Work and Play (M/M)

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Work and Play (M/M)

Post by grayboxers »

Hey all, something I wrote up off a random idea and image I had. Also my first foray into the "for Adults" section, so here goes!

It was a warm evening, and Matt and Lucas were the last two guys left on the construction site. It was a new house, basically just wood and frames at this point. The air was dusty from the day's work, and the pair were just getting ready to wrap up and head home. But first, Lucas had a surprise for his friend.

"Hey Matt, wanna see something? Meet me in the basement!" Lucas teased, and then he ran off. Both men were dressed in their normal work clothes: jeans held up by belts, white t-shirts, black work gloves, and construction vests. The only differences between them were that Matt had lost his shirt at some point during the day, leaving his bare chest visible, and that Lucas was wearing work boots while Matt was wearing a pair of worn-down sneakers instead. Both men were about as dusty as the air, and as sweaty as you could expect from a long and hard day's work.

Now, a bit of history about these two is that they've been best friends since high school. Matt, the elder of the pair, was 28 years old and sported some brown stubble on his face. Matt was of nordic descent, shown in his deep and low voice. Lucas, the younger, was 27 and clean-shaven. Most people knew him for his slight southern drawl. Both of them were muscled as expected from their profession, and roughly the same height. The two of them did nearly everything together, first in school and now in work, and were generally just an inseparable duo.

Matt groaned. "Alright, this better be worth my time! I should be going home already!" But he was smiling, and followed Lucas down the stairs. The basement was still unfinished, and just a collection of support beams anywhere. When Matt got to the bottom, he looked around for a second trying to find his friend. Suddenly, Lucas grabbed Matt from behind and maneuvered him into a chokehold! Matt didn't seem afraid, he realized that it was Lucas, but that didn't stop him from putting up a hell of a fight. The two were evenly matched normally, but Lucas got the drop this time and that was what allowed him to subdue his friend.

Panting and now being contained by Lucas' arms, Matt asked "Alright, alright, you got me. What's your plan here, asshole?" Lucas chuckled.

"I've been planning this for a while, you're going to love it. You've seemed a bit stressed recently, and I wanted to help you relax." He then walked Matt over to a very specific set of supports: Matt was looking at two vertical beams about an arm's length apart, plus a horizontal beam about 8 feet up. He raised an eyebrow. Lucas continued, "I'm gonna let you go, no runnin' now. I grabbed you fair an' square." Matt resigned and agreed, and Lucas moved over to grab a nearby box.

"Alright, so here's the deal." Lucas continued, now grinning. "I'm gonna tie you up to these here beams."

Matt stepped back. "What?! Hell no!"

Lucas just kept taking ropes from his box. "Come on, you know you'll enjoy it." Matt paused. He did know that, and he had told Lucas that he was into getting tied up a few years ago. His friend was right. "I just wanna have some fun," Lucas continued to whine, "it's been too long since we've done that!"

Matt shifted around on his feet, thinking. "Well... fine, you're right. You grabbed me anyway, if you wanted to force me to do this you could've just slept me." Matt laughed a bit, and his deep laugh echoed around the basement a little. "I trust you, though you might be answering for this later." Matt relaxed his stance and walked towards the beams Lucas had been referring to.

"Alright, cool. I'll welcome your revenge with open arms later." Lucas had finally sorted out some of the ropes he wanted to use. "I've been planning this for a while, and I wanna try something wild. So bear with me."

And Matt beared with him. Mostly. It was a process, but Lucas was able to accomplish what he wanted. Matt was stood between the beams and had his wrists tied behind his back. Then Lucas hooked rope around the top of the structure and under Matt's arms, and worked from there to build a harness to hold his friend. The finishing touches came when Lucas bent Matt's legs back and up slightly, binding the ankles together and arching Matt's back a bit. Matt was now airborne, but secure. The light that was streaming into the basement from an unfinished window cast itself over the bound man's frame, and the various sets of loops holding him aloft. Lucas thought Matt looked like a statue, almost.

"Comfortable up there?" asked Lucas. Matt struggled against his bindings, finding little movement and no risk of falling.

"This is impressive, really. I'm comfortable." Matt responded, looking like he was starting to enjoy his suspension. His gloved hands flipped around uselessly behind him, finding no range and no knots to get himself down.

