The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

The Morning of the Final Assault: And so it begins ...

The Sixth Day:

The Safehouse, very early Morning, at sunrise:

Since early childhood Sophie had always loved the early hours of a day in the Mountains, when then Sun was barely up and the air was cool and fresh and the dew covered the cool grass.

Today was one of those mornings. After the Proceedings of the last night she had fallen fast asleep, something had awoken her early though, a feeling, something compelled her to go outside.

And despite the early hour she felt relaxed and refreshed. So she got up, and padded down the stairs on her bare feet softly, not to disturb the others.

Sophie stepped out on the Patio, the smooth polished wooden floor cool under her bare soles, the cool morning air made her shiver and she breathed in deeply the fresh spicy mountain air and sighed– but then ….

On the Grass, before the Patio a most strange scene caught her eye.

There, on a Tatami, greeting the sun, knelt Chris, turned east, her hands resting on her knees, she wore white leggings, with black stripes on the flanks and a lose fitting magenta top. Her eyes were closed.

The features of the pianist were calm, serene and relaxed. One might have taken her for a life size statue, her chest was barely moving.

On her left laid a rectangular wooden box, made of black lacquered wood, roughly a metre long, before her on the tatami the four treasures of a study: a brush, an inkstick, a sheet of mulberry paper and an ink stone. Obviously Christine had already prepared the ink.

Sophie followed with rapt attention as Chris opened her eyes, took the brush and let it glide along the sheet of Paper with effortless fluid strokes. Sophie had read about the ancient art of Japanese Calligraphy but she never had seen someone doing it.

When Chris was finished, she read the haiku she had written aloud in Japanese in a clear strong voice:

A line of egrets
..... making a bridge
........between two snowy peaks

These Verses I borrowed from one of the Masters of the Haiku, Matsuo Basho, Translation and Introduction copyright by David P Young

She laid the Sheet on the mat and bowed:

Then the Pianist rose and bowed against the sun and stepped on the grass and began to stretch and warm up, which looked very much like Tai Chi to Sophie. Fluid, slow moves.

Without warning she exploded into motion and began executing a complex series of Katas, her movements fluid and effortless. Sophie's eyes struggled to see each individual move in the complex web of strikes and kicks Chris waved around herself.

Sophie felt as if she was disturbing a religious ceremony, a service at church. No sound could be heard. She held her breath. As sudden as she had begun, Christine stopped and stood still. Seconds passed.

Christine bowed again, stooped down, knelt and opened the wooden box. Sophie could see now, that inside were the two swords, the Katana and the Wakizashi, Sophie had seen her wielding at Reichenbach Castle which seemed to be a life time ago.

With Reverence Chris took the Katana out of its scabbard, stood and took the traditional stance of the Samurai. It was in this moment, that Sophie noticed three trunks of trees, roughly the height of a man of average height, round about six feet, each as thick as her two arms.

Sophie watched in awe as Christine gripped the sword with both hands and bowed to an invisible opponent, the sun reflected on the blade, and began than a series of Katas against said invisible opponent, slowly at first but then with increasing speed and complexity.

The blade moved with such speed, that to Sophie's eyes it appeared that Chris' was standing within a glittering translucent bubble of steel.

Ever more quickly became the motions. Then, three sharp strokes downward, each accompanied by a sharp cry, which sounded like “Kiaai!”

Then it was over.

Chris presented the sword towards the sun, bowed down and let the blade glide into its scabbard with one fluid movement. With the grace of a jungle cat, she returned to the mat and sank to her knees to resume her meditation.

Sophie stared in wonder at the tree trunks.

Each had been cut in half.

The Adlernest, Infirmary, early Morning:

Sieglindes return to the world of the living was slow. She lied on her stomach, her head on a soft pillow. Everything, the smelled, reminded her of a clinic. She felt like she was floating in the air, her Body seemed to be covered only partly. But she was not cold.

Her back was not covered. Sieglinde was not in Pain. Painkillers she thought. “Why am I in a Clinic?” And then slowly, very slowly she started remembering what had happened yesterday:

The Tribunal.
The Parcours.
The Flogging.
The Shot.
The Cry of a Woman.
The Blood.
The Screams.

After that? Only pieces, glimpses. Her limbs felt heavy, she drifted back to sleep.

The Safehouse, early Morning, after Breakfast:

The Team had assembled in the dining room at the large table. Chris and Sarah were about to deliver the briefing of the day. Anna could not help but smile when she appraised the two women, who had been sworn enemies only three weeks ago.

And now Anna sensed no negative vibes between them, but some sort of Harmony, a silent understanding. Chris seemed totally at ease, her face was calm, her posture relaxed. “She has definitely recovered” the Russian thought. “Well, and as for Sarah: I have plans for you” and a smile crossed her lips “Big Plans” She concentrated on the briefing.

Chris began to speak: “Yesterday was a great success. It is safe to say, that the enemy is now in disarray. This evening we will enter the Palace and take out von Winterfeldt one and for all, Sarah will tell you more about that later.” she smiled at the Art Thief “but the first stroke was delivered this morning as we speak.”

“Sybille had compiled a dossier about the Nordstern-Trust and its ties to extremists Parties and shadowy Groups around the Globe and von Winterfeldt´s involvement based on the Material we collected during our Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection: the Icing on the Cake is the Kompromat we acquired in Vienna, which ties von Winterfeldt personally to a couple of Murders.

This Dossier Sybille sent yesterday to all major News Outlets in Europe and abroad, to all our contacts in the Media. Both stories are headline news of the Times, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Le Figaro etc. – so it is safe to say that von Winterfeldt´s PR-Division is in for a rude awakening today!” Christine smiled broadly. Cheering around the Table.”

“Now Sarah will explain the Plan, she, Hayley and Sophie developed yesterday!” Chris sat down and left the Stage for the Art Thief.

The Adlernest, Susanne von Stülpnagel´s Quarters, around the same time:

Susanne had just stepped into her black High Heels and taken a critical look in the large Mirror, when someone knocked persistently at her Door. She looked at her Watch. What could be so urgent that she was disturbed at that time of day? “Enter” she called brusquely.

The Door opened and her Personal Assistant, a young brown haired woman in a grey business costume, entered a fearful expression on her face. “What is it Amelie? What is so important that you had to disturb me before Office Hours?” Von Stülpnagel was irritated and it showed in her brusque tone, she had not slept very well, Nightmares had haunted her.

“I thought you wanted to be informed about this at once” her PA showed her the Screen of her IPad, on the Screen the Homepage of the Washington Post, Susanne read the Headline and an icy cold crept through von Stülpnagel´s Veins, the Headline read: “The Nordstern-Trust and it´s Connections to Right Wing Parties” and the second Article: “Did Tycoon authorize Murder personally?”

