The Files of Art. Inc: Single Case Files (16.06.24) "Tying the knot" Chapter 11 (FFFF+/FFFF+)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Trammel wrote: 2 years ago Very creative narrative. As always a bit racy for my taste but spectacularly creative and engrossing nonetheless.
I am glad you liked it [mention]Trammel[/mention] :) The scenario [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] proposed inspired my devious mind :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi folks, just a short notice: The next single case file of Art. Inc. will be online in the next three or four days. It will feature prominently Kirsty and Hayley :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Hi folks, this is the first of three parts of the next single case file of Art. Incorporated. All parts are roughly equally long, but the first Part is slightly shorter than the other two:

P.s: Kirsty Garrett and Hayley King are Characters from [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - the author allowed me kindly to use them. While I built up on the Nothing Personal Series, consider what I do with them deviates from what is currently happening in NF 5 in the Stories for Everyone Section, which is highly recommended :)

From the Files of Art Incorporated:
Kirsty Garrett, Hayley King and the Mystery of Lynnewood Hall
The present:

Philadelphia, unknown location, around 0900 PM:

It was already dark as Kirsty parked her metallic blue BMW 7 under a few trees at Spring Avenue, a few hundred meters distance from her destination. She got out. With a care, which betrayed her long practise, she checked every part of her gear: the black body armour, the combat knife, the HK MK 23 and the MP5SD-N1Submachine gun.

Kirsty put on her full visor helmet and checked the coordinates she was supposed to come. She was ready. Only one thing left to do…. she went around the car and opened the trunk and looked at its content: “Showtime” she said softly, closed the trunk and vanished among the trees, just a shadow among shadows in the dark.

16 Hours earlier:

Queens, New York, The Offices of Art Incorporated

It was 0900 in the morning when Kirsty entered the Offices of Art Incorporated New York. The weather was beautiful midmay: not too hot, but pleasantly fresh and warm. After her morning jog she had showered long and then got ready for office. For the day Kirsty had chosen a mild green power suit with matching medium heels.

“Good morning” she greeted Gloria, their secretary, brightly. Gloria, who had a striking resemblance to Alba Zevon, smiled “You too Kirsty, it is a beautiful morning! Your Coffee is at your desk!” “Thank you, Gloria! Has Hayley already called in`?” “No, she has not” the Secretary smiled “Must have been a long evening” Kirsty chuckled “She met an old friend from College days yesterday - probably she is sleeping it off”

Kirsty powered her laptop up, checked her mails and answered the ones with highest priority “Kirsty” Gloria interrupted her “Mrs. de Winter has arrived she is waiting for you in the conference room” “Thanks Gloria, I´ll be with her shortly” Kirsty returned the call.

Mrs. De Winter was their first appointment for the day. De Winter and partners was a small but very exclusive, very discreet law firm, which represented high powered clients only and usually clients who operated in the grey zone between legal and illegal business dealings.

Hayley and Kirsty had been curious why Mrs de Winter´s office had scheduled an appointment. The woman had a reputation fighting for her clients with all weapons in the arsenal and beyond. She had represented more than one client of questionable morals but an unquestionably well-stocked bank account.

Kirsty would have welcomed it, if Hayley had been present. As daughter of the Commissioner of New York, Hayley knew many of the upper 10000 of the city. For Kirsty New York was still new territory. Thanks to her work for Elizabeth Crawford she knew her way around the half world, where the frontiers between legal and illegal businesses often merged – but she had to admit that she felt a little uneasy as she entered the conference room.

At the head of it, a blonde middle aged woman of medium height, with a severe short haircut and cold grey eyes in a conservative grey business costume was waiting “The mature Sharon Stone” was Kirsty´s first thought. The woman radiated authority “Good day Mrs de Winter it is a pleasure to meet you” Kirsty greeted her, boy I behave like a school girl, she scolded herself.

Sharon Stone as Mrs. de Winter

“The pleasure is on my side” their client responded in a polite but entirely professional manner. She was used to preferential treatment that was sure.

“So, Mrs. de Winter, as I take it, your client is interested in our services” Kirsty offered, after the refreshments had been offered and Gloria had left the conference room.

“Indeed” de Winter smiled, a smile which did not reach her eyes, “she cannot be present in person, but I have asked your secretary to establish a video conference. I hope you don´t mind. She will join us shortly”

“I expected that Mrs. King would be present” the lawyer remarked” The undertone angered Kirsty “I am sure my partner will join us shortly” Kirsty replied with a smile. “But let us begin, in what matter your client wants our expertise?”

“She will tell you that herself” the Lawyer explained – and looked on her expensive watch - I expect our client to call in any minute” So far the very large LECD-Screen at the other end of the conference room was black. Through the intercom Gloria´s voice sounded “Call incoming Kirsty”

On the black screen a picture appeared. The caller seemed to sit behind a large working desk. The curtains were closed and only the outlines of a person were discernible behind the desk. It seemed to be a woman.

“Good morning Miss Garrett, good morning Mrs de Winter” the voice sounded female, but seemed to be electronically altered “I apologize for the cloak and dagger stuff, but certain security measures are necessary, as you will understand in due course, for the time being you may call me Madame X” Kirsty frowned.

“Madame X, my Partner and I understand you need our services in a delicate matter? Mrs. de Winter intimated as much” Kirsty turned to their client”

“Indeed, it is a most delicate matter” Madame X confirmed “I need you to retrieve some precious objects which I cherish very much. You are familiar with the Adams Family?”

The Adams Family?” Kirsty inquired “Yes, the Adams Family” Madame X continued “The Adams Family owns one of the most precious jewel collections in the world and I am interested procuring in some of those objects – but Rachel Adams III has so far declined any of my offers” Madame X sounded as if she had been personally insulted.

Kirsty was a bit irritated “Madame X, as far as I know the collection has been obtained completely legal – and as you know, we only recover stolen or lost art”

“I know that Mrs Garrett” their client chuckled “but I am fairly certain you will make an exception in that case”

“And why should we do that?” Kirsty´s eyebrows rose “Breaking and entering is not among the services we offer to our clients on a regular basis”

“O, I think, we can get beyond that small obstacle quite easily” Madame X chuckled again and turned to the lawyer “Mrs de Winter would you be so kind to give Mrs Garrett the package which had been delivered to De Winter and Partners this morning?”

“Of course Madame X” the Lawyer nodded and produced a small parcel from the depths of her bag and gave it to Kirsty, who took it, slightly hesitating.

“Mrs Garrett, you can unwrap it, it is no bomb, I assure you” again that chuckle.

With slightly trembling fingers – she didn´t know why – Kirsty ripped the parcel open. In it was a white box, made from leather, normally used in jewellery stores to store necklaces, lockets or any other precious objects.

“Open it, it is no IED” (IED = improvised explosion device) Madam X encouraged Kristy, obviously delighted by Kirsty´s hesitation “We are not in Afghanistan” The Briton opened the box and almost let it fall, her face grew pale.