But Lucas's hands were still moving. He noticed Matt's bulge, now made obvious by the angle he was hanging at, was growing through his jeans, and went to "free" it. He quickly undid Matt's belt and fly, sliding his jeans down a few inches to reveal Matt's underwear: a pair of white and blue plaid boxers that were doing a poor job hiding Matt's enjoyment.

"What, boxers? Are you still 20, or somethin'?" joked Lucas. It wasn't even a particularly valid joke, but Matt had poked fun at Lucas all throughout high school for his underwear of choice (briefs), so he was going to take any chance he could get to poke back at him.

Matt took it in good spirit though. "Always in my heart, friend!" He was really enjoying himself now. Lucas continued to expose Matt's hard-on, pulling the boxers down the same few inches and letting it open up. Matt was at full mast now, and Lucas was happy to keep his friend going. He started rubbing a gloved hand up and down Matt's member, and Matt barked. "Hey, hands off my john!"

Lucas chuckled. Matt wasn't exactly in a position to call the shots here. "You're talking a bit too much, you should stop that." and Lucas produced his red bandana, which he held up pointedly towards Matt's face. Matt sighed and let his friend run the bandana between his teeth, and once it was tied in the back it was effective as a simple cleave gag.

"You look pretty cool, I gotta say." mused Lucas, smiling at his friend. Matt was reduced to communicating through grunts and growls, stuck in the air and helpless to what Lucas was about to do. Lucas returned to his previous work, now adding some crotch ropes around Matt's sensitive areas. After that was done, he returned to stroking Matt's dick, getting a rise out of the bound man every time he did it.

Lucas and Matt locked eyes, and Lucas knew that Matt was in euphoria. He was a man too, and he knew what that felt like. Once your dick was this stimulated, all you could want was to finish it by getting off in some way. Matt had that look in his eyes right now. If Matt's hands were free, that's what he would be doing. But instead, it was up to Lucas, and he was going to make Matt enjoy it as much as he could. His friend deserved it.

Matt couldn't see but could feel his sneakers being taken off, exposing a pair of sweat-soaked gray socks underneath. Fortunately for him, his socks stayed on, but one of his sneakers was happily held up against his face by a grinning Lucas. Matt could only groan into his gag. It smelled rank, but it was Matt's own smell so who was he to complain? This lasted for a few minutes, and Matt may have gotten more aroused by it.

After he was done making Matt smell his own shoes, Lucas produced a small vibrating cock ring, and slipped it over Matt's, well, cock. Matt looked surprised, but not vehemently opposed, and as Lucas turned it on Matt growled into his gag, feeling the pressure and the pleasure that this new toy was giving him. Lucas let Matt get almost to climax before turning off the ring. Matt moaned and started struggling, trying to find any surface to give himself purchase or force to work with. But he found nothing, and slowly fell away from climax.

Lucas waited a bit, then went back to manually stimulating Matt's dick. His gloved hands seemed to be extra effective, bringing Matt back to the edge in no time at all. But no release yet. He stopped and waited for Matt to come back down. In the meantime, out of curiosity he flicked Matt's nipple and was met with a powerful grunt from the bound man. Both of them were a little surprised: Matt's nipples weren't usually sensitive, but Matt didn't really have full control over himself right now.

Lucas continued the cycle a few more times, switching between manually working Matt up and letting the vibrating cock ring do the work, each time getting Matt as close as possible before halting. Occasionally he would return to Matt's sneakers or nipples as novel ways to tease his friend. The shirtless, suspended Matt was a perfect subject: between his slightly dusty clothes, his open construction vest, and the grunts and moans he was putting into his gag, even Lucas was feeling himself start to get aroused. Matt was struggling, but not trying to escape. He was enjoying every second of this, and Lucas was happy about it.

Finally, after some uncountable amount of edges, Matt was at his limit. He had an almost crazed and wolflike look in his eyes, as if demanding that his friend let him finally get his pleasure. Quickly thinking, Lucas brought a towel over and laid it underneath Matt so he wouldn't make a mess on the unfinished wood, and went in for his final repetition. Lucas's gloved hands and the vibrating ring on Matt's member worked together to get Matt going, and his pleasured moans into his gag agreed. The pressure built, and built, and...