Amelie interrupted her thoughts: “All Major News Outlets around the globe come up with the same story, all around the World!” Susanne von Stülpnagel doubted not for a second that this was another stroke of von der Marwitz and her Friends.”

“Walk with me” she told Charlotte “The Boss must know about this at once!” And before Charlotte could react, von Stülpnagel was already out of the Door.

The Adlernest: Brunhilds Office:

Brunhild sat behind her desk and read a report about the blitz attack, but her thoughts were still at the Conversation she had with the Chief Medical Officer Leonora Becker. The Physician had looked and sounded as tired as she felt herself. Becker and her Team had worked through the night tirelessly to take care of the Wounded.

The Infirmary was full. Having served in Afghanistan several times, the Physician was not easy to impress. Always calm and collected even in the thickest melee, but even she had been shocked by the extent of the carnage Christine von der Marwitz and her Team had visited upon them.

“We have to thank the attackers that they used only a relatively small calibre or the bill would have been higher.” Becker had confirmed what Brunhild had told von Winterfeldt yesterday.

“So far we have no Valkyries killed, though four are in very critical condition caused mainly by shrapnel, we will know more tomorrow.” the Physician had continued. “The last time I saw such terrible wounds was at Kandahar in a field hospital, six other Valkyries are severely injured, but they will heal in time.”

“Four Victims were hit by Sniper Fire and Sub Commander Kudrun will never be able to use her right arm properly. I have never seen such a debris field of a shoulder joint. The shooter was either very lucky or very clever.” Kudrun had been the Executioner, the first Victim of the Shooter.

“Probably the latter” Brunhild had replied curtly. “The Grand Duchesse Anna Romanova had proven recently that she is highly skilled with the sniper rifle.”

The Brows of the Physician went up: “The famous Violinist?” “The one and only” Brunhild responded “A Woman of many Talents obviously.” Becker replied drly.

“How is Sieglinde?” Brunhild changed the Subject. “Commander Gablenz is as well as she can be under the Circumstances. We changed the wound dressings today; as far as I can tell by now there will probably little scarring, but the healing process will take time.”

“At least one piece of good news amongst all this mess” Brunhild said sadly.

After Brunhild had finished reading the report, she punched a number in her Communication Console: “Freya report to my office at once.”

Five Minutes later there was crisp knock at the Door and her second in Command entered stood to Attention and delivered a crisp Salute.

“At ease Captain!”

Freya complied. “Freya I have a job for you: We must find out, where our Attackers came from, so I want you to take three of your Valkyries and recon the Area around the probable emplacement of the Attack. Avoid any risk and do not make any contact. We need every Woman now. Did I make myself clear?”

“Crystal Clear Commander” Freya responded brightly.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Brunhild dismissed her.

When Freya had left, Brunhild stared out of the Window: Under normal circumstances, she would have sent more than one Recon-Team, but as things were, their forces were stretched thin, dangerously thin and they needed every Valkyrie to protect the Palace and the Boss.

Brunhild vowed to herself, that she would do, what she had to do, to do her job, but she had decided that she would not send any of her Soldiers on a suicide Mission. They had to plan carefully every step now, even it meant going on the defensive, which she disliked.

But the sad truth was that they lacked the man power for offensive operations. She concentrated on the reports again. She hated it to sit here behind a desk. Brunhild wanted to lead her Valkyries up front, as Sieglinde would have. But that was simply not possible.

The Safehouse: Dining Room

Sarah addressed her team, which consisted of Kate, Anna and Kirsty: “Listen up Ladies! We will do some recon today; I consider it highly likely that our opponents will do some recon on their own, so we will have to be prepared for contact, so no stunts or heroics, is that clear?”

“Yes Mam!” Anna replied cheerily. Sarah shot her a dirty look. “Anna Romanova you want report to my quarters when we are back at HQ? I think you are in for some disciplinary action.”

“Yes Mam”, Anna replied undaunted, “While hanging in there yesterday was fun, I am just not in the mood for that today though”

Sarah decided to ignore that insubordination, but she was no fool: The Russian had neither forgiven nor forgotten ….

They checked their equipment and left the Farmhouse. Despite all the differences they worked now together like a well-oiled machine. “We are an interesting group” Sarah thought: “A World-Class Artist, a high-ranking Police Officer, a Thief and Assassin and a reformed Criminal.”

“Okay Ladies! The Thief continued: “I and Kirsty will take point, Anna and Kate bring up the rear.”

After two Hours of Marching they reached a Point, from where they could see the Site from where they had launched the Attack. Sarah decided: “We will wait here, if somebody turns up.

Time passed: Kate looked concentrated through her glasses. There! A reflection of the Sun on Metal: “Movement at three a clock!” she whispered in her mike.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Well, that kind of explains why the final blow wasn't delivered earlier, although... did Christine say "yesterday was a success"? So the assault on the Valkyries, Sarah jumping on Anna, the training session... all happened in one day. That must have been intense.

But I understand that Christine wanted to leak information to the press before putting von Winterfeldt out of his misery. My only concern is... where was von Winterfeldt's influence? I was pretty sure he was a powerful man, with a big influence (it's referenced that he has a very long arm). Clearly it wasn't only military... and he had no contacts in any worldwide news agency that could give him some heads up or even prevent the information to be released?

On the other side.I am interested about Brunhild and I'd like to know more about the character, although there won't be enough time for a side character's background. She's taking, at least on paper, smarter decisions than her predecessors. But...

She doesn't seem to have military formation, at least not complete. Telling her subordinate not to salute (after the assault) and now when she's asking her "what are you waiting for?". As far as I know, subordinates are not allowed to walk away if they are not dismissed by their superiors, and they are supposed to salute their superiors in their presence. So Brunhild doesn't know that protocol, meaning she doesn't have a complete training, or she's totally annoyed by it (which shouldn't happen; after all, that's why soldiers go into a harsh and intensive training). Was she originally an administrative assistant like Sieglinde and then became a valkyrie? That is an interesting background that we won't probably learn about, since she's not that relevant to the story and the final assault will begin soon. Pity =(.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago On the other side.I am interested about Brunhild and I'd like to know more about the character, although there won't be enough time for a side character's background. She's taking, at least on paper, smarter decisions than her predecessors. But...

Bunrhild is indeed a interesting Character. She took out the old Reichenbach in Part IV, she abducted Sophie and suffered a cruel Punishment for her Failure to take the Dark Lady out. I could not bring myself to let that Character go to waste :)

As for her background, according to her personal file Brunhild has a profound military background. Her obviouss disregard for military etiquette might have different reasons:

She had a lot on her plate during and after the Surprise Attack of Christine. She is dead tired, probably she had very little sleep and since she is the most senior Officer left standing her workload has increased dramatically - and Freya is more than a mere subordinate.