“So I take it, you recognize it” Madame X stated, all false politeness gone from her voice “This is precisely the reason, why you will retrieve the objects from the Adams-Collection for me I desire”

Kirsty stared at the contents of the box then back at the screen and in the box: On white velvet lay a delicate silver locket in its centre a sapphire “It matches Hayley´s eyes perfectly” Kirsty thought absentmindedly and stroked about the sapphire, it had been Kirsty´s present for their first anniversary.

“How touching” Madame X´s voice was dripping with sarcasm “What did you do to Hayley?” Kirsty demanded coldly “But Mrs Garrett” this cold chuckle again “Who would do anything to lovely Hayley” “Cut the crap” Kirsty snapped “What do you want!”

“I thought that would be clear” Madame X spoke to Kirsty as to a child a little slow on the uptake “You will retrieve those objects for me and nothing will happen to Hayley, Mrs de Winter will provide you with a tablet, on which you will find the necessary informations.”

“How do I know Hayley is still alive?” Kirsty was not far from shouting

“You should get your temper in check Mrs. Garret” Madame X advised her coldly “If you want to save Hayley that is” “For now you will have to take my word for it – but I promise you something: When you have persuaded Mrs Adams to give you the jewels I desire, you get your proof that Hayley is alive and well – along with the coordinates where to deliver them” The woman made an ominous pause “And to make that clear” – her voice now several degrees colder “If you call Captain Becket? Hayley will be punished. If you call Christine von der Marwitz or any of your friends? Hayley will be punished. That will be all. Better hurry, the clock is ticking” The screen became black.

Kirsty stared for a moment at the black screen, then at the locket and then at Mrs. de Winter, who looked not entirely comfortable.

“Did you know about this?” Kirsty´s eyes drilled into hers her voice cold and menacing “Of course I didn´t” the Lawyer stated, sounding wounded. “I don´t believe you” With a quick movement Kirsty got up, moved around the table and loomed over Mrs. de Winter, till her face was only centimetres away from the other woman “Listen very carefully: In Afghanistan I have seen and done things you really would not want to know. In Elizabeth Crawford´s service I have seen and done things you really would not want to know. So know this: If I find out that you lied or anything happens to Hayley I know where to find you”

“Are you threatening me?” The Lawyer recoiled as if been hit in the face “No” Kirsty stated coldly “This is a promise, you should know the difference – now give me that damned tablet and get out of my sight”

Five minutes later Kirsty was alone: She looked at the tablet without seeing anything…. A soft knock at the door interrupted her “Can I do something Kirsty?” Gloria asked tentatively, clearly sensing that something was in the air.

“Yes you can Gloria: Cancel all appointments for today: If anybody asks for Hayley or me? Tell them, we are away on urgent business. I will be away for the rest of the day –and can you do that for me?” She held a page of a notebook in her hand “Of course” Gloria nodded and took the paper, read it and vanished – at the door she turned to Kirsty “Everything will be all right, I am sure”

Kirsty just nodded and skimmed through the contents of the tablet.

Around the same time: unknown location:

Madame X was very pleased with herself. So far everything had gone according to plan. Her employer would be pleased. She left the private study and went down a stairwell one floor down to the ground floor, through the large ball room and to a smaller adjacent room:

It was empty except a heavily padded stretcher on which a figure lay under a soft cover. Next to the stretcher stood an intravenous pole from which a yellow fluid dripped in regular intervals. Some screens showed pulse and heartbeat. Whoever the person on the stretcher was, she was deeply unconscious, but breathing deep and regular.

Madame X pulled away the cover: The woman on the stretcher was a blonde. She wore some kind of orange jump suit, her feet were bare. Her eyes were covered by a heavy padded sleep mask, the lower half of her face obscured by a heavily padded panel gag. The centre of the panel gag was connected with another intravenous pole through which a colourless liquid dropped. The features of the blonde were calm and relaxed.

Heavy leather straps held her down from shoulders to ankles, even her big toes had been tied together. Madame X could not help but let her long red nails wander across the blonde´s soft soles and marvelled at the perfect red nail polish. No reaction “Such beautiful feet Hayley – let us prepare you for the next stage” With practised motions she disconnected the tubes “Time to wake up soon, my precious”
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Beautiful casting! Interesting build up and, hey, there's your heroine-in-distress! Hail, Caesar!
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Post by slackywacky »

Hmmm, more questions to answer... Who is the blond?
And what was in the trunk?

Oh well, I am sure they will all be answered. Well written update.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago Hmmm, more questions to answer... Who is the blond?
And what was in the trunk?
Thank you :) The blonde? Well, that is Hayley I would say - she has a inclination to be the damsel in distress - in this case involuntary. What is in the trunk, that is in fact the crucial question, must be something important, something that is valuable to Kirsty ... the business at hand though is another one: Kirsty must follow Madame X instructions, if she likes it or not. The stress on her must be enormous: Imagine the dreadful surprise as she openend the parcel and found the locket she presented Hayley for their first anniversary with? That must have been quite the shock. The question is: How will she deal with it? At the moment she has not much choices ...
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Not sure if it's a typo or I missed something. Mrs de Winter calls Hayley "Mrs King" and Kirsty is called "Miss Garrett". Is Hayley married?

Nice establishing that the other characters won't interfere in the story. It will be interesting to see how Kirsty manages to solve this problem in a different way than the other characters do.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 1 year ago Nice establishing that the other characters won't interfere in the story. It will be interesting to see how Kirsty manages to solve this problem in a different way than the other characters do.
That was the idea [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]: Kirsty is on her own. She will have to use the ressources at her disposal. She might have an idea though - remember the piece of paper she gave Gloria, her secretary? Obviously Kirsty wants not to leave a digital trace. The problem for her? She must find a way to fullfil the Instructions of Madame X and devise a way to safe Hayley.

The next update tomorrow evening MEST might tell us more.

And another question remains: Is Madame X working on her own, or is there another figure in the background -we do not know about?
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Greenwich, New York, two hours later:

The drive from Queens up to Greenwich had been tiresome, Kirsty thought. After grabbing her gear and making a short stop at the armoury, she had driven to the penthouse in Queens, which she and Hayley had shared for the past six months. She grabbed another few things she might need. The instructions of Madam X had been precise.

Now she was just minutes away from the Adams Estate. An appointment with Rachel Adams III had been scheduled for 0100 PM her instructions had said. According to the intel she had, next to Mrs Adams only two other persons would be present: Andrea Neal, maid and personal cook of the Lady of the House and Sadie Bell her personal secretary. That would make her job considerable easier.

Sadie Belle

Andrea Neal

The whole time Kirsty thought about Hayley. She had had a phone call with Susan O´Brien, Hayley´s roommate from college, Hayley had met yesterday: Hayley had left around midnight in good spirits – and she had worn the necklace– her car was still in the parking garage, but not sign of her.