Finally Matt exploded. Lucas jumped back, and let his friend finish. Matt was euphoric, this was the best he felt in months. After an amazing several seconds, Matt was spent. He hung there, panting and resting. Lucas let his friend rest for a few minutes, and then started the process of getting him down. First the crotch ropes, then the legs. Followed by the upper body. Matt was on the ground now, and Lucas untied his hands. Matt was then the one to reach up and undo his gag. Finally able to speak normally again, he started:

"Lucas... not going to lie. That was amazing." Matt was standing, with his jeans and boxers still down, just gathering his composure. He looked at the towel on the floor, and then grabbed it and used it to clean his groin area off. Then he pulled his pants back up, redoing his boxers, fly, and belt, and finding his sneakers so that he looked normal again. He then turned to Lucas and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"First of all, you fucking asshole!" Matt started laughing now. "And second of all, thanks. I haven't gotten off like that in ages. Guess knowing me so well includes that, hah. Hell, I'd even be okay if you did that to me again. Just... a bit more warning, maybe?"

Lucas laughed. "What, the surprise wasn't good enough for you? If you're so ungrateful, maybe I should've just left you there. Glad you enjoyed it, buddy." The two men embraced in a hug and started walking for the stairs, then out the front door towards their own apartments that were within walking distance (they of course lived in the same building but not the same apartment). Matt was hauling curses and promises of revenge at Lucas the whole way, and his friend was just laughing and letting him rant. Maybe another day.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

"What, boxers? Are you still 20, or somethin'?" joked Lucas. It wasn't even a particularly valid joke, but Matt had poked fun at Lucas all throughout high school for his underwear of choice (briefs), so he was going to take any chance he could get to poke back at him.
I have to agree with Lucas! 8-)

Nice story, [mention]grayboxers[/mention]!

Keep it coming!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I enjoyed these two guys' relationship immensely.

It's really sweet how consensual the whole affair was even though Lucas "got the jump on" Matt. It's very unstereotypical of a pair of burly construction workers.

Amazing job!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by TightropesEU »

Really hot, thank you for sharing. Wonder what the two guys get up to next.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Just a couple lads enjoying themselves. I would definitely enjoy reading about more of their games.

A good tale, well told. Your descriptions of the guys and the site were spot on. Not too much info, just enough to allow me to make a mental picture. Well done. Thanks for posting!
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Post by Bradstick »

Great story! Really liked the dynamics between the them. I do hope we see how he gets his revenge in the future. Can’t wait to see where the story goes from here!
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Post by Guardianbound »

This is great! Hope for more of Lucas and Matt in the future, perhaps Matt's revenge.
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Post by grayboxers »

Wow guys, thanks for the kind words!

I'll admit that I didn't initially plan to go any further with this, but it seems like people like it and I'm starting to form ideas on where to go from here. I do always leave myself hooks for sequels when I write, just in case, so that works out nicely here. I'll work on Matt's revenge eventually ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

This was a great little story! I know I certainly would love to see more from these two! Great work!
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Post by Silkyscarves »

Great exciting time they had good reading thanks
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Post by grayboxers »

Hey all, finally finished putting together chapter 2, detailing Matt's vengeance!

It had been several weeks since Lucas had tied Matt up at work that night. The two were still the best of friends, and life moved on. They could talk about that night's events casually to each other, and so on. Lucas hadn't forgotten that Matt promised revenge, but it wasn't immediate. Hell, with some guys you could've assumed they had just forgotten or didn't care. But Matt wasn't like that: he was a bit of a schemer. He'd wait until he thought Lucas had forgotten, or for the perfect moment.

Lucas knew that Matt was going to have his retort, but he had no idea when. He wasn't worried though, and honestly he was even looking forward to see what Matt would do. He wasn't going to keep himself guarded and scared around his best friend, and he would let it happen when Matt wanted it to. Just, whenever it was...

Lucas finally got to find out when, during one of the pair's early morning workouts. They didn't have work today, but the two had set their workout schedule such that they could do it before work. And of course they did it together, in the small gym attached to their apartment building. They both shared that common macho competitiveness, and would push each other to match or beat the other on everything. This included their workouts, and it definitely yielded results. Their workouts were always hard, tiring, and sweaty, with a mix of everything.

About a half-hour before the end of their usual 2-hour workout, Matt challenged Lucas to a spontaneous wrestling match. Of course this was nothing new to Lucas, and he would never turn down a challenge from Matt. The two were already tired and sweaty from a long and hard workout together, but that would never stop them from going at each other given the chance.

The men were both wearing their workout clothes, looking almost like mirror images of each other again. Matt had on black shorts and a black a-shirt, while Lucas was instead wearing black and white, respectively. Lucas was wearing his red wrestling shoes from high school, while Matt had his black sneakers (the same pair he had been wearing when he was tied up) that he kicked off as he walked onto the wrestling mat, leaving his white socks visible.