Brunhild acts cool under fire and does not lose her nerves, not like Suanne von Stülpnagel, who had a nervous Breakdown.

Her actions immediatly after the attack show that clearly. We will see more of her in the next Chapters.

So stay tuned :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Oh it’s certainly building up nicely. Won’t be long now I feel before the sparks fly and the last few events explode onto the page
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Oh it’s certainly building up nicely. Won’t be long now I feel before the sparks fly and the last few events explode onto the page
Hi [mention]Bandit666[/mention] Sparks and more things will be flying soon - after Tomorrow´s Update, two more will follow, before the final Assault will commence.

In those two Chapters there will be important Conversations to be had. The Reader will get a glimpse in Chris´ Past which will explain to some extent, how Chris became the Woman she is and two other Characters will have to make important Decisions about their Future.

And believe me: The Attack on the Parade Ground was only a Prelude in comparsion to what is about to happen. [mention]NotSeen[/mention] speculated, that Chris and her Friends will raze the Adlernest to the Ground - you will see soon my Friend :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Good to see this story continue. The final never seems to end, and I am curious how von Winterfeldt will be defeated. It seems like it would be a trivial task compared to the previous chapters: Chris has many allies, few opponents remain and their morale is low. So something has to go wrong. I wonder what you will have in store.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago So something has to go wrong. I wonder what you will have in store.
Let us put it this way the road will be a bit bumpy at times :)

Time passed: Kate looked concentrated through her glasses. There! A reflection of the Sun on Metal: “Movement at three a clock!” she whispered in her mike. “I see it!” Anna replied, and adjusted her rifle, till the reflection was in her cross hairs. “Four Tangos inbound” the Russian confirmed.

Sarah watched as four figures clad in camouflage and Body Armour moved carefully at the small clearing from where they had delivered the attack. The Valkyries moved with the precision of trained professionals. The leader made some hand signals and the Quartet fanned out and looked for traces.


“Yes Kirsty” the Canadian replied.

“Are you open for a suggestion?”

“Shoot!” came the curt reply.

“You remember the clearing we crossed ten Minutes ago?” “Yes”
Kirsty explained what she had in mind.

30 Minutes later: A clearing in the Woods:

On a tree trunk in the middle of the clearing sat a woman with auburn Hair, clad in shorts, hiking boots and a tank Top: Totally relaxed obviously enjoying the peace and quiet of the woods and oblivious to her surroundings.

From her hiding place behind a trunk Freya took carefully stock of the situation. They had observed the Clearing for ten Minutes now. The Woman seemed to be alone, she was obviously unarmed. Freya made a few hand signs to her fellow Valkyries to follow her. Carefully covering each other they entered the clearing.

If the Woman was aware of their presence she did not mind that four heavily armed strangers were approaching her. Then she looked up. “Hey there, what are you doing here?” This was not the reaction Freya had expected. The Stranger sounded friendly, untroubled – which was remarkable considering the fact that four automatic rifles were trained at her.

“The Question is, what are you doing here?” Freya asked her coolly.

“Well, it is a beautiful day in autumn and I enjoy the peace and quiet of woods. And you?” Still in that conversational, totally care-free tone. She gave them the once over: “Obviously you are not hiking.” Freya was slightly irritated now this was not what she had expected. “Who are you?” Her irritation was showing. “I am Kirsty, Kirsty Garrett.” The woman replied friendly.

“I fear you will have to accompany us Kirsty!” Freya replied sternly. “And if I do not comply?” the Stranger asked, still totally at ease. “Then we will have to use force. It is four of us and one of you.”

“Ah” Kirsty sighed. “I thought we might hit that little snag. I am not alone. Anna?” Kirsty spoke into her mike.

A plop could be heard and Freya felt as if her left shoulder had been grazed by hot iron. “The next round will go right between your eyes my Precious” Kirsty told her casually. All laziness gone now, her body language now totally different, poised and ready for action, Her Opponents made step towards her, but the Stranger stopped them in a commanding voice:

“Don't do anything stupid Ladies!” Gone was all the nonchalance. “You should take a look at your breasts.” Freya´s Comrades did that and two of them found a red dot at their chest. “And if you wonder if I am unarmed? I am not” Kirsty told them and produced a P 226 from behind her.

“If you think, that you can cover the distance in time be my guest.” Kirsty told them matter of factly “Within two steps your Leader will have a bullet in her brains and another two of you will be dead too. You should know by now, that Anna Romanova is a very skilled sniper and at that distance she can shoot you easily.”

Her Opponents stopped dead in their tracks. Weighing their Options. Kirsty spoke in her mike: “You can come out now Girls!”

Freya registered Movement at the other End of the Clearing. Two Women appeared, wearing body armour and full Visor helmets, their automatic rifles firmly trained at them. Kirsty spoke into her Mike: “Anna, you have them in your sights?”

“I do” came the firm reply.

The two newcomers had reached them now. They were roughly about the same size, about 5,8” Freya estimated, both with the bearing of the trained Professional. They opened their Visors and Freya shuddered as she recognized the features of the Dark Lady.

A devious smile curled the lips of the Thief. “So nice to see you again! I cannot wait to lay my hands on you again!” The other woman was cool and professional: Captain Kate Beckett, Freya knew her from the pictures during their briefings.

Sarah took over: “I think we can save the Introductions Ladies. Sadly enough we have not the time, to get to know each other better. So this is what we will do: You will put your weapons down, slowly and no sudden movements. Anna is easily spooked and it would be a shame if she puts a bullet right between your beautiful eyes. You have seen yesterday what the Lady is capable of, yes?”

Freya nodded grudgingly.

“Good that we understand each other”, the Canadian continued smiling diabolically. “When you have put down your weapons you will kneel on the floor, fingers interlaced behind your heads, ankles crossed.”

Out of options the Valkyries complied. When their opponents knelt on the floor, the Dark Lady addressed them again: “Now Kate will search you and I do advise you not to do anything stupid.

Quickly and professionally Kate searched the Valkyries “All clear” she reported to Sarah.

“Very well” The Thief nodded. “You will put your hands behind your back now and Kate will tie you up.” Fuming in impotent rage the Valkyries complied.

Kate began with Freya: She fastened her elbows and wrists with zip ties together and wrapped her Arms with duct tape from the tips of her hand to her shoulders. An improvised single sleeve, Freya thought. Thankfully the American had refrained from tying her Elbows all the way together.

20 Minutes later all four Valkyries were restrained in identical fashion. “Anna?” Sarah spoke in her mike. “Care to join us?”

“Of course”, the Russian replied cheerily. “It would be a shame if only you had all the fun!”

“What do we do with them?” asked the Russian when she had joined their comrades. “I am open to suggestions” the Thief replied. And Anna told them what she had in mind.