Kirsty halted before the impressing double winged entrance gate to the Adams Estate. The gates swung wide open, obviously she was expected. The gravelled, curved drive way led up in serpentines to the hill, where Adams Manor was located. It had been built in the late 19th century and bore a stark resemblance to the Villa Capra the famous architect Palladio had built in the Veneto in Italy in the Renaissance, but on a grander scale, much grander.

She halted in front of the entrance unloaded a gym bag from the trunk and hefted it over her shoulder. Kirsty pressed the door bell, the deep sound reverberated. After a short while Kirsty could hear the clicks of High Heels coming nearer. The Door swung open. A blonde woman of medium height in the customary maid uniform, with black hose and heels stood in the door way, who greeted her warmly, with a genuine smile

“You must be Kirsty Garrett, if you would follow me please, Mrs Adams is awaiting you” she turned and started to walk in the entrance hall “Excuse me, Andrea” Kirsty padded her on the shoulder “Yes?” the maid turned and was hit by the mist of a spray bottle in the face “What?” her eyes turned upwards and she would have fallen to the floor, if Kirsty had not caught her and let her glide gently to the floor.

From the floor plans she had had been sent, Kirsty knew, there was a small alcove next to the entrance door. She carried the unconscious woman there. The Briton produced several zip ties and a ball gag. Kirsty zipped Andrea´s wrists and elbows together, after removing her black high heels one zip tie around the ankles and under the knees followed. With a longer zip tie she hog tied the woman and ball gagged her. For the moment that would have to suffice.

Kirsty heard high heeled steps coming down the imposing stair well in the entrance hall “Andrea where are you?” a warm alto voice called “That has to be Sadie Belle” Kirsty thought, Mrs Adams personal secretary.

“Here” she called with what she thought would be a passable imitation of Andrea´s voice “Andrea are you in there?” The steps came nearer “Andrea what has happened?” the blonde exclaimed as she registered the zip tied blonde on the floor – and was hit by the same mist squarely in the face.

Ten Minutes later Sadie had joined her partner in misery – “I will tie you more properly later” Kirsty told the two unconscious women “Well, I must” she sighed. The blonde was beautiful Kirsty had to admit clad in beige Power Suit with matching heels. She had removed the heels of course. A kick with them could hurt.

She walked up the large imposing slightly curved stair well, on the first floor Kirsty tried to remember the location of Rachel Adams III study – she knocked at the door.

“Come in” a warm female voice intoned – Kirsty entered. The Room was brightly lit by a panorama window which opened to the west. Behind a large antique looking desk sat a brown haired woman in her mid-thirties typing at a laptop. Interesting enough the interior of the room resembled a combination of the historical interior and modern elements like the stylish and elegant lights and the ancient book shelves: whoever had done this possessed remarkable taste.

The woman behind the desk looked up. From the files she had been provided with, Kirsty knew that this had to be the lady of the house. According to her file, Rachel Adams possessed as well a degree in economics as in history of art and had written her dissertation about the early painting of the Renaissance Painter Raffael with summa cum laude.

Rachel Adams

She seemed not to be surprised by the newcomer “You must be Kirsty Garrett” she greeted her friendly and got up from behind her desk “Did you meet Sadie or Andrea?” “Oh yes, they will be joining us shortly” Kirsty smiled – a bit forced.

“Why don´t you have a seat?” Adams motioned to a round table with two chairs next to it “Any refreshments?” “Water would be fine” Kirsty demurred. The lady of the house returned with two glasses of icy cold water, with a slice of lemon. Adams wore a red power suit with matching high heels.

“What can I do for you Mrs Garret? Adams asked politely “I really would have liked to meet your partner in person – my father is good friends with the commissioner you know and you must absolutely tell me more about your involvement in the hunt for the Weinstein Collection!” Adams chatted away

“That isn´t really such a big deal” Kirsty played it down, she had no time for this “You asked, what you can do for me?” “Well, I need some of your jewels” and now Rachel Adams looked into the muzzle of a Glock “Mrs Garrett, this must be a joke” to her credit her host did not panic “I thought you were in the business of finding lost and stolen art – not stealing them” Adams still smiled.

A look at Kirsty´s stony face told her that this was not a joke “So you mean business” “I do” Kirsty nodded “But why?” “Let us say, I am under some zugzwang” Kirsty sighed and after a look into the face of her host she made a decision “The woman I love has been kidnapped. If I don´t comply with the kidnappers demands she dies, same goes, when I call the police”

Adams reacted remarkable calmly “You mean someone has kidnapped Hayley? And is blackmailing you to steal jewels from our collection?” Kirsty blushed she had never suspected that the fact Hayley was her lover was widely known.

“Yes” she sighed “But this is not all” Adams prodded “No it is not” the Briton acknowledged “The kidnapper has left very specific instructions how to tie you and your staff up”

“That sounds kinky” The brunette nodded, and looked as if the prospect of being tied up and gagged were appealing to her– Adams smiled “I am not unfamiliar to being tied up - but tell me first: Which Jewels do you need?”

“You are helping me?” Kirsty stared in disbelief at Adams “Yes, I am” the latter stated firmly “But why? – you don´t know me, or Hayley at all!” Kirsty exclaimed

“You know” Adams replied smiling “I am pretty good at reading people and my instincts never failed me in that regard, and there is another thing: When I was ten I was kidnapped for ransom and Hayley´s father played a very important part in rescuing me, my parents told me.

Helping you is my way to pay that debt and I can imagine what you and Hayley must be going through right now, after what my parents told me about that time” There was a moment of silence, before Adams continued “So what jewels do you need?”

“Okay ...“ the Briton looked at the tablet, then named the five pieces of Jewellery. To her utter astonishment the brunette went to the eastern wall, pressed a hidden button a piece of panel swung aside; a safe door appeared. The system required a retina scan, the scan of Adams right and several codes, then her host vanished into the chamber and returned minutes later with several boxes “You should check them” she advised Kirsty with a little smile.

So did Kirsty: She compared the content of every box with the informations Madame X had provided her with – as she could tell they matched.

“Those are no flashy falsifications, right?” “You still don´t believe me” the heiress chuckled. “Nobody will believe my story, that is for sure” Kirsty shrugged – “But I still have to tie you up”

“Then carry on”

“Right” Kirsty nodded “My instructions say, you should dress down to lingerie and hose Adams complied with the order, kicked of her heels first before she removed her jacket, unbuttoned her blouse and, and stepped out of her trousers: Her red lingerie matched the suit perfectly, her nude hose had a shimmering quality. Expectantly she looked at Kirsty “Turn around and put your hands behind your back” the Briton told Adams.

30 Minutes later:

“Leave her most stringently hogtied on the floor, or a table – I leave the rest to your discretion” Madame X had instructed her: So tight was the hogtie that only Adam´s flat tummy rested on the table. Her ankle bonds were tied to her elbows and her crotch rope, as were her tied toes.