The men grappled for a few minutes, made a bit more difficult by all the sweat. It was a good match, but Lucas noticed that Matt seemed a little more... aggressive than normal? Finally, Matt was able to pin Lucas on his stomach and Lucas figured out why.

Facedown in the mat, he felt a metallic click around his wrists. Lucas had been handcuffed! He knew that Matt had finally decided to collect the debt, and didn't resist any further.

"The hell? Where'd you get cuffs like these?" Lucas asked, panting from his place on the floor.

Matt grinned, triumphant over his capture. "You know my brother's a cop, I got these from him."

"Aw, I'm flattered. I knew this was coming eventually. Your move next, Matt. Do your worst!" Lucas was smiling now too.

Matt shifted his positioning to stand behind and over his handcuffed friend. "Alright then. Well, first, this is for the comment about my boxers..." And then he did something that Lucas was not prepared for.

Lucas felt a tug near his waistband, but no it wasn't his shorts' waistband. It was his briefs! And then suddenly there was pressure through his butt and groin. It took him a split second to realize that his best friend was giving him a wedgie! Lucas gave a quick "gah!" as he felt the pain, and he knew that Matt had pulled his gray briefs up to about his mid-back.

Matt roared with laughter. "Yeah, take it, nerd!" he yelled, as he held Lucas' waistband in place, making him experience the greatest fear of all high school boys all over again. Matt had been known to give Lucas a few wedgies in high school but that was... ten? eleven years ago? It had been so long...

Lucas grunted through the pain: "Wow, takin' me all the way back to high school." He wriggled under Matt's hold, but the handcuffs and his friend weren't letting him go anywhere. Matt held the wedgie for a bit longer before releasing it.

"Yeah, I'd shove you in a locker if you fit too." Matt laughed, cracking his knuckles. "Instead, we're gonna have to do with something else. He bent down and picked up the handcuffed Lucas, hoisting him over his shoulder and starting to walk towards the small locker room area the gym had. When they arrived, Matt deposited Lucas onto his feet and walked over to his bag to grab some things. Lucas saw Matt grab some ropes, but couldn't make out what the rest of the items were. Matt returned to his handcuffed friend, bearing the key to the cuffs.

"Alright, I wanna tie you with your arms apart so the cuffs have had their time." Matt said as he unlocked the handcuffs from Lucas' wrists. Lucas quickly flexed his wrists and re-adjusted his underwear while Matt came back with the ropes. On Matt's instructions, he stood between two ends of the lockers, and promptly had his ankles attached to the bottom of each one. His hands were attached to the tops, and Lucas was standing spread-eagle in the middle of the locker room.

Matt stepped back to admire his work. "And there. Comfortable?" Lucas felt out his bonds, then gave a shrug.

"Comfortable enough, I guess. Now what? I know you're not done." Lucas looked at Matt, waiting for what was next. Matt didn't make him wait very long, and produced his blue bandana from his bag.

Matt smirked. "Just like you did to me." He knotted the bandana through Lucas' teeth, silencing his friend. After the gag was in place, Lucas made a show of trying to shout through it. It was quiet enough for Matt's liking, at least. But Matt wasn't quite done yet, and showed Lucas the last thing he had grabbed from his bag earlier: a jockstrap! Matt hadn't worn jockstraps since his high school sports days; Lucas was surprised he even still owned one.

Lucas' eyes widened, and Matt noticed. "Don't worry, it's clean." he chuckled. "I haven't been able to fit into these for a while." Lucas grumbled into his gag. Great, that downgraded it from disgusting to just humiliating. Lucas wasn't in a position to resist any more, and Matt applied the jockstrap over his lower face to add another layer to the gag. It really didn't make an actual difference, but did it ever feel embarrassing to the tied-up Lucas.

Matt stepped away, satisfied with his job. He noticed Lucas' growing bulge through his shorts, and bumped it with his fist causing his friend to moan and recoil slightly. "Looks like you're enjoying this. Good to see!" Lucas was a little surprised to realize that he was feeling some pleasure "down there". He didn't think he was into this; it was Matt's thing! But looking at Matt that night when he was restrained, and now seeing him so confident and dominant... Lucas considered himself straight, but making an exception for his lifelong friend would be fine.