30 Minutes later the Valkyries had been relieved of their shoes and socks. Each of them chewed on a different pair of socks and sported a ball gag on top. Their legs had been tied together below the crotch and the joint and a hobble between their ankles. All four were connected by a rope around their waists – and a crotch-rope, each movement of one of the women, tugged at the crotch rope of the others. To emphasise their helplessness, they were blindfolded.

Freya chewed on the socks in her mouth and drooled. Not again she thought. This was humiliating beyond belief. At the moment she would have preferred a bullet to her head. The shame, when they had to return to the Adlernest in that fashion: Bound, gagged, and crotch-roped. And that was the intention of their Captors as the Black Lady had pointed out.

“Listen, my not so happy friends!” The Canadian had addressed them.

“We will make a little trip together and then we will release you. Tell your Boss, that Christine von der Marwitz is coming for him – and she has sharpened her Katana, believe me, the Lady is way beyond pissed. Nothing in the World can save him! You will deliver that message personally Freya, will you?”

She delivered a hard slap on her behind. Freya grunted in her gag. “I am glad we understand each other” the Thief replied casually.

Their Captors leaded them carefully down the hill. Freya could not tell how long they marched. “I am sorry, but we have to part ways now” Sarah told them. “I am sure you will find a way to remove your blindfolds, bye, bye!”

The steps of several people vanished slowly in the distance. Freya listened intently for several minutes. They were alone. Removing their blindfolds took some time, but at least they were able to see. In the distance Freya could make out the Adlernest. She estimated that they had to cover roughly a Kilometre.

She blushed when she thought, what her comrades would say, when they returned in that fashion. This was so humiliating. Since they were hobbled they could only make small steps. This was all about coordination. They communicated through grunts and gestures. Freya took the lead. Progress was slow though. Walking barefoot did not make the job easier as did the Crotch-Ropes, which began to work their magic.

It took them well over an hour to reach the Parade Ground, which had been cleaned up by now. The Trip had been tough and the hot pavement hurt her bare feet.

Brunhild got a phone call from the Control Centre: “Yes!” she barked into the receiver. “Commander you must come down and see this immediately!”

“What is it?” “Come down you will not believe it!” The Officer sounded shocked.

Five Minutes later Freya entered the Control Centre. “

The Officer in Charge told her: “See for yourself, Commander!”

In disbelief Brunhild stared at the Screen: Four Persons, obviously bound together neared the Gate. Brunhild recognized Freya in Front. She sported a large ball gag. Obviously her Wrists and Elbows were tied together tightly behind her back. Her Ankles were shackled together with Zip Ties, so that they could shuffle along.

Brunhild turned around and began barking orders.
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Post by GreyLord »

And that, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], is an example of pure fun. What a fantastic move. What mind games will it play with the bad guys?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Mmm, at this point I think it would be 100% unbelievable if the valkyries get a win. Maybe with all his money, von Winterfeldt can sign them up for a course of military tactics? Maybe start with something basic, like a paintball lesson, or maybe... Call of Duty? The way they keep losing and losing (by the fourth or fifth time in a row) makes them look very, like VERY incompetent for the job. They are easily ambushed again, they have no back up plan (that looks like their personal trademark to be honest) so... why did von Winterfeldt recruit them in the first place?

That being said, The idea of being force marched back to their base, being left alone to remove their own blindfolds and then to keep marching back home is a very fun one to read. Super embarrassing, super humiliating. I LOVE IT. But personally, I would have prefer that happening to the good guys instead of the bad guys, because there is little tension about who will win in a final confrontation. At this point, it just looks that Christine & co are just bullying the poor valkyries around. For me, it's hard to root for the good guys when the good guys are just too OP before the final confrontation =(.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago At this point, it just looks that Christine & co are just bullying the poor valkyries around. For me, it's hard to root for the good guys when the good guys are just too OP before the final confrontation =(.
I will not tell too much, if I say that the final assault will be no walk in the Park. It will be dangerous. And regarding the Valkyries Competence, I beg to differ :) They have all a solid military back ground, but Chris and Friends operate in a way Guerillas would do. And no regular Army looks very good in such a fight, History tells us: From the Peninsular war in Spain against Napoleon till Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Christine and her Friends possess one advantage not to be underestimated: Superior knowledge about the Enemy. They obtained the plans of the Adlernest. Sophie has provided them with addtional knowledge about the Adlernest.

Von Winterfeldts People do not know about the hidden Entrance in the Palace, the backdoor. The Safe House could be anywhere in the Valleys around the Adlernest. There are many secluded Hamlets and Farmhouses in that Area - and Valleys :)
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Post by banshee »

That may have been rough for the valkyries but I'm sure that what they have coming is far worse
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 2 years ago That may have been rough for the valkyries but I'm sure that what they have coming is far worse
Let us say there will be casualties on both sides. Very few Combattants will go unscathed.

Tomorrows Update will be though on the reflective side of affairs ... stay tuned and read for yourself.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

The Safehouse, around 1200 Hours:

Together with Sophie and Hayley Chris had gone over the plans for the final attack again and again. They had studied the Floor Plans, the Schematics of the Security Systems, details of electrical wiring and a half dozen escape routes, in case things went badly. Sophie was sure that by now the Floor Plan was etched into her skull. They had tried to plan for any contingency.

But a plan seldom survived the first contact with the enemy. A Russian Proverb sprang into Chris´ mind: “The Plan was good on Paper, but they forgot about the Trenches.” In a fluid tactical situation flexibility and initiative would be Key. This would be a meeting engagement, the moment they entered the Palace, the greatest test in war, when one had to make decisions in split seconds.

So far von Instetten´s Informations had proven correct and Sophie´s inside knowledge had been most helpful she had spent a considerable amount of time at the Adlernest. Since she had been able to move relatively freely around in and out of the Palace, while Chris´ had not seen too much of the floors and grounds, during her Captivity at the Adlernest, except her Suite, von Winterfeldt´s Office and Dining Room and Sieglindes Quarters.

The Plan would be fairly simple – in principle: They would enter the Palace through the “Backdoor” which Sophie and Chris had used for their escape. But they had to be prepared for the case, that the Enemy was awaiting them there should that happen, they would retreat and destroy the hidden entrance, so that nobody would be able to follow them. It was a high risk, but the only chance to enter the Palace undetected.

The next step would be, creating a diversion. Sarah had proposed taking out the Power Grid. The massive explosion would create maximum confusion and wreaking additional havoc. Taking out von Winterfeldt would be easier amongst the chaos.

If Sybil would be able to hack herself into the Adlernest´s Network she would shut down the Security Systems and open the Entrance to the Labyrinth. So many Variables beyond their Control, sure: they had prevailed the last times, they had met the Valkyries, but that did not mean they were toothless tigers. Underestimating a wounded beast could prove fatal, especially when you enter his Lair freely.