Between Adam´s soles a vibrator had been tied, additional to the ones lodged into her anus and her vagina. Her eyes were wide above the tight gag, and her cheeks bulged. But Kirsty had deviated from her instructions: She had packed Rachel´s mouth with just one pairs of very ripe panties instead of three as demanded, Rachel had helped her, so why punishing her for that? Madame X should screw herself! The stocking cap, which obscured her features? She could not forego.

With a small sigh of regret Kirsty activated the vibrators, which began to work her magic. As instructed Kirsty filmed her work and send it to Madame X. She left Adams writhing and moaning on the table, as Kirsty closed the door Rachel Adams was about to reach her first orgasm. Since she was firmly tied down to it, she would not fall down “Probably she is regretting helping me already” Kirsty thought miserably.

Down in the Entrance hall she checked for her other two guests. The two blondes in the meantime had not been idle they had – unsuccessfully of course – tried to get loose of the zip ties. From wide fearful eyes they stared up at the captor.

“Don´t get your panties in a twist girls” she told the two “As I see you already have“ Kirsty chuckled mirthlessly as she let her eye wonder above her captives “Listen, I have to make you a bit more secure, for that I have to send you to sleep for a while” and produced a chloroform doused cloth out of one of her pockets. Andrea Neal and Sadie Belle protested in her gags and renewed their struggles

“This cannot be helped, so I advise you to stop struggling” Kirsty told them a little exasperated “You will go down either way! Are we clear?” her tone was stern now. That gave the two struggling women pause. Kirsty knelt down and pressed the cloth firmly on Sadie´s face. At first the blonde struggled – but finally succumbed to her fate and took long and deep breaths, till her eyes rolled up and she was out.

Kirsty turned to the maid: “See that wasn´t so bad – will you give me trouble?” Andrea shook her head. Three minutes later she was out too. “Let´s get you ready” 30 Minutes later Crawford´s former second in command looked down at the two unconscious women sitting at the front of the stair well, which led to the upper floor.

She had tied them back to back legs in the lotus seat: their upper bodies tightly tied together, their mitted wrists folded in front of the other. Additionally their crotch ropes were linked. The vibrating eggs would be activated shortly. The two blonde´s features were obscured by stocking caps. Kirsty had wrapped duct tape around their heads, so that their heads were held together.

To her surprise she had found out that three large handkerchiefs fitted easily in Sadie Belle´s mouth, Andrea Neal´s mouth was well stuffed with just two. As instructed she had tied the big toes of both women to their nipple clamps, so the slightest movement of their feet would be keenly felt. A muffled moan indicated that Sadie was coming around, a muffled shriek, as the vibrating eggs sprung into high gear. Andrea was stirring too,

She filmed the unlucky duo and sent it along with the message: “I have the jewels, now keep your part of the bargain” Kirsty had not long to wait: The obscured features of her blackmailer appeared on the tablet “Nice work Kirsty I must say, so the rumours are true: You have a talent for restraining unwilling damsels in distress” she chuckled.

Kirsty wanted to punch her squarely in the face “Ah that impotent rage is so cute, my dear, I send you know the coordinates where to deliver the package” It costed Kirsty all self-control not to scream “Such a temper!” Madame X relished in the other woman´s impotent rage “See yourself “Hayley is very much alive:

A video feed appeared on the screen: It was a vast room. The Camera zoomed slowly in on the blonde woman who had been restrained to heavy chair. Her body was covered in sweat. She was naked except – a pair of panties? Kirsty could not be sure “Diapers probably” she suspected. Each leg was tied separately to a chair legs. Heavy leather straps secured her at the ankles and under the knees to the chair. More leather straps held her tights and upper body tightly to the chair.

By the set of her shoulders, her arms were tied together tightly behind her back, Kirsty suspected a single glove. Hayley´s lower face was obscured by a heavy panel gag. A strap around her forehead made it impossible for the woman to move her head. The so familiar blue eyes were staring wide eyed into the Camera. Heavy nipple clamps pulled her ample breasts down. Kirsty had to supress the urge to hit someone in the face.

What made Kirsty gasp in shock were two things: against Hayley´s left inner thigh a large vibrator was tied, whose head was pressed firmly against her crotch. The other thing were the electrodes which had been placed at several points of her anatomy.

Hayley´s body was squirming against her bonds obviously she was on her way to her next orgasm. The video ended and Madame X appeared again on the screen “As you can see, Hayley darling is alive and kicking – well not so much kicking” the Villainess added gleefully.

“You bitch” Kirsty fumed “Manners Kirsty, manners” the other woman scolded her, obviously pleased by her rage “Be at the coordinates I sent you. You have till 9000 PM, no I am gracious, the traffic you know, let us make it 1000 PM. Be punctual! We don´t want anything nasty happen to Hayley” The connection was severed.

Kirsty closed the Entrance door stowed the jewels in the trunk and got in the car. She punched in the coordinates and cursed: From Greenwich to Philadelphia at this time of day would be a challenge. Kirsty activated the secondary protocol “Gloria do you have something for me?”

Around the same time: unknown location:

“You should have seen her Hayley – it is so cute how concerned Kirsty is about you” Hayley just stared at her captor, not that she could have done anything else. She was miserable, she did not know how often she had been forced to orgasm or been denied one, what Kirsty not could have seen, was the vibrating egg in her pussy. Not to count the electroshocks. The pain in her nipples had become a dull throbbing – but she would not give in.

Madame X bowed down to her, her face inches away from Hayley´s “Listen Hayley, since we need you well rested later, I will grant you a respite, if you behave you get something to eat and to drink – but you will not say a word, or the deal is off. Blink twice if you got that. Hayley blinked twice “Good Girl” Madame X teased her. The blonde sighed in relief as the vibrators stopped buzzing “You need a diaper change?” her captor grinned and removed the strap around Hayley´s forehead.

Hayley shook her head slowly “Right, remember, not a sound!” “This will not be difficult” Hayley mused “my jaws are so stiff, I can barely move them” To her surprise the black clad villainess did almost gently remove the nipple clamps – and Hayley was glad she was gagged: She screamed into her gag as the blood rushed back into her tormented nipples. She was breathing heavily – and glared at her tormentor.

Madame X busied herself with the straps of her gag. Finally the large ball came free. Hayley licked her dried lips but dared not to move her jaws. Almost gently the other woman pushed a drinking straw between her lips. The blonde sucked greedily, then tried to get some feeling back into her jaws.

“Ready?” her captor presented Hayley with a spoonful of hot tomato soup – which was surprisingly good; but hungry as she was, she would have eaten ripe goat cheese. Finally the bowl was empty “The gag goes in!” Hayley opened her mouth and accepted the gag, which was pulled tight again. A heavily padded blindfold let her world become black.