"Alright, sit tight now! I have a workout to finish!" Lucas was pulled from his thoughts as Matt started to walk back towards the gym. Lucas tried to call after him, tell him to not leave him, but words weren't making it through the gag. He was going to have to wait for his friend to get back, and there was nothing he could do about that.

And so Lucas stood there, trussed up in the locker room like a prisoner. His shirt was soaked through with sweat from the portion of the workout that he had been able to participate in, and he was already looking forward to a shower. Matt's jockstrap over his nose and mouth smelled clean, but he couldn't shake the image of what if it hadn't been clean. He was glad that nobody else could see him like this, but he knew that Matt wouldn't do that to him.

It wasn't too long before Matt came back: about 20 minutes. He returned to the locker room, covered in sweat, acting like his usual rowdy self, and greeted his spread-eagled friend happily. "Hey Lucas, how's it going?" Matt knew damn well how it was going! Before Lucas could try and form a response, Matt was on him, and was forcing Lucas' face into his sweaty armpit!

Lucas cried into his gag but couldn't escape, and Matt was having a field day forcing his friend to smell his post-workout pits. They smelled absolutely awful! Matt was really playing up the high school bully, which was funny because he wasn't actually that kind of guy at all. But hey, acting. After a short time of that, Matt released Lucas and stepped back, grinning with his arms crossed. "Like that?"

Lucas felt a bit aroused from that, but was still bothered. "Dude, take a shower!" is what Lucas tried to say, but of course the actual words were a bit less clear than that. Matt seemed to get the point though.

"Oh come on, you're always right there next to me smelling just as foul!" Lucas rolled his eyes. Matt looked over to the clock, and noticed the time was getting close to their ending. Other people might start showing up soon. "Alright, let's get you out." Matt worked on removing Lucas' gag first, freeing his friend to talk again.

As he finished removing the gag, Matt asked "How you feeling? We still good, bud?"

Lucas spent a second re-wetting his mouth, then grinned at Matt. "The thing I'm most upset about is you finishin' our workout without me! This is our thing!" Lucas was clearly joking around now.

Matt laughed. "Well, I can't let my muscles slip, or else I won't be able to grab you again!" He looped around Lucas, ending up behind him. "Plus, if I could keep you here as long as you left me hanging, I would. I think I'd even be able to give you the same..." He grabbed Lucas' crotch suddenly, getting a gasp from the bound man. "...release as you gave me. If you were willing, of course."

Lucas tried to turn his head to face Matt, with limited success. "Of course I'm willing. If I couldn't take it I wouldn't dish it out. Besides, I guess I kinda like this after all. And of course, you're my best friend, so I trust you."

"I'm flattered. But we don't have time now. Maybe... some other time." Matt flashed an evil grin at Lucas as he unbound the guy's limbs, freeing him at last. "But for now, call it even?" Matt extended a handshake towards Lucas, which Lucas accepted and then pulled himself in so the friends were hugging.

After a few seconds of the hug, Lucas responded. "Even. And I guess we've found a new game to play."

Matt released Lucas and grabbed his bag. He flashed Lucas a smile. "Hey, wanna come back to my place right now so we can keep going?"

"Maybe later today. I'm taking a shower first, and you should too!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

And so the pair of friends walked through the halls of their building, laughing and joking about whatever, now even closer friends than ever before.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Matt's revenge was indeed sweet, and highly creative to boot. I liked how he used that jockstrap on his buddy.

It's nice to see Lucas didn't mind the whole thing and the experience brought them even closer. Makes you think these tie-ups will be a regular occurrence between them. :D

Thanks for sharing more of these two buddies with us.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by gag1195 »

Lucas tied in the gym where anyone could walk in and find him is extremely hot. I really like the dynamic between these two guys! it's great to see Lucas getting more into it. It's just a shame Matt wasn't able to finish his friend off fully. Really hoping we get to see a continuation and Matt finally paying Lucas back!
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Post by MaxRoper »

I like the personalities you've given these guys. Best buds with benefits, I suppose you'd call it. Tied up in the locker room is edgy.

Another excellent chapter in what seems to be turning into a series. Nicely done.
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Post by grayboxers »

I'm back with another scene between our two favorite best friends!

Chapter 3:

Matt and Lucas were walking back from their annual Halloween party, laughing and shooting the shit with each other. As per usual with the duo, they always tricked out their costumes to look as good as possible. They basically take it as a competition with each other, to nobody's surprise.