Now Sophie and Chris sat outside the Safe House leaning against the warm white Wall on a wooden bench and enjoyed the still warm October-Sun shining on their faces with closed eyes.

Sophie was unsure, could she ask Chris that question or not? She hesitated a moment but then she took her heart in both hands: “Chris, may I ask you something?”

“You already did” the Pianist smiled without opening her eyes. “Shoot!”

“I watched you this morning, when you meditated and trained … where did you learn that?”

For a moment Sophie thought that Chris would not answer, but then the blonde spoke: “I have practised Martial Arts since early childhood. My Father worked at the German Embassy in Tokyo, so I spent the first eight Years of my life in Japan, learned the Language and grew fond of the Culture.

And I found out that Meditation and Training in Martial Arts helped me to focus on my Studies. After Piano Lessons I always went to the Dojo not far from our Residence, to train with Sensei Nakamura, he was like a second father to me, he taught me how to wield a Katana.”

Sophie listened intently this was the most private Conversation she ever had with Chris´ so far, who continued:

“Most of my childhood and teenage Years I spent abroad, where my father was posted. During all the time I had continued training, spent school holidays in Japan. When we returned to Germany I was sixteen Years old. Adjusting to life in Germany was …” Chris searched for the right word “difficult after all the years abroad, I did not fit in, some of my new class mates considered me a freak and bullied me. Till I broke the ringleader – a stuck up bitch – her precious nose” Chris could not help but smile at the memory.

“After passing my A-Levels at Heidelberg, I began my Studies in Vienna at the Conservatory, where I met Anna for the first time – and Peter …“ her voice trailed away.

“Peter was the Journalist who was shot in Hamburg?” Sophie asked carefully, Anna had told her about that Incident.

“Yes” Chris returned “Peter …” and a shadow of Sadness crossed her face. She paused for a moment, before she continued:

“We grew very fond of each other” and a warm smile crossed her features “no: I fell in love with him head over heels and things might have gone different if my parents had not been killed in a Car Crash during a vacation in Italy.

That swept the rug from under my feet. Peter and I broke up after that and I had to leave all of that that had been my old life behind so I returned to Japan and sought my old Sensei. He was the closest to a Family I had left”

The Pianist paused, deep in thought and Sophie was fairly certain by now that Chris had told that story to a select few people only. Patiently she waited till Chris continued:

“I found him in in a small Hamlet high in the Mountains near Sapporo on Hokkaido, far away from any civilization. It was in the deepest midwinter when I knocked at his door, it was freezing cold, I had marched for hours through the snowy Mountains, a few times I had lost rack. I had not seen Nakamura San since many a year and I did not know how he would react. But before I could say anything he just simply said: “Come in Christine-San. I have been waiting for you.”

Hokkaido in Winter

Sophie´s Heart went out to Chris. Sophie herself had had an untroubled Childhood and her Parents had always been there for her, still were.

“And for a while I did nothing else than training and meditating and meditating and training. Time had no meaning. After two years I felt ready to return to the World, and as a parting gift my Sensei presented me with the Daisho, since Master Nakamura had no living heir and he found me worthy”

She looked into the Distance: “I remember the Moment my Sensei told me it was time to return to the world. We had a Tea Ceremony and Nakamura-San told me: “Christine San, you belong to the World you can´t shut it out forever. You have so much to give to the World, start giving. And I left the next day.”

“But I return to that Hamlet every Year for a Week or two to meditate, to cleanse myself. When all this is over I will probably go there. And here endeth the Story” the Pianist smiled at Sophie and looked into the Distance. For a moment Chris seemed very far away. But that Moment was brief and Chris returned to the Present, she seemed totally at ease now:

“Tell me Sophie what will you do when all of this” she made an all-encompassing gesture with her left arm “is over? Return to Nuremberg? Prosecuting Villains or taking over Reichenbach Enterprises?”

“Honestly?” Sophie returned: “I do not know what I will do. It is just a feeling for now, but I believe I cannot simply return to my old life and pretend that nothing has changed in the last weeks. You don´t step into the same river twice or so they say.”

Chris nodded but said nothing

“I hate to admit it” Sophie explained “but von Winterfeldt may have had a point when he told me, that my true vocation lay elsewhere, does that sound strange to you?” She looked quizzically at Chris, who nodded.

“Von Winterfeldt is an evil bastard, but that does not rule out the possibility that he is right on this account.” Chris replied evenly. “He is a good observer and has a good hand for selecting people for the jobs he want them to do: No, this does not sound strange to me at all.”

Sophie nodded “So I guess that I will not return to the Courts - and playing CEO of Reichenbach Enterprises? I just cannot imagine me in that Role … may be I will look for an Investor and sell it. I do not want any Blood Money which my Father-in-Law made by his shadowy business deals.”

Chris regarded her for a moment then she added: “There might be another Solution Sophie: Could you imagine working with me and Anna at Art. Incorporated? We could use a woman with your talents, especially your expertise in law.

Of course you would have to continue the training you had begun at the Adlernest, but that I see not as a problem: Kirsty and Anna told me that you held your ground during the Training Session yesterday very nicely and since I am thinking about opening an Office of Art. Inc. in New York …”

Sophie looked astonished: “I don´t know what to say”

“Then say nothing” Chris grinned. “Take your time, think things through and when you have made a decision you call me. The door is open for you, always!”

Chris looked at her Watch: “What do you think? Up to preparing Lunch?” Sarah and the Girls will return sooner or later and I guess they will be hungry, especially the Grand Duchess”

Sophie smiled. “Where does she put all the Stuff she devours, anyway?”

“My Lips are sealed” Chris grinned broadly – “but she is a big Girl. Just ask her!” The Pianist grinned “She might give you an ass kicking free of charge though” “That is worth the risk” Sophie smiled back,

And they left the bank for the Kitchen.

As they went into the Kitchen, Chris told Sophie: "Do you mind chopping the vegetables without me, I want to have a quick word with Hayley!”

“Sure thing” Sophie agreed, with a glint in her eyes.

Hayley laid on her bed skimming through a novel, to keep her mind from wandering. A crisp knock at the door interrupted her. “Enter” Hayley called. It was Chris. “Hayley can I have word with you?”

“Yeah why not, what´s up?' The Detective returned “Take a seat” she gestured to a wooden Chair near the Window.

“Thank you” Chris smiled and sat down. The Pianist gave the American an appraising look: “I hope you don´t mind me saying so, but you seemed a little distracted in the morning.”

The American was not surprised. She knew the Pianist only a few days but she had already, learned that Chris was nobody who beat around the bush but preferred it, to come straight to the point

Hayley had the feeling that Chris saw in every Corner of her soul. “How shall I put this, Chris? After today Kirsty and I will have to return to the Island and face the consequences and Elizabeth Crawford does not forgive easily ….” Her Voice trailed away,

Chris nodded: “But why do you have to return? Surely there are other options?”