“Let us hope that Kirsty is punctual – enjoy the rest!” The steps of high heeled boots faded into the distance. Hayley tested her bonds – again. They were as unforgiving as ever. The heavy chair was well padded at least. How had she ended up here? Yesterday evening she had left Susan, her roommate from college around midnight.

She had been about to enter her car, when a sharp pain in the neck had blackened all other sensations out, and then just blackness. She had no idea how long she had been out. When she had finally come around she had been tied to that accursed chair.

And then the vibrator had sprung to life and taken her on a wild ride. Hayley racked her brain: Where am I and why I have been kidnapped? She had the strong suspicions that she was the bait to lure Kirsty in. Time passed slowly.

Two hours later on the Interstate 95 S:

The traffic had been as heavy as expected. So Kirsty had needed almost two hours from Greenwich through the city. Now she was roughly 90 Minutes away from her destination. What would expect her there? That this was a trap and Hayley was the bait was obvious – and so far Gloria´s research had produced nothing. A signal of the heavily encrypted back up communication system broke her out of her reverie.

“Yes Gloria, what do you have for me?” Kirsty listened then made a few calculations “In Trenton do you say?” She listened again. “Okay, send me the data”

Around the same time: unknown location:

Hayley must have dozed off. The now all too familiar steps of high heeled boots woke her. The steps came to a halt before her “Wakey, wakey Hayley! Slept long enough! A slap with a riding crop across her breasts. The blonde protested into her gag. Another slap “Listen Hayley: Since I have to move you now into another position it is time for another short nap” And the familiar chloroform doused cloth was tightly pressed on Hayley´s face. The grip of her captor was like iron and so Hayley did the sensible thing, she just inhaled the potent fumes, “Kirsty” was one of the last thoughts before darkness engulfed her.

Madame X looked down at the unconscious Hayley. In some ways she felt sorry for what she had put the blonde through and would be putting through. But business was business. She unstrapped the blonde from the chair and almost effortless she lifted her atop a large wooden table. On a trolley next to it lay all the items she would need for the next and final stage. Her employer had been very specific. This final stage should be most uncomfortable. Betrayal was not something her employer took lightly obviously – she had not gone into detail though.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Great new chapter! And again superb "casting": RA and AN are some favourites of mine! Thanks for this. Kudos!
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago This final stage should be most uncomfortable.
Uh oh, what will happen to Hayley now...

Lots of familiar faces in this chapter. :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another great, well written chapter!

Can't wait for the next installment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago This final stage should be most uncomfortable.
Uh oh, what will happen to Hayley now...

Lots of familiar faces in this chapter. :)
Consider it a homage to stars of the present and the past :)

And we will see, if Kirsty finds a way to save Hayley? In case you didn´t notice :) Why is the information about Trenton so important to Kirsty? Kirsty is on her way to Philadelphia, but Trenton would be not a great detour ....
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Kirsty is on her way to Philadelphia, but Trenton would be not a great detour ....
It is always funny to hear world city names being used while living in Canada. Although we do not seem to have a Philly in Ontario, we do have Trenton, which would be a detour for Kirsty. And where else in the world can you travel from Paris to London to Melbourne in less than 60 minutes by car without breaking the speed limit? Or Budapest to Dublin in roughly the same time?

Let's see what Kirsty will do.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I was not aware, that there is a Trenton in Canada too - the world is really small it seems [mention]slackywacky[/mention] :)

And indeed what will Kirsty do? The odds are not in her favour. But she is a tough cookie and who knows? The game is not finished - yet.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The present:

Philadelphia, unknown location, around 0900 PM:

It was already dark as Kirsty parked her metallic blue BMW 7 under a few trees at Spring Avenue, a few hundred meters distance from her target. She got out. With a care, which betrayed her long practise, she checked every part of her gear: the black body armour, the combat knife, the HK MK 23 and the MP5SD-N1Submachine gun.

Kirsty put on her full visor helmet and checked the coordinates she was supposed to come. She was ready. Only one thing left to do…. she went around the car and opened the trunk and looked at its content: “Showtime” she said softly, closed the trunk and vanished among the trees, just a shadow among shadows in the dark.

The terrain favoured her: Trees would cover her approach for most of the time. All her senses were on high alert. The floor plans Gloria had sent her had been most helpful. Surprise and deception were key elements of every successful plan.

And she was sure to have a few surprises up her sleeve – and by know she had a shrewd idea, who was behind all this. If she was the right the person who had hired Madame X had one fault: Her arrogance: Her firm belief that she was cleverer than anybody else.

Philadelphia, unknown location, one hour earlier:

Madame X admired her work, not for the first time. It had been hard work: In a first stage, she had plugged the unconscious blonde both ways. Too bad they had not more time to play, Hayley King´s body was alluring in so many ways: Full firm breasts, long perfectly sculpted legs: The blonde looked like one of those antique marble statues. After enjoying caressing Hayley´s smooth skin for a bit she had manhandled her into a nude body stocking. The tightly knotted crotch rope took care that the two intruders stayed where they were – not that Hayley was in any position to get rid of them

Bondage mittens made Hayley´s hands useless. The Villainess had next rendered Haley´s arms immobile: Tight, cinched rope bands welded her arms tightly together behind her back: Wrists, below and above the joint. A very tight rope harness enhanced her already ample bosom. Madame X´s employer had insisted on nipple clamps too.

Then she had restrained the blonde´s endless long legs. From the toes upwards: Insteps, ankles, mid calves, below the joint, above the knees, mid-thigh and under the groin. Madame could not help herself though: she let her hands glide above Hayley´s soft nyloned soles and above her legs “What a dammed shame” she thought to herself. Madame X turned her on her back and cupped the blonde´s breasts with her hands “You have really a pair to die for Hayley” she told the unconscious blonde, whose beautiful features were calm and relaxed.

The dark haired villainess read the instructions for the gag.

Carrie Ann Moss as Madame X

As all other instructions they were most specific:

A very large pair of knickers – ripe and used.

To get the very large ball into Hayley´s unresisting mouth had been hard work “There is still room for one panty more” the Villainess chuckled as she pushed and prodded one of her own used panties in Hayley´s mouth. Now her jaws stood ajar. The rest had been simple: a silk scarf with a very large overhand knot in it. She had pulled so hard, that the knot almost vanished behind the blonde´s teeth.

Once, twice her handler wound the remaining ends of the scarf across the knot, pushing the knot even deeper in her mouth, till she knotted the remaining ends firmly behind her head. Hayley´s face was now forced into an involuntary grimace.

Next Madame X reached into a bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band.

She picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Hayley’s packed and cleave-gagged mouth, held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Hayley. The cotton wool compressed and the two ends were tied firmly together. Madame X took care that the blonde´s long hair was out of the way then pulled it tighter: as tight as it would go.

Then the Villainess picked up another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. Madame X smiled wickedly as she lined the folded cloth up with where Hayley´s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind the blonde’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place; the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. “You know Hayley” she spoke to the unconscious blonde “this thick woollen skiing sock I tie on top of your gag is the icing on the cake. Can you imagine how much my feet sweated in those? I did that only for you!” Madame X took extra care that the sole of the sock rested directly under Hayley´s nose.