Lucas swung his bat around as he walked. Yep, a real baseball bat. Lucas went as a baseball player, and he had the costume to match. Gray baseball pants held up by a black belt, and an orange jersey. All of his accessories completed the look: long gray baseball socks with cleats, a helmet that was now attached to his belt, and even the face paint that some ball players wear under their eyes. Lucas had it all. He said something to make Matt laugh, and his friend chuckled and flipped his own helmet's visor down.

Matt's helmet was an astronaut helmet. To go with the rest of his astronaut ensemble, the big white space suit. It was a little bulky, but Matt moved like a natural in it. All he needed was low-gravity and he could do his best spacewalk impression. The two friends walked together until they arrived at Matt's door. But Lucas didn't keep going. He kind of just stood there, hanging on Matt and talking his ear off.

Matt chuckled to himself. Lucas was a clingy drunk, he'd known that since college. He was also kind of a lightweight with alcohol, so although both men had been drinking at the party Lucas was probably a bit less grounded in reality than Matt was right now.

"Come on Lucas, don't you remember what I promised you would happen next time you came into my apartment?"

"Yep. You're gonna tie me up! Come on, just do it already! I'll be the best captive, a better captive than you were!" Lucas slurred a few words as he spoke, but honestly sounded more excited about the idea than Matt expected.

Matt couldn't believe the luck. He knew that Lucas was down to be tied up again, because, well, the guy was always down for anything, but to have him actively asking for it was a surprise. Maybe it was the alcohol talking for Lucas, but Matt wasn't going to say no.

"Alright, if you insist! Let's go, tiger." Matt finished unlocking the door and pushed Lucas in ahead of him. He had a fun idea for tying up the baseball player. After the guys got inside, Matt took off his helmet (too hot) and had Lucas put down his own helmet (would get in the way on his belt), then take off his cleats and lie on his stomach. Lucas obediently complied, and shivered for a second as his chest made indirect contact with the wooden floor.

Matt began his work. Grabbing a bunch of ropes from a closet, he started by taking Lucas' bat and hooking his arms behind it, tying the wrists together below. Then he grabbed Lucas' socked feet and tied the ankles, bending them back. He connected Lucas' limbs together with a hogtie, adjusting the bat so that it was roughly in the middle of Lucas' lower back (and very much in the way as he tried to struggle).

Matt had one more idea. With the bat where it was, it was the perfect anchor point for this. Matt grabbed a few more ropes and ran them around the bat, then through Lucas' crotch, providing some crotch ropes for his friend. Lucas bantered through the entire process: "Oh, you son of a-" and the like, but he still sounded happy. When Matt was finished, Lucas had some tension around his crotch that tightened whenever he tried to struggle. Exactly as Matt imagined.

A hogtie, plus. Perfect. Matt leaned in front of his friend's face with a white bandana in hand. "Any last words?" Lucas just grinned back at his friend and said nothing, so in went the bandana as another cleave gag, just like the other ones. Matt tried to read his friend's face, and it seemed like the younger guy was having fun. Lucas had let some stubble grow around his chin, to "sell the baseball player look" according to him. Matt always told him he looked better with the stubble but Lucas insisted that this was a temporary thing. Regardless, for now Lucas' stubble helped highlight the gag running through his mouth and how helpless he looked. Matt loved it.

"You look good, pal." Matt snapped finger guns at Lucas and got a happy grunt back. He went over to his couch and laid down, still enjoying his astronaut costume. Matt spent about an hour on that couch, splitting his attention between his hogtied friend and the TV. Lucas mostly just relaxed on the floor, content with his position. He tried a few tugs and pulls every now and then, if only to feel what it was like on his crotch, but for the most part Lucas was happy to lay there helpless.

After that hour, Lucas seemed a little more lucid. Matt walked over to his bound friend to check on him, and pulled the gag out of Lucas' mouth. "Hey, you seem more sober now. Having fun? We still good?" Matt wanted to make sure that sober Lucas was at least okay with this, despite drunk Lucas' speedrun into getting tied up.

Lucas groaned. "Matt, please, I've been hard since you tied me up. It's gettin' torturous. Just get me off already!" Lucas knew exactly what he wanted.

Matt smiled. "Alright, that's enough out of you." He shoved the gag back in, tying it around Lucas' head again. The bound guy grunted into the gag, but it was effective as ever. Matt added some duct tape around Lucas' mouth, just because he could, then grabbed Lucas' baseball helmet and put it on his captive's head. Now Lucas looked the part of a captured ball player perfectly.