Hayley smiled sadly: "I fear not. Liz took care that I cannot return to the States without being arrested, and I don´t want to look over my shoulder every day, so all bridges are burned.” She concluded sadly and sighed.

The Pianist smiled: “Maybe I can help you”

“How?” The Detective´s voice betrayed her doubts. “Elizabeth is not the kind of Person you want to cross

Chris smiled smile still: “Me neither and you should know by now, that I can be very persuasive, let me explain!” And Chris did just that and while she spoke Hayley´s face brightened up considerably.

“How does that sound to you?” Chris asked her when she had finished.

“You would do that for me?” Hayley said, flabbergasted.

“Of course” Chris returned sincerely “I owe you, and nobody deserves to be held captive against her will.” She stood up “Come, why don´t you join me and Sophie in the Kitchen? The others will be hungry, when they return from the Recon.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me” Hayley smiled back and followed Chris downstairs. “Only if we open a bottle of that Tyrolean Pinot Grigio”

“That can be arranged.” Chris returned
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Post by slackywacky »

I have not been able to get through all chapters you added from before my temporary leave, but I will get there soon.
As usual, although that sounds so cheap and this story deserves soo much more, it was well written and very enjoyable so far.

Still more to read...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

You put a lot of red meat (very high protean nourishment) in this chapter, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It was fascinating to read about Chris' background. I had been wondering how she became so proficient with the katana. That doesn't happen by going to a class a couple of nights a week. This chapter shows what a good person she really is as she takes more chicks under her wing. Great writing.
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Post by banshee »

Its nice to get some insight in Chris' past, now it makes more sense for her to be carrying a katana as a weapon and being so proficient in Japanese marcial arts
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

It fltook a long time to read it, but is an awesome story!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Pantyhose971 wrote: 2 years ago It fltook a long time to read it, but is an awesome story!!
I am glad you liked this Journey and took the time to read and I hope you will enjoy the following Parts which will lead to the ultimate Climax [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] - and thank you for your support :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

Later in the afternoon:

The Safe House:


Chris´ Room:

The Curtains were closed. The Room was only dimly lit by a large bee wax candle, which burned brightly and calm without flickering. It´s soft light filled the Room with a warm glow. At either side of the candle two incense holders of polished cedar wood stood, in each Holder Incense Sticks burned, filling the room with the aromatic scents of Arolla Pine.

Before the Candle knelt a Woman on a Tatami, her hands resting on her knees, eyes closed, her breathing slow and deep and regular, she wore a pristine simple silken white Kimono. Anyone who watched her might have taken her for a statue. Her long blonde Hair flowed freely across her back like a golden cascade.

Only two thoughts filled her mind at the moment "Breath in. One." followed shortly after by "Breath out. Two." Through years of discipline, no other thoughts invaded her mind.

The purpose of this meditation was to cleanse her mind, to sharpen her focus on the task at hand.

Time had no meaning.

Later (?)

The blonde woman bowed down, eyes closed, till the crown of her forehead touched the Tatami and returned than to her kneeling pose. She took the Katana, retrieved the Sword from its Scabbard and laid the Scabbard gently down before her

Then she laid the bare Blade on her hands. She presented the bare Blade on her outstretched hands to an invisible visitor and bowed again. The Steel felt cool on her bare Palms. The light of the Candle glittered on its razor sharp edges. She breathed in deeply and regularly.

Time passed.

Chris spoke softly but clear and solemnly in Japanese:

“Revered Father in thy hands I commend my Spirit. Let me be an instrument of thy will. Be my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. What shall happen will happen.”

And she bowed.

She put the blade down on the Tatami. With her left she took the Scabbard, with her right she returned the Katana back in one fluid motion in its Scabbard. She presented the sheathed Sword on her Palms a last time and laid it down on the Floor before her.

Anna´s Room:

Anna opened her Violin Case and took out the Lord-Dun-Raven, took the bow and began to warm up. The polished wooden floor felt warm under her bare feet. She felt connected to the World. The lower bout of the Violin rested comfortably between her left collar bone and the jaw. Anna sensed the Warmth of the Wood on her skin, which seemed to fill every cell of her body.

When she had completed her Preparations, Anna paused for a Moment and took a deep breath. She set the bow on the Strings, closed her eyes and began to play.

Anna had chosen Bach´s Sonatas and Partitas for Violin solo. For any Violinist this Cycle was the Holy Grail. It demanded a flawless technique, absolute devotion and total concentration. Anna was the Vessel for Bach´s Genius. A High Priestess of Music communing with the Spirit of the long dead Composer. ... iYbZ9Ybf4H
Hilary Hahn plays Bach´s Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo

This was Anna´s Way to focus, to sharpen her Senses. Soon the first notes for the first Sonata filled the room. The world around her existed no more. There was only her, the Violin and the Music. Her Body moved in perfect harmony with the Music, the Stradivari was Part of her Body, her soul.

Nothing else matters.

Outside: the Garden of the Safe House:

Sophie and Kate sat under a large stately Sycamore maple, leaned against the trunk of the old tree and Kate wondered for a second what the Tree would tell them, if it had been able to talk. This Tree was centuries old, he had seen generations of men coming and going, the eternal Rhythm of the Seasons, Life and death, War and Peace, Love and Hate.

Their safe house was 200 Years old, but this Methuselah of Trees had been already a full grown specimen, when the Farm-House had been built.

After Lunch Sophie had taken the Detective aside “You told me that I could talk to you anytime I wanted to.”

“Yes, I did.” the American smiled who sensed Sophie´s uneasiness. “Shall we go for a stroll in the garden?” she proposed and Sophie had agreed.

Now they sat under the old tree in companionable Silence, shoes off. “Tell me Kate, what would you do in my place?”

“What do you mean?” Kate replied and Sophie began to explain.

And Kate listened.

Inside the Safe House, the Cellar:

Hayley sweated. After lunch Kirsty, the Dark Lady and she had decided to pass the Time with some bodily exercise. They had warmed up and then under the coaching of Sarah McKenzie they had sparred together.

And Kirsty had had to admit that she too could learn a thing or two from the Thief, who was a good Teacher.

After exercising different Katas of different Martial Arts, McKenzie and Hayley fought each other, practicing new moves and honing familiar kata. And the battle-hardened Canadian was impressed how quick the American learned. Even if she looked like the walking cliché blonde, Hayley was not, Sarah had to admit.

In truth, both ladies learned something in these moments. They each learned that the other had a strength they could rely on and a trust that was shared.

In the aftermath of the match, Hayley thought about the Conversation with Chris and the offer she had made her.

When all this was over she and Kirsty would talk about it. And for the first time for a very long time, she felt totally at ease.

