the girls, who were still being tortured with ants, she said to Susan: "It was my husband on the phone. You should report to the police station in Elser Street immediately. I'll untie you immediately and then we'll drive - Claire, you're welcome to come with us."

Why is Susan summoned to the police station?

A) The cops find no clue to the kidnappers. They think Susan is lying and arrest her for faking a crime.
B) The kidnappers are arrested - but they tell the cops that Susan hired them to kidnap her - so Susan gets arrested, too.
C) The kidnappers said that they want revenge on Susan for their arrest - so Susan is locked up in jail for her own safety.
D) The cops say that they wouldn't have summoned Susan to the police station. When Carol and Susan left the police building, her car disappeared along with Claire.
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Post by JulieG »

D. More options.
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