Matt then turned rolled Lucas onto his back, and turn his attention to his bulge. It was quite nicely outlined by those crotch ropes, but kept in check by Lucas' baseball pants and briefs. Matt tried a bit of pressure and rubbing over the pants first, and received Lucas' groans back as acknowledgement. His friend was loving this.

Now for the fun part. Matt opened the fly on Lucas' pants and briefs, and pulled his dick through. Lucas' member sprung out, glad to be free, and presented itself to Matt. Matt happily started working it, rubbing in an attempt to get Lucas going as much as possible. "Alright, just a few edges." he taunted Lucas.

Lucas either didn't hear or didn't care, and was just groaning into his tape/bandana combo gag. Lucas was pretty gentle when edging Matt, but Matt was quite the opposite now. His hands aggressively and roughly pushed on Lucas' shaft, quickly getting his friend close to climax...

And then he stopped. Lucas groaned and rolled around a little, trying to finish where Matt left off, but he couldn't find anything there. About a minute later, Lucas' dick was starting to get softer again. Matt took his cue and grabbed Lucas' dick again, roughly and quickly getting his friend hard once more. Again he halted to leave Lucas on the edge, and his bound friend couldn't do anything about it besides moan into the gag.

Lucas gladly endured this for a few more repetitions before Matt went in for the kill. One final, fast edge except this time Matt continued and finally let Lucas finish. A short euphoria for Lucas later, he was spent. There was silence except for Lucas panting into his gag, and the sexual tension faded. The men rested for a few moments.

Matt then relieved Lucas of his helmet and gag. "Well, everything you expected? You basically asked for it."

"No, I literally asked for it." Lucas panted out, then laughed as he relaxed into his bonds. "You know how to make a guy feel good, Matt. Thanks."

"No problem! Guess you missed it at the gym when I couldn't do that."


"Well, now that we're somewhere private I guess I could leave you there overnight..." Matt started, and that got Lucas struggling some more. "Hah, kidding! I can only do so much to you in one night, right?" Matt started moving to untie Lucas' ropes. "Come on, let's get you out."

Lucas basically just lay there and let Matt undo his bindings. The bat and crotch ropes were removed, then all of his limbs were freed. Able to move again, Lucas stood up and made a show of dusting himself off, then cleaned himself with a towel that Matt threw at him. His pants were zipped back up and Lucas looked like a normal, albeit tired, ball player again.

And then, well, the two friends spent the rest of the night as if nothing had happened. Matt took off his spacesuit as he was getting hot, leaving him in just boxers and an undershirt. Lucas kept his baseball uniform on, ever the showoff. The guys plopped down on Matt's couch, cracked open some more beers, and relaxed in front of the TV for the rest of the night.

When Lucas finally left, again a little drunk, he made sure to compliment Matt on the way out. "If I ever forget, remind me how awesome it is to have you as my friend Matt!" Matt tipped his head in response.

"As if I'd ever let you forget! And don't worry, since we were even before today I guess it's your turn to tie me up again soon. That'll be a good enough reminder." The two men clapped each other into a hug, and then Lucas set out. What a fun night.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Oh man, I absolutely love Lucas in a baseball uniform. The stubble, tight pants, the helmet, he's just the perfect captive. Eager and compliment to boot! Matt had some great ideas to use his bat in the bondage and tape his lips shut when he got impatient. :mrgreen:

As usual, how much they're both into this makes these chapters so much more enjoyable.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by gag1195 »

That baseball bat hogtie was great! I disagree with Matt though. I probably would have kept eager Lucas bound all night! These two are as adorable as ever! Can't wait for more!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Happy to see more of these two in action, the back and forth is great.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

You've created a really fun series. The tone of casual playfulness is just right for the characters and actually strikes a realistic chord. The verbal and physical interaction between Matt and Lucas has a nice balance of two best buds with a slow simmer of eroticism. Good old-fashioned entertainment of the the tied-up studs variety!
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Post by grayboxers »

I didn't forget! It's just been slow finding time to write. Take a slightly shorter chapter for now, but I do have plans for these two in the future.

Chapter 4: The Hiking Trip

One week later, the best buds were at it again. This time the pair were getting ready for one of their usual hiking trips when Lucas gave Matt a subtle hint (well, "about as subtle as a sledgehammer", in Matt's words) that he'd be getting tied up on this trip. Matt was excited, to be honest. Lucas also seemed eager for the chance to flex his creativity at his friend's detriment.