The Safehouse, Living Room, 1800 Hours:

Chris let her gaze wander around the table. There was a sense of expectation in the room, the Calm before the storm. The room fell silent as Chris stood up. She took a deep breath:

“Ladies, Friends. We are here for a common purpose. There is no need for me to speak at length. You all know what to do. I only need to tell you this, I feel deeply honoured to call you my friends and I trust all of you with my life." she paused to take a sip of water and looked each of the other in the eyes, in turn before she continued.

"We went through a lot together and it means the world to me, that you stand by my side. Today we face the hardest task of all. Today we will meet the Enemy on his turf. This is the hour. So no heroics. Stick together. Cover each other and take no unnecessary risks. Together we will prevail.

That will be all. We will meet outside in 15 Minutes.”

As the Girls filed out, Kate took Anna aside: “Short and to the point! Don´t you think?”

“I do” the Russian returned, “but Chris is not the type for long and winded speeches, she lets her Music speak, or her Katana.”

“In this Case probably her Katana” Kate added dryly. And they laughed – and left the Room.
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Nice development to see Sarah go from being the one of the main antagonists of the story to someone Chris trusts with her life
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Post by GreyLord »

This is a gem polished to brilliance, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. You have set the stage. Now let the drama unfold.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wow. I turn my back for barely a few days to concentrate on my own tale and you’ve gone and posted umpteen new chapters each one better than the last. If all this build up is a hint at what’s to come. The conclusion promises to be an epic hit and explosion of adventure. Great as always my friend
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Wow. I turn my back for barely a few days to concentrate on my own tale and you’ve gone and posted umpteen new chapters each one better than the last. If all this build up is a hint at what’s to come. The conclusion promises to be an epic hit and explosion of adventure. Great as always my friend
Thank you my friends, all of you for your compliments :)

And dear [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , I can assure you, there will be Fireworks - lots of it :) To say iot with Winston Churchills Words: There will be blood, sweat and Tears.

The next update will be online tomorrow - hopefully :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention]

What did Caesar say when he crossed the Rubicon: "Alea iacta est!" - "let the die be cast" -

That’s enough words for the moment,

Now let me see some action!

15 Minutes later outside the Safehouse:

For the last time they checked their Gear. Since they would operate today mostly indoors, Anna switched her beloved sniper rifle against a HK 416, equipped with a grenade launcher. Kirsty would carry the MG 5.


Sarah carried the Matador, which might come in Handy when they had to force their way into the Labyrinth.


Chris had slung her Daisho across her back. No words were necessary as they began their March to the Entrance of the Tunnel System, which would lead them to the “Backdoor”.

Chris and Sarah took the lead, followed by Sophie, Kirsty and Hayley. As usual Kate and Anna brought up the rear.

In Silence they followed the narrow Path which leaded higher in the Mountains. Careful not to trot on any stones or dead wood; it was a cloudy and dark star- and moonless night. From Time to time they halted to check their environment for any signs of suspicious activities. But except the usual sounds of nature there was nothing

Sophie was a little uneasy: It did not feel good to return to the Golden Cage she and Chris had escaped just three days ago: “I feel like an escaped inmate who returns in his prison cell voluntarily. Chris seems untroubled by such feelings, or probably she just is better at hiding them”. She suspected the latter.

After two hours of forced march they reached the Entrance of the Cave, where von Instetten had hidden the Entrance into the Tunnel System which would lead them down to the Entrance to the Passageway.

The Entrance in the Cave was perfectly hidden, Kate thought once more: “If you didn't know that it's there you would never see it. I know it's there and it is practically invisible. The Door looks like solid rock and feels like solid rock.”

Before they opened the door, Sarah deactivated the charges at the entrance, the Canadian registered Sophie´s surprised look: “We will activate them again, when we are inside.”

The Air inside the Tunnel System was dry and warmer than outside. The light bulbs gave sufficient light. Although she had been here already, it felt to her as if she had never been there. In the night of their escape she had just stumbled along, with the others, functioning on Autopilot only.

Sheer endless Flights of Stairs leaded downwards. The Walls consisted of cement and were sparsely lit by lightbulbs. In single-file they efficiently navigated, one flight of stairs after another in silence.

There was no sound to be heard except their careful steps on the floor. After roughly an hour they reached the end of the Tunnel System. Sarah deactivated the set of charges that was installed on the inside of the Exit Gate.

The Adlernest: Command Centre:

Her Shift was over, but Brunhild stayed at her Post. She could simply not leave the Command Centre and call it a day. Something nagged at her. Brunhild had ordered more Patrols outside the Perimeter.

It was clear to her that the attack on the Parade Ground, the Ambush of Freya´s Recon-Team and the leaking of the damaging material to the press had not been the last word of von der Marwitz and her Team, but the Prelude. But how and where would they strike again? And that was the worst damage von der Marwitz had done: She lived in their heads rent free. They waited on her moves. They reacted only. Inwardly Brunhild cursed.

That Woman was a scourge!

Outside the Exit of the Tunnel System:

So far the Patrol of Recon Team Three had been uneventful. Team Leader Borghild was on Edge though. The Attack on the Parade Ground had demonstrated that their enemy could hit them anytime and anywhere effortlessly it seemed and that nagged at her.

They had moved away from the Perimeter to a Cliff three or four hundred Metres away, when she spotted it. She looked again. There was something at the foot of the Cliff,

“Recon Team Three to Base. Do you copy?” She reported.

“Team Three we hear you. Report”

“Spotted Movement at Grid 359. Will investigate.”

“Base to Team Three: do not make contact just observe and report. Confirm.”

“Base, acknowledged.”

Borghild and her fellow Valkyries carefully neared the Cliff as a Door inside the cliff opened. Several People in Body Amour, Visor Helmets and Weapons at the ready appeared.

Borghild counted seven Shadows. It was three against seven, but they had the element of surprise on their side. Borghild made a snap decision and signalled her Comrades to prepare for attack.

Luck favoured the bold.

Christine and her Team at the same time:

They had just closed the Door behind them. Kate peered in the Dark. It was just a slight movement, and Kate thought she had just seen a shadow, then a flicker of light. Muzzle Flash. In the same moment Kate felt as if a giant fist had hit her left shoulder; she crashed to the ground, gritting her teeth against the pain.

Kirsty had seen the Muzzle Flash the Fraction of a Second earlier. Out of Instinct she threw herself to the ground, a fire burst hit the Tree she had stood before, only a split second earlier.

Anna felt a sharp pain at her left shoulder and cursed and threw herself to the ground, searching the Area through her rifle scope.

Outside the Entrance into the Tunnel System:

“All hands down” Sarah had shouted in her Mic “All hands down!” The Canadian scanned for the shooter. Saw nothing. She looked again. She heard Anna´s voice in her earpiece, "I have eyes on three Tangos, near the crest. Do you copy? Three Tangos near the Crest!”