Next the hogtie ropes: All connected to the crotch rope. The toes connected to Hayley´s long hair. When she would awake, she would be forced to stare straight ahead.

But the Villainess was not finished though: 30 Minutes later Hayley was hanging literally in the air: A hanging hogtie. Ever the consummate professional Madame X had taken care, that the pressure was evenly distributed and the circulation was not impaired. She checked Hayley´s toes and feet: No, the circulation was intact. But Hayley would be in a world of pain, when she awoke, as her employer had instructed: Madame X wondered once more what Hayley had done to deserve this punishment.

“You better hope that Kirsty shows up on time” she told the unconscious blonde ….

Inside Lynnewood Hall present:

Kirsty was pretty sure, her approach had been undetected: the trees had provided good cover: She carefully scanned the east side of the abandoned building. All was quiet. Lynnewood Hall, a 110-rooms Neoclassical Revival mansion had been erected at the end of the 19th Century, which had been vacant for decades.

After waiting another 15 Minutes Kirsty crossed the free space between the trees and the eastside. She pressed herself against the wall and waited: Nothing. Kirsty looked at her watch: She had 30 minutes left. Next to her left five stairs led to the porch and to a large two winged door. The glass was still intact.

Picking the lock posed not a great challenge. Hopefully opening it would not make too much noise. Gently she pushed the door open. It creaked slightly. The sound seemed very loud in the silence. Carefully she crossed the threshold and stepped into the large room, which once probably had been a ball room. Dust covered the marble floor. Her MP at the ready she moved forward, slowly and carefully checking for sensors or booby traps. On the right side there was a doorway leading into the gallery.

Lynnewood Hall: Grande Hall:

Hayley groaned softly into her gag: Its many layers compressed her lower face like a vice and the stench of the sock under nose was awful. She had come around a while ago. It had taken her a while to understand her predicament fully: That she was literally floating into the air, swaying slightly, her whole body ached, every muscle cramped – and the damned vibrators drove her mad. The weights of the nipple clamps pulled her breasts down “I would never have thought that someday I would plead for being restrained in Crawford´s enhanced restraining system, which had been comfortable at least” the American mused darkly She could blink, but that was about the only thing she could do. A leather clad figure stepped into her field of vision: Madame X.

“Poor Hayley, my employer must really hate you” To Hayley´s surprise the villainess seemed not to mock her. She sounded sincere “You know that there is no way out for you. Let me tell you what will happen, when Kirsty comes to rescue you. She will deliver me the jewels and then she believes I will let you go … but that is not about to happen, it never was” Hayley stared unblinkingly at her “Tomorrow morning your transport will arrive, which will deliver you two to my employer. She has plans for you, I am told – I heard the restraining bags are very very comfortable!”

This announcement got a reaction from the tightly trussed up woman. And Madame X was surprised how much her ineffectual struggles caused Hayley´s contorted body to swing in the air, she had to be really upset. “Save your energy Hayley you will need it” the Villainess told Hayley flatly “It´s no use, there is nothing you can do”

From her observation point, in the doorway which led to the Grande Hall Kirsty had followed the one sided conversation, she had clenched her jaws as she had heard the last part of Madame X´ monologue. She should have known: Crawford - but Crawford and Madame X had made a crucial mistake.

Kirsty stepped out of the doorway onto the stairs which led down to the Grande Hall and strode purposefully forward. In the Hall she stood and applauded mockingly “Nicely played Madame X”

The Villainess wheeled around, her gun already in hand and fired, causing Kirsty to take cover behind a column. Kirsty returned the fire “I was a bit early, so I decided to join the party sooner – nice plan you and Crawford have made, but you know what they are saying? There are no perfect plans but only perfect intentions” She risked a look around the column, another fire burst by her opponent, which hit the column and sent splinters flying.

“Give up Kirsty! If you don´t surrender, Hayley will suffer” Madame X made a move towards Hayley, but a long burst by Kirsty forced her to take cover “One step nearer to Hayley and you are finished” - Kirsty smiled deviously “Why don´t you have a look at your tablet Diana? Yes, don´t look that surprised, I know your real name and more, come, look at the link I sent you!”

It was some sort of stale mate: Kirsty could not come nearer, neither could her opponent make a move towards Hayley “I give you one minute”

Something in the Briton´s voice made Madame X opening the link – her face grew pale “This is a hoax, this cannot be true, nobody knows of her … and how? We monitored your communications”

“As I told you Diana, you and Crawford are not as clever as you think. We have secondary protocols in place – shortly, so you wouldn´t know.”

“What know?” Madame X fumed “I still have Hayley”

“You do” Kirsty countered “But the moment you make one step towards her you are dead”

“And know this: Your sister´s air supply is limited: if you try to break open the trunk you trigger a bomb. So listen carefully: We fight. A good old fashioned hand to hand combat:
If you win: You get the jewels, I will give you the codes to save your sister. Refuse that offer your sister dies and I kill you and take Hayley with me. Your choice”

Madame X weighed her options. Who tells me you will not double cross me?”

“Nobody” Kirsty agreed “But it is the best deal you get – and more than you deserve – I offer you a chance to safe your sister”

“Right then” The Villainess weighed her option “I accept – I will kick your ass”

“Be my guest” Kirsty smiled ominously.

Both Women removed laid their weapons on the floor and met in the centre of the Grande Hall. Hayley had followed the exchange with astonishment – and then with relief. She knew Kirsty would have another ace up her sleeve. Since her field of vision was limited Hayley could not see all. She saw Kirsty stepping into the light. Her long auburn hair fell on her shoulders, she winked at her and took care, that she stood between Hayley and Madame X.

Forgetting her own predicament for the moment Hayley watched as the two women began encircling the other. Each seemed to wait for the right moment. Then with the speed of an attacking snake Madame X threw herself forward with a flurry of kicks and blows. So ferocious was the attack that Kirsty had to give ground, once the Villainess broke through Kirsty´s defence leaving an ugly bruise under her left eye.

The Briton countered with a furious attack herself, but cool and controlled. That Kirsty had laid her hands on her baby sister had thrown her opponent slightly off balance.

The Eyes of the Villainess blazed with fire “How dare you to threaten my sister, bitch!” Kirsty answered with a series of strokes and kicks “Filthy hypocrite” Kirsty taunted her. One kick hit her opponent squarely in the chest, sending her stumbling backwards, but she did not lose her balance. The fight went hither and thither, Kirsty always trying to stand between Hayley and her opponent.

Neither woman seemed to be able to gain the upper hand. Both sweated, both landed hits and got hit in return “This is all you got” Kirsty panted “Your sister´s air supply you know…” With a cry of rage her opponent attacked, losing control, Kirsty stepped swiftly aside, Diana stumbled and lost her balance and Kirsty followed through with a devastating kick which caught her under the chin and send her flying and crashing on the floor.