The preparations didn't go much differently than usual, except for Lucas packing noticeable amounts of extra rope. The men were wearing casual hiking clothes, and the weather was starting to turn colder. It was still warm the afternoon they set out, though, and they worked up quite a sweat getting to their usual camping spot.

Lucas looked out over the horizon as he set down their stuff at the site. This was a nice place, elevated into the mountains a bit, and had a gorgeous view. He sighed. "Ah, view never gets old, does it?"

Matt grunted as he heaved down his own bag. "Yeah, though I always liked the breeze up here the most." He sat down to catch his breath. "Well? You gonna tie me up now? Or later? Would be easier to overpower me now, since I'm tired." He flashed a mischievous grin at Lucas. He was wearing camo cargo pants and a blue t-shirt, and clearly ready to be tied up in them.

Lucas cracked his knuckles and smiled back at his friend. "Let's pitch camp first, then I'll get you all settled."

And so camp was pitched, with the two men working together it didn't take much longer than a quarter-hour. It wasn't much; just a single large tent that the two always shared plus some other small things they had picked up over the years. All the while, Matt was wondering just what his friend had planned in order to tie him up all the way out here.

He didn't have to wait too long. Lucas finally clued him in on his plan after they were done, and pointed out his torture device of choice for the day. It was a small drying rack, meant for hanging clothes or tarps. It had a pulley system for drawing up bigger things, too. Turns out that this thing was rated for a lot of weight, including the weight of one restrained Matt! So this was where Matt was going to spend the evening.

Matt was a little surprised, but couldn't hide his excitement. "Lucas, you know, you don't *always* have to leave me off the ground. I like the earth too!"

Lucas laughed. "Look, it's what I thought of at the time. You want me to do it or not? Don't answer that, I already know." He smiled at Matt as he drew the ropes from his bag. "Now, on your stomach!"

Matt feigned indignance. "Well, you'll never keep me, asshole!" as he lied down in the dirt, awaiting Lucas' work. Lucas wasted no time in immobilizing Matt's limbs, attaching the four of them together into a simple and clean hogtie. Lucas added some more ropes around the central point and various parts of Matt's body, to better distribute the soon-to-be-hanged-man's weight. Then came the fun part: getting Matt off the ground.

Matt was a big guy, but it was pretty trivial for Lucas to attach enough ropes to the rack's pulley and lift him up to about knee height. Matt was now eye-level with Lucas as he sat on a nearby rock, grinning at his friend. "Comfortable?"

Matt felt for a moment. "I guess, the ropes are holding me at least. Where's the gag?" Matt was able to look directly at Lucas from his new position.

"Nah, not this time." Lucas waved a hand dismissively. "You're talkin' to me. Like we always do on these trips. I'm not gonna sit here and be bored just because you wanted to get tied up again. Entertain me!"

Matt let out a hearty laugh. "Alright then! Whaddya want to talk about today?"

And so the men talked for hours, as if nothing was different. About a bunch of stuff: life goals, fashion sense, other nonsense. Matt remained airborne, held securely by the ropes and the rack. He was even almost able to forget about his lack of ground contact for a few minutes at a time. He was tied up, sure, but he was also hanging out with his best friend. The usual. Matt praised Lucas on the comfort of his position a few times, but the younger guy just shrugged off the compliments. All in all, a very pleasant evening for their camping trip.

Eventually the time came to free Matt ("I'm not feedin' you dinner, guy.") and the older friend was let down from his suspension. As Matt stretched out his somewhat cramped extremities, Lucas prepared the camp dinner. The men ate in silence, then noticed how tuckered out they both felt. The hike up here had taken quite a bit of energy, apparently. The two took it easy for the rest of the night: letting the sun set, letting their fire die out, just hanging out. No more bondage for the night.

It couldn't have been any later than 10pm when the the pair decided to call it a night. They quickly ducked into their large shared tent, laid out their sleeping bags, and fell asleep nearly instantly.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Bondage in the great outdoors, what great fun for these two. Can't wait to see what else happens on this hike.
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Post by gag1195 »

I continue to be impressed, not only with this pair's sweetness, but also their great and creative tie ups! I was sort of hoping that Matt could have spent the night all safe and secured, or done the same to Lucas, but I'm sure they'll get another chance soon! Great work as always!
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