The Dark Lady followed Anna´s Directions –and gazed through her scope intently. “There are you” Sarah thought to herself. Three Shadows behind three Tree trunks.

“Listen Chris! You must pin them down. Kirsty and I will flank those Bastards and attack them from the rear. Kirsty, with me!” The Canadian bellowed into the Mike.

“Clear” Chris confirmed: “Anna, Hayley, Sophie: hold them down, we must distract them, so that Kirsty and Sarah can flank them” Another Salvo caused them all to take Cover. Then silence. Chris had enough and took aim and pulled the trigger. Next to her another Burst of Enemy Fire sent Splinters of Wood through the Air.

Kirsty and McKenzie used hand signs to coordinate their moves, carefully moving from cover to cover. Burst of Gun fire ripped through the night. They moved forward, slowly but steadily.

Kate groaned as she regained her faculties. She felt as if a bus had hit her. To her surprise she could move her shoulder, but she stayed down. Around her the rapid fire of supressed automatic weapons. She sank back to the ground. The Pain in her shoulder was excruciating.

Borghild cursed under her breath. Two Targets had gone down, another one she had nearly missed. But the Enemy had reacted quickly to the new Situation. These were Pros, Borghild had grudgingly to admit.

The return fire was quick, heavy and too accurate for her taste and had forced her and her Team to take Cover behind three Trees. Movement was impossible. They were pinned down. She fired another burst, not sure if she had anything.

She risked a look. A fire burst hit the Trunk and forced her to take cover again. Suddenly she felt cold Steel in her Neck. “One movement and it will be your last.” A cold menacing voice whispered in her ear. “You and your comrades will lay down your weapons. Slowly don't do anything stupid, I am a little twitchy.”

10 Minutes later:


“Yes Sarah, I can hear you” the Pianist replied. “Status?”

“We have unarmed and secured our Attackers. They pose not a Thread anymore.”

Chris turned around: “Anna. Look after Kate” “Will do” the Russian confirmed.

“I am fine” Kate groaned through clenched teeth “The Body Armour held. I feel though, that as if I had been kicked by a horse.” Anna sighed relieved as she bent down to her friend, to help her up,

There was a deep dent where the bullet had hit the American. But there was no open wound. “That had been a close call” Anna thought, once more realizing how fond she had grown of Kate in the last weeks. They had shared so much.

“Anna?” “Yes Kate?” “You blead”

Only then Anna registered blood dropping from a gash at her left shoulder where a bullet had grazed her. She touched the superficial Wound. “That is just a scratch” the Russian told her friend as she helped the Investigator on her feet.

Sarah and Kirsty looked down at Borghild and her Comrades: they were each knelt at the foot of a tree. Their wrists tightly zip tied behind the trunck, with their ankles also bound behind the trunk.

Sarah casually tossed their boots off of the cliff and stuffed their Socks in their mouth, keeping them in place with a zip tie between their lips and behind the truck of their tree. “Too bad we have no more time to play Ladies, I really regret that – but do not look so glum: someone will rescue though, eventually. Too bad you will miss all the fun!"

And she and Kirsty left.

Adlernest: Controlroom:

“Commander you might want to hear this” The Officer of the Watch told Brunhild.

“What is it?”

“Twenty Minutes ago Patrol Three reported that they wanted to check something in Grid 358. Since then we have lost Contact. They are not responding.”

Brunhild cursed under her breath.

“Go to Red Alert” she ordered. “Prepare to repel borders.”

Seconds later the Sounds of the Alarm sounded through the Palace: “Battle Stations”

Outside the Entrance to the Secret Passageway:

“Kate, are you really alright” Anna asked her Friend concerned.

“Yes I am” Kate replied curtly. The American sounded slightly irritated. “It is nothing, just a scratch. When the bruise comes out tomorrow, is another matter. Let me see your shoulder”

In the meantime Sarah and Chris conferred: “We will continue?” the Thief asked the Blonde.

“Of course we will.” Chris replied with steely resolve “We have to be even more careful, but we still have the tactical Advantage. They are aware now that an attack is imminent – but they know neither when nor where.”

“I concur” the Canadian agreed. “So let´s carry on. Time is of the Essence – they may send someone to look after the Patrol”

The Adlernest: Carl von Winterfeldt´s Private Suites

Carl von Winterfeldt sat in his Private Study, deep in thought. The Sounds of the first Movement of Tschaikowky´s Pathetique filled the spacious Room.
Valery Gergiev conducts the Verbier Festival Orchestra in 2015

Normally he would have enjoyed this music very much. Today though he had trouble concentrating, too much was on his mind, even the 16 Year old Lagavullin tasted stale this evening, which it seldom did.

Yesterday´s brazen attack at the Parade Ground and the attack in the Press had shaken him more, than he had expected. Of course in war casualties were unavoidable. But truth to be told, the attack on his public Image was much more dangerous:

He valued his Valkyries highly, but their losses could be mended, his reputation though was something different. He hated to admit that, but that stroke had been clever.

The sounds of the alarm broke his reverie. A short brisk knock at the Door and the Leader of his Personal Guard Detail entered without waiting for his Permission.

“What is it?” he demanded. The Valkyrie to her Credit did not flinch in the slightest at the brusque tone. Though he expected no less of her:

Commander Ragna was a tall red haired Woman, who had served with the Danish Contingent, the Jaegerkorpset (JGK), the equivalent to U.S. Army Rangers, in Afghanistan with Distinction and after that as Bodyguard at the Detail of the Danish Prime Minister. He had personally recruited her.

“Sir, one of our Patrols reported Contact with the Enemy outside the Perimeter” The Valkyrie reported cool and professionally

“We have had no contact since. Commander Brunhild raised the Alarm because she thinks another attack is imminent. She ordered to prepare for immediate relocation to the Labyrinth.”

“I don´t think that is necessary, Ragna, do tell that Commander Brunhild.” Von Winterfeldt replied curtly. The Leader of his Guard was unmoved: “Sir, to guarantee your personal Safety is my primary duty, so I must advise you to prepare for immediate relocation.”

The Tycoon was impressed it took courage to talk like that to him.

“Very well then, proceed as you deem fit.” he relented, a little softer. And concentrated on the Music again as the Valkyrie left the Room, he took a sip of his Whiskey.

It still tasted stale.

Von Winterfeldt still could not bring himself to belief that Christine and her Friends would be able to penetrate through the Security Perimeter. Von Winterfeldt had still difficulties to believe that the Woman he had heard playing Chopin three Days ago like a raging blizzard, was the same who was obviously hell bent on revenge.

Had he seen Chris´ meditating and training with he Katana in the early morning though like Sophie he might have been scared ...
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Wow this is awesome [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I am so glad that I started to read this story. It is awesome, perfect. I love it. Don't know what to say more, speecheless.
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