For a moment Kirsty stood just there panting heavily. Blood dripped from her right brow on the floor, her opponent did not move. Carefully Kirsty moved nearer and looked down on her adversary. Blood trickled out of the left corner of her mouth and her chin had already begun to turn purple where her Kirsty´s kick had hit her. Kirsty´s eyes met with Hayley´s, tears rolled down her lover´s cheeks.

“I will get you” Kirsty whispered “but let me secure that bitch first” From her gear, she grabbed several zip ties and handcuffs – and a large ball gag. Kirsty did not take any chances: She cuffed Diana´s wrists behind her back - zip tied her elbows above and below the joint as tight as possible.

The auburn haired woman removed Diana´s boots and socks. To Kirsty´s surprise Madame X wore pantyhose und her socks. She zip tied her legs at ankles, below and above the knees and the tights and pulled the plastic bands as tight was they would go. Then a devious smile crossed her lips: Her eyes had fallen on two very long zip ties. They would make for an excellent crotch rope. Kirsty´s smile became even more ominous when she spotted the vibrating eggs on the table.

For good measure Kirsty zip tied the big toes of her opponent together, before she hogtied her tightly. And she made sure to make the very large ball gag extra tight – after she had packed her mouth with her own socks “Serves you right” she told the unconscious woman.

Finally she turned to Hayley. She stooped down, and kissed her softly on her sweaty forehead “I will take care of you now” Both women wept. Kirsty looked around and spotted the large wooden table, which had rolls. She shoved it under Hayley´s suspended body, put a blanket on it and lowered the blonde gently down, till her body rested on the table. Hayley sighed, as the pressure on her body receded somewhat.

Kirsty took her combat knife and began to sever the hogtie ropes: The ropes which connected Hayley´s toes to her head went first. Hayley sighed in relief, even more so, as Kirsty severed the hogtie ropes, Hayley´s legs flopped down like dead wood and the blood flooded back. Removing all the ropes took time. Kirsty removed the gag only after she had severed all the other ropes, for good reason: Hayley had screamed into it as her knotted muscled relaxed.

All ropes had left deep indentations on her skin, especially around the waist. Carefully Kirsty turned Hayley on her back and sat her up. Softly she stroked her above her sweaty skin “I will remove the gag now” – finally Kirsty was able to remove the knickers and panties from Hayley´s mouth. Gently she pressed a bottle of water against the blonde´s parched lips. It took a while Hayley trusted her sore jaws to whisper a soft “I am so glad you are here” Carefully Kirsty took her in her arms as sobs shook Hayley´s body and held her tight.

From wide eyes Hayley looked at her lover and flushed “This bitch plugged me – both ways, could you help me up, so I can get rid of them?” Kirsty was torn, between kicking the hell out of Madame X and caring for Hayley. Carefully she helped her up from the table and steadied her. When she was sure, that Hayley could stand alone, Kirsty looked around, till she spotted Hayley´s belongings on a table.

In the meantime Hayley had gotten rid of the two intruders, wincing several times “Can you dress?” Kirsty asked her concerned “Sure” Hayley nodded, but her movements showed that every step was an effort “She looks incredible tired” the Briton thought “no wonder after all she had been through” It took Hayley time till she was dressed. Finally, with a sigh, Hayley slipped her heels on and looked at Kirsty “What do we do with her?” Hayley nodded with utter disdain at the prone body of Madame X who had begun to stir “Feed her to the dogs?”

“I am tempted” Kirsty smiled “But if we feed anyone to the dogs? It´s Crawford” She walked over to the hogtied Madame X, who stared up to her “This is more than you deserve, but this is what we will do: We leave you the means to free yourself and send you the coordinates where you will find your sister safe and unharmed. But you should better get out of here before Crawford´s people arrive – and one friendly piece of advice: Never cross our path again! Let´s go Hayley!” An evil smile crossed the blonde´s lips, she had spotted the second skiing sock on the table “Not before I gave that bitch a taste of her own medicine!” She bowed down and tied the smelly sock as tight as possible over the ball gag “Now we can go Kirsty"

Her lover mustered her concerned:

“Can you walk the distance Hayley?” The American nodded “I can, sure” but Kirsty knew her well enough that this was in part the usual Hayley-King-Bravado, and Kirsty had to steady her. Finally they had reached Kirsty´s car “We have to make a short stop in Trenton first” Kirsty smiled as she started the car – “and we can check in a hotel on the way if you like” Hayley shook her head, smiling tiredly “No, this night I want to sleep in my bed and in your arms, promise me to hold me tight” she looked Kirsty straight in the eyes “I will” Kirsty said sincerely as she started the car.

But Hayley was already fast asleep. She didn´t even wake up, when Kirsty stopped for a short break in Trenton. Kirsty opened the trunk and looked down at the stringently tied up and gagged young woman, staring with wide eyes up at her “You are home, I am sorry I had to do this to you, but your sister left me know choice. Nobody hurts the woman I love”

It was after well after midnight when Kirsty stopped her car finally in the underground garage in Queens. Hayley had slept the whole time. She stroked her softly above her cheek “Honey, we are home!” Finally Hayley opened her eyes, cloudy with sleep “What?” “We are home” Kirsty smiled “You must get up”

Hayley grimaced as she got out of the car and Kirsty had to steady her “Come, it is not far to the elevator” In the bright light of the elevator the marks of Hayley´s gag looked even more gruesome – and if Kristy thought above the rope marks under her clothing …

As they had entered their apartment, Hayley only stumbled along in her wake. Gently Kirsty pulled her heels of her feet and carried her in their bedroom. Carefully the Briton laid her down on the mattress. Her lover was already fast asleep again. Kirsty undressed her and put her PJ´s on her. With deep love she looked down at the peacefully sleeping Hayley and stroke her gently above her cheek “I have to make one call, my love then I come”

Kirsty went into the room, they shared as private study she filled a tumbler with a 16 year old Lagavullin and threw herself into the comfy office chair skimmed through her contacts and dialled a number – with the international calling code of Germany - in Hamburg to be precise.

Hamburg, Blankenese, Villa von der Marwitz early morning:

It was 0800 AM in Hamburg and a mild morning in May, Chris and Anna had just returned from her morning run. They had entered the entrance hall and Anna had already kicked her running shoes from her feet, removed her socks, rubbing her left sole - as Chris´ mobile rang. The blonde locked at the display then at Anna and frowned “It´s Kirsty – it must be urgent when she calls at this hour” Chris took the call.

“Yes Kirsty? What´s up? She smiled. Anna looked at the face of her friend which grew more serious with every second, her smile melting like snow in the sun “What?” Chris almost shouted now and listened “But she is alright?” Chris listened again.

“Okay Kirsty, get some rest, give Hayley a hug from us and we will call you 0600 PM your time” Chris ended the call. Anna had followed the conversation “What has happened?” And Chris told Anna. When she had ended, the Russian asked “What will we do about it?” “We will pay someone a visit” Chris tone was cold and stern “Obviously someone did not get the memo “I will call Sarah”

48 Hours later, an Island in the Mediterranean, late evening:

Elizabeth Crawford was not pleased. All the effort spent for nothing. The team she had dispatched to Philadelphia had returned empty handed from Lynnewood Hall. No Hayley, no Kirsty – and Madame X had vanished from the grid. True Crawford had enjoyed the videos Madame X had sent her very much: Hayley strapped down on the chair, Hayley in the back breaking Hogtie floating in the air. How she had enjoyed her obvious distress! She entered her private suite – and froze. Behind her desk sat a woman, she had never hoped to see again! Christine von der Marwitz – and on her left stood Anna Romanova, her XM 5 assault rifle firmly trained at her,

The smile on the pianist´s face was outright evil. Crawford wheeled around, only to find her exit blocked by the Black Lady, her HK MK 23 aiming right between her eyes “There is no way out” the thief told her calmly, and smiled evilly “Hayley and Kirsty send their best” Crawford turned around “And if you shout, or make another move I don´t like, it will be your last” Von der Marwitz mustered her coolly, her gaze stopped at the scar, she had left at their last meeting “I really thought, I had made myself abundantly clear at our last meeting” her tone was almost conversationally “what would happen, when you threaten anyone or lay hands on anyone I hold dear”

Crawford returned nothing. Just held calmly the gaze of the blonde, to her surprise she felt no fear. She had played a dangerous game – and lost.

The green eyes of the pianist drilled a hole right into her core “You know” von der Marwitz continued in the same cold tone “I could simply put a bullet in your heart, but that would be too easy” and stood.

“After all you put Hayley through I could take you just apart, piece by piece –and believe me, I am tempted – the only reason I don´t dismember you is, that Kirsty and Hayley did ask me not to do it – you should thank them” With a fluid motion the blonde unsheathed both Katanas she wore across her back. The polished blades glittered “You don´t deserve that, but I will grant you the respect I reserve for a fellow brave.

The words of the blonde reverberated in the room. Finally Crawford spoke calmly “If you think this is over when you kill me, you are sadly mistaken”

“The future will tell” von der Marwitz replied – obviously unimpressed.

“Prepare her!” she commanded – so mesmerized had Crawford been, that she sensed the movement behind her much too late. A sharp prick in her neck and all became black.

When she came around about 15 Minutes later she knelt on a cushion on the floor of her suite. She had been gagged with one of her own heavily padded panel gags. Her wrists had been tied behind her back at wrists and elbows – as close together as possible. Crawford´s legs had been welded together at the ankles and under the knees.

“She is awake” a voice stated which she recognized as Anna Romanova´s. Crawford opened her eyes and froze: she knelt facing the door on the floor of her private study. Before her stood Christine von der Marwitz, her emerald green eyes as cold as steel “Good that you are with us again” the blonde stated coldly “We don´t want you to miss the main event” With a mixture of astonishment and now fear Crawford watched as the pianist gripped her Katanas and began a series of kata.

The criminal master mind had never seen anything like this. The blades moved so fast, it seemed as if von der Marwitz was weaving a bubble of steel around herself. Faster and faster became her movements. And then the blades fell down – and stopped only millimetres before Crawford´s - on each side of her neck.

She waited for the coup de grace. But it never came. Instead the blonde let one blade glide into its scabbard positioned herself on her left side, gripped her Katana, the 500 year old blade made by Sengo Murasama firmly with both hands, swung the blade high in the air … “Good bye Mrs. Crawford!” The blade fell …..
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Post by Nainur »

oh, wow, very intriguing stuff! Excellent suspension, tight bondage, plotting and counter-plotting...
all in a single chapter! Masterclass.
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago The blade fell …..
And we will never know the truth... or will we? Time will tell.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Just a great story from beginning to end!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago oh, wow, very intriguing stuff! Excellent suspension, tight bondage, plotting and counter-plotting...
all in a single chapter! Masterclass.
I am humbled by your praise - that last part was a wilde ride for all participants: Kirsty and Hayley of course. But also for their antagonists: Madame X and Elizabeth Crawford had their share of surprises as well.
And we will never know the truth... or will we? Time will tell.
You raise an important question here: Will Chris behead Elizabeth Crawford? We have seen Chris twice in a similar situation before. She refrained from decaptivating the Dark Lady in Heidelberg, because she held von Winterfeldt responsible, for ordering the assassination of her former fiancé. She did not behead von Winterfeldt when she had the chance because she thougth it would be the greater punishment for him to life his life disfiguered and dismembered. At their last meeting she promised Crawford:
"Firstly: If you or anyone you choose to task with the job goes near Hayley or Kirsty ever again, or threaten anyone they love or care for, I will destroy you.

Secondly: The same goes for anybody of me or my friends, or people they love and care for."
Where does that leave us? There are different ways of destroying a person. Question is: Which way did Chris choose? One thing seems certain though: Chris has to punish Crawford or her opponent would think her weak. And there is one language Crawford understands: The language of power.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], in these three chapters, you have hit all of the major themes. Intrigue, mystery, suspense, tugs, revenge, and retribution. Amazing work. This may be your best yet.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73, in these three chapters, you have hit all of the major themes. Intrigue, mystery, suspense, tugs, revenge, and retribution. Amazing work. This may be your best yet.
Dear [mention]GreyLord[/mention] your praise mean much to me. From a writers perspective it is difficult to tell how good that tale really is. What I can say though: Writing that story was an enjoyable task and I want to thank [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] as well, because with Hayley, Kirsty and Elizabeth Crawford he created three really remarkable characters.

What happened to Elizabeth Crawford the future will tell.

More single files will follow, the next will feature the Dark Lady - what I can tell you: All of you who love pantyhose will like it :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73, in these three chapters, you have hit all of the major themes. Intrigue, mystery, suspense, tugs, revenge, and retribution. Amazing work. This may be your best yet.
Dear @GreyLord your praise mean much to me. From a writers perspective it is difficult to tell how good that tale really is. What I can say though: Writing that story was an enjoyable task and I want to thank @mrjones2009 as well, because with Hayley, Kirsty and Elizabeth Crawford he created three really remarkable characters.

What happened to Elizabeth Crawford the future will tell.

More single files will follow, the next will feature the Dark Lady - what I can tell you: All of you who love pantyhose will like it :)
[mention]Caesar73[/mention] Thanks for the compliment! You use them well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73 Thanks for the compliment! You use them well.
Thank you [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - with such characters working is easy :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago More single files will follow, the next will feature the Dark Lady - what I can tell you: All of you who love pantyhose will like it :)
I had hoped to complete that Story before taking my break - but this adventure of the Dark Lady will follow in early Septembre :